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This work by Valerie Lang Waldin, J.D., M.L.S.
Associate Professor Emerita HVCC is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
But farm animals include any animals, domesticated or wild, which are farmed
for a variety of reasons.
This is what you think when you think of a
farm animal, right?
USDA defines “farm” broadly as any operation
with the potential to produce at least $1,000
worth of agricultural goods in a given year.
 While most U.S. farms are small – 91 percent
according to the Census of Agriculture – large
farms ($250,000 and above) account for 85
percent of the market value of agricultural
 Moreover, the number of small commercial
farms, as well as their share of sales, has
shrunk over time.
 Production is shifting to larger farms
because economies of scale reduce costs
in some tasks, and because modern tillage
systems, seeds, and equipment reduce the
time needed to perform other tasks.
 Farmers who are able to assemble the
needed land and equipment can now run
bigger farms than they could 25 years
 Most are raised to be killed.
 Some are more profitable alive.
◦ Egg laying chickens
◦ Sheep for wool
◦ Horses, mules & burros for their physical abilities
◦ Bees for honey
Farming and Farm Income
American agriculture and rural life underwent a tremendous transformation in the 20th
century. Early 20th century agriculture was labor intensive, and it took place on many small,
diversified farms in rural areas where more than half the U.S. population lived. Agricultural
production in the 21st century, on the other hand, is concentrated on a smaller number of
large, specialized farms in rural areas where less than a fourth of the U.S. population lives.
Source: USDA
 After peaking at 6.8
million farms in 1935,
the number of U.S. farms
fell sharply until the early
1970s. Rapidly falling
farm numbers during the
earlier period reflected
growing productivity in
agriculture and increased
nonfarm employment
opportunities. Since
then, the number of U.S.
farms has continued to
decline, but much more
 Technological
developments in agriculture
have been influential in
driving changes in the farm
sector. Innovations in
animal and crop genetics,
chemicals, equipment, and
farm organization have
enabled continuing output
growth without adding
much to inputs. As a result,
even as the amount of land
and labor used in farming
declined, total farm output
nearly tripled between 1948
and 2019.
 As of May 21, 2018, the 7.6 billion
humans on Earth equated to just
0.01 percent of all the world’s
inhabitants, however, the species
maintains a significant impact on
other life forms.
 Since civilization was established,
the human race has caused the
loss of 83 percent of all wild
animals and 50 percent of all
 Simultaneously, livestock farmed
for human consumption represents
a large portion of animals on
Earth, meaning the natural
harmonious balance between
species is decreasing while
farming animals for food is
U.S. Livestock Business Critics
 :
 Farm animals are well treated.
 Farm animals must be thriving
because there are so many of
 American Meat Institute –
“Optimal handling is ethically
appropriate, creates positive
workplaces and ensures higher
quality meat products.”
 High productivity is an
indicator of the efficiency of
the system, not the well
being of the animals in the
 Undercover footage which is
the rule and not the
Farm animals have nowhere near the legal
protection of companion animals.
2005 – Compassion Over Killing undercover video prompted USDA to do its own
investigation, resulting in the law applying to livestock transported in trucks
Federal 28 Hour Law of 1873 – rail only
But what really happens?
Humane Slaughter Act of 1958
Specific goals of these organizations include
spreading awareness and advocacy for these
animals: illuminating what the public does not
• Animal Policy & Regulatory Issues
Farmers’ sales of livestock, dairy, and poultry account for
over half of U.S. agricultural cash receipts. Since 2015, cash
receipts from animal products have exceeded $160 billion
per year. This topic page covers issues that are relevant to
different livestock commodities, such as price reporting or
animal health and welfare.
• Cattle & Beef
The United States has the largest fed-cattle industry in the
world, and is the world's largest producer of beef, primarily
high-quality, grain-fed beef for domestic and export use.
• Dairy
Milk is produced in all 50 States, with the major producing
States in the West and North. Dairy farms, overwhelmingly
family-owned and managed, are generally members of
producer cooperatives.
• Hogs & Pork
A striking feature of the U.S. hog industry has been the rapid
shift to fewer and larger operations, associated with
technological change and evolving industry structure.
• Poultry & Eggs
The U.S. poultry industry is the world's largest producer and
second-largest exporter of poultry meat and is a major egg
• Sheep, Lamb & Mutton
The U.S. sheep and wool industries have seen significant
change since the mid-1970s, marked by smaller inventories,
declining production, shrinking revenues, and fewer
So they must arrive alive at the slaughterhouse. Cannot be drugged.
Byproducts (or rendered products) include hooves, bones, beaks, feet, feathers,
fat, inedible organs and tissues to become gelatin, soap, candles, lubricants,
paints, varnishes, cement, pharmaceuticals, pet food, toothpaste and cosmetics.
Animals killed for meat must be processed
 Prior to 1997, livestock were fed these
byproducts as protein supplements.
 1997, USDA outlawed this practice for cattle
to prevent the spread of Mad Cow Disease.
◦ Rendering plants also process whole carcasses of
farm animals that die of illness and other dead
animals, such as euthanized pets.
Standard? Or cruel?
No anesthetic
Culling is rejection of inferior or undesirable animals. Example: male chicks of laying
breeds will never lay eggs and are not acceptable meat chickens. So, millions are
routinely killed each year when they are one day old. You read that right: millions.
Centuries-old practice. Rationale: control of population, reduces aggressive
behavior, better tasting meat
What do you think the rationale for this is?
Branding Tail docking
What is a farm?
Many people think of a farm…
Reality is massive industrial type facilities
owned by corporations
Of the 2.2 million farms reported by USDA statistics
in 2007, 800,000 were owned and operated by
individuals and families.
But many of these farms operate under contract to
corporate farming operations.
Both AFOs (animal feeding operations) and CAFOs (concentrated
animal feeding operations) are highly concentrated.
No grazing areas are allowed, in order to feed, house, medicate and process the
animals with ‘efficiency’.
Females are artificially inseminated. Pregnancies
are spaced close together.
Mothers and offspring are separated quickly to keep
the process moving.
Antibiotics, hormones, and growth enhancing drugs
are used to ensure rapid growth and prevent deadly
diseases. The goal: meat quantity.
 Lots of meat at cheap
 Food dispensed with
 Eggs collected by
conveyor belts
 Chickens (who are
intelligent sensitive
animals) don’t see
humans until slaughter
 Animal Abuses
 Old days – animals
were more cared for –
a bond with the
farmers – if an animal
was sick it was noticed
and cared for
Eat vegetation…
Beef cattle shipped by rail to places like
Chicago and Kansas City for slaughter.
Add refrigeration and electricity and
slaughterhouses were able to move to rural
 1950s
◦ Large meat companies set up feedlots for cattle and
corn became the primary feed for beef cattle.
◦ Before this, cattle mostly ate grass.
◦ Corn-fed beef has a richer more fatty taste and
cattle raised on these diets get fatter more quickly.
◦ Add that to the fact that it’s cheaper and demand
for corn-fed beef rose.
The Humane Methods of Slaughter Act,
which requires that animals be rendered insensible to
pain prior to slaughter, is the only major law affecting
the handling of farm animals.
A few states have humane slaughter
provisions but enforcement is lacking.
Federal Humane Methods of
Slaughter Act
 To mark cows for identification, ranchers may
restrain them and press hot fire irons into
their flesh, which can cause third-degree
burns, as they bellow in pain and attempt to
 Often without providing any pain relief,
workers typically cut male calves’ testicles
from their scrotums or tightly clamp them so
that they atrophy, and the horns of cows
raised for beef are often cut or burned off.
 While “on the range,” most cows receive
inadequate veterinary care, and as a result,
many become sick or die from infection and
 In the winter, cattle freeze to death in states
such as Nebraska, South Dakota, and
Wyoming. And during the summer, they die
from the heat in states such as Kansas and
 After about a year of enduring harsh weather
extremes, cows are shipped to an auction lot
and then may be sent hundreds of miles away
to massive feedlots—feces- and mud-filled
holding pens where they’re crammed
together by the thousands. Many are sick on
arrival, and some die shortly afterward.
 Cattle on feedlots are fed a highly unnatural
diet of grain and corn, which is designed to
fatten them up quickly. This food can cause
their stomachs to become so full of gas—a
condition called bloat—that breathing may
become impaired because of compression of
the lungs.
 Some may suffer from a severe increase in
stomach acid, causing ulcers to form and
resulting in a condition called “acute
 The feedlot air is saturated with ammonia,
methane, and other noxious chemicals that
build up from the huge amounts of manure,
and the cows are forced to inhale these gases
constantly. These fumes can give them
chronic respiratory problems, making
breathing painful.
 Cattle raised for food are also regularly dosed with
drugs such as antibiotics to make them grow faster
and keep them alive in these miserable conditions.
Some of the antibiotics, including penicillin and
tetracycline, are also used to treat humans but don’t
always work when prescribed, because the patients
have been exposed to antibiotic-resistant bacteria
and low doses of antibiotics as a result of consuming
meat, milk, or eggs from animals who were fed the
same drugs.
 Researchers at Texas Tech University suspect that
drug-resistant bacteria found in cattle feedlots can
become airborne and cause hard-to-treat infections
in humans.
 According to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 2 million people contract
antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections each
year, and approximately 23,000 of them die.
 Eating antibiotic-free meat is not a solution.
It’s still high in cholesterol and saturated fat
and contributes to a person’s risk of suffering
from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and
The Dairy Industry
See (also on class website)
Dairy Data
Dairy cows = Milk
producing machines
• Most dairy cows live in
small indoor stalls or are
confined to large dirt pens
called dry lots.
• The fact is, to produce milk,
cows must have calves.
• Therefore, dairy cows are
kept pregnant almost
constantly, through artificial
• Calves are taken away as
soon as possible after birth
so they don’t drink the milk.
• Any male calf or cow that
ceases to produce milk is
slaughtered for beef.
• Health problems include
mastitis, lameness due to
back and leg problems.
One of the most controversial drugs given
to dairy cattle: bovine growth hormone
(BGH) which can increase milk production
by 25% - used in dairy herds since 1993
BGH enlarges cows’ udders so much that cows suffer from spine
and back problems not to mention dragging their udders in dirt and
manure. BGH is banned in Europe and Canada.
Many are killed because they are lame while being raised,
or sent to slaughter when adults, as “downers”, sold for as
little as $1.
 Dairy cattle spend long
periods of time on
concrete surfaces,
metal gratings, and dry
There could be many reasons for this ranging from metabolic or toxic problems,
to trauma and infections. We’ll come back to downed cattle a little later in the
A downed cow is too sick to stand.
Veal is meat from young calves raised to
produce light, delicate flesh.
Veal farmers buy unwanted calves from the dairy
industry and raise them for veal.
Separated early from their mothers –
extremely confined – no exercise or muscle
Fed diets low in iron so they are kept light in color – become
anemic – can’t stand up and have health problems. This (low iron
diets and extreme confinement) is banned in Britain.
The highest veal consumption in the past 100 years was 8.4 pounds per person in
1944 during World War II. In 1995, Americans consumed about .8 lbs (about 3/4 lb) of
veal per person yearly, down from 2.8 lbs in 1975. In 2011, veal consumption had
dropped to .3 lbs. (less than 1/2 pound).
Source: USDA 2019
Veal consumption
Cattle are directed single file through a chute that leads to the stunner, which
shoots a stun bolt into the animal’s forehead and supposedly renders the
animal unconscious.
Preferred method of slaughter is stun gun.
The animal is then hoisted up with one leg and its throat is cut. The animal is hoisted so
that no animal falls into the blood of other slaughtered animals. Then the animal moves
down the assembly line to other processing stations where its tail, hocks & hide are
removed and the belly is cut open.
 5 main performance categories (also see class website
◦ Stunning proficiency
◦ Insensibility on the bleed rail
◦ Electric prod usage
◦ Slipping and falling cattle
◦ Vocalizing cattle
 “Survey of Stunning and Handling in Federally
Inspected Beef, Veal, Pork, and Sheep
Slaughter Plants”
◦ Only 3 out of 10 were able to stun at least 95% of
the cattle with one shot.
◦ Problems with maintenance, supervision, too much
use of electric prods, transport of downed animals
with forklifts
 28 of the 44 plants stunned 99% - 100% of
the cattle on the first captive bolt shot.
◦ That means 16 out of 44 did not.
◦ And this was during a planned, prepared-for audit
where procedures were undoubtedly cleaned up.
◦ 8 of the 44 plants failed the audit.
◦ Grandin says plants must have zero tolerance.
2001 USDA records and worker interviews of workers (making $9 an hour)
claimed to see many conscious cattle moving down the bleed rail.
“They Die Piece by Piece.”
Between 1996-1997 alone, 527 recorded
violations in which live animals were skinned, cut
or scalded
That’s about 7 animals a minute or one every 10 seconds. A line is supposed to stop
when a conscious animal is detected but according to reports this does not happen, and
if it did, production would be slower.
Most plants process around 400 animals per
 Mostly dairy cattle
 Illness, injury or other causes
 Tossed alive onto trash heaps or dragged
around stockyards
 Animal groups have tried to get the Downed
Animal Protection Act passed by Congress
which would require critically ill or injured
farm animals be humanely euthanized.
