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COVID-19 has prompted governments around the world to establish emergency
preparations, such as school closures, to halt and prevent the spread of the virus. Some
schools and colleges have suspended for face-to-face educational activities The
psychological health and well-being of students, teachers and families in this pandemic
period must be addressed by home education.
Interrupted school learning can lead to major academic losses for learners.
Certain educational procedures were undertaken, and diverse forms of online education
and training resources were mobilized to ensure continuity of teaching and learning. As
a consequence, the demand for digital technology have increased substantially through
out the pandemic, notwithstanding the obstacles facing teachers, families and children in
ensuring that their home learning continues.
Considering the pandemic COVID-19 and the changes in the learning modality of
learners, parental care was particularly vital. Parental home engagement is critical in K-
12 education. The success of a student's future is greatly dependent on parental
involvement. To help students succeed, teachers, administrators, and community
members must work together to create a collaborative learning environment.
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Boonk (2018), have stated that in order to design an effective program of parental
involvement, one must first define the term "parental involvement" in order to gain a better
understand how parental involvement affects a student's performance and positive impact
on their academic success.
It has traditionally been convinced that the primary focus of parents involvement on
child's educational needs and parental collaboration in schools. Every month, parents
offered to help with schoolwork at their children's schools . A number of studies have
begun to investigate how parents participate in school activities. (Grace & Gerdes,
According to Boonk (2018), parental engagement is "parental involvement that
consists of parents' opinions toward the relation to student academic performance.".
Parental participation includes in a child's general well-being at home and at school.
Higher grades level have a larger requirement for parental inveolvement than lower
grades level since they go through several social and developmental phases as they
mature, they become more susceptible to danger. They are more likely to do well both
academically and socially if their parents help them with their schoolwork. (Kyzar &
Jimerson, 2018).
A partnership between parents and school administrators is essential because
it has a direct impact on children' lives and the formation of trusting relationship
(Robinson, 2017). The primary purpose of Parental Involvement is to raise student
performance and reduce achievement disparities.
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Teachers and administrators who seek to encourage parental involvement, such as using
homework completion as a strategy to boost academic success, face significant obstacles.
The more parental involvement a student had, the more likely he or she was to do well in
school. Various characteristics, such as student-teacher interactions, school size, institution
type ( public vs. private), and the grade, race, and gender of students, influence parental
Background of the Study
Teachers and parents share responsibilities for education. The most successful
technique for assisting students in school is to provide them with a helpful, encouraging,
and pedagogically superior learning environment. The parental obligation to educate their
child has changed significantly during the past century. Parental involvement improves
academic performance, school attendance, dropout rates, and aspirations. Parents to my
advisory class who actively participate in school activities such as distribution and
retrieval of learning activity sheets and attendance at Parent Teacher Conferences PTC
are very motivated in their studies. The following are all examples of parental involvement:
effective parenting, providing basic needs, shaping behavior, teaching good social values,
and raising educational aspirations.
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By collaborating, relationships between the family and school are enhanced,
resulting in a healthy at-home and at-school learning environments. One way parents can
help their children do better in school is by helping them with their homework at home. To
a greater extent, students whose parents engage in these activities are more successful
Parental involvement in education include thes following: discussion about school,
helping with homework, attending meetings, sporting events and reading with children. In
the modern world, parents are often concerned with the daily chores and diversions of
modern life. Inadequacy means, inflexible work schedules, language problems, and
illiteracy prevent them from participating in school activities.
Parents with low self-esteem or academic failure are less able to assist their
children. Some parents may have an unfavorable view of schooling due to unpleasant
educational experiences. Concerns about the school's language, curriculum may prevent
parents from communicating. Due to their low self-esteem and poor academic
performance. Unhappy school memories may be the root cause of poor parenting of their
children's schooling. High school parents often have difficulty becoming engaged
because it is not always clear which teachers are responsible for certain areas of the
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As a result, lower-income parents have a harder time engaging with their children. Work
hours are too long, there are few resources and transportation is a difficulty because they
reside in disadvantaged areas. If a student's parents do not care about their education, it
can make it harder for them to reach their full academic potential
This study will help school administrators learn how parents may help their children
at home, how they see school, and how schools might encourage increased family
participation. Parents, teachers, and school officials must work with members of the
community to make parent involvement more successful.
Based on Epstein's (2019), varied types of participation increase student
achievement, this study will investigate parents' perceptions of how the six involvement
styles are implemented in their children's high schools. Following an evaluation of current
parent experiences, this study will evaluate which component(s) of Epstein's (2019)
should strengthen student accomplishment.
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Theoretical Lens
The theoretical lens for this investigation is based Epstein's Intersecting Spheres Model
Structure. The principle of overlapping spheres of influence demonstrates stakeholders'
collective contribution to a student's academic achievement (Epstein & Shapiro, 2019).
Epstein's External Structure Overlapping Spheres Model
Epstein's theory is built from the outside in such a way that children are viewed as
the focus of attention within the family, education, and society. Although there is some
overlap, there is never comprehensive coverage because families, schools, and
communities each lead a few activities on their own.
The framework's internal model demonstrates where interpersonal ties and types of
control are required among stakeholders (Epstein, 2019). According to Epstein,
relationships and correspondence take place both within and between institutions.
She also feels that there are two forms of interactions and communication: standard
corporate communication and personal communication between two persons.
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Parents, schools, and the community are all concerned with and committed to student
education (Epstein & Sheldon, 2016) Epstein's school-family collaboration theory
demonstrates how stakeholders collaborate to improve children's growth and education.
This idea, according to Epstein, posits an overlapping sphere of influence among the
stakeholders involved in child education in order to assure educational performance.
Research Paradigm
Figure 1. School-Family Partnership Involvement: Different Models
Involvement of parents is extremely vital in the lives of our students. It can assist
and predict a student's academic progress. In school, children should participate to the
fullest extent possible, especially if they see their parents doing so. Students who
communicate with their families at school are more likely to succeed academically.
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Purpose of the Study
The goal of this study was to find out how important parental involvement is for a
student's academic success and what kinds of parental involvement have been shown to
help students do better in school. It would determine what procedures are in place to
boost parental involvement, as well as how this data demonstrates the need might
uncover parents’ perspectives and experiences with current best practices. The research
of Epstein (2019) served as the foundation.
Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this study was to examine how parents feel about putting
Epstein's types of involvement into place as a basis for answering the questions, "What
was your experience as a parent with your high school student's academic
achievement?" With this as a foundation, the following subsets of questions were
1. How may a reflective analysis be the basis on lived experiences with parental
2. What impact does parental involvement have on their child’s education?
3. Why is it important for a child’s education to have a real experiences of parental
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Scope and Delimitations of the Study
The goal of this study was to find out, based on parents' own experiences, how
they feel about taking part in their children's schooling. There would be Ten (10) grade 8
parents from General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School (GEANHS), who were
involved the research to provide the needed to understand the “Exploring the Types of
Parental Involvement in the Learners’ Education”.
The General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School (GEANHS) is located at Imus,
City. There are approximately 10,981 students in grades 7 through 10 enrolled in junior
high school level.
These are the rules you must follow in order to participate in this research, which
establishes the parameters.
Significance of the Study
This study benefits the following:
Students. There is a high possibility that the student will benefit from improving their
classroom behavior and becoming more engaged in their studies. As a result, their self-
confidence and classroom demeanor will improve.
Parents. A person who is one of a child's progenitors: a father or mother. The greatest
immediate and long-term impact on a child's education comes from their immediate and
extended family, who play a critical part in their upbringing. The key to their children's
future prosperity is in the hands of their parents.
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Teachers. It will benefit the teachers because it helps to improve their performance thru
constant communication about the students’ needs and home learning activity. Satisfied
teachers will have better teaching performance and commitment.
Administrator. This study will serve as a guide on how to effectively motivate their
teachers and responsible for overseeing and handling relations with parents, students, as
well as administrative.
Future Researchers. This study can be used as baseline information and reference
materials for future research. It will help researchers figure out how to find out more about
the link between how involved parents are and how well their children do in school.
Definition of Terms
Based on the setting of this investigation, the following concepts are conceptually
and operationally defined.
Academic Achievement. This could motivate parents and families to participate in
school activities. The interaction between administrators, parents, and teachers will
strengthen, resulting in a better working environment.
Home-based involvement. It takes place outside of the school day. Some suggestions
include fieldtrip or attending a local activities.
Home-school communication. It refers to the extent of communication between parents
and school officials. Emails, phone calls, newsletters, and conferences are all ways to
communicate (Anthony & Ogg, 2019).
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Parental involvement. This is defined as a commitment to keeping in touch with their
teachers on a regular basis to discuss learners progress.
Positive parental involvement. A parenting approach that increases children's self-
efficacy is known as positive parental support. This parenting style instills high standards
in children while avoiding micromanaging. Students who establish lofty goals show a
strong confidence in what they can do.
Phenomenology. The study of phenomena. It helps us to understand the meaning of
people’s lived experiences with a concept or phenomenon ( Creswell, 2017)
School-like families. Families who involve their children in home learning programs
have a better chance of succeeding (Epstein, 2019)
School-based involvement. Parents' involvement such as PTA meetings and
conferences. Fernandez-Alonso, 2019)
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This chapter reviews the literature and studies that supported the study's findings.
There were unpublished master's theses and dissertations and published and
unpublished reports among the information sources. The review is based on the materials'
relevance to the research.
Parental involvement in school has been shown to be beneficial and crucial in
boosting student performance levels. A teacher would be chosen based on public
demand, but school educators lacked the resources to adequately tutor their children at
home to suit their academic needs. Parental involvement shifted over time, with parents
attending school to assist teachers and create lesson plans for the teachers of their
children. In addition, they assisted their children with homework at home.
Fan (2018), more views are needed in future studies to properly comprehend the
perspectives and define what parent involvement means and does for its participants,
especially parents and teachers. As a result, it has become vital to encourage parental
involvement in classrooms.
According to Jaiswal (2017), the lack of consistency in the idea of parental
participation prevents researchers from drawing any general conclusions.
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Apart from that, Jaiswal believes there is no data to suggest on the negataive impact on
academic achievement. Parental engagement should be defined by parents, school
officials and teachers to give a clear information on the level of parental involvement.
They will be better equipped to deal with the varying degrees of parental participation if
they do this. Parent-school collaboration that boosts kid achievement occurs when both
parties see each other as reliable allies. Parents and families can help their child learn in
many different ways.
The implementation of Republic Act 10533’s K-12 curriculum, as well as the use
of technology for the holistic development of 21st
century learners, posed significant
challenges for teachers. Their children’s first teachers are their parents.
(Doi 2020; Durisic & Bunijevac, 2017), note that participation is hindered by a lack of
time, access, financial resources, and comprehension. Inadequacies in parenting or a
preoccupation with fundamental necessities may discourage parents from developing
contact with schools.
According to Boonk (2018), the education industry is still figuring out how parents
should be encouraged to help learn at high evel. Numerous experts of secondary school
parent participation concur that there are very few research examining how parental
participation affects student academic success.
When it comes to increasing students' academic performance, educational
institutions all around the world place a high value on academic achievement.
Achievement is tied to the learning process, and achievement affects the lives of children
and all individuals (Kubiatko et al., 2018).
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Academic achievement influences pupils' national test scores as well as their future
employment chances (E.Sahin et al., 2018). Two of the primary purposes of the
educational system are to improve students' academic performance and to ensure their
professional growth in educational institutions. Schools that implement policies can obtain
a better grasp of the tactics employed to improve educator-parent communication
(Robinson, 2017).
Communication is a two-way street that includes both focusing on the individual
and sharing. One of the most essential factors in student improvement and the availability
of acceptable professional growth is the presence of great teachers. A country's
educational system is only as strong as its teachers, and their influence on the country's
future cannot be overstated.
Definition of Parent Involvement
Parents, grandparents, step-parents, and foster parents participate in a
conventional parental participation program to assist their child flourish academically and
socially Parental involvement programs might include several activities. Researchers like
Coleman (2018) define "parental involvement" as everything does to help achieve
academic and behavioral goals, whether they are in or outside of the school day.
A study by Hamlin and Flessa (2018), there has not been enough research into how
inner-city parents see parental involvement in their childs' lives.
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The contribution of parents' knowledge, on the other hand, is the missing ingredient in
creating a successful parental participation program. Parental involvement in inner-city
schools is seen as an equal responsibility by both parents and school personnel. The
program necessitates a comprehensive approach to parental participation that includes
all stakeholders in the program's development.
Kraft (2017), student engagement in school was instantly improved as evaluated
by homework completion, behavior, and classroom involvement in a small prospective
study. Involving academic development has been shown in studies to be beneficial.
The Importance of Parental Involvement
Chen (2018), educational process is ipmportant. Schools, employees, governing
bodies, and lawmakers all academic success, and parental engagement is crucial. When
all of the stakeholders work together to help pupils, the students' education lasts a long
time and they love it.
Shuffelton's (2017) , the term "parental engagement" is not used in the Basic Law
on Education and Secondary Education (1965). The historical goal was to provide greater
resources to children in low-income schools who were at risk of academic failure. The
best laws in history are based on persuasive arguments and precise leadership abilities.
Brajaganec (2019), parents are stumped when it comes to clearly defining their role
in the educational system as a whole. Parental involvement is more likely to be a long-term
success if educators use language that is friendly explain in a way that is both clear and
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Harwood et al. (2019) argue that educational leaders must design student
involvement programs to encourage parent involvement in all parts of school life, including
important decisions that could affect students' academic achievement.
Academic Achievement of Students and Parental Involvement
Doi (2020), suggest that parents get involved in their childrs education to improve
academic performance. Families care about their child's first teaachers as model.
Meaningful parental interaction increases the social capital of children. Scholars emphasize
the significance of family involvement in education. All parents must engage in healthy
partnerships for improved academic results.
The Benefits of Parental Involvement
Hedenbro and Rydelius (2019), children's life outside of school have a substantial
impact on their academic progress, highlighting the crucial role of parents Parental
behavior has a tremendous impact on children's development from the time they are
infancy. This not only improves academic achievement, but it also helps parents and
teachers better understand and teach their children.
Other Considerations How to Influence Parental Involvement
Bartz (2017), that parents who worked regularly and had high educational goals
likely to balance and give importance the school activities. These things include how
much money they have, how much education they have, how much time they have, and
even how much free time they have.
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Stress about money has also been linked to mental health problems, bad parenting skills,
and less parental involvement in their child's education.
Park & Holloway, (2017), other studies have found a correlation between parental
educational attainment and increased parental participation Inadequate parental
involvement can also hinder or reduce parental involvement, diminishing educational
exchanges between parents and their children. Low-income parents had fewer options
for school volunteering and helping their children learn at home. Furthermore, Carrillo et
al. (2017) say that because there is no parental leave and very busy work schedules, it is
hard for people to have time off.
Deal & Peterson, (2017), administrators play a big role in making sure that parents
are not just welcome, but encouraged. Overwhelmingly, a majority of parents said they
rarely or never communicate with the school's leadership. Some parents claimed to have
worked as security guards and receptionists.
Hill (2020), in the framework of the parent-child connection, parental engagement
can be successful if there is a healthy mix between at-home and school activities..
Education outcomes can be strongly influenced by the interactions and relationships
between home and school. When it comes to cultivating a home-school relationship.
Academic performance, on the other hand, is equally dependent on his or her
family. Especially, it is in the school leadership's best interests to determine the school
community's strengths and needs. It is possible for school leaders to create a welcome
atmosphere in the classroom, establish a smooth interaction between family members to
increase communication, and start parent-centered activities in the classroom.
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On the other hand, Otto and Karbach (2019) said that more parents should be
involved in their kids' education. In school reform projects, officials place a lot of value on
parental involvement, but the evidence on how it helps students is not clear.
Epstein's Six Parental Involvement Styles
Epstein (2019). identify six forms of parental involvement. Type 1 parents' major
responsibility is to ensure their children's health and safety while also working to help their
children learn and behave better. (i.e., parental care, child rearing, constant supervision,
discipline and guidance at each age level.
Schools (Type 2) are primarily responsible for keeping parents informed about
academic development of their children.
Schools have the primary obligation (Type 3) to ensuring that parents participate in
education for their children.
Schools are primarily accountable (Type 4) for communicating with the parents
responsible for the start, monitoring and assisting their children with their assignments.
Schools must require people to get involved in school development and decision-
making committees (Type 5). (e.g., PTA, advisory councils, or other school organizations
or clubs. Schools are primarily responsible for collaborating (type 6) with the community
(such as afterschool work, parent institution committee, etc.). This means getting together
a lot of community organizations and resources that help school programs.
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Figure 2. Epstein’s Overlapping Spheres of Influence Model
Epstein developed a theory that combined psychological, sociological, and
pedagogical perspectives on how cultural institutions collaborate to create a system of
important underpinnings for stakeholders.
According to Joyce Epstein, her concept is based on a framework that allows for
the continuous evolution of how people act and interact with each other at home, at
school, as well as with their families, over the course of their school years
(Epstein, Galindo, & Sheldon, 2019)
Her construction was created to accommodate a growing child. The framework's
outer structure can be drawn together or divided dependent on the stakeholders'
perspectives, implementations, and activities.
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The force of time is defined as the child's age, grade level, and social situations.
Educators and schools justify how parents/guardians can broaden their area of control as
well. The six types of involvement as follows:
In order to raise happy, healthy children, parents must engage in a wide range of
activities. While teachers have a limited impact on their students, parents have a long-
term commitment to their children. This type of connection can help parents understand
about their child's growth, health, and safety. Parents can access a variety of programs
and services, including educational and training programs, family support programs, and
home visits at elementary, middle, and high school transition points.
