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Speech : A Reflection Of An Informative Speech
Informative Speech Reflection Paper After giving and analyzing my informative speech I learned
many new things that will help me in my future speeches. Looking at the aspects of content,
delivery, and organization I have learned by gibing this speech and being in this class how to
better come across to my audience to make my topic as clear and as informative as I can. This
assignment has helped me gain a better understanding of my topic, but also has helped me gain
further knowledge on writing and giving my speech to an audience, along with opened my eyes to
improvements I need to make in my future speeches. I have learned many new techniques and
aspects to include in my speeches to make my future speeches better. Content is a very important
part of an informative speech. I focused a lot on having strong points in my informative speech. I
focused on discussing the types of service dogs, and the qualifications to have a service dog,
along with the training a service dog undergoes. My main points I chose to include in my
informative speech I expressed very well and went into a good amount of detail, however in some
areas I could have given a more in–depth explanation. One thing I could have improved on in regard
to my content would have been giving more background information on serve dogs, by including
things like how long they have been around and the number of service dogs currently in the U.S. By
doing this I would have added not only more content to my speech,
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Example Of A Speech Critique
Out of class speech Critique The speech that I attended and will be writing about is a campaign
speech that Devaughn Williams gave while running for president of Phi Delta Theta Ohio Gamma
chapter here at Ohio University. The audience was consisted of initiated members of Phi Delta Theta
around 40 members were in attendance for the speech, for the elections, this was a formal event that
the nominees and audience members dressed up for and at the end of each speech there was a Q&A
session between the audience and the Canadettes. There were 3 people that were running for
president. During his speech I noticed that he complemented the current president before he talked
about what he would do differently giving the current president the respect that he earned during his
term which gave him credibility and connected with us in the audience. During the body of his
speech Devaughn talked about the former position that he had which was the recruitment chair. He
then listed the accomplishments that he achieved during his term as recruitment chair. He
transitioned from that by talking about what he would hope to achieve as acting president of Phi
Delta Theta, his main points were about expanding popularity and continued growth of the fraternity,
making sure we have good relationships with all other Greek life on campus here at Ohio
University. And having fun and respecting all the rules and regulations set by Phi Delta Theta
headquarters along with the IFC board which is the
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Speech Reflection Essay
During speech class this semester, I gave several different types of speeches on several different
topics. During this semester, my ability to give speeches in front of an audience has improved quite
a bit, I hope. Going into the semester, I had a really hard time giving speeches to people, but now that
speech is almost over I feel like I am more capable of doing so. I think the thing I did best during
the semester was getting good information for each of my speeches. My favorite assignment was
most likely the impromptu speech. I really liked that one because we did not have to prepare an
outline or anything like that, we just got to go up there and speak. During this semester, I learned
a lot about how to give speeches such as the proper way to stand so I do not rock, or how to use
my hands to emphasize my points. In the future, I think that I will be able to control my speed better
during my speeches which will help the people I am presenting to understand my message. I
think the skills I have acquired during speech will help me for the rest of my life. No matter what
career I choose, I am sure that at some point I will have to present to someone about something.
The skills I learned in speech will also help me just communicate with people in a one on one
situation easier than I do now. I can use these skills throughout the rest of high school and through
my six years of college still to come because whenever I have to present a project I will know how to
effectively communicate my message to my audience.
Based off of all of my reflection sheets, video evaluations, and peer critiques I have improved over
the course of the semester. At the beginning of the semester I had a problem with speed and using
to many "filler" words. As the year progressed, my speed became more and more controllable and
I used less and less filler words. After my most recent speech, I'm still not quite at the level I want
to be at, but I am far better than I was at the very beginning. I think just speaking in front of people
more than I am used to doing has helped me develop better speaking skills and grow in my ability to
effectively communicate with others. Throughout the semester I learned a lot about speaking,
performing, and
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Informative Outline
Topic: Impact of Media in the Society and Individual
General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose:To inform my audience the negative impact of social media in the society and to
the individual.
Thesis:Social media websites are some of the most popular haunts on the Internet. They have
revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize on the Web.
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter:Today, just about everyone depends on information and communication to keep
their lives moving through daily activities like work, education, health care, leisure activities,
entertainment, travelling, personal relationships, and the other stuff with which we more
1. There are three basic functions of mass media.
a. Providing news and information
b. Entertainment
c. Education
2. How media influence us
a. According to Victoria Sherrow, in her book Violence the question of cause and effect and the
Media: There are positive and negative influences of mass media, which we must understand as a
responsible person of a society.
b. New and influential media–distribution channels have appeared in the 21st century. Delivered via
the World Wide Web across the Internet, we are influenced daily by blogs, wikis, social networks,
virtual worlds and myriad forms of content sharing.
c. Radio and then television were very influential. As the 20th century closed, TV exposed us to
untold numbers of images of advertising and marketing, suffering and relief, sexuality and violence,
celebrity, and much more.
Transition: Now that I have discussed the influence of social media, I will now discuss the effects of
social media and the impact to the society and to the individual.
B. The impact of Media on the society
1. Social impact
a. Couldry states that "Mass media generally are considered a prime candidate given the on–line
profusion of information and entertainment services. This article compares the daily mass media
habits of heavy, light, and nonusers of personal computers and on–line services based on 1994 and
1995 national surveys conducted by the Times–Mirror Center for the People and the Press."
b. On a
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My Self-Evaluation Of Speech
This paper will discuss mine self–evaluation and do into detail about my first speech. My first
speech takes place in front of my class and I have to tell a story of an experience that has
happened to me. Telling a speech was a new experience for me and I embrace the challenge. A
speech can have an impact on a person life and the audience can also relate a topic that is being
presented. I will explore and go into the details of ethos, pathos and logos of my speech for my
personal assessment. I think I did a good job presenting my ethos through my speech story. I
convince my audience with my credibility through my speech and the way how talk throughout
the speech. For example, throughout my whole speech, I shown my hands and did not hide my
hands. By keeping my hands in plain view, it shows my audience nonverbally that I can be
trusted. The volume of my voice was at a normal speaking tone and was not too low. Most of my
audience was able to hear me and listen to me very clearly. I also presented myself with
confidence and gave off the impression that I was prepared. For example, I had a smile and had
constant eye contact with my audience throughout my speech. There was certain things that I was
doing that was ineffective while I was talking. Throughout my speech, I kept saying um and was
pausing at times. I did not realize how much I was saying and doing these actions. These actions are
something I need to work on more when I present my public communication to my audience
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Graduation Speech Essay example
T.S. Eliot once wrote, "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to
make a beginning. The end is where we start from." Every landmark in our lives will end but there
is always a beginning to an end. As each new path ends a new one begins. Graduation marks the end
of a path but as it ends a new path begins.
Life is an adventure. We started out by walking on a winding path as we entered the destination of
kindergarten. As our lives ventured on down the winding path, we met new friends and new life
experiences along the way. As the path widens, we see ourselves on a countryroad. We started
elementary school and we constantly gained new knowledge to help us progress in our journey. As
we continued along in more content...