◦ Then in 2003 a downed cow in Washington State
tested positive for mad cow disease.
 The USDA quickly announced a ban on the processing
of downed cattle for human consumption unless the
animal was deemed fit for slaughter by a veterinarian.
Hallmark Westland Meat Company scandal
HSUS Rocks the Boat, Again
And again
Of the nearly 34 million cattle that were slaughtered in 2007,
less than 1,000 cattle that were re-inspected were actually
approved by the veterinarian for slaughter. This represents less
than 0.003 percent of cattle slaughtered annually.
 Ban on “Downer Cattle” from food supply
 The Obama administration permanently banned the
slaughter of cows too sick or weak to stand on
their own, seeking to further minimize the chance
that mad cow disease could enter the food supply.
 The Agriculture Department proposed the ban last
year after the biggest beef recall in U.S. history.
The recall involved a Chino, Calif., slaughterhouse
and "downer" cows.
Jews and Muslims
Jewish = “kosher” Muslim = “halal”
Teachings require animals killed for food be
moving and healthy
Religious slaughter
Exempt under Federal Humane
Slaughter Act
As long as animal suffers loss of consciousness by
anemia of the brain caused by the instantaneous
severance of the carotid arteries
…But therefore cattle are not stunned before being
bled out.
 Animals that struggle against restraints stay
conscious the longest.
The idea is to induce “near immediate collapse” with throat cutting that is done
precisely with a razor sharp knife. Jewish law requires removal of the lymph nodes
and sciatic nerve which is difficult to do on the hindquarters so these portions of the
animal are often sold in commercial markets. See page 66, textbook.
There are upright devices recommended but
not required by the law.
Chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks
 Most common – 2018 - 9 billion broilers
 Highly social – pecking order – usually one male
and a dozen or so females
 Average lifespan 6-10 years
 Like to forage, peck, flap wings, take dust baths
 Hens prefer to lay eggs in a private nest.
 If the hen has mated with a rooster, the eggs
become chicks.
Pecked to death, eaten, injured
Factory farming’s solution - debeaking
Conditions like this lead to aggression.
The National Chicken Council (NCC), based in Washington, D.C., is the national, non-
profit trade association representing the U.S. chicken industry. NCC is a full-service
trade association that promotes and protects the interests of the chicken industry and
is the industry’s voice before Congress and federal agencies. NCC member companies
include chicken producer/processors, poultry distributors, and allied industry firms.
The producer/processors account for approximately 95 percent of the chickens
produced in the United States.
National Chicken Council
Day old chicks are moved into chicken hatcheries where food and water are
dispensed by machine. Antibiotics are given to prevent spread of diseases and
drugs are administered to speed up growth.
Broiler chicks
Egg production is way up but consumption PER CAPITA is down – meaning there
is increased demand from food manufacturers and restaurants but individually
Americans are eating less.
Laying hens
Only females are kept. Males are killed, either by suffocation or grinders,
because of their breeding (by humans) which makes them not meaty enough for
human consumption.
Laying-hen chicks are sorted when they are
one day old.
Banned in Europe, forced molting is the practice of causing stress to egg-laying
hens, usually through starvation, so that they will produce larger eggs later.
This practice is common among large factory farms, where egg-laying hens live
in battery cages that are so crowded, the birds cannot fully extend their wings.
Forced Molting
Outlawed in Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland and E.U.
About 95% of all egg laying hens are confined
to battery cages.
Cage Free
 Beginning 2015
 Will outlaw caging of farm animals so that
they cannot stand, turn around, lie down or
full extend their limbs
 So how do you think this will play out?
◦ Estimated to increase production costs by 20%
◦ Egg prices in CA probably will not go up because
out of state egg producers will start marketing their
eggs in CA.
 Eliminate CA’s egg industry in a few years…?
issue/prop-2-timeline/ (also on class website)
Humane Methods of Slaughter Act does NOT apply to poultry so chickens do not
have to be made unconscious before their throats are slit.
Chicken Slaughter
 Gathered by feet and carried upside down to
 Shackled upside down to a conveyor belt
 If they are made unconscious prior to their
throats being slit (some slaughterhouses have
this) their heads are dunked in water while an
electric current passes through the shackles
to make the chicken unconscious.
 Birds then pass by an automated cutting
blade which slits their throat.
 Blood drains and after about 90 seconds they
are dipped in scalding water to loosen their
feathers before being forwarded to the
cutting stations.
◦ Just part of a regular night’s work
Grandin noted from a 2006 audit of 19 poultry plants that 5 of these plants passed the
audit even though there were serious abuses. Grandin maintains that “when plants are
required to uphold a higher standard, they are capable of doing it. Unfortunately there
are some people in the producer community who want to make standards so low that
even the worst places can pass.”
National Chicken Council Standards = Lax
Raised the same way broiler chickens are raised. Unnatural crowding leads to
pecking and cannibalism. Slaughtered at 3-6 months. Production steadily
Modern turkeys are bred to gain weight fast.
Ducks Geese
 Raised indoors
 Big states: Wisconsin
& Indiana
 Federal law (FDA)
prohibits use of
 Slaughtered by
electrocution baths &
throat slitting
 Raised inside for first 6
weeks then outside
 Big states: California
and S. Dakota
 Federal law prohibits
use of hormones
 Slaughtered by
electrocution baths &
throat slitting
Also see class website.
This causes the birds’ livers to become fatty and swollen 6-10 times their
normal size.
Foie gras comes from force feeding male
ducks and geese a rich mixture of corn, fat,
salt and water.
An electric pump forces the mixture down the bird’s throat through a12”-16”
tube, several times a day. They are kept in cramped cages to keep them from
losing weight.
About 2-4 weeks prior to slaughter the
process starts.
Animal advocacy groups maintain the birds suffer pain from
unusually swollen abdomens and throat lesions.
Autopsies have revealed severe liver, heart and esophagus disorders.
 Considered a delicacy
 About $50 a pound
 Mostly comes from France
 Production has been banned in Denmark,
Finland, Germany, Israel, Norway, Poland,
Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K.
 California passed a law in 2004 to ban the
production and sale in CA, effective 2012.
Both in Sullivan County, NY
LaBelle Foie Gras and Hudson Valley Foie Gras
Domesticated swine
Some facts: A pig is a young swine that is not sexually mature. A young female hog is
called a gilt and an adult female hog is called a sow. Hogs is a generic term. Hogs are
curious, intelligent and supposedly smarter than dogs. Pregnant sows like to build
nests of grass and under natural conditions give birth to piglets (a litter averages 8)
twice a year. Normal life expectancy is 12-15 years.
The U.S. hog industry has undergone significant
structural changes in the last 40 years, the most of
important of which has been the rapid shift to fewer
and larger operations. Since 1990, the number of
farms with hogs has declined by more than 70 percent,
as individual enterprises have grown larger.