Waters (2017) talked about "strengths-based parenting." Waters said that the
greatest way to raise a well-rounded teen is to focus on a his/her talents rather than
weaknesses. He said that parenting based on fixing flaws is less helpful than parenting
based on strengths. Focusing on a child's best qualities or strengths is what "strengths-
based parenting" means. For this kind of parenting to work, parents need to know about
all of their child's skills.
There are numerous ways in which families and schools connect. Schools
frequently send home flyers and notes notifying parents of upcoming events. Teachers
are given information about a student's health and educational history by their parents.
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Additionally, there are language translators available to help families who require them
and a regularly updated schedule of pertinent notifications (such as emails, memos,
telephonic calls, and newsletters) to keep parents informed.
Teacher-parent communication was studied ethnographically by Conus and Fahrni
(2019). It is necessary to communicate in a constructive collaboration and share
information about parental engagement. During face-to-face contacts, a common
contradiction with unfavorable implications for creating family-school interactions. Some
parents felt teachers were unaware of the hurdles keeping them from forming
relationships indicating a lack of motivation in their childs' education..
By reducing barriers that hinder parents, schools and instructors must reassess their roles
in normal communication.. When discussing techniques between the school and the
parent, it's crucial to include the parent's perspectives and self-efficacy.
Coordinating parental support for school activities. There are three methods to get
involved in education as a volunteer. To begin, they can serve as tutors or assistance for
teachers and other educational personnel. To help out at the school, they may help raise
funds or promote the event in the community. Finally, people can volunteer to be audience
members at school events or performances. It includes an annual postcard survey that
identifies all of the volunteer opportunities available in the school/classroom and a parent
room or family center where parents may meet and do volunteer work as well as find
resources for their families.
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According to Murray et al. (2019), the Parental Association, also known as the
Parent-Teacher Association, is a popular support club for parents who want to help other
parents, teachers, and children. Teachers and school authorities are frequently unable to
carry out this duty because they lack the essential skills to communicate with parents in
this manner (Camacho & Alves, 2017; Epstein, 2019; Goss, 2019).
Learning at home.
Participation in homework and other curricular topics. Parents can help their child
with academics or take them to a museum. Assisting in their childs homework is one of
these actions. Parents can take part in activities that teach them how to help their kids at
home so they can do well at school and with their homework.Parents can participate in
learning activities that educate them.
Ogg & Anthony, (2020), in order to raise their children, parents must engage in
parenting techniques such as participating and taking part in academic activities with
their kids, school events and community activities. Parents can assist their children with
homework, read with them, and engage them in other cognitively stimulating activities,
such as visits to museums, zoos, parks, and community events. Similarly, (Bempechat,
(2019), several parents see homework as a crucial way for their children to stay
connected to school and the curriculum while also teaching them important skills that they
need to learn.
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To prepare their children to help with homework and tasks, Riswanto and Aryani (2017)
suggest that parents follow a tailored curriculum. Parents are informed about their
engagement in helping their children do homework and tasks by using standards-based
formative evaluation. One way parents can help adolescents succeed academically is by
limiting television time and creating a study atmosphere.
Decision making .
It refers to the development of parent leaders and advocates and the inclusion of
parents in school decision-making. Consensus-building amongst parents.
Some examples of parent organizations are PTA/PTO, advisory councils or committees
and networks connecting all families with parent representatives.
Blakey and Glaude (2021), parents and communities should give children the right
information so they can figure out what is best for them. Students have a chance to
participate in how decisions that affect their lives. Invite parents to school events to
increase parental involvement. Parents got involved in their childs' education to help them
succeed and engage in school activities
Collaborating with the community
Schools, students, and their families can all benefit from this initiative's focus on
discovering and integrating community services and resources. There is a lot of
information for children and community-based services and programs, from health and
wellness to arts and recreation to social assistance.
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Ogg & Anthony, (2020), parental involvement is critical for children's growth to be
healthy and successful. Parents must engage in academic activities with their child,
attend school events, volunteer at schools, and participate in community activities.
Any effort to engage parents and school officials in a joint effort must emphasize open
lines of communication.
The Epstein Model for Partnerships Between Schools, Families, and Communities
Using Family-School-Community Partnership Paradigm, established by Joyce
Epstein, is a common approach for understanding. When it comes to influencing the
child's success, this is one of the many overlapping areas of influence. Using Epstein's
framework, we can establish a theoretical foundation for our research, as well as a
comparison point for our qualitative findings. It will also help us with the data processing.
The internal model examines how interpersonal relationships affect student
development.The approach is based on the student's family life, school life, and
community life all working together for the student's benefit (Epstein 2019).
Interaction can take several forms, according to Epstein's notion of overlapping
spheres, whether on a collective or individual scale. School-based interactions include
inviting families.. A parent-teacher meeting aims to enhance parental or individual
involvement (Epstein et al 2019). The theory's fundamental structure demonstrates the
potential for associations to emerge as a result of stakeholder cooperation (Figure 3 and
4). This type of collaboration could take place at the school level, with everyone involved.
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It can sometimes be seen on a small scale, with just one parent, child, teacher, or member
of the community.
Figure 3. Internal Structure of Epstein's Overlapping Spheres of Influence
Parents, teachers, and the school should work together to make sure that children
are ready for life in every way: spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically, and
To provide better programs and opportunities for pupils, parents and schools
collaborate. It understands how family, school, and community can be pushed together
or driven away by outside, the model of overlapped spheres of influence.
In spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual training of children parents, teachers and
schools should cooperate. The study of Epstein demonstrates that parents and schools
understand and collaborate to give better programs to pupils. Family, school, and
community spheres, which she refers to as "overlapping spheres," are crucial for
children's growth and development..
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According to the belief, educators should be familiar, families should construct school-
like homes and communities should take on school-like possibilities and family-like . The
model of Epstein enables educators to build family-like schools by looking at students as
important individuals.
Parents and caregivers should construct school-like homes and encourage their
children to do so by underline the significance of school and school activities.
Communities should encourage and commemorate the efforts and achievements of
children in order to generate opportunities for schools.
(Bempechat, 2019; Yotyodying & Wild, 2019), many parents were unaware of their
children's teacher curricula and avoided discussing them with the teachers. When it
comes to homework and other school-related activities, teachers can recommend that
parents help their children with these tasks at home.
Collier (2020), improving home-school communication is the key to building trust.
The quality of contact between parents and teachers increased trust at elementary level.
To trust someone or something means to believe in their character, strength, or truth.
On the other hand, recipients place their trust in the donor and engage in reciprocal
interaction with them. Additionally, the quality of the family's relationships with family and
school were found to be a stronger predictor of trust than contact frequency or
demographics, and school performance indicators were thought to be related with
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During the time that a student is in school. Involvement and decision-making are shaped
by cultural expectations about their role in education. Effective communication of
expectations and processes assists in defining these roles and their significance.
According to Bailey (2017), enticing parents into the classroom is a difficult
undertaking. As Bailey noted, increasing parental involvement requires collaboration
between parents and educators, even more so when parents lack the requisite skills and
resources. When it comes to educators, highly educated teachers are extremely skilled,
and they can assist students in improving their performance levels.
According to Hemmerechts, Agirdag, and Kavadias (2017), homework engagement
is positively related to students' achievement when parents are viewed as supportive.
Additionally, learners with low reading proficiency reported having more parental
supervision than students with better proficiency. Parents who involve their children in
reading activities at home aid in their reading development.
Newchurch (2017), families who make their homes learning-friendly; set high
expectations for their kids; and participate in school activities are the most accurate
predictors of how well their chids’ do. Parental involvement is still a concern in schools
across the country. Students' academic performance suffers as a result of their parents'
lack of support.
Boonk (2018), there are statistically significant relationships between parental
participation and academic success in students. Using a longitudinal path model,
investigated how parental and school-based academic variables affect adolescent
academic attainment through behavioral engagement.
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Direct parental involvement, student-teacher connection, and teacher instructional
assistance were all examined in the study to see if they had differing effects on children's
academic progress.
(Gu, 2017; Jeynes, 2018), school administration staff may be the first to bring
technology to families in order to increase communication between the school and the
families. To facilitate communication, schools may establish a website that parents can
access. Parents can learn about two types of communication. school-based
communication. Real-time SMS and school notifications could help teachers and parents
communicate. Additionally, segmenting the interrelated characteristics of the family-
school connection into visible components may provide parents with actionable
knowledge (Gerdes et al., 2020).
Taylor & Francis, (2018), asserted that it is the role of parents, schools, and
community as a whole to assist young learners in becoming self-sufficient, socially
proficient, and well-rounded citizens. Parental involvement also provides opportunity for
their children to put what they've learned in school into practice and flourish. Parental
involvement informs children that their parents are invested in their success.
Similarly, Taylor & Francis (2018), parents who participate in school send the
message that school is essential to their children (Fan, Williams, & Wolters, 2017).
Children with uninvolved parents frequently do not benefit academically or socially as
children with engaged parents (Kim & Bryan, 2017). Education is often viewed as human
and social capital, giving information, values, and skills necessary for children's
intellectual growth.
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According to Schueler et al. (2017), parents do several things to help their children
succeed academically.
Assisting with homework, coaching, and providing learning opportunities outside of
school are all ways parents may help their children succeed academically. Parental
involvement includes developing learning opportunities at home and participating in
school events.
In public schools in Nigeria's Imo State, Ugwuegbulem (2018), looked into how
parents help their children's learning . With 30 parents from different socioeconomic
backgrounds taking part in the study.
When parents and schools work together, they can better understand their roles and
relationships and how they affect children's development. This leads to new and different
ways of relating to one another based on the educational setting. Parents and teachers
can collaborate to help their children achieve higher grades and perform better in school.
The family is the fundamental unit that provides care for a child from birth to adulthood.
Similarly, school is thought of as a place that helps students learn, grow, socialize, and
become people who fit in with the rest of the world.
Tran (2020), also found that when parents help their children, the home
environment is stimulated and their cognitive development is contributed. People in
Nigeria have not looked into the connection between parental involvement and
commitment to online learning by teenagers. Society is thought of as a place where
everyone comes together, no matter what their personality is or how they have lived their
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The following are all examples of parental involvement: effective parenting, providing
basic needs, shaping behavior, teaching good social values, and raising educational
Jeynes (2018), Several meta-analyses undertaken across diverse communities and
educational levels substantiate the beneficial effect of parental participation on academic
Sapungan and Sapunga (2014), this means the school taking the initiative to help
the learners improve or grow. means the school . Increased parental involvement
enhances the likelihood that teachers and school administrators will be successful in
enacting significant educational reform.
Alampay (no date) says that most Filipino parents are authoritarian. Parents and
children in the Philippines are shaped by the cultural ideals of kapwa (helping others),
hiya and utang na loob (paying back), which all work together to define Filipino parenting
and parent-child relationships. A qualitative study by her found that Filipino parents are
likely to change their ways in the future. Before making rules and setting up frameworks
for parental involvement, it's important to think about how these new ideas and practices
will affect Filipino families and their children's development.
Monteflor's (2006) study in Cebu, Philippines, used parent interviews and
questionnaires to ascertain whether parents place an excessive amount of emphasis on
academic achievement.
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It demonstrates correlation between parents' motivation and preschool performance. In
order to get a better knowledge of early childhood education, longitudinal studies on
parent–child developmental practices are recommended.
Future research could help children grow and develop, as well as make money and
be successful at work. It could also show how to fix problems that have been found in
people who are less fortunate. Even so, Filipino families have changed a lot in the last
Evangelista (2008) utilized a mixed method to study education relates their
academic achievement. It shows that, through friends, school activities, and other factors,
the parents' academic devotion can still be seen by their children these days. The school
may consider educating parents about how much participation they should provide to
help their child's academic achievement.
Pineda (2008) claims that when families and educators work together, they can
assist students as learners. According to his findings, creating links between families and
schools helps children and youth succeed in school and learn.
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The researcher's collected foreign and local literature and studies resemble the
present investigation.
According to Bartz (2017), parental participation improves children' social
behaviors, or how they interact with one another in school. Parents who worked all the
time and set goals for their children.
Even more so, Fitzsimons and his team of researchers (2017), found that
financial stress was linked to mental health issues, poor child-rearing practices, and
reduced parental involvement with their children as adults.
According to a study by Leatherwood and Voisin (2017), Actively involved parents
benefited their children's grades. Additionally, researchers observed difficulties with the
application of parental engagement initiatives in different populations. For example,
teachers who thought parents did not want to be involved in the school were unable to
get parents interested in school programs.
The problem, however, is that parents lack the resources they need and feel like outsiders
when they try to interact. Other research have discovered a correlation between parental
education and time spent with their child.
Park & Holloway ( 2017), this can reduce the possibility of parents and children
learning from one another. Possessing a supportive, encouraging, and educationally
superior learning environment is the most effective way for pupils to succeed in school.
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Academic accomplishment increases, learning results increase, attendance improves,
dropout rates decrease, and students have better expectations. Success depends on the
entire community, including parents, teachers, and administrators, being involved in order
to help students succeed.
To achieve success, parents, teachers, school personnel, and community
people must collaborate. Parents should communicate with teachers and school staff to
foster a conducive learning environment. The initial step in parental engagement is to
establish a safe and healthy home environment for learning. You can contribute to your
child's education by assisting them with their homework. Students with parents who
engage in these activities typically perform better in school.
The following are examples of parental involvement in a chidren schooling:
discussing school, assisting with homework, attending meetings, athletic events, and
reading to children. Parents today are typically preoccupied with the responsibilities and
distractions that come with modern living. The absence of sufficient financial resources,
rigid work schedules, language problems, and educational qualifications prevents some
parents from routinely taking part. Self-conscious parents who have failed in school are
less able to help their children.
Parental dissatisfaction with the educational system may be a factor in this.
Parents may not because of their worries regarding the school's language and curriculum.
It is common for parents to have difficulties in getting active in their children's secondary
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Due to low self-esteem and poor academic performance, many parents are unable to
assist their children. Parents' dissatisfaction with their children's schooling may be the
result of a lack of positive school experiences.
As a result, parents with lower incomes find it more difficult to spend quality time
with their children. Because they live in impoverished locations, their working hours are
unreasonable, and they have limited access to resources and transportation. A student's
intellectual potential may be limited if their parents do not support them. An absent parent
affects a child's academic success. An absentee parent is detrimental to his or her child's
academic development and performance.
As reported by Kuhfeld et al. (2018), home and school-based academic
socialization showed different outcomes. The study discovered that White high school
students had lower academic achievement and higher parental involvement. They do ask
about their own children's lives. It is critical to consider parents' educational, financial, and
time constraints when establishing programs to encourage.
Furthermore, Furey (2019), a significant number of parents are either uninformed
of school policies or lack the confidence to advocate for policy changes or opportunities
for home learning at their children's schools. When discussing the parent-child
connection, Hill (2020) emphasized the importance of parent-child conversations, noting
that adolescents talk about school.
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On the other hand (Otto & Karbach, 2019), parents should be more involved in
schools activities. Officials think that parental involvement is an important part of school
reform, even though there is conflicting evidence about how it affects student progress.
Parents also helped children do better in school by supporting and encouraging them.
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This chapter describes the research methods of the study. Specifically, the
researcher outlines and employs research design, location, population and sample
methods, research equipment, data collection, and data analysis techniques.
Research Design
This investigation employed a phenomenological methodology. A phenomenological
study attempts to eliminate prejudices and previous notions on how individuals feel, think,
and act in a given circumstance (Neubauer, 2019). A researcher can investigate the
opinions, views, understandings, and feelings of persons who have experienced or lived
through the event or situation of interest.
Use of Phenomenology
According to Wertz, F. J. (2015) the goal of and subject matter of a phenomenology
method is to understand the “lived-experience” or “consciousness”. The main goal of
phenomenology research is to look for truth in an individual's feelings and experiences,
and to write in-depth descriptions of what the phenomenon is like (Yuskel & Yilidrim,
2015). The use of a phenomenology method will greatly benefit the study in gathering
richer data than any other methods used in qualitative research.
The researcher of this study adopted the role of being co-researchers together with
the interviewees of the study without any preconceived perceptions.
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Data Generation and Selection of Participants
There are ten (10) grade 8 parents from General Emilio Aguinaldo National High
School (GEANHS), who are involved in the study to provide the information and evidence
needed to explore the types of parental involvement in the learners’ education. The
researcher started the participant selection by sending an invitation letter and informed
consent to the selected grade eight (8-grade) parents.
The participants for this study are grade eight (8) full time parents. As soon as
they understand how the study works and before they start collecting data, they are asked
to sign an informed consent form. This form tells them about the study's purpose, who is
running it, how they choose their participants, how long they will have to do it, how they
will be kept anonymous, and how they can withdraw at any time.
The researcher conducted an interview (recorded) with the participants of the
study using video call thru zoom platform. To gather the information needed to address
the study paper's question, semi-structured bilingual interviews were conducted. The
interviews lasted between 30 minutes and 45 minutes and asked open-ended questions.
Research Instrument
The instrument were constructed using the concepts acquired from the literature
review. The researcher is the major instrument in the interview data collection and
analysis process, and she must maintain objectivity throughout.
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The parent participants signed a consent form and then took part in digitally recorded
interviews about their experiences with parental involvement through the Zoom platform.
Each parent would be interviewed about their child's experience from a parent's
perspective for around an hour.
In Depth Interview Questionnaire:
Opening Questions:
1. How do you ensure the health and safety of your child?
2. Describe your parenting and child rearing style.
3. Do you set up rules and regulations at home? Elaborate.
Intermediate Questions:
1. Does the teacher of your child communicate with you?
( Text messaging, Telephone, etc.)
2. Does the teacher/school conducts virtual PTA meeting?
3. Can you describe how the teacher conducts this virtual homeroom PTA meeting?
4. How will you describe interacting with other parents?
5. Do you enjoy participating in this virtual homeroom PTA meeting?
6. Describe your involvement in the education of your child.
7. How do you help your child with his homework/assignment?
8. Describe your experience as a guide in the education of your child.
9. What information can be drawn from these experiences? Explain.
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Closing Questions:
1. What lessons did you learn?
2. Any final suggestions?
3. Any final words?
Data Analysis
The researcher performed a theme analysis to collect data for this study. The
replies of the participants indicated a common theme.
Another method called the modified Van Kaam approach was used to help the
researcher gather data. This approach has its own steps which make it unique, one which
is a very detailed analysis, and another is that it requires the researchers to step outside
their own view to look at the data in different ways. Despite this approach being a very
long one, maintain quality of the voices with academic achievement of students through
gathered interview.
This approach provides a very pure and clear understanding of the experiences
and the lives of the participants without altering their stories which still makes it rich. This
experience also allows the researchers to dive deeply into the lives and experiences of
the participants and to fully understand the phenomenon through their voices.
The first step in the Van Kaam approach is the Horizontalization which begins with
encoding all the necessary quotes relevant to the study of the phenomena. Next, is the
reduction and elimination which takes a list every quote and the researchers will ask
themselves two questions, the first is “is the quote important to the phenomenon of the
co-researchers' experience?
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And second step is, “can the quote be broken down to its true meaning?” If no is
answered both questions, then the quote is then eliminated.
Third step is to thematize the invariant constituents. In this step the researcher will
begin to form the themes from the gathered meanings of the quotes that will represent
the experiences of the participants.
Fourth step is verifying the themes against the data, in this step, the researcher
will check and look at the themes that they have made. This is to make sure that the
themes are connected to the participants' experiences and will help them tell their stories.
Fifth step is to create individual textural descriptions. In this step, the researcher
using quotes from each person who took part, then we will make unique textural
Sixth step is to create individual structural descriptions, for this step the use of
imagination of the participants is very crucial as the researcher will used primary
structural descriptions of the participants' statements will be used to investigate the
participants' cultural, emotional, and social connections.
Seventh step is to synthesize the structural and textural aspects of an object. The
textural and structural aspects of the phenomena will be combined in this step, which is
also known as the synthesis step by researchers.
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Credibility and Dependability, Ethical Considerations
Member Checking was the mechanism I utilized to incorporate and allow all
recorded data, interpretations, and reports to be reviewed by the participants in my study.
As long as the participants are confident that their responses were properly documented
and the report's conclusions are credible, an investigation of this nature will probably
conclude that the qualitative investigation is trustworthy.
Literature Comparison
The final framework for describing the study was compared to previously published
and relevant works. Thus, a comparison or resemblance between this work and that of
other authors was sought to determine its uniqueness, as well as its continuation with that
of other authors' works.
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This chapter discusses the qualitative data analysis process, as well as the
study's actual procedures. During the qualitative phase, the researcher categorized
the data into generative themes that were independently defined, and assessed
whether and how the data disclosed and addressed these themes.
Each narrative in this study is accompanied by exact quotes from the audio
transcripts of the participants. The participants' names were kept secret to protect
their privacy. Participants were provided with name tags. The data from the interviews
was collated and presented by the researcher as a continuous description of the lived
experiences from which they were obtained. The process data is provided in a
systematic manner in accordance with the problem statement of the study.
Problem no. 1: How may a reflective analysis be the basis on lived
experiences with parental involvement ?
a. Health and Wellness
This study would like to learn about the aspects of health and wellbeing that
protect the participants' children's physical and mental skills while they go
about their daily school routine. Supplying health and wellness must be
considered in order to obtain health and wellness.
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The participants' narrated experiences paint a picture of how they locate
themselves in their children's learning. The 10 participants in this study were asked
about their experiences with their children's health and wellness. They explain their
responses as follows:
Parent 1: “ Ensuring with complete meal, taking vitamins and complete
Parent 2: “ Not only physical but also mental. I ensure the diet of my
child is well-balanced and nutritious”
Parent 3 : “ Of course health protocols must be followed. We must
always wash our hands. When heading out for a family
pleasure ride, wearing a face mask and face shield is
Parent 4: When I enrolled my child in your school, I gave you my
phone number and asked for yours, and I gave you
permission to interact with me as my son’s teacher to keep
me informed about his activities and academic progress”.
Parent 5 : “ Keeping a healthy diet is important. For my children, I provide
them a food supplement that they consumed. Follow the eight
hour sleeping rules and exercise regularly”
Parent 6: “ From time to time I ensure the health and safety of my child
by making sure he/she has getting enough sleep, taking her/his
vitamins and eating on time.”
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Parent 7 : “ I make sure that my child have taken his/her vitamins on a
daily basis, especially the vitamin C and also took at least 9
hours of sleep per day. Reminding them to wash their hands
with soap and water regularly and using alcohol responsibly”.
Parent 8 : “Wearing a face mask and a face shield are all part of the
process. Hands should always be washed with soap and water.
Avoid going outside as much as possible in this time of
pandemic. Always use an alcohol for safety protection”.
Parent 9: “As of now, it appears that being a mother in this new normal,
particularly in the sphere of education, was difficult. It is not
healthy for my child to use an electronic device excessively. I’ll
make sure he gets some rest before starting his next subject
online classses.”
Parent 10: “My children follow a well-balanced diet, exercise, and get
adequate sleep”.
Discussion and Reflection
Participants described their experiences with their children's health and wellbeing
at home as a beneficial way to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows their child
to get the most out of their everyday activities without undue or physical stress. Eating
a well-balanced diet, getting adequate sleep and exercise, and developing healthy
behaviors are all important.
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Good health and wellness, its influences on the study outcomes, and how their
positive health and wellness establish an intellectual and harmonious atmosphere are
mentioned in the varied narrations of the participants.
Parents assist children learn by providing a safe and healthy atmosphere, good
learning opportunities, encouragement, and support. People who took part in the
study said that positive health and wellness will lead to better results than negative
health and wellness, as the findings show. Participants said that their main goal was
to help their children get better grades faster and build stronger foundations for their
education. A child's general well-being at home and at school is very important as
teenagers go through different stages of development. The need for parental
involvement in higher grades is greater than in lower grades. It influences the parent-
child bond, as well as the child's creativity, emotional health, and motivation to learn
Core Essence: Health and Wellness
Health and wellbeing are commonly confused, yet their origins and meanings
differ. In addition to health, a state of comprehensive well-being includes mental and
social well-being. Also, social, economic, and physical contexts influence health.
Individual qualities and behaviors are included in health regardless of ethnicity,
religion, political belief, economic, or social status. While wellbeing is defined as "the
best condition of health for individuals and groups" and "a pleasant outlook on life."
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Overall, wellness is an active and dynamic process of development and progress that
attempts to improve overall wellbeing.
Wellness includes emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, economic,
physical, social, and spiritual wellbeing. Well-being affects total fitness, which is
crucial for a healthy, happy, and satisfied lifestyle. In general, health and wellness are
distinct concepts. Wellness is the active process of achieving health.. As a parent, it
is important to build a healthy culture in your family. Health is important! Because
your emotional well-being affects not only your own emotions, but also the emotions
of your children at home, it is important to be aware of how you feel.
Extracted Experiences
These are the excerpted experiences from the 10 participants' stories as follows:
Get fit, complete exercise, sleep soundly, eat well-balanced diet and love yourself.
Emergent Issue: Positive Learning Environment
According to the stories of the ten participants, having a healthy and safe place for
their child to learn makes them feel good and excited. All of the students and their families
have felt the effects of COVID-19.Most students have spent a lot of time with their families
over the last few months, so the school should use this time to get as much data and
information from their families as possible. It's not just academics that children and
teenagers learn about. In addition, they learn how to be more social and emotional, work
out, and get help with mental health and other things, too!
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For families, they need to know what their child should do socially, emotionally,
and academically.. Finally, schools should come up with a way to keep track of both their
outreach efforts and the information they learn about families' strengths, needs, and
preferred ways of getting in touch with the school. A student's success is based on how
well his or her parents can: (1) make their home a learning environment; (2) with great
expectations for their child's success; and (3) get active in the school.activites.
Emergent Challenge: Creating a Safe Learning Environment at Home
The research participants' favorable descriptions of health and wellness indicate that
they are continually looking for new strategies to develop a safe home learning
environment In addition, participants reported that a good learning environment helps
them invest in their jobs and projects and create a safe learning environment at home.
Students need to feel safe physically, emotionally, and socially. Children desereve to be
safe, loved, educated, and empowered. In the meanwhile, parents must preserve their
children's rights.
b. Parenting and Child Rearing Style
This study wants to identify what qualities of parenting and child rearing
enhance from birth through adulthood. Parenting style refers to the attitudes, beliefs,
and behavior patterns of parents in the family. Determination to succeed and self-
control are traits that good parents instill in their children.
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The statements made by the ten participants give an impression of how they see
themselves in relation to the world around them. Participants in this study were asked
about their own experiences as parents and how they raised their children in terms of
their parenting or raising style. They described their answers as follows:
Parent 1: “ A mother and daughter relationship. My child is very
dependable in terms of learning. She is talented and self-
Parent 2 : “ A constant communication with my son. how are you
doing? How is your study? Sharing a conversation of
what is going on about the school activities”. Having a self
awareness, and cheerfulness in everything he does”.
Parent 3: “ I am not so strict mother. I want to be closer to my children
so that they can open up to me about their crushes, issues
and academic challenges. My children are independent and
have empathy to their relatives.”.
Parent 4: “ Since my son was enrolled in online modalities I see to it
that I can check his progress through the google classroom
and also to monitor the group chat and whatever missing
school activities that needs for submission. We have a talk and
listen activity at home”.
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Parent 5: “ As my children have matured from toddlers to teens, my
parenting method has evolved. For them to dedicate their full
attention to their academics, they must be able to discipline
themselves properly”.
Parent 6: “ Since our daughter is the youngest, we are extremely
protective of her. We never let her leave the house after the
appointed time. We should always be able to see what she is
doing, especially while she is on her electronic gadget. She is
continually monitored to ensure that she completes all of her
schoolwork. She learned to be self-reliant at a young age”.
Parent 7 : “ They are dependable and have time management. Know
how to balance their school work activities and household
chores. Open communication is vital tool for my children”.
Parent 8 : “It is difficult for me to be a mother because all of my children
are boys. However, we are really close as mother and sons
connection due of open communication. They would be able to
share with me all issues they confront in their basic life as
Parent 9: “My child's school activities are monitored and overseen by me.
I completely understand and support him. The key to his
academic success is the open communication and show
kindness to her sibling”.
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Parent 10: “ Keeping an eye on and guiding my child through his
schoolwork. Continual reminders and follow-ups on learning
Discussion and Reflection
The participants shared their parenting and child rearing experiences to affect
their children's behavior and attitudes at home. As a parent, you are responsible for
making sure your child's physical, emotional, cognitive and social growth is met.
Influenced by parenting style, children's growth. The approach to parenting practiced
in families influences the child's socio-emotional development. he way people act and
communicate with others reflects their upbringing. In order to help a child grow in all
four of these areas: physical, emotional, social and cognitive.
Parental acceptance and parental demandingness assist us comprehend
parenting efficacy. How helpful, acquiescent, and conscious of their specific needs
and expectations parents are in helping their children be unique, self-regulated, and
assertive. "Parental demandingness” is when parents expect their children to grow
up, be monitored, disciplined, and willing to confront a child who doesn't do what they
are told. Parents have a big impact on how their children grow.
Ogg & Anthony (2020), parental involvement is critical for children's growth
to be healthy and successful. In order to raise their children, parents must engage in
parenting techniques such as participating in intellectual activities with their child,
school activities, volunteerism, and community engagement are some of the things
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you can do to help. Communication is the foundation for assisting parents to
collaborate with teachers and other school personnel.
Sylvia and Glenda (2019), concurred that active parenting necessitates a
substantial time commitment. The findings conformed the participants' testimony that
prioritizing communication will demonstrate real interest in their children's lives and
make themselves available to them. They respect their children by explaining the
regulations and their reasoning. The extracted experiences, which are all pleasant.
The participants stated that their goals were to be more empathic and concerned the
children's feelings and wishes, as well as to comprehend their young children,
inculcate basic values, and teach social standards for their future benefit.
In the study of Arriero (2017), one key difficulty is parents' ability to
communicate with their children, and the other is their general influence in creating a
learning environment at home. For example, praising children is more likely than
punishing them.
Core Essence: Parenting and Rearing Style
The authoritative approach is linked to good behaviors like having high self-
esteem and being able to do things on your own. Children's temperament, how they
think their parents treat them, and social pressures all play a role in how they act.
Their first social institution is their family. Parenting styles are approaches used by
families to raise their children. Affection and acceptance are two major parenting
techniques. The family teaches children basic world concepts, physical and mental
development, language skills, and lastly moral and spiritual formation.
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A child's personality is shaped by their social and home circumstances. Parents,
schools, and the community all have a shared awareness of and dedication to student
education (Epstein & Sheldon, 2016)
The theory of Epstein's school-family collaboration shows that stakeholders
work together to promote growth and education for children. Many parents could not
help their child at home. They can help other parents who are in trouble. Data about
how well their children are doing in school makes parents more concerned about their
academic achievement of children.
Extracted Experiences
The following experiences were derived from the ten participants' narratives::
compassionate, self-reliant, empathy, kindness, cheerfulness, talk and listen, self
awareness, discipline, dependable and open communication.
Emergent Issues: Making Communication a Priority
Understanding and trust are developed through effective communication. Effective
communication with parents in the family is built on a foundation of mutual respect.
Listening is one of the cornerstones to good communication.
The ten participants stated that being more helpful, full coordination, caring, and
open communication about their children's needs makes life more meaningful and
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Emergent Challenge: Open Communication between Parents and Children
Persistent nagging and lecturing. Nagging is the act of repeating something
already expressed. Lecturing is the practice of imparting more knowledge than is
necessary without pausing to listen to other viewpoints or ideas. Parents can avoid
nagging and lecturing their children by keeping their conversations brief. Additionally,
parents should keep in mind that after they have explained anything to their children
once, there is no need to repeat it. Instead of nagging, parents should employ a
different form of discipline. When children are speaking, parents should allow them
to finish their sentences before speaking. This is considered common courtesy.
Children who believe they cannot communicate with their parents on an even tone
may stop interacting with them entirely. Parents should refrain from condemning their
children's thoughts, feelings, ideas, and/or behavior. Children frequently interpret
such critiques as direct attacks, which can result in reduced self-esteem. When
needed, parents should reprimand their children's conduct or actions, not the children
Once a dispute or conflict has been resolved, parents should avoid bringing it
up again. Children should be given the opportunity to begin again with a clear slate.
Parents who repeatedly remind their children of their past transgressions educate
their children to harbor grudges for extended periods of time. Additionally, youngsters
must understand that once a matter is resolved, it is settled. When children express
their thoughts to their parents, parents should not minimize their feelings. Children
require parental support for their emotions.
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Parents must demonstrate empathy for their children's feelings. Children will feel
misunderstood by their parents if they do not.
According to Sapungan & Sapunga (2014), school more likely to be proactive
in making adjustments or developing the students.. Increased parental involvement
helps teachers and school administrators have better chances of making great
changes to education. Filipino parents, Alampay (n.d.), have authoritarian tendencies
in general. Her research stated "Kapwa" (helping others) and "hiya" (shyness) are
cultural values that are interconnected with "utang na loob" (paying back). These
cultural values are found in the way Filipino parents and parents-children interact in
this country. They show that children respect their parents' authority and obey them,
that the family is together, and that they follow their parents' rules.
c) Family Rules and Responsibilities
This study would like to know the importance of the family rules and
responsibilities at home. Rules and responsibilities in a family are statements or
instructions about how people should act, especially for kids. Family rules can be
specific to a situation, like how to eat and how to stay safe. They can also be
general rules, like not to be violent, but they can also be specific. The rules that
children have to follow will change as they grow up. Rules at home can help kids learn
to follow rules in other places. People don't think it's weird for kids to break rules or
push the boundaries.
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Rules are a set of rules or principles that govern how people should act in a certain
area of work or play. These include what the group thinks is a good way to act that
everyone in the group should follow.
Regulations, on the other hand, are rules made by the authorities with the help
of a law in order to keep things in order and be more efficient in an organization.
Regularly punishing your child for breaking the rules teaches him or her about the
value of rules.
The ten participants' reflections of their experiences give an impression of how
they see themselves. The 10 participants in this study were asked about their
experiences with rules and restrictions at home. They described their answers as
Parent 1 : “ Not as rules because my child is self reliant and she
has a an attitude that she does not want to be reminded of”.
Parent 2: “ I set the rules for study time, eating, sleeping and doing
home chores because I want my child to be independent.
After the meal, make or arrange the beddings then she can
use her gadget”.
Parent 3: “ Yes I have rules and regulations at home. Keeping the
bedroom clean all the time by arranging the beddings.
Someone is in charge of washing the dishes after the meal.
Maintain a neat and tidy environment at all times.
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Helping the family household chores”.
Parent 4: “ Yes I have rules since the school classes starts at 8am.
He must get up one hour before his first class. I see to it
that he has eaten his breakfast. On weekdays there is no
mobile legend. I only allow him to use his gadget and play
during Saturday and Sunday.
Parent 5 : “ Yes I have guideline when it comes to cleaning and
sanitizing. Wherever you get something it should be properly
returned. Cleaning drive way and cooperation in all household
chores. At about 6pm.. The children are not permitted to go out
with their friends.. I have this kind of saying that clean up your
own mess”.
