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Subject: Human Resource Management
Final Exams
Topic: Human resource management of Vinamilk
Class: 19BBAV02
Group 3
Lecturers: Nguyen Duc Hoai anh
Student name:
Trần Quang Nhựt Trọng - 1900007983
Giang Như Ngọc - 1911546423
Nguyễn Yến Linh - 1900008147
Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Năm 2022
The role of human resource management in an enterprise can first be mentioned as building and
orienting as well as monitoring the personnel apparatus to operate properly with the goals and
strategies. proposed by the organization.
With the role of effective human resource management, it also has an impact on the working
environment of employees and helps to increase labor productivity as well as increase revenue
and profit for the business. In the human resource management course, the aspects of human
resource management we are most interested in are remuneration policies, training policies and
recruitment strategies. Since we have decided to choose a company that is suitable for the
strategies that we are most interested in, that is Vinamilk dairy company.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction of Vinamilk .................................................................................................... 4
II. Analysis of human resource management of Vinamilk ...................................................... 6
1. Policy on training human resources............................................................................................ 6
2. Employee treatment policy ......................................................................................................... 7
3. Vinamilk's recruitment and human resources strategy.............................................................. 8
III. The human resource management functions that our team is most interested in ............ 10
1. Policy on training human resources: ........................................................................................ 10
2. Recruitment policy: .................................................................................................................. 12
IV. Practice HRM . functions ............................................................................................... 14
1. Recruitment 4.0......................................................................................................................... 14
2. Training Model 4.0 ................................................................................................................... 15
V. Assess yourself from learned human resource management functions ............................. 17
VI. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 19
VII. Reference section.......................................................................................................... 20
I. Introduction of Vinamilk
Vinamilk was established on August 20, 1976, on the basis of 3 milk factories left by the old
regime. Vinamilk develops a system of professional dairy farms, in accordance with international
standards and regulations of Vietnamese law. Products ensure quality, food safety and hygiene
with reasonable competitive prices, approaching the average production cost of the world. With
continuous efforts and improvement, Vinamilk has become one of the most loved brands by
consumers, always bringing interesting experiences to customers.
Vinamilk provides products including fresh milk, yogurt, condensed milk, powdered milk,
nutritional powder, ice cream, soft drinks..
Organizational structure
Vinamilk's organizational chart is presented in a professional manner and
allocates departments in a scientific and reasonable manner, specifically decentralizing the
responsibilities of
each member and department in the company. The organizational chart helps us
operate in the most effective way, and helps departments work
closely together to create a strong Vinamilk.
Company development strategy
Vinamilk's long-term development strategy is to achieve the level of sales to become
one of the 50 largest dairy companies in the world,
Corporate governance: To become a business with a
working environment in which employees can develop perform at its best, the ability to
contribute to the overall achievement and be one of the
top businesses that employees consider ideal to work for.
Evaluation of the company's current human resources:
Vinamilk always maintains the position of respect and equal treatment for employees, without
discriminating against gender, region, or religion. Everyone, regardless of field or level, is given
the opportunity to express their worth and be a part of success.
II. Analysis of human resource management of Vinamilk
Main human resource management activities in Vinamilk
1. Policy on training human resources
It is the learning process that makes employees more knowledgeable about their jobs, which are
learning activities to improve the qualifications and skills of employees to perform their labor
tasks effectively. more fruitful.
Importance: creating conditions for employees to exploit new working skills, improve their
efficiency and productivity, and moreover, open up many new opportunities for employees to
improve their performance. capacity to be ready to face new challenges.
Roles and objectives
For businesses:
Help businesses improve labor productivity and business efficiency. Maintain and improve the
quality of human resources, creating competitive advantages for enterprises.
Avoid outdated management. Managers need to apply management methods that are suitable for
changes in technological processes, techniques and business environment.
Solve organizational problems. Training and development can help managers deal with conflicts,
conflicts between individuals and between unions and administrators, set policies on human
resource management of enterprises. effective business.
