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                                     EXPRESSION          March 2013

             Great Symphony
                                        Muse of Royal Members

Success Secrets of Winners                     &

                                   Views of Inspirational Land
NTI Toastmasters Club, Muscat         Volume 1 Issue 1   Club No. 1079197
EXPRESSION                                     2
                                                                          Club Views


                                              The Best Thing
                                As I sat in my cubicle one afternoon at work, a good friend who
                                sat in the adjacent cubicle leaned forward and asked, “Sajan,
                                what do you think is an employee’s most valuable asset to the
                                organization?”       He was engrossed in some study on
                                performance management at that point in time (that’s probably
                                where this question emerged from). I responded with several
                                guesses –“could it be the employees’ experience or perhaps it
                                was their knowledge, or maybe it is their skills, no, it was their
                                connections” My friend smiled as I took myriad attempts to
                                offer a satisfying response, in vain. In one categorical gesture of
                                his hand, he dismissed all of them as flimsy. He followed it up
                                with a clear and definite        sounding “It is the employees’
                                passion quotient”.
I had heard of IQ, EQ and even SQ but not really about passion quotient. Yet this suggestion hit
me so hard I had an epiphany. When I look back, nothing significant has ever been
accomplished without passion. I often wonder about passion -is it owned by the individual or
does it arise from the divine? Does one have the free will to evoke it or is it destiny’s work?

Whatever may be the answer to those questions, there is no dispute in that where there is
passion, there is phenomenal accomplishment and vice versa! And the greatest challenge for
talent hunters in organizations is to be able to ascertain beyond doubt the possible passion
quotient in prospective employees. A domain even seasoned recruiters fail at.

It goes without saying therefore that one of the best things that can happen to a Toastmasters
club is the fortune of inheriting a set of ex-com officers and members that have high passion
quotient. I think we have it and our accomplishment proves it.

It gives me immense pleasure to share that among 28 clubs in the Division spanning five
different areas, our club ranks highest in terms of DCP points achieved. Also we have achieved
the highest level of recognition available for a club which is “The President's Distinguished
Club” by meeting the membership prerequisite and achieving nine of the 10 goals stipulated by
toastmasters international. Also we have achieved the Smedley Award – by adding five new,
dual or reinstated members during August and September.

Thank you everybody and congratulations. A special thanks to those members who have
demonstrated amazing commitment and consistency in investing in their own development or
in showing the way to others. You know who you are. You’re among the best!

Warm Regards
Sajan Nair | President – NTI Toastmaster Club|

                NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                     3
                                                                      Club Views

                                                                     Editorial Team

                                                                 TM.Athavan Palaniyandi
                         Dear Toastmasters,
                         “Patience pays Premium in our life”

                         We all waited for this great magazine   TM.Nilofer S Tanna
                         “Expression” for more than 9             NTI TOASTMASTERS
                         months. Finally, I submit this          CLUB OFFICE BEARERS
                         beautiful newsletter in your hands            2012-2013
                         with all your support.

                         Expression is a comprehensive                 President
                         magazine, has life time experience of         Sajan Nair
                         our eminent toastmasters.
 It has confidence, motivation, inspiration, experience and
                                                                    VP Education
compassion to our fellow toastmaster.
                                                                  Rajesh Kumar Daga
“The beauty of the creation measured by the work of an
individual”, but our expression is not the expression of
individuals. It is a symphony!!! People shared the knowledge       VP Membership
from various fields; many young toastmasters volunteered           Mrs. Sharda Daga
themselves to become a writer.

This magazine is platform for many people to exhibit their        VP Public Relations
skills, hope you enjoy the quality of the magazine in every       Athavan Palaniyandi
page, I sincerely thank everyone, who powered this magazine.

My special thanks to TM.Rajasekaran,CC , Editor In charge &
TM.Nilofer S Tanna, Creative-Support.                                  Secretary
Be ready for next edition of “Expression” and send your                Kathiresan

Enjoy Reading our expression and expecting your valuable
feedback.                                                              Treasurer
                                                                   Vinod Kumar Nair
Warm Regards

Athavan Palaniyandi                                                Sergeant-At-Arms
Vice President – Public Relations                                    Govind Rao N

                NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                               4
                                                        New member’s experience

    Doctor’s Dream – Dr.Smita

Few weeks ago, I had no clue whatsoever, about what I was
going to do with my life! For over a decade I had been
struggling to find a balance between my profession and my
passion. On one hand, my mind would tell me to keep doing
what I was doing and on the other hand deep inside my
heart I could feel this painful emptiness. To make matters
worse, I didn’t even know what my passion looked like. I felt
completely dead inside. The only thing that would brighten
me up was to watch how some people like Jack Canfield,             TM.Dr.Smita Brahma
                                                                   is a doctor, Indian
Robin Sharma, Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, Joel Osteen to          Railway, recently
name a few, had this amazing power to speak coherently             moved to Oman and
                                                                   joined our club.
and succinctly, while holding the attention of thousands of
people in a single room for hours together.

I had never really heard of Toastmasters, until one fortunate
Friday 6 weeks back. Something told me, from within, that
this is what I have been waiting for, all my life. My first day
at the NTI club, was the next day, a Saturday. I was
                                                                   “Amazing power to
overwhelmed by the warmth of each and every member of
                                                                   speak coherently
this club, their passion and commitment to improve                 and succinctly, while
themselves, at the same time uplifting and encouraging other       holding the attention
fellow members to be their best. Age definitely not a criterion    of thousands of
for learning or friendship here. Honestly, I had never seen        people in a single
such dynamism and such healthy competition in any of my            room for hours
previous endeavours.     Another striking feature was the
organized approach for developing the skill of Public
Speaking, which was exactly what I was I looking for.

These days, I am so happy and excited, that my heart skips
a beat at the thought of speaking in front of an audience. My
                                                                   Chase your Passion not
heart sings and dances, now that it knows that it has finally
                                                                   your Pension.
found the song that it was meant to sing.                                  -Denis Waitley
I just can’t seem to stop smiling ever since. I now hate going
to sleep and I can’t wait to wake up each day and prepare
for my upcoming role or speech. I guess, this is what it must
feel like, to be ALIVE.

              NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                  5
                                                                 Success Secrets
Shahad Al Wahaibi’s

Magic Elements
                   of                              Thankfully, I delivered my
                                                   assignment successfully as I
                      SU CCE SS                    became competent speaker.
                                            A number of factors played a role in my
  The more I embrace life the more I        success, but there are Eight key
  learn that we have an undeniable          elements that have been crucial in my
  control on making an impression           journey.
  on others and ultimately place our
  distinctive mark in a world we see        First of all, be your own coach and
  as too big and often forget that we       avoid working in a pilot and rigid mode.
  have all been blessed with bigger         Speaking is like any other form of art
  gifts that lie within. To me one of       that can be expressed and done in a
  our inner blessings is the way we         variety of ways. Hence, guiding yourself
  shape our words and thoughts. I           and understanding how you can
  am constantly marveled by the             improve is the right way to find your
  impact a sentence can make                very own communication style.
  through the way it is spoken and
  structured. My general interest in        Secondly, being self-driven is indeed a
  communication        and    specific      spark that ignites your beginning but
  fascination with words stems from         it’s the support you get from your
  my upbringing as my parents cared         friends and colleges that keeps you
  highly to build a well refined            committed and dedicated to your
  language in me and my sisters.            journey. That is way it is important to
  But in all honesty the ability to         leverage on your relationship with your
  communicate clearly was never a           mentor and club members as they will
  natural gift of mine as I was a shy       give you the right push when required.
  girl who feared that her thoughts
  would be laughed at most of the           Third, explore the resources you have
  time.                                     in hand. The toastmasters community
                                            is rich with a pool of learning materials
  When I joined the corporate world I       including speaking manuals, videos of
  was     asked   to   manage    the        speakers from all over the world, the
  communications aspect of a project        club library, sessions delivered by
  my company invested highly in. Not        reputable speakers as well as senior
  wanting to cave in for my own             toastmasters who have the right
  weakness I accepted the offer and         expertise to assist you in building your
  joined toastmasters instantly.            path as a distinguished speaker.

       “ Leadership and Learning are indispensible to each other” – John F Kennedy

                NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                     6
                                                                     Success Secrets

Fourth, never aim to complete your
speaking projects as fast as possible.
Remember, blossoming as a speaker is
your own decision to add on to your
character and the way you carry
yourself, therefore you must treat your
time at the toastmasters as an
everlasting experience rather than a
process that must be completed at a
specific date.

Fifth, have a personal objective that
will empower your dedication to the
community. My personal objective is to
learn how to express my thoughts
better as it is rewarding towards my
relationships with those who I care
deeply for.

       “Relax and have loads of fun.
       You learn more in an enjoyable
       and stress free atmosphere”

Sixth, attend, attend attend!! Even if you do not have an assigned role being
present at every meeting aids you in improving your listening skills and witness
other ways of speaking that you may wish to incorporate later.

 Seventh, be a bit selective in the communications you are exposed to. For
example, I switched from watching mind numbing reality TV to talk shows with
a substantial content which enhanced the way I use my words and sentences.

Finally, relax and have loads of fun. You learn more in an enjoyable and stress
free atmosphere.

                                                              CC.Shahad Al Wahabi is active
Send your feedback about this issue                           toastmaster,   working   as  a
                                                              Manager at Shell Oman for the                               project. She is winner of many
                                                              club contests, mentor for many                                    new members.

“ A Great Leader’s courage to fulfil his vision comes from passion, not position ” – John Maxwell

                  NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                  7
                                                                     Club Views

                        MY Experiment with NTI – TM.Sabarikumar
                       “That which we have learnt is just a fist full of sand

                        while that which we haven't is the size of the world"

                       - Remarked the great Indian Tamil Poetess - Avvaiyar
                         When I was a kid I used to think that this was an
exaggeration. As I grew up, it became my favourite quote. It is even clearer and
closer after joining NTI Toastmasters club.

Learning does not have an end. Our club is the most appropriate place to learn
and grow. It feeds those who are starving for knowledge. It showed me the path
to be a good listener, a learner, an inspirational speaker, a humorous speaker,
a persuasive speaker and ultimate path to be a competent leader.

Most people join a Toastmasters’ Club
because someone has invited them to a
meeting. I too visited NTI Toastmaster Club as
a guest two years ago. I still remember that
memorable day so vividly. There were claps,
encouragement and appreciation for each role
player by fellow members and guests. I could
feel very high energy levels and very exciting
enthusiasm oozing out in the hall. It’s very
hard to find a club of this kind. I realized that
I have found my dream place I wanted to be to develop good communication
and leadership skills.

       “It also taught me importance of being a team player as I learnt that
       team work makes our dreams work.”

I joined the club immediately and registered as a member since I was eagerly
looking for a place like this which will enhance my knowledge and improve my
network. Very soon, I was appointed as the club secretary. It helped me hone
my leadership skills and organizing capabilities.

Being a secretary of the club, there are a host of opportunities for self as well
as club development. After managing the club contests, I have gained in
confidence and feel that I can handle any event of any size. It also taught me
importance of being a team player as I learnt that team work makes our
dreams work.
      “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” – H.E.Luccock

                NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                   8
                                                                       Club Views

I wish to share my feelings. First of all, I congratulate members who attended
club meetings regularly and put in huge efforts during the year. Members
showed rock solid determination and walked an extra mile to meet the
challenge of making the club such a formidable one. I am sure, with vast
improvements made in this year, we shall do much better in 2013-2014.

Congratulations to all members who actively took part
in the contests either as contestants or as a role
player, be it a timer, a tally counter, a sergeant at
arms, master of ceremonies, contest chair, judge, etc.
Finally, I would like to thank my fellow officers for
their support, their patience and their encouragement             TM.Sabarikumar is current
to make this secretarial experience a wonderful                   secretary, working in ATPC,
learning lesson.                                                  active socialist, sportsman,
                                                                  entrepreneur, with us in
                                                                  club for more than a year.

 “If I was not ready for the lesson, I would not be having the experience.” – Ivana Vanzant

                NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                9
                                                           New member’s experience

 “Take off” – Yaqoob Al Aufi
Can you imagine Dream
       Doctor’s how you’d feel if you sensed success deep
inside your soul when your heart continually sends a message
to your brain: “I have achieved” ?! This is exactly how I feel
having joined NTI TM club couple of months ago.

I have delivered six project speeches and ever since, my self-
confidence has risen tremendously. I feel the empowerment to
face anybody and speak confidently.

The support and encouragements received from my co-members
has indeed been remarkable and it has helped me achieve best         TM.Yaqoob Al Aufi is a fully
speaker’s award four out of five times.                              dedicated toastmaster, work
                                                                     for Oman Air, passionate
                                                                     speaker, traveller, & leader.
Without a doubt joining Toastmaster was the best think I ever
did in 2012 and will ensure that this is a lifetime commitment
regardless of which city or country I would be in

I encourage all those who have not attended TMs meetings to
hurry up and test out one of the all amusing meetings. While for    “this   is    a   lifetime
                                                                    commitment regardless
the guests who have already examined the delight, I would say
                                                                    of which city or country I
what are you waiting for? Grip the chance and enjoy flying          would be in”
towards much higher successes! Everybody around you will
support and soon you will be another supporter to many.

                                                                          Never neglect
                                                                        opportunity for an
                                                                        - Sir William Jones

                  NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                  10
                                                                    Success Secrets

              to Me           – CC.CL.Hitin Bakshi

Success can be defined as fulfilment of desire or aim or purpose. We must
develop happiness even when our opponents get
success. In life sometimes, we succeed and
sometimes we fail but we should be least bothered
about both success and failure. Derive happiness
in other’s success and feel pain in other’s failure.
By adopting this attitude, we can be gracious even
in defeat.
How do we get Success?

Life relies on Commitment. During floods, water
had no direction, like wise if our life is not well
                                                           At the outset, my heartfelt
directed then we may be pushed or dragged in
                                                           kudos to our Area Governor
any goal less direction. Remember our universe
                                                           for successfully completing
offers us bountiful energy hence the energy in our
                                                           the Area contest and my
life needs some direction to flow, if we don’t give
                                                           sincere gratitude to the entire
direction then there will be chaos & confusion in
                                                           team of NTI Toastmasters
our life like flood water. Many people suffer and
                                                           club for extending their help
are confused, as they have no direction in life. It
                                                           for conducting this contest. A
is very essential that the life- energy run in the
                                                           Galvanizing performance by
right direction .when the energy gets stuck, it rots
                                                           the Master of ceremony &
and our life becomes miserable. Therefore, to
                                                           sparkling display of talents by
move the energy in the right direction we need
                                                           Contest chairs was like icing
commitment. Greater the power of commitment
                                                           on the cake. Hats off to all the
you take greater the energy you imbibe and the
                                                           judges for judging the contest
result will be success.
                                                           with utmost accuracy and
                                                           incontrovertible judgment.
Commitment begets success and success begets
                                                           In true sense, our Area
My journey to Toastmasters started back in
                                                           contest      was      a
1998/99 and I take this opportunity to thank the
Dazzling Toastmaster of Oman Mr Rajesh Daga
who introduced me to the wonderful family of
Toastmasters club. I honestly owe my
development to him. Thereafter I was fortunate to
              “Action is the foundational key to all Success ” – Pablo Picasso

               NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                 11
                                                                 Success Secrets

attend TM’s chapters in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and now with NTI. Only after
joining TM club, I realized how poor a communicator I was. Getting involved
with the projects and taking up roles helped me to channelize my thoughts and
speak sense. In order to be an effective communicator, it is very important to
develop the habit of reading, because when you read you store ideas in your
brain and those ideas turn into knowledge. Remember knowledge speaks
sense, helps our communication skills and organizes our thought process.
Once the thoughts are well organized in our mind then there will be a perfect
blend and flow of words, which will foster smooth communication.

To keep on trying is also a commitment and success as it is timeless. ‘Keep on
Moving’ is the message I wish to give to all my fellow Toastmasters. Have a
relentless approach towards effort and be least bothered about failures. Your
effort itself is a path to victory. Someone has rightly said “Real glory is not in
never failing but in rising every time you fail”.           – TM. Hitin Bakshi

                         Date’s to Note
    Divisional Conference (OTAC-2013)
                               Date : April 12, 2013
                               Venue : Muscat Holiday,
                                        Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
                               Details :

    District Conference (DTAC-2013)
                               Date : May 9-11, 2013
                               Venue : Intercontinental Hotel,
                                        Festival City, Dubai, UAE
                               Details :

    International Conference
                                     Date : August 21-24, 2013
                                     Venue : Duke Energy Convention centre,
                                              Cincinnati, United States
                                     Details :

           “ What you do has far greater impact than what you say” – Stephen Covey

                NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                               12
                                                         New member’s experience

     “Kaizen Man” – Suresh Athilkar
I joined NTI Toastmasters club in September 2012. Before
joining, I attended meetings as a guest in many
toastmaster clubs in Muscat. However, I found the NTI
toastmasters club very well organized with high number of
diverse membership, high attendance, high frequency of
meetings, high commitment of office bearers and excellent
participation level. Therefore although the timing of
meetings at NTI were not suitable for me, I discussed with          TM.Suresh Athilkar is an
my wife and decided to join the NTI club.                           enthusiastic member, on
                                                                    his way to CC, working as
I believe in “Kaizen”. In Japanese "kaizen" means "good             a Manager in one of the
                                                                    biggest power plant in
change". It refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon       Oman
continuous improvement of processes. Toastmasters club is
one such platform that provides every individual an
opportunity of continuous improvement of communication
and leadership skills. In today’s corporate world, besides
                                                                    “I immediately started
core competencies, communication and leadership skills
                                                                      recognize positive
play a very important role in the growth and success of                   changes”
every individual as well as the organization as a whole.

After joining NTI, I immediately started to recognize some
positive changes in me. This has inspired me to
continuously invest in as per the prescription of the               You can succeed at
Competent Communication and Competent Leadership                    almost anything for
manuals. I am confident that the encouragement and                  which you have
guidance from all the members of the club will continue, to         unbridled enthusiasm.
help achieve mutual and sustained development for all                            -Zig Ziglar

               NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                  13

Feeding the Tiger                                                 Club Views

                   -DTM.Rajash Kumar Daga         I have been lucky to be a VPE at NTI,
The role of Vice President Education is one       because the enthusiasm and energy
of the most important roles in taking the         level of its members makes my job
club to the top. In fact, it is also one of the   much easier. There is a right mix of
most crucial roles where members learn to         experienced, seasoned members and
deal with people, handle last minute              energetic, ready to learn new members.
changes,     encourage       team    members,
do advance planning, accomplish effective         I must explain the recognition plan of
communication with all the members so             TMI for each club. If a club is healthy in
that club educational goals are met.              membership, active participation by
                                                  members and a road map to success,
                                                  the    top    award      of    Presidents
It is while playing the role of a VPE, that a     Distinguished Club can be achieved. As
person truly practices the art of leadership      VP E, I had a plan and also had the
and learns what makes a person                    support of members to execute the plan.
an effective leader. He also                      The result - we were the first club in
realizes the invaluable hidden                    the division to achieve 9 out of 10
opportunities of the Toastmasters                 points enabling us to bag the President
program.                                                                Distinguished
                                                                        Club award.

There is no limit to the role of                                             The next target
VPE. It is the creative approach,                  is to improve the club standard. As they
time devoted to the role, and                      say, communication is like sports, more
persistence that brings the right                  you play, better you become. Members
result. This is my second stint                    must take more speaking opportunities.
as VPE. Believe me, the job is very                 Our project speeches must be prepared
demanding, yet fulfilling, frustrating yet         keeping      the     project  criteria in
very energizing. It is a job where learning        mind, written and edited at least 7
never stops. From keeping the record of            days prior to speaking date as well as
speakers, encouraging members to play              discussed with the mentor. If we are
roles,     appreciating     and    guiding,        able to do that repeatedly, we shall
mentoring their performance, taking help           surely see a vast improvement in our
from experienced and willing members,              standard. Once that becomes a
tracking the DCP points for the club; in           standard practice, bigger glories like
short this experience is almost like               winning club, area, division and district
running a corporate.                               level awards will not be far. My dream
                                                   is to have a champion from our club
                                                   next year. Will you be the one?
         “ Leadership and Learning are indispensible to each other” – John F Kennedy

                 NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                 14
                                                                     Club Views

For the last 2 days, I had the humbling experience of having telephonic interview
with versatile Toastmasters in different Gulf countries. They have been
nominated for various District positions for the year 2013-14. As part of the
nomination committee, my job was to nominate the right candidate. As I asked
questions and their contribution to Toastmasters, I suddenly realized that there
is so much to learn, so much to give, so far to go in this wonderful movement
called Toastmasters. They inspired me with their dedication, service, and
involvement in TM movement for over 10-15 years. Although being from different
background and culture, one thing that took them to the top is ‘The

If you want to find your true value, grab the       DTM Rajesh Daga is
role of VP education. You will look at              current VP-Education,
yourself in the mirror in awe after a year.         working for Saud
You will realize that this is the best thing        Bahwan as Sr.Divisional
                                                    Manager, inspiring
that could have happened to you in TM.              speaker, traveller, avid
Having played the roles of President, Area          reader.
Governor, Division Governor, I can vouch for

An English Professor wrote the Words:
“A Woman without her man is nothing”
on the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.