Parent 6: “ Yes they are given a daily task to complete at home since
we don’t have helper, the kids are doing the household chores.
My daughter can prepare a simple breakfast meal. The elder
brothers are given assigned task too for them to do it”.
Parent 7 : “ I haven’t imposed a house rule such as curfew because my
children are still young. We have rules for them to follow at
home such as dishwashing, fixing the bed or other home task”.
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Parent 8: “At home, I set up guidelines for my children to follow. When
using the electronics devices, the time restriction should be set
up 11:pm. Sleep at least 9hours a day.
Helping the household chores before attending their online
classes. They have to follow also the curfew hours and should
contact us (parents) wherever they are”.
Parent 9: “At home there are rules and regulations. Every task has a
specific amount of time allotted for it. My child will be punished if
he does not obey the guidelines I have established”.
Parent 10: “ Keeping always clean by taking a bath daily before attending
the online classes. Have enough sleep at least 9 hours daily. No
games on weekdays and helping the household chores”.
Discussion and Reflections
The participants described their experiences with regards to the family rules
at home that helps children learn how to manage in different situations. A family that
follows a set of rules is more likely to succeed. Additionally, rules do not apply only to
children; they apply to adults as well. The state and our place of employment have
imposed rules on us. Rules are an imbedded part of life that help children learn what
is expected of them at home, with friends, and at school.
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By setting boundaries, parents teach children critical skills that will aid them in all
aspects of life. Rules instill self-discipline in children and teach them how to make
healthy choices.
When all members follow the rules, they can live in harmony, and each
member understands their responsibilities to the other members of the family. Rules
help you maintain order in your life and make your daily routine predictable and easy.
Adhering to rules at home will prepare you and your children to adhere to them in
other settings. Children comprehend what constitutes 'acceptable' behavior and what
makes 'unacceptable' behavior. Parents should establish basic, obvious, succinct,
consistent, and positive rules and regulations at home. The more children learn about
the consequences (good or negative) of their activities, the more they comprehend
the significance of their actions and the more secure they feel as a result of their
In the study of Waters (2017) talked about "strengths-based parenting."
Waters said that the greatest way to raise a well-rounded teen is to focus on talents
rather than weaknesses. He stated that deficit-based parenting is ineffective
compared to strength-based parenting.Waters argued that deficit-based parenting.
Core Essence: Self Discipline and Respect
Discipline is the process of educating your child what makes acceptable
behavior and what constitutes unacceptable behavior. Discipline, in other words,
educates a children to observe rules.
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Discipline is the framework that enables the child to function joyfully and efficiently in
the actual world. It serves as personal self-discipline. Effective good discipline is
about leading and instructing children, not about coercing them into obedience.
Punishments can be a helpful tool at times, but this does not mean that good discipline
is mostly about punishments. As a parent, it is your obligation to assist your children
in developing self-reliance, respect, and self-control.
According to Gottfredson (2017), discipline is intended to educate and cultivate
the learner's values of tolerance, respect, and self-control, rather than to victimize,
belittle, and dominate those who are subject to the rules and regulations. Effective
discipline makes use of a variety of tactics, including positive reinforcement,
modeling, and a supporting and loving family. When a parent points out bad behavior,
the child should always know that the parent loves and backs them up. There should
be care and attention given to the relationship between parents and their children to
keep it healthy and strong. It is important to show respect in order to be a good person.
He or she should be able to show respect for the authority of his or her parents, but
also the rights of other people.
Extracted Experiences:
The following are the extracted experiences based on the ten participants'
narrations: self-reliant, independent, helping household chores ,self-discipline,
electronics curfew, punishment, observe curfew hours.
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Emergent Issues: Making Your Family Follow the Rules and Responsibilities
Based on the narration of the ten participants on family rules and
responsibilities. Adhering to the rules with your family is not as difficult as you may
believe. These are an excellent approach to instill a sense of respect and discipline
in the home. Rules apply to everyone in the family; do not use your status to
circumvent them. Create guidelines that are both age-appropriate and simple to follow
for your children. Harsh discipline affects the child's ability to respect and trust the
parent. As a result, discipline that is effective requires a firm, fair, reasonable, and
consistent use of punishment while maintaining mutual respect.
Emergent Challenge: Maintaining A Positive Discipline at Home
Every parent wants their children to be happy, courteous, and well-behaved
individuals who can find their place in the world. Nobody wants to be accused of
rearing a child that is pampered. Effective discipline requires you to first understand
your child, particularly their temperamental style, and then employ your discipline to
assist them in reaching their full potential given their strengths and preferences.
As a parent, you should be expected to express your discipline plan to your
child, to be respectful of your child, to behave in the manner in which you want your
child to behave, and to be consistent. Setting limits, imposing effective penalties, and
enforcing the rules all day, every day can be difficult however it aids in the regulation
of children's conduct
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Table 1
Thematic of the Core Essence for Sub Prob 1
Core Essence Extracted
1. Health and
a. get fit
b. complete
c .sleep soundly
d .eat well-
balance diet
e .love yourself
Setting Safe Learning At
2. Parenting and
Child Rearing
b. self-reliant
c. empathy
d. kindness
e. cheerfulness
f. self-awareness
g. self-discipline
h. dependable
i. open
a Priority Open
between Parents
and Children
3. Family Rules a. independent
b. helping
c. electronic
d. punishment
e. observe
f. discipline
Making Your
Family Follow
the Rules Home Based Self-
Table 1 the participants' descriptions of experiences in the arental involvement in
children's success.. The findings revealed their experiences, which reflects upon the
common narratives of ten participants such as Health and Wellness, Parenting and Child
Rearing Style, and Family Rules.
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Problem no. 2: What impact does parental involvement have on their child’s
a. Homework/Assignments
The participants describe how they help with their child. Parental involvement
with homework helps create self-confidence and motivation in their children's
educational tasks. Students' homework assistance allows parents to learn more about
abilities, limitations, and help them achieve their objectives.
The ten participants shared their own personal experiences with schoolwork
and homework They describe responses follows:
Parent 1 “ It is not always easy for me as a mother to let my child be
independent. I still keep an eye on them and help if needed”.
Parent 2: “ First, I explained the instructions to my child. If he doesn't
understand it, I provide a translation and several instances. I also
allowed her to use Google to look up educational resources and view
a video presentation connected to the lesson. I assist him in answering
and then allow him to respond on his own. I initiate her self study habit
and time management in performing all school activities at home”.
Parent 3 : “ Allowing my child to learn on their own will help them build skills.. .
I keep on reminding him to enhance the cognitive skills by understanding
the instructions before answering the tasks”.
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Parent 4: “Motivate my child to try to do it on her own before she asks for
help. When they do their homework on their own, they will learn how
to deal with problems as well as how to solve them”.
Parent 5 : “To help them learn better, they need to know their strengths and
weaknesses. My child will be able to figure out what they're good at
and what they need to work on more”.
Parent 6: “ Realizing their strengths and weaknesses and what is vital to
a child's educational growth.. Sometimes, I supervise and monitor
her assignments, but I want my child to do it alone. I try to merely
guide and make sure she understands the directions by giving her
Parent 7: “ Support my children independently they become and the less
they will rely on my assistance. Establish a suitable time and
place for completing the homework ideally somewhere with no
interruptions and distractions”.
Parent 8: “I help him understand the directions first, and then I step in if he
doesn't understand the question. Providing them with the
opportunity to figure out the answers for themselves. Give them the
support to develop the confidence to persevere.”.
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Parent 9: “Learn from own mistakes. I used support rather than simply
giving them the answers. It is more beneficial to offer support by
guiding them through their work. Helping to interpret assignment
instructions and reviewing completed work”.
Parent 10: “Encourage them to stick the routine by making a study
consistent part of their daily lives is a great way to develop healthy
homework habits”
Discussion and Reflection
The participants described their experiences with regards to
homework/assignment that gives positive impact to boost the self-confidence and
time management skills of their children. The major function element can be used to
distinguish between an assignment and homework. An assignment can be used to
highlight what needs to be done, provide instructions on how to complete a task,
provide motivation to complete work. Aside from that, an assignment might be used
to provide methods for resolving such issues.
On the other hand, homework is generally used to identify the issues or
difficulties that pupils have on a specific topic. This method can also help solve
problems and challenges. Homework, for example, assists pupils in thoroughly
preparing for exams.
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According to Bempechat, (2019), many parents see homework as a crucial link
between school and curriculum, as well as a way to share with their children.
As a result, parents are informed about what they may expect from their children's
homeschooling and how they can aid them in their efforts to complete their
assignments at home.
According to Riswanto and Aryani (2017), educating parents how to help their
children with schoolwork and projects using standards-based formative assessment
using standards-based formative assessment . Parental involvement helps students'
academic success by setting television regulations and providing a study
Moroni (2015), looked at 1,685 sixth-graders in Switzerland, they found that
parents who help with homework have an effect on their kids' reading skills. It was
important to look at two types of parental involvement: (a) supportive involvement and
(b) invasive involvement. Results show that there is an important link between
supporting involvement and student success. There is a negative link between getting
involved and getting involved. The idea of parental homework aid should be given
more attention because it has been proven to improve student achievement.
According to several researchers (Nez et al., 2017; Silinskas & Kikas, 2019),
children's academic achievement can be influenced by their actions. Different sorts of
homework involvement are available to parents in a variety of situations. Parental
homework involvement is one of the primary promoters of student school-related
outcomes like achievement, motivation, and well-being.
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Core Essence: Motivation and Student Homework Engagement
Bempechat,( 2019),several parents see homework as a crucial way for their
children to stay connected to school and the curriculum while also teaching them
important skills that they need to learn. The specialized curriculum gives parents with
information about how to prepare their children for home learning.
Homework is commonly utilized as a teaching resource. It seeks to improve
students' academic performance and learning habits. Different educational levels, beliefs,
attitudes, and cultures view homework differently.
Children have a responsibility to express their feelings in a way that does not hurt other
people or things. When done properly, homework is a valuable source of empowerment
in education.
It is vital because it helps students acquire essential skills that will serve them
throughout school and job. It promotes grades, discipline, time management, resource
efficiency, and communication. It gives a chance to evaluate and reinforce previously
learned abilities, and to practice new skills. When children do home work, they can learn
self-discipline and organization skills so that they can be in charge of their own learning.
Moè et al., (2018), the contextual elements have been linked to student
engagement in a substantial way. One of the most important things parents and teachers
can do to find out how motivated their children are to do their homework is to help them.
Families are more excited about school and do their homework, research has found that
parents who support their children with their homework are one of the most effective ways.
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In addition to supporting learning, parents who help their children with homework play an
important role in teaching them time management and problem-solving skills. Involvement
and guidance with homework enhances their children' sense of self-worth.
In the classroom, homework is being used to review and drill learning materials.. It
develops good study habit. It teaches our child to work alone. Parents may supervise but
not answer questions. It integrates different skills in activities and can spark the student’s
interest and can inform parents about their child's schoolwork. Homework serves as a
bridge, allowing teachers and parents to better understand students' learning styles in
school, providing a deeper understanding that can help increase motivation and
Extracted Experiences
In this study, the ten participants shared their thoughts and feelings about homework
and assignments. The following are the experiences they had with homework and
assignments: monitoring, supervising, guiding, directing, independence, challenges,
identify the strengths and weaknesses, comprehending, time management skills, practice
answering, self-study habit, enhancing cognitive skills, enhance the understanding
power, independently, problem solving and active learning, sense of encouragement.
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Emergent Issues: Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses
According to the ten participants' stories, positive learning practices inspire them
to help and coach their children with homework. Positive character qualities or skills are
considered strengths. It involves knowledge, skills, and abilities. Weaknesses are
character qualities or skills that are considered unfavorable or underdeveloped. Most
parents and teachers tend to focus on a student's flaws or issues. Students (and adults)
who can identify their strengths are more likely to build on them to address their
weaknesses; they are more likely to be motivated and self-assured.
Cunha (2018) conducted middle school teachers to explore their perspectives of
homework feedback. The most common methods of homework feedback, according to
the majority of teachers, were checking if the homework was done and putting it on the
board to check in class.
Rosário et al. (2019), teachers wanted to find out what students were good at and
bad at, get students to be more involved, and help them with math problems at the middle
school level. This is how we gave feedback on homework in class: We praised and
criticized. We wrote comments (highlighting correct and incorrect answers). We also gave
prizes, discussed about homework in class, and graded it, as well.
Medwell and Wray (2018), working with children to identify their strengths makes
it easier to discuss their areas of improvement and set goals to improve them. Engaging
with children to identify their skills can also help you get to know them better and learn
what they enjoy doing and excel at.
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You can link their strengths to the topic you teach. Ask students to think about what they
enjoy doing, what they do well, and what they dislike doing. It should include core
subjects, sports and hobbies, relationships, and family. Help students establish strong
points goals. We occasionally define improvement objectives without considering how our
abilities may help us reach them, which can lead to frustration if they are not met. Focus
on students' strengths as improvement boosters.
Students will be more receptive to feedback if you start by praising their recent
achievements. Even when working with a difficult student, strive to start the conversation
positively. Keep track of your students' progress and assist them reword or alter their
goals as needed. Helping children recognize their talents is a terrific method to increase
motivation, confidence, and bond with them. Creating a personal inventory with students,
making goals based on strengths, and delivering feedback using positive traits can help
them develop self-awareness and become greater learners.
Emergent Challenge: Excessive Homework
Homework is crucial for students to learn. It improves students' problem-solving
and thinking skills. It also aids pupils in revising what they learn in class. Most importantly,
pupils should not be assigned too much homework. Excessive homework creates student
frustration and stress. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, schooling has gone online. Only
work from home. Previously, pupils went to school and did their homework at home. It is
now tedious to take online classes and then do homework immediately.
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Students do not need daily homework. Teachers can alternate homework days.
This will minimize work pressure and pupils will be more motivated to finish tasks.
Students from affluent families are more likely to have resources like computers, internet
access, designated study places, and parents who are more educated and ready to help
with homework. .
b.) Activities at Home and School
The participants describe how they get involved in their children's school events
actively with regular basis and incorporate them into the learning process.
The connections between schools, homes, and communities have a pedagogic
component. Children bring attitudes, practices, knowledge, expectations, and
behaviors from their families and communities to school. Parents who make an effort
to be present at their children's schools demonstrate to them that they care about
their education—and that it is important and worth their attention.
According to Murray et al. (2019), the Parental Association, also known as
the Parent-Teacher Association, is a popular support club for parents who want to
help other parents, teachers, and kids. A parent association is a group that is powered
by parents and aims to help parents connect with school leaders and give back to
their children schools in terms of time, money, and energy. Parents cannot talk to
each other because they do not know how teachers and school officials are often
unable to engage in this task because they lack the necessary skills to do so
(Camacho & Alves, 2017; Epstein, 2019; Goss, 2019).
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The main goal of PTA meetings is to improve the learning environment for students,
so that they can learn as well as possible. As long as the children succeed, the school
and their families will benefit. The school keeps parents up to date on how the school
operates, upcoming events, and any concerns that teachers have encountered. This
benefits the school while also ensuring that the voices of parents are heard - a win-
win situation.
The ten participants' experiences give an impression of their situation in terms
of how involved parents are in their children's home and school activities. They
describe their answers as follows:
Parent 1: “ Yes, during the parent teacher conference or Parent Teacher
Conference. The adviser inform the parents for the schedule PTC or
Distribution of Report Card. The virtual homeroom PTA meeting
is set up in 20-40 minutes via google meet. The teacher may inform
in general the development of their children. And discuss some
propose project for the improvement of the classroom ”.
Parent 2: “ Yes, the teacher holds a PTA meeting at the end of each
quarter, and I anticipate her discussing my son's behavior and
progress over the first quarter. The PTA meeting is straightforward,
with an emphasis on both academic and non-academic issues.
Notifying parents of their children's class progress.
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Then, if you need more information, you can make an appointment
with the teacher to discuss it in person.”.
Parent 3: “Yes, this is the moment when there is a dialogue about
the child's development through the issuance of the
report card telling about the child's progress .
The teacher will email a link to the Zoom meeting, which we can attend,
and then the agenda will be presented, followed by a discussion
Parent 4“The adviser conducts a Homeroom PTA meeting or Parent
Orientation to tell the parents about the classroom rules as well as the
grading system. The adviser would send a text message or a group
chat message with the meeting's agenda. The teacher would arrange
for a meeting through Google Meet or Zoom.”.
Parent 5: “ Yes, the teacher will inform you about the PTA meeting, as
well as the distribution and retrieval of our children's learning
materials. Since we are in the midst of a pandemic, the teacher
convenes a PTA meeting via Zoom. She will email the link to the
parents first. She then presented the agenda and began the
conversation at the meeting”.
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Parent 6: “ Virtual PTA meetings are held before regular classes and
quarterly with the distribution of report cards or PTCs by the adviser.
The teacher sent us a link to join a Zoom or Google Meet meeting.
She would provide a power point presentation of the agenda” .
Parent 7 : “ Every grading period, my child's teacher holds a virtual PTA
meeting. That is when the report card will be given .The PTA
meeting would be announced to us via text messages or group chat
by the teacher. She would occasionally send a link on the flat form to
use Zoom or Google Meet ”.
Parent 9: “Yes, mam, the teacher will send us text messages or a group
chat message informing us of the PTA meeting. I am merely
watching and listening at the virtual PTA meeting. If there is a
need for me to express my thoughts, I would be delighted to do
so. Most of the time, however, I am simply listening to the
conversation. ”.
Parent 10: “Yes, PTA meetings provide a platform for the school issues to be
expressed, and as a parent you have access to these insights
or details of information. Yes there is through via zoom. ”.
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
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Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
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Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
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Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study
Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study

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Exploring the Parental Involvement in Learners' Education: A Phenomenological Study

  • 1. Page | - 1 - CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction COVID-19 has prompted governments around the world to establish emergency preparations, such as school closures, to halt and prevent the spread of the virus. Some schools and colleges have suspended for face-to-face educational activities The psychological health and well-being of students, teachers and families in this pandemic period must be addressed by home education. Interrupted school learning can lead to major academic losses for learners. Certain educational procedures were undertaken, and diverse forms of online education and training resources were mobilized to ensure continuity of teaching and learning. As a consequence, the demand for digital technology have increased substantially through out the pandemic, notwithstanding the obstacles facing teachers, families and children in ensuring that their home learning continues. Considering the pandemic COVID-19 and the changes in the learning modality of learners, parental care was particularly vital. Parental home engagement is critical in K- 12 education. The success of a student's future is greatly dependent on parental involvement. To help students succeed, teachers, administrators, and community members must work together to create a collaborative learning environment.
  • 2. Page | - 2 - Boonk (2018), have stated that in order to design an effective program of parental involvement, one must first define the term "parental involvement" in order to gain a better understand how parental involvement affects a student's performance and positive impact on their academic success. It has traditionally been convinced that the primary focus of parents involvement on child's educational needs and parental collaboration in schools. Every month, parents offered to help with schoolwork at their children's schools . A number of studies have begun to investigate how parents participate in school activities. (Grace & Gerdes, 2019). According to Boonk (2018), parental engagement is "parental involvement that consists of parents' opinions toward the relation to student academic performance.". Parental participation includes in a child's general well-being at home and at school. Higher grades level have a larger requirement for parental inveolvement than lower grades level since they go through several social and developmental phases as they mature, they become more susceptible to danger. They are more likely to do well both academically and socially if their parents help them with their schoolwork. (Kyzar & Jimerson, 2018). A partnership between parents and school administrators is essential because it has a direct impact on children' lives and the formation of trusting relationship (Robinson, 2017). The primary purpose of Parental Involvement is to raise student performance and reduce achievement disparities.
  • 3. Page | - 3 - Teachers and administrators who seek to encourage parental involvement, such as using homework completion as a strategy to boost academic success, face significant obstacles. The more parental involvement a student had, the more likely he or she was to do well in school. Various characteristics, such as student-teacher interactions, school size, institution type ( public vs. private), and the grade, race, and gender of students, influence parental involvement. Background of the Study Teachers and parents share responsibilities for education. The most successful technique for assisting students in school is to provide them with a helpful, encouraging, and pedagogically superior learning environment. The parental obligation to educate their child has changed significantly during the past century. Parental involvement improves academic performance, school attendance, dropout rates, and aspirations. Parents to my advisory class who actively participate in school activities such as distribution and retrieval of learning activity sheets and attendance at Parent Teacher Conferences PTC are very motivated in their studies. The following are all examples of parental involvement: effective parenting, providing basic needs, shaping behavior, teaching good social values, and raising educational aspirations.
  • 4. Page | - 4 - By collaborating, relationships between the family and school are enhanced, resulting in a healthy at-home and at-school learning environments. One way parents can help their children do better in school is by helping them with their homework at home. To a greater extent, students whose parents engage in these activities are more successful academically. Parental involvement in education include thes following: discussion about school, helping with homework, attending meetings, sporting events and reading with children. In the modern world, parents are often concerned with the daily chores and diversions of modern life. Inadequacy means, inflexible work schedules, language problems, and illiteracy prevent them from participating in school activities. Parents with low self-esteem or academic failure are less able to assist their children. Some parents may have an unfavorable view of schooling due to unpleasant educational experiences. Concerns about the school's language, curriculum may prevent parents from communicating. Due to their low self-esteem and poor academic performance. Unhappy school memories may be the root cause of poor parenting of their children's schooling. High school parents often have difficulty becoming engaged because it is not always clear which teachers are responsible for certain areas of the curriculum.
  • 5. Page | - 5 - As a result, lower-income parents have a harder time engaging with their children. Work hours are too long, there are few resources and transportation is a difficulty because they reside in disadvantaged areas. If a student's parents do not care about their education, it can make it harder for them to reach their full academic potential This study will help school administrators learn how parents may help their children at home, how they see school, and how schools might encourage increased family participation. Parents, teachers, and school officials must work with members of the community to make parent involvement more successful. Based on Epstein's (2019), varied types of participation increase student achievement, this study will investigate parents' perceptions of how the six involvement styles are implemented in their children's high schools. Following an evaluation of current parent experiences, this study will evaluate which component(s) of Epstein's (2019) should strengthen student accomplishment.
  • 6. Page | - 6 - Theoretical Lens The theoretical lens for this investigation is based Epstein's Intersecting Spheres Model Structure. The principle of overlapping spheres of influence demonstrates stakeholders' collective contribution to a student's academic achievement (Epstein & Shapiro, 2019). Epstein's External Structure Overlapping Spheres Model Epstein's theory is built from the outside in such a way that children are viewed as the focus of attention within the family, education, and society. Although there is some overlap, there is never comprehensive coverage because families, schools, and communities each lead a few activities on their own. The framework's internal model demonstrates where interpersonal ties and types of control are required among stakeholders (Epstein, 2019). According to Epstein, relationships and correspondence take place both within and between institutions. She also feels that there are two forms of interactions and communication: standard corporate communication and personal communication between two persons.
  • 7. Page | - 7 - Parents, schools, and the community are all concerned with and committed to student education (Epstein & Sheldon, 2016) Epstein's school-family collaboration theory demonstrates how stakeholders collaborate to improve children's growth and education. This idea, according to Epstein, posits an overlapping sphere of influence among the stakeholders involved in child education in order to assure educational performance. Research Paradigm Figure 1. School-Family Partnership Involvement: Different Models Involvement of parents is extremely vital in the lives of our students. It can assist and predict a student's academic progress. In school, children should participate to the fullest extent possible, especially if they see their parents doing so. Students who communicate with their families at school are more likely to succeed academically.
  • 8. Page | - 8 - Purpose of the Study The goal of this study was to find out how important parental involvement is for a student's academic success and what kinds of parental involvement have been shown to help students do better in school. It would determine what procedures are in place to boost parental involvement, as well as how this data demonstrates the need might uncover parents’ perspectives and experiences with current best practices. The research of Epstein (2019) served as the foundation. Statement of the Problem The purpose of this study was to examine how parents feel about putting Epstein's types of involvement into place as a basis for answering the questions, "What was your experience as a parent with your high school student's academic achievement?" With this as a foundation, the following subsets of questions were explored: 1. How may a reflective analysis be the basis on lived experiences with parental involvement? 2. What impact does parental involvement have on their child’s education? 3. Why is it important for a child’s education to have a real experiences of parental involvement?
  • 9. Page | - 9 - Scope and Delimitations of the Study The goal of this study was to find out, based on parents' own experiences, how they feel about taking part in their children's schooling. There would be Ten (10) grade 8 parents from General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School (GEANHS), who were involved the research to provide the needed to understand the “Exploring the Types of Parental Involvement in the Learners’ Education”. The General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School (GEANHS) is located at Imus, City. There are approximately 10,981 students in grades 7 through 10 enrolled in junior high school level. These are the rules you must follow in order to participate in this research, which establishes the parameters. Significance of the Study This study benefits the following: Students. There is a high possibility that the student will benefit from improving their classroom behavior and becoming more engaged in their studies. As a result, their self- confidence and classroom demeanor will improve. Parents. A person who is one of a child's progenitors: a father or mother. The greatest immediate and long-term impact on a child's education comes from their immediate and extended family, who play a critical part in their upbringing. The key to their children's future prosperity is in the hands of their parents.
  • 10. Page | - 10 - Teachers. It will benefit the teachers because it helps to improve their performance thru constant communication about the students’ needs and home learning activity. Satisfied teachers will have better teaching performance and commitment. Administrator. This study will serve as a guide on how to effectively motivate their teachers and responsible for overseeing and handling relations with parents, students, as well as administrative. Future Researchers. This study can be used as baseline information and reference materials for future research. It will help researchers figure out how to find out more about the link between how involved parents are and how well their children do in school. Definition of Terms Based on the setting of this investigation, the following concepts are conceptually and operationally defined. Academic Achievement. This could motivate parents and families to participate in school activities. The interaction between administrators, parents, and teachers will strengthen, resulting in a better working environment. Home-based involvement. It takes place outside of the school day. Some suggestions include fieldtrip or attending a local activities. Home-school communication. It refers to the extent of communication between parents and school officials. Emails, phone calls, newsletters, and conferences are all ways to communicate (Anthony & Ogg, 2019).
  • 11. Page | - 11 - Parental involvement. This is defined as a commitment to keeping in touch with their teachers on a regular basis to discuss learners progress. Positive parental involvement. A parenting approach that increases children's self- efficacy is known as positive parental support. This parenting style instills high standards in children while avoiding micromanaging. Students who establish lofty goals show a strong confidence in what they can do. Phenomenology. The study of phenomena. It helps us to understand the meaning of people’s lived experiences with a concept or phenomenon ( Creswell, 2017) School-like families. Families who involve their children in home learning programs have a better chance of succeeding (Epstein, 2019) School-based involvement. Parents' involvement such as PTA meetings and conferences. Fernandez-Alonso, 2019)
  • 12. Page | - 12 - CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter reviews the literature and studies that supported the study's findings. There were unpublished master's theses and dissertations and published and unpublished reports among the information sources. The review is based on the materials' relevance to the research. HISTORY OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Parental involvement in school has been shown to be beneficial and crucial in boosting student performance levels. A teacher would be chosen based on public demand, but school educators lacked the resources to adequately tutor their children at home to suit their academic needs. Parental involvement shifted over time, with parents attending school to assist teachers and create lesson plans for the teachers of their children. In addition, they assisted their children with homework at home. Fan (2018), more views are needed in future studies to properly comprehend the perspectives and define what parent involvement means and does for its participants, especially parents and teachers. As a result, it has become vital to encourage parental involvement in classrooms. According to Jaiswal (2017), the lack of consistency in the idea of parental participation prevents researchers from drawing any general conclusions.
  • 13. Page | - 13 - Apart from that, Jaiswal believes there is no data to suggest on the negataive impact on academic achievement. Parental engagement should be defined by parents, school officials and teachers to give a clear information on the level of parental involvement. They will be better equipped to deal with the varying degrees of parental participation if they do this. Parent-school collaboration that boosts kid achievement occurs when both parties see each other as reliable allies. Parents and families can help their child learn in many different ways. The implementation of Republic Act 10533’s K-12 curriculum, as well as the use of technology for the holistic development of 21st century learners, posed significant challenges for teachers. Their children’s first teachers are their parents. (Doi 2020; Durisic & Bunijevac, 2017), note that participation is hindered by a lack of time, access, financial resources, and comprehension. Inadequacies in parenting or a preoccupation with fundamental necessities may discourage parents from developing contact with schools. According to Boonk (2018), the education industry is still figuring out how parents should be encouraged to help learn at high evel. Numerous experts of secondary school parent participation concur that there are very few research examining how parental participation affects student academic success. When it comes to increasing students' academic performance, educational institutions all around the world place a high value on academic achievement. Achievement is tied to the learning process, and achievement affects the lives of children and all individuals (Kubiatko et al., 2018).
  • 14. Page | - 14 - Academic achievement influences pupils' national test scores as well as their future employment chances (E.Sahin et al., 2018). Two of the primary purposes of the educational system are to improve students' academic performance and to ensure their professional growth in educational institutions. Schools that implement policies can obtain a better grasp of the tactics employed to improve educator-parent communication (Robinson, 2017). Communication is a two-way street that includes both focusing on the individual and sharing. One of the most essential factors in student improvement and the availability of acceptable professional growth is the presence of great teachers. A country's educational system is only as strong as its teachers, and their influence on the country's future cannot be overstated. Definition of Parent Involvement Parents, grandparents, step-parents, and foster parents participate in a conventional parental participation program to assist their child flourish academically and socially Parental involvement programs might include several activities. Researchers like Coleman (2018) define "parental involvement" as everything does to help achieve academic and behavioral goals, whether they are in or outside of the school day. A study by Hamlin and Flessa (2018), there has not been enough research into how inner-city parents see parental involvement in their childs' lives.
  • 15. Page | - 15 - The contribution of parents' knowledge, on the other hand, is the missing ingredient in creating a successful parental participation program. Parental involvement in inner-city schools is seen as an equal responsibility by both parents and school personnel. The program necessitates a comprehensive approach to parental participation that includes all stakeholders in the program's development. Kraft (2017), student engagement in school was instantly improved as evaluated by homework completion, behavior, and classroom involvement in a small prospective study. Involving academic development has been shown in studies to be beneficial. The Importance of Parental Involvement Chen (2018), educational process is ipmportant. Schools, employees, governing bodies, and lawmakers all academic success, and parental engagement is crucial. When all of the stakeholders work together to help pupils, the students' education lasts a long time and they love it. Shuffelton's (2017) , the term "parental engagement" is not used in the Basic Law on Education and Secondary Education (1965). The historical goal was to provide greater resources to children in low-income schools who were at risk of academic failure. The best laws in history are based on persuasive arguments and precise leadership abilities. Brajaganec (2019), parents are stumped when it comes to clearly defining their role in the educational system as a whole. Parental involvement is more likely to be a long-term success if educators use language that is friendly explain in a way that is both clear and realistic.
  • 16. Page | - 16 - Harwood et al. (2019) argue that educational leaders must design student involvement programs to encourage parent involvement in all parts of school life, including important decisions that could affect students' academic achievement. Academic Achievement of Students and Parental Involvement Doi (2020), suggest that parents get involved in their childrs education to improve academic performance. Families care about their child's first teaachers as model. Meaningful parental interaction increases the social capital of children. Scholars emphasize the significance of family involvement in education. All parents must engage in healthy partnerships for improved academic results. The Benefits of Parental Involvement Hedenbro and Rydelius (2019), children's life outside of school have a substantial impact on their academic progress, highlighting the crucial role of parents Parental behavior has a tremendous impact on children's development from the time they are infancy. This not only improves academic achievement, but it also helps parents and teachers better understand and teach their children. Other Considerations How to Influence Parental Involvement Bartz (2017), that parents who worked regularly and had high educational goals likely to balance and give importance the school activities. These things include how much money they have, how much education they have, how much time they have, and even how much free time they have.
  • 17. Page | - 17 - Stress about money has also been linked to mental health problems, bad parenting skills, and less parental involvement in their child's education. Park & Holloway, (2017), other studies have found a correlation between parental educational attainment and increased parental participation Inadequate parental involvement can also hinder or reduce parental involvement, diminishing educational exchanges between parents and their children. Low-income parents had fewer options for school volunteering and helping their children learn at home. Furthermore, Carrillo et al. (2017) say that because there is no parental leave and very busy work schedules, it is hard for people to have time off. Deal & Peterson, (2017), administrators play a big role in making sure that parents are not just welcome, but encouraged. Overwhelmingly, a majority of parents said they rarely or never communicate with the school's leadership. Some parents claimed to have worked as security guards and receptionists. Hill (2020), in the framework of the parent-child connection, parental engagement can be successful if there is a healthy mix between at-home and school activities.. Education outcomes can be strongly influenced by the interactions and relationships between home and school. When it comes to cultivating a home-school relationship. Academic performance, on the other hand, is equally dependent on his or her family. Especially, it is in the school leadership's best interests to determine the school community's strengths and needs. It is possible for school leaders to create a welcome atmosphere in the classroom, establish a smooth interaction between family members to increase communication, and start parent-centered activities in the classroom.
  • 18. Page | - 18 - On the other hand, Otto and Karbach (2019) said that more parents should be involved in their kids' education. In school reform projects, officials place a lot of value on parental involvement, but the evidence on how it helps students is not clear. Epstein's Six Parental Involvement Styles Epstein (2019). identify six forms of parental involvement. Type 1 parents' major responsibility is to ensure their children's health and safety while also working to help their children learn and behave better. (i.e., parental care, child rearing, constant supervision, discipline and guidance at each age level. Schools (Type 2) are primarily responsible for keeping parents informed about academic development of their children. Schools have the primary obligation (Type 3) to ensuring that parents participate in education for their children. Schools are primarily accountable (Type 4) for communicating with the parents responsible for the start, monitoring and assisting their children with their assignments. Schools must require people to get involved in school development and decision- making committees (Type 5). (e.g., PTA, advisory councils, or other school organizations or clubs. Schools are primarily responsible for collaborating (type 6) with the community (such as afterschool work, parent institution committee, etc.). This means getting together a lot of community organizations and resources that help school programs.
  • 19. Page | - 19 - Figure 2. Epstein’s Overlapping Spheres of Influence Model Epstein developed a theory that combined psychological, sociological, and pedagogical perspectives on how cultural institutions collaborate to create a system of important underpinnings for stakeholders. According to Joyce Epstein, her concept is based on a framework that allows for the continuous evolution of how people act and interact with each other at home, at school, as well as with their families, over the course of their school years (Epstein, Galindo, & Sheldon, 2019) Her construction was created to accommodate a growing child. The framework's outer structure can be drawn together or divided dependent on the stakeholders' perspectives, implementations, and activities.