As the paved path merged, we found ourselves no longer walking, but driving in cars on the
highway in high school. Life started to get more challenging and things started to move at a faster
pace. In this part of our lives we got to choose which way we wanted to go, left or right. We found
hardships up the steep hills and we might have stopped at many intersections. However, we
always proceeded with the flow of traffic no matter what obstacle gets in our way, we always
managed to get through it. As our lives traveled on the highway, we saw others take different
roads along our journey, but we always found ourselves choosing to keep with our commitment of
continuing. We all had to make pit stops along the way through homework and projects, but it
fueled us to get stronger and helped us gain knowledge to make it up those steep hills and
intersections. Finally, when graduation comes, the highway ends and merges to a new beginning
as we leave our memories in the past in our rearview mirror. Miles and miles of opportunities
await us. However, each one of us has a different goal or route in life, and each of us will find
different exits along the way to fulfill our dream. Some of us will take the express lanes and
continue our education through college. Some of us might follow the freeway not knowing where
fate will take us. Life isn't always easy on the freeway. Some of us might get stuck in traffic jams.
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Examples Of Parts Of Speech
PARTS OF SPEECH "Parts of speech, is the sense in which the word is used and not the letters of
which it is composed, that determines the part of speech to which it belongs" –William Cobbett In
contemporary Linguistics, the label parts of speech by and large discarded in favor of the term
word clause or syntactic category. Part of speech is a term in Traditional Grammar for one of the
Eight main categories into which words are classified according to their functions in sentences: Noun
, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Preposition , Conjunction , Interjection. Though some
Traditional Grammar have treated Articles (the, a, an) as a distinct part more content...
There is a plot "And a story where the parts of speech are placed By you and they will stay only
when You make their purpose clear.....""–Elizabeth Jennings, "The House of Words." Through this
poem we can come to know how every part of speech works. In the English language, words can be
considered as the smallest elements that have distinctive meanings. Based on their use and
functions, words are categorized into several types or parts of speech. This article will offer
definitions and examples for the 8 major parts of speech in English grammar: noun, pronoun, verb,
adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, and interjection. 1.Noun This part of a speech refers to
words that are used to name persons, things, animals, places, ideas, or events.
2. Pronoun
A pronoun is a part of a speech which functions as a replacement for a noun. Some examples of
pronouns are: I, it, he, she, mine, his, hers, we, they, theirs, and ours.
3. Adjective
This part of a speech is used to describe a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives can specify the quality, the
size, and the number of nouns or
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Critique of a Public Speech Essay
Critique Of A Public Speech
Critique Of A Public Speech
Presenting a speech can have it difficulties, whether it is you not having a loud speaking voice or
nervousness, you still have to have the ability to deliver a great speech to your audience. On
January 20, 1961 over 49 years ago our late President John F. Kennedy presented the Inaugural
Address, in Washington D.C. The weather was very cold, and it was one of the largest crowds at the
Inauguration. As I am watching the speech for the very first time, multiple thoughts are coming to
my head. Here is our President –Elect presenting this speech to us about how much he is going to
help change our county for the better. The beginning first words of more content...
President Kennedy did a wonderful job on presenting his first Inaugural Address. I would not
change anything he did but I am able to take away. He did not change the style of his voice, and
when he made a statement you knew because the way he presented. He was a talented speaker,
and I have learned not to be afraid to speak about what I believe in no matter who the audience. I
have learned to make sure the topic fits your audience because to keep from not becoming
entertained by your speech. I have also learned speak slowly and clearly so everyone will be able
to understand you. Overall when listening and looking a presidential speech you have high
exceptions from that president speaking. I was very amazed at President Kennedy pointing out
issues like racism, and religion among the entire world. He believed in equality and freedom and
was not afraid to say that. He spoke very easily and kind hearted, in a very caring and concerned
voice. Every presidential speech I have seen and watched was only president who delivered and
spoke what was true, President Kennedy, Clinton and Obama. Great changes in America came from
President Kennedy, even though he was in office for only four
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Speech : The Power Of Speech
The Power of Speech Speech is a powerful tool, if used correctly. Speech can do many things, but
there are two main things that speech is the best at. It can create and embellish as it pleases.
Well–spoken words can also twist the truth and manipulate. Richard the Third is an excellent
example of both these attributes. Richard uses the power of speech to gain what he wants. He
shows the success that this tool can bring if used carefully. Richard makes himself a saint, a
simple disabled innocent who is wronged by everyone. He also shows the failures it brings when
overconfidence and haste spoil it. He loses his charm as he no longer treads carefully and simply
drives his way through conversations. Richard is a good example of the power of speech as he
uses his persuasion to accomplish his goals. From the very beginning, Richard is shown as being
a highly persuasive individual. He is very careful to show himself as one who only speaks sweet
words making him a very compelling character. He flatters his way to his goals and pulls the wool
over everyone's eyes as he does so. There are several scenes throughout the play where Richard has
done this. In his attempt to woo Lady Anne, Richard is speaking to the enraged woman, noting on
that it is "wonderful when angels are so angry" (1.2.72). Richard's response to this seething rage is
to create a beautiful angry angel of her. Another attempt at this flattery is made when he responds
that "your [Lady Anne's] bedchamber" would be
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Informative Speech On Culture
Speech Rough Draft
Conflicting cultures. Does being from multiple cultures that have conflicts with each other benefit
or hurt us? Before I answer this question, I would like to ask you another question, "What do you
call a hot Indian girl? Bomb Bae." Before you feel pity for my whole nation, and come under the
belief that this sense of humour is applicable to all from where I am from. First let me ask you,
where am I from?
For the past 7 years when someone would ask me about my nationality, I always answered with
Pindia. Although this is not a country, it is where I am from. My father is fromPakistan and my
mother is from India, being from 2 conflicting cultures, I find it tough to fit in only one.
Furthermore, I was born in the US and I currently am in an American School. But, I also feel as
though the American culture has more content...
The largest conflict that comes up is that whenever they play each other in cricket, I have to just
shut up, and make sure I don't anger both of my parents. I remember about 6 years ago when the
two teams played each other for a spot in the semi–finals of the T20 tournament. We were in Dubai
with my family, cousins, and some of our friends who were also Indian or Pakistani. I remember
every single 4, 6 or wicket that occurred for both teams, and how I was the only person who was
cheering for every single movement that occurred. By the end, I realized two things, one that the
two teams were rivals, and that this was probably why people were giving me stares of disgust,
and that I should only vote for one team. Although in reality this is only a small conflict, and
whoever wins doesn't affect me directly, I still find that it is a massive issue for me. On a larger
scale this basically means that the small differences and disputes that the countries have with each
other make it tough for me to choose a
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Essay on Public Speech
Public Speech1. To give a good speech you must adapt your speech to your audience. There are
two steps in the adaptaion process. First, there is preparation before the speech. This is done may
times by having your audience fill out an audience analysis form, this will give you the
demographics on your audience and allow you to adapt your speech accordingly. The second part
of adapting your speech is during the speech. This is done by paying attention to your audience
while you are giving the speech. You must adapt your speech so that the audience is able to
understand and are convinced by our speech. Also, you need to assess how you think the audience
will respond to what you are saying. 2. There are several ways to more content...
