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Elements Of A Semantic Approach To Film Genre
How is a genre picked for a film? There are many theorists and critics that judge the films and
voice an option and eventual a genre is picked for the movies. There are many different kinds of
genres, however, todays focus is on the genre type fantasy. What in a fantasy film makes it a
fantasy genre? This paper will break down what a film genre truly is, explain how costume design
can effect viewers, and describe the key elements of a film in detail to determine what makes it a
fantasy genre.
The word genre refers to a type or category of designated motion picture productions. In other
words, a genre serves as an upfront guarantee that the audience can expect to find a certain
emotional appeal in that film. This allows the viewer to positively know they will get to see similar
kinds of films that they prefer to view. In the article, A Semantic/Syntactic Approach toFilm Genre,
lists some key elements, "[...] we can as a whole distinguish between generic definitions which
depend on a list of common traits, attitudes, characters, shots, locations, sets, and the like[...]", (page
10). Here is another explanation from the book, American Cinema/American Culture by John
Belton, express in more detail, "Films that belong to a specific genre draw from a fairly fixed body
of character and story types, setting and situations, costumes and props, thematic concerns and visual
iconography, and conventions that are shared by other films in that particular genre." (page 124).
The book and
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Violence In Films Essay
Violence In Films
In this essay I am going to compare 3 scenes of violence from 3 different genres and analyse their
certifications and effects on young people and whether children are finding ways of viewing
secretly, or are being allowed to see, too much violence in films, T.V or through any other median.
There has always been violence in films, and there has always been public debate along with it, but
as the violence becomes more shocking and more accessible to young people is violence in films
becoming more of an issue?
Or are we becoming less easily shocked and therefore less worried about violence in films and its
effect on young people?
Is violence less shocking when it more content...
He then, along with Trinity, takes on the agents whilst cart wheeling and leaping stylishly.
Everything suggests that it is all very easy for him. We see him shooting with 2 hands whilst rolling
to avoid shots aimed at him. They both come out unscathed and not even out of breath and both keep
an "ice–cool" persona throughout the scene.
"Saving Private Ryan" certificate 15 was made in1999 and was directed by Steven Spielberg and stars
Tom Hanks and Matt Damon.
In the opening scenes we see American soldiers coming into land on a cargo ship. There is no
music and all you can hear is the sound of gunfire and the last screams of dieing men. You see the
men on the ship in a realistic light; they are terrified. Their hands are shaking, their whole bodies
are shivering and the viewer feels a real sense of tension. When we first see Hanks we just see his
shaking hand, his apprehension embodied, and although he is the hero in this film we are seeing
him in a human light. As the camera pulls away from Hanks we see men being physically sick
and crying. As the front of the transporter goes down people are immediately being shot and blood
is going everywhere. The camera used is simple and it looks as though the person filming was just
someone ordinary that was there, it gives a documentary type of feel. It does not try to
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The History of Film Essay
A major change that has occurred in the development of film is the linearity of narrative. The history
of film spans over one hundred years ago, with classical narrative emerging in Hollywood around the
nineteen thirties. The classical narrative period had a strong emphasis on linearity and coherence,
where characters where goal centred and consistent in personality and action. In the nineteen sixties a
change began to emerge in Hollywood, with Breathless (Jean–Luc Godard, 1960) breaking the
editing rules, and narrative coherence, with the introduction of jump cuts. This film among others
greatly contributed to the outburst of non–linear narratives, a narrative technique wherein events are
portrayed out of chronological order. In more content...
Rather than accepting the outlined narrative, as with classical narrative, the unpredictability and
shifting structure of non–linear narrative forces the viewer to question and evaluate the sequence of
Sudden shifts in scenes or stories keep the viewers concentration. Media, for example news
headlines and YouTube, provide bursts of information in a very short period oftime. When browsing
the internet, the twenty–first century has become accustomed to skimming, and flipping between
different matter. As we have become accustom to Medias influences, our desire to concentrate on
one subject for a long period of time is diminishing. This has contributed to the popularity of
non–linear films in the twenty–first century as many people are finding the suspense more pleasing
than the classical narrative structure. This shifting of structure can also greatly help to portray how
we remember things.
Memory is our ability to store, retain and recall information and experiences. As memories are not
always accurate and different points of view can lead to different interpretation of situations, stories
are often complicated and therefore can be difficult to portray in a linear fashion. Non–linear
narratives, especially perceptible in thriller or detective films, provide bursts of memories, and
previously accumulated emotions, in order to place the viewer in the characters
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Film As An Art Form
1922 saw the transformation to official statehood of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic – shortly
after, this also served as a catalyst for Soviet cinema. Highly censored even after Stalin 's death,
Soviet cinema was seen as a communist propaganda tool, despite its lack of funding during its initial
commencement period. The popularity of imported and old Russian films in cinemas soon
increased, paving the way for emerging Soviet directors to produce new films.
This movement, although censored by the government, wanted to be free to experiment with film as
an art form. A method of this was viewing editing as a tool instead of a necessity. BothSergei
Eisenstein and Vsevolod Pudovkin are key directors and theorists of the Soviet film industry who
used the freedom of editing to create new exciting theories of montage which have been
implemented globally. The adoption of such theories drastically changed the state of Soviet cinema.
Eisenstein primarily examined montages to evoke emotion whilst Pudovkin focused more on
creating meaning and impression; neither had been done before. Their theories, although different
when analysed, do hold certain similarities.
Through production of his own films and his essays, Sergei Eisenstein (1898–1948) developed
theories on montage; this practice was considered as 'methods of montage ' (Goodwin, 1993:116).
This consisted of five main devices, which can be rendered as implements in montages; Metric,
Rhythmic, Tonal, Overtonal and
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Theme and Technique in Films
Films are about some topics or themes and involve different types of characters. Many filmmakers
use a variety of techniques to convey their messages. The choice on the type of the techniques
depends on the theme of the film and how effective the filmmakers want to communicate their ideas.
This essay aims at illuminating theme and technique in films basing its argument on Alfred
Hitchcock's movies; Notorious movie, Rope, and Strangers on the Train. Alfred Hitchcock was a
director of movies and his place in the film studies is unrivalled. He is famously known due to his
brilliant plots, witty dialogue, and his ability to tell stories visually. This unique ability brought a
new revolution in the film industry that made him become a more content...
However, Guy and Anne manage to stop him and reveal the truth to the police. Apparently, the
three movies feature the theme of murder in the society. In the movie 'Rope', Brandon and Philip
reveal their obsession with murder. They see the act as a way of expressing superiority and
autonomy. Before the act, they had listened to Rupert speech who advocated the murder as a
solution to some social problems such as employment and poverty. They take these words
literally and execute the murder. Rupert was a follower of Neitzsche and Ubermenschen theories
of murderer (Denzin 2008). Alfred Hitchcock seems to direct camera at Brandon, who imagines
how murder could be executed and then goes ahead to do that. Alfred Hitchcock communicates
the theme of murder in a different way in the movie 'Strangers on a train'. Brumo meets with Guy,
and he convinces him to murder Brumo's father and in return Brumo will kill Mariam. Brumo
goes ahead and murders Mariam. He demands the same for Guy. In the Morton Party, Brumo does
not only discuss murder but also demonstrate on Cunningham's neck (Denzin 2008). The theme of
murder is also evident in the movie 'Notorious'. After discovering that Alicia is a spy who is
investigating their group, Sabastian plans to murder her silently. Sabastian is already in love with
Alicia. However, after his discovery that Alicia was a spy, he is ready to poison her so that he does
go against the group. At last, he
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film crime Essay
Film genres are categories, classifications or groups of films that have a similar, familiar or instantly
recognizable patterns, techniques or conventions that include one or more of the following: setting,
content, themes, plot, motifs, styles, structures, situations, characters, and stars ( and
notes). There are many categories of film genre. These categories can cover practically any film
ever made by man, although film categories can never be precise. By isolating the various elements
in a film and categorizing them in genres, it is possible to easily evaluate a film within its genre and
allow for meaningful comparisons and some judgements on greatness. Some genres are considered
period–specific, occurring primarily in more content...