Large operations that specialize in a single phase of
production have replaced farrow-to-finish operations
that performed all phases of production. The use of
production contracts has increased.
Up to 12,000 – concrete or slatted floors – short tethers or in cages to keep the
animals fatty (and not toughen the meat) – aggression due to crowding – tail docking
and teeth clipping are standard without anesthetic– antibiotics, hormones
Hog-Raising Practices
Breeding sows are kept in stalls or tethered until ready to give birth. Gestation
crates are about 7’ – 2’ . She eats, urinates and defecates where she stands.
In 2006 – USDA reported almost 70% of sows on U.S. farms give birth this way.
Spent breeding sows are slaughtered at 2-3 years of age. The piglets are
slaughtered at 4-6 months of age when they reach about 250 lbs.
Gestation Crates
Industry Officials Animal Advocates
 Crates are necessary to
keep aggressive sows
from fighting and
therefore miscarrying
 Protects sows from
extremes & hazards
 Get beneficial attention
 What would you say
are some of the cons?
Gestation crates are used for the entirety of a
pig’s gestation period (16 weeks).
Cons Cons
 A bare gestation crate
prevents virtually all natural
behavior and interaction
with other pigs.
 Scientific research shows
that gestation crates cause
physical and psychological
suffering to sows, including
lameness due to weaker
bones and muscles,
abrasion injuries,
cardiovascular problems,
digestive problems, and
urinary tract problems.
 Gestation crates also
increase abnormal behavior
such as sham chewing and
bar-biting, indicating
severe frustration and
stress, and sows in crates
can exhibit behavior likened
to clinical depression.
 Feed is often restricted
during pregnancy, causing
chronic hunger and further
increasing the level of
 BANNED in U.K. and Sweden
 European Union phase-out 2013
 Due to consumer pressure, a number of food
companies are phasing them out voluntarily.
 Banned in:
◦ Arizona
◦ California
◦ Colorado
◦ Florida
◦ Maine
◦ Massachusetts
◦ Michigan
◦ Ohio
◦ Oregon, and
◦ Rhode Island.
 Electrocuted or stunned –
cardiac arrest or
 Hoisted up by their back
feet and bled out
◦ Should be bled out within
30 seconds of stunning to
avoid consciousness
 Lowered into vats of
scalding water to remove
hair before being
Also covered by Humane Slaughter Act – supposed to be
unconscious before being hoisted onto the bleed rail and cut
We will cover this when we review Horses, Racing and Slaughter.
 Fish farming is a form of aquaculture in which
fish are raised in enclosures to be sold as
food. It is the fastest growing area of animal
food production.
 Today, about half the fish consumed globally
are raised in these artificial environments.
Commonly farmed species include salmon,
tuna, cod, trout and halibut.
 These “aquafarms” can take the form of mesh
cages submerged in natural bodies of water,
or concrete enclosures on land.
 According to the United
Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization, roughly 32% of
world fish stocks are
overexploited, depleted or
recovering and need of being
urgently rebuilt. Fish farming
is hailed by some as a solution
to the overfishing problem.
However, these farms are far
from benign and can severely
damage ecosystems by
introducing diseases,
pollutants and invasive
species. The damage caused
by fish farms varies,
depending on the type of fish,
how it is raised and fed, the
size of the production, and
where the farm is located.
Etc. etc. etc.
No legally enforceable meaning because they are not clearly defined. Cage free
could still mean in a concrete pen without access to the outdoors; the animals
are just not in battery cages.
Cage Free
Growing demand in the U.S. for meat and other
animal products that are raised or slaughtered
more humanely.
Required by USDA to give their chickens some
access to the outside but there is NO
 Free range
 Pasture fed
 Free roaming
 Means the animals must have been allowed to eat
grass and live outdoors during at least part of their
 Rare inspections. USDA relies on claims on livestock
What’s the buzz word you hear everywhere?
But it’s kind of like an honor system: farmers must provide documentation to the
U.S.D.A. that they are following standards.
Farmers are not allowed to use this label
unless they meet requirements of the U.S.
National Organic Program.
◦ U.S. Government’s National Organic Program
 No growth hormones or genetic engineering
 The animals are not fed animal byproducts.
 Some restrictions on manure management, slaughter
procedures, antibiotics & pesticides, and access to the
 To use the label organic farmers must meet their
standards. Not optional. But the standards aren’t
particularly rigorous or enforced.
◦ Some animal protection groups
developed and implemented their own programs to
define and certify welfare-friendly farming operations.
◦ To be called “Certified Humane” the producers must
meet specific criteria on manure management, slaughter
procedures, diet and lack of growth hormones,
antibiotics & pesticides, and access to the outdoors
through inspections and verifications.
Additional (Optional) Certifications (with inspections and verifications):
◦ American Humane Association’s American Humane Certified
◦ Humane Farm Animal Care program is funded by HSUS, ASPCA and
some others.
Antibiotics administered to farm animals are consumed by those who eat those animals. This
nontherapeutic use could lead to antibiotic resistant diseases. Also animal to human disease
transmission (known as zoonoses) can result including anthrax, brucellosis, leptospirosis,
tuberculosis, streptococcus, orf, avian influenza, ringworm and mad cow.
Human Health Issues
Farm animals are among the most abused
creatures on Earth.
 An estimated 77,047,000,959 land animals
were slaughtered worldwide for food in 2018.
 Many were raised on factory farms, which
maximize agribusiness profits at the expense
of the animals, the environment, social
justice, and public health.
Animal Agriculture Causes Immense
 It hurts animals.
 Far from the idyllic pastures shown in ads,
factory farms typically consist of large
numbers of animals raised in extreme
confinement, who undergo painful
mutilations and are bred to grow fast and
large before being slaughtered at a young
It hurts our planet.
Animal agriculture produces staggering quantities of waste and
greenhouse gases, polluting our land, air, and water and contributing
to climate change, land degradation, and the destruction of
It hurts workers and communities.
Employees suffer long hours, are at high risk for mental and physical
trauma, and receive nominal pay. Oftentimes, facilities are in low-
income communities of color, who experience health ailments due to
the toxic practices of agribusiness.
The feeds, hormones, and antibiotics used on factory farms put humans at
risk for chronic disease, obesity, and drug-resistant bacteria, and pose the
threat of major zoonotic disease outbreaks.
It hurts our health.
“The question is not, "Can they reason?"
nor, "Can they talk?" but rather, "Can they

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  • 1. This work by Valerie Lang Waldin, J.D., M.L.S. Associate Professor Emerita HVCC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  • 2. But farm animals include any animals, domesticated or wild, which are farmed for a variety of reasons. This is what you think when you think of a farm animal, right?