Job instructions for new employees. New employees often face many difficulties and surprises in
the first days of working in an organization or business, job-oriented programs for new
employees will help them quickly adapt to their new working environment. enterprise.
For workers
Create professionalism and cohesion between employees and businesses
Directly help employees perform better, especially when the employee's performance does not
meet the model standards, or when the employee get a new job.
Update new skills and knowledge for employees, helping them to successfully apply
technological and technical changes in the business.
Meeting the needs and development aspirations of employees. Being equipped with the
necessary professional skills will stimulate employees to perform better, achieve better results,
and want to be given more challenging tasks with more opportunities for advancement.
Giving employees a new way of seeing and thinking in their work, which is also the basis for
promoting the creativity of employees at work.
2. Employee treatment policy
Remuneration regime, also known as employee compensation or enterprise's remuneration. This
is the business that takes care of employees in terms of material and spiritual life to ensure
employees work better.
Plays a very important role and has a direct impact on the benefits achieved. of employees and
businesses. In a broader perspective, labor compensation also affects the labor resources and
people of a country.
Roles and goals:
In addition to benefits, remuneration and benefits are also extremely important for employees to
feel happy at work and stick with the agency. Some people even though the salary is not as
expected, they still choose that job because of the good remuneration.
For employees:
Remuneration of personnel creates conditions for them to improve their material and spiritual
life, thereby motivating and stimulating employees to work with high efficiency
For enterprises:
Human remuneration is a sufficient condition to improve the quality and efficiency of the
organization's business
Remuneration for employees contributes to maintaining a stable and quality human resource for
the company
Employee compensation helps to improve the performance of other human resource management
functions In the enterprise
For society:
Employee treatment in the enterprise helps to keep a stable and quality human resource for the
3. Vinamilk's recruitment and human resources strategy
A recruitment strategy is an action plan that helps businesses identify, attract and successfully
recruit the best candidates for vacancies.
The foundation of a business is always a strong team of competent and specialized personnel.
Therefore, recruitment is a prerequisite action to be able to build a good foundation for the
Roles and goals:
Helping to improve the efficiency of work and the company's reputation by recruiting personnel
is one of the activities that directly affects the quality of human resources of the enterprise.
Save on human resource training costs if you can select high-quality candidates.
Avoid having to constantly recruit new employees, build a corporate culture when recruiting
people who are truly passionate about the profession and tend to stick with the company for a
long time.
According to human resources experts, each failed recruitment will cost the company 3-6 times
the total annual income of that employee. Thus, successful recruitment will retain a significant
cost for your business.
III. The human resource management functions that our team is
most interested in
1. Policy on training human resources:
With the current development strategy of the dairy industry, Vinamilk has identified the
human factor that will determine the success or failure of the business
. The company aims to invest in training highly intellectual human resources.
In 1993, Vinamilk signed a long-term contract with the
Moscow University of Applied Biotechnology in the Russian Federation to send their children to
study in the
fields of dairy technology, automation of technological processes, machinery and equipment.
Vinamilk Company and Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Technology
have coordinated to organize a training course for intermediate food industry with 134 members
who are workers of Vinamilk company. And so far, training courses are still open to the team
Company employees to meet the constantly developing human resources,
improve their skills and professional qualifications to meet the
sustainable development of Vinamilk now and in the future.
A number of training activities the company has carried out:
The company has been preparing for the
future highly qualified human resources by sending the children of officials and employees to
study in
dairy industries. dairy products, automation of technological and
production processes, machinery and equipment for food production, management in the
dairy industry.
The company has been preparing for highly qualified human resources in
the future by sending the children of officials and employees to study in the fields
of dairy technology and dairy products, automating technological processes and
products. production, machinery and equipment for food production, management in the
dairy industry.
There are also short-term training programs to improve the
qualifications and professionalism for employees in the company.
Organize learning sessions, experience sharing sessions among officials
and employees to help everyone learn and absorb new creations
at work.
New employees are trained at these dairy factories and then
assigned to other factories.
Although the training process clearly stipulates the determination of annual training needs
at the units, the reality is sketchy and formal,
the training needs of employees are not identified, there are no specific training requirements.
measures to implement the
training plan, the effectiveness of the training cannot be assessed.
Besides, the common way of training is still holding hands, the people who go first
train the people who come after, the experienced and skilled people draw from the
actual process of their units and teach their children.
Employees are less trained in soft-skills, communication skills, and problem-
solving skills.
There is no standard for training quality, as well as training content
that is not uniform and methodical.
2. Recruitment policy:
Prioritizing recruitment of employees' children has a number of benefits
such as: Reducing recruitment costs,
Being able to take advantage of the experience of
employees and thereby reducing training costs, also such as reducing the time to
integrate new employees with the job,
creating encouragement, attachment and loyalty to longtime employees.
Disadvantages: It can be seen that Vinamilk has built a methodical
and reasonable labor recruitment process.
However, in practice, there are still some limitations such as:
The steps of the process are often not fully applied, especially
the recruitment planning step. In which the forecasting of human resource needs and
the analysis of the current situation of human resources requires continuous,
regular and long-term planning, this action can only be taken when there is a change in the
defect in human resources due to the lack of resources. job transfer or production expansion.
Streamlining and eliminating important stages in the process of recruiting
new employees, focusing on costs in recruiting and hiring employees,
forgetting that each step of the process is equally important.
The process is minimized while selecting and using, losing the stage
The training phase guides new employees and workers while Vietnam's training level
is not close to the reality of each enterprise.
Human resources tend to be taken from bottom to top, rarely transferring
horizontally or diagonally, leading to the situation of not being able to take advantage of suitable
labor for
that position, so the optimal use of labor resources is not possible.
When promoting people working in the organization, it is necessary to prevent the formation
of unsuccessful candidate groups, create factions, cause internal conflicts
affecting the management and quality of work, not change change
the quality of labor, do not create new vitality in the enterprise.
IV. Practice HRM . functions
1. Recruitment 4.0
After the Covid epidemic, the surplus labor source in the market was quite large, but the source
of high-quality human resources did not change much compared to previous years. The scarcity
of qualified candidates is a big challenge for employers who can attract candidates. Meanwhile,
robots, artificial intelligence AI, IoT, etc. are increasingly developing. Therefore, the recruitment
model of enterprises also needs to change to match actual fluctuations.
Instead of using traditional recruitment methods, we can use recruitment models in the digital era
Use recruitment communication tools: recruitment channels, job postings, recruitment software,
forums, websites. social…
Using AI machine learning in finding candidates
Recruitment, online interviewing
HR is more multitasking
Attracting candidates with a more effective working environment
Keeping up with trends accurately, catching up on trends is the smart way that leaders want to
steer the boat of their organization and business. . But digital transformation in enterprises is not
simply the application and transformation of technology. It is also the process used to create and
modify existing business processes, culture, and customer experiences. For successful digital
transformation, businesses need to be ready with both physical and human resources as well as
choose an appropriate HRM model.
2. Training Model 4.0
Employee training model changes after covid 19
The HR training model will be strongly focused in the coming years. The reason is that machines
and technology are gradually replacing humans, especially for repetitive daily tasks. Therefore,
in order for the business to not need too many administrative staff, to manage books and to
account for paperwork, businesses will need to train staff with more expertise in how technical
positions, project management, Human resource management, persuasive communication skills,
content creation positions. Therefore, the training of high-quality personnel plays an extremely
important role and will be promoted in the coming years.
Reducing costs and training time
The personnel training process will help new employees adapt to new jobs quickly. From there,
reducing the time for managers and new employees to catch up with the work and blend into the
work flow faster.
Optimizing self-efficacy and sales from employees
Develop a training process, helping employees to be aware of their position and importance. The
form of employee training process in each department along with the employee training
procedures is different. Promoting the ability and professional expertise of each person will
create motivation to work hard, develop themselves, and increase sales.
Building a healthy working environment for mutual development
The employee training process has a diffusive effect: new employees learn from qualified and
experienced employees. Raise the sense of collective work, manners in crowded places, always
welcoming to customers. Thereby building a healthy working environment for mutual
development, increasing customer satisfaction.
