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Squad Leader’s FTX

                     Seabees attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion
                     (NMCB) 5 conducted a patrol at Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif. Janu-
                     ary 13, 2011. NMCB 5 squad leaders participated in a two-week
                     long squad leader’s field training exercise (FTX) that helped
                     teach small unit leadership and combat skills. (U.S. Navy photo
                     by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ace Rheaume)
CO’s Note                                                                                  Squad Leader’s FTX
                                  NAVAL MOBILE CONSTRUCTION BATTALION FIVE
                                                 Naval Base Ventura County

                                   To the Professionals of Five!
                                   	      Oorah	Professionals!	It’s	hard	to	believe	
                                   we	are	already	four	months	into	homeport.		You	
                                   have	done	a	fantastic	job	transitioning	from	high	
                                   optempo	deployment	operations	to	the	extremely	
                                   busy	homeport	training	cycle.		Despite	the	pace	you	
                                   have	accomplished	much,	while	still	maintaining	
                                   a	keen	focus	on	safety	and	Caring	for	one	another.	
                                   You	continue	to	lead	the	NCF	with	the	best	military	
                                   bearing	and	conduct.		Your	strong	Character	and	
                                   discipline	shows	and	is	worthy	of	Honor.	
                                   	      Phenomenal	small	units	leaders	have	jumped	
                                   right	into	executing	several	critical	military	train-
                                   ing	evolutions	in	preparation	for	the	Field	Training	
                                   Exercise,	including	three	command	post	exercises,	
                                   two	embarkation	exercises,	squad	leaders’	field	
                                   exercise,	khaki	field	exercise,	and	a	very	demand-       Seabees attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 walk to the start point of a land navigation
                                   ing	convoy	security	element	training	pipeline.		In	      training course at Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif. January 10, 2011.
                                   addition	to	the	military	training,	several	construc-
                                   tion	projects	have	begun	to	enhance	our	technical	
                                   skills	while	benefiting	the	supported	commands	
                                   and	building	Competence.		The	Strength	of	your	             Back on Squad FTX
                                   Commitment	and	Courage	has	shone	through	as	
                                   you	have	responded	to	the	challenge,	and	continue	                       Story and photos by MC2(SCW) Ace Rheaume
                                   to	impress	me	every	single	day.
                                                                                               	      Seabees	attached	to	Naval	Mobile	Construc-      Students, in full battle gear, went on patrols on rug-
                                   	      Homeport	will	climax	with	the	2nd	Annual	
                                                                                               tion	Battalion	(NMCB)	5	participated	in	a	two-week	    ged terrain, hills and braved cold weather. NMCB 5
                                   Vietnam-6	Super	Squad	Finals	(24/25	March),	and	
                                                                                               long squad leader’s field Training Exercise (FTX)      squad	leaders	also	demonstrated	knowledge	on	land	
     CDR Scot T. Sanders           then	a	great	FTX.	“Vietnam-6”	recognizes	the	as-
                                                                                               that	helped	teach	small	unit	leadership	and	combat	    navigation, medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) and
     Commanding Officer, NMCB 5    tonishing	6	tours	NMCB	FIVE	conducted	in	Viet-
                                                                                               skills at Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif.                  how to establish a base. Teamwork was
     Strength and Honor            nam;	more	than	any	other	battalion.	I	know	training	
                                                                                                      NMCB 5 squad leaders learned navigation,        necessary to accomplish each mission.
                                   has	some	challenging	and	fun	events	lined	up	for	
                                                                                               patrol	skills	and	other	essential	Seabee	Combat	              “I loved our squad,” said Yeoman 1st Class
                                   the	finals	(think	AirSof.)	After	FTX	we	will	roll	
                                                                                               Warfare (SCW) knowledge during the two-week            (AW) Amy Nevens, the administrative leading petty
                                   into	summer	with	a	few	homeport	projects,	a	lighter	
                                                                                               squad FTX course. One week is spent in a class-        officer at NMCB 5. “We really bonded well togeth-
                                   class	load,	and	a	pre-deployment	standdown.	
                                                                                               room setting and one week is spent in the field.       er. I feel I learned so much and did not develop any
                                   	      Your	positive	Attitude	has	been,	and	is	conta-
                                                                                                      “The curriculum is updated to today’s war,”     bad habits.”
                                   gious,	and	sets	you	up	for	future	successes.	I	have	
                                                                                               said Construction Mechanic 1st Class (SCW/EXW/                The class was split into different squads with
                                   no	doubt	“The	Professionals”	will	keep	the	full	

CO’s Note
                                                                                               SW) Simon Fresquez. The last time CM1 Fresquez         two	to	three	instructors	who	taught	and	advised	
                                   court	press	on	through	the	remainder	of	the	home-
                                                                                               went on squad FTX was seven years ago and said         each squad on techniques for success.
                                   port	and	on	into	deployment	in	both	Europe	and	
                                                                                               that the course has been revised. “This makes train-          “The instructors are knowledgeable,” said
                                   Africa.		Thank	you	all	for	your	Leadership,	your	
                                                                                               ing more valuable to the students. They can take       Utilitiesman 1st Class (SCW) Kevin Swanson,
                                   continued	proud	service	and	the	outstanding	Team	
                                                                                               this knowledge with them on their next deploy-         an air detachment (AIRDET) Seabee attached to
                                   effort.		Semper	Five!
                                                                                               ment.”                                                 NMCB 5. “They keep you motivated because they
                                                                                                                                                      are there with you from beginning to end.”

                                                      NMCB 5 I The Professionals 3                                                                                        NMCB 5 I The Professionals 4
Squad Leader’s FTX

                            NMCB 5 squad leaders slept in one-man tents. The weather
                     conditions these Seabees trained in were less than favorable.
                            “Despite the cold, rainy weather, I am very glad that I was able
                     to go on Squad FTX,” said YN1 Nevens. “It truly was a great learn-
                     ing experience.”
                            Small-unit leadership is one of the most important assets within
                     a battalion. Without squad leaders, it would be very difficult for the
                     battalion to function efficiently. The role of Seabees on deployment
                     is changing. Seabees deployed to a contingency environment may
                     have to build bases from the ground up while conducting security
                     patrols and convoys.
                            “I’m a squad leader,” said CM1 Fresquez. “I can take this
                     knowledge back to my squad and ensure that they are properly
                            Small unit leadership and tactical skills gained during the FTX
                     were immediately put to use, as squad leaders returned to the battal-
                     ion and commenced the 2nd Annual NMCB 5 Vietnam Six Memorial
                     Super-Squad Competition. Over an 11-week period, squads compete
                     at the platoon and company level in various tactical, administrative,
                     and military professional events, with the goal of achieving Super-
                     Squad status. In March, each company will select the top squad to
                     compete in the battalion finals to determine the elite NMCB 5 Super-
                     Squad. In the end, the competition is the ultimate challenge for each
                     squad	to	develop	small	unit	leaders	and	showcase	their	leadership	

                                                 Builder 1st Class Christopher Nightengale, a Seabee attached to Naval Mobile
                                                 Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5, uses a radio to communicate to the command
                                                 operations center (COC) during a patrol at Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif. January 13,
                                                 2011. NMCB 5 squad leaders participated in a two-week long squad leader’s field
                                                 training exercise (FTX) that helped teach small unit leadership and combat skills.
                                                 (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ace Rheaume)
Chiefs and Officer’s FTX
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Chief Builder(SCW)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Kenneth Hodel, a Sea-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           bee attached to Naval
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Mobile Construction
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Battalion (NMCB) 5,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           uses a lensatic com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           pass during a Field
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Training Exercise
                                                                                                                                                                                                           (FTX) in Camp Pend-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           leton, Calif.

                                                                                                                        enable Seabees to prepare for the unexpected while       air support, artillery call for fire, convoy opera-
                                                                                                                        planning the mission intended. Additionally, map         tions, and command post and combat operations
                                                                                                                        reading assists in planning patrol and convoy routes,    center. Communication flow was reinforced as the
                                                                                                                        locating defensive positions based on terrain associa-   vital element to informing the chain of command
                                                                                                                        tion, and gathering information to determine advan-      of the situation. While training during these exer-
                                                                                                                        tage points to provide better security for the unit.     cises, the battalion’s Tactical Standard Operating
                                                                                                                              “A heavy emphasis was placed on writing or-        Procedures (TACSOP) were exercised to ensure
                                                                                                                        ders	and	the	planning	process	to	assist	NMCB	5	lead-     leadership understood the guidance to follow dur-
                                                                                                                        ership to accurately communicate their intent to the     ing peacetime training evolutions and contingency
                                                                                                                        troops they lead,” said Lt. Darren Jacques, Officer in   operations.
                                                                                                                        Charge of this evolution. “The training was intended            Overall, the two-week training evolution was
                                                                                                                        to	enhance	NMCB	5’s	readiness	to	include	upcoming	       a successful exercise to build teamwork while im-
                                                                                                                        Command Post Exercises (CPX’s), and I feel like we       proving skills required to lead the battalion. This
                                                                                                                        developed some skills that will help us on our next      was a great first step in building command and
                                                                                                                        deployment.”                                             control relationships. In the end, “The Profession-
                                                                                                                              NMCB 5 leadership was split into four squads       als” are better prepared to lead Seabees in accom-
                                                                                                                        to execute various events. Computer simulations          plishing any missions thrown their way.
                                                                                                                        were used to exercise command and control for close
    Chiefs and Officer’s attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 work on a terrain model
    during a Field Training Exercise (FTX) in Camp Pendleton, Calif.                                                                                                                                                Chiefs and Officer’s

  Chiefs and Officer’s FTX                                                                                                                                                                                          attached to Naval
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mobile Construction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Battalion (NMCB)
                       By Ltjg. Ji Fredriksen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5 work on a terrain
          The chiefs and officers of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 successfully completed                                                                                                            model during a Field
    their Field Training Exercise (C&O FTX) at Camp Pendleton on Jan. 21, after completing a week of practi-                                                                                                        Training Exercise
    cal exercises to refresh tactical skills, improve teamwork, and build camaraderie.                                                                                                                              (FTX) in Camp Pend-
          “This exercise was a great start to the military training block for the battalion.” said Lt. Cmdr. Phil La-                                                                                               leton, Calif.
    vallee, NMCB 5’s executive officer. “Our leadership was able to build solid foundations in tactics, decision
    making and command and control to prepare for upcoming training evolutions and ultimately for deploy-
          Instructors from the 31st Seabee Readiness Group taught the classroom portion during the week prior
    to the FTX, and assessed the battalion’s performance during the field portion. Throughout the two-week
    period, constructive feedback was provided and recommendations were made regarding skills that require
    improvement and attention. Some of the training topics covered were the basic fundamentals that allow
    Seabees to execute their mission successfully, including: land navigation, convoys, communications, crew
    serve weapons system operation, call for fire, and command and control for the combat operations cen-
    ter. One of the main benefits gained from developing land navigation and convoy skills is that those skills

                                                                                   NMCB 5 I The Professionals 7                                                                                    NMCB 5 I The Professionals 8

 Preparing for FTX
 Story and photos by MC2(SCW) Ace Rheaume

      	     Seabees	attached	to	Naval	Mobile	Construction	Bat-
      talion (NMCB) 5 conducted three Command Post Exercises
      (CPXs) over a four-week period at Naval Base Ventura
      County (NBVC). Two were conducted in Port Hueneme and
      one was held at Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat
      Organization (JIEDDO) battle force site at Naval Air Station
      Point Mugu to help increase deployment readiness.
            “CPX provides training and readiness for a construction
      battalion,” said Ensign Christopher Hoggan, who is in charge
      of planning NMCB 5 CPXs. “Each homeport cycle, every
      construction	battalion	is	evaluated	to	determine	its	readiness	
      through a Field Training Exercise (FTX). A CPX is a one
      day evolution which trains the battalion for FTX.”
            During a CPX companies practice setting up a camp,
      establishing a defense, installing battalion communications and
      perform patrols and convoys. The battalion companies are tested
      through different scenarios that the battalion may encounter on de-
      ployment. The scenarios escalate to the point of even being attacked.
            “Junior troops gain the knowledge and confidence to handle
      multiple situations,” said Equipment Operator First Class (SCW/
      EXW) Christopher Wyeth, NMCB 5’s air detachment (AIRDET) 2nd
      platoon right guide and assistant platoon commander.
      Some of the skills Seabees are tested on include command and
      control, chemical biological and radiological (CBR), rules of
      engagement and escalation of force (EOF).
             “Companies are also ordered to perform reconnais-
      sance and security patrols,” said ENS Hoggan. “Con-
      struction projects, such as planning to build a bridge and
      advanced runway repair (ADR). Companies are also
      evaluated on their ability to communicate within their
      company and to their higher authority.”
            Typically a Battalion performs 4 CPXs before the
      FTX. This helps the battalion to learn from its mistakes
      and improve its effectiveness.
            “If we are called upon to perform at a moment’s no-
      tice,” said ENS Hoggan. “Our Seabees will be better able
      to execute their jobs.”                                                 Utilitiesman 2nd Class Juan Gonzalez, a Seabee attached to
      	     Communication	is	also	an	essential	part	in	training	              Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5, dons chemi-
      and in the field. During CPX, Seabees communicate from                  cal, biological and radiological (CBR) gear in a command post
      the lines and patrols to the command posts (CPs) and                    exercise (CPX) at Point Mugu Naval Air Station, Calif. February 3,
      relay messages to the command operations                                2011. NMCB 5 conducts multiple CPXs during homeport to help
                                                                              increase deployment readiness. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Com-
      center (COC) and higher.	                                               munication Specialist 2nd Class Ace Rheaume)
CPX                                                                                                          Headquarters Company

                                                                                                                Seabees attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 participate in a command post exercise
                                                                                                                (CPX) at Point Mugu Naval Air Station, Calif. February 3, 2011.

                                                                                                               Fight Like We Train,
                                                                                                                        Train Like We Fight
                                                                                                                                                              By ET3 Sean Roozen

                                                                                                                       With the Field Training Exercise (FTX) right around the corner, The Professionals put on their
                                                                                                                 game faces and suited up for training exercises right here in homeport during Command Post Exercise
                                                                                                                 (CPX). While majority of HQ are participating in the exercises within their assigned ratings as Subject
                                                                                                                 Matter Experts (SMEs), some members of Supply Department and Chaplain’s office participated as a Red
                                                                                                                 Cell and a White Cell counter forces to offer feedback on the company’s performances during hotwashes
  Lt. Nathan Deunk, the convoy security element (CSE) commander of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion           between scenarios. LSSN Redmond, one of the Red Cell aggressors, dressed as a local to test reactions
  (NMCB) 5, aggresses Alfa company lines during a command post exercise (CPX) at Point Mugu Naval Air            of the Seabees in NMCB 5 during hostile encounters. “I like it when people take it seriously,” says
  Station, Calif. February 3, 2011.                                                                              LSSN Redmond, “We fight like we train, why not comply with that now?”
         “[Our Seabees] receive the proper training for all the reporting that needs to be                             The Communication Department (S6 shop) had their hands full during the exercise. The ET’s
  completed,” said EO1 Wyeth. “This includes situational reports (SITREP), nine lines for                        (Electronics Technicians) and IT’s (Information Systems Technicians) are vigorously pursuing to achieve
  medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) and size, activity, location, uniform, time and equip-                            communications excellence. Despite their minimal man power, the S6 shop manages thousands of equip-
  ment reports (SALUTE).” These skills can be extremely useful when deployed to a con-                           ments by repairing malfunctioning gear or configuring voice and data communications for the battalion.
  tingency environment.                                                                                          “Our role in CPX is to establish voice and data networks, bringing operational readiness to 110%” says
         Training will always be necessary for a Seabee battalion in homeport. Through                           ET2(SCW) Martini. Due to the short length and resources of CPX not everyone in Headquarters will
  events such as CPX, NMCB 5 is increasing readiness and improving the performance of                            be doing their primary role as they have done on deployment. YNSN(SCW) Pollema from Administra-
  its Seabees in preparation for deployment.                                                                     tive Department explained that YNs work as support and as communications operators in the COC and
         The Point Mugu CPX was different than the previous CPX’s at NBVC’s Dozer                                ACOC. During these shifts, they are responsible for effectively monitoring and relaying information
  Field. Seabees used air soft rifles to suppress aggressors at Joint Improvised Explosive                       within the battalion and to higher headquarters.
  Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) battle force site. JIEDDO consists of several                                    While many Seabees are simulating exercises that will prove to be useful during FTX, Corpsmans
  buildings in a semi-realistic deployment setting to include simulated market place and                         of NMCB 5 demonstrate their ability to react in stressful environment as well. HM3(FMF) Green as-
  local populations’ homes.                                                                                      sisted in handling mass casualties and triage as well as basic injuries during the scenarios. Even under
         “I enjoy watching the development of the battalion and the troops as we move                            stressful situation, HM3 Chambliss notes that “It’s pretty easy because we know what we are doing!”
  through the different stages of training,” said EO1 Wyeth. “The lessons learned through-                             People found it necessary to train the tactics and generally agreed that classes alone are not enough
  out the evolutions and the way we react to the different scenarios inspire me to continue                      to retain the principles they were taught. Fight like we train, train like we fight. Hoorah Five!
  small unit leadership and troop development.”
         “Training is fun and exciting,” said ENS Hoggan. “Our Seabees have a good time
  with the scenarios and are definitely learning about themselves and each other’s capabili-
  ties. Training is always a work in progress and we are constantly improving.”
                                                                             NMCB 5 I The Professionals 11                                                                                 NMCB 5 I The Professionals 12
Alfa Company                                                                                                         Bravo Company

   Construction Mechanic Constructionman Nathaniel Roening, an Alfa Company Seabee attached to Naval
   Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5, stands watch in a pit during a command post exercise (CPX) at
   Point Mugu Naval Air Station, Calif. February 3, 2011.

      Alfa Pride! Roll On!
                       By CMCN Michelle Poloway
         To say that we at Alfa Company have been keeping ourselves busy thus far during homeport is an
   understatement. From the B.E.E.P. to Super Squad, from classes to projects, from line hauling operations in
   support of anyone and everyone to battalion-wide exercises, the Alfa Dawgs continue to lead the pack with
   their professionalism, positive attitudes and a second-to-none “CAN DO” spirit.
                                                                                                                          Seabees attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 don chemical, biological and radio-
         The B.E.E.P. (Battalion Equipment Evaluation Program) came just a few short weeks after their return
                                                                                                                          logical (CBR) gear in a command post exercise (CPX) at Point Mugu Naval Air Station, Calif. February 3,
   from a much needed and WELL-deserved stand down for the Christmas holiday. In their typical hit-the-
   ground-running fashion, Alfa Company took their assignments, went to work, and worked their magic. At
   the CM shop, CM1 Peart ensured that all equipment and tools were properly checked and fully functional.
   At the Alfa Yard, three inspection teams worked tirelessly to ensure every piece of CESE was ready for ac-              On to the Next!
   tion with all collateral equipment intact.                                                                                               By UT3(SCW) Chanel Hewitt
         After testing Alfa Company’s mettle on their second contingency deployment to Camp Leatherneck,                   After completing a successful deployment to           to cover topics crucial to our success as a company
   Afghanistan, two major projects awaited us on our return to the home front. EO1 Hall is leading the way           Afghanistan, NMCB 5 enjoyed a much needed Christ-           and moreover as a command.
   on the Point Mugu fitness trail project, and EO1 Chubb has the helm for the South Mugu road project. Both         mas stand down. Upon return, Bravo Company hit the                 Convoy Security Element, commonly referred
   project crews are working diligently every single day, and both jobs are tracking to finish on or ahead of        ground running with an ambitious training schedule,         to as CSE is 3rd Platoon of Bravo Company. Their
   schedule. But, it’s not just our First Class Petty Officers and project supervisors earning their keep. Alfa’s    as well as a new comprehensive outlook on how day to        goal is to build a cohesive and functioning unit
   junior troops, their up and coming hard chargers, their future leaders are getting some much needed and very      day operations are handled.                                 that is combat ready and mission driven. As such,
   valuable hands-on experience with these projects.                                                                       Small unit leadership is being utilized more. Dur-    CSE is pushing small unit leadership and train-
         Small unit leadership is something you can always find as one of Alfa’s top priorities. Whether it’s        ing unit driven training, each member is afforded the       ing together as a platoon. Currently CSE is in the
   improvement on processes that need it, or just keeping a good thing going, NMCB-5 Alfa Company remains            opportunity to teach the classes regardless of rank. The    middle of their urban skills training. In full battle
   at the forefront of developing the NCF’s best and brightest. CPX evolutions are an ideal arena for all types      goal is to start building effective leadership and com-     rattle, they are learning the fundamentals of shoot-
   of Alfa training. CM1 Gongas, along with several other First and Second Class Petty Officers, was there to        munication skills at an early level. The same principle     ing while moving, clearing rooms of enemy person-
   ensure all Alfa troops fully and properly understood fire plans and Rules of Engagement. EO1 Jones, EO1           is being applied to physical training. A conscious effort   nel, and making transitions from primary weapon to
   Adams, and CM1 Keltner supervised the patrol planning and execution. It is their guidance and instruction         is being made to move away from traditional PT and          secondary weapon. As BUC Conway puts it, “We
   passed on to those junior troops learning their trade that continues the proud traditions of the Seabees. It is   make it more dynamic with new workout routines and          are aggressively focusing on small team tactics and
   the young Alfa troops digging trenches and turning wrenches that take the knowledge and guidance passed           several company fitness leaders.                            tactical readiness. We want to build the mindset of
   on that really make the money. It is their efforts that keep the Green Machine that is Alfa Company run-                To better prepare for FTX, NMCB 5 is complet-         anytime, anyplace.”
   ning. If the Alfa Dawgs aren’t in battalion spaces learning SCWs topics, studying for exams, or otherwise         ing a series of CPX’s. With CPX 3 scheduled this week,             In addition to everything else, Bravo Compa-
   training, we have multiple fire teams, and most times entire squads, at the yard or in the shop to make sure      Bravo incorporated lessons learned from CPX 1 and 2         ny is also participating in the Super Squad Competi-
   that everyone is on the same page and remain mission focused and battle ready! The phrase ‘no rest for the        to maximize the potential output for CPX 3. Bravo is        tion. Bravo completed a drill and personnel inspec-
   weary’ often comes to mind when looking at the sheer magnitude of what Alfa Company has accomplished              responsible for erecting the tents, supplying the camp      tion; up next is the erecting of the OE-254 antenna.
   with the obstacles they’ve faced. The next phrase that comes to mind is ‘if it was easy, everyone would do        with generator power, constructing and manning the          The prevailing squad will go on to compete against
   it’. Alfa Company lives and breathes the Seabee mantra “The difficult we do immediately. The impossible           ECP, as well as providing REACT support. Bravo Com-         the top squad of each respective company in March
   takes a little longer”. We are Alfa Company. We are NMCB-5. We are The Professionals! ALFA PRIDE!                 pany also had training at the platoon and squad level,      during Phase II of Super Squad.
                                                                                NMCB 5 I The Professionals 13                                                                                      NMCB 5 I The Professionals 14
Charlie Company                                                                                                  Air Detachment

                                                                                                                                                                                                    NCTC instructors from Port
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hueneme observe CM2
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Shope maneuver the crane
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and its load through the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    obstacle course. The course
                                                                                                                                                                                                    is based on a civilian crane
                                                                                                                                                                                                    course that is timed and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    usually performed by sea-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    soned crane operators.

   Commander Scot T. Sanders, the commanding officer of NMCB5 speaks to Seabees after the completion of             Caption here.
   NMCB 5’s 2010 Super Squad competition.

  Charlie Company Makes Outstanding                                                                                   Professsional practice takes
  Progress on Readiness Training                                                                                      “The Professionals” to the next
                                                                                                                      step of perfection.
       By BU2(SCW) Sarah Hedge
         “We are a combat ready team of professionals committed to a higher calling, loyal to one another, the
   best company- and every Seabee believes it.” This is the company vision for Charlie, steadfastly supported
   by several statistics and the motivated mentality of Charlie company members.                                                       By CM2(SCW) Carl Gayton
         The company is now over 60% complete with Supersquad qualifications, including Seabee Combat
   Warfare, communications, physical fitness, and overall readiness.
         With exception of personnel enrolled in classes, all members are participating in Supersquad events               Seabees from NMCB 5 attended a two-week           week is mainly a crane familiarization with the
   and preparing for upcoming training exercises, to improve the readiness of Charlie company and NMCB              course learning key points of cranes, basic crane        lattice boom and hydraulic boom crane, while the
   Five as a whole.                                                                                                 parts, types of mountings and the pros and cons of       second week is comprised of application of skills
         According to Charlie’s Company Commander, LT Nicholas Mueller, the progress of Charlie this                hydraulic and lattice boom cranes. The class was a       through various obstacle courses. There were many
   homeport is more than words can express. “Charlie has done really well this homeport with taking care of         combination of Equipment Operators and Construc-         challenges through-out the course, the wind played
   each other, making the right decisions in as well as outside of work. We are making great progress with          tion Mechanics from NMCB 5’s main body and Air           a big part of the crane operations.
   training and we are headed in the right direction to be a combat ready unit,” he stated.                         Det, which followed an entire week of a pre-requi-              According to the instructors from NCTC Port
         LT Mueller is very proud of the small unit leaders for stepping up to greater positions within Char-       site crane safety course.                                Hueneme, approximately 100 students go through
   lie. He is very excited about the competitive spirit of the Seabees in the company and the way they plan on             “This class has been the best class that I have   the course each year. Each student learns the im-
   implementing that attitude in future Supersquad competitions. He smiled and said that we’re going to have        ever been in,” stated EO2 (SCW) Padraig Martin.          portance of safety and the necessary skills it takes
   fun when competing against other squads. The spirit of NMCB Five’s Charlie Company proves yet again              EO2 Ivory Mc Minns said “The class was challeng-         to be a successful crane operator. NMCB 5’s Alfa
   that Charlie is the backbone of battalion.                                                                       ing, yet informative.” I found that the instructors      types had nothing but great things to say concerning
         The incentives for winning the battalion wide games include extra time off work, a NAM for every           were professional and well versed in their knowl-        the	course	and	also	said	that	the	knowledge	in	the	
   member of the winning squad, and several other perks that help to motivate the Seabees of Five to go above       edge of cranes, crane operations and the results of      course	will	be	remembered	and	shared	with	their	
   and beyond and show our strength and honor while maintaining a Professional attitude.                            safety violations while operating cranes. The first      professional peers.
         HOORAH CHARLIE!!!

                                                                             NMCB 5 I The Professionals 15                                                                                     NMCB 5 I The Professionals 16

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February 2011 Buzzword

  • 1.
  • 2. Squad Leader’s FTX Seabees attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 conducted a patrol at Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif. Janu- ary 13, 2011. NMCB 5 squad leaders participated in a two-week long squad leader’s field training exercise (FTX) that helped teach small unit leadership and combat skills. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ace Rheaume)
  • 3. CO’s Note Squad Leader’s FTX NAVAL MOBILE CONSTRUCTION BATTALION FIVE Naval Base Ventura County To the Professionals of Five! Oorah Professionals! It’s hard to believe we are already four months into homeport. You have done a fantastic job transitioning from high optempo deployment operations to the extremely busy homeport training cycle. Despite the pace you have accomplished much, while still maintaining a keen focus on safety and Caring for one another. You continue to lead the NCF with the best military bearing and conduct. Your strong Character and discipline shows and is worthy of Honor. Phenomenal small units leaders have jumped right into executing several critical military train- ing evolutions in preparation for the Field Training Exercise, including three command post exercises, two embarkation exercises, squad leaders’ field exercise, khaki field exercise, and a very demand- Seabees attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 walk to the start point of a land navigation ing convoy security element training pipeline. In training course at Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif. January 10, 2011. addition to the military training, several construc- tion projects have begun to enhance our technical skills while benefiting the supported commands and building Competence. The Strength of your Back on Squad FTX Commitment and Courage has shone through as you have responded to the challenge, and continue Story and photos by MC2(SCW) Ace Rheaume to impress me every single day. Seabees attached to Naval Mobile Construc- Students, in full battle gear, went on patrols on rug- Homeport will climax with the 2nd Annual tion Battalion (NMCB) 5 participated in a two-week ged terrain, hills and braved cold weather. NMCB 5 Vietnam-6 Super Squad Finals (24/25 March), and long squad leader’s field Training Exercise (FTX) squad leaders also demonstrated knowledge on land CDR Scot T. Sanders then a great FTX. “Vietnam-6” recognizes the as- that helped teach small unit leadership and combat navigation, medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) and Commanding Officer, NMCB 5 tonishing 6 tours NMCB FIVE conducted in Viet- skills at Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif. how to establish a base. Teamwork was Strength and Honor nam; more than any other battalion. I know training NMCB 5 squad leaders learned navigation, necessary to accomplish each mission. has some challenging and fun events lined up for patrol skills and other essential Seabee Combat “I loved our squad,” said Yeoman 1st Class the finals (think AirSof.) After FTX we will roll Warfare (SCW) knowledge during the two-week (AW) Amy Nevens, the administrative leading petty into summer with a few homeport projects, a lighter squad FTX course. One week is spent in a class- officer at NMCB 5. “We really bonded well togeth- class load, and a pre-deployment standdown. room setting and one week is spent in the field. er. I feel I learned so much and did not develop any Your positive Attitude has been, and is conta- “The curriculum is updated to today’s war,” bad habits.” gious, and sets you up for future successes. I have said Construction Mechanic 1st Class (SCW/EXW/ The class was split into different squads with no doubt “The Professionals” will keep the full CO’s Note SW) Simon Fresquez. The last time CM1 Fresquez two to three instructors who taught and advised court press on through the remainder of the home- went on squad FTX was seven years ago and said each squad on techniques for success. port and on into deployment in both Europe and that the course has been revised. “This makes train- “The instructors are knowledgeable,” said Africa. Thank you all for your Leadership, your ing more valuable to the students. They can take Utilitiesman 1st Class (SCW) Kevin Swanson, continued proud service and the outstanding Team this knowledge with them on their next deploy- an air detachment (AIRDET) Seabee attached to effort. Semper Five! ment.” NMCB 5. “They keep you motivated because they are there with you from beginning to end.” NMCB 5 I The Professionals 3 NMCB 5 I The Professionals 4
  • 4. Squad Leader’s FTX NMCB 5 squad leaders slept in one-man tents. The weather conditions these Seabees trained in were less than favorable. “Despite the cold, rainy weather, I am very glad that I was able to go on Squad FTX,” said YN1 Nevens. “It truly was a great learn- ing experience.” Small-unit leadership is one of the most important assets within a battalion. Without squad leaders, it would be very difficult for the battalion to function efficiently. The role of Seabees on deployment is changing. Seabees deployed to a contingency environment may have to build bases from the ground up while conducting security patrols and convoys. “I’m a squad leader,” said CM1 Fresquez. “I can take this knowledge back to my squad and ensure that they are properly trained.” Small unit leadership and tactical skills gained during the FTX were immediately put to use, as squad leaders returned to the battal- ion and commenced the 2nd Annual NMCB 5 Vietnam Six Memorial Super-Squad Competition. Over an 11-week period, squads compete at the platoon and company level in various tactical, administrative, and military professional events, with the goal of achieving Super- Squad status. In March, each company will select the top squad to compete in the battalion finals to determine the elite NMCB 5 Super- Squad. In the end, the competition is the ultimate challenge for each squad to develop small unit leaders and showcase their leadership abilities. Builder 1st Class Christopher Nightengale, a Seabee attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5, uses a radio to communicate to the command operations center (COC) during a patrol at Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif. January 13, 2011. NMCB 5 squad leaders participated in a two-week long squad leader’s field training exercise (FTX) that helped teach small unit leadership and combat skills. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ace Rheaume)
  • 5. Chiefs and Officer’s FTX Chief Builder(SCW) Kenneth Hodel, a Sea- bee attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5, uses a lensatic com- pass during a Field Training Exercise (FTX) in Camp Pend- leton, Calif. enable Seabees to prepare for the unexpected while air support, artillery call for fire, convoy opera- planning the mission intended. Additionally, map tions, and command post and combat operations reading assists in planning patrol and convoy routes, center. Communication flow was reinforced as the locating defensive positions based on terrain associa- vital element to informing the chain of command tion, and gathering information to determine advan- of the situation. While training during these exer- tage points to provide better security for the unit. cises, the battalion’s Tactical Standard Operating “A heavy emphasis was placed on writing or- Procedures (TACSOP) were exercised to ensure ders and the planning process to assist NMCB 5 lead- leadership understood the guidance to follow dur- ership to accurately communicate their intent to the ing peacetime training evolutions and contingency troops they lead,” said Lt. Darren Jacques, Officer in operations. Charge of this evolution. “The training was intended Overall, the two-week training evolution was to enhance NMCB 5’s readiness to include upcoming a successful exercise to build teamwork while im- Command Post Exercises (CPX’s), and I feel like we proving skills required to lead the battalion. This developed some skills that will help us on our next was a great first step in building command and deployment.” control relationships. In the end, “The Profession- NMCB 5 leadership was split into four squads als” are better prepared to lead Seabees in accom- to execute various events. Computer simulations plishing any missions thrown their way. were used to exercise command and control for close Chiefs and Officer’s attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 work on a terrain model during a Field Training Exercise (FTX) in Camp Pendleton, Calif. Chiefs and Officer’s Chiefs and Officer’s FTX attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) By Ltjg. Ji Fredriksen 5 work on a terrain The chiefs and officers of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 successfully completed model during a Field their Field Training Exercise (C&O FTX) at Camp Pendleton on Jan. 21, after completing a week of practi- Training Exercise cal exercises to refresh tactical skills, improve teamwork, and build camaraderie. (FTX) in Camp Pend- “This exercise was a great start to the military training block for the battalion.” said Lt. Cmdr. Phil La- leton, Calif. vallee, NMCB 5’s executive officer. “Our leadership was able to build solid foundations in tactics, decision making and command and control to prepare for upcoming training evolutions and ultimately for deploy- ment.” Instructors from the 31st Seabee Readiness Group taught the classroom portion during the week prior to the FTX, and assessed the battalion’s performance during the field portion. Throughout the two-week period, constructive feedback was provided and recommendations were made regarding skills that require improvement and attention. Some of the training topics covered were the basic fundamentals that allow Seabees to execute their mission successfully, including: land navigation, convoys, communications, crew serve weapons system operation, call for fire, and command and control for the combat operations cen- ter. One of the main benefits gained from developing land navigation and convoy skills is that those skills NMCB 5 I The Professionals 7 NMCB 5 I The Professionals 8
  • 6. CPX Preparing for FTX Story and photos by MC2(SCW) Ace Rheaume Seabees attached to Naval Mobile Construction Bat- talion (NMCB) 5 conducted three Command Post Exercises (CPXs) over a four-week period at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC). Two were conducted in Port Hueneme and one was held at Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) battle force site at Naval Air Station Point Mugu to help increase deployment readiness. “CPX provides training and readiness for a construction battalion,” said Ensign Christopher Hoggan, who is in charge of planning NMCB 5 CPXs. “Each homeport cycle, every construction battalion is evaluated to determine its readiness through a Field Training Exercise (FTX). A CPX is a one day evolution which trains the battalion for FTX.” During a CPX companies practice setting up a camp, establishing a defense, installing battalion communications and perform patrols and convoys. The battalion companies are tested through different scenarios that the battalion may encounter on de- ployment. The scenarios escalate to the point of even being attacked. “Junior troops gain the knowledge and confidence to handle multiple situations,” said Equipment Operator First Class (SCW/ EXW) Christopher Wyeth, NMCB 5’s air detachment (AIRDET) 2nd platoon right guide and assistant platoon commander. Some of the skills Seabees are tested on include command and control, chemical biological and radiological (CBR), rules of engagement and escalation of force (EOF). “Companies are also ordered to perform reconnais- sance and security patrols,” said ENS Hoggan. “Con- struction projects, such as planning to build a bridge and advanced runway repair (ADR). Companies are also evaluated on their ability to communicate within their company and to their higher authority.” Typically a Battalion performs 4 CPXs before the FTX. This helps the battalion to learn from its mistakes and improve its effectiveness. “If we are called upon to perform at a moment’s no- tice,” said ENS Hoggan. “Our Seabees will be better able to execute their jobs.” Utilitiesman 2nd Class Juan Gonzalez, a Seabee attached to Communication is also an essential part in training Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5, dons chemi- and in the field. During CPX, Seabees communicate from cal, biological and radiological (CBR) gear in a command post the lines and patrols to the command posts (CPs) and exercise (CPX) at Point Mugu Naval Air Station, Calif. February 3, relay messages to the command operations 2011. NMCB 5 conducts multiple CPXs during homeport to help increase deployment readiness. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Com- center (COC) and higher. munication Specialist 2nd Class Ace Rheaume)
  • 7. CPX Headquarters Company Seabees attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 participate in a command post exercise (CPX) at Point Mugu Naval Air Station, Calif. February 3, 2011. Fight Like We Train, Train Like We Fight By ET3 Sean Roozen With the Field Training Exercise (FTX) right around the corner, The Professionals put on their game faces and suited up for training exercises right here in homeport during Command Post Exercise (CPX). While majority of HQ are participating in the exercises within their assigned ratings as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), some members of Supply Department and Chaplain’s office participated as a Red Cell and a White Cell counter forces to offer feedback on the company’s performances during hotwashes Lt. Nathan Deunk, the convoy security element (CSE) commander of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion between scenarios. LSSN Redmond, one of the Red Cell aggressors, dressed as a local to test reactions (NMCB) 5, aggresses Alfa company lines during a command post exercise (CPX) at Point Mugu Naval Air of the Seabees in NMCB 5 during hostile encounters. “I like it when people take it seriously,” says Station, Calif. February 3, 2011. LSSN Redmond, “We fight like we train, why not comply with that now?” “[Our Seabees] receive the proper training for all the reporting that needs to be The Communication Department (S6 shop) had their hands full during the exercise. The ET’s completed,” said EO1 Wyeth. “This includes situational reports (SITREP), nine lines for (Electronics Technicians) and IT’s (Information Systems Technicians) are vigorously pursuing to achieve medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) and size, activity, location, uniform, time and equip- communications excellence. Despite their minimal man power, the S6 shop manages thousands of equip- ment reports (SALUTE).” These skills can be extremely useful when deployed to a con- ments by repairing malfunctioning gear or configuring voice and data communications for the battalion. tingency environment. “Our role in CPX is to establish voice and data networks, bringing operational readiness to 110%” says Training will always be necessary for a Seabee battalion in homeport. Through ET2(SCW) Martini. Due to the short length and resources of CPX not everyone in Headquarters will events such as CPX, NMCB 5 is increasing readiness and improving the performance of be doing their primary role as they have done on deployment. YNSN(SCW) Pollema from Administra- its Seabees in preparation for deployment. tive Department explained that YNs work as support and as communications operators in the COC and The Point Mugu CPX was different than the previous CPX’s at NBVC’s Dozer ACOC. During these shifts, they are responsible for effectively monitoring and relaying information Field. Seabees used air soft rifles to suppress aggressors at Joint Improvised Explosive within the battalion and to higher headquarters. Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) battle force site. JIEDDO consists of several While many Seabees are simulating exercises that will prove to be useful during FTX, Corpsmans buildings in a semi-realistic deployment setting to include simulated market place and of NMCB 5 demonstrate their ability to react in stressful environment as well. HM3(FMF) Green as- local populations’ homes. sisted in handling mass casualties and triage as well as basic injuries during the scenarios. Even under “I enjoy watching the development of the battalion and the troops as we move stressful situation, HM3 Chambliss notes that “It’s pretty easy because we know what we are doing!” through the different stages of training,” said EO1 Wyeth. “The lessons learned through- People found it necessary to train the tactics and generally agreed that classes alone are not enough out the evolutions and the way we react to the different scenarios inspire me to continue to retain the principles they were taught. Fight like we train, train like we fight. Hoorah Five! small unit leadership and troop development.” “Training is fun and exciting,” said ENS Hoggan. “Our Seabees have a good time with the scenarios and are definitely learning about themselves and each other’s capabili- ties. Training is always a work in progress and we are constantly improving.” NMCB 5 I The Professionals 11 NMCB 5 I The Professionals 12
