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Example Subject Words
Amounts: a lot few little many most numerous partially some
somewhat very
Emotions: angry celebrate curious eager enjoys fit good
happiness happy irritable joy likes
loves reluctant sad shy unhappy upset
Knowledge: normal proves realizes recognize remembers seems
Motive: deliberate favorite interested want
Physical concepts: easy colorful hard healthy large loud messy
perfect short well
Time: aggressive always constantly frequently immediately
most often quick rarely seldom
sometimes usually
If you hear subjective ideas, write that in paper. For instance,
her mom told me that
Kathy was very quick witted and was a curious child.
Question 1
Which of the following is true of retaliation in workplaces?
Employers are prohibited from retaliating against individuals
who file discrimination charges.
Employees are prohibited from retaliating against organizations
that practice discrimination.
Employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees on
ethical grounds.
Employees are restricted from retaliating against employers who
encourage instances of glass ceiling.
5 points
Question 2
“Percentage of employees with career plan” is an example of the
development HR metric.
5 points
Question 3
Which of the following is true of the administrative role of
human resource departments?
It involves managing most human resource activities in keeping
with strategies and operations that have been identified by
It involves helping to define the strategy relative to human
capital and its contribution to organizational results.
It involves identifying possible strategies to attract and retain
talent with a focus on organizational growth.
It focuses on record keeping, including essential legal
paperwork and policy implementation.
5 points
Question 4
Which of the following statements is true of Internet recruiting?
Twitter is rarely used by recruiters because of the 140-word
The broad reach of Internet recruiting has significantly reduced
the amount of discrimination against job seekers from
racial/ethnic groups because it enlarges the applicant population
exponentially over traditional recruiting methods.
If a recruiter checks an applicant’s Facebook account, learns
that the applicant is Jewish, and then rejects the applicant, the
company can be charged with an EEO discrimination complaint.
An advantage of Internet recruiting is that it streamlines EEO
data gathering because everyone who accesses a job Web site is
considered an applicant for legal purposes.
5 points
Question 5
Which of the following best defines HR analytics?
An evidence-based approach to making HR decisions on the
basis of quantitative tools and models
An assumption-based approach to making HR decisions on the
basis of quantitative tools and models
An evidence-based approach to making HR decisions on the
basis of qualitative tools and models
An assumption-based approach to making HR decisions on the
basis of qualitative tools and models
5 points
Question 6
Poor adaptation of an expatriate’s spouse and/or family to the
overseas location is a major factor in the failure of expatriate
5 points
Question 7
Ken, a brand manager at Media Labs LLC., is formulating a
strategic plan for his organization. He has identified the
organizational mission and formulated a SWOT analysis of the
business. Which of the following is most likely to be Ken’s next
step in the strategic planning process?
Evaluate and reassess strategy
Implement strategy
Establish goals and objectives
Formulate supporting functional strategies
5 points
Question 8
Which of the following situations is an example of a
compressed work week?
Employees working for ten hours, four days a week
Employees working for eight hours, five days a week
Employees working for seven hours, six days a week
Employees working for eight hours, seven days a week
5 points
Question 9
The main legal reason for performing a thorough background
check of all applicants is:
to comply with the Immigration and Naturalization Act
to avoid résumé fraud
to prevent discrimination against protected classes
to protect the organization against charges of negligent hiring
5 points
Question 10
Which of the following is typically the first stage in the job
analysis process?
Preparing for and introducing job analysis
Planning the job analysis
Conducting the job analysis
Developing job descriptions and job specifications
5 points
Question 11
_____ refers to organizing tasks, duties, responsibilities, and
other elements into a productive unit of work.
Job planning
Job analysis
Job design
Job redesign
5 points
Question 12
In the context of social media, the disclosure of which of the
following is most likely to be considered a risk by employers?
Policy changes
Customer lists
Competitive service details
Operational changes
5 points
Question 13
Some of the major ways of increasing employee productivity are
organizational restructuring, redesigning work, aligning human
resource activities, and outsourcing analyses.
5 points
Question 14
The Bureau of Labor Statistics classifies people working _____
hours per week as part-time employees.
at least 45
at least 35
between 35 and 45
less than 35
5 points
Question 15
Which of the following is an intangible item in a psychological
5 points
Question 16
Lack of fit between a person and a job is most likely to result
mistakes in evaluating the person’s KSAs
improper employee training
negligence of exit interviews
a lack of a positive company “brand” that attracts qualified
5 points
Question 17
A(n) _____ is a citizen of one country working in a second
country and employed by an organization headquartered in the
first country.
host-country national
third-country national
independent contractor
5 points
Question 18
Yield ratio is a measure of the quality of job applicants.
5 points
Question 19
The Rehabilitation Act passed in 1973 applied only to _____.
federal contractors
state governments
labor unions
nonprofit organizations
5 points
Question 20
Which of the following advertisements for recruitment is most
likely to be considered illegal?
“Experienced writers required”
“Enthusiastic radio jockeys needed”
“Wanted: Professors with educational background in
“Young store executives needed”
5 points
Question 21
Which of the following is true of the Consolidated Omnibus
Budget Reconciliation Act?
Displaced workers can retain their group medical coverage for
up to 18 months for themselves, and up to 36 months for their
dependents, if they pay the premiums themselves.
Displaced workers can use the Medicare program sponsored by
the government for up to 18 months after the termination of
their employment.
Displaced workers can use the Medicare program sponsored by
the federal government for up to 36 months after the
termination of their employment.
Displaced workers can retain their group medical coverage for
up to 12 months for themselves, and up to 24 months for their
dependents, if they pay the premiums themselves.
5 points
Question 22
To increase employee satisfaction, the performance management
systems and performance appraisal processes in organizations
must be designed so they are linked to compensation increases.
5 points
Question 23
Composed of more than 200 statements, the position analysis
questionnaire examines a variety of managerial dimensions,
including decision making and supervising.
5 points
Question 24
Bob, a human resources executive at Axis Inc., is moving from
an operational role in the human resources department to a
strategic role. Which of the following best describes Bob’s
change of role?
Moving from serving as a “champion” of employee concerns to
helping define the strategy to manage human capital
Moving from helping define the strategy to manage human
capital to processing legal paperwork
Moving from processing legal paperwork to serving as a
“champion” of employee concerns
Moving from processing legal paperwork to helping define the
strategy to manage human capital
5 points
Question 25
Mark, an HR manager, is responsible for the HR planning
process in his organization. He has reviewed the organization’s
strategic plans. Which of the following is most likely to be
Mark’s next step in the planning process?
Develop HR staffing plans and actions
Compile HR planning forecasts
Implement HR staffing plans and actions
Assess external and internal workforce
Opinions versus Facts
Remember to be objective in paragraphs 1-5 of your case
studies. You should not write your
opinion in any of these paragraphs. Your opinion belongs only
in paragraph 6.
Here are some examples of opinions:
1. His teeth were white and shiny. He must visit the dentist on a
regular basis.
2. He seems very fidgety and only plays with each toy for a
couple of minutes.
3. He gets excited when he has homework.
4. In her language and learning, she is trying to be like an adult.
5. When his family members told him about the impending
move to another state, he
smiled because he felt secure.
6. She is very creative and a good problem solver.
Here are some examples of facts:
1. The ninth grader told me that he is on the debate team at
2. One little girl asked if she could have a cookie.
3. Amy’s best friend stated, “She likes doing her own hair and
4. Her mother said that she has a hard time getting her to go to
bed at the same time as
the other children.
5. She reached up to change the paper where another child had
drawn a picture and left it
on the easel.
6. The grandfather stated that his grandson is on the honor roll
at his school.
These are the parts of the statements that are opinions.
Department of Education
Child Development Program
3214 Austin Street, Houston, TX 77004
713-718-6303 phone 713-718-6235 fax
TECA 1354 Child Growth and Development
Case Study
Key Assessment
NAEYC Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and
a. Students know and understand young children’s
characteristics and needs.
b. Students know and understand the multiple influences on
development and learning.
c. Students use developmental knowledge to create healthy,
respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments.
NAEYC Supportive Skills
SS3 Written and Verbal Communication: Well-prepared
associate degree graduates have strong skills in written and
communication. Students are technologically literate.
Required Component
This assignment (key assessment) is required for completion of
this course. If this assignment is not completed with 70% of
points, (at least 70 points of the 100 possible on each case
study), you will not receive a passing grade in this class. If you
do not earn
at least 70 points, you will be allowed one revision on each case
study. The maximum grade a student can earn on a revised
assignment is 70 % of the possible points (which is 70 points).
See syllabus for more details.
Case Study Description
The purpose of this case study is to give the reader a detailed
description of a child as viewed by you, the writer, with respect
to the
developmental domains specified below. You will select and
report on a child in each of the four case studies: 1.) infant or
toddler (ages
0-2), 2.) Preschool (ages 3-5), 3.) Middle childhood (ages 6-
11), and 4.) Adolescence (ages 12-18). Be sure to report the
current level in each domain. You may choose any child
EXCEPT your own, for example, extended family members,
neighbors, or
friends. If you have any questions or concerns regarding
selection of children, contact your professor.
Your report should be written in formal academic language.
Your report should be an objective evaluation using information
from direct observation. You may supplement this information
with facts provided by the family or caregiver. Examples of
reporting are: “The mother reports Jason feels more secure
when he sleeps with his teddy bear,” or “The caregiver stated
that Gina
shares her crayons at the art table with any child who needs
crayons.” The case study should NOT include subjective
statements such as: “Jason seems like a secure child,” or “Gina
is the nicest girl in the room.” Be as thorough as possible with
the data
available to you. Include as much factual data as you can to
"paint" a comprehensive picture of the child
Case Study Outline
Use the following headings, prompts, and rubric to guide you as
you write each section of the case study. Type the headings for
section. Provide plenty of descriptions and details. Use only
the summary section to include any relevant personal
opinions, or conclusions. Case study requirements include
college level writing (1000 words, double-spaced). Use the
following format
for each of the four case studies.
Include the following descriptors:
Give the child's name, age, family make up, and a brief
description of physical appearance.
Describe the child's environment at home, childcare and/or
Describe characteristics that identify the socioeconomic status
of the child’s family. Instead of reporting income, report items
such as
parents’ education level, housing and neighborhood, current
job, etc. Please do not ask the family any personal income
Tell why you have chosen this child.
Physical Development NAEYC STANDARD 1a
Specifically describe the child’s small (fine) skills
Specifically describe the child’s large (gross) motor skills.
Include examples and direct observations for small motor skills.
Include examples and direct observations for large motor skills.
TECA 1354 – Case Study
Give any background about the child's health, nutrition, and rest
*Compare the child to the norms for children this age, using in-
text citations (Manis, 2017).
Cognitive Development NAEYC STANDARD 1a
Describe evidence of learning from your observations and other
sources, parents, teachers, grades, etc.
Identify specific areas of strength and areas that need
improvement (memory, attention, etc.)
Give examples of the child's language development. What
evidence do you see that indicates the child understands spoken
How does she express herself? As applicable, discuss the
child’s literacy skills (reading, composition, math, technology).
*Compare the child to the norms for children this age, using in-
text citations (Manis, 2017).
Social and Emotional Development NAEYC STANDARD 1a
Describe the child’s social interactions with other children,
family, relatives, siblings, classmates, etc. (sharing, solving
problems, playing
and working cooperatively).
What evidence do you see that would indicate a positive or
negative self-esteem? Include observations and examples that
indicate whether the child is generally happy or unhappy, secure
or insecure, stressed or relaxed.
What signs do you see that would indicate appropriate or poor
emotional adjustment?
As applicable, find out how the child describes him or herself
*Compare the child to the norms for children this age, using in-
text citations (Manis, 2017).
Family and Home Factors NAEYC STANDARD 1b
Describe family conditions that may affect the child’s
Identify the size of the family, what family members are present
in the home, the marital status of parents or guardians, etc.
Information may be obtained from the caregiver and/or parent.
Based on the research presented in your textbook, describe how
each factor may influence the child’s development and learning.
*Include in-text citations to support your descriptions.
Reminder: no opinions are allowed in this section of the paper.
The summary should include two parts (two different
Part I: On the basis of facts and your observations, summarize
the most important factors influencing the child and his/her
You may offer your interpretations, opinions, and conclusions
in this section of the paper. You should include at least 5
Part II: NAEYC STANDARD 1c In the second part of the
summary, use your knowledge of child development to describe
an ideal
learning environment for this child (home and/or school). If
you believe the child is already in an ideal learning
environment, describe
this environment. Include at least one idea for each of the
following: healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging
environment. Paint a picture of this environment with your
NOTE: You must include in-text citations from your text to
support your observations in each section: Physical
Development, Cognitive
Development, Social and Emotional Development, and Family
or Home Factors. Be sure your in-text citations clearly relate to
observations and explain how they are related. You may also
include brief quotes from the text, with appropriate in-text
Consult APA resources for correct formatting of in-text
citations. You are also required to have a references page (APA
format) at the
end of the case study.
Example of a case study in-text citation:
After reviewing worksheets and homework that Alex completed
in pre-k, it is evident that his handwriting has become more
legible. His
ability to print the alphabet, write his first and last name, and
copy a square, triangle, and circle, demonstrate that he is on
compared to other children his age. By the time children
complete kindergarten, they can accurately copy many two-
dimensional shapes
and they can integrate these into their drawings (Manis, 2017).
APA Guidelines
The following APA Guidelines are required for TECA 1354 and
are included on the grading rubric for the Case Study. This list
is adapted
from the APA Quick Reference Guide, University of North
Carolina School of Social Work
This is not intended to be a complete list of APA formatting
requirements; rather, these are the requirements for the Case
Study. Please
consult Purdue OWL
( for the
complete formatting guide.
TECA 1354 – Case Study
APA Guidelines required for the Case Study Assignment
Margins Minimum of 1” margin on all sides
Flush left (ragged right edge)
Font New Times Roman
Font size 12 pt. for text and headings
Spacing Double-spaced throughout, including references
Paragraphs Indent the beginning of a new paragraph 0.5”
Avoid one-sentence paragraphs.
Avoid full-page paragraphs.
Pagination and
Page numbers begin with the title page (i.e., page 1), but the
number is not shown on the title page.
Beginning with page 2, numbers are placed in the upper right-
hand corner.
Allow 5 spaces between the end of the header and the page
Title page Title : Centered Headline: Not Boldface
Student Name
Institution’s Name
Case Study I: Infants Through Age Two
Elizabeth L. Cruz
Houston Community College
In-text citations APA format followed. See examples provided,
above, and consult
References page APA format followed.
TECA 1354 – Case Study
Revision – Dec. 2017
TECA 1354 Child Growth and Development Case Study Rubric
Student Name:
Case Study #
Criteria Meets Expectations
Approaches Expectation
Falls Below
Does Not Meet
Introduction Introduction provided a
complete picture of the
child and included all 7
descriptors listed.
Introduction provided a
complete picture of the
child and included only 4-6
of the descriptors listed.
Introduction provided an
incomplete picture of the
child and included only
1-3 of the descriptors
Introduction not
Standard 1a. Know and
understand young children’s
characteristics and needs
Demonstrates all 3
-Clearly identify
appropriate characteristics
for all 3 developmental
- Provide examples of
appropriate characteristics
and needs in all 3
developmental domains.
-Compared the child to the
norms for children this
age, using in-text citations
Demonstrates the ability to:
- Clearly identify
appropriate characteristics
for 2 developmental
-Provided examples of
appropriate characteristics
and needs for 2
developmental domains.
-Compared the child to the
norms for children this age,
using in-text citations
Demonstrates the ability
- Clearly identify
characteristics for 1
developmental domain.
-Provided examples of
characteristics and
needs for 1
developmental domain1.
-Compared the child to
the norms for children
this age, using in-text
Characteristics for
domains not identified.
Examples of
characteristics and
needs for
domains not provided.
Standard 1b. Know and
understand the multiple
influences on development and
Provided at least 3
factors pertaining to
family and home and how
each may influence the
child’s development and
Provided at least 2 factors
pertaining to family and
home and how each may
influence the child’s
development and learning.
Provided at least 1
factor pertaining to
family and home and
how it may influence the
child’s development and
Factors pertaining to
family and home and
their influence not
Summary Part 1 The summary includes at
least 5 of the most
important factors
influencing the child and
his/her behavior.
The summary includes at
least 3-4 of the most
important factors
influencing the child and
his/her behavior.
The summary includes at
least 1-2 of the most
important factors
influencing the child and
his/her behavior.
Factors influencing the
child and his/her
behavior not provided
Summary Part 2
Standard 1c. Use
developmental knowledge to
create healthy, respectful,
supportive, and challenging
learning environments
Uses developmental
knowledge in the
summary by providing at
least one idea for each of
the following categories: a
healthy, supportive, and
challenging learning
environment for this child.
Uses developmental
knowledge in the summary
by providing at least 1 idea
for 2 of the following
categories: a healthy,
supportive, and challenging
learning environment for
this child.
Uses developmental
knowledge in the
summary by providing at
least 1 idea for only 1 of
the following categories:
a healthy, supportive,
and challenging learning
environment for this
Ideas demonstrating
knowledge not
provided in any of the
Criteria Meets Expectations
Approaches Expectation
Falls Below
Does Not Meet
Textbook Application Applied and connected
textbook citations to the
case study in each of the
required sections:
physical, cognitive,
Applied and connected
textbook citations to the
case study in 2-3 of the
required sections.
Applied and connected
textbook citations to the
case study in only 1 of
the required sections.
Did not apply or
connect textbook
citations to the case
TECA 1354 – Case Study
social/emotional, and
family/home factors.
Used Factual Information Gave only facts in the
first 5 sections and saved
opinions for the summary.
Gave facts for at least 2-4
of the first five sections and
saved most opinions for the
Gave facts in only 1 of
the first five sections.
Factual information
missing; only opinion
Written Communication
Meets Expectations
Approaches Expectation
Falls Below
Does Not Meet
SS3 Written & verbal
(punctuation, capitalization,
grammar, spelling)
All elements present:
-1000 word minimum
-All section headings
-0-3 English mechanics
-formal, academic
At least 3 elements
- 1000 word minimum
- Double spaced
-All section headings
-4-6 English mechanics
-formal, academic language
At least 2 elements
- 1000 word minimum
- Double spaced
-All section headings
-7-10 English mechanics
-formal, academic
At least 0-1 elements
- 1000 word minimum
- Double spaced
-All section headings
-More than 10 English
mechanics errors
-formal, academic
APA Documentation Criteria Meets Expectations
Approaches Expectation
Falls Below
Does Not Meet
Followed APA Guidelines ( see
All 9 APA Guidelines
At least 6-8 APA Guidelines
At least 3-4 APA
Guidelines followed.
No APA Guidelines
Example Subject Words Amounts a lot few little many mos.docx

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  • 2. Question 1 1. Which of the following is true of retaliation in workplaces? a. Employers are prohibited from retaliating against individuals who file discrimination charges. b. Employees are prohibited from retaliating against organizations that practice discrimination. c. Employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees on ethical grounds. d. Employees are restricted from retaliating against employers who encourage instances of glass ceiling. 5 points Question 2 1. “Percentage of employees with career plan” is an example of the development HR metric. True False 5 points Question 3 1. Which of the following is true of the administrative role of human resource departments? a. It involves managing most human resource activities in keeping with strategies and operations that have been identified by
  • 3. management. b. It involves helping to define the strategy relative to human capital and its contribution to organizational results. c. It involves identifying possible strategies to attract and retain talent with a focus on organizational growth. d. It focuses on record keeping, including essential legal paperwork and policy implementation. 5 points Question 4 1. Which of the following statements is true of Internet recruiting? a. Twitter is rarely used by recruiters because of the 140-word limit. b. The broad reach of Internet recruiting has significantly reduced the amount of discrimination against job seekers from racial/ethnic groups because it enlarges the applicant population exponentially over traditional recruiting methods. c. If a recruiter checks an applicant’s Facebook account, learns that the applicant is Jewish, and then rejects the applicant, the company can be charged with an EEO discrimination complaint. d. An advantage of Internet recruiting is that it streamlines EEO data gathering because everyone who accesses a job Web site is
  • 4. considered an applicant for legal purposes. 5 points Question 5 1. Which of the following best defines HR analytics? a. An evidence-based approach to making HR decisions on the basis of quantitative tools and models b. An assumption-based approach to making HR decisions on the basis of quantitative tools and models c. An evidence-based approach to making HR decisions on the basis of qualitative tools and models d. An assumption-based approach to making HR decisions on the basis of qualitative tools and models 5 points Question 6 1. Poor adaptation of an expatriate’s spouse and/or family to the overseas location is a major factor in the failure of expatriate assignments. True False 5 points Question 7 1. Ken, a brand manager at Media Labs LLC., is formulating a strategic plan for his organization. He has identified the organizational mission and formulated a SWOT analysis of the business. Which of the following is most likely to be Ken’s next
  • 5. step in the strategic planning process? a. Evaluate and reassess strategy b. Implement strategy c. Establish goals and objectives d. Formulate supporting functional strategies 5 points Question 8 1. Which of the following situations is an example of a compressed work week? a. Employees working for ten hours, four days a week b. Employees working for eight hours, five days a week c. Employees working for seven hours, six days a week d. Employees working for eight hours, seven days a week 5 points Question 9 1. The main legal reason for performing a thorough background check of all applicants is:
  • 6. a. to comply with the Immigration and Naturalization Act b. to avoid résumé fraud c. to prevent discrimination against protected classes d. to protect the organization against charges of negligent hiring 5 points Question 10 1. Which of the following is typically the first stage in the job analysis process? a. Preparing for and introducing job analysis b. Planning the job analysis c. Conducting the job analysis d. Developing job descriptions and job specifications 5 points Question 11 1. _____ refers to organizing tasks, duties, responsibilities, and other elements into a productive unit of work. a. Job planning
  • 7. b. Job analysis c. Job design d. Job redesign 5 points Question 12 1. In the context of social media, the disclosure of which of the following is most likely to be considered a risk by employers? a. Policy changes b. Customer lists c. Competitive service details d. Operational changes 5 points Question 13 1. Some of the major ways of increasing employee productivity are organizational restructuring, redesigning work, aligning human resource activities, and outsourcing analyses. True False 5 points Question 14
  • 8. 1. The Bureau of Labor Statistics classifies people working _____ hours per week as part-time employees. a. at least 45 b. at least 35 c. between 35 and 45 d. less than 35 5 points Question 15 1. Which of the following is an intangible item in a psychological contract? a. Salary b. Benefits c. Attendance d. Loyalty 5 points Question 16 1. Lack of fit between a person and a job is most likely to result
  • 9. from: a. mistakes in evaluating the person’s KSAs b. improper employee training c. negligence of exit interviews d. a lack of a positive company “brand” that attracts qualified applicants 5 points Question 17 1. A(n) _____ is a citizen of one country working in a second country and employed by an organization headquartered in the first country. a. host-country national b. expatriate c. third-country national d. independent contractor 5 points Question 18 1. Yield ratio is a measure of the quality of job applicants.
  • 10. True False 5 points Question 19 1. The Rehabilitation Act passed in 1973 applied only to _____. a. federal contractors b. state governments c. labor unions d. nonprofit organizations 5 points Question 20 1. Which of the following advertisements for recruitment is most likely to be considered illegal? a. “Experienced writers required” b. “Enthusiastic radio jockeys needed” c. “Wanted: Professors with educational background in economics” d. “Young store executives needed”
  • 11. 5 points Question 21 1. Which of the following is true of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act? a. Displaced workers can retain their group medical coverage for up to 18 months for themselves, and up to 36 months for their dependents, if they pay the premiums themselves. b. Displaced workers can use the Medicare program sponsored by the government for up to 18 months after the termination of their employment. c. Displaced workers can use the Medicare program sponsored by the federal government for up to 36 months after the termination of their employment. d. Displaced workers can retain their group medical coverage for up to 12 months for themselves, and up to 24 months for their dependents, if they pay the premiums themselves. 5 points Question 22 1. To increase employee satisfaction, the performance management systems and performance appraisal processes in organizations must be designed so they are linked to compensation increases. True False 5 points Question 23 1.
  • 12. Composed of more than 200 statements, the position analysis questionnaire examines a variety of managerial dimensions, including decision making and supervising. True False 5 points Question 24 1. Bob, a human resources executive at Axis Inc., is moving from an operational role in the human resources department to a strategic role. Which of the following best describes Bob’s change of role? a. Moving from serving as a “champion” of employee concerns to helping define the strategy to manage human capital b. Moving from helping define the strategy to manage human capital to processing legal paperwork c. Moving from processing legal paperwork to serving as a “champion” of employee concerns d. Moving from processing legal paperwork to helping define the strategy to manage human capital 5 points Question 25 1. Mark, an HR manager, is responsible for the HR planning process in his organization. He has reviewed the organization’s strategic plans. Which of the following is most likely to be Mark’s next step in the planning process?
  • 13. a. Develop HR staffing plans and actions b. Compile HR planning forecasts c. Implement HR staffing plans and actions d. Assess external and internal workforce Opinions versus Facts Remember to be objective in paragraphs 1-5 of your case studies. You should not write your opinion in any of these paragraphs. Your opinion belongs only in paragraph 6. Here are some examples of opinions: 1. His teeth were white and shiny. He must visit the dentist on a regular basis. 2. He seems very fidgety and only plays with each toy for a couple of minutes. 3. He gets excited when he has homework. 4. In her language and learning, she is trying to be like an adult. 5. When his family members told him about the impending
  • 14. move to another state, he smiled because he felt secure. 6. She is very creative and a good problem solver. Here are some examples of facts: 1. The ninth grader told me that he is on the debate team at school. 2. One little girl asked if she could have a cookie. 3. Amy’s best friend stated, “She likes doing her own hair and make-up.” 4. Her mother said that she has a hard time getting her to go to bed at the same time as the other children. 5. She reached up to change the paper where another child had drawn a picture and left it on the easel. 6. The grandfather stated that his grandson is on the honor roll at his school. These are the parts of the statements that are opinions.
  • 15. Department of Education Child Development Program 3214 Austin Street, Houston, TX 77004 713-718-6303 phone 713-718-6235 fax TECA 1354 Child Growth and Development Case Study Key Assessment NAEYC Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning a. Students know and understand young children’s characteristics and needs. b. Students know and understand the multiple influences on development and learning. c. Students use developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments. NAEYC Supportive Skills SS3 Written and Verbal Communication: Well-prepared associate degree graduates have strong skills in written and verbal communication. Students are technologically literate. Required Component This assignment (key assessment) is required for completion of this course. If this assignment is not completed with 70% of possible points, (at least 70 points of the 100 possible on each case
  • 16. study), you will not receive a passing grade in this class. If you do not earn at least 70 points, you will be allowed one revision on each case study. The maximum grade a student can earn on a revised assignment is 70 % of the possible points (which is 70 points). See syllabus for more details. Case Study Description The purpose of this case study is to give the reader a detailed description of a child as viewed by you, the writer, with respect to the developmental domains specified below. You will select and report on a child in each of the four case studies: 1.) infant or toddler (ages 0-2), 2.) Preschool (ages 3-5), 3.) Middle childhood (ages 6- 11), and 4.) Adolescence (ages 12-18). Be sure to report the child’s current level in each domain. You may choose any child EXCEPT your own, for example, extended family members, neighbors, or friends. If you have any questions or concerns regarding selection of children, contact your professor. Your report should be written in formal academic language. Your report should be an objective evaluation using information gathered from direct observation. You may supplement this information with facts provided by the family or caregiver. Examples of objective reporting are: “The mother reports Jason feels more secure when he sleeps with his teddy bear,” or “The caregiver stated that Gina shares her crayons at the art table with any child who needs crayons.” The case study should NOT include subjective (opinion) statements such as: “Jason seems like a secure child,” or “Gina
  • 17. is the nicest girl in the room.” Be as thorough as possible with the data available to you. Include as much factual data as you can to "paint" a comprehensive picture of the child Case Study Outline Use the following headings, prompts, and rubric to guide you as you write each section of the case study. Type the headings for each section. Provide plenty of descriptions and details. Use only the summary section to include any relevant personal interpretations, opinions, or conclusions. Case study requirements include college level writing (1000 words, double-spaced). Use the following format for each of the four case studies. Introduction Include the following descriptors: Give the child's name, age, family make up, and a brief description of physical appearance. Describe the child's environment at home, childcare and/or school. Describe characteristics that identify the socioeconomic status of the child’s family. Instead of reporting income, report items such as parents’ education level, housing and neighborhood, current job, etc. Please do not ask the family any personal income questions! Tell why you have chosen this child. Physical Development NAEYC STANDARD 1a Specifically describe the child’s small (fine) skills Specifically describe the child’s large (gross) motor skills. Include examples and direct observations for small motor skills.
  • 18. Include examples and direct observations for large motor skills. TECA 1354 – Case Study 2 Give any background about the child's health, nutrition, and rest habits. *Compare the child to the norms for children this age, using in- text citations (Manis, 2017). Cognitive Development NAEYC STANDARD 1a Describe evidence of learning from your observations and other sources, parents, teachers, grades, etc. Identify specific areas of strength and areas that need improvement (memory, attention, etc.) Give examples of the child's language development. What evidence do you see that indicates the child understands spoken language? How does she express herself? As applicable, discuss the child’s literacy skills (reading, composition, math, technology). *Compare the child to the norms for children this age, using in- text citations (Manis, 2017). Social and Emotional Development NAEYC STANDARD 1a Describe the child’s social interactions with other children, family, relatives, siblings, classmates, etc. (sharing, solving problems, playing and working cooperatively). What evidence do you see that would indicate a positive or negative self-esteem? Include observations and examples that
  • 19. might indicate whether the child is generally happy or unhappy, secure or insecure, stressed or relaxed. What signs do you see that would indicate appropriate or poor emotional adjustment? As applicable, find out how the child describes him or herself (self-concept). *Compare the child to the norms for children this age, using in- text citations (Manis, 2017). Family and Home Factors NAEYC STANDARD 1b Describe family conditions that may affect the child’s development. Identify the size of the family, what family members are present in the home, the marital status of parents or guardians, etc. Information may be obtained from the caregiver and/or parent. Based on the research presented in your textbook, describe how each factor may influence the child’s development and learning. *Include in-text citations to support your descriptions. Reminder: no opinions are allowed in this section of the paper. Summary The summary should include two parts (two different paragraphs). Part I: On the basis of facts and your observations, summarize the most important factors influencing the child and his/her behavior? You may offer your interpretations, opinions, and conclusions in this section of the paper. You should include at least 5 factors. Part II: NAEYC STANDARD 1c In the second part of the summary, use your knowledge of child development to describe an ideal learning environment for this child (home and/or school). If you believe the child is already in an ideal learning
  • 20. environment, describe this environment. Include at least one idea for each of the following: healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environment. Paint a picture of this environment with your narrative. NOTE: You must include in-text citations from your text to support your observations in each section: Physical Development, Cognitive Development, Social and Emotional Development, and Family or Home Factors. Be sure your in-text citations clearly relate to your observations and explain how they are related. You may also include brief quotes from the text, with appropriate in-text citations. Consult APA resources for correct formatting of in-text citations. You are also required to have a references page (APA format) at the end of the case study. Example of a case study in-text citation: After reviewing worksheets and homework that Alex completed in pre-k, it is evident that his handwriting has become more legible. His ability to print the alphabet, write his first and last name, and copy a square, triangle, and circle, demonstrate that he is on track compared to other children his age. By the time children complete kindergarten, they can accurately copy many two- dimensional shapes and they can integrate these into their drawings (Manis, 2017). . APA Guidelines The following APA Guidelines are required for TECA 1354 and are included on the grading rubric for the Case Study. This list is adapted
  • 21. from the APA Quick Reference Guide, University of North Carolina School of Social Work ( e.pdf) This is not intended to be a complete list of APA formatting requirements; rather, these are the requirements for the Case Study. Please consult Purdue OWL ( for the complete formatting guide. .pdf TECA 1354 – Case Study 3 APA Guidelines required for the Case Study Assignment Margins Minimum of 1” margin on all sides Flush left (ragged right edge) Font New Times Roman Font size 12 pt. for text and headings Spacing Double-spaced throughout, including references
  • 22. Paragraphs Indent the beginning of a new paragraph 0.5” Avoid one-sentence paragraphs. Avoid full-page paragraphs. Pagination and header Page numbers begin with the title page (i.e., page 1), but the number is not shown on the title page. Beginning with page 2, numbers are placed in the upper right- hand corner. Allow 5 spaces between the end of the header and the page number. Title page Title : Centered Headline: Not Boldface Student Name Institution’s Name Example: Case Study I: Infants Through Age Two Elizabeth L. Cruz Houston Community College In-text citations APA format followed. See examples provided, above, and consult
  • 23. .pdf References page APA format followed. See .pdf .pdf .pdf TECA 1354 – Case Study 4 Revision – Dec. 2017 TECA 1354 Child Growth and Development Case Study Rubric Student Name: Case Study # Criteria Meets Expectations 12 Approaches Expectation 8
  • 24. Falls Below Expectations 5 Does Not Meet Criteria 0 Points Introduction Introduction provided a complete picture of the child and included all 7 descriptors listed. Introduction provided a complete picture of the child and included only 4-6 of the descriptors listed. Introduction provided an incomplete picture of the child and included only 1-3 of the descriptors listed. Introduction not included. Standard 1a. Know and understand young children’s characteristics and needs
  • 25. Demonstrates all 3 elements: -Clearly identify appropriate characteristics for all 3 developmental domains. - Provide examples of appropriate characteristics and needs in all 3 developmental domains. -Compared the child to the norms for children this age, using in-text citations Demonstrates the ability to: - Clearly identify appropriate characteristics for 2 developmental domains. -Provided examples of appropriate characteristics and needs for 2 developmental domains. -Compared the child to the norms for children this age, using in-text citations Demonstrates the ability to: - Clearly identify appropriate characteristics for 1 developmental domain. -Provided examples of
  • 26. appropriate characteristics and needs for 1 developmental domain1. -Compared the child to the norms for children this age, using in-text citations. Characteristics for developmental domains not identified. Examples of appropriate characteristics and needs for developmental domains not provided. Standard 1b. Know and understand the multiple influences on development and learning Provided at least 3 factors pertaining to family and home and how each may influence the child’s development and learning. Provided at least 2 factors pertaining to family and home and how each may influence the child’s
  • 27. development and learning. Provided at least 1 factor pertaining to family and home and how it may influence the child’s development and learning. Factors pertaining to family and home and their influence not provided. Summary Part 1 The summary includes at least 5 of the most important factors influencing the child and his/her behavior. The summary includes at least 3-4 of the most important factors influencing the child and his/her behavior. The summary includes at least 1-2 of the most important factors influencing the child and his/her behavior. Factors influencing the child and his/her behavior not provided
  • 28. Summary Part 2 Standard 1c. Use developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments Uses developmental knowledge in the summary by providing at least one idea for each of the following categories: a healthy, supportive, and challenging learning environment for this child. Uses developmental knowledge in the summary by providing at least 1 idea for 2 of the following categories: a healthy, supportive, and challenging learning environment for this child. Uses developmental knowledge in the summary by providing at least 1 idea for only 1 of the following categories: a healthy, supportive, and challenging learning environment for this child.
  • 29. Ideas demonstrating developmental knowledge not provided in any of the categories. Criteria Meets Expectations 10 Approaches Expectation 7 Falls Below Expectations 5 Does Not Meet Criteria 0 Points Textbook Application Applied and connected textbook citations to the case study in each of the required sections: physical, cognitive, Applied and connected textbook citations to the case study in 2-3 of the required sections. Applied and connected
  • 30. textbook citations to the case study in only 1 of the required sections. Did not apply or connect textbook citations to the case study. TECA 1354 – Case Study 5 social/emotional, and family/home factors. Used Factual Information Gave only facts in the first 5 sections and saved opinions for the summary. Gave facts for at least 2-4 of the first five sections and saved most opinions for the summary. Gave facts in only 1 of the first five sections. Factual information missing; only opinion provided.
  • 31. Written Communication Criteria Meets Expectations 10 Approaches Expectation 7 Falls Below Expectations 5 Does Not Meet Criteria 0 Points SS3 Written & verbal communication (punctuation, capitalization, grammar, spelling) All elements present: -1000 word minimum -Double-spaced -All section headings -0-3 English mechanics errors -formal, academic language
  • 32. At least 3 elements present: - 1000 word minimum - Double spaced -All section headings -4-6 English mechanics errors -formal, academic language At least 2 elements present: - 1000 word minimum - Double spaced -All section headings -7-10 English mechanics errors -formal, academic language At least 0-1 elements present: - 1000 word minimum - Double spaced -All section headings -More than 10 English mechanics errors -formal, academic language APA Documentation Criteria Meets Expectations 10
  • 33. Approaches Expectation 7 Falls Below Expectations 5 Does Not Meet Criteria 0 Followed APA Guidelines ( see above) All 9 APA Guidelines followed At least 6-8 APA Guidelines followed. At least 3-4 APA Guidelines followed. No APA Guidelines followed.