V. Assess yourself from learned human resource management
Personally, after acquiring knowledge from the subject of human resource management, I have
had significant changes in my study and work. Human resource management gives me a new
perspective on the company's organizational structure, how they work, and the management style
of a leader. Studying human resource management will help me learn how to communicate with
others, know how to ask questions and know how to listen, know how to find the common
language of employees with me and be sensitive to needs. of employees, know how to evaluate
employees accurately, know how to entice employees to be passionate about work and avoid
mistakes in recruitment, selection, and employment to improve the quality of job performance.
and improve organizational performance. From there, I can apply it to setting up a team for study
and work to be as optimal as possible. It helps me to define clear goals and human resources to
be used, and understand the strengths and weaknesses of the team members to allocate the right
work so that the work can be completed smoothly. than.
Through learning about HRM, I have realized a lot of my own shortcomings, it can be said that I
need to learn more things from the people around me, so that when I go to practice or work, I
feel at any place. In any company, I always find it necessary to take notes during my studies, my
mistakes need to be corrected so that when I come into contact with the new environment, I can
enter the business as quickly as possible and help myself have many opportunities in life. living.
Through the learning process, I realized that I need to fit in with a team, be able to work with
many different people, have different personalities, and be in situations where I need to make
choices. will help me in my work as well as in the future.
After studying and learning about HRM, I find it interesting, I also realize many of my own
shortcomings and will try to correct them in the future.
VI. Conclusion
After giving specific and detailed information about Vinamilk's human resource management
method, we can see the importance of the knowledge and professional skills of the personnel
proposed by this corporation. to what extent. Unlike some other enterprises, the orientation of
resource management has not been professionally focused, many agencies have only used poorly
qualified workers, without close attention in the field of labor. capacity building work, here for
Vinamilk, they have set out the directions for effectively implementing the optimization of
employees in the process of strong development of their business.
VII. Reference section

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  • 1. NGUYEN TAT THANH INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT &&& Subject: Human Resource Management Final Exams Topic: Human resource management of Vinamilk Class: 19BBAV02 Group 3 Lecturers: Nguyen Duc Hoai anh Student name: Trần Quang Nhựt Trọng - 1900007983 Giang Như Ngọc - 1911546423 Nguyễn Yến Linh - 1900008147 Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Năm 2022
  • 2. 2 Summary The role of human resource management in an enterprise can first be mentioned as building and orienting as well as monitoring the personnel apparatus to operate properly with the goals and strategies. proposed by the organization. With the role of effective human resource management, it also has an impact on the working environment of employees and helps to increase labor productivity as well as increase revenue and profit for the business. In the human resource management course, the aspects of human resource management we are most interested in are remuneration policies, training policies and recruitment strategies. Since we have decided to choose a company that is suitable for the strategies that we are most interested in, that is Vinamilk dairy company.
  • 3. 3 Table of Contents I. Introduction of Vinamilk .................................................................................................... 4 II. Analysis of human resource management of Vinamilk ...................................................... 6 1. Policy on training human resources............................................................................................ 6 2. Employee treatment policy ......................................................................................................... 7 3. Vinamilk's recruitment and human resources strategy.............................................................. 8 III. The human resource management functions that our team is most interested in ............ 10 1. Policy on training human resources: ........................................................................................ 10 2. Recruitment policy: .................................................................................................................. 12 IV. Practice HRM . functions ............................................................................................... 14 1. Recruitment 4.0......................................................................................................................... 14 2. Training Model 4.0 ................................................................................................................... 15 V. Assess yourself from learned human resource management functions ............................. 17 VI. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 19 VII. Reference section.......................................................................................................... 20
  • 4. 4 I. Introduction of Vinamilk Vinamilk was established on August 20, 1976, on the basis of 3 milk factories left by the old regime. Vinamilk develops a system of professional dairy farms, in accordance with international standards and regulations of Vietnamese law. Products ensure quality, food safety and hygiene with reasonable competitive prices, approaching the average production cost of the world. With continuous efforts and improvement, Vinamilk has become one of the most loved brands by consumers, always bringing interesting experiences to customers. Products Vinamilk provides products including fresh milk, yogurt, condensed milk, powdered milk, nutritional powder, ice cream, soft drinks.. Organizational structure Vinamilk's organizational chart is presented in a professional manner and allocates departments in a scientific and reasonable manner, specifically decentralizing the responsibilities of each member and department in the company. The organizational chart helps us
  • 5. 5 operate in the most effective way, and helps departments work closely together to create a strong Vinamilk. Company development strategy Vinamilk's long-term development strategy is to achieve the level of sales to become one of the 50 largest dairy companies in the world, Corporate governance: To become a business with a working environment in which employees can develop perform at its best, the ability to contribute to the overall achievement and be one of the top businesses that employees consider ideal to work for. Evaluation of the company's current human resources: Vinamilk always maintains the position of respect and equal treatment for employees, without discriminating against gender, region, or religion. Everyone, regardless of field or level, is given the opportunity to express their worth and be a part of success.