All of the males in the class wrote:
“A   woman, without her man, is nothing.”
All the females in the class wrote:
“A   woman: without her, man is nothing.”
               Punctuation is powerful

                “Education is the mother of Leadership” – Wendell Willkie

                NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                  15
                                                                   Success Secrets

                                                        “Good is the enemy of great”

                      GREAT                      said Jim Collins, author of Good to
                                                 great. We all know of many great
                                                 people throughout history who
                 TO                              walked the face of this earth. As
                                                 children, we grew up listening to

GOOD                  - Dr. Smita Brahma
                                                 their inspiring stories and idolized
                                                 them. Each of these stories had
                                                 three similar features.
Firstly, focus and dedication towards one particular field that they absolutely
loved be it music, art or sports. Secondly, they all came from a point in life
when they were nobody, struggling to overcome poverty, disabilities, racism
and so on. Thirdly, they despised mediocrity and strived for excellence and
greatness. As we started
churning in the mill of life,
our focus shifted to just
making a living rather than
actually living a great life like
our idols did. We often think
that in order to live a great
life we have to do something
huge. It scares us because
we think it’s a lot of hard
work, taking the first step
feels daunting and we give
up even before trying. As a
result we let ourselves lead a
small life.
        “Just imagine what we might be able to achieve if we had the courage
         to take the first step to greatness.”
Greatness is not about name, fame and recognition alone, as we often perceive
it. We lead uninspired lives because we think we are too small to make a
significant difference. The truth however is that is no matter where we are in
our lives all that is required is a small change that will make a huge difference
in others lives as well as our own. I have known many people living life
completely directionless drifting along life waiting for the next tide to come until
death happens one day. It aches my heart to see how many people waste their
lives waiting for that right moment and right event to change their life which
unfortunately never shows up. Author Norman Cousins said, “The great
tragedy in life is not death but it is what we allow to die within us while we
    “ To be able to lead others, a man must be willing to go forward alone” – Harry Trueman

                 NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                16
                                                               Success Secrets

Everybody is capable of living a great life, courage and definiteness of purpose
is all it takes to make a start. Nicholas James “Nick” vujicic is probably the
most unlikely example. He was born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia. He had
suffered his share of pain and disappointments throughout his childhood. He
contemplated suicide at the age of 10 when severe depression took over. A
turning point in his life came when he read about a man who had overcome a
severe disability. He decided to make his life worthwhile. Today, he is a highly
acclaimed Motivational speaker and Evangelist. He has travelled to more than
40 countries giving the message of hope to millions. What makes this man
stand apart from the rest of the crowd is ironic in that he has no legs to stand.
Not only does he not have his lower limbs, he does not have his upper limbs
too. Yes, he was born this way because he was afflicted by a rare disorder
called Tetra-amelia syndrome. Today, he has learnt not only to groom himself
but to play golf, soccer, swim and sky dive. He also founded a non profit
organization, ‘ Life without limbs’. He is energetic, courageous, funny and full
of zeal and zest for life.

            The next time, we think life has been unfair to us, let us remind
ourselves of this extraordinary man and count our blessings instead. Most of
us are lucky enough that we don’t have to face as much pain and suffering
during our entire life time. Each and every one of us was born to live an
abundant and magical life. Just imagine what we might be able to achieve if we
had the courage to take the first step to greatness. Author Jack canfield
quoted, “say no to the good so that you can say yes to the great.” This is the
principle that I have applied in my own life and the results are phenomenal.
Decide today that you too will bring amazing changes in your lives by just
saying no to the good and yes to the great.               – Dr. Smita Brahma

                             Network –Addict work

                  “ Earn your Leadership Every day” – Michael Jordan

               NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                               17
                                                         New member’s experience

       “Flying Wings” – Nilofer S Tanna
Toastmasters is that beautiful journey which changed my
life. It is that 2 hours dose for me which keeps me
energized throughout the week. The positive and, the
comfort levels are so high that I enjoy every bit of the
session. The seasoned Toastmasters are a treat to watch -
full of knowledge, experience and a never say no attitude.
They have always been there to encourage new members.

My main reason for joining toastmasters was to get over my              TM.Nilfer S Tanna is
stage fear- the fear of speaking in front of a huge audience.           New          toastmaster,
                                                                        recently got her first job,
When I compare myself today with how I was a few                        dedicated       volunteer,
months ago I see a huge positive transformation. I find a               preserving MBA
more confident, more punctual and more enthusiastic
Nilofer in me. I am not afraid anymore to speak in front of
the audience; in fact the stage has become my best friend
now. One of the things I learnt from toastmasters is to
present anything, big or small in a different way- a way           “I    find a more confident,
which is engaging and fun for the audience                              more punctual and a
                                                                         more enthusiastic”
Being a student, attending interviews was challenging, but
what I learnt in Toastmasters has helped me in getting my
first job and first salary.

I love attending all of its sessions, there is always
                                                                            Change is Vital,
something new to learn from Toastmasters. I look forward
                                                                           improvement the
to keep the journey alive for a long time.                              logical for of change.
Thanking you                                                             -James Cash Penney

               NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                     18

Book Review
                                          In today’s competitive corporate world, you are
                                          expected to read the letter in a second or in web
                                          search, you need to come across tens and
                                          hundreds of web pages in few min and find out
                                          the information you want. So today world is
                                          demanding for speed reading, this is the right
                                          book to double or triple your reading speed

                                          The Book Author Tony Buzan is a world-famous
                                          expert in the field of the brain and the inventor of
                                          Mind     Mapping.     He    advises    multinational
                                          companies      like    HSBC,     Oracle,   Barclays
                                          International, and Hewlett-Packard; governments,
                                          leading businesses, educational groups, and
                                          international Olympic athletes.

                                          His work has been published in 100 countries and
'The Speed Reading Book' is an
                                          30 languages. Tony’s innovative approach to this
absolute requirement for anyone
with a desire to read and learn
                                          subject makes speed reading easy to understand,
more efficiently.' Sean Adam, World       enabling you to apply it immediately to all aspects
Speed Reading Record Holder.              of your life. It’s fun as well! An ideal tool to
                                          improve the speed, comprehension and quality of
“In today’s competitive
                                          your reading.
corporate world, you are
expected to read the letter in            Most valuable thing about this book is that it
few second”                               points out the major problems that most readers
                                          have. Problems are easily overcome able, and you
You are a Good Reader, What               can improve your speed by fixing these problems:
takes you to Great reader?
                                          1) Subvocalizing: mouthing words outloud or silently while
If you are able to complete your          you read
study material before others,
                                          2) Regressing: Going back and re-reading material
and you understand better
than others, than defiantly you           3) Lack of concentration & interest
are a “Great Reader”.
                                          4) Unorganized Approach to reading
               CC Rajasekaran ‘s club
               presentation about         This book surely will help to save your time in
               speed reading, helped
               people to understand the
                                          reading by increasing the speed and improve the
               reading speed of           comprehension also

                 NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                     19
                                                   Club Contest

              Club Contest Winner
      Prepared speech

                 Details            Winners
        1st Place winner            Hitin Bakshi
        2nd Palce winner            Ranjoo Simon
        3rd place winner            Ramanathan

      Humorous speech

                 Details                 Winners
        1st Place winner            Shahad Al Wahaibi
        2nd Palce winner            Ramanathan
        3rd place winner            Sharda daga

      Evaluation Contest

                 Details                  Winners
        1st Place winner            Shahad Al Wahaibi
        2 nd Place winner           Ramanathan
        3rd place winner            Braj Kishore Bachan

      Table Topic Contest

                 Details                   Winners
        1st Place winner            Shahad Al Wahaibi
        2nd Place winner            Ramanathan
        3rd place winner            Nilofer S Tanna

        NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                             20
                                                                 Club Contest

