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Fantasy Congress Instructions
You may write on the tournament bracket, but in order to have adequate space to write,
please use a separate sheet of paper to complete tasks 3 and 4. You only need one paper
per group, however, please make sure all of your names are on the paper.

1. Working as a group with members of your table, read about the sixteen most influential
   laws passed by Congress. (These laws were highlighted in Government's Greatest
   Achievement's: From Civil Rights to Homeland Security, by Paul C. Light, and The Laws
   that Shaped America: Fifteen Acts of Congress and their Lasting Impact, by Dennis W.
2. Play the “teams” (the laws) against one another on the tournament bracket. Base your
   winner for each division on which law has had the most influence or benefit for the
   common good.
3. Write one sentence about the loser of each bracket, explaining why you felt it was a
   weaker or less effective law than the winner. You should have a total of 14 sentences,
   excluding the Championship Game.
4. Championship Game: You will be responsible for highlighting the advantages of the
   ultimate achievement of Congress.
      o Title of Act, Year it was Passed
      o Description: What did the legislation provide for? What was it about?
      o Powers: Which expressed or implied powers of Congress allowed this legislation
        to take place?
      o What if? Write a 1-2 paragraph description of what the US or world would be like
        if this legislation had never been passed.
Space Exploration            
                                     Fantasy Congress
                                                                                                     Food Quality Protection
                                     Tournament Bracket
                            Elite Eight                                                Elite Eight
    Wilderness Protection                                                                             Interstate Highways
                                          Final Four                      Final Four
      Arms Reduction                                                                                 Civil Rights Protection
                                                        Regional Winner
                            Elite Eight                                                Elite Eight
       Bank Stability                                                                                    Marshall Plan
                                                   Ultimate Champion:
      Consumer Safety                                                                                   Promise of Land
                            Elite Eight                                                Elite Eight
      Higher Education                                                                                Westward Expansion
                                                        Regional Winner
                                          Final Four                      Final Four
       Child Nutrition                                                                                     The GI Bill
                            Elite Eight                                                Elite Eight
       Social Security                                 Group Names:                                    Women’s Suffrage
Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen
Promoting Space Exploration                                     Wilderness Protection
National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958                      Wilderness Act of 1964
                                 Since the end of World         This Act directed the Secretary of the Interior, within 10
                                 War II, the United             years, to review every roadless area of 5,000 or more
                                 States had worked hard         acres and every roadless island (regardless of size) within
                                 to make breakthroughs          National Wildlife Refuge and National Park Systems and
                                 in rocket science.             to recommend to the President the suitability of each
                                                                such area or island for inclusion in the National
                                   This particular              Wilderness Preservation System, with final decisions
                                   legislation expanded         made by Congress.
                                   the original National
                                   Advisory Committee for       Under
                                   Aeronautics (NACA)           authority of
                                   into what is now known       this Act, over
                                   as NASA. NASA                25 million
                                   research, which was          acres of land
generously funded by Eisenhower’s successors, John F.           and water in
Kennedy and Richard Nixon, was responsible for                  the National
successful and groundbreaking American achievements             Wildlife Refuge
such as the Apollo 11 lunar landing in 1969 and the             System were
development of the space shuttle, first launched in 1981.       reviewed.
More recently, NASA has sent robotic exploratory missions       Seven million
to Mars and launched a spacecraft to view Pluto. NASA’s         acres in were
research has also contributed to advances in consumer-          found to be
oriented goods such as telecommunications satellites and        suitable to be made into national parks. From these
computer technology.                                            recommendations, as of December 1998, over 6,832,800
                                                                acres have been established as part of the National
                                                                Wilderness Preservation System by special Acts of
Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen
Arms Reduction                                                  Bank Stability
The Arms Control and Disarmament Act of 1961                    Banking Act of 1933
This was landmark legislation designed to create arms           By the early 1930s, the Great
control and reduction as a key component of United              Depression had started and
States national security policy during and after the Cold       America's financial markets
War.                                                            lay in ruin. Due to the
                                                                financial chaos initiated by
With this act, Congress achieved three main tasks: (1) it       the stock market crash of
set ambitious goals and purposes for coordinating               October 1929, more than
disarmament with other defense strategies; (2) it created       9,000 banks had failed by
the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, a body            March of 1933, signaling the
that would make the country's commitment to arms                worst economic depression in
control a part of its governing institutions; and (3) it        modern history.