First you should fall back on all the information you already know. The library and the internet
would both be very helpful in researching the topic. In the library one could use encyclopedias, as
well as books on the topic of world hunger. It is possible to use periodicals and magazine articles
from the library too. The web would also be a good source of information. You could use various
search engines to find sites on world hunger, but you must be careful that the sites you visit are
viable. An alternative is going to an already established site, such as CNN, and then search those
sites for an article about the topic. 4. When using statistics in your speech you should always
make sure that you information is accurate. You should also make sure not to use too many
statistics, or your work will get too bogged down with numbers. You should also make sure that
the statistics you gather are representative of the total number of people in the group. You should
always identify the sources of your statistics, to prove to your audience that your information is
accurate. It is also a good idea to explain your statistics and why they are important to you specific
purpose. Also, if statistics are complicated and go to the second or third decimal position you should
round them off to the first whole number, so that it will make your information easier to understand.
5. There are five basic patterns of organizing the main points in your speech.
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Examples Of Opening Speech
Opening speech (Formal opening) Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, thanks everyone for being
here today at this important conference. We are honored to be the first speakers here. Before I
begin, I would like to complement this institution on its efforts to create a sustainable environment.
(Hook) Let me tell you a story, in 1878, Paris hosted the first International Exposition of Electricity,
as part of the World Fair hosted at that city the same year. The city was lively with excitement, as
great inventors and innovators from around the world came to exhibit their ideas–Ideas that would
drive a new era of human development. (Hook continued, used later as reference) New technology
such as the telephone, and photography was displayed. However, the star of the show was
undoubtedly Thomas Edison. Who in Paris displayed his electric light bulb. Electric lighting bulbs
had been installed all along the Avenue de l'Opera and the Place de l'Opera. When the electric
switched was flipped, light flooded the streets of Paris and France stepped into the age of electric
energy. People were happy to embrace electrification and wanted electrification, but electricity was
extremely expensive. At the beginning only the very rich could afford access. It wasn't until 1937, more content...
If these three issues are not solved, we humans as a race can to advance, and the only solution to
these three problems is the development of sustainable energy. It may seem there is a lot to do, and
a long way ahead––––––––––––– (a quote by famous person, cause all good speech has a quote by
famous person, unless that speech is by a famous person)–but... before I take my leave, I would like
to quote Thomas Edison who I dearly respect, he said "If we did all the things we are really capable
of doing, we would literally astound
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Example of a Debate Speech
Thank you Madam Speaker. A very good morning I would like to wish to the honourable
adjudicators, precise timekeepers, fellow members of the government, members of the opposition
and members of the floor. We are gathered here today to debate on a very important motion that is
THBT physically challenged people should not be seperated in schools. And, we, the government
strongly back this motion.
To address this motion, please allow me to start off by specifying my role and the role of my
fellow members of the government. I, as the Prime Minister, have the main task in hand in which I
have to state the motion, which I have already done earlier. Next, I will highlight some of the
keywords and define the motion of today's debate. more content...
everyone has their own aspiration and ambitions that serve to define themselves in their lives.
self motivation comes from within the person. being able to compete with more physically able
students personally makes a physically challenged student to get rid of his/her prejudice of him
/herself(lack of physical abilities makes him/her unable to compete mentally with normal
students), thus motivating and spurring the individual to move forward. put it at a way that you
were able to beat one of your classmates that is more "complete" than you, how would that make
you feel? of course, it makes you feel better of yourself. proving that nothing is impossible for you
to do. for example, muhammad rosli and ahmad of sekolah kebangsaan seksyen 27 in shah alam
were born as conjoined twins and now succesfully seperated following an operation in saudi arabia
in 2002. eventhough they were not like normal students, they still manage to get good results in
their upsr which was 4a's and 1b in 2011 and are still educated in a normal school. this relates back
to being part of the society by having the attention of being able to do something you're more
capable of. just imagine, ladies and gentlemen if they did not share the same school with normal
people at their young ages, they probally would not get the self motivation needed for their future
adulthoods being in the society itself. a great statistics to prove this is that, the national resources
centre on learning disablity found that
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Sample Persuasive Speech
Scenario: It's a nice warm day and your window is down, arm resting on your window ledge the
breeze is nice and you catch a glimpse of yourself in the side mirror – looking pretty cool! Not if a
cop sees that. Fine alert! Resting your arm on the window ledge and any part is outside the car,
you're breaking the law. Same goes for popping a hand out the window and making 'waves' with
your hand riding the wind. Fun and feels good but it's a no go. Both fall under rule 'limbs protrude'.
Each offense is up to the discretion of individual police if it's a yay or nay to getting stung. I
personally haven't been fined for the above but as the common stories go, it was a 'friend of a friend'
who recently was fined. Beware! more content...
It's illegal to open a door on a passing cyclist. You either are a cyclist or you dislike them but either
way check before opening your door when pulled up on the side of the road or you'll be up for
dollars, a cranky bike rider and possibly injury.
Think twice before you do the quick dash into the servo to get a bottle of water n pay for the fuel
as its illegal to leave your car unlocked, leave the key in the ignition or leave the windows open if
you're more than three metres away from your vehicle. A quick toot of the car horn has so many
versions. The 'hello' toot, 'goodbye' toot, the 'our footy team just won the grand final' toot leaving
the local oval. The 'goodbye' toots is the most popular with a sing song style of toot That's illegal
falling under 'illegal use of a warning device'. The highway patrol inspector unsealed spoke to wants
you to still visit and farewell friends/family and nice salutations, but be aware of what the horn is
there for – a warning device. Keep that in
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Persuasive Essay On Freedom Of Speech
Freedom of speech in America is defined by the right to express any opinions without any
censorship or restraint. But it isn't just defined by the words people speak aloud. It's the actions
they take part in to support the words they express. The writing of books and essays, creating
artwork, giving speeches to grand crowds, voting, protesting. But do all people have the right to
speak their mind? Should people be able to speak freely, to express opinions and thoughts, as
promised in the United States constitution? A controversial topic, with many different opinions
weighing in from around the world.
Speech is expression of thoughts, through many different actions. Some include writing, artwork,
speeches, protests. On occasion in more content...
With all these truths, and the freedom to speak them, comes the question of who should hold the
power and ability to speak their minds. In the United States, our society believes everyone should
have the right to freedom of speech, to voice thoughts and opinions. Written down in the
constitution is the promise to citizen rights, to all peoples who want to exercise those rights. "It
was we the people; not we, the white male citizens," who built up our nation and society, and the
promise to freedom of speech (Anthony, par. 4). Women, children, teens, those of color should all
be able to speak freely, to give shape to the opinions they hold like all the empowered men that
speak freely. Not all governments and nations feel the same about this. In Singapore, they have their
"own standards of social order as reflected in [their] laws" (Reyes, par. 3). Different nations feel
differently about human rights and laws as presented by the United States, including freedom of
speech, whether it is safe for everyone to speak their minds or just best to keep it to those who are
fed lies from those of a higher position.
