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Example Of Informative Report
Per Reporter: Elaine tested positive for drugs (marijuana & meth) April 2017. Elaine tested negative via UDS on admission. The baby teste negative
via UDS 8/7/17; the meconium drugs screen is pending. Elaine received very little to no prenatal care due to no transportation. Elaine stated that she
hadn't used drugs since April 2017 and still without transportation. Elaine mentioned that she has a second child (unknown) who is in Iowa with the
maternal grandmother (Tracy). There are concerns that Elaine doesn't have custody of the unknown child. Elaine mentioned that the child is visiting,
but did not disclose how long the child had been in Iowa or when the child will return. The family is schedule to discharge 8/9/17. Elaine's room
number is
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Informative Outline
Topic: Impact of Media in the Society and Individual
General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose:To inform my audience the negative impact of social media in the society and to the individual.
Thesis:Social media websites are some of the most popular haunts on the Internet. They have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize
on the Web.
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter:Today, just about everyone depends on information and communication to keep their lives moving through daily activities like
work, education, health care, leisure activities, entertainment, travelling, personal relationships, and the other stuff with which we more
1. There are three basic functions of mass media.
a. Providing news and information
b. Entertainment
c. Education
2. How media influence us
a. According to Victoria Sherrow, in her book Violence the question of cause and effect and the Media: There are positive and negative influences of
mass media, which we must understand as a responsible person of a society.
b. New and influential media–distribution channels have appeared in the 21st century. Delivered via the World Wide Web across the Internet, we are
influenced daily by blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds and myriad forms of content sharing.
c. Radio and then television were very influential. As the 20th century closed, TV exposed us to untold numbers of images of advertising and
marketing, suffering and relief, sexuality and violence, celebrity, and much more.
Transition: Now that I have discussed the influence of social media, I will now discuss the effects of social media and the impact to the society and to
the individual.
B. The impact of Media on the society
1. Social impact
a. Couldry states that "Mass media generally are considered a prime candidate given the on–line profusion of information and entertainment services.
This article compares the daily mass media habits of heavy, light, and nonusers of personal computers and on–line services based on 1994 and 1995
national surveys conducted by the Times–Mirror Center for the People and the Press."
b. On a
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Examples Of Informative Briefing
In my informative briefing presentation, I explained what big game guiding in Alaska is. My presentation included three main points which included
me talking about and defining big game guiding, then I shared my experience of watching my dad run his business of big game guiding, and I
concluded with talking about fish and game guiding in 2016. Immediately after my concluding statements of my presentation, I knew that my outline
and presentation needed some big changes. For example, in my presentation, I used too much of my time on the introduction and first main point which
forced me to rush through my next two main points and conclusion. To solve this issue, I feel like rewriting my outline with shorter sentences and less
sub–points more content...
For example, I believe that my power point had relevant pictures that added to my speech's visuals. Another area of my speech I believe that I did
good was my voice. In the panopto recording I noticed I spoke very clearly, loudly, and in an easily understandable manner. This may be because I
was in full manuscript mode and did not need to think about what I needed to say, regardless I spoke loud and clear for the audience. For example,
when reading my main points, "What is Big Game Guiding", "The Internet and Big Game Guiding", and "Big Game Guiding today", I spoke loud and
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Example Of Informative Evaluation
Formative evaluation helps determine that the message is clear and understandable. We conducted a formative evaluation during the "pilot phase"
development of a poster directed at the target audience of Indiana University Kokomo students to better understand whether the message was relevant
to the poster`s goal of consent. Consent while drinking is a very risky situation, which we need to inform students at IUK before it happens to them.
This paper will describe our collective formative evaluation and my personal efforts and contribution to the overall formative evaluation.
The overall group plan for the formative evaluation of out poster was to collect data from a total of 15 people, including 12 people from the target
audience and from 3 experts, including Bethany Hemrick. We gathered feedback on the poster by utilizing a survey of nine open–ended questions,
such as what would you do to improve this message and if this message would offend anyone they knew. While asking students to answer these
questions I told them to use constructive criticism even if they were my more content...
I personally collected data on the dates of March 7, and March 9–11. I used the following methodologies to gather the data, one on one interviews,
group discussion and via text message. The data collection occurred in student's houses, and my house. The facilities and room set–up were normal
there was a couch and a chair when we had the conversations. Handwritten notes taken during and after formative evaluation are attached to this paper.
My interactions with the survey respondents could be characterized as normal nothing was awkward and everyone was comfortable and wasn't
embarrassed to talk about the subject. During the group discussion I think affects the outcome of what others say about the poster, most of them agreed
on each other and influenced them to say the same
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Examples Of Informative Speech Outline
Industry Pitch Presentation Outline Copy the pattern below into a blank Word document and fill in the information pertaining to your pitch in
complete sentences. Bring a hard copy of your outline to the workshop and submit a final copy on the day of your speech. We will discuss how to do
all of the following in class. INTRODUCTION (4 phases) 1.Attention–getting Phase (capture audience's interest): How about we add some spice to this
class. What are your thoughts on delicacies of eastern food? How about mouth watering chilli chicken and barbeques kababs, and that too every thing
under $5? Sounds great right!! So let me introduce you to my idea "eastern kitchen on wheels." 2.Credibility Phase (articulate your expertise on topic): more content...
I'm always hungry and looking for healthy and cheaper food options that I can relate to. Also, western and students from other culture tend to have
liking for spicy food. As they consume similar westernized food at their houses every day, my food truck will fulfill their appetite and desire. Kalsec's
result shows that 70 percent of consumers choose hot/spicy options. Hence, it will serve the interests of both Asian International and other students at
much affordable rates. (Transitional phrase to Main Point #2): There have been significant increase on food truck within last five years 9.3% increase
on business. Main Point #2 (Description and analysis of the industry that your idea is a part of – this is the larger community of business, such as
"tourism" or "pop music" and clear discussion of your idea's possible earning potential) As already mentioned earlier, food truck is a thriving
business. They're sweeping flourishing cities to small downtown areas; food on wheels is a big growing trend right now. It doesn't require much of
the initial capital, as the only expenses are buying or subleasing a truck, few utensils and raw material. The IBIS world noted that, maximum it takes
to start the mobile food is $100,000. Mobile food is a $1 billion industry that will see 2.7 growth by 2017, and 78% of the operator have only 4 or fewer
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Speech : A Reflection Of An Informative Speech
Informative Speech Reflection Paper After giving and analyzing my informative speech I learned many new things that will help me in my future
speeches. Looking at the aspects of content, delivery, and organization I have learned by gibing this speech and being in this class how to better
come across to my audience to make my topic as clear and as informative as I can. This assignment has helped me gain a better understanding of my
topic, but also has helped me gain further knowledge on writing and giving my speech to an audience, along with opened my eyes to improvements I
need to make in my future speeches. I have learned many new techniques and aspects to include in my speeches to make my future speeches better.
Content is a very important part of an informative speech. I focused a lot on having strong points in my informative speech. I focused on discussing
the types of service dogs, and the qualifications to have a service dog, along with the training a service dog undergoes. My main points I chose to
include in my informative speech I expressed very well and went into a good amount of detail, however in some areas I could have given a more
in–depth explanation. One thing I could have improved on in regard to my content would have been giving more background information on serve
dogs, by including things like how long they have been around and the number of service dogs currently in the U.S. By doing this I would have added
not only more content to my speech,
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Example Of Informative Speech
Tina is awake, alert, and oriented x 3 to person, place, and time. Her speech is, clear, and appropriate to context. Tina is pleasant, cooperative and
freely provides information with no contraindication. Tina presents to the Shadowville Health Clinic complaining of right foot pain related to tripping
on the cement stairs at home one week ago. Inspection of right foot reveals a 2 cm x 1.5 cm, 2.5 cm deep, on the plantar ball of her foot. Right Lower
Extremity (RLE) X–Ray results were negative for acute fracture. NUTRITION & DIET HABITS The 24 hour diet recall from the patient indicates,
the patient had a pumpkin muffin for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and meat with vegetable for dinner. Tina does not have any food allergies,
reports more content...
No pregnancies. Currently lives with mother and sister, moved back home to provide support after death of father one year ago. Employed as a Shift
Supervisor at Mid–American Copy and Ship, she works 32 hours per week. She enjoys her work and was recently promoted to shift supervisor.Tina
is also a part time student taking six credits at Shadowville State College. She is in her last semester to obtain a Bachelor's degree in accounting. She
has a car, cell phone, and computer. She receives basic health insurance from work, but states, she "doesn't really know what it covers". She enjoys
spending time with friends, attending Bible study, volunteering in her church, and dancing. Tina is active in her church and describes a strong family
and social support system. Tina expresses a positive relationship with God, manifested by her statement, "When things get hard, like they have been
this past year, I know I can trust God to look out for me". Patient reports stressors relating to the death of her father and balancing work and school
demands . She states that "staying organized, trying to plan, and attending church" help her to cope. No tobacco. Occasional cannabis use from age 15
to age 21. Denies use of cocaine, methamphetamines, and heroin. Uses alcohol when "out with friends, 2–3 times per month," reports drinking "a few"
drinks per episode. She drinks four caffeinated drinks per day (diet coke). Tina has never traveled
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Informative Speech On Small Business
Topic: Shopping small business Introduction I. Attention Getter Imagine driving through your hometown. Would you rather see the street lined
with thriving local shops and restaurants, or would you rather see it abandoned. Empty buildings lining the roads with a big box store positioned
on the edge of town. II. Audience Relevance Link We are all consumers who have the ability to decide if we would rather support small businesses
or shop at large chain retailers. If we don't support local businesses, our future will look like the scene that I described. Our main streets will be
empty, the only thing left will be the shells of old forgotten businesses. Our only option will be to shop at generic big box stores. III.Credibility My
dad has owned and operated his own business for almost 40 years. He has relied on the community and other small businesses to keep his company
going. Throughout the years I've seen the highs and lows of owning a local business. I've also seen first hand how he connects with and relies on
other local companies and community members to keep it going. IV. Preposition When given the choice to go to a big box store or a local business, I
urge you to shop local to benefit your community. V. Preview Today I will discuss how large chain retailers hurt small businesses, why local businesses
are crucial to the economy, and how you can help them stay afloat. Transition: Large chain stores dominate the market because of their seen convince,
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I am writing an informative essay for my English 111 course. My medium for this project will be a formal academic manuscript. I will be writing to
Professor Helfrich and my classmates. I will be writing this argument essay to an audience of people who support and want to solve the issue to stop
mistreating animals that are consumed. Also, this essay could benefit people who are not aware of this issue or have an opposing view. Throughout
this essay I will be making my audience aware of why industrial production of food is being done in an unethical manner and the the health problems
and risks that are arising. There are many reasons that this argument is a concern. These reasons include overlooked production practices, high and fast more content...
