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Class 1
Adding the Class 
 I will take 31 students, and I will add until the final day to 
do so. 
 If you are on the waiting list, you can stay. I will email 
add codes in waitlist order. Those on the waitlist or those 
wishing to add should indicate so on the roll sheet. Please 
include an email address. 
 As we go over the syllabus, consider whether you will 
stay in the class. If you want out, please let me know, so I 
can offer your seat to another student. 
 If you are not on the waiting list, it is very unlikely you 
will get into the class unless we have a mass exodus after 
the syllabus!
 The Website 
 The Green Sheet 
 The Syllabus 
 Contests/Analytic Authorities 
 Contest 1: Content 
 Rhetorical Strategy: using compressed 
statements to communicate meaning: Writing 
Social and Political Haiku
Green Sheet 
The Green Sheet: 
What you will find here 
 Course Requirements 
 Assignments and 
 Participation 
 Required Materials 
 Books 
 Computer Access 
 Dedicated email 
 Class Policies 
 Plagiarism 
 Conduct and 
 The Class Website 
 How to sign up for 
an account 
 How to post your 
Texts and Required Materials: 
 Lee A. Jacobus A World of 
Ideas 7th Edition 
 George RR Martin Game of 
 One large Blue Book for 
essay four. 
 A Gmail account that you 
will be willing to share via 
Wordpress, Kaizena, and 
Google Drive
 Active participation in class discussions and regular 
attendance. You will earn real points for your 
participation in activities. 
 Keeping up-to-date on the assignments and reading. 
 Formal writing: four out of class essays and one in-class 
 Several tests 
 A series of homework posts to the class website 
 Reading quizzes and in-class assignments.
 Grading
Writing Submissions 
All out of class essays are to be submitted to me electronically 
before the due date. 
1. Before you submit your essay, please save your file as your last name and the 
number 2, like this: Smith 2. That will help me keep your essays organized. 
2. Submit your essay through Kaizena, a Google Drive add-on, at Or simply use the link on 
our class website home page. This system allows me to respond to your essay 
with both voice and written comments and to insert helpful links. 
3. Sign in to your Google Account and allow Kaizena access to your Google 
4. Click on the “Ask Dr. Kim Palmore for feedback” link. 
5. Choose your document from your Google Drive. You will be directed to a new 
page to choose a delivery box from a drop down menu. 
6. Add your essay to the appropriate EWRT 2 box (Essay #1, #2, #3, or #5). 
Then, click the “Ask for feedback” button again. 
7. Once I have graded your paper, Kaizena will automatically share with you the 
link to the Google document in the comments section — located on the top-right 
corner of the Google document. 
8. Click on the highlighted sections of the paper to find both audio and written 
comments concerning your essay or links to materials that will help you 
improve your writing.
 Success in this course depends on regular attendance and 
active participation. Participation points will be part of 
our daily activities. If you are not in class, you cannot earn 
these points. You should save absences for emergencies, 
work conflicts, weddings, jury duty, or any other issues 
that might arise in your life. 
 It is your responsibility to talk to me your absences or 
other conflicts. Work done in class cannot be made up. 
Also, please arrive on time, as you will not be able to 
make up work completed before you arrive, including 
 Tests: 
We will have four vocabulary tests during the quarter. There 
are no make-ups. One day, near the end of the quarter, I will 
offer every student the opportunity to take or re-take one test. 
 Late Work: 
I do not accept late work. I do, however, extend an 
opportunity to revise one essay for a better grade. If you miss 
an essay due date, you may submit that essay when the 
revision is due. If you miss the in-class essay exam, you may 
take it and count it as your revision submission.
Conduct, Courtesy, and Electronic Devices: 
 In this class, we will regularly engage in the discussion 
of topics that may stir passionate debates. Please speak 
freely and candidly; however, while your thoughts and 
ideas are important to me and to the dynamics of the 
class, you must also respect others and their opinions. 
Courtesy will allow each person to have the opportunity 
to express his or her ideas in a comfortable environment. 
 Courtesy includes but is not limited to politely listening 
to others when they contribute to class discussions, not 
slamming the classroom door, and maintaining a positive 
learning environment for your fellow classmates. To help 
maintain a positive learning environment, please focus 
on the work assigned, and do not text-message in class.
