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Fast Forward to Growth
Seizing opportunities in high-growth markets
Foreword	                                             3
Executive summary	                                    5
A wake-up call	                                       9
Locating demand: The search for growth	               13
New players, new rules: 	                             26
The new shape of competition	
Rethinking capabilities: The roadmap to success	      33
Sizing the future: Assessing where and when to act	   35
Shaping the future: Seeding tomorrow’s growth	        43
Seizing the future: Operating at speed and scale	     54

Conclusion: Windows to the future	                    65
Methodology: Income and consumption forecasting	      67
References	                                           69

                          The search for growth opportunities in       previous decades. Fundamental shifts in
                          emerging economies is no longer a matter     income and demography are reshaping
                          of choice; it has become a necessity.        the landscape of global consumption.
                          With short-term growth difficult to find     Predicting where and when the
                          in developed markets, emerging markets       related market opportunities will arise
                          must be considered as more than an           is difficult enough; understanding
                          optional, longer-term bet.                   how to grasp them is even harder.

                          But making bets on the future,               Second, I see a new constellation of
                          whether short-term or long-term, is an       competition being formed out of the
                          especially difficult challenge amid the      market turbulence of recent years. This
                          persistent uncertainty, complexity and       is due partly to the new economic and
                          volatility in the global marketplace. In     political relationships that are being
Mark Spelman              my conversations with clients around         forged, particularly between emerging
                          the world, I am struck by how today’s        economies. But I also see transformation
Global Head of Strategy
                          business executives often find themselves    in how businesses operate. The downturn
Accenture                 struggling to prioritize their investments   has spurred improvements in the
                          across the diverse set of growth markets     efficiency of global operations. New
                          in emerging economies. The questions         technologies and reconfigured operating
                          I hear in boardrooms vary widely: Why        models are allowing companies to create
                          aren’t we making profits in China yet?       value more effectively and to build more
                          Is it too late to enter Brazil? How can      direct and intimate connections with
                          we move faster to establish a foothold       their customers. And these new business
                          in Africa? The questions highlight a key     models, practices and capabilities draw
                          factor in strategic growth planning: the     from a more diverse pool of global
                          importance of getting your timing right.     players, characterized by important
                                                                       differences in strategic priorities,
                          Planning an effective global growth          governance and culture.
                          strategy across time horizons demands
                          significant investments of time,             It is in the context of this dramatically
                          effort and resources to assess market        altered landscape of opportunity
                          potential accurately and to build the        and competition that this report, the
                          requisite capabilities for success.          work of the Accenture Institute for
                          Putting off such investments, waiting        High Performance, calls for an urgent
                          to see how markets evolve, is tempting       reassessment of the strategies and
                          in today’s economic environment,             capabilities that will be central to
                          and it may be the right decision.            achieving high performance in tomorrow’s
                                                                       global marketplace. Business leaders
                          But this presents executives with            cannot allow change and uncertainty
                          a critical paradox: ongoing global           to paralyze their decision making. We
                          economic change may lead businesses          hope you find the report insightful and
                          to shy away from action in the very          stimulating and its recommendations
                          markets that hold the key to faster          both useful and actionable.
                          growth. The longer firms hesitate,
                          the greater the risk of missing out on
                          opportunities, and the more challenging
                          the competitive environment they will
                          face when they eventually take action.

                          I see two underlying factors at play.        Mark Spelman
                          First, regardless of when and how
                          growth returns to developed markets,
                          the future map of global demand
                          will look very different from that of

Executive summary

In the current global economic                     is yet to come. For example, many                  low-cost capabilities and deep local
environment, executives fear that                  companies are pinning their hopes on               knowledge, as well as an increased
prospects for growth in many markets               China, the world’s most populous nation            role of relationships and government
are patchy and vulnerable. With this fear          and one of its largest and fastest-                support. In this environment, with its
comes a renewed search for pockets                 growing economies. Currently, 27 other             wide range of players and broad variety
of growth in the global economy. We                economies—including Poland, Colombia               of capabilities, many companies will
surveyed nearly 600 business leaders               and Turkey—have a greater number                   face a challenge in pressing home
worldwide and found that 80 percent                of households with an annual income                their own competitive advantage.
are focused primarily on high-growth               above US$30,000. But over the next
markets in emerging economies to chart             decade, China will rapidly accelerate up
a more compelling path for the future.             the ranks, leaving only three economies            The opportunity paradox
And with good reason. Household                    with a greater number of households                Our research uncovers a paradox: on
incomes in emerging economies will                 earning US$30,000 and above: the                   one hand, there is strong affirmation
jump by more than US$8.5 trillion                  United States, Japan and Germany.                  that firms see continued growth coming
between 2010 and 2020—nearly 60                    This pace of change is not restricted              from emerging economies. On the other
percent of the global increase over this           to China: Mexican households in this               hand, they feel that the windows of
period, in real terms.1 As these incomes           income band are expected to boost                  opportunity to secure their company’s
grow, so will consumption and demand.              their income by an additional US$340               share of these markets may be shrinking.
                                                   billion by 2020, an increase higher                The point is underlined by our survey
But many executives are not confident              than that expected in Germany. And in              finding that 73 percent of respondents
that their organizations are up to the             a richer income segment, households                believe they need to accelerate their
task. Forty percent do not believe that            with an annual income of more than                 efforts, or may already be too late,
their companies possess the strategic              US$50,000, Turkey will see a total                 to build satisfactory market share
and operational capabilities to fully              increase of US$380 billion, the highest            in these high-growth markets.
grasp the opportunities in emerging                of any emerging economy. As these
economies. The same proportion worry               examples demonstrate, the varying                  Our research supports this imperative
that they do not fully understand the              degree and speed of change across                  to accelerate action in seeking
competitive dynamics they will face.               these markets make the size and timing             opportunities in high-growth markets.
These doubts are not misplaced—                    of opportunities difficult to grasp.               In an uncertain economic environment,
and may be exacerbated by the                                                                         there is a strong temptation for
emergence of a rapidly intensifying                                                                   companies to watch and wait, or even
competitive landscape, populated by                Mapping the                                        to retrench or withdraw from some
new players with new capabilities.
High-growth emerging markets are                   competitive terrain                                markets until the global economic
                                                                                                      environment becomes clearer. In fact,
a fast-moving target. Companies                    Companies seeking their fortunes                   many organizations have significant
must build powerful new capabilities               in high-growth markets face a                      reserves of cash that could be used
to address this new reality.                       challenging competitive landscape. As              for expansion. But they continue
                                                   competitors jostle for position, firms             to hesitate. A strategy of “wait and
Tracking the                                       targeting these markets will confront
                                                   domestic players with strong local
                                                                                                      see” may be effective, as long as it
                                                                                                      is based on a realistic assessment
income surge                                       knowledge and intimate customer
                                                   relationships; established multinationals
                                                                                                      of the options, opportunities and
                                                                                                      risks involved. More likely, however,
The pace of income growth in emerging              with global scale that have improved               hesitation in today’s global competitive
economies can be bewildering. Many                 their efficiency in response to the                environment may be the most
companies have been impatiently                    downturn; and a further potent breed,              dangerous choice of all. High-growth
awaiting the promise of profitability              growing multinationals from emerging               markets offer many opportunities, but
in emerging economies. But as our                  economies. The competitive landscape               the explosion in demand is matched
detailed analysis of household incomes             is characterized by a combination                  by ever-intensifying competition.
shows, the real growth in consumption              of scale advantages, strong brands,

1 We analyzed household income data across 64 countries (see Methodology on page 67 for details) which together accounted for more than 90 percent
of global GDP in 2010. The income of the emerging-market households in our analysis will jump by more than US$8.5 trillion between 2010 and 2020.

Faced with the risk of squandering these    newly-empowered female populations.           • Use information and communications
opportunities, what can companies           In this way, successful globalizers           technology (ICT) such as mobile
do to accelerate their efforts and          develop a more complete and realistic         phones and social media to collect
avoid missing the boat? What are the        understanding of the markets in which         reliable and relevant data, improve
specific capabilities they need to build    they intend to operate.                       demand forecasting, and overcome
in order to compete effectively and                                                       data scarcity. Coca-Cola has 22 million
claim their share of future growth?         Second, in a rapidly-changing                 consumers following it through social
                                            environment, these companies                  media, and the ensuing dialogue has
                                            understand better than their competitors      given Coca-Cola valuable ideas for
Opening windows                             the importance of planning over time          new beverages and other products.
of opportunity                              horizons, allowing them to sequence and
                                            prioritize their investments. Our research,   • Leverage existing proprietary data
                                            conducted in partnership with Oxford          for further growth opportunities:
In our research we found that
                                            Economics, illustrates the importance         the Mexican retailer Grupo Elektra
successful companies in high-growth
                                            of identifying where different markets        built one of the country’s largest
markets think differently about the
                                            will sit in terms of their consumption        networks of banking branches based
capabilities critical for growth and
                                            of specific products and services. How        on data from a credit service it
prioritize their investments in different
                                            close are they to reaching a point where      launched for retail customers.
ways. Specifically, these “successful
globalizers”—companies with a track         demand rapidly takes off? How close are       • Choose local partners—whether
record of successful performance in         they to market maturity? What are the         through joint ventures, alliances or
emerging economies, that are confident      opportunities of different markets over       other arrangements—to gain a deep
and committed about their future            different time horizons?                      understanding of local market dynamics,
prospects in these markets—excel in                                                       needs and preferences.
three areas. They are better able to size   This deep understanding of their target
                                            markets allows successful globalizers         • Enhance competitor analysis
the future—they possess the ability
                                            to become masters of strategic                techniques to anticipate emerging
to accurately size, time and prioritize
                                            positioning: to be not only where             competitors across multiple time
demand opportunities around the
                                            opportunities are today, but where            horizons, from different geographies
world. They are better able to shape
                                            they will be tomorrow. Through their          and adjacent industries.
the future—they possess the insights
and capabilities to cultivate and protect   superior ability to discern the size,
future demand opportunities around          location and timing of opportunities,         2. Shaping the future:
                                            these companies make more informed
the world. And they are better able
                                            decisions and trade-offs around where         Cultivating new markets
to seize the future—they display the
operational agility and flexibility to      and when to invest, and remain several        While some companies may feel they
adapt and reorient the company to           moves ahead of the competition.               are too late to secure their position
grasp opportunities across growth                                                         in high-growth markets, our research
                                            To become masters of strategic                shows that successful globalizers do
markets. Companies can take specific
                                            positioning, companies can:                   not simply accept that windows of
actions today to improve their
capabilities in each of these areas:        • Conduct cross-country forecasts             opportunity are shrinking. Instead, they
                                            of product and service consumption            open new windows of opportunity by
                                                                                          discovering new demand and seeding
1. Sizing the future: Where                 across time horizons, beyond national
                                                                                          future opportunities.
                                            and regional borders, and use these to
and when to invest                          evaluate trade-offs and guide decisions
                                            about when, where and how to enter            In an environment where attaining
Our research suggests that successful                                                     market share is challenging, successful
companies in high-growth markets adopt      high-growth markets. Some markets
                                            may offer immediate opportunities,            companies have identified the
new approaches to assessing potential                                                     opportunity to grow the size of the
market opportunity. They take a more        while others may be poised for more
                                            significant growth in the longer term.        overall opportunity, not just their share.
dynamic view that incorporates foresight                                                  They understand how to extend the
and flexibility into strategic planning.    • Experiment with different customer          frontiers of opportunity, often through
                                            segmentation variables to uncover             targeted partnerships and collaboration
They are more adept at examining global     new geographic and demographic                with local stakeholders.
opportunities through multiple lenses.      groups. Discovering segments that cut
This allows them to aggregate seemingly     across country borders may unearth            Our research demonstrates the impact,
disparate markets and uncover business      business cases beyond those that              in real consumption opportunities,
cases that would otherwise have             focus exclusively on country-level            that can be achieved when businesses
remained untapped. Witness companies        segmentation. Procter & Gamble                invest in generating future demand. For
that have successfully targeted diaspora    has designed razors, shampoos and             example, our analysis examines how
communities scattered across the world,     cleansing products specifically designed      demand can be measurably increased
or specific high-potential customer         for consumers in water-scarce areas.          through improvements in infrastructure,
segments, such as those in water-                                                         education and health care.
scarce areas, rural communities or