They are as easy as enforcing better laws and regulations. "Livestock production relies heavily on antimicrobials, hormones, and a variety of other
pharmaceuticals. A number of concerns have been raised about these developments, including the presence of drug residues in meat and the impact
of these production techniques on animal welfare" (Schneider). Today many people are confused as to why there are not a lot stricter and enforced
rules being taken into play when it comes to our health and the environment. Even though there are many rules and regulation put into place by the
FDA it is a possibility that there are so many underlying rules and regulations put into place and it is hard for these companies to keep up with
them. There needs to be a strict and a laid out set of rules that are easy to follow and that are not being changed and modified daily. These laws and
regulations are more likely to be changed if more attention was brought to this issue. Attention could be brought to the public by more media such as
social media, television, newspapers, etc. By bringing attention to this matter people will want to become more educated about the topic and what they
can do to help prevent this type of behavior. "Each year an estimated 5,000 Americans die and another 77 million get sick from disease producing
agents in the food they eat" (Sifry). These numbers show how undereducated people are about the risks buying
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9/11 Informative Speech Essay
SAMPLE SPEECH OUTLINE INTRODUCTION Attention Getter: How many of you still remember September 11, 2001? Connect/Relate with the
Audience: Many of us were around the age of 9 or 10 when these attacks occurred and didn't have a clue of what was going on. We just knew it
wasn't normal. Thesis: The World Trade Center attacks were part of a strategic plan of a terrorist group al–Qaeda. And I will be mapping out the
attacks as they unfolded. Preview of Main Points: Four planes were hijacked, each intended for different targets. According to the New York Times,
the flights that were hijacked included AA Flight 11, UA Flight 175, AA Flight 77, and UA Flight 93. (Schmemann A1) Transition to Body: These
attacks have proven that evil more content...
vii. Support : This flight came crashed into the South tower at almost 600 miles per hour. viii. Support: It caused the south tower to collapse before
the north tower at approximately 9:59 AM. (Wood 1) f. Transition: The other two planes which were intended for a crash landing were not bound for
New York. One successfully reached its target, while another was stopped in its tracks. III. Third Main Point: According to The final two planes which
were American Airlines flight 77 and United Airlines flight 93 were all headed to the Washington D.C. area. g. First Sub
–point: According to James
Harris, Author, Flight 77 was intended to collide into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. ix. Support : The flight carried 59 people plus the hijackers.
x. Support : Impact was determined at approximately 9:37 AM. (Harris 189) h. Second Sub–point: Flight 93 carried a significant story behind its
hijacking. xi. Support : Evan Thomas states that It departed from Newark, New Jersey and planned to land in San Francisco. The hijackers intended to
crash the plane in the final target of their scheme which was the White House. xii. Support: When the passengers onboard knew of the three hijackings.
They teamed up in an effort to regain control of the plane and attempt to bring it to safety. xiii. Support: After fighting their way into the flight deck, the
few passengers
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Informative Speech Essay example
Chelsea McMillen's Persuasive Speech Outline
General Purpose: To persuade my audience
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience into being in favor of distributing contraceptives (condoms, birth control pills, spermicides, etc.) in high
Thesis statement: In order to explain why contraceptives are becoming such a necessity in schools today, I will share how teen parenthood is being
glorified, reasons for such an increase in teenage pregnancies, and how effective distributing contraceptives would be.
I. Attention getter: (show slide of pregnant girls) How many of you have ever seen television shows like "16 and Pregnant", "Teen Mom", or "The
Secret Life of an American Teenager"? more content...
2. Since then, pregnancy rates have risen 3 percent.
C. Children and teenagers are having sex and getting pregnant before they truly know how to prevent it. A shift needs to be made from this "abstinence
only" phase to a more preventative attitude. Our president agrees.
1. In the article I read that the Obama administration's 2010 budget eliminated spending for abstinence–only programs, shifting funds to
pregnancy prevention education that include abstinence as well as "medically accurate and age–appropriate" information.
2. According to the Reproductive Rights Blog, the $114.5 million teen pregnancy prevention project signed into law by President Obama in December
2009 establishes a major turning point in U.S. sex education policy, according to a new analysis published in the Winter 2010 issue of the Guttmacher
Policy Review. The project replaces many of the most firm and ineffective abstinence–only programs, which by law were required to have nonmarital
abstinence promotion as their "exclusive purpose" and were prohibited from discussing the benefits of contraception.
Transition: Third, I want to explain how effective distributing contraceptives would be.
III. Unfortunately, we live in a society where kids are having sex. It's unpleasant to think about, but it's true.
A. Whether adults want them to or not, if they want to have sex, they're going to do it.
1. Properly informing young people would help them to
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Sample Informative Speech Outline
Sample Informative Speech Outline
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the different forms of pain management used during childbirth.
Central Idea: Pain management is an important aspect of childbirth that women need to educate themselves on so they can make an informed decision
when choosing which method they will use.
I. You hear screams, moaning, words of insanity; you may feel terrified or overwhelmed with pain. A. Do you have the flu? B. No, you're in labor!
II. Having given birth twice myself, I wanted to learn the pros and con's of different types of pain management, so I could decide what the best choice
was for me and my baby.
III. In June of 2005 more content...
26 March 2006.
"Spotlight on Exercise." March of Dimes. 26 March 2006.
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Informative Speech Essay examples
General purpose: To inform
Speech Goal: I would like to give everybody an insight on Tiger Wood's life. I will talk about his early childhood, golf career, and the scandal that
became his downfall.
Who in your opinion is the most dominant well–known figure in professional sports? This is up for debate to many of us as we all have different likes
or interests. But there is one individual who was destined for stardom and was in the spotlight at a very early age.
He is arguably the one individual in our lifetime that transformed his sport. With his presence, the sport of golf became popular and was no longer a
ratings buster on television, and became a sport more young kids wanted to get involved more content...
B. His dad saw that he had an interest in golf at a very early age and designated him as "The Chosen One" (Callahan 23). 1. When Tiger was a
toddler, his dad would put him in his high chair while he would hit golf balls in the basement. He noticed Tiger watching every move he made.
Soon enough, Tiger was mimicking his dad's golf swing and Earl Woods became amazed at what Tiger could do with a golf club by the age of 2.
2. Tiger became noticed by the world at the ripe old age of two yrs. old when he appeared on the Mike Douglas show. He was featured in Golf
Digest at the age of 5 and began winning junior tournaments with kids four to five years older than him at the age of 8 (Londino 23). 3. He had a
close relationship with his father and it is well documented that Tiger got his mental toughness through him. His dad use makes all kinds of noises
while Tiger would attempt to practice. This left Tiger with two choices: He could block out the distraction or lose his composure. 4. At age 15 Woods
became the youngest ever U.S. Junior Amateur champion. He defended the title in 1992 and
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Example Of Informative Essay
My name is Charlene A. Williams and I am a counselor of the Community Substance Abuse Center. I have a patient by the name of Denim Bassette,
who will be vacationing in Aruba next month. Please advise me what is needed to assist the patient with her hosting dosing at your methadone clinic.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at 860–247–8300.
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Informative Speech Outline Essay
Alissa Jarrar
Informative Speech
Prof. Dorsey
Topic: Dubai
General Purpose: Tourism
Specific Purpose: Attractions, Malls and Hotels
I. Introduction A. Attention Getter– Who has ever been to New York City? Who has ever been to Las Vegas? Who has ever been to Miami? Who has
ever seen pictures of these places? What if I told you there was another place just like all these places on the other side of the world. Does anyone
know of the city of Dubai? It is exactly like New York City, Las Vegas and Miami in one. Dubai's city is amazing. B. Thesis
– Today I would like to
inform you about some of the amazing places and things Dubai's city has, such as their main attractions, malls and astonishing hotels.
In a 2006 more content...
III. Malls
A. Diera City Centre
1. One of oldest malls
2. Over 300 shops B. Mall of Emirates
1.Ski Dubai
2. Aquarium C. Dubai Mall 1. Biggest mall in the world 2. Over 1200 shops D. Dragon Mart 1. Shaped as a dragon 2. Major flea market
Transition: I've told you about some attractions and the malls, Finally, I'm going to tell you about the hotels in Dubai and also some major possible
future hotel projects.
IV. Hotels
In the article "Dubai continues growth as a tourism hotspot" out of the Travel and Tourism News, October 2010 addition states Dubai "has achieved
significant growth in terms of hotel occupancy and tourism arrivals in the first half of 2010, with the number of hotel guests reaching 4,181,326 a nine
per cent increase from 3,852,742 guests in the first half of 2009."
A. Burj Al Arab1. Luxury hotel was opened in 1999. 2. The 4th tallest hotel in the world, it stands 321 meters high and is located on a separate
artificial island. Built like a sail 3. At night, the hotel's exterior is lit by a choreographed show of colors that change every half hour. 4. Huge
aquariums, dancing fountains 5. Tiger woods hit golf ball off helicopter pad B. Atlantis
1. This luxury resort is situated on 113 acres, and is considered an architectural wonder
2. Prime location, on the crescent of The Palm Jumeirah, known as the 8th Wonder of the World.
3. This resort features "Aquaventure" – a
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Example Of Informative Speech Example
1. For the First question, How can I improve my introduction, including my hook so that it will grab my audience's attention ?, I need to put some
more details in my introduction, to make it more specific, so that my audience's will have a better understanding, that is how, and to improve my
hook, which is to grab my audience's attention, i will put the causes and the effects, like i put what is the cause and what are the effects, then it
would get their attention, because it quickly shows the important information, and it seems astonishing enough, that is a way to improve my hook,
and again to put more details, making it more specific, giving them a better understanding, that is how. 2. what can I do to clarify my Thesis
statement, or claim ?, I have to put more details, in order to make it more clear, making have more sense, less confusing, being specific is the best
way, so be more specific, and I shouldn't use words that some people don't know, for example, deceived, inquisitive, it's a way to not confuse them,
and from preventing them to slow down from the confusion, do not make it short, it should have more than enough information, and last some
evidence to back it up, because since it is talking about the claim or Thesis statement, I use evidence to make it relate to the claim or These statement,
when it's related, it will make more sense this way, it will show why, and how, it will explain, which is more specific, these are many ways to clarify
Thesis statement,
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Informative Speech On Anxiety
Anxiety is one of the most common illnesses in America. Your palms can get sweaty, you get nervous and your blood pressure can increase. Some
students can go through anxiety every day just by having to go to school or present in class like I am now. I am presenting a speech in front of a
decent size class some of who I am familiar with and some of you who I barely know so that can be a bit scary and nerve racking.
I will discuss what Anxiety is, how to diagnose it, and also how to treat it. It is very common and I'm pretty sure most of you know basically what it is.
But just in case I will go over the main important things to know about Anxiety. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders
involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. The
feelings can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, school work, and relationships. There are several different types of anxiety
disorders. Examples include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. According to the American psychological
association, Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and invisible changes like increased blood pressure. You
can have OCD, phobias, panic attacks, and PTSD. OCD is basically anxiety that takes the form of obsessions and compulsions. I know many of you
guys are scared of spiders or bees and that is
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Informative Speech On Culture
Speech Rough Draft
Conflicting cultures. Does being from multiple cultures that have conflicts with each other benefit or hurt us? Before I answer this question, I would
like to ask you another question, "What do you call a hot Indian girl? Bomb Bae." Before you feel pity for my whole nation, and come under the
belief that this sense of humour is applicable to all from where I am from. First let me ask you, where am I from?
For the past 7 years when someone would ask me about my nationality, I always answered with Pindia. Although this is not a country, it is where I am
from. My father is from Pakistan and my mother is from India, being from 2 conflicting cultures, I find it tough to fit in only one. Furthermore, I was
born in the US and I currently am in an American School. But, I also feel as though the American culture has more content...
The largest conflict that comes up is that whenever they play each other in cricket, I have to just shut up, and make sure I don't anger both of my
parents. I remember about 6 years ago when the two teams played each other for a spot in the semi–finals of the T20 tournament. We were in Dubai
with my family, cousins, and some of our friends who were also Indian or Pakistani. I remember every single 4, 6 or wicket that occurred for both
teams, and how I was the only person who was cheering for every single movement that occurred. By the end, I realized two things, one that the two
teams were rivals, and that this was probably why people were giving me stares of disgust, and that I should only vote for one team. Although in
reality this is only a small conflict, and whoever wins doesn't affect me directly, I still find that it is a massive issue for me. On a larger scale this
basically means that the small differences and disputes that the countries have with each other make it tough for me to choose a
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Example Of Informative Report

  • 1. Example Of Informative Report Per Reporter: Elaine tested positive for drugs (marijuana & meth) April 2017. Elaine tested negative via UDS on admission. The baby teste negative via UDS 8/7/17; the meconium drugs screen is pending. Elaine received very little to no prenatal care due to no transportation. Elaine stated that she hadn't used drugs since April 2017 and still without transportation. Elaine mentioned that she has a second child (unknown) who is in Iowa with the maternal grandmother (Tracy). There are concerns that Elaine doesn't have custody of the unknown child. Elaine mentioned that the child is visiting, but did not disclose how long the child had been in Iowa or when the child will return. The family is schedule to discharge 8/9/17. Elaine's room number is Get more content on
  • 2. EXAMPLE OF INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE Informative Outline Topic: Impact of Media in the Society and Individual General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose:To inform my audience the negative impact of social media in the society and to the individual. Thesis:Social media websites are some of the most popular haunts on the Internet. They have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize on the Web. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter:Today, just about everyone depends on information and communication to keep their lives moving through daily activities like work, education, health care, leisure activities, entertainment, travelling, personal relationships, and the other stuff with which we more content... 1. There are three basic functions of mass media. a. Providing news and information b. Entertainment c. Education 2. How media influence us a. According to Victoria Sherrow, in her book Violence the question of cause and effect and the Media: There are positive and negative influences of mass media, which we must understand as a responsible person of a society. b. New and influential media–distribution channels have appeared in the 21st century. Delivered via the World Wide Web across the Internet, we are
  • 3. influenced daily by blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds and myriad forms of content sharing. c. Radio and then television were very influential. As the 20th century closed, TV exposed us to untold numbers of images of advertising and marketing, suffering and relief, sexuality and violence, celebrity, and much more. Transition: Now that I have discussed the influence of social media, I will now discuss the effects of social media and the impact to the society and to the individual. B. The impact of Media on the society 1. Social impact a. Couldry states that "Mass media generally are considered a prime candidate given the on–line profusion of information and entertainment services. This article compares the daily mass media habits of heavy, light, and nonusers of personal computers and on–line services based on 1994 and 1995 national surveys conducted by the Times–Mirror Center for the People and the Press." b. On a Get more content on
  • 4. Examples Of Informative Briefing In my informative briefing presentation, I explained what big game guiding in Alaska is. My presentation included three main points which included me talking about and defining big game guiding, then I shared my experience of watching my dad run his business of big game guiding, and I concluded with talking about fish and game guiding in 2016. Immediately after my concluding statements of my presentation, I knew that my outline and presentation needed some big changes. For example, in my presentation, I used too much of my time on the introduction and first main point which forced me to rush through my next two main points and conclusion. To solve this issue, I feel like rewriting my outline with shorter sentences and less sub–points more content... For example, I believe that my power point had relevant pictures that added to my speech's visuals. Another area of my speech I believe that I did good was my voice. In the panopto recording I noticed I spoke very clearly, loudly, and in an easily understandable manner. This may be because I was in full manuscript mode and did not need to think about what I needed to say, regardless I spoke loud and clear for the audience. For example, when reading my main points, "What is Big Game Guiding", "The Internet and Big Game Guiding", and "Big Game Guiding today", I spoke loud and Get more content on
  • 5. Example Of Informative Evaluation Introduction Formative evaluation helps determine that the message is clear and understandable. We conducted a formative evaluation during the "pilot phase" development of a poster directed at the target audience of Indiana University Kokomo students to better understand whether the message was relevant to the poster`s goal of consent. Consent while drinking is a very risky situation, which we need to inform students at IUK before it happens to them. This paper will describe our collective formative evaluation and my personal efforts and contribution to the overall formative evaluation. Methods The overall group plan for the formative evaluation of out poster was to collect data from a total of 15 people, including 12 people from the target audience and from 3 experts, including Bethany Hemrick. We gathered feedback on the poster by utilizing a survey of nine open–ended questions, such as what would you do to improve this message and if this message would offend anyone they knew. While asking students to answer these questions I told them to use constructive criticism even if they were my more content... I personally collected data on the dates of March 7, and March 9–11. I used the following methodologies to gather the data, one on one interviews, group discussion and via text message. The data collection occurred in student's houses, and my house. The facilities and room set–up were normal there was a couch and a chair when we had the conversations. Handwritten notes taken during and after formative evaluation are attached to this paper. My interactions with the survey respondents could be characterized as normal nothing was awkward and everyone was comfortable and wasn't embarrassed to talk about the subject. During the group discussion I think affects the outcome of what others say about the poster, most of them agreed on each other and influenced them to say the same Get more content on
  • 6. Examples Of Informative Speech Outline Industry Pitch Presentation Outline Copy the pattern below into a blank Word document and fill in the information pertaining to your pitch in complete sentences. Bring a hard copy of your outline to the workshop and submit a final copy on the day of your speech. We will discuss how to do all of the following in class. INTRODUCTION (4 phases) 1.Attention–getting Phase (capture audience's interest): How about we add some spice to this class. What are your thoughts on delicacies of eastern food? How about mouth watering chilli chicken and barbeques kababs, and that too every thing under $5? Sounds great right!! So let me introduce you to my idea "eastern kitchen on wheels." 2.Credibility Phase (articulate your expertise on topic): more content... I'm always hungry and looking for healthy and cheaper food options that I can relate to. Also, western and students from other culture tend to have liking for spicy food. As they consume similar westernized food at their houses every day, my food truck will fulfill their appetite and desire. Kalsec's result shows that 70 percent of consumers choose hot/spicy options. Hence, it will serve the interests of both Asian International and other students at much affordable rates. (Transitional phrase to Main Point #2): There have been significant increase on food truck within last five years 9.3% increase on business. Main Point #2 (Description and analysis of the industry that your idea is a part of – this is the larger community of business, such as "tourism" or "pop music" and clear discussion of your idea's possible earning potential) As already mentioned earlier, food truck is a thriving business. They're sweeping flourishing cities to small downtown areas; food on wheels is a big growing trend right now. It doesn't require much of the initial capital, as the only expenses are buying or subleasing a truck, few utensils and raw material. The IBIS world noted that, maximum it takes to start the mobile food is $100,000. Mobile food is a $1 billion industry that will see 2.7 growth by 2017, and 78% of the operator have only 4 or fewer Get more content on
  • 7. Speech : A Reflection Of An Informative Speech Informative Speech Reflection Paper After giving and analyzing my informative speech I learned many new things that will help me in my future speeches. Looking at the aspects of content, delivery, and organization I have learned by gibing this speech and being in this class how to better come across to my audience to make my topic as clear and as informative as I can. This assignment has helped me gain a better understanding of my topic, but also has helped me gain further knowledge on writing and giving my speech to an audience, along with opened my eyes to improvements I need to make in my future speeches. I have learned many new techniques and aspects to include in my speeches to make my future speeches better. Content is a very important part of an informative speech. I focused a lot on having strong points in my informative speech. I focused on discussing the types of service dogs, and the qualifications to have a service dog, along with the training a service dog undergoes. My main points I chose to include in my informative speech I expressed very well and went into a good amount of detail, however in some areas I could have given a more in–depth explanation. One thing I could have improved on in regard to my content would have been giving more background information on serve dogs, by including things like how long they have been around and the number of service dogs currently in the U.S. By doing this I would have added not only more content to my speech, Get more content on
  • 8. Example Of Informative Speech Tina is awake, alert, and oriented x 3 to person, place, and time. Her speech is, clear, and appropriate to context. Tina is pleasant, cooperative and freely provides information with no contraindication. Tina presents to the Shadowville Health Clinic complaining of right foot pain related to tripping on the cement stairs at home one week ago. Inspection of right foot reveals a 2 cm x 1.5 cm, 2.5 cm deep, on the plantar ball of her foot. Right Lower Extremity (RLE) X–Ray results were negative for acute fracture. NUTRITION & DIET HABITS The 24 hour diet recall from the patient indicates, the patient had a pumpkin muffin for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and meat with vegetable for dinner. Tina does not have any food allergies, reports more content... No pregnancies. Currently lives with mother and sister, moved back home to provide support after death of father one year ago. Employed as a Shift Supervisor at Mid–American Copy and Ship, she works 32 hours per week. She enjoys her work and was recently promoted to shift supervisor.Tina is also a part time student taking six credits at Shadowville State College. She is in her last semester to obtain a Bachelor's degree in accounting. She has a car, cell phone, and computer. She receives basic health insurance from work, but states, she "doesn't really know what it covers". She enjoys spending time with friends, attending Bible study, volunteering in her church, and dancing. Tina is active in her church and describes a strong family and social support system. Tina expresses a positive relationship with God, manifested by her statement, "When things get hard, like they have been this past year, I know I can trust God to look out for me". Patient reports stressors relating to the death of her father and balancing work and school demands . She states that "staying organized, trying to plan, and attending church" help her to cope. No tobacco. Occasional cannabis use from age 15 to age 21. Denies use of cocaine, methamphetamines, and heroin. Uses alcohol when "out with friends, 2–3 times per month," reports drinking "a few" drinks per episode. She drinks four caffeinated drinks per day (diet coke). Tina has never traveled Get more content on
  • 9. Informative Speech On Small Business Topic: Shopping small business Introduction I. Attention Getter Imagine driving through your hometown. Would you rather see the street lined with thriving local shops and restaurants, or would you rather see it abandoned. Empty buildings lining the roads with a big box store positioned on the edge of town. II. Audience Relevance Link We are all consumers who have the ability to decide if we would rather support small businesses or shop at large chain retailers. If we don't support local businesses, our future will look like the scene that I described. Our main streets will be empty, the only thing left will be the shells of old forgotten businesses. Our only option will be to shop at generic big box stores. III.Credibility My dad has owned and operated his own business for almost 40 years. He has relied on the community and other small businesses to keep his company going. Throughout the years I've seen the highs and lows of owning a local business. I've also seen first hand how he connects with and relies on other local companies and community members to keep it going. IV. Preposition When given the choice to go to a big box store or a local business, I urge you to shop local to benefit your community. V. Preview Today I will discuss how large chain retailers hurt small businesses, why local businesses are crucial to the economy, and how you can help them stay afloat. Transition: Large chain stores dominate the market because of their seen convince, Get more content on
  • 10. I am writing an informative essay for my English 111 course. My medium for this project will be a formal academic manuscript. I will be writing to Professor Helfrich and my classmates. I will be writing this argument essay to an audience of people who support and want to solve the issue to stop mistreating animals that are consumed. Also, this essay could benefit people who are not aware of this issue or have an opposing view. Throughout this essay I will be making my audience aware of why industrial production of food is being done in an unethical manner and the the health problems and risks that are arising. There are many reasons that this argument is a concern. These reasons include overlooked production practices, high and fast more content... They are as easy as enforcing better laws and regulations. "Livestock production relies heavily on antimicrobials, hormones, and a variety of other pharmaceuticals. A number of concerns have been raised about these developments, including the presence of drug residues in meat and the impact of these production techniques on animal welfare" (Schneider). Today many people are confused as to why there are not a lot stricter and enforced rules being taken into play when it comes to our health and the environment. Even though there are many rules and regulation put into place by the FDA it is a possibility that there are so many underlying rules and regulations put into place and it is hard for these companies to keep up with them. There needs to be a strict and a laid out set of rules that are easy to follow and that are not being changed and modified daily. These laws and regulations are more likely to be changed if more attention was brought to this issue. Attention could be brought to the public by more media such as social media, television, newspapers, etc. By bringing attention to this matter people will want to become more educated about the topic and what they can do to help prevent this type of behavior. "Each year an estimated 5,000 Americans die and another 77 million get sick from disease producing agents in the food they eat" (Sifry). These numbers show how undereducated people are about the risks buying Get more content on
  • 11. 9/11 Informative Speech Essay SAMPLE SPEECH OUTLINE INTRODUCTION Attention Getter: How many of you still remember September 11, 2001? Connect/Relate with the Audience: Many of us were around the age of 9 or 10 when these attacks occurred and didn't have a clue of what was going on. We just knew it wasn't normal. Thesis: The World Trade Center attacks were part of a strategic plan of a terrorist group al–Qaeda. And I will be mapping out the attacks as they unfolded. Preview of Main Points: Four planes were hijacked, each intended for different targets. According to the New York Times, the flights that were hijacked included AA Flight 11, UA Flight 175, AA Flight 77, and UA Flight 93. (Schmemann A1) Transition to Body: These attacks have proven that evil more content... vii. Support : This flight came crashed into the South tower at almost 600 miles per hour. viii. Support: It caused the south tower to collapse before the north tower at approximately 9:59 AM. (Wood 1) f. Transition: The other two planes which were intended for a crash landing were not bound for New York. One successfully reached its target, while another was stopped in its tracks. III. Third Main Point: According to The final two planes which were American Airlines flight 77 and United Airlines flight 93 were all headed to the Washington D.C. area. g. First Sub –point: According to James Harris, Author, Flight 77 was intended to collide into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. ix. Support : The flight carried 59 people plus the hijackers. x. Support : Impact was determined at approximately 9:37 AM. (Harris 189) h. Second Sub–point: Flight 93 carried a significant story behind its hijacking. xi. Support : Evan Thomas states that It departed from Newark, New Jersey and planned to land in San Francisco. The hijackers intended to crash the plane in the final target of their scheme which was the White House. xii. Support: When the passengers onboard knew of the three hijackings. They teamed up in an effort to regain control of the plane and attempt to bring it to safety. xiii. Support: After fighting their way into the flight deck, the few passengers Get more content on
  • 12. Informative Speech Essay example Chelsea McMillen's Persuasive Speech Outline General Purpose: To persuade my audience Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience into being in favor of distributing contraceptives (condoms, birth control pills, spermicides, etc.) in high schools. Thesis statement: In order to explain why contraceptives are becoming such a necessity in schools today, I will share how teen parenthood is being glorified, reasons for such an increase in teenage pregnancies, and how effective distributing contraceptives would be. INTRODUCTION I. Attention getter: (show slide of pregnant girls) How many of you have ever seen television shows like "16 and Pregnant", "Teen Mom", or "The Secret Life of an American Teenager"? more content... 2. Since then, pregnancy rates have risen 3 percent. C. Children and teenagers are having sex and getting pregnant before they truly know how to prevent it. A shift needs to be made from this "abstinence only" phase to a more preventative attitude. Our president agrees. 1. In the article I read that the Obama administration's 2010 budget eliminated spending for abstinence–only programs, shifting funds to pregnancy prevention education that include abstinence as well as "medically accurate and age–appropriate" information. 2. According to the Reproductive Rights Blog, the $114.5 million teen pregnancy prevention project signed into law by President Obama in December 2009 establishes a major turning point in U.S. sex education policy, according to a new analysis published in the Winter 2010 issue of the Guttmacher
  • 13. Policy Review. The project replaces many of the most firm and ineffective abstinence–only programs, which by law were required to have nonmarital abstinence promotion as their "exclusive purpose" and were prohibited from discussing the benefits of contraception. Transition: Third, I want to explain how effective distributing contraceptives would be. III. Unfortunately, we live in a society where kids are having sex. It's unpleasant to think about, but it's true. A. Whether adults want them to or not, if they want to have sex, they're going to do it. 1. Properly informing young people would help them to Get more content on
  • 14. Sample Informative Speech Outline Sample Informative Speech Outline Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the different forms of pain management used during childbirth. Central Idea: Pain management is an important aspect of childbirth that women need to educate themselves on so they can make an informed decision when choosing which method they will use. Introduction I. You hear screams, moaning, words of insanity; you may feel terrified or overwhelmed with pain. A. Do you have the flu? B. No, you're in labor! II. Having given birth twice myself, I wanted to learn the pros and con's of different types of pain management, so I could decide what the best choice was for me and my baby. III. In June of 2005 more content... 26 March 2006. "Spotlight on Exercise." March of Dimes. 26 March 2006. Get more content on
  • 15. Informative Speech Essay examples OUTLINE General purpose: To inform Speech Goal: I would like to give everybody an insight on Tiger Wood's life. I will talk about his early childhood, golf career, and the scandal that became his downfall. INTRODUCTION Who in your opinion is the most dominant well–known figure in professional sports? This is up for debate to many of us as we all have different likes or interests. But there is one individual who was destined for stardom and was in the spotlight at a very early age. He is arguably the one individual in our lifetime that transformed his sport. With his presence, the sport of golf became popular and was no longer a ratings buster on television, and became a sport more young kids wanted to get involved more content... B. His dad saw that he had an interest in golf at a very early age and designated him as "The Chosen One" (Callahan 23). 1. When Tiger was a toddler, his dad would put him in his high chair while he would hit golf balls in the basement. He noticed Tiger watching every move he made. Soon enough, Tiger was mimicking his dad's golf swing and Earl Woods became amazed at what Tiger could do with a golf club by the age of 2. 2. Tiger became noticed by the world at the ripe old age of two yrs. old when he appeared on the Mike Douglas show. He was featured in Golf Digest at the age of 5 and began winning junior tournaments with kids four to five years older than him at the age of 8 (Londino 23). 3. He had a close relationship with his father and it is well documented that Tiger got his mental toughness through him. His dad use makes all kinds of noises while Tiger would attempt to practice. This left Tiger with two choices: He could block out the distraction or lose his composure. 4. At age 15 Woods became the youngest ever U.S. Junior Amateur champion. He defended the title in 1992 and Get more content on
  • 16. Example Of Informative Essay My name is Charlene A. Williams and I am a counselor of the Community Substance Abuse Center. I have a patient by the name of Denim Bassette, who will be vacationing in Aruba next month. Please advise me what is needed to assist the patient with her hosting dosing at your methadone clinic. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 860–247–8300. Get more content on
  • 17. Informative Speech Outline Essay Alissa Jarrar Informative Speech Prof. Dorsey 3/15 Topic: Dubai General Purpose: Tourism Specific Purpose: Attractions, Malls and Hotels I. Introduction A. Attention Getter– Who has ever been to New York City? Who has ever been to Las Vegas? Who has ever been to Miami? Who has ever seen pictures of these places? What if I told you there was another place just like all these places on the other side of the world. Does anyone know of the city of Dubai? It is exactly like New York City, Las Vegas and Miami in one. Dubai's city is amazing. B. Thesis – Today I would like to inform you about some of the amazing places and things Dubai's city has, such as their main attractions, malls and astonishing hotels. In a 2006 more content... III. Malls A. Diera City Centre 1. One of oldest malls 2. Over 300 shops B. Mall of Emirates 1.Ski Dubai 2. Aquarium C. Dubai Mall 1. Biggest mall in the world 2. Over 1200 shops D. Dragon Mart 1. Shaped as a dragon 2. Major flea market Transition: I've told you about some attractions and the malls, Finally, I'm going to tell you about the hotels in Dubai and also some major possible future hotel projects.