  • 6. 6 II. Analysis of human resource management of Vinamilk Main human resource management activities in Vinamilk 1. Policy on training human resources It is the learning process that makes employees more knowledgeable about their jobs, which are learning activities to improve the qualifications and skills of employees to perform their labor tasks effectively. more fruitful. Importance: creating conditions for employees to exploit new working skills, improve their efficiency and productivity, and moreover, open up many new opportunities for employees to improve their performance. capacity to be ready to face new challenges. Roles and objectives For businesses: Help businesses improve labor productivity and business efficiency. Maintain and improve the quality of human resources, creating competitive advantages for enterprises. Avoid outdated management. Managers need to apply management methods that are suitable for changes in technological processes, techniques and business environment. Solve organizational problems. Training and development can help managers deal with conflicts, conflicts between individuals and between unions and administrators, set policies on human resource management of enterprises. effective business. Job instructions for new employees. New employees often face many difficulties and surprises in the first days of working in an organization or business, job-oriented programs for new employees will help them quickly adapt to their new working environment. enterprise. For workers Create professionalism and cohesion between employees and businesses
  • 7. 7 Directly help employees perform better, especially when the employee's performance does not meet the model standards, or when the employee get a new job. Update new skills and knowledge for employees, helping them to successfully apply technological and technical changes in the business. Meeting the needs and development aspirations of employees. Being equipped with the necessary professional skills will stimulate employees to perform better, achieve better results, and want to be given more challenging tasks with more opportunities for advancement. Giving employees a new way of seeing and thinking in their work, which is also the basis for promoting the creativity of employees at work. 2. Employee treatment policy Remuneration regime, also known as employee compensation or enterprise's remuneration. This is the business that takes care of employees in terms of material and spiritual life to ensure employees work better. Importance: Plays a very important role and has a direct impact on the benefits achieved. of employees and businesses. In a broader perspective, labor compensation also affects the labor resources and people of a country. Roles and goals: In addition to benefits, remuneration and benefits are also extremely important for employees to feel happy at work and stick with the agency. Some people even though the salary is not as expected, they still choose that job because of the good remuneration. For employees:
  • 8. 8 Remuneration of personnel creates conditions for them to improve their material and spiritual life, thereby motivating and stimulating employees to work with high efficiency For enterprises: Human remuneration is a sufficient condition to improve the quality and efficiency of the organization's business Remuneration for employees contributes to maintaining a stable and quality human resource for the company Employee compensation helps to improve the performance of other human resource management functions In the enterprise For society: Employee treatment in the enterprise helps to keep a stable and quality human resource for the society. 3. Vinamilk's recruitment and human resources strategy A recruitment strategy is an action plan that helps businesses identify, attract and successfully recruit the best candidates for vacancies. Importance: The foundation of a business is always a strong team of competent and specialized personnel. Therefore, recruitment is a prerequisite action to be able to build a good foundation for the business. Roles and goals: Helping to improve the efficiency of work and the company's reputation by recruiting personnel is one of the activities that directly affects the quality of human resources of the enterprise. Save on human resource training costs if you can select high-quality candidates.