Academic Dishonesty: 
Plagiarism includes quoting or 
paraphrasing material without 
documentation and copying from other 
students or professionals. Intentional 
plagiarism is a grave offense; the 
resulting response will be distasteful. 
Depending upon the severity, instances 
of plagiarism may result in a failing 
grade for the paper or the course and 
possible administrative action. All 
assignments will be scanned and 
scrutinized for academic dishonesty. 
Please refer to your handbook for more 
information regarding plagiarism.
The Syllabus
 The syllabus is a tentative schedule. 
 It may be revised during  
the quarter. 
 Use it to determine how to prepare for class. 
Week and 
Days  
What we 
will do  
in class  
Homework due 
before the next 
Project Title class   
Our class website is In order to do 
the homework, you must establish an account. To make your own FREE 
Word Press account, go to The system will walk you 
through the steps to signup for a username or to set up your own user-friendly 
Word Press blog. Alternatively, you can sign into our website 
through Facebook. 
If you prefer not to use your own name, you may use a pseudonym. Just 
make sure you sign in with YOUR Word Press username before you post on 
our class page so you get credit for your work. Please email me your 
username once you have established which account you shall use for the 
If you cannot establish your website and username, please come to my 
office hours as soon as possible, and I will help you with the process. Much 
of our work will take place online, so establishing this connection is 
On the Website 
 Some Reading Assignments 
 Essay Assignments 
 The Green Sheet 
 The Syllabus (The Daily Plan) 
 Writing Tips 
 Helpful Links 
 Your Daily Homework 
Assignment (which is where you 
post your homework.)
There is writing homework due the 
evening before each meeting. This is 
both to help you think about your 
reading and to help you produce ideas 
for your essays. 
In order to earn an A on your 
homework, you must do the following: 
 Complete all of the posts. 
 Post them on time. 
 Be thoughtful in your 
Posting Homework 
 On the front page of the website, you will find the 
homework post after each class. (text me if you don’t 
see it) 
 Below that post on the right, are the words “Leave a 
 Click there and a comment box will open. Copy and 
paste your homework into the comment box 
 Click “Post Comment.”
 Each student will select a character from A Game of Thrones for 
which he or she will be responsible. This, of course, includes 
learning about the character’s family and history. It also means 
being responsible for tracking behaviors, acts, and motivations. 
 The order of choosing characters will be determined through five 
contests held during the first three class periods. The first will be 
today. Two and three will be during class 2. Four and five will be 
during class 3. 
 The contests will include three content quizzes (participation 
grade) and two vocabulary exams (exams grade). 
 The student with the highest overall score will choose first and so 
on. In the case of ties, students will draw for position. This activity 
will take place during class 4. I reserve the right to make all final 
decisions determining order. 
 Your first essay will be a argumentative analysis of your character.
Is this class 
too hard? 
Is this class 
History 10? 
Will I be the 
In A Game of Thrones you win or you die; 
A good life is based as much on luck as merit. Some 
are born royal, some rich, some beggars, some 
whores, some bastards; some are prepared, some 
Get out a blank sheet of paper 
Clear your desks 
Prepare to answer five questions based on 
A Game of Thrones 
Questions are worth three points each and will be 
applied to your participation score
1. Who said, “You are slow to learn, Lord Eddard. 
Distrusting me was the wisest thing you’ve done since 
you climbed down off your horse”? 
2. Who “always favored huge, ill-tempered stallions 
with more spirit than sense”? 
the snow zombies 
3. Who tells Arya that she will “marry a king and rule 
his castle”? 
Contest #1 
4. Who says, “The Night’s Watch is a 
sworn brotherhood. We have no 
families. None of us will ever father 
sons. Our wife is duty. Our mistress is 
Samurai Jack 
5. Who tells Eddard, “A courageous 
informer would be as useless as a 
cowardly knight”? 
King Arthur
25 words from A Game of Thrones 
Test Format: Matching 
When: next class
Vocabulary Exam #1 
1. amethyst: a purple or violet quartz, used as a gem. 
2. bailey: the defensive wall surrounding an outer court of a castle. 
3. baluster: any of a number of closely spaced supports for a railing. 
4. barbican: a defensive outpost of any sort. 
5. caparison: a decorative covering for a horse or for the tack or harness of a horse; 
6. coffer: a box or chest, esp. one for valuables. 
7. coif: a hood-shaped cap, usually of white cloth and with extended sides, worn 
beneath a veil, as by nuns. 
8. crannog: a small, artificial, fortified island constructed in bogs in ancient 
Scotland and Ireland. 
9. crenel: any of the open spaces between the merlons of a battlement. 
10. crofter: a person who rents and works a small farm, esp. in Scotland or 
northern England. 
11. cursory: going rapidly over something, without noticing details; hasty; 
12. damask: hand-wrought steel, made in various Asian countries, from parts of a 
bloom of heterogeneous composition, repeatedly folded over and welded and 
finally etched to reveal the resulting grain: used esp. for sword blades. 
13. deft: dexterous; nimble; skillful; clever 
14. doublet: a close-fitting outer garment, with or without sleeves and sometimes 
having a short skirt, worn by men in the Renaissance. 
15. doughty: steadfastly courageous and resolute; valiant. 
16. eyrie: the nest of a bird of prey, as an eagle or a hawk. 
17. gibbet: a gallows with a projecting arm at the top, from which the bodies of 
criminals were formerly hung in chains and left suspended after execution. 
18. gorget: a piece of armor for the throat. 
19. hauberk: a long defensive shirt, usually of mail, extending to the knees. 
20. hummock: an elevated tract of land rising above the general 
level of a marshy region. 
21. insipid: without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid: 
22. lithe: bending readily; pliant; limber; supple; flexible: 
23. pommel: a knob, as on the hilt of a sword. 
24. puissant: powerful; mighty; potent. 
25. rondel: a metal disk that protects the armpit.
Political and Social Commentary 
Attribution, Non Commercial 
“Haiku show[s] us the world in a water drop, 
providing a tiny lens through which to glimpse the 
miracle and mystery of life” (National Endowment 
for the Humanities).
What is Haiku? 
 It is a traditional form of 
Japanese poetry 
 It describes nature, every 
day life, or the human 
 It is based on personal 
Its value is in sudden 
discovery or revelation 
Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives
The moment two bubbles 
are united, they both vanish. 
A lotus blooms. 
-Kijo Murakami (1865-1938)
Why Haiku? 
 It is a great mode of self-expression 
 It demands both brevity and 
clarity in writing 
 It captures one moment and its 
emotions perfectly 
 It expresses complex ideas 
through simple observations 
Attribution, No Derivatives
Writing Haiku 
Writing and understanding 
Haiku requires multiple skills: 
 Close observation 
 Careful reflection 
 Concise word choice 
 An open mind 
Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives
Traditional Haiku 
The crow has flown away: 
swaying in the evening sun, 
a leafless tree. 
-Natsume Soseki (1867-1916)
Writing Haiku: Form 
 A Haiku traditionally has three lines with seventeen 
 Five 
 Seven 
 Five 
 This form is strict in Japanese 
 Sometimes it varies in other languages or in translation.
Writing Haiku: Structure and 
 Haiku consists of two parts: The description and the 
 Each part depends on the other for meaning. 
 In Japanese Haiku, the break is marked by a “cutting word.” 
In English, the break is often marked by punctuation (e.g. 
colon, long dash, ellipsis) 
 Haiku must include a kigo, a word that indicates a season. 
This does not have to be a traditional season like fall or 
winter. It could be baseball season or voting time; the reader 
just has to be able to determine when the event takes place.
Social and Political Haiku 
 Laura Welch 
Habeas corpus 
And that pesky Bill of Rights: 
Who needs 'em? Wink. Wink. 
 Jean Hall 
McCain is ailin' 
Chooses hockey mom Palin-- 
You betcha, we're pucked! 
 Chaunce Windle 
See dust thick on text books. 
Evolution was a fad. 
Science dead? You betcha.
Write Your Own Political or Social 
Find inspiration in A Game of Thrones 
Make a list of descriptive words 
Choose a character or two 
Use the five, seven, five syllable form 
Include a kigo to indicate the season 
Use both a description and a reflection. 
Remember to identify the break between 
the two with punctuation.
Works Cited 
 Natural Endowment for the Humanities. EDSITEment. Can You Haiku? 
May 2002. 10 October 2009. 
 Toyomasu, Kei Grieg. HAIKU for PEOPLE. 10 Jan. 2001. 10 October 2009. 
 Herrlin, Jackie. HA-KU. 2004. Internet Archive. 10 October 2009. 
<>. (Attribution, Non 
Commercial, No Derivatives) 
 Russo, Dave. North Carolina Haiku Society. Unknown. 10 October 2009. 
 Buy books 
 Establish Gmail account 
 Register for Wordpress 
 Read A Game of Thrones 
through page 100 
 Post #1 Write a Haiku (or 
two) that expresses a social or 
political aspect of the reading 
thus far. 
 Study: Vocabulary (Exam one 
is at our next meeting). You 
can find the list of words on 
the website under 
“Vocabulary” “Vocabulary 
list one” or on the 
presentation for class #1

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Ewrt 2 class 1

  • 2. Adding the Class   I will take 31 students, and I will add until the final day to do so.  If you are on the waiting list, you can stay. I will email add codes in waitlist order. Those on the waitlist or those wishing to add should indicate so on the roll sheet. Please include an email address.  As we go over the syllabus, consider whether you will stay in the class. If you want out, please let me know, so I can offer your seat to another student.  If you are not on the waiting list, it is very unlikely you will get into the class unless we have a mass exodus after the syllabus!
  • 3. AGENDA   The Website  The Green Sheet  The Syllabus  Contests/Analytic Authorities  Contest 1: Content  Rhetorical Strategy: using compressed statements to communicate meaning: Writing Social and Political Haiku
  • 5. The Green Sheet: What you will find here   Course Requirements  Assignments and values  Participation  Required Materials  Books  Computer Access  Dedicated email address  Class Policies  Plagiarism  Conduct and Courtesy  The Class Website  How to sign up for an account  How to post your homework.
  • 6. Texts and Required Materials:   Lee A. Jacobus A World of Ideas 7th Edition  George RR Martin Game of Thrones  One large Blue Book for essay four.  A Gmail account that you will be willing to share via Wordpress, Kaizena, and Google Drive
  • 7. Requirements:   Active participation in class discussions and regular attendance. You will earn real points for your participation in activities.  Keeping up-to-date on the assignments and reading.  Formal writing: four out of class essays and one in-class essay.  Several tests  A series of homework posts to the class website  Reading quizzes and in-class assignments.
  • 9.
  • 10. Writing Submissions All out of class essays are to be submitted to me electronically before the due date. 1. Before you submit your essay, please save your file as your last name and the  number 2, like this: Smith 2. That will help me keep your essays organized. 2. Submit your essay through Kaizena, a Google Drive add-on, at Or simply use the link on our class website home page. This system allows me to respond to your essay with both voice and written comments and to insert helpful links. 3. Sign in to your Google Account and allow Kaizena access to your Google Drive. 4. Click on the “Ask Dr. Kim Palmore for feedback” link. 5. Choose your document from your Google Drive. You will be directed to a new page to choose a delivery box from a drop down menu. 6. Add your essay to the appropriate EWRT 2 box (Essay #1, #2, #3, or #5). Then, click the “Ask for feedback” button again. 7. Once I have graded your paper, Kaizena will automatically share with you the link to the Google document in the comments section — located on the top-right corner of the Google document. 8. Click on the highlighted sections of the paper to find both audio and written comments concerning your essay or links to materials that will help you improve your writing.
  • 11. Attendance:  Success in this course depends on regular attendance and  active participation. Participation points will be part of our daily activities. If you are not in class, you cannot earn these points. You should save absences for emergencies, work conflicts, weddings, jury duty, or any other issues that might arise in your life.  It is your responsibility to talk to me your absences or other conflicts. Work done in class cannot be made up. Also, please arrive on time, as you will not be able to make up work completed before you arrive, including quizzes.