established standards and procedures for integrating all
aspects of security policy. This act was crucial in             The government took action to protect people who had
encouraging the United States to work together with             deposited their money in banks by creating the Banking
other countries, such as Russia, towards reducing nuclear       Act of 1933, which also formed the FDIC. The FDIC's
stockpiles.                                                     purpose was to provide stability to the economy and the
                                                                failing banking system. Officially created in the Glass-
                                                                Steagall Act of 1933, and modeled after the deposit
                                                                insurance program initially enacted in Massachusetts, the
                                                                FDIC guaranteed a specific amount of checking and
                                                                savings deposits for its member banks. This action
                                                                prevented thousands of people from losing money they
                                                                had saved, and encouraged people to start depositing
                                                                money to banks once again.
Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen
Consumer Safety and Protection                                  Increase Access to Post-Secondary Education
The Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972                         Higher Education Act of 1965
This created the Consumer                                       With the goal of strengthening American colleges and
Product Safety                                                  universities, the Higher Education Act provides financial
Commission which, when                                          assistance and other resources for students pursuing
it finds an unreasonable                                        postsecondary and college degrees. The act also provides
risk of injury associated                                       funding for extension and continuing education programs.
with a consumer product                                         It allocates [gives] funds to increase library collections,
it can develop a standard                                       and the number of employed qualified librarians. It also
to reduce or eliminate the                                      focuses on strengthening schools by means of faculty
risk. It can also ban a                                         exchange programs, joint use of learning facilities, and
product if it does not                                          training programs for developing more capable faculties.
meet reasonable safety                                          Finally, the Higher Education Act assists students by
standards, and it has the                                       supporting undergraduate scholarships, loans with
authority to force recalls                                      reduced interest rates, and work-study programs. It
for products that present                                       concentrates on
a substantial product                                           improving the quality
hazard. This same legislation is the one that protects          of teaching, and
consumers from lead in paint, toys that are fire hazards,       provides financial
and other dangerous problems.                                   assistance to improve
This legislation also led to consumer protection in other       instruction (by, for
areas, including food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices,       example, providing
tobacco products, firearms and ammunition, motor                assistance to those
vehicles, pesticides, aircraft, boats and fixed site            institutions that are
amusement rides.                                                unable to afford
                                                                modern teaching
Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen
Reduce Hunger and Improve Nutrition                             Promoting Security and Health for the Elderly
Child Nutrition Act of 1966                                     Social Security Acts of 1935 and 1965
The Act was                                                     This was enacted in the throes of the Great Depression.
created as a                                                    The law got its title from the groundbreaking social
result of the                                                   insurance program designed to provide a steady income
years of                                                        for retired workers aged 65 or older.
successful                                                      The act has been amended numerous times, and payroll
experience                                                      taxes grew to pay for it. In the 1950s, more people were
under the                                                       added to Social Security's beneficiary pool, and the
National School                                                 benefit was increased, including the first cost-of-living
Lunch Program                                                   allowance since 1940. In 1956, disability insurance was
to help meet the                                                instituted. Early retirement for women at age 62 was
nutritional needs of children. The National School Lunch        permitted. Payroll taxes hovered at four percent.
Program feeds 30.5 million children per day (as of 2007).
NSLP was operated in over 101,000 public and nonprofit          In 1965, the passage of the Social Security Act
private schools in 2007. The milk program, functioning          Amendments, popularly known as Medicare, resulted in a
since 1954, was extended on June 30, 1970 and                   basic program of hospital insurance for persons aged 65
incorporated into the act. The act also provided Federal        and older, and a supplementary medical insurance
funding assistance towards non-food purchases for school        program to aid the elderly in paying health care bills. It
equipment.                                                      was funded by a tax
                                                                on the earnings of
The act established the School Breakfast Program, a             employees, matched
federally assisted meal program that provides low-cost or       by by employers,
free breakfasts to children in public and non-profit            and was well
schools as well as child care institutions. During the          received. In the first
signing of the act, the president remarked that “good           three years of the
nutrition is essential to good learning.”                       program, nearly 20
                                                                million beneficiaries
                                                                enrolled in it.
Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen
Safe Food and Drinking Water                                  Strengthen the Nation's Highway System
Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996                    Interstate Highway Act of 1956
Congress presented the Environmental Protection Agency        Popularly known as the
with an enormous challenge of implementing the most           National Interstate and
comprehensive and historic overhaul of the Nation's           Defense Highways Act,
pesticide and food safety laws in decades.                    the Federal-Aid
                                                              Highway Act of 1956
The Food Quality Protection Act amended the Federal           established an
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and       interstate highway
the Federal Food Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) by            system in the United
fundamentally changing the way EPA regulates                  States. The movement
pesticides.                                                   behind the
                                                              construction of a
Some of the major                                             transcontinental
requirements include                                          highway started in the
stricter safety standards,                                    1930s when President
especially for infants and                                    Franklin Roosevelt
children, and a complete                                      expressed interest in
reassessment of all existing                                  the construction of a
pesticide tolerances. This                                    network of toll
web site provides                                             superhighways that
background information on                                     would provide more jobs for people in need of work
FQPA's provisions and                                         during the Great Depression. But with America on the
discusses some of the                                         verge of joining the war in Europe, the time for a massive
specific issues raised by                                     highway program had not arrived. At the end of the war,
FQPA, as well as the law's                                    the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944 funded highway
implementation status.                                        improvements and established major new ground by
                                                              authorizing and designating, the construction of 40,000
                                                              miles of a “National System of Interstate Highways.”
Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen
Civil Rights – Reducing Discrimination                             Marshall Plan: Rebuilding Europe after World War II
Civil Rights Act of 1964                                           Economic Recovery Act of 1948
                                           This act, signed        Better known as the Marshall Plan, this Act provided
                                           into law by             economic assistance to restore the economic infrastructure
                                           President               of post-war Europe.
                                           Lyndon Johnson
                                           in 1964,                When World War II ended in 1945, Europe lay in ruins: its
                                           prohibited              cities were shattered; its economies were devastated; its
                                           discrimination in       people faced famine. After the war, the Soviet Union’s
                                           public places,          control of Eastern Europe heightened the sense of crisis. To
                                           provided for the        meet this emergency, Secretary of State George Marshall
                                           integration of          proposed that Europe create a plan for their economic
                                                                   reconstruction and that the United States provide economic
schools and other public facilities, and made employment
                                                                   assistance. Over the next four years, Congress appropriated
discrimination illegal. The act outlawed segregation in
                                                                   $13.3 billion for European recovery. This aid provided much
businesses such as theaters, restaurants, and hotels. It           needed capital and materials that enabled Europeans to
banned discriminatory practices in employment and                  rebuild the continent’s economy. For the US, the Marshall
ended segregation in public places such as swimming                Plan provided markets for American goods, created reliable
pools, libraries, and public schools.This document was             trading partners, and
the most sweeping civil rights legislation since                   supported the
Reconstruction.                                                    development of stable
                                                                   democratic governments in
In a nationally televised address in 1963, President               Western Europe. In short,
Kennedy urged the nation to take action toward                     the Marshall Plan re-
guaranteeing equal treatment of every American                     energized the economies
regardless of race. Soon after, Kennedy proposed that              of both the United States
Congress consider civil rights legislation that would              and Europe. Congress’s
address voting rights, public accommodations, school               approval of the Marshall
desegregation, nondiscrimination in federally assisted             Plan signaled an extension
programs, and more. Despite Kennedy’s assassination in             of the bipartisanship of
November of 1963, his proposal culminated in the Civil             World War II into the
Rights Act of 1964, signed into law by President Johnson.          postwar years.
Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen
The Promise of Land                                               Westward Expansion
The Homestead and Morrill Act of 1862                             Northwest Ordinance of 1787
The Homestead Act, enacted during the Civil War in
1862, provided that any adult citizen, or intended
citizen, who had never taken arms against the U.S.
government could claim 160 acres of government land.
Claimants were required to “improve” the plot by
building a dwelling and cultivating the land. After 5 years
on the land, the original filer was entitled to the
property, free and clear, except for a small registration
The Morrill Act committed the Federal Government to
grant each state 30,000 acres of public land for each of
its Representatives and Senators in Congress. The Morrill
land grants laid the foundation for a national system of          Considered to be one of the most significant
state colleges and universities. In some cases, the land          achievements of the Congress of the Confederation, the
sales financed existing colleges; in others, new schools          Northwest Ordinance of 1787 put the world on notice not
were created by the states. Major universities such as            only that the land north of the Ohio River and east of the
Nebraska, Kentucky, Clemson, and Cornell were                     Mississippi would be settled, but that it would eventually
chartered as land-grant schools. State colleges brought           become part of the United States. Until then this area
higher education                                                  had been temporarily forbidden to development.
within the reach of
millions of students,                                             Increasing numbers of settlers and land speculators were
a development that                                                attracted to what are now the states of Ohio, Indiana,
could not help but                                                Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. This pressure together
reshape the nation’s                                              with the demand from the Ohio Land Company, soon to
social and economic                                               obtain vast holdings in the Northwest, prompted the
fabric.                                                           Congress to pass this Ordinance.
Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen
Promise to American Veterans                                       Women’s Suffrage
GI Bill of 1944                                                    19th Amendment, 1920
This was a series of benefits for World War II veterans                                      The 19th amendment
granted by the U.S. Congress under the Servicemen's                                          guarantees all American women
Readjustment Act of 1944 and extended by later                                               the right to vote. Achieving this
legislation. Administrated by the Veterans                                                   milestone required a lengthy
Administration, these benefits included educational                                          and difficult struggle; victory
scholarships for college or vocational training, mortgage                                    took decades of agitation and
loan guarantees for home buyers, and cash payments for                                       protest. Beginning in the mid-
those unemployed after discharge. Between 1944 and                                           19th century, several
1949, nearly 9 million veterans received a total of $4                                       generations of woman suffrage
billion from the G.I. Bill's compensation program.                                           supporters lectured, wrote,
                                                                                             marched, lobbied, and practiced
Benefits similar to the G.I. Bill would be extended to                                       civil disobedience to achieve
veterans of the Korean War. Subsequently, the Veterans’                                      what many Americans
Readjustment Benefits Act of 1966 extended such                    considered a radical change of the Constitution. Few
provisions to all who serve in the armed forces, even in           early supporters lived to see final victory in 1920.
                                   peacetime. The
                                   precedents established          Between 1878, when the amendment was first introduced
                                   by the G.I. Bill for            in Congress, and August 18, 1920, when it was ratified,
                                   federal aid to higher           champions of voting rights for women worked tirelessly,
                                   education would expand          but strategies for achieving their goal varied. Some
                                   over the course of the          pursued a strategy of passing suffrage acts in each state—
                                   Cold War. Totaling over         nine western states adopted woman suffrage legislation
                                   $14 billion, the bill was       by 1912. Some suffragists used tactics such as parades
                                   crucial to the expansion        and hunger strikes. Often supporters met fierce
                                   of the middle class.            resistance. Opponents heckled, jailed, and sometimes
                                                                   physically abused them.

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Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen Activity

  • 1. Fantasy Congress Instructions You may write on the tournament bracket, but in order to have adequate space to write, please use a separate sheet of paper to complete tasks 3 and 4. You only need one paper per group, however, please make sure all of your names are on the paper. 1. Working as a group with members of your table, read about the sixteen most influential laws passed by Congress. (These laws were highlighted in Government's Greatest Achievement's: From Civil Rights to Homeland Security, by Paul C. Light, and The Laws that Shaped America: Fifteen Acts of Congress and their Lasting Impact, by Dennis W. Johnson.) 2. Play the “teams” (the laws) against one another on the tournament bracket. Base your winner for each division on which law has had the most influence or benefit for the common good. 3. Write one sentence about the loser of each bracket, explaining why you felt it was a weaker or less effective law than the winner. You should have a total of 14 sentences, excluding the Championship Game. 4. Championship Game: You will be responsible for highlighting the advantages of the ultimate achievement of Congress. o Title of Act, Year it was Passed o Description: What did the legislation provide for? What was it about? o Powers: Which expressed or implied powers of Congress allowed this legislation to take place? o What if? Write a 1-2 paragraph description of what the US or world would be like if this legislation had never been passed.
  • 2. Space Exploration   Fantasy Congress         Food Quality Protection   Tournament Bracket         Elite Eight Elite Eight Wilderness Protection Interstate Highways Final Four Final Four Arms Reduction Civil Rights Protection Regional Winner EAST Elite Eight Elite Eight Bank Stability Marshall Plan Ultimate Champion: Consumer Safety Promise of Land Elite Eight Elite Eight Higher Education Westward Expansion Regional Winner WEST Final Four Final Four Child Nutrition The GI Bill Elite Eight Elite Eight Social Security Group Names: Women’s Suffrage  
  • 3. Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen Promoting Space Exploration Wilderness Protection National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 Wilderness Act of 1964 Since the end of World This Act directed the Secretary of the Interior, within 10 War II, the United years, to review every roadless area of 5,000 or more States had worked hard acres and every roadless island (regardless of size) within to make breakthroughs National Wildlife Refuge and National Park Systems and in rocket science. to recommend to the President the suitability of each such area or island for inclusion in the National This particular Wilderness Preservation System, with final decisions legislation expanded made by Congress. the original National Advisory Committee for Under Aeronautics (NACA) authority of into what is now known this Act, over as NASA. NASA 25 million research, which was acres of land generously funded by Eisenhower’s successors, John F. and water in Kennedy and Richard Nixon, was responsible for the National successful and groundbreaking American achievements Wildlife Refuge such as the Apollo 11 lunar landing in 1969 and the System were development of the space shuttle, first launched in 1981. reviewed. More recently, NASA has sent robotic exploratory missions Seven million to Mars and launched a spacecraft to view Pluto. NASA’s acres in were research has also contributed to advances in consumer- found to be oriented goods such as telecommunications satellites and suitable to be made into national parks. From these computer technology. recommendations, as of December 1998, over 6,832,800 acres have been established as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System by special Acts of Congress. 1
  • 4. Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen Arms Reduction Bank Stability The Arms Control and Disarmament Act of 1961 Banking Act of 1933 This was landmark legislation designed to create arms By the early 1930s, the Great control and reduction as a key component of United Depression had started and States national security policy during and after the Cold America's financial markets War. lay in ruin. Due to the financial chaos initiated by With this act, Congress achieved three main tasks: (1) it the stock market crash of set ambitious goals and purposes for coordinating October 1929, more than disarmament with other defense strategies; (2) it created 9,000 banks had failed by the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, a body March of 1933, signaling the that would make the country's commitment to arms worst economic depression in control a part of its governing institutions; and (3) it modern history. established standards and procedures for integrating all aspects of security policy. This act was crucial in The government took action to protect people who had encouraging the United States to work together with deposited their money in banks by creating the Banking other countries, such as Russia, towards reducing nuclear Act of 1933, which also formed the FDIC. The FDIC's stockpiles. purpose was to provide stability to the economy and the failing banking system. Officially created in the Glass- Steagall Act of 1933, and modeled after the deposit insurance program initially enacted in Massachusetts, the FDIC guaranteed a specific amount of checking and savings deposits for its member banks. This action prevented thousands of people from losing money they had saved, and encouraged people to start depositing money to banks once again. 2
  • 5. Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen Consumer Safety and Protection Increase Access to Post-Secondary Education The Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972 Higher Education Act of 1965 This created the Consumer With the goal of strengthening American colleges and Product Safety universities, the Higher Education Act provides financial Commission which, when assistance and other resources for students pursuing it finds an unreasonable postsecondary and college degrees. The act also provides risk of injury associated funding for extension and continuing education programs. with a consumer product It allocates [gives] funds to increase library collections, it can develop a standard and the number of employed qualified librarians. It also to reduce or eliminate the focuses on strengthening schools by means of faculty risk. It can also ban a exchange programs, joint use of learning facilities, and product if it does not training programs for developing more capable faculties. meet reasonable safety Finally, the Higher Education Act assists students by standards, and it has the supporting undergraduate scholarships, loans with authority to force recalls reduced interest rates, and work-study programs. It for products that present concentrates on a substantial product improving the quality hazard. This same legislation is the one that protects of teaching, and consumers from lead in paint, toys that are fire hazards, provides financial and other dangerous problems. assistance to improve undergraduate This legislation also led to consumer protection in other instruction (by, for areas, including food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, example, providing tobacco products, firearms and ammunition, motor assistance to those vehicles, pesticides, aircraft, boats and fixed site institutions that are amusement rides. unable to afford modern teaching materials). 3
  • 6. Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen Reduce Hunger and Improve Nutrition Promoting Security and Health for the Elderly Child Nutrition Act of 1966 Social Security Acts of 1935 and 1965 The Act was This was enacted in the throes of the Great Depression. created as a The law got its title from the groundbreaking social result of the insurance program designed to provide a steady income years of for retired workers aged 65 or older. cumulative successful The act has been amended numerous times, and payroll experience taxes grew to pay for it. In the 1950s, more people were under the added to Social Security's beneficiary pool, and the National School benefit was increased, including the first cost-of-living Lunch Program allowance since 1940. In 1956, disability insurance was to help meet the instituted. Early retirement for women at age 62 was nutritional needs of children. The National School Lunch permitted. Payroll taxes hovered at four percent. Program feeds 30.5 million children per day (as of 2007). NSLP was operated in over 101,000 public and nonprofit In 1965, the passage of the Social Security Act private schools in 2007. The milk program, functioning Amendments, popularly known as Medicare, resulted in a since 1954, was extended on June 30, 1970 and basic program of hospital insurance for persons aged 65 incorporated into the act. The act also provided Federal and older, and a supplementary medical insurance funding assistance towards non-food purchases for school program to aid the elderly in paying health care bills. It equipment. was funded by a tax on the earnings of The act established the School Breakfast Program, a employees, matched federally assisted meal program that provides low-cost or by by employers, free breakfasts to children in public and non-profit and was well schools as well as child care institutions. During the received. In the first signing of the act, the president remarked that “good three years of the nutrition is essential to good learning.” program, nearly 20 million beneficiaries enrolled in it. 4
  • 7. Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen Safe Food and Drinking Water Strengthen the Nation's Highway System Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996 Interstate Highway Act of 1956 Congress presented the Environmental Protection Agency Popularly known as the with an enormous challenge of implementing the most National Interstate and comprehensive and historic overhaul of the Nation's Defense Highways Act, pesticide and food safety laws in decades. the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 The Food Quality Protection Act amended the Federal established an Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and interstate highway the Federal Food Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) by system in the United fundamentally changing the way EPA regulates States. The movement pesticides. behind the construction of a Some of the major transcontinental requirements include highway started in the stricter safety standards, 1930s when President especially for infants and Franklin Roosevelt children, and a complete expressed interest in reassessment of all existing the construction of a pesticide tolerances. This network of toll web site provides superhighways that background information on would provide more jobs for people in need of work FQPA's provisions and during the Great Depression. But with America on the discusses some of the verge of joining the war in Europe, the time for a massive specific issues raised by highway program had not arrived. At the end of the war, FQPA, as well as the law's the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944 funded highway implementation status. improvements and established major new ground by authorizing and designating, the construction of 40,000 miles of a “National System of Interstate Highways.” 5
  • 8. Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen Civil Rights – Reducing Discrimination Marshall Plan: Rebuilding Europe after World War II Civil Rights Act of 1964 Economic Recovery Act of 1948 This act, signed Better known as the Marshall Plan, this Act provided into law by economic assistance to restore the economic infrastructure President of post-war Europe. Lyndon Johnson in 1964, When World War II ended in 1945, Europe lay in ruins: its prohibited cities were shattered; its economies were devastated; its discrimination in people faced famine. After the war, the Soviet Union’s public places, control of Eastern Europe heightened the sense of crisis. To provided for the meet this emergency, Secretary of State George Marshall integration of proposed that Europe create a plan for their economic reconstruction and that the United States provide economic schools and other public facilities, and made employment assistance. Over the next four years, Congress appropriated discrimination illegal. The act outlawed segregation in $13.3 billion for European recovery. This aid provided much businesses such as theaters, restaurants, and hotels. It needed capital and materials that enabled Europeans to banned discriminatory practices in employment and rebuild the continent’s economy. For the US, the Marshall ended segregation in public places such as swimming Plan provided markets for American goods, created reliable pools, libraries, and public schools.This document was trading partners, and the most sweeping civil rights legislation since supported the Reconstruction. development of stable democratic governments in In a nationally televised address in 1963, President Western Europe. In short, Kennedy urged the nation to take action toward the Marshall Plan re- guaranteeing equal treatment of every American energized the economies regardless of race. Soon after, Kennedy proposed that of both the United States Congress consider civil rights legislation that would and Europe. Congress’s address voting rights, public accommodations, school approval of the Marshall desegregation, nondiscrimination in federally assisted Plan signaled an extension programs, and more. Despite Kennedy’s assassination in of the bipartisanship of November of 1963, his proposal culminated in the Civil World War II into the Rights Act of 1964, signed into law by President Johnson. postwar years. 6
  • 9. Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen The Promise of Land Westward Expansion The Homestead and Morrill Act of 1862 Northwest Ordinance of 1787 The Homestead Act, enacted during the Civil War in 1862, provided that any adult citizen, or intended citizen, who had never taken arms against the U.S. government could claim 160 acres of government land. Claimants were required to “improve” the plot by building a dwelling and cultivating the land. After 5 years on the land, the original filer was entitled to the property, free and clear, except for a small registration fee. The Morrill Act committed the Federal Government to grant each state 30,000 acres of public land for each of its Representatives and Senators in Congress. The Morrill land grants laid the foundation for a national system of Considered to be one of the most significant state colleges and universities. In some cases, the land achievements of the Congress of the Confederation, the sales financed existing colleges; in others, new schools Northwest Ordinance of 1787 put the world on notice not were created by the states. Major universities such as only that the land north of the Ohio River and east of the Nebraska, Kentucky, Clemson, and Cornell were Mississippi would be settled, but that it would eventually chartered as land-grant schools. State colleges brought become part of the United States. Until then this area higher education had been temporarily forbidden to development. within the reach of millions of students, Increasing numbers of settlers and land speculators were a development that attracted to what are now the states of Ohio, Indiana, could not help but Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. This pressure together reshape the nation’s with the demand from the Ohio Land Company, soon to social and economic obtain vast holdings in the Northwest, prompted the fabric. Congress to pass this Ordinance. 7
  • 10. Fantasy Congress: The Sweet Sixteen Promise to American Veterans Women’s Suffrage GI Bill of 1944 19th Amendment, 1920 This was a series of benefits for World War II veterans The 19th amendment granted by the U.S. Congress under the Servicemen's guarantees all American women Readjustment Act of 1944 and extended by later the right to vote. Achieving this legislation. Administrated by the Veterans milestone required a lengthy Administration, these benefits included educational and difficult struggle; victory scholarships for college or vocational training, mortgage took decades of agitation and loan guarantees for home buyers, and cash payments for protest. Beginning in the mid- those unemployed after discharge. Between 1944 and 19th century, several 1949, nearly 9 million veterans received a total of $4 generations of woman suffrage billion from the G.I. Bill's compensation program. supporters lectured, wrote, marched, lobbied, and practiced Benefits similar to the G.I. Bill would be extended to civil disobedience to achieve veterans of the Korean War. Subsequently, the Veterans’ what many Americans Readjustment Benefits Act of 1966 extended such considered a radical change of the Constitution. Few provisions to all who serve in the armed forces, even in early supporters lived to see final victory in 1920. peacetime. The precedents established Between 1878, when the amendment was first introduced by the G.I. Bill for in Congress, and August 18, 1920, when it was ratified, federal aid to higher champions of voting rights for women worked tirelessly, education would expand but strategies for achieving their goal varied. Some over the course of the pursued a strategy of passing suffrage acts in each state— Cold War. Totaling over nine western states adopted woman suffrage legislation $14 billion, the bill was by 1912. Some suffragists used tactics such as parades crucial to the expansion and hunger strikes. Often supporters met fierce of the middle class. resistance. Opponents heckled, jailed, and sometimes physically abused them. 8