To achieve a better understanding of          companies to grasp the opportunities of    International Development Program,
how they can push open new windows            today, but will play a fundamental role    giving future leaders experience in
of opportunity, companies can:                in shaping the markets of tomorrow.        foreign markets within the company’s
                                                                                         business units across the globe.
• Identify and map key stakeholders,          For example, our analysis shows how
local and global, and build trusted           the power of disruptive innovation         No business decisions are simple in
relationships.                                can transform industry dynamics,           today’s environment of prolonged global
                                              improving the accessibility of consumer    economic uncertainty. But a game of
• Assess the strength of relationships
                                              products and creating markets. In the      “wait and see” purely due to a lack of
with government agencies, industry
                                              automotive sector, for example, process    understanding or preparedness poses
regulators and local communities. These
                                              redesign and low-cost materials have       the risk of missing the boat. This report
relationships can help obtain a license
                                              dramatically broadened the accessibility   uncovers the key dynamics at play and
to operate, ease the policy environment,
                                              of passenger cars to new customers.        details specific actions that companies
and improve access to scarce resources.
                                              New pockets of demand have opened          can take to build the capabilities for
Executives may be surprised at the
                                              up for those companies with the agility    success in the high-growth markets of
extent of common interests held by
                                              and efficiency to design low-price         the future.
these stakeholders.
                                              business models. Successful globalizers
• Innovate to fulfill unmet needs,
and involve local consumers in
                                              are pushing the boundaries of what
                                              is possible: they understand that
                                                                                         The research
innovation and design. Vodafone and           business performance and the bottom        Accenture’s Institute for High
Safaricom’s M-PESA money transfer             line will only become more important       Performance has conducted thorough
platform was designed to address a            in geographic growth plans. They           research to investigate the keys for
particular need in Kenyan society, to         understand that operating at speed and     success in today’s competitive high-
send money to family at home. The             scale will play an ever greater role in    growth markets. The main elements
service has grown quickly, achieving          determining the winners and losers of      of research include:
14 million registered users within            the next phase of global competition.
four years, and has simultaneously                                                       • Household income analysis, in
brought an entirely new business                                                         collaboration with Oxford Economics.
                                              To achieve operational agility and seize   We created five standard bands of
model to markets across the world.            new opportunities, companies can:          annual household income and, for
• Evaluate local and global leadership’s                                                 each of 64 countries, estimated the
understanding of social and economic          • Explore partnership and acquisition
                                                                                         number of households falling into each
factors that influence demand, and            options to boost reach, capability and
                                                                                         band in 2010, 2015 and in 2020. All
promote the social and economic               speed; and continually reassess and
                                                                                         forecasts are measured in real terms,
development of local communities.             evolve ownership and governance
                                                                                         and at market exchange rates.
Companies successful in emerging              structures as circumstances change.
markets engage national and local             The flexibility of Starbucks in managing   • Industry consumption curves, in
governments to help create the                a range of business models and             collaboration with Oxford Economics.
conditions needed for their businesses to     partnerships has been instrumental to      This research forecasts the evolution
prosper. GSK, a leading pharmaceutical        its success in China, which the company    of consumption for a select group of
and healthcare products company,              now regards as its “second home            industries across the world. It also
reduced the price of its patented             market.”                                   includes scenario-based sensitivity
medicines in the world’s poorest                                                         analysis to assess the impact of changes
                                              • Develop systems to rapidly
countries, providing social benefits                                                     in the business and policy environment.
                                              redeploy people, capital and ideas
and opening up new markets.                   around the global organization. In         • A survey of 588 business leaders,
                                              expanding its global footprint, Tata       across 85 countries and 22 industries,
3. Seizing the future: The                    Communications designed a wholly           conducted by the Economist Intelligence
operational agility to grasp                  new international operating model          Unit. Business leaders were asked about
                                              to incorporate local leadership            their perceptions of the competitive
new opportunities                             expertise into its global operations.      landscape, their company’s plans for
Successful companies infuse their                                                        growth and the capabilities important
                                              • Encourage experimentation—
organizations with the strategic,                                                        for success in these markets.
                                              incubate, fund and protect new ideas.
operational and cultural agility to           The success of Indian pharmaceutical       • Conversations with clients and
grasp new opportunities. Identifying          companies demonstrates the importance      experts across industries and extensive
opportunities is one thing, but rapidly       of innovation, and the benefits of         secondary research, including
mobilizing the organization to attain         scaling new ideas across the global        company case studies and analysis of
them is another. In order to achieve this,    organization.                              greenfield and M&A investment data.
they prioritize and invest in distinctive
                                              • Assess the leadership team and how
capabilities that boost operational
                                              its skills and experience align with
agility and flexibility. These capabilities
                                              growth plans. Nestlé is relaunching its
are not just instrumental in helping

A wake-up call

                                                    We analyzed household income data                     As emerging-market households spend
A world of opportunity                              across 64 countries that together                     this newfound income, fresh pockets
Faced with protracted economic                      accounted for more than 90 percent                    of demand will emerge. Our research
uncertainty, many companies are                     of global GDP in 2010. The income of                  examined the evolution of income
renewing their interest in emerging                 the emerging-market households in                     patterns globally, and how rising
economies as a springboard for their                our analysis will jump by more than                   household incomes might influence
next phase of growth. Our survey                    US$8.5 trillion between 2010 and 2020.                consumption. For example, a combination
of 588 business leaders reveals that                That represents nearly 60 percent of                  of rising household income and a large
80 percent are looking primarily at                 the total global increase in household                population will propel China to be one of
emerging economies for their next stage             incomes over this period (see Figure                  the world’s most significant passenger
of growth. And they acknowledge that                1). In particular, China and India are                car markets: our estimates show that
this is where future opportunities lie,             projected to experience significant                   average annual car sales in China are
with 81 percent planning to increase                increases in total household income,                  expected to exceed 15 million by 2020,
their investment in emerging economies              with additional income of US$3.2                      ahead of the United States. Already, in
over the coming three years.                        trillion and US$1.4 trillion, respectively.           2011, China has overtaken the US to
                                                                                                          become Roll-Royce’s largest market.2

Figure 1: Household income growth 2010-2020 (US$ billion, 2010 constant prices)

              Developed markets
              • Share of global growth = 43%
              • Compound annual growth rate                                                                                                    56,700
                (CAGR) = 2.0%
55,000        Emerging markets
              • Share of global growth = 57%
              • CAGR = 5.4%






             Global     China    India   Russia     Brazil   Turkey   Mexico Indonesia Other        US      Japan    UK    Germany     Other    Global
            income                                                                    emerging                                       developed income
             2010                                                                                                                                2020

     Emerging markets              Developed markets

Source: Accenture, Oxford Economics
Note: The analysis covers 64 countries, which accounted for more than 90 percent of global GDP in 2010.

“Emerging markets,” however, is a            may be the most dangerous choice            The growth prospects are clear. But
nebulous term that obscures the              of all. The economic downturn has           it is also clear that many companies
diversity and complexity across              had a profound impact, dramatically         will feel locked out of the opportunity
those markets. South Korea, India            reshaping the global competitive            to become serious players in the
and Vietnam are often cited as               landscape. High-growth markets              market, even before it has taken off.
high-potential “emerging markets”            present many opportunities, but
to watch. Yet average household              these opportunities are being rapidly       This pattern is repeating itself in
income in these markets diverges             snapped up by a new breed of players        different industries and locations around
significantly; approximately US$35,400,      from emerging economies, as well as         the world. In some cases, the risk of
US$5,800 and US$3,300, respectively,         multinationals that have entrenched         being locked out of markets threatens
in 2010. The value of comparing              themselves in these markets during          deep and long-term consequences.
a “typical” consumer across these            previous phases of globalization. The       The CEO of a large Chinese railway
countries is questionable, even when         longer they wait, the more challenging      equipment manufacturer explained
factoring in cultural differences.           competitive environment they will           that the financial crisis weakened
                                             face when eventually taking action.         the ability of European and North
Headline numbers can also mislead.                                                       American banks to finance large railway
China, for example, is the world’s most                                                  contracts demanded in Asia’s emerging
populous country and home to one of          The risk of missing                         economies. Chinese enterprises and
the world’s largest and fastest-growing
economies. Yet in 2010 it had fewer          the boat                                    banks partnered to fill the void. The CEO
                                                                                         is confident that his company’s products
households with annual incomes above         Companies turning their attention to        rival the quality of multinational
US$30,000 than many other smaller            high-growth markets must act quickly        competitors and will anchor rapid
“emerging” economies, including              and definitively to carve out their         sales expansion in Asia: exports for
Colombia, South Africa and Argentina.        position. Firms entering and expanding      the first half of 2009 increased by
While attention is focused on the BRIC       in high-growth markets can expect           60 percent over the same period in
economies, we project that by 2020           to face a range of competitors with         the previous year.3 The prospect of
Turkey will be home to an additional         powerful strengths: from low-cost           being locked out of such long-term
4.7 million households in this income        players to global giants, from locally      contracts around the world should be a
bracket, on a par with expected growth       networked incumbents to masters             sobering thought for many companies.
levels in Brazil. Mexico will also undergo   of global scale and efficiency. In
rapid growth in its consumer-market          this environment, hesitation risks          The intensity of competition is not
potential: there will be an additional       squandering opportunities. The longer       all that has changed. The diversity of
3.3 million households in this segment       the hesitation, the greater the odds        competitors, and of their competitive
over the decade to 2020. With so             that more nimble and prepared players       advantages, brings new challenges.
much variation and rapid change,             will position themselves for these          In this report, we bring to light the
the size and timing of opportunities         lucrative growth opportunities.             fundamental shifts in the global
can be challenging to grasp.                                                             business landscape that the downturn
                                             The mobile telecoms market in Latin         has wrought. We make clear the
                                             America, for example, is often predicted    new challenges companies face in
The temptation to                            to be one of the world’s fastest-growing    determining the optimal location
hesitate                                     telecoms markets over the next five
                                             years (See “América Móvil and Telefónica:
                                                                                         and timing of opportunities, and
                                                                                         the risk of delaying action in the
Businesses are understandably hesitant       Seizing opportunities ahead of the pack,”   face of aggressive competition.
to prioritize their investments in these     page 12). The market for value-added
diverse, unfamiliar, but potentially
lucrative markets. Each brings unique
                                             services such as mobile data is not yet
                                             established in much of Latin America.
                                                                                         The opportunity
opportunities, challenges and operating
environments. The temptation to
                                             Penetration rates remain very low in
                                             many countries, and rapid increases in
hesitate is aggravated by continued          demand may be far off. These facts have     Our global business survey uncovered
global economic uncertainty,                 not stopped Mexico’s América Móvil and      a paradox: on one hand, companies
sluggishness in developed markets            Spain’s Telefónica from expanding rapidly   see continued growth coming from
and increasingly tempered near-term          across these smaller markets, acquiring     emerging economies. On the other,
growth prospects in emerging markets.        local providers and gaining access to       they feel that their windows of
                                             the infrastructure essential for growth     opportunity may be shrinking. Our
The instinctive response of many             when demand does take off. Companies        survey findings underscored the point:
companies will be to watch and wait, or      looking to enter these nascent markets      73 percent of respondents believe
even to retrench or withdraw from some       will face not only domestic players,        they need to accelerate their efforts
geographic locations. Yet our research       but also two Fortune Global 500             to build satisfactory market share
demonstrates that in today’s global          multinationals with established products,   in these high-growth markets—or
competitive environment, hesitation          infrastructure, relationships and brands.   that it may already be too late.

With almost three-quarters of business
Wanted: Action and                        leaders believing that they need to
confidence                                accelerate their efforts in high-growth
                                          markets, it is critical to understand the
Even while companies feel they            dynamics that constrain their progress.
are missing out on opportunities,
uncertainty may lead them to hesitate     Many companies may not appreciate
about investing in high-growth            the degree of change in the business
markets. In fact, many companies have     landscape since the downturn.
healthy cash reserves that could be
used for expansion. Cash holdings for     On the demand side, companies
American nonfinancial companies in        have not adjusted their methods to
June 2011 exceeded US$1.9 trillion,       locate and measure demand and fully
the highest in half a century.4           evaluate potential opportunities:
                                          their tools are often inappropriate,
The volatile economic environment         or even outdated and irrelevant.
drives uncertainty and hesitation,
but our research uncovers deeper          On the supply side, companies
concerns. We found that many              underestimate the diversity of
business leaders are not confident        players and capabilities they will
about their own company’s ability         encounter in the competitive
to succeed in high-growth markets.        landscape. Next, we explore these
                                          demand and supply dynamics.
• 40 percent do not believe that
their company possesses the
strategic and operational capabilities    73% of companies feel
to fully grasp the opportunities
in emerging economies.                    they need to accelerate
• The same proportion acknowledge
that they do not fully understand the
                                          efforts or may already
competitive dynamics they will face.      be too late to build
• Nearly one-third do not even believe
that their company has a clear strategy
                                          satisfactory market
for high-growth markets.                  share in high-growth