With freedom of speech can come violence, a common reason for nations and governments to deny
this right. Some societies, such as Singapore, agree that by enforcing certain laws that abide the
government keep said nation "orderly and relatively crime–free" (Reyes, par. 3). Freedom of speech
can also mean
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Reflection Speech
Initially, when I first registered to enroll for this online Speech class, I did not know what to
expect. I thought that we would only meet in order to present the required speeches and then I
thought that we would have a virtual classroom to give speeches were we were all online at once.
Now I know that both of my guesses were wrong. For our speeches, we either record them online
and invite classmates as audience members to watch, or have a live audience of family and/or
friends that record you giving your speech in your living room or somewhere similar. When I found
out that these were the ways I would be giving my speeches, I was so surprised. When I am
speaking in front of a live audience in a classroom, I get so nervous, so I thought that this method of
giving presentations might be less anxious for me.
The first speech was the Most Embarrassing Moment speech. I honestly was still so nervous to
record this even though I would just be looking at my computer screen. It felt kind of weird,
almost as if I was video chatting with myself. After I memorized my speech and sent in my
recording, I immediately assumed that I failed because the professor would think that I was too
close to the screen or I was too loud or I moved my head around a lot. Then I ended up getting an
A on it. Everything I thought that I did wrong was either irrelevant or did not distract from my
presentation as a whole. Since I only missed one point, I can say that what I did well was all the
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A Comparison of My Two Speeches Essay
Comparing my self–introduction speech (my first speech), to my persuasive speech (my last
speech) was interesting. They were completely different topics but with a slight improvement in
speaking ability. I increased my ability to maintain eye contact while I reduced the amount of
nervous body language. I saw improvements in my speech preparation and structure, as well as in
the delivery of the speech.
First I am going to talk about the difference in eye contact and nervous body language between the
first speech and the last speech. In my first speech my face was flushed a cherry red, I was
shaking, and every time I would try to make eye contact I would lose all train of thought. In my last
speech I was not nearly as nervous, more content...
Next I am going to talk about the structure and preparation of each of my speeches. My first speech
did not fulfill all four functions of the speech introduction. I did not list my main points in the
introduction of the first speech but I did in my last. I could really see the difference; how following
the format makes everything flow together. Like transition statements, I never saw the importance in
those until I watched myself without transition statements, what a mess. My persuasive speech
followed much more of a pattern and was fluid.
The last point I would like to discuss in the delivery of my speech. The delivery was still not up to
par but I think I have made a vast improvement. My first speech was pretty shaky and the last
speech had more of a rock holding it down. I was much more confident in myself. I spoke strongly
about my topic emphasizing words, to grasp the attention of my audience.
So in conclusion if I had another semester of speech, I could maybe speak to large group of people,
completely confident in my delivery. But I still have a touch of anxiety in preparing to speak and
my writing skills still need some work. I am really happy with what I have achieved in the class, yes
it could have been more if I was tougher on myself, but I cannot believe how much more
comfortable I was being up there. So I give myself a seven, on the one to ten scale of
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What Is An Example Of Free Speech
There is five rights in the first amendment and one of those rights is Free Speech. Free Speech is
the right to articulate one's opinion and ideas without fear of government retaliation or societal
sanction. Lately there have been a big debate about "Safe" Speech vs. Free Speech. An example of
Free Speech is you have the right to voice your political criticisms and the right to speak out against
or for the government. Freedom of speech allows people to speak out and speak their minds. Safe
Speech means that in certain places you can not say things that people will take offense to. The
places are called "Safe–Spaces". When individuals are in Safe–Spaces they are told to use positive
language and are told not to say offensive things about the LGBT community, gay marriage and
any other thing in that sort. They are also not allowed to say any hate speech or harassing
comments. There should be Safe Speech because if people say whatever they want they can induce
panic, offend other people, and cause personal harm to people. An example of free speech inducing
panic would be a person yelling that their is a bomb on the plane. In this situation the a person
would be panicking because they don't more content...
Even if you state that you do not agree with homosexuals, transgenders, lesbians, and/or anything of
that sort than they would consider that hate speech because they feel as if they are judging them. For
example, the Ku Klux Klan better known as the KKK may offend people by what they say. Our
ancestors who fought in the American Revolution didn't have freedom of speech before they won
their (and our) independence from Great Britain. And guess what happened to people who said
something against the king? Tar and feathers, hanging, and prison. So while the First Amendment
gives us free speech, people need to use this freedom wisely, and not at the expense of someone else's
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Persuasive Speech On English Language
Ever since the dawn of mankind, some form of language has been used to communicate with one
another. Language and the ability to speak to one another to get things done is what I believe makes
humankind the most sophisticated species on the planet. However, over the last few hundred years,
one language in particular has become one of the most universally taught subjects: English. With
several hundred, or maybe even thousands of languages being spoken by nearly seven billion people
today, English has become the method of communication across several different countries and
cultures. If, for example, English wasn't adopted as a globally respected language, then it would
make communicating with other cultures very difficult. Don't get more content...
Whether we are trying to communicate across several countries or simplifying documents and
dialects locally, there needs to be some form of legislation when it comes to language, and I
believe instilling a global language can help us achieve all of the above. Both my mother's and
my father's side of the family migrated from Cuba to Miami in the late 50's, early 60's. When I
was born my parents had to work during the day, so my grandmother, Aba, used to always take
care of me, and since she migrated from Cuba, she mainly spoke Spanish with knowledge in only
a few English words. When Aba passed away in 2001, I went to a family friend who also
prominently spoke Spanish. Today, at the age of 18, I can proudly say that those five first years of
life did not prepare me enough for Spanish, since I am mostly an English–bred Hispanic. Sure, I can
start a simple conversation and maybe talk Spanish for a little, but overall, I am known as the
family "gringo," which is a harsh way of saying I can't speak Spanish. This hasn't just happened to
me. Phillip M. Carter, a professor of linguistics at the FIU Department of English, has found that
Miami is undergoing what is known as a "language shift." The shift means that Miami is becoming
less in touch with its Spanish–speaking roots and is turning to more English–based communication.
Carter's own research indicates that "Miami–born Latinos even
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Example Of Persuasive Speech Essay
(serious tone) First of all, I would like to acknowledge that we are meeting here on the land of the
Ngunnawal people. I would like to pay my respects to the traditional elders of this land past and
(brighter tone – louder to get people's attention) Good morning ladies and gentleman. Good morning
reporters, journalists, politicians and most importantly (pause, then slow down pace) all of you who
here who are also mothers and fathers.
(still slow pace) Today, I speak not just as an (en–vi–ro–men–tal–ist) environmentalist but as a
desperate mother who wants the best for my child's future. It is said that the future lies in the
children of today – our children – more content...
(confidently) Well, the first thing we to do is this. Australians need to be beyond the two–party
dominated political system and instead, consider smaller parties such as The Greens, who have a
genuine interest in doing what we want in a "grassroots democracy" system. The political system
right now is a constant battle between the Labor and the Liberals, fighting out to see who can
reveal more flaws within each other instead of focusing on the real issues. A recent example is the
$60,000 spent by the Labor party on an "election image makeover" for Bill Shorten and his wife for
last years election campaign. Their defence? Their glossy advertisements turned out "a hundred
times" better than the Liberal party's and mirrored their "high–quality campaign". We're in a $500
billion dollar debt dump, increasing at a rate of over $500 dollars per second, and they go and
spend $60,00 on advertising themselves...
