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Example Of Spiritualistic Phenomena
Spiritualistic phenomena are one of the interesting type of science that related to our mind and souls, and it is encouraged us to know more about it.
Spiritualistic phenomena mean that the supernatural things like "how to remove something by using your eyes" that we can do it by our mind and
brain power. I think it is important because our mind and souls combine to gather to be a parapsychology science that will let you know the strong
point in your selfs, to use it well later. Exploring human power is a big deal for you and interesting knowledge that will open a new door for you
cause spiritualistic phenomena is a drop of parapsychology sea but it will let you know more about your power. In this site, I would like to explain to
you about it more with interesting facts and information. ... Show more content on ...
From1882 to 1885, the experts started to status up an organisation curricula to study spiritualistic phenomena, and when thy made this study, they get
surprised, cause they obviously note that all of this science known since of a long time ago by Egyptians, Assyrians, and Chaldeans.(Abo Alhajaj,
2008).Nonetheless of scientist effort to make a Curriculum of this knowledge but most of the people understood this science incorrectly for many
reasons one of them because of the conjurers and magicians who starts to fool people to make money by this (Abo Alhajaj, 2008.).To add they also
start to change some of science information to match with they work to decent people.One of the first scientist who started to study supernatural
phenomena of humanity is "Freud" which he was taking a long time to understand all of the phenomena (Abo Alhajaj,
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The Effect Of Parapsychology On The Existence Of Science
Not a lot of people can say they have had a paranormal experience. It is the kind of thing that happens once in a lifetime, and usually it is not anything
big. But those who do have these experiences pertain that belief in the supernatural, and it is these documented experiences that have brought about the
study of parapsychology. Is there something to these claims or is it due to mental illusions? Parapsychology is a highly debated branch of science
because of the existence of phenomena that cannot be explained, the main argument being in the existence of physics and whether there is something
beyond or not. s Parapsychology is the study of supernatural phenomena or more specifically, psychic phenomena. Most parapsychologists divide ...
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Even the learned expressed interest in these, however, the wide acceptance of these occurrences may have been due to the insufficient education of the
general public. After the Enlightenment, which occurred in the 18th century, the existence of deities and magic was more widely contested and
doubted, leading to the discrediting of these phenomena as science. One of the first scientists to attempt a scientific study of psychic phenomena was
Franz Anton Mesmer in the 1700's; he experimented with and attempted to patent the mesmerism technique, more commonly known as hypnotism.
Even though his method did not achieve scientific recognition, shifting religious beliefs allowed for the widespread Spiritualism movement, which
allowed for the use of mediums and the like ( Modern parapsychology came about in the 1920's with the invention of statistical
tools and the efforts of a researcher by the name of J.B. Rhine. Rhine had three aims through his experiments: to provide data on parapsychological
phenomena rather than to attempt to prove their existence, to achieve scientific recognition and to prove that psychic ability was not limited to certain
people and was a part of human psyche all along just waiting to be discovered. Though he was not necessarily successful in his goals, Rhine did
change his field in that now psychic study is not limited to individuals with psychic talent, rather a
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Short Story
"You are a mystery." Mr. Lyle, the current head of the telekinetics division, said to me. He was called in after the teachers in charge of the incoming
students assignments failed to recognize what I am. I thought that I would get into telekinetics easily with my aura. "This isn't tactile telekinesis.
Telekinetics create an aura around their body by manipulating the air molecules around themselves. However, this is like an invisible membrane is
surrounding you. Same effect but different process. I have never seen anything like this before." He said, before looking excited. "Maybe it is a new
branch of telekinesis." "I'm afraid not, Grant." A woman said, stepping into the room they lead me to to investigate away from the other students....
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She lead me out over to the empath group. I noticed one of my friends in the telekinetic group, look at me confused. I mouthed 'I'll tell you later.'
As I waited I chatted with a girl named, Rosalie Chandler. She was a quiet girl who had felt the emotions of others since she was young. After
about ten minutes, I heard Ms. Abrams mutter, "Oh, for goodness sake." and walked over to the people in charge of separating out the different
groups and talked to them for about a minute. Then she went down the line picking people to walk with her, seemingly at random, then walked
back over to the empath group. "Come on. I am going to be in charge of the empaths welcome." She said to the group, winking at me before
gesturing for us to follow her. As we walked, I looked at her more closely. She walked with complete confidence beside the stereotype that empaths
are shy and pushovers. She was an attractive woman: dark hair, fair skin, lithe figure. She also looked pretty young, in her early thirties, despite
claiming to be a founder of the school which is around thirty years old itself. Maybe she is the daughter of one of the founders? My knowledge of the
founders of this school is a bit lacking though. All I know is that there was a telekinetic, telepath, empath, and a precog. All of them incredible powerful
and well–respected. Ms. Abrams led us to another building and upstairs to the second floor where there was a large open space with couches, a TV,
even a
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Physics Of The Impossible By. Kaku
The book "Physics of the Impossible" was written by Japanese American theoretical physicist Michio Kaku. Kaku generally writes books about
physics or physics related topics. Among his three New Work Times best seller, Physics of Impossible is one in which Kaku utilizes discourse of
theoretical advancements to acquaint themes of basic material science with the reader. In this book, Kaku represents physics in various ways so that the
reader understands the significance of physics and implement in his/her life. Kaku makes many references to physics by utilizing popular culture
references, especially to books and films, for example, Star Trek, Back to the Future, Flash Gordon, The Fly, The Invisible Man, and more. Kaku
utilizes these cases to ... Show more content on ...
Kaku is very optimistic with the "Class I impossibilities" because we have technology that can make these impossibilities possible in near future. Let's
take an example regarding the psychokinesis section. Kaku mentioned about the possibility of Radio–enhanced or computer enhanced psychokinesis.
Similarly, Kaku mentioned that we are already able to develop a technology to implant computer chips into the brain cells and we will be able to
control the computer (Physics of the Impossible 93). This shows that these types of impossibilities are more realistic and more likely to be
possible, and some of them are even possible in this century. Let's consider the Robots, they already exist in the real world. Kaku talks about
creating a force field, and this makes sense in practical life as well. If we can defect electrons in a magnetic field why won't be able to deflect a
bullet creating a field that can be able to do it. The US military force has already tested a short gun based "Force Field Technology". According to the
Tech Times, with the help of powerful magnets, the force field used to protect battleships including X–Wing and TIE fighters from the enemies ' laser
cannon fires and blasters can be recreated. This shows that the concept of Force Field is not just theoretical, and likely to be practically possible in the
year to come to make kaku's
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What Is Consciousness, The Subjective Quality Of Experience
The closest way to explain consciousness is the subjective quality of experience. Creative points of perception are perceptions that turn new and
imaginative ideas into reality by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly
unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions. Consciousness creativity is fluid thoughtlessness which can take on any form. The essay will explain
consciousness, prove its existence and show a path to awakening (Chalmers 3–4). We are conscious points of perception that are categorized into three
types of conscious perceivers. The first way of conscious perception is the, none creative point of perception. This is the type of perception that
accepts what has already been set up and adopts to those things. It has nothing to offer, to modify or to change. It is there only to conform to other
consciousness's realities that have already been set up. The second type that is some–what stronger than the first type but is still not the strongest; is the
point of perception that has realized that it has creative capabilities but then only uses them for selfish greedy self–gratification, self–reflection. These
tend to be the evil people of the world, ones that are using the creative process and their powers of perception for selfishness. Then the third, strongest
point of perception is the one that has realized that it is a creative power and yet has no passion or desire. What makes this point of
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Nebuchadnezzar's Telepathic Theory
For along as humans have kept a written history there have been stories about extraordinary occurrences: telepathic dreams in which the dreamer
appears to receive the thoughts of another person or clairvoyant dreams in which the dreamer seemed to be able to observe far away events. Telepathic
and clairvoyant dreams, along with precognition and psychokinesis, have been group together and called "psi" by modern–day parapsychologists. These
instances of "psi" are described as interactions that occur between organisms and their environment (this includes other organisms) in which
information or influence is exchanged that has not been able to be explained by through conventional scientific understanding of sensory–motor
coordination. They are thought to be strange or unusual since they appear to occur outside the constraints of time, space, and energy (Krippner,
Bogzaran & Carvalho, 2002. Page 93).
Telepathic ... Show more content on ...
Since biblical times there have been stories about these extraordinary dreams. The ancient Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar, awoke one morning after
what experiencing what he felt was a divine dream. He was unable to remember the dream so he sent for wizards, astrologers, and diviners, demanding
that they tell him his dream and its interpretation. If they were unable to do so, he threatened to execute them all. When a prophet Daniel heard of the
problem he prayed to his God for the revelation of the king's dream. It is written that the dream came to him that night. Daniel was able to share the
dream, and its interpretation with the king and save the dream interpreters lives (Krippner, Bogzaran & Carvalho,
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Tokyo Ghoul
1. a. In "John Wick", the main character seeks retribution against Iosof Tarasov, a man who broke into his house, stole his car, and killed his dog.
Iosof's father, the head of a Russian crime syndicate, sends assassins after John to stop him.
In "The Witness", someone has been kidnapping young women. The main character, Lu Xiaoxing, is nearly the victim of one of these kidnapping
attempts. She escapes, but the kidnapper is out to kill her before she leads the police to him.
b. In "Tokyo Ghoul" by Ishida Sui, Kaneki Ken discovers that he has become a ghoul after getting into a construction accident. A ghoul is a human–like
being that can only eat human flesh. Throughout the story, Kaneki constantly struggles with his human morals and his... Show more content on ...
In "Into the New World", one group of humans developed psychokinesis. This caused a power imbalance that led psychokinetic humans to enslave
powerless humans. Sometime between then and the story's present, powerless humans were genetically modified with naked mole rat DNA. They
became "Queerats" or "Monster Rats" and were forced to serve psychokinetic humans. One Queerat discovers the truth of their history and stages a
rebellion to take revenge.
3. a. My mother and I have always had a rocky relationship. It has become worse after she began living with me and my father. We have conflicting
views on many things.
b. I sometimes find myself insulting others in my head or dismissing their arguments out of pride or for petty reasons. This is a habit I am trying to
break. I know it is unfair and wrong most of the time, so I try to rectify it by thinking from the other person's perspective.
c. My father and I have very different political views. This often leads to arguments and frustration, which is difficult when we live in the same house.
d. My conflict with nature is with the sun. I tan very easily, I do not like heat, and I have acne scars, so I try to avoid the sun as much as possible.
However, I need vitamin D, so I am required to have some direct exposure every once in a
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Telekinesis Research Paper
After researching online for recent advancements in science, I was intrigued by Telekinesis/Psychokinesis. Telekinesis is the ability to move or
control objects with the mind. The history of telekinesis is a history of frauds and fakes, both proven and suspected. Magicians, Mediums, and
Psychics have over the years made it even more difficult for scientists to prove because of their manipulation of the occurrence. The problem with
Telekinesis/Psychokinesis, isn't so much about proving it exists, but the consequences it would have on the rules and understanding of Physics. It is
hard for one to believe this could occur because even if our brain waves could somehow influence objects, the laws of physics demonstrate that the
waves don't extend
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Examples Of Scientific Racism
"The idea that human populations can be divided into distinct racial groups based on physical differences dates back many centuries." (Paragraph 3
"Racism") This is known as Scientific Racism. Scientific Racism is the belief that racism is justified by scientific bases, which gives people
confidence that it is proper to discriminate others (usually based on their race, religion, or beliefs), even though it is not appropriate (Oxford
Dictionary). This belief is actually "pseudoscientific." Pseudoscience is "any of various methods, theories, or systems, such as astrology, psychokinesis,
or clairvoyance, which are considered as having no scientific basis." ( Scientific Racism can also be related to To Kill a Mockingbird
by Harper ... Show more content on ...
Hitler gathered thousands of Germans and brainwashed them into believing that Jews were bad and they needed to make a super race. "...Hitler's
adviser in the early stage of his entry into politics, who said that no people would have left the Jews alive if they had known what the Jews' true
nature was and what goals they had set themselves." (Paragraph 47 "Racism"). This is a preposterous statement because the Jews had no true nature
besides every other human (To live a happy healthy life). Statements like this are how Adolf Hitler and his advisors brainwashed people into
believing that the Jews were terrible people. This is a very relatable statement to the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Throughout this
novel there is discrimination of blacks solely based on the color of their skin. People believed they were, stupid, and were criminals. "Don't see how
any jury could convict on what we hear–" (Page 238 To Kill a Mockingbird) "Judge Taylor was polling the jury: "Guilt... guilty... guilty... guilty...""
(Page 240 To Kill a Mockingbird). Although all the proof showed that Tom Robinson was innocent, due to his black skin and the white skin of the
defendant he pleaded guilty. This is a great example of how just because of his race, like the Jews in the Holocaust, he was convicted unrightfully.
Discrimination like this prohibits these people from having access to the same social equality that people who are not being discriminated against
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Speech On Superpowers
If superpowers are concerned, there is nothing more cool than these. Welcome to Today, we will count with the Top 10 of the
best superpowers. Andrew, we can fly. In this list, we will see superpowers from a variety of sources, whether comics, movies or television. "It's
time for a beating. "It's catchy, is not it?" Number 10: Super speed. "Is it a teleporter?" "No, it's just fast. And when I met him, I was not so young.
Speaking of never being late. With supervelocicidad, can arrive to any side at any time and have time to stop on the way. Superheroes like Flash and
Quicksilver brought this power to the limit with the ability to create whirlwinds and break the barrier of time, among other great skills. Be careful,
Barry. You
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With telekinesis, also known like psychokinesis, there are no limits for what they can move or do with the mind. A thought can move a pencil across
the table or crush a car as if it were cotton candy. POWER WITH NO LIMITS (2012)
20TH CENTURY FOXDo not you reach the lightsaber? Problem solved. STAR WARS: EPISODE V
THE EMPIRE CONTRAATACA Do you need to contain a giant wave to save his friends? Ready. We do not want to know what happens when
someone with telekinesis has a headache. I do not want to fix it. X–MEN: THE FINAL BATTLE (2006) Before revealing to number1, here are some
METRO–GOLDWYN–MAYER Number 1: Traveling in time. Why not give life a spark? traveling to another time? Back to the past to amend a
mistake perhaps. I will never get there in time to change. Or go to the future to see what happens to what they do now. There is no need to be so
serious. Why not visit your character historical favorite Or use knowledge of the future for your benefit? He projects Bishop days ago to warn
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Victory In Elana's Enchantress From The Stars
Early in Enchantress from the Stars, the protagonist Elana gives her friend and trainee Georyn a cryptic message: "he who breaks the evil spell will
be required to give up that which he deems most necessary to the triumph of good, and to face that which what appears to be a grievous failure." The
prophecy came true in a different way than Elana was expecting, but the theme of victory hidden in defeat has appeared often in literature and even
history itself.