                Area Contest Winners
      1st prize Winner in Table Topic Contest TM.Ramanathan.
   2nd prize Winner in Prepared Speech Contest TM.Hitin bakshi
   3rd prize Winner in Prepared Speech Contest TM.Ramanathan
       3rd prize Winner in Evaluation Contest TM.Ramanathan

                 Toastmaster of the Month

            Month                                  Name
             July         G.Rajasekaran
            August        Braj Kishor Bachan
          September       Shahad Al Wahaibi
           October        Ramanathan N S
          November        Braj Kishor Bachan
          December        Hariharan Ramakrishnan & Shibani Soni Verma
           January        Mahmood Ismail Safar
           February       Rajesh Kumar Daga

                Toastmaster of the Quarter

                  Quarter                                  Winner
     st                                       G.Rajasekaran
    1 Quarter (July – September)
    2nd Quarter (October-December)            Braj Kishor Bachan

                   "Failure is impossible." - Susan B. Anthony

             NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                       21
                                                      Club Views

NTI Toastma ste rs club memo rable eve ning s...Lot of
spe ech es, wonderful fee dback, and sprit of tea m wo rk ...

          NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                         22
                                                        Club Views

NTI Toastma ste rs club – Ce le brations wit h CC’ s...w he n is
our nex t...!!!

            NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
EXPRESSION                                                    23
                                                                                                     Club Views

N T I T o a s t ma s t e rs c lu b C e le b r a t e d it s 2 5 0 t h me e t i n g i n u n i qu e   Send your feedback about this issue
w a y w it h lo t o f f u n in t h e co l o u r f u l l w a y s . . .

                                 NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration

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Expression nti tm club newsletter, march 2013

  • 1. NTI TOASTMASTER’S EXPRESSION March 2013 Great Symphony Muse of Royal Members Success Secrets of Winners & Views of Inspirational Land NTI Toastmasters Club, Muscat Volume 1 Issue 1 Club No. 1079197
  • 2. EXPRESSION 2 Club Views PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS The Best Thing As I sat in my cubicle one afternoon at work, a good friend who sat in the adjacent cubicle leaned forward and asked, “Sajan, what do you think is an employee’s most valuable asset to the organization?” He was engrossed in some study on performance management at that point in time (that’s probably where this question emerged from). I responded with several guesses –“could it be the employees’ experience or perhaps it was their knowledge, or maybe it is their skills, no, it was their connections” My friend smiled as I took myriad attempts to offer a satisfying response, in vain. In one categorical gesture of his hand, he dismissed all of them as flimsy. He followed it up with a clear and definite sounding “It is the employees’ passion quotient”. I had heard of IQ, EQ and even SQ but not really about passion quotient. Yet this suggestion hit me so hard I had an epiphany. When I look back, nothing significant has ever been accomplished without passion. I often wonder about passion -is it owned by the individual or does it arise from the divine? Does one have the free will to evoke it or is it destiny’s work? Whatever may be the answer to those questions, there is no dispute in that where there is passion, there is phenomenal accomplishment and vice versa! And the greatest challenge for talent hunters in organizations is to be able to ascertain beyond doubt the possible passion quotient in prospective employees. A domain even seasoned recruiters fail at. It goes without saying therefore that one of the best things that can happen to a Toastmasters club is the fortune of inheriting a set of ex-com officers and members that have high passion quotient. I think we have it and our accomplishment proves it. It gives me immense pleasure to share that among 28 clubs in the Division spanning five different areas, our club ranks highest in terms of DCP points achieved. Also we have achieved the highest level of recognition available for a club which is “The President's Distinguished Club” by meeting the membership prerequisite and achieving nine of the 10 goals stipulated by toastmasters international. Also we have achieved the Smedley Award – by adding five new, dual or reinstated members during August and September. Thank you everybody and congratulations. A special thanks to those members who have demonstrated amazing commitment and consistency in investing in their own development or in showing the way to others. You know who you are. You’re among the best! Warm Regards Sajan Nair | President – NTI Toastmaster Club| NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 3. EXPRESSION 3 Club Views EDITORIAL Editorial Team TM.Athavan Palaniyandi Dear Toastmasters, TM.G.Rajasekaran, “Patience pays Premium in our life” We all waited for this great magazine TM.Nilofer S Tanna “Expression” for more than 9 NTI TOASTMASTERS months. Finally, I submit this CLUB OFFICE BEARERS beautiful newsletter in your hands 2012-2013 with all your support. Expression is a comprehensive President magazine, has life time experience of Sajan Nair our eminent toastmasters. It has confidence, motivation, inspiration, experience and VP Education compassion to our fellow toastmaster. Rajesh Kumar Daga “The beauty of the creation measured by the work of an individual”, but our expression is not the expression of individuals. It is a symphony!!! People shared the knowledge VP Membership from various fields; many young toastmasters volunteered Mrs. Sharda Daga themselves to become a writer. This magazine is platform for many people to exhibit their VP Public Relations skills, hope you enjoy the quality of the magazine in every Athavan Palaniyandi page, I sincerely thank everyone, who powered this magazine. My special thanks to TM.Rajasekaran,CC , Editor In charge & TM.Nilofer S Tanna, Creative-Support. Secretary Sabarikumar Be ready for next edition of “Expression” and send your Kathiresan articles. Enjoy Reading our expression and expecting your valuable feedback. Treasurer Vinod Kumar Nair Warm Regards Athavan Palaniyandi Sergeant-At-Arms Vice President – Public Relations Govind Rao N Ghorpade NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 4. EXPRESSION 4 New member’s experience Doctor’s Dream – Dr.Smita Few weeks ago, I had no clue whatsoever, about what I was going to do with my life! For over a decade I had been struggling to find a balance between my profession and my passion. On one hand, my mind would tell me to keep doing what I was doing and on the other hand deep inside my heart I could feel this painful emptiness. To make matters worse, I didn’t even know what my passion looked like. I felt completely dead inside. The only thing that would brighten me up was to watch how some people like Jack Canfield, TM.Dr.Smita Brahma is a doctor, Indian Robin Sharma, Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, Joel Osteen to Railway, recently name a few, had this amazing power to speak coherently moved to Oman and joined our club. and succinctly, while holding the attention of thousands of people in a single room for hours together. I had never really heard of Toastmasters, until one fortunate Friday 6 weeks back. Something told me, from within, that this is what I have been waiting for, all my life. My first day at the NTI club, was the next day, a Saturday. I was “Amazing power to overwhelmed by the warmth of each and every member of speak coherently this club, their passion and commitment to improve and succinctly, while themselves, at the same time uplifting and encouraging other holding the attention fellow members to be their best. Age definitely not a criterion of thousands of for learning or friendship here. Honestly, I had never seen people in a single such dynamism and such healthy competition in any of my room for hours together” previous endeavours. Another striking feature was the organized approach for developing the skill of Public Speaking, which was exactly what I was I looking for. These days, I am so happy and excited, that my heart skips a beat at the thought of speaking in front of an audience. My Chase your Passion not heart sings and dances, now that it knows that it has finally your Pension. found the song that it was meant to sing. -Denis Waitley I just can’t seem to stop smiling ever since. I now hate going to sleep and I can’t wait to wake up each day and prepare for my upcoming role or speech. I guess, this is what it must feel like, to be ALIVE. NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 5. EXPRESSION 5 Success Secrets Shahad Al Wahaibi’s Magic Elements of Thankfully, I delivered my assignment successfully as I SU CCE SS became competent speaker. A number of factors played a role in my The more I embrace life the more I success, but there are Eight key learn that we have an undeniable elements that have been crucial in my control on making an impression journey. on others and ultimately place our distinctive mark in a world we see First of all, be your own coach and as too big and often forget that we avoid working in a pilot and rigid mode. have all been blessed with bigger Speaking is like any other form of art gifts that lie within. To me one of that can be expressed and done in a our inner blessings is the way we variety of ways. Hence, guiding yourself shape our words and thoughts. I and understanding how you can am constantly marveled by the improve is the right way to find your impact a sentence can make very own communication style. through the way it is spoken and structured. My general interest in Secondly, being self-driven is indeed a communication and specific spark that ignites your beginning but fascination with words stems from it’s the support you get from your my upbringing as my parents cared friends and colleges that keeps you highly to build a well refined committed and dedicated to your language in me and my sisters. journey. That is way it is important to But in all honesty the ability to leverage on your relationship with your communicate clearly was never a mentor and club members as they will natural gift of mine as I was a shy give you the right push when required. girl who feared that her thoughts would be laughed at most of the Third, explore the resources you have time. in hand. The toastmasters community is rich with a pool of learning materials When I joined the corporate world I including speaking manuals, videos of was asked to manage the speakers from all over the world, the communications aspect of a project club library, sessions delivered by my company invested highly in. Not reputable speakers as well as senior wanting to cave in for my own toastmasters who have the right weakness I accepted the offer and expertise to assist you in building your joined toastmasters instantly. path as a distinguished speaker. “ Leadership and Learning are indispensible to each other” – John F Kennedy NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 6. EXPRESSION 6 Success Secrets Fourth, never aim to complete your speaking projects as fast as possible. Remember, blossoming as a speaker is your own decision to add on to your character and the way you carry yourself, therefore you must treat your time at the toastmasters as an everlasting experience rather than a process that must be completed at a specific date. Fifth, have a personal objective that will empower your dedication to the community. My personal objective is to learn how to express my thoughts better as it is rewarding towards my relationships with those who I care deeply for. “Relax and have loads of fun. You learn more in an enjoyable and stress free atmosphere” Sixth, attend, attend attend!! Even if you do not have an assigned role being present at every meeting aids you in improving your listening skills and witness other ways of speaking that you may wish to incorporate later. Seventh, be a bit selective in the communications you are exposed to. For example, I switched from watching mind numbing reality TV to talk shows with a substantial content which enhanced the way I use my words and sentences. Finally, relax and have loads of fun. You learn more in an enjoyable and stress free atmosphere. CC.Shahad Al Wahabi is active Send your feedback about this issue toastmaster, working as a Manager at Shell Oman for the project. She is winner of many club contests, mentor for many new members. “ A Great Leader’s courage to fulfil his vision comes from passion, not position ” – John Maxwell NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 7. EXPRESSION 7 Club Views MY Experiment with NTI – TM.Sabarikumar “That which we have learnt is just a fist full of sand while that which we haven't is the size of the world" - Remarked the great Indian Tamil Poetess - Avvaiyar When I was a kid I used to think that this was an exaggeration. As I grew up, it became my favourite quote. It is even clearer and closer after joining NTI Toastmasters club. Learning does not have an end. Our club is the most appropriate place to learn and grow. It feeds those who are starving for knowledge. It showed me the path to be a good listener, a learner, an inspirational speaker, a humorous speaker, a persuasive speaker and ultimate path to be a competent leader. Most people join a Toastmasters’ Club because someone has invited them to a meeting. I too visited NTI Toastmaster Club as a guest two years ago. I still remember that memorable day so vividly. There were claps, encouragement and appreciation for each role player by fellow members and guests. I could feel very high energy levels and very exciting enthusiasm oozing out in the hall. It’s very hard to find a club of this kind. I realized that I have found my dream place I wanted to be to develop good communication and leadership skills. “It also taught me importance of being a team player as I learnt that team work makes our dreams work.” I joined the club immediately and registered as a member since I was eagerly looking for a place like this which will enhance my knowledge and improve my network. Very soon, I was appointed as the club secretary. It helped me hone my leadership skills and organizing capabilities. Being a secretary of the club, there are a host of opportunities for self as well as club development. After managing the club contests, I have gained in confidence and feel that I can handle any event of any size. It also taught me importance of being a team player as I learnt that team work makes our dreams work. “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” – H.E.Luccock NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 8. EXPRESSION 8 Club Views I wish to share my feelings. First of all, I congratulate members who attended club meetings regularly and put in huge efforts during the year. Members showed rock solid determination and walked an extra mile to meet the challenge of making the club such a formidable one. I am sure, with vast improvements made in this year, we shall do much better in 2013-2014. Congratulations to all members who actively took part in the contests either as contestants or as a role player, be it a timer, a tally counter, a sergeant at arms, master of ceremonies, contest chair, judge, etc. Finally, I would like to thank my fellow officers for their support, their patience and their encouragement TM.Sabarikumar is current to make this secretarial experience a wonderful secretary, working in ATPC, learning lesson. active socialist, sportsman, entrepreneur, with us in club for more than a year. “If I was not ready for the lesson, I would not be having the experience.” – Ivana Vanzant NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 9. EXPRESSION 9 New member’s experience “Take off” – Yaqoob Al Aufi Can you imagine Dream Doctor’s how you’d feel if you sensed success deep inside your soul when your heart continually sends a message to your brain: “I have achieved” ?! This is exactly how I feel having joined NTI TM club couple of months ago. I have delivered six project speeches and ever since, my self- confidence has risen tremendously. I feel the empowerment to face anybody and speak confidently. The support and encouragements received from my co-members has indeed been remarkable and it has helped me achieve best TM.Yaqoob Al Aufi is a fully speaker’s award four out of five times. dedicated toastmaster, work for Oman Air, passionate speaker, traveller, & leader. Without a doubt joining Toastmaster was the best think I ever did in 2012 and will ensure that this is a lifetime commitment regardless of which city or country I would be in I encourage all those who have not attended TMs meetings to hurry up and test out one of the all amusing meetings. While for “this is a lifetime commitment regardless the guests who have already examined the delight, I would say of which city or country I what are you waiting for? Grip the chance and enjoy flying would be in” towards much higher successes! Everybody around you will support and soon you will be another supporter to many. Never neglect opportunity for an improvement. - Sir William Jones NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 10. EXPRESSION 10 Success Secrets Success to Me – CC.CL.Hitin Bakshi Success can be defined as fulfilment of desire or aim or purpose. We must develop happiness even when our opponents get success. In life sometimes, we succeed and sometimes we fail but we should be least bothered about both success and failure. Derive happiness in other’s success and feel pain in other’s failure. By adopting this attitude, we can be gracious even in defeat. How do we get Success? Life relies on Commitment. During floods, water had no direction, like wise if our life is not well At the outset, my heartfelt directed then we may be pushed or dragged in kudos to our Area Governor any goal less direction. Remember our universe for successfully completing offers us bountiful energy hence the energy in our the Area contest and my life needs some direction to flow, if we don’t give sincere gratitude to the entire direction then there will be chaos & confusion in team of NTI Toastmasters our life like flood water. Many people suffer and club for extending their help are confused, as they have no direction in life. It for conducting this contest. A is very essential that the life- energy run in the Galvanizing performance by right direction .when the energy gets stuck, it rots the Master of ceremony & and our life becomes miserable. Therefore, to sparkling display of talents by move the energy in the right direction we need Contest chairs was like icing commitment. Greater the power of commitment on the cake. Hats off to all the you take greater the energy you imbibe and the judges for judging the contest result will be success. with utmost accuracy and incontrovertible judgment. Commitment begets success and success begets strength. In true sense, our Area My journey to Toastmasters started back in contest was a 1998/99 and I take this opportunity to thank the barnburner. Dazzling Toastmaster of Oman Mr Rajesh Daga who introduced me to the wonderful family of Toastmasters club. I honestly owe my development to him. Thereafter I was fortunate to “Action is the foundational key to all Success ” – Pablo Picasso NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 11. EXPRESSION 11 Success Secrets attend TM’s chapters in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and now with NTI. Only after joining TM club, I realized how poor a communicator I was. Getting involved with the projects and taking up roles helped me to channelize my thoughts and speak sense. In order to be an effective communicator, it is very important to develop the habit of reading, because when you read you store ideas in your brain and those ideas turn into knowledge. Remember knowledge speaks sense, helps our communication skills and organizes our thought process. Once the thoughts are well organized in our mind then there will be a perfect blend and flow of words, which will foster smooth communication. To keep on trying is also a commitment and success as it is timeless. ‘Keep on Moving’ is the message I wish to give to all my fellow Toastmasters. Have a relentless approach towards effort and be least bothered about failures. Your effort itself is a path to victory. Someone has rightly said “Real glory is not in never failing but in rising every time you fail”. – TM. Hitin Bakshi Date’s to Note Divisional Conference (OTAC-2013) Date : April 12, 2013 Venue : Muscat Holiday, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Details : District Conference (DTAC-2013) Date : May 9-11, 2013 Venue : Intercontinental Hotel, Festival City, Dubai, UAE Details : International Conference Date : August 21-24, 2013 Venue : Duke Energy Convention centre, Cincinnati, United States Details : “ What you do has far greater impact than what you say” – Stephen Covey NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 12. EXPRESSION 12 New member’s experience “Kaizen Man” – Suresh Athilkar I joined NTI Toastmasters club in September 2012. Before joining, I attended meetings as a guest in many toastmaster clubs in Muscat. However, I found the NTI toastmasters club very well organized with high number of diverse membership, high attendance, high frequency of meetings, high commitment of office bearers and excellent participation level. Therefore although the timing of meetings at NTI were not suitable for me, I discussed with TM.Suresh Athilkar is an my wife and decided to join the NTI club. enthusiastic member, on his way to CC, working as I believe in “Kaizen”. In Japanese "kaizen" means "good a Manager in one of the biggest power plant in change". It refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon Oman continuous improvement of processes. Toastmasters club is one such platform that provides every individual an opportunity of continuous improvement of communication and leadership skills. In today’s corporate world, besides “I immediately started core competencies, communication and leadership skills recognize positive play a very important role in the growth and success of changes” every individual as well as the organization as a whole. After joining NTI, I immediately started to recognize some positive changes in me. This has inspired me to continuously invest in as per the prescription of the You can succeed at Competent Communication and Competent Leadership almost anything for manuals. I am confident that the encouragement and which you have guidance from all the members of the club will continue, to unbridled enthusiasm. help achieve mutual and sustained development for all -Zig Ziglar NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 13. EXPRESSION 13 Feeding the Tiger Club Views -DTM.Rajash Kumar Daga I have been lucky to be a VPE at NTI, The role of Vice President Education is one because the enthusiasm and energy of the most important roles in taking the level of its members makes my job club to the top. In fact, it is also one of the much easier. There is a right mix of most crucial roles where members learn to experienced, seasoned members and deal with people, handle last minute energetic, ready to learn new members. changes, encourage team members, do advance planning, accomplish effective I must explain the recognition plan of communication with all the members so TMI for each club. If a club is healthy in that club educational goals are met. membership, active participation by members and a road map to success, the top award of Presidents It is while playing the role of a VPE, that a Distinguished Club can be achieved. As person truly practices the art of leadership VP E, I had a plan and also had the and learns what makes a person support of members to execute the plan. an effective leader. He also The result - we were the first club in realizes the invaluable hidden the division to achieve 9 out of 10 opportunities of the Toastmasters points enabling us to bag the President program. Distinguished Club award. There is no limit to the role of The next target VPE. It is the creative approach, is to improve the club standard. As they time devoted to the role, and say, communication is like sports, more persistence that brings the right you play, better you become. Members result. This is my second stint must take more speaking opportunities. as VPE. Believe me, the job is very Our project speeches must be prepared demanding, yet fulfilling, frustrating yet keeping the project criteria in very energizing. It is a job where learning mind, written and edited at least 7 never stops. From keeping the record of days prior to speaking date as well as speakers, encouraging members to play discussed with the mentor. If we are roles, appreciating and guiding, able to do that repeatedly, we shall mentoring their performance, taking help surely see a vast improvement in our from experienced and willing members, standard. Once that becomes a tracking the DCP points for the club; in standard practice, bigger glories like short this experience is almost like winning club, area, division and district running a corporate. level awards will not be far. My dream is to