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Example Of Speech Essay

  • 1. Speech : A Reflection Of An Informative Speech Informative Speech Reflection Paper After giving and analyzing my informative speech I learned many new things that will help me in my future speeches. Looking at the aspects of content, delivery, and organization I have learned by gibing this speech and being in this class how to better come across to my audience to make my topic as clear and as informative as I can. This assignment has helped me gain a better understanding of my topic, but also has helped me gain further knowledge on writing and giving my speech to an audience, along with opened my eyes to improvements I need to make in my future speeches. I have learned many new techniques and aspects to include in my speeches to make my future speeches better. Content is a very important part of an informative speech. I focused a lot on having strong points in my informative speech. I focused on discussing the types of service dogs, and the qualifications to have a service dog, along with the training a service dog undergoes. My main points I chose to include in my informative speech I expressed very well and went into a good amount of detail, however in some areas I could have given a more in–depth explanation. One thing I could have improved on in regard to my content would have been giving more background information on serve dogs, by including things like how long they have been around and the number of service dogs currently in the U.S. By doing this I would have added not only more content to my speech, Get more content on
  • 2. Example Of A Speech Critique Out of class speech Critique The speech that I attended and will be writing about is a campaign speech that Devaughn Williams gave while running for president of Phi Delta Theta Ohio Gamma chapter here at Ohio University. The audience was consisted of initiated members of Phi Delta Theta around 40 members were in attendance for the speech, for the elections, this was a formal event that the nominees and audience members dressed up for and at the end of each speech there was a Q&A session between the audience and the Canadettes. There were 3 people that were running for president. During his speech I noticed that he complemented the current president before he talked about what he would do differently giving the current president the respect that he earned during his term which gave him credibility and connected with us in the audience. During the body of his speech Devaughn talked about the former position that he had which was the recruitment chair. He then listed the accomplishments that he achieved during his term as recruitment chair. He transitioned from that by talking about what he would hope to achieve as acting president of Phi Delta Theta, his main points were about expanding popularity and continued growth of the fraternity, making sure we have good relationships with all other Greek life on campus here at Ohio University. And having fun and respecting all the rules and regulations set by Phi Delta Theta headquarters along with the IFC board which is the Get more content on
  • 3. Speech Reflection Essay During speech class this semester, I gave several different types of speeches on several different topics. During this semester, my ability to give speeches in front of an audience has improved quite a bit, I hope. Going into the semester, I had a really hard time giving speeches to people, but now that speech is almost over I feel like I am more capable of doing so. I think the thing I did best during the semester was getting good information for each of my speeches. My favorite assignment was most likely the impromptu speech. I really liked that one because we did not have to prepare an outline or anything like that, we just got to go up there and speak. During this semester, I learned a lot about how to give speeches such as the proper way to stand so I do not rock, or how to use my hands to emphasize my points. In the future, I think that I will be able to control my speed better during my speeches which will help the people I am presenting to understand my message. I think the skills I have acquired during speech will help me for the rest of my life. No matter what career I choose, I am sure that at some point I will have to present to someone about something. The skills I learned in speech will also help me just communicate with people in a one on one situation easier than I do now. I can use these skills throughout the rest of high school and through my six years of college still to come because whenever I have to present a project I will know how to effectively communicate my message to my audience. Based off of all of my reflection sheets, video evaluations, and peer critiques I have improved over the course of the semester. At the beginning of the semester I had a problem with speed and using to many "filler" words. As the year progressed, my speed became more and more controllable and I used less and less filler words. After my most recent speech, I'm still not quite at the level I want to be at, but I am far better than I was at the very beginning. I think just speaking in front of people more than I am used to doing has helped me develop better speaking skills and grow in my ability to effectively communicate with others. Throughout the semester I learned a lot about speaking, performing, and Get more content on
  • 4. EXAMPLE OF INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE Informative Outline Topic: Impact of Media in the Society and Individual General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose:To inform my audience the negative impact of social media in the society and to the individual. Thesis:Social media websites are some of the most popular haunts on the Internet. They have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize on the Web. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter:Today, just about everyone depends on information and communication to keep their lives moving through daily activities like work, education, health care, leisure activities, entertainment, travelling, personal relationships, and the other stuff with which we more content... 1. There are three basic functions of mass media. a. Providing news and information b. Entertainment c. Education 2. How media influence us a. According to Victoria Sherrow, in her book Violence the question of cause and effect and the Media: There are positive and negative influences of mass media, which we must understand as a responsible person of a society. b. New and influential media–distribution channels have appeared in the 21st century. Delivered via the World Wide Web across the Internet, we are influenced daily by blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds and myriad forms of content sharing. c. Radio and then television were very influential. As the 20th century closed, TV exposed us to untold numbers of images of advertising and marketing, suffering and relief, sexuality and violence, celebrity, and much more. Transition: Now that I have discussed the influence of social media, I will now discuss the effects of social media and the impact to the society and to the individual. B. The impact of Media on the society 1. Social impact
  • 5. a. Couldry states that "Mass media generally are considered a prime candidate given the on–line profusion of information and entertainment services. This article compares the daily mass media habits of heavy, light, and nonusers of personal computers and on–line services based on 1994 and 1995 national surveys conducted by the Times–Mirror Center for the People and the Press." b. On a Get more content on
  • 6. My Self-Evaluation Of Speech This paper will discuss mine self–evaluation and do into detail about my first speech. My first speech takes place in front of my class and I have to tell a story of an experience that has happened to me. Telling a speech was a new experience for me and I embrace the challenge. A speech can have an impact on a person life and the audience can also relate a topic that is being presented. I will explore and go into the details of ethos, pathos and logos of my speech for my personal assessment. I think I did a good job presenting my ethos through my speech story. I convince my audience with my credibility through my speech and the way how talk throughout the speech. For example, throughout my whole speech, I shown my hands and did not hide my hands. By keeping my hands in plain view, it shows my audience nonverbally that I can be trusted. The volume of my voice was at a normal speaking tone and was not too low. Most of my audience was able to hear me and listen to me very clearly. I also presented myself with confidence and gave off the impression that I was prepared. For example, I had a smile and had constant eye contact with my audience throughout my speech. There was certain things that I was doing that was ineffective while I was talking. Throughout my speech, I kept saying um and was pausing at times. I did not realize how much I was saying and doing these actions. These actions are something I need to work on more when I present my public communication to my audience Get more content on
  • 7. Graduation Speech Essay example T.S. Eliot once wrote, "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." Every landmark in our lives will end but there is always a beginning to an end. As each new path ends a new one begins. Graduation marks the end of a path but as it ends a new path begins. Life is an adventure. We started out by walking on a winding path as we entered the destination of kindergarten. As our lives ventured on down the winding path, we met new friends and new life experiences along the way. As the path widens, we see ourselves on a countryroad. We started elementary school and we constantly gained new knowledge to help us progress in our journey. As we continued along in more content... As the paved path merged, we found ourselves no longer walking, but driving in cars on the highway in high school. Life started to get more challenging and things started to move at a faster pace. In this part of our lives we got to choose which way we wanted to go, left or right. We found hardships up the steep hills and we might have stopped at many intersections. However, we always proceeded with the flow of traffic no matter what obstacle gets in our way, we always managed to get through it. As our lives traveled on the highway, we saw others take different roads along our journey, but we always found ourselves choosing to keep with our commitment of continuing. We all had to make pit stops along the way through homework and projects, but it fueled us to get stronger and helped us gain knowledge to make it up those steep hills and intersections. Finally, when graduation comes, the highway ends and merges to a new beginning as we leave our memories in the past in our rearview mirror. Miles and miles of opportunities await us. However, each one of us has a different goal or route in life, and each of us will find different exits along the way to fulfill our dream. Some of us will take the express lanes and continue our education through college. Some of us might follow the freeway not knowing where fate will take us. Life isn't always easy on the freeway. Some of us might get stuck in traffic jams. Some Get more content on
  • 8. Examples Of Parts Of Speech PARTS OF SPEECH "Parts of speech, is the sense in which the word is used and not the letters of which it is composed, that determines the part of speech to which it belongs" –William Cobbett In contemporary Linguistics, the label parts of speech by and large discarded in favor of the term word clause or syntactic category. Part of speech is a term in Traditional Grammar for one of the Eight main categories into which words are classified according to their functions in sentences: Noun , Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Preposition , Conjunction , Interjection. Though some Traditional Grammar have treated Articles (the, a, an) as a distinct part more content... There is a plot "And a story where the parts of speech are placed By you and they will stay only when You make their purpose clear.....""–Elizabeth Jennings, "The House of Words." Through this poem we can come to know how every part of speech works. In the English language, words can be considered as the smallest elements that have distinctive meanings. Based on their use and functions, words are categorized into several types or parts of speech. This article will offer definitions and examples for the 8 major parts of speech in English grammar: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, and interjection. 1.Noun This part of a speech refers to words that are used to name persons, things, animals, places, ideas, or events. 2. Pronoun A pronoun is a part of a speech which functions as a replacement for a noun. Some examples of pronouns are: I, it, he, she, mine, his, hers, we, they, theirs, and ours. 3. Adjective This part of a speech is used to describe a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives can specify the quality, the size, and the number of nouns or Get more content on
  • 9. Critique of a Public Speech Essay Critique Of A Public Speech Critique Of A Public Speech Presenting a speech can have it difficulties, whether it is you not having a loud speaking voice or nervousness, you still have to have the ability to deliver a great speech to your audience. On January 20, 1961 over 49 years ago our late President John F. Kennedy presented the Inaugural Address, in Washington D.C. The weather was very cold, and it was one of the largest crowds at the Inauguration. As I am watching the speech for the very first time, multiple thoughts are coming to my head. Here is our President –Elect presenting this speech to us about how much he is going to help change our county for the better. The beginning first words of more content... President Kennedy did a wonderful job on presenting his first Inaugural Address. I would not change anything he did but I am able to take away. He did not change the style of his voice, and when he made a statement you knew because the way he presented. He was a talented speaker, and I have learned not to be afraid to speak about what I believe in no matter who the audience. I have learned to make sure the topic fits your audience because to keep from not becoming entertained by your speech. I have also learned speak slowly and clearly so everyone will be able to understand you. Overall when listening and looking a presidential speech you have high exceptions from that president speaking. I was very amazed at President Kennedy pointing out issues like racism, and religion among the entire world. He believed in equality and freedom and was not afraid to say that. He spoke very easily and kind hearted, in a very caring and concerned voice. Every presidential speech I have seen and watched was only president who delivered and spoke what was true, President Kennedy, Clinton and Obama. Great changes in America came from President Kennedy, even though he was in office for only four Get more content on
  • 10. Speech : The Power Of Speech The Power of Speech Speech is a powerful tool, if used correctly. Speech can do many things, but there are two main things that speech is the best at. It can create and embellish as it pleases. Well–spoken words can also twist the truth and manipulate. Richard the Third is an excellent example of both these attributes. Richard uses the power of speech to gain what he wants. He shows the success that this tool can bring if used carefully. Richard makes himself a saint, a simple disabled innocent who is wronged by everyone. He also shows the failures it brings when overconfidence and haste spoil it. He loses his charm as he no longer treads carefully and simply drives his way through conversations. Richard is a good example of the power of speech as he uses his persuasion to accomplish his goals. From the very beginning, Richard is shown as being a highly persuasive individual. He is very careful to show himself as one who only speaks sweet words making him a very compelling character. He flatters his way to his goals and pulls the wool over everyone's eyes as he does so. There are several scenes throughout the play where Richard has done this. In his attempt to woo Lady Anne, Richard is speaking to the enraged woman, noting on that it is "wonderful when angels are so angry" (1.2.72). Richard's response to this seething rage is to create a beautiful angry angel of her. Another attempt at this flattery is made when he responds that "your [Lady Anne's] bedchamber" would be Get more content on
  • 11. Informative Speech On Culture Speech Rough Draft Conflicting cultures. Does being from multiple cultures that have conflicts with each other benefit or hurt us? Before I answer this question, I would like to ask you another question, "What do you call a hot Indian girl? Bomb Bae." Before you feel pity for my whole nation, and come under the belief that this sense of humour is applicable to all from where I am from. First let me ask you, where am I from? For the past 7 years when someone would ask me about my nationality, I always answered with Pindia. Although this is not a country, it is where I am from. My father is fromPakistan and my mother is from India, being from 2 conflicting cultures, I find it tough to fit in only one. Furthermore, I was born in the US and I currently am in an American School. But, I also feel as though the American culture has more content... The largest conflict that comes up is that whenever they play each other in cricket, I have to just shut up, and make sure I don't anger both of my parents. I remember about 6 years ago when the two teams played each other for a spot in the semi–finals of the T20 tournament. We were in Dubai with my family, cousins, and some of our friends who were also Indian or Pakistani. I remember every single 4, 6 or wicket that occurred for both teams, and how I was the only person who was cheering for every single movement that occurred. By the end, I realized two things, one that the two teams were rivals, and that this was probably why people were giving me stares of disgust, and that I should only vote for one team. Although in reality this is only a small conflict, and whoever wins doesn't affect me directly, I still find that it is a massive issue for me. On a larger scale this basically means that the small differences and disputes that the countries have with each other make it tough for me to choose a Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Public Speech Public Speech1. To give a good speech you must adapt your speech to your audience. There are two steps in the adaptaion process. First, there is preparation before the speech. This is done may times by having your audience fill out an audience analysis form, this will give you the demographics on your audience and allow you to adapt your speech accordingly. The second part of adapting your speech is during the speech. This is done by paying attention to your audience while you are giving the speech. You must adapt your speech so that the audience is able to understand and are convinced by our speech. Also, you need to assess how you think the audience will respond to what you are saying. 2. There are several ways to more content... First you should fall back on all the information you already know. The library and the internet would both be very helpful in researching the topic. In the library one could use encyclopedias, as well as books on the topic of world hunger. It is possible to use periodicals and magazine articles from the library too. The web would also be a good source of information. You could use various search engines to find sites on world hunger, but you must be careful that the sites you visit are viable. An alternative is going to an already established site, such as CNN, and then search those sites for an article about the topic. 4. When using statistics in your speech you should always make sure that you information is accurate. You should also make sure not to use too many statistics, or your work will get too bogged down with numbers. You should also make sure that the statistics you gather are representative of the total number of people in the group. You should always identify the sources of your statistics, to prove to your audience that your information is accurate. It is also a good idea to explain your statistics and why they are important to you specific purpose. Also, if statistics are complicated and go to the second or third decimal position you should round them off to the first whole number, so that it will make your information easier to understand. 5. There are five basic patterns of organizing the main points in your speech. Get more content on
  • 13. Examples Of Opening Speech Opening speech (Formal opening) Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, thanks everyone for being here today at this important conference. We are honored to be the first speakers here. Before I begin, I would like to complement this institution on its efforts to create a sustainable environment. (Hook) Let me tell you a story, in 1878, Paris hosted the first International Exposition of Electricity, as part of the World Fair hosted at that city the same year. The city was lively with excitement, as great inventors and innovators from around the world came to exhibit their ideas–Ideas that would drive a new era of human development. (Hook continued, used later as reference) New technology such as the telephone, and photography was displayed. However, the star of the show was undoubtedly Thomas Edison. Who in Paris displayed his electric light bulb. Electric lighting bulbs had been installed all along the Avenue de l'Opera and the Place de l'Opera. When the electric switched was flipped, light flooded the streets of Paris and France stepped into the age of electric energy. People were happy to embrace electrification and wanted electrification, but electricity was extremely expensive. At the beginning only the very rich could afford access. It wasn't until 1937, more content... If these three issues are not solved, we humans as a race can to advance, and the only solution to these three problems is the development of sustainable energy. It may seem there is a lot to do, and a long way ahead––––––––––––– (a quote by famous person, cause all good speech has a quote by famous person, unless that speech is by a famous person)–but... before I take my leave, I would like to quote Thomas Edison who I dearly respect, he said "If we did all the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound Get more content on
  • 14. Example of a Debate Speech Thank you Madam Speaker. A very good morning I would like to wish to the honourable adjudicators, precise timekeepers, fellow members of the government, members of the opposition and members of the floor. We are gathered here today to debate on a very important motion that is THBT physically challenged people should not be seperated in schools. And, we, the government strongly back this motion. To address this motion, please allow me to start off by specifying my role and the role of my fellow members of the government. I, as the Prime Minister, have the main task in hand in which I have to state the motion, which I have already done earlier. Next, I will highlight some of the keywords and define the motion of today's debate. more content... everyone has their own aspiration and ambitions that serve to define themselves in their lives. self motivation comes from within the person. being able to compete with more physically able students personally makes a physically challenged student to get rid of his/her prejudice of him /herself(lack of physical abilities makes him/her unable to compete mentally with normal students), thus motivating and spurring the individual to move forward. put it at a way that you were able to beat one of your classmates that is more "complete" than you, how would that make you feel? of course, it makes you feel better of yourself. proving that nothing is impossible for you to do. for example, muhammad rosli and ahmad of sekolah kebangsaan seksyen 27 in shah alam were born as conjoined twins and now succesfully seperated following an operation in saudi arabia in 2002. eventhough they were not like normal students, they still manage to get good results in their upsr which was 4a's and 1b in 2011 and are still educated in a normal school. this relates back to being part of the society by having the attention of being able to do something you're more capable of. just imagine, ladies and gentlemen if they did not share the same school with normal people at their young ages, they probally would not get the self motivation needed for their future adulthoods being in the society itself. a great statistics to prove this is that, the national resources centre on learning disablity found that Get more content on
  • 15. Sample Persuasive Speech Scenario: It's a nice warm day and your window is down, arm resting on your window ledge the breeze is nice and you catch a glimpse of yourself in the side mirror – looking pretty cool! Not if a cop sees that. Fine alert! Resting your arm on the window ledge and any part is outside the car, you're breaking the law. Same goes for popping a hand out the window and making 'waves' with your hand riding the wind. Fun and feels good but it's a no go. Both fall under rule 'limbs protrude'. Each offense is up to the discretion of individual police if it's a yay or nay to getting stung. I personally haven't been fined for the above but as the common stories go, it was a 'friend of a friend' who recently was fined. Beware! more content... It's illegal to open a door on a passing cyclist. You either are a cyclist or you dislike them but either way check before opening your door when pulled up on the side of the road or you'll be up for dollars, a cranky bike rider and possibly injury. Think twice before you do the quick dash into the servo to get a bottle of water n pay for the fuel as its illegal to leave your car unlocked, leave the key in the ignition or leave the windows open if you're more than three metres away from your vehicle. A quick toot of the car horn has so many versions. The 'hello' toot, 'goodbye' toot, the 'our footy team just won the grand final' toot leaving the local oval. The 'goodbye' toots is the most popular with a sing song style of toot That's illegal falling under 'illegal use of a warning device'. The highway patrol inspector unsealed spoke to wants you to still visit and farewell friends/family and nice salutations, but be aware of what the horn is there for – a warning device. Keep that in Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Freedom Of Speech Freedom of speech in America is defined by the right to express any opinions without any censorship or restraint. But it isn't just defined by the words people speak aloud. It's the actions they take part in to support the words they express. The writing of books and essays, creating artwork, giving speeches to grand crowds, voting, protesting. But do all people have the right to speak their mind? Should people be able to speak freely, to express opinions and thoughts, as promised in the United States constitution? A controversial topic, with many different opinions weighing in from around the world. Speech is expression of thoughts, through many different actions. Some include writing, artwork, speeches, protests. On occasion in more content... With all these truths, and the freedom to speak them, comes the question of who should hold the power and ability to speak their minds. In the United States, our society believes everyone should have the right to freedom of speech, to voice thoughts and opinions. Written down in the constitution is the promise to citizen rights, to all peoples who want to exercise those rights. "It was we the people; not we, the white male citizens," who built up our nation and society, and the promise to freedom of speech (Anthony, par. 4). Women, children, teens, those of color should all be able to speak freely, to give shape to the opinions they hold like all the empowered men that speak freely. Not all governments and nations feel the same about this. In Singapore, they have their "own standards of social order as reflected in [their] laws" (Reyes, par. 3). Different nations feel differently about human rights and laws as presented by the United States, including freedom of speech, whether it is safe for everyone to speak their minds or just best to keep it to those who are fed lies from those of a higher position. With freedom of speech can come violence, a common reason for nations and governments to deny this right. Some societies, such as Singapore, agree that by enforcing certain laws that abide the government keep said nation "orderly and relatively crime–free" (Reyes, par. 3). Freedom of speech can also mean Get more content on
  • 17. Reflection Speech Initially, when I first registered to enroll for this online Speech class, I did not know what to expect. I thought that we would only meet in order to present the required speeches and then I thought that we would have a virtual classroom to give speeches were we were all online at once. Now I know that both of my guesses were wrong. For our speeches, we either record them online and invite classmates as audience members to watch, or have a live audience of family and/or friends that record you giving your speech in your living room or somewhere similar. When I found out that these were the ways I would be giving my speeches, I was so surprised. When I am speaking in front of a live audience in a classroom, I get so nervous, so I thought that this method of giving presentations might be less anxious for me. The first speech was the Most Embarrassing Moment speech. I honestly was still so nervous to record this even though I would just be looking at my computer screen. It felt kind of weird, almost as if I was video chatting with myself. After I memorized my speech and sent in my recording, I immediately assumed that I failed because the professor would think that I was too close to the screen or I was too loud or I moved my head around a lot. Then I ended up getting an A on it. Everything I thought that I did wrong was either irrelevant or did not distract from my presentation as a whole. Since I only missed one point, I can say that what I did well was all the Get more content on
  • 18. A Comparison of My Two Speeches Essay Comparing my self–introduction speech (my first speech), to my persuasive speech (my last speech) was interesting. They were completely different topics but with a slight improvement in speaking ability. I increased my ability to maintain eye contact while I reduced the amount of nervous body language. I saw improvements in my speech preparation and structure, as well as in the delivery of the speech. First I am going to talk about the difference in eye contact and nervous body language between the first speech and the last speech. In my first speech my face was flushed a cherry red, I was shaking, and every time I would try to make eye contact I would lose all train of thought. In my last speech I was not nearly as nervous, more content... Next I am going to talk about the structure and preparation of each of my speeches. My first speech did not fulfill all four functions of the speech introduction. I did not list my main points in the introduction of the first speech but I did in my last. I could really see the difference; how following the format makes everything flow together. Like transition statements, I never saw the importance in those until I watched myself without transition statements, what a mess. My persuasive speech followed much more of a pattern and was fluid. The last point I would like to discuss in the delivery of my speech. The delivery was still not up to par but I think I have made a vast improvement. My first speech was pretty shaky and the last speech had more of a rock holding it down. I was much more confident in myself. I spoke strongly about my topic emphasizing words, to grasp the attention of my audience. So in conclusion if I had another semester of speech, I could maybe speak to large group of people, completely confident in my delivery. But I still have a touch of anxiety in preparing to speak and my writing skills still need some work. I am really happy with what I have achieved in the class, yes it could have been more if I was tougher on myself, but I cannot believe how much more comfortable I was being up there. So I give myself a seven, on the one to ten scale of Get more content on
  • 19. What Is An Example Of Free Speech There is five rights in the first amendment and one of those rights is Free Speech. Free Speech is the right to articulate one's opinion and ideas without fear of government retaliation or societal sanction. Lately there have been a big debate about "Safe" Speech vs. Free Speech. An example of Free Speech is you have the right to voice your political criticisms and the right to speak out against or for the government. Freedom of speech allows people to speak out and speak their minds. Safe Speech means that in certain places you can not say things that people will take offense to. The places are called "Safe–Spaces". When individuals are in Safe–Spaces they are told to use positive language and are told not to say offensive things about the LGBT community, gay marriage and any other thing in that sort. They are also not allowed to say any hate speech or harassing comments. There should be Safe Speech because if people say whatever they want they can induce panic, offend other people, and cause personal harm to people. An example of free speech inducing panic would be a person yelling that their is a bomb on the plane. In this situation the a person would be panicking because they don't more content... Even if you state that you do not agree with homosexuals, transgenders, lesbians, and/or anything of that sort than they would consider that hate speech because they feel as if they are judging them. For example, the Ku Klux Klan better known as the KKK may offend people by what they say. Our ancestors who fought in the American Revolution didn't have freedom of speech before they won their (and our) independence from Great Britain. And guess what happened to people who said something against the king? Tar and feathers, hanging, and prison. So while the First Amendment gives us free speech, people need to use this freedom wisely, and not at the expense of someone else's Get more content on
  • 20. Persuasive Speech On English Language Ever since the dawn of mankind, some form of language has been used to communicate with one another. Language and the ability to speak to one another to get things done is what I believe makes humankind the most sophisticated species on the planet. However, over the last few hundred years, one language in particular has become one of the most universally taught subjects: English. With several hundred, or maybe even thousands of languages being spoken by nearly seven billion people today, English has become the method of communication across several different countries and cultures. If, for example, English wasn't adopted as a globally respected language, then it would make communicating with other cultures very difficult. Don't get more content... Whether we are trying to communicate across several countries or simplifying documents and dialects locally, there needs to be some form of legislation when it comes to language, and I believe instilling a global language can help us achieve all of the above. Both my mother's and my father's side of the family migrated from Cuba to Miami in the late 50's, early 60's. When I was born my parents had to work during the day, so my grandmother, Aba, used to always take care of me, and since she migrated from Cuba, she mainly spoke Spanish with knowledge in only a few English words. When Aba passed away in 2001, I went to a family friend who also prominently spoke Spanish. Today, at the age of 18, I can proudly say that those five first years of life did not prepare me enough for Spanish, since I am mostly an English–bred Hispanic. Sure, I can start a simple conversation and maybe talk Spanish for a little, but overall, I am known as the family "gringo," which is a harsh way of saying I can't speak Spanish. This hasn't just happened to me. Phillip M. Carter, a professor of linguistics at the FIU Department of English, has found that Miami is undergoing what is known as a "language shift." The shift means that Miami is becoming less in touch with its Spanish–speaking roots and is turning to more English–based communication. Carter's own research indicates that "Miami–born Latinos even Get more content on
  • 21. Example Of Persuasive Speech Essay SPEECH ADDRESS : OUR ECONOMY WILL COLLAPSE IF OUR ECOSYSTEM CRUMBLES (serious tone) First of all, I would like to acknowledge that we are meeting here on the land of the Ngunnawal people. I would like to pay my respects to the traditional elders of this land past and present. (brighter tone – louder to get people's attention) Good morning ladies and gentleman. Good morning reporters, journalists, politicians and most importantly (pause, then slow down pace) all of you who here who are also mothers and fathers. (still slow pace) Today, I speak not just as an (en–vi–ro–men–tal–ist) environmentalist but as a desperate mother who wants the best for my child's future. It is said that the future lies in the children of today – our children – more content... (confidently) Well, the first thing we to do is this. Australians need to be beyond the two–party dominated political system and instead, consider smaller parties such as The Greens, who have a genuine interest in doing what we want in a "grassroots democracy" system. The political system right now is a constant battle between the Labor and the Liberals, fighting out to see who can reveal more flaws within each other instead of focusing on the real issues. A recent example is the $60,000 spent by the Labor party on an "election image makeover" for Bill Shorten and his wife for last years election campaign. Their defence? Their glossy advertisements turned out "a hundred times" better than the Liberal party's and mirrored their "high–quality campaign". We're in a $500 billion dollar debt dump, increasing at a rate of over $500 dollars per second, and they go and spend $60,00 on advertising themselves... Get more content on