  • 3.
  • 4. USDA defines “farm” broadly as any operation with the potential to produce at least $1,000 worth of agricultural goods in a given year.
  • 5.  While most U.S. farms are small – 91 percent according to the Census of Agriculture – large farms ($250,000 and above) account for 85 percent of the market value of agricultural production.  Moreover, the number of small commercial farms, as well as their share of sales, has shrunk over time.
  • 6.  Production is shifting to larger farms because economies of scale reduce costs in some tasks, and because modern tillage systems, seeds, and equipment reduce the time needed to perform other tasks.  Farmers who are able to assemble the needed land and equipment can now run bigger farms than they could 25 years ago.
  • 7.  Most are raised to be killed.  Some are more profitable alive. ◦ Egg laying chickens ◦ Sheep for wool ◦ Horses, mules & burros for their physical abilities ◦ Bees for honey
  • 8. Farming and Farm Income American agriculture and rural life underwent a tremendous transformation in the 20th century. Early 20th century agriculture was labor intensive, and it took place on many small, diversified farms in rural areas where more than half the U.S. population lived. Agricultural production in the 21st century, on the other hand, is concentrated on a smaller number of large, specialized farms in rural areas where less than a fourth of the U.S. population lives. Source: USDA
  • 9.  After peaking at 6.8 million farms in 1935, the number of U.S. farms fell sharply until the early 1970s. Rapidly falling farm numbers during the earlier period reflected growing productivity in agriculture and increased nonfarm employment opportunities. Since then, the number of U.S. farms has continued to decline, but much more slowly.
  • 10.  Technological developments in agriculture have been influential in driving changes in the farm sector. Innovations in animal and crop genetics, chemicals, equipment, and farm organization have enabled continuing output growth without adding much to inputs. As a result, even as the amount of land and labor used in farming declined, total farm output nearly tripled between 1948 and 2019.
  • 11.  As of May 21, 2018, the 7.6 billion humans on Earth equated to just 0.01 percent of all the world’s inhabitants, however, the species maintains a significant impact on other life forms.  Since civilization was established, the human race has caused the loss of 83 percent of all wild animals and 50 percent of all plants.  Simultaneously, livestock farmed for human consumption represents a large portion of animals on Earth, meaning the natural harmonious balance between species is decreasing while farming animals for food is increasing.
  • 12. U.S. Livestock Business Critics  :  Farm animals are well treated.  Farm animals must be thriving because there are so many of them.  American Meat Institute – “Optimal handling is ethically appropriate, creates positive workplaces and ensures higher quality meat products.”  High productivity is an indicator of the efficiency of the system, not the well being of the animals in the system.  Undercover footage which is the rule and not the exception.
  • 13. Farm animals have nowhere near the legal protection of companion animals.
  • 14. 2005 – Compassion Over Killing undercover video prompted USDA to do its own investigation, resulting in the law applying to livestock transported in trucks too. Federal 28 Hour Law of 1873 – rail only
  • 15. LIVESTOCK HAD TO BE RENDERED INSENSITIVE TO PAIN BEFORE BEING SLAUGHTERED But what really happens? Humane Slaughter Act of 1958
  • 16.
  • 17. Specific goals of these organizations include spreading awareness and advocacy for these animals: illuminating what the public does not see.
  • 18. • Animal Policy & Regulatory Issues Farmers’ sales of livestock, dairy, and poultry account for over half of U.S. agricultural cash receipts. Since 2015, cash receipts from animal products have exceeded $160 billion per year. This topic page covers issues that are relevant to different livestock commodities, such as price reporting or animal health and welfare. • Cattle & Beef The United States has the largest fed-cattle industry in the world, and is the world's largest producer of beef, primarily high-quality, grain-fed beef for domestic and export use. • Dairy Milk is produced in all 50 States, with the major producing States in the West and North. Dairy farms, overwhelmingly family-owned and managed, are generally members of producer cooperatives. • Hogs & Pork A striking feature of the U.S. hog industry has been the rapid shift to fewer and larger operations, associated with technological change and evolving industry structure. • Poultry & Eggs The U.S. poultry industry is the world's largest producer and second-largest exporter of poultry meat and is a major egg producer. • Sheep, Lamb & Mutton The U.S. sheep and wool industries have seen significant change since the mid-1970s, marked by smaller inventories, declining production, shrinking revenues, and fewer operations.
  • 19. So they must arrive alive at the slaughterhouse. Cannot be drugged. Byproducts (or rendered products) include hooves, bones, beaks, feet, feathers, fat, inedible organs and tissues to become gelatin, soap, candles, lubricants, paints, varnishes, cement, pharmaceuticals, pet food, toothpaste and cosmetics. Animals killed for meat must be processed immediately.
  • 20.  Prior to 1997, livestock were fed these byproducts as protein supplements.  1997, USDA outlawed this practice for cattle to prevent the spread of Mad Cow Disease. ◦ Rendering plants also process whole carcasses of farm animals that die of illness and other dead animals, such as euthanized pets.
  • 22. Culling is rejection of inferior or undesirable animals. Example: male chicks of laying breeds will never lay eggs and are not acceptable meat chickens. So, millions are routinely killed each year when they are one day old. You read that right: millions. Culling
  • 23. Centuries-old practice. Rationale: control of population, reduces aggressive behavior, better tasting meat Castration
  • 24. What do you think the rationale for this is? Dehorning
  • 26. What is a farm?
  • 27. Many people think of a farm…
  • 28. Reality is massive industrial type facilities owned by corporations
  • 29. Of the 2.2 million farms reported by USDA statistics in 2007, 800,000 were owned and operated by individuals and families. But many of these farms operate under contract to corporate farming operations.
  • 30. Both AFOs (animal feeding operations) and CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) are highly concentrated. No grazing areas are allowed, in order to feed, house, medicate and process the animals with ‘efficiency’.
  • 31. Females are artificially inseminated. Pregnancies are spaced close together. Mothers and offspring are separated quickly to keep the process moving. Antibiotics, hormones, and growth enhancing drugs are used to ensure rapid growth and prevent deadly diseases. The goal: meat quantity.
  • 32. ECONOMIC, LABOR COSTS DOWN, PRODUCTION UP ANIMALS…  Lots of meat at cheap prices  Food dispensed with machines  Eggs collected by conveyor belts  Chickens (who are intelligent sensitive animals) don’t see humans until slaughter  Animal Abuses  Old days – animals were more cared for – a bond with the farmers – if an animal was sick it was noticed and cared for
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. Beef cattle shipped by rail to places like Chicago and Kansas City for slaughter. Add refrigeration and electricity and slaughterhouses were able to move to rural areas.
  • 41.  1950s ◦ Large meat companies set up feedlots for cattle and corn became the primary feed for beef cattle. ◦ Before this, cattle mostly ate grass. ◦ Corn-fed beef has a richer more fatty taste and cattle raised on these diets get fatter more quickly. ◦ Add that to the fact that it’s cheaper and demand for corn-fed beef rose.
  • 42. The Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, which requires that animals be rendered insensible to pain prior to slaughter, is the only major law affecting the handling of farm animals. A few states have humane slaughter provisions but enforcement is lacking. Federal Humane Methods of Slaughter Act
  • 43.
  • 44.  To mark cows for identification, ranchers may restrain them and press hot fire irons into their flesh, which can cause third-degree burns, as they bellow in pain and attempt to escape.  Often without providing any pain relief, workers typically cut male calves’ testicles from their scrotums or tightly clamp them so that they atrophy, and the horns of cows raised for beef are often cut or burned off.
  • 45.  While “on the range,” most cows receive inadequate veterinary care, and as a result, many become sick or die from infection and injury.  In the winter, cattle freeze to death in states such as Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming. And during the summer, they die from the heat in states such as Kansas and Texas.
  • 46.  After about a year of enduring harsh weather extremes, cows are shipped to an auction lot and then may be sent hundreds of miles away to massive feedlots—feces- and mud-filled holding pens where they’re crammed together by the thousands. Many are sick on arrival, and some die shortly afterward.
  • 47.  Cattle on feedlots are fed a highly unnatural diet of grain and corn, which is designed to fatten them up quickly. This food can cause their stomachs to become so full of gas—a condition called bloat—that breathing may become impaired because of compression of the lungs.  Some may suffer from a severe increase in stomach acid, causing ulcers to form and resulting in a condition called “acute acidosis.”
  • 48.  The feedlot air is saturated with ammonia, methane, and other noxious chemicals that build up from the huge amounts of manure, and the cows are forced to inhale these gases constantly. These fumes can give them chronic respiratory problems, making breathing painful.
  • 49.  Cattle raised for food are also regularly dosed with drugs such as antibiotics to make them grow faster and keep them alive in these miserable conditions. Some of the antibiotics, including penicillin and tetracycline, are also used to treat humans but don’t always work when prescribed, because the patients have been exposed to antibiotic-resistant bacteria and low doses of antibiotics as a result of consuming meat, milk, or eggs from animals who were fed the same drugs.  Researchers at Texas Tech University suspect that drug-resistant bacteria found in cattle feedlots can become airborne and cause hard-to-treat infections in humans.
  • 50.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2 million people contract antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections each year, and approximately 23,000 of them die.  Eating antibiotic-free meat is not a solution. It’s still high in cholesterol and saturated fat and contributes to a person’s risk of suffering from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
  • 52. See
  • 54. Dairy cows = Milk producing machines • Most dairy cows live in small indoor stalls or are confined to large dirt pens called dry lots. • The fact is, to produce milk, cows must have calves. • Therefore, dairy cows are kept pregnant almost constantly, through artificial insemination. • Calves are taken away as soon as possible after birth so they don’t drink the milk. • Any male calf or cow that ceases to produce milk is slaughtered for beef. • Health problems include mastitis, lameness due to back and leg problems.
  • 55. One of the most controversial drugs given to dairy cattle: bovine growth hormone (BGH) which can increase milk production by 25% - used in dairy herds since 1993 BGH enlarges cows’ udders so much that cows suffer from spine and back problems not to mention dragging their udders in dirt and manure. BGH is banned in Europe and Canada.
  • 56. Many are killed because they are lame while being raised, or sent to slaughter when adults, as “downers”, sold for as little as $1.  Dairy cattle spend long periods of time on concrete surfaces, metal gratings, and dry lots.
  • 57. There could be many reasons for this ranging from metabolic or toxic problems, to trauma and infections. We’ll come back to downed cattle a little later in the PowerPoint. A downed cow is too sick to stand.
  • 58.
  • 59. Veal is meat from young calves raised to produce light, delicate flesh. Veal farmers buy unwanted calves from the dairy industry and raise them for veal.
  • 60. Separated early from their mothers – extremely confined – no exercise or muscle Fed diets low in iron so they are kept light in color – become anemic – can’t stand up and have health problems. This (low iron diets and extreme confinement) is banned in Britain.
  • 61. The highest veal consumption in the past 100 years was 8.4 pounds per person in 1944 during World War II. In 1995, Americans consumed about .8 lbs (about 3/4 lb) of veal per person yearly, down from 2.8 lbs in 1975. In 2011, veal consumption had dropped to .3 lbs. (less than 1/2 pound). Source: USDA 2019 Veal consumption
  • 62.
  • 63. Cattle are directed single file through a chute that leads to the stunner, which shoots a stun bolt into the animal’s forehead and supposedly renders the animal unconscious. Preferred method of slaughter is stun gun.
  • 64. The animal is then hoisted up with one leg and its throat is cut. The animal is hoisted so that no animal falls into the blood of other slaughtered animals. Then the animal moves down the assembly line to other processing stations where its tail, hocks & hide are removed and the belly is cut open. Slaughterhouse
  • 65.
  • 66.  5 main performance categories (also see class website ◦ Stunning proficiency ◦ Insensibility on the bleed rail ◦ Electric prod usage ◦ Slipping and falling cattle ◦ Vocalizing cattle
  • 67.  “Survey of Stunning and Handling in Federally Inspected Beef, Veal, Pork, and Sheep Slaughter Plants” ◦ Only 3 out of 10 were able to stun at least 95% of the cattle with one shot. ◦ Problems with maintenance, supervision, too much use of electric prods, transport of downed animals with forklifts
  • 68.  28 of the 44 plants stunned 99% - 100% of the cattle on the first captive bolt shot. ◦ That means 16 out of 44 did not. ◦ And this was during a planned, prepared-for audit where procedures were undoubtedly cleaned up. ◦ 8 of the 44 plants failed the audit. ◦ Grandin says plants must have zero tolerance.
  • 69.
  • 70. 2001 USDA records and worker interviews of workers (making $9 an hour) claimed to see many conscious cattle moving down the bleed rail. “They Die Piece by Piece.”
  • 71. Between 1996-1997 alone, 527 recorded violations in which live animals were skinned, cut or scalded
  • 72. That’s about 7 animals a minute or one every 10 seconds. A line is supposed to stop when a conscious animal is detected but according to reports this does not happen, and if it did, production would be slower. Most plants process around 400 animals per hour.
  • 73.
  • 74.  Mostly dairy cattle  Illness, injury or other causes  Tossed alive onto trash heaps or dragged around stockyards
  • 75.  Animal groups have tried to get the Downed Animal Protection Act passed by Congress which would require critically ill or injured farm animals be humanely euthanized. ◦ Then in 2003 a downed cow in Washington State tested positive for mad cow disease.  The USDA quickly announced a ban on the processing of downed cattle for human consumption unless the animal was deemed fit for slaughter by a veterinarian.
  • 76. Hallmark Westland Meat Company scandal HSUS Rocks the Boat, Again And again
  • 77. Of the nearly 34 million cattle that were slaughtered in 2007, less than 1,000 cattle that were re-inspected were actually approved by the veterinarian for slaughter. This represents less than 0.003 percent of cattle slaughtered annually.
  • 78.  Ban on “Downer Cattle” from food supply  The Obama administration permanently banned the slaughter of cows too sick or weak to stand on their own, seeking to further minimize the chance that mad cow disease could enter the food supply.  The Agriculture Department proposed the ban last year after the biggest beef recall in U.S. history. The recall involved a Chino, Calif., slaughterhouse and "downer" cows.
  • 80. Jewish = “kosher” Muslim = “halal” Teachings require animals killed for food be moving and healthy
  • 81. Religious slaughter Exempt under Federal Humane Slaughter Act As long as animal suffers loss of consciousness by anemia of the brain caused by the instantaneous severance of the carotid arteries …But therefore cattle are not stunned before being bled out.
  • 82. .  Animals that struggle against restraints stay conscious the longest.
  • 83. The idea is to induce “near immediate collapse” with throat cutting that is done precisely with a razor sharp knife. Jewish law requires removal of the lymph nodes and sciatic nerve which is difficult to do on the hindquarters so these portions of the animal are often sold in commercial markets. See page 66, textbook. There are upright devices recommended but not required by the law.
  • 85.  Most common – 2018 - 9 billion broilers  Highly social – pecking order – usually one male and a dozen or so females  Average lifespan 6-10 years  Like to forage, peck, flap wings, take dust baths  Hens prefer to lay eggs in a private nest.  If the hen has mated with a rooster, the eggs become chicks.
  • 86. Pecked to death, eaten, injured Factory farming’s solution - debeaking Conditions like this lead to aggression.
  • 87. The National Chicken Council (NCC), based in Washington, D.C., is the national, non- profit trade association representing the U.S. chicken industry. NCC is a full-service trade association that promotes and protects the interests of the chicken industry and is the industry’s voice before Congress and federal agencies. NCC member companies include chicken producer/processors, poultry distributors, and allied industry firms. The producer/processors account for approximately 95 percent of the chickens produced in the United States. National Chicken Council
  • 88. Day old chicks are moved into chicken hatcheries where food and water are dispensed by machine. Antibiotics are given to prevent spread of diseases and drugs are administered to speed up growth. Broiler chicks
  • 89. Egg production is way up but consumption PER CAPITA is down – meaning there is increased demand from food manufacturers and restaurants but individually Americans are eating less. Laying hens
  • 90. Only females are kept. Males are killed, either by suffocation or grinders, because of their breeding (by humans) which makes them not meaty enough for human consumption. Laying-hen chicks are sorted when they are one day old.
  • 91. Banned in Europe, forced molting is the practice of causing stress to egg-laying hens, usually through starvation, so that they will produce larger eggs later. This practice is common among large factory farms, where egg-laying hens live in battery cages that are so crowded, the birds cannot fully extend their wings. Forced Molting
  • 92. Outlawed in Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland and E.U. About 95% of all egg laying hens are confined to battery cages.
  • 94.  Beginning 2015  Will outlaw caging of farm animals so that they cannot stand, turn around, lie down or full extend their limbs  So how do you think this will play out? ◦ Estimated to increase production costs by 20% ◦ Egg prices in CA probably will not go up because out of state egg producers will start marketing their eggs in CA.  Eliminate CA’s egg industry in a few years…?
  • 96. Humane Methods of Slaughter Act does NOT apply to poultry so chickens do not have to be made unconscious before their throats are slit. Chicken Slaughter
  • 97.  Gathered by feet and carried upside down to crates  Shackled upside down to a conveyor belt  If they are made unconscious prior to their throats being slit (some slaughterhouses have this) their heads are dunked in water while an electric current passes through the shackles to make the chicken unconscious.
  • 98.  Birds then pass by an automated cutting blade which slits their throat.  Blood drains and after about 90 seconds they are dipped in scalding water to loosen their feathers before being forwarded to the cutting stations. ◦ Just part of a regular night’s work
  • 99. Grandin noted from a 2006 audit of 19 poultry plants that 5 of these plants passed the audit even though there were serious abuses. Grandin maintains that “when plants are required to uphold a higher standard, they are capable of doing it. Unfortunately there are some people in the producer community who want to make standards so low that even the worst places can pass.” National Chicken Council Standards = Lax
  • 100.
  • 101. Raised the same way broiler chickens are raised. Unnatural crowding leads to pecking and cannibalism. Slaughtered at 3-6 months. Production steadily increasing. Modern turkeys are bred to gain weight fast.
  • 102.
  • 103. Ducks Geese  Raised indoors  Big states: Wisconsin & Indiana  Federal law (FDA) prohibits use of hormones  Slaughtered by electrocution baths & throat slitting  Raised inside for first 6 weeks then outside  Big states: California and S. Dakota  Federal law prohibits use of hormones  Slaughtered by electrocution baths & throat slitting
  • 104. Also see class website.
  • 105. This causes the birds’ livers to become fatty and swollen 6-10 times their normal size. Foie gras comes from force feeding male ducks and geese a rich mixture of corn, fat, salt and water.
  • 106. An electric pump forces the mixture down the bird’s throat through a12”-16” tube, several times a day. They are kept in cramped cages to keep them from losing weight. About 2-4 weeks prior to slaughter the process starts.
  • 107. Animal advocacy groups maintain the birds suffer pain from unusually swollen abdomens and throat lesions. Autopsies have revealed severe liver, heart and esophagus disorders.
  • 108.  Considered a delicacy  About $50 a pound  Mostly comes from France  Production has been banned in Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K.  California passed a law in 2004 to ban the production and sale in CA, effective 2012.
  • 109. Both in Sullivan County, NY LaBelle Foie Gras and Hudson Valley Foie Gras
  • 111. Some facts: A pig is a young swine that is not sexually mature. A young female hog is called a gilt and an adult female hog is called a sow. Hogs is a generic term. Hogs are curious, intelligent and supposedly smarter than dogs. Pregnant sows like to build nests of grass and under natural conditions give birth to piglets (a litter averages 8) twice a year. Normal life expectancy is 12-15 years.
