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This chapter explains background of the research, statement of the
problem, purpose of the research, scope of the research, significance of the
A. Background of the Research
Speaking is one of English skills because speaking and human being
cannot be separated from each other. Speaking is used to express ideas and to
communicate to people in the entire world.
As foreign language learners in Indonesian, they still have difficulty in
speaking English. This problem also appears to the students of English study
program at teacher training and education faculty in Khairun University Ternate.
Based on the researcher’s experience in learning English, observation, and
discussion with some English students at English study program in Khairun
University; the most English students’ difficulties occur when they speak English.
This is caused by their English background at elementary school to senior high
school, untrained English, and also their daily language affects. So, English
students’ convention when they meet with their friends at English study program,
the most used language to speak with their friends is the Indonesian or a local
Although they get speaking subject I, II, and III at English study program,
the students are not still trained for communicating in English with their friends
and lecturers. So they just speak English seasonally such as: Debating, Guiding
tourist, or having a public lecture by an English foreigner.
In English study program, English is like a seasonal language. So there is
no motivation to speak continuously among lecturers and students. This will be
very complicated to be solved for future English because only few students can
speak English as like as speak Indonesian whenever and wherever they need to
Therefore students’ problems will be very complicated to be solved if the
problems are still unclear and are not found out their causes.
To know and understand the students’ problems above, the researcher
would like to conduct a research about “Exploring Students’ Problem in Applying
Full English Speaking Area at English Study Program of Khairun University”.
The researcher hopes that these problems can be solved by all of us.
B. Statement of the Problem
Based on the background of the researcher’s presentation above, the
researcher would like to state the problems are “What are English students’
problems in applying full English speaking area at English study program?”
C. Objective of the Research
Based on the background and statement of the research above, the
objective of this research is “To know the students’ problems in applying full
English speaking area at English study program of Khairun University”. In order
that students’ problems can be solved by the students themselves and the students
are helped and directed by lecturers to solve their problems by applying full
English speaking area.
D. Scope of the Research
On this point, the researcher focuses on finding the students’ problems in
applying full English speaking area at English study program on the third, the
fifth, and the seventh semesters.
E. Significance of the Research
In this research, the researcher hopes that it can give the useful
contribution of knowledge and reference especially on full English speaking
problems at English study program and can be solved by the students themselves
and the lecturers. Therefore, by knowing and understanding the students’
problems in applying full English speaking area, so full English speaking can be
applied by all English students and lecturers. And the most important significance
of the students’ problems is for solving theirs and improving on the future English
teacher qualification especially for English speaking proficiency.
In this chapter, the researcher will discuss definition of speaking, strategies
of speaking English, problems of English learners, and strategies of applying full
English speaking area.
A. Definition of Speaking
Speaking is one of English skills used to express ideas and to
communicate with other people in the entire world with a variety of reason such
as: relationship, business, networking, overseas travelling, etc. Speaking is a skill
which means not only to be known or learnt, but also to be practiced. Speaking is
not about what should be said only but what people should listen from you to
know and to understand each other. It determines how long it is listened, how well
it is understood, and applied between two people or among people.
To know and understand what speaking is, there are some definitions of
Speaking as the following:
According to Walter and Woodford (in Cambridge School Dictionary,
2008), “Speaking is to say something using your voice or to make a speech to a
large group of people”.
According to Walter (in Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,
2008), “Speaking is
1. To say words, to use the voice, or to have a conversation with someone”,
2. To (be able to) talk in a language”,
3. To give a formal talk to a group of people”,
4. To show or express something without using words”.
According to Haynes and Jacarian ( 2010:149), “Speaking is retell,
summarize, discuss, share, tell, persuade, argue, report, recite, describe, comment,
explain, sing, echo, repeat, read aloud, present, talk, say, whisper, chant,
announce, ask, and answer. They imply that the language is produced by sounds
in order to express ideas and feeling to other people, to inform news, report, etc,
and to do something relating to the sound.
According to Nunan (2003:48) speaking is the productive aural/oral skill. It
consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. It means
that speaking is how to make meaningful sounds to communicate one another.
Many people feel that speaking in a new language is harder than reading,
writing, or listening for two reasons. First, unlike reading or writing, speaking
happens in real time usually the person you are talking to is waiting for you to
speak right then. Second, when you speak, you cannot edit and revise what you
wish to say, as you can if you are writing. (Nunan, 2003:48) It states that
speaking is more difficult than writing or listening and reading where in writing,
you may reconstruct it while making mistake.
According to Richards, (2008:19) the mastery of speaking skill in English is a
priority for many second language or foreign language learners. Consequently,
learners often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the
effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how much they feel they have
improved in their spoken language proficiency. It states that speaking skill is a
main goal in learning English as a foreign language or a second language before
mastering other skills of English Language such as: listening, reading, and
writing. It is also as measurement how well and successful people learn English.
B. Problem and Problem Solving
According to Vangundy (2005; 21), “Problems as goals, one general
definition describes a problem in terms of some difficult obstacle or goal. In other
words, anything difficult to overcome is a problem. He implies that every
difficulty is a problem and to overcome the problem is the way to achieve the
According to Walter (2008), “Problem is a situation, person or thing that
needs attention and needs to be dealt with or solved”. It is implied that wherever
and whenever there is a problem. It must be solved. In other words, never let the
problems without solving them and solve the problems without having a problem
According to Jonassen (2004:3), Problem is defined as First; a problem is
an unknown entity in some context (the difference between a goal state and a
current state). Second, finding or solving for the unknown must have some social,
cultural, or intellectual value. He means that something exists but it is not known
and it must be found and solved with social, cultural, or intellectual value.
C. Problem of English Learners
There are a lot of problems in the world. One of the problems is speaking
especially speaking English. In order to know and to understand what the
problems of speaking English are, so there are three important experiences of the
English learners’ problems in speaking as follows:
According to Hoge (2012:2-7), “There’s a huge problem out there. There
are a lot confused English students and confused English learners. These students
know a lot of English. They know a lot of grammar rules. The problem is they
can’t understand instantly and effortlessly. They can’t speak clearly, confidently
and effortlessly. They know about English linguistics, the academic study of
linguistics, nouns and verbs and pronouns and phrases and clauses and different
verb tenses, all of that stuff, but they can’t perform. That’s a huge problem, all
these adult students out there who just can’t actually speak English well and
understand it well, even though they know a lot. Most schools, most programs
and, indeed, most students in those schools are focused on Academic English.
Academic English is the English that is used in schools, colleges and universities
at the highest level. It’s Academic English. So what are they focusing on? They’re
focusing on grammar rules. In other words, they are focusing on linguistics and
they are focused on writing.”
According to Michael (In, 2010:1), “He learned
English for more than 10 years and he has been living in UK for 3 years. He is
very good at reading English. He reads a lot of textbooks, research papers, and so
on. But he cannot speak English automatically and fluently. He just cannot
express himself. That’s so embarrassing. Because of this, he is just afraid of
talking to people.
According to Jinping from China (in BBC World Service, 2013:2), “He
has learned English for almost 15 years. He has no problem with reading and
listening but speaking has always been a problem for him because, when he was at
school, they always focused on grammar, vocabulary and exams. Now he really
wants to improve his spoken English to a new level, to achieve that freedom in
speaking in the near future. He would try anything to help him achieve this”.
D.Some Causal Factors of English Speaking Problems
1. School System
According to Brophy (2004:1), “Learning is fun and exciting at least when
the curriculum is well matched to students’ interests and abilities and the teacher
emphasizes hands-on activities. When you teach the right things the right way,
motivation takes care of itself. If students aren’t enjoying learning, something is
wrong with your curriculum and instruction, you have somehow turned an
inherently enjoyable activity into drudgery. School is inherently boring and
frustrating. We require students to come, then try to teach them stuff that they
don’t see a need for and don’t find meaningful. There is little support for
academic achievement in the peer culture, and frequently in the home as well. A
few students may be enthusiastic about learning, but most of them require the
grading system and the carrots and sticks that we connect to it to pressure them to
do at least enough to get by.” It means that what is taught in the school based on
curriculum or school system does not really focus students’ needs, abilities,
purposes but it emphasizes most theories or receptive skills such as; memorizing
words, understanding texts, doing exercises, dictation, learning grammar rules too
much, listening comprehension and reading comprehension in order to achieve
grade system and to pass national examination. So students feel bored, frustrated,
etcetera because of pressure. In addition, students do not even have an English
teacher but they get national examination for English subject finally. English
teacher should have professionalism at English teaching in order to apply school
system better.
According to Lewis and Hill (1992:8-9), “In the majority of cases a basic
textbook is chosen and it is this which provides the practical classroom syllabus.
Inevitably, teachers tend to follow the book, deciding in advance how long they
can spend on each unit so that they will finish the book in a certain time. But the
object of the course is to teach the students, not finish the book!” It states that
textbooks, syllabus, and lesson plan may distract an English teacher to focus
students’ needs especially to speak and to write, so the teacher just thinks to finish
the book of made syllabus. Therefore the teacher must not finish the book but
focus students’ needs and abilities.
2. Environment
Environment becomes an important factor to be able to speak English
and to keep speaking English as the wise words, “Environment becomes you or
you become an environment” or in other words, if you do not change your
environment to be better so you will be changed to be bad or good by the
environment. Because environment cannot change itself if no-one change it. So
changing the environment to become a place where English is spoken only is
compulsory to keep speaking English as a foreign language. In order that, the
students and lecturers can apply full English speaking area one another.
According to Wyse and Jones (2001: 178), “Pre-school experience of
social interaction is a desperately important factor in the child’s ongoing language
development. The significance of the adults around the child at this time should
not be underestimated. It has been acknowledged that they provide a number of
important conditions for the child as they:
a. Provide access to an environment where talk has high status
b. Provide access to competent users of language
c. Provide opportunities to engage in talk
d. Provide responses which acknowledge the child as a competent
language user. (Wray et al, 1989:39)
It states that pre-school experience of social interaction is an important
factor to develop a child’s language where adults are around him speaking each
other in order to be acquired speaking skill naturally. It cannot be ignored because
first language that is used by most people acquired by listening then imitating and
speaking the language when they were babies. Therefore, a child who is still very
young at beginning learning a language, it needs to be provided a place to practice
his language, to be created a condition where the language is only practiced to
stimulate him speaking the language with adults as competent users, and to be
provided responses to a child in order to encourage him speaking with other
people. In addition, A child beginning to speak a language seems like an EFL
learner who speaks English so as an EFL learner needs to be provided as like as a
child’s needs.
According to Fill and Mühlhäusler (2001: 113), “In order to help achieve
the shift in attitudes and behavior that is essential if society is to become
sustainable, people who seek to promote this objective need to take a strong stand
on language.” It means that language is used in speaking and writing to preserve
environment in order to build better relationship among people. So when some
people always speak a language which is not used in the area while other people
speak another language. It has some reasons depending on people used the
language whether people speak a language for keeping a secret, practicing a
learned language, keeping identity, or preserving an environment (the conditions
that you live or work in and the way that they influence how you feel or how
effective you can work, or in other words, a particular place where you learn a
language), etcetera. Therefore that a language is used should be noticed based on
the reasons. In that case, speaking English at English study program has some
essential reasons consisting of practicing English language learned, keeping
English identity, and also preserving English environment. In addition, English as
a foreign language should be applied by English students with their lecturers
inside and outside the classroom in order to become true English students, to keep
their identity distinguishing them from non English students, and preserving their
English language at English study program.
Furthermore, Environment identifies some other factors hampering
students to apply their spoken English. They consist of
a. Teacher
English Teachers as the most important factor to make their students’
effectively spoken English, what the teacher generally does is imitated by his
students. Therefore the English teacher must not only be lay, amateur, technician,
and academic, but also be professional. As it is stated by Richards and Renandya
(2002: 388-390) that a ‘professional’ is, broadly speaking, someone whose work
involves performing a certain function with some degree of expertise.
There are comparison and similarity of English teacher work as follows:
1. Professional versus Lay
A ‘lay’ population is a population that does not belong to a specified
professional group. Members of the professional group possess certain skill,
knowledge, and conventions that the lay population do not have. Typically, they
communicate between themselves employing vocabulary that is not readily
comprehensible to a layperson (in our case, examples would be cloze, L1, l2, ESP
etc.). It states that a professional teacher must have certain skills, knowledge, and
convention. Not only teaching English because of knowing, understanding
English, or being able to speak English but also having expertise of English
language consisting of mastering four English skills, listening, speaking, reading,
and writing, English terminology, acronym, abbreviation, vocabulary, grammar,
pronunciation, psychology of language learners, etcetera, mastering how to
become an effective teacher, and having a good teaching qualification, then
English will be taught professionally.
2. Professional versus Amateur
The distinction between the professional and the amateur is based on
consistent differences in performance in the field, involving the quality of
preparatory and ongoing learning, standards and commitment. The amateur does
things for fun, for the love of it: thus someone who knows English may have a go
at teaching it, as an amateur, without any particular training or commitment. He or
she may do it well, or badly. But the professional cannot allow himself or herself
to ‘have a go’ at teaching or to do it badly. It means that pleasure is not a good
reason to teach English because of having knowledge of that. Teaching English is
not to teach what the teacher likes but to teach what is needed by English students.
In addition, when a teacher who does not have English qualification and mastering
English skills teaches English because of having several reasons consisting of no
English teachers, teaching for fun or like, and teaching for a part time job, so
English students’ ability will be ignored by the teacher.
3. Professional versus Technician
The technician, craftsman, or artisan performs certain acts with skill and
becomes more skillful as time goes on, through practice. The professional has not
only to acquire certain skills, but also to be able to take courses of action that are
based on knowledge and thought, as distinct from automatic routines. Beyond
this, he or she has to understand the principles underlying both automatic and
consciously designed action, and be able to articulate them, relate them to each
other, and innovate. It states that a professional teacher teaches English not only
practically but also theoretically. So students can know what to do, why to do, and
how to do, where to do, when to do, and which to do firstly. In other words, a
professional English teacher masters knowledge and thought of English and its
skills such as; vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading,
writing, etcetera.
4. Professional versus Academic
An academic can be defined as a researcher, lecturer, and writer, usually
based in a university. According to the contrasts defined up to now, the academic
comes under the category of ‘professional’, and many academics would so define
themselves. But there is an essential difference between the occupation of the
doctor, architect, teacher on the one hand, and the research scientist on the other.
The professional is, first and foremost, a bringer about of real world change: The
doctor cures patients, the architect, designs buildings, the teacher brings about or
catalyses learning. Essentially, the professional prioritises real time action,
whereas the academic prioritises thought, though of course the professional also
thinks about his or her actions, and the academic acts in order to develop his or
her thinking. The distinction is thus one of emphasis and priorities rather than of
substance. It implies that a professional teacher focuses more on his students. His
students’ failure in learning process is his failure, but an academic does not really
focus on students but his responsibility at teaching so students’ failure is not his
failure but students’ problems in learning process. Therefore, as a teacher
especially for an English teacher should teach the students professionally in order
to become an effective teacher which achieves a good result. In addition, an
English teacher should speak English to students not only inside the classroom but
also outside the classroom to help his students improving his speaking and
listening skills. And the teacher can also help to improve other English skills.
b. Suspension
According to Larson (1992), “Suspension is a punishment that some
school systems use when all else fails.” It means that a punishment may be given
to whomever disobeying the regulation made to apply the importance of discipline
in the school, in the company, or anywhere in order to be better or the best, but
there are a lot of punishments which can be applied, so it must also be considered
based on situation and condition inside or outside the environment, whether the
punishment applied can affect people to get a better change not only inside but
also outside the environment. Therefore, employees need the regulation in their
company, students need the regulation in their school, university students need the
regulation in their campus, and whoever is needed to obey the regulation.
c. Student
According to Richards and Renandya (2002:205-206), there are some
factors affecting adult EFL learners’ oral communication as follows:
1. Age or Maturational Constrains
According to Krashen, Long, and Scarcella (1982) in Richards and
Renandya argue that acquirers who begin learning a second language in early
childhood through natural exposure achieve higher proficiency than those
beginning as adults. And Oyama’s study (1976) in Richards and Renandya also
shows that many adults fail to reach nativelike proficiency in a second language.
Their progress seems to level off at a certain stage, a phenomenon which usually
called “fossilization”. This shows that the aging process itself may affect or limit
adult learners’ ability to pronounce the target language fluently with nativelike
pronunciation (Scarcella & Oxford, 1992 in Richards & Renandya). Even if they
can utter words and sentences with perfect pronunciation, problems with prosodic
features such as intonation, stress, and other phonological nuances still cause
misunderstandings or lead to communication breakdown. It means that Adult
learners learning English are not easy as they learned their first language when
they were babies because of being affected by their first language especially for
intonation, stress, and other phonological problems.
2. Aural Medium
The central role of listening comprehension in the L2 or foreign language
acquisition process is now largely accepted. And there is little doubt that listening
plays an extremely important role in the development of speaking abilities. It
states that listening is really essential to acquire second language and foreign
language although there is still doubt. In addition, when babies learned first
language, they did not learn through reading, studying grammar rules, or writing
but they learn through listening what their parents especially their mother speak
and tell and adults speak, then imitate and speak what is heard. Furthermore, they
learn to comprehend what they heard, and so on.
3. Sociocultural Factors
Many cultural characteristics of a language also affect L2 or foreign
language learning. From a pragmatic perspective, language is a form of social
action because linguistic communication occurs in the context of structure
interpersonal exchange, and meaning is thus socially regulated (Dimitracopoulou,
1990 in Richards & Renandya). In other words, “shared values and beliefs create
the tradition and social structures that bind a community together and are
expressed in their language” (Carrasquillo, 1994, p 55 in Richards & Renandya).
Thus, to speak a language, one must know how the language is used in a social
context. It is well known that each language has its own rules of usage as to when,
how, and to what degree a speaker may impose a given verbal behavior on his or
her conversational partner (Berns, 1990 in Richards & Renandya). They mean
that learning a language should also learn people’s principle, behavior, attitude,
and culture because speaking to people who have different culture will confuse
them. Therefore, cross culture understanding is really needed to build a good
relationship in interpersonal communication.
4. Affective Factors
“The affective side of the learner is probably one of the most influences on
language learning success or failure” (Oxford, 1990, p. 140 in Richards &
Renandya). The affective factors related to L2 or foreign language learning are
emotions, self esteem, empathy, anxiety, attitude, and motivation. It states that
feeling really affects learners in social interaction for instance; nervousness, fear,
and shyness making language learners cannot communicate effectively and
efficiently because of forgetting what they want to say, speak, tell, write, etcetera,
thinking, and doing well. In addition, so, English learners should be encouraged to
build their self confidence firstly in order to learn English as a second language or
as a foreign language.
3. Learning Community
According to Caine and Caine (2010:21-22, & 25-27), “There are different
kinds of communities, and not all conversations lead to useful learning. The point,
however, is that although people vary in how much they like to learn and work
together, the brain/mind is social. Learning in the real world has always been a
partially social process.” There are some essential types of learning community as
a. Study Group
“When people have the same material to study, it can be useful to do so
together.” It means that learning in a group is better than learning alone in order to
share knowledge, idea, experience, and feeling, discuss and solve problems
together especially for English as a foreign language and be done by using the
spoken English.
b. Communities of Practice
“In recent years it has become clear that much of what people learn about
their jobs and professions is picked up informally from conversations with their
colleagues and others.” It states that what we learn, we do, and keep doing cannot
be separated by a social interaction. So people should have a group to practice
their job in order to have the abilities needed or should be in a group of practice to
be able to improve their skill of the job. In addition, speaking English can also be
practiced in a group where English is spoken in order to be able to improve both
listening and speaking skills.
c. Communicating Online
“New technologies have radically expanded the opportunities for people to
communicate, and with that has come an explosion in the use of different types of
online communities, ranging from closed groups to discussion forums to loosely
bounded social networks such as those on Facebook.” It means that in this
globalization era, people can communicate with other people by using both
spoken language and written language. Without knowing and understanding how
to use technologies consisting in computer, mobile phone, and so on, it is difficult
to communicate with other people around the world through social media;
Facebook, Twitter, Video call, and so on. They are used to interact with other
people. So they may be used to practice four skills, listening, speaking reading,
and writing skills but in this case, it is focused more on listening and speaking
E. Relevant Previous Research
Based on the search of relevant previous research, researcher finds some
relevant researches. There are three researches as follows:
Arita (2008), this research aimed at studying the student’s problems in
daily English speaking activity at SMA POMOSDA Tanjunganom Nganjuk. This
study tried to find the students’ problems, the causes and the ways to solve the
problems in daily English speaking activity of the senior high school.
Gebre-eyesus (2014) conducted the research about “The Exploring the
Causes of Students’ Reluctance in English Speaking Classroom”. This research
attempts to explore the causes of the students’ reluctance to speak English in EFL
classroom of Gode secondary and Preparatory school in Somali regional state,
Gode town.
Wulandari (2010) conducted the research about English speaking learning
problems faced by the students at the first year of SMP Negeri 1 Titromoyo
Wonogiri. She aimed to describe problems of the students of the first year at the
junior high school and to describe the solutions of the student’s problems in
learning to speak English.
This chapter consists of research design, subject of the research, technique
of data collection, and technique of data analysis.
A. ResearchDesign
In conducting this research, the researcher applies “qualitative descriptive
method”. According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2009:454), “Qualitative descriptive
method is to document an event, situation, or circumstance of interest.”
The researcher assumes that by using qualitative method in this research
is appropriate. The researcher wants to know, understand the students’ problems,
and describe the result of students’ problems.
B. Subject of the Research
In this research, the researcher takes subject in the third, the fifth and the
seventh semesters’ students at English education study program of Khairun
University Ternate, and the academic year 2016. The subject will be taken by the
researcher by using purposive sampling. As it is stated by Kumar (2011:189),
“The primary consideration in purposive sampling is your judgement as to who
can provide the best information to achieve the objectives of your study.” So the
researcher selects “the third semester, the fifth, and the seventh semester” which
there are twelve (12) informants consisting of four (4) students at the third
semester, five (5) students at the fifth semester, and three (3) students at the
seventh semester.
C. Technique of Data Collection
The researcher conducts data collection by interviewing the students. Type
of interviews which used by the researcher is a face to face interview. It is stated
by Creswell (2014:239) that a qualitative interview is when the researcher
conducts face-to-face interviews with participants, interviews participants by
telephone, or engages in focus group interviews, with six to eight interviewees in
each group.
Furthermore, the students are interviewed one on one (in person
interview) to describe from general topic and details about students’ problem in
applying full English speaking area at campus. Then the researcher collects the
data and analyzes all students’ problem.
D. Technique of Data Analysis
In this research, the researcher applies analysis data. According to Given
(2008:186), data analysis is an integral part of qualitative research and constitutes
an essential stepping stone toward both gathering data and linking one’s findings
with higher order concepts.
According to Levine (1985), Wolfe (1992), & Huberman and Miles (1994)
in Berg (2001:35), all argue that data management and data analysis are integrally
related. In other words, after data management, data analysis consists of data
reduction, data display, and conclusions and verification.
Based on the statement above, the researcher conducts data analysis into
four phases. The four phases of analysis data are as follows:
1. Data collection, in qualitative research, the researcher conducts data
analysis while and after collecting the data in certain period. It means that
those activities are done while and after collecting the data.
2. Data reduction, the research selects and only focuses on important points
to find the theme and pattern.
3. Data display, to notice at displays data helps us to understand what is
happening and to do something further analysis or caution on that
4. Conclusion, after the data has been collected, reduced, displayed, analytic
conclusions are conducted to emerge and to define the data more clearly
and definitely.
Based on the statement above the researcher can conclude that after the
data are analyzed based on certain problems and then they are united into the
problems with problem solving.
A. Finding
There are some influential factors on the students’ problems in applying
full English speaking area such as: Student (Affective factor, Sociocultural Factor,
Age or Maturational Constrains, and Aural Medium), Teacher (Professional
versus Academic), Environmental Factor, Learning Community (Study Group,
Communities of Practice, and Online Community), Discipline/Punishment, and
School System. Those are explained based on the students’ problems at the third,
at the fifth, and at the seventh semesters below:
1. Affective Factor
It is one of influential factors that can affect English students’ success and
failure in learning and speaking English inside, outside the campus, or after
graduation from Teacher and Education Faculty of Khairun University. They are
positive and negative affective factor in the following finding:
Positive affective factor, in order to improve their pronunciation, so to speak
as good as native speakers and vocabulary, to pass international exams such as:
TOEFL and others, to continue studying abroad, to be an international person
because English as an international language, to go around the world, to get the
job easily, to become an English teacher, to master all English skills; speaking,
writing, reading because they are in English program but if they are not able to
master all skills of English, and then they graduate, they will not be a professional
teacher, to become a tourist guide especially for tourists coming in Ternate, to
speak with English students (best/close friends, English friends, classmates,
juniors, and seniors) at E.S.A, to show English students or non-English students
that they are English students and they are from English study program, that is
their major, their obligation, and their responsibility, to be the best of English, not
to care what non-English students watch or say to them arrogant because they are
practicing their spoken English, to feel happy to speak English in the classroom,
to feel proud of speaking inside or outside because English as their identity, their
base of English study program, to be motivated to speak with the teachers as role
models, to imitate the English teachers’ pronunciation, to become like their
English teacher going to study abroad, to agree a bad score “E” and pay a fine
give to the English students but they must be considered based on the students’
ability, levels, and the punishment fitted inside and outside the classroom in the
campus, and to make English students different from students at Indonesian study
program and other study programs. They are as the motivation to reach their
purposes to what they need to be or to what they want to be. Even though there is
a lot of positive affective factor affecting English students, there is also a lot of
negative affective factor which can influence the English students’ failure to
master English knowledge and skills. These are some influential emotions, self
esteem, empathy, anxiety, attitude, and motivation on the students’ problem. They
are to feel shy to speak English when non-English students, other department
students watch or say to them arrogant, speak English in the public, and in front of
class, not confident if they speak English with other English students except their
close or best friends, afraid to speak English because of their bad pronunciation,
grammar errors, and lack of vocabulary, careless of whether they practice their
spoken English outside the classroom or not, indifferent to English students who
speak English with them, so they respond in their daily language (Malayu
Ternate); even though they can speak English, disappointed to their friends and
teachers who do not speak English with them while they need to practice their
spoken English and listening skill with their friends and teachers, angry to the
students responded them by speaking Indonesian while they speak English, to
have empathy on English students when the students cannot understand their
spoken English, they change into their daily language, speak the language each
other, and keep speaking the language.
2. Sociocultural Factor
It explains how English as a foreign language is used inside the classroom
and outside the classroom in the campus, and also outside the campus. So when
the students speak English, sometimes they combine with their mother tongue,
first language, or local language such as: Wait me, kah..!!!, You, nih..!!!, that’s
the true one, kahao? Kahao (Kabagaimana), and We go dah, Mari..!!!, to master
the language, firstly vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and then speaking, or
listening, imitating and speaking the language, or speaking first and then
mastering other skills such Writing, reading, listening because of have a lot of
vocabulary, or reading skill first because with mastering reading skill, they get a
lot of vocabulary and pronunciation.
3. Age or Maturational Constrains
First language, mother tongue, or local language can influence English
students’ spoken English inside or outside the campus, it appears on the students’
pronunciation subconsciously because they have lack of practice of spoken
English, but they have lots of practice or speaking their first language, mother
tongue, or local language such as: Malayu Indonesia, Malayu Ternate, Ternate
Language, Galela, Malayu Bugis, Mangoli, Sanana or Sula language. So the
students’ spoken English is influenced by their dialects each province, territory,
region, ethnic group, or family.
4. Aural Medium
Most students accepted the language learning must be learned from
listening, imitating, and speaking because the ways that they learned their first
language or mother tongue from those steps. That’s why, to help and to improve
their pronunciation, the students listen to English songs in the handphone, on the
way to go to the campus, in the boarding house, at home, when they have spare
time, watch English movies, or English channel like National Geographic
Channel, Wild, or Animal channel, always listen spoken English in the English
course, listen to vocabulary audios, English recording, listened English tourists or
strangers talking together when they met, will gather with the tourist to listen to
English, to listen their friends speaking and lecturers speaking, but the lecturers
rarely speak English or some students say, they never speak English with the
students outside the classroom because they speak English when they are teaching
in the classroom especially for teaching speaking subject. It can also influence the
students’ listening skill and spoken English to become untrained.
5. Professional versus Academic
Every teacher is a role model but they do not really teach the students to
do or to apply but to know and understand what they teach, motivate, tell, and
experience. So some students realize and do or apply it in their activity or in their
daily life but some students realize and do not do or apply it in their activity or in
their daily life because the teacher just do when they are teaching, so the students
do when they have to do.
Some of English students want to become like their lecturers like how they
speak English, pronounce English words, and how they experienced studying
abroad, or others. So if their lecturers rarely speak English inside the classroom,
then the students may never speak English in the classroom, if the lecturers are
bored or lazy to speak English because of too much love of speaking their first
language or local language outside the classroom, then the students may dislike
speaking English in the campus except that the students join the debate
competition, or are asked to join the debate competition by lecturers. In other
words, the students are not allowed to speak English in the campus indirectly.
6. Environment
English study program is similar to all study programs especially for
Indonesian study program at Teacher and Education Faculty of Khairun
University because they learn Morfologi subject, English students learn
Morphology subject, they learn Berbicara, English students learn Speaking
subject, they speak Indonesian (or Malayu Indonesia/Malayu Ternate), English
students speak Indonesian (or Malayu Indonesia/Malayu Ternate) in the campus.
So speaking English make us different or differentiate us as English students at
English study program and Indonesian students at Indonesian department in the
campus, to show their identity as English study program to other programs or
other students, and it may be as motivation for other study programs or other non-
English students to speak or to practice English with them.
7. Learning Community
There are some communities of studying English or practicing spoken
English either inside or outside the campus. Those are ESA study group, other
study groups; one of them is made for their classmate to study English, or
sometimes to speak English at the group, another made for teaching juniors, there
were also English Sharing Club (ESC) as a study group and also a community of
practice that divided into two classes or groups which was named Speaking Class
focused on Speaking English, and Grammar Class focused on studying Grammar
and Structure in the campus, and outside the campus, Allergy was a study group
and also a community of practice, it was made to teach full English each other
based on schedule made by us at the group, and there is a course that applies full
English speaking area, so teachers and students must speak full English there, but
if the students speaking Indonesian there must pay one thousand, and if the
teacher speaking Indonesian there must pay ten thousand.
8. Discipline/Punishment
All of the students agree to apply full English speaking area with the
discipline or punishment such as: paying a fine or giving a bad score because
without the discipline it will fail like what happened on the third floor, they had
made full English speaking area on third floor, but it was applied only for three
days or more than three days, It had been taken off, torn by the students, so it
really failed to be applied. Therefore, most of the students agree the discipline of a
fine payment in order to apply full English speaking area in the campus not only
on third floor, they want not only English students speak English but also the
lecturer speak English, and if only the students speak English and the lecturer
break the rules, it is useless. So if the students speak Indonesian (Malayu Ternate),
they must pay one thousand and if the lecturers speak Indonesian, they must pay
ten thousand or the other suggestion from some students, for the students who
speak Indonesian must memorize vocabulary, clean the bathroom for making
them shy in order to speak English, and be ignored by English students, and for
the lecturers, pay a fine for fund to make the activity at English study program
like study tour, and others. Some of the students agree to get a bad score “E” in
order to apply full English speaking area in the campus because if only paying a
fine, the students will pay because of having a lot of money or will not pay
because of renting room students, so better giving a bad score, it will motivate the
students to memorize a lot of vocabulary, study hard, and practice their English a
lot in order to be able to speak English in the campus and to get a good score.
9. School System
Most of the students studied English subject in junior and senior high
schools such as: getting reading text about advertisement, kinds of text; like
procedure text, doing exercise of text reading, reading conversation, memorizing
vocabulary then mention word by word in front of the class and explaining or
telling the meaning, reading the story in front of the class, most of speaking were
introducing themselves one by one in front of the class, greeting to friends in the
class, and one of them got listening in senior high school to listen native English
speakers speaking, there were also teachers in junior and senior high schools
speaking English a little and combining with Indonesian language to make us
understand in the classroom, one of the students’ the English teacher in senior
high school never spoke English, and outside the classroom, some of the teachers
never spoke English and some of them spoke English but only asked “How are
you?” and “What are you doing?”, and something like that. There are two students
who did not have English teacher in junior and senior high schools but they got
national examinations and passed them, one of them tell that he answered by
closing his eyes.
In junior and senior high schools, they had difficulty such as: lack of
vocabulary, English pronunciation, knowing English a little bit and no-one wanted
to speak English at school, knowing the meaning of some words but rarely using
them, shyness, no self confidence, fear to speak English with their friends and the
English teacher, never practicing, only learning the material, and unknowing
English the characteristics of English like grammar and structure.
B. Discussion
All students’ problems are identified by some influential factors, they
consist of student (affective factor, sociocultural factor, age or maturational
constrains, and aural medium), teacher (professional versus academic),
environmental factor, learning community (study group, communities of practice,
and online community), discipline/punishment, and school system.
1. Affective Factors
Motivation is a central component of Gardner’s Socio-educational Model
(1985). In his research he worked with two different types of motivation;
Integrative and Instrumental. Integrative motivation derives from a personal
interest in speakers and the culture of the target language, such as the motivation a
young woman might have to learn the language of her spouse’s family.
Instrumental motivation derives from the practical benefits of learning another
language, such as getting a job, a degree, or a promotion. In foreign language
contexts, an instrumental reason for learning the target language may be the most
important one. (Murray & Christison, 2011:176)
According to Sharifian (2009:1), In 2003, the Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan developed an action
plan to ‘cultivate Japanese with English abilities’, which emphasized the
importance of English by referring to its function as an international language:
English has played a central role as the common international
language in linking people who have different mother tongues. For
children living in the 21st century, it is essential for them to acquire
communication abilities in English as a common international
language. In addition, English abilities are important in terms of
linking our country with the rest of the world, obtaining the world’s
understanding and trust, enhancing our international presence and
further developing our nation. (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology [MEXT], 2003: 1)
For better or worse, by choice or force, English has ‘traveled’ to many
parts of the world and has been used to serve various purposes. This phenomenon
has created positive interactions as well as tensions between global and local
forces and has had serious linguistic, ideological, sociocultural, political and
pedagogical implications. (Sharifian, 2009:1)
Learners’ places in the world are multiple, changing, sometimes
conflicting, and influenced by the power relations in individual interactions and in
society more widely. This influence may result in the desire to assimilate, adapt,
or reject. As individuals construct their identities, they position themselves
through their language (and nonverbal behavior), that is, they use language to let
others know who they are and what their sociocultural allegiances are. (Murray &
Christison, 2011:5)
Learning a language is useless if we do not know how to communicate,
how to listen to others and how to speak and write so that listeners and readers
will want to listen and read and be able to understand. (Wright, p 7)
There are two kinds of motivation which motivate students to speak
English inside, outside the campus, or after graduation from the university of
Khairun, They are integrative motivation and instrumental motivation but the
most motivation that the students get to speak English as a foreign language is the
instrumental motivation which gets job easily, continues studying abroad,
becomes an English teacher because of English as an international language,
English as a study program at Teacher and Education Faculty in Khairun
University, English as an identity of English students, a means of communication
with people in the entire world. But besides the motivational factor, there is also
demotivating factor which demotivates the students to speak English as a foreign
language English inside, outside the campus, or after graduation from the
university of Khairun such as , the motivation is stated by the English students as
(1/1) I am as an English student; learning English without
speaking English is useless, to continue studying abroad, English as an
international language, for me English is my life, (2/1) …because I want to
be an English teacher, (3/2)…English without speaking is nothing,
(9/2)…the function of the language is a tool of communication, it means
that we must do interaction each other, to other person, so that’s why, if
we are only study the material as Tenses, Modal, Gerund, but we never to
talk, that is useless…, (12/1)…we are as English students, we have to
show our ability of English when we go out from the campus, the people
ask to us about our major, they will ask that, they will know that we can
speak English, so we have to speak inside of campus or outside of campus.
For the other reason, they have to realize that we are at English
department, we have to be master by speaking to show our identity of
English students to the other program or other people….(3/1)…many
people in world use English, other reason, have tourist come here in
Ternate, practice my English with them, because they are native
speakers….(2/3)…I’m very happy speak with the other that have the same
study program English with me, (2/5)…because I like English very
much…, (5/5)…get as knowledge because that is my basic., (1/9k) Because
it’s our department, it’s our identity, so we must to speak English. If we
don’t speak English, it means that we lose that identity, it means that we
cannot be proud of ourselves that oh…we are English department but in
fact, we couldn’t speak English that’s useless. Keep speaking Indonesian
at English department, that’s the problem. It will not help us if like that,
that’s for me, It’s better that our environment must be in English so the
first until the end until the higher semester they can able to speak English
each other…, (2/9k) My motivation to speak English in this study program
because after I graduate from this university, I want to be a teacher so I
have to speak English very well…, (3/9k) Because I see my best friend or
friend like Mr. Saf. He very able to speak English, and then his speaking
English is very good. And then I think I must same as he is because we are
from English department why not we can speak English. And then I have
another motivation to speak English because my mother know, I’m from
English department, and them they know I can speak English if in the
reality I cannot speak English. Maybe they were disappointed with me
something like that. So my parents are my big motivation and people
around me., (5/9k)…my senior speaking English every day, so I listen my
senior speaking English, “Oh My God, speaking is perfect, my senior.,
(6/9k) Because I need English but and I ever asked to my seniors when
they examination or they got proposal, they always need about speak
English when they come to proposal examination, like proposal
examination, they always make English because the lecturer ask them to
speak English…, (7/9k) To improve my speaking skill…, (8/9k) I have to be
better, I have to be best than another student. So…I have counter my
dream to go abroad, so I have to be master in English, so I can go abroad
to get my college like my lecturer has done. That is make motivation is up.,
(9, 11/9k) Because of I’m English department, so that is I have to speak
English because that is make us different with the other students. My
motivation sometimes come from the junior because the junior even I don’t
speak English with them, the juniors when they meet me, they speak
English. so I really appreciate that and I will speak English with them, and
sometimes my friends., (5/9k)…my senior speaking English every day, so I
listen my senior speaking English, “Oh My God, speaking is perfect, my
senior., (6/9k) Because I need English but and I ever asked to my seniors
when they examination or they got proposal, they always need about speak
English when they come to proposal examination, like proposal
examination, they always make English because the lecturer ask them to
speak English…, (7/9k) To improve my speaking skill…, (8/9k) I have to be
better, I have to be best than another student. So…I have counter my
dream to go abroad, so I have to be master in English, so I can go abroad
to get my college like my lecturer has done. That is make motivation is up.,
(9, 11/9k) Because of I’m English department, so that is I have to speak
English because that is make us different with the other students. My
motivation sometimes come from the junior because the junior even I don’t
speak English with them, the juniors when they meet me, they speak
English. so I really appreciate that and I will speak English with them, and
sometimes my friends., (10/9k) …I want to practice English… My other
motivation, when I see around of me, when they try to speak English with
their friends, I think I want to practice English too with them, (12/9k) I’m
as English student, that is my obligation to speak English because if I want
to be/to get certificate of Strata I, but I don’t have ability, I think that is
not effective for me. I get certificate but that is not good. (1/9a) I was feel
that in SMA but now in the campus, talk in English. I’m not feeling weird
or something no, just like usual. No problem with me if they say that I’m
arrogant if I’m talking in English they slang that they’re non ability to
know in English…, (2/9a) I don’t care about them so because I speak
English for make my English is better…, (5,10,11/9a) I don’t care for my
friend is talking about my arrogant, I don’t care this is my responsibility
and my basic…,(6/9a) I feel very happy because I know I’m as English
department… Even when they say, I’m arrogant but I don’t care about it…
that is my basic, my major or department., (8/9a) I really don’t care about
they statement what they said because I conscious that I’m the student
from English department, so I have to be proud, I have to be arrogant…,
(9/9a) I ever got this statement when I was first semester, I try to speak
English, the seniors said if you are wants to learn English, you are feel
two, get two words, the first arrogant, and the second one it’s crazy. I
think that we are not arrogant but we just want to practice our English…,
(12/9a)…if the students watch me speak English and say me that I’m
arrogant. I don’t care about that I feel proud because they have watched
when I speak…, (1/9b) Because if you are in English program or
department. It means that you must master in English in all skills;
Speaking, Writing, Reading. If you haven’t able to master it all, it means
that you could pass it, just say that if you graduate, you are not
professional teacher…, (3/9b)…we must know how to speak English and
then for examples for my friend from Mathematics or from PPKN, they
know well about they subject, why not, why are don’t do like them. We
must master in English, so they think ‘Wow..!!!’ they’re from English
department and then they can speak English. And then maybe they get
motivation from us and speak English with us, (8/3) With my seniors, the
other friends, and my lecturer.
Even though non-English students or other study programs in Khairun
University, they must study English for TOEFL PBT or ITP score requirement for
admission to universities, companies, etc, and also speak English for TOEFL IBT
or IELTS score requirement for admission to universities, companies, some
countries as the global immigration, etc in order to continue studying abroad, to
go around the world, to get jobs easily nowadays.
The TOEFL iBT Speaking section is designed to evaluate the English
speaking proficiency of students whose native language is not English but who
want to pursue undergraduate or graduate study in an English-speaking context.
(ETS, 2009:165)
IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the world’s
most popular English language test for higher education and global migration.
IELTS is designed to test English at all levels and is accepted by over 9,000
institutions, employers and government bodies worldwide. It is accepted by
thousands of universities and colleges in the USA. (Cambridge English Language
Assessment, 2014:20) Those reasons are stated by the English students below:
(1/1) …Even we are not English students. If we want to continue
study, we need to know TOEFL. There are some international
examinations that required speaking also…, (2/1) … if I can speak
English, I can go around the world and easily to get the job….
People who learned their mother tongue or first language is not based on
language learning but language acquisition. It seems the following statements,
consideration of how people learn their own language soon leads to the obvious
primacy of listening. Some modem theoreticians make the distinction between
language learning (conscious) and language acquisition (unconscious). If this
distinction is accepted, it is clear that listening once again assumes particular
significance as, in addition to what is listened to, much of what is only heard
influences the unconscious acquisitional process. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:31)
According to Lewis and Hill (1992:38), “Think of your first language, you
learned it without any effort, with nobody asking you to repeat or formally
correcting you. In the most obvious way possible, you mastered a very difficult
skill. You learned to speak your own language simply by listening to it. Second
language learning is not as different as people sometimes pretend again. The best
way to learn is through good listening.”
(4/10) At home. If I watch a movie like English movie, I will repeat
what did they say, (3/8) …watching my favorite movies use subtitle in
English especially from Korean movies. I feel this is very difficult for first
time, but now I think it is easy because I do that every day….
If you need to practice before a big event, like a parents’ evening at school
or a business presentation, practice always helps. You can rehearse the
conversation in your head or front of a mirror. But if you’re feeling brave, why
not record yourself? Making a short video of your conversation or presentation on
your smartphone or computer is a great way to see how you really sound when
speaking English. You can compare your pronunciation to that of native speakers
on TV shows. (Bhandari, 2015:9) The students also do them at home when they
need to practice their spoken English and have no friends or partners to practice
their English which are based on the students’ responses as follows:
(5/10) I always face to face in the mirror and there I speaking like
funny in the mirror…, (3/10) At home, with myself. I practice in front of
the mirror after I listen some conversation and native speakers and then I
practice in front of the mirror…but sometimes I get difficult because just
myself, and because I don’t have partner to speak. (12/10) Sometimes, I
make monolog and I practice my English by myself. I put one topic and…
when I speak monolog with the mirror or my laptop, I open the camera on
my laptop, I speak to that camera, I record my video of speaking,
There is not only motivation but also demotivation. Demotivation which
causes anxiety, reluctance like nervousness, worry, shyness, fear, and
carelessness, disappointment because of English learning background which
focusing more on theory than practice, more difficult skill, no responses from
friends or teachers whom they are talking to, their spoken English will not be
understood(pronunciation), grammar errors, etc.
Therefore speaking is more difficult skill than other English skills such as
writing, listening, and reading which in writing, you may reconstruct it while
making mistake because of two reasons as they are stated below:
Many people feel that speaking in a new language is harder than reading,
writing, or listening for two reasons. First, unlike reading or writing, speaking
happens in real time usually the person you are talking to is waiting for you to
speak right then. Second, when you speak, you cannot edit and revise what you
wish to say, as you can if you are writing. (Nunan, 2003:48)
Students are often reluctant to speak because they are shy and are not
predisposed to expressing themselves in front of other people, especially when
they are being asked to give personal information or opinions. Frequently, too,
there is worry about speaking badly and therefore losing face in front of their
classmates. (Harmer, 2007:345)
For non-English-background students, whose future depends on their
learning English, how well this teaching is done and how successful schools are in
creating a context in which students have access to English during the schoolday
will largely determine whether they acquire English at all and whether they
receive an education. (Valdés, 2001:147)
(1/3) …when someone want to speak English with them. They
reply with Bahasa Indonesia. So sometimes it’s hard to speak English with
some friends but lecturer, there are some lecturer that also talk in English
to us, so we also answer it in English but not all also, (3/3)…when we talk
to the other department in English is different because they don’t know the
way to speak well in English and then when we talk English in English
department with same department. They know to speak English but
sometimes they are lazy to speak. Maybe they are shy or something like
that…, (4/3)…not all of my friends, they know how to speak English, but
sometimes I try to speak English with another friend not only for English
department but also another department if they know how to speak English
but the most one is my best friend, (3/9a) I’m shy and not confident.
Sometimes they say “You are very arrogant.”… but just do that because
we are from English department. So sometimes, I don’t care about that,
(4/9a) I’m shy if they say like that because they don’t know that why we
are speaking English because that’s a way we practice our English…,
(7/9c) That’s good but some of us do not get what the teacher said but I
think the teacher have to combine…,(2/9i) I’m happy if I can speak
English but sometimes I feel worry if I speak English and my friends didn’t
understand what I say and then my grammar is Amburadur, same as
outside, not only Grammar but also Pronunciation., (3/9i) If it is inside the
classroom, I feel confident because this is I talk with my friend and then
my lecturers also. Because this is we can improve our speaking and then
my friend can correct me if I get or make mistake in speaking subject and
also other English subject. Outside the classroom, sometimes I feel shy
and then sometimes I cannot talk with English because my friends can
respond in English what I say, (4/9i) If I speak English with my friend and
another friend, they didn’t speak English, they look at us. I feel like
arrogant, so I will use Bahasa again, but actually, I really want them to
listen what did we say, I want not only with my close friend but also with
them…, (5/9i) The first, I feel nice and I think I proud to speaking English
in the class, and then my friend listen before I speaking, I always my friend
“I’m sorry, my speaking not perfect” Oh! Not problem, you speaking, I
listen, and you understand, I understand. Yes! Outside my feel just so so
because I can speaking English and speaking Indonesian…, (6/9i) I really
happy when I outside of our classroom because in my classroom, they
always speak Indonesian…The other when we do not discuss, we do not
use English especially me, but when my friends ask me about English, I’ll
respond about English more. But I really happy to speak English outside
classroom. If inside classroom, I feel, there is depend on our friends when
they speak first about Indonesian, it will become about Indonesian. So I try
to enjoy with them, (7/9i) Inside the classroom, I speak, I really shy
because in inside all of my friends know my wrong but outside maybe
another do not understand what I said, they do not know what in English,
(8/9i) … inside we have to be careful about our grammar because our
friends many students would like to complain our grammar or criticize
about our statement… but outside we can talk free because I don’t care
about the people statement that we have to focus on the grammar, I believe
that we have main purpose that communicate with each other, so you get
my point, I got your point is clear, (9/9i) If I speak in the class, sometimes
I am not really feel, not really confident. I’m afraid if my speaking is not
based on grammar. If outside I feel more comfortable, (10/9i) when I were
in the first semester, I’m shy and I afraid when I speak English in the class
but I think in the seventh semester like this, I think it is not, I don’t feel like
that anymore. Sometimes I feel it but I try to throw it away from me…,
(11/9i) I feel good because I keep my English, if I speak with my friends, I
afraid to make mistake, and shy if I speak with my seniors, I always keep
my English because my senior always speak English use Grammar…,
(12/9i)…When I speak in the classroom, I feel this is not important
because we only speak with our friend and sometimes they refuse, I don’t
want to speak English. I want to speak Indonesian. It’s better if I speak
with people or my friends outside the classroom, even the other semester
or the other program, I can keep speaking English with them because they
want to practice, they force to speak English with me. so I don’t care who
don’t want to speak English, and I care when I speak English with the
students who wants to practice their English with me, (2/10) …For
speaking outside, because no one that I can invite to speaking English
together. Even I have English friends but they always speak Indonesian so
I respond in Indonesian. Or just when I meet my uncle she is English too,
so that’s the time to me for practice my English because if he meet me, he
always speaking with English but It’s rarely, (4/9k) …I don’t know my
motivation to speak English here, (6/10) In my renting but that is a little
but when I come to the community like in the place of course, because I
ever come to course place in ETC. I ever from ETC. That is make us to
speak English all of the time. (7/10) I looking for my friend in the English
study program, so if I get, I speak English with them, (9/10) I usually
practice in my course in Toboko, English Training Center, I think that if
I’m not practice there until right now, I get the difficult to speak English
because there everything that is English area, and then we speak English,
that is make my habit to speak English every day, (10/10) I have no the
friends from English program when I am in the other place like outside the
campus, sometimes I need my friends especially in the English program, I
mean use English with my classmate…, (1/3) Usually with some of my
friends but not all…but lecturer, there are some lecturer that also talk in
English to us…, (3/3) With my friends, sometimes with non English
department like my friends…speak English with seniors, juniors when I
meet them in front of the class, (4/3) My friends especially my best
friend…sometimes I try to speak English with another friend not only for
English department but also another department…, (5/3): My English
friends, (6/3) My classmate, if I meet someone that sit down and I invite
him to speak with me, (9/3) Sometimes I speak with my friend and with the
junior, (10/3) Every people that they know English if we meet especially in
English department, seniors’ friends, or junior, (11/3) Which my friends,
my juniors, my seniors, (12/3) With my friend, my classmate, and with the
lecturer if sometimes the lecturer teach us in the classroom with speak
English…, (2/9i) …if I speak English and my friends didn’t understand
what I say and then my grammar is Amburadur….
2. Sociocultural Factor
To speak a language, one must know how the language is used in a social
context. It is well known that each language has its own rules of usage as to when,
how, and to what degree a speaker may impose a given verbal behavior on his or
her conversational partner (Berns, 1990) in (Richards and Renandya, 2002:206).
Speaking skill is a main goal in learning English as a foreign language or a
second language before mastering other skills of English Language such as:
listening, reading, and writing. It is also as measurement how well and successful
people learn English. As a theory states that the mastery of speaking skill in
English is a priority for many second language or foreign language learners.
Consequently, learners often evaluate their success in language learning as well as
the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how much they feel they
have improved in their spoken language proficiency. (Richards, 2008:19)
Think of your first language, you learned it, without any effort, with
nobody asking you to repeat or formally correcting you. In the most obvious way
possible, you mastered a very difficult skill, you learned to speak your own
language simply by listening to it. Second language learning is not as different as
people sometimes pretend; again, the best way to learn is through good listening.
(Lewis & Hill, 1992:38)
Knowing a language is much more than knowing the structures. The
language can be seen in many ways, but for teaching purposes three are
particularly important, vocabulary and structures are what is said; pronunciation,
stress and intonation are how it is said, and function is why it is said. (Lewis &
Hill, 1992:26). Consisting of those theories, there are negative impact and
positive impact influencing students’ understanding of the language use in their
process of how they learn and understand the language. Firstly, negative impact
which influenced the students to master and to speak the English language, it is
stated by the students as follows:
(5/2) …reading then second writing and listening, and the last
speaking, (7/2) Reading skill because in the reading skill, we get the
vocabulary, pronunciation when we reading and can get a lot
vocabulary…, (6/9c) …English is a skill, no knowledge. So when they
speaking, it means they show to the students to follow them without
Indonesian…, (1-4/9h) The words is wait me, Kah!, You nih!..., (6/9h) I
always make like this; Don’t go go, kah..!!!, and also when someone make
something funny, I always say “suitable” (Cocok!!!), “Do you want to
mote with me?”…, (7/9h) Kahao(Kabagaimana) “That’s the true one,
kahao?”…, (9/9h) Sometimes, I join the friend like; “You, nie”…, (11/9h)
I use Txxxxxx dialect and Gxxxxx. For example, “We go, dah mari.”,
“Finish, dah” I have ever spoken like that because if I join one course,
they spoke like this, so my habit is like that….
Secondly, positive impact made students to learn the language as the
theories stated. Those are stated by students below:
(1/2) Before speaking we need to know vocabulary first, and then
from the speaking we can able to write. So all of skills will be back in our
speaking, (2/2) Speaking the first so if I can speaking English, easily to me
for writing, listening, and then reading. If I can speak, it means that I have
many vocabulary so if I have many vocabulary, its mean that I can easy to
writing English, (3/2) Listening and Speaking because firstly we talk like
this sometimes people cannot understand what you say and then what the
meaning, because sometimes we’re not from native speakers, then they not
understand and cannot catch what we talk to them. And if people talk to
me, I must listen carefully what they say and then I can understand. First
skill that we master is listening and speaking and next other skills like
reading and writing, (4/2) …the important one is vocabulary. After vocab,
we must know how to pronounce the English..., (9/2) Based on my
experience, Speaking first and then before speaking we need vocabulary
and grammar, (8/2) Based on the rule, we have to be mastered in listening
because listening is the first skill in English, and the next one is
pronunciation because pronunciation decides our speaking fluently, or
bad or good…, (10/2) Based the four skills in English, listening is very
important to be mastery by students or some people to learn English,
because we learn about mother tongue language or first language; the
first, we have to listen after listen we have to try to speak. So listening and
speaking are very important after this writing and reading, (8, 12/9h) I
never use that, mix Indonesian and English.
That is a big problem when misunderstanding happened to the students in
language learning. So the students must know and understand how the language
should be learned, as adult learners, English students need to know and to
understand that they may have both language learning and language acquisition. It
seems the following statement:
Consideration of how people learn their own language soon leads to the
obvious primacy of listening. Some modem theoreticians make the distinction
between language learning (conscious) and language acquisition (unconscious). If
this distinction is accepted, it is clear that listening once again assumes particular
significance as, in addition to what is listened to, much of what is only heard
influences the unconscious acquisitional process. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:31)
3. Age or Maturational Constrains
Speaking English as a foreign language can be influenced by the students’
mother tongue, first language, or their local language that they speak every day
wherever and whenever they are in or at.
As Krashen, Long, and Scarcella (1982) in Richards and Renandya argue
that acquirers who begin learning a second language in early childhood through
natural exposure achieve higher proficiency than those beginning as adults. And
Oyama’s study (1976) in Richards and Renandya also shows that many adults fail
to reach nativelike proficiency in a second language. Their progress seems to level
off at a certain stage, a phenomenon which usually called “fossilization”. This
shows that the aging process itself may affect or limit adult learners’ ability to
pronounce the target language fluently with nativelike pronunciation (Scarcella &
Oxford, 1992 in Richards & Renandya). Even if they can utter words and
sentences with perfect pronunciation, problems with prosodic features such as
intonation, stress, and other phonological nuances still cause misunderstandings or
lead to communication breakdown. It is a factor which is one of important factor
that made the students difficult speaking as like as native English speakers. This
factor happened to the English students at English study program as stated by the
students as follows:
(1-12/9e)…our first language(Mother tongue/Local language)
because first language is our language every day. But English/foreign
language, not all the people will knewn English. Foreign language, (2/9g)
Indonesian or local language (Axxxx)…, (3-12/9g) Indonesian language
(Malayu Ternate/others), (1-12/9h)…dialect is our identity even you are
from one place or other places if you are always speak your first
language, you always speak about the dialect. It will be seen.
4. Aural Medium
Listening has the most important role to speak English accepted by most
people all over the world that they learned a language by listening, imitation, and
speaking the language in order to improve their spoken English as the theories
below state that;
The central role of listening comprehension in the L2 or foreign language
acquisition process is now largely accepted. And there is little doubt that listening
plays an extremely important role in the development of speaking abilities. It
states that listening is really essential to acquire second language and foreign
language although there is still doubt. (Richards and Renandya, 2002:205)
Think of your first language, you learned it, without any effort, with
nobody asking you to repeat or formally correcting you. In the most obvious way
possible, you mastered a very difficult skill, you learned to speak your own
language simply by listening to it. Second language learning is not as different as
people sometimes pretend; again, the best way to learn is through good listening.
(Lewis & Hill, 1992:38) They are also stated by the English student at English
study program as follows:
(1/9c) …if the condition all in English. It will help the students also
to copy the teacher or imitate the teacher as a role model, (11/9c) …if they
always invite the students to speak English/to use English, do not use
Bahasa, and the students always practice their listening then that make
our habit, and then we have motivate to learning a lot of vocabulary and
then we improve our speaking with our lecturer, (1/9e) I believe that our
first language because first language is our language every day…,
(2/9e)… I learned language by listening and repeat what they say, listen to
my parents, my sister, my brother, and other people is around me, I
practice, I try to pronounce or imitate they say and speak the language,
(3-12/9e) …I learned from my mother from people around me. So I think
after listening, I try to pronounce this what that I get people around me.
Maybe they say that ‘Ho BoloHang’ and then I say mother, what is this,
what is the meaning from, (1/9f) I usually watch movie to listen English
talking… English songs and others, (2,9/9f) I like to listen English songs,
movie. When and wherever I have spare time and I boring with something
so I listen English song to entertain myself…, (3-5,7, 11-12 /9f) Listen to
English songs, and then sometimes I listen my friend talk, their
conversation. At the campus in the classroom when my lecturers talk, and
then in outside when I feel boring with something, and then take my phone,
and then listen a music/English song…, (6/9f) I listen to the films when I
watch the TV, I always listen to the TV; the channel about animal channel
and they explain about animals or cartoon movies. movies in foster
mother’s house, (8/9f) Music, English song, and the conversation, or the
recording of English conversation, and always listen the tourist or the
stranger from outside, they always talking together with their friends. I
am/was in the situation between them…, (10/9f) English songs, the short
conversation in the campus…, ,
5. Professional versus Academic
Essentially, the professional prioritises real time action, whereas the
academic prioritises thought, though of course the professional also thinks about
his or her actions, and the academic acts in order to develop his or her thinking.
The distinction is thus one of emphasis and priorities rather than of substance.
(Richards and Renandya, 2002:390)
The following list summarises the differences, as well as one important
The notion of capitalizing on students’ existing motivation. This is only
part of what needs to be done, however. If you confine yourself to responding to
the motivational orientations that your students bring with them, you will limit
your options and fail to capitalize on opportunities to guide your students’
motivational development in desirable directions. (Brophy, 2004:17)
The emphasis is not on understanding, but on the ability to respond
automatically. The teacher who sees language as habit will see the necessity for
repetition and intensive oral practice. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:22)
Teachers who teach the students English must know, understand, and
apply English as a habit, so they need to speak with students each other inside and
outside the classroom in order to teach effectively and efficiently.
A learning community features a social context in which students feel
comfortable asking questions, seeking help, and responding to questions when
unsure of the answer. Members share the belief that “We’re all learning together,”
so confusion and mistakes are understood as natural parts of the learning process.
The teacher has a special place in this learning community, but he or she is a
learner too, and models this fact frequently. (Brophy, 2004:28)
Some foreign language students, particularly adults, are learning the
language for very specific reasons; others, particularly those learning in a State
school system, are doing English because it is part of the system. In all cases,
however, students are more likely to enjoy the subject, and to succeed at it, if they
are involved in the learning process and, as far as possible, have a chance to
influence what happens, and how it happens. (Lewis & Hill, 1992: 9)
Teacher is the most important factor who influences students especially for
English students to listen and to speak English wherever they are whether they
speak English with other English teachers or lecturers and all English students
inside or outside the classroom in the campus not only when the students have an
English competition or event, or studying speaking subject I, II, and III but also as
long as English as their study program, they must speak English each other in
order to help when mistake happens to their students, share knowledge among
lecturers and students and keep their identity as English lecturers. Therefore,
lecturers should know some needs of students to become what they need and
The following descriptions of the needs that are in the hierarchy from
lowest level needs to higher level needs. Figure 4.1 demonstrates Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs.
There are hierarchy level needs such as physiological, safety, love and
belongingness, Esteem, and self actualization, but in this context, focusing only
on the following three hierarchy level needs below:
The belongingness or affection needs encompass a hunger for affection,
caring, belongingness, and perhaps love, the esteem needs are affiliated with the
desire to have status, dignity, respect, recognition, attention, and to be appreciated
by others, and lastly, the self-actualization need is the desire to do or be what one
is uniquely suited for. "A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet
must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself" (Maslow, 1970, p. 46)
in (Wrench, Richmond, and Gorham, 2009:54)
Those needs above are really needed to have a better process by students
from a teacher. So when the teacher especially for English lecturers applies it
properly, every student will feel confident and happy to express their idea and
feeling by speaking English with their lecturers and other English students.
While there are many helpful ways of approaching language teaching, it is
a mistake to believe that ‘a method’ exists which can guarantee success. Every
teacher knows that what works one day with one class, does not necessarily work
with a different class, or even on a different day with the same class. A textbook
which is appropriate to one situation, is often not suitable for another. (Lewis &
Hill, 1992:15)
Therefore, there are the negative impact and the positive impact which
influence the students at English study program, below the negative impact stated
by the students.
(12/3)…sometimes the lecturer teach us in the classroom with
speak English, but they seldom speak English in the classroom,
(12/5)…because we can communicate with our friends using English
because outside the class we seldom use English, more Indonesian, we
speak outside…, (3/7)…sometimes when we meet in office…we speak with
them like asking just simple question, How are you, ma’am? And they
respond in English but from them ‘No’. Maybe they are busy, so I don’t
want to disturb but if they are not busy, maybe I will speak a lot., (4, 7,
10/7) Never (The lecturers never speak English with us), I don’ know
their reasons., (6/7)…I only speak with some lecturer. They are not
teaching about speaking subject when I meet with them, I only ask them
about English but there is no teacher of English speaking subject. They
only make Indonesian when they in out class, they respond in Indonesian
language…, (11/7) Seldom to speak with their students inside and
outside, if we invite them to speak English, they respond in Indonesia…,
(12/7) Sometimes…when we try to use English to speak with them, they
use English but just a little after that they change their language into
Indonesian and we keep communication using Indonesian, (1/9c) It’s best
for the students…if the condition all in English. It will help the students
also to copy the teacher or imitate the teacher as a role model, (1/16)
Inside the class, sometimes when we ask to do telling a story or
something else, they will tell that you must use this grammar, you must
use past or present in here. It usually ask to do that but if outside the
classroom, some the students also never talk in English to the lecturer,
and the lecturer also same too, just say like no problem at all just keep
talking in Bahasa. So if outside not to care about but keep our speaking
ability outside the class, ‘No!’ but inside the class, ‘Not really’ I mean
that usually they ask but not really, (2/16) They meet us, they speaking
English with us and keep speaking English with us. And if we are wrong
in our speaking, maybe they can correct us. Maybe, If I don’t speak
English, they ask me for speaking English. Yeah…because I think so
just…just sometimes they will speaking English with us, (3/16) When I
use bad or wrong pronunciation, they will correct my pronunciation or
bad grammar they want to correct also, and then not just tell to me but to
of students in the classroom. Outside the classroom, maybe I never talk
with my lecturers, but if my lecturers speak English with me, I try to
respond with English…, (4/16) Nothing, (5/16) Always speaking
Indonesia, maybe I think., (6/16) …there is no the teacher/lecturer like
this in this campus. Because I didn’t get it in this campus, they care our
speaking and for speaking subject teacher, they care our speaking
especially, there is in the classroom, (7/16) …they don’t care my English
speaking ability and they don’t want to keep my English speaking ability,
(8/16) I don’t know exactly, they just said “please talk each other with
English, and you will improve your English exactly!” but I didn’t find
anything, when they want to care about our English in the daily activity
when we in the campus. It’s nothing. Maybe just in learning process in
the classroom because they have responsibility to teach us speaking
subject, (9/16) When this university have the event like debate, they (the
lecturers) will ask us to join that the debate because your English is good,
so you must join that event, (10/16) They always care about it to us, they
always say that, “We have to study hard, we have to improve our
speaking skill, especially speaking skill, our lecturer in the speaking
subject, she always talk to us, “We have to study hard, we have to
memorize some vocabulary, study about English more, and then we can
speak English well. They have care about our ability in speaking English.
And if keeping our speaking English, I think they just keep our speaking
English just in the classroom of speaking subject. But outside based on
the fact, my activity in the campus, I cannot find it, I never find it, so they
don’t care our speaking ability and keep it well outside the classroom in
the campus, (11/16) I think my lecturer specially for English program and
education, they only see the clever students in English program and
education, they didn’t show the another students and they have ability to
communication or ability mastery grammar, (12/16) I think Never! They
never see our ability of English when we speak in this environment, they
never care, they just care the people who join the competition and then
make the lecturer/teacher proud, they will train them, and then they make
their English well and others.
The teacher who recognises language as a means to an end will see the
necessity for looking at why particular pieces of language are useful and, having
seen their purpose, will then be able to see their usefulness (or otherwise) for
students. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:23)
Teachers who recognise language as communication will see the necessity
for genuinely interesting texts, individualised teaching, pair work, free practices,
listening practices and many other classroom activities. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:23)
The degree to which a particular motivational disposition develops, as well
as the qualitative nuances it takes on in the individual per-son, are influenced by
the modeling and socialization (communication of expectations, direct instruction,
corrective feedback, reward and punishment) provided by “significant others” in
the person’s social environment. Along with family members and close friends,
teachers are significant others in the lives of their students, and thus in a position
to influence the students’ motivational development. (Brophy, 2004:17)
(1/5) Because I can improve my speaking English and…only
satisfied me when I did it in a good way., (3/5) Because we get something
interest… and then the lecturers give our motivation, and then (tip) how
we can speak well… the lecturer is very funny., (4/5) Because I like the
lecturers’ pronunciation. It is really nice to listen. Even I don’t
understand. And also I wanted to be like my lecturer also., (6/5)…I seen
the lecturer teach about English speaking and they always
speaking…that’s why, I got motivate from her and also I like it, (8/5) …we
interested about her pronunciation, her experiences because the lecturer
of speaking subject is the one of our lecturer in English department who
get the college in outside or abroad…, (9/5)… because the lecturer give
the example and the students get time to speak by using English, get the
new vocabulary from the lecturer., (10/5)…we don’t think about
grammar…because before it our lecturer said that we don’t think about
grammar more, we just speak up. So the students who don’t know
grammar, they can answer, and speak up, (11/5) All of subjects, I like only
speaking subject because…speaking subject also take us to brief/brave to
communication with foreign people, and then senior, and our lecturer,
(2/9c) …if they speak full English we can get many vocabulary and maybe
it’s very advantageous for us. And if we don’t understand what they are
saying, we can ask for them, I think they will be explain for us to make us
understand about what they are saying., (3/9c) If English teachers or
lecturers speak English each other, It’s good because they can make us
think wow our lecturers is very good in English, and then we must same as
they are, and then we can oh…our lecturers can speak English why we
cannot speak English. Because they teach to us English so we can
take/speak like them., (4/9c) It’s nice, it’s good. It can help the students of
English study program because if the teacher of the lecturers speak
English, it will influence to the students. So the students will speak English
with the lecturers each other, (6/9c) I think that’s very good because they
invite us to speak with them and when they speak English with me and with
my friends especially English department … it means they show to the
students to follow them without Indonesian and also they will make all of
the place is English speaking area, (8/9c) I think so great and fabulous
because it is making our experiences in English will fluently and I think, it
is the consciousness from them, they have to serve us because that is their
obligation because they have to teach us firstly from outside, so they will
teach inside and the practicing between inside and outside have to be
balance, (9/9c)…that’s good. That can motivate the students because they
say our teacher speak English, we must also speak English. If our teacher
speak English, and then for the other students that doesn’t know what the
teachers mean, they will think, if always like this, I cannot understand, it
means I must study hard, (10/9c) …the teacher have to use English first
before the students use, (11/9c) …if they always invite the students to
speak English/to use English, do not use Bahasa, and the students always
practice their listening then that make our habit, and then we have
motivate to learning a lot of vocabulary and then we improve our speaking
with our lecturer, (12/9c) …if English keep speak with the students or the
same lecture. I think it will be motivated the students. The students will
speak English without the lecture force them to speak English because the
lecture speak in English program or inside of campus, (1/14) I think that
the first, the process must be start from the teacher like the teacher guided
about learning in English, like ask them in English, the environment in
English so the students will copy or imitate the teachers like ask what the
teacher do, ask what the teacher ask to them. Yes! Start from the teacher
and then go to the students and the students applying it by themselves,
(2/14) I think the teacher should be use full English in the class, can
bilingual but I hope the most in English. And they have to invite us to
speak up, (3/14) I think because maybe I want to be a teacher. And then I
must know about that. If I want to teach some class use English, firstly
must master the material first and then use full English in the classroom. If
my students don’t understand English, I translate. If I use full English and
then I just tell the little from Indonesian. Most language that I used is
English and they must bring dictionary and then open, and find what
words I mean. So they can get vocabulary, pronunciation, and then also
they can practice their listening skill, (4/14) I think we must apply rules
first. Like the example, If I teach English, I will make my own rules. No
speaking Bahasa only English in the class and also outside if they know
about the word in English, they can ask me in English like example, “Ms,
What is in English ‘Sleep’?” So I can write the word, and read and ask
them to repeat, (6/14) The first one is when the process English, it means,
we want to teach them English. It means we will become an example, I
mean the paragon when we want to teach them about English, we have to
explain them, give the example what is English itself. So that’s why, by
using English they will know about English and the important one and
speaking English is the important one because when we teach about
English. It means when we speak they know about English and speaking
itself, (7/14) Always use English speaking and practice with teacher and
students also, (8/14) We have focus in conversation and we criticize the
conversation at all. So the teacher will ask what your opinion to this
conversation to be better because many conversation would be blank or
is/will has mistake in the step of the statement that they give so the
conversation will be mistaken in the grammar so the teacher will ask us
about the mistake in the conversation. So we will be criticize, where is the
mistake and the wrongness in the conversation that we made or find,
(9/14) I think if it is about speak we need to practice, that’s in my mind,
and we need to practice how to speak English. If the teacher already speak
English in front of the class, even it is combine, we as a student also have
motivation, oh…our teacher is good in English, I want to be like my
teacher, (10/14) I think that I will make the discussing, make the students
explain what they discuss to the other friend, it means they have to
improve speaking skill, after explanation, I will apply it, I will ask to them
to apply to the other friends, to speak up to the other friend and then the
other friend will respond it, I will be facilitator, I will guide them, I will
listen carefully what they say, and there is mistake, I will make it right.
And then if they don’t apply, I will remind them to apply it or I will change

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  • 2. 2 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter explains background of the research, statement of the problem, purpose of the research, scope of the research, significance of the research. A. Background of the Research Speaking is one of English skills because speaking and human being cannot be separated from each other. Speaking is used to express ideas and to communicate to people in the entire world. As foreign language learners in Indonesian, they still have difficulty in speaking English. This problem also appears to the students of English study program at teacher training and education faculty in Khairun University Ternate. Based on the researcher’s experience in learning English, observation, and discussion with some English students at English study program in Khairun University; the most English students’ difficulties occur when they speak English. This is caused by their English background at elementary school to senior high school, untrained English, and also their daily language affects. So, English students’ convention when they meet with their friends at English study program, the most used language to speak with their friends is the Indonesian or a local language.
  • 3. 3 Although they get speaking subject I, II, and III at English study program, the students are not still trained for communicating in English with their friends and lecturers. So they just speak English seasonally such as: Debating, Guiding tourist, or having a public lecture by an English foreigner. In English study program, English is like a seasonal language. So there is no motivation to speak continuously among lecturers and students. This will be very complicated to be solved for future English because only few students can speak English as like as speak Indonesian whenever and wherever they need to speak. Therefore students’ problems will be very complicated to be solved if the problems are still unclear and are not found out their causes. To know and understand the students’ problems above, the researcher would like to conduct a research about “Exploring Students’ Problem in Applying Full English Speaking Area at English Study Program of Khairun University”. The researcher hopes that these problems can be solved by all of us. B. Statement of the Problem Based on the background of the researcher’s presentation above, the researcher would like to state the problems are “What are English students’ problems in applying full English speaking area at English study program?” C. Objective of the Research Based on the background and statement of the research above, the objective of this research is “To know the students’ problems in applying full
  • 4. 4 English speaking area at English study program of Khairun University”. In order that students’ problems can be solved by the students themselves and the students are helped and directed by lecturers to solve their problems by applying full English speaking area. D. Scope of the Research On this point, the researcher focuses on finding the students’ problems in applying full English speaking area at English study program on the third, the fifth, and the seventh semesters. E. Significance of the Research In this research, the researcher hopes that it can give the useful contribution of knowledge and reference especially on full English speaking problems at English study program and can be solved by the students themselves and the lecturers. Therefore, by knowing and understanding the students’ problems in applying full English speaking area, so full English speaking can be applied by all English students and lecturers. And the most important significance of the students’ problems is for solving theirs and improving on the future English teacher qualification especially for English speaking proficiency.
  • 5. 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In this chapter, the researcher will discuss definition of speaking, strategies of speaking English, problems of English learners, and strategies of applying full English speaking area. A. Definition of Speaking Speaking is one of English skills used to express ideas and to communicate with other people in the entire world with a variety of reason such as: relationship, business, networking, overseas travelling, etc. Speaking is a skill which means not only to be known or learnt, but also to be practiced. Speaking is not about what should be said only but what people should listen from you to know and to understand each other. It determines how long it is listened, how well it is understood, and applied between two people or among people. To know and understand what speaking is, there are some definitions of Speaking as the following: According to Walter and Woodford (in Cambridge School Dictionary, 2008), “Speaking is to say something using your voice or to make a speech to a large group of people”.
  • 6. 6 According to Walter (in Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2008), “Speaking is 1. To say words, to use the voice, or to have a conversation with someone”, 2. To (be able to) talk in a language”, 3. To give a formal talk to a group of people”, 4. To show or express something without using words”. According to Haynes and Jacarian ( 2010:149), “Speaking is retell, summarize, discuss, share, tell, persuade, argue, report, recite, describe, comment, explain, sing, echo, repeat, read aloud, present, talk, say, whisper, chant, announce, ask, and answer. They imply that the language is produced by sounds in order to express ideas and feeling to other people, to inform news, report, etc, and to do something relating to the sound. According to Nunan (2003:48) speaking is the productive aural/oral skill. It consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. It means that speaking is how to make meaningful sounds to communicate one another. Many people feel that speaking in a new language is harder than reading, writing, or listening for two reasons. First, unlike reading or writing, speaking happens in real time usually the person you are talking to is waiting for you to speak right then. Second, when you speak, you cannot edit and revise what you wish to say, as you can if you are writing. (Nunan, 2003:48) It states that
  • 7. 7 speaking is more difficult than writing or listening and reading where in writing, you may reconstruct it while making mistake. According to Richards, (2008:19) the mastery of speaking skill in English is a priority for many second language or foreign language learners. Consequently, learners often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how much they feel they have improved in their spoken language proficiency. It states that speaking skill is a main goal in learning English as a foreign language or a second language before mastering other skills of English Language such as: listening, reading, and writing. It is also as measurement how well and successful people learn English. B. Problem and Problem Solving According to Vangundy (2005; 21), “Problems as goals, one general definition describes a problem in terms of some difficult obstacle or goal. In other words, anything difficult to overcome is a problem. He implies that every difficulty is a problem and to overcome the problem is the way to achieve the goal. According to Walter (2008), “Problem is a situation, person or thing that needs attention and needs to be dealt with or solved”. It is implied that wherever and whenever there is a problem. It must be solved. In other words, never let the problems without solving them and solve the problems without having a problem with. According to Jonassen (2004:3), Problem is defined as First; a problem is an unknown entity in some context (the difference between a goal state and a
  • 8. 8 current state). Second, finding or solving for the unknown must have some social, cultural, or intellectual value. He means that something exists but it is not known and it must be found and solved with social, cultural, or intellectual value. C. Problem of English Learners There are a lot of problems in the world. One of the problems is speaking especially speaking English. In order to know and to understand what the problems of speaking English are, so there are three important experiences of the English learners’ problems in speaking as follows: According to Hoge (2012:2-7), “There’s a huge problem out there. There are a lot confused English students and confused English learners. These students know a lot of English. They know a lot of grammar rules. The problem is they can’t understand instantly and effortlessly. They can’t speak clearly, confidently and effortlessly. They know about English linguistics, the academic study of linguistics, nouns and verbs and pronouns and phrases and clauses and different verb tenses, all of that stuff, but they can’t perform. That’s a huge problem, all these adult students out there who just can’t actually speak English well and understand it well, even though they know a lot. Most schools, most programs and, indeed, most students in those schools are focused on Academic English. Academic English is the English that is used in schools, colleges and universities at the highest level. It’s Academic English. So what are they focusing on? They’re focusing on grammar rules. In other words, they are focusing on linguistics and they are focused on writing.”
  • 9. 9 According to Michael (In, 2010:1), “He learned English for more than 10 years and he has been living in UK for 3 years. He is very good at reading English. He reads a lot of textbooks, research papers, and so on. But he cannot speak English automatically and fluently. He just cannot express himself. That’s so embarrassing. Because of this, he is just afraid of talking to people. According to Jinping from China (in BBC World Service, 2013:2), “He has learned English for almost 15 years. He has no problem with reading and listening but speaking has always been a problem for him because, when he was at school, they always focused on grammar, vocabulary and exams. Now he really wants to improve his spoken English to a new level, to achieve that freedom in speaking in the near future. He would try anything to help him achieve this”. D.Some Causal Factors of English Speaking Problems 1. School System According to Brophy (2004:1), “Learning is fun and exciting at least when the curriculum is well matched to students’ interests and abilities and the teacher emphasizes hands-on activities. When you teach the right things the right way, motivation takes care of itself. If students aren’t enjoying learning, something is wrong with your curriculum and instruction, you have somehow turned an inherently enjoyable activity into drudgery. School is inherently boring and frustrating. We require students to come, then try to teach them stuff that they don’t see a need for and don’t find meaningful. There is little support for
  • 10. 10 academic achievement in the peer culture, and frequently in the home as well. A few students may be enthusiastic about learning, but most of them require the grading system and the carrots and sticks that we connect to it to pressure them to do at least enough to get by.” It means that what is taught in the school based on curriculum or school system does not really focus students’ needs, abilities, purposes but it emphasizes most theories or receptive skills such as; memorizing words, understanding texts, doing exercises, dictation, learning grammar rules too much, listening comprehension and reading comprehension in order to achieve grade system and to pass national examination. So students feel bored, frustrated, etcetera because of pressure. In addition, students do not even have an English teacher but they get national examination for English subject finally. English teacher should have professionalism at English teaching in order to apply school system better. According to Lewis and Hill (1992:8-9), “In the majority of cases a basic textbook is chosen and it is this which provides the practical classroom syllabus. Inevitably, teachers tend to follow the book, deciding in advance how long they can spend on each unit so that they will finish the book in a certain time. But the object of the course is to teach the students, not finish the book!” It states that textbooks, syllabus, and lesson plan may distract an English teacher to focus students’ needs especially to speak and to write, so the teacher just thinks to finish the book of made syllabus. Therefore the teacher must not finish the book but focus students’ needs and abilities.
  • 11. 11 2. Environment Environment becomes an important factor to be able to speak English and to keep speaking English as the wise words, “Environment becomes you or you become an environment” or in other words, if you do not change your environment to be better so you will be changed to be bad or good by the environment. Because environment cannot change itself if no-one change it. So changing the environment to become a place where English is spoken only is compulsory to keep speaking English as a foreign language. In order that, the students and lecturers can apply full English speaking area one another. According to Wyse and Jones (2001: 178), “Pre-school experience of social interaction is a desperately important factor in the child’s ongoing language development. The significance of the adults around the child at this time should not be underestimated. It has been acknowledged that they provide a number of important conditions for the child as they: a. Provide access to an environment where talk has high status b. Provide access to competent users of language c. Provide opportunities to engage in talk d. Provide responses which acknowledge the child as a competent language user. (Wray et al, 1989:39) It states that pre-school experience of social interaction is an important factor to develop a child’s language where adults are around him speaking each other in order to be acquired speaking skill naturally. It cannot be ignored because first language that is used by most people acquired by listening then imitating and
  • 12. 12 speaking the language when they were babies. Therefore, a child who is still very young at beginning learning a language, it needs to be provided a place to practice his language, to be created a condition where the language is only practiced to stimulate him speaking the language with adults as competent users, and to be provided responses to a child in order to encourage him speaking with other people. In addition, A child beginning to speak a language seems like an EFL learner who speaks English so as an EFL learner needs to be provided as like as a child’s needs. According to Fill and Mühlhäusler (2001: 113), “In order to help achieve the shift in attitudes and behavior that is essential if society is to become sustainable, people who seek to promote this objective need to take a strong stand on language.” It means that language is used in speaking and writing to preserve environment in order to build better relationship among people. So when some people always speak a language which is not used in the area while other people speak another language. It has some reasons depending on people used the language whether people speak a language for keeping a secret, practicing a learned language, keeping identity, or preserving an environment (the conditions that you live or work in and the way that they influence how you feel or how effective you can work, or in other words, a particular place where you learn a language), etcetera. Therefore that a language is used should be noticed based on the reasons. In that case, speaking English at English study program has some essential reasons consisting of practicing English language learned, keeping English identity, and also preserving English environment. In addition, English as
  • 13. 13 a foreign language should be applied by English students with their lecturers inside and outside the classroom in order to become true English students, to keep their identity distinguishing them from non English students, and preserving their English language at English study program. Furthermore, Environment identifies some other factors hampering students to apply their spoken English. They consist of a. Teacher English Teachers as the most important factor to make their students’ effectively spoken English, what the teacher generally does is imitated by his students. Therefore the English teacher must not only be lay, amateur, technician, and academic, but also be professional. As it is stated by Richards and Renandya (2002: 388-390) that a ‘professional’ is, broadly speaking, someone whose work involves performing a certain function with some degree of expertise. There are comparison and similarity of English teacher work as follows: 1. Professional versus Lay A ‘lay’ population is a population that does not belong to a specified professional group. Members of the professional group possess certain skill, knowledge, and conventions that the lay population do not have. Typically, they communicate between themselves employing vocabulary that is not readily comprehensible to a layperson (in our case, examples would be cloze, L1, l2, ESP etc.). It states that a professional teacher must have certain skills, knowledge, and convention. Not only teaching English because of knowing, understanding English, or being able to speak English but also having expertise of English
  • 14. 14 language consisting of mastering four English skills, listening, speaking, reading, and writing, English terminology, acronym, abbreviation, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, psychology of language learners, etcetera, mastering how to become an effective teacher, and having a good teaching qualification, then English will be taught professionally. 2. Professional versus Amateur The distinction between the professional and the amateur is based on consistent differences in performance in the field, involving the quality of preparatory and ongoing learning, standards and commitment. The amateur does things for fun, for the love of it: thus someone who knows English may have a go at teaching it, as an amateur, without any particular training or commitment. He or she may do it well, or badly. But the professional cannot allow himself or herself to ‘have a go’ at teaching or to do it badly. It means that pleasure is not a good reason to teach English because of having knowledge of that. Teaching English is not to teach what the teacher likes but to teach what is needed by English students. In addition, when a teacher who does not have English qualification and mastering English skills teaches English because of having several reasons consisting of no English teachers, teaching for fun or like, and teaching for a part time job, so English students’ ability will be ignored by the teacher. 3. Professional versus Technician The technician, craftsman, or artisan performs certain acts with skill and becomes more skillful as time goes on, through practice. The professional has not only to acquire certain skills, but also to be able to take courses of action that are
  • 15. 15 based on knowledge and thought, as distinct from automatic routines. Beyond this, he or she has to understand the principles underlying both automatic and consciously designed action, and be able to articulate them, relate them to each other, and innovate. It states that a professional teacher teaches English not only practically but also theoretically. So students can know what to do, why to do, and how to do, where to do, when to do, and which to do firstly. In other words, a professional English teacher masters knowledge and thought of English and its skills such as; vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading, writing, etcetera. 4. Professional versus Academic An academic can be defined as a researcher, lecturer, and writer, usually based in a university. According to the contrasts defined up to now, the academic comes under the category of ‘professional’, and many academics would so define themselves. But there is an essential difference between the occupation of the doctor, architect, teacher on the one hand, and the research scientist on the other. The professional is, first and foremost, a bringer about of real world change: The doctor cures patients, the architect, designs buildings, the teacher brings about or catalyses learning. Essentially, the professional prioritises real time action, whereas the academic prioritises thought, though of course the professional also thinks about his or her actions, and the academic acts in order to develop his or her thinking. The distinction is thus one of emphasis and priorities rather than of substance. It implies that a professional teacher focuses more on his students. His students’ failure in learning process is his failure, but an academic does not really
  • 16. 16 focus on students but his responsibility at teaching so students’ failure is not his failure but students’ problems in learning process. Therefore, as a teacher especially for an English teacher should teach the students professionally in order to become an effective teacher which achieves a good result. In addition, an English teacher should speak English to students not only inside the classroom but also outside the classroom to help his students improving his speaking and listening skills. And the teacher can also help to improve other English skills. b. Suspension According to Larson (1992), “Suspension is a punishment that some school systems use when all else fails.” It means that a punishment may be given to whomever disobeying the regulation made to apply the importance of discipline in the school, in the company, or anywhere in order to be better or the best, but there are a lot of punishments which can be applied, so it must also be considered based on situation and condition inside or outside the environment, whether the punishment applied can affect people to get a better change not only inside but also outside the environment. Therefore, employees need the regulation in their company, students need the regulation in their school, university students need the regulation in their campus, and whoever is needed to obey the regulation.
  • 17. 17 c. Student According to Richards and Renandya (2002:205-206), there are some factors affecting adult EFL learners’ oral communication as follows: 1. Age or Maturational Constrains According to Krashen, Long, and Scarcella (1982) in Richards and Renandya argue that acquirers who begin learning a second language in early childhood through natural exposure achieve higher proficiency than those beginning as adults. And Oyama’s study (1976) in Richards and Renandya also shows that many adults fail to reach nativelike proficiency in a second language. Their progress seems to level off at a certain stage, a phenomenon which usually called “fossilization”. This shows that the aging process itself may affect or limit adult learners’ ability to pronounce the target language fluently with nativelike pronunciation (Scarcella & Oxford, 1992 in Richards & Renandya). Even if they can utter words and sentences with perfect pronunciation, problems with prosodic features such as intonation, stress, and other phonological nuances still cause misunderstandings or lead to communication breakdown. It means that Adult learners learning English are not easy as they learned their first language when they were babies because of being affected by their first language especially for intonation, stress, and other phonological problems. 2. Aural Medium The central role of listening comprehension in the L2 or foreign language acquisition process is now largely accepted. And there is little doubt that listening plays an extremely important role in the development of speaking abilities. It
  • 18. 18 states that listening is really essential to acquire second language and foreign language although there is still doubt. In addition, when babies learned first language, they did not learn through reading, studying grammar rules, or writing but they learn through listening what their parents especially their mother speak and tell and adults speak, then imitate and speak what is heard. Furthermore, they learn to comprehend what they heard, and so on. 3. Sociocultural Factors Many cultural characteristics of a language also affect L2 or foreign language learning. From a pragmatic perspective, language is a form of social action because linguistic communication occurs in the context of structure interpersonal exchange, and meaning is thus socially regulated (Dimitracopoulou, 1990 in Richards & Renandya). In other words, “shared values and beliefs create the tradition and social structures that bind a community together and are expressed in their language” (Carrasquillo, 1994, p 55 in Richards & Renandya). Thus, to speak a language, one must know how the language is used in a social context. It is well known that each language has its own rules of usage as to when, how, and to what degree a speaker may impose a given verbal behavior on his or her conversational partner (Berns, 1990 in Richards & Renandya). They mean that learning a language should also learn people’s principle, behavior, attitude, and culture because speaking to people who have different culture will confuse them. Therefore, cross culture understanding is really needed to build a good relationship in interpersonal communication.
  • 19. 19 4. Affective Factors “The affective side of the learner is probably one of the most influences on language learning success or failure” (Oxford, 1990, p. 140 in Richards & Renandya). The affective factors related to L2 or foreign language learning are emotions, self esteem, empathy, anxiety, attitude, and motivation. It states that feeling really affects learners in social interaction for instance; nervousness, fear, and shyness making language learners cannot communicate effectively and efficiently because of forgetting what they want to say, speak, tell, write, etcetera, thinking, and doing well. In addition, so, English learners should be encouraged to build their self confidence firstly in order to learn English as a second language or as a foreign language. 3. Learning Community According to Caine and Caine (2010:21-22, & 25-27), “There are different kinds of communities, and not all conversations lead to useful learning. The point, however, is that although people vary in how much they like to learn and work together, the brain/mind is social. Learning in the real world has always been a partially social process.” There are some essential types of learning community as follows: a. Study Group “When people have the same material to study, it can be useful to do so together.” It means that learning in a group is better than learning alone in order to share knowledge, idea, experience, and feeling, discuss and solve problems
  • 20. 20 together especially for English as a foreign language and be done by using the spoken English. b. Communities of Practice “In recent years it has become clear that much of what people learn about their jobs and professions is picked up informally from conversations with their colleagues and others.” It states that what we learn, we do, and keep doing cannot be separated by a social interaction. So people should have a group to practice their job in order to have the abilities needed or should be in a group of practice to be able to improve their skill of the job. In addition, speaking English can also be practiced in a group where English is spoken in order to be able to improve both listening and speaking skills. c. Communicating Online “New technologies have radically expanded the opportunities for people to communicate, and with that has come an explosion in the use of different types of online communities, ranging from closed groups to discussion forums to loosely bounded social networks such as those on Facebook.” It means that in this globalization era, people can communicate with other people by using both spoken language and written language. Without knowing and understanding how to use technologies consisting in computer, mobile phone, and so on, it is difficult to communicate with other people around the world through social media; Facebook, Twitter, Video call, and so on. They are used to interact with other people. So they may be used to practice four skills, listening, speaking reading,
  • 21. 21 and writing skills but in this case, it is focused more on listening and speaking skills. E. Relevant Previous Research Based on the search of relevant previous research, researcher finds some relevant researches. There are three researches as follows: Arita (2008), this research aimed at studying the student’s problems in daily English speaking activity at SMA POMOSDA Tanjunganom Nganjuk. This study tried to find the students’ problems, the causes and the ways to solve the problems in daily English speaking activity of the senior high school. Gebre-eyesus (2014) conducted the research about “The Exploring the Causes of Students’ Reluctance in English Speaking Classroom”. This research attempts to explore the causes of the students’ reluctance to speak English in EFL classroom of Gode secondary and Preparatory school in Somali regional state, Gode town. Wulandari (2010) conducted the research about English speaking learning problems faced by the students at the first year of SMP Negeri 1 Titromoyo Wonogiri. She aimed to describe problems of the students of the first year at the junior high school and to describe the solutions of the student’s problems in learning to speak English.
  • 22. 22 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH This chapter consists of research design, subject of the research, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis. A. ResearchDesign In conducting this research, the researcher applies “qualitative descriptive method”. According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2009:454), “Qualitative descriptive method is to document an event, situation, or circumstance of interest.” The researcher assumes that by using qualitative method in this research is appropriate. The researcher wants to know, understand the students’ problems, and describe the result of students’ problems. B. Subject of the Research In this research, the researcher takes subject in the third, the fifth and the seventh semesters’ students at English education study program of Khairun University Ternate, and the academic year 2016. The subject will be taken by the researcher by using purposive sampling. As it is stated by Kumar (2011:189), “The primary consideration in purposive sampling is your judgement as to who can provide the best information to achieve the objectives of your study.” So the researcher selects “the third semester, the fifth, and the seventh semester” which there are twelve (12) informants consisting of four (4) students at the third
  • 23. 23 semester, five (5) students at the fifth semester, and three (3) students at the seventh semester. C. Technique of Data Collection The researcher conducts data collection by interviewing the students. Type of interviews which used by the researcher is a face to face interview. It is stated by Creswell (2014:239) that a qualitative interview is when the researcher conducts face-to-face interviews with participants, interviews participants by telephone, or engages in focus group interviews, with six to eight interviewees in each group. Furthermore, the students are interviewed one on one (in person interview) to describe from general topic and details about students’ problem in applying full English speaking area at campus. Then the researcher collects the data and analyzes all students’ problem. D. Technique of Data Analysis In this research, the researcher applies analysis data. According to Given (2008:186), data analysis is an integral part of qualitative research and constitutes an essential stepping stone toward both gathering data and linking one’s findings with higher order concepts. According to Levine (1985), Wolfe (1992), & Huberman and Miles (1994) in Berg (2001:35), all argue that data management and data analysis are integrally related. In other words, after data management, data analysis consists of data reduction, data display, and conclusions and verification.
  • 24. 24 Based on the statement above, the researcher conducts data analysis into four phases. The four phases of analysis data are as follows: 1. Data collection, in qualitative research, the researcher conducts data analysis while and after collecting the data in certain period. It means that those activities are done while and after collecting the data. 2. Data reduction, the research selects and only focuses on important points to find the theme and pattern. 3. Data display, to notice at displays data helps us to understand what is happening and to do something further analysis or caution on that understanding. 4. Conclusion, after the data has been collected, reduced, displayed, analytic conclusions are conducted to emerge and to define the data more clearly and definitely. Based on the statement above the researcher can conclude that after the data are analyzed based on certain problems and then they are united into the problems with problem solving.
  • 25. 25 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Finding There are some influential factors on the students’ problems in applying full English speaking area such as: Student (Affective factor, Sociocultural Factor, Age or Maturational Constrains, and Aural Medium), Teacher (Professional versus Academic), Environmental Factor, Learning Community (Study Group, Communities of Practice, and Online Community), Discipline/Punishment, and School System. Those are explained based on the students’ problems at the third, at the fifth, and at the seventh semesters below: 1. Affective Factor It is one of influential factors that can affect English students’ success and failure in learning and speaking English inside, outside the campus, or after graduation from Teacher and Education Faculty of Khairun University. They are positive and negative affective factor in the following finding: Positive affective factor, in order to improve their pronunciation, so to speak as good as native speakers and vocabulary, to pass international exams such as: TOEFL and others, to continue studying abroad, to be an international person because English as an international language, to go around the world, to get the job easily, to become an English teacher, to master all English skills; speaking, writing, reading because they are in English program but if they are not able to master all skills of English, and then they graduate, they will not be a professional
  • 26. 26 teacher, to become a tourist guide especially for tourists coming in Ternate, to speak with English students (best/close friends, English friends, classmates, juniors, and seniors) at E.S.A, to show English students or non-English students that they are English students and they are from English study program, that is their major, their obligation, and their responsibility, to be the best of English, not to care what non-English students watch or say to them arrogant because they are practicing their spoken English, to feel happy to speak English in the classroom, to feel proud of speaking inside or outside because English as their identity, their base of English study program, to be motivated to speak with the teachers as role models, to imitate the English teachers’ pronunciation, to become like their English teacher going to study abroad, to agree a bad score “E” and pay a fine give to the English students but they must be considered based on the students’ ability, levels, and the punishment fitted inside and outside the classroom in the campus, and to make English students different from students at Indonesian study program and other study programs. They are as the motivation to reach their purposes to what they need to be or to what they want to be. Even though there is a lot of positive affective factor affecting English students, there is also a lot of negative affective factor which can influence the English students’ failure to master English knowledge and skills. These are some influential emotions, self esteem, empathy, anxiety, attitude, and motivation on the students’ problem. They are to feel shy to speak English when non-English students, other department students watch or say to them arrogant, speak English in the public, and in front of class, not confident if they speak English with other English students except their
  • 27. 27 close or best friends, afraid to speak English because of their bad pronunciation, grammar errors, and lack of vocabulary, careless of whether they practice their spoken English outside the classroom or not, indifferent to English students who speak English with them, so they respond in their daily language (Malayu Ternate); even though they can speak English, disappointed to their friends and teachers who do not speak English with them while they need to practice their spoken English and listening skill with their friends and teachers, angry to the students responded them by speaking Indonesian while they speak English, to have empathy on English students when the students cannot understand their spoken English, they change into their daily language, speak the language each other, and keep speaking the language. 2. Sociocultural Factor It explains how English as a foreign language is used inside the classroom and outside the classroom in the campus, and also outside the campus. So when the students speak English, sometimes they combine with their mother tongue, first language, or local language such as: Wait me, kah..!!!, You, nih..!!!, that’s the true one, kahao? Kahao (Kabagaimana), and We go dah, Mari..!!!, to master the language, firstly vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and then speaking, or listening, imitating and speaking the language, or speaking first and then mastering other skills such Writing, reading, listening because of have a lot of vocabulary, or reading skill first because with mastering reading skill, they get a lot of vocabulary and pronunciation.
  • 28. 28 3. Age or Maturational Constrains First language, mother tongue, or local language can influence English students’ spoken English inside or outside the campus, it appears on the students’ pronunciation subconsciously because they have lack of practice of spoken English, but they have lots of practice or speaking their first language, mother tongue, or local language such as: Malayu Indonesia, Malayu Ternate, Ternate Language, Galela, Malayu Bugis, Mangoli, Sanana or Sula language. So the students’ spoken English is influenced by their dialects each province, territory, region, ethnic group, or family. 4. Aural Medium Most students accepted the language learning must be learned from listening, imitating, and speaking because the ways that they learned their first language or mother tongue from those steps. That’s why, to help and to improve their pronunciation, the students listen to English songs in the handphone, on the way to go to the campus, in the boarding house, at home, when they have spare time, watch English movies, or English channel like National Geographic Channel, Wild, or Animal channel, always listen spoken English in the English course, listen to vocabulary audios, English recording, listened English tourists or strangers talking together when they met, will gather with the tourist to listen to English, to listen their friends speaking and lecturers speaking, but the lecturers rarely speak English or some students say, they never speak English with the students outside the classroom because they speak English when they are teaching
  • 29. 29 in the classroom especially for teaching speaking subject. It can also influence the students’ listening skill and spoken English to become untrained. 5. Professional versus Academic Every teacher is a role model but they do not really teach the students to do or to apply but to know and understand what they teach, motivate, tell, and experience. So some students realize and do or apply it in their activity or in their daily life but some students realize and do not do or apply it in their activity or in their daily life because the teacher just do when they are teaching, so the students do when they have to do. Some of English students want to become like their lecturers like how they speak English, pronounce English words, and how they experienced studying abroad, or others. So if their lecturers rarely speak English inside the classroom, then the students may never speak English in the classroom, if the lecturers are bored or lazy to speak English because of too much love of speaking their first language or local language outside the classroom, then the students may dislike speaking English in the campus except that the students join the debate competition, or are asked to join the debate competition by lecturers. In other words, the students are not allowed to speak English in the campus indirectly. 6. Environment English study program is similar to all study programs especially for Indonesian study program at Teacher and Education Faculty of Khairun University because they learn Morfologi subject, English students learn Morphology subject, they learn Berbicara, English students learn Speaking
  • 30. 30 subject, they speak Indonesian (or Malayu Indonesia/Malayu Ternate), English students speak Indonesian (or Malayu Indonesia/Malayu Ternate) in the campus. So speaking English make us different or differentiate us as English students at English study program and Indonesian students at Indonesian department in the campus, to show their identity as English study program to other programs or other students, and it may be as motivation for other study programs or other non- English students to speak or to practice English with them. 7. Learning Community There are some communities of studying English or practicing spoken English either inside or outside the campus. Those are ESA study group, other study groups; one of them is made for their classmate to study English, or sometimes to speak English at the group, another made for teaching juniors, there were also English Sharing Club (ESC) as a study group and also a community of practice that divided into two classes or groups which was named Speaking Class focused on Speaking English, and Grammar Class focused on studying Grammar and Structure in the campus, and outside the campus, Allergy was a study group and also a community of practice, it was made to teach full English each other based on schedule made by us at the group, and there is a course that applies full English speaking area, so teachers and students must speak full English there, but if the students speaking Indonesian there must pay one thousand, and if the teacher speaking Indonesian there must pay ten thousand.
  • 31. 31 8. Discipline/Punishment All of the students agree to apply full English speaking area with the discipline or punishment such as: paying a fine or giving a bad score because without the discipline it will fail like what happened on the third floor, they had made full English speaking area on third floor, but it was applied only for three days or more than three days, It had been taken off, torn by the students, so it really failed to be applied. Therefore, most of the students agree the discipline of a fine payment in order to apply full English speaking area in the campus not only on third floor, they want not only English students speak English but also the lecturer speak English, and if only the students speak English and the lecturer break the rules, it is useless. So if the students speak Indonesian (Malayu Ternate), they must pay one thousand and if the lecturers speak Indonesian, they must pay ten thousand or the other suggestion from some students, for the students who speak Indonesian must memorize vocabulary, clean the bathroom for making them shy in order to speak English, and be ignored by English students, and for the lecturers, pay a fine for fund to make the activity at English study program like study tour, and others. Some of the students agree to get a bad score “E” in order to apply full English speaking area in the campus because if only paying a fine, the students will pay because of having a lot of money or will not pay because of renting room students, so better giving a bad score, it will motivate the students to memorize a lot of vocabulary, study hard, and practice their English a lot in order to be able to speak English in the campus and to get a good score.
  • 32. 32 9. School System Most of the students studied English subject in junior and senior high schools such as: getting reading text about advertisement, kinds of text; like procedure text, doing exercise of text reading, reading conversation, memorizing vocabulary then mention word by word in front of the class and explaining or telling the meaning, reading the story in front of the class, most of speaking were introducing themselves one by one in front of the class, greeting to friends in the class, and one of them got listening in senior high school to listen native English speakers speaking, there were also teachers in junior and senior high schools speaking English a little and combining with Indonesian language to make us understand in the classroom, one of the students’ the English teacher in senior high school never spoke English, and outside the classroom, some of the teachers never spoke English and some of them spoke English but only asked “How are you?” and “What are you doing?”, and something like that. There are two students who did not have English teacher in junior and senior high schools but they got national examinations and passed them, one of them tell that he answered by closing his eyes. In junior and senior high schools, they had difficulty such as: lack of vocabulary, English pronunciation, knowing English a little bit and no-one wanted to speak English at school, knowing the meaning of some words but rarely using them, shyness, no self confidence, fear to speak English with their friends and the English teacher, never practicing, only learning the material, and unknowing English the characteristics of English like grammar and structure.
  • 33. 33 B. Discussion All students’ problems are identified by some influential factors, they consist of student (affective factor, sociocultural factor, age or maturational constrains, and aural medium), teacher (professional versus academic), environmental factor, learning community (study group, communities of practice, and online community), discipline/punishment, and school system. 1. Affective Factors Motivation is a central component of Gardner’s Socio-educational Model (1985). In his research he worked with two different types of motivation; Integrative and Instrumental. Integrative motivation derives from a personal interest in speakers and the culture of the target language, such as the motivation a young woman might have to learn the language of her spouse’s family. Instrumental motivation derives from the practical benefits of learning another language, such as getting a job, a degree, or a promotion. In foreign language contexts, an instrumental reason for learning the target language may be the most important one. (Murray & Christison, 2011:176) According to Sharifian (2009:1), In 2003, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan developed an action plan to ‘cultivate Japanese with English abilities’, which emphasized the importance of English by referring to its function as an international language: English has played a central role as the common international language in linking people who have different mother tongues. For
  • 34. 34 children living in the 21st century, it is essential for them to acquire communication abilities in English as a common international language. In addition, English abilities are important in terms of linking our country with the rest of the world, obtaining the world’s understanding and trust, enhancing our international presence and further developing our nation. (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology [MEXT], 2003: 1) For better or worse, by choice or force, English has ‘traveled’ to many parts of the world and has been used to serve various purposes. This phenomenon has created positive interactions as well as tensions between global and local forces and has had serious linguistic, ideological, sociocultural, political and pedagogical implications. (Sharifian, 2009:1) Learners’ places in the world are multiple, changing, sometimes conflicting, and influenced by the power relations in individual interactions and in society more widely. This influence may result in the desire to assimilate, adapt, or reject. As individuals construct their identities, they position themselves through their language (and nonverbal behavior), that is, they use language to let others know who they are and what their sociocultural allegiances are. (Murray & Christison, 2011:5) Learning a language is useless if we do not know how to communicate, how to listen to others and how to speak and write so that listeners and readers will want to listen and read and be able to understand. (Wright, p 7)
  • 35. 35 There are two kinds of motivation which motivate students to speak English inside, outside the campus, or after graduation from the university of Khairun, They are integrative motivation and instrumental motivation but the most motivation that the students get to speak English as a foreign language is the instrumental motivation which gets job easily, continues studying abroad, becomes an English teacher because of English as an international language, English as a study program at Teacher and Education Faculty in Khairun University, English as an identity of English students, a means of communication with people in the entire world. But besides the motivational factor, there is also demotivating factor which demotivates the students to speak English as a foreign language English inside, outside the campus, or after graduation from the university of Khairun such as , the motivation is stated by the English students as follows: (1/1) I am as an English student; learning English without speaking English is useless, to continue studying abroad, English as an international language, for me English is my life, (2/1) …because I want to be an English teacher, (3/2)…English without speaking is nothing, (9/2)…the function of the language is a tool of communication, it means that we must do interaction each other, to other person, so that’s why, if we are only study the material as Tenses, Modal, Gerund, but we never to talk, that is useless…, (12/1)…we are as English students, we have to show our ability of English when we go out from the campus, the people ask to us about our major, they will ask that, they will know that we can
  • 36. 36 speak English, so we have to speak inside of campus or outside of campus. For the other reason, they have to realize that we are at English department, we have to be master by speaking to show our identity of English students to the other program or other people….(3/1)…many people in world use English, other reason, have tourist come here in Ternate, practice my English with them, because they are native speakers….(2/3)…I’m very happy speak with the other that have the same study program English with me, (2/5)…because I like English very much…, (5/5)…get as knowledge because that is my basic., (1/9k) Because it’s our department, it’s our identity, so we must to speak English. If we don’t speak English, it means that we lose that identity, it means that we cannot be proud of ourselves that oh…we are English department but in fact, we couldn’t speak English that’s useless. Keep speaking Indonesian at English department, that’s the problem. It will not help us if like that, that’s for me, It’s better that our environment must be in English so the first until the end until the higher semester they can able to speak English each other…, (2/9k) My motivation to speak English in this study program because after I graduate from this university, I want to be a teacher so I have to speak English very well…, (3/9k) Because I see my best friend or friend like Mr. Saf. He very able to speak English, and then his speaking English is very good. And then I think I must same as he is because we are from English department why not we can speak English. And then I have another motivation to speak English because my mother know, I’m from
  • 37. 37 English department, and them they know I can speak English if in the reality I cannot speak English. Maybe they were disappointed with me something like that. So my parents are my big motivation and people around me., (5/9k)…my senior speaking English every day, so I listen my senior speaking English, “Oh My God, speaking is perfect, my senior., (6/9k) Because I need English but and I ever asked to my seniors when they examination or they got proposal, they always need about speak English when they come to proposal examination, like proposal examination, they always make English because the lecturer ask them to speak English…, (7/9k) To improve my speaking skill…, (8/9k) I have to be better, I have to be best than another student. So…I have counter my dream to go abroad, so I have to be master in English, so I can go abroad to get my college like my lecturer has done. That is make motivation is up., (9, 11/9k) Because of I’m English department, so that is I have to speak English because that is make us different with the other students. My motivation sometimes come from the junior because the junior even I don’t speak English with them, the juniors when they meet me, they speak English. so I really appreciate that and I will speak English with them, and sometimes my friends., (5/9k)…my senior speaking English every day, so I listen my senior speaking English, “Oh My God, speaking is perfect, my senior., (6/9k) Because I need English but and I ever asked to my seniors when they examination or they got proposal, they always need about speak English when they come to proposal examination, like proposal
  • 38. 38 examination, they always make English because the lecturer ask them to speak English…, (7/9k) To improve my speaking skill…, (8/9k) I have to be better, I have to be best than another student. So…I have counter my dream to go abroad, so I have to be master in English, so I can go abroad to get my college like my lecturer has done. That is make motivation is up., (9, 11/9k) Because of I’m English department, so that is I have to speak English because that is make us different with the other students. My motivation sometimes come from the junior because the junior even I don’t speak English with them, the juniors when they meet me, they speak English. so I really appreciate that and I will speak English with them, and sometimes my friends., (10/9k) …I want to practice English… My other motivation, when I see around of me, when they try to speak English with their friends, I think I want to practice English too with them, (12/9k) I’m as English student, that is my obligation to speak English because if I want to be/to get certificate of Strata I, but I don’t have ability, I think that is not effective for me. I get certificate but that is not good. (1/9a) I was feel that in SMA but now in the campus, talk in English. I’m not feeling weird or something no, just like usual. No problem with me if they say that I’m arrogant if I’m talking in English they slang that they’re non ability to know in English…, (2/9a) I don’t care about them so because I speak English for make my English is better…, (5,10,11/9a) I don’t care for my friend is talking about my arrogant, I don’t care this is my responsibility and my basic…,(6/9a) I feel very happy because I know I’m as English
  • 39. 39 department… Even when they say, I’m arrogant but I don’t care about it… that is my basic, my major or department., (8/9a) I really don’t care about they statement what they said because I conscious that I’m the student from English department, so I have to be proud, I have to be arrogant…, (9/9a) I ever got this statement when I was first semester, I try to speak English, the seniors said if you are wants to learn English, you are feel two, get two words, the first arrogant, and the second one it’s crazy. I think that we are not arrogant but we just want to practice our English…, (12/9a)…if the students watch me speak English and say me that I’m arrogant. I don’t care about that I feel proud because they have watched when I speak…, (1/9b) Because if you are in English program or department. It means that you must master in English in all skills; Speaking, Writing, Reading. If you haven’t able to master it all, it means that you could pass it, just say that if you graduate, you are not professional teacher…, (3/9b)…we must know how to speak English and then for examples for my friend from Mathematics or from PPKN, they know well about they subject, why not, why are don’t do like them. We must master in English, so they think ‘Wow..!!!’ they’re from English department and then they can speak English. And then maybe they get motivation from us and speak English with us, (8/3) With my seniors, the other friends, and my lecturer.
  • 40. 40 Even though non-English students or other study programs in Khairun University, they must study English for TOEFL PBT or ITP score requirement for admission to universities, companies, etc, and also speak English for TOEFL IBT or IELTS score requirement for admission to universities, companies, some countries as the global immigration, etc in order to continue studying abroad, to go around the world, to get jobs easily nowadays. The TOEFL iBT Speaking section is designed to evaluate the English speaking proficiency of students whose native language is not English but who want to pursue undergraduate or graduate study in an English-speaking context. (ETS, 2009:165) IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the world’s most popular English language test for higher education and global migration. IELTS is designed to test English at all levels and is accepted by over 9,000 institutions, employers and government bodies worldwide. It is accepted by thousands of universities and colleges in the USA. (Cambridge English Language Assessment, 2014:20) Those reasons are stated by the English students below: (1/1) …Even we are not English students. If we want to continue study, we need to know TOEFL. There are some international examinations that required speaking also…, (2/1) … if I can speak English, I can go around the world and easily to get the job…. People who learned their mother tongue or first language is not based on language learning but language acquisition. It seems the following statements,
  • 41. 41 consideration of how people learn their own language soon leads to the obvious primacy of listening. Some modem theoreticians make the distinction between language learning (conscious) and language acquisition (unconscious). If this distinction is accepted, it is clear that listening once again assumes particular significance as, in addition to what is listened to, much of what is only heard influences the unconscious acquisitional process. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:31) According to Lewis and Hill (1992:38), “Think of your first language, you learned it without any effort, with nobody asking you to repeat or formally correcting you. In the most obvious way possible, you mastered a very difficult skill. You learned to speak your own language simply by listening to it. Second language learning is not as different as people sometimes pretend again. The best way to learn is through good listening.” (4/10) At home. If I watch a movie like English movie, I will repeat what did they say, (3/8) …watching my favorite movies use subtitle in English especially from Korean movies. I feel this is very difficult for first time, but now I think it is easy because I do that every day…. If you need to practice before a big event, like a parents’ evening at school or a business presentation, practice always helps. You can rehearse the conversation in your head or front of a mirror. But if you’re feeling brave, why not record yourself? Making a short video of your conversation or presentation on your smartphone or computer is a great way to see how you really sound when speaking English. You can compare your pronunciation to that of native speakers on TV shows. (Bhandari, 2015:9) The students also do them at home when they
  • 42. 42 need to practice their spoken English and have no friends or partners to practice their English which are based on the students’ responses as follows: (5/10) I always face to face in the mirror and there I speaking like funny in the mirror…, (3/10) At home, with myself. I practice in front of the mirror after I listen some conversation and native speakers and then I practice in front of the mirror…but sometimes I get difficult because just myself, and because I don’t have partner to speak. (12/10) Sometimes, I make monolog and I practice my English by myself. I put one topic and… when I speak monolog with the mirror or my laptop, I open the camera on my laptop, I speak to that camera, I record my video of speaking, There is not only motivation but also demotivation. Demotivation which causes anxiety, reluctance like nervousness, worry, shyness, fear, and carelessness, disappointment because of English learning background which focusing more on theory than practice, more difficult skill, no responses from friends or teachers whom they are talking to, their spoken English will not be understood(pronunciation), grammar errors, etc. Therefore speaking is more difficult skill than other English skills such as writing, listening, and reading which in writing, you may reconstruct it while making mistake because of two reasons as they are stated below: Many people feel that speaking in a new language is harder than reading, writing, or listening for two reasons. First, unlike reading or writing, speaking happens in real time usually the person you are talking to is waiting for you to
  • 43. 43 speak right then. Second, when you speak, you cannot edit and revise what you wish to say, as you can if you are writing. (Nunan, 2003:48) Students are often reluctant to speak because they are shy and are not predisposed to expressing themselves in front of other people, especially when they are being asked to give personal information or opinions. Frequently, too, there is worry about speaking badly and therefore losing face in front of their classmates. (Harmer, 2007:345) For non-English-background students, whose future depends on their learning English, how well this teaching is done and how successful schools are in creating a context in which students have access to English during the schoolday will largely determine whether they acquire English at all and whether they receive an education. (Valdés, 2001:147) (1/3) …when someone want to speak English with them. They reply with Bahasa Indonesia. So sometimes it’s hard to speak English with some friends but lecturer, there are some lecturer that also talk in English to us, so we also answer it in English but not all also, (3/3)…when we talk to the other department in English is different because they don’t know the way to speak well in English and then when we talk English in English department with same department. They know to speak English but sometimes they are lazy to speak. Maybe they are shy or something like that…, (4/3)…not all of my friends, they know how to speak English, but sometimes I try to speak English with another friend not only for English
  • 44. 44 department but also another department if they know how to speak English but the most one is my best friend, (3/9a) I’m shy and not confident. Sometimes they say “You are very arrogant.”… but just do that because we are from English department. So sometimes, I don’t care about that, (4/9a) I’m shy if they say like that because they don’t know that why we are speaking English because that’s a way we practice our English…, (7/9c) That’s good but some of us do not get what the teacher said but I think the teacher have to combine…,(2/9i) I’m happy if I can speak English but sometimes I feel worry if I speak English and my friends didn’t understand what I say and then my grammar is Amburadur, same as outside, not only Grammar but also Pronunciation., (3/9i) If it is inside the classroom, I feel confident because this is I talk with my friend and then my lecturers also. Because this is we can improve our speaking and then my friend can correct me if I get or make mistake in speaking subject and also other English subject. Outside the classroom, sometimes I feel shy and then sometimes I cannot talk with English because my friends can respond in English what I say, (4/9i) If I speak English with my friend and another friend, they didn’t speak English, they look at us. I feel like arrogant, so I will use Bahasa again, but actually, I really want them to listen what did we say, I want not only with my close friend but also with them…, (5/9i) The first, I feel nice and I think I proud to speaking English in the class, and then my friend listen before I speaking, I always my friend “I’m sorry, my speaking not perfect” Oh! Not problem, you speaking, I
  • 45. 45 listen, and you understand, I understand. Yes! Outside my feel just so so because I can speaking English and speaking Indonesian…, (6/9i) I really happy when I outside of our classroom because in my classroom, they always speak Indonesian…The other when we do not discuss, we do not use English especially me, but when my friends ask me about English, I’ll respond about English more. But I really happy to speak English outside classroom. If inside classroom, I feel, there is depend on our friends when they speak first about Indonesian, it will become about Indonesian. So I try to enjoy with them, (7/9i) Inside the classroom, I speak, I really shy because in inside all of my friends know my wrong but outside maybe another do not understand what I said, they do not know what in English, (8/9i) … inside we have to be careful about our grammar because our friends many students would like to complain our grammar or criticize about our statement… but outside we can talk free because I don’t care about the people statement that we have to focus on the grammar, I believe that we have main purpose that communicate with each other, so you get my point, I got your point is clear, (9/9i) If I speak in the class, sometimes I am not really feel, not really confident. I’m afraid if my speaking is not based on grammar. If outside I feel more comfortable, (10/9i) when I were in the first semester, I’m shy and I afraid when I speak English in the class but I think in the seventh semester like this, I think it is not, I don’t feel like that anymore. Sometimes I feel it but I try to throw it away from me…, (11/9i) I feel good because I keep my English, if I speak with my friends, I
  • 46. 46 afraid to make mistake, and shy if I speak with my seniors, I always keep my English because my senior always speak English use Grammar…, (12/9i)…When I speak in the classroom, I feel this is not important because we only speak with our friend and sometimes they refuse, I don’t want to speak English. I want to speak Indonesian. It’s better if I speak with people or my friends outside the classroom, even the other semester or the other program, I can keep speaking English with them because they want to practice, they force to speak English with me. so I don’t care who don’t want to speak English, and I care when I speak English with the students who wants to practice their English with me, (2/10) …For speaking outside, because no one that I can invite to speaking English together. Even I have English friends but they always speak Indonesian so I respond in Indonesian. Or just when I meet my uncle she is English too, so that’s the time to me for practice my English because if he meet me, he always speaking with English but It’s rarely, (4/9k) …I don’t know my motivation to speak English here, (6/10) In my renting but that is a little but when I come to the community like in the place of course, because I ever come to course place in ETC. I ever from ETC. That is make us to speak English all of the time. (7/10) I looking for my friend in the English study program, so if I get, I speak English with them, (9/10) I usually practice in my course in Toboko, English Training Center, I think that if I’m not practice there until right now, I get the difficult to speak English because there everything that is English area, and then we speak English,
  • 47. 47 that is make my habit to speak English every day, (10/10) I have no the friends from English program when I am in the other place like outside the campus, sometimes I need my friends especially in the English program, I mean use English with my classmate…, (1/3) Usually with some of my friends but not all…but lecturer, there are some lecturer that also talk in English to us…, (3/3) With my friends, sometimes with non English department like my friends…speak English with seniors, juniors when I meet them in front of the class, (4/3) My friends especially my best friend…sometimes I try to speak English with another friend not only for English department but also another department…, (5/3): My English friends, (6/3) My classmate, if I meet someone that sit down and I invite him to speak with me, (9/3) Sometimes I speak with my friend and with the junior, (10/3) Every people that they know English if we meet especially in English department, seniors’ friends, or junior, (11/3) Which my friends, my juniors, my seniors, (12/3) With my friend, my classmate, and with the lecturer if sometimes the lecturer teach us in the classroom with speak English…, (2/9i) …if I speak English and my friends didn’t understand what I say and then my grammar is Amburadur…. 2. Sociocultural Factor To speak a language, one must know how the language is used in a social context. It is well known that each language has its own rules of usage as to when, how, and to what degree a speaker may impose a given verbal behavior on his or her conversational partner (Berns, 1990) in (Richards and Renandya, 2002:206).
  • 48. 48 Speaking skill is a main goal in learning English as a foreign language or a second language before mastering other skills of English Language such as: listening, reading, and writing. It is also as measurement how well and successful people learn English. As a theory states that the mastery of speaking skill in English is a priority for many second language or foreign language learners. Consequently, learners often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how much they feel they have improved in their spoken language proficiency. (Richards, 2008:19) Think of your first language, you learned it, without any effort, with nobody asking you to repeat or formally correcting you. In the most obvious way possible, you mastered a very difficult skill, you learned to speak your own language simply by listening to it. Second language learning is not as different as people sometimes pretend; again, the best way to learn is through good listening. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:38) Knowing a language is much more than knowing the structures. The language can be seen in many ways, but for teaching purposes three are particularly important, vocabulary and structures are what is said; pronunciation, stress and intonation are how it is said, and function is why it is said. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:26). Consisting of those theories, there are negative impact and positive impact influencing students’ understanding of the language use in their process of how they learn and understand the language. Firstly, negative impact which influenced the students to master and to speak the English language, it is stated by the students as follows:
  • 49. 49 (5/2) …reading then second writing and listening, and the last speaking, (7/2) Reading skill because in the reading skill, we get the vocabulary, pronunciation when we reading and can get a lot vocabulary…, (6/9c) …English is a skill, no knowledge. So when they speaking, it means they show to the students to follow them without Indonesian…, (1-4/9h) The words is wait me, Kah!, You nih!..., (6/9h) I always make like this; Don’t go go, kah..!!!, and also when someone make something funny, I always say “suitable” (Cocok!!!), “Do you want to mote with me?”…, (7/9h) Kahao(Kabagaimana) “That’s the true one, kahao?”…, (9/9h) Sometimes, I join the friend like; “You, nie”…, (11/9h) I use Txxxxxx dialect and Gxxxxx. For example, “We go, dah mari.”, “Finish, dah” I have ever spoken like that because if I join one course, they spoke like this, so my habit is like that…. Secondly, positive impact made students to learn the language as the theories stated. Those are stated by students below: (1/2) Before speaking we need to know vocabulary first, and then from the speaking we can able to write. So all of skills will be back in our speaking, (2/2) Speaking the first so if I can speaking English, easily to me for writing, listening, and then reading. If I can speak, it means that I have many vocabulary so if I have many vocabulary, its mean that I can easy to writing English, (3/2) Listening and Speaking because firstly we talk like this sometimes people cannot understand what you say and then what the meaning, because sometimes we’re not from native speakers, then they not
  • 50. 50 understand and cannot catch what we talk to them. And if people talk to me, I must listen carefully what they say and then I can understand. First skill that we master is listening and speaking and next other skills like reading and writing, (4/2) …the important one is vocabulary. After vocab, we must know how to pronounce the English..., (9/2) Based on my experience, Speaking first and then before speaking we need vocabulary and grammar, (8/2) Based on the rule, we have to be mastered in listening because listening is the first skill in English, and the next one is pronunciation because pronunciation decides our speaking fluently, or bad or good…, (10/2) Based the four skills in English, listening is very important to be mastery by students or some people to learn English, because we learn about mother tongue language or first language; the first, we have to listen after listen we have to try to speak. So listening and speaking are very important after this writing and reading, (8, 12/9h) I never use that, mix Indonesian and English. That is a big problem when misunderstanding happened to the students in language learning. So the students must know and understand how the language should be learned, as adult learners, English students need to know and to understand that they may have both language learning and language acquisition. It seems the following statement: Consideration of how people learn their own language soon leads to the obvious primacy of listening. Some modem theoreticians make the distinction between language learning (conscious) and language acquisition (unconscious). If
  • 51. 51 this distinction is accepted, it is clear that listening once again assumes particular significance as, in addition to what is listened to, much of what is only heard influences the unconscious acquisitional process. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:31) 3. Age or Maturational Constrains Speaking English as a foreign language can be influenced by the students’ mother tongue, first language, or their local language that they speak every day wherever and whenever they are in or at. As Krashen, Long, and Scarcella (1982) in Richards and Renandya argue that acquirers who begin learning a second language in early childhood through natural exposure achieve higher proficiency than those beginning as adults. And Oyama’s study (1976) in Richards and Renandya also shows that many adults fail to reach nativelike proficiency in a second language. Their progress seems to level off at a certain stage, a phenomenon which usually called “fossilization”. This shows that the aging process itself may affect or limit adult learners’ ability to pronounce the target language fluently with nativelike pronunciation (Scarcella & Oxford, 1992 in Richards & Renandya). Even if they can utter words and sentences with perfect pronunciation, problems with prosodic features such as intonation, stress, and other phonological nuances still cause misunderstandings or lead to communication breakdown. It is a factor which is one of important factor that made the students difficult speaking as like as native English speakers. This factor happened to the English students at English study program as stated by the students as follows:
  • 52. 52 (1-12/9e)…our first language(Mother tongue/Local language) because first language is our language every day. But English/foreign language, not all the people will knewn English. Foreign language, (2/9g) Indonesian or local language (Axxxx)…, (3-12/9g) Indonesian language (Malayu Ternate/others), (1-12/9h)…dialect is our identity even you are from one place or other places if you are always speak your first language, you always speak about the dialect. It will be seen. 4. Aural Medium Listening has the most important role to speak English accepted by most people all over the world that they learned a language by listening, imitation, and speaking the language in order to improve their spoken English as the theories below state that; The central role of listening comprehension in the L2 or foreign language acquisition process is now largely accepted. And there is little doubt that listening plays an extremely important role in the development of speaking abilities. It states that listening is really essential to acquire second language and foreign language although there is still doubt. (Richards and Renandya, 2002:205) Think of your first language, you learned it, without any effort, with nobody asking you to repeat or formally correcting you. In the most obvious way possible, you mastered a very difficult skill, you learned to speak your own language simply by listening to it. Second language learning is not as different as people sometimes pretend; again, the best way to learn is through good listening.
  • 53. 53 (Lewis & Hill, 1992:38) They are also stated by the English student at English study program as follows: (1/9c) …if the condition all in English. It will help the students also to copy the teacher or imitate the teacher as a role model, (11/9c) …if they always invite the students to speak English/to use English, do not use Bahasa, and the students always practice their listening then that make our habit, and then we have motivate to learning a lot of vocabulary and then we improve our speaking with our lecturer, (1/9e) I believe that our first language because first language is our language every day…, (2/9e)… I learned language by listening and repeat what they say, listen to my parents, my sister, my brother, and other people is around me, I practice, I try to pronounce or imitate they say and speak the language, (3-12/9e) …I learned from my mother from people around me. So I think after listening, I try to pronounce this what that I get people around me. Maybe they say that ‘Ho BoloHang’ and then I say mother, what is this, what is the meaning from, (1/9f) I usually watch movie to listen English talking… English songs and others, (2,9/9f) I like to listen English songs, movie. When and wherever I have spare time and I boring with something so I listen English song to entertain myself…, (3-5,7, 11-12 /9f) Listen to English songs, and then sometimes I listen my friend talk, their conversation. At the campus in the classroom when my lecturers talk, and then in outside when I feel boring with something, and then take my phone, and then listen a music/English song…, (6/9f) I listen to the films when I
  • 54. 54 watch the TV, I always listen to the TV; the channel about animal channel and they explain about animals or cartoon movies. movies in foster mother’s house, (8/9f) Music, English song, and the conversation, or the recording of English conversation, and always listen the tourist or the stranger from outside, they always talking together with their friends. I am/was in the situation between them…, (10/9f) English songs, the short conversation in the campus…, , 5. Professional versus Academic Essentially, the professional prioritises real time action, whereas the academic prioritises thought, though of course the professional also thinks about his or her actions, and the academic acts in order to develop his or her thinking. The distinction is thus one of emphasis and priorities rather than of substance. (Richards and Renandya, 2002:390) The following list summarises the differences, as well as one important similarity.
  • 55. 55 The notion of capitalizing on students’ existing motivation. This is only part of what needs to be done, however. If you confine yourself to responding to the motivational orientations that your students bring with them, you will limit your options and fail to capitalize on opportunities to guide your students’ motivational development in desirable directions. (Brophy, 2004:17) The emphasis is not on understanding, but on the ability to respond automatically. The teacher who sees language as habit will see the necessity for repetition and intensive oral practice. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:22) Teachers who teach the students English must know, understand, and apply English as a habit, so they need to speak with students each other inside and outside the classroom in order to teach effectively and efficiently. A learning community features a social context in which students feel comfortable asking questions, seeking help, and responding to questions when unsure of the answer. Members share the belief that “We’re all learning together,” so confusion and mistakes are understood as natural parts of the learning process.
  • 56. 56 The teacher has a special place in this learning community, but he or she is a learner too, and models this fact frequently. (Brophy, 2004:28) Some foreign language students, particularly adults, are learning the language for very specific reasons; others, particularly those learning in a State school system, are doing English because it is part of the system. In all cases, however, students are more likely to enjoy the subject, and to succeed at it, if they are involved in the learning process and, as far as possible, have a chance to influence what happens, and how it happens. (Lewis & Hill, 1992: 9) Teacher is the most important factor who influences students especially for English students to listen and to speak English wherever they are whether they speak English with other English teachers or lecturers and all English students inside or outside the classroom in the campus not only when the students have an English competition or event, or studying speaking subject I, II, and III but also as long as English as their study program, they must speak English each other in order to help when mistake happens to their students, share knowledge among lecturers and students and keep their identity as English lecturers. Therefore, lecturers should know some needs of students to become what they need and want. The following descriptions of the needs that are in the hierarchy from lowest level needs to higher level needs. Figure 4.1 demonstrates Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
  • 57. 57 There are hierarchy level needs such as physiological, safety, love and belongingness, Esteem, and self actualization, but in this context, focusing only on the following three hierarchy level needs below: The belongingness or affection needs encompass a hunger for affection, caring, belongingness, and perhaps love, the esteem needs are affiliated with the desire to have status, dignity, respect, recognition, attention, and to be appreciated by others, and lastly, the self-actualization need is the desire to do or be what one is uniquely suited for. "A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself" (Maslow, 1970, p. 46) in (Wrench, Richmond, and Gorham, 2009:54) Those needs above are really needed to have a better process by students from a teacher. So when the teacher especially for English lecturers applies it properly, every student will feel confident and happy to express their idea and feeling by speaking English with their lecturers and other English students. While there are many helpful ways of approaching language teaching, it is a mistake to believe that ‘a method’ exists which can guarantee success. Every teacher knows that what works one day with one class, does not necessarily work
  • 58. 58 with a different class, or even on a different day with the same class. A textbook which is appropriate to one situation, is often not suitable for another. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:15) Therefore, there are the negative impact and the positive impact which influence the students at English study program, below the negative impact stated by the students. (12/3)…sometimes the lecturer teach us in the classroom with speak English, but they seldom speak English in the classroom, (12/5)…because we can communicate with our friends using English because outside the class we seldom use English, more Indonesian, we speak outside…, (3/7)…sometimes when we meet in office…we speak with them like asking just simple question, How are you, ma’am? And they respond in English but from them ‘No’. Maybe they are busy, so I don’t want to disturb but if they are not busy, maybe I will speak a lot., (4, 7, 10/7) Never (The lecturers never speak English with us), I don’ know their reasons., (6/7)…I only speak with some lecturer. They are not teaching about speaking subject when I meet with them, I only ask them about English but there is no teacher of English speaking subject. They only make Indonesian when they in out class, they respond in Indonesian language…, (11/7) Seldom to speak with their students inside and outside, if we invite them to speak English, they respond in Indonesia…, (12/7) Sometimes…when we try to use English to speak with them, they use English but just a little after that they change their language into
  • 59. 59 Indonesian and we keep communication using Indonesian, (1/9c) It’s best for the students…if the condition all in English. It will help the students also to copy the teacher or imitate the teacher as a role model, (1/16) Inside the class, sometimes when we ask to do telling a story or something else, they will tell that you must use this grammar, you must use past or present in here. It usually ask to do that but if outside the classroom, some the students also never talk in English to the lecturer, and the lecturer also same too, just say like no problem at all just keep talking in Bahasa. So if outside not to care about but keep our speaking ability outside the class, ‘No!’ but inside the class, ‘Not really’ I mean that usually they ask but not really, (2/16) They meet us, they speaking English with us and keep speaking English with us. And if we are wrong in our speaking, maybe they can correct us. Maybe, If I don’t speak English, they ask me for speaking English. Yeah…because I think so just…just sometimes they will speaking English with us, (3/16) When I use bad or wrong pronunciation, they will correct my pronunciation or bad grammar they want to correct also, and then not just tell to me but to of students in the classroom. Outside the classroom, maybe I never talk with my lecturers, but if my lecturers speak English with me, I try to respond with English…, (4/16) Nothing, (5/16) Always speaking Indonesia, maybe I think., (6/16) …there is no the teacher/lecturer like this in this campus. Because I didn’t get it in this campus, they care our speaking and for speaking subject teacher, they care our speaking
  • 60. 60 especially, there is in the classroom, (7/16) …they don’t care my English speaking ability and they don’t want to keep my English speaking ability, (8/16) I don’t know exactly, they just said “please talk each other with English, and you will improve your English exactly!” but I didn’t find anything, when they want to care about our English in the daily activity when we in the campus. It’s nothing. Maybe just in learning process in the classroom because they have responsibility to teach us speaking subject, (9/16) When this university have the event like debate, they (the lecturers) will ask us to join that the debate because your English is good, so you must join that event, (10/16) They always care about it to us, they always say that, “We have to study hard, we have to improve our speaking skill, especially speaking skill, our lecturer in the speaking subject, she always talk to us, “We have to study hard, we have to memorize some vocabulary, study about English more, and then we can speak English well. They have care about our ability in speaking English. And if keeping our speaking English, I think they just keep our speaking English just in the classroom of speaking subject. But outside based on the fact, my activity in the campus, I cannot find it, I never find it, so they don’t care our speaking ability and keep it well outside the classroom in the campus, (11/16) I think my lecturer specially for English program and education, they only see the clever students in English program and education, they didn’t show the another students and they have ability to communication or ability mastery grammar, (12/16) I think Never! They
  • 61. 61 never see our ability of English when we speak in this environment, they never care, they just care the people who join the competition and then make the lecturer/teacher proud, they will train them, and then they make their English well and others. The teacher who recognises language as a means to an end will see the necessity for looking at why particular pieces of language are useful and, having seen their purpose, will then be able to see their usefulness (or otherwise) for students. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:23) Teachers who recognise language as communication will see the necessity for genuinely interesting texts, individualised teaching, pair work, free practices, listening practices and many other classroom activities. (Lewis & Hill, 1992:23) The degree to which a particular motivational disposition develops, as well as the qualitative nuances it takes on in the individual per-son, are influenced by the modeling and socialization (communication of expectations, direct instruction, corrective feedback, reward and punishment) provided by “significant others” in the person’s social environment. Along with family members and close friends, teachers are significant others in the lives of their students, and thus in a position to influence the students’ motivational development. (Brophy, 2004:17) (1/5) Because I can improve my speaking English and…only satisfied me when I did it in a good way., (3/5) Because we get something interest… and then the lecturers give our motivation, and then (tip) how we can speak well… the lecturer is very funny., (4/5) Because I like the
  • 62. 62 lecturers’ pronunciation. It is really nice to listen. Even I don’t understand. And also I wanted to be like my lecturer also., (6/5)…I seen the lecturer teach about English speaking and they always speaking…that’s why, I got motivate from her and also I like it, (8/5) …we interested about her pronunciation, her experiences because the lecturer of speaking subject is the one of our lecturer in English department who get the college in outside or abroad…, (9/5)… because the lecturer give the example and the students get time to speak by using English, get the new vocabulary from the lecturer., (10/5)…we don’t think about grammar…because before it our lecturer said that we don’t think about grammar more, we just speak up. So the students who don’t know grammar, they can answer, and speak up, (11/5) All of subjects, I like only speaking subject because…speaking subject also take us to brief/brave to communication with foreign people, and then senior, and our lecturer, (2/9c) …if they speak full English we can get many vocabulary and maybe it’s very advantageous for us. And if we don’t understand what they are saying, we can ask for them, I think they will be explain for us to make us understand about what they are saying., (3/9c) If English teachers or lecturers speak English each other, It’s good because they can make us think wow our lecturers is very good in English, and then we must same as they are, and then we can oh…our lecturers can speak English why we cannot speak English. Because they teach to us English so we can take/speak like them., (4/9c) It’s nice, it’s good. It can help the students of
  • 63. 63 English study program because if the teacher of the lecturers speak English, it will influence to the students. So the students will speak English with the lecturers each other, (6/9c) I think that’s very good because they invite us to speak with them and when they speak English with me and with my friends especially English department … it means they show to the students to follow them without Indonesian and also they will make all of the place is English speaking area, (8/9c) I think so great and fabulous because it is making our experiences in English will fluently and I think, it is the consciousness from them, they have to serve us because that is their obligation because they have to teach us firstly from outside, so they will teach inside and the practicing between inside and outside have to be balance, (9/9c)…that’s good. That can motivate the students because they say our teacher speak English, we must also speak English. If our teacher speak English, and then for the other students that doesn’t know what the teachers mean, they will think, if always like this, I cannot understand, it means I must study hard, (10/9c) …the teacher have to use English first before the students use, (11/9c) …if they always invite the students to speak English/to use English, do not use Bahasa, and the students always practice their listening then that make our habit, and then we have motivate to learning a lot of vocabulary and then we improve our speaking with our lecturer, (12/9c) …if English keep speak with the students or the same lecture. I think it will be motivated the students. The students will speak English without the lecture force them to speak English because the
  • 64. 64 lecture speak in English program or inside of campus, (1/14) I think that the first, the process must be start from the teacher like the teacher guided about learning in English, like ask them in English, the environment in English so the students will copy or imitate the teachers like ask what the teacher do, ask what the teacher ask to them. Yes! Start from the teacher and then go to the students and the students applying it by themselves, (2/14) I think the teacher should be use full English in the class, can bilingual but I hope the most in English. And they have to invite us to speak up, (3/14) I think because maybe I want to be a teacher. And then I must know about that. If I want to teach some class use English, firstly must master the material first and then use full English in the classroom. If my students don’t understand English, I translate. If I use full English and then I just tell the little from Indonesian. Most language that I used is English and they must bring dictionary and then open, and find what words I mean. So they can get vocabulary, pronunciation, and then also they can practice their listening skill, (4/14) I think we must apply rules first. Like the example, If I teach English, I will make my own rules. No speaking Bahasa only English in the class and also outside if they know about the word in English, they can ask me in English like example, “Ms, What is in English ‘Sleep’?” So I can write the word, and read and ask them to repeat, (6/14) The first one is when the process English, it means, we want to teach them English. It means we will become an example, I mean the paragon when we want to teach them about English, we have to
  • 65. 65 explain them, give the example what is English itself. So that’s why, by using English they will know about English and the important one and speaking English is the important one because when we teach about English. It means when we speak they know about English and speaking itself, (7/14) Always use English speaking and practice with teacher and students also, (8/14) We have focus in conversation and we criticize the conversation at all. So the teacher will ask what your opinion to this conversation to be better because many conversation would be blank or is/will has mistake in the step of the statement that they give so the conversation will be mistaken in the grammar so the teacher will ask us about the mistake in the conversation. So we will be criticize, where is the mistake and the wrongness in the conversation that we made or find, (9/14) I think if it is about speak we need to practice, that’s in my mind, and we need to practice how to speak English. If the teacher already speak English in front of the class, even it is combine, we as a student also have motivation, oh…our teacher is good in English, I want to be like my teacher, (10/14) I think that I will make the discussing, make the students explain what they discuss to the other friend, it means they have to improve speaking skill, after explanation, I will apply it, I will ask to them to apply to the other friends, to speak up to the other friend and then the other friend will respond it, I will be facilitator, I will guide them, I will listen carefully what they say, and there is mistake, I will make it right. And then if they don’t apply, I will remind them to apply it or I will change