América Móvil and Telefónica:
Seizing opportunities ahead
of the pack

Latin America is projected to be the         increasing its customer base. In recent
fastest-growing telecoms market over         years, Telefónica has built on long-
the next five years. Demand is growing       standing relationships in the region,
at unprecedented rates: penetration          strengthening its presence through
reached a high of 89 percent this            sizable acquisitions of established
year.5 As penetration rates rise, so do      players such as Vivo.
opportunities for lucrative “value-
added” services. Almost one-third of all     As other telecoms players look to
new phones in Latin America by 2014          high-growth markets in Latin America,
are expected to be smartphones. The          they are faced not only with smaller
number of mobile data plan subscribers       domestic incumbents but also with
is expected to more than double this         two Fortune Global 500 multinationals
year, a sizable opportunity in a continent   with global reach and scale, combined
of nearly 600 million people.6               with local presence and understanding
                                             across the region. Breaking through this
The market is dominated by two global        incumbency poses new and challenging
telecoms giants, each looking for growth     questions to potential entrants.
to offset a decline in its traditional
revenue base: América Móvil, which is        América Móvil and Telefónica are
looking for growth in mobile, broadband      already jostling for position in new
and pay TV to offset declining revenue       services, including mobile data,
in fixed-line services since the market      broadband and pay TV. Telefónica
was liberalized and opened up to             recently rebranded its operations across
competition, and Telefónica, which is        Latin America, bringing together fixed
looking to broaden its footprint beyond      line, mobile, broadband and TV under
Europe, an intensely saturated and           the Movistar brand.
competitive market.7
                                             When Latin America’s markets
These two companies are the dominant         begin their inevitable acceleration—
players in most key Latin American           broadband penetration rates are
markets. In Mexico, Telcel—América           still hovering at around 15 percent
Móvil’s mobile arm—holds 72 percent          in most of these countries—América
of the market, but Telefónica is closing     Móvil and Telefónica will be at the
fast. In the last quarter of 2010,           forefront of new opportunities.9
the two companies accounted for              They are identifying and snapping up
90 percent of the one million new            opportunities almost before they appear.
connections: Telcel took 30 percent,
but Telefónica took 61 percent. And in
Brazil, América Móvil’s Claro brand is
a key player in the market, along with
Vivo, acquired by Telefónica in 2007.8

The strategies América Móvil and
Telefónica use to build their presence
are revealing. América Móvil has for
many years been buying up smaller
operators around Latin America, taking
control of fixed-line infrastructure and

Locating demand: The
search for growth
Between 2011 and 2016, approximately      profitability in China. But over the next   for 56 percent of India’s economy,
60 percent of global economic growth      decade, China will rapidly move up the      compared with 34 percent in China),11
is forecast to come from emerging         ranks, leaving only three economies         China’s economy is largely built on
economies,10 despite an expected          with a greater number of households         investment and export growth, and
near-term slowdown in key high-           earning US$30,000 and above: the            Russia is heavily dependent on its
growth markets such as China and          United States, Japan and Germany. In        natural resources: oil, fuel and gas
India. The triad economies of the         2010, the number of Chinese households      accounted for 69 percent of exports in
United States, Europe and Japan           in this income bracket was almost           2010.12 These fundamental differences
continue to experience persistently       twice that in Thailand—but by 2020,         illustrate the dangers of relying upon
high unemployment and public debt         there will be more than thirteen times      such country groupings for detailed
levels. Many developed economies          as many. Our analysis highlights the        analysis and comparisons. Looking
have seen their economic growth           dynamics shaping global demand              outside the BRICs, Vietnam, Peru
forecasts downgraded in recent            opportunities through 2020 (see “In         and Angola are all forecast to grow
months and companies struggle to          focus: Household buying power,” page        more quickly than Russia. It becomes
locate the next sources of growth         18). Specifically, we illustrate how        clear that even the accuracy of the
in these markets. In many emerging        US$15 trillion of additional household      terms “emerging markets” and “high-
economies, in contrast, unemployment      income will be dispersed around the         growth markets” is debatable.
is falling and governments hold           world across distinct income segments.
significant reserves. Many companies      The stories that emerge reveal where        Economic groupings and macroeconomic
in these markets may not even have        “high growth” may be found.                 terminology help describe important
felt the impact of the downturn.                                                      global trends. But when a company
                                                                                      plans its own global strategy, it needs
Levels of consumption and demand          Attachment to                               a far more granular analysis—one
for goods and services in emerging
economies will increase as incomes        outdated labels                             that looks beneath headline figures
                                                                                      and provides a more accurate picture
grow. But with enormous differences       Income levels and the speed of change       of the true size and pace of growth
in the size and growth rates of           are difficult to keep up with and           in demand around the world.
demand, along with a variety              translate into investment decisions.
of customer preferences, it is
difficult to accurately assess and
                                          Commentators are quick to embrace
                                          labels such as BRIC (Brazil, Russia,
                                                                                      The dangers of
forecast growth opportunities.            India and China), MINT (Mexico,
                                          Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey) and
                                                                                      Labeling groups of countries can also
A fast-moving target                      CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam,
                                          Egypt, Turkey and South Africa). But        lead companies to overlook important
We have conducted an extensive            the dramatic speed at which the             differences among unfamiliar markets.
analysis, in collaboration with Oxford    demand landscape is changing brings         For decades, the African continent has
Economics, of household incomes and       into question the value of these terms.     borne the brunt of such generalizations.
their evolution over the coming decade.   Over the next three years, in real          In 2010, Nigeria had a per capita GDP
According to our analysis, China lags     terms, India’s economy will grow at         of US$1,300, lower than the sub-
behind 27 other economies, including      a rate twice as fast as that of Russia.     Saharan Africa average (see Figure
Poland, Turkey and Colombia, in the       China will grow twice as fast as Brazil.    2).13 Nigeria’s total household income
number of households with an annual       And there are significant structural        was approximately US$200 billion—
income greater than US$30,000. This       differences: while India’s growth has       lower than South Africa’s, despite a
comes as no surprise to companies         been fueled primarily by domestic           population three times as large.14
eagerly and impatiently awaiting          demand (private consumption accounts

Figure 2: GDP per capita, 2010 (US$ at 2010 prices and                Figure 3: Change in total income for households with
market exchange rates)                                                annual income of US$5,000 and above, 2010-2020
                                                                      (US$ billion, constant 2010 prices)

8,000                                                                 140

7,000                                                                 120

                                                     Sub-Saharan      40
2,000                                                Africa average

0                                                                     0
           South           Egypt   Ghana   Nigeria         Kenya             Nigeria   Thailand     South    Malaysia   Egypt   Ghana   Kenya
           Africa                                                                                   Africa

Source: Oxford Economics                                              Source: Oxford Economics

However, Nigeria’s consumer-market         “middle class” is a loosely defined                    the greatest opportunities lie. Some
potential will soon outstrip that of       term and differs across markets. In                    might be surprised at what they find.
other African economies it lags behind     some cases it is merely the middle of                  Significant opportunities exist in cities
today. By 2020, 7.8 million additional     the income distribution. In others, it                 that many multinationals haven’t even
households are expected to have an         refers to a specific level of income.                  heard of. Zhengzhou is a prime example.
income level of US$5,000 and above,        Either way, a middle-class household                   The capital of Henan province in China,
with 12 percent of these earning more      in India is unlikely to afford the deluxe              Zhengzhou by 2020 will have a bigger
than US$30,000. This translates into       refrigerator, high-end TV, smartphone                  economy than Sweden, Hong Kong or
US$130 billion of additional household     and sport utility vehicle of a middle-                 Israel.16 And Surat, in the Indian state of
income and an increase far greater than    class American family. These large                     Gujarat, is forecast to be home to nearly
other African economies (see Figure 3).    discrepancies and ambiguities in the                   8 million people by 2020, more than the
The income growth is also greater than     definition of “middle class” matter                    whole of Paraguay or Norway.17
that in burgeoning Asian economies,        for companies trying to find the most
such as Malaysia and Thailand. The         attractive markets for their products                  One example of a company that has
key driver of Nigeria’s rapid economic     and services.                                          followed a city expansion approach
growth, and incomes, is the country’s                                                             is Xiang Piaopiao Food (XPP), which
expected fast population growth.                                                                  entered the Chinese beverage market
                                           Redrawing borders                                      in 2005 with a milk tea product. The
                                                                                                  market at the time was concentrated
The misleading                             Companies must take into account
                                           the most appropriate geographic units                  in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities, but XPP
“middle class”                             in strategic planning. For example, it
                                           may make sense to plan in terms of
                                                                                                  avoided the high entry costs associated
                                                                                                  with these markets by focusing on 600
Hyperbole and imprecise terminology        regions and cities rather than countries               smaller cities, using traditional channels
hamper the sizing of high-growth           and continents. In China, for example,                 of local distributors. The company has
market opportunities. Take the much        there are significant variations across                achieved compound annual growth of
vaunted “emerging middle class.”           provinces in income, demographics,                     more than 100 percent, with total sales
This consumer segment is variously         religion, language and geography.                      from smaller cities and towns typically
estimated to include anywhere between      By delving more deeply into their                      accounting for 75 to 80 percent of total
500 million and 2 billion people. Some     assessment of China and other large                    sales in each province.18
forecasts claim that it could double       emerging markets, companies can
over the next two decades.15 However,      create a more accurate picture of where

Figure 4. South Africa income inequality scenarios: Number of households, 2020 (million)








            US$0-US$5,000             US$5,000-US$15,000         US$15,000-US$30,000     US$30,000-US$50,000   US$50,000+

     Baseline income inequality                 Reduced income inequality

Source: Accenture, Oxford Economics

                                                 it might mean that companies need
Understand the                                   to accelerate entry plans as demand
“unknown-knowns”                                 for their product picks up sooner
                                                 than they had expected. This example
A large number of external factors               illustrates how changes in external
can cause consumer spending to                   factors may have an unexpected
diverge from expectations. One such              but significant impact on market
factor is change in the distribution of          opportunities and strategic planning.
income, something that is receiving
increased attention from opinion
formers and policymakers around
                                                 Spotting opportunity—
the world. China, for example, has
made reducing income inequality a
                                                 creating demand
priority in its 12th Five-Year Plan.             A clear awareness of income trends is
                                                 a crucial first step toward developing
In South Africa, greater income                  an accurate map of current and future
equality is also an explicit policy goal.        demand. Understanding the point at
We modelled what would happen if                 which consumption of a product will
South Africa’s Gini coefficient fell from        pick up, accelerate and mature should
58 to 51, still a high co-efficient by           be a central part of planning market
global standards (see Figure 4). The             entry and expansion. Accurately
impact of this reduction in income               assessing market maturity across
inequality would be to expand by 7               different locations can offer critical
million the number of households with            insights into how those markets can
annual incomes of between US$5,000               best be aligned for strategic planning
and US$50,000. Understanding                     purposes. To illustrate, we have
shifts in the distribution of income             estimated the global relationship
allows companies to measure market               between household income levels
potential more accurately. This can              and market penetration for select
mean the difference between making               products and services (see “In focus:
a decision to enter a market or not. Or          Consumption curves,” page 23).

In focus: Household
buying power

While high-growth markets offer attractive
consumer opportunities, diverse and rapidly
evolving income patterns often pose significant
strategic planning challenges. In collaboration
with Oxford Economics, we forecast the evolution
of household incomes across 64 economies.19
Our forecasts are measured in real terms at
constant 2010 prices to avoid the potential
distorting effect of inflation over time. We
compare income levels across countries
using market exchange rates, rather than
purchasing power parities (PPP). We believe
this avoids the upward bias of PPP measures
and corresponds more closely to the actual
size of revenue opportunity for businesses.
Even with our conservative methodology,
the stories that emerge are striking.
Between 2010 and 2020, the number of
households in the 64 countries we studied is
forecast to jump by 124 million—87 percent
will be in emerging economies—translating into
US$15 trillion of additional household income
by 2020. Emerging economies will account
for 57 percent of this increase in income.

The emerging consumers

As a household’s annual income surpasses US$5,000, spending
on personal goods and demand for high-impact items such
as televisions, mobile telephones and two-wheel vehicles
typically increases. In 2010, 40 percent of emerging-market
households earned less than US$5,000 a year, this share is
expected to fall below 20 percent in 2020. This low-income
segment would shed 225 million households, nearly a half
of them in China. During the same period, this segment
in Indonesia would shrink by 11 million households—20
percent of its current population. Meanwhile, the share
of India’s population earning more than US$5,000 a year
is expected to increase from 47 percent to 81 percent.

Figure 5: Additional households with annual income of US$5,000
and above, 2010-2020

     More than 25 million     5 to 25 million      1 to 5 million   0 to 1 million

     Less than 0              Not studied

NB: At market exchange rates and 2010 constant prices.

The great leap

The share of emerging-market households in our analysis
with an income exceeding US$15,000 is expected to increase
from 36 percent in 2010 to 54 percent in 2020. This jump
adds 240 million households to this income segment.
China alone would contribute half of this change, with
125 million households. Another hotspot is Russia, where
12 million additional households are expected to be in this
income segment by 2020—this shift represents 20 percent
of Russia’s current number of households. As households
pass this income threshold, we can expect them to begin
spending on cars, computers, and basic financial products.

Figure 6: Additional households with annual income of US$15,000
and above, 2010-2020

  More than 25 million        5 to 25 million      1 to 5 million   0 to 1 million

  Less than 0                 Not studied

NB: At market exchange rates and 2010 constant prices.