  • 112. The U.S. hog industry has undergone significant structural changes in the last 40 years, the most of important of which has been the rapid shift to fewer and larger operations. Since 1990, the number of farms with hogs has declined by more than 70 percent, as individual enterprises have grown larger. Large operations that specialize in a single phase of production have replaced farrow-to-finish operations that performed all phases of production. The use of production contracts has increased.
  • 113. Up to 12,000 – concrete or slatted floors – short tethers or in cages to keep the animals fatty (and not toughen the meat) – aggression due to crowding – tail docking and teeth clipping are standard without anesthetic– antibiotics, hormones Hog-Raising Practices
  • 114. Breeding sows are kept in stalls or tethered until ready to give birth. Gestation crates are about 7’ – 2’ . She eats, urinates and defecates where she stands. In 2006 – USDA reported almost 70% of sows on U.S. farms give birth this way. Spent breeding sows are slaughtered at 2-3 years of age. The piglets are slaughtered at 4-6 months of age when they reach about 250 lbs. Gestation Crates
  • 115. Industry Officials Animal Advocates  Crates are necessary to keep aggressive sows from fighting and therefore miscarrying fetuses.  Protects sows from environmental extremes & hazards  Get beneficial attention  What would you say are some of the cons?
  • 116. Gestation crates are used for the entirety of a pig’s gestation period (16 weeks).
  • 117. Cons Cons  A bare gestation crate prevents virtually all natural behavior and interaction with other pigs.  Scientific research shows that gestation crates cause physical and psychological suffering to sows, including lameness due to weaker bones and muscles, abrasion injuries, cardiovascular problems, digestive problems, and urinary tract problems.  Gestation crates also increase abnormal behavior such as sham chewing and bar-biting, indicating severe frustration and stress, and sows in crates can exhibit behavior likened to clinical depression.  Feed is often restricted during pregnancy, causing chronic hunger and further increasing the level of frustration.
  • 118.  BANNED in U.K. and Sweden  European Union phase-out 2013  Due to consumer pressure, a number of food companies are phasing them out voluntarily.
  • 119.  Banned in: ◦ Arizona ◦ California ◦ Colorado ◦ Florida ◦ Maine ◦ Massachusetts ◦ Michigan ◦ Ohio ◦ Oregon, and ◦ Rhode Island.
  • 120.
  • 121.  Electrocuted or stunned – cardiac arrest or unconscious  Hoisted up by their back feet and bled out ◦ Should be bled out within 30 seconds of stunning to avoid consciousness  Lowered into vats of scalding water to remove hair before being processed
  • 122. Also covered by Humane Slaughter Act – supposed to be unconscious before being hoisted onto the bleed rail and cut open. We will cover this when we review Horses, Racing and Slaughter.
  • 123.
  • 124.
  • 125.  Fish farming is a form of aquaculture in which fish are raised in enclosures to be sold as food. It is the fastest growing area of animal food production.  Today, about half the fish consumed globally are raised in these artificial environments. Commonly farmed species include salmon, tuna, cod, trout and halibut.  These “aquafarms” can take the form of mesh cages submerged in natural bodies of water, or concrete enclosures on land.
  • 126.  According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, roughly 32% of world fish stocks are overexploited, depleted or recovering and need of being urgently rebuilt. Fish farming is hailed by some as a solution to the overfishing problem. However, these farms are far from benign and can severely damage ecosystems by introducing diseases, pollutants and invasive species. The damage caused by fish farms varies, depending on the type of fish, how it is raised and fed, the size of the production, and where the farm is located.
  • 128. No legally enforceable meaning because they are not clearly defined. Cage free could still mean in a concrete pen without access to the outdoors; the animals are just not in battery cages. Cage Free
  • 129. Growing demand in the U.S. for meat and other animal products that are raised or slaughtered more humanely.
  • 130. Required by USDA to give their chickens some access to the outside but there is NO VERIFICATION PROCESS to prove claim
  • 131.  Free range  Pasture fed  Free roaming  Means the animals must have been allowed to eat grass and live outdoors during at least part of their lives.  Rare inspections. USDA relies on claims on livestock producers.
  • 132. What’s the buzz word you hear everywhere?
  • 133. But it’s kind of like an honor system: farmers must provide documentation to the U.S.D.A. that they are following standards. Farmers are not allowed to use this label unless they meet requirements of the U.S. National Organic Program.
  • 134. ◦ U.S. Government’s National Organic Program  No growth hormones or genetic engineering  The animals are not fed animal byproducts.  Some restrictions on manure management, slaughter procedures, antibiotics & pesticides, and access to the outdoors  To use the label organic farmers must meet their standards. Not optional. But the standards aren’t particularly rigorous or enforced.
  • 135. ◦ Some animal protection groups developed and implemented their own programs to define and certify welfare-friendly farming operations. ◦ To be called “Certified Humane” the producers must meet specific criteria on manure management, slaughter procedures, diet and lack of growth hormones, antibiotics & pesticides, and access to the outdoors through inspections and verifications. Additional (Optional) Certifications (with inspections and verifications): ◦ American Humane Association’s American Humane Certified ◦ Humane Farm Animal Care program is funded by HSUS, ASPCA and some others.
  • 136. Antibiotics administered to farm animals are consumed by those who eat those animals. This nontherapeutic use could lead to antibiotic resistant diseases. Also animal to human disease transmission (known as zoonoses) can result including anthrax, brucellosis, leptospirosis, tuberculosis, streptococcus, orf, avian influenza, ringworm and mad cow. Human Health Issues
  • 137.
  • 138. Farm animals are among the most abused creatures on Earth.
  • 139.  An estimated 77,047,000,959 land animals were slaughtered worldwide for food in 2018.  Many were raised on factory farms, which maximize agribusiness profits at the expense of the animals, the environment, social justice, and public health.
  • 140. Animal Agriculture Causes Immense Suffering
  • 141.  It hurts animals.  Far from the idyllic pastures shown in ads, factory farms typically consist of large numbers of animals raised in extreme confinement, who undergo painful mutilations and are bred to grow fast and large before being slaughtered at a young age.
  • 142. It hurts our planet. Animal agriculture produces staggering quantities of waste and greenhouse gases, polluting our land, air, and water and contributing to climate change, land degradation, and the destruction of ecosystems.
  • 143. It hurts workers and communities. Employees suffer long hours, are at high risk for mental and physical trauma, and receive nominal pay. Oftentimes, facilities are in low- income communities of color, who experience health ailments due to the toxic practices of agribusiness.
  • 144. The feeds, hormones, and antibiotics used on factory farms put humans at risk for chronic disease, obesity, and drug-resistant bacteria, and pose the threat of major zoonotic disease outbreaks. It hurts our health.
  • 145. “The question is not, "Can they reason?" nor, "Can they talk?" but rather, "Can they suffer?"”