have a champion from our club next year. Will you be the one? “ Leadership and Learning are indispensible to each other” – John F Kennedy NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 14. EXPRESSION 14 Club Views For the last 2 days, I had the humbling experience of having telephonic interview with versatile Toastmasters in different Gulf countries. They have been nominated for various District positions for the year 2013-14. As part of the nomination committee, my job was to nominate the right candidate. As I asked questions and their contribution to Toastmasters, I suddenly realized that there is so much to learn, so much to give, so far to go in this wonderful movement called Toastmasters. They inspired me with their dedication, service, and involvement in TM movement for over 10-15 years. Although being from different background and culture, one thing that took them to the top is ‘The Toastmasters’. If you want to find your true value, grab the DTM Rajesh Daga is role of VP education. You will look at current VP-Education, yourself in the mirror in awe after a year. working for Saud You will realize that this is the best thing Bahwan as Sr.Divisional Manager, inspiring that could have happened to you in TM. speaker, traveller, avid Having played the roles of President, Area reader. Governor, Division Governor, I can vouch for it. An English Professor wrote the Words: “A Woman without her man is nothing” on the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly. All of the males in the class wrote: “A woman, without her man, is nothing.” All the females in the class wrote: “A woman: without her, man is nothing.” Punctuation is powerful “Education is the mother of Leadership” – Wendell Willkie NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 15. EXPRESSION 15 Success Secrets “Good is the enemy of great” GREAT said Jim Collins, author of Good to great. We all know of many great people throughout history who TO walked the face of this earth. As children, we grew up listening to GOOD - Dr. Smita Brahma their inspiring stories and idolized them. Each of these stories had three similar features. Firstly, focus and dedication towards one particular field that they absolutely loved be it music, art or sports. Secondly, they all came from a point in life when they were nobody, struggling to overcome poverty, disabilities, racism and so on. Thirdly, they despised mediocrity and strived for excellence and greatness. As we started churning in the mill of life, our focus shifted to just making a living rather than actually living a great life like our idols did. We often think that in order to live a great life we have to do something huge. It scares us because we think it’s a lot of hard work, taking the first step feels daunting and we give up even before trying. As a result we let ourselves lead a small life. “Just imagine what we might be able to achieve if we had the courage to take the first step to greatness.” Greatness is not about name, fame and recognition alone, as we often perceive it. We lead uninspired lives because we think we are too small to make a significant difference. The truth however is that is no matter where we are in our lives all that is required is a small change that will make a huge difference in others lives as well as our own. I have known many people living life completely directionless drifting along life waiting for the next tide to come until death happens one day. It aches my heart to see how many people waste their lives waiting for that right moment and right event to change their life which unfortunately never shows up. Author Norman Cousins said, “The great tragedy in life is not death but it is what we allow to die within us while we live.” “ To be able to lead others, a man must be willing to go forward alone” – Harry Trueman NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 16. EXPRESSION 16 Success Secrets Everybody is capable of living a great life, courage and definiteness of purpose is all it takes to make a start. Nicholas James “Nick” vujicic is probably the most unlikely example. He was born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia. He had suffered his share of pain and disappointments throughout his childhood. He contemplated suicide at the age of 10 when severe depression took over. A turning point in his life came when he read about a man who had overcome a severe disability. He decided to make his life worthwhile. Today, he is a highly acclaimed Motivational speaker and Evangelist. He has travelled to more than 40 countries giving the message of hope to millions. What makes this man stand apart from the rest of the crowd is ironic in that he has no legs to stand. Not only does he not have his lower limbs, he does not have his upper limbs too. Yes, he was born this way because he was afflicted by a rare disorder called Tetra-amelia syndrome. Today, he has learnt not only to groom himself but to play golf, soccer, swim and sky dive. He also founded a non profit organization, ‘ Life without limbs’. He is energetic, courageous, funny and full of zeal and zest for life. The next time, we think life has been unfair to us, let us remind ourselves of this extraordinary man and count our blessings instead. Most of us are lucky enough that we don’t have to face as much pain and suffering during our entire life time. Each and every one of us was born to live an abundant and magical life. Just imagine what we might be able to achieve if we had the courage to take the first step to greatness. Author Jack canfield quoted, “say no to the good so that you can say yes to the great.” This is the principle that I have applied in my own life and the results are phenomenal. Decide today that you too will bring amazing changes in your lives by just saying no to the good and yes to the great. – Dr. Smita Brahma Network –Addict work “ Earn your Leadership Every day” – Michael Jordan NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 17. EXPRESSION 17 New member’s experience “Flying Wings” – Nilofer S Tanna Toastmasters is that beautiful journey which changed my life. It is that 2 hours dose for me which keeps me energized throughout the week. The positive and, the comfort levels are so high that I enjoy every bit of the session. The seasoned Toastmasters are a treat to watch - full of knowledge, experience and a never say no attitude. They have always been there to encourage new members. My main reason for joining toastmasters was to get over my TM.Nilfer S Tanna is stage fear- the fear of speaking in front of a huge audience. New toastmaster, recently got her first job, When I compare myself today with how I was a few dedicated volunteer, months ago I see a huge positive transformation. I find a preserving MBA more confident, more punctual and more enthusiastic Nilofer in me. I am not afraid anymore to speak in front of the audience; in fact the stage has become my best friend now. One of the things I learnt from toastmasters is to present anything, big or small in a different way- a way “I find a more confident, which is engaging and fun for the audience more punctual and a more enthusiastic” Being a student, attending interviews was challenging, but what I learnt in Toastmasters has helped me in getting my first job and first salary. I love attending all of its sessions, there is always Change is Vital, something new to learn from Toastmasters. I look forward improvement the to keep the journey alive for a long time. logical for of change. Thanking you -James Cash Penney NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 18. EXPRESSION 18 Book Review In today’s competitive corporate world, you are expected to read the letter in a second or in web search, you need to come across tens and hundreds of web pages in few min and find out the information you want. So today world is demanding for speed reading, this is the right book to double or triple your reading speed The Book Author Tony Buzan is a world-famous expert in the field of the brain and the inventor of Mind Mapping. He advises multinational companies like HSBC, Oracle, Barclays International, and Hewlett-Packard; governments, leading businesses, educational groups, and international Olympic athletes. His work has been published in 100 countries and 'The Speed Reading Book' is an 30 languages. Tony’s innovative approach to this absolute requirement for anyone with a desire to read and learn subject makes speed reading easy to understand, more efficiently.' Sean Adam, World enabling you to apply it immediately to all aspects Speed Reading Record Holder. of your life. It’s fun as well! An ideal tool to improve the speed, comprehension and quality of “In today’s competitive your reading. corporate world, you are expected to read the letter in Most valuable thing about this book is that it few second” points out the major problems that most readers have. Problems are easily overcome able, and you You are a Good Reader, What can improve your speed by fixing these problems: takes you to Great reader? 1) Subvocalizing: mouthing words outloud or silently while If you are able to complete your you read study material before others, 2) Regressing: Going back and re-reading material and you understand better than others, than defiantly you 3) Lack of concentration & interest are a “Great Reader”. 4) Unorganized Approach to reading CC Rajasekaran ‘s club presentation about This book surely will help to save your time in speed reading, helped people to understand the reading by increasing the speed and improve the reading speed of comprehension also individuals NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 19. EXPRESSION 19 Club Contest Club Contest Winner Prepared speech Details Winners 1st Place winner Hitin Bakshi 2nd Palce winner Ranjoo Simon 3rd place winner Ramanathan Humorous speech Details Winners 1st Place winner Shahad Al Wahaibi 2nd Palce winner Ramanathan 3rd place winner Sharda daga Evaluation Contest Details Winners 1st Place winner Shahad Al Wahaibi 2 nd Place winner Ramanathan 3rd place winner Braj Kishore Bachan Table Topic Contest Details Winners 1st Place winner Shahad Al Wahaibi 2nd Place winner Ramanathan 3rd place winner Nilofer S Tanna NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 20. EXPRESSION 20 Club Contest Area Contest Winners 1st prize Winner in Table Topic Contest TM.Ramanathan. 2nd prize Winner in Prepared Speech Contest TM.Hitin bakshi 3rd prize Winner in Prepared Speech Contest TM.Ramanathan 3rd prize Winner in Evaluation Contest TM.Ramanathan Toastmaster of the Month Month Name July G.Rajasekaran August Braj Kishor Bachan September Shahad Al Wahaibi October Ramanathan N S November Braj Kishor Bachan December Hariharan Ramakrishnan & Shibani Soni Verma January Mahmood Ismail Safar February Rajesh Kumar Daga Toastmaster of the Quarter Quarter Winner st G.Rajasekaran 1 Quarter (July – September) 2nd Quarter (October-December) Braj Kishor Bachan "Failure is impossible." - Susan B. Anthony NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 21. EXPRESSION 21 Club Views NTI Toastma ste rs club memo rable eve ning s...Lot of spe ech es, wonderful fee dback, and sprit of tea m wo rk ... NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 22. EXPRESSION 22 Club Views NTI Toastma ste rs club – Ce le brations wit h CC’ s...w he n is our nex t...!!! NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration
  • 23. EXPRESSION 23 Club Views N T I T o a s t ma s t e rs c lu b C e le b r a t e d it s 2 5 0 t h me e t i n g i n u n i qu e Send your feedback about this issue w a y w it h lo t o f f u n in t h e co l o u r f u l l w a y s . . . NTI Toastmasters Club | A Land for Inspiration