Multiple consumer hubs

In 2010, developed-market households dominated the income
segment of US$30,000 and above. By 2020, it is expected
that there will be an additional 80 million emerging-market
households in this segment, boosting consumption for
healthcare services, basic leisure goods and home purchases.
After China, the shift in Brazil is expected to be one of the
largest in the world, with more than 5 million additional
households earning at least US$30,000. Turkey is also
expected to have an additional 4.7 million households
in this income segment by 2020, a greater change than
any developed economy apart from the United States.
This represents a 73 percent increase over Turkey’s
current number of households in this segment.

Figure 7: Additional households with annual income of US$30,000
and above, 2010-2020

     More than 25 million     5 to 25 million      1 to 5 million   0 to 1 million

     Less than 0              Not studied

NB: At market exchange rates and 2010 constant prices.

The new big spenders

The US$50,000-and-above income band represents
households with significant disposable income. Beyond this
income level, spending on such items as life insurance and
pension products, leisure and tourism services, and luxury
consumer goods would be expected to pick up. China would
contribute 5 million additional households to this segment, the
second-largest increase after the United States. South Korea,
a more advanced emerging economy, is expected to double
the proportion of its population in this income segment to
42 percent—one of the highest among emerging economies.
Kazakhstan also is expected to more than double the share of
its population in this income segment, from 7 to 15 percent. By
2020, Kazakhstan will have 770,000 households earning above
US$50,000; more than the combined number in Armenia,
Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya,
Morocco, Pakistan, the Philippines, Ukraine and Vietnam.

Figure 8: Additional households with annual income of US$50,000
and above, 2010-2020

  More than 25 million        5 to 25 million      1 to 5 million   0 to 1 million

  Less than 0                 Not studied

NB: At market exchange rates and 2010 constant prices.

In focus:
Consumption curves
Working with Oxford Economics, we           Figure 9: Non-life insurance consumption curve, 2008
built global economic models to show
the relationship between a country’s                                    5,000
average annual household income                                         4,500                                           Netherlands
and expected sales or penetration in
a number of consumer industries. We
                                            Premiums per capita (US$)

portray these relationships as global                                   3,500
“consumption curves” in Figures 9,                                      3,000
10, 11 and 25, where we explore the                                                                                  High-income economies
insurance, car and broadband markets.
                                                                        2,000                                                                     US
Factors specific to each country                                        1,500
are also at play, as is shown by the                                                Low-income economies
position of individual countries in these                                           Russia
charts, sometimes at some distance                                      500
from the global curve. Understanding                                                                        Turkey
these factors allows country-specific
consumption curves to be modelled:                                              0            20,000        40,000        60,000        80,000     100,000     120,000
we provide examples in Figures 24 and
                                                                                                           Average household income (2008 US$)
26. Tomorrow’s successful globalizers
will display mastery of their global and    Source: Oxford Economics, Swiss Re, Accenture
local consumption curves: this level
of analysis can provide the basis for       Despite the attention given to fast-                                           premia per capita) would be at US$680.
informed choices about market selection     growing emerging economies, for                                                In fact, it was around US$4,500. The
and timing, for appropriate geographic      many of them the insurance market is                                           difference is due to institutional factors.
aggregation or disaggregation of            still at an early stage of development:                                        The 2006 Health Insurance Act created
markets, and for strategies to grow their   market penetration has yet to increase                                         a universal health care system, in which
customers’ propensity to consume.           significantly. This does not imply an                                          all individuals were mandated to carry
                                            absence of growth opportunities. On the                                        basic health insurance in the private
Know your curve:                            contrary, being positioned in a market as
                                            it is about to take off can give companies
                                                                                                                           sector, while the government subsidized
                                                                                                                           low-income households.20 The country’s
Non-life insurance                          first-mover advantages, such as a strong
                                            customer base and brand. The timing,
                                                                                                                           historic maritime links have created a
                                                                                                                           strong tradition of insurance coverage,
The relationship between household          however, is critical because insurance has                                     and the Netherlands is one of the world’s
income and market penetration is very       a long growth phase. Entering too early                                        largest non-life insurance markets.
strong in non-life insurance. The steep     can be as damaging as entering too late.
consumption curve in Figure 9 reveals
that insurance is a “luxury” good for       Institutional factors could stimulate                                          Driving up the curve:
low-income households. It becomes
attractive only at higher income levels,
                                            demand ahead of expectations. In the
                                            Netherlands, for example, the market                                           Passenger cars
where households have more valuable         penetration rate is substantially above                                        A snapshot of the current passenger
possessions and can afford to protect       what one would expect from the country’s                                       car consumption curve (see Figure
them. Lower income countries therefore      income levels. For an average household                                        10) illustrates how assessing market
appear around the base of the curve,        income of US$51,000 (the country’s                                             maturity in different countries can
while wealthier economies are clustered     average income) in 2009, the curve                                             reveal powerful country groupings
higher up the curve.                        suggests that consumption (measured by                                         for strategic planning purposes. The

car markets in Mexico, Slovakia and                                           and their major trading partners may                prioritization of investments across
Turkey appear to be at similar growth                                         promise lucrative opportunities for                 target markets. For example, in 2008, the
phases—rapidly growing markets                                                the automotive sector, as well as for               Thai market had not yet taken off. But
with car purchase penetration                                                 ancillary products and services.                    between 2008 and 2020, the car stock
increasing faster than income growth.                                                                                             is expected to nearly double to 103 cars
A “maturing” cluster of markets is                                            In maturing car markets, the next wave              per 1,000 people, and annual sales will
also apparent further up the curve:                                           of growth may be in electric or hybrid              average 560,000 cars (see Figure 11). By
in these countries, a change in                                               vehicles. Although these vehicles still             the same token, Turkey is further up the
income will induce a proportionally                                           make up only a small proportion of                  consumption curve and expects a much
smaller change in demand.                                                     total car sales, by aggregating similar             larger increase in consumption earlier
                                                                              markets, companies may uncover                      in the decade. Penetration is expected
Companies can use these patterns and                                          sufficient scale to build a profitable              to increase by an additional 82 cars per
groupings to identify potential targets,                                      cross-country business case.                        1,000 people—equivalent to annual car
similarities and synergies. For example,                                                                                          sales of 1.12 million. These examples
many countries that are approaching the                                       The greatest value in consumption curves            illustrate the value of more granular
“rapid growth” phase are also significant                                     is their ability to forecast over time. By          analysis: some companies may need
automotive manufacturing hubs. Mexico,                                        comparing market dynamics across time               to prioritize today’s investment dollars
Slovakia and Turkey are fast becoming                                         horizons and geographies, companies can             between building a longer-term position
hotspots for auto parts production                                            paint more accurate pictures of where               in Thailand and betting on Turkey’s more
and assembly21 and are attracting                                             and when opportunities will arise. These            immediate window of opportunity.
considerable investment.22 These markets                                      comparisons anchor a more effective

Figure 10: Passenger cars consumption curve, 2008

                        700                                      Maturing phase                                                   Illustrative consumption figures

                        600                                                                                                                         Cars per
                                                                                                                                                    1,000 people
                        500         Rapid-growth phase                                                                            China             27
Cars per 1,000 people

                                                                                                       US                         Thailand          54
                                                                                                                                  Turkey            92
                        300                                                                                                       Mexico            181
                                                                                                                                  Slovakia          272
                        200          Russia                                                                                       Croatia           346
                                  China                                                                                           United States     451

                                           Emerging phase

                              0             20,000            40,000          60,000       80,000           100,000     120,000

                                                              Average household income (2008 US$)
Source: Oxford Economics, World Bank WDI, Accenture

Figure 11: Passenger cars: Expected change in car penetration, 2008-2020
                                                                                                                                  Illustrative consumption growth:
                                                                                                                                  change 2008-2020
                                                                                                                                             Cars per         Average
                                                                                                                                             1,000 people     sales, annual
Cars per 1,000 people

                        400                                                 Croatia
                                                                                                                                  Slovakia   99               160,000
                                                                 Slovakia                                                         China      94               15,030,000
                                                                                                                                  Turkey     82               1,120,000
                                                                                                                                  Mexico     54               2,200,000
                                                                          Mexico                                                  Thailand   45               560,000
                                                                                                                                  Croatia    28               110,000
                        100        Thailand                                    Turkey


                              0           10,000     20,000      30,000       40,000    50,000      60,000     70,000   80,000

                                                       Average household income (2008 US$)

Source: Oxford Economics, World Bank WDI, Accenture

New players, new rules:
The new shape of
This chapter looks at the important           Many economies have actively courted
dynamics reshaping the global                 foreign investment, and governments
competitive landscape: the key players        compete against one another to
and new competitive pressures that            attract firms from around the world.
make it more difficult for companies          The impact on local competitive
to access growth opportunities.               dynamics has been dramatic.
We introduce the players in this
new phase of global competition               Multiple layers of
and then look at how they are
changing the rules of the game.               incumbency
                                              First, companies must compete against
New players                                   strong local knowledge and the
                                              relationships that domestic players
Internationalization has never been a         enjoy. Second, many can expect to
simple journey. The ability to become         face Western multinationals that
relevant and respond to local needs           have expended significant effort to
in new markets has always been a              become locally entrenched. These
fundamental challenge. A major obstacle       multinational players possess the scale
is the strength of incumbents, with           and efficiency of global enterprises,
their deep local-level relationships,         some possess strong brands, and
acute knowledge of local needs and            most have become leaner and more
preferences, and enviable customer            competitive in response to economic
loyalty. Business school case studies and     troubles in their home countries. Finally,
media coverage are littered with praise       companies entering new markets will
for companies that have managed to            also face multinationals from emerging
effectively tailor their offerings to local   economies that can leverage scale
markets. By the same token, companies         advantages with low-cost capabilities
unable to recognize and adapt to              and, in some cases, government
local circumstances are criticized.           support and funding. Most companies
                                              are rightly daunted by the prospect
But companies looking to enter high-          of having to take share from these
growth markets today face a more              incumbents. It is no wonder that some
complex incumbency challenge than             firms feel they are already too late to
ever before. High-growth markets have         enter these markets (For an example of
spurred growing levels of investment          how to respond to these pressures, see
and corporate activity over recent years.     “Cencosud: Retail relations,” page 30).

Figure 12: Fortune Global 500

             47           60           70         78          91         95          117
             453         440
80%                                    430       422
                                                             409         405
70%                                                                                  383







            2005         2006         2007       2008        2009       2010         2011

       Developed        Emerging

Source: Fortune Global 500, Accenture analysis

Emerging giants                                  meet the demand there and from other         (see page 31) details this important shift
                                                 South American countries. Embraer, the       and how rapidly intra-emerging market
Already 117 companies from emerging              Brazilian commercial plane manufacturer,     (“E2E”) trade has grown in just the
economies are in the Fortune Global              reports record profits through sales         past ten years to transform the global
500, a six-fold increase since 2000.             of mid-size jets suitable for regional       competitive landscape. As emerging
This trend appears to be accelerating.           travel between emerging economies.           economies increasingly dominate global
Twenty-two emerging-market                       SABMiller, a leading global brewer           trade and investment flows, it is only a
multinationals replaced their developed          with roots in South Africa, recently         matter of time before the world sees a
market peers on the list in 2011 (see            built a brewery in South Sudan. The          new global map of talent, innovation
Figure 12). The emerging-market                  company’s deep experience in emerging        and industry standards.
companies are also quickly moving up             economies—it operates in 17 African
the ranks. In 2011, 70 percent of the
Fortune Global 500 fastest-growing
                                                 countries—gave it the confidence to          Seasoned global players
                                                 enter this unserved market, despite South
companies (by revenue) were from                 Sudan’s severe infrastructure barriers.      Notwithstanding the importance of
emerging markets.                                                                             competitors from emerging economies,
                                                 These examples of success in high-           it would be wrong to assume that
Companies based in emerging economies            growth markets by companies from             they will dominate the next era
often have an advantage in entering              emerging economies exemplify a broader       of competition. Some of the best
and expanding in high-growth markets.            transformation in the global business        examples of success in high-growth
For example, they may be more familiar           landscape: the sharp increase in business    markets have been multinationals
with serving low-income customer                 activity between emerging economies          based in developed markets. With a
groups or operating amid infrastructure          since the beginning of the downturn.         well-established presence in emerging
deficiencies. The size of the prize is           China has displaced the United States        economies, these companies are well
evident, and the success stories are only        as Brazil’s largest trading partner. China   positioned to combine their superior
increasing. China’s fast-growing Chery,          has also become India’s biggest trading      global scale and efficiency with their
an automotive company, launched its              partner, and the two countries have          local knowledge and responsiveness.
mini car, QQ, in nearly 80 countries,            agreed to a US$100 billion bilateral         Many solidified their position during
most of them emerging economies.                 trade target by 2015. But the story          the downturn as their gains in emerging
Chery is particularly successful in              isn’t just about China. India’s exports to   economies made up for the pain felt at
Brazil. In the first half of 2011, Chery’s       Brazil increased more than tenfold from      home. For example, Figure 13 illustrates
exports to Brazil reached 18,000 units,          2000 to 2010 and exceed those of Latin       how, through its presence in emerging
a quarter of its exports.23 The company          American economies such as Mexico.           economies, Unilever sustained growth
has recently built a plant in Brazil to          “The journey to multidirectional trade”      during the downturn despite shrinking

Figure 13: Unilever revenue growth breakdown (€ billion)                 Figure 14: Composition of Unilever’s revenue
                                                                         (percentage share)

                                                                            40%         42%          44%          47%          49%    53%
                                            8.1             44.3
40                          -2.2

                                                                            60%         58%
25                                                                                                   56%          53%
20                                                                                                                                    47%




       Total revenue,     2005-2010      2005-2010      Total revenue,      2005        2006         2007          2008        2009   2010
            2005           change in      change in          2010
                         revenue from   revenue from
                           developed      emerging                             Developed markets            Emerging markets
                            markets        markets

Source: Unilever company reports                                         Source: Unilever company reports

revenue from developed markets. In                acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover             Capital, credit and corporate
2010, for the first time, the majority of         created a company with a range of
Unilever’s revenue was from emerging              high- and low-value offerings well               governance: The freedom to
economies (see Figure 14). The company            positioned to compete at the opposite            invest for the long term
plans to increase this share to 75                ends of the same market. With these
percent by 2020.24                                offerings, Tata Motors can also cater            Constraints on capital investment
                                                  to markets around the world at                   and difficulties securing credit have
Companies such as Tesco in South Korea            different stages of development.                 hampered growth efforts in the wake
or Coca-Cola in Brazil have shown that                                                             of the downturn. Firms backed by state
being a foreign or “Western” company              Such ventures can leverage their                 capital and sovereign wealth funds,
is certainly no disadvantage. These               complementary strengths to rapidly               meanwhile, have benefited in this
companies possess strong competitive              build market share in home markets and           environment as they have been able
advantages. Their established brand               form a springboard for global success.           to access investment capital largely
presence positions them well to attract           Some companies have used partnerships            unconstrained by the pressures on
talent and customers. They can also               to develop entirely new offerings:               global capital markets.
draw upon their regional and global               Vodafone and Safaricom’s M-PESA
networks and mechanisms to better                 money-transfer service acquired 14               Consider the example of sovereign
identify and rapidly act on local                 million registered customers within              wealth funds in the Middle East, which
opportunities. What matters for high              four years (see “M-PESA: Creating new            have approximately US$1.7 trillion in
performance is not a company’s country            markets through innovation,” page 44).           assets under management.25 In 2010, as
of origin; it is the company’s strategic                                                           funds across the Middle East sought to
and operational capabilities for success.
                                                  New rules                                        diversify and invest in new high-growth
                                                                                                   markets, 49 percent of their investments
Combining forces                                  As the key players in global markets             were directed toward the Asia Pacific
                                                  change, so do the pressures that shape           region—a significant leap compared
Companies also have a greater appetite            the rules of competition. The location of        with the 7 percent invested in the
for cross-border partnerships across              a company’s headquarters matters less            region from 2000 to 2008.26
emerging- and developed-market                    than its ability to grasp opportunities
economies, built through joint ventures,          while others watch and wait.                     Many of the fast movers into high-
acquisitions and other models. These                                                               growth markets have been those
complementary capabilities, assets                The following three trends are                   that have had the freedom to take a
and strengths can create a formidable             increasingly shaping the competitive             longer-term investment perspective.
competitive force. Tata Motors’                   landscape.                                       Ownership and governance structures

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Fast Forward To Growth

  • 1. Fast Forward to Growth Seizing opportunities in high-growth markets
  • 2. Contents Foreword 3 Executive summary 5 A wake-up call 9 Locating demand: The search for growth 13 New players, new rules: 26 The new shape of competition Rethinking capabilities: The roadmap to success 33 Sizing the future: Assessing where and when to act 35 Shaping the future: Seeding tomorrow’s growth 43 Seizing the future: Operating at speed and scale 54 Conclusion: Windows to the future 65 Methodology: Income and consumption forecasting 67 References 69 1
  • 3. 2
  • 4. Foreword The search for growth opportunities in previous decades. Fundamental shifts in emerging economies is no longer a matter income and demography are reshaping of choice; it has become a necessity. the landscape of global consumption. With short-term growth difficult to find Predicting where and when the in developed markets, emerging markets related market opportunities will arise must be considered as more than an is difficult enough; understanding optional, longer-term bet. how to grasp them is even harder. But making bets on the future, Second, I see a new constellation of whether short-term or long-term, is an competition being formed out of the especially difficult challenge amid the market turbulence of recent years. This persistent uncertainty, complexity and is due partly to the new economic and volatility in the global marketplace. In political relationships that are being Mark Spelman my conversations with clients around forged, particularly between emerging the world, I am struck by how today’s economies. But I also see transformation Global Head of Strategy business executives often find themselves in how businesses operate. The downturn Accenture struggling to prioritize their investments has spurred improvements in the across the diverse set of growth markets efficiency of global operations. New in emerging economies. The questions technologies and reconfigured operating I hear in boardrooms vary widely: Why models are allowing companies to create aren’t we making profits in China yet? value more effectively and to build more Is it too late to enter Brazil? How can direct and intimate connections with we move faster to establish a foothold their customers. And these new business in Africa? The questions highlight a key models, practices and capabilities draw factor in strategic growth planning: the from a more diverse pool of global importance of getting your timing right. players, characterized by important differences in strategic priorities, Planning an effective global growth governance and culture. strategy across time horizons demands significant investments of time, It is in the context of this dramatically effort and resources to assess market altered landscape of opportunity potential accurately and to build the and competition that this report, the requisite capabilities for success. work of the Accenture Institute for Putting off such investments, waiting High Performance, calls for an urgent to see how markets evolve, is tempting reassessment of the strategies and in today’s economic environment, capabilities that will be central to and it may be the right decision. achieving high performance in tomorrow’s global marketplace. Business leaders But this presents executives with cannot allow change and uncertainty a critical paradox: ongoing global to paralyze their decision making. We economic change may lead businesses hope you find the report insightful and to shy away from action in the very stimulating and its recommendations markets that hold the key to faster both useful and actionable. growth. The longer firms hesitate, the greater the risk of missing out on opportunities, and the more challenging the competitive environment they will face when they eventually take action. I see two underlying factors at play. Mark Spelman First, regardless of when and how growth returns to developed markets, the future map of global demand will look very different from that of 3
  • 5. 4
  • 6. Executive summary In the current global economic is yet to come. For example, many low-cost capabilities and deep local environment, executives fear that companies are pinning their hopes on knowledge, as well as an increased prospects for growth in many markets China, the world’s most populous nation role of relationships and government are patchy and vulnerable. With this fear and one of its largest and fastest- support. In this environment, with its comes a renewed search for pockets growing economies. Currently, 27 other wide range of players and broad variety of growth in the global economy. We economies—including Poland, Colombia of capabilities, many companies will surveyed nearly 600 business leaders and Turkey—have a greater number face a challenge in pressing home worldwide and found that 80 percent of households with an annual income their own competitive advantage. are focused primarily on high-growth above US$30,000. But over the next markets in emerging economies to chart decade, China will rapidly accelerate up a more compelling path for the future. the ranks, leaving only three economies The opportunity paradox And with good reason. Household with a greater number of households Our research uncovers a paradox: on incomes in emerging economies will earning US$30,000 and above: the one hand, there is strong affirmation jump by more than US$8.5 trillion United States, Japan and Germany. that firms see continued growth coming between 2010 and 2020—nearly 60 This pace of change is not restricted from emerging economies. On the other percent of the global increase over this to China: Mexican households in this hand, they feel that the windows of period, in real terms.1 As these incomes income band are expected to boost opportunity to secure their company’s grow, so will consumption and demand. their income by an additional US$340 share of these markets may be shrinking. billion by 2020, an increase higher The point is underlined by our survey But many executives are not confident than that expected in Germany. And in finding that 73 percent of respondents that their organizations are up to the a richer income segment, households believe they need to accelerate their task. Forty percent do not believe that with an annual income of more than efforts, or may already be too late, their companies possess the strategic US$50,000, Turkey will see a total to build satisfactory market share and operational capabilities to fully increase of US$380 billion, the highest in these high-growth markets. grasp the opportunities in emerging of any emerging economy. As these economies. The same proportion worry examples demonstrate, the varying Our research supports this imperative that they do not fully understand the degree and speed of change across to accelerate action in seeking competitive dynamics they will face. these markets make the size and timing opportunities in high-growth markets. These doubts are not misplaced— of opportunities difficult to grasp. In an uncertain economic environment, and may be exacerbated by the there is a strong temptation for emergence of a rapidly intensifying companies to watch and wait, or even competitive landscape, populated by Mapping the to retrench or withdraw from some new players with new capabilities. High-growth emerging markets are competitive terrain markets until the global economic environment becomes clearer. In fact, a fast-moving target. Companies Companies seeking their fortunes many organizations have significant must build powerful new capabilities in high-growth markets face a reserves of cash that could be used to address this new reality. challenging competitive landscape. As for expansion. But they continue competitors jostle for position, firms to hesitate. A strategy of “wait and Tracking the targeting these markets will confront domestic players with strong local see” may be effective, as long as it is based on a realistic assessment income surge knowledge and intimate customer relationships; established multinationals of the options, opportunities and risks involved. More likely, however, The pace of income growth in emerging with global scale that have improved hesitation in today’s global competitive economies can be bewildering. Many their efficiency in response to the environment may be the most companies have been impatiently downturn; and a further potent breed, dangerous choice of all. High-growth awaiting the promise of profitability growing multinationals from emerging markets offer many opportunities, but in emerging economies. But as our economies. The competitive landscape the explosion in demand is matched detailed analysis of household incomes is characterized by a combination by ever-intensifying competition. shows, the real growth in consumption of scale advantages, strong brands, 1 We analyzed household income data across 64 countries (see Methodology on page 67 for details) which together accounted for more than 90 percent of global GDP in 2010. The income of the emerging-market households in our analysis will jump by more than US$8.5 trillion between 2010 and 2020. 5
  • 7. Faced with the risk of squandering these newly-empowered female populations. • Use information and communications opportunities, what can companies In this way, successful globalizers technology (ICT) such as mobile do to accelerate their efforts and develop a more complete and realistic phones and social media to collect avoid missing the boat? What are the understanding of the markets in which reliable and relevant data, improve specific capabilities they need to build they intend to operate. demand forecasting, and overcome in order to compete effectively and data scarcity. Coca-Cola has 22 million claim their share of future growth? Second, in a rapidly-changing consumers following it through social environment, these companies media, and the ensuing dialogue has understand better than their competitors given Coca-Cola valuable ideas for Opening windows the importance of planning over time new beverages and other products. of opportunity horizons, allowing them to sequence and prioritize their investments. Our research, • Leverage existing proprietary data conducted in partnership with Oxford for further growth opportunities: In our research we found that Economics, illustrates the importance the Mexican retailer Grupo Elektra successful companies in high-growth of identifying where different markets built one of the country’s largest markets think differently about the will sit in terms of their consumption networks of banking branches based capabilities critical for growth and of specific products and services. How on data from a credit service it prioritize their investments in different close are they to reaching a point where launched for retail customers. ways. Specifically, these “successful globalizers”—companies with a track demand rapidly takes off? How close are • Choose local partners—whether record of successful performance in they to market maturity? What are the through joint ventures, alliances or emerging economies, that are confident opportunities of different markets over other arrangements—to gain a deep and committed about their future different time horizons? understanding of local market dynamics, prospects in these markets—excel in needs and preferences. three areas. They are better able to size This deep understanding of their target markets allows successful globalizers • Enhance competitor analysis the future—they possess the ability to become masters of strategic techniques to anticipate emerging to accurately size, time and prioritize positioning: to be not only where competitors across multiple time demand opportunities around the opportunities are today, but where horizons, from different geographies world. They are better able to shape they will be tomorrow. Through their and adjacent industries. the future—they possess the insights and capabilities to cultivate and protect superior ability to discern the size, future demand opportunities around location and timing of opportunities, 2. Shaping the future: these companies make more informed the world. And they are better able decisions and trade-offs around where Cultivating new markets to seize the future—they display the operational agility and flexibility to and when to invest, and remain several While some companies may feel they adapt and reorient the company to moves ahead of the competition. are too late to secure their position grasp opportunities across growth in high-growth markets, our research To become masters of strategic shows that successful globalizers do markets. Companies can take specific positioning, companies can: not simply accept that windows of actions today to improve their capabilities in each of these areas: • Conduct cross-country forecasts opportunity are shrinking. Instead, they of product and service consumption open new windows of opportunity by discovering new demand and seeding 1. Sizing the future: Where across time horizons, beyond national future opportunities. and regional borders, and use these to and when to invest evaluate trade-offs and guide decisions about when, where and how to enter In an environment where attaining Our research suggests that successful market share is challenging, successful companies in high-growth markets adopt high-growth markets. Some markets may offer immediate opportunities, companies have identified the new approaches to assessing potential opportunity to grow the size of the market opportunity. They take a more while others may be poised for more significant growth in the longer term. overall opportunity, not just their share. dynamic view that incorporates foresight They understand how to extend the and flexibility into strategic planning. • Experiment with different customer frontiers of opportunity, often through segmentation variables to uncover targeted partnerships and collaboration They are more adept at examining global new geographic and demographic with local stakeholders. opportunities through multiple lenses. groups. Discovering segments that cut This allows them to aggregate seemingly across country borders may unearth Our research demonstrates the impact, disparate markets and uncover business business cases beyond those that in real consumption opportunities, cases that would otherwise have focus exclusively on country-level that can be achieved when businesses remained untapped. Witness companies segmentation. Procter & Gamble invest in generating future demand. For that have successfully targeted diaspora has designed razors, shampoos and example, our analysis examines how communities scattered across the world, cleansing products specifically designed demand can be measurably increased or specific high-potential customer for consumers in water-scarce areas. through improvements in infrastructure, segments, such as those in water- education and health care. scarce areas, rural communities or 6
  • 8. To achieve a better understanding of companies to grasp the opportunities of International Development Program, how they can push open new windows today, but will play a fundamental role giving future leaders experience in of opportunity, companies can: in shaping the markets of tomorrow. foreign markets within the company’s business units across the globe. • Identify and map key stakeholders, For example, our analysis shows how local and global, and build trusted the power of disruptive innovation No business decisions are simple in relationships. can transform industry dynamics, today’s environment of prolonged global improving the accessibility of consumer economic uncertainty. But a game of • Assess the strength of relationships products and creating markets. In the “wait and see” purely due to a lack of with government agencies, industry automotive sector, for example, process understanding or preparedness poses regulators and local communities. These redesign and low-cost materials have the risk of missing the boat. This report relationships can help obtain a license dramatically broadened the accessibility uncovers the key dynamics at play and to operate, ease the policy environment, of passenger cars to new customers. details specific actions that companies and improve access to scarce resources. New pockets of demand have opened can take to build the capabilities for Executives may be surprised at the up for those companies with the agility success in the high-growth markets of extent of common interests held by and efficiency to design low-price the future. these stakeholders. business models. Successful globalizers • Innovate to fulfill unmet needs, and involve local consumers in are pushing the boundaries of what is possible: they understand that The research innovation and design. Vodafone and business performance and the bottom Accenture’s Institute for High Safaricom’s M-PESA money transfer line will only become more important Performance has conducted thorough platform was designed to address a in geographic growth plans. They research to investigate the keys for particular need in Kenyan society, to understand that operating at speed and success in today’s competitive high- send money to family at home. The scale will play an ever greater role in growth markets. The main elements service has grown quickly, achieving determining the winners and losers of of research include: 14 million registered users within the next phase of global competition. four years, and has simultaneously • Household income analysis, in brought an entirely new business collaboration with Oxford Economics. To achieve operational agility and seize We created five standard bands of model to markets across the world. new opportunities, companies can: annual household income and, for • Evaluate local and global leadership’s each of 64 countries, estimated the understanding of social and economic • Explore partnership and acquisition number of households falling into each factors that influence demand, and options to boost reach, capability and band in 2010, 2015 and in 2020. All promote the social and economic speed; and continually reassess and forecasts are measured in real terms, development of local communities. evolve ownership and governance and at market exchange rates. Companies successful in emerging structures as circumstances change. markets engage national and local The flexibility of Starbucks in managing • Industry consumption curves, in governments to help create the a range of business models and collaboration with Oxford Economics. conditions needed for their businesses to partnerships has been instrumental to This research forecasts the evolution prosper. GSK, a leading pharmaceutical its success in China, which the company of consumption for a select group of and healthcare products company, now regards as its “second home industries across the world. It also reduced the price of its patented market.” includes scenario-based sensitivity medicines in the world’s poorest analysis to assess the impact of changes • Develop systems to rapidly countries, providing social benefits in the business and policy environment. redeploy people, capital and ideas and opening up new markets. around the global organization. In • A survey of 588 business leaders, expanding its global footprint, Tata across 85 countries and 22 industries, 3. Seizing the future: The Communications designed a wholly conducted by the Economist Intelligence operational agility to grasp new international operating model Unit. Business leaders were asked about to incorporate local leadership their perceptions of the competitive new opportunities expertise into its global operations. landscape, their company’s plans for Successful companies infuse their growth and the capabilities important • Encourage experimentation— organizations with the strategic, for success in these markets. incubate, fund and protect new ideas. operational and cultural agility to The success of Indian pharmaceutical • Conversations with clients and grasp new opportunities. Identifying companies demonstrates the importance experts across industries and extensive opportunities is one thing, but rapidly of innovation, and the benefits of secondary research, including mobilizing the organization to attain scaling new ideas across the global company case studies and analysis of them is another. In order to achieve this, organization. greenfield and M&A investment data. they prioritize and invest in distinctive • Assess the leadership team and how capabilities that boost operational its skills and experience align with agility and flexibility. These capabilities growth plans. Nestlé is relaunching its are not just instrumental in helping 7
  • 9. 8
  • 10. A wake-up call We analyzed household income data As emerging-market households spend A world of opportunity across 64 countries that together this newfound income, fresh pockets Faced with protracted economic accounted for more than 90 percent of demand will emerge. Our research uncertainty, many companies are of global GDP in 2010. The income of examined the evolution of income renewing their interest in emerging the emerging-market households in patterns globally, and how rising economies as a springboard for their our analysis will jump by more than household incomes might influence next phase of growth. Our survey US$8.5 trillion between 2010 and 2020. consumption. For example, a combination of 588 business leaders reveals that That represents nearly 60 percent of of rising household income and a large 80 percent are looking primarily at the total global increase in household population will propel China to be one of emerging economies for their next stage incomes over this period (see Figure the world’s most significant passenger of growth. And they acknowledge that 1). In particular, China and India are car markets: our estimates show that this is where future opportunities lie, projected to experience significant average annual car sales in China are with 81 percent planning to increase increases in total household income, expected to exceed 15 million by 2020, their investment in emerging economies with additional income of US$3.2 ahead of the United States. Already, in over the coming three years. trillion and US$1.4 trillion, respectively. 2011, China has overtaken the US to become Roll-Royce’s largest market.2 Figure 1: Household income growth 2010-2020 (US$ billion, 2010 constant prices) 60,000 Developed markets • Share of global growth = 43% • Compound annual growth rate 56,700 (CAGR) = 2.0% 55,000 Emerging markets • Share of global growth = 57% • CAGR = 5.4% 50,000 45,000 41,600 40,000 35,000 Global China India Russia Brazil Turkey Mexico Indonesia Other US Japan UK Germany Other Global income emerging developed income 2010 2020 Emerging markets Developed markets Source: Accenture, Oxford Economics Note: The analysis covers 64 countries, which accounted for more than 90 percent of global GDP in 2010. 9
  • 11. “Emerging markets,” however, is a may be the most dangerous choice The growth prospects are clear. But nebulous term that obscures the of all. The economic downturn has it is also clear that many companies diversity and complexity across had a profound impact, dramatically will feel locked out of the opportunity those markets. South Korea, India reshaping the global competitive to become serious players in the and Vietnam are often cited as landscape. High-growth markets market, even before it has taken off. high-potential “emerging markets” present many opportunities, but to watch. Yet average household these opportunities are being rapidly This pattern is repeating itself in income in these markets diverges snapped up by a new breed of players different industries and locations around significantly; approximately US$35,400, from emerging economies, as well as the world. In some cases, the risk of US$5,800 and US$3,300, respectively, multinationals that have entrenched being locked out of markets threatens in 2010. The value of comparing themselves in these markets during deep and long-term consequences. a “typical” consumer across these previous phases of globalization. The The CEO of a large Chinese railway countries is questionable, even when longer they wait, the more challenging equipment manufacturer explained factoring in cultural differences. competitive environment they will that the financial crisis weakened face when eventually taking action. the ability of European and North Headline numbers can also mislead. American banks to finance large railway China, for example, is the world’s most contracts demanded in Asia’s emerging populous country and home to one of The risk of missing economies. Chinese enterprises and the world’s largest and fastest-growing economies. Yet in 2010 it had fewer the boat banks partnered to fill the void. The CEO is confident that his company’s products households with annual incomes above Companies turning their attention to rival the quality of multinational US$30,000 than many other smaller high-growth markets must act quickly competitors and will anchor rapid “emerging” economies, including and definitively to carve out their sales expansion in Asia: exports for Colombia, South Africa and Argentina. position. Firms entering and expanding the first half of 2009 increased by While attention is focused on the BRIC in high-growth markets can expect 60 percent over the same period in economies, we project that by 2020 to face a range of competitors with the previous year.3 The prospect of Turkey will be home to an additional powerful strengths: from low-cost being locked out of such long-term 4.7 million households in this income players to global giants, from locally contracts around the world should be a bracket, on a par with expected growth networked incumbents to masters sobering thought for many companies. levels in Brazil. Mexico will also undergo of global scale and efficiency. In rapid growth in its consumer-market this environment, hesitation risks The intensity of competition is not potential: there will be an additional squandering opportunities. The longer all that has changed. The diversity of 3.3 million households in this segment the hesitation, the greater the odds competitors, and of their competitive over the decade to 2020. With so that more nimble and prepared players advantages, brings new challenges. much variation and rapid change, will position themselves for these In this report, we bring to light the the size and timing of opportunities lucrative growth opportunities. fundamental shifts in the global can be challenging to grasp. business landscape that the downturn The mobile telecoms market in Latin has wrought. We make clear the America, for example, is often predicted new challenges companies face in The temptation to to be one of the world’s fastest-growing determining the optimal location hesitate telecoms markets over the next five years (See “América Móvil and Telefónica: and timing of opportunities, and the risk of delaying action in the Businesses are understandably hesitant Seizing opportunities ahead of the pack,” face of aggressive competition. to prioritize their investments in these page 12). The market for value-added diverse, unfamiliar, but potentially lucrative markets. Each brings unique services such as mobile data is not yet established in much of Latin America. The opportunity opportunities, challenges and operating environments. The temptation to Penetration rates remain very low in many countries, and rapid increases in paradox hesitate is aggravated by continued demand may be far off. These facts have Our global business survey uncovered global economic uncertainty, not stopped Mexico’s América Móvil and a paradox: on one hand, companies sluggishness in developed markets Spain’s Telefónica from expanding rapidly see continued growth coming from and increasingly tempered near-term across these smaller markets, acquiring emerging economies. On the other, growth prospects in emerging markets. local providers and gaining access to they feel that their windows of the infrastructure essential for growth opportunity may be shrinking. Our The instinctive response of many when demand does take off. Companies survey findings underscored the point: companies will be to watch and wait, or looking to enter these nascent markets 73 percent of respondents believe even to retrench or withdraw from some will face not only domestic players, they need to accelerate their efforts geographic locations. Yet our research but also two Fortune Global 500 to build satisfactory market share demonstrates that in today’s global multinationals with established products, in these high-growth markets—or competitive environment, hesitation infrastructure, relationships and brands. that it may already be too late. 10
  • 12. With almost three-quarters of business Wanted: Action and leaders believing that they need to confidence accelerate their efforts in high-growth markets, it is critical to understand the Even while companies feel they dynamics that constrain their progress. are missing out on opportunities, uncertainty may lead them to hesitate Many companies may not appreciate about investing in high-growth the degree of change in the business markets. In fact, many companies have landscape since the downturn. healthy cash reserves that could be used for expansion. Cash holdings for On the demand side, companies American nonfinancial companies in have not adjusted their methods to June 2011 exceeded US$1.9 trillion, locate and measure demand and fully the highest in half a century.4 evaluate potential opportunities: their tools are often inappropriate, The volatile economic environment or even outdated and irrelevant. drives uncertainty and hesitation, but our research uncovers deeper On the supply side, companies concerns. We found that many underestimate the diversity of business leaders are not confident players and capabilities they will about their own company’s ability encounter in the competitive to succeed in high-growth markets. landscape. Next, we explore these demand and supply dynamics. • 40 percent do not believe that their company possesses the strategic and operational capabilities 73% of companies feel to fully grasp the opportunities in emerging economies. they need to accelerate • The same proportion acknowledge that they do not fully understand the efforts or may already competitive dynamics they will face. be too late to build • Nearly one-third do not even believe that their company has a clear strategy satisfactory market for high-growth markets. share in high-growth markets. 11
  • 13. América Móvil and Telefónica: Seizing opportunities ahead of the pack Latin America is projected to be the increasing its customer base. In recent fastest-growing telecoms market over years, Telefónica has built on long- the next five years. Demand is growing standing relationships in the region, at unprecedented rates: penetration strengthening its presence through reached a high of 89 percent this sizable acquisitions of established year.5 As penetration rates rise, so do players such as Vivo. opportunities for lucrative “value- added” services. Almost one-third of all As other telecoms players look to new phones in Latin America by 2014 high-growth markets in Latin America, are expected to be smartphones. The they are faced not only with smaller number of mobile data plan subscribers domestic incumbents but also with is expected to more than double this two Fortune Global 500 multinationals year, a sizable opportunity in a continent with global reach and scale, combined of nearly 600 million people.6 with local presence and understanding across the region. Breaking through this The market is dominated by two global incumbency poses new and challenging telecoms giants, each looking for growth questions to potential entrants. to offset a decline in its traditional revenue base: América Móvil, which is América Móvil and Telefónica are looking for growth in mobile, broadband already jostling for position in new and pay TV to offset declining revenue services, including mobile data, in fixed-line services since the market broadband and pay TV. Telefónica was liberalized and opened up to recently rebranded its operations across competition, and Telefónica, which is Latin America, bringing together fixed looking to broaden its footprint beyond line, mobile, broadband and TV under Europe, an intensely saturated and the Movistar brand. competitive market.7 When Latin America’s markets These two companies are the dominant begin their inevitable acceleration— players in most key Latin American broadband penetration rates are markets. In Mexico, Telcel—América still hovering at around 15 percent Móvil’s mobile arm—holds 72 percent in most of these countries—América of the market, but Telefónica is closing Móvil and Telefónica will be at the fast. In the last quarter of 2010, forefront of new opportunities.9 the two companies accounted for They are identifying and snapping up 90 percent of the one million new opportunities almost before they appear. connections: Telcel took 30 percent, but Telefónica took 61 percent. And in Brazil, América Móvil’s Claro brand is a key player in the market, along with Vivo, acquired by Telefónica in 2007.8 The strategies América Móvil and Telefónica use to build their presence are revealing. América Móvil has for many years been buying up smaller operators around Latin America, taking control of fixed-line infrastructure and 12
  • 14. Locating demand: The search for growth Between 2011 and 2016, approximately profitability in China. But over the next for 56 percent of India’s economy, 60 percent of global economic growth decade, China will rapidly move up the compared with 34 percent in China),11 is forecast to come from emerging ranks, leaving only three economies China’s economy is largely built on economies,10 despite an expected with a greater number of households investment and export growth, and near-term slowdown in key high- earning US$30,000 and above: the Russia is heavily dependent on its growth markets such as China and United States, Japan and Germany. In natural resources: oil, fuel and gas India. The triad economies of the 2010, the number of Chinese households accounted for 69 percent of exports in United States, Europe and Japan in this income bracket was almost 2010.12 These fundamental differences continue to experience persistently twice that in Thailand—but by 2020, illustrate the dangers of relying upon high unemployment and public debt there will be more than thirteen times such country groupings for detailed levels. Many developed economies as many. Our analysis highlights the analysis and comparisons. Looking have seen their economic growth dynamics shaping global demand outside the BRICs, Vietnam, Peru forecasts downgraded in recent opportunities through 2020 (see “In and Angola are all forecast to grow months and companies struggle to focus: Household buying power,” page more quickly than Russia. It becomes locate the next sources of growth 18). Specifically, we illustrate how clear that even the accuracy of the in these markets. In many emerging US$15 trillion of additional household terms “emerging markets” and “high- economies, in contrast, unemployment income will be dispersed around the growth markets” is debatable. is falling and governments hold world across distinct income segments. significant reserves. Many companies The stories that emerge reveal where Economic groupings and macroeconomic in these markets may not even have “high growth” may be found. terminology help describe important felt the impact of the downturn. global trends. But when a company plans its own global strategy, it needs Levels of consumption and demand Attachment to a far more granular analysis—one for goods and services in emerging economies will increase as incomes outdated labels that looks beneath headline figures and provides a more accurate picture grow. But with enormous differences Income levels and the speed of change of the true size and pace of growth in the size and growth rates of are difficult to keep up with and in demand around the world. demand, along with a variety translate into investment decisions. of customer preferences, it is difficult to accurately assess and Commentators are quick to embrace labels such as BRIC (Brazil, Russia, The dangers of forecast growth opportunities. India and China), MINT (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey) and generalization Labeling groups of countries can also A fast-moving target CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa). But lead companies to overlook important We have conducted an extensive the dramatic speed at which the differences among unfamiliar markets. analysis, in collaboration with Oxford demand landscape is changing brings For decades, the African continent has Economics, of household incomes and into question the value of these terms. borne the brunt of such generalizations. their evolution over the coming decade. Over the next three years, in real In 2010, Nigeria had a per capita GDP According to our analysis, China lags terms, India’s economy will grow at of US$1,300, lower than the sub- behind 27 other economies, including a rate twice as fast as that of Russia. Saharan Africa average (see Figure Poland, Turkey and Colombia, in the China will grow twice as fast as Brazil. 2).13 Nigeria’s total household income number of households with an annual And there are significant structural was approximately US$200 billion— income greater than US$30,000. This differences: while India’s growth has lower than South Africa’s, despite a comes as no surprise to companies been fueled primarily by domestic population three times as large.14 eagerly and impatiently awaiting demand (private consumption accounts 13
  • 15. Figure 2: GDP per capita, 2010 (US$ at 2010 prices and Figure 3: Change in total income for households with market exchange rates) annual income of US$5,000 and above, 2010-2020 (US$ billion, constant 2010 prices) 8,000 140 7,000 120 6,000 100 5,000 80 4,000 60 3,000 Sub-Saharan 40 2,000 Africa average 20 1,000 0 0 South Egypt Ghana Nigeria Kenya Nigeria Thailand South Malaysia Egypt Ghana Kenya Africa Africa Source: Oxford Economics Source: Oxford Economics However, Nigeria’s consumer-market “middle class” is a loosely defined the greatest opportunities lie. Some potential will soon outstrip that of term and differs across markets. In might be surprised at what they find. other African economies it lags behind some cases it is merely the middle of Significant opportunities exist in cities today. By 2020, 7.8 million additional the income distribution. In others, it that many multinationals haven’t even households are expected to have an refers to a specific level of income. heard of. Zhengzhou is a prime example. income level of US$5,000 and above, Either way, a middle-class household The capital of Henan province in China, with 12 percent of these earning more in India is unlikely to afford the deluxe Zhengzhou by 2020 will have a bigger than US$30,000. This translates into refrigerator, high-end TV, smartphone economy than Sweden, Hong Kong or US$130 billion of additional household and sport utility vehicle of a middle- Israel.16 And Surat, in the Indian state of income and an increase far greater than class American family. These large Gujarat, is forecast to be home to nearly other African economies (see Figure 3). discrepancies and ambiguities in the 8 million people by 2020, more than the The income growth is also greater than definition of “middle class” matter whole of Paraguay or Norway.17 that in burgeoning Asian economies, for companies trying to find the most such as Malaysia and Thailand. The attractive markets for their products One example of a company that has key driver of Nigeria’s rapid economic and services. followed a city expansion approach growth, and incomes, is the country’s is Xiang Piaopiao Food (XPP), which expected fast population growth. entered the Chinese beverage market Redrawing borders in 2005 with a milk tea product. The market at the time was concentrated The misleading Companies must take into account the most appropriate geographic units in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities, but XPP “middle class” in strategic planning. For example, it may make sense to plan in terms of avoided the high entry costs associated with these markets by focusing on 600 Hyperbole and imprecise terminology regions and cities rather than countries smaller cities, using traditional channels hamper the sizing of high-growth and continents. In China, for example, of local distributors. The company has market opportunities. Take the much there are significant variations across achieved compound annual growth of vaunted “emerging middle class.” provinces in income, demographics, more than 100 percent, with total sales This consumer segment is variously religion, language and geography. from smaller cities and towns typically estimated to include anywhere between By delving more deeply into their accounting for 75 to 80 percent of total 500 million and 2 billion people. Some assessment of China and other large sales in each province.18 forecasts claim that it could double emerging markets, companies can over the next two decades.15 However, create a more accurate picture of where 14
  • 16. Figure 4. South Africa income inequality scenarios: Number of households, 2020 (million) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 US$0-US$5,000 US$5,000-US$15,000 US$15,000-US$30,000 US$30,000-US$50,000 US$50,000+ Baseline income inequality Reduced income inequality Source: Accenture, Oxford Economics it might mean that companies need Understand the to accelerate entry plans as demand “unknown-knowns” for their product picks up sooner than they had expected. This example A large number of external factors illustrates how changes in external can cause consumer spending to factors may have an unexpected diverge from expectations. One such but significant impact on market factor is change in the distribution of opportunities and strategic planning. income, something that is receiving increased attention from opinion formers and policymakers around Spotting opportunity— the world. China, for example, has made reducing income inequality a creating demand priority in its 12th Five-Year Plan. A clear awareness of income trends is a crucial first step toward developing In South Africa, greater income an accurate map of current and future equality is also an explicit policy goal. demand. Understanding the point at We modelled what would happen if which consumption of a product will South Africa’s Gini coefficient fell from pick up, accelerate and mature should 58 to 51, still a high co-efficient by be a central part of planning market global standards (see Figure 4). The entry and expansion. Accurately impact of this reduction in income assessing market maturity across inequality would be to expand by 7 different locations can offer critical million the number of households with insights into how those markets can annual incomes of between US$5,000 best be aligned for strategic planning and US$50,000. Understanding purposes. To illustrate, we have shifts in the distribution of income estimated the global relationship allows companies to measure market between household income levels potential more accurately. This can and market penetration for select mean the difference between making products and services (see “In focus: a decision to enter a market or not. Or Consumption curves,” page 23). 15
  • 17. 16
  • 18. 17
  • 19. In focus: Household buying power While high-growth markets offer attractive consumer opportunities, diverse and rapidly evolving income patterns often pose significant strategic planning challenges. In collaboration with Oxford Economics, we forecast the evolution of household incomes across 64 economies.19 Our forecasts are measured in real terms at constant 2010 prices to avoid the potential distorting effect of inflation over time. We compare income levels across countries using market exchange rates, rather than purchasing power parities (PPP). We believe this avoids the upward bias of PPP measures and corresponds more closely to the actual size of revenue opportunity for businesses. Even with our conservative methodology, the stories that emerge are striking. Between 2010 and 2020, the number of households in the 64 countries we studied is forecast to jump by 124 million—87 percent will be in emerging economies—translating into US$15 trillion of additional household income by 2020. Emerging economies will account for 57 percent of this increase in income. 18
  • 20. The emerging consumers As a household’s annual income surpasses US$5,000, spending on personal goods and demand for high-impact items such as televisions, mobile telephones and two-wheel vehicles typically increases. In 2010, 40 percent of emerging-market households earned less than US$5,000 a year, this share is expected to fall below 20 percent in 2020. This low-income segment would shed 225 million households, nearly a half of them in China. During the same period, this segment in Indonesia would shrink by 11 million households—20 percent of its current population. Meanwhile, the share of India’s population earning more than US$5,000 a year is expected to increase from 47 percent to 81 percent. Figure 5: Additional households with annual income of US$5,000 and above, 2010-2020 More than 25 million 5 to 25 million 1 to 5 million 0 to 1 million Less than 0 Not studied NB: At market exchange rates and 2010 constant prices. 19
  • 21. The great leap The share of emerging-market households in our analysis with an income exceeding US$15,000 is expected to increase from 36 percent in 2010 to 54 percent in 2020. This jump adds 240 million households to this income segment. China alone would contribute half of this change, with 125 million households. Another hotspot is Russia, where 12 million additional households are expected to be in this income segment by 2020—this shift represents 20 percent of Russia’s current number of households. As households pass this income threshold, we can expect them to begin spending on cars, computers, and basic financial products. Figure 6: Additional households with annual income of US$15,000 and above, 2010-2020 More than 25 million 5 to 25 million 1 to 5 million 0 to 1 million Less than 0 Not studied NB: At market exchange rates and 2010 constant prices. 20
  • 22. Multiple consumer hubs In 2010, developed-market households dominated the income segment of US$30,000 and above. By 2020, it is expected that there will be an additional 80 million emerging-market households in this segment, boosting consumption for healthcare services, basic leisure goods and home purchases. After China, the shift in Brazil is expected to be one of the largest in the world, with more than 5 million additional households earning at least US$30,000. Turkey is also expected to have an additional 4.7 million households in this income segment by 2020, a greater change than any developed economy apart from the United States. This represents a 73 percent increase over Turkey’s current number of households in this segment. Figure 7: Additional households with annual income of US$30,000 and above, 2010-2020 More than 25 million 5 to 25 million 1 to 5 million 0 to 1 million Less than 0 Not studied NB: At market exchange rates and 2010 constant prices. 21
  • 23. The new big spenders The US$50,000-and-above income band represents households with significant disposable income. Beyond this income level, spending on such items as life insurance and pension products, leisure and tourism services, and luxury consumer goods would be expected to pick up. China would contribute 5 million additional households to this segment, the second-largest increase after the United States. South Korea, a more advanced emerging economy, is expected to double the proportion of its population in this income segment to 42 percent—one of the highest among emerging economies. Kazakhstan also is expected to more than double the share of its population in this income segment, from 7 to 15 percent. By 2020, Kazakhstan will have 770,000 households earning above US$50,000; more than the combined number in Armenia, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Morocco, Pakistan, the Philippines, Ukraine and Vietnam. Figure 8: Additional households with annual income of US$50,000 and above, 2010-2020 More than 25 million 5 to 25 million 1 to 5 million 0 to 1 million Less than 0 Not studied NB: At market exchange rates and 2010 constant prices. 22
  • 24. In focus: Consumption curves Working with Oxford Economics, we Figure 9: Non-life insurance consumption curve, 2008 built global economic models to show the relationship between a country’s 5,000 average annual household income 4,500 Netherlands and expected sales or penetration in 4,000 a number of consumer industries. We Premiums per capita (US$) portray these relationships as global 3,500 Japan “consumption curves” in Figures 9, 3,000 10, 11 and 25, where we explore the High-income economies 2,500 insurance, car and broadband markets. 2,000 US Factors specific to each country 1,500 are also at play, as is shown by the Low-income economies 1,000 position of individual countries in these Russia charts, sometimes at some distance 500 from the global curve. Understanding Turkey 0 these factors allows country-specific consumption curves to be modelled: 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 we provide examples in Figures 24 and Average household income (2008 US$) 26. Tomorrow’s successful globalizers will display mastery of their global and Source: Oxford Economics, Swiss Re, Accenture local consumption curves: this level of analysis can provide the basis for Despite the attention given to fast- premia per capita) would be at US$680. informed choices about market selection growing emerging economies, for In fact, it was around US$4,500. The and timing, for appropriate geographic many of them the insurance market is difference is due to institutional factors. aggregation or disaggregation of still at an early stage of development: The 2006 Health Insurance Act created markets, and for strategies to grow their market penetration has yet to increase a universal health care system, in which customers’ propensity to consume. significantly. This does not imply an all individuals were mandated to carry absence of growth opportunities. On the basic health insurance in the private Know your curve: contrary, being positioned in a market as it is about to take off can give companies sector, while the government subsidized low-income households.20 The country’s Non-life insurance first-mover advantages, such as a strong customer base and brand. The timing, historic maritime links have created a strong tradition of insurance coverage, The relationship between household however, is critical because insurance has and the Netherlands is one of the world’s income and market penetration is very a long growth phase. Entering too early largest non-life insurance markets. strong in non-life insurance. The steep can be as damaging as entering too late. consumption curve in Figure 9 reveals that insurance is a “luxury” good for Institutional factors could stimulate Driving up the curve: low-income households. It becomes attractive only at higher income levels, demand ahead of expectations. In the Netherlands, for example, the market Passenger cars where households have more valuable penetration rate is substantially above A snapshot of the current passenger possessions and can afford to protect what one would expect from the country’s car consumption curve (see Figure them. Lower income countries therefore income levels. For an average household 10) illustrates how assessing market appear around the base of the curve, income of US$51,000 (the country’s maturity in different countries can while wealthier economies are clustered average income) in 2009, the curve reveal powerful country groupings higher up the curve. suggests that consumption (measured by for strategic planning purposes. The 23
  • 25. car markets in Mexico, Slovakia and and their major trading partners may prioritization of investments across Turkey appear to be at similar growth promise lucrative opportunities for target markets. For example, in 2008, the phases—rapidly growing markets the automotive sector, as well as for Thai market had not yet taken off. But with car purchase penetration ancillary products and services. between 2008 and 2020, the car stock increasing faster than income growth. is expected to nearly double to 103 cars A “maturing” cluster of markets is In maturing car markets, the next wave per 1,000 people, and annual sales will also apparent further up the curve: of growth may be in electric or hybrid average 560,000 cars (see Figure 11). By in these countries, a change in vehicles. Although these vehicles still the same token, Turkey is further up the income will induce a proportionally make up only a small proportion of consumption curve and expects a much smaller change in demand. total car sales, by aggregating similar larger increase in consumption earlier markets, companies may uncover in the decade. Penetration is expected Companies can use these patterns and sufficient scale to build a profitable to increase by an additional 82 cars per groupings to identify potential targets, cross-country business case. 1,000 people—equivalent to annual car similarities and synergies. For example, sales of 1.12 million. These examples many countries that are approaching the The greatest value in consumption curves illustrate the value of more granular “rapid growth” phase are also significant is their ability to forecast over time. By analysis: some companies may need automotive manufacturing hubs. Mexico, comparing market dynamics across time to prioritize today’s investment dollars Slovakia and Turkey are fast becoming horizons and geographies, companies can between building a longer-term position hotspots for auto parts production paint more accurate pictures of where in Thailand and betting on Turkey’s more and assembly21 and are attracting and when opportunities will arise. These immediate window of opportunity. considerable investment.22 These markets comparisons anchor a more effective Figure 10: Passenger cars consumption curve, 2008 700 Maturing phase Illustrative consumption figures 600 Cars per 1,000 people 500 Rapid-growth phase China 27 Cars per 1,000 people US Thailand 54 400 Turkey 92 300 Mexico 181 Slovakia 272 200 Russia Croatia 346 China United States 451 100 Emerging phase 0 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 Average household income (2008 US$) Source: Oxford Economics, World Bank WDI, Accenture Figure 11: Passenger cars: Expected change in car penetration, 2008-2020 600 2008 Illustrative consumption growth: 2020 change 2008-2020 500 Cars per Average 1,000 people sales, annual Cars per 1,000 people 400 Croatia Slovakia 99 160,000 Slovakia China 94 15,030,000 300 Turkey 82 1,120,000 Mexico 54 2,200,000 200 Mexico Thailand 45 560,000 Croatia 28 110,000 100 Thailand Turkey 0 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 Average household income (2008 US$) Source: Oxford Economics, World Bank WDI, Accenture 24
  • 26. 25
  • 27. New players, new rules: The new shape of competition This chapter looks at the important Many economies have actively courted dynamics reshaping the global foreign investment, and governments competitive landscape: the key players compete against one another to and new competitive pressures that attract firms from around the world. make it more difficult for companies The impact on local competitive to access growth opportunities. dynamics has been dramatic. We introduce the players in this new phase of global competition Multiple layers of and then look at how they are changing the rules of the game. incumbency First, companies must compete against New players strong local knowledge and the relationships that domestic players Internationalization has never been a enjoy. Second, many can expect to simple journey. The ability to become face Western multinationals that relevant and respond to local needs have expended significant effort to in new markets has always been a become locally entrenched. These fundamental challenge. A major obstacle multinational players possess the scale is the strength of incumbents, with and efficiency of global enterprises, their deep local-level relationships, some possess strong brands, and acute knowledge of local needs and most have become leaner and more preferences, and enviable customer competitive in response to economic loyalty. Business school case studies and troubles in their home countries. Finally, media coverage are littered with praise companies entering new markets will for companies that have managed to also face multinationals from emerging effectively tailor their offerings to local economies that can leverage scale markets. By the same token, companies advantages with low-cost capabilities unable to recognize and adapt to and, in some cases, government local circumstances are criticized. support and funding. Most companies are rightly daunted by the prospect But companies looking to enter high- of having to take share from these growth markets today face a more incumbents. It is no wonder that some complex incumbency challenge than firms feel they are already too late to ever before. High-growth markets have enter these markets (For an example of spurred growing levels of investment how to respond to these pressures, see and corporate activity over recent years. “Cencosud: Retail relations,” page 30). 26
  • 28. Figure 12: Fortune Global 500 100% 47 60 70 78 91 95 117 90% 453 440 80% 430 422 409 405 70% 383 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Developed Emerging Source: Fortune Global 500, Accenture analysis Emerging giants meet the demand there and from other (see page 31) details this important shift South American countries. Embraer, the and how rapidly intra-emerging market Already 117 companies from emerging Brazilian commercial plane manufacturer, (“E2E”) trade has grown in just the economies are in the Fortune Global reports record profits through sales past ten years to transform the global 500, a six-fold increase since 2000. of mid-size jets suitable for regional competitive landscape. As emerging This trend appears to be accelerating. travel between emerging economies. economies increasingly dominate global Twenty-two emerging-market SABMiller, a leading global brewer trade and investment flows, it is only a multinationals replaced their developed with roots in South Africa, recently matter of time before the world sees a market peers on the list in 2011 (see built a brewery in South Sudan. The new global map of talent, innovation Figure 12). The emerging-market company’s deep experience in emerging and industry standards. companies are also quickly moving up economies—it operates in 17 African the ranks. In 2011, 70 percent of the Fortune Global 500 fastest-growing countries—gave it the confidence to Seasoned global players enter this unserved market, despite South companies (by revenue) were from Sudan’s severe infrastructure barriers. Notwithstanding the importance of emerging markets. competitors from emerging economies, These examples of success in high- it would be wrong to assume that Companies based in emerging economies growth markets by companies from they will dominate the next era often have an advantage in entering emerging economies exemplify a broader of competition. Some of the best and expanding in high-growth markets. transformation in the global business examples of success in high-growth For example, they may be more familiar landscape: the sharp increase in business markets have been multinationals with serving low-income customer activity between emerging economies based in developed markets. With a groups or operating amid infrastructure since the beginning of the downturn. well-established presence in emerging deficiencies. The size of the prize is China has displaced the United States economies, these companies are well evident, and the success stories are only as Brazil’s largest trading partner. China positioned to combine their superior increasing. China’s fast-growing Chery, has also become India’s biggest trading global scale and efficiency with their an automotive company, launched its partner, and the two countries have local knowledge and responsiveness. mini car, QQ, in nearly 80 countries, agreed to a US$100 billion bilateral Many solidified their position during most of them emerging economies. trade target by 2015. But the story the downturn as their gains in emerging Chery is particularly successful in isn’t just about China. India’s exports to economies made up for the pain felt at Brazil. In the first half of 2011, Chery’s Brazil increased more than tenfold from home. For example, Figure 13 illustrates exports to Brazil reached 18,000 units, 2000 to 2010 and exceed those of Latin how, through its presence in emerging a quarter of its exports.23 The company American economies such as Mexico. economies, Unilever sustained growth has recently built a plant in Brazil to “The journey to multidirectional trade” during the downturn despite shrinking 27
  • 29. Figure 13: Unilever revenue growth breakdown (€ billion) Figure 14: Composition of Unilever’s revenue (percentage share) 50 40% 42% 44% 47% 49% 53% 45 8.1 44.3 40 -2.2 38.4 35 30 60% 58% 25 56% 53% 51% 20 47% 15 10 5 0 Total revenue, 2005-2010 2005-2010 Total revenue, 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 change in change in 2010 revenue from revenue from developed emerging Developed markets Emerging markets markets markets Source: Unilever company reports Source: Unilever company reports revenue from developed markets. In acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover Capital, credit and corporate 2010, for the first time, the majority of created a company with a range of Unilever’s revenue was from emerging high- and low-value offerings well governance: The freedom to economies (see Figure 14). The company positioned to compete at the opposite invest for the long term plans to increase this share to 75 ends of the same market. With these percent by 2020.24 offerings, Tata Motors can also cater Constraints on capital investment to markets around the world at and difficulties securing credit have Companies such as Tesco in South Korea different stages of development. hampered growth efforts in the wake or Coca-Cola in Brazil have shown that of the downturn. Firms backed by state being a foreign or “Western” company Such ventures can leverage their capital and sovereign wealth funds, is certainly no disadvantage. These complementary strengths to rapidly meanwhile, have benefited in this companies possess strong competitive build market share in home markets and environment as they have been able advantages. Their established brand form a springboard for global success. to access investment capital largely presence positions them well to attract Some companies have used partnerships unconstrained by the pressures on talent and customers. They can also to develop entirely new offerings: global capital markets. draw upon their regional and global Vodafone and Safaricom’s M-PESA networks and mechanisms to better money-transfer service acquired 14 Consider the example of sovereign identify and rapidly act on local million registered customers within wealth funds in the Middle East, which opportunities. What matters for high four years (see “M-PESA: Creating new have approximately US$1.7 trillion in performance is not a company’s country markets through innovation,” page 44). assets under management.25 In 2010, as of origin; it is the company’s strategic funds across the Middle East sought to and operational capabilities for success. New rules diversify and invest in new high-growth markets, 49 percent of their investments Combining forces As the key players in global markets were directed toward the Asia Pacific change, so do the pressures that shape region—a significant leap compared Companies also have a greater appetite the rules of competition. The location of with the 7 percent invested in the for cross-border partnerships across a company’s headquarters matters less region from 2000 to 2008.26 emerging- and developed-market than its ability to grasp opportunities economies, built through joint ventures, while others watch and wait. Many of the fast movers into high- acquisitions and other models. These growth markets have been those complementary capabilities, assets The following three trends are that have had the freedom to take a and strengths can create a formidable increasingly shaping the competitive longer-term investment perspective. competitive force. Tata Motors’ landscape. Ownership and governance structures 28