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“How A 45-Yr Old Out Of Shape
Woman STOPS Eating “Health
Foods” That Gave Her A Massive
Heart Attack, To Mysteriously Drop
Over 37 lbs To Save Her Own Life”
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Hi I'm Wes and I have an unusual story to share with you about how I was
scared to death
Looking down the barrel of a M16 rifle, heart pounding, moments from
pulling the trigger, two seconds from almost being killed, to be suddenly
slapped over the head with a bizarre binder that saved the life of
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Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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Patricia Wron, a 45-year-old, out of shape woman, who had a sudden heart
attack caused by symptoms, she didn't even know she had,
To mysteriously lose over 38 lbs In 4 weeks, without a sign of any health
problems, to save her own life.
Yep, you heard me correctly, 38 lbs. in 4 short weeks, going from this to
this, without any surgery, pills, or butt busting workouts whatsoever...
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Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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And you'll be shocked, maybe even disturbed, when you discover the
unconventional method used to melt away all her unwanted body fat and
miraculously regenerate every youthful cell in her body, in such a short
period of time.
Patricia was frustrated with her weight for years following the usual
advice of fitness experts such as cranking up the cardio and dieting more
But the breakthrough came from an unlikely source, from one of the top
universities in Massachusetts that would change her life forever..
A method so effective and so outlandish, it would be
banned instantly if it ever made it to mainstream TV
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And in the next three minutes you will discover the lies and unethical
schemes the $40 billion health industry is subliminally feeding you that
not only hinders your weight loss efforts,
But even worse, you could have the early signs of heart disease or cancer
RIGHT NOW and not even know it,
without using this method.
Lies such as
· Why salty foods, such as chips and french fries are NOT the culprit
for weight gain
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· Also how certain vegetables, that most people think are healthy,
create serious thyroid problems that add fat to your stomach area
even if you are busting your butt in the gym everyday.
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· OR the scientifically proven truth on how fat-free, sugar- free,
gluten-free, and low-carb diets will all accelerate your weight
because of two body fattening amino acids that are lurking in most
of our foods you think are healthy..
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This might be scary to hear...
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But you are going to discover the two acids that are injected in most foods
we've been led to believe are healthy..
Both of them transport deadly trans fats right into your blood stream,
destroying the body's metabolic system and halts the production of thyroid
hormones, (especially in women), which results in abnormal fat storage,
specifically around your stomach and thigh area.
And I Might Get In A Heap Of Trouble For Saying
But you're going to be furious with tears..
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When I peel the onion and reveal the untold truth about weight watchers
spokesperson Jennifer Hudson's magical body transformation
and get this..
The skinny body you see on the right... did not come from using the weight
watchers point system
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And in a few seconds You will know the undisputable TRUTH on how
celebrities really lose weight in such a short period of time..
Right inside this article..
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But the most unusual thing is Patricia Wron's miraculous break through
would be revealed when I was shipped off to serve my country in Iraq,
trapped in a bunker with soldiers seconds from almost being killed.
But on the bright side, if you stick with me to the very end of this article,
that I will be forced to take down soon, because of pending lawsuits from
popular gym chains and big pharma companies...
so be sure to handle your mouse with care, one accidental click could
mean missing out on information that could save your life like it did
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you are going to be shown the exact fat melting system that is
scientifically proven to rapidly and permanently melt away every chunk of
fat off your body..
Dramatically Catapulting Your Vitality, Boosting
Your Energy and Sex Drive to Optimal levels,
· Significantly minimizing your risk from life threatening metabolic
diseases like hypertension, heart disease, diabetes,
· And reversing all effects of aging on your body by decades, in as little
as a few short weeks from now.
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· This fat diminishing method will deliver you a total body
transformation, requires no supplements, no sweaty workouts, no crazy
diet plans, no overpriced ineffective weight loss products
· And doesn't require any pump yourself up motivation rituals to do it,
· And it will work for people of any age, any body type, and in any state
of physical health because the scientific method is based on sound
physiology and anatomical principles.
But before we go any further, I must warn you of something. The weight
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loss industry is filled with blood sucking money hungry vultures, the
sneaky marketing masterminds behind Atkins, Weight Watchers, and the
infamous Beach Body bozos.
The ones who have been secretly making billions of dollars off your pain
and suffering, while behind your back raking in profits, seducing you to
buy their next product with more lies and false claims.
But what REALLY pisses me off is this..
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These companies are so vicious that they are even trying to hang me by a
noose, destroying my credibility with false accusations and even sending
me nasty cease and desist letters in an effort to keep me quiet about the
weight loss secret that I'm about to expose right inside this article.
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That is because they know once you hear the truth, they will never see
another penny from you again. Just like the 104,988 others who use this
technique today, which you are about to see in this article,
and on top of that, I will show you REAL undeniable proof in just a
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Imagine feeling a jolt of energy tomorrow morning like you did in your
20's, even if you are in your 40s, 50s, or 60s right now, you will see your
stubborn belly that hangs over your belt or pokes out your dress
completely vanish.
You will suddenly look and feel 10 times healthier than you have been in
the last 20 years and you will find that all of the symptoms and causes of
your most major health conditions, things like hyperthyroidism, high
cholesterol, high blood pressure, chronic joint pain, even the early signs
of cancer, have completely faded away from your body in a matter that is
so unbelievable, so unimaginable, it would make even the most dedicated
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atheist look up to the sky and say there is a GOD
Patricia’s 33-Day Transformation
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Now the secret that I am about to share with you is
so simple, so easy, that even in the next few days, the
results you will see in the mirror are going to be
That it probably sounds almost unbelievable when you first hear about it.
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You will likely wonder how something like this got past you in the first
To be honest, quitting my job and putting myself in harms way, to support
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my country by joining the armed forces, I felt the exact same way when I
was first told about the incredible scientific breakthrough about a fat
burning cycle buried in the human anatomy that westerners, Canadians,
Australians and European countries were threatened and forced to keep
quiet about.
At first, I thought this was a bunch of hogwash, feeding me a lot of false
claims I've already heard before.
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But it felt unreal observing the rapid body transformations of once out of
shape courageous soldiers on a C130 flying home excited to show their
families how fit and lean they were,
Seeing Patricia's body physically transform right before my eyes!
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and seeing the outrageous weekly growth of my weight loss camp of
thousands of people just like you and me all try it for themselves,
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and experience unbelievable unheard of life-changing results,
I was absolutely convinced that what I'm about to share with you will give
you the lean healthy physique and confidence you either always wanted
but never had, or once had and lost decades ago.
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But the most MIND BLOWING was this..
It will diminish every toxin, free radical and heavy metal from your body
to free up unused energy that will have you feeling light and young again!
And not to mention it will totally and permanently rejuvenate your every
bad cell in your body, reversing virtually all of your medical problems,
conditions, and diseases and genetically lowering your age by at least 10
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That is exactly what happened for Crystal in Houston, Texas. She lost
more than 30 pounds and several inches in a very short period of time; she
was shocked in a J Crew dressing room when she discovered she dropped
from a size 15 dress to a size 9
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Or even Charles from Houston, Texas who lost 40 pounds in 5 and a half
weeks and saved over 200 bucks a month because he didn't have to
purchase anymore diabetic prescriptions from his drug store.
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Or Linda from Detroit, Michigan, who used this simple method you are
about to discover, to lose over 30 pounds in her first month.
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Or James from Rockford, Illinois. He lost 20 pounds in less than four
weeks, while on the road traveling to work, and not only did he lose his
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unwanted body fat, but he also looks and feels way younger now.
Here is what Jennifer from Little Rock, Arkansas says:
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Those are just a few of the tens of thousands of off the cuff success stories
I've received and I will reveal a few more with you in a minute.
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But before I do, it is important
I tell you how this works and why it will not only
transform your body but also save your life.
Like I mentioned before, my name is Wes, and yep you guessed it, I'm a
single dad and here is me and my munchkins being silly in a photo I took a
week ago
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and even though being labeled as a celebrity trainer by my peers, rubbing
elbows with top fitness infomercial gurus such as Shark Tank class act,
Kevin Harrington,
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And transforming men's and women's bodies at some of the largest weight
loss camps in the country.
Looking back it almost feels surreal and it was a humbling feeling to be
labeled as the top world authority on body transformations
who has the reputation of taking the most challenging clients from other
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trainers and completely transforming their bodies in weeks..
But .. I'm really no different than you.. I just stumbled upon an unusual
formula that radically changed Patricia Wron, a 45 year old out of shape
woman whose transformation, as you can see, is pretty darn incredible and
I will tell you a secret.
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Not only does she look and feel physically better, but she even used this
exact method to save the life of her 9 yr old daughter..
But like most of us, including myself, Patricia was still skeptical... Even
though she looked physically amazing and had the energy of a 25-year old,
she wanted medical scientific proof, so she went as far as getting a full
physical done at the Mayo Medical Clinic, including genetic scans and
detailed lab analysis,
The doctors all concluded that even though she was in her 40's, her body,
from a biological standpoint, had the anatomical makeup of a 26 year old.
That's a pretty remarkable thing to be told by some of the most respected
doctors in the world,
but it's even more remarkable when you consider that just years ago,
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Patricia was an out of shape, diabetic woman who suffered from
hypothyroidism, feeling tired and sluggish all the time, even the MRI scans
were so dreadful the doctor told her it wasn't safe for her to drive home.
And even though Patricia wanted to do better, she felt too lazy and tired
after work to run on the treadmill or do any type exercise at a sweaty germ
filled gym, but she didn't realize things were that bad, it all happened so
Patricia Almost Died Because Of Her Weight…
After the scans, her emergency room doctor said her weight has causing
serious blockage and heart palpitations and she should think about getting
her affairs in order, just incase the worse happened..
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It was a hell of a wake up call, especially because prior to the incident, she
didn’t realize her health was that bad..
I still remember my heart dropping to the floor, when Patricia told me
the horrifying incident that almost took her life on June 2012.
(let me warn you now.. Patricia’s story will make you feel very
Patricia was training for her first 3k marathon, jogging with her daughter,
at the park.
But Soon she noticed her training was getting harder rather than easier. As
she struggled, she told herself she just wasn’t working hard enough and
just pushed herself harder and harder.
Two miles into a long run, she felt a burning sensation on the right side of
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her stomach and throbbing chest pains which made her drop to her hands
and knees, breathing harshly as if she was having an severe asthma
and instead of stopping and patting herself on the back for running 2 miles
which she hadn't done in years....
she got up, still feeling stomach and chest pains, pushed herself to run an
additional mile.
And this.. is where everything went wrong...
Patricia, who was only 43 at the time, didn’t realize that those were
warning signs. Something was seriously wrong with her heart.
Four days later, around midnight on a Saturday night, she had a painful
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feeling in her chest, so painful it was hard for her to breathe.. She’d had
spicy Thai food for dinner and figured it was just heartburn. She took some
antacids and sat up for a while, hoping the pain would go away.
But the one thing we fear most was about to happen to Patricia..
When both arms started to ache, she took a pain reliever.
However A few hours later, she still had pain and began searching for
answers online.
Many sites suggested heartburn, but one described her symptoms as like
those of having a massive heart attack.
As if on cue, she immediately broke out into a cold sweat.
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By then, it was 8 a.m. and she knew she needed rush to the emergency
She even drove herself to the emergency room, suggesting her husband
stay home to take her daughter to camp in case she didn’t return home in
That visit to the doctor would change her life forever. On June 6th, she
would be told her BMI was over 40 and was pre-diagnosed with symptoms
of heart disease as a result of her weight.
A thousand things ran through her mind at the moment her doctor gave her
those devastating words. Everything was so loud inside her head that she
could barely hear her own thoughts.
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She would leave the doctor’s office in disbelief that evening. She didn’t
get a wink of sleep that night.
She must have walked into her daughter's room a thousand times that
night, wondering if she’d be lucky enough to see her princess grow up.
But then frustration and anxiety kicked in. She kept wondering, Will I get
to see my daughter grow up?
Will I be able to accomplish the things I’m trying to accomplish like
finishing my degree and getting my business off the ground?
As she watched her daughter get on the bus the following morning with a
smile and wave goodbye, she stood in the doorway, almost in tears,
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How many more mornings do I get to enjoy this sight?
Frankly, it was one hell of a wake-up call for Patricia , especially because
prior to the incident, she didn’t know how bad her health really was.
Sure, she knew she needed to lose a few pounds, however, over time, her
clothes started to feel tighter and tighter, month after month and year after
year, and embarrassingly, she also noticed her stomach and muffin top was
getting bigger,
and before bed she would turn the lights off so her husband couldn't see
the disgusting sight of the cottage cheese on her thighs and bum.
But Like most people, she thought of herself as a fairly healthy person, and
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before the daily chest pains,
She was trying all kinds of popular weight loss
systems, diet fads like going on low-carb and gluten-
free diets,
But weight loss systems like 21 day fix, Atkins, Jenny Craig and Weight
Watchers are all about restricting your diet, counting calories, and starving
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She really thought she was doing the right thing but sadly, she was always
disappointed in the end. She would complain of always being hungry at
night and what she soon discovered was that these diets forced her body to
store fat...
Her body was in complete survival mode. Her body hung onto the few
calories she was taking in
and then converted them to fat because she was depriving herself of carbs,
which is how your body refuels and gathers energy..
And she thought this was probably the reason no matter how much she
would eat vegetables and exercise, she still could not drop a single pound
and her muscles wouldn't take shape because she lacked the necessary
proteins and nutrients needed to grow them..
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She would get sick to her stomach thinking about all the money she wasted
on the Weight Watchers, paleo, South Beach, and Beach Body diet
programs, that all sucked the money straight out of her bank account.
She complained to me that the 21 Day Fix and
Weight watchers portion meals were just too small,
She was always hungry after 6 pm and couldn't fight the urge to eat.
And to make things worse.. Her doctor also found she had a significant
increase in her LDL levels, which is bad cholesterol and her body was so
toxic with fat,
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her triglycerides levels were over 300, which is critical, and could lead to
heart disease
Feeling overwhelmed and depressed one evening, she fell to the kitchen
floor and bursted into tears, not knowing her daughter was peeking around
the corner.
She came from behind the door and gently hugged her neck and with her
sweet, innocent voice,
she told her mom the most unusual thing..
“Don't cry, Mom. Jesus is going to send you a miracle.” looking confused
she hugged her daughter and cried on her shoulder while her daughter
gently rubbed her back.
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The very next day the phone rung and her doctor frantically told her to
drop everything and rush the emergency room ASAP..
She made it to the hospital waiting room, sitting nervously with her legs
crossed waiting impatiently as the minutes tip toed past like well
marshaled field mice in feather slippers,
The second would come when the doctor told her the dark reality of
pushing your weight and health to the side for several years,
He said, “Patricia if you don't lose at least 30 lbs. in the next month, I'm
not sure how long your heart would be able to withstand your body’s
current weight, waiting so long and pushing your health to the side for so
many years..
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Has caused your blood pressure to reach 160/100, your BMI is north of 30
and your cholesterol levels are off the charts.”
From years of eating the wrong foods and doing the wrong type of
exercises, the fat and cholesterol buildup was immense..
Your arteries are in the first stages of hardening. That even very
expensive weightloss surgery would be too risky at this point.
Patricia was completely devastated and felt even more defeated, almost
helpless, thinking to herself, There's no way I can lose 30 lbs. in the next
30 days when I haven't lost 20 lbs. in the last 4 years.
Suddenly Any Day Could Be Your Last!
Now I'm not telling you any of this to be a sob story or sympathy for
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Patricia. I'm sharing her story with you because everything happens so
fast, even though she didn't really think she was all that unhealthy, she
thought she was just getting up in age.
That is the scary thing about getting older, there is that ticking time bomb
inside of you and it starts counting down at a faster and faster rate and
whether it is cancer, a heart disease, a stroke, or diabetes or whatever, all
of a sudden, any day could be your last.
Over the next few days that followed, she was advised to get her affairs in
order, explain her condition to her family and figure out who would take
care her daughter if the worse would happen,
but one thing she dreaded to do was find the words to tell her 9 year old
daughter that she might not be alive to see her turn 10, which was only a
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few weeks away.
But her baby, who she loved to death, repeated those unusual words,
“Jesus is going to send you a miracle, Momma.” Even though Patricia
wasn't an overly religious woman, deep down inside, she hoped it was
And that is where her story would've ended if an unexpected
Life threatening event that almost wiped me from
the face of the earth, had not saved her life.
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I still remember it like was yesterday, on September 11, 2001, when two
unidentified planes suddenly crashed into the World Trade Center in New
York City,
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my heart sank to the floor as I was watching innocent people jump from
the Twin Towers, never to be seen again by their families.
And after feeling hurt, pissed and angry all at the same time..
5 years later I was deep in the trenches, suited and booted fighting for my
country in the dangerous sands of Iraq.
After a week of hitting the ground, I was training the troops day and night
in an effort to get them in the best shape possible so they could pass their
mandatory physical fitness evaluation which was in weeks.
However, I'm embarrassed to say, at that time, I was failing miserably as a
trainer because the soldiers who were all middle-aged men and women
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with all types of medical ailments, did not lose an ounce of weight.
We tried drinking more water, kicked
all carbs to the curb, I even went as far
as hiding the salt shaker from the
dinner table, however, the needle on
the scale wasn't budging and their
bodies were not taking shape.
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Discovered I Was Doing Everything Wrong For The
Past 7 Years
But then something incredible happened, something I would've never
thought possible would be shared with me in my tent that night by A
young medical student from Thailand, by the name of Severino, who was
recently kicked out of Harvard Medical because he refused to keep quiet
about a classified undocumented medical breakthrough that he conducted a
few months ago, as he was making his rounds , he mentioned he saw me
training that evening and could feel my pain and frustrations
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He came close to my ear and whispered, “Wes
I can tell you are training from the heart, but
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what you are doing is backwards.
Your exercise routines are too long, the carbs
your soldiers are eating should be tripled and
their bodies will continue to store fat and lose
energy if you keep kidnapping the salt shaker from the dinner table.
As you can imagine, I was confused, but then he gave me the science
behind it that blew me away..
He said the reason why any man or woman who is not losing weight in
their 30's, 40's, 50's even 60's is because their bodies are experiencing
metabolic acidosis. I said metabolic who?
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He told me that Metabolic acidosis occurs when your kidneys can't get rid
of food acid properly, this causes your body to store fat and knock your fat
burning cycles out of sync.
And no matter how hard you beat the pavement by exercising to death,
wearing trash bags sitting in hot saunas trying to sweat the fat off, going
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on restricting diets and pouring water down your throat until you pee
clear, you will never lose an ounce of fat.”
Now even though right before leaving Harvard and receiving a very
prestigious award for a successful medical breakthrough that reverses
obesity in adults and children at any age, I was still skeptical.
He then shared a practical example that would soon turn the tables on
everything I've learned in nutrition in the last 10 years.
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He said, “If you leave trash sitting out, in your kitchen for days, what will
eventually happen?” I said, “It will start to stink, decay and rot...”
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“Right! Now what if you leave the same garbage in your kitchen for
several months?”
“Well, the smell would be so bad you would think a dead body was
decomposing in the kitchen, and not to mention the maggots that would
start to appear..
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“Exactly!!” He said this is the major problem going on internally in most
people’s bodies...
Countless studies show this is the #1 reason 93.6% of people struggle with
weight loss, even after working for hours and going on restrictive diets...
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This trash in scientific terms is called acids, an acidic body holds on to fat
to protect itself against the acids that weaken the body’s immune system
and disrupt metabolic processes.
And after years of not addressing the core issue, you will gain even more
weight, start feeling sporadic chest pains, and because of the accumulation
of fat around your arteries your heart will start to beat irregularly, or even
worse, your once good cells could transmute into carcinogen cells and lead
to incurable heart problems.
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But get this..
Latest studies also show most people in large populations, especially in
western cultures, live highly stressful lives, and this stress produces a
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harmful acid called cortisol, which is our fight or flight hormone that is
produced in your body when you are overwhelmed, experience anxiety
attacks, dealing with marital issues, depressed about your weight or even
worried about having enough money for your bills
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But it gets even worse, most people have no energy, are sluggish and tired
all the time and we eat the wrong foods at the wrong hours of the day,
which knocks our natural fat burning cycles out of balance.
Then there's the weight loss see saw effect, where you lose weight but gain
it back much faster, not knowing why..
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Sadly the successful research Severino led wasn’t in
the hands of the mass public
Because of the scary threats and push back he received from big pharma
and drug companies, but seeing the pain of defeat in the eyes of the
soldiers who were all on the brink of giving up..
Severino took a deep breath and grabbed me firmly on my right arm and
said I have the exact formula that would solve the obesity epidemic that is
slowly killing men and women all over the world..
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And after being kicked out of one of the top universities in the country
because I wouldn't keep my mouth shut, I still have my old Harvard
medical binder that has the herbs, minerals and guidelines that will
diminish 10% of body fat in any man or woman over the age of 30 in the
matter of a few short weeks.
And get this, after the first week, the powerful effects of these herbs and
minerals, taken in a very specific order, will not only eliminate fat, free
radicals, heavy metals, and toxins from the body,
but it also contains a powerful enzyme that will awaken youthful energy,
beautify the skin cells around your body, and also melt triple the fat from
the major fat storing points on your stomach and thigh area.
Deep down inside, I wanted to believe him. After training so many people
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for the past 7 years,
My biggest challenge was men and women over the
age of 30,
Who suffer from obesity, joint pain, back problems, diabetes, thyroid
conditions and other metabolic diseases. It really was a huge pill to
So the following morning, Severino walked into my tent carrying a small
blue binder containing about 21 pages of sloppy hand written notes, and he
said that inside those pages was everything I would need to rejuvenate the
cells in anyone's body, regenerate their fat burning cycles, and kick start
their metabolism back into gear as it did in their 20's.
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Jokingly, he called it his drug free Thai method and he made me swear that
I would follow it after he had left.
If I'm completely honest, what he wrote down wasn't even really that
complicated but I was very new to some of the all-natural minerals, herbs
and weight diminishing formulas he gave me.
Then like a bolt of lightning, it hit me, I remember Severino saying that
most of these unknown herbs and minerals are eaten daily by some the
most indigenous and healthiest countries in the world such as Thailand,
Japan and the Philippines,
but the most amazing thing was this..
latest studies show for the past 10 years these countries have one of the
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lowest obesity, cancer and heart disease rates in the world
and not only that, they also live the longest and look the youngest. Then
it dawned on me that I may be on the verge of a major breakthrough that
may revolutionize the health industry, reverse obesity, and slow the aging
process to a crawl.
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So I humbled myself and spent the entire night tearing through every page
of the binder, looking forward to sharing it with the soldiers.
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I met with each soldier privately on Friday evening with the exact plan and
instructions that Severino gave me to use during the weekend,
and oh, boy, I did not expect to be bombarded with such excitement on a
Monday morning.
Each and every one of them busted through the doors chattering and
bragging about how much sleep they got over the weekend and the surge
of energy they felt throughout their bodies.
But the mind boggling things was this.
90% of the soldiers lost an average of three pounds over the weekend
without any physical activity and did not change their diet whatsoever
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It started becoming more and more likely that Severino might be onto
something as they all were sleeping through the night and waking up with
more energy and still feeling a dramatic energy boost as the day
They started feeling more and more mentally focused even with all of
those harmful high cholesterol and high blood pressure pills floating
around inside their bodies.
And that wasn't the most fascinating part, even though Severino's plan
forced them to eat more carbs and add more sodium to their foods which
was different from what the current health industry was preaching, they
actually began to lose weight at an accelerated rate within the first week,
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almost a pound a day was the average, but even with this accelerated
weight loss, they didn't feel tired and that wasn't the amazing thing..
They also had 10 times more energy, felt more strength in their muscles,
and looked and felt healthier than they've ever felt in years.
Not to mention they were cheating their butts off on the weekends, eating
bread and pasta, tearing into homemade pies shipped by their spouses and
moms, scarfing down vanilla and strawberry ice cream, basically doing all
the things you'd think someone who was trying to lose weight should
absolutely avoid
and as you can well imagine , the base trainer in charge was so furious that
I was giving them such foods.
That jerk went as far as restricting me to the base to prevent me from
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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getting the delicious snacks and sweet tasty desserts that were all on
Severino's list.
So I had to go secretly on the internet and fast ship the food Severino had
prescribed when he wasn't around.
And you won't you believe what happened next..
After a month, the plan Severino gave me went viral around the base, I was
helping more people than I could handle, but the intriguing thing was
Each soldier was required to take a full grade physical and my mouth
literally dropped to the floor to see men and women in their 40's with LDL
levels at 70, which is almost perfect!
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None Of This Makes Sense
Even one of the military doctors was so flabbergasted, he couldn't put his
finger on how 95 percent of the soldiers he saw that day had a blood
pressure reading of 110/80. These type of results are usually found in
young children, newlyweds, and youngsters in their 20s.
However, with my own two eyes, I saw men and women in their 40's, 50s
and 60s with a long history of obesity, heart problems, metabolic problems
and the signs and symptoms all fade away.
Then things really started to get crazy, because Civilians and soldiers
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crowded my living area every evening, all anxious to know what was is in
this little blue binder that was changing so many lives for the better.
And after barking up the wrong tree for so many years, to be slapped over
the head with this miracle breakthrough, something tragic would happen
that would save the life of Patricia.
After giving a hand written version of Severino’s plan to almost 300 men
and women that evening, exhausted, I laid my head down on my cot,
dreaming about getting back to the states and sharing Severino's plan with
the world, to finally have found the hidden treasure to completely
transform anyone's body, and show them undeniable proof that you really
can slow down the aging process, rejuvenate every cell in your body, lose
all the weight you want and kick all prescription pills to the curb in just a
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few short weeks...
The Night That Could Have Been My Last.
But late that night, I heard a sound that scared the living day lights out of
me. The base was under attack, I jumped out of bed, not wearing much of
anything and dashed to the nearest bunker for safety.
The entire base was pitch black because their were unidentified men with
green mask scouring the base with fully loaded machine guns..
And all I could hear was bullet after bullet and the screams of soldiers and
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innocent civilians running for their lives.
All I could think about was my little girl and boy, crazy thoughts started to
enter my head.
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Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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Would I ever see them again? Would I be able to have a dad and daughter
date with my princess? Would I get the chance the throw a football with
my little boy at the park?
The feeling of uncertainty, not knowing if tonight would be my last, was
the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life. After 8 hours of sitting in a
bunker, staring down the barrel of my M16 rifle, sweating bullets fearing
the worse, hearing the cries of women and the men not knowing if they
would ever see their families again, all of a sudden, we heard the most
beautiful words ever spoken, “All clear.”
It was such a great feeling of relief, almost like the feeling when you heart
skips a beat when see your child run after a ball into a busy intersection
but saved at the last minute by a good Samaritan...
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With my head to the sky quietly Thanking God for a
second chance I vowed to make it my mission to
make a major contribution to the world,
The following month I would exit the military and fly back to the states..
with a small 12 page hand written binder that would spark the miraculous
change of 104,988 men and women who all struggled with their weight to
completely transform their bodies and reclaim their health.
After a week of being home, something was burning deep inside me, and
honestly I was pondering on how I should introduce Severino's method to
the world...
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But something bizarre would happen.....
I found myself in a very strange place, a place I haven’t been in years. I
found myself in front of a huge cathedral and this is where I would meet
Patricia Wron a 45 yr old over weight women who was losing all hope... .
And eventhough She was sitting cradling her head with her hands, I could
see the tears running down her pale face, helpless, so I decided to grab a
seat close to her...
I greeted her and ask her what was wrong.. Whispering quietly so her
daughter couldn't hear, she told me she received some bad, life
threatening news at the doctors office about her health...
And in that very moment, the miracle that Patricia's daughter kept
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repeating would magically appear before her eyes... With my hand on my
chin, I thought to myself, I wonder if Severino’s plan would work for
Patricia like it did so many others..
Patricia told me she was over the age of 40, over weight, a diabetic, had
high cholesterol, and was on all kinds of high blood pressure
She kept beating herself up, asking why did I wait so long to do
something about my health..
I grabbed my handkerchief to wipe the tears from her face and after
sharing story after story of all the amazing weight loss stories of men and
women who reclaimed their health, boosted their quality of life, and
transformed their bodies in a few short weeks..
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I asked her if she was willing to try Severino's thai prescription method
for the next 30 days.. she said honestly I don't know how a 12 page binder
from a kid who was kicked out of Harvard is going to help me, but at this
point, I'm desperate and I owe it to my little girl to give it a try..
That night, I gave her Severino's plan and told her to follow it step by step
everyday for the next 4 weeks,
And this might sound crazy but she rang my phone almost every day
shouting almost blowing out my ear drums, screaming that she lost another
pound today,
And on top of that her blue eyes lit up like a blow torch on day 7 because
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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she was able to easily stick both of her arms in her jeans with room to
And the same doctor that told her to basically start planning her funeral,
was floored when he saw that her body looked thinner, her face was
smaller, her skin was glowing, even her belly had gone down, her thighs
were lean and her bum was smooth as a babies bottom.
And she no longer had to take any high blood pressure or cholesterol pills
and on the last week of using Severino’s plan, she discovered she lost
over 37 lbs
Friends And Family Were Amazed By What Had
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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Patricia's friends and family were amazed by what had happened to her.
They called and asked her what her secret was, if there were some sort of
experimental medication she was taking or some unknown diet system.
Many of them had their own health conditions; they were scared about
things like high cholesterol, diabetes, even life-threatening prostate cancer.
Others were simply fighting a losing battle with their weight; they had
been putting on pounds for years, their stomachs and muffin tops were
growing bigger and bigger each day, their back fat and man boobs was
getting more and more annoying and they were miserable seeing the same
body with no change, feeling unattractive and out of shape.
But something even more amazing happened when Patricia surprisingly
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called me on the phone excited, she said her daughter would run home
everyday in tears from being teased at school because of her weight,
and the doctor said she was a few points from becoming a child with
diabetes for the rest of her life..
But her daughter did something fascinating, something every small child
does with their parents, she started to copycat her mom and in the first 7
days of mimicking her mom, following exactly what was in Severino's plan
to not only lose 6 pounds but all signs of diabetes has completely
Without slowing down this gave me the confidence to share it with my
weight loss camp which at that time was only 6 people strong but boy did
it grow fast..
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Week 1
Week 2
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Week 3
Week 4
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In 21 days after giving everyone a copy of Severino's plan we grew to over
150 men and women per night who were all dropping pounds faster than
ever before, restoring their health and reclaiming their youth being active
again like they did in their 20's
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I shared it with dozens of friends and family members, and soon, their
friends and their friends’ friends were all seeing major changes in their
With the help of social media, suddenly, there were thousands of people
around the country doing the exact same thing and people would flood my
inbox, sharing their successful stories with me.
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Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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They all experienced a dramatic reduction in body fat and an incredible
boost in energy, optimal lab results for all their vitals, and perfect health.
And as I received emotional call after emotional call and thousands of
Facebook messages from both people I knew well and complete strangers
thanking me for sharing this plan with them and for changing their lives,
it became clear that I had a new calling in life to get this new found health
breakthrough in the hands of the masses, even at the risk of top gym chains
and health industries coming after me to bust my balls.
Because really, I shouldn't have been alive. I still remember that night in
Iraq seeing bullets fly over my head and so many of my good friends who
were injured and a few even sadly lost their lives.
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I believe this was a sign from above and I would have to be a pretty selfish
jerk, if I didn't pay it forward and share this plan with others to beat the
odds and regain their health, their vitality, and their youth.
These Companies Really Lit A Fire Under My Butt!!
So, for the next few weeks, I approached Women’s Health, Dr. Oz, Men’s
Health, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and even was lucky enough to get a
response from Oprah's assistant after sending 1,235 emails, who all
slammed the door in my face repeatedly in an effort to get this method out
quickly, maybe because I was a small fish in a big pond. Who knows!
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So the only viable solution was to take this directly to the public myself, so
I put the gloves on and I got busy. I took the same blue binder Severino
had given me, and turned it into a fully organized, simple to follow total
fat diminishing wellness blueprint.
I made a list of dozens of the most powerful herbs and minerals you should
add to your diet right now if you want to lose fat and erase years from
your body, radically regenerate damaged cells, and reverse the effects of
aging to turn the clock back 10 years in as little as a few short weeks.
And a list containing all the supposed health foods and the vegetables that
are secretly wrecking your health and keeping you fat, and the absolute
little known body healing smoothie recipes you need in your body to
enhance your youthful quality of life and rid your body of harmful toxins,
heavy metals and free radicals..
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Plus, I added the exact steps to restore your eating cycles to shift your
metabolism from 1st to the 5th gear in the next 72 hours, which may piss
off the Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig folks but this is essential to your
long-term health, but, of course, I didn't stop there.
Beyond just listing all the nutrients and tasty foods you need, I also
included the fastest weight loss week ever that starts today to kick start
your fat burning cycles into overdrive to shed 5 lbs of fat from your belly
in the first week, even without doing a single minute of cardio;
We Also Included A 4 Week Kick Start Guide
Which, step by step, outlines a specific schedule containing the new herbs
and minerals you should consume first thing in the morning and in what
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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quantities, even if you want to lose 30 pounds or more and anatomically
reverse your age as much as 8 years in the first month.
Everything is presented in simple step-by-step fashion. It is easy to
understand and Severino gives you all of the science behind what we are
doing, and we also give you a day by day progressive tracking formula, so
you can measure your fat percentages versus muscle growth each week
without having to pay a single cent or paying a co-pay at the doctor's
office to get your results. So you will know for sure that you are losing fat
and gaining muscle rapidly.
We have nicknamed this guide the Fat Diminisher System and out of the
104,988 others who have tried it for themselves, the average first month
weight-loss is about 22 pounds.
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People like Brandi in Toledo, Ohio lost 30 pounds in the first month,
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Brianna in Charleston, West Virginia, who lost 20 pounds and 3 dress sizes
in 4 weeks before her wedding,
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and Nancy Babson of Yakima, Washington, who lost more
than 53 pounds in two months.
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It is important to understand that this isn't just about a quick fix.
Yes, you will lose weight, repair damaged cells, and rejuvenate your body
rapidly, but the Fat Diminisher is also designed to make you 100% certain
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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that you keep the weight off for good.
That is actually what makes Severino’s blueprint so unique and special, it
is not a gunshot approach to your health and we fully understand everyone
has different needs, so we simply give you the tools and knowledge you
need to achieve your optimal level of health.
We show you the why and the how and let you approach your health in the
way that works best for you. That is also why we give you those tracking
charts so you can monitor your own metabolic rate and internal health on
your own and make adjustments to your diet as you see fit. There is no
calorie counting, strict dieting, or other harsh rules that you have to follow.
There is no starving yourself or mail order meals to buy and there is
certainly no extreme exercise plan because like we have already discussed,
over exercising will deplete your energy and starve your body of the
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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nutrients it needs to survive.
However, if you just want to kill your belly fat and get rid of that muffin
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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top, I’m also going to include a simple to follow 4 minute belly Shred
video along with a little known belly detox formula that is in your kitchen
cabinet right now, that will melt several inches from your waist so you can
look good at your next wedding, anniversary or highschool reunion.
Or if you need to lose 50 pounds, like Rebecca and Jim did
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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If so, go to page 33 in the book and you will find out how to fix your fat
burning cycles in the next 72 hours to do just that, and even if you are not
interested in losing any weight, but just want more energy and to feel
healthier, go to page 64 and do exactly what it says to destroy the free
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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radicals and toxins that are proliferating in your body, absorbing your
energy, aging you, and even putting you at the risk of cancer and heart
Fat Diminisher will tell you exactly what you need to do to make that
happen, so given everything that is above it should be pretty clear that
there's nothing else like the Fat Diminisher on the planet.
It is a fully loaded system that's filled with the tools you need to not only
to quickly lose weight and regain your physique, but also completely turn
around your entire health even if you are severely ill and already knocking
at death's door like Patricia was.
Of course, that is not to say there are no other options out there but think
about those for a second. You could continue to try every new fad diets
and joint busting DVD programs that hit the market, but the simple fact is
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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this: if these systems really worked, if their claims really were true, then
why does the Center for Disease Control still report a 35% increase in
obesity each year and an a increasing count of 3,500 people per day are
still dying from heart disease and cancer, These are our mothers and
fathers, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, who just didn't know what
you will know after using this system.
You could try workouts like Insanity, P90x, and hurt your joints or starve
yourself eating small portion size food in those ridiculous colorful
containers like the 21 Day Fix or use the out of date weight watchers point
system, which throws your body into survival mode, where, by the way, it
will start hoarding the few bits of nutrients that do enter your body and
convert them into fat..
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I still blame myself for telling people for so many years to eat more salads
and drink more water until I realized that doing this was depriving them of
essential nutrients, wrecking their metabolism and caused them to binge at
night and gain more weight faster.
You could spend $300 per month on a certified trainer and nutritionist,
who all take silly 1 day courses to get certified but have no experience on
how the body digests food, how the fat burning cycles work, and are
uninformed of the metabolic changes when you are in your 30s, 40s and
50s, or you can use the Fat Diminisher and grab the same personal detox
secrets celebrity trainers like Autumn Calabrese, Jillian Michaels, Shaun T,
and Tony Horton will never tell you about. However in the next 3 minutes
you will be able to use these powerful secrets for yourself.
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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Then there are damaging weight loss pills that send debilitating toxic
chemicals straight to your brain to falsely tell your body it’s not hungry.
Have you ever took a second to read the side effects or watched the
musical weight loss commercials as they tell you how good you will feel
after buying their pill?
But let me tell you what you don't hear... You don't hear the risk and body
harming side effects of these pills such as cancer, seizures, epilepsy,
depression, nervousness, constipation, dizziness, headache, nausea,
fatigue, increased blood pressure, insomnia, oily spotting, just to name a
But, of course, you probably already know that. I mean, imagine going to
the doctor after taking your weight loss pills, expecting great news, but he
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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dreadfully tells you that your BMI has increased to 45 and your blood
pressure and cholesterol levels are both through the roof.
And then there is the Fat Diminisher System. You are not subject to any
strict rules, you don't starve yourself, you don't take pills or medications,
and you don't work out like a gym rat.
You simply follow the simple biological, nutritional-based formula inside
and put more of the foods you like back into your diet and get one day
closer to the immediate but permanent results of optimal health for decades
to come.
Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download
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  • 1. “How A 45-Yr Old Out Of Shape Woman STOPS Eating “Health Foods” That Gave Her A Massive Heart Attack, To Mysteriously Drop Over 37 lbs To Save Her Own Life” Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 2. Hi I'm Wes and I have an unusual story to share with you about how I was scared to death Looking down the barrel of a M16 rifle, heart pounding, moments from pulling the trigger, two seconds from almost being killed, to be suddenly slapped over the head with a bizarre binder that saved the life of Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
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  • 4. Patricia Wron, a 45-year-old, out of shape woman, who had a sudden heart attack caused by symptoms, she didn't even know she had, To mysteriously lose over 38 lbs In 4 weeks, without a sign of any health problems, to save her own life. Yep, you heard me correctly, 38 lbs. in 4 short weeks, going from this to this, without any surgery, pills, or butt busting workouts whatsoever... Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
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  • 6. And you'll be shocked, maybe even disturbed, when you discover the unconventional method used to melt away all her unwanted body fat and miraculously regenerate every youthful cell in her body, in such a short period of time. Patricia was frustrated with her weight for years following the usual advice of fitness experts such as cranking up the cardio and dieting more But the breakthrough came from an unlikely source, from one of the top universities in Massachusetts that would change her life forever.. A method so effective and so outlandish, it would be banned instantly if it ever made it to mainstream TV Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 7. And in the next three minutes you will discover the lies and unethical schemes the $40 billion health industry is subliminally feeding you that not only hinders your weight loss efforts, But even worse, you could have the early signs of heart disease or cancer RIGHT NOW and not even know it, without using this method. Lies such as · Why salty foods, such as chips and french fries are NOT the culprit for weight gain Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 8. · Also how certain vegetables, that most people think are healthy, create serious thyroid problems that add fat to your stomach area even if you are busting your butt in the gym everyday. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 9. · OR the scientifically proven truth on how fat-free, sugar- free, gluten-free, and low-carb diets will all accelerate your weight because of two body fattening amino acids that are lurking in most of our foods you think are healthy.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 10. This might be scary to hear... Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 11. But you are going to discover the two acids that are injected in most foods we've been led to believe are healthy.. Both of them transport deadly trans fats right into your blood stream, destroying the body's metabolic system and halts the production of thyroid hormones, (especially in women), which results in abnormal fat storage, specifically around your stomach and thigh area. And I Might Get In A Heap Of Trouble For Saying This.. But you're going to be furious with tears.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 12. When I peel the onion and reveal the untold truth about weight watchers spokesperson Jennifer Hudson's magical body transformation and get this.. The skinny body you see on the right... did not come from using the weight watchers point system Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 13. And in a few seconds You will know the undisputable TRUTH on how celebrities really lose weight in such a short period of time.. Right inside this article.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 14. But the most unusual thing is Patricia Wron's miraculous break through would be revealed when I was shipped off to serve my country in Iraq, trapped in a bunker with soldiers seconds from almost being killed. But on the bright side, if you stick with me to the very end of this article, that I will be forced to take down soon, because of pending lawsuits from popular gym chains and big pharma companies... so be sure to handle your mouse with care, one accidental click could mean missing out on information that could save your life like it did Patricia's, Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 15. you are going to be shown the exact fat melting system that is scientifically proven to rapidly and permanently melt away every chunk of fat off your body.. Dramatically Catapulting Your Vitality, Boosting Your Energy and Sex Drive to Optimal levels, · Significantly minimizing your risk from life threatening metabolic diseases like hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, · And reversing all effects of aging on your body by decades, in as little as a few short weeks from now. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 16. · This fat diminishing method will deliver you a total body transformation, requires no supplements, no sweaty workouts, no crazy diet plans, no overpriced ineffective weight loss products · And doesn't require any pump yourself up motivation rituals to do it, · And it will work for people of any age, any body type, and in any state of physical health because the scientific method is based on sound physiology and anatomical principles. But before we go any further, I must warn you of something. The weight Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 17. loss industry is filled with blood sucking money hungry vultures, the sneaky marketing masterminds behind Atkins, Weight Watchers, and the infamous Beach Body bozos. The ones who have been secretly making billions of dollars off your pain and suffering, while behind your back raking in profits, seducing you to buy their next product with more lies and false claims. But what REALLY pisses me off is this.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 18. These companies are so vicious that they are even trying to hang me by a noose, destroying my credibility with false accusations and even sending me nasty cease and desist letters in an effort to keep me quiet about the weight loss secret that I'm about to expose right inside this article. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 19. That is because they know once you hear the truth, they will never see another penny from you again. Just like the 104,988 others who use this technique today, which you are about to see in this article, and on top of that, I will show you REAL undeniable proof in just a Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 20. moment, Imagine feeling a jolt of energy tomorrow morning like you did in your 20's, even if you are in your 40s, 50s, or 60s right now, you will see your stubborn belly that hangs over your belt or pokes out your dress completely vanish. You will suddenly look and feel 10 times healthier than you have been in the last 20 years and you will find that all of the symptoms and causes of your most major health conditions, things like hyperthyroidism, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, chronic joint pain, even the early signs of cancer, have completely faded away from your body in a matter that is so unbelievable, so unimaginable, it would make even the most dedicated Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 21. atheist look up to the sky and say there is a GOD Patricia’s 33-Day Transformation Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 22. Now the secret that I am about to share with you is so simple, so easy, that even in the next few days, the results you will see in the mirror are going to be indescribable.. That it probably sounds almost unbelievable when you first hear about it. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 23. You will likely wonder how something like this got past you in the first place. To be honest, quitting my job and putting myself in harms way, to support Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 24. my country by joining the armed forces, I felt the exact same way when I was first told about the incredible scientific breakthrough about a fat burning cycle buried in the human anatomy that westerners, Canadians, Australians and European countries were threatened and forced to keep quiet about. At first, I thought this was a bunch of hogwash, feeding me a lot of false claims I've already heard before. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 25. But it felt unreal observing the rapid body transformations of once out of shape courageous soldiers on a C130 flying home excited to show their families how fit and lean they were, Seeing Patricia's body physically transform right before my eyes! Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 26. and seeing the outrageous weekly growth of my weight loss camp of thousands of people just like you and me all try it for themselves, Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 27. and experience unbelievable unheard of life-changing results, I was absolutely convinced that what I'm about to share with you will give you the lean healthy physique and confidence you either always wanted but never had, or once had and lost decades ago. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 28. But the most MIND BLOWING was this.. It will diminish every toxin, free radical and heavy metal from your body to free up unused energy that will have you feeling light and young again! And not to mention it will totally and permanently rejuvenate your every bad cell in your body, reversing virtually all of your medical problems, conditions, and diseases and genetically lowering your age by at least 10 years. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 29. That is exactly what happened for Crystal in Houston, Texas. She lost more than 30 pounds and several inches in a very short period of time; she was shocked in a J Crew dressing room when she discovered she dropped from a size 15 dress to a size 9 Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 30. Or even Charles from Houston, Texas who lost 40 pounds in 5 and a half weeks and saved over 200 bucks a month because he didn't have to purchase anymore diabetic prescriptions from his drug store. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
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  • 32. Or James from Rockford, Illinois. He lost 20 pounds in less than four weeks, while on the road traveling to work, and not only did he lose his Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
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  • 35. Those are just a few of the tens of thousands of off the cuff success stories I've received and I will reveal a few more with you in a minute. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 36. But before I do, it is important I tell you how this works and why it will not only transform your body but also save your life. Like I mentioned before, my name is Wes, and yep you guessed it, I'm a single dad and here is me and my munchkins being silly in a photo I took a week ago Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 37. and even though being labeled as a celebrity trainer by my peers, rubbing elbows with top fitness infomercial gurus such as Shark Tank class act, Kevin Harrington, Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 38. And transforming men's and women's bodies at some of the largest weight loss camps in the country. Looking back it almost feels surreal and it was a humbling feeling to be labeled as the top world authority on body transformations who has the reputation of taking the most challenging clients from other Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 39. trainers and completely transforming their bodies in weeks.. But .. I'm really no different than you.. I just stumbled upon an unusual formula that radically changed Patricia Wron, a 45 year old out of shape woman whose transformation, as you can see, is pretty darn incredible and I will tell you a secret. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 40. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 41. Not only does she look and feel physically better, but she even used this exact method to save the life of her 9 yr old daughter.. But like most of us, including myself, Patricia was still skeptical... Even though she looked physically amazing and had the energy of a 25-year old, she wanted medical scientific proof, so she went as far as getting a full physical done at the Mayo Medical Clinic, including genetic scans and detailed lab analysis, The doctors all concluded that even though she was in her 40's, her body, from a biological standpoint, had the anatomical makeup of a 26 year old. That's a pretty remarkable thing to be told by some of the most respected doctors in the world, but it's even more remarkable when you consider that just years ago, Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 42. Patricia was an out of shape, diabetic woman who suffered from hypothyroidism, feeling tired and sluggish all the time, even the MRI scans were so dreadful the doctor told her it wasn't safe for her to drive home. And even though Patricia wanted to do better, she felt too lazy and tired after work to run on the treadmill or do any type exercise at a sweaty germ filled gym, but she didn't realize things were that bad, it all happened so soon. Patricia Almost Died Because Of Her Weight… After the scans, her emergency room doctor said her weight has causing serious blockage and heart palpitations and she should think about getting her affairs in order, just incase the worse happened.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 43. It was a hell of a wake up call, especially because prior to the incident, she didn’t realize her health was that bad.. I still remember my heart dropping to the floor, when Patricia told me the horrifying incident that almost took her life on June 2012. (let me warn you now.. Patricia’s story will make you feel very emotional) Patricia was training for her first 3k marathon, jogging with her daughter, at the park. But Soon she noticed her training was getting harder rather than easier. As she struggled, she told herself she just wasn’t working hard enough and just pushed herself harder and harder. Two miles into a long run, she felt a burning sensation on the right side of Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 44. her stomach and throbbing chest pains which made her drop to her hands and knees, breathing harshly as if she was having an severe asthma attack.. and instead of stopping and patting herself on the back for running 2 miles which she hadn't done in years.... she got up, still feeling stomach and chest pains, pushed herself to run an additional mile. And this.. is where everything went wrong... Patricia, who was only 43 at the time, didn’t realize that those were warning signs. Something was seriously wrong with her heart. Four days later, around midnight on a Saturday night, she had a painful Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 45. feeling in her chest, so painful it was hard for her to breathe.. She’d had spicy Thai food for dinner and figured it was just heartburn. She took some antacids and sat up for a while, hoping the pain would go away. But the one thing we fear most was about to happen to Patricia.. When both arms started to ache, she took a pain reliever. However A few hours later, she still had pain and began searching for answers online. Many sites suggested heartburn, but one described her symptoms as like those of having a massive heart attack. As if on cue, she immediately broke out into a cold sweat. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 46. By then, it was 8 a.m. and she knew she needed rush to the emergency room. She even drove herself to the emergency room, suggesting her husband stay home to take her daughter to camp in case she didn’t return home in time. That visit to the doctor would change her life forever. On June 6th, she would be told her BMI was over 40 and was pre-diagnosed with symptoms of heart disease as a result of her weight. A thousand things ran through her mind at the moment her doctor gave her those devastating words. Everything was so loud inside her head that she could barely hear her own thoughts. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 47. She would leave the doctor’s office in disbelief that evening. She didn’t get a wink of sleep that night. She must have walked into her daughter's room a thousand times that night, wondering if she’d be lucky enough to see her princess grow up. But then frustration and anxiety kicked in. She kept wondering, Will I get to see my daughter grow up? Will I be able to accomplish the things I’m trying to accomplish like finishing my degree and getting my business off the ground? As she watched her daughter get on the bus the following morning with a smile and wave goodbye, she stood in the doorway, almost in tears, wondering, Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 48. How many more mornings do I get to enjoy this sight? Frankly, it was one hell of a wake-up call for Patricia , especially because prior to the incident, she didn’t know how bad her health really was. Sure, she knew she needed to lose a few pounds, however, over time, her clothes started to feel tighter and tighter, month after month and year after year, and embarrassingly, she also noticed her stomach and muffin top was getting bigger, and before bed she would turn the lights off so her husband couldn't see the disgusting sight of the cottage cheese on her thighs and bum. But Like most people, she thought of herself as a fairly healthy person, and Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 49. before the daily chest pains, She was trying all kinds of popular weight loss systems, diet fads like going on low-carb and gluten- free diets, But weight loss systems like 21 day fix, Atkins, Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers are all about restricting your diet, counting calories, and starving yourself. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 50. She really thought she was doing the right thing but sadly, she was always disappointed in the end. She would complain of always being hungry at night and what she soon discovered was that these diets forced her body to store fat... Her body was in complete survival mode. Her body hung onto the few calories she was taking in and then converted them to fat because she was depriving herself of carbs, which is how your body refuels and gathers energy.. And she thought this was probably the reason no matter how much she would eat vegetables and exercise, she still could not drop a single pound and her muscles wouldn't take shape because she lacked the necessary proteins and nutrients needed to grow them.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 51. She would get sick to her stomach thinking about all the money she wasted on the Weight Watchers, paleo, South Beach, and Beach Body diet programs, that all sucked the money straight out of her bank account. She complained to me that the 21 Day Fix and Weight watchers portion meals were just too small, She was always hungry after 6 pm and couldn't fight the urge to eat. And to make things worse.. Her doctor also found she had a significant increase in her LDL levels, which is bad cholesterol and her body was so toxic with fat, Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 52. her triglycerides levels were over 300, which is critical, and could lead to heart disease Feeling overwhelmed and depressed one evening, she fell to the kitchen floor and bursted into tears, not knowing her daughter was peeking around the corner. She came from behind the door and gently hugged her neck and with her sweet, innocent voice, she told her mom the most unusual thing.. “Don't cry, Mom. Jesus is going to send you a miracle.” looking confused she hugged her daughter and cried on her shoulder while her daughter gently rubbed her back. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 53. The very next day the phone rung and her doctor frantically told her to drop everything and rush the emergency room ASAP.. She made it to the hospital waiting room, sitting nervously with her legs crossed waiting impatiently as the minutes tip toed past like well marshaled field mice in feather slippers, The second would come when the doctor told her the dark reality of pushing your weight and health to the side for several years, He said, “Patricia if you don't lose at least 30 lbs. in the next month, I'm not sure how long your heart would be able to withstand your body’s current weight, waiting so long and pushing your health to the side for so many years.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 54. Has caused your blood pressure to reach 160/100, your BMI is north of 30 and your cholesterol levels are off the charts.” From years of eating the wrong foods and doing the wrong type of exercises, the fat and cholesterol buildup was immense.. Your arteries are in the first stages of hardening. That even very expensive weightloss surgery would be too risky at this point. Patricia was completely devastated and felt even more defeated, almost helpless, thinking to herself, There's no way I can lose 30 lbs. in the next 30 days when I haven't lost 20 lbs. in the last 4 years. Suddenly Any Day Could Be Your Last! Now I'm not telling you any of this to be a sob story or sympathy for Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 55. Patricia. I'm sharing her story with you because everything happens so fast, even though she didn't really think she was all that unhealthy, she thought she was just getting up in age. That is the scary thing about getting older, there is that ticking time bomb inside of you and it starts counting down at a faster and faster rate and whether it is cancer, a heart disease, a stroke, or diabetes or whatever, all of a sudden, any day could be your last. Over the next few days that followed, she was advised to get her affairs in order, explain her condition to her family and figure out who would take care her daughter if the worse would happen, but one thing she dreaded to do was find the words to tell her 9 year old daughter that she might not be alive to see her turn 10, which was only a Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 56. few weeks away. But her baby, who she loved to death, repeated those unusual words, “Jesus is going to send you a miracle, Momma.” Even though Patricia wasn't an overly religious woman, deep down inside, she hoped it was true... And that is where her story would've ended if an unexpected Life threatening event that almost wiped me from the face of the earth, had not saved her life. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 57. I still remember it like was yesterday, on September 11, 2001, when two unidentified planes suddenly crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 58. my heart sank to the floor as I was watching innocent people jump from the Twin Towers, never to be seen again by their families. And after feeling hurt, pissed and angry all at the same time.. 5 years later I was deep in the trenches, suited and booted fighting for my country in the dangerous sands of Iraq. After a week of hitting the ground, I was training the troops day and night in an effort to get them in the best shape possible so they could pass their mandatory physical fitness evaluation which was in weeks. However, I'm embarrassed to say, at that time, I was failing miserably as a trainer because the soldiers who were all middle-aged men and women Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 59. with all types of medical ailments, did not lose an ounce of weight. We tried drinking more water, kicked all carbs to the curb, I even went as far as hiding the salt shaker from the dinner table, however, the needle on the scale wasn't budging and their bodies were not taking shape. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 60. Discovered I Was Doing Everything Wrong For The Past 7 Years But then something incredible happened, something I would've never thought possible would be shared with me in my tent that night by A young medical student from Thailand, by the name of Severino, who was recently kicked out of Harvard Medical because he refused to keep quiet about a classified undocumented medical breakthrough that he conducted a few months ago, as he was making his rounds , he mentioned he saw me training that evening and could feel my pain and frustrations Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 61. . He came close to my ear and whispered, “Wes I can tell you are training from the heart, but Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 62. what you are doing is backwards. Your exercise routines are too long, the carbs your soldiers are eating should be tripled and their bodies will continue to store fat and lose energy if you keep kidnapping the salt shaker from the dinner table. As you can imagine, I was confused, but then he gave me the science behind it that blew me away.. He said the reason why any man or woman who is not losing weight in their 30's, 40's, 50's even 60's is because their bodies are experiencing metabolic acidosis. I said metabolic who? Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 63. He told me that Metabolic acidosis occurs when your kidneys can't get rid of food acid properly, this causes your body to store fat and knock your fat burning cycles out of sync. And no matter how hard you beat the pavement by exercising to death, wearing trash bags sitting in hot saunas trying to sweat the fat off, going Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 64. on restricting diets and pouring water down your throat until you pee clear, you will never lose an ounce of fat.” Now even though right before leaving Harvard and receiving a very prestigious award for a successful medical breakthrough that reverses obesity in adults and children at any age, I was still skeptical. He then shared a practical example that would soon turn the tables on everything I've learned in nutrition in the last 10 years. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 65. He said, “If you leave trash sitting out, in your kitchen for days, what will eventually happen?” I said, “It will start to stink, decay and rot...” Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 66. “Right! Now what if you leave the same garbage in your kitchen for several months?” “Well, the smell would be so bad you would think a dead body was decomposing in the kitchen, and not to mention the maggots that would start to appear.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 67. “Exactly!!” He said this is the major problem going on internally in most people’s bodies... Countless studies show this is the #1 reason 93.6% of people struggle with weight loss, even after working for hours and going on restrictive diets... Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 68. This trash in scientific terms is called acids, an acidic body holds on to fat to protect itself against the acids that weaken the body’s immune system and disrupt metabolic processes. And after years of not addressing the core issue, you will gain even more weight, start feeling sporadic chest pains, and because of the accumulation of fat around your arteries your heart will start to beat irregularly, or even worse, your once good cells could transmute into carcinogen cells and lead to incurable heart problems. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 69. But get this.. Latest studies also show most people in large populations, especially in western cultures, live highly stressful lives, and this stress produces a Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 70. harmful acid called cortisol, which is our fight or flight hormone that is produced in your body when you are overwhelmed, experience anxiety attacks, dealing with marital issues, depressed about your weight or even worried about having enough money for your bills Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 71. But it gets even worse, most people have no energy, are sluggish and tired all the time and we eat the wrong foods at the wrong hours of the day, which knocks our natural fat burning cycles out of balance. Then there's the weight loss see saw effect, where you lose weight but gain it back much faster, not knowing why.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 72. Sadly the successful research Severino led wasn’t in the hands of the mass public Because of the scary threats and push back he received from big pharma and drug companies, but seeing the pain of defeat in the eyes of the soldiers who were all on the brink of giving up.. Severino took a deep breath and grabbed me firmly on my right arm and said I have the exact formula that would solve the obesity epidemic that is slowly killing men and women all over the world.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 73. And after being kicked out of one of the top universities in the country because I wouldn't keep my mouth shut, I still have my old Harvard medical binder that has the herbs, minerals and guidelines that will diminish 10% of body fat in any man or woman over the age of 30 in the matter of a few short weeks. And get this, after the first week, the powerful effects of these herbs and minerals, taken in a very specific order, will not only eliminate fat, free radicals, heavy metals, and toxins from the body, but it also contains a powerful enzyme that will awaken youthful energy, beautify the skin cells around your body, and also melt triple the fat from the major fat storing points on your stomach and thigh area. Deep down inside, I wanted to believe him. After training so many people Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 74. for the past 7 years, My biggest challenge was men and women over the age of 30, Who suffer from obesity, joint pain, back problems, diabetes, thyroid conditions and other metabolic diseases. It really was a huge pill to swallow. So the following morning, Severino walked into my tent carrying a small blue binder containing about 21 pages of sloppy hand written notes, and he said that inside those pages was everything I would need to rejuvenate the cells in anyone's body, regenerate their fat burning cycles, and kick start their metabolism back into gear as it did in their 20's. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 75. Jokingly, he called it his drug free Thai method and he made me swear that I would follow it after he had left. If I'm completely honest, what he wrote down wasn't even really that complicated but I was very new to some of the all-natural minerals, herbs and weight diminishing formulas he gave me. Then like a bolt of lightning, it hit me, I remember Severino saying that most of these unknown herbs and minerals are eaten daily by some the most indigenous and healthiest countries in the world such as Thailand, Japan and the Philippines, but the most amazing thing was this.. latest studies show for the past 10 years these countries have one of the Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 76. lowest obesity, cancer and heart disease rates in the world and not only that, they also live the longest and look the youngest. Then it dawned on me that I may be on the verge of a major breakthrough that may revolutionize the health industry, reverse obesity, and slow the aging process to a crawl. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 77. So I humbled myself and spent the entire night tearing through every page of the binder, looking forward to sharing it with the soldiers. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 78. I met with each soldier privately on Friday evening with the exact plan and instructions that Severino gave me to use during the weekend, and oh, boy, I did not expect to be bombarded with such excitement on a Monday morning. Each and every one of them busted through the doors chattering and bragging about how much sleep they got over the weekend and the surge of energy they felt throughout their bodies. But the mind boggling things was this. 90% of the soldiers lost an average of three pounds over the weekend without any physical activity and did not change their diet whatsoever Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 79. It started becoming more and more likely that Severino might be onto something as they all were sleeping through the night and waking up with more energy and still feeling a dramatic energy boost as the day progressed. They started feeling more and more mentally focused even with all of those harmful high cholesterol and high blood pressure pills floating around inside their bodies. And that wasn't the most fascinating part, even though Severino's plan forced them to eat more carbs and add more sodium to their foods which was different from what the current health industry was preaching, they actually began to lose weight at an accelerated rate within the first week, Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 80. almost a pound a day was the average, but even with this accelerated weight loss, they didn't feel tired and that wasn't the amazing thing.. They also had 10 times more energy, felt more strength in their muscles, and looked and felt healthier than they've ever felt in years. Not to mention they were cheating their butts off on the weekends, eating bread and pasta, tearing into homemade pies shipped by their spouses and moms, scarfing down vanilla and strawberry ice cream, basically doing all the things you'd think someone who was trying to lose weight should absolutely avoid and as you can well imagine , the base trainer in charge was so furious that I was giving them such foods. That jerk went as far as restricting me to the base to prevent me from Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 81. getting the delicious snacks and sweet tasty desserts that were all on Severino's list. So I had to go secretly on the internet and fast ship the food Severino had prescribed when he wasn't around. And you won't you believe what happened next.. After a month, the plan Severino gave me went viral around the base, I was helping more people than I could handle, but the intriguing thing was this.. Each soldier was required to take a full grade physical and my mouth literally dropped to the floor to see men and women in their 40's with LDL levels at 70, which is almost perfect! Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 82. None Of This Makes Sense Even one of the military doctors was so flabbergasted, he couldn't put his finger on how 95 percent of the soldiers he saw that day had a blood pressure reading of 110/80. These type of results are usually found in young children, newlyweds, and youngsters in their 20s. However, with my own two eyes, I saw men and women in their 40's, 50s and 60s with a long history of obesity, heart problems, metabolic problems and the signs and symptoms all fade away. Then things really started to get crazy, because Civilians and soldiers Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 83. crowded my living area every evening, all anxious to know what was is in this little blue binder that was changing so many lives for the better. And after barking up the wrong tree for so many years, to be slapped over the head with this miracle breakthrough, something tragic would happen that would save the life of Patricia. After giving a hand written version of Severino’s plan to almost 300 men and women that evening, exhausted, I laid my head down on my cot, dreaming about getting back to the states and sharing Severino's plan with the world, to finally have found the hidden treasure to completely transform anyone's body, and show them undeniable proof that you really can slow down the aging process, rejuvenate every cell in your body, lose all the weight you want and kick all prescription pills to the curb in just a Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 84. few short weeks... The Night That Could Have Been My Last. But late that night, I heard a sound that scared the living day lights out of me. The base was under attack, I jumped out of bed, not wearing much of anything and dashed to the nearest bunker for safety. The entire base was pitch black because their were unidentified men with green mask scouring the base with fully loaded machine guns.. And all I could hear was bullet after bullet and the screams of soldiers and Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 85. innocent civilians running for their lives. All I could think about was my little girl and boy, crazy thoughts started to enter my head. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 86. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 87. Would I ever see them again? Would I be able to have a dad and daughter date with my princess? Would I get the chance the throw a football with my little boy at the park? The feeling of uncertainty, not knowing if tonight would be my last, was the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life. After 8 hours of sitting in a bunker, staring down the barrel of my M16 rifle, sweating bullets fearing the worse, hearing the cries of women and the men not knowing if they would ever see their families again, all of a sudden, we heard the most beautiful words ever spoken, “All clear.” It was such a great feeling of relief, almost like the feeling when you heart skips a beat when see your child run after a ball into a busy intersection but saved at the last minute by a good Samaritan... Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 88. With my head to the sky quietly Thanking God for a second chance I vowed to make it my mission to make a major contribution to the world, The following month I would exit the military and fly back to the states.. with a small 12 page hand written binder that would spark the miraculous change of 104,988 men and women who all struggled with their weight to completely transform their bodies and reclaim their health. After a week of being home, something was burning deep inside me, and honestly I was pondering on how I should introduce Severino's method to the world... Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 89. But something bizarre would happen..... I found myself in a very strange place, a place I haven’t been in years. I found myself in front of a huge cathedral and this is where I would meet Patricia Wron a 45 yr old over weight women who was losing all hope... . And eventhough She was sitting cradling her head with her hands, I could see the tears running down her pale face, helpless, so I decided to grab a seat close to her... I greeted her and ask her what was wrong.. Whispering quietly so her daughter couldn't hear, she told me she received some bad, life threatening news at the doctors office about her health... And in that very moment, the miracle that Patricia's daughter kept Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 90. repeating would magically appear before her eyes... With my hand on my chin, I thought to myself, I wonder if Severino’s plan would work for Patricia like it did so many others.. Patricia told me she was over the age of 40, over weight, a diabetic, had high cholesterol, and was on all kinds of high blood pressure medications... She kept beating herself up, asking why did I wait so long to do something about my health.. I grabbed my handkerchief to wipe the tears from her face and after sharing story after story of all the amazing weight loss stories of men and women who reclaimed their health, boosted their quality of life, and transformed their bodies in a few short weeks.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 91. I asked her if she was willing to try Severino's thai prescription method for the next 30 days.. she said honestly I don't know how a 12 page binder from a kid who was kicked out of Harvard is going to help me, but at this point, I'm desperate and I owe it to my little girl to give it a try.. That night, I gave her Severino's plan and told her to follow it step by step everyday for the next 4 weeks, And this might sound crazy but she rang my phone almost every day shouting almost blowing out my ear drums, screaming that she lost another pound today, And on top of that her blue eyes lit up like a blow torch on day 7 because Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 92. she was able to easily stick both of her arms in her jeans with room to spare. And the same doctor that told her to basically start planning her funeral, was floored when he saw that her body looked thinner, her face was smaller, her skin was glowing, even her belly had gone down, her thighs were lean and her bum was smooth as a babies bottom. And she no longer had to take any high blood pressure or cholesterol pills and on the last week of using Severino’s plan, she discovered she lost over 37 lbs Friends And Family Were Amazed By What Had Happened Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 93. Patricia's friends and family were amazed by what had happened to her. They called and asked her what her secret was, if there were some sort of experimental medication she was taking or some unknown diet system. Many of them had their own health conditions; they were scared about things like high cholesterol, diabetes, even life-threatening prostate cancer. Others were simply fighting a losing battle with their weight; they had been putting on pounds for years, their stomachs and muffin tops were growing bigger and bigger each day, their back fat and man boobs was getting more and more annoying and they were miserable seeing the same body with no change, feeling unattractive and out of shape. But something even more amazing happened when Patricia surprisingly Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 94. called me on the phone excited, she said her daughter would run home everyday in tears from being teased at school because of her weight, and the doctor said she was a few points from becoming a child with diabetes for the rest of her life.. But her daughter did something fascinating, something every small child does with their parents, she started to copycat her mom and in the first 7 days of mimicking her mom, following exactly what was in Severino's plan to not only lose 6 pounds but all signs of diabetes has completely vanished. Without slowing down this gave me the confidence to share it with my weight loss camp which at that time was only 6 people strong but boy did it grow fast.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 95. Week 1 Week 2 Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 96. Week 3 Week 4 Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 97. In 21 days after giving everyone a copy of Severino's plan we grew to over 150 men and women per night who were all dropping pounds faster than ever before, restoring their health and reclaiming their youth being active again like they did in their 20's Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 98. I shared it with dozens of friends and family members, and soon, their friends and their friends’ friends were all seeing major changes in their body. With the help of social media, suddenly, there were thousands of people around the country doing the exact same thing and people would flood my inbox, sharing their successful stories with me. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 99. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 100. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 101. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 102. They all experienced a dramatic reduction in body fat and an incredible boost in energy, optimal lab results for all their vitals, and perfect health. And as I received emotional call after emotional call and thousands of Facebook messages from both people I knew well and complete strangers thanking me for sharing this plan with them and for changing their lives, it became clear that I had a new calling in life to get this new found health breakthrough in the hands of the masses, even at the risk of top gym chains and health industries coming after me to bust my balls. Because really, I shouldn't have been alive. I still remember that night in Iraq seeing bullets fly over my head and so many of my good friends who were injured and a few even sadly lost their lives. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 103. I believe this was a sign from above and I would have to be a pretty selfish jerk, if I didn't pay it forward and share this plan with others to beat the odds and regain their health, their vitality, and their youth. These Companies Really Lit A Fire Under My Butt!! So, for the next few weeks, I approached Women’s Health, Dr. Oz, Men’s Health, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and even was lucky enough to get a response from Oprah's assistant after sending 1,235 emails, who all slammed the door in my face repeatedly in an effort to get this method out quickly, maybe because I was a small fish in a big pond. Who knows! Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 104. So the only viable solution was to take this directly to the public myself, so I put the gloves on and I got busy. I took the same blue binder Severino had given me, and turned it into a fully organized, simple to follow total fat diminishing wellness blueprint. I made a list of dozens of the most powerful herbs and minerals you should add to your diet right now if you want to lose fat and erase years from your body, radically regenerate damaged cells, and reverse the effects of aging to turn the clock back 10 years in as little as a few short weeks. And a list containing all the supposed health foods and the vegetables that are secretly wrecking your health and keeping you fat, and the absolute little known body healing smoothie recipes you need in your body to enhance your youthful quality of life and rid your body of harmful toxins, heavy metals and free radicals.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 105. Plus, I added the exact steps to restore your eating cycles to shift your metabolism from 1st to the 5th gear in the next 72 hours, which may piss off the Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig folks but this is essential to your long-term health, but, of course, I didn't stop there. Beyond just listing all the nutrients and tasty foods you need, I also included the fastest weight loss week ever that starts today to kick start your fat burning cycles into overdrive to shed 5 lbs of fat from your belly in the first week, even without doing a single minute of cardio; We Also Included A 4 Week Kick Start Guide Which, step by step, outlines a specific schedule containing the new herbs and minerals you should consume first thing in the morning and in what Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 106. quantities, even if you want to lose 30 pounds or more and anatomically reverse your age as much as 8 years in the first month. Everything is presented in simple step-by-step fashion. It is easy to understand and Severino gives you all of the science behind what we are doing, and we also give you a day by day progressive tracking formula, so you can measure your fat percentages versus muscle growth each week without having to pay a single cent or paying a co-pay at the doctor's office to get your results. So you will know for sure that you are losing fat and gaining muscle rapidly. We have nicknamed this guide the Fat Diminisher System and out of the 104,988 others who have tried it for themselves, the average first month weight-loss is about 22 pounds. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 107. People like Brandi in Toledo, Ohio lost 30 pounds in the first month, Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 108. Brianna in Charleston, West Virginia, who lost 20 pounds and 3 dress sizes in 4 weeks before her wedding, Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 109. and Nancy Babson of Yakima, Washington, who lost more than 53 pounds in two months. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 110. It is important to understand that this isn't just about a quick fix. Yes, you will lose weight, repair damaged cells, and rejuvenate your body rapidly, but the Fat Diminisher is also designed to make you 100% certain Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 111. that you keep the weight off for good. That is actually what makes Severino’s blueprint so unique and special, it is not a gunshot approach to your health and we fully understand everyone has different needs, so we simply give you the tools and knowledge you need to achieve your optimal level of health. We show you the why and the how and let you approach your health in the way that works best for you. That is also why we give you those tracking charts so you can monitor your own metabolic rate and internal health on your own and make adjustments to your diet as you see fit. There is no calorie counting, strict dieting, or other harsh rules that you have to follow. There is no starving yourself or mail order meals to buy and there is certainly no extreme exercise plan because like we have already discussed, over exercising will deplete your energy and starve your body of the Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 112. nutrients it needs to survive. However, if you just want to kill your belly fat and get rid of that muffin Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 113. top, I’m also going to include a simple to follow 4 minute belly Shred video along with a little known belly detox formula that is in your kitchen cabinet right now, that will melt several inches from your waist so you can look good at your next wedding, anniversary or highschool reunion. Or if you need to lose 50 pounds, like Rebecca and Jim did Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 114. If so, go to page 33 in the book and you will find out how to fix your fat burning cycles in the next 72 hours to do just that, and even if you are not interested in losing any weight, but just want more energy and to feel healthier, go to page 64 and do exactly what it says to destroy the free Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 115. radicals and toxins that are proliferating in your body, absorbing your energy, aging you, and even putting you at the risk of cancer and heart disease. Fat Diminisher will tell you exactly what you need to do to make that happen, so given everything that is above it should be pretty clear that there's nothing else like the Fat Diminisher on the planet. It is a fully loaded system that's filled with the tools you need to not only to quickly lose weight and regain your physique, but also completely turn around your entire health even if you are severely ill and already knocking at death's door like Patricia was. Of course, that is not to say there are no other options out there but think about those for a second. You could continue to try every new fad diets and joint busting DVD programs that hit the market, but the simple fact is Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 116. this: if these systems really worked, if their claims really were true, then why does the Center for Disease Control still report a 35% increase in obesity each year and an a increasing count of 3,500 people per day are still dying from heart disease and cancer, These are our mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, who just didn't know what you will know after using this system. You could try workouts like Insanity, P90x, and hurt your joints or starve yourself eating small portion size food in those ridiculous colorful containers like the 21 Day Fix or use the out of date weight watchers point system, which throws your body into survival mode, where, by the way, it will start hoarding the few bits of nutrients that do enter your body and convert them into fat.. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 117. I still blame myself for telling people for so many years to eat more salads and drink more water until I realized that doing this was depriving them of essential nutrients, wrecking their metabolism and caused them to binge at night and gain more weight faster. You could spend $300 per month on a certified trainer and nutritionist, who all take silly 1 day courses to get certified but have no experience on how the body digests food, how the fat burning cycles work, and are uninformed of the metabolic changes when you are in your 30s, 40s and 50s, or you can use the Fat Diminisher and grab the same personal detox secrets celebrity trainers like Autumn Calabrese, Jillian Michaels, Shaun T, and Tony Horton will never tell you about. However in the next 3 minutes you will be able to use these powerful secrets for yourself. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 118. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 119. Then there are damaging weight loss pills that send debilitating toxic chemicals straight to your brain to falsely tell your body it’s not hungry. Have you ever took a second to read the side effects or watched the musical weight loss commercials as they tell you how good you will feel after buying their pill? But let me tell you what you don't hear... You don't hear the risk and body harming side effects of these pills such as cancer, seizures, epilepsy, depression, nervousness, constipation, dizziness, headache, nausea, fatigue, increased blood pressure, insomnia, oily spotting, just to name a few.. But, of course, you probably already know that. I mean, imagine going to the doctor after taking your weight loss pills, expecting great news, but he Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!
  • 120. dreadfully tells you that your BMI has increased to 45 and your blood pressure and cholesterol levels are both through the roof. And then there is the Fat Diminisher System. You are not subject to any strict rules, you don't starve yourself, you don't take pills or medications, and you don't work out like a gym rat. You simply follow the simple biological, nutritional-based formula inside and put more of the foods you like back into your diet and get one day closer to the immediate but permanent results of optimal health for decades to come. Fat Diminisher Book by Wes Virgin PDF Download Click Here to Download Thanks!