  • 9. 9 Avoid having to constantly recruit new employees, build a corporate culture when recruiting people who are truly passionate about the profession and tend to stick with the company for a long time. According to human resources experts, each failed recruitment will cost the company 3-6 times the total annual income of that employee. Thus, successful recruitment will retain a significant cost for your business.
  • 10. 10 III. The human resource management functions that our team is most interested in 1. Policy on training human resources: Advantages: With the current development strategy of the dairy industry, Vinamilk has identified the human factor that will determine the success or failure of the business . The company aims to invest in training highly intellectual human resources. In 1993, Vinamilk signed a long-term contract with the Moscow University of Applied Biotechnology in the Russian Federation to send their children to study in the fields of dairy technology, automation of technological processes, machinery and equipment. Vinamilk Company and Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Technology have coordinated to organize a training course for intermediate food industry with 134 members who are workers of Vinamilk company. And so far, training courses are still open to the team Company employees to meet the constantly developing human resources, improve their skills and professional qualifications to meet the sustainable development of Vinamilk now and in the future. A number of training activities the company has carried out: The company has been preparing for the future highly qualified human resources by sending the children of officials and employees to study in dairy industries. dairy products, automation of technological and production processes, machinery and equipment for food production, management in the dairy industry. The company has been preparing for highly qualified human resources in
  • 11. 11 the future by sending the children of officials and employees to study in the fields of dairy technology and dairy products, automating technological processes and products. production, machinery and equipment for food production, management in the dairy industry. There are also short-term training programs to improve the qualifications and professionalism for employees in the company. Organize learning sessions, experience sharing sessions among officials and employees to help everyone learn and absorb new creations at work. Cons: New employees are trained at these dairy factories and then assigned to other factories. Although the training process clearly stipulates the determination of annual training needs at the units, the reality is sketchy and formal, the training needs of employees are not identified, there are no specific training requirements. measures to implement the training plan, the effectiveness of the training cannot be assessed. Besides, the common way of training is still holding hands, the people who go first train the people who come after, the experienced and skilled people draw from the actual process of their units and teach their children. Employees are less trained in soft-skills, communication skills, and problem- solving skills. There is no standard for training quality, as well as training content
  • 12. 12 that is not uniform and methodical. 2. Recruitment policy: Advantages: Prioritizing recruitment of employees' children has a number of benefits such as: Reducing recruitment costs, Being able to take advantage of the experience of employees and thereby reducing training costs, also such as reducing the time to integrate new employees with the job, creating encouragement, attachment and loyalty to longtime employees. Disadvantages: It can be seen that Vinamilk has built a methodical and reasonable labor recruitment process. However, in practice, there are still some limitations such as: The steps of the process are often not fully applied, especially the recruitment planning step. In which the forecasting of human resource needs and the analysis of the current situation of human resources requires continuous, regular and long-term planning, this action can only be taken when there is a change in the defect in human resources due to the lack of resources. job transfer or production expansion. Streamlining and eliminating important stages in the process of recruiting new employees, focusing on costs in recruiting and hiring employees, forgetting that each step of the process is equally important. together. The process is minimized while selecting and using, losing the stage The training phase guides new employees and workers while Vietnam's training level is not close to the reality of each enterprise.
  • 13. 13 Human resources tend to be taken from bottom to top, rarely transferring horizontally or diagonally, leading to the situation of not being able to take advantage of suitable labor for that position, so the optimal use of labor resources is not possible. When promoting people working in the organization, it is necessary to prevent the formation of unsuccessful candidate groups, create factions, cause internal conflicts affecting the management and quality of work, not change change the quality of labor, do not create new vitality in the enterprise.
  • 14. 14 IV. Practice HRM . functions 1. Recruitment 4.0 After the Covid epidemic, the surplus labor source in the market was quite large, but the source of high-quality human resources did not change much compared to previous years. The scarcity of qualified candidates is a big challenge for employers who can attract candidates. Meanwhile, robots, artificial intelligence AI, IoT, etc. are increasingly developing. Therefore, the recruitment model of enterprises also needs to change to match actual fluctuations. Instead of using traditional recruitment methods, we can use recruitment models in the digital era 4.0 Use recruitment communication tools: recruitment channels, job postings, recruitment software, forums, websites. social…
  • 15. 15 Using AI machine learning in finding candidates Recruitment, online interviewing HR is more multitasking Attracting candidates with a more effective working environment Keeping up with trends accurately, catching up on trends is the smart way that leaders want to steer the boat of their organization and business. . But digital transformation in enterprises is not simply the application and transformation of technology. It is also the process used to create and modify existing business processes, culture, and customer experiences. For successful digital transformation, businesses need to be ready with both physical and human resources as well as choose an appropriate HRM model. 2. Training Model 4.0 Employee training model changes after covid 19 The HR training model will be strongly focused in the coming years. The reason is that machines and technology are gradually replacing humans, especially for repetitive daily tasks. Therefore, in order for the business to not need too many administrative staff, to manage books and to account for paperwork, businesses will need to train staff with more expertise in how technical positions, project management, Human resource management, persuasive communication skills, content creation positions. Therefore, the training of high-quality personnel plays an extremely important role and will be promoted in the coming years. Reducing costs and training time The personnel training process will help new employees adapt to new jobs quickly. From there, reducing the time for managers and new employees to catch up with the work and blend into the work flow faster. Optimizing self-efficacy and sales from employees
  • 16. 16 Develop a training process, helping employees to be aware of their position and importance. The form of employee training process in each department along with the employee training procedures is different. Promoting the ability and professional expertise of each person will create motivation to work hard, develop themselves, and increase sales. Building a healthy working environment for mutual development The employee training process has a diffusive effect: new employees learn from qualified and experienced employees. Raise the sense of collective work, manners in crowded places, always welcoming to customers. Thereby building a healthy working environment for mutual development, increasing customer satisfaction.
  • 17. 17 V. Assess yourself from learned human resource management functions Personally, after acquiring knowledge from the subject of human resource management, I have had significant changes in my study and work. Human resource management gives me a new perspective on the company's organizational structure, how they work, and the management style of a leader. Studying human resource management will help me learn how to communicate with others, know how to ask questions and know how to listen, know how to find the common language of employees with me and be sensitive to needs. of employees, know how to evaluate employees accurately, know how to entice employees to be passionate about work and avoid mistakes in recruitment, selection, and employment to improve the quality of job performance. and improve organizational performance. From there, I can apply it to setting up a team for study and work to be as optimal as possible. It helps me to define clear goals and human resources to be used, and understand the strengths and weaknesses of the team members to allocate the right work so that the work can be completed smoothly. than. Through learning about HRM, I have realized a lot of my own shortcomings, it can be said that I need to learn more things from the people around me, so that when I go to practice or work, I
  • 18. 18 feel at any place. In any company, I always find it necessary to take notes during my studies, my mistakes need to be corrected so that when I come into contact with the new environment, I can enter the business as quickly as possible and help myself have many opportunities in life. living. Through the learning process, I realized that I need to fit in with a team, be able to work with many different people, have different personalities, and be in situations where I need to make choices. will help me in my work as well as in the future. After studying and learning about HRM, I find it interesting, I also realize many of my own shortcomings and will try to correct them in the future.
  • 19. 19 VI. Conclusion After giving specific and detailed information about Vinamilk's human resource management method, we can see the importance of the knowledge and professional skills of the personnel proposed by this corporation. to what extent. Unlike some other enterprises, the orientation of resource management has not been professionally focused, many agencies have only used poorly qualified workers, without close attention in the field of labor. capacity building work, here for Vinamilk, they have set out the directions for effectively implementing the optimization of employees in the process of strong development of their business.
  • 20. 20 VII. Reference section 1. 2. nguyen-4.0/198/1 3. 4. 5. 6. vinamilk/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic