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Lecturer – Jackie Kennedy
Bilal Ahmed - Nº 2159403
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 4
EXPANSION STRATEGY:................................................................................................................ 6
DISTINCTIVE FACTORS............................................................................................................... 7
POSSIBLE CHALLENGES................................................................................................................. 7
MANAGEMENT OF DIVERSE WORKFORCE.................................................................................. 7
TECHNOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT............................................................................................... 8
WHAT RASPBERY PI FOUNDATION NEED TO DO:...........................................................................8
CULTURAL VARIATIONS:............................................................................................................ 8
Decision on what make and effective manager:..........................................................................8
Giving face toface feedback.................................................................................................... 10
LABOUR MARKET VARIATIONS:.................................................................................................. 11
Pay systems and social justice policies...................................................................................... 11
CONVERGENCE AND DIVERGENCE........................................................................................... 12
Approaches to organizational structure and strategic dynamics................................................. 13
EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP AND ENGAGEMENT:.......................................................................... 14
DRIVERS OF EMGAGEMENT:.................................................................................................... 15
LEADERSHIP:........................................................................................................................... 15
SUPERVISION QUALITY:........................................................................................................... 16
JOB DESIGN:........................................................................................................................... 17
SMART WORKING ARRANGEMENTS:........................................................................................ 17
EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT/PARTICIPATION:............................................................................. 17
Appraisal:............................................................................................................................... 18
LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT: .............................................................................................. 19
OUTCOME OF ENGAGEMENT: ................................................................................................. 19
EMPLOYEE DEMANDS/REWARDS: .............................................................................................. 20
1. PARENT COUNTRY NATIONALS:........................................................................................ 21
2. HOST COUNTRY NATIONALS:............................................................................................ 21
3. THIRD COUNTRY NATIONAL: ............................................................................................ 21
WHAT RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION NEED TO DO:....................................................................... 22
OBEY THE LAW: ...................................................................................................................... 22
FINANCIAL REWARDS:............................................................................................................. 24
WORK/LIFE BALACE:................................................................................................................ 25
ACHIEVING WORK LIFE BALANCE:............................................................................................ 26
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 26
RECOMMENDATION................................................................................................................... 28
APPENDIX............................................................................................................................... 30
TIPS TO ENHANCE EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION:............................................................... 30
JOB ENRICHMENT: ............................................................................................................ 30
JOB ROTATION:.................................................................................................................. 31
EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION/INVOLVEMENT ................................................................. 32
LEADERSHIP STYLES........................................................................................................ 32
Environmental differences ................................................................................................... 33
REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 35
The aim of this assignment is to analyse the key concepts and practices in
contemporary HR function. Employees are the most important resource of
organization than ever before. Modern organization in today’s technologically-led
environment are significantly depend on employee’s strong and continuous
contribution. Human Resource function play a key role to manage, control and retain
most talented employees in organization. Especially in today working environment
where knowledge based organization surpass traditional organization in every
operating aspect, knowledge and talent becoming the key resource and of modern
organization, remarkably the TACIT knowledge which people possess in their mind
and acquired through personal experience is something which stand out organization
from competitor.
The increasing tendency of international trade bring new challenges and
responsibilities on part of human resource department. International Human Resource
Management is strategic rather than operational, it involve the world wide
management of people rather than the management of expatriates. But Expatriate
became the focus, management of them become a major factor in determining
success or failure of international assignment. Among other challenges the most
notable one is to manage, control and execute diverse work is different from
local hr activities as the work force mix varies between local and expatriates. It pose
a great amount of pressure because of international divergence in business and
cultural values. Stringent control and effective strategies and contingency planning is
necessary to operate at global scale which is very challenging and important task.
Reward play a vital role and have a positive correlation with performance so desirable
performance can be achieved by appropriate and fair reward. Intention is to enhance
effectiveness level of organization. Employees are vital resource of any organization
so keep them content and satisfied is necessary in order to ensure their commitment
to organization and the job itself. Employee engagement is also a key element which
is essential to assure positive and enhancing performance from employees. Engage
employees willing to go extra mile, this type of behaviour not solely influenced by
reward but it required something more, which is embed in working environment and
culture of organization.
In this report from human resource management the aim is to discuss, analyse and
devise effective strategies on these critical will incorporate some theoretical
background on areas which companies seeking expansion and out growing have to
tackle international diversion in work force attitudes, values, preference, working
practices factors that motivate them, level of qualification etc. on the second phase of
this report it describe the methodologies and strategies which are designed and
implement with the intention to enhance organization performance. This can be
achieve by engage employees and make them more committed to the task.contiously
enhance their performance level by providing learning and training and positive the third and final part it will advance effective techniques about reward
policy. Reward is very important thing which direct and drive is linked
with organizational success and provide motivation to this sense these
three areas are interconnected with each other.theoritical concepts on these core
areas will be followed by professional insight in to the area which will supplement by
real life issues.
EXPANSION STRATEGY: Raspberry pi foundation is expanding and taking its
business outside the borders. Expansion will lead to many types of possible problems
and turmoil which need to be manage carefully. Issues range from the strategic
positioning to financial viability, marketing research to cultural conflict, unstable
political situation, quarrel in trade issues, fluctuating exchange rates etc. All these
need to be tackle in judicious and prudent way. Proactive approach is necessary to
manage possible far as Human Resource Management function is
concerned The task is to deliver high levels of performance cost effectively, raspberry
pi foundation should looking to manage these employees in ways that are aligned with
a global approach to employee services, while also complying with different statutory
requirements and respecting local differences in how people are motivated, developed
and paid. It has to manage diverse work force which is different in every aspect such
as ethnicity, race, gender, religion, is very critical and important issue which
can be evident by the statement in which Brewster et al (2005:949) argued that “a
critical challenge for organization from both public and private sector is the need to
operate across national boundaries.”
Gerhart and fang (2005:971) differences in centrality of markets, institutions,
regulation, collective bargaining and labour force characteristics.
The strategies should be formulate in such a way which lead to overall organization
effectiveness and goal congruence between regional business units. Main issue would
be the impact of globalization and the influence of cultural and environmental
differences. First need to identify the degree to which the Human Resource
Management practices and policies are different in foreign country. Bartlett and
goshala argued (1991) that the main issue for multinational companies is to manage
the challenge of global efficiency and multinational flexibility.
Technology also play a vital role, it create opportunities and the ease by which
organization wide policies can be implement ,Human Resource Management exploits
the new technologies ,available in order to manage all the company staff around the
world in the same way that it has traditionally manage staff in the home
country.(BREWSTER AND SPARROW:2007:48)
There are some common areas in Human Resource Management context which
mostly influenced by difference in culture and environment Hilltrop (1995).
Decision on what make and effective manager: management style which best suited
and highly regarded by employees is vary culture to order to become most
effective and productive manager, style need to be adapt according to local
circumstances and conditions. Attitudes and policies toward workers that are common
and accepted in one nation are not necessarily appropriate in another; and leadership
styles that are successful at the home office may not be effective in other country.
Have a look:
(Caroline Rook, former INSEAD Dutch Alumni Fellow.)
In a globalised work environment, having a multinational team is becoming the norm.
Whether a leader is “Eastern” or “Western” Leading a global team, however, is about
embracing differences and pulling the right levers at the right times to get the best out
of a team. These differences can be put down to cultural origins, She says that there
are some notable and consistent differences in how high-performing Eastern and
Western Managers behave professionally that have implications for leadership
effectiveness. Rook suggests that Eastern and Western management styles could be
likened to pieces of music that use basically the same notes, but sometimes in different
patterns and to varying effects. Rook found that Eastern and Western managers
diverged significantly in four of the 12 dimensions: Designing & Aligning, Outside
Orientation, Emotional Intelligence, and Resilience to Stress. Respectively, these
dimensions are designed to measure how well managers implement company
strategy; promote responsiveness to customers, stakeholders, and vendors; foster
respect and understanding in the workforce; and handle the pressures of the
managerial lifestyle. How well leaders promote togetherness among a culturally
diverse workforce.
Giving face to face feedback
The prevailing concept of employee engagement is taking place in modern
organization and replacing the old command, control and obey type beaurucratic
model. Studies suggest that employees communication, participation and voice in a
matter pertain to them lead to enhance their motivation and output. They also engage
them on psychological level. But this also need to manage in global context. Feedback
also need to be design according to the country in which you are operating because
employees can take it differently and the home country model would not work, here is
the example when German executive send to the china in order to improve operational
efficiency but performance going to deteriorate after his deputation and after study it
was find out It turns out that what worked in Germany in terms of tough, critical, to-
the-point negative feedback was actually demotivating to Jens’s new Chinese
employees, who were used to a far gentler feedback style. In Germany, you don’t
single out specific accomplishments or offer praise unless the accomplishment is truly
extraordinary. From a German point of view, these positive work behaviours are
normal, rather than extraordinary. Employees are expected to do a particular job, and
when they do that job, they do not need to be recognized. In China — at least at this
particular plant — the culture was quite different. Employees expected more positive
reinforcement than pure critique. These positive comments motivated them to increase
productivity and put forth that extra, discretionary effort. (Andy Molinsky FEBRUARY
15, 2013)
Pay systems and social justice policies
Every country has different labour law, social security programmes and variable pay
rate etc. Pay should meet the minimum pay regulation according to the jurisdiction in
which raspberry pi foundation is operating, also ensure that you pay include all
premium which is prescribed in local law. In France, the UK and the US, employees
must not be paid less than the prescribed minimum wage. Minimum wages in the UK
are published annually. This need to be take in to account by raspberry pi foundation
and the key issue is here to decide whether to maintain home based pay or to adapt
them to suit local conditions. BREWSTER (2002:63) noted that; Human Resource
Management depend on the ability to judge the extent to which organization should
implement similar practice or adapt local practices. This required more in-depth
analysis about the nature of country in which raspberry pi foundation is operating,
because pay system and social justice has very important role to in Human Resource
Management has multiple outcome and work as an input to infuse motivation
and nut shell this is more than just return of it should be design
with due care and cultural/Environmental difference should be keep in view while
establishing employment pay system and social justice policies.
These policies also enforce by law and local law, statues and legislation with regard
to these practices must be adhere to. Furthermore raspberry pi foundation need to
tailored policies according to situation. Fair degree of autonomy is desirable but retain
final control in its hand some degree of control from head quarter is necessary but also
in some under developed market where employment law and social benefits schemes
are not well developed local or national policies can damage the company’s reputation
as a good place to work. As Brewster et al(2005;51)states “when global coordination
and integration is required ,subsidiaries need to be globally with other parts of the
organization and where local responsiveness is important subsidiaries will have
greater autonomy and there is less need for integration”. Hence the mantra “think
globally but act locally”. Some companies found this beneficial to keep centralise
control and have witnessed success in this approach such as Rolls Royce which
establish centre of excellence operating on a global basis. According to Hr research
alliance study (stiles, 2007;64) found that the area of performance
manaegement,reward system, evaluation criteria ,managers progression strategies
are better work when establish centrally and converge globally. Although fair degree
of freedom to operating units should be allowed as long as these local practices are
compatible with central framework. So in the current globalization phase, most
multinational executives are turning to a management structure that combines the
benefits of globally consistent policies on the one hand and local relevance on the
In nutshell, raspberry pi foundation should have an HR approach that is both super
global and super local.
Approaches toorganizational structure and strategic dynamics: globalization is shaping
the way and every aspect of business, prevalent hierarchical structure and stringent
central control is vanishing. Organization are networking together and collaborating
more than even before. Network structure link many organizations together and mostly
communication carryout by telecommunication means. Some countries such as japan
and Germany has totally different kind of structure board composition and so on. Such
as in Germany supervisory board which consist of employees and lending institutions
oversee traditional executory board. Company need to take in to account Hofstede
cultural dimension in which he adequately guide about employee’s preference. For
example if raspberry pi foundation expanding business in country where power
distance is high ,it need to adopt mechanistic structure and where power distance is
low flat less management layers type of structure will work. Increase autonomy of
worker and job enhancement/enlargement techniques could be pursue here.
Employees are the companies greatest assests,they are the competitive advantage
attract and retain the best employees and provide them stimulus ,motivation and
encouragement is necessary to elevate organization and ensure long term
is the responsibility of Human Resource Management to keep them content and
devise strategies to communicate with them effectively.(Macey at el,2009:7)
engagement is the individual purpose and focused energy, evident to other in the
display of personal initiative,adaptability,efforts and persistence directed towards
organizational goal.
However this is continuous task and ongoing planning is required. Company success
highly depend on satisfied and fully motivated employees moreover employee
satisfaction can be achieve by various means such as reasonable pay, working
conditions ,quality of supervision ,mutual relation with manager. But in order to achieve
employee engagement and commitment management need to do lot more.egagement
is not something which can be attain by monetary rewards. Satisfaction and motivation
are wo different things, notable distinguishing factor is that satisfied employee is one
who is not looking for another job, but not much energetic to do current job with
enthusiasm. Satisfaction can be drive by extrinsic rewards such as pay, working
condition etc. but as we discuss earlier in order to attain employee engagement we
need to take extra step because it is mental state and intellectual brightness as
(kahn,1990;170 ) “it is a psychological state experienced by employees in relation to
their work, together with associated behaviour”. And (Maslach et al, 2001:74) a
positive fulfilling work related state of mind that is characterized by vigour, dedication
and absorption.
 recognition
 job design
 learning and development
 work environment
LEADERSHIP: There are certain leadership style prevail in management theories which
may be equally beneficial to drive employees towards commitment, the main
leadership theories present two basic approaches - task-centred and employee-
centred. Tannenbaumand Schmidt suggest that leadership style is a continuum, and
that the appropriate style depends on the characteristics of the leader, the
subordinates, and of the situation. (John Ball: 2005)
Raspberry pi foundation should enhance the effectiveness of leadership toward
employee. This can be achieve through by helping your employee to see the bigger
picture, create the sense that employee contribution at operating level is helping the
organization to achieve its objectives at larger strategic will lead to align
organization and employees objective which create a line of sight between job and
vision/mission of the raspberry pi foundation. Given below is most notable example of
coordination between leader and employees;
"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade
is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth." President
John F. Kennedy
SUPERVISION QUALITY: supervisors are the interface with line managers and
employees. They have deeper and profound knowledge about employees issues and
affairs, they can play important role in order to enhance employee motivation. Previous
research has shown that dissatisfaction with supervision can increase the likelihood
that individuals will leave their jobs (Kim & Lee, 2007; Larson & Hewitt, 2005).They
provide work related advice and instructions, support training and learning activities,
provide coaching and equipment’s needed to fulfil task. Design their jobs which are fit
to their skills and meaningful. Enhance employee’s potential by frequent job rotation,
strong recognition and positive feedback by both colleagues’ management
opportunities. Provide them fair level of autonomy. These things may lead to
increasing employee morale and raising satisfaction with job. “When people have
opportunity to do work in a way that effectively use their skills, fit their values and
provide them freedom to exercise choice, they will be fully motivated to engage in their
work.(Macey et al;2009;126)
JOB DESIGN: specifies the content of job in order to fulfil work requirement and also
meet the personal need of job holder, thus increasing the level of engagement.
Research conducted by alfas et al (2010:2) establish that main driver of engagement
is meaningful work. And (ERICKSON, 2005) job as the key antecedent of the state of
SMART WORKING ARRANGEMENTS: organising work in such a way that drive greater
effectiveness, efficiency in achieving job outcome through the combination of flexibility,
autonomy and collaboration.(CIPD:2008)
EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT/PARTICIPATION: employee participation in decisionmaking
which based on their work, joint sharing of problems. Participation in various schemes,
,have challenging task, less boredom by taking part in multi jobs feel them valuable
and lead to increase motivation. The level of responsibility the sense of achievement
and the intrinsic value obtained from the job itself. Learning organisation where new
ideas and upward communication or two way communication is tolerated and
encourage lead to total gradual transformation of organisation and its peoples.
Williams and Adam-Smith (2006) suggest that this term is most usefully applied to
management initiatives that are designed to further the flow of communication at work
as a means of enhancing the organizational commitment of employees.
The regular appraisal system provide manager a useful idea about employees ability
and involvemet.its also highlight the need to learning and development which in turn
will enhance employee morale, because continuous learning and development
provide employees confidence and energy to work, inclination to do contemporary task
efficiently and ultimately a loyalty with the company who takes care its employees.
There are certain benefit of proper appraisal system:
Appraisal systems exist to improve organisational efficiency by ensuring that
individuals perform to the best of their ability, develop their potential, and earn
appropriate reward. This in turn leads to improved organisational performance.
This is another tool in hand of management, this can ensure that people have the
opportunity to grow in their roles. Management continuously looking for Learning gap
in its employees and provide them necessary training which in turn make employees
more confident and competent ,ultimately more zeal and enthusiasm in accomplishing
organisation goals.
 Is willing to go extra mile(beyond mere compliance)
 Believes in an identifies with the organization(intellectual affection)
 Wants to work to make thing better(discretional behaviour)
 Understand the business concept and bigger picture(corporate citizenship)
 Respect and help colleagues(Robinson et al:2004)
 Commitment: identification and involvement with organization.
 Compliance, discretionary not explicitly recognize by formal reward
 Motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Engagement is intrinsic motivation
achieve by meaningful job.
EMPLOYEE DEMANDS/REWARDS: reward has two main objective first is to
satisfy immediate need of worker which recognize person contribution second its need
to be design in such a way that it drive organization towards its objective Performance
is simply the outcome of work (Bernadine et al 1995) Because it contribute to the high
performance of should be design in fair and equitable way and also
reflect the real performance by involving all stakeholder and employees. Company can
use reward as strategic tool it can help to enhance morale and engagement.
Raspberry pi foundation should set reward which support overall organizational
strategy and coherent with other Human Resource Management rewards. Rewards
underpin the achievement of business goal and provide sense of need to
be design in integrated way so it would be consider just and fair. Performance related
reward play a vital role to promote appropriate behaviour and outcome in organization
furthermore it benchmark superior practices and process. Performance management
can contribute to the development of high performance culture ,Recognise high
performer and motivate the same time through performance measurement
average or below workers can be identified and remedial action and strategies could
be put in place to improve their be internally equitable in the way that
pay rates correctly reflect the variation in work distribution.
Raspberry pi foundation need to manage three categories of work force
1. PARENT COUNTRY NATIONALS: Employees of the Multinational companies who
are citizen of the country where MNE’S corporate headquarter is located.
2. HOST COUNTRY NATIONALS: employees of the Multinational companies who
work in foreign subsidiary and are citizen of the country where the foreign
subsidiary is located.
3. THIRD COUNTRY NATIONAL: employees who are neither citizen of the host
country nor the citizen of countries where Multinational companies headquarter
is based.
The expectation and orientation of different categories of employees certainly be
divergent as it’s mentioned by (Arm strong and Murlis, 2007)”Reward strategy will
be characterised by diversity and conditioned both by the legacy of past and realities
of future.”
This is the key consideration. Always obey the law of country where we doing business
in every aspect of far as reward policies are concern pay should meet the
minimum pay regulation according to the jurisdiction in which raspberry pi foundation
is operating, also ensure that you pay all premium which is prescribed in local law. In
France, the UK and the US, employees must not be paid less than the prescribed
minimum wage. Minimum wages in the UK are published annually.
 PAY SLIP: in some countries such as UK, USA, France that to issue written
itemised pay slip to all employees.
 AVOID DISCRIMINATION: Organizational wide policy with regard to equal
opportunity and fair and pay is required.
 Annual mandatory negotiations: in France, all companies which employ
more than 50 employees should yearly negotiate with unions concerning
salaries for each professional category.
 Bonuses: in France, a discretionary bonus can be fixed if an employer is able
to justify by objective and relevant reasons the difference between bonuses. As
a consequence, the evaluation of employees must be documented to justify the
difference of treatment. Bonuses in the US are strictly discretionary unless the
employer has agreed by contract to provide a particular bonus amount or apply
a specified and objective formula.
 Prohibition of financial penalty: French law provides that a fault of an
employee cannot be sanctioned by a financial penalty. As a consequence, an
employer cannot withhold a part of the salary because his employee has
voluntarily not worked correctly. Most US states have so-called “wage laws”
that limit an employer’s ability to reduce, offset or otherwise deduct from an
“earned wage”. Again, it is important to understand the particular rules that
apply in each US jurisdiction.
 Consider legal constraints on remuneration: – France, the UK and the US
have all recently adopted legislation which impacts on a company’s ability to
set pay. This is particularly relevant to senior executives and those in the
financial services area.
BASE PAY: design through job evaluation and market data. Develop expatriate
reward in a way which adequately cover their cost of living abroad and also account
for difference in currencies and inflation level of foreign country where they are depute.
Design grade and pay structure and allowing the scope to progress through pay
CONTINGENT PAY: depend on team and group performance, this content must be
equitable or otherwise it can spread unrest and frustration between varieties of
employees. Performance management required share understanding about what is to
be achieved and how is to be achieved. This significantly depend on performance so
measure of performance should be negotiate by involving every employee. Raspberry
pi foundation perhaps confront diversity in team which need to be cohesive. Manger
should be extrovert who able to take new challenges and make the perfect team.
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: health, pension, perks are communal type of financial
benefits which are standardized throughout organization. Raspberry pi foundation also
can variate these benefits according to prevailing legislation and could be based on
local health facilities and pension schemes. Amount can be increment if local condition
warrant it.for example if there is high chance of vulnerability because of local sanitation
ORGANISATIONAL PAY: align organization interest with employee performance,
share option schemes could be introduce to align organizational objective with
employees goal.
European Union and United Nation law sufficiently cover employee’s rights such as
right to maternity leave, increasing use of flexible working options (Kersley et al.2006)
 Pay Right to parental ,
 paternal adoption leave(13 weeks unpaid leave during first 5 years)
 Time off for dependents(spouse,childrens,parents)
 Right to request flexible working
Moreover national laws of countries also incorporating these issues and codifying and
implementing. The importance to maintain balance between work and personal life is
driving by many factors such as increasing number of women’s, ageing population
legislative pressure and diversity/equal opportunity trend. People continuously looking
for such jobs which allow them flexibility in work place. Ever increasing technology
also aggravate this trend. Main drivers which influence the trend are
 Part Time
 flexi time,
 compressed week,
 annual hours,
 term time working,
 job share,
 unpaid leave
 ,work for home
 ,informal flexibility
Work life balance policies generally focused around hours worked and where they are
Human Resource Management has strategic importance in an organization and the
decision it take also have great implication. Every organization which outgrow and
expand the business in international market, encounter various challenges. The major
one is to manage international work force in the manner which is congruent with
business overall strategy and yield best from them. Mix of employees may have
varying needs and wants, careful identification and evaluation of those drivers which
motivate them and propel the work force to be engage with an organization is very
important. Raspberry pi foundation should keep his focus on these issues while
managing diverse work force. Quality of supervision and managerial efficiency is key
but cultural diversity can also affect the way that what constitute quality supervisor and
what type of behaviour is valuable and inducement to employees. Strict adherence to
local rules and keep local affection, responsiveness is very necessary to some degree,
but retain centralise control. “Think globally act locally”. After careful screening and
selection of right person to the job Human Resource Management look forward to
retain those who can bring valuable skills and expertise or those who create
competitive order to retain these employees various measure can be taken by
management which normally called non-financial rewards, such as leadership quality
which enable employees to get rid myopic mind-set and broaden the broaden
the scope of job or increase job responsibility ,all these efforts lead to enhance moral
and commitment with work and organization ,and stimulate them to take discretionary
decisions. Performance is the outcome of job and behaviour, by measuring
performance management and rating which summarize the level of performance
achieved, organization can be able to highlight superior and inferior performed
peoples. Which in turn help them to focus on both sets of employees, recognise
training needs and endeavour to elevate low performer through learning and
development. Reward recognize a person’s contribution, it provide a sense of direction
.it can be st in such a way which aligned business interest with persons objectives.
Such as share scheme or profit sharing. Reward have strategic input in organizational
performance so it need to be design carefully, it help to retain talented people and
enhance addition, to reward setting increasing trend of equality and
diversity in organization such as jobs for woman, disable peoples, part time students,
also come up with challenges and opportunities.HRM can use this external stimuli in
its favour .it can be done in many ways HRM can categorized employees in to core,
interface and peripheral level. And can utilise peripheral employees in period of high
demand. Part time students can undertake a training session in which they work as an
assistant to core employee.
 Raspberry pi foundation must adopt local practices and norm and a fair degree
of autonomy should be delegate local Human Resource Management.
 Expatriate should be carefully monitored, their reward should adjust for the cost
of spending outside.
 Plan and develop policies to cultural familiarization for country in which
expatriate will work (acculturation).
 Establish and implement an open culture throughout organization, where ideas
can be tolerate discuss and being acted upon.
 New management culture require inclusion, involvement, participation rather
than command, control and compliance.
 When expatriate return to their home country, or the country where they were
placed before, they should be highly regarded and train if there any deficiency
in their skills due to their placement abroad.
 Reward policiesmust be air and just in order to content and satisfied work force.
 Conduct a cross cultural training needs analysis covering organizational
analysis and requirements, assignment analysis of key task and individual
analysis of skills.
 Establish training goals and measure cognitive and affective and increasing
confidence in dealing with individual behaviour to form adaptive behaviours
such as interpersonal skills.
 Manage the variable of non-financial reward in reward policies by measuring
performance and evaluating the potential of employee.
 Pay of every person must corresponding market condition and also fair in
internal pay structure.
This method include freedom and delegation of bigger task to employee, it is vertical
job enrichment which increase the level of responsibility and provide freedom in its
works, supervisor/manager often lifted control and give greater autonomy, granting
additional authority to employee in their activity and introducing new task which are
not previously handled all this lead to certain outcome/motivators which are
responsibility, sense of achievement,morale,internal recognition etc. Herzberg
It is the concept to remove boredom and monotony of work, enhance work affection
by rotating task .more recently the notion of smart working has emerged. Smart
working aim to drive greater effectiveness and efficiency to work by autonomy,
flexibility and collaboration CIPD(2008)it’s mainly focus on flexible working, job
rotation. Outcome based learning, lean production, just in time working, quality
Appraisals have three main purposes. These are often misunderstood. The first is to
measure the extent to which an individual may be awarded a salary increase
compared with his or her peers. This is the reward review component.
The second purpose of an appraisal is to identify any training needs and, if
appropriate, to provide training and development to enable an individual to help the
organisation to achieve its objectives. This is the performance review component.
Finally, appraisals are also important to aid an individual's career development by
attempting to predict work that the individual may be capable of in the future. This is
the potential review component
The employee is not the only beneficiary - the organisation benefits through
identifying employees for promotion, noting areas for individual improvement, and by
using the system as a basis for human resource planning.
This goal can be achieve by various methods such as;
1) PROJECT TEAM: employee take lead of the project with reasonable level of
authority delegate to him while retaining control.
2) SUGGESTION SCHEMES: where employee are given channels to suggest ideas
for any problem.
3) CONSULTATION: where employee encourage to share new ideas.
4) MULTI LEVEL DECISION MAKING: where decision not only taken on upward
level but they also result from many direction such as downward to upward.
Autocratic style, where the manager suggests ideas and asks for comments (the
tells and talks approach),
Manager presents outline ideas, seeks comments and amends the ideas
The consults approach the consult approach provide employees some form of
involvement in decision making which enhance their morale and motivate them they
feel empower to decide about their work and work style.
Involves approach which allows employees to discuss the issue and make a
decision (the delegates approach).
Environmental differences
Environmental differences between countries have to be taken into account in
managing globally.
As described by Gerhart and Fang (2005), these include ‘differences in the centrality
markets, institutions, regulations, collective bargaining and labour-force
characteristics’. For
example: in Western Europe, collective bargaining coverage is much higher than in
like the United States, Canada and Japan. Works councils are mandated by law in
European countries like Germany, but not in Japan or the United States. In China,
Europe and Mexico, labour costs are significantly lower than in Western Europe,
Japan and the
United france If the bonus is linked to targets, such targets can be fixed
unilaterally by the employer as those targets are doable and known by the employee
since the beginning of the evaluation period. Indeed, the bonus calculation formula
should be defined in advance in order to enable employees to verify the good
payment of the compensation. Targets should be written in French.
 Armstrong, M. (2012). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management
practice, 12th edition. London, U.K.: Kogan Page.
 Provo, J. (2000). Measuring Human Capital. Advances in Developing Human
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  • 2. Contents INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 4 EXPANSION STRATEGY:................................................................................................................ 6 DISTINCTIVE FACTORS............................................................................................................... 7 POSSIBLE CHALLENGES................................................................................................................. 7 MANAGEMENT OF DIVERSE WORKFORCE.................................................................................. 7 TECHNOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT............................................................................................... 8 WHAT RASPBERY PI FOUNDATION NEED TO DO:...........................................................................8 CULTURAL VARIATIONS:............................................................................................................ 8 Decision on what make and effective manager:..........................................................................8 Giving face toface feedback.................................................................................................... 10 LABOUR MARKET VARIATIONS:.................................................................................................. 11 Pay systems and social justice policies...................................................................................... 11 CONVERGENCE AND DIVERGENCE........................................................................................... 12 Approaches to organizational structure and strategic dynamics................................................. 13 EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP AND ENGAGEMENT:.......................................................................... 14 DRIVERS OF EMGAGEMENT:.................................................................................................... 15 LEADERSHIP:........................................................................................................................... 15 SUPERVISION QUALITY:........................................................................................................... 16 JOB DESIGN:........................................................................................................................... 17 SMART WORKING ARRANGEMENTS:........................................................................................ 17 EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT/PARTICIPATION:............................................................................. 17 Appraisal:............................................................................................................................... 18 LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT: .............................................................................................. 19 OUTCOME OF ENGAGEMENT: ................................................................................................. 19 EMPLOYEE DEMANDS/REWARDS: .............................................................................................. 20 1. PARENT COUNTRY NATIONALS:........................................................................................ 21 2. HOST COUNTRY NATIONALS:............................................................................................ 21 3. THIRD COUNTRY NATIONAL: ............................................................................................ 21 WHAT RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION NEED TO DO:....................................................................... 22 OBEY THE LAW: ...................................................................................................................... 22 FINANCIAL REWARDS:............................................................................................................. 24 WORK/LIFE BALACE:................................................................................................................ 25 ACHIEVING WORK LIFE BALANCE:............................................................................................ 26
  • 3. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 26 RECOMMENDATION................................................................................................................... 28 APPENDIX............................................................................................................................... 30 TIPS TO ENHANCE EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION:............................................................... 30 JOB ENRICHMENT: ............................................................................................................ 30 JOB ROTATION:.................................................................................................................. 31 EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION/INVOLVEMENT ................................................................. 32 LEADERSHIP STYLES........................................................................................................ 32 Environmental differences ................................................................................................... 33 REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 35
  • 4. INTRODUCTION The aim of this assignment is to analyse the key concepts and practices in contemporary HR function. Employees are the most important resource of organization than ever before. Modern organization in today’s technologically-led environment are significantly depend on employee’s strong and continuous contribution. Human Resource function play a key role to manage, control and retain most talented employees in organization. Especially in today working environment where knowledge based organization surpass traditional organization in every operating aspect, knowledge and talent becoming the key resource and of modern organization, remarkably the TACIT knowledge which people possess in their mind and acquired through personal experience is something which stand out organization from competitor. The increasing tendency of international trade bring new challenges and responsibilities on part of human resource department. International Human Resource Management is strategic rather than operational, it involve the world wide management of people rather than the management of expatriates. But Expatriate became the focus, management of them become a major factor in determining success or failure of international assignment. Among other challenges the most notable one is to manage, control and execute diverse work is different from local hr activities as the work force mix varies between local and expatriates. It pose
  • 5. a great amount of pressure because of international divergence in business and cultural values. Stringent control and effective strategies and contingency planning is necessary to operate at global scale which is very challenging and important task. Reward play a vital role and have a positive correlation with performance so desirable performance can be achieved by appropriate and fair reward. Intention is to enhance effectiveness level of organization. Employees are vital resource of any organization so keep them content and satisfied is necessary in order to ensure their commitment to organization and the job itself. Employee engagement is also a key element which is essential to assure positive and enhancing performance from employees. Engage employees willing to go extra mile, this type of behaviour not solely influenced by reward but it required something more, which is embed in working environment and culture of organization. In this report from human resource management the aim is to discuss, analyse and devise effective strategies on these critical will incorporate some theoretical background on areas which companies seeking expansion and out growing have to tackle international diversion in work force attitudes, values, preference, working practices factors that motivate them, level of qualification etc. on the second phase of this report it describe the methodologies and strategies which are designed and implement with the intention to enhance organization performance. This can be achieve by engage employees and make them more committed to the task.contiously
  • 6. enhance their performance level by providing learning and training and positive the third and final part it will advance effective techniques about reward policy. Reward is very important thing which direct and drive is linked with organizational success and provide motivation to this sense these three areas are interconnected with each other.theoritical concepts on these core areas will be followed by professional insight in to the area which will supplement by real life issues. EXPANSION STRATEGY: Raspberry pi foundation is expanding and taking its business outside the borders. Expansion will lead to many types of possible problems and turmoil which need to be manage carefully. Issues range from the strategic positioning to financial viability, marketing research to cultural conflict, unstable political situation, quarrel in trade issues, fluctuating exchange rates etc. All these need to be tackle in judicious and prudent way. Proactive approach is necessary to manage possible far as Human Resource Management function is concerned The task is to deliver high levels of performance cost effectively, raspberry pi foundation should looking to manage these employees in ways that are aligned with a global approach to employee services, while also complying with different statutory
  • 7. requirements and respecting local differences in how people are motivated, developed and paid. It has to manage diverse work force which is different in every aspect such as ethnicity, race, gender, religion, is very critical and important issue which can be evident by the statement in which Brewster et al (2005:949) argued that “a critical challenge for organization from both public and private sector is the need to operate across national boundaries.” DISTINCTIVE FACTORS Gerhart and fang (2005:971) differences in centrality of markets, institutions, regulation, collective bargaining and labour force characteristics. POSSIBLE CHALLENGES MANAGEMENT OF DIVERSE WORKFORCE The strategies should be formulate in such a way which lead to overall organization effectiveness and goal congruence between regional business units. Main issue would be the impact of globalization and the influence of cultural and environmental differences. First need to identify the degree to which the Human Resource Management practices and policies are different in foreign country. Bartlett and
  • 8. goshala argued (1991) that the main issue for multinational companies is to manage the challenge of global efficiency and multinational flexibility. TECHNOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT Technology also play a vital role, it create opportunities and the ease by which organization wide policies can be implement ,Human Resource Management exploits the new technologies ,available in order to manage all the company staff around the world in the same way that it has traditionally manage staff in the home country.(BREWSTER AND SPARROW:2007:48) There are some common areas in Human Resource Management context which mostly influenced by difference in culture and environment Hilltrop (1995). WHAT RASPBERY PI FOUNDATION NEED TO DO: CULTURAL VARIATIONS: Decision on what make and effective manager: management style which best suited and highly regarded by employees is vary culture to order to become most effective and productive manager, style need to be adapt according to local circumstances and conditions. Attitudes and policies toward workers that are common and accepted in one nation are not necessarily appropriate in another; and leadership styles that are successful at the home office may not be effective in other country. Have a look:
  • 9. (Caroline Rook, former INSEAD Dutch Alumni Fellow.) In a globalised work environment, having a multinational team is becoming the norm. Whether a leader is “Eastern” or “Western” Leading a global team, however, is about embracing differences and pulling the right levers at the right times to get the best out of a team. These differences can be put down to cultural origins, She says that there are some notable and consistent differences in how high-performing Eastern and Western Managers behave professionally that have implications for leadership effectiveness. Rook suggests that Eastern and Western management styles could be likened to pieces of music that use basically the same notes, but sometimes in different patterns and to varying effects. Rook found that Eastern and Western managers diverged significantly in four of the 12 dimensions: Designing & Aligning, Outside Orientation, Emotional Intelligence, and Resilience to Stress. Respectively, these dimensions are designed to measure how well managers implement company strategy; promote responsiveness to customers, stakeholders, and vendors; foster respect and understanding in the workforce; and handle the pressures of the managerial lifestyle. How well leaders promote togetherness among a culturally diverse workforce.
  • 10. Giving face to face feedback The prevailing concept of employee engagement is taking place in modern organization and replacing the old command, control and obey type beaurucratic model. Studies suggest that employees communication, participation and voice in a matter pertain to them lead to enhance their motivation and output. They also engage them on psychological level. But this also need to manage in global context. Feedback also need to be design according to the country in which you are operating because employees can take it differently and the home country model would not work, here is the example when German executive send to the china in order to improve operational efficiency but performance going to deteriorate after his deputation and after study it was find out It turns out that what worked in Germany in terms of tough, critical, to- the-point negative feedback was actually demotivating to Jens’s new Chinese employees, who were used to a far gentler feedback style. In Germany, you don’t single out specific accomplishments or offer praise unless the accomplishment is truly extraordinary. From a German point of view, these positive work behaviours are normal, rather than extraordinary. Employees are expected to do a particular job, and when they do that job, they do not need to be recognized. In China — at least at this particular plant — the culture was quite different. Employees expected more positive reinforcement than pure critique. These positive comments motivated them to increase
  • 11. productivity and put forth that extra, discretionary effort. (Andy Molinsky FEBRUARY 15, 2013) LABOUR MARKET VARIATIONS: Pay systems and social justice policies Every country has different labour law, social security programmes and variable pay rate etc. Pay should meet the minimum pay regulation according to the jurisdiction in which raspberry pi foundation is operating, also ensure that you pay include all premium which is prescribed in local law. In France, the UK and the US, employees must not be paid less than the prescribed minimum wage. Minimum wages in the UK are published annually. This need to be take in to account by raspberry pi foundation and the key issue is here to decide whether to maintain home based pay or to adapt them to suit local conditions. BREWSTER (2002:63) noted that; Human Resource Management depend on the ability to judge the extent to which organization should implement similar practice or adapt local practices. This required more in-depth analysis about the nature of country in which raspberry pi foundation is operating, because pay system and social justice has very important role to in Human Resource Management has multiple outcome and work as an input to infuse motivation
  • 12. and nut shell this is more than just return of it should be design with due care and cultural/Environmental difference should be keep in view while establishing employment pay system and social justice policies. CONVERGENCE AND DIVERGENCE These policies also enforce by law and local law, statues and legislation with regard to these practices must be adhere to. Furthermore raspberry pi foundation need to tailored policies according to situation. Fair degree of autonomy is desirable but retain final control in its hand some degree of control from head quarter is necessary but also in some under developed market where employment law and social benefits schemes are not well developed local or national policies can damage the company’s reputation as a good place to work. As Brewster et al(2005;51)states “when global coordination and integration is required ,subsidiaries need to be globally with other parts of the organization and where local responsiveness is important subsidiaries will have greater autonomy and there is less need for integration”. Hence the mantra “think globally but act locally”. Some companies found this beneficial to keep centralise control and have witnessed success in this approach such as Rolls Royce which establish centre of excellence operating on a global basis. According to Hr research alliance study (stiles, 2007;64) found that the area of performance manaegement,reward system, evaluation criteria ,managers progression strategies
  • 13. are better work when establish centrally and converge globally. Although fair degree of freedom to operating units should be allowed as long as these local practices are compatible with central framework. So in the current globalization phase, most multinational executives are turning to a management structure that combines the benefits of globally consistent policies on the one hand and local relevance on the other. In nutshell, raspberry pi foundation should have an HR approach that is both super global and super local. Approaches toorganizational structure and strategic dynamics: globalization is shaping the way and every aspect of business, prevalent hierarchical structure and stringent central control is vanishing. Organization are networking together and collaborating more than even before. Network structure link many organizations together and mostly communication carryout by telecommunication means. Some countries such as japan and Germany has totally different kind of structure board composition and so on. Such as in Germany supervisory board which consist of employees and lending institutions oversee traditional executory board. Company need to take in to account Hofstede cultural dimension in which he adequately guide about employee’s preference. For example if raspberry pi foundation expanding business in country where power distance is high ,it need to adopt mechanistic structure and where power distance is
  • 14. low flat less management layers type of structure will work. Increase autonomy of worker and job enhancement/enlargement techniques could be pursue here. EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP AND ENGAGEMENT: Employees are the companies greatest assests,they are the competitive advantage attract and retain the best employees and provide them stimulus ,motivation and encouragement is necessary to elevate organization and ensure long term is the responsibility of Human Resource Management to keep them content and devise strategies to communicate with them effectively.(Macey at el,2009:7) engagement is the individual purpose and focused energy, evident to other in the display of personal initiative,adaptability,efforts and persistence directed towards organizational goal. However this is continuous task and ongoing planning is required. Company success highly depend on satisfied and fully motivated employees moreover employee satisfaction can be achieve by various means such as reasonable pay, working conditions ,quality of supervision ,mutual relation with manager. But in order to achieve employee engagement and commitment management need to do lot more.egagement is not something which can be attain by monetary rewards. Satisfaction and motivation are wo different things, notable distinguishing factor is that satisfied employee is one
  • 15. who is not looking for another job, but not much energetic to do current job with enthusiasm. Satisfaction can be drive by extrinsic rewards such as pay, working condition etc. but as we discuss earlier in order to attain employee engagement we need to take extra step because it is mental state and intellectual brightness as (kahn,1990;170 ) “it is a psychological state experienced by employees in relation to their work, together with associated behaviour”. And (Maslach et al, 2001:74) a positive fulfilling work related state of mind that is characterized by vigour, dedication and absorption. DRIVERS OF EMGAGEMENT: NON FINANCIAL REWARDS:  recognition  job design  learning and development  work environment LEADERSHIP: There are certain leadership style prevail in management theories which may be equally beneficial to drive employees towards commitment, the main leadership theories present two basic approaches - task-centred and employee- centred. Tannenbaumand Schmidt suggest that leadership style is a continuum, and
  • 16. that the appropriate style depends on the characteristics of the leader, the subordinates, and of the situation. (John Ball: 2005) Raspberry pi foundation should enhance the effectiveness of leadership toward employee. This can be achieve through by helping your employee to see the bigger picture, create the sense that employee contribution at operating level is helping the organization to achieve its objectives at larger strategic will lead to align organization and employees objective which create a line of sight between job and vision/mission of the raspberry pi foundation. Given below is most notable example of coordination between leader and employees; "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth." President John F. Kennedy SUPERVISION QUALITY: supervisors are the interface with line managers and employees. They have deeper and profound knowledge about employees issues and affairs, they can play important role in order to enhance employee motivation. Previous research has shown that dissatisfaction with supervision can increase the likelihood that individuals will leave their jobs (Kim & Lee, 2007; Larson & Hewitt, 2005).They provide work related advice and instructions, support training and learning activities, provide coaching and equipment’s needed to fulfil task. Design their jobs which are fit
  • 17. to their skills and meaningful. Enhance employee’s potential by frequent job rotation, strong recognition and positive feedback by both colleagues’ management opportunities. Provide them fair level of autonomy. These things may lead to increasing employee morale and raising satisfaction with job. “When people have opportunity to do work in a way that effectively use their skills, fit their values and provide them freedom to exercise choice, they will be fully motivated to engage in their work.(Macey et al;2009;126) JOB DESIGN: specifies the content of job in order to fulfil work requirement and also meet the personal need of job holder, thus increasing the level of engagement. Research conducted by alfas et al (2010:2) establish that main driver of engagement is meaningful work. And (ERICKSON, 2005) job as the key antecedent of the state of engagement. SMART WORKING ARRANGEMENTS: organising work in such a way that drive greater effectiveness, efficiency in achieving job outcome through the combination of flexibility, autonomy and collaboration.(CIPD:2008) EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT/PARTICIPATION: employee participation in decisionmaking which based on their work, joint sharing of problems. Participation in various schemes,
  • 18. ,have challenging task, less boredom by taking part in multi jobs feel them valuable and lead to increase motivation. The level of responsibility the sense of achievement and the intrinsic value obtained from the job itself. Learning organisation where new ideas and upward communication or two way communication is tolerated and encourage lead to total gradual transformation of organisation and its peoples. Williams and Adam-Smith (2006) suggest that this term is most usefully applied to management initiatives that are designed to further the flow of communication at work as a means of enhancing the organizational commitment of employees. Appraisal: The regular appraisal system provide manager a useful idea about employees ability and involvemet.its also highlight the need to learning and development which in turn will enhance employee morale, because continuous learning and development provide employees confidence and energy to work, inclination to do contemporary task efficiently and ultimately a loyalty with the company who takes care its employees. There are certain benefit of proper appraisal system:
  • 19. Appraisal systems exist to improve organisational efficiency by ensuring that individuals perform to the best of their ability, develop their potential, and earn appropriate reward. This in turn leads to improved organisational performance. LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT: This is another tool in hand of management, this can ensure that people have the opportunity to grow in their roles. Management continuously looking for Learning gap in its employees and provide them necessary training which in turn make employees more confident and competent ,ultimately more zeal and enthusiasm in accomplishing organisation goals. OUTCOME OF ENGAGEMENT:  Is willing to go extra mile(beyond mere compliance)  Believes in an identifies with the organization(intellectual affection)  Wants to work to make thing better(discretional behaviour)  Understand the business concept and bigger picture(corporate citizenship)  Respect and help colleagues(Robinson et al:2004)  Commitment: identification and involvement with organization.
  • 20.  Compliance, discretionary not explicitly recognize by formal reward system.  Motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Engagement is intrinsic motivation achieve by meaningful job. EMPLOYEE DEMANDS/REWARDS: reward has two main objective first is to satisfy immediate need of worker which recognize person contribution second its need to be design in such a way that it drive organization towards its objective Performance is simply the outcome of work (Bernadine et al 1995) Because it contribute to the high performance of should be design in fair and equitable way and also reflect the real performance by involving all stakeholder and employees. Company can use reward as strategic tool it can help to enhance morale and engagement. Raspberry pi foundation should set reward which support overall organizational strategy and coherent with other Human Resource Management rewards. Rewards underpin the achievement of business goal and provide sense of need to be design in integrated way so it would be consider just and fair. Performance related reward play a vital role to promote appropriate behaviour and outcome in organization furthermore it benchmark superior practices and process. Performance management can contribute to the development of high performance culture ,Recognise high performer and motivate the same time through performance measurement
  • 21. average or below workers can be identified and remedial action and strategies could be put in place to improve their be internally equitable in the way that pay rates correctly reflect the variation in work distribution. Raspberry pi foundation need to manage three categories of work force 1. PARENT COUNTRY NATIONALS: Employees of the Multinational companies who are citizen of the country where MNE’S corporate headquarter is located. 2. HOST COUNTRY NATIONALS: employees of the Multinational companies who work in foreign subsidiary and are citizen of the country where the foreign subsidiary is located. 3. THIRD COUNTRY NATIONAL: employees who are neither citizen of the host country nor the citizen of countries where Multinational companies headquarter is based. The expectation and orientation of different categories of employees certainly be divergent as it’s mentioned by (Arm strong and Murlis, 2007)”Reward strategy will be characterised by diversity and conditioned both by the legacy of past and realities of future.”
  • 22. WHAT RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION NEED TO DO: OBEY THE LAW: This is the key consideration. Always obey the law of country where we doing business in every aspect of far as reward policies are concern pay should meet the minimum pay regulation according to the jurisdiction in which raspberry pi foundation is operating, also ensure that you pay all premium which is prescribed in local law. In France, the UK and the US, employees must not be paid less than the prescribed minimum wage. Minimum wages in the UK are published annually.  PAY SLIP: in some countries such as UK, USA, France that to issue written itemised pay slip to all employees.  AVOID DISCRIMINATION: Organizational wide policy with regard to equal opportunity and fair and pay is required.  Annual mandatory negotiations: in France, all companies which employ more than 50 employees should yearly negotiate with unions concerning salaries for each professional category.  Bonuses: in France, a discretionary bonus can be fixed if an employer is able to justify by objective and relevant reasons the difference between bonuses. As
  • 23. a consequence, the evaluation of employees must be documented to justify the difference of treatment. Bonuses in the US are strictly discretionary unless the employer has agreed by contract to provide a particular bonus amount or apply a specified and objective formula.  Prohibition of financial penalty: French law provides that a fault of an employee cannot be sanctioned by a financial penalty. As a consequence, an employer cannot withhold a part of the salary because his employee has voluntarily not worked correctly. Most US states have so-called “wage laws” that limit an employer’s ability to reduce, offset or otherwise deduct from an “earned wage”. Again, it is important to understand the particular rules that apply in each US jurisdiction.  Consider legal constraints on remuneration: – France, the UK and the US have all recently adopted legislation which impacts on a company’s ability to set pay. This is particularly relevant to senior executives and those in the financial services area.
  • 24. FINANCIAL REWARDS: BASE PAY: design through job evaluation and market data. Develop expatriate reward in a way which adequately cover their cost of living abroad and also account for difference in currencies and inflation level of foreign country where they are depute. Design grade and pay structure and allowing the scope to progress through pay structure. CONTINGENT PAY: depend on team and group performance, this content must be equitable or otherwise it can spread unrest and frustration between varieties of employees. Performance management required share understanding about what is to be achieved and how is to be achieved. This significantly depend on performance so measure of performance should be negotiate by involving every employee. Raspberry pi foundation perhaps confront diversity in team which need to be cohesive. Manger should be extrovert who able to take new challenges and make the perfect team. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: health, pension, perks are communal type of financial benefits which are standardized throughout organization. Raspberry pi foundation also can variate these benefits according to prevailing legislation and could be based on local health facilities and pension schemes. Amount can be increment if local condition warrant it.for example if there is high chance of vulnerability because of local sanitation policies.
  • 25. ORGANISATIONAL PAY: align organization interest with employee performance, share option schemes could be introduce to align organizational objective with employees goal. WORK/LIFE BALACE: European Union and United Nation law sufficiently cover employee’s rights such as right to maternity leave, increasing use of flexible working options (Kersley et al.2006)  Pay Right to parental ,  paternal adoption leave(13 weeks unpaid leave during first 5 years)  Time off for dependents(spouse,childrens,parents)  Right to request flexible working Moreover national laws of countries also incorporating these issues and codifying and implementing. The importance to maintain balance between work and personal life is driving by many factors such as increasing number of women’s, ageing population legislative pressure and diversity/equal opportunity trend. People continuously looking for such jobs which allow them flexibility in work place. Ever increasing technology also aggravate this trend. Main drivers which influence the trend are
  • 26. ACHIEVING WORK LIFE BALANCE:  Part Time  flexi time,  compressed week,  annual hours,  term time working,  job share,  unpaid leave  ,work for home  ,informal flexibility Work life balance policies generally focused around hours worked and where they are worked. CONCLUSION: Human Resource Management has strategic importance in an organization and the decision it take also have great implication. Every organization which outgrow and expand the business in international market, encounter various challenges. The major
  • 27. one is to manage international work force in the manner which is congruent with business overall strategy and yield best from them. Mix of employees may have varying needs and wants, careful identification and evaluation of those drivers which motivate them and propel the work force to be engage with an organization is very important. Raspberry pi foundation should keep his focus on these issues while managing diverse work force. Quality of supervision and managerial efficiency is key but cultural diversity can also affect the way that what constitute quality supervisor and what type of behaviour is valuable and inducement to employees. Strict adherence to local rules and keep local affection, responsiveness is very necessary to some degree, but retain centralise control. “Think globally act locally”. After careful screening and selection of right person to the job Human Resource Management look forward to retain those who can bring valuable skills and expertise or those who create competitive order to retain these employees various measure can be taken by management which normally called non-financial rewards, such as leadership quality which enable employees to get rid myopic mind-set and broaden the broaden the scope of job or increase job responsibility ,all these efforts lead to enhance moral and commitment with work and organization ,and stimulate them to take discretionary decisions. Performance is the outcome of job and behaviour, by measuring performance management and rating which summarize the level of performance achieved, organization can be able to highlight superior and inferior performed
  • 28. peoples. Which in turn help them to focus on both sets of employees, recognise training needs and endeavour to elevate low performer through learning and development. Reward recognize a person’s contribution, it provide a sense of direction .it can be st in such a way which aligned business interest with persons objectives. Such as share scheme or profit sharing. Reward have strategic input in organizational performance so it need to be design carefully, it help to retain talented people and enhance addition, to reward setting increasing trend of equality and diversity in organization such as jobs for woman, disable peoples, part time students, also come up with challenges and opportunities.HRM can use this external stimuli in its favour .it can be done in many ways HRM can categorized employees in to core, interface and peripheral level. And can utilise peripheral employees in period of high demand. Part time students can undertake a training session in which they work as an assistant to core employee. RECOMMENDATION:  Raspberry pi foundation must adopt local practices and norm and a fair degree of autonomy should be delegate local Human Resource Management.
  • 29.  Expatriate should be carefully monitored, their reward should adjust for the cost of spending outside.  Plan and develop policies to cultural familiarization for country in which expatriate will work (acculturation).  Establish and implement an open culture throughout organization, where ideas can be tolerate discuss and being acted upon.  New management culture require inclusion, involvement, participation rather than command, control and compliance.  When expatriate return to their home country, or the country where they were placed before, they should be highly regarded and train if there any deficiency in their skills due to their placement abroad.  Reward policiesmust be air and just in order to content and satisfied work force.  Conduct a cross cultural training needs analysis covering organizational analysis and requirements, assignment analysis of key task and individual analysis of skills.  Establish training goals and measure cognitive and affective and increasing confidence in dealing with individual behaviour to form adaptive behaviours such as interpersonal skills.  Manage the variable of non-financial reward in reward policies by measuring performance and evaluating the potential of employee.
  • 30.  Pay of every person must corresponding market condition and also fair in internal pay structure. APPENDIX: TIPS TO ENHANCE EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION: JOB ENRICHMENT: This method include freedom and delegation of bigger task to employee, it is vertical job enrichment which increase the level of responsibility and provide freedom in its works, supervisor/manager often lifted control and give greater autonomy, granting additional authority to employee in their activity and introducing new task which are not previously handled all this lead to certain outcome/motivators which are responsibility, sense of achievement,morale,internal recognition etc. Herzberg (1968:83)
  • 31. JOB ROTATION: It is the concept to remove boredom and monotony of work, enhance work affection by rotating task .more recently the notion of smart working has emerged. Smart working aim to drive greater effectiveness and efficiency to work by autonomy, flexibility and collaboration CIPD(2008)it’s mainly focus on flexible working, job rotation. Outcome based learning, lean production, just in time working, quality assurance. Appraisals have three main purposes. These are often misunderstood. The first is to measure the extent to which an individual may be awarded a salary increase compared with his or her peers. This is the reward review component. The second purpose of an appraisal is to identify any training needs and, if appropriate, to provide training and development to enable an individual to help the organisation to achieve its objectives. This is the performance review component. Finally, appraisals are also important to aid an individual's career development by attempting to predict work that the individual may be capable of in the future. This is the potential review component
  • 32. The employee is not the only beneficiary - the organisation benefits through identifying employees for promotion, noting areas for individual improvement, and by using the system as a basis for human resource planning. EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION/INVOLVEMENT This goal can be achieve by various methods such as; 1) PROJECT TEAM: employee take lead of the project with reasonable level of authority delegate to him while retaining control. 2) SUGGESTION SCHEMES: where employee are given channels to suggest ideas for any problem. 3) CONSULTATION: where employee encourage to share new ideas. 4) MULTI LEVEL DECISION MAKING: where decision not only taken on upward level but they also result from many direction such as downward to upward. LEADERSHIP STYLES Autocratic style, where the manager suggests ideas and asks for comments (the tells and talks approach),
  • 33. Manager presents outline ideas, seeks comments and amends the ideas accordingly The consults approach the consult approach provide employees some form of involvement in decision making which enhance their morale and motivate them they feel empower to decide about their work and work style. Involves approach which allows employees to discuss the issue and make a decision (the delegates approach). Environmental differences Environmental differences between countries have to be taken into account in managing globally. As described by Gerhart and Fang (2005), these include ‘differences in the centrality of markets, institutions, regulations, collective bargaining and labour-force characteristics’. For example: in Western Europe, collective bargaining coverage is much higher than in countries like the United States, Canada and Japan. Works councils are mandated by law in
  • 34. Western European countries like Germany, but not in Japan or the United States. In China, Eastern Europe and Mexico, labour costs are significantly lower than in Western Europe, Japan and the United france If the bonus is linked to targets, such targets can be fixed unilaterally by the employer as those targets are doable and known by the employee since the beginning of the evaluation period. Indeed, the bonus calculation formula should be defined in advance in order to enable employees to verify the good payment of the compensation. Targets should be written in French.
  • 35. REFERENCE  Armstrong, M. (2012). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice, 12th edition. London, U.K.: Kogan Page.  Provo, J. (2000). Measuring Human Capital. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 2(1), pp.76-90. , (2015). Employee Involvement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 01 Jan. 2015].  [online] Available at: cultures[Accessed 17 Nov. 2015].  [online] Available at different-cultures-perceive-effective-leadership-2996[Accessed 01 Jan. 2015].  [online] Available at
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