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De-Extinction Of Extinct Animals
Hi I am the news reporter of my group and we believe that de–extinction would be beneficial to the planet. Here are my sources. (points at my sources
at the board)
Most of the knowledge that we know about evolution is based on theories if we are able to bring back the extinct animals we can prove if our theories of
evolution are correct.when we bring back animals it could provide us insight to the theories of evolution we can see if natural selection is right and if
the theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics is right.
If we are able to bring back an animal from extinction it would be a breakthrough in the field of genetic engineering and we can see how these animals
died off and try to prevent that to happen to similar species.If
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Extinction Of Animal Species Essay
The study focused on the impact of the change in human behaviors on the extinction of animal species. It was found that change in human behavior to
activities such as domestication of wild animal species, hunting, and encroachment of their natural habitats were some of the ways humans are
impacting on animal species. The study was concluded that restrictions need to be enacted to ensure that domestication and hunting of wild animal
species do not disturb the structure on the natural ecosystem and the root causes of natural habitat encroachment such as growth in human population
need to be checked to prevent further encroachment.
Human beings engage in a wide range of behaviors that pose a threat to wildlife. Some of these behaviors include the destruction of their natural
habitat, the rise of the fashion and food industry where some species are consumed as food while others' skin and bones are used in the fashion
industry. According to Sodhi, Brook, and Bradshaw, (2009), change inhuman behavior is a direct threat to the survival of plant and animal species thus
significantly contributing to the extinction of some of the species. It is imperative to note that all human activities ranging from urbanization, population
growth have a direct impact on animal species. Extinction as a threat to many animal species where some cease to exist due to failure to ensure
sustainability in reproduction. The trend seems to be coinciding with Charles Darwin theory of
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Extinction Of Animals And Plant Species
2.3.3. Extinction of Animals and Plant Species
Violence against nature appears in various forms affecting different sectors of life. All kinds of hunting methods for recreation, food, fur, musk or
any other reason have been the big threat to ecology. It is also known as exploitation of the rare species for commercialization purpose. The land of
Nagas were once counted as the meeting place of wild animals and the riches forest but these days wild animals are no more, the dark green foliage
is deceptive. It hides an unpalatable truth. The animals that once survived are on the endangered list. Once Nagaland was so rich in flora and fauna
but now it is on the verge of extinct. The reason for the extensions of the wild plants and animals is people as they are greedy to get easily rich at the
expenses of those beautiful and precious creatures .
People began to cut tree for logging and business for timber in mills. Selfishness crept into the minds of the people eliminating all the standing tall
trees in the forest. Beautiful and distinct wild flowers such as wild orchids are the main attraction for the people. They are collected and sold for
selfish attitude that brought extinction . Wild animals are killed for many purpose such as meat and decoration with colors of hairs and feathers.
Another reason is for business purpose by selling meat, skins, teeth and fats for a medicinal purpose. Many homes prominently display animal's skins
and heads as trophies
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What Causes Animal Extinction
"It's frightening but true: our planet is now in the midst of a sixth mass extinction of plants and animals" (Greenwald). I know what you are thinking.
Does this include humans too? No, not yet at least. But, animal species from all over the world are struggling to survive in their own habitats. Why?
Well, because of you, and by you, I mean the human race. Animal extinction is caused by humans because we cause climate change, poach endangered
species, and we destroy habitats. What exactly is extinction? Extinction is the act of extinguishing (Climate Change). 13 percent of birds, 25 percent
of mammals, and 41 percent of amphibian species are estimated by The Union of Conservation of Nature's Red List, to perhaps become extinct
(Lovejoy). Some people do not believe climate change, which is one of the main causes of extinction, is caused by humans. However, it is a wide
belief, even by scientists. "Ninety–Seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate–warming trends over the past century are very likely due to
human activities, and most of leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position"(Shaftel, Jackson,
Tenenbaum). We know climate change is almost definitely caused by humans, and that is playing a big role in the two arguments that have been
presented. The first argument states that animal extinction is caused by humans, and the second argument states that animal extinction is a natural
process. We do so much to harm
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Species Extinction and Conservation
The problem the world faces other than global warming or poverty is species extinction of animals and plants all around the world. Most everyone
either knows about or has some small idea that we there is a problem but it can be a complicated subject to talk about. (Tepper 2010) People have
normal worries like global warming, pollution by factories and things like genocide in other countries.(Tepper 2010) The problem people should be
thinking about and worry about is species extinction and it is nothing new to planet Earth which has had approximately six mass extinction events that
have occurred over millions upon millions of years. The words like "mass extinction" is a word that most people find alarming just the sound of that
word can make a person think hard about the possibilities. What most people may not know is mass extinction is nothing uncommon for our planet. We
know that the eco–system is swiftly losing different species of animals and plants at a huge rate. The scientist believes Extinction is an event that is
natural to nature, nature will take a rate of approximately 1 to 5 species every year. Though this rate does not fit the present time and the planet is
believed to be losing approximately 1000 to 10,000 species per year and some species are going extinct every day without a lot of people knowing
about it.
This can be something of a scary situation especially for the future of our planet. There is about 30 to 50 percent of
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Animal Extinction Paper
Animal Extinction Preventing Extinction Not much is thought about extinction in today's society. One might argue that it is a small problem, and
completely irrelevant; but according to statistics of scientific research, extinction is an important issue nationwide. Extinction of a species over time is
undisputable, and inevitable; however, the burden of mankind on animals and their environment has caused extinction to increase severely. The
extinction of certain species is outrageous; it affects all living organisms due to the Food Chain and Circle of Life. According to research, there is an
average of 5 million species that exist on earth (Endangered Species/ more content...
It is not only animals that are being exploited; plants, which cover virtually every continent with a suitable climate, are severely overexploited for food,
medicine, cultivation purposes, and building materials (Overexploitation).
Global Climate Change and Pollution Global climate change has a severe effect on the world's oceans and arctic landscapes. Global climate change is
also known as global warming, and it is the average rise of the earth's oceans and atmospheric temperature; the burning of fossil fuels is believed to
be the main reason for the increase of 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1900. Research on global warming has established that the slight increase in
temperature has affected soil temperature and begun to thaw the polar ice caps, which has forced the world's species to struggle to keep up. (What Is).
Pollution is when a potentially harmful physical or chemical waste is deposited into the environment. Pollution harms almost every category of
species within a given area, and it can powerfully and rapidly change an entire ecosystem by killing or deforming species. Pollutions that are released
into the atmosphere are usually carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide (Causes). These deadly air pollutants are related to global
warming, as air pollutants are known to slowly but severely damage the ozone
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Essay On Animal Extinction
Pleading Guilty to Animal Extinction Animal extinction rates have skyrocketed within recent years due to the numerous detrimental human and
environmental activities that currently wreak havoc on our planet. Human beings alone are placing enough strain on animals to leave lasting and
harmful effects for years to come. Due to the steadily growing population, individuals are turning untouched pieces of land into developmental projects
to benefit humans. However, these sources of land are home to a multitude of species whom are now struggling to survive due to these changes to their
habitat. Along with dismantling species environments, some individuals are also engaging in illegal wildlife trade in order to keep up with the growing
demand for numerous types of products. In addition, deforestation is another activity humans participate in that negatively impacts animals
environments to benefit their own. However, there are also numerous types of environmental activities that affect animals as well. Climate change and
different types of pollution are proving to be harmful as well. Overall, unless action is taken to overcome the consequences animals currently face due
to the harmful activities caused by humans and environmental factors, species will continue to fall victim to extinction. Animals are losing their habitats
at a rapid rate due to the detrimental acts humans engage in throughout their life. Individuals are destroying animals habitats in order to fulfill the wants
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Reasons For The Extinction Of Mexico Woodpecker
In an exceedingly vast forest in Mexico, the world's largest woodpecker is flying around rummaging for food from tree to tree. The bird measures
about two inches tall, the males have a red–sided crest and have black feathers, and the feminine is all black, towards the bottom, they both have white
plumages towards the tail, and a protracted beck. The fowl is an Imperial Woodpecker, it subsist on fruits, nuts, carpenter ants and beetle larvae. This
feathered friend exists peacefully in this forest. In the future, a band of men from a neighboring logging company comes to this wooded area and
begins to reap some timber. Next, the fellows begin to cut down the trees where this woodpecker resides in. Then the men realized that the woodpecker more content...
In addition, if the larger mammals become extinct, like the tigers or bears then the animals that feed off them will die off and become extinct. This
action will set off a full chain of advents that cannot be amendment (Sodhi). Humans cause most of the animal extinction that is occurring, as an
example; we have found the will to fill in the wetlands with dirt to form more additional space for urban development. For the creatures that exist in
these wetlands areas currently have to be compelled to relocate to alternative areas to survive in; however a countless amount of them are killed in
the process of getting to safer sections of wetlands (Houlahan). As well, in the world presently, about 270 species of wildlife and plants are extinct
every day. If we continue on this path by 2100, about half of all the animals and plant forms will be extinct (Hippies).In addition, most of the habitat
loss is attributed to deforestation; a number of parrots from South America are currently listed as endangered ("Endangered and Threatened").
Furthermore, amphibians at this time are on a huge decline attributable to habitat loss and that includes frog and lizards, there are about 427 species of
amphibians at present listed as threatened of extinction (Stuart). Finally, according to the World Wildlife Fund currently 40,000 plant species, 3,000
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Extinct Animals
The extinction of an animal species occurs when the last individual member of that species dies. Although a species may be "extinct in the wild," the
species is not extinct until every individual, regardless of location, captivity, or ability to breed, has died.
Extinction of Animals Causes
There are several causes of extinction of several animal species, prominent among which are loss of habitat, extinction of animals due to deforestation,
extinction of animals due to global warming, extinction of animals due to hunting.
List of Extinct Animals
The long list of extinct animals in the world features more than 50 animal species that have become extinct from the planet in last 100 years alone. This
extinct animals list feature mammals, more content...
It was found in abundance throughout the country till the introduction of mustelids – predatory mammal from weasel family, was introduced on the
Island. The first half of the 20th century was marked by rare sightings of Bushwren. A subspecies of the bird, Stead's Bushwren, found on Stewart
Island, got extinct due to excessive predation by the feral cats. As the last attempt to revive the population, they were transferred to Kaimohu Island,
where the last sighting took place in 1972.
Canarian Black Oystercatcher
The Canarian Black Oystercatcher, more popular as the Canary Islands Oystercatcher, was a shorebird found on the Canary Islands in Spain. The bird
disappeared from its natural habitat in the beginning of the 20th century. It is assumed that the disturbance by the local people and predation by rats
were the prominent reasons for the extinction of Canarian Black Oystercatcher. Some theories also suggested that loss of habitat was responsible for
the extinction. According to the local fishermen and the lighthouse keepers, the last sighting of this species happened in 1940s. After several attempts
to find this bird failed, finally it was declared extinct through IUCN Red List for 1994.
Cape Verde Giant Skink
Cape Verde Giant Skink, also known as the Cocteau's Skink, was a reptile endemic to the Cape Verde islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Loss of habitat,
owing to human activities, is supposed to be the main cause of
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Animal Extinction Research Paper
Behind a glass wall stands a live wooly mammoth and saber tooth cat. As seen on the famous cartoon movie Ice Age, kids watch this popular film to be
intrigued. Now they can not only be fascinated with creatures that have been lurking around their imagination, but live with them thanks to
de–extinction. Extinction has existed for over 66 million years ago, when dinosaurs were wiped out. Now scientist have disproven the definition of
extinct; (of a species, family, or other larger group) having no living members. By showing that extinct animals that were once proven to be no longer
in existence can be resurrected through deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This process of de–extinction starts with extracting DNA from remains, then
putting those fragments together to form the genome. From there scientists would have to create a usable pup by using more content...
Firstly, extinction rates have been rising by nearly a factor of a thousand in the past centuries from our actions of habitat loss, introduction of exotic
species, and global warming. Secondly, the thrill of pet owners can grow with new technology to clone not just extinct animals, but household animals.
Finally, food webs are so intricate that when one part is removed, it can affect an entire ecosystem. For this reason, if an important part of the food web
comes extinct, the de–extinction process can be helpful to bring back that important species to the environment. You can help by contacting the
Understanding Animal Research website at Understanding Animal Research or signing up for monthly e–newsletters at the organization to follow their
work and receive regular updates. In addition, you can also follow the Understanding Animal Research on social media. By making these simple
actions you can help make a change to make cloning extinct animals
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Biodiversity Loss And Loss Of Species Essay
Biodiversity Loss
The environmental issue that I chose to research is 'Biodiversity Loss'. Biodiversity loss is the loss of species on our planet. For example, this is
animals and plants that have done extinct. This has impacted every corner of the globe, since the dinosaurs we have lost thousands of animals and
other forms of life to extinction. According to Endangered Earth "there are now 41,415 species on the IUCN Red List, and 16,306 of them are
endangered species threatened with extinction," (Endangered Earth 2016). It is estimated that we only know about 15% of all the species that call
Earth home, at this rate we will lose thousands of species before scientist can even identify them (Watson 2011). There are several reasons the humans
are at fault for the extinction rate, to name a few; hunting, loss of habitats, pollution, climate change, and so many others. One of the main issues that is
causing a loss in biodiversity is the loss of habitats. The majority of habitats that are destroyed for more land or for their resources, which leads to
having more land. When the land runs out of their natural resources houses and other 'buildings' are built up in the place of the natural habitat. Once
the buildings are built, humans move into the area bringing diseases and species not native to the area. This can simultaneously knock out hundreds of
species that no longer have homes or are unable to adapt to the new environment (Biodiversity Information 2016). One of the more
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Causes Of Animal Extinction
Across the world, animal extinction is a problem causing thousands of animals to die each year. Throughout time hundreds of animals are being
slaughtered across the world. Some of the animals that we may know and love are slowly becoming extinct. Although it may not be animals such as
our precious dogs or adorable kittens, there are animals in the world slowly declining in their population size. Animals such as rhinos, eagles, and
different species of fish are becoming endangered and some are on the brink of extinction. Animal extinction is a problem that is gaining recognition
across the world. The most known causes of animal extinction are habitat fragmentation, poaching, and deforestation. The first problem animals face
is habitat fragmentation. Habitat fragmentation "is the process by which habitat loss results in the division of large, continuous habitats into
smaller, more isolated remnants". This is a problem because it means that large groups of animals are losing their homes. This causes them to try
and look for new homes for survival. This later causes a problem for animals that have a small chance for survival without a home. For some
animals, their home is the most protective place for them. These animals may not possess many predatory traits for survival. Unfortunately this
makes them an easy target for the animals that are big and dangerous. For the animals lucky enough to find a new home, they still have problems to
face for survival. Animals choose their habitat based on their environment. For a habitat to be suitable, it has to fit the requirements for that animal.
It should be close to a food source. It must be an appropriate size for that animal. As well as provide a secure location for the animal and its possible
children. Once this habitat is destroyed, it is hard for an animal to find another home that it fits their essential needs. This means that it may take too
long for that animal to find a new home which makes its chances of survival slim. This can be fixed by providing homes for those animals that no
longer have one. Rescue centers are working hard to find animals that have lost their homes. Once they are found, the people nurture them back to a
stable healthy state, and give
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Extinction Of Animal Extinction
There have been five well known extinctions on this earth. The one most well known is the mass extinction that ended the dinosaurs. Mass extinction
is often described as the elimination of a large number of species in a short period of time. Despite what many think, the elimination of species is
almost commonplace at this point. The Earth is currently in the middle of a sixth mass extinction, and it's been caused by the human race.
It's clear that a great extinction is coming from the evidence of the destruction of other species around us. The choices made by the human race have
too often negatively affected the surrounding species. Tracy Wilson, the site director for, in an article for Animal Planet, states that more content...
Not to mention "...both groups emphasized that climate change would play an increasing role in species decline..." (Gilman). Climate change is still a
controversial topic to some, but many scientists have proven that it's true. In fact, Neil Degrasse Tyson has given evidence to prove its truth and already
informed the world that it's too late to fix people's mistakes (Neil). The extinction of species has been caused in certain instances by climate change,
which is only getting worse. People have continuously altered the environment to the point of harming other species. The human race's tendency to
destroy an environment greatly impacts the plants and animals residing there. To be more specific, "Human destruction of animal and plant
habitat...appear to be having a major impact on extinction rates" (Wilson). Environmental degradation and habitat destruction are both key players in
the extinction of many world species. The impact people have had on the environment is much bigger than most anticipate, as they both destroy and
intervene with the environment.
One specific way that humans have begun the process of world extinction is through their incessant meddling with the environment. Not only do people
destroy the environment with our wreckage and pollution, but the human race has introduced species into other ecosystems, causing massive
repercussions. Referred to as invasive species, their introduction into a
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The Consequences and the Extinction of Animals By Climate Change
"The warnings about global warming have been extremely clear for a long time. We are facing a global climate crisis. It is deepening. We are
entering a period of consequences" (Al Gore). Global warming is a nationwide problem that is affecting people and the environment by the greenhouse
gases. Global warming increases the atmospheric temperature. For instance, the solar radiation is reflected by the Earth's atmosphere. Earth 's surface
absorbs most of the radiation, and it warms it. Part of the invisible light traverses the air. A few are immersed and transmitted in an outright direction by
pollutants molecules. The effect of global warming is an increased temperature of the earth's surface and the lower atmosphere. According to the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) "which measures long–lived greenhouse gases increased 37 percent from 1990 to 2015,
and of that, carbon dioxide accounted for 80 percent of the increase" (Keating 2). The greenhouse gases are causing that the temperatures rise. Global
warming is a huge problem that we face today; it is caused by the greenhouse effect that leads to climate change and the extinction of many animals.
Global warming is increasing the temperatures in our planet Earth leading to climate change. The primary reason for global warming is the human
development of the greenhouse effect causing natural disasters. Shaftel declares that "Global climate
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Clean Water Argument Essay
Global warming and animal extinction may be two of the greatest and current environmental issues the world is facing; however, one environmental
issue that seems to have been put on the back burner, clean water, is very much connected to the above issues, and is still a monumental concern that
must be addressed. We must stop the spread of disease and fatalities due to water pollution! We must pool our resources more effectively to stop the
foundations of water pollution! We must more effectively conserve water, and we mustn't allow individuals, states, or federal levels to waste water
that could be otherwise used to serve those in need! A new set of laws must be put together to create a better policy for tackling this
more content...
Reducing litter, limiting fertilizers, confiscating animal waste, cleaning streets, diminishing paved areas, and preventing construction site erosion were
a few of the promptings advocated regarding polluted runoff (Van Patten & Bloom, 2002). It is vital to reiterate the findings of the aforementioned
article in juxtaposition to what we already know today. Simply put, many Americans often forget about these small deeds that could make a difference
in water quality. Still, many of us habitually forget to recycle and stop littering. Numerous farmers continue to use contaminated fertilizers due to
alternative methods costing more, and not wanting to step outside of family tradition in their trade (Dale, 2011). Streets remain tainted, animal waste
lays to rot, and industrialization only continues to grow, making these small endeavors seem fruitless at times. While these tips for keeping water
clean should still be practiced, it is obvious that it isn't going to be the end all to keeping our water clean. A second hitch in the effort to keep clean
and plentiful water in the U.S. lies in the western portion of the country. In this portion of the country, water is claimed on a "first come, first served,"
basis. But what happens to those who don't put claim on water in time? Homeowners in these states often buy properties that don't include water
sources in their
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Animal Endangerment And Extinction Of Habitat
I.Animal Endangerment/Extinction
II.Abused/Abandoned Animals
III.Over Farming/Land Misuse
IV.Environmental Pollution
I.Animal Endangerment/Extinction
A.Destruction of Habitat
C.Hunting and Fishing
II. Abused/Abandoned Animals A. Confined, Major Culprit Climate Change B. Huge Amounts of Manure, Pollutes Soil C. Dead Animals, Pollutes the
quality of life for individuals who live close.
III. Over Farmed/Land Misuse A. Soil Erosion B. Land Degradation C. Genetic Erosion
IV. EnvironmentalPollution A. Grave and Irreparable Damage B. Air Pollution C. Water, Soil, Noise, Light
V. Deforestation A. Permanent Destruction of Forest B. Damage to the quality of Land C. Excessive Devastation/Clearing
I. Animal Endangerment/Extinction A. Destruction of Habitat/Effects on theenvironment
1. Animals are endangered and becoming extinct, because humans have no regards for the natural habitat that animals need to survive, less causing
animal death which pollutes soil.
2. Animals are used in environmental enrichment strategies, and wildlife research, etc.
B. Pollution
1. The presence or introduction into the environment of a substance, or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.
2. Pollution effects, Environmental pollution has been a fact of life for many years/centuries, but it became a real problem since the state of the
industrial revolution. C. Hunting and Fishing/Effects on the Environment
1. Hunting effects many things,
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Argumentative Essay On Extinction Animals
An Author names Christine Dell'Amore wrote an article on national geographic about the extinction animals, "Calculating extinction rates can be
difficult, in part because no one knows exactly how many species there are. Scientists have identified at least 1.9 million animal species, and possibly
millions more have yet to be named." We are losing different specie of animals day by day. "If there are 100,000,000 differentspecies on Earth, and the
Extinction rate just is 0.01% per year, then 10,000 species go extinct every year." (WWF Global) In the year 2017, people already built up our own
food resource system. People do have labor and guard animals for help, food animals to eat, and companion animals to stay with. Is hunting still a
good thing to do in this kind of society? And this would be the question that we are going to discuss.
Hunting is a very important part of the human culture. A senior writer names Tia Ghose wrote on life science and said, animal bones and thousands of
stone tools used by ancient hominins suggest that early human ancestors were butchering and scavenging animals at least 2 million years ago. Hunt is
a great sport for human to do in this world. It can survive people and make their life better. The meat from the prey can help people to fill their hunger.
Also beside the fruit and the vegetables, meat has more proteins. Human body need protein a lot, and the nutritional value of the proteins from meat is
higher than the nutritional value
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The Extinction Of Animals In The 17th Century
From the 17th century to 20th century, over 300 years, countries gradually becoming modern and human civilization developed rapidly. We changed
the earth little by little, we paid more attention on how to improve the technique we had, at the same time we forgot to protect our environment which
resulted many species of animals are in danger of becoming extinct. From a research it shows there are 16,928 listed endangered and 905 are already
The causes of many species becoming endangered and extinct are varied, but the most critical reason for animal extinction is the loss of natural habitats.
Since people try to build up a fashion and modern cities, so the developers cut down the rainforests, destroyed the grassland to
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The Extinction Of Species Extinction
Species Extinction Species extinction is a familiar topic. I started understanding about species extinction even before I joined school. I learned
there used to be hung animals such dinosaurs and mammoths, which had ceases to exist many millions of years ago. There were toys and films
depicting such extinct animals. I used to wonder why they decided to become extinct. As I grew up and with a desire to expand my knowledge, I
came to learn that different species adapt to deferent environmental conditions. For instance, urbanization, desertification, depletion of ozone layer
and climate change are some of the major global issues that contribute to species extinction. In order to address the concerns of species extinction,
the global community has come up with the Convention on Biological Diversity whose main aim is to reduce the loss of species. However, before
taking this class, I had not understood the extent and the rate of species extinction. It was very interesting to lean from the video about the mitigation
measures human beings are putting in place to reduce the effects of species extinction. The two most interesting measures were the seedbank at
arctic and the idea of cloning of extinct animals from DNA collected from fossils. Such ideas beg one to ask, "What is the next technological idea?"
The two videos can be seen as a practical approach of implementing Principle 15 of Agenda 21. This principle, precautionary principle calls for
protection of environment if there
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De-Extinction Of Extinct Animals

  • 1. De-Extinction Of Extinct Animals Hi I am the news reporter of my group and we believe that de–extinction would be beneficial to the planet. Here are my sources. (points at my sources at the board) Most of the knowledge that we know about evolution is based on theories if we are able to bring back the extinct animals we can prove if our theories of evolution are correct.when we bring back animals it could provide us insight to the theories of evolution we can see if natural selection is right and if the theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics is right. If we are able to bring back an animal from extinction it would be a breakthrough in the field of genetic engineering and we can see how these animals died off and try to prevent that to happen to similar species.If Get more content on
  • 2. Extinction Of Animal Species Essay Abstract The study focused on the impact of the change in human behaviors on the extinction of animal species. It was found that change in human behavior to activities such as domestication of wild animal species, hunting, and encroachment of their natural habitats were some of the ways humans are impacting on animal species. The study was concluded that restrictions need to be enacted to ensure that domestication and hunting of wild animal species do not disturb the structure on the natural ecosystem and the root causes of natural habitat encroachment such as growth in human population need to be checked to prevent further encroachment. Introduction Human beings engage in a wide range of behaviors that pose a threat to wildlife. Some of these behaviors include the destruction of their natural habitat, the rise of the fashion and food industry where some species are consumed as food while others' skin and bones are used in the fashion industry. According to Sodhi, Brook, and Bradshaw, (2009), change inhuman behavior is a direct threat to the survival of plant and animal species thus significantly contributing to the extinction of some of the species. It is imperative to note that all human activities ranging from urbanization, population growth have a direct impact on animal species. Extinction as a threat to many animal species where some cease to exist due to failure to ensure sustainability in reproduction. The trend seems to be coinciding with Charles Darwin theory of Get more content on
  • 3. Extinction Of Animals And Plant Species 2.3.3. Extinction of Animals and Plant Species Violence against nature appears in various forms affecting different sectors of life. All kinds of hunting methods for recreation, food, fur, musk or any other reason have been the big threat to ecology. It is also known as exploitation of the rare species for commercialization purpose. The land of Nagas were once counted as the meeting place of wild animals and the riches forest but these days wild animals are no more, the dark green foliage is deceptive. It hides an unpalatable truth. The animals that once survived are on the endangered list. Once Nagaland was so rich in flora and fauna but now it is on the verge of extinct. The reason for the extensions of the wild plants and animals is people as they are greedy to get easily rich at the expenses of those beautiful and precious creatures . People began to cut tree for logging and business for timber in mills. Selfishness crept into the minds of the people eliminating all the standing tall trees in the forest. Beautiful and distinct wild flowers such as wild orchids are the main attraction for the people. They are collected and sold for selfish attitude that brought extinction . Wild animals are killed for many purpose such as meat and decoration with colors of hairs and feathers. Another reason is for business purpose by selling meat, skins, teeth and fats for a medicinal purpose. Many homes prominently display animal's skins and heads as trophies Get more content on
  • 4. What Causes Animal Extinction "It's frightening but true: our planet is now in the midst of a sixth mass extinction of plants and animals" (Greenwald). I know what you are thinking. Does this include humans too? No, not yet at least. But, animal species from all over the world are struggling to survive in their own habitats. Why? Well, because of you, and by you, I mean the human race. Animal extinction is caused by humans because we cause climate change, poach endangered species, and we destroy habitats. What exactly is extinction? Extinction is the act of extinguishing (Climate Change). 13 percent of birds, 25 percent of mammals, and 41 percent of amphibian species are estimated by The Union of Conservation of Nature's Red List, to perhaps become extinct (Lovejoy). Some people do not believe climate change, which is one of the main causes of extinction, is caused by humans. However, it is a wide belief, even by scientists. "Ninety–Seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate–warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position"(Shaftel, Jackson, Tenenbaum). We know climate change is almost definitely caused by humans, and that is playing a big role in the two arguments that have been presented. The first argument states that animal extinction is caused by humans, and the second argument states that animal extinction is a natural process. We do so much to harm Get more content on
  • 5. Species Extinction and Conservation The problem the world faces other than global warming or poverty is species extinction of animals and plants all around the world. Most everyone either knows about or has some small idea that we there is a problem but it can be a complicated subject to talk about. (Tepper 2010) People have normal worries like global warming, pollution by factories and things like genocide in other countries.(Tepper 2010) The problem people should be thinking about and worry about is species extinction and it is nothing new to planet Earth which has had approximately six mass extinction events that have occurred over millions upon millions of years. The words like "mass extinction" is a word that most people find alarming just the sound of that word can make a person think hard about the possibilities. What most people may not know is mass extinction is nothing uncommon for our planet. We know that the eco–system is swiftly losing different species of animals and plants at a huge rate. The scientist believes Extinction is an event that is natural to nature, nature will take a rate of approximately 1 to 5 species every year. Though this rate does not fit the present time and the planet is believed to be losing approximately 1000 to 10,000 species per year and some species are going extinct every day without a lot of people knowing about it. This can be something of a scary situation especially for the future of our planet. There is about 30 to 50 percent of Get more content on
  • 6. Animal Extinction Paper Animal Extinction Preventing Extinction Not much is thought about extinction in today's society. One might argue that it is a small problem, and completely irrelevant; but according to statistics of scientific research, extinction is an important issue nationwide. Extinction of a species over time is undisputable, and inevitable; however, the burden of mankind on animals and their environment has caused extinction to increase severely. The extinction of certain species is outrageous; it affects all living organisms due to the Food Chain and Circle of Life. According to research, there is an average of 5 million species that exist on earth (Endangered Species/ more content... It is not only animals that are being exploited; plants, which cover virtually every continent with a suitable climate, are severely overexploited for food, medicine, cultivation purposes, and building materials (Overexploitation). Global Climate Change and Pollution Global climate change has a severe effect on the world's oceans and arctic landscapes. Global climate change is also known as global warming, and it is the average rise of the earth's oceans and atmospheric temperature; the burning of fossil fuels is believed to be the main reason for the increase of 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1900. Research on global warming has established that the slight increase in temperature has affected soil temperature and begun to thaw the polar ice caps, which has forced the world's species to struggle to keep up. (What Is). Pollution is when a potentially harmful physical or chemical waste is deposited into the environment. Pollution harms almost every category of species within a given area, and it can powerfully and rapidly change an entire ecosystem by killing or deforming species. Pollutions that are released into the atmosphere are usually carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide (Causes). These deadly air pollutants are related to global warming, as air pollutants are known to slowly but severely damage the ozone Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Animal Extinction Pleading Guilty to Animal Extinction Animal extinction rates have skyrocketed within recent years due to the numerous detrimental human and environmental activities that currently wreak havoc on our planet. Human beings alone are placing enough strain on animals to leave lasting and harmful effects for years to come. Due to the steadily growing population, individuals are turning untouched pieces of land into developmental projects to benefit humans. However, these sources of land are home to a multitude of species whom are now struggling to survive due to these changes to their habitat. Along with dismantling species environments, some individuals are also engaging in illegal wildlife trade in order to keep up with the growing demand for numerous types of products. In addition, deforestation is another activity humans participate in that negatively impacts animals environments to benefit their own. However, there are also numerous types of environmental activities that affect animals as well. Climate change and different types of pollution are proving to be harmful as well. Overall, unless action is taken to overcome the consequences animals currently face due to the harmful activities caused by humans and environmental factors, species will continue to fall victim to extinction. Animals are losing their habitats at a rapid rate due to the detrimental acts humans engage in throughout their life. Individuals are destroying animals habitats in order to fulfill the wants Get more content on
  • 8. Reasons For The Extinction Of Mexico Woodpecker In an exceedingly vast forest in Mexico, the world's largest woodpecker is flying around rummaging for food from tree to tree. The bird measures about two inches tall, the males have a red–sided crest and have black feathers, and the feminine is all black, towards the bottom, they both have white plumages towards the tail, and a protracted beck. The fowl is an Imperial Woodpecker, it subsist on fruits, nuts, carpenter ants and beetle larvae. This feathered friend exists peacefully in this forest. In the future, a band of men from a neighboring logging company comes to this wooded area and begins to reap some timber. Next, the fellows begin to cut down the trees where this woodpecker resides in. Then the men realized that the woodpecker more content... In addition, if the larger mammals become extinct, like the tigers or bears then the animals that feed off them will die off and become extinct. This action will set off a full chain of advents that cannot be amendment (Sodhi). Humans cause most of the animal extinction that is occurring, as an example; we have found the will to fill in the wetlands with dirt to form more additional space for urban development. For the creatures that exist in these wetlands areas currently have to be compelled to relocate to alternative areas to survive in; however a countless amount of them are killed in the process of getting to safer sections of wetlands (Houlahan). As well, in the world presently, about 270 species of wildlife and plants are extinct every day. If we continue on this path by 2100, about half of all the animals and plant forms will be extinct (Hippies).In addition, most of the habitat loss is attributed to deforestation; a number of parrots from South America are currently listed as endangered ("Endangered and Threatened"). Furthermore, amphibians at this time are on a huge decline attributable to habitat loss and that includes frog and lizards, there are about 427 species of amphibians at present listed as threatened of extinction (Stuart). Finally, according to the World Wildlife Fund currently 40,000 plant species, 3,000 freshwater Get more content on
  • 9. Extinct Animals The extinction of an animal species occurs when the last individual member of that species dies. Although a species may be "extinct in the wild," the species is not extinct until every individual, regardless of location, captivity, or ability to breed, has died. Extinction of Animals Causes There are several causes of extinction of several animal species, prominent among which are loss of habitat, extinction of animals due to deforestation, extinction of animals due to global warming, extinction of animals due to hunting. List of Extinct Animals The long list of extinct animals in the world features more than 50 animal species that have become extinct from the planet in last 100 years alone. This extinct animals list feature mammals, more content... It was found in abundance throughout the country till the introduction of mustelids – predatory mammal from weasel family, was introduced on the Island. The first half of the 20th century was marked by rare sightings of Bushwren. A subspecies of the bird, Stead's Bushwren, found on Stewart Island, got extinct due to excessive predation by the feral cats. As the last attempt to revive the population, they were transferred to Kaimohu Island, where the last sighting took place in 1972. Canarian Black Oystercatcher The Canarian Black Oystercatcher, more popular as the Canary Islands Oystercatcher, was a shorebird found on the Canary Islands in Spain. The bird disappeared from its natural habitat in the beginning of the 20th century. It is assumed that the disturbance by the local people and predation by rats were the prominent reasons for the extinction of Canarian Black Oystercatcher. Some theories also suggested that loss of habitat was responsible for the extinction. According to the local fishermen and the lighthouse keepers, the last sighting of this species happened in 1940s. After several attempts to find this bird failed, finally it was declared extinct through IUCN Red List for 1994. Cape Verde Giant Skink Cape Verde Giant Skink, also known as the Cocteau's Skink, was a reptile endemic to the Cape Verde islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Loss of habitat, owing to human activities, is supposed to be the main cause of
  • 10. Get more content on
  • 11. Animal Extinction Research Paper Behind a glass wall stands a live wooly mammoth and saber tooth cat. As seen on the famous cartoon movie Ice Age, kids watch this popular film to be intrigued. Now they can not only be fascinated with creatures that have been lurking around their imagination, but live with them thanks to de–extinction. Extinction has existed for over 66 million years ago, when dinosaurs were wiped out. Now scientist have disproven the definition of extinct; (of a species, family, or other larger group) having no living members. By showing that extinct animals that were once proven to be no longer in existence can be resurrected through deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This process of de–extinction starts with extracting DNA from remains, then putting those fragments together to form the genome. From there scientists would have to create a usable pup by using more content... Firstly, extinction rates have been rising by nearly a factor of a thousand in the past centuries from our actions of habitat loss, introduction of exotic species, and global warming. Secondly, the thrill of pet owners can grow with new technology to clone not just extinct animals, but household animals. Finally, food webs are so intricate that when one part is removed, it can affect an entire ecosystem. For this reason, if an important part of the food web comes extinct, the de–extinction process can be helpful to bring back that important species to the environment. You can help by contacting the Understanding Animal Research website at Understanding Animal Research or signing up for monthly e–newsletters at the organization to follow their work and receive regular updates. In addition, you can also follow the Understanding Animal Research on social media. By making these simple actions you can help make a change to make cloning extinct animals Get more content on
  • 12. Biodiversity Loss And Loss Of Species Essay Biodiversity Loss The environmental issue that I chose to research is 'Biodiversity Loss'. Biodiversity loss is the loss of species on our planet. For example, this is animals and plants that have done extinct. This has impacted every corner of the globe, since the dinosaurs we have lost thousands of animals and other forms of life to extinction. According to Endangered Earth "there are now 41,415 species on the IUCN Red List, and 16,306 of them are endangered species threatened with extinction," (Endangered Earth 2016). It is estimated that we only know about 15% of all the species that call Earth home, at this rate we will lose thousands of species before scientist can even identify them (Watson 2011). There are several reasons the humans are at fault for the extinction rate, to name a few; hunting, loss of habitats, pollution, climate change, and so many others. One of the main issues that is causing a loss in biodiversity is the loss of habitats. The majority of habitats that are destroyed for more land or for their resources, which leads to having more land. When the land runs out of their natural resources houses and other 'buildings' are built up in the place of the natural habitat. Once the buildings are built, humans move into the area bringing diseases and species not native to the area. This can simultaneously knock out hundreds of species that no longer have homes or are unable to adapt to the new environment (Biodiversity Information 2016). One of the more Get more content on
  • 13. Causes Of Animal Extinction Across the world, animal extinction is a problem causing thousands of animals to die each year. Throughout time hundreds of animals are being slaughtered across the world. Some of the animals that we may know and love are slowly becoming extinct. Although it may not be animals such as our precious dogs or adorable kittens, there are animals in the world slowly declining in their population size. Animals such as rhinos, eagles, and different species of fish are becoming endangered and some are on the brink of extinction. Animal extinction is a problem that is gaining recognition across the world. The most known causes of animal extinction are habitat fragmentation, poaching, and deforestation. The first problem animals face is habitat fragmentation. Habitat fragmentation "is the process by which habitat loss results in the division of large, continuous habitats into smaller, more isolated remnants". This is a problem because it means that large groups of animals are losing their homes. This causes them to try and look for new homes for survival. This later causes a problem for animals that have a small chance for survival without a home. For some animals, their home is the most protective place for them. These animals may not possess many predatory traits for survival. Unfortunately this makes them an easy target for the animals that are big and dangerous. For the animals lucky enough to find a new home, they still have problems to face for survival. Animals choose their habitat based on their environment. For a habitat to be suitable, it has to fit the requirements for that animal. It should be close to a food source. It must be an appropriate size for that animal. As well as provide a secure location for the animal and its possible children. Once this habitat is destroyed, it is hard for an animal to find another home that it fits their essential needs. This means that it may take too long for that animal to find a new home which makes its chances of survival slim. This can be fixed by providing homes for those animals that no longer have one. Rescue centers are working hard to find animals that have lost their homes. Once they are found, the people nurture them back to a stable healthy state, and give Get more content on
  • 14. Extinction Of Animal Extinction There have been five well known extinctions on this earth. The one most well known is the mass extinction that ended the dinosaurs. Mass extinction is often described as the elimination of a large number of species in a short period of time. Despite what many think, the elimination of species is almost commonplace at this point. The Earth is currently in the middle of a sixth mass extinction, and it's been caused by the human race. It's clear that a great extinction is coming from the evidence of the destruction of other species around us. The choices made by the human race have too often negatively affected the surrounding species. Tracy Wilson, the site director for, in an article for Animal Planet, states that more content... Not to mention "...both groups emphasized that climate change would play an increasing role in species decline..." (Gilman). Climate change is still a controversial topic to some, but many scientists have proven that it's true. In fact, Neil Degrasse Tyson has given evidence to prove its truth and already informed the world that it's too late to fix people's mistakes (Neil). The extinction of species has been caused in certain instances by climate change, which is only getting worse. People have continuously altered the environment to the point of harming other species. The human race's tendency to destroy an environment greatly impacts the plants and animals residing there. To be more specific, "Human destruction of animal and plant habitat...appear to be having a major impact on extinction rates" (Wilson). Environmental degradation and habitat destruction are both key players in the extinction of many world species. The impact people have had on the environment is much bigger than most anticipate, as they both destroy and intervene with the environment. One specific way that humans have begun the process of world extinction is through their incessant meddling with the environment. Not only do people destroy the environment with our wreckage and pollution, but the human race has introduced species into other ecosystems, causing massive repercussions. Referred to as invasive species, their introduction into a Get more content on
  • 15. The Consequences and the Extinction of Animals By Climate Change "The warnings about global warming have been extremely clear for a long time. We are facing a global climate crisis. It is deepening. We are entering a period of consequences" (Al Gore). Global warming is a nationwide problem that is affecting people and the environment by the greenhouse gases. Global warming increases the atmospheric temperature. For instance, the solar radiation is reflected by the Earth's atmosphere. Earth 's surface absorbs most of the radiation, and it warms it. Part of the invisible light traverses the air. A few are immersed and transmitted in an outright direction by pollutants molecules. The effect of global warming is an increased temperature of the earth's surface and the lower atmosphere. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) "which measures long–lived greenhouse gases increased 37 percent from 1990 to 2015, and of that, carbon dioxide accounted for 80 percent of the increase" (Keating 2). The greenhouse gases are causing that the temperatures rise. Global warming is a huge problem that we face today; it is caused by the greenhouse effect that leads to climate change and the extinction of many animals. Global warming is increasing the temperatures in our planet Earth leading to climate change. The primary reason for global warming is the human development of the greenhouse effect causing natural disasters. Shaftel declares that "Global climate Get more content on
  • 16. Clean Water Argument Essay Global warming and animal extinction may be two of the greatest and current environmental issues the world is facing; however, one environmental issue that seems to have been put on the back burner, clean water, is very much connected to the above issues, and is still a monumental concern that must be addressed. We must stop the spread of disease and fatalities due to water pollution! We must pool our resources more effectively to stop the foundations of water pollution! We must more effectively conserve water, and we mustn't allow individuals, states, or federal levels to waste water that could be otherwise used to serve those in need! A new set of laws must be put together to create a better policy for tackling this more content... Reducing litter, limiting fertilizers, confiscating animal waste, cleaning streets, diminishing paved areas, and preventing construction site erosion were a few of the promptings advocated regarding polluted runoff (Van Patten & Bloom, 2002). It is vital to reiterate the findings of the aforementioned article in juxtaposition to what we already know today. Simply put, many Americans often forget about these small deeds that could make a difference in water quality. Still, many of us habitually forget to recycle and stop littering. Numerous farmers continue to use contaminated fertilizers due to alternative methods costing more, and not wanting to step outside of family tradition in their trade (Dale, 2011). Streets remain tainted, animal waste lays to rot, and industrialization only continues to grow, making these small endeavors seem fruitless at times. While these tips for keeping water clean should still be practiced, it is obvious that it isn't going to be the end all to keeping our water clean. A second hitch in the effort to keep clean and plentiful water in the U.S. lies in the western portion of the country. In this portion of the country, water is claimed on a "first come, first served," basis. But what happens to those who don't put claim on water in time? Homeowners in these states often buy properties that don't include water sources in their Get more content on
  • 17. Animal Endangerment And Extinction Of Habitat I.Animal Endangerment/Extinction II.Abused/Abandoned Animals III.Over Farming/Land Misuse IV.Environmental Pollution V.Deforestation I.Animal Endangerment/Extinction A.Destruction of Habitat B.Pollution C.Hunting and Fishing II. Abused/Abandoned Animals A. Confined, Major Culprit Climate Change B. Huge Amounts of Manure, Pollutes Soil C. Dead Animals, Pollutes the quality of life for individuals who live close. III. Over Farmed/Land Misuse A. Soil Erosion B. Land Degradation C. Genetic Erosion IV. EnvironmentalPollution A. Grave and Irreparable Damage B. Air Pollution C. Water, Soil, Noise, Light V. Deforestation A. Permanent Destruction of Forest B. Damage to the quality of Land C. Excessive Devastation/Clearing I. Animal Endangerment/Extinction A. Destruction of Habitat/Effects on theenvironment 1. Animals are endangered and becoming extinct, because humans have no regards for the natural habitat that animals need to survive, less causing animal death which pollutes soil. 2. Animals are used in environmental enrichment strategies, and wildlife research, etc. B. Pollution 1. The presence or introduction into the environment of a substance, or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects. 2. Pollution effects, Environmental pollution has been a fact of life for many years/centuries, but it became a real problem since the state of the industrial revolution. C. Hunting and Fishing/Effects on the Environment
  • 18. 1. Hunting effects many things, Get more content on
  • 19. Argumentative Essay On Extinction Animals An Author names Christine Dell'Amore wrote an article on national geographic about the extinction animals, "Calculating extinction rates can be difficult, in part because no one knows exactly how many species there are. Scientists have identified at least 1.9 million animal species, and possibly millions more have yet to be named." We are losing different specie of animals day by day. "If there are 100,000,000 differentspecies on Earth, and the Extinction rate just is 0.01% per year, then 10,000 species go extinct every year." (WWF Global) In the year 2017, people already built up our own food resource system. People do have labor and guard animals for help, food animals to eat, and companion animals to stay with. Is hunting still a good thing to do in this kind of society? And this would be the question that we are going to discuss. Pro: Hunting is a very important part of the human culture. A senior writer names Tia Ghose wrote on life science and said, animal bones and thousands of stone tools used by ancient hominins suggest that early human ancestors were butchering and scavenging animals at least 2 million years ago. Hunt is a great sport for human to do in this world. It can survive people and make their life better. The meat from the prey can help people to fill their hunger. Also beside the fruit and the vegetables, meat has more proteins. Human body need protein a lot, and the nutritional value of the proteins from meat is higher than the nutritional value Get more content on
  • 20. The Extinction Of Animals In The 17th Century Introduction: From the 17th century to 20th century, over 300 years, countries gradually becoming modern and human civilization developed rapidly. We changed the earth little by little, we paid more attention on how to improve the technique we had, at the same time we forgot to protect our environment which resulted many species of animals are in danger of becoming extinct. From a research it shows there are 16,928 listed endangered and 905 are already extinct. The causes of many species becoming endangered and extinct are varied, but the most critical reason for animal extinction is the loss of natural habitats. Since people try to build up a fashion and modern cities, so the developers cut down the rainforests, destroyed the grassland to Get more content on
  • 21. The Extinction Of Species Extinction Species Extinction Species extinction is a familiar topic. I started understanding about species extinction even before I joined school. I learned there used to be hung animals such dinosaurs and mammoths, which had ceases to exist many millions of years ago. There were toys and films depicting such extinct animals. I used to wonder why they decided to become extinct. As I grew up and with a desire to expand my knowledge, I came to learn that different species adapt to deferent environmental conditions. For instance, urbanization, desertification, depletion of ozone layer and climate change are some of the major global issues that contribute to species extinction. In order to address the concerns of species extinction, the global community has come up with the Convention on Biological Diversity whose main aim is to reduce the loss of species. However, before taking this class, I had not understood the extent and the rate of species extinction. It was very interesting to lean from the video about the mitigation measures human beings are putting in place to reduce the effects of species extinction. The two most interesting measures were the seedbank at arctic and the idea of cloning of extinct animals from DNA collected from fossils. Such ideas beg one to ask, "What is the next technological idea?" The two videos can be seen as a practical approach of implementing Principle 15 of Agenda 21. This principle, precautionary principle calls for protection of environment if there Get more content on