  • 20. Page | - 20 - The force of time is defined as the child's age, grade level, and social situations. Educators and schools justify how parents/guardians can broaden their area of control as well. The six types of involvement as follows: Parenting. In order to raise happy, healthy children, parents must engage in a wide range of activities. While teachers have a limited impact on their students, parents have a long- term commitment to their children. This type of connection can help parents understand about their child's growth, health, and safety. Parents can access a variety of programs and services, including educational and training programs, family support programs, and home visits at elementary, middle, and high school transition points. Waters (2017) talked about "strengths-based parenting." Waters said that the greatest way to raise a well-rounded teen is to focus on a his/her talents rather than weaknesses. He said that parenting based on fixing flaws is less helpful than parenting based on strengths. Focusing on a child's best qualities or strengths is what "strengths- based parenting" means. For this kind of parenting to work, parents need to know about all of their child's skills. Communicating. There are numerous ways in which families and schools connect. Schools frequently send home flyers and notes notifying parents of upcoming events. Teachers are given information about a student's health and educational history by their parents.
  • 21. Page | - 21 - Additionally, there are language translators available to help families who require them and a regularly updated schedule of pertinent notifications (such as emails, memos, telephonic calls, and newsletters) to keep parents informed. Teacher-parent communication was studied ethnographically by Conus and Fahrni (2019). It is necessary to communicate in a constructive collaboration and share information about parental engagement. During face-to-face contacts, a common contradiction with unfavorable implications for creating family-school interactions. Some parents felt teachers were unaware of the hurdles keeping them from forming relationships indicating a lack of motivation in their childs' education.. By reducing barriers that hinder parents, schools and instructors must reassess their roles in normal communication.. When discussing techniques between the school and the parent, it's crucial to include the parent's perspectives and self-efficacy. Volunteering. Coordinating parental support for school activities. There are three methods to get involved in education as a volunteer. To begin, they can serve as tutors or assistance for teachers and other educational personnel. To help out at the school, they may help raise funds or promote the event in the community. Finally, people can volunteer to be audience members at school events or performances. It includes an annual postcard survey that identifies all of the volunteer opportunities available in the school/classroom and a parent room or family center where parents may meet and do volunteer work as well as find resources for their families.
  • 22. Page | - 22 - According to Murray et al. (2019), the Parental Association, also known as the Parent-Teacher Association, is a popular support club for parents who want to help other parents, teachers, and children. Teachers and school authorities are frequently unable to carry out this duty because they lack the essential skills to communicate with parents in this manner (Camacho & Alves, 2017; Epstein, 2019; Goss, 2019). Learning at home. Participation in homework and other curricular topics. Parents can help their child with academics or take them to a museum. Assisting in their childs homework is one of these actions. Parents can take part in activities that teach them how to help their kids at home so they can do well at school and with their homework.Parents can participate in learning activities that educate them. Ogg & Anthony, (2020), in order to raise their children, parents must engage in parenting techniques such as participating and taking part in academic activities with their kids, school events and community activities. Parents can assist their children with homework, read with them, and engage them in other cognitively stimulating activities, such as visits to museums, zoos, parks, and community events. Similarly, (Bempechat, (2019), several parents see homework as a crucial way for their children to stay connected to school and the curriculum while also teaching them important skills that they need to learn.
  • 23. Page | - 23 - To prepare their children to help with homework and tasks, Riswanto and Aryani (2017) suggest that parents follow a tailored curriculum. Parents are informed about their engagement in helping their children do homework and tasks by using standards-based formative evaluation. One way parents can help adolescents succeed academically is by limiting television time and creating a study atmosphere. Decision making . It refers to the development of parent leaders and advocates and the inclusion of parents in school decision-making. Consensus-building amongst parents. Some examples of parent organizations are PTA/PTO, advisory councils or committees and networks connecting all families with parent representatives. Blakey and Glaude (2021), parents and communities should give children the right information so they can figure out what is best for them. Students have a chance to participate in how decisions that affect their lives. Invite parents to school events to increase parental involvement. Parents got involved in their childs' education to help them succeed and engage in school activities Collaborating with the community Schools, students, and their families can all benefit from this initiative's focus on discovering and integrating community services and resources. There is a lot of information for children and community-based services and programs, from health and wellness to arts and recreation to social assistance.
  • 24. Page | - 24 - Ogg & Anthony, (2020), parental involvement is critical for children's growth to be healthy and successful. Parents must engage in academic activities with their child, attend school events, volunteer at schools, and participate in community activities. Any effort to engage parents and school officials in a joint effort must emphasize open lines of communication. The Epstein Model for Partnerships Between Schools, Families, and Communities Using Family-School-Community Partnership Paradigm, established by Joyce Epstein, is a common approach for understanding. When it comes to influencing the child's success, this is one of the many overlapping areas of influence. Using Epstein's framework, we can establish a theoretical foundation for our research, as well as a comparison point for our qualitative findings. It will also help us with the data processing. The internal model examines how interpersonal relationships affect student development.The approach is based on the student's family life, school life, and community life all working together for the student's benefit (Epstein 2019). Interaction can take several forms, according to Epstein's notion of overlapping spheres, whether on a collective or individual scale. School-based interactions include inviting families.. A parent-teacher meeting aims to enhance parental or individual involvement (Epstein et al 2019). The theory's fundamental structure demonstrates the potential for associations to emerge as a result of stakeholder cooperation (Figure 3 and 4). This type of collaboration could take place at the school level, with everyone involved.
  • 25. Page | - 25 - It can sometimes be seen on a small scale, with just one parent, child, teacher, or member of the community. Figure 3. Internal Structure of Epstein's Overlapping Spheres of Influence Model Parents, teachers, and the school should work together to make sure that children are ready for life in every way: spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually. To provide better programs and opportunities for pupils, parents and schools collaborate. It understands how family, school, and community can be pushed together or driven away by outside, the model of overlapped spheres of influence. In spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual training of children parents, teachers and schools should cooperate. The study of Epstein demonstrates that parents and schools understand and collaborate to give better programs to pupils. Family, school, and community spheres, which she refers to as "overlapping spheres," are crucial for children's growth and development..
  • 26. Page | - 26 - According to the belief, educators should be familiar, families should construct school- like homes and communities should take on school-like possibilities and family-like . The model of Epstein enables educators to build family-like schools by looking at students as important individuals. Parents and caregivers should construct school-like homes and encourage their children to do so by underline the significance of school and school activities. Communities should encourage and commemorate the efforts and achievements of children in order to generate opportunities for schools. RELATED STUDIES (Bempechat, 2019; Yotyodying & Wild, 2019), many parents were unaware of their children's teacher curricula and avoided discussing them with the teachers. When it comes to homework and other school-related activities, teachers can recommend that parents help their children with these tasks at home. Collier (2020), improving home-school communication is the key to building trust. The quality of contact between parents and teachers increased trust at elementary level. To trust someone or something means to believe in their character, strength, or truth. On the other hand, recipients place their trust in the donor and engage in reciprocal interaction with them. Additionally, the quality of the family's relationships with family and school were found to be a stronger predictor of trust than contact frequency or demographics, and school performance indicators were thought to be related with respect.
  • 27. Page | - 27 - During the time that a student is in school. Involvement and decision-making are shaped by cultural expectations about their role in education. Effective communication of expectations and processes assists in defining these roles and their significance. According to Bailey (2017), enticing parents into the classroom is a difficult undertaking. As Bailey noted, increasing parental involvement requires collaboration between parents and educators, even more so when parents lack the requisite skills and resources. When it comes to educators, highly educated teachers are extremely skilled, and they can assist students in improving their performance levels. According to Hemmerechts, Agirdag, and Kavadias (2017), homework engagement is positively related to students' achievement when parents are viewed as supportive. Additionally, learners with low reading proficiency reported having more parental supervision than students with better proficiency. Parents who involve their children in reading activities at home aid in their reading development. Newchurch (2017), families who make their homes learning-friendly; set high expectations for their kids; and participate in school activities are the most accurate predictors of how well their chids’ do. Parental involvement is still a concern in schools across the country. Students' academic performance suffers as a result of their parents' lack of support. Boonk (2018), there are statistically significant relationships between parental participation and academic success in students. Using a longitudinal path model, investigated how parental and school-based academic variables affect adolescent academic attainment through behavioral engagement.
  • 28. Page | - 28 - Direct parental involvement, student-teacher connection, and teacher instructional assistance were all examined in the study to see if they had differing effects on children's academic progress. (Gu, 2017; Jeynes, 2018), school administration staff may be the first to bring technology to families in order to increase communication between the school and the families. To facilitate communication, schools may establish a website that parents can access. Parents can learn about two types of communication. school-based communication. Real-time SMS and school notifications could help teachers and parents communicate. Additionally, segmenting the interrelated characteristics of the family- school connection into visible components may provide parents with actionable knowledge (Gerdes et al., 2020). Taylor & Francis, (2018), asserted that it is the role of parents, schools, and community as a whole to assist young learners in becoming self-sufficient, socially proficient, and well-rounded citizens. Parental involvement also provides opportunity for their children to put what they've learned in school into practice and flourish. Parental involvement informs children that their parents are invested in their success. Similarly, Taylor & Francis (2018), parents who participate in school send the message that school is essential to their children (Fan, Williams, & Wolters, 2017). Children with uninvolved parents frequently do not benefit academically or socially as children with engaged parents (Kim & Bryan, 2017). Education is often viewed as human and social capital, giving information, values, and skills necessary for children's intellectual growth.
  • 29. Page | - 29 - According to Schueler et al. (2017), parents do several things to help their children succeed academically. Assisting with homework, coaching, and providing learning opportunities outside of school are all ways parents may help their children succeed academically. Parental involvement includes developing learning opportunities at home and participating in school events. In public schools in Nigeria's Imo State, Ugwuegbulem (2018), looked into how parents help their children's learning . With 30 parents from different socioeconomic backgrounds taking part in the study. When parents and schools work together, they can better understand their roles and relationships and how they affect children's development. This leads to new and different ways of relating to one another based on the educational setting. Parents and teachers can collaborate to help their children achieve higher grades and perform better in school. The family is the fundamental unit that provides care for a child from birth to adulthood. Similarly, school is thought of as a place that helps students learn, grow, socialize, and become people who fit in with the rest of the world. Tran (2020), also found that when parents help their children, the home environment is stimulated and their cognitive development is contributed. People in Nigeria have not looked into the connection between parental involvement and commitment to online learning by teenagers. Society is thought of as a place where everyone comes together, no matter what their personality is or how they have lived their lives.
  • 30. Page | - 30 - The following are all examples of parental involvement: effective parenting, providing basic needs, shaping behavior, teaching good social values, and raising educational aspirations. Jeynes (2018), Several meta-analyses undertaken across diverse communities and educational levels substantiate the beneficial effect of parental participation on academic achievement. LOCAL STUDIES Sapungan and Sapunga (2014), this means the school taking the initiative to help the learners improve or grow. means the school . Increased parental involvement enhances the likelihood that teachers and school administrators will be successful in enacting significant educational reform. Alampay (no date) says that most Filipino parents are authoritarian. Parents and children in the Philippines are shaped by the cultural ideals of kapwa (helping others), hiya and utang na loob (paying back), which all work together to define Filipino parenting and parent-child relationships. A qualitative study by her found that Filipino parents are likely to change their ways in the future. Before making rules and setting up frameworks for parental involvement, it's important to think about how these new ideas and practices will affect Filipino families and their children's development. Monteflor's (2006) study in Cebu, Philippines, used parent interviews and questionnaires to ascertain whether parents place an excessive amount of emphasis on academic achievement.
  • 31. Page | - 31 - It demonstrates correlation between parents' motivation and preschool performance. In order to get a better knowledge of early childhood education, longitudinal studies on parent–child developmental practices are recommended. Future research could help children grow and develop, as well as make money and be successful at work. It could also show how to fix problems that have been found in people who are less fortunate. Even so, Filipino families have changed a lot in the last decade. Evangelista (2008) utilized a mixed method to study education relates their academic achievement. It shows that, through friends, school activities, and other factors, the parents' academic devotion can still be seen by their children these days. The school may consider educating parents about how much participation they should provide to help their child's academic achievement. Pineda (2008) claims that when families and educators work together, they can assist students as learners. According to his findings, creating links between families and schools helps children and youth succeed in school and learn.
  • 32. Page | - 32 - Syntheis The researcher's collected foreign and local literature and studies resemble the present investigation. According to Bartz (2017), parental participation improves children' social behaviors, or how they interact with one another in school. Parents who worked all the time and set goals for their children. Even more so, Fitzsimons and his team of researchers (2017), found that financial stress was linked to mental health issues, poor child-rearing practices, and reduced parental involvement with their children as adults. According to a study by Leatherwood and Voisin (2017), Actively involved parents benefited their children's grades. Additionally, researchers observed difficulties with the application of parental engagement initiatives in different populations. For example, teachers who thought parents did not want to be involved in the school were unable to get parents interested in school programs. The problem, however, is that parents lack the resources they need and feel like outsiders when they try to interact. Other research have discovered a correlation between parental education and time spent with their child. Park & Holloway ( 2017), this can reduce the possibility of parents and children learning from one another. Possessing a supportive, encouraging, and educationally superior learning environment is the most effective way for pupils to succeed in school.
  • 33. Page | - 33 - Academic accomplishment increases, learning results increase, attendance improves, dropout rates decrease, and students have better expectations. Success depends on the entire community, including parents, teachers, and administrators, being involved in order to help students succeed. To achieve success, parents, teachers, school personnel, and community people must collaborate. Parents should communicate with teachers and school staff to foster a conducive learning environment. The initial step in parental engagement is to establish a safe and healthy home environment for learning. You can contribute to your child's education by assisting them with their homework. Students with parents who engage in these activities typically perform better in school. The following are examples of parental involvement in a chidren schooling: discussing school, assisting with homework, attending meetings, athletic events, and reading to children. Parents today are typically preoccupied with the responsibilities and distractions that come with modern living. The absence of sufficient financial resources, rigid work schedules, language problems, and educational qualifications prevents some parents from routinely taking part. Self-conscious parents who have failed in school are less able to help their children. Parental dissatisfaction with the educational system may be a factor in this. Parents may not because of their worries regarding the school's language and curriculum. It is common for parents to have difficulties in getting active in their children's secondary schools.
  • 34. Page | - 34 - Due to low self-esteem and poor academic performance, many parents are unable to assist their children. Parents' dissatisfaction with their children's schooling may be the result of a lack of positive school experiences. As a result, parents with lower incomes find it more difficult to spend quality time with their children. Because they live in impoverished locations, their working hours are unreasonable, and they have limited access to resources and transportation. A student's intellectual potential may be limited if their parents do not support them. An absent parent affects a child's academic success. An absentee parent is detrimental to his or her child's academic development and performance. As reported by Kuhfeld et al. (2018), home and school-based academic socialization showed different outcomes. The study discovered that White high school students had lower academic achievement and higher parental involvement. They do ask about their own children's lives. It is critical to consider parents' educational, financial, and time constraints when establishing programs to encourage. Furthermore, Furey (2019), a significant number of parents are either uninformed of school policies or lack the confidence to advocate for policy changes or opportunities for home learning at their children's schools. When discussing the parent-child connection, Hill (2020) emphasized the importance of parent-child conversations, noting that adolescents talk about school.
  • 35. Page | - 35 - On the other hand (Otto & Karbach, 2019), parents should be more involved in schools activities. Officials think that parental involvement is an important part of school reform, even though there is conflicting evidence about how it affects student progress. Parents also helped children do better in school by supporting and encouraging them.
  • 36. Page | - 36 - CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter describes the research methods of the study. Specifically, the researcher outlines and employs research design, location, population and sample methods, research equipment, data collection, and data analysis techniques. Research Design This investigation employed a phenomenological methodology. A phenomenological study attempts to eliminate prejudices and previous notions on how individuals feel, think, and act in a given circumstance (Neubauer, 2019). A researcher can investigate the opinions, views, understandings, and feelings of persons who have experienced or lived through the event or situation of interest. Use of Phenomenology According to Wertz, F. J. (2015) the goal of and subject matter of a phenomenology method is to understand the “lived-experience” or “consciousness”. The main goal of phenomenology research is to look for truth in an individual's feelings and experiences, and to write in-depth descriptions of what the phenomenon is like (Yuskel & Yilidrim, 2015). The use of a phenomenology method will greatly benefit the study in gathering richer data than any other methods used in qualitative research. The researcher of this study adopted the role of being co-researchers together with the interviewees of the study without any preconceived perceptions.
  • 37. Page | - 37 - Data Generation and Selection of Participants There are ten (10) grade 8 parents from General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School (GEANHS), who are involved in the study to provide the information and evidence needed to explore the types of parental involvement in the learners’ education. The researcher started the participant selection by sending an invitation letter and informed consent to the selected grade eight (8-grade) parents. The participants for this study are grade eight (8) full time parents. As soon as they understand how the study works and before they start collecting data, they are asked to sign an informed consent form. This form tells them about the study's purpose, who is running it, how they choose their participants, how long they will have to do it, how they will be kept anonymous, and how they can withdraw at any time. The researcher conducted an interview (recorded) with the participants of the study using video call thru zoom platform. To gather the information needed to address the study paper's question, semi-structured bilingual interviews were conducted. The interviews lasted between 30 minutes and 45 minutes and asked open-ended questions. Research Instrument The instrument were constructed using the concepts acquired from the literature review. The researcher is the major instrument in the interview data collection and analysis process, and she must maintain objectivity throughout.
  • 38. Page | - 38 - The parent participants signed a consent form and then took part in digitally recorded interviews about their experiences with parental involvement through the Zoom platform. Each parent would be interviewed about their child's experience from a parent's perspective for around an hour. In Depth Interview Questionnaire: Opening Questions: 1. How do you ensure the health and safety of your child? 2. Describe your parenting and child rearing style. 3. Do you set up rules and regulations at home? Elaborate. Intermediate Questions: 1. Does the teacher of your child communicate with you? ( Text messaging, Telephone, etc.) 2. Does the teacher/school conducts virtual PTA meeting? 3. Can you describe how the teacher conducts this virtual homeroom PTA meeting? 4. How will you describe interacting with other parents? 5. Do you enjoy participating in this virtual homeroom PTA meeting? 6. Describe your involvement in the education of your child. 7. How do you help your child with his homework/assignment? 8. Describe your experience as a guide in the education of your child. 9. What information can be drawn from these experiences? Explain.
  • 39. Page | - 39 - Closing Questions: 1. What lessons did you learn? 2. Any final suggestions? 3. Any final words? Data Analysis The researcher performed a theme analysis to collect data for this study. The replies of the participants indicated a common theme. Another method called the modified Van Kaam approach was used to help the researcher gather data. This approach has its own steps which make it unique, one which is a very detailed analysis, and another is that it requires the researchers to step outside their own view to look at the data in different ways. Despite this approach being a very long one, maintain quality of the voices with academic achievement of students through gathered interview. This approach provides a very pure and clear understanding of the experiences and the lives of the participants without altering their stories which still makes it rich. This experience also allows the researchers to dive deeply into the lives and experiences of the participants and to fully understand the phenomenon through their voices. The first step in the Van Kaam approach is the Horizontalization which begins with encoding all the necessary quotes relevant to the study of the phenomena. Next, is the reduction and elimination which takes a list every quote and the researchers will ask themselves two questions, the first is “is the quote important to the phenomenon of the co-researchers' experience?
  • 40. Page | - 40 - And second step is, “can the quote be broken down to its true meaning?” If no is answered both questions, then the quote is then eliminated. Third step is to thematize the invariant constituents. In this step the researcher will begin to form the themes from the gathered meanings of the quotes that will represent the experiences of the participants. Fourth step is verifying the themes against the data, in this step, the researcher will check and look at the themes that they have made. This is to make sure that the themes are connected to the participants' experiences and will help them tell their stories. Fifth step is to create individual textural descriptions. In this step, the researcher using quotes from each person who took part, then we will make unique textural descriptions. Sixth step is to create individual structural descriptions, for this step the use of imagination of the participants is very crucial as the researcher will used primary structural descriptions of the participants' statements will be used to investigate the participants' cultural, emotional, and social connections. Seventh step is to synthesize the structural and textural aspects of an object. The textural and structural aspects of the phenomena will be combined in this step, which is also known as the synthesis step by researchers.
  • 41. Page | - 41 - Credibility and Dependability, Ethical Considerations Member Checking was the mechanism I utilized to incorporate and allow all recorded data, interpretations, and reports to be reviewed by the participants in my study. As long as the participants are confident that their responses were properly documented and the report's conclusions are credible, an investigation of this nature will probably conclude that the qualitative investigation is trustworthy. Literature Comparison The final framework for describing the study was compared to previously published and relevant works. Thus, a comparison or resemblance between this work and that of other authors was sought to determine its uniqueness, as well as its continuation with that of other authors' works.
  • 42. Page | - 42 - CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This chapter discusses the qualitative data analysis process, as well as the study's actual procedures. During the qualitative phase, the researcher categorized the data into generative themes that were independently defined, and assessed whether and how the data disclosed and addressed these themes. Findings Each narrative in this study is accompanied by exact quotes from the audio transcripts of the participants. The participants' names were kept secret to protect their privacy. Participants were provided with name tags. The data from the interviews was collated and presented by the researcher as a continuous description of the lived experiences from which they were obtained. The process data is provided in a systematic manner in accordance with the problem statement of the study. Problem no. 1: How may a reflective analysis be the basis on lived experiences with parental involvement ? a. Health and Wellness This study would like to learn about the aspects of health and wellbeing that protect the participants' children's physical and mental skills while they go about their daily school routine. Supplying health and wellness must be considered in order to obtain health and wellness.
  • 43. Page | - 43 - The participants' narrated experiences paint a picture of how they locate themselves in their children's learning. The 10 participants in this study were asked about their experiences with their children's health and wellness. They explain their responses as follows: Parent 1: “ Ensuring with complete meal, taking vitamins and complete exercise” Parent 2: “ Not only physical but also mental. I ensure the diet of my child is well-balanced and nutritious” Parent 3 : “ Of course health protocols must be followed. We must always wash our hands. When heading out for a family pleasure ride, wearing a face mask and face shield is recommended”. Parent 4: When I enrolled my child in your school, I gave you my phone number and asked for yours, and I gave you permission to interact with me as my son’s teacher to keep me informed about his activities and academic progress”. Parent 5 : “ Keeping a healthy diet is important. For my children, I provide them a food supplement that they consumed. Follow the eight hour sleeping rules and exercise regularly” Parent 6: “ From time to time I ensure the health and safety of my child by making sure he/she has getting enough sleep, taking her/his vitamins and eating on time.”
  • 44. Page | - 44 - Parent 7 : “ I make sure that my child have taken his/her vitamins on a daily basis, especially the vitamin C and also took at least 9 hours of sleep per day. Reminding them to wash their hands with soap and water regularly and using alcohol responsibly”. Parent 8 : “Wearing a face mask and a face shield are all part of the process. Hands should always be washed with soap and water. Avoid going outside as much as possible in this time of pandemic. Always use an alcohol for safety protection”. Parent 9: “As of now, it appears that being a mother in this new normal, particularly in the sphere of education, was difficult. It is not healthy for my child to use an electronic device excessively. I’ll make sure he gets some rest before starting his next subject online classses.” Parent 10: “My children follow a well-balanced diet, exercise, and get adequate sleep”. Discussion and Reflection Participants described their experiences with their children's health and wellbeing at home as a beneficial way to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows their child to get the most out of their everyday activities without undue or physical stress. Eating a well-balanced diet, getting adequate sleep and exercise, and developing healthy behaviors are all important.
  • 45. Page | - 45 - Good health and wellness, its influences on the study outcomes, and how their positive health and wellness establish an intellectual and harmonious atmosphere are mentioned in the varied narrations of the participants. Parents assist children learn by providing a safe and healthy atmosphere, good learning opportunities, encouragement, and support. People who took part in the study said that positive health and wellness will lead to better results than negative health and wellness, as the findings show. Participants said that their main goal was to help their children get better grades faster and build stronger foundations for their education. A child's general well-being at home and at school is very important as teenagers go through different stages of development. The need for parental involvement in higher grades is greater than in lower grades. It influences the parent- child bond, as well as the child's creativity, emotional health, and motivation to learn Core Essence: Health and Wellness Health and wellbeing are commonly confused, yet their origins and meanings differ. In addition to health, a state of comprehensive well-being includes mental and social well-being. Also, social, economic, and physical contexts influence health. Individual qualities and behaviors are included in health regardless of ethnicity, religion, political belief, economic, or social status. While wellbeing is defined as "the best condition of health for individuals and groups" and "a pleasant outlook on life."
  • 46. Page | - 46 - Overall, wellness is an active and dynamic process of development and progress that attempts to improve overall wellbeing. Wellness includes emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, economic, physical, social, and spiritual wellbeing. Well-being affects total fitness, which is crucial for a healthy, happy, and satisfied lifestyle. In general, health and wellness are distinct concepts. Wellness is the active process of achieving health.. As a parent, it is important to build a healthy culture in your family. Health is important! Because your emotional well-being affects not only your own emotions, but also the emotions of your children at home, it is important to be aware of how you feel. Extracted Experiences These are the excerpted experiences from the 10 participants' stories as follows: Get fit, complete exercise, sleep soundly, eat well-balanced diet and love yourself. Emergent Issue: Positive Learning Environment According to the stories of the ten participants, having a healthy and safe place for their child to learn makes them feel good and excited. All of the students and their families have felt the effects of COVID-19.Most students have spent a lot of time with their families over the last few months, so the school should use this time to get as much data and information from their families as possible. It's not just academics that children and teenagers learn about. In addition, they learn how to be more social and emotional, work out, and get help with mental health and other things, too!
  • 47. Page | - 47 - For families, they need to know what their child should do socially, emotionally, and academically.. Finally, schools should come up with a way to keep track of both their outreach efforts and the information they learn about families' strengths, needs, and preferred ways of getting in touch with the school. A student's success is based on how well his or her parents can: (1) make their home a learning environment; (2) with great expectations for their child's success; and (3) get active in the school.activites. Emergent Challenge: Creating a Safe Learning Environment at Home The research participants' favorable descriptions of health and wellness indicate that they are continually looking for new strategies to develop a safe home learning environment In addition, participants reported that a good learning environment helps them invest in their jobs and projects and create a safe learning environment at home. Students need to feel safe physically, emotionally, and socially. Children desereve to be safe, loved, educated, and empowered. In the meanwhile, parents must preserve their children's rights. b. Parenting and Child Rearing Style This study wants to identify what qualities of parenting and child rearing enhance from birth through adulthood. Parenting style refers to the attitudes, beliefs, and behavior patterns of parents in the family. Determination to succeed and self- control are traits that good parents instill in their children.
  • 48. Page | - 48 - The statements made by the ten participants give an impression of how they see themselves in relation to the world around them. Participants in this study were asked about their own experiences as parents and how they raised their children in terms of their parenting or raising style. They described their answers as follows: Parent 1: “ A mother and daughter relationship. My child is very dependable in terms of learning. She is talented and self- reliant”. Parent 2 : “ A constant communication with my son. how are you doing? How is your study? Sharing a conversation of what is going on about the school activities”. Having a self awareness, and cheerfulness in everything he does”. Parent 3: “ I am not so strict mother. I want to be closer to my children so that they can open up to me about their crushes, issues and academic challenges. My children are independent and have empathy to their relatives.”. Parent 4: “ Since my son was enrolled in online modalities I see to it that I can check his progress through the google classroom and also to monitor the group chat and whatever missing school activities that needs for submission. We have a talk and listen activity at home”.
  • 49. Page | - 49 - Parent 5: “ As my children have matured from toddlers to teens, my parenting method has evolved. For them to dedicate their full attention to their academics, they must be able to discipline themselves properly”. Parent 6: “ Since our daughter is the youngest, we are extremely protective of her. We never let her leave the house after the appointed time. We should always be able to see what she is doing, especially while she is on her electronic gadget. She is continually monitored to ensure that she completes all of her schoolwork. She learned to be self-reliant at a young age”. Parent 7 : “ They are dependable and have time management. Know how to balance their school work activities and household chores. Open communication is vital tool for my children”. Parent 8 : “It is difficult for me to be a mother because all of my children are boys. However, we are really close as mother and sons connection due of open communication. They would be able to share with me all issues they confront in their basic life as teenager.”. Parent 9: “My child's school activities are monitored and overseen by me. I completely understand and support him. The key to his academic success is the open communication and show kindness to her sibling”.
  • 50. Page | - 50 - Parent 10: “ Keeping an eye on and guiding my child through his schoolwork. Continual reminders and follow-ups on learning outcomes”. Discussion and Reflection The participants shared their parenting and child rearing experiences to affect their children's behavior and attitudes at home. As a parent, you are responsible for making sure your child's physical, emotional, cognitive and social growth is met. Influenced by parenting style, children's growth. The approach to parenting practiced in families influences the child's socio-emotional development. he way people act and communicate with others reflects their upbringing. In order to help a child grow in all four of these areas: physical, emotional, social and cognitive. Parental acceptance and parental demandingness assist us comprehend parenting efficacy. How helpful, acquiescent, and conscious of their specific needs and expectations parents are in helping their children be unique, self-regulated, and assertive. "Parental demandingness” is when parents expect their children to grow up, be monitored, disciplined, and willing to confront a child who doesn't do what they are told. Parents have a big impact on how their children grow. Ogg & Anthony (2020), parental involvement is critical for children's growth to be healthy and successful. In order to raise their children, parents must engage in parenting techniques such as participating in intellectual activities with their child, school activities, volunteerism, and community engagement are some of the things
  • 51. Page | - 51 - you can do to help. Communication is the foundation for assisting parents to collaborate with teachers and other school personnel. Sylvia and Glenda (2019), concurred that active parenting necessitates a substantial time commitment. The findings conformed the participants' testimony that prioritizing communication will demonstrate real interest in their children's lives and make themselves available to them. They respect their children by explaining the regulations and their reasoning. The extracted experiences, which are all pleasant. The participants stated that their goals were to be more empathic and concerned the children's feelings and wishes, as well as to comprehend their young children, inculcate basic values, and teach social standards for their future benefit. In the study of Arriero (2017), one key difficulty is parents' ability to communicate with their children, and the other is their general influence in creating a learning environment at home. For example, praising children is more likely than punishing them. Core Essence: Parenting and Rearing Style The authoritative approach is linked to good behaviors like having high self- esteem and being able to do things on your own. Children's temperament, how they think their parents treat them, and social pressures all play a role in how they act. Their first social institution is their family. Parenting styles are approaches used by families to raise their children. Affection and acceptance are two major parenting techniques. The family teaches children basic world concepts, physical and mental development, language skills, and lastly moral and spiritual formation.
  • 52. Page | - 52 - A child's personality is shaped by their social and home circumstances. Parents, schools, and the community all have a shared awareness of and dedication to student education (Epstein & Sheldon, 2016) The theory of Epstein's school-family collaboration shows that stakeholders work together to promote growth and education for children. Many parents could not help their child at home. They can help other parents who are in trouble. Data about how well their children are doing in school makes parents more concerned about their academic achievement of children. Extracted Experiences The following experiences were derived from the ten participants' narratives:: compassionate, self-reliant, empathy, kindness, cheerfulness, talk and listen, self awareness, discipline, dependable and open communication. Emergent Issues: Making Communication a Priority Understanding and trust are developed through effective communication. Effective communication with parents in the family is built on a foundation of mutual respect. Listening is one of the cornerstones to good communication. The ten participants stated that being more helpful, full coordination, caring, and open communication about their children's needs makes life more meaningful and contented.
  • 53. Page | - 53 - Emergent Challenge: Open Communication between Parents and Children Persistent nagging and lecturing. Nagging is the act of repeating something already expressed. Lecturing is the practice of imparting more knowledge than is necessary without pausing to listen to other viewpoints or ideas. Parents can avoid nagging and lecturing their children by keeping their conversations brief. Additionally, parents should keep in mind that after they have explained anything to their children once, there is no need to repeat it. Instead of nagging, parents should employ a different form of discipline. When children are speaking, parents should allow them to finish their sentences before speaking. This is considered common courtesy. Children who believe they cannot communicate with their parents on an even tone may stop interacting with them entirely. Parents should refrain from condemning their children's thoughts, feelings, ideas, and/or behavior. Children frequently interpret such critiques as direct attacks, which can result in reduced self-esteem. When needed, parents should reprimand their children's conduct or actions, not the children themselves. Once a dispute or conflict has been resolved, parents should avoid bringing it up again. Children should be given the opportunity to begin again with a clear slate. Parents who repeatedly remind their children of their past transgressions educate their children to harbor grudges for extended periods of time. Additionally, youngsters must understand that once a matter is resolved, it is settled. When children express their thoughts to their parents, parents should not minimize their feelings. Children require parental support for their emotions.
  • 54. Page | - 54 - Parents must demonstrate empathy for their children's feelings. Children will feel misunderstood by their parents if they do not. According to Sapungan & Sapunga (2014), school more likely to be proactive in making adjustments or developing the students.. Increased parental involvement helps teachers and school administrators have better chances of making great changes to education. Filipino parents, Alampay (n.d.), have authoritarian tendencies in general. Her research stated "Kapwa" (helping others) and "hiya" (shyness) are cultural values that are interconnected with "utang na loob" (paying back). These cultural values are found in the way Filipino parents and parents-children interact in this country. They show that children respect their parents' authority and obey them, that the family is together, and that they follow their parents' rules. c) Family Rules and Responsibilities This study would like to know the importance of the family rules and responsibilities at home. Rules and responsibilities in a family are statements or instructions about how people should act, especially for kids. Family rules can be specific to a situation, like how to eat and how to stay safe. They can also be general rules, like not to be violent, but they can also be specific. The rules that children have to follow will change as they grow up. Rules at home can help kids learn to follow rules in other places. People don't think it's weird for kids to break rules or push the boundaries.
  • 55. Page | - 55 - Rules are a set of rules or principles that govern how people should act in a certain area of work or play. These include what the group thinks is a good way to act that everyone in the group should follow. Regulations, on the other hand, are rules made by the authorities with the help of a law in order to keep things in order and be more efficient in an organization. Regularly punishing your child for breaking the rules teaches him or her about the value of rules. The ten participants' reflections of their experiences give an impression of how they see themselves. The 10 participants in this study were asked about their experiences with rules and restrictions at home. They described their answers as follows: Parent 1 : “ Not as rules because my child is self reliant and she has a an attitude that she does not want to be reminded of”. Parent 2: “ I set the rules for study time, eating, sleeping and doing home chores because I want my child to be independent. After the meal, make or arrange the beddings then she can use her gadget”. Parent 3: “ Yes I have rules and regulations at home. Keeping the bedroom clean all the time by arranging the beddings. Someone is in charge of washing the dishes after the meal. Maintain a neat and tidy environment at all times.