  • 18. IV. Hotels In the article "Dubai continues growth as a tourism hotspot" out of the Travel and Tourism News, October 2010 addition states Dubai "has achieved significant growth in terms of hotel occupancy and tourism arrivals in the first half of 2010, with the number of hotel guests reaching 4,181,326 a nine per cent increase from 3,852,742 guests in the first half of 2009." A. Burj Al Arab1. Luxury hotel was opened in 1999. 2. The 4th tallest hotel in the world, it stands 321 meters high and is located on a separate artificial island. Built like a sail 3. At night, the hotel's exterior is lit by a choreographed show of colors that change every half hour. 4. Huge aquariums, dancing fountains 5. Tiger woods hit golf ball off helicopter pad B. Atlantis 1. This luxury resort is situated on 113 acres, and is considered an architectural wonder 2. Prime location, on the crescent of The Palm Jumeirah, known as the 8th Wonder of the World. 3. This resort features "Aquaventure" – a Get more content on
  • 19. Example Of Informative Speech Example 1. For the First question, How can I improve my introduction, including my hook so that it will grab my audience's attention ?, I need to put some more details in my introduction, to make it more specific, so that my audience's will have a better understanding, that is how, and to improve my hook, which is to grab my audience's attention, i will put the causes and the effects, like i put what is the cause and what are the effects, then it would get their attention, because it quickly shows the important information, and it seems astonishing enough, that is a way to improve my hook, and again to put more details, making it more specific, giving them a better understanding, that is how. 2. what can I do to clarify my Thesis statement, or claim ?, I have to put more details, in order to make it more clear, making have more sense, less confusing, being specific is the best way, so be more specific, and I shouldn't use words that some people don't know, for example, deceived, inquisitive, it's a way to not confuse them, and from preventing them to slow down from the confusion, do not make it short, it should have more than enough information, and last some evidence to back it up, because since it is talking about the claim or Thesis statement, I use evidence to make it relate to the claim or These statement, when it's related, it will make more sense this way, it will show why, and how, it will explain, which is more specific, these are many ways to clarify Thesis statement, Get more content on
  • 20. Informative Speech On Anxiety Anxiety is one of the most common illnesses in America. Your palms can get sweaty, you get nervous and your blood pressure can increase. Some students can go through anxiety every day just by having to go to school or present in class like I am now. I am presenting a speech in front of a decent size class some of who I am familiar with and some of you who I barely know so that can be a bit scary and nerve racking. I will discuss what Anxiety is, how to diagnose it, and also how to treat it. It is very common and I'm pretty sure most of you know basically what it is. But just in case I will go over the main important things to know about Anxiety. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. The feelings can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, school work, and relationships. There are several different types of anxiety disorders. Examples include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. According to the American psychological association, Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and invisible changes like increased blood pressure. You can have OCD, phobias, panic attacks, and PTSD. OCD is basically anxiety that takes the form of obsessions and compulsions. I know many of you guys are scared of spiders or bees and that is Get more content on
  • 21. Informative Speech On Culture Speech Rough Draft Conflicting cultures. Does being from multiple cultures that have conflicts with each other benefit or hurt us? Before I answer this question, I would like to ask you another question, "What do you call a hot Indian girl? Bomb Bae." Before you feel pity for my whole nation, and come under the belief that this sense of humour is applicable to all from where I am from. First let me ask you, where am I from? For the past 7 years when someone would ask me about my nationality, I always answered with Pindia. Although this is not a country, it is where I am from. My father is from Pakistan and my mother is from India, being from 2 conflicting cultures, I find it tough to fit in only one. Furthermore, I was born in the US and I currently am in an American School. But, I also feel as though the American culture has more content... The largest conflict that comes up is that whenever they play each other in cricket, I have to just shut up, and make sure I don't anger both of my parents. I remember about 6 years ago when the two teams played each other for a spot in the semi–finals of the T20 tournament. We were in Dubai with my family, cousins, and some of our friends who were also Indian or Pakistani. I remember every single 4, 6 or wicket that occurred for both teams, and how I was the only person who was cheering for every single movement that occurred. By the end, I realized two things, one that the two teams were rivals, and that this was probably why people were giving me stares of disgust, and that I should only vote for one team. Although in reality this is only a small conflict, and whoever wins doesn't affect me directly, I still find that it is a massive issue for me. On a larger scale this basically means that the small differences and disputes that the countries have with each other make it tough for me to choose a Get more content on