An urban wolf can equally well be killer or detective, warden or prisoner. They all speak the same
discursive language (Baxter 7). Crime films are often set in a large, crowded city. Exotic locals for
crimes often add an element of adventure and wealth. Writers
dreamed up appropriate gangland jargon for the tales, such as "tommyguns."(Ebscohost)
Film technique of these films showed a more graphic representation of moods and ambiance due to
the light and camera effects, as often seen previously in the Expressionist cinema of pre–war
Germany. During the end of the thirties, the influx of European cinema technicians, writers and
directors into the USA was bringing Hollywood a fresh set of approaches to cinema as a technique
and as an art form. (
Another influence on gangster films was the French cinema of the thirties. French directors had more
freedom and were generally more concerned with the artistic rendition of filming in their scripts
( Often they compensated for their lack of financial means by improvisation and
creativity. Also, the "contestataire" stand taken by the plots of French films, with the very existential
approach of the characters, had a strong influence on the development of gangster film in the USA..
Crime in America was an important vice, too. Many migrants
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My Greatest Movies Essay
There are remarkably multiple amazing movies to choose from.If I had to pick 10 of the greatest
films of all time they would include suspense and action. The list of movies that I have picked out
are in my opinion the greatest films of all time. In the cinema, there are hundreds and hundreds of
memorable moments and scenes from many films. The reason behind this is because the ten movies
that I have picked out have compelled me to ''relive'' the moment. Therefore they give me a memory
that I will hold on to.
If a movie changes you mine it's not because of your reasoning it's because of your emotions that
you feel towards the movie. My 10 greatest films must be films that fascinate me and pull me in
quickly. They need to embezzle my attention and keep me entertained at all times.
Therefore my 10 greatest films are:
1) Moana
After seeing this movie multiple times, this movie is by far my favorite film. It's not because it is a
disney film or even a kids movie it's because all the elements in this movie was well executed. The
animation of this film was done beautifully and done with great detail. In the film you can tell how
much time and effort was put in and how the animators took the time to work on each section of
the movie. The soundtrack of moana was beautifully written and composed. Another reason that
moana is my number one movie is because she is not a princess. In the movie she is trained to be
the chief and wants be for her island and her people.In addition to that the characters in the film that
we encounter are very compelling. We watch them change, and grow and react throughout the
movie. Lastly, the story was very strong Moana had conflicts, and goals and knew how to overcome
the conflicts to get to her goals.
2) The Hunger Games
One of the main reasons why I chose The Hunger Games as my second choice is because it is a
very intense and suspenseful movie. In this film what I really liked was that there was love, loss
and explosion. You never knew what was going to happen which I enjoyed because I knew it was
going to be a very superb movie. The actors and actresses in this movie were picked out
marvelously. Each character in this movie played their part as if the Hunger Games existed. The
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Essay on Film Making
Film Making
Film production phases
Film production is the process of making a film starting from the story or idea through scriptwriting,
shooting to the distribution of the movie to the audience. There are four main phases involved in
film making.
Development phase
In the development phase, the film is written from the story (Cones, p. 195). The story may come
from a book, a play, another film or an original idea developed by the film producer. During the
development of the film, the film producer works in corroboration with the film writers to develop
the film message and a theme of the message. They then prepare a synopsis of the film. The film
producer and the writers then prepare a step outline of the film that break the more
It is aimed at making the film ready to be distributed to the viewers (Barbara and Sphor, p. 1–3). In
this phase, the production scripts and items are assembled to make a complete movie. According to
Barbara and Sphor (2002), activities involved in the post–production phase include film processing
and printing. Moreover, the pictures and the sound are synchronized in the post–production phase,
and an assemblage created. After the movie has been completed, it is then ready to be distributed to
the viewers.
Narrative films
According to Pramaggiore and Wallis (p. 8), narrative films produce comedy or tragedy. Therefore,
in narrative films, viewers expect the stories of human actors that produce comedy or tragedy due
to circumstances. According to Pramaggiore and Wallis (p. 8), viewers of narrative films would
expect to see stories about people who in the attempt to achieve certain objectives or goals undergo
through various obstacles on their way.
This is a term used in film production and that is concerned with the way the story is told in a film
(Gibbs, p. 5–10). As such it refers to all the elements of visual styles used in the film.
Mise–en–scene refers to all components of the film composition including the film composition, film
framing, camera and character movement, film lighting as well as the sound used in the film
Three important attributes of the image of a film shot
One of the
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Comparing Two Films Essay
Scream Factory's double feature Blu–ray releases are a great way to enjoy two movies for a fraction
of the price (unless you're buying from Amazon Canada, in which case you pay double the price).
Their latest double feature release is probably one of the better double features lately, giving us two
highly enjoyable movies by the way of Destroyer and Edge of Sanity. The Blu–ray itself doesn't
feature any special features save for a trailer, but the movies entertainment values more than make
up for any features that are lacking. With that being said, let's continue on and see what the two
films are all about... Destroyer First up is the slasher film Destroyer, starring the muscled up Lyle
Alzado as Ivan Moser, the psychotic killer on the loose in a dilapidated prison. A film crew is
shooting a women's prison film at the old abandoned prison, and before you can scream shower
scene, Moser is wreaking havoc on the crew. Years early, Ivan Moser's death sentence didn't go
exactly as planned and he has been living inside of the prison for all of these years. It isn't until
writer David Harris (Clayton Rohner – April Fool's Day) comes up with the idea of shooting a
movie in the prison, that Moser comes out of his slumber. It's more content...
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the film takes the story you thought you knew and throws in a few twists
and turns along the way. The biggest, of course, is the inclusion of tying in the Jack the Ripper
murders with the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde story. Another interesting idea is that whenever Mr. Hyde
is around, the movie serves up this alternate reality London, full of prostitutes with crazy makeup
and '80s style clothing and so much sexuality, the film is bursting at the seams. Honestly, you
haven't lived until you've seen Mr. Perkins looking like a goth wannabe and masturbating in the
corner while a topless chick high on opium is gyrating on top of a man with one eyebrow painted
black, who is also high on
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Why Comedy Movies Are So Great Essay
There are many forms of expression inside of everybody; however the most common form is
laughter. The sound of laughter can be heard all around the worlds every second, it helps us relieve
stress and makes us feel better about ourselves. Comedy movies play such an important role in
helping us laugh. There are many forms of movies out there today. In spite of the recent incline in
action and horror movies today, comedy movies has always been my number one choice because it
gives people an opportunity to look at humor in life, it usually has a pointless, useless moral that
we can relate to, and it allows you to look at things in a new light and possibly expand your horizon
to become a more optimistic more content...
Many of the morals in a comedy movie can relate to us; however, it usually is a moral that is just
useless facts that we don't need in our daily life. In the movie, Me, Myself, and Irene is an
example of a moral that we can relate to but really don't need. In the beginning of the movie the
character has found the love of his life, they get married and live a happy life until his wife finds
another guy and they get divorced. At the end of the movie the main character finds another girl
he really likes and was going to let her walk out of his life, until he realizes he is not going to be
happy without her and stops her from leaving. The moral in the movie was that you shouldn't let a
loved one go by without telling that person your feelings. We can relate to this but it wont be of
value in our daily life.
Comedy movies can educate us and make us change into a different person as well. It allows us to
look at things in a new light and possibly expand your horizon to become a more optimistic person.
The term optimistic means a person who has a positive outlook in life. Not many comedies has this
characteristic in their movies; however, one movie that does is Dumb and dumber. Both the
characters were stupid, so they took something a person would say and take it very literally.
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Crime Films Essay
Crime Films
When looking at the crime film it is important to understand the nature of the films genre. The
genre is a way for the audience to distinguish types of films. These are categorised together because
of standard protocols developed for a particular types or styles of film. These films usually follow
similar guidelines in order to produce a predictable style for the audience. The development of
genre films is not entirely the prerogative of Hollywood. It is more the desire of the public
viewing audience to have an idea of the type of film they are about to see. The western, musical or
the gangster film are examples of genre films. These categories of films all have similarities in the
ways in which they are made: musicals more content...
Tony, the principal character, exhibits personality characteristics found in every persons life which
normally must be kept hidden. People appreciate the fact that Tony has the guts to do what he
wants and at the same time gets the respect that he feel he deserves. Every mans dream, and on top
of that he gets paid. There is always a fascination when money and power is involved.
The character is portrayed through the majority of the film to be worry free, on top of the world,
healthy, respected, and loved. The major problems presented to Tony through the earlier portions of
the film are those just like any common man: arguments with his mother and sister; family disputes;
and overzealous protection of his sister. In presenting the life and times of
Camonte, the viewer sees problems that might also be present in his/her own life and can therefor
relate well to them. Being able to emulate the life of the film character enables the viewer to feel
sympathy or compassion. If the viewer can relate, he can then justify or understand the actions of the
The audience is lead into the hands of Tony and the sympathy lies with his expression of emotion.
A man whose ruthless desire to be on top enabled him to kill one of his better friends and sisters
lover remains capable of showing remorse or fear of being alone. This is how we are able to
suddenly feel for him. He's tough: a mans man. You have to like him. The character of Tony
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Historical Accuracy in Films Essay
Historically accurate movies that are also captivating have an immense burden to meet. To capture
the essence of the time through a personal story that captivates movie executives who regularly
make movies with Steven Seagall and Bruce Willis seems an almost insurmountable task. But
difficulties in sales aside, there are two crucial elements for movies about history to be the most
effective they can be. These elements are historical accuracy in a personal story, and a sense of hope.
<br><br>Historical accuracy does not mean trying to encompass everything that happened in a
particular time period. Rather, it requires a story that highlights key elements of the period involved
while containing nothing that could never have happened in more content...
He has essentially risen from the dead life of being a slave to the land of the free, where the horses
run as free as men. <u>The Last Supper</u> is a successful film on both emotional and intellectual
levels because it panders to the heart with a personal incident and gives the mind hope to
ponder.<br><br><u>Amistad</u> desperately wants to be as important in American culture as
<u>The Last Supper</u> is in Cuban culture. Even though that success was not attained, it is still a
very powerful historical epic. Again, the story is true, but embellished for the screen. And again, this
is not a problem, because in its embellishment it has not truly distorted the realities of slavery in
Southern society. And <u>Amistad</u>, even more than <u>The Last Supper</u>, has a very clear
level of academic entertainment. The slavery in <u>Amistad</u> is fought on a purely ideological
level. We are given a white man's court to decide the fate of the prisoners of the <u>Amistad</u>–
it's a clear picture of the interaction between Europeans and Africans. The questions Spielberg poses
are many: Should this be the proper way to handle justice on a people that do not understand or
respect the system? How is it that justice could be served in this case without making the
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Movie Analysis : Film And Film Genre Essay
There are many different types of film and film genres. A film can fit into more than one genre, but
there are some genres that are more general than others. Some examples of film genre are animated,
science fiction, documentary, comedy, and historical fiction. Within each genre, there are also
specific characteristics that help support themes and story lines within that genre. An animated
movie is a drawing, painted, or digitally created film that uses stop–frame cinematography to
simulate movement. The best example of an animated movie is Spirited Away. This film came
out in 2001 and was directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The film revolves around Chihiro, a girl who
must grow up quickly and save her parents from a spirit world. The theme of the film is that there
is both good and evil in the world and part of growing up is finding the line between good and
evil. In almost every animated film you will find a family friend theme and a fast paced story.
This is mainly because most animated films are aimed toward children and families. As a result of
this, animated films usually revolve around growing up and taking responsibility, or other themes
that will benefit children. Spirited Away is the best example of an animated movie because it is fast
paced, has great themes, and is engaging to both children and adults. When children watch Spirited
Away they will love the themes or growing up and taking responsibility and exploring the fantasy
world inside the film. Adults will also
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Comparison Of Two Films: Essay
In that paper, I will try to compare two films which are "A Birth of a Nation" directed by
D.W.Griffith and "The Bicycle Thieves" directed by De Sica. After giving the story of the films, I
will try to explain their technical features and their similarities.
A Birth of a Nation by D. W.Griffith
Griffith can be seen as the first 'modern' director, his greatest achievements being the historical epics
The Birth Of A Nation. When it was released, it was one of the longest films ever made, over three
hours in length. The prologue depicts the introduction of slavery to America in the seventeenth
century and the beginnings of the abolitionist movement. The major part of the film depicts the
events before, more content...
The mainstream picture was probably the best advertisement that the KU KLUX KLAN could have
had. The vilifying of blacks also led to the Jim Crow system. When it was portrayed in this movie
as acceptable, people in the South felt much better about doing horrible deeds to black citizens,
denying blacks their civil rights
Though the portrayal of both blacks and the KU KLUX KLAN were extremely off track, the
movie itself was an amazing work of cinema for its time. This was probably the first movie to use
hundreds of extra in a battle scene. These scenes were well crafted by the filmmaker, and while
not to the perfection of more modern films such as Braveheart, the technology and genius that the
filmmaker used rival such films. To think that the movie was released only fifty years after the
end of the Civil War makes the feat seem even more incredible. In seeing the huge battles, I did not
need sound to hear the sounds of battle in my imagination. It would have been incredible if the
movie had been made in the era where sound came into movies. Griffith deployed all the technical
experiments of his previous movies for maximum visceral effect, along with a prepared score
mixing classical music and folk tunes. With expressive close–ups, including cross–cutting, multiple
camera positions, inter–titles long shots, irises and superimposition,
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Film and video production Essay
Film and Video Production:
Becoming the Future of the Silver Screen
Every so often a movie is released with such tense anticipation and glamorous visual art that the
public is drawn to this dramatic rendition of life in the theatre. For even just two hours or so, you
are put into a different lifestyle. Action, drama or comedy it may be. We are thrust into a different
way of thinking. We are forced to learn the characters thoughts and feelings. Thehard work and
artistic skill that goes into these magnificent films is not an easy thing to mimic. Out of the
thousands of movies released worldwide each year only a handful are truly worthy of the label film
art. Most of the great movies are either produced by a multi million more content...
Even if one plans on becoming a director and not a screenwriter one needs to know what kind of
scripts to look for. This is very important for a beginning small movie director since the reader will
most likely be writing their own scripts to get some recognition. A script is a document that
outlines every aural, visual, behavioral, and lingual element required to tell a story, according to
the dictionary definition at It is crucial to remember that film is a visual
medium. One doesn't tell the audience the story, one shows them. So what one will be writing is
not a novel but more like explaining a dream on paper. One must learn to write a screenplay
visually. As famed director Darren Aronofsky said in an interview with a struggling screenwriter
trying to get published,
"Most of what one writes that doesn't work on screen will just be improvised on the movie set".
There are many important requirements for screenplays that may seem like minutia at first glance
but the format of ones script is extremely important
since it will be submitted along with hundreds of others to one producer. For example, the main font
in use in the U.S. by both publishers and the Hollywood film industry is Courier 12 pitch According
to AFI (American Film Industry) the basics of screenwriting. Though this seems unimportant, when
a publisher is looking at a manuscript he is going to look for things
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How To Analyze Films Essay
Did you know it is more to film broadcasting than just visible viewing it? The ability to analyze films
implicates closely examination of cinematography. Cinematography refers to the process in film of
lighting a shot and achieving quality in the visual images that are captured. The cinematographer in
any film is also known as the director of photography and may be either an artist or a technician. It
is this individual who is responsible for ensuring that the images appearing on screen are presented
to reflect the mood or the emotional effect and the style seen by the film director, producer, and
writer as essential to conveying its meaning. The director of photography works closely with the
director and interprets the action of more content...
(Boggs & Petrie p. 9) One aspect of eliminating impartiality is to view a film in its proper
environment. Try selecting an environment that is attractive and comfortable; preferably a theater
with modern stadium seating and the upmost quality projection and audio sound equipment. As
comfort and sound plays an immense role in how well we appreciate an experience. While viewing
films try to restrain your comments and thoughts. Take mental notes and discuss them at a later time
with others who shared your cinematic journey. As restraining your comments and thoughts avoid
passing bias and negative viewpoint onto others.
The basic approach to analyzing films as a whole is to keep in mind that when we are watching a
film we cannot freeze for analysis. We have to concentrate on the interactions of image, sound, and
motion that are present. In addition we have to accumulate impressions of the film effectiveness and
maintain some degree of objectivity and critical detachment. Viewing films more than once usually
help our analysis becomes easier. Another asset is to view in selective screen segments that
exemplify the purpose and the interrelationship. Regardless of which option: single–viewing,
double–viewing, or breaking the film into segments, one can virtually use the same
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Thesis On Film And Architecture
Film and Architecture
Film and architecture are similar. Both involve space, movement and time. Architecture is one of the
great hinges on which the world of the film turns. Architecture and film are works of art, but they
also inspire creative art practices.
Space and time can be related to each other beautifully when it comes to Film and Architecture. They
both engage the viewer, one by projecting moving images while the viewer is still, the other by
being still while the viewer moves. Both architecture and film play an important role in influencing
how we physically and imaginatively interact with the world around us.
This thesis intends to investigate the interplay of film and architecture by following two paths.
The first more content...
It is mostly used as a backdrop or a prop to support the main action. The use of architecture in film is
a spatial perception of physical space either using real space or designed spaces (Film set).
This thesis intends to showcase the process and techniques through which a film is created and the
potential to provide theories that can be reincorporated into architectural design.
This thesis intends to establish a program for both film creation and display.
This thesis intends to investigate films through the questions,
What is filmed?
How the medium of film achieved the manipulation of space?
How can these film techniques can be reincorporated into architectural design?
This project intends to deal with the proposal of film creation and display
This thesis aims to
How the medium of film achieves the manipulation of space?
Is there a way that film techniques can be reincorporated into architectural practice?
What are the concerns related to selection of the
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My Favorite Movie Essay
Every person can relate to being asked the question: "What's your favorite movie?". Most of the
time this is a very tricky question for people to answer, simply because there are so many viable
options to chose from. Strangely enough, if you were to ask a movie director or producer what
their favorite films are, they'd give you a straightforward and honest answer consisting of only one
or a few different titles that come to mind. As strange as it sounds, directors who have grown up or
become accustomed to the Film Industry usually have strong set opinions and perspectives that tend
to reflect in their own projects and exploits, even though they are continually surrounded by all sorts
of inspirations and potential influencers. Contrary to what you might expect, these directors, editors,
producers, and creators tend to remain very set in their ways and adapt their works into forms of
reflectives stemming from their everyday perspective. My own aunt, Devin Adair, has worked in the
film industry for nearly two decades, during which she has spent time in commercial, television,
independent and studio film markets, finally chasing her own dream of creating her own
masterpiece of film. Her, like many before, came into the industry bright–eyed and hopeful, awaiting
the great and many potential opportunities. But she came to realize that the road leading there would
have many twists and turns, each producing more and more speed bumps along the way. Her story
is one of battling
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Foreign Films Vs. Local Films Essay
Nowadays, most of the Malaysians prefer to watch foreign films than the local films. This can be
seen by the number of ticket sold in cinema for the foreign films are higher than the local films
same as the DVD's. If both the foreign films and local films are compared, there will be many
things that the local films lack of. Lijialong (2014) posted that Rosnan, Ismail & Daud 2007
mentioned that there is a small number of audiences which has a total approximately 5.29 million
in 2008 out of 28 million, according to the data shown in a graph from an article. This is proving
that foreign films are more preferred by the Malaysians than the local films. Many of Malaysian
thinks that the foreign films are far better compared to the local films based on their storyline, actors
and technologies. The foreign films have more attractive and good storyline, talented actors and their
technologies also are more modern.
The storyline of foreign films are more attractive than the local films. Most of the local films
have the same storyline especially for genre like love, horror and action. The ending of the films
are also almost the same. Besides that, most of the local films do not give any good moral value
especially for the kids. This can give bad effects for the kids who will lead the country in the future.
Farahanim (2014) written that Dov S–S Simens, professional film instructor, has opined that
Malaysia's film industry is still weak, judging by the local films he had
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Importance Of Short Films
Short films are a form of visual media that portray a message or story in a shorter amount of time as
other forms of media such as feature films. The length of a short film can vary from 2 to 40 minutes,
although most short films maintain a time under ten minutes. This is enough time to introduce and
conclude a simple idea in a complex visual format while still holding the audience's attention. I use
short films as; a form of entertainment, an organisation advantage and a mindful activity. A good
short film should able to provoke the same emotions as a feature film in a smaller amount of time.
This is especially helpful during times where I find myself with less free time.
The reason in which a short film is made, often gives it's certain characteristics, that separate short
films into smaller sub categories. Short films by filmmakers who look to turn their idea into a
feature length film, often leave their stories open ended and the plot slightly vague. This is to
appeal to investors as the main audience. Filmmakers who make films as a hobby often put more
detail into the story and characters of their short films, these short films often invoke the most
emotion in audiences, as the target audience isn't investors but people looking to enjoy a well made
short film. These films made for an audience are the short films that I enjoy most and find myself
interacting more with.
I, like most audiences, watch short films under the ten minute mark, as the stories are often simple
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Films Essay

  • 1. Elements Of A Semantic Approach To Film Genre How is a genre picked for a film? There are many theorists and critics that judge the films and voice an option and eventual a genre is picked for the movies. There are many different kinds of genres, however, todays focus is on the genre type fantasy. What in a fantasy film makes it a fantasy genre? This paper will break down what a film genre truly is, explain how costume design can effect viewers, and describe the key elements of a film in detail to determine what makes it a fantasy genre. The word genre refers to a type or category of designated motion picture productions. In other words, a genre serves as an upfront guarantee that the audience can expect to find a certain emotional appeal in that film. This allows the viewer to positively know they will get to see similar kinds of films that they prefer to view. In the article, A Semantic/Syntactic Approach toFilm Genre, lists some key elements, "[...] we can as a whole distinguish between generic definitions which depend on a list of common traits, attitudes, characters, shots, locations, sets, and the like[...]", (page 10). Here is another explanation from the book, American Cinema/American Culture by John Belton, express in more detail, "Films that belong to a specific genre draw from a fairly fixed body of character and story types, setting and situations, costumes and props, thematic concerns and visual iconography, and conventions that are shared by other films in that particular genre." (page 124). The book and Get more content on
  • 2. Violence In Films Essay Violence In Films In this essay I am going to compare 3 scenes of violence from 3 different genres and analyse their certifications and effects on young people and whether children are finding ways of viewing secretly, or are being allowed to see, too much violence in films, T.V or through any other median. There has always been violence in films, and there has always been public debate along with it, but as the violence becomes more shocking and more accessible to young people is violence in films becoming more of an issue? Or are we becoming less easily shocked and therefore less worried about violence in films and its effect on young people? Is violence less shocking when it more content... He then, along with Trinity, takes on the agents whilst cart wheeling and leaping stylishly. Everything suggests that it is all very easy for him. We see him shooting with 2 hands whilst rolling to avoid shots aimed at him. They both come out unscathed and not even out of breath and both keep an "ice–cool" persona throughout the scene. "Saving Private Ryan" certificate 15 was made in1999 and was directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Tom Hanks and Matt Damon. In the opening scenes we see American soldiers coming into land on a cargo ship. There is no music and all you can hear is the sound of gunfire and the last screams of dieing men. You see the men on the ship in a realistic light; they are terrified. Their hands are shaking, their whole bodies are shivering and the viewer feels a real sense of tension. When we first see Hanks we just see his shaking hand, his apprehension embodied, and although he is the hero in this film we are seeing him in a human light. As the camera pulls away from Hanks we see men being physically sick and crying. As the front of the transporter goes down people are immediately being shot and blood is going everywhere. The camera used is simple and it looks as though the person filming was just someone ordinary that was there, it gives a documentary type of feel. It does not try to Get more content on
  • 3. The History of Film Essay A major change that has occurred in the development of film is the linearity of narrative. The history of film spans over one hundred years ago, with classical narrative emerging in Hollywood around the nineteen thirties. The classical narrative period had a strong emphasis on linearity and coherence, where characters where goal centred and consistent in personality and action. In the nineteen sixties a change began to emerge in Hollywood, with Breathless (Jean–Luc Godard, 1960) breaking the editing rules, and narrative coherence, with the introduction of jump cuts. This film among others greatly contributed to the outburst of non–linear narratives, a narrative technique wherein events are portrayed out of chronological order. In more content... Rather than accepting the outlined narrative, as with classical narrative, the unpredictability and shifting structure of non–linear narrative forces the viewer to question and evaluate the sequence of events. Sudden shifts in scenes or stories keep the viewers concentration. Media, for example news headlines and YouTube, provide bursts of information in a very short period oftime. When browsing the internet, the twenty–first century has become accustomed to skimming, and flipping between different matter. As we have become accustom to Medias influences, our desire to concentrate on one subject for a long period of time is diminishing. This has contributed to the popularity of non–linear films in the twenty–first century as many people are finding the suspense more pleasing than the classical narrative structure. This shifting of structure can also greatly help to portray how we remember things. Memory is our ability to store, retain and recall information and experiences. As memories are not always accurate and different points of view can lead to different interpretation of situations, stories are often complicated and therefore can be difficult to portray in a linear fashion. Non–linear narratives, especially perceptible in thriller or detective films, provide bursts of memories, and previously accumulated emotions, in order to place the viewer in the characters Get more content on
  • 4. Film As An Art Form 1922 saw the transformation to official statehood of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic – shortly after, this also served as a catalyst for Soviet cinema. Highly censored even after Stalin 's death, Soviet cinema was seen as a communist propaganda tool, despite its lack of funding during its initial commencement period. The popularity of imported and old Russian films in cinemas soon increased, paving the way for emerging Soviet directors to produce new films. This movement, although censored by the government, wanted to be free to experiment with film as an art form. A method of this was viewing editing as a tool instead of a necessity. BothSergei Eisenstein and Vsevolod Pudovkin are key directors and theorists of the Soviet film industry who used the freedom of editing to create new exciting theories of montage which have been implemented globally. The adoption of such theories drastically changed the state of Soviet cinema. Eisenstein primarily examined montages to evoke emotion whilst Pudovkin focused more on creating meaning and impression; neither had been done before. Their theories, although different when analysed, do hold certain similarities. Through production of his own films and his essays, Sergei Eisenstein (1898–1948) developed theories on montage; this practice was considered as 'methods of montage ' (Goodwin, 1993:116). This consisted of five main devices, which can be rendered as implements in montages; Metric, Rhythmic, Tonal, Overtonal and Get more content on
  • 5. Theme and Technique in Films Films are about some topics or themes and involve different types of characters. Many filmmakers use a variety of techniques to convey their messages. The choice on the type of the techniques depends on the theme of the film and how effective the filmmakers want to communicate their ideas. This essay aims at illuminating theme and technique in films basing its argument on Alfred Hitchcock's movies; Notorious movie, Rope, and Strangers on the Train. Alfred Hitchcock was a director of movies and his place in the film studies is unrivalled. He is famously known due to his brilliant plots, witty dialogue, and his ability to tell stories visually. This unique ability brought a new revolution in the film industry that made him become a more content... However, Guy and Anne manage to stop him and reveal the truth to the police. Apparently, the three movies feature the theme of murder in the society. In the movie 'Rope', Brandon and Philip reveal their obsession with murder. They see the act as a way of expressing superiority and autonomy. Before the act, they had listened to Rupert speech who advocated the murder as a solution to some social problems such as employment and poverty. They take these words literally and execute the murder. Rupert was a follower of Neitzsche and Ubermenschen theories of murderer (Denzin 2008). Alfred Hitchcock seems to direct camera at Brandon, who imagines how murder could be executed and then goes ahead to do that. Alfred Hitchcock communicates the theme of murder in a different way in the movie 'Strangers on a train'. Brumo meets with Guy, and he convinces him to murder Brumo's father and in return Brumo will kill Mariam. Brumo goes ahead and murders Mariam. He demands the same for Guy. In the Morton Party, Brumo does not only discuss murder but also demonstrate on Cunningham's neck (Denzin 2008). The theme of murder is also evident in the movie 'Notorious'. After discovering that Alicia is a spy who is investigating their group, Sabastian plans to murder her silently. Sabastian is already in love with Alicia. However, after his discovery that Alicia was a spy, he is ready to poison her so that he does go against the group. At last, he Get more content on
  • 6. film crime Essay Film genres are categories, classifications or groups of films that have a similar, familiar or instantly recognizable patterns, techniques or conventions that include one or more of the following: setting, content, themes, plot, motifs, styles, structures, situations, characters, and stars ( and notes). There are many categories of film genre. These categories can cover practically any film ever made by man, although film categories can never be precise. By isolating the various elements in a film and categorizing them in genres, it is possible to easily evaluate a film within its genre and allow for meaningful comparisons and some judgements on greatness. Some genres are considered period–specific, occurring primarily in more content... An urban wolf can equally well be killer or detective, warden or prisoner. They all speak the same discursive language (Baxter 7). Crime films are often set in a large, crowded city. Exotic locals for crimes often add an element of adventure and wealth. Writers dreamed up appropriate gangland jargon for the tales, such as "tommyguns."(Ebscohost) Film technique of these films showed a more graphic representation of moods and ambiance due to the light and camera effects, as often seen previously in the Expressionist cinema of pre–war Germany. During the end of the thirties, the influx of European cinema technicians, writers and directors into the USA was bringing Hollywood a fresh set of approaches to cinema as a technique and as an art form. ( Another influence on gangster films was the French cinema of the thirties. French directors had more freedom and were generally more concerned with the artistic rendition of filming in their scripts ( Often they compensated for their lack of financial means by improvisation and creativity. Also, the "contestataire" stand taken by the plots of French films, with the very existential approach of the characters, had a strong influence on the development of gangster film in the USA.. ( Crime in America was an important vice, too. Many migrants Get more content on
  • 7. My Greatest Movies Essay There are remarkably multiple amazing movies to choose from.If I had to pick 10 of the greatest films of all time they would include suspense and action. The list of movies that I have picked out are in my opinion the greatest films of all time. In the cinema, there are hundreds and hundreds of memorable moments and scenes from many films. The reason behind this is because the ten movies that I have picked out have compelled me to ''relive'' the moment. Therefore they give me a memory that I will hold on to. If a movie changes you mine it's not because of your reasoning it's because of your emotions that you feel towards the movie. My 10 greatest films must be films that fascinate me and pull me in quickly. They need to embezzle my attention and keep me entertained at all times. Therefore my 10 greatest films are: 1) Moana After seeing this movie multiple times, this movie is by far my favorite film. It's not because it is a disney film or even a kids movie it's because all the elements in this movie was well executed. The animation of this film was done beautifully and done with great detail. In the film you can tell how much time and effort was put in and how the animators took the time to work on each section of the movie. The soundtrack of moana was beautifully written and composed. Another reason that moana is my number one movie is because she is not a princess. In the movie she is trained to be the chief and wants be for her island and her people.In addition to that the characters in the film that we encounter are very compelling. We watch them change, and grow and react throughout the movie. Lastly, the story was very strong Moana had conflicts, and goals and knew how to overcome the conflicts to get to her goals. 2) The Hunger Games One of the main reasons why I chose The Hunger Games as my second choice is because it is a very intense and suspenseful movie. In this film what I really liked was that there was love, loss and explosion. You never knew what was going to happen which I enjoyed because I knew it was going to be a very superb movie. The actors and actresses in this movie were picked out marvelously. Each character in this movie played their part as if the Hunger Games existed. The Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Film Making Film Making Film production phases Film production is the process of making a film starting from the story or idea through scriptwriting, shooting to the distribution of the movie to the audience. There are four main phases involved in film making. Development phase In the development phase, the film is written from the story (Cones, p. 195). The story may come from a book, a play, another film or an original idea developed by the film producer. During the development of the film, the film producer works in corroboration with the film writers to develop the film message and a theme of the message. They then prepare a synopsis of the film. The film producer and the writers then prepare a step outline of the film that break the more content... It is aimed at making the film ready to be distributed to the viewers (Barbara and Sphor, p. 1–3). In this phase, the production scripts and items are assembled to make a complete movie. According to Barbara and Sphor (2002), activities involved in the post–production phase include film processing and printing. Moreover, the pictures and the sound are synchronized in the post–production phase, and an assemblage created. After the movie has been completed, it is then ready to be distributed to the viewers. Narrative films According to Pramaggiore and Wallis (p. 8), narrative films produce comedy or tragedy. Therefore, in narrative films, viewers expect the stories of human actors that produce comedy or tragedy due to circumstances. According to Pramaggiore and Wallis (p. 8), viewers of narrative films would expect to see stories about people who in the attempt to achieve certain objectives or goals undergo through various obstacles on their way. Mise–en–scene This is a term used in film production and that is concerned with the way the story is told in a film (Gibbs, p. 5–10). As such it refers to all the elements of visual styles used in the film. Mise–en–scene refers to all components of the film composition including the film composition, film framing, camera and character movement, film lighting as well as the sound used in the film composition. Three important attributes of the image of a film shot One of the Get more content on
  • 9. Comparing Two Films Essay Scream Factory's double feature Blu–ray releases are a great way to enjoy two movies for a fraction of the price (unless you're buying from Amazon Canada, in which case you pay double the price). Their latest double feature release is probably one of the better double features lately, giving us two highly enjoyable movies by the way of Destroyer and Edge of Sanity. The Blu–ray itself doesn't feature any special features save for a trailer, but the movies entertainment values more than make up for any features that are lacking. With that being said, let's continue on and see what the two films are all about... Destroyer First up is the slasher film Destroyer, starring the muscled up Lyle Alzado as Ivan Moser, the psychotic killer on the loose in a dilapidated prison. A film crew is shooting a women's prison film at the old abandoned prison, and before you can scream shower scene, Moser is wreaking havoc on the crew. Years early, Ivan Moser's death sentence didn't go exactly as planned and he has been living inside of the prison for all of these years. It isn't until writer David Harris (Clayton Rohner – April Fool's Day) comes up with the idea of shooting a movie in the prison, that Moser comes out of his slumber. It's more content... Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the film takes the story you thought you knew and throws in a few twists and turns along the way. The biggest, of course, is the inclusion of tying in the Jack the Ripper murders with the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde story. Another interesting idea is that whenever Mr. Hyde is around, the movie serves up this alternate reality London, full of prostitutes with crazy makeup and '80s style clothing and so much sexuality, the film is bursting at the seams. Honestly, you haven't lived until you've seen Mr. Perkins looking like a goth wannabe and masturbating in the corner while a topless chick high on opium is gyrating on top of a man with one eyebrow painted black, who is also high on Get more content on
  • 10. Why Comedy Movies Are So Great Essay There are many forms of expression inside of everybody; however the most common form is laughter. The sound of laughter can be heard all around the worlds every second, it helps us relieve stress and makes us feel better about ourselves. Comedy movies play such an important role in helping us laugh. There are many forms of movies out there today. In spite of the recent incline in action and horror movies today, comedy movies has always been my number one choice because it gives people an opportunity to look at humor in life, it usually has a pointless, useless moral that we can relate to, and it allows you to look at things in a new light and possibly expand your horizon to become a more optimistic more content... Many of the morals in a comedy movie can relate to us; however, it usually is a moral that is just useless facts that we don't need in our daily life. In the movie, Me, Myself, and Irene is an example of a moral that we can relate to but really don't need. In the beginning of the movie the character has found the love of his life, they get married and live a happy life until his wife finds another guy and they get divorced. At the end of the movie the main character finds another girl he really likes and was going to let her walk out of his life, until he realizes he is not going to be happy without her and stops her from leaving. The moral in the movie was that you shouldn't let a loved one go by without telling that person your feelings. We can relate to this but it wont be of value in our daily life. Comedy movies can educate us and make us change into a different person as well. It allows us to look at things in a new light and possibly expand your horizon to become a more optimistic person. The term optimistic means a person who has a positive outlook in life. Not many comedies has this characteristic in their movies; however, one movie that does is Dumb and dumber. Both the characters were stupid, so they took something a person would say and take it very literally. Get more content on
  • 11. Crime Films Essay Crime Films When looking at the crime film it is important to understand the nature of the films genre. The genre is a way for the audience to distinguish types of films. These are categorised together because of standard protocols developed for a particular types or styles of film. These films usually follow similar guidelines in order to produce a predictable style for the audience. The development of genre films is not entirely the prerogative of Hollywood. It is more the desire of the public viewing audience to have an idea of the type of film they are about to see. The western, musical or the gangster film are examples of genre films. These categories of films all have similarities in the ways in which they are made: musicals more content... Tony, the principal character, exhibits personality characteristics found in every persons life which normally must be kept hidden. People appreciate the fact that Tony has the guts to do what he wants and at the same time gets the respect that he feel he deserves. Every mans dream, and on top of that he gets paid. There is always a fascination when money and power is involved. The character is portrayed through the majority of the film to be worry free, on top of the world, healthy, respected, and loved. The major problems presented to Tony through the earlier portions of the film are those just like any common man: arguments with his mother and sister; family disputes; and overzealous protection of his sister. In presenting the life and times of Camonte, the viewer sees problems that might also be present in his/her own life and can therefor relate well to them. Being able to emulate the life of the film character enables the viewer to feel sympathy or compassion. If the viewer can relate, he can then justify or understand the actions of the condemned. The audience is lead into the hands of Tony and the sympathy lies with his expression of emotion. A man whose ruthless desire to be on top enabled him to kill one of his better friends and sisters lover remains capable of showing remorse or fear of being alone. This is how we are able to suddenly feel for him. He's tough: a mans man. You have to like him. The character of Tony Camonte Get more content on
  • 12. Historical Accuracy in Films Essay Historically accurate movies that are also captivating have an immense burden to meet. To capture the essence of the time through a personal story that captivates movie executives who regularly make movies with Steven Seagall and Bruce Willis seems an almost insurmountable task. But difficulties in sales aside, there are two crucial elements for movies about history to be the most effective they can be. These elements are historical accuracy in a personal story, and a sense of hope. <br><br>Historical accuracy does not mean trying to encompass everything that happened in a particular time period. Rather, it requires a story that highlights key elements of the period involved while containing nothing that could never have happened in more content... He has essentially risen from the dead life of being a slave to the land of the free, where the horses run as free as men. <u>The Last Supper</u> is a successful film on both emotional and intellectual levels because it panders to the heart with a personal incident and gives the mind hope to ponder.<br><br><u>Amistad</u> desperately wants to be as important in American culture as <u>The Last Supper</u> is in Cuban culture. Even though that success was not attained, it is still a very powerful historical epic. Again, the story is true, but embellished for the screen. And again, this is not a problem, because in its embellishment it has not truly distorted the realities of slavery in Southern society. And <u>Amistad</u>, even more than <u>The Last Supper</u>, has a very clear level of academic entertainment. The slavery in <u>Amistad</u> is fought on a purely ideological level. We are given a white man's court to decide the fate of the prisoners of the <u>Amistad</u>– it's a clear picture of the interaction between Europeans and Africans. The questions Spielberg poses are many: Should this be the proper way to handle justice on a people that do not understand or respect the system? How is it that justice could be served in this case without making the Get more content on
  • 13. Movie Analysis : Film And Film Genre Essay There are many different types of film and film genres. A film can fit into more than one genre, but there are some genres that are more general than others. Some examples of film genre are animated, science fiction, documentary, comedy, and historical fiction. Within each genre, there are also specific characteristics that help support themes and story lines within that genre. An animated movie is a drawing, painted, or digitally created film that uses stop–frame cinematography to simulate movement. The best example of an animated movie is Spirited Away. This film came out in 2001 and was directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The film revolves around Chihiro, a girl who must grow up quickly and save her parents from a spirit world. The theme of the film is that there is both good and evil in the world and part of growing up is finding the line between good and evil. In almost every animated film you will find a family friend theme and a fast paced story. This is mainly because most animated films are aimed toward children and families. As a result of this, animated films usually revolve around growing up and taking responsibility, or other themes that will benefit children. Spirited Away is the best example of an animated movie because it is fast paced, has great themes, and is engaging to both children and adults. When children watch Spirited Away they will love the themes or growing up and taking responsibility and exploring the fantasy world inside the film. Adults will also Get more content on
  • 14. Comparison Of Two Films: Essay In that paper, I will try to compare two films which are "A Birth of a Nation" directed by D.W.Griffith and "The Bicycle Thieves" directed by De Sica. After giving the story of the films, I will try to explain their technical features and their similarities. A Birth of a Nation by D. W.Griffith Griffith can be seen as the first 'modern' director, his greatest achievements being the historical epics The Birth Of A Nation. When it was released, it was one of the longest films ever made, over three hours in length. The prologue depicts the introduction of slavery to America in the seventeenth century and the beginnings of the abolitionist movement. The major part of the film depicts the events before, more content... The mainstream picture was probably the best advertisement that the KU KLUX KLAN could have had. The vilifying of blacks also led to the Jim Crow system. When it was portrayed in this movie as acceptable, people in the South felt much better about doing horrible deeds to black citizens, denying blacks their civil rights Though the portrayal of both blacks and the KU KLUX KLAN were extremely off track, the movie itself was an amazing work of cinema for its time. This was probably the first movie to use hundreds of extra in a battle scene. These scenes were well crafted by the filmmaker, and while not to the perfection of more modern films such as Braveheart, the technology and genius that the filmmaker used rival such films. To think that the movie was released only fifty years after the end of the Civil War makes the feat seem even more incredible. In seeing the huge battles, I did not need sound to hear the sounds of battle in my imagination. It would have been incredible if the movie had been made in the era where sound came into movies. Griffith deployed all the technical experiments of his previous movies for maximum visceral effect, along with a prepared score mixing classical music and folk tunes. With expressive close–ups, including cross–cutting, multiple camera positions, inter–titles long shots, irises and superimposition, Get more content on
  • 15. Film and video production Essay Film and Video Production: Becoming the Future of the Silver Screen Every so often a movie is released with such tense anticipation and glamorous visual art that the public is drawn to this dramatic rendition of life in the theatre. For even just two hours or so, you are put into a different lifestyle. Action, drama or comedy it may be. We are thrust into a different way of thinking. We are forced to learn the characters thoughts and feelings. Thehard work and artistic skill that goes into these magnificent films is not an easy thing to mimic. Out of the thousands of movies released worldwide each year only a handful are truly worthy of the label film art. Most of the great movies are either produced by a multi million more content... Even if one plans on becoming a director and not a screenwriter one needs to know what kind of scripts to look for. This is very important for a beginning small movie director since the reader will most likely be writing their own scripts to get some recognition. A script is a document that outlines every aural, visual, behavioral, and lingual element required to tell a story, according to the dictionary definition at It is crucial to remember that film is a visual medium. One doesn't tell the audience the story, one shows them. So what one will be writing is not a novel but more like explaining a dream on paper. One must learn to write a screenplay visually. As famed director Darren Aronofsky said in an interview with a struggling screenwriter trying to get published, "Most of what one writes that doesn't work on screen will just be improvised on the movie set". There are many important requirements for screenplays that may seem like minutia at first glance but the format of ones script is extremely important since it will be submitted along with hundreds of others to one producer. For example, the main font in use in the U.S. by both publishers and the Hollywood film industry is Courier 12 pitch According to AFI (American Film Industry) the basics of screenwriting. Though this seems unimportant, when a publisher is looking at a manuscript he is going to look for things Get more content on
  • 16. How To Analyze Films Essay Did you know it is more to film broadcasting than just visible viewing it? The ability to analyze films implicates closely examination of cinematography. Cinematography refers to the process in film of lighting a shot and achieving quality in the visual images that are captured. The cinematographer in any film is also known as the director of photography and may be either an artist or a technician. It is this individual who is responsible for ensuring that the images appearing on screen are presented to reflect the mood or the emotional effect and the style seen by the film director, producer, and writer as essential to conveying its meaning. The director of photography works closely with the director and interprets the action of more content... (Boggs & Petrie p. 9) One aspect of eliminating impartiality is to view a film in its proper environment. Try selecting an environment that is attractive and comfortable; preferably a theater with modern stadium seating and the upmost quality projection and audio sound equipment. As comfort and sound plays an immense role in how well we appreciate an experience. While viewing films try to restrain your comments and thoughts. Take mental notes and discuss them at a later time with others who shared your cinematic journey. As restraining your comments and thoughts avoid passing bias and negative viewpoint onto others. The basic approach to analyzing films as a whole is to keep in mind that when we are watching a film we cannot freeze for analysis. We have to concentrate on the interactions of image, sound, and motion that are present. In addition we have to accumulate impressions of the film effectiveness and maintain some degree of objectivity and critical detachment. Viewing films more than once usually help our analysis becomes easier. Another asset is to view in selective screen segments that exemplify the purpose and the interrelationship. Regardless of which option: single–viewing, double–viewing, or breaking the film into segments, one can virtually use the same Get more content on
  • 17. Thesis On Film And Architecture Film and Architecture ABSTRACT: Film and architecture are similar. Both involve space, movement and time. Architecture is one of the great hinges on which the world of the film turns. Architecture and film are works of art, but they also inspire creative art practices. Space and time can be related to each other beautifully when it comes to Film and Architecture. They both engage the viewer, one by projecting moving images while the viewer is still, the other by being still while the viewer moves. Both architecture and film play an important role in influencing how we physically and imaginatively interact with the world around us. This thesis intends to investigate the interplay of film and architecture by following two paths. The first more content... It is mostly used as a backdrop or a prop to support the main action. The use of architecture in film is a spatial perception of physical space either using real space or designed spaces (Film set). INTENTIONS: This thesis intends to showcase the process and techniques through which a film is created and the potential to provide theories that can be reincorporated into architectural design. This thesis intends to establish a program for both film creation and display. This thesis intends to investigate films through the questions, What is filmed? How the medium of film achieved the manipulation of space? How can these film techniques can be reincorporated into architectural design? SITE: This project intends to deal with the proposal of film creation and display GOALS & OBJECTIVES: This thesis aims to RESEARCH QUESTIONS: How the medium of film achieves the manipulation of space? Is there a way that film techniques can be reincorporated into architectural practice? What are the concerns related to selection of the Get more content on
  • 18. My Favorite Movie Essay Every person can relate to being asked the question: "What's your favorite movie?". Most of the time this is a very tricky question for people to answer, simply because there are so many viable options to chose from. Strangely enough, if you were to ask a movie director or producer what their favorite films are, they'd give you a straightforward and honest answer consisting of only one or a few different titles that come to mind. As strange as it sounds, directors who have grown up or become accustomed to the Film Industry usually have strong set opinions and perspectives that tend to reflect in their own projects and exploits, even though they are continually surrounded by all sorts of inspirations and potential influencers. Contrary to what you might expect, these directors, editors, producers, and creators tend to remain very set in their ways and adapt their works into forms of reflectives stemming from their everyday perspective. My own aunt, Devin Adair, has worked in the film industry for nearly two decades, during which she has spent time in commercial, television, independent and studio film markets, finally chasing her own dream of creating her own masterpiece of film. Her, like many before, came into the industry bright–eyed and hopeful, awaiting the great and many potential opportunities. But she came to realize that the road leading there would have many twists and turns, each producing more and more speed bumps along the way. Her story is one of battling Get more content on
  • 19. Foreign Films Vs. Local Films Essay Nowadays, most of the Malaysians prefer to watch foreign films than the local films. This can be seen by the number of ticket sold in cinema for the foreign films are higher than the local films same as the DVD's. If both the foreign films and local films are compared, there will be many things that the local films lack of. Lijialong (2014) posted that Rosnan, Ismail & Daud 2007 mentioned that there is a small number of audiences which has a total approximately 5.29 million in 2008 out of 28 million, according to the data shown in a graph from an article. This is proving that foreign films are more preferred by the Malaysians than the local films. Many of Malaysian thinks that the foreign films are far better compared to the local films based on their storyline, actors and technologies. The foreign films have more attractive and good storyline, talented actors and their technologies also are more modern. The storyline of foreign films are more attractive than the local films. Most of the local films have the same storyline especially for genre like love, horror and action. The ending of the films are also almost the same. Besides that, most of the local films do not give any good moral value especially for the kids. This can give bad effects for the kids who will lead the country in the future. Farahanim (2014) written that Dov S–S Simens, professional film instructor, has opined that Malaysia's film industry is still weak, judging by the local films he had Get more content on
  • 20. Importance Of Short Films Short films are a form of visual media that portray a message or story in a shorter amount of time as other forms of media such as feature films. The length of a short film can vary from 2 to 40 minutes, although most short films maintain a time under ten minutes. This is enough time to introduce and conclude a simple idea in a complex visual format while still holding the audience's attention. I use short films as; a form of entertainment, an organisation advantage and a mindful activity. A good short film should able to provoke the same emotions as a feature film in a smaller amount of time. This is especially helpful during times where I find myself with less free time. The reason in which a short film is made, often gives it's certain characteristics, that separate short films into smaller sub categories. Short films by filmmakers who look to turn their idea into a feature length film, often leave their stories open ended and the plot slightly vague. This is to appeal to investors as the main audience. Filmmakers who make films as a hobby often put more detail into the story and characters of their short films, these short films often invoke the most emotion in audiences, as the target audience isn't investors but people looking to enjoy a well made short film. These films made for an audience are the short films that I enjoy most and find myself interacting more with. I, like most audiences, watch short films under the ten minute mark, as the stories are often simple Get more content on