  • 8. Alfa Company Bravo Company Construction Mechanic Constructionman Nathaniel Roening, an Alfa Company Seabee attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5, stands watch in a pit during a command post exercise (CPX) at Point Mugu Naval Air Station, Calif. February 3, 2011. Alfa Pride! Roll On! By CMCN Michelle Poloway To say that we at Alfa Company have been keeping ourselves busy thus far during homeport is an understatement. From the B.E.E.P. to Super Squad, from classes to projects, from line hauling operations in support of anyone and everyone to battalion-wide exercises, the Alfa Dawgs continue to lead the pack with their professionalism, positive attitudes and a second-to-none “CAN DO” spirit. Seabees attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 don chemical, biological and radio- The B.E.E.P. (Battalion Equipment Evaluation Program) came just a few short weeks after their return logical (CBR) gear in a command post exercise (CPX) at Point Mugu Naval Air Station, Calif. February 3, from a much needed and WELL-deserved stand down for the Christmas holiday. In their typical hit-the- 2011. ground-running fashion, Alfa Company took their assignments, went to work, and worked their magic. At the CM shop, CM1 Peart ensured that all equipment and tools were properly checked and fully functional. At the Alfa Yard, three inspection teams worked tirelessly to ensure every piece of CESE was ready for ac- On to the Next! tion with all collateral equipment intact. By UT3(SCW) Chanel Hewitt After testing Alfa Company’s mettle on their second contingency deployment to Camp Leatherneck, After completing a successful deployment to to cover topics crucial to our success as a company Afghanistan, two major projects awaited us on our return to the home front. EO1 Hall is leading the way Afghanistan, NMCB 5 enjoyed a much needed Christ- and moreover as a command. on the Point Mugu fitness trail project, and EO1 Chubb has the helm for the South Mugu road project. Both mas stand down. Upon return, Bravo Company hit the Convoy Security Element, commonly referred project crews are working diligently every single day, and both jobs are tracking to finish on or ahead of ground running with an ambitious training schedule, to as CSE is 3rd Platoon of Bravo Company. Their schedule. But, it’s not just our First Class Petty Officers and project supervisors earning their keep. Alfa’s as well as a new comprehensive outlook on how day to goal is to build a cohesive and functioning unit junior troops, their up and coming hard chargers, their future leaders are getting some much needed and very day operations are handled. that is combat ready and mission driven. As such, valuable hands-on experience with these projects. Small unit leadership is being utilized more. Dur- CSE is pushing small unit leadership and train- Small unit leadership is something you can always find as one of Alfa’s top priorities. Whether it’s ing unit driven training, each member is afforded the ing together as a platoon. Currently CSE is in the improvement on processes that need it, or just keeping a good thing going, NMCB-5 Alfa Company remains opportunity to teach the classes regardless of rank. The middle of their urban skills training. In full battle at the forefront of developing the NCF’s best and brightest. CPX evolutions are an ideal arena for all types goal is to start building effective leadership and com- rattle, they are learning the fundamentals of shoot- of Alfa training. CM1 Gongas, along with several other First and Second Class Petty Officers, was there to munication skills at an early level. The same principle ing while moving, clearing rooms of enemy person- ensure all Alfa troops fully and properly understood fire plans and Rules of Engagement. EO1 Jones, EO1 is being applied to physical training. A conscious effort nel, and making transitions from primary weapon to Adams, and CM1 Keltner supervised the patrol planning and execution. It is their guidance and instruction is being made to move away from traditional PT and secondary weapon. As BUC Conway puts it, “We passed on to those junior troops learning their trade that continues the proud traditions of the Seabees. It is make it more dynamic with new workout routines and are aggressively focusing on small team tactics and the young Alfa troops digging trenches and turning wrenches that take the knowledge and guidance passed several company fitness leaders. tactical readiness. We want to build the mindset of on that really make the money. It is their efforts that keep the Green Machine that is Alfa Company run- To better prepare for FTX, NMCB 5 is complet- anytime, anyplace.” ning. If the Alfa Dawgs aren’t in battalion spaces learning SCWs topics, studying for exams, or otherwise ing a series of CPX’s. With CPX 3 scheduled this week, In addition to everything else, Bravo Compa- training, we have multiple fire teams, and most times entire squads, at the yard or in the shop to make sure Bravo incorporated lessons learned from CPX 1 and 2 ny is also participating in the Super Squad Competi- that everyone is on the same page and remain mission focused and battle ready! The phrase ‘no rest for the to maximize the potential output for CPX 3. Bravo is tion. Bravo completed a drill and personnel inspec- weary’ often comes to mind when looking at the sheer magnitude of what Alfa Company has accomplished responsible for erecting the tents, supplying the camp tion; up next is the erecting of the OE-254 antenna. with the obstacles they’ve faced. The next phrase that comes to mind is ‘if it was easy, everyone would do with generator power, constructing and manning the The prevailing squad will go on to compete against it’. Alfa Company lives and breathes the Seabee mantra “The difficult we do immediately. The impossible ECP, as well as providing REACT support. Bravo Com- the top squad of each respective company in March takes a little longer”. We are Alfa Company. We are NMCB-5. We are The Professionals! ALFA PRIDE! pany also had training at the platoon and squad level, during Phase II of Super Squad. ROLL ON! NMCB 5 I The Professionals 13 NMCB 5 I The Professionals 14
  • 9. Charlie Company Air Detachment NCTC instructors from Port Hueneme observe CM2 Shope maneuver the crane and its load through the obstacle course. The course is based on a civilian crane course that is timed and usually performed by sea- soned crane operators. Commander Scot T. Sanders, the commanding officer of NMCB5 speaks to Seabees after the completion of Caption here. NMCB 5’s 2010 Super Squad competition. Charlie Company Makes Outstanding Professsional practice takes Progress on Readiness Training “The Professionals” to the next step of perfection. By BU2(SCW) Sarah Hedge “We are a combat ready team of professionals committed to a higher calling, loyal to one another, the best company- and every Seabee believes it.” This is the company vision for Charlie, steadfastly supported by several statistics and the motivated mentality of Charlie company members. By CM2(SCW) Carl Gayton The company is now over 60% complete with Supersquad qualifications, including Seabee Combat Warfare, communications, physical fitness, and overall readiness. With exception of personnel enrolled in classes, all members are participating in Supersquad events Seabees from NMCB 5 attended a two-week week is mainly a crane familiarization with the and preparing for upcoming training exercises, to improve the readiness of Charlie company and NMCB course learning key points of cranes, basic crane lattice boom and hydraulic boom crane, while the Five as a whole. parts, types of mountings and the pros and cons of second week is comprised of application of skills According to Charlie’s Company Commander, LT Nicholas Mueller, the progress of Charlie this hydraulic and lattice boom cranes. The class was a through various obstacle courses. There were many homeport is more than words can express. “Charlie has done really well this homeport with taking care of combination of Equipment Operators and Construc- challenges through-out the course, the wind played each other, making the right decisions in as well as outside of work. We are making great progress with tion Mechanics from NMCB 5’s main body and Air a big part of the crane operations. training and we are headed in the right direction to be a combat ready unit,” he stated. Det, which followed an entire week of a pre-requi- According to the instructors from NCTC Port LT Mueller is very proud of the small unit leaders for stepping up to greater positions within Char- site crane safety course. Hueneme, approximately 100 students go through lie. He is very excited about the competitive spirit of the Seabees in the company and the way they plan on “This class has been the best class that I have the course each year. Each student learns the im- implementing that attitude in future Supersquad competitions. He smiled and said that we’re going to have ever been in,” stated EO2 (SCW) Padraig Martin. portance of safety and the necessary skills it takes fun when competing against other squads. The spirit of NMCB Five’s Charlie Company proves yet again EO2 Ivory Mc Minns said “The class was challeng- to be a successful crane operator. NMCB 5’s Alfa that Charlie is the backbone of battalion. ing, yet informative.” I found that the instructors types had nothing but great things to say concerning The incentives for winning the battalion wide games include extra time off work, a NAM for every were professional and well versed in their knowl- the course and also said that the knowledge in the member of the winning squad, and several other perks that help to motivate the Seabees of Five to go above edge of cranes, crane operations and the results of course will be remembered and shared with their and beyond and show our strength and honor while maintaining a Professional attitude. safety violations while operating cranes. The first professional peers. HOORAH CHARLIE!!! NMCB 5 I The Professionals 15 NMCB 5 I The Professionals 16