  • 12.   Tests: We will have four vocabulary tests during the quarter. There are no make-ups. One day, near the end of the quarter, I will offer every student the opportunity to take or re-take one test.  Late Work: I do not accept late work. I do, however, extend an opportunity to revise one essay for a better grade. If you miss an essay due date, you may submit that essay when the revision is due. If you miss the in-class essay exam, you may take it and count it as your revision submission.
  • 13. Conduct, Courtesy, and Electronic Devices:  In this class, we will regularly engage in the discussion  of topics that may stir passionate debates. Please speak freely and candidly; however, while your thoughts and ideas are important to me and to the dynamics of the class, you must also respect others and their opinions. Courtesy will allow each person to have the opportunity to express his or her ideas in a comfortable environment.  Courtesy includes but is not limited to politely listening to others when they contribute to class discussions, not slamming the classroom door, and maintaining a positive learning environment for your fellow classmates. To help maintain a positive learning environment, please focus on the work assigned, and do not text-message in class.
  • 14. Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism includes quoting or paraphrasing material without  documentation and copying from other students or professionals. Intentional plagiarism is a grave offense; the resulting response will be distasteful. Depending upon the severity, instances of plagiarism may result in a failing grade for the paper or the course and possible administrative action. All assignments will be scanned and scrutinized for academic dishonesty. Please refer to your handbook for more information regarding plagiarism.
  • 16.  The syllabus is a tentative schedule.  It may be revised during  the quarter.  Use it to determine how to prepare for class. Week and Days  What we will do  in class  Homework due before the next Project Title class   Date
  • 17. Our class website is In order to do the homework, you must establish an account. To make your own FREE Word Press account, go to The system will walk you through the steps to signup for a username or to set up your own user-friendly Word Press blog. Alternatively, you can sign into our website through Facebook. If you prefer not to use your own name, you may use a pseudonym. Just make sure you sign in with YOUR Word Press username before you post on our class page so you get credit for your work. Please email me your username once you have established which account you shall use for the quarter. If you cannot establish your website and username, please come to my office hours as soon as possible, and I will help you with the process. Much of our work will take place online, so establishing this connection is mandatory.
  • 18. On the Website   Some Reading Assignments  Essay Assignments  The Green Sheet  The Syllabus (The Daily Plan)  Writing Tips  Helpful Links  Your Daily Homework Assignment (which is where you post your homework.)
  • 19. Homework There is writing homework due the evening before each meeting. This is both to help you think about your reading and to help you produce ideas for your essays. In order to earn an A on your homework, you must do the following:  Complete all of the posts.  Post them on time.  Be thoughtful in your responses.
  • 20. Posting Homework   On the front page of the website, you will find the homework post after each class. (text me if you don’t see it)  Below that post on the right, are the words “Leave a comment.”  Click there and a comment box will open. Copy and paste your homework into the comment box  Click “Post Comment.”
  • 21. Contests/Analytic Authorities   Each student will select a character from A Game of Thrones for which he or she will be responsible. This, of course, includes learning about the character’s family and history. It also means being responsible for tracking behaviors, acts, and motivations.  The order of choosing characters will be determined through five contests held during the first three class periods. The first will be today. Two and three will be during class 2. Four and five will be during class 3.  The contests will include three content quizzes (participation grade) and two vocabulary exams (exams grade).  The student with the highest overall score will choose first and so on. In the case of ties, students will draw for position. This activity will take place during class 4. I reserve the right to make all final decisions determining order.  Your first essay will be a argumentative analysis of your character.
  • 22. Is this class too hard? Is this class History 10? Will I be the teacher’s favorite?
  • 23. In A Game of Thrones you win or you die; A good life is based as much on luck as merit. Some are born royal, some rich, some beggars, some whores, some bastards; some are prepared, some not. Get out a blank sheet of paper Clear your desks Prepare to answer five questions based on A Game of Thrones Questions are worth three points each and will be applied to your participation score
  • 24. 1. Who said, “You are slow to learn, Lord Eddard. Distrusting me was the wisest thing you’ve done since you climbed down off your horse”? Petyr Gandalf Gregor Tyrion 2. Who “always favored huge, ill-tempered stallions with more spirit than sense”? Benjen Jon the snow zombies Gregor 3. Who tells Arya that she will “marry a king and rule his castle”? Gaston Ned Sansa Tyrion Contest #1 4. Who says, “The Night