A prime example of victory in defeat is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During Jesus' human childhood, most Jews eagerly anticipated the
coming of the prophesied Messiah or King. They expected the Son of God to come riding on the clouds with an army of angels behind him, to destroy
the hated Romans and free his chosen people. When Jesus first began his ministry on Earth, few recognized him for his true holy nature; mostly
because the Jews were expecting something very different. The Zealots called to the people to throw off the chains of oppression and rebel against the
pagan Romans. But Jesus offered a drastically different ... Show more content on ...
He called the poor and the persecuted "blessed." Never did he incite the oppressed to rise and throw off their chains. In words that must have galled the
Zealots, he commanded, "Love your enemies." He invoked a different kind of power: love, not intimidation.
Later along his ministry, Jesus had caught the attention of the people and unwittingly gained the title of Messiah. The Jews began to get excited and
were willing to force the crown upon him. Jesus escaped the crowds to spend time alone with his father in these occasions; but on one fateful night,
the temple guards arrested Jesus. After a horrifying, familiar tale of crucifixion, Jesus lay in a grave. All was lost; the war for the Jews and their
homeland was over before it began. The Savior was dead, and Hell likely rejoiced in their
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Chapter 3.1: The 10 % Myth
Chapter 3.1 focuses on the 10% myth and the factoids behind it. The 10% myth presents the idea that less than 10% of your brain is used which
allows for paranormal abilities such as telepathy and psychokinesis. There are several shortcomings of the 10% myth one being "Doubts form the
Study of Brain Damage", which shows there is no area of the brain that can be damaged without the loss of some mental or behavioral function. If only
10% of the brain is used then the other 90% should not be able to obtain an injury that affects some part of the mental or behavioral function but that is
not the case. Another, shortcoming is "Doubts from the Study of Evolution" which shows it's unlikely that over years of evolution and natural selection
such a small ... Show more content on ...
Coming from the view point of doubt from the study of brain damage due to having several concussions in the past and suffering memory loss and
chronic neurological disorders due to brain trauma, I am living proof that no matter where your brain injury is it will affect you in some way. I
believe people enjoy keeping the 10% myth alive so they can feel better about themselves by convincing themselves that only 10% of their brain is
used so if they are able to access the other 90% then they may have the chance of being some sort of genius. The fact that many pseudoscientists
use this myth to promote products is genius but also morally wrong in my eyes. Providing the consumers with factoids should not be allowed to
happen and pure facts should be provided. At the same time I also believe individuals shouldn't believe everything they hear/see as it could simply
be a factoid. If the time was taken to research the 10% myth many other scientific theories would be developed to provide more evidence as to why
exactly the idea that we use 10% of our brains is a myth. Until then we will continue to have people in society that believe that they can unlock some
paranormal abilities if they try hard enough and are successful at accessing the "unused" 90% of their
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Essay about If I See A Ghost Are My Senses
To complement the full apprehension of the terms which will be used throughout this argument, a number of meanings taken from The Lexicon
Webster Dictionary is provided:
The soul or spirit of a dead person. A disembodied spirit.
(psy) an apparent perception, as by sight or hearing, for which there is no real external cause, as distinguished from illusion
A false impression or belief. False perception or conception of some object of sense. A perception of a thing which misrepresents it, or gives it qualities
not present in reality.
Creator and ruler of the universe, eternal, infinite spirit, the Supreme Being.
“Hobgoblins, ghoulsand other ... Show more content on ...
All these examples fall under error of perception but the following is an interesting experiment carried out by the Toronto Society Of Psychical
Research. They discovered that sГ©ance phenomena might be attributed, at least in part, to the same psychokinetic force that is commonly believed to
be responsible for poltergeist (unquiet ghost) activity. They suggested that this force could be produced by the minds of the sitters, fuelled perhaps by
their unanimous belief that such phenomena would occur during the sГ©ance. They theorized that the role of the medium was that of a placebo, and
that no particular psychic sensitivity was necessary for a successful sГ©ance.
Apart from considering all the forms of perceptional errors, we can explain the existence of such spirits that are perceived (but not always believed!) If
we want to stick to the Rationalist philosophy and therefore state that such presences should be reasoned out, rather than just experienced, we can say
that this subject has brought together many professionals from around the globe, using their knowledge and their equipment to get the truth out. This
type of philosophical approach is what I am trying to use to explain these so called ghosts.
“Visitations are experienced today by intelligent, rational individuals in Western cities, and increasingly are being documented by
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Marvel Comics and X-Men Fictional Characters
Today's younger generations tend to think of Charles Xavier and Jean Grey when the phrase mind over matter is involved. Charles and Jean are
two very power mutants with extraordinary mind powers allowing them to read minds and levitate objects. While some instances of mind over
matter might be like that others tend to be much simpler than that. The idea of telekinesis came to be around the late 1800s, when the ability to
move objects became more involved with sciences. The idea was already out by that time due to all the psychic mediums who were able to
communicate with ghosts, asking them to move the objects with their powers (Radford Benjamin). Wolfgang Messing was one of Russia's most
famous psychics of his time told his story of how his powers ended up saving his life. Messing was a Jewish man born in Poland in 1899 who first
discovered his powers when he was eleven. When he was eleven he ran away from his home to Berlin by train, the reason he ran away is unknown.
He boarded this train without a ticket knowing that people riding a train without a ticket could be severely punished. When the officer approached
Messing asking for a ticket, Messing gave him a piece of newspaper envisioning it to be a ticket. Doubting that this would work Messing feared the
punishment he might face, but the official hole punched the ticket and moved on to the next passenger. After that Messing was able to hear people's
thoughts and predict certain events, in some of his sessions he
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A Brief Note On Psychic And Paranormal Phenomena
Parapsychology is the study of psychic and paranormal phenomena, more commonly known as psi phenomena. These phenomena include
psychokinesis, precognition, and extrasensory perception. Psychokinesis is defined as the power to move objects through psychic means. Precognition
is the ability to foresee and predict the future. Extrasensory perception is the ability to sense things through the power of the mind, rather than through
the five traditional physical senses. Some people believe in the reality of psi phenomena because parapsychologists are often able to put on
convincing shows and do seemingly impossible acts. Uri Geller convinced people around the world of his parapsychological powers, as he could
perform mind–reading tricks and see ... Show more content on ...
Thus, the subjects can easily cheat by seeing the shapes themselves or reading body language instead of blindly guessing. The study would likely
conclude that the subject is a psychic because they had abnormal results, but this is a questionable argument by elimination because there is no
evidence that the abnormal results were due to psychic powers.
Parapsychologists explain the lack of evidence by claiming that psi phenomena are a type of elusive phenomena, meaning that they do not work
properly when skeptics are present. Therefore, people who perform experiments on psi phenomena are causing the tests to be faulty. This explanation
is an ad hoc rescue because it creates a fake excuse for why psi phenomena cannot produce positive results when tested. If the psi phenomena were
actually real, scientists believe that the parapsychologists would easily be able to supply prove of their existence. Furthermore, parapsychologists find
it unfair the scientific establishment has extremely high standards of evidence for psi phenomena. However, extraordinary evidence is needed to prove
extraordinary assertions. The scientific establishment views parapsychology as a pseudoscience because while currently there is no concrete evidence of
the existence of psi phenomena, it is impossible to prove that psi phenomena are nonexistent. Additionally, because there are no repeatable paranormal
phenomena, the scientific community feels that it is unlikely that such phenomena could exist.
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ESP Categories
1. What is Paranormal Psychology? What is the scope of this branch of psychology?
Parapsychology is the study of unusual events, called paranormal psychological phenomena, such as telekinesis. ESP and many more. This branch of
psychology usually deal with experiences that lies beyond the range of the norm or beyond scientific explanation.
2. What are the ESP Categories? If you would be given the chance to have one. What ESP category do you wish to have and why? Expound your
The ESP categories are: Telepathy,Clairvoyance, Precognition, Psychokinesis and Out of Body Experiences. If I were given a chance to have one of
these i would choose Telepathy, not sure of why but before answering this question and look at the list of ESP categories, Telepathy is the first thing
that goes to my mind and saying to myself "because I can't tell people my ideas because I'm shy". ... Show more content on ...
Do you believe in paranormal activities (e.g. Ouija board, ghost hunting, exorcism, etc.)? Why or why not?
I pretty much don't believe, because for me everything that happens unexpectedly is just a coincidence. For example, predicting an event in the future,
it's like thinking thoroughly on the present events and saying something that can happen based on the present time and if by any chance you just said
something out of the blue I really think it's just a coincidence or some luck.
4. Share an experience which you think is considered as a paranormal activity. Explain why do you think it's paranormal?
.For an experience which I think is considered a paranormal activity, not that it's because I don't believe in it but I don't really think I've experienced
something out of normal.
5. What are your learning insights? Please begin your statement with "Before studying paranormal psychology, I used to think that (insert insight)".
"After studying paranormal psychology, I now think that (insert insight)". Give at least 3 learning
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Parapsychic Abilities Research Paper
If I could pick one superhuman ability, I would pick the ability to be parapsychic. Having psychic abilities does it all: psychokinesis, telepathy,
clairvoyance and precognition.
I would have endless, infinite knowledge. I would be able to breach human conscience and delve deep into the pits of human thinking. I could harbour
the entirety of human intelligence into my own little mind. Maybe this foreshadows imminent doom. But I cannot help but be tempted by all these
"what ifs". What if I knew all the most powerful secrets of the world? What if I could move human relationships, for better or for worse, with just a
single word?
People say knowledge is power – but with great power comes greater responsibility. I could stop wars with this ability,... Show more content on ...
I would hold the lives of billions in my hands, and I could crush those lives with the slightest twitch. That sheer power is so distant, it is almost
unimaginable. For to have all the knowledge of the world would mean to be like God, would it not? I could be benign, or I could be cruel, and
absolutely nothing could stand in my way. That absolute freedom of will is what attracts me, what drives me to choose this ability. I could be anyone,
do anything.
But I would not be free from conscience. Would conscience allow me to execute these selfish pleasures? These unthinkable deeds? I take back what I
said, for conscience of mind is the highest power. It masters all, and all minds suffer great pain at the caprice of this thing. And if I were to have all
these powers, yet have nothing at the same time – no purpose, no love, what good would these powers do me?
So with these powers I would enjoy life's little gifts. Enjoy the humour presented to me by the oblivious ignorance of those around. Play small games
on people, watch them go around in circles, confused, then return to their usual routine of stupefaction. I could do harm to mankind, yet I would not. I
would choose to live out my days in obscur
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Parapsychology: Science of the Unexplained Essay
Telepathy: the ability to exchange information without the use of the known senses. Psychokinesis: the ability to move or influence objects without
physical contact. Precognition: the ability to obtain information about future events outside of available perception. These abilities, along with many
others are just some of the many instances of unexplained phenomena that parapsychology attempts to understand. The exact purpose of
parapsychology is widely misinterpreted; whether due to a lack of information in the general public or preconceived notions from media portrayal, it
is inaccurate to think that parapsychology and its researchers deal with paranormal activity or fringe sciences. The history of parapsychology has also
been affected ... Show more content on ...
The function of a scientist in any field is to determine the reasons how and if possible why events happen. Therefore, the purpose of parapsychology is
the attempt to understand and explain events that occur outside of conventional scientific explanation, a purpose that early parapsychologists based
their research upon.
While research of psychic phenomena is often considered to have emerged during the Cold War, in which American and Russian scientists work to
develop a means of psychic warfare, the actual birth of parapsychology as a science dates back to the late 19th century with the foundation of the
Society for Psychical Research (SPR). The SPR was founded in 1882 by researchers at Cambridge University, all of whom shared belief that
"various claims for the existence of paranormal phenomena warranted scientific scrutiny" (Irwin 1989), despite growing disregard in established
scientific fields. The early focus of the society was primarily on mediums "who claimed to be receiving information from the souls of the departed"
(Alcock, 1981), as well as accounts of extra–sensory perception, both of which was met with much skepticism; accordingly many of the founding
members of the SPR were in fact either skeptics dismissing the events entirely or philosophers seeking to prove whether or not the events in question
were paranormal.
More recent developments in
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Psychic Perception
Exploring an Amazing Sixth Sense The average human is born with the five common senses: touch, hear, smell, sight, and taste, but there are a few
individuals who are born with a supernatural sense. One of the rarest supernatural senses that a human may be born or diagnosed with is a psychic
ability. Psychic is defined as a supernatural or magical power that is viewed as extraordinary. Television broadcasters, scientists, and other skeptic
individuals will interview the people who possess these psychic abilities. The public questions these individuals' abilities for true or false answers;
therefore, they can provide evidence such as an experience or encounter. Psychic abilities take on many forms such as telepathy, synesthesia, and
telekinesis.... Show more content on ...
Many people are skeptic about this ability and they are willing to search for proof. There are videos that show people demonstrating telekinesis or
coincidentally caught on camera. In a video on YouTube, two men were attacking a girl, and she uses telekinesis to protect herself. After the
attack, she turned behind her and moved a few objects. Some people believed that the video was fake, while a few others were skeptic.
Researchers find telekinesis difficult to prove because it is on television shows, movies, cartoons, and magic shows. In the 1976 movie "Carrie",
Sissy Spacek played a teenager named Carrie who used telekinesis to fight her bullies. The filmmaker cast tied wires to the actors and objects to
assist the character. A way for researchers and scientists to prove if telekinesis is possible, they can choose random people as an experiment to test.
The participants can focus their mind on the objects they are trying to move. People are still skeptic about telepathy, synesthesia, and telekinesis
because the abilities are both odd and incredible. A common human being can assume that these psychic abilities are fake, but they are a working
progress among skeptic individuals. Only lab research can prove that these abilities are
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Radiesthesia: Theories based on the assumption that living organisms emit some kind of radiation or emanation that is capable of being detected using
instruments or by dowsing. Radionics: Use of certain instruments to detect radiations or emissions from a living organism, such as dowsing. Radio
Voice Phenomenon (RVP): Receiving the voice of a deceased human being through a regular radio. Random: Refers to events that are, in principle,
haphazard and unpredictable. Random Event Generator (REG): An electronic device which uses a random physical process (e.g., radioactive decay) to
generate random events or random numbers. Random Number Generator (RNG) (See random event generator): Random Numbers: Numbers generated
in an unpredictable, haphazard sequence. Raps: The name given to... Show more content on ...
RES (Residual Energy Sighting): Residual Energy: The energy imprint most commonly left behind by spirits or ghosts. Many times it acts like a
looped computer program or video playing over and over. Residual Haunting: A residual haunting is a repeated playback of auditory, visual, olfactory,
and other sensory phenomena, like an echo or a replay of a videotape of past events. Often these types of haunting are attributed to a traumatic event,
life–altering event, or a routine event of a person or place. Paranormal investigators claim that a residual haunting, unlike an intelligent haunting, does
not directly involve a spiritual entity that is aware of the living world and, therefore, does not interact (or communicate) with or respond to the living.
Response: An action made by a subject in an experiment. Response Bias: Tendency of a subject to prefer particular responses. Retroactive
Psycho–kinesis: Paranormal influence that an agent can have on an experiment after it has been completed. Retro
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Psychokinesis Research Papers
Preston Wuebker
Mrs. Hoffman
December 12, 2016
Almost a century ago, there was this pioneer researcher named J. B. Rhine. He was investigating ESP or so called Esper, and it is where someone
can sense things, not physically, but mentally. He then got side tracked when a gambler came into his lab and told him that they could roll a pair of
dice and the dice would land in their favor. Rhine then was inspired by the thought and began investigating and experimenting multiple types of
Psychokinesis. Psychokinesis is the movement of objects without physical touch but only by the sense of matter. There are many different types of
psychokinesis. Such as, telekinesis (control of movement over physical matter), pyrokinesis (control over fire), aerokinesis (control over air),
hydrokinesis (control over water), and photokinesis (control over light). These traits have not been proven still to this day and scientists have been
trying to find someone that can move something just as small as a feather besides by blowing across the object. Teenagers, at puberty, seem to express
an interest in developing telekinesis sometimes linked with other psychic interests. These might include telepathy, a feeling of not being from this
planet or a connection with aliens, and poltergeist activity linked to telekinetic activity. Some teenagers move on with channeling through Ouija boards
– automatic writing, or other forms of psychic connections. It is all about power and the return of one's powers. There have ... Show more content on ...
"Psychokinesis – AMind Movement – Definition and Types." Psychokinesis Powers. N.p., 28 Oct. 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.
"Types of Psychokinesis." P.A.P.E.R. N.p., 06 June 2014. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.
"Psychokinesis (PK)." Psychokinesis (PK) – The Skeptic's Dictionary – N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2016.
"Telekinesis, Psychokinesis – Crystalinks." Telekinesis, Psychokinesis– Crystalinks. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec.
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A Research On Energy Beyond Our Body 's Metabolism
Energized, we tackled the research with fresh enthusiasm. Lieutenant Rice produced his mobile and manipulated it. Within hours a team of top
scientists joined us in our basement. They reviewed the videos of our first session and examined the Psionic Egg outputs. They devised a series of
tests designed to address aspects we hadn 't considered. They crafted a new series of tests intended to produce unequivocal scientific validity.
They connected instrumentation to our bodies to determine energy and oxygen consumption. We ran for hours on treadmills as instruments measured
our metabolism. We learned to tap our in the zone mode at will, instead of waiting for a burst of adrenaline.
The effort continued for weeks. We confirmed the existence of non–physical, Psionic Energy beyond doubt. The scientists agreed it was a reasonable
scientific theory. They went to great lengths to exclude potential flaws in the testing.
We failed to tap energy beyond our body 's metabolism. We suspected a vast reservoir of Dark Energy awaits our discovery. Yet we accounted for every
Joule of energy expended for in the calories consumed.
A surprising conclusion about non–physical energy emerged. It is horribly inefficient. Fitz could hoist immense weights, his muscular effort augmented
by the mental. That mental boost came at a terrific cost.
Testing revealed the calories consumed by mental force exceeded muscles. In fact the delta is more than a hundredfold. Food calories to physical
movement by way of
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Powers In Greek Mythology Essay
Cain – Cain murdered Abel. God punished Cain to a life of wandering, but set a mark on him so that no man would kill him. Powers: Immortality, rapid
regeneration, knowledge.
Gadreel – One of the chiefs in the fallen Watchers/Angels. Powers: Immortality, super strength, empathy, healing.
Ares – Ares is the god of war, one of the Twelve Olympian gods and the son of Zeus and Hera. In literature Ares represents the violent and physical
untamed aspect of war. Powers: Immortality, astral projection, telepathy, psychokinesis, military intelligence.
Circe – Circe was the Greek goddess of metamorphosis and illusion. She was also a goddess of necromancy, skilled in the use of potions and drugs in
her many spells. She was known to turn the men she came ... Show more content on ...
Three man and two women. They all met up in Maui Luxury Home, in the middle of nowhere. Once they all gathered at the house a mysterious
woman, Pandora, entered. They didn't know her. But, she seemed to know all of them. She told them her story. She told them that they were not
the only once who would come back to this world once every decade, for a year. She kept an eye on them and others like them over the centuries.
She was actually the one who brought all of them together. She believed that some supernatural beings are still able to come back to this universe
because of the Seth's spell. None of them had any memories of the time or place where whey would disappear to for a decade. She told them that
Seth has her box. That the key to the box is the only thing that stands in a way between this world and his supernatural army. Pandora's blood was
that key. Pandora asked them for their help stop Seth. That's the point where the group gets divided in opinion. Over the centuries they have learned to
live with this curse. They became a family. They embraced human lives. Some more than others. Stopping Seth would most likely put an end to all of
that. It would complete the curse and they would be exiled forever. After an argument they all left the house. They gathered together at the house after
being out for a day. They got a chance to re–experiences the world. They understood why they had to protect it. Even if that meant that they
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The Power of Rebuilding
Warwood was still in shambles, and normal kingdom life had been suspended until essential repairs were completed. Since Xavier couldn't physically
lift and move things due to his injured hand, his father had assigned him to one of his most trusted friends, General Loren Hardcastle, who was
organizing telekinetic citizens. Today, their task was to clear out rubble and assist masons and construction workers in rebuilding the gatehouse, which
had been demolished during the initial onslaught of LeMasters' invasion.
Rebuilding of the gatehouse would be a simple task and Xavier was looking forward to doing something constructive, regardless of how tedious or
boring it might become. Although his powers could be intense at times, he felt confident that he had a secure command over them and could summon
them without difficulty. He didn't like to brag, but there were few kids in the kingdom who could rival his empowerment level and strength.
However, there was one power that still proved challenging for Xavier: that of impediment. He struggled to block telepathic advances, especially when
faced with a strong, capable telepath. His confrontation with William LeMasters only punctuated this deficiency. Although he had made gains in
impediment and could, at times, hoodwink Uncle Mike, his father was a different matter altogether. The king was the most powerful telepathic alive.
For this reason, when the new school term began, Uncle Mike would no longer be teaching him telepathy; his
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Mind Over Science: An Exploration into the World of Psi...
Mind Over Science: An Exploration into the World of Psi
That our perception of the world is predominantly governed by the senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell is not disputed. However, scientists
and amateur academics alike have historically disagreed about the existence of any additional senses, with the most contentious debate surrounding the
phenomenon generally referred to as ESP, or "psi." Despite the vast number of people who claim to have or to have witnessedpsychic abilities, the
corresponding research has found little that is empirically valid or significant to corroborate the wealth of more anecdotal evidence. To establish their
validity, it would be necessary to show how they occur in the sensory system – how ... Show more content on ...
Various forms of communication have been identified in bats (3) and dolphins (4), for example, but have been recognized as nonexistent in humans.
This suggests that the scientific community might, in time, be able to accept the existence of the paranormal if any legitimate evidence were provided.
However, it must be recognized that the dubitable position maintained by psychic phenomena within academia has not diminished its visibility in
today's strikingly modern and generally discriminating society. That the study of psychic phenomena is so prevalent among respected members of our
society is a testament to its durability despite continued attacks by skeptics.
David Myers, a professor of Psychology at Hope College in Michigan, considers on his website three of the most common and, he suggests, reputable
varieties of what is more broadly referred to as ESP: telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition (5). Telepathy is the communication between two or more
people via thought processes. Clairvoyance, which is what is most customarily thought of as being representative of psychic ability, is the perception of
remote events. Finally, precognition, which is also frequently thought of in conjunction with psychic phenomena, is the perception of future events.
Myers also makes note of psychokinesis, or the ability to influence
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Perception; Subliminal and Supraliminal Perception
Subliminal Perception and Supraliminal Perception
Kimberlene A. Catalan
BSA 1–8
INTRODUCTION Imagine you are watching a group of Hawaiian women dancing to soft and filling ukulele music. Your Hawaiian friend, watching
with you, exclaimed, "What a beautiful story!" You keep staring but neither see nor hear any story. You merely hear a pleasant melody and see some
women waving their arms and wiggling. As your friend explains the meaning of each dance movements you begin to recognize a charming story about
the wind. Obviously, the dancers never change their dance movements. Why did yourperception of the Hawaiian dancers change? This is what you
called perception. You perceive sensory inputs giving a meaningful... Show more content on ...
Information from the outside world comes through our senses. The information is then interpreted, and this interpretation gives meaning to what is
sensed. For example, when you hear your alarm clock, the actual sound you hear is the sensation. How you construe the meaning of the alarm is your
interpretation. If it is 7 a.m. on a weekday, you would probably interpret the alarm as a signal to get moving and begin the day. However, the same
alarm may have a different meaning on a holiday. You might perceive yourself as an absurd for setting the alarm, or you might snicker at the alarm and
roll over. In both instances, the sensation (the ring) was the same, but your interpretation changed because of other factors.
The process of interpreting or giving meaning to the stimulus received by the senses. The stimulus energy
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Telekinesis Theory
Telekinesis Theory
We all know that we use some of our psychic potential sometimes........but we also know that few or none of ever use it all. Have you ever just
"known" that something was going to happen? Have you ever had a "sense" as to whether a person you have just met is of a good or bad character?
These perceptions are simple everyday examples of your unintentional usage of underlying psychic power. So, what if you could focus this power to
manipulate the world around you?
We know through science and physics that physicalenergy is created by electromagnetic impulses, and that the electromagnetic and vibratory fields of
an individual or object are affected by the electromagnetic and vibratory fields of other individuals or ... Show more content on ...
Having said all that, the rest of this section is intended to help raise awareness of our innate telekinetic abilities, with some simple exercises you can do
for practice. Obviously, you should educate yourself in important overlapping areas, such as meditation, and keep a positive attitude no matter how long
it takes.
Meditating is easy. Anyone can do it. Theres many techniques and if you know one that I am not covering here, feel free to edit this article and add it.
In the first technique, Ill cover the basics. Just sit and breathe.
Thats right. Breathe... inhale, exhale. You are sitting, you are thinking of practically nothing except your inhaling–exhaling. Now, concentrate. This is
best done somewhere you like. The objective of meditation is to imagine. Image what you like to accomplish. You can increase your willpower
through meditation. Better yet, visualize yourself whatever you want to accomplish in life. Think about it over and over again. What are you
doing? What does success look like? Picture it with as many details as possible. I am going to leave this article up to this point. If you have some
time, feel free to edit it. Another method is to relax starting with your fingertips and toes, work your way up to you arms and legs etc. Then relax
your chest and stomach, then your head. You should be in a state of rest. I had best results when I was sitting cross legged on a soft mat with my eyes
closed. Try rolling back your eyes
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My Development As A Psychologist
Chapter 42
Dr Gordon Mangan
Dr Mangan was far more influential in my development as a psychologist than I realised when I was a student. I must confess that I didn't warm to
him as a teacher. When I peruse his publications it seems amazing that I cant find a full biography or bibliography of Mangan anywhere on the net. I
am happy to fill that gap now. It is high time.
Dr Mangan has a rare scientific talent that enables him to originate and follow uncommon ideas to their conclusion and then substantiate his remarkable
ideas with clear theorising and hard experimental data.
An overview of his publications might lead to the impression that he deliberately chose areas that were neglected and controversial. He devoted half a
decade of his early career to parapsychology, publishing innovative research and clearheaded reviews. He devoted the later part of his career to
research in smoking – funded by the tobacco industry.
He had a lasting interest in Russian psychology particularly Pavlov and the neo–Pavlovians. A considerable amount of his work is devoted to drawing
parallels between Eastern and Western conceptualisations of personality, learning and arousal which culminated in an influential book "The Biology of
Human Conduct: East–West Models of Temperament and Personality".
As well as these three areas he published on a broad range of topics including intelligence, aging, learning, conflict, behaviour therapy, personality,
attention, music and arousal.
The following
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Psychokinesis In Horror Movies
When thinking about the idea of psychokinesis, many people believe that it is something that happens solely in horror movies such as Carrie. In fact,
it seems to be something that occurs in everyday life, to regular people. Psychokinesis is the idea that a person can mentally interact with an animate
or inanimate object . Due to the fact that this definition of psychokinesis makes it seem as though it has been pulled directly from the movie Star Wars
it may be more accurate to refer to this concept as information that flows from the mind to matter . Throughout this essay, they question of authenticity
will be brought to the surface, more specifically the fact that psychokinesis is occurring in todays world.
The question about the authenticity ... Show more content on ...
Over these past sixty years, researchers have come to the conclusion that that the results from these experiments leave them with persuasive, consistent,
and replicated evidence for the fact that psychokinesis is evident in the modern world. While there are many researchers who believe this, there are
also quite a few people who criticize these experiments. Between the years 1930 and 1950 most skeptics reviewed the results of these experiments were
impossible . Since then, more thought out skepticisms have been brought to light, until recently . Since the most popular RNG experimental trials were
run there have been next to no legitimate criticism for it. In fact, many skeptics agree that something interesting, and out of the ordinary is taking place
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Emerald City: An Unraveled Fairytales
An unraveled fairytale
Once upon a time, there was a railway system connecting different passages to the Emerald City, a place where each person wishes to be at the top, to
obtain their freedom, equality, and their social status. These were the underlying reason for the antithesis of the city. InEmerald city, education was
available to them, which could be an opportunity for each person to become prince or princesses. The legendary places are called National Royal
Congress and The Newborn League, this is the stage where they become part of the royal family. Lorme was worried of newborn children in the royal
family; therefore, he acted with hatred and violence. He slashed them bit by bit as they haunt him 'til the end of time. A beautiful... Show more content
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However, her opponent, La PeМЃnible, massacred countless lives, which they soon made a treaty later on to grant Emerald City independence...
Hidden in the crevices of the passage, a witch snuck in the forest of Death, which caused a corruption in the world. The witch likes to be called,
"The Communist of the East," she appeared to become vicious and cruel, the greed in her, ferociously made her become fearless. In the end, the
witch protected the Honey Blossom trade because of the vast majority desiring the addicted substance. The Cheetah by her side attracted people to
the message of the witch's ideology. Their mortal enemy, Snake eyes, are people who accuse the witch of attacking their territory. Snake eyes took
all of Milem territory, which restored the witches sovereignty. There was a magic building standing across the horizon in which lies the suffrage of
The Delta Seaplex. There was a burst of fire from the evil fairy mother, "Who had caused this will suffer!!," after finding out the collapse of the
Treasure Island. Money, gold, silver, and diamonds were gone, which was outrageous towards her, which caused famine to each household. The fairy
queen ordered all citizens of the Delta Seaplex to contribute to the war, if not they
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Examples Of Extra Sensory Perception
Have you ever felt like you knew what someone was going to say before they said it? Did your dreams ever come true? Or have you ever had a vision
of something and you have witnessed in reality? Most of us have experienced one or more of these types of events, which is called "ExtraSensory
What is ExtraSensory Perception or ESP?
ESP or Extra Sensory Perception is defined as ability of a person to receive or sense information without the aid of using their five senses – see, hear,
smell, touch and taste. According to the Journal of Parapsychology, it is defined as the response to an external event not presented to any known sense.
ESP is also referred to as a sixth sense, gut instinct or hunch.
There are many circumstances that ... Show more content on ...
Internet is the source of vast information where you can get knowledge by reading articles on psychic abilities.
Meet People: If possible, meet people with similar interests in your area or find groups in your place and join. You can even have this group while
Concentration: Try to sense and observe each and every thing thats going around you. Be aware of things happening around you. This way, your
concentration level will increase and helps to develop your ESP.
Vibrations: Keep your self in higher vibrations by thinking always positive and trying to be always happy. Do whatever you like to make you happy
without doing any harm to others. Also avoid negative talking.
Exercise: There are many exercises to do for developing ESP. For example, you can try to predict the card by removing one from a deck of cards. Try
to guess who is calling you when you hear your phone ringing, or guessing the person knocking your door, etc. There are many possible ways you can
imagine in your daily life for your practice.
Practice: Practice makes you perfect. Practice different exercises whenever you can. It is better to select one aspect of ESP – Clairvoyance or Telepathy
or Precognition, for your practice and later can go
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The Scientific Study Of Interactions Between Living...
Parapsychology is the scientific study of interactions between living organisms and their external environment that seem to transcend the known
physical laws (Rhine Research Centre, 2013). Parapsychology consists of areas including telepathy (the transmission of information between people
using non of our sensory channels or physical interaction), clairvoyance (the ability to obtain information about a person, or object through extrasensory
perception), precognition (psychic ability to see events in the future), psychokinesis (using only the mind to manipulate objects), survival studies
(studies of human consciousness).
Paranormal activity and experience is a very controversial topic that results in a wide range of beliefs ... Show more content on ...
The extent to which ESP is believed varies and depends on many factors, for example profession is known to play some role as a survey of 1100
college professors found that 55% of natural scientists, 66% of social scientists, 77% of academics in the arts, humanities and education and only 34%
of psychologists believed that ESP is either an established fact or a likely possibility (Presley, 1997).
The belief that ESP belief is linked to a lower IQ has been proven inaccurate (Roe, 1999) and instead it has been shown how education level can
positively correlate with ESP belief (Rice, 2003). Surveys have proven to find that ESP belief is very common (Moore, 2005) and a meta–analysis has
shown that ESP has supporting research and that the idea of the paranormal should not be viewed with scepticism (Storm, Tressoldi & Di Risio,
2010). However, there have been multiple pieces of research to show how unreliable memory can be and that cognitive biases result in events being
misinterpreted (Henkel & Mather, 2007; Kahneman et al., 1993) so claims to have experienced ESP have to be looked at critically and with the view
that a person's account may not be reliable. A 'file–drawer' problem can also be claimed. This is the claim that the statistical significance of findings
can occur by chance and that parapsychologists ignore the falsification
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What Is Parapsychology?
The Merriam–Webster dictionary defines parapsychology as follows: a field of study concerned with the investigation of evidence for paranormal
psychological phenomena (such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis) (Merriam–Webster 2016). It has long been debated whether or not
parapsychology should be accepted as a true science. With the lack of true scientific evidence for the existence of psi, or paranormal phenomena, the
overwhelming ability to disprove claims and evidence made about the existence of psi, and the extreme experimenter bias that permeates and skews
the interpretation of data, it is the right course of action to leave parapsychology in the realm of pseudoscience.
For as long as men have been telling stories, there have ... Show more content on ...
a psychological experiment or therapy situation), which serve to influence the behavior and/or self reported experience of the research receiver or
patient' (Orne & Whitehouse, 2000: 469). The concept illuminates the ways in which the research participant may try to infer the experimenter's
reasons for asking them to perform certain tasks, and will therefore consciously or unconsciously amend their behaviour accordingly, thus producing
potentially robust experimental artifacts unconnected to the variables the experiment was designed to study. (p.
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Essay about Mind Over Matter: Telekinesis
As the intellect of the human race continues to increase, different ideas are brought about while others become disregarded due to lack of belief or
interest in the subject. The latter applies in the case of psychic phenomenon. What was at one point in time a large fad that many people took part and
faith in has slowly been forgotten and set aside. The most well–known area of psychic phenomenon is telekinesis, or the ability to affect objects,
random events, and environments using only one's mind with no physical interaction ( Radford, Benjamin). While it is currently widely believed to be
an impossible feat, there have still been many tests and theories set to it attempting to prove it's potential with promising outcomes. In an ever... Show
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However, none of these assumptions are correct because all forms of deception by both the test conductor and the test subject had been accounted for.
To ensure authentic test results, the testing areas were rigged with barriers, distance would be put between the two people, and the drawing of the cards
would be delayed until after the guesses had been made. In the thirty–three original studies, twenty–seven gave significant results in favor of the subject
having psychic ability. Within the next five years, these studies were independently replicated and twenty had positive results. That is a positive
outcome of sixty–one percent, which is fifty–six percent higher than what the outcome would have been if it had been nothing more than chance (The
Parapsychological Association). So while it can be said that the order of the cards was not affected by the test subject, it is obvious that there was some
form of psychological interaction allowing the individuals to achieve minute precognition. It is this documentation that led to larger theories and
research in the specific area of telekinesis. J.B. Rhine is not the only person to have made ground–breaking discoveries towards the discovery of
psychological influences.The Princeton
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Phenomenon And The Life Of Albert Einstein's A Beautiful Mind
The brain is the most complicated organ in the human body. It has the important job of controlling our motor functions, our ability to balance, and
interpret information that comes from the eyes, ears, and other sensory organs. The brain controls our feelings, behaviors, experiences, as well as our
memories and self–awareness. So, the fact that some people believe we only use about 10–20% of our brains seems impossible. According to some, all
humans can only use about ten percent of the brain. If we were to access the remaining ninety percent, we would have remarkable, godlike abilities. It
has been said that Albert Einstein was a part of the few to harness full usage of the brain. Throughout the existence of Hollywood, many movies and
shows discussed this curious myth.
A Beautiful Mind is a movie based on the Life of John Nash. John was a diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia who suffered from delusional
episodes. What made him stand out was not his mental illness, but his mathematical genius. He saw the world in ways that no one else could. He had
a true gift that no one had seen before. Early in his career, he made an astonishing discovery that eventually led to him receiving a Nobel Prize. His
mental illnesses enabled him to grasp abstract concepts that till then were unattainable by others.
Phenomenon, starring John Travolta, is a movie about the life of an average mechanic in a small town; who one day transforms into a genius with
telekinetic powers. During a night
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Nitrous Oxide
After James began to consider the possible different explanations for the ambiguities that exist in human consciousness, he began to experiment with
drugs, specifically nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide is a chemical that is more commonly known at laughing gas that is used most commonly in dental
offices and it is a substance that alters the conscious state of a person. In an article published in 1996 in the Atlantic, Dmitri Tymoczko explores the
often unknown influence of Nitrous Oxide on the thought of James. Unbeknown to most people, James began to experiment with this drug while he
was trying to uncover the secrets of human consciousness. In an article published by James anonymously in The Atlantic Monthly in 1874, James
argued that "the secrets ... Show more content on ...
The ASPR was founded in 1885 by a distinguished group of scholars one of which who was William James. Furthermore, many well–known and
well–regarded scientists were a part of this society including both Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, both of which were interested in the human conscious
and subconscious. According to their modern website, the original goal established by the ASPR was to "investigate hypnosis, dreams, the states of
consciousness to telepathy, clairvoyance, recognition, psychokinesis, healing, and questions of survival after death" ("About the Society"). Basically,
their goal was to study these ambiguous, out of the ordinary occurrence as to come up with a conclusion on their existence. James was an active
member of the ASPR and after he was elected president he stated that he believed "we (the ASPR) have restored continuity to history. We have shown
some reasonable basis for the most superstitious aberrations of the foretime. We have bridged the chasm, healed the hideous rift that science, taken in a
certain narrow way, was shot into the human world'" (qtd. In Alverado,"William
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Telekinesis Research Paper
Have you ever thought of what everything around you is made of? Have you ever tried to make it move? Have you ever thought you saw something
around you supposedly move? There is a phenomenon known as telekinesis that is the theory known as mind over matter. Telekinesis is known as the
"power" to make matter move. To understand telekinesis, it's best to first learn what telekinesis is, its history, and how it is studied today.
To understand telekinesis you must know a little basic knowledge. Telekinesis has been known as the "power" or "ability" to move matter with your
mind. Matter is everything around you and want it's made of. Telekinesis is categorized into two categories: Macro–Pk and Micro–Pk."Macro–PK are
effects that the naked eye can see. Micro–PK effects items on such as small scale that scientists have ... Show more content on ...
Telekinesis is also known as psychokinesis. Psychokinesis comes from a Greek origin. "Psyche" means soul or life, and "kinesis" means to move.
"Psychokinesis (literally "mind–movement") or PK is the more commonly used term today for what in the past was known as telekinesis (literally
"distant–movement"). It refers to the psi ability to influence the behavior of matter by mental intention (or possibly some other aspect of mental
activity) alone. As of 2004 the term remote influencing is becoming widely used for certain kinds of psychokinesis." (Epoch Times) Knowing more
about the history will help people understand it better.
The study of telekinesis is important when learning about telekinesis. Parapsychology is known as the study psychic abilities.The father of
parapsychology is known as J.B. Rhine. He conducted an experiment called the "rolling dice." To see if you could continually get the same result for
the dice. That was the first "study" of telekinesis. Knowing more about the study of telekinesis will help people understand the concept of it
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Summary : ' Ghosts '
In a study done in 2011, 34% of Americans believed in the existence of ghosts, 56% thought 'ghosts' were spirits of the dead, and 71% believed
they had had a paranormal experience at least once before (LiveScience). The stories are infamous: Bloody Mary, vanishing hitchhikers, stories of
chairs and lamps being flung about by an unseen force; we've heard them since childhood. It has been wondered why we, as humans, love the feeling
of being scared so much. In reality, the answer is simple: when we're scared, the brain sends signals to our body to release adrenaline, which aids our
'fight or flight' response–this is the natural instinct to either fight off or flee from something that may prove dangerous. When we're scared by these
'ghosties, ghoulies, and long–leggedy beasties'–whether in the form of a scary movie, haunted house, you name it–that adrenaline is still released in
instinct; the catch is that we know we're safe, as it's only a simulation. Basically, we're given a safe adrenaline rush. So what about ghosts? There are
countless claims, horrifying to say the least, of encounters with malevolent forces. Why do we so desperately want to believe in something that could
potentially do us such great harm? Are these claims even plausible? These questions are posed for three reasons, depending on the inquirer: to provide
security in the idea that there's an afterlife, to provide security in the effectiveness of today's scientific studies, and to provide security in the
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Parapsychology : The Scientific Study Of Paranormal...
About Parapsychology Parapsychology can also be referred to as psychical research. The definition of parapsychology is the scientific study of
paranormal phenomena and experiences. A paranormal phenomenon is a claim that a real anomalous effect is occurring. There may or may not be a
real anomalous effect, but the individual has interpreted their experience as a paranormal one defines what a paranormal experience is. Unfortunately
the importance of parapsychology has not been widely recognized. A popular reason on why parapsychology has been ignored is that it gives
pseudo–scientific support to religion. Many scientists and philosophers have ignored and treated it the subject with contempt. Another reason that
parapsychology has been so ... Show more content on ...
Second, is the receiver or percipient, the individual will relax and describe the images that come to mind. Lastly, there is the experimenter the
experimenter supervises and conducts the experiment. The world that we live in today is a very distracting, noisy environment both externally and
internally. Extrasensory perception information may be a weak signal. Noise reduction techniques are used to help the receiver detect the weak signal.
Telepathy is defined as a transmission of thought independently of the recognized channels of sense. It is often also refers to mind reading. It is the
ability to communicate with another person without the use of the sense. When telepathy occurs the transmitter is often unaware that he acts as an
agent. The receivers do not consciously prepare themselves for the reception. The use of strong emotions are influenced and brought into play by a
well–developed mode of supernormal perception. In order for telepathy to exist, the receiver or percipient must learn without the use of his sense what
the sender, or agent, is thinking about. This is implied that there is no special activity on the part of the agent. The thoughts become known whether
they wish it or not and without making any effect at communication. Some of the first experiments on telepathy, a receiver or percipient had to guess
the identity of a target being
... Get more on ...

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Example Of Spiritualistic Phenomena

  • 1. Example Of Spiritualistic Phenomena Spiritualistic phenomena are one of the interesting type of science that related to our mind and souls, and it is encouraged us to know more about it. Spiritualistic phenomena mean that the supernatural things like "how to remove something by using your eyes" that we can do it by our mind and brain power. I think it is important because our mind and souls combine to gather to be a parapsychology science that will let you know the strong point in your selfs, to use it well later. Exploring human power is a big deal for you and interesting knowledge that will open a new door for you cause spiritualistic phenomena is a drop of parapsychology sea but it will let you know more about your power. In this site, I would like to explain to you about it more with interesting facts and information. ... Show more content on ... From1882 to 1885, the experts started to status up an organisation curricula to study spiritualistic phenomena, and when thy made this study, they get surprised, cause they obviously note that all of this science known since of a long time ago by Egyptians, Assyrians, and Chaldeans.(Abo Alhajaj, 2008).Nonetheless of scientist effort to make a Curriculum of this knowledge but most of the people understood this science incorrectly for many reasons one of them because of the conjurers and magicians who starts to fool people to make money by this (Abo Alhajaj, 2008.).To add they also start to change some of science information to match with they work to decent people.One of the first scientist who started to study supernatural phenomena of humanity is "Freud" which he was taking a long time to understand all of the phenomena (Abo Alhajaj, ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Effect Of Parapsychology On The Existence Of Science Not a lot of people can say they have had a paranormal experience. It is the kind of thing that happens once in a lifetime, and usually it is not anything big. But those who do have these experiences pertain that belief in the supernatural, and it is these documented experiences that have brought about the study of parapsychology. Is there something to these claims or is it due to mental illusions? Parapsychology is a highly debated branch of science because of the existence of phenomena that cannot be explained, the main argument being in the existence of physics and whether there is something beyond or not. s Parapsychology is the study of supernatural phenomena or more specifically, psychic phenomena. Most parapsychologists divide ... Show more content on ... Even the learned expressed interest in these, however, the wide acceptance of these occurrences may have been due to the insufficient education of the general public. After the Enlightenment, which occurred in the 18th century, the existence of deities and magic was more widely contested and doubted, leading to the discrediting of these phenomena as science. One of the first scientists to attempt a scientific study of psychic phenomena was Franz Anton Mesmer in the 1700's; he experimented with and attempted to patent the mesmerism technique, more commonly known as hypnotism. Even though his method did not achieve scientific recognition, shifting religious beliefs allowed for the widespread Spiritualism movement, which allowed for the use of mediums and the like ( Modern parapsychology came about in the 1920's with the invention of statistical tools and the efforts of a researcher by the name of J.B. Rhine. Rhine had three aims through his experiments: to provide data on parapsychological phenomena rather than to attempt to prove their existence, to achieve scientific recognition and to prove that psychic ability was not limited to certain people and was a part of human psyche all along just waiting to be discovered. Though he was not necessarily successful in his goals, Rhine did change his field in that now psychic study is not limited to individuals with psychic talent, rather a ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Short Story "You are a mystery." Mr. Lyle, the current head of the telekinetics division, said to me. He was called in after the teachers in charge of the incoming students assignments failed to recognize what I am. I thought that I would get into telekinetics easily with my aura. "This isn't tactile telekinesis. Telekinetics create an aura around their body by manipulating the air molecules around themselves. However, this is like an invisible membrane is surrounding you. Same effect but different process. I have never seen anything like this before." He said, before looking excited. "Maybe it is a new branch of telekinesis." "I'm afraid not, Grant." A woman said, stepping into the room they lead me to to investigate away from the other students.... Show more content on ... She lead me out over to the empath group. I noticed one of my friends in the telekinetic group, look at me confused. I mouthed 'I'll tell you later.' As I waited I chatted with a girl named, Rosalie Chandler. She was a quiet girl who had felt the emotions of others since she was young. After about ten minutes, I heard Ms. Abrams mutter, "Oh, for goodness sake." and walked over to the people in charge of separating out the different groups and talked to them for about a minute. Then she went down the line picking people to walk with her, seemingly at random, then walked back over to the empath group. "Come on. I am going to be in charge of the empaths welcome." She said to the group, winking at me before gesturing for us to follow her. As we walked, I looked at her more closely. She walked with complete confidence beside the stereotype that empaths are shy and pushovers. She was an attractive woman: dark hair, fair skin, lithe figure. She also looked pretty young, in her early thirties, despite claiming to be a founder of the school which is around thirty years old itself. Maybe she is the daughter of one of the founders? My knowledge of the founders of this school is a bit lacking though. All I know is that there was a telekinetic, telepath, empath, and a precog. All of them incredible powerful and well–respected. Ms. Abrams led us to another building and upstairs to the second floor where there was a large open space with couches, a TV, even a ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Physics Of The Impossible By. Kaku The book "Physics of the Impossible" was written by Japanese American theoretical physicist Michio Kaku. Kaku generally writes books about physics or physics related topics. Among his three New Work Times best seller, Physics of Impossible is one in which Kaku utilizes discourse of theoretical advancements to acquaint themes of basic material science with the reader. In this book, Kaku represents physics in various ways so that the reader understands the significance of physics and implement in his/her life. Kaku makes many references to physics by utilizing popular culture references, especially to books and films, for example, Star Trek, Back to the Future, Flash Gordon, The Fly, The Invisible Man, and more. Kaku utilizes these cases to ... Show more content on ... Kaku is very optimistic with the "Class I impossibilities" because we have technology that can make these impossibilities possible in near future. Let's take an example regarding the psychokinesis section. Kaku mentioned about the possibility of Radio–enhanced or computer enhanced psychokinesis. Similarly, Kaku mentioned that we are already able to develop a technology to implant computer chips into the brain cells and we will be able to control the computer (Physics of the Impossible 93). This shows that these types of impossibilities are more realistic and more likely to be possible, and some of them are even possible in this century. Let's consider the Robots, they already exist in the real world. Kaku talks about creating a force field, and this makes sense in practical life as well. If we can defect electrons in a magnetic field why won't be able to deflect a bullet creating a field that can be able to do it. The US military force has already tested a short gun based "Force Field Technology". According to the Tech Times, with the help of powerful magnets, the force field used to protect battleships including X–Wing and TIE fighters from the enemies ' laser cannon fires and blasters can be recreated. This shows that the concept of Force Field is not just theoretical, and likely to be practically possible in the year to come to make kaku's ... Get more on ...
  • 5. What Is Consciousness, The Subjective Quality Of Experience The closest way to explain consciousness is the subjective quality of experience. Creative points of perception are perceptions that turn new and imaginative ideas into reality by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions. Consciousness creativity is fluid thoughtlessness which can take on any form. The essay will explain consciousness, prove its existence and show a path to awakening (Chalmers 3–4). We are conscious points of perception that are categorized into three types of conscious perceivers. The first way of conscious perception is the, none creative point of perception. This is the type of perception that accepts what has already been set up and adopts to those things. It has nothing to offer, to modify or to change. It is there only to conform to other consciousness's realities that have already been set up. The second type that is some–what stronger than the first type but is still not the strongest; is the point of perception that has realized that it has creative capabilities but then only uses them for selfish greedy self–gratification, self–reflection. These tend to be the evil people of the world, ones that are using the creative process and their powers of perception for selfishness. Then the third, strongest point of perception is the one that has realized that it is a creative power and yet has no passion or desire. What makes this point of ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Nebuchadnezzar's Telepathic Theory For along as humans have kept a written history there have been stories about extraordinary occurrences: telepathic dreams in which the dreamer appears to receive the thoughts of another person or clairvoyant dreams in which the dreamer seemed to be able to observe far away events. Telepathic and clairvoyant dreams, along with precognition and psychokinesis, have been group together and called "psi" by modern–day parapsychologists. These instances of "psi" are described as interactions that occur between organisms and their environment (this includes other organisms) in which information or influence is exchanged that has not been able to be explained by through conventional scientific understanding of sensory–motor coordination. They are thought to be strange or unusual since they appear to occur outside the constraints of time, space, and energy (Krippner, Bogzaran & Carvalho, 2002. Page 93). Telepathic ... Show more content on ... Since biblical times there have been stories about these extraordinary dreams. The ancient Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar, awoke one morning after what experiencing what he felt was a divine dream. He was unable to remember the dream so he sent for wizards, astrologers, and diviners, demanding that they tell him his dream and its interpretation. If they were unable to do so, he threatened to execute them all. When a prophet Daniel heard of the problem he prayed to his God for the revelation of the king's dream. It is written that the dream came to him that night. Daniel was able to share the dream, and its interpretation with the king and save the dream interpreters lives (Krippner, Bogzaran & Carvalho, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Tokyo Ghoul 1. a. In "John Wick", the main character seeks retribution against Iosof Tarasov, a man who broke into his house, stole his car, and killed his dog. Iosof's father, the head of a Russian crime syndicate, sends assassins after John to stop him. In "The Witness", someone has been kidnapping young women. The main character, Lu Xiaoxing, is nearly the victim of one of these kidnapping attempts. She escapes, but the kidnapper is out to kill her before she leads the police to him. b. In "Tokyo Ghoul" by Ishida Sui, Kaneki Ken discovers that he has become a ghoul after getting into a construction accident. A ghoul is a human–like being that can only eat human flesh. Throughout the story, Kaneki constantly struggles with his human morals and his... Show more content on ... In "Into the New World", one group of humans developed psychokinesis. This caused a power imbalance that led psychokinetic humans to enslave powerless humans. Sometime between then and the story's present, powerless humans were genetically modified with naked mole rat DNA. They became "Queerats" or "Monster Rats" and were forced to serve psychokinetic humans. One Queerat discovers the truth of their history and stages a rebellion to take revenge. 3. a. My mother and I have always had a rocky relationship. It has become worse after she began living with me and my father. We have conflicting views on many things. b. I sometimes find myself insulting others in my head or dismissing their arguments out of pride or for petty reasons. This is a habit I am trying to break. I know it is unfair and wrong most of the time, so I try to rectify it by thinking from the other person's perspective. c. My father and I have very different political views. This often leads to arguments and frustration, which is difficult when we live in the same house. d. My conflict with nature is with the sun. I tan very easily, I do not like heat, and I have acne scars, so I try to avoid the sun as much as possible. However, I need vitamin D, so I am required to have some direct exposure every once in a ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Telekinesis Research Paper After researching online for recent advancements in science, I was intrigued by Telekinesis/Psychokinesis. Telekinesis is the ability to move or control objects with the mind. The history of telekinesis is a history of frauds and fakes, both proven and suspected. Magicians, Mediums, and Psychics have over the years made it even more difficult for scientists to prove because of their manipulation of the occurrence. The problem with Telekinesis/Psychokinesis, isn't so much about proving it exists, but the consequences it would have on the rules and understanding of Physics. It is hard for one to believe this could occur because even if our brain waves could somehow influence objects, the laws of physics demonstrate that the waves don't extend ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Examples Of Scientific Racism "The idea that human populations can be divided into distinct racial groups based on physical differences dates back many centuries." (Paragraph 3 "Racism") This is known as Scientific Racism. Scientific Racism is the belief that racism is justified by scientific bases, which gives people confidence that it is proper to discriminate others (usually based on their race, religion, or beliefs), even though it is not appropriate (Oxford Dictionary). This belief is actually "pseudoscientific." Pseudoscience is "any of various methods, theories, or systems, such as astrology, psychokinesis, or clairvoyance, which are considered as having no scientific basis." ( Scientific Racism can also be related to To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper ... Show more content on ... Hitler gathered thousands of Germans and brainwashed them into believing that Jews were bad and they needed to make a super race. "...Hitler's adviser in the early stage of his entry into politics, who said that no people would have left the Jews alive if they had known what the Jews' true nature was and what goals they had set themselves." (Paragraph 47 "Racism"). This is a preposterous statement because the Jews had no true nature besides every other human (To live a happy healthy life). Statements like this are how Adolf Hitler and his advisors brainwashed people into believing that the Jews were terrible people. This is a very relatable statement to the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Throughout this novel there is discrimination of blacks solely based on the color of their skin. People believed they were, stupid, and were criminals. "Don't see how any jury could convict on what we hear–" (Page 238 To Kill a Mockingbird) "Judge Taylor was polling the jury: "Guilt... guilty... guilty... guilty..."" (Page 240 To Kill a Mockingbird). Although all the proof showed that Tom Robinson was innocent, due to his black skin and the white skin of the defendant he pleaded guilty. This is a great example of how just because of his race, like the Jews in the Holocaust, he was convicted unrightfully. Discrimination like this prohibits these people from having access to the same social equality that people who are not being discriminated against ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Speech On Superpowers If superpowers are concerned, there is nothing more cool than these. Welcome to Today, we will count with the Top 10 of the best superpowers. Andrew, we can fly. In this list, we will see superpowers from a variety of sources, whether comics, movies or television. "It's time for a beating. "It's catchy, is not it?" Number 10: Super speed. "Is it a teleporter?" "No, it's just fast. And when I met him, I was not so young. Speaking of never being late. With supervelocicidad, can arrive to any side at any time and have time to stop on the way. Superheroes like Flash and Quicksilver brought this power to the limit with the ability to create whirlwinds and break the barrier of time, among other great skills. Be careful, Barry. You ... Show more content on ... With telekinesis, also known like psychokinesis, there are no limits for what they can move or do with the mind. A thought can move a pencil across the table or crush a car as if it were cotton candy. POWER WITH NO LIMITS (2012) 20TH CENTURY FOXDo not you reach the lightsaber? Problem solved. STAR WARS: EPISODE V THE EMPIRE CONTRAATACA Do you need to contain a giant wave to save his friends? Ready. We do not want to know what happens when someone with telekinesis has a headache. I do not want to fix it. X–MEN: THE FINAL BATTLE (2006) Before revealing to number1, here are some mentions of honor. FLEXIBILITY PIROQUINESIS VISION OF X–RAYS MAN OF STEEL (2013) WARNER BROS Honey ... ANIMAL CONTROL THE LORD OF THE BEAST (1982) METRO–GOLDWYN–MAYER Number 1: Traveling in time. Why not give life a spark? traveling to another time? Back to the past to amend a mistake perhaps. I will never get there in time to change. Or go to the future to see what happens to what they do now. There is no need to be so serious. Why not visit your character historical favorite Or use knowledge of the future for your benefit? He projects Bishop days ago to warn ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Victory In Elana's Enchantress From The Stars Early in Enchantress from the Stars, the protagonist Elana gives her friend and trainee Georyn a cryptic message: "he who breaks the evil spell will be required to give up that which he deems most necessary to the triumph of good, and to face that which what appears to be a grievous failure." The prophecy came true in a different way than Elana was expecting, but the theme of victory hidden in defeat has appeared often in literature and even history itself. A prime example of victory in defeat is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During Jesus' human childhood, most Jews eagerly anticipated the coming of the prophesied Messiah or King. They expected the Son of God to come riding on the clouds with an army of angels behind him, to destroy the hated Romans and free his chosen people. When Jesus first began his ministry on Earth, few recognized him for his true holy nature; mostly because the Jews were expecting something very different. The Zealots called to the people to throw off the chains of oppression and rebel against the pagan Romans. But Jesus offered a drastically different ... Show more content on ... He called the poor and the persecuted "blessed." Never did he incite the oppressed to rise and throw off their chains. In words that must have galled the Zealots, he commanded, "Love your enemies." He invoked a different kind of power: love, not intimidation. Later along his ministry, Jesus had caught the attention of the people and unwittingly gained the title of Messiah. The Jews began to get excited and were willing to force the crown upon him. Jesus escaped the crowds to spend time alone with his father in these occasions; but on one fateful night, the temple guards arrested Jesus. After a horrifying, familiar tale of crucifixion, Jesus lay in a grave. All was lost; the war for the Jews and their homeland was over before it began. The Savior was dead, and Hell likely rejoiced in their ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Chapter 3.1: The 10 % Myth Chapter 3.1 focuses on the 10% myth and the factoids behind it. The 10% myth presents the idea that less than 10% of your brain is used which allows for paranormal abilities such as telepathy and psychokinesis. There are several shortcomings of the 10% myth one being "Doubts form the Study of Brain Damage", which shows there is no area of the brain that can be damaged without the loss of some mental or behavioral function. If only 10% of the brain is used then the other 90% should not be able to obtain an injury that affects some part of the mental or behavioral function but that is not the case. Another, shortcoming is "Doubts from the Study of Evolution" which shows it's unlikely that over years of evolution and natural selection such a small ... Show more content on ... Coming from the view point of doubt from the study of brain damage due to having several concussions in the past and suffering memory loss and chronic neurological disorders due to brain trauma, I am living proof that no matter where your brain injury is it will affect you in some way. I believe people enjoy keeping the 10% myth alive so they can feel better about themselves by convincing themselves that only 10% of their brain is used so if they are able to access the other 90% then they may have the chance of being some sort of genius. The fact that many pseudoscientists use this myth to promote products is genius but also morally wrong in my eyes. Providing the consumers with factoids should not be allowed to happen and pure facts should be provided. At the same time I also believe individuals shouldn't believe everything they hear/see as it could simply be a factoid. If the time was taken to research the 10% myth many other scientific theories would be developed to provide more evidence as to why exactly the idea that we use 10% of our brains is a myth. Until then we will continue to have people in society that believe that they can unlock some paranormal abilities if they try hard enough and are successful at accessing the "unused" 90% of their ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Essay about If I See A Ghost Are My Senses IF I SEE A GHOST ARE MY SENSES TO BLAME? To complement the full apprehension of the terms which will be used throughout this argument, a number of meanings taken from The Lexicon Webster Dictionary is provided: GHOST The soul or spirit of a dead person. A disembodied spirit. HALLUCINATION (psy) an apparent perception, as by sight or hearing, for which there is no real external cause, as distinguished from illusion ILLUSION A false impression or belief. False perception or conception of some object of sense. A perception of a thing which misrepresents it, or gives it qualities not present in reality. GOD Creator and ruler of the universe, eternal, infinite spirit, the Supreme Being. “Hobgoblins, ghoulsand other ... Show more content on ... All these examples fall under error of perception but the following is an interesting experiment carried out by the Toronto Society Of Psychical Research. They discovered that sГ©ance phenomena might be attributed, at least in part, to the same psychokinetic force that is commonly believed to be responsible for poltergeist (unquiet ghost) activity. They suggested that this force could be produced by the minds of the sitters, fuelled perhaps by their unanimous belief that such phenomena would occur during the sГ©ance. They theorized that the role of the medium was that of a placebo, and that no particular psychic sensitivity was necessary for a successful sГ©ance. Apart from considering all the forms of perceptional errors, we can explain the existence of such spirits that are perceived (but not always believed!) If we want to stick to the Rationalist philosophy and therefore state that such presences should be reasoned out, rather than just experienced, we can say
  • 14. that this subject has brought together many professionals from around the globe, using their knowledge and their equipment to get the truth out. This type of philosophical approach is what I am trying to use to explain these so called ghosts. “Visitations are experienced today by intelligent, rational individuals in Western cities, and increasingly are being documented by ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Marvel Comics and X-Men Fictional Characters Today's younger generations tend to think of Charles Xavier and Jean Grey when the phrase mind over matter is involved. Charles and Jean are two very power mutants with extraordinary mind powers allowing them to read minds and levitate objects. While some instances of mind over matter might be like that others tend to be much simpler than that. The idea of telekinesis came to be around the late 1800s, when the ability to move objects became more involved with sciences. The idea was already out by that time due to all the psychic mediums who were able to communicate with ghosts, asking them to move the objects with their powers (Radford Benjamin). Wolfgang Messing was one of Russia's most famous psychics of his time told his story of how his powers ended up saving his life. Messing was a Jewish man born in Poland in 1899 who first discovered his powers when he was eleven. When he was eleven he ran away from his home to Berlin by train, the reason he ran away is unknown. He boarded this train without a ticket knowing that people riding a train without a ticket could be severely punished. When the officer approached Messing asking for a ticket, Messing gave him a piece of newspaper envisioning it to be a ticket. Doubting that this would work Messing feared the punishment he might face, but the official hole punched the ticket and moved on to the next passenger. After that Messing was able to hear people's thoughts and predict certain events, in some of his sessions he ... Get more on ...
  • 16. A Brief Note On Psychic And Paranormal Phenomena Parapsychology is the study of psychic and paranormal phenomena, more commonly known as psi phenomena. These phenomena include psychokinesis, precognition, and extrasensory perception. Psychokinesis is defined as the power to move objects through psychic means. Precognition is the ability to foresee and predict the future. Extrasensory perception is the ability to sense things through the power of the mind, rather than through the five traditional physical senses. Some people believe in the reality of psi phenomena because parapsychologists are often able to put on convincing shows and do seemingly impossible acts. Uri Geller convinced people around the world of his parapsychological powers, as he could perform mind–reading tricks and see ... Show more content on ... Thus, the subjects can easily cheat by seeing the shapes themselves or reading body language instead of blindly guessing. The study would likely conclude that the subject is a psychic because they had abnormal results, but this is a questionable argument by elimination because there is no evidence that the abnormal results were due to psychic powers. Parapsychologists explain the lack of evidence by claiming that psi phenomena are a type of elusive phenomena, meaning that they do not work properly when skeptics are present. Therefore, people who perform experiments on psi phenomena are causing the tests to be faulty. This explanation is an ad hoc rescue because it creates a fake excuse for why psi phenomena cannot produce positive results when tested. If the psi phenomena were actually real, scientists believe that the parapsychologists would easily be able to supply prove of their existence. Furthermore, parapsychologists find it unfair the scientific establishment has extremely high standards of evidence for psi phenomena. However, extraordinary evidence is needed to prove extraordinary assertions. The scientific establishment views parapsychology as a pseudoscience because while currently there is no concrete evidence of the existence of psi phenomena, it is impossible to prove that psi phenomena are nonexistent. Additionally, because there are no repeatable paranormal phenomena, the scientific community feels that it is unlikely that such phenomena could exist. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. ESP Categories 1. What is Paranormal Psychology? What is the scope of this branch of psychology? Parapsychology is the study of unusual events, called paranormal psychological phenomena, such as telekinesis. ESP and many more. This branch of psychology usually deal with experiences that lies beyond the range of the norm or beyond scientific explanation. 2. What are the ESP Categories? If you would be given the chance to have one. What ESP category do you wish to have and why? Expound your answer. The ESP categories are: Telepathy,Clairvoyance, Precognition, Psychokinesis and Out of Body Experiences. If I were given a chance to have one of these i would choose Telepathy, not sure of why but before answering this question and look at the list of ESP categories, Telepathy is the first thing that goes to my mind and saying to myself "because I can't tell people my ideas because I'm shy". ... Show more content on ... Do you believe in paranormal activities (e.g. Ouija board, ghost hunting, exorcism, etc.)? Why or why not? I pretty much don't believe, because for me everything that happens unexpectedly is just a coincidence. For example, predicting an event in the future, it's like thinking thoroughly on the present events and saying something that can happen based on the present time and if by any chance you just said something out of the blue I really think it's just a coincidence or some luck. 4. Share an experience which you think is considered as a paranormal activity. Explain why do you think it's paranormal? .For an experience which I think is considered a paranormal activity, not that it's because I don't believe in it but I don't really think I've experienced something out of normal. 5. What are your learning insights? Please begin your statement with "Before studying paranormal psychology, I used to think that (insert insight)". "After studying paranormal psychology, I now think that (insert insight)". Give at least 3 learning ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Parapsychic Abilities Research Paper If I could pick one superhuman ability, I would pick the ability to be parapsychic. Having psychic abilities does it all: psychokinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition. I would have endless, infinite knowledge. I would be able to breach human conscience and delve deep into the pits of human thinking. I could harbour the entirety of human intelligence into my own little mind. Maybe this foreshadows imminent doom. But I cannot help but be tempted by all these "what ifs". What if I knew all the most powerful secrets of the world? What if I could move human relationships, for better or for worse, with just a single word? People say knowledge is power – but with great power comes greater responsibility. I could stop wars with this ability,... Show more content on ... I would hold the lives of billions in my hands, and I could crush those lives with the slightest twitch. That sheer power is so distant, it is almost unimaginable. For to have all the knowledge of the world would mean to be like God, would it not? I could be benign, or I could be cruel, and absolutely nothing could stand in my way. That absolute freedom of will is what attracts me, what drives me to choose this ability. I could be anyone, do anything. But I would not be free from conscience. Would conscience allow me to execute these selfish pleasures? These unthinkable deeds? I take back what I said, for conscience of mind is the highest power. It masters all, and all minds suffer great pain at the caprice of this thing. And if I were to have all these powers, yet have nothing at the same time – no purpose, no love, what good would these powers do me? So with these powers I would enjoy life's little gifts. Enjoy the humour presented to me by the oblivious ignorance of those around. Play small games on people, watch them go around in circles, confused, then return to their usual routine of stupefaction. I could do harm to mankind, yet I would not. I would choose to live out my days in obscur ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Parapsychology: Science of the Unexplained Essay Telepathy: the ability to exchange information without the use of the known senses. Psychokinesis: the ability to move or influence objects without physical contact. Precognition: the ability to obtain information about future events outside of available perception. These abilities, along with many others are just some of the many instances of unexplained phenomena that parapsychology attempts to understand. The exact purpose of parapsychology is widely misinterpreted; whether due to a lack of information in the general public or preconceived notions from media portrayal, it is inaccurate to think that parapsychology and its researchers deal with paranormal activity or fringe sciences. The history of parapsychology has also been affected ... Show more content on ... The function of a scientist in any field is to determine the reasons how and if possible why events happen. Therefore, the purpose of parapsychology is the attempt to understand and explain events that occur outside of conventional scientific explanation, a purpose that early parapsychologists based their research upon. While research of psychic phenomena is often considered to have emerged during the Cold War, in which American and Russian scientists work to develop a means of psychic warfare, the actual birth of parapsychology as a science dates back to the late 19th century with the foundation of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR). The SPR was founded in 1882 by researchers at Cambridge University, all of whom shared belief that "various claims for the existence of paranormal phenomena warranted scientific scrutiny" (Irwin 1989), despite growing disregard in established scientific fields. The early focus of the society was primarily on mediums "who claimed to be receiving information from the souls of the departed" (Alcock, 1981), as well as accounts of extra–sensory perception, both of which was met with much skepticism; accordingly many of the founding members of the SPR were in fact either skeptics dismissing the events entirely or philosophers seeking to prove whether or not the events in question were paranormal. More recent developments in ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Psychic Perception Exploring an Amazing Sixth Sense The average human is born with the five common senses: touch, hear, smell, sight, and taste, but there are a few individuals who are born with a supernatural sense. One of the rarest supernatural senses that a human may be born or diagnosed with is a psychic ability. Psychic is defined as a supernatural or magical power that is viewed as extraordinary. Television broadcasters, scientists, and other skeptic individuals will interview the people who possess these psychic abilities. The public questions these individuals' abilities for true or false answers; therefore, they can provide evidence such as an experience or encounter. Psychic abilities take on many forms such as telepathy, synesthesia, and telekinesis.... Show more content on ... Many people are skeptic about this ability and they are willing to search for proof. There are videos that show people demonstrating telekinesis or coincidentally caught on camera. In a video on YouTube, two men were attacking a girl, and she uses telekinesis to protect herself. After the attack, she turned behind her and moved a few objects. Some people believed that the video was fake, while a few others were skeptic. Researchers find telekinesis difficult to prove because it is on television shows, movies, cartoons, and magic shows. In the 1976 movie "Carrie", Sissy Spacek played a teenager named Carrie who used telekinesis to fight her bullies. The filmmaker cast tied wires to the actors and objects to assist the character. A way for researchers and scientists to prove if telekinesis is possible, they can choose random people as an experiment to test. The participants can focus their mind on the objects they are trying to move. People are still skeptic about telepathy, synesthesia, and telekinesis because the abilities are both odd and incredible. A common human being can assume that these psychic abilities are fake, but they are a working progress among skeptic individuals. Only lab research can prove that these abilities are ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Radiesthesia Radiesthesia: Theories based on the assumption that living organisms emit some kind of radiation or emanation that is capable of being detected using instruments or by dowsing. Radionics: Use of certain instruments to detect radiations or emissions from a living organism, such as dowsing. Radio Voice Phenomenon (RVP): Receiving the voice of a deceased human being through a regular radio. Random: Refers to events that are, in principle, haphazard and unpredictable. Random Event Generator (REG): An electronic device which uses a random physical process (e.g., radioactive decay) to generate random events or random numbers. Random Number Generator (RNG) (See random event generator): Random Numbers: Numbers generated in an unpredictable, haphazard sequence. Raps: The name given to... Show more content on ... RES (Residual Energy Sighting): Residual Energy: The energy imprint most commonly left behind by spirits or ghosts. Many times it acts like a looped computer program or video playing over and over. Residual Haunting: A residual haunting is a repeated playback of auditory, visual, olfactory, and other sensory phenomena, like an echo or a replay of a videotape of past events. Often these types of haunting are attributed to a traumatic event, life–altering event, or a routine event of a person or place. Paranormal investigators claim that a residual haunting, unlike an intelligent haunting, does not directly involve a spiritual entity that is aware of the living world and, therefore, does not interact (or communicate) with or respond to the living. Response: An action made by a subject in an experiment. Response Bias: Tendency of a subject to prefer particular responses. Retroactive Psycho–kinesis: Paranormal influence that an agent can have on an experiment after it has been completed. Retro ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Psychokinesis Research Papers Preston Wuebker Mrs. Hoffman Psychology December 12, 2016 Psychokinesis Almost a century ago, there was this pioneer researcher named J. B. Rhine. He was investigating ESP or so called Esper, and it is where someone can sense things, not physically, but mentally. He then got side tracked when a gambler came into his lab and told him that they could roll a pair of dice and the dice would land in their favor. Rhine then was inspired by the thought and began investigating and experimenting multiple types of Psychokinesis. Psychokinesis is the movement of objects without physical touch but only by the sense of matter. There are many different types of psychokinesis. Such as, telekinesis (control of movement over physical matter), pyrokinesis (control over fire), aerokinesis (control over air), hydrokinesis (control over water), and photokinesis (control over light). These traits have not been proven still to this day and scientists have been trying to find someone that can move something just as small as a feather besides by blowing across the object. Teenagers, at puberty, seem to express an interest in developing telekinesis sometimes linked with other psychic interests. These might include telepathy, a feeling of not being from this planet or a connection with aliens, and poltergeist activity linked to telekinetic activity. Some teenagers move on with channeling through Ouija boards – automatic writing, or other forms of psychic connections. It is all about power and the return of one's powers. There have ... Show more content on ... "Psychokinesis – AMind Movement – Definition and Types." Psychokinesis Powers. N.p., 28 Oct. 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2016. "Types of Psychokinesis." P.A.P.E.R. N.p., 06 June 2014. Web. 12 Dec. 2016. "Psychokinesis (PK)." Psychokinesis (PK) – The Skeptic's Dictionary – N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2016. "Telekinesis, Psychokinesis – Crystalinks." Telekinesis, Psychokinesis– Crystalinks. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. A Research On Energy Beyond Our Body 's Metabolism Energized, we tackled the research with fresh enthusiasm. Lieutenant Rice produced his mobile and manipulated it. Within hours a team of top scientists joined us in our basement. They reviewed the videos of our first session and examined the Psionic Egg outputs. They devised a series of tests designed to address aspects we hadn 't considered. They crafted a new series of tests intended to produce unequivocal scientific validity. They connected instrumentation to our bodies to determine energy and oxygen consumption. We ran for hours on treadmills as instruments measured our metabolism. We learned to tap our in the zone mode at will, instead of waiting for a burst of adrenaline. The effort continued for weeks. We confirmed the existence of non–physical, Psionic Energy beyond doubt. The scientists agreed it was a reasonable scientific theory. They went to great lengths to exclude potential flaws in the testing. We failed to tap energy beyond our body 's metabolism. We suspected a vast reservoir of Dark Energy awaits our discovery. Yet we accounted for every Joule of energy expended for in the calories consumed. A surprising conclusion about non–physical energy emerged. It is horribly inefficient. Fitz could hoist immense weights, his muscular effort augmented by the mental. That mental boost came at a terrific cost. Testing revealed the calories consumed by mental force exceeded muscles. In fact the delta is more than a hundredfold. Food calories to physical movement by way of ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Powers In Greek Mythology Essay Cain – Cain murdered Abel. God punished Cain to a life of wandering, but set a mark on him so that no man would kill him. Powers: Immortality, rapid regeneration, knowledge. Gadreel – One of the chiefs in the fallen Watchers/Angels. Powers: Immortality, super strength, empathy, healing. Ares – Ares is the god of war, one of the Twelve Olympian gods and the son of Zeus and Hera. In literature Ares represents the violent and physical untamed aspect of war. Powers: Immortality, astral projection, telepathy, psychokinesis, military intelligence. Circe – Circe was the Greek goddess of metamorphosis and illusion. She was also a goddess of necromancy, skilled in the use of potions and drugs in her many spells. She was known to turn the men she came ... Show more content on ... Three man and two women. They all met up in Maui Luxury Home, in the middle of nowhere. Once they all gathered at the house a mysterious woman, Pandora, entered. They didn't know her. But, she seemed to know all of them. She told them her story. She told them that they were not the only once who would come back to this world once every decade, for a year. She kept an eye on them and others like them over the centuries. She was actually the one who brought all of them together. She believed that some supernatural beings are still able to come back to this universe because of the Seth's spell. None of them had any memories of the time or place where whey would disappear to for a decade. She told them that Seth has her box. That the key to the box is the only thing that stands in a way between this world and his supernatural army. Pandora's blood was that key. Pandora asked them for their help stop Seth. That's the point where the group gets divided in opinion. Over the centuries they have learned to live with this curse. They became a family. They embraced human lives. Some more than others. Stopping Seth would most likely put an end to all of that. It would complete the curse and they would be exiled forever. After an argument they all left the house. They gathered together at the house after being out for a day. They got a chance to re–experiences the world. They understood why they had to protect it. Even if that meant that they ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Power of Rebuilding Warwood was still in shambles, and normal kingdom life had been suspended until essential repairs were completed. Since Xavier couldn't physically lift and move things due to his injured hand, his father had assigned him to one of his most trusted friends, General Loren Hardcastle, who was organizing telekinetic citizens. Today, their task was to clear out rubble and assist masons and construction workers in rebuilding the gatehouse, which had been demolished during the initial onslaught of LeMasters' invasion. Rebuilding of the gatehouse would be a simple task and Xavier was looking forward to doing something constructive, regardless of how tedious or boring it might become. Although his powers could be intense at times, he felt confident that he had a secure command over them and could summon them without difficulty. He didn't like to brag, but there were few kids in the kingdom who could rival his empowerment level and strength. However, there was one power that still proved challenging for Xavier: that of impediment. He struggled to block telepathic advances, especially when faced with a strong, capable telepath. His confrontation with William LeMasters only punctuated this deficiency. Although he had made gains in impediment and could, at times, hoodwink Uncle Mike, his father was a different matter altogether. The king was the most powerful telepathic alive. For this reason, when the new school term began, Uncle Mike would no longer be teaching him telepathy; his ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Mind Over Science: An Exploration into the World of Psi... Mind Over Science: An Exploration into the World of Psi That our perception of the world is predominantly governed by the senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell is not disputed. However, scientists and amateur academics alike have historically disagreed about the existence of any additional senses, with the most contentious debate surrounding the phenomenon generally referred to as ESP, or "psi." Despite the vast number of people who claim to have or to have witnessedpsychic abilities, the corresponding research has found little that is empirically valid or significant to corroborate the wealth of more anecdotal evidence. To establish their validity, it would be necessary to show how they occur in the sensory system – how ... Show more content on ... Various forms of communication have been identified in bats (3) and dolphins (4), for example, but have been recognized as nonexistent in humans. This suggests that the scientific community might, in time, be able to accept the existence of the paranormal if any legitimate evidence were provided. However, it must be recognized that the dubitable position maintained by psychic phenomena within academia has not diminished its visibility in today's strikingly modern and generally discriminating society. That the study of psychic phenomena is so prevalent among respected members of our society is a testament to its durability despite continued attacks by skeptics. David Myers, a professor of Psychology at Hope College in Michigan, considers on his website three of the most common and, he suggests, reputable varieties of what is more broadly referred to as ESP: telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition (5). Telepathy is the communication between two or more people via thought processes. Clairvoyance, which is what is most customarily thought of as being representative of psychic ability, is the perception of remote events. Finally, precognition, which is also frequently thought of in conjunction with psychic phenomena, is the perception of future events. Myers also makes note of psychokinesis, or the ability to influence ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Perception; Subliminal and Supraliminal Perception PERCEPTION; Subliminal Perception and Supraliminal Perception Kimberlene A. Catalan BSA 1–8 INTRODUCTION Imagine you are watching a group of Hawaiian women dancing to soft and filling ukulele music. Your Hawaiian friend, watching with you, exclaimed, "What a beautiful story!" You keep staring but neither see nor hear any story. You merely hear a pleasant melody and see some women waving their arms and wiggling. As your friend explains the meaning of each dance movements you begin to recognize a charming story about the wind. Obviously, the dancers never change their dance movements. Why did yourperception of the Hawaiian dancers change? This is what you called perception. You perceive sensory inputs giving a meaningful... Show more content on ... Information from the outside world comes through our senses. The information is then interpreted, and this interpretation gives meaning to what is sensed. For example, when you hear your alarm clock, the actual sound you hear is the sensation. How you construe the meaning of the alarm is your interpretation. If it is 7 a.m. on a weekday, you would probably interpret the alarm as a signal to get moving and begin the day. However, the same alarm may have a different meaning on a holiday. You might perceive yourself as an absurd for setting the alarm, or you might snicker at the alarm and roll over. In both instances, the sensation (the ring) was the same, but your interpretation changed because of other factors. The process of interpreting or giving meaning to the stimulus received by the senses. The stimulus energy ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Telekinesis Theory Telekinesis Theory We all know that we use some of our psychic potential sometimes........but we also know that few or none of ever use it all. Have you ever just "known" that something was going to happen? Have you ever had a "sense" as to whether a person you have just met is of a good or bad character? These perceptions are simple everyday examples of your unintentional usage of underlying psychic power. So, what if you could focus this power to manipulate the world around you? We know through science and physics that physicalenergy is created by electromagnetic impulses, and that the electromagnetic and vibratory fields of an individual or object are affected by the electromagnetic and vibratory fields of other individuals or ... Show more content on ... Having said all that, the rest of this section is intended to help raise awareness of our innate telekinetic abilities, with some simple exercises you can do for practice. Obviously, you should educate yourself in important overlapping areas, such as meditation, and keep a positive attitude no matter how long it takes. Meditation Meditating is easy. Anyone can do it. Theres many techniques and if you know one that I am not covering here, feel free to edit this article and add it. In the first technique, Ill cover the basics. Just sit and breathe. Thats right. Breathe... inhale, exhale. You are sitting, you are thinking of practically nothing except your inhaling–exhaling. Now, concentrate. This is best done somewhere you like. The objective of meditation is to imagine. Image what you like to accomplish. You can increase your willpower through meditation. Better yet, visualize yourself whatever you want to accomplish in life. Think about it over and over again. What are you doing? What does success look like? Picture it with as many details as possible. I am going to leave this article up to this point. If you have some time, feel free to edit it. Another method is to relax starting with your fingertips and toes, work your way up to you arms and legs etc. Then relax your chest and stomach, then your head. You should be in a state of rest. I had best results when I was sitting cross legged on a soft mat with my eyes closed. Try rolling back your eyes ... Get more on ...
  • 29. My Development As A Psychologist Chapter 42 Dr Gordon Mangan Dr Mangan was far more influential in my development as a psychologist than I realised when I was a student. I must confess that I didn't warm to him as a teacher. When I peruse his publications it seems amazing that I cant find a full biography or bibliography of Mangan anywhere on the net. I am happy to fill that gap now. It is high time. Dr Mangan has a rare scientific talent that enables him to originate and follow uncommon ideas to their conclusion and then substantiate his remarkable ideas with clear theorising and hard experimental data. An overview of his publications might lead to the impression that he deliberately chose areas that were neglected and controversial. He devoted half a decade of his early career to parapsychology, publishing innovative research and clearheaded reviews. He devoted the later part of his career to research in smoking – funded by the tobacco industry. He had a lasting interest in Russian psychology particularly Pavlov and the neo–Pavlovians. A considerable amount of his work is devoted to drawing parallels between Eastern and Western conceptualisations of personality, learning and arousal which culminated in an influential book "The Biology of Human Conduct: East–West Models of Temperament and Personality". As well as these three areas he published on a broad range of topics including intelligence, aging, learning, conflict, behaviour therapy, personality, attention, music and arousal. The following ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Psychokinesis In Horror Movies When thinking about the idea of psychokinesis, many people believe that it is something that happens solely in horror movies such as Carrie. In fact, it seems to be something that occurs in everyday life, to regular people. Psychokinesis is the idea that a person can mentally interact with an animate or inanimate object . Due to the fact that this definition of psychokinesis makes it seem as though it has been pulled directly from the movie Star Wars it may be more accurate to refer to this concept as information that flows from the mind to matter . Throughout this essay, they question of authenticity will be brought to the surface, more specifically the fact that psychokinesis is occurring in todays world. The question about the authenticity ... Show more content on ... Over these past sixty years, researchers have come to the conclusion that that the results from these experiments leave them with persuasive, consistent, and replicated evidence for the fact that psychokinesis is evident in the modern world. While there are many researchers who believe this, there are also quite a few people who criticize these experiments. Between the years 1930 and 1950 most skeptics reviewed the results of these experiments were impossible . Since then, more thought out skepticisms have been brought to light, until recently . Since the most popular RNG experimental trials were run there have been next to no legitimate criticism for it. In fact, many skeptics agree that something interesting, and out of the ordinary is taking place ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Emerald City: An Unraveled Fairytales An unraveled fairytale Once upon a time, there was a railway system connecting different passages to the Emerald City, a place where each person wishes to be at the top, to obtain their freedom, equality, and their social status. These were the underlying reason for the antithesis of the city. InEmerald city, education was available to them, which could be an opportunity for each person to become prince or princesses. The legendary places are called National Royal Congress and The Newborn League, this is the stage where they become part of the royal family. Lorme was worried of newborn children in the royal family; therefore, he acted with hatred and violence. He slashed them bit by bit as they haunt him 'til the end of time. A beautiful... Show more content on ... However, her opponent, La PeМЃnible, massacred countless lives, which they soon made a treaty later on to grant Emerald City independence... Hidden in the crevices of the passage, a witch snuck in the forest of Death, which caused a corruption in the world. The witch likes to be called, "The Communist of the East," she appeared to become vicious and cruel, the greed in her, ferociously made her become fearless. In the end, the witch protected the Honey Blossom trade because of the vast majority desiring the addicted substance. The Cheetah by her side attracted people to the message of the witch's ideology. Their mortal enemy, Snake eyes, are people who accuse the witch of attacking their territory. Snake eyes took all of Milem territory, which restored the witches sovereignty. There was a magic building standing across the horizon in which lies the suffrage of The Delta Seaplex. There was a burst of fire from the evil fairy mother, "Who had caused this will suffer!!," after finding out the collapse of the Treasure Island. Money, gold, silver, and diamonds were gone, which was outrageous towards her, which caused famine to each household. The fairy queen ordered all citizens of the Delta Seaplex to contribute to the war, if not they ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Examples Of Extra Sensory Perception Have you ever felt like you knew what someone was going to say before they said it? Did your dreams ever come true? Or have you ever had a vision of something and you have witnessed in reality? Most of us have experienced one or more of these types of events, which is called "ExtraSensory perception". What is ExtraSensory Perception or ESP? ESP or Extra Sensory Perception is defined as ability of a person to receive or sense information without the aid of using their five senses – see, hear, smell, touch and taste. According to the Journal of Parapsychology, it is defined as the response to an external event not presented to any known sense. ESP is also referred to as a sixth sense, gut instinct or hunch. There are many circumstances that ... Show more content on ... Internet is the source of vast information where you can get knowledge by reading articles on psychic abilities. Meet People: If possible, meet people with similar interests in your area or find groups in your place and join. You can even have this group while meditating. Concentration: Try to sense and observe each and every thing thats going around you. Be aware of things happening around you. This way, your concentration level will increase and helps to develop your ESP. Vibrations: Keep your self in higher vibrations by thinking always positive and trying to be always happy. Do whatever you like to make you happy without doing any harm to others. Also avoid negative talking. Exercise: There are many exercises to do for developing ESP. For example, you can try to predict the card by removing one from a deck of cards. Try to guess who is calling you when you hear your phone ringing, or guessing the person knocking your door, etc. There are many possible ways you can imagine in your daily life for your practice. Practice: Practice makes you perfect. Practice different exercises whenever you can. It is better to select one aspect of ESP – Clairvoyance or Telepathy or Precognition, for your practice and later can go ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Scientific Study Of Interactions Between Living... Introduction Parapsychology is the scientific study of interactions between living organisms and their external environment that seem to transcend the known physical laws (Rhine Research Centre, 2013). Parapsychology consists of areas including telepathy (the transmission of information between people using non of our sensory channels or physical interaction), clairvoyance (the ability to obtain information about a person, or object through extrasensory perception), precognition (psychic ability to see events in the future), psychokinesis (using only the mind to manipulate objects), survival studies (studies of human consciousness). Paranormal activity and experience is a very controversial topic that results in a wide range of beliefs ... Show more content on ... The extent to which ESP is believed varies and depends on many factors, for example profession is known to play some role as a survey of 1100 college professors found that 55% of natural scientists, 66% of social scientists, 77% of academics in the arts, humanities and education and only 34% of psychologists believed that ESP is either an established fact or a likely possibility (Presley, 1997). The belief that ESP belief is linked to a lower IQ has been proven inaccurate (Roe, 1999) and instead it has been shown how education level can positively correlate with ESP belief (Rice, 2003). Surveys have proven to find that ESP belief is very common (Moore, 2005) and a meta–analysis has shown that ESP has supporting research and that the idea of the paranormal should not be viewed with scepticism (Storm, Tressoldi & Di Risio, 2010). However, there have been multiple pieces of research to show how unreliable memory can be and that cognitive biases result in events being misinterpreted (Henkel & Mather, 2007; Kahneman et al., 1993) so claims to have experienced ESP have to be looked at critically and with the view that a person's account may not be reliable. A 'file–drawer' problem can also be claimed. This is the claim that the statistical significance of findings can occur by chance and that parapsychologists ignore the falsification ... Get more on ...
  • 34. What Is Parapsychology? The Merriam–Webster dictionary defines parapsychology as follows: a field of study concerned with the investigation of evidence for paranormal psychological phenomena (such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis) (Merriam–Webster 2016). It has long been debated whether or not parapsychology should be accepted as a true science. With the lack of true scientific evidence for the existence of psi, or paranormal phenomena, the overwhelming ability to disprove claims and evidence made about the existence of psi, and the extreme experimenter bias that permeates and skews the interpretation of data, it is the right course of action to leave parapsychology in the realm of pseudoscience. For as long as men have been telling stories, there have ... Show more content on ... a psychological experiment or therapy situation), which serve to influence the behavior and/or self reported experience of the research receiver or patient' (Orne & Whitehouse, 2000: 469). The concept illuminates the ways in which the research participant may try to infer the experimenter's reasons for asking them to perform certain tasks, and will therefore consciously or unconsciously amend their behaviour accordingly, thus producing potentially robust experimental artifacts unconnected to the variables the experiment was designed to study. (p. ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Essay about Mind Over Matter: Telekinesis As the intellect of the human race continues to increase, different ideas are brought about while others become disregarded due to lack of belief or interest in the subject. The latter applies in the case of psychic phenomenon. What was at one point in time a large fad that many people took part and faith in has slowly been forgotten and set aside. The most well–known area of psychic phenomenon is telekinesis, or the ability to affect objects, random events, and environments using only one's mind with no physical interaction ( Radford, Benjamin). While it is currently widely believed to be an impossible feat, there have still been many tests and theories set to it attempting to prove it's potential with promising outcomes. In an ever... Show more content on ... However, none of these assumptions are correct because all forms of deception by both the test conductor and the test subject had been accounted for. To ensure authentic test results, the testing areas were rigged with barriers, distance would be put between the two people, and the drawing of the cards would be delayed until after the guesses had been made. In the thirty–three original studies, twenty–seven gave significant results in favor of the subject having psychic ability. Within the next five years, these studies were independently replicated and twenty had positive results. That is a positive outcome of sixty–one percent, which is fifty–six percent higher than what the outcome would have been if it had been nothing more than chance (The Parapsychological Association). So while it can be said that the order of the cards was not affected by the test subject, it is obvious that there was some form of psychological interaction allowing the individuals to achieve minute precognition. It is this documentation that led to larger theories and research in the specific area of telekinesis. J.B. Rhine is not the only person to have made ground–breaking discoveries towards the discovery of psychological influences.The Princeton ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Phenomenon And The Life Of Albert Einstein's A Beautiful Mind The brain is the most complicated organ in the human body. It has the important job of controlling our motor functions, our ability to balance, and interpret information that comes from the eyes, ears, and other sensory organs. The brain controls our feelings, behaviors, experiences, as well as our memories and self–awareness. So, the fact that some people believe we only use about 10–20% of our brains seems impossible. According to some, all humans can only use about ten percent of the brain. If we were to access the remaining ninety percent, we would have remarkable, godlike abilities. It has been said that Albert Einstein was a part of the few to harness full usage of the brain. Throughout the existence of Hollywood, many movies and shows discussed this curious myth. A Beautiful Mind is a movie based on the Life of John Nash. John was a diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia who suffered from delusional episodes. What made him stand out was not his mental illness, but his mathematical genius. He saw the world in ways that no one else could. He had a true gift that no one had seen before. Early in his career, he made an astonishing discovery that eventually led to him receiving a Nobel Prize. His mental illnesses enabled him to grasp abstract concepts that till then were unattainable by others. Phenomenon, starring John Travolta, is a movie about the life of an average mechanic in a small town; who one day transforms into a genius with telekinetic powers. During a night ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Nitrous Oxide After James began to consider the possible different explanations for the ambiguities that exist in human consciousness, he began to experiment with drugs, specifically nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide is a chemical that is more commonly known at laughing gas that is used most commonly in dental offices and it is a substance that alters the conscious state of a person. In an article published in 1996 in the Atlantic, Dmitri Tymoczko explores the often unknown influence of Nitrous Oxide on the thought of James. Unbeknown to most people, James began to experiment with this drug while he was trying to uncover the secrets of human consciousness. In an article published by James anonymously in The Atlantic Monthly in 1874, James argued that "the secrets ... Show more content on ... The ASPR was founded in 1885 by a distinguished group of scholars one of which who was William James. Furthermore, many well–known and well–regarded scientists were a part of this society including both Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, both of which were interested in the human conscious and subconscious. According to their modern website, the original goal established by the ASPR was to "investigate hypnosis, dreams, the states of consciousness to telepathy, clairvoyance, recognition, psychokinesis, healing, and questions of survival after death" ("About the Society"). Basically, their goal was to study these ambiguous, out of the ordinary occurrence as to come up with a conclusion on their existence. James was an active member of the ASPR and after he was elected president he stated that he believed "we (the ASPR) have restored continuity to history. We have shown some reasonable basis for the most superstitious aberrations of the foretime. We have bridged the chasm, healed the hideous rift that science, taken in a certain narrow way, was shot into the human world'" (qtd. In Alverado,"William ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Telekinesis Research Paper Have you ever thought of what everything around you is made of? Have you ever tried to make it move? Have you ever thought you saw something around you supposedly move? There is a phenomenon known as telekinesis that is the theory known as mind over matter. Telekinesis is known as the "power" to make matter move. To understand telekinesis, it's best to first learn what telekinesis is, its history, and how it is studied today. To understand telekinesis you must know a little basic knowledge. Telekinesis has been known as the "power" or "ability" to move matter with your mind. Matter is everything around you and want it's made of. Telekinesis is categorized into two categories: Macro–Pk and Micro–Pk."Macro–PK are effects that the naked eye can see. Micro–PK effects items on such as small scale that scientists have ... Show more content on ... Telekinesis is also known as psychokinesis. Psychokinesis comes from a Greek origin. "Psyche" means soul or life, and "kinesis" means to move. "Psychokinesis (literally "mind–movement") or PK is the more commonly used term today for what in the past was known as telekinesis (literally "distant–movement"). It refers to the psi ability to influence the behavior of matter by mental intention (or possibly some other aspect of mental activity) alone. As of 2004 the term remote influencing is becoming widely used for certain kinds of psychokinesis." (Epoch Times) Knowing more about the history will help people understand it better. The study of telekinesis is important when learning about telekinesis. Parapsychology is known as the study psychic abilities.The father of parapsychology is known as J.B. Rhine. He conducted an experiment called the "rolling dice." To see if you could continually get the same result for the dice. That was the first "study" of telekinesis. Knowing more about the study of telekinesis will help people understand the concept of it ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Summary : ' Ghosts ' In a study done in 2011, 34% of Americans believed in the existence of ghosts, 56% thought 'ghosts' were spirits of the dead, and 71% believed they had had a paranormal experience at least once before (LiveScience). The stories are infamous: Bloody Mary, vanishing hitchhikers, stories of chairs and lamps being flung about by an unseen force; we've heard them since childhood. It has been wondered why we, as humans, love the feeling of being scared so much. In reality, the answer is simple: when we're scared, the brain sends signals to our body to release adrenaline, which aids our 'fight or flight' response–this is the natural instinct to either fight off or flee from something that may prove dangerous. When we're scared by these 'ghosties, ghoulies, and long–leggedy beasties'–whether in the form of a scary movie, haunted house, you name it–that adrenaline is still released in instinct; the catch is that we know we're safe, as it's only a simulation. Basically, we're given a safe adrenaline rush. So what about ghosts? There are countless claims, horrifying to say the least, of encounters with malevolent forces. Why do we so desperately want to believe in something that could potentially do us such great harm? Are these claims even plausible? These questions are posed for three reasons, depending on the inquirer: to provide security in the idea that there's an afterlife, to provide security in the effectiveness of today's scientific studies, and to provide security in the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Parapsychology : The Scientific Study Of Paranormal... About Parapsychology Parapsychology can also be referred to as psychical research. The definition of parapsychology is the scientific study of paranormal phenomena and experiences. A paranormal phenomenon is a claim that a real anomalous effect is occurring. There may or may not be a real anomalous effect, but the individual has interpreted their experience as a paranormal one defines what a paranormal experience is. Unfortunately the importance of parapsychology has not been widely recognized. A popular reason on why parapsychology has been ignored is that it gives pseudo–scientific support to religion. Many scientists and philosophers have ignored and treated it the subject with contempt. Another reason that parapsychology has been so ... Show more content on ... Second, is the receiver or percipient, the individual will relax and describe the images that come to mind. Lastly, there is the experimenter the experimenter supervises and conducts the experiment. The world that we live in today is a very distracting, noisy environment both externally and internally. Extrasensory perception information may be a weak signal. Noise reduction techniques are used to help the receiver detect the weak signal. Telepathy Telepathy is defined as a transmission of thought independently of the recognized channels of sense. It is often also refers to mind reading. It is the ability to communicate with another person without the use of the sense. When telepathy occurs the transmitter is often unaware that he acts as an agent. The receivers do not consciously prepare themselves for the reception. The use of strong emotions are influenced and brought into play by a well–developed mode of supernormal perception. In order for telepathy to exist, the receiver or percipient must learn without the use of his sense what the sender, or agent, is thinking about. This is implied that there is no special activity on the part of the agent. The thoughts become known whether they wish it or not and without making any effect at communication. Some of the first experiments on telepathy, a receiver or percipient had to guess the identity of a target being ... Get more on ...