  • 56. Page | - 56 - Helping the family household chores”. Parent 4: “ Yes I have rules since the school classes starts at 8am. He must get up one hour before his first class. I see to it that he has eaten his breakfast. On weekdays there is no mobile legend. I only allow him to use his gadget and play during Saturday and Sunday. Parent 5 : “ Yes I have guideline when it comes to cleaning and sanitizing. Wherever you get something it should be properly returned. Cleaning drive way and cooperation in all household chores. At about 6pm.. The children are not permitted to go out with their friends.. I have this kind of saying that clean up your own mess”. . Parent 6: “ Yes they are given a daily task to complete at home since we don’t have helper, the kids are doing the household chores. My daughter can prepare a simple breakfast meal. The elder brothers are given assigned task too for them to do it”. Parent 7 : “ I haven’t imposed a house rule such as curfew because my children are still young. We have rules for them to follow at home such as dishwashing, fixing the bed or other home task”.
  • 57. Page | - 57 - Parent 8: “At home, I set up guidelines for my children to follow. When using the electronics devices, the time restriction should be set up 11:pm. Sleep at least 9hours a day. Helping the household chores before attending their online classes. They have to follow also the curfew hours and should contact us (parents) wherever they are”. Parent 9: “At home there are rules and regulations. Every task has a specific amount of time allotted for it. My child will be punished if he does not obey the guidelines I have established”. Parent 10: “ Keeping always clean by taking a bath daily before attending the online classes. Have enough sleep at least 9 hours daily. No games on weekdays and helping the household chores”. Discussion and Reflections The participants described their experiences with regards to the family rules at home that helps children learn how to manage in different situations. A family that follows a set of rules is more likely to succeed. Additionally, rules do not apply only to children; they apply to adults as well. The state and our place of employment have imposed rules on us. Rules are an imbedded part of life that help children learn what is expected of them at home, with friends, and at school.
  • 58. Page | - 58 - By setting boundaries, parents teach children critical skills that will aid them in all aspects of life. Rules instill self-discipline in children and teach them how to make healthy choices. When all members follow the rules, they can live in harmony, and each member understands their responsibilities to the other members of the family. Rules help you maintain order in your life and make your daily routine predictable and easy. Adhering to rules at home will prepare you and your children to adhere to them in other settings. Children comprehend what constitutes 'acceptable' behavior and what makes 'unacceptable' behavior. Parents should establish basic, obvious, succinct, consistent, and positive rules and regulations at home. The more children learn about the consequences (good or negative) of their activities, the more they comprehend the significance of their actions and the more secure they feel as a result of their learning. In the study of Waters (2017) talked about "strengths-based parenting." Waters said that the greatest way to raise a well-rounded teen is to focus on talents rather than weaknesses. He stated that deficit-based parenting is ineffective compared to strength-based parenting.Waters argued that deficit-based parenting. Core Essence: Self Discipline and Respect Discipline is the process of educating your child what makes acceptable behavior and what constitutes unacceptable behavior. Discipline, in other words, educates a children to observe rules.
  • 59. Page | - 59 - Discipline is the framework that enables the child to function joyfully and efficiently in the actual world. It serves as personal self-discipline. Effective good discipline is about leading and instructing children, not about coercing them into obedience. Punishments can be a helpful tool at times, but this does not mean that good discipline is mostly about punishments. As a parent, it is your obligation to assist your children in developing self-reliance, respect, and self-control. According to Gottfredson (2017), discipline is intended to educate and cultivate the learner's values of tolerance, respect, and self-control, rather than to victimize, belittle, and dominate those who are subject to the rules and regulations. Effective discipline makes use of a variety of tactics, including positive reinforcement, modeling, and a supporting and loving family. When a parent points out bad behavior, the child should always know that the parent loves and backs them up. There should be care and attention given to the relationship between parents and their children to keep it healthy and strong. It is important to show respect in order to be a good person. He or she should be able to show respect for the authority of his or her parents, but also the rights of other people. Extracted Experiences: The following are the extracted experiences based on the ten participants' narrations: self-reliant, independent, helping household chores ,self-discipline, electronics curfew, punishment, observe curfew hours.
  • 60. Page | - 60 - Emergent Issues: Making Your Family Follow the Rules and Responsibilities Based on the narration of the ten participants on family rules and responsibilities. Adhering to the rules with your family is not as difficult as you may believe. These are an excellent approach to instill a sense of respect and discipline in the home. Rules apply to everyone in the family; do not use your status to circumvent them. Create guidelines that are both age-appropriate and simple to follow for your children. Harsh discipline affects the child's ability to respect and trust the parent. As a result, discipline that is effective requires a firm, fair, reasonable, and consistent use of punishment while maintaining mutual respect. Emergent Challenge: Maintaining A Positive Discipline at Home Every parent wants their children to be happy, courteous, and well-behaved individuals who can find their place in the world. Nobody wants to be accused of rearing a child that is pampered. Effective discipline requires you to first understand your child, particularly their temperamental style, and then employ your discipline to assist them in reaching their full potential given their strengths and preferences. As a parent, you should be expected to express your discipline plan to your child, to be respectful of your child, to behave in the manner in which you want your child to behave, and to be consistent. Setting limits, imposing effective penalties, and enforcing the rules all day, every day can be difficult however it aids in the regulation of children's conduct
  • 61. Page | - 61 - Table 1 Thematic of the Core Essence for Sub Prob 1 Core Essence Extracted Experiences Emergent Issues Emergent Challenges 1. Health and Wellness a. get fit b. complete exercise c .sleep soundly d .eat well- balance diet e .love yourself Optimal Educational Setting Safe Learning At Home 2. Parenting and Child Rearing Style a. compassionate b. self-reliant c. empathy d. kindness e. cheerfulness f. self-awareness g. self-discipline h. dependable i. open communication Making Communication a Priority Open Communication between Parents and Children 3. Family Rules a. independent b. helping household chores c. electronic curfew d. punishment e. observe curfew f. discipline Making Your Family Follow the Rules Home Based Self- Discipline Table 1 the participants' descriptions of experiences in the arental involvement in children's success.. The findings revealed their experiences, which reflects upon the common narratives of ten participants such as Health and Wellness, Parenting and Child Rearing Style, and Family Rules.
  • 62. Page | - 62 - Problem no. 2: What impact does parental involvement have on their child’s education? a. Homework/Assignments The participants describe how they help with their child. Parental involvement with homework helps create self-confidence and motivation in their children's educational tasks. Students' homework assistance allows parents to learn more about abilities, limitations, and help them achieve their objectives. The ten participants shared their own personal experiences with schoolwork and homework They describe responses follows: Parent 1 “ It is not always easy for me as a mother to let my child be independent. I still keep an eye on them and help if needed”. Parent 2: “ First, I explained the instructions to my child. If he doesn't understand it, I provide a translation and several instances. I also allowed her to use Google to look up educational resources and view a video presentation connected to the lesson. I assist him in answering and then allow him to respond on his own. I initiate her self study habit and time management in performing all school activities at home”. Parent 3 : “ Allowing my child to learn on their own will help them build skills.. . I keep on reminding him to enhance the cognitive skills by understanding the instructions before answering the tasks”.
  • 63. Page | - 63 - Parent 4: “Motivate my child to try to do it on her own before she asks for help. When they do their homework on their own, they will learn how to deal with problems as well as how to solve them”. Parent 5 : “To help them learn better, they need to know their strengths and weaknesses. My child will be able to figure out what they're good at and what they need to work on more”. Parent 6: “ Realizing their strengths and weaknesses and what is vital to a child's educational growth.. Sometimes, I supervise and monitor her assignments, but I want my child to do it alone. I try to merely guide and make sure she understands the directions by giving her examples” Parent 7: “ Support my children independently they become and the less they will rely on my assistance. Establish a suitable time and place for completing the homework ideally somewhere with no interruptions and distractions”. Parent 8: “I help him understand the directions first, and then I step in if he doesn't understand the question. Providing them with the opportunity to figure out the answers for themselves. Give them the support to develop the confidence to persevere.”.
  • 64. Page | - 64 - Parent 9: “Learn from own mistakes. I used support rather than simply giving them the answers. It is more beneficial to offer support by guiding them through their work. Helping to interpret assignment instructions and reviewing completed work”. Parent 10: “Encourage them to stick the routine by making a study consistent part of their daily lives is a great way to develop healthy homework habits” Discussion and Reflection The participants described their experiences with regards to homework/assignment that gives positive impact to boost the self-confidence and time management skills of their children. The major function element can be used to distinguish between an assignment and homework. An assignment can be used to highlight what needs to be done, provide instructions on how to complete a task, provide motivation to complete work. Aside from that, an assignment might be used to provide methods for resolving such issues. On the other hand, homework is generally used to identify the issues or difficulties that pupils have on a specific topic. This method can also help solve problems and challenges. Homework, for example, assists pupils in thoroughly preparing for exams.
  • 65. Page | - 65 - According to Bempechat, (2019), many parents see homework as a crucial link between school and curriculum, as well as a way to share with their children. As a result, parents are informed about what they may expect from their children's homeschooling and how they can aid them in their efforts to complete their assignments at home. According to Riswanto and Aryani (2017), educating parents how to help their children with schoolwork and projects using standards-based formative assessment using standards-based formative assessment . Parental involvement helps students' academic success by setting television regulations and providing a study environment. Moroni (2015), looked at 1,685 sixth-graders in Switzerland, they found that parents who help with homework have an effect on their kids' reading skills. It was important to look at two types of parental involvement: (a) supportive involvement and (b) invasive involvement. Results show that there is an important link between supporting involvement and student success. There is a negative link between getting involved and getting involved. The idea of parental homework aid should be given more attention because it has been proven to improve student achievement. According to several researchers (Nez et al., 2017; Silinskas & Kikas, 2019), children's academic achievement can be influenced by their actions. Different sorts of homework involvement are available to parents in a variety of situations. Parental homework involvement is one of the primary promoters of student school-related outcomes like achievement, motivation, and well-being.
  • 66. Page | - 66 - Core Essence: Motivation and Student Homework Engagement Bempechat,( 2019),several parents see homework as a crucial way for their children to stay connected to school and the curriculum while also teaching them important skills that they need to learn. The specialized curriculum gives parents with information about how to prepare their children for home learning. Homework is commonly utilized as a teaching resource. It seeks to improve students' academic performance and learning habits. Different educational levels, beliefs, attitudes, and cultures view homework differently. Children have a responsibility to express their feelings in a way that does not hurt other people or things. When done properly, homework is a valuable source of empowerment in education. It is vital because it helps students acquire essential skills that will serve them throughout school and job. It promotes grades, discipline, time management, resource efficiency, and communication. It gives a chance to evaluate and reinforce previously learned abilities, and to practice new skills. When children do home work, they can learn self-discipline and organization skills so that they can be in charge of their own learning. Moè et al., (2018), the contextual elements have been linked to student engagement in a substantial way. One of the most important things parents and teachers can do to find out how motivated their children are to do their homework is to help them. Families are more excited about school and do their homework, research has found that parents who support their children with their homework are one of the most effective ways.
  • 67. Page | - 67 - In addition to supporting learning, parents who help their children with homework play an important role in teaching them time management and problem-solving skills. Involvement and guidance with homework enhances their children' sense of self-worth. In the classroom, homework is being used to review and drill learning materials.. It develops good study habit. It teaches our child to work alone. Parents may supervise but not answer questions. It integrates different skills in activities and can spark the student’s interest and can inform parents about their child's schoolwork. Homework serves as a bridge, allowing teachers and parents to better understand students' learning styles in school, providing a deeper understanding that can help increase motivation and productivity. Extracted Experiences In this study, the ten participants shared their thoughts and feelings about homework and assignments. The following are the experiences they had with homework and assignments: monitoring, supervising, guiding, directing, independence, challenges, identify the strengths and weaknesses, comprehending, time management skills, practice answering, self-study habit, enhancing cognitive skills, enhance the understanding power, independently, problem solving and active learning, sense of encouragement.
  • 68. Page | - 68 - Emergent Issues: Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses According to the ten participants' stories, positive learning practices inspire them to help and coach their children with homework. Positive character qualities or skills are considered strengths. It involves knowledge, skills, and abilities. Weaknesses are character qualities or skills that are considered unfavorable or underdeveloped. Most parents and teachers tend to focus on a student's flaws or issues. Students (and adults) who can identify their strengths are more likely to build on them to address their weaknesses; they are more likely to be motivated and self-assured. Cunha (2018) conducted middle school teachers to explore their perspectives of homework feedback. The most common methods of homework feedback, according to the majority of teachers, were checking if the homework was done and putting it on the board to check in class. Rosário et al. (2019), teachers wanted to find out what students were good at and bad at, get students to be more involved, and help them with math problems at the middle school level. This is how we gave feedback on homework in class: We praised and criticized. We wrote comments (highlighting correct and incorrect answers). We also gave prizes, discussed about homework in class, and graded it, as well. Medwell and Wray (2018), working with children to identify their strengths makes it easier to discuss their areas of improvement and set goals to improve them. Engaging with children to identify their skills can also help you get to know them better and learn what they enjoy doing and excel at.
  • 69. Page | - 69 - You can link their strengths to the topic you teach. Ask students to think about what they enjoy doing, what they do well, and what they dislike doing. It should include core subjects, sports and hobbies, relationships, and family. Help students establish strong points goals. We occasionally define improvement objectives without considering how our abilities may help us reach them, which can lead to frustration if they are not met. Focus on students' strengths as improvement boosters. Students will be more receptive to feedback if you start by praising their recent achievements. Even when working with a difficult student, strive to start the conversation positively. Keep track of your students' progress and assist them reword or alter their goals as needed. Helping children recognize their talents is a terrific method to increase motivation, confidence, and bond with them. Creating a personal inventory with students, making goals based on strengths, and delivering feedback using positive traits can help them develop self-awareness and become greater learners. Emergent Challenge: Excessive Homework Homework is crucial for students to learn. It improves students' problem-solving and thinking skills. It also aids pupils in revising what they learn in class. Most importantly, pupils should not be assigned too much homework. Excessive homework creates student frustration and stress. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, schooling has gone online. Only work from home. Previously, pupils went to school and did their homework at home. It is now tedious to take online classes and then do homework immediately.
  • 70. Page | - 70 - Students do not need daily homework. Teachers can alternate homework days. This will minimize work pressure and pupils will be more motivated to finish tasks. Students from affluent families are more likely to have resources like computers, internet access, designated study places, and parents who are more educated and ready to help with homework. . b.) Activities at Home and School The participants describe how they get involved in their children's school events actively with regular basis and incorporate them into the learning process. The connections between schools, homes, and communities have a pedagogic component. Children bring attitudes, practices, knowledge, expectations, and behaviors from their families and communities to school. Parents who make an effort to be present at their children's schools demonstrate to them that they care about their education—and that it is important and worth their attention. According to Murray et al. (2019), the Parental Association, also known as the Parent-Teacher Association, is a popular support club for parents who want to help other parents, teachers, and kids. A parent association is a group that is powered by parents and aims to help parents connect with school leaders and give back to their children schools in terms of time, money, and energy. Parents cannot talk to each other because they do not know how teachers and school officials are often unable to engage in this task because they lack the necessary skills to do so (Camacho & Alves, 2017; Epstein, 2019; Goss, 2019).
  • 71. Page | - 71 - The main goal of PTA meetings is to improve the learning environment for students, so that they can learn as well as possible. As long as the children succeed, the school and their families will benefit. The school keeps parents up to date on how the school operates, upcoming events, and any concerns that teachers have encountered. This benefits the school while also ensuring that the voices of parents are heard - a win- win situation. The ten participants' experiences give an impression of their situation in terms of how involved parents are in their children's home and school activities. They describe their answers as follows: Parent 1: “ Yes, during the parent teacher conference or Parent Teacher Conference. The adviser inform the parents for the schedule PTC or Distribution of Report Card. The virtual homeroom PTA meeting is set up in 20-40 minutes via google meet. The teacher may inform in general the development of their children. And discuss some propose project for the improvement of the classroom ”. Parent 2: “ Yes, the teacher holds a PTA meeting at the end of each quarter, and I anticipate her discussing my son's behavior and progress over the first quarter. The PTA meeting is straightforward, with an emphasis on both academic and non-academic issues. Notifying parents of their children's class progress.
  • 72. Page | - 72 - Then, if you need more information, you can make an appointment with the teacher to discuss it in person.”. Parent 3: “Yes, this is the moment when there is a dialogue about the child's development through the issuance of the report card telling about the child's progress . The teacher will email a link to the Zoom meeting, which we can attend, and then the agenda will be presented, followed by a discussion forum.”. Parent 4“The adviser conducts a Homeroom PTA meeting or Parent Orientation to tell the parents about the classroom rules as well as the grading system. The adviser would send a text message or a group chat message with the meeting's agenda. The teacher would arrange for a meeting through Google Meet or Zoom.”. Parent 5: “ Yes, the teacher will inform you about the PTA meeting, as well as the distribution and retrieval of our children's learning materials. Since we are in the midst of a pandemic, the teacher convenes a PTA meeting via Zoom. She will email the link to the parents first. She then presented the agenda and began the conversation at the meeting”.
  • 73. Page | - 73 - Parent 6: “ Virtual PTA meetings are held before regular classes and quarterly with the distribution of report cards or PTCs by the adviser. The teacher sent us a link to join a Zoom or Google Meet meeting. She would provide a power point presentation of the agenda” . Parent 7 : “ Every grading period, my child's teacher holds a virtual PTA meeting. That is when the report card will be given .The PTA meeting would be announced to us via text messages or group chat by the teacher. She would occasionally send a link on the flat form to use Zoom or Google Meet ”. Parent 9: “Yes, mam, the teacher will send us text messages or a group chat message informing us of the PTA meeting. I am merely watching and listening at the virtual PTA meeting. If there is a need for me to express my thoughts, I would be delighted to do so. Most of the time, however, I am simply listening to the conversation. ”. Parent 10: “Yes, PTA meetings provide a platform for the school issues to be expressed, and as a parent you have access to these insights or details of information. Yes there is through via zoom. ”.