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Exploring Google (Cloud) APIs
with Python & JavaScript
Wesley Chun
Developer Advocate, Google
Adjunct CS Faculty, Foothill College
G Suite Dev Show
About the speaker
Developer Advocate, Google Cloud
● Mission: enable current and future
developers everywhere to be
successful using Google Cloud and
other Google developer tools & APIs
● Videos: host of the G Suite Dev Show
on YouTube
● Blogs: &
● Twitters: @wescpy, @GoogleDevs,
Previous experience / background
● Software engineer & architect for 20+ years
● One of the original Yahoo!Mail engineers
● Author of bestselling "Core Python" books
● Technical trainer, teacher, instructor since
1983 (Computer Science, C, Linux, Python)
● Fellow of the Python Software Foundation
● AB (Math/CS) & CMP (Music/Piano), UC
Berkeley and MSCS, UC Santa Barbara
● Adjunct Computer Science Faculty, Foothill
College (Silicon Valley)
Google Cloud
(GCP + G Suite)
Google APIs
Introduction to
Why are you here?
Google APIs client
libraries for many
languages; demos in
Google Cloud
Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Google Apps Script
G Suite (Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite, Office 365
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
Google Cloud Platform vs. G Suite
G Suite
Google APIs &
developer tools
(focusing on Cloud)
GCP data & storage services
Build, innovate, and scale with Google Cloud Platform
Storing Data: Cloud SQL
SQL servers in the cloud
High-performance, fully-managed
600MB to 416GB RAM; up to 64 vCPUs
Up to 10 TB storage; 40,000 IOPS
SQLServer (2019)
Storing Data: Cloud Datastore
Cloud Datastore: a fully-
managed, highly-scalable
NoSQL database for your web
and mobile applications
Storing Data: Firebase
Firebase data is stored
as JSON & synchronized in
real-time to every
connected client; other
tools + FB == v2 mobile
development platform
Storing Data: Cloud Firestore
The best of both worlds: the
next generation of Cloud
Datastore (w/product rebrand)
plus features from the
Firebase realtime database
(For choosing between Firebase & Cloud Firestore: see
Cloud Firestore data model
collections subcollections
Cloud Firestore straightforward querying
BigQuery: querying Shakespeare words
from import bigquery
TITLE = "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works"
QUERY = '''
SELECT LOWER(word) AS word, sum(word_count) AS count
FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare`
rsp = bigquery.Client().query(QUERY).result()
print('n*** Results for %r:n' % TITLE)
print('t'.join( for col in rsp.schema)) # HEADERS
print('n'.join('t'.join(str(x) for x in row.values()) for row in rsp)) # DATA
Top 10 most common Shakespeare words
$ python
*** Results for "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works":
the 29801
and 27529
i 21029
to 20957
of 18514
a 15370
you 14010
my 12936
in 11722
that 11519
● BigQuery public data sets:
● Other public data sets: (Google
Cloud) and (Google Research)
● COVID-19
○ Read the blog post announcement
○ How to use our data sets
○ JHU Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases data set
○ List of all COVID-19 data sets
● BigQuery sandbox (1TB/mo):
● Cloud Healthcare API: (read blog post)
BigQuery public data sets
GCP machine learning
Bringing AI/ML to developers of all skillsets
ML "building block" APIs
● Gain insights from data using GCP's
pre-trained machine learning models
● Leverage the same technology as Google
Translate, Photos, and Assistant
● Requires ZERO prior knowledge of ML
● If you can call an API, you can use AI/ML!
Vision Video
(S2T & T2S)
from import vision
image_uri = 'gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/using_curl/shanghai.jpeg'
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()
image = vision.types.Image()
image.source.image_uri = image_uri
response = client.label_detection(image=image)
print('Labels (and confidence score):')
print('=' * 30)
for label in response.label_annotations:
print(f'{label.description} ({label.score*100.:.2f}%)')
Vision: label annotation/object detection
$ python3
Labels (and confidence score):
People (95.05%)
Street (89.12%)
Mode of transport (89.09%)
Transport (85.13%)
Vehicle (84.69%)
Snapshot (84.11%)
Urban area (80.29%)
Infrastructure (73.14%)
Road (72.74%)
Pedestrian (68.90%)
Vision: label annotation/object detection
Cloud Vision
(others at
● What is it, and how does it work?
○ Google Cloud ML APIs use pre-trained models
○ Perhaps those models less suitable for your data
○ Further customize/train our models for your data
○ Without sophisticated ML background
○ Translate, Vision, Natural Language, Video Intelligence, Tables
● Steps
a. Prep your training data
b. Create dataset
c. Import items into dataset
d. Create/train model
e. Evaluate/validate model
f. Make predictions
Cloud AutoML
Full Spectrum of AI & ML Offerings
App developer Data scientist,
Data scientist, Researcher
(w/infrastructure access &
DevOps/SysAdmin skills)
ML EngineAuto ML
Build custom models,
use OSS SDK on fully-
managed infrastructure
App developer,
data scientist
Use/customize pre-built
Use pre-built/pre-
trained models
Build custom models, use/
extend OSS SDK, self-manage
training infrastructure
Google Cloud compute & serverless
4 opinionated logic-hosting containers in the cloud
Google Compute Engine configurable
VMs of all shapes & sizes, from
"micro" to 416 vCPUs, 11.75 TB RAM,
64 TB HDD/SSD plus Google Cloud
Storage for blobs/cloud data lake
(Debian, CentOS, CoreOS, SUSE, Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
Ubuntu, FreeBSD; Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016)
Yeah, we got VMs & big disk… but why*?
Serverless: what & why
● What is serverless?
○ Misnomer
○ "No worries"
○ Developers focus on writing code & solving business problems*
● Why serverless?
○ Fastest growing segment of cloud... per analyst research*:
■ $1.9B (2016) and $4.25B (2018) ⇒ $7.7B (2021) and $14.93B (2023)
○ What if you go viral? Autoscaling: your new best friend
○ What if you don't? Code not running? You're not paying.
* in USD; source:Forbes (May 2018), MarketsandMarkets™ & CB Insights (Aug 2018)
Why does App Engine exist?
● Focus on app not DevOps
○ Web app
○ Mobile backend
○ Cloud service
● Enhance productivity
● Deploy globally
● Fully-managed
● Auto-scaling
● Pay-per-use
● Familiar languages
Hello World (Python "MVP")
runtime: python37
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return 'Hello World!'
$ gcloud app deploy
Access globally:
Quickstart tutorial and open source repo at
Why does Cloud Functions exist?
● Don't have entire app?
○ No framework "overhead" (LAMP, MEAN...)
○ Deploy microservices
● Event-driven
○ Triggered via HTTP or background events
■ Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Firebase, etc.
○ Auto-scaling & highly-available; pay per use
● Flexible development environment
○ Cmd-line or developer console (in-browser)
● Cloud Functions for Firebase
○ Mobile app use-cases
● Available runtimes
○ JS/Node.js 6, 8, 10
○ Python 3.7
○ Go 1.11, 1.12
○ Java 8
def hello_world(request):
return 'Hello World!'
$ gcloud functions deploy hello --runtime python37 --trigger-http
Access globally (curl):
curl -X POST 
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
Access globally (browser):
Hello World (Python "MVP")
Quickstart tutorial and open source repo at
Cloud Run
Fully-managed serverless
No cluster to manage
Pay for what you use
Cloud Run on GKE
Serverless experience
Access custom nodes, GPUs, VPC
Simplicity of Cloud Run
With flexibility of GKE
Fully-managed Kubernetes cluster
Serverless containers, where you want them
Kubernetes cluster
Cloud Run compatible
With Knative open API
Runs on-prem or in other cloud on
Self-managed Kubernetes cluster
-API “flavor”
-OAuth2 (you)
Google Apps Script
Apps Script overview
“Hello World!” in Apps Script
Sheets-bound “Hello World!”
Apps Script intro
What can you do with this?
Accessing maps from
This… with help from Google Maps & Gmail
function sendMap() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var address = sheet.getRange("A2").getValue();
var map = Maps.newStaticMap().addMarker(address);
GmailApp.sendEmail('', 'Map',
'See below.', {attachments:[map]});
Codelab and open source repo at
G Suite & other Google APIs
Collaborate and be more productive with G Suite
G Suite: Google Drive
Drive API allows developers to read,
write, control permissions/sharing,
import/export files, and more!
Try our Node.js customized reporting tool codelab:
Why use the Sheets API?
data visualization
customized reports
Sheets as a data source
Migrate SQL data to a Sheet
# read SQL data then create new spreadsheet & add rows into it
FIELDS = ('ID', 'Customer Name', 'Product Code',
'Units Ordered', 'Unit Price', 'Status')
cxn = sqlite3.connect('db.sqlite')
cur = cxn.cursor()
rows = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM orders').fetchall()
rows.insert(0, FIELDS)
DATA = {'properties': {'title': 'Customer orders'}}
SHEET_ID = SHEETS.spreadsheets().create(body=DATA,
SHEETS.spreadsheets().values().update(spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID, range='A1',
body={'values': rows}, valueInputOption='RAW').execute()
Migrate SQL data
to Sheets
G Suite: Google Docs & Slides
Docs & Slides APIs give you access
to read or write documents and
presentations programmatically so
you can auto-generate them with data
integrated from various sources
● Not just for conversations
● Create microservice utilities
● Build chat bots to...
○ Automate workflows
○ Query for information
○ Other heavy-lifting
● Plain text or rich UI "cards"
● Very flexible ("any")
development environment
○ POST to HTTP port
Hangouts Chat bots
(bot framework & API)
"Hello World" (echo bot)
JavaScript: Google Apps Script
function onMessage(m) {
return {
'text': 'Hi ' + m.sender.displayName + '. You sent: ' + m.text,
'thread': {'name':}
Hangouts Chat bots
Other Google APIs & platforms
● Firebase (mobile development platform + RT DB)
● Google Data Studio (data visualization, dashboards, etc.)
● Actions on Google/Assistant/DialogFlow (voice apps)
● YouTube (Data, Analytics, and Livestreaming APIs)
● Google Maps (Maps, Routes, and Places APIs)
● Flutter (native apps [Android, iOS, web] w/1 code base[!])
All of Cloud
Build powerful solutions
with GCP and G Suite
Custom intelligence in Gmail
Analyze G Suite data with GCP
Gmail message processing with GCP
G Suite GCP
Inbox augmented with Cloud Function
● Gmail API: sets up notification forwarding to Cloud Pub/Sub
● Pub/Sub: triggers logic hosted by Cloud Functions
● Cloud Functions: "orchestrator" accessing GCP (and G Suite) APIs
● Combine all of the above to add custom intelligence to Gmail
● Deep dive code blog post
● Application source code
App summary
Big data analysis to slide presentation
Access GCP tools from G Suite
Visualize big data results
Supercharge G Suite with GCP
G Suite GCP
Apps Script
Slides Sheets
Big data
App summary
● Leverage GCP and build the "final mile" with G Suite
● Driven by Google Apps Script
● Google BigQuery for data analysis
● Google Sheets for visualization
● Google Slides for presentable results
● "Glued" together w/G Suite serverless
● Build this app (codelab):
● Video and blog post:
● Application source code:
● Presented at Google Cloud NEXT (Jul 2018 [DEV229] & Apr 2019 [DEV212])
Summary & resources
Session Summary
● Google provides more than just apps
○ You may know Google for search, YouTube, Android, Chrome, and Gmail, but...
○ We've made much of our technology available to developers through our APIs
○ To help prevent all those wheel reinventions!
● Tour of Google APIs & developer tools
○ G Suite: not just a set of productivity apps… you can code them too!
○ GCP: compute, storage, networking, security, data & machine learning tools
○ Google Cloud serverless frees developers from infrastructure
■ 4 unique solutions so you can focus on building solutions
● Interesting possibilities using both Cloud platforms (GCP + G Suite)
● Many other Google developer products
● Documentation
○ GCP:{docs,appengine,functions,vision,automl,sql,,
○ G Suite:{gsuite,drive,calendar,gmail,docs,sheets,slides,apps-script}
● Introductory "codelabs" ([free] self-paced, hands-on tutorials)
○ G Suite REST APIs: (featuring Drive API)
○ Apps Script:
○ App Engine:
○ Cloud Vision: (or C# or Ruby)
○ Cloud Functions:
○ All others: (GCP) and (non-GCP)
● Videos: (GCP), (G Suite), and all others
● Code samples: (GCP) and (G Suite)
● GCP Free trial (new users) and Always Free (daily/monthly tier) -
Compare with GCP at
Online resources
Thank you! Questions?
Wesley Chun
Progress bars:

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Exploring Google (Cloud) APIs with Python & JavaScript

  • 1. Exploring Google (Cloud) APIs with Python & JavaScript Wesley Chun Developer Advocate, Google Adjunct CS Faculty, Foothill College G Suite Dev Show About the speaker Developer Advocate, Google Cloud ● Mission: enable current and future developers everywhere to be successful using Google Cloud and other Google developer tools & APIs ● Videos: host of the G Suite Dev Show on YouTube ● Blogs: & ● Twitters: @wescpy, @GoogleDevs, @GSuiteDevs Previous experience / background ● Software engineer & architect for 20+ years ● One of the original Yahoo!Mail engineers ● Author of bestselling "Core Python" books ( ● Technical trainer, teacher, instructor since 1983 (Computer Science, C, Linux, Python) ● Fellow of the Python Software Foundation ● AB (Math/CS) & CMP (Music/Piano), UC Berkeley and MSCS, UC Santa Barbara ● Adjunct Computer Science Faculty, Foothill College (Silicon Valley)
  • 2. Agenda 1 Introduction 2 Google Cloud (GCP + G Suite) 3 Google APIs 4 Inspiration 5 Wrap-up 01 Introduction to APIs Why are you here?
  • 3.
  • 4. & Google APIs client libraries for many languages; demos in client-library /cloud-client-libraries 02 Google Cloud
  • 5. Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Google Apps Script Salesforce1/ G Suite (Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite, Office 365 Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker Google Cloud Platform vs. G Suite G Suite APIs GCP APIs
  • 6. 03 Google APIs & developer tools (focusing on Cloud) GCP data & storage services Build, innovate, and scale with Google Cloud Platform
  • 7. Storing Data: Cloud SQL SQL servers in the cloud High-performance, fully-managed 600MB to 416GB RAM; up to 64 vCPUs Up to 10 TB storage; 40,000 IOPS Types: MySQL Postgres SQLServer (2019) Storing Data: Cloud Datastore Cloud Datastore: a fully- managed, highly-scalable NoSQL database for your web and mobile applications
  • 8. Storing Data: Firebase Firebase data is stored as JSON & synchronized in real-time to every connected client; other tools + FB == v2 mobile development platform Storing Data: Cloud Firestore The best of both worlds: the next generation of Cloud Datastore (w/product rebrand) plus features from the Firebase realtime database (For choosing between Firebase & Cloud Firestore: see
  • 9. Cloud Firestore data model collections subcollections Cloud Firestore straightforward querying
  • 10. BigQuery: querying Shakespeare words from import bigquery TITLE = "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works" QUERY = ''' SELECT LOWER(word) AS word, sum(word_count) AS count FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare` GROUP BY word ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10 ''' rsp = bigquery.Client().query(QUERY).result() print('n*** Results for %r:n' % TITLE) print('t'.join( for col in rsp.schema)) # HEADERS print('n'.join('t'.join(str(x) for x in row.values()) for row in rsp)) # DATA Top 10 most common Shakespeare words $ python *** Results for "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works": WORD COUNT the 29801 and 27529 i 21029 to 20957 of 18514 a 15370 you 14010 my 12936 in 11722 that 11519
  • 11. ● BigQuery public data sets: ● Other public data sets: (Google Cloud) and (Google Research) ● COVID-19 ○ Read the blog post announcement ○ How to use our data sets ○ JHU Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases data set ○ List of all COVID-19 data sets ● BigQuery sandbox (1TB/mo): ● Cloud Healthcare API: (read blog post) BigQuery public data sets GCP machine learning Bringing AI/ML to developers of all skillsets
  • 12. ML "building block" APIs ● Gain insights from data using GCP's pre-trained machine learning models ● Leverage the same technology as Google Translate, Photos, and Assistant ● Requires ZERO prior knowledge of ML ● If you can call an API, you can use AI/ML! ● Vision Video Intelligence Speech (S2T & T2S) Natural Language Translation from import vision image_uri = 'gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/using_curl/shanghai.jpeg' client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() image = vision.types.Image() image.source.image_uri = image_uri response = client.label_detection(image=image) print('Labels (and confidence score):') print('=' * 30) for label in response.label_annotations: print(f'{label.description} ({label.score*100.:.2f}%)') Vision: label annotation/object detection
  • 13. $ python3 Labels (and confidence score): ============================== People (95.05%) Street (89.12%) Mode of transport (89.09%) Transport (85.13%) Vehicle (84.69%) Snapshot (84.11%) Urban area (80.29%) Infrastructure (73.14%) Road (72.74%) Pedestrian (68.90%) Vision: label annotation/object detection Cloud Vision exercise python (others at
  • 14. ● What is it, and how does it work? ○ Google Cloud ML APIs use pre-trained models ○ Perhaps those models less suitable for your data ○ Further customize/train our models for your data ○ Without sophisticated ML background ○ Translate, Vision, Natural Language, Video Intelligence, Tables ○ ● Steps a. Prep your training data b. Create dataset c. Import items into dataset d. Create/train model e. Evaluate/validate model f. Make predictions Cloud AutoML Full Spectrum of AI & ML Offerings App developer Data scientist, developer Data scientist, Researcher (w/infrastructure access & DevOps/SysAdmin skills) ML EngineAuto ML Build custom models, use OSS SDK on fully- managed infrastructure ML APIs App developer, data scientist Use/customize pre-built models Use pre-built/pre- trained models Build custom models, use/ extend OSS SDK, self-manage training infrastructure
  • 15. Google Cloud compute & serverless 4 opinionated logic-hosting containers in the cloud > Google Compute Engine configurable VMs of all shapes & sizes, from "micro" to 416 vCPUs, 11.75 TB RAM, 64 TB HDD/SSD plus Google Cloud Storage for blobs/cloud data lake (Debian, CentOS, CoreOS, SUSE, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu, FreeBSD; Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016) Yeah, we got VMs & big disk… but why*?
  • 16. Serverless: what & why ● What is serverless? ○ Misnomer ○ "No worries" ○ Developers focus on writing code & solving business problems* ● Why serverless? ○ Fastest growing segment of cloud... per analyst research*: ■ $1.9B (2016) and $4.25B (2018) ⇒ $7.7B (2021) and $14.93B (2023) ○ What if you go viral? Autoscaling: your new best friend ○ What if you don't? Code not running? You're not paying. * in USD; source:Forbes (May 2018), MarketsandMarkets™ & CB Insights (Aug 2018) Why does App Engine exist? ● Focus on app not DevOps ○ Web app ○ Mobile backend ○ Cloud service ● Enhance productivity ● Deploy globally ● Fully-managed ● Auto-scaling ● Pay-per-use ● Familiar languages
  • 17. Hello World (Python "MVP") app.yaml runtime: python37 from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello(): return 'Hello World!' requirements.txt Flask==1.0.2 Deploy: $ gcloud app deploy Access globally: Quickstart tutorial and open source repo at Why does Cloud Functions exist? ● Don't have entire app? ○ No framework "overhead" (LAMP, MEAN...) ○ Deploy microservices ● Event-driven ○ Triggered via HTTP or background events ■ Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Firebase, etc. ○ Auto-scaling & highly-available; pay per use ● Flexible development environment ○ Cmd-line or developer console (in-browser) ● Cloud Functions for Firebase ○ Mobile app use-cases ● Available runtimes ○ JS/Node.js 6, 8, 10 ○ Python 3.7 ○ Go 1.11, 1.12 ○ Java 8
  • 18. def hello_world(request): return 'Hello World!' Deploy: $ gcloud functions deploy hello --runtime python37 --trigger-http Access globally (curl): curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" Access globally (browser): Hello World (Python "MVP") Quickstart tutorial and open source repo at Cloud Run Fully-managed serverless ContainerizedApps-aaS No cluster to manage Pay for what you use Cloud Run on GKE Serverless experience Access custom nodes, GPUs, VPC Simplicity of Cloud Run With flexibility of GKE Fully-managed Kubernetes cluster Serverless containers, where you want them Self-managed Kubernetes cluster Cloud Run compatible With Knative open API Runs on-prem or in other cloud on Self-managed Kubernetes cluster
  • 19. +JavaScript -API “flavor” +built-in “flavor” -OAuth2 (you) != Google Apps Script Apps Script overview “Hello World!” in Apps Script
  • 20. Sheets-bound “Hello World!” Apps Script intro What can you do with this?
  • 21. Accessing maps from spreadsheets?!? This… with help from Google Maps & Gmail function sendMap() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var address = sheet.getRange("A2").getValue(); var map = Maps.newStaticMap().addMarker(address); GmailApp.sendEmail('', 'Map', 'See below.', {attachments:[map]}); } JS Codelab and open source repo at
  • 22. G Suite & other Google APIs Collaborate and be more productive with G Suite G Suite: Google Drive Drive API allows developers to read, write, control permissions/sharing, import/export files, and more!
  • 23. Try our Node.js customized reporting tool codelab: Why use the Sheets API? data visualization customized reports Sheets as a data source Migrate SQL data to a Sheet # read SQL data then create new spreadsheet & add rows into it FIELDS = ('ID', 'Customer Name', 'Product Code', 'Units Ordered', 'Unit Price', 'Status') cxn = sqlite3.connect('db.sqlite') cur = cxn.cursor() rows = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM orders').fetchall() cxn.close() rows.insert(0, FIELDS) DATA = {'properties': {'title': 'Customer orders'}} SHEET_ID = SHEETS.spreadsheets().create(body=DATA, fields='spreadsheetId').execute().get('spreadsheetId') SHEETS.spreadsheets().values().update(spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID, range='A1', body={'values': rows}, valueInputOption='RAW').execute() Migrate SQL data to Sheets
  • 24. G Suite: Google Docs & Slides Docs & Slides APIs give you access to read or write documents and presentations programmatically so you can auto-generate them with data integrated from various sources ● Not just for conversations ● Create microservice utilities ● Build chat bots to... ○ Automate workflows ○ Query for information ○ Other heavy-lifting ● Plain text or rich UI "cards" ● Very flexible ("any") development environment ○ POST to HTTP port Hangouts Chat bots (bot framework & API)
  • 25. "Hello World" (echo bot) JavaScript: Google Apps Script function onMessage(m) { return { 'text': 'Hi ' + m.sender.displayName + '. You sent: ' + m.text, 'thread': {'name':} }; } Hangouts Chat bots Other Google APIs & platforms ● Firebase (mobile development platform + RT DB) ○ ● Google Data Studio (data visualization, dashboards, etc.) ○ ○ ● Actions on Google/Assistant/DialogFlow (voice apps) ○ ● YouTube (Data, Analytics, and Livestreaming APIs) ○ ● Google Maps (Maps, Routes, and Places APIs) ○ ● Flutter (native apps [Android, iOS, web] w/1 code base[!]) ○
  • 26. 04 All of Cloud (inspiration) Build powerful solutions with GCP and G Suite Custom intelligence in Gmail Analyze G Suite data with GCP
  • 27. Gmail message processing with GCP Gmail Cloud Pub/Sub Cloud Functions Cloud Vision G Suite GCP Star message Message notification Trigger function Extract images Categorize images
  • 28. Inbox augmented with Cloud Function ● Gmail API: sets up notification forwarding to Cloud Pub/Sub ● ● Pub/Sub: triggers logic hosted by Cloud Functions ● ● Cloud Functions: "orchestrator" accessing GCP (and G Suite) APIs ● Combine all of the above to add custom intelligence to Gmail ● Deep dive code blog post ● adding-custom-intelligence-to-gmail-with-serverless-on-gcp ● Application source code ● App summary
  • 29. Big data analysis to slide presentation Access GCP tools from G Suite
  • 31. Supercharge G Suite with GCP G Suite GCP BigQuery Apps Script Slides Sheets Application request Big data analytics App summary ● Leverage GCP and build the "final mile" with G Suite ● Driven by Google Apps Script ● Google BigQuery for data analysis ● Google Sheets for visualization ● Google Slides for presentable results ● "Glued" together w/G Suite serverless ● Build this app (codelab): ● Video and blog post: ● Application source code: ● Presented at Google Cloud NEXT (Jul 2018 [DEV229] & Apr 2019 [DEV212]) ● ●
  • 32. 05 Wrap-up Summary & resources Session Summary ● Google provides more than just apps ○ You may know Google for search, YouTube, Android, Chrome, and Gmail, but... ○ We've made much of our technology available to developers through our APIs ○ To help prevent all those wheel reinventions! ● Tour of Google APIs & developer tools ○ G Suite: not just a set of productivity apps… you can code them too! ○ GCP: compute, storage, networking, security, data & machine learning tools ○ Google Cloud serverless frees developers from infrastructure ■ 4 unique solutions so you can focus on building solutions ● Interesting possibilities using both Cloud platforms (GCP + G Suite) ● Many other Google developer products
  • 33. ● Documentation ○ GCP:{docs,appengine,functions,vision,automl,sql,, language,speech,text-to-speech,translate,video-intelligence,firestore,bigquery,filestore} ○ G Suite:{gsuite,drive,calendar,gmail,docs,sheets,slides,apps-script} ● Introductory "codelabs" ([free] self-paced, hands-on tutorials) ○ G Suite REST APIs: (featuring Drive API) ○ Apps Script: ○ App Engine: ○ Cloud Vision: (or C# or Ruby) ○ Cloud Functions: ○ All others: (GCP) and (non-GCP) ● Videos: (GCP), (G Suite), and all others ● Code samples: (GCP) and (G Suite) ● GCP Free trial (new users) and Always Free (daily/monthly tier) - Compare with GCP at Online resources Thank you! Questions? Wesley Chun @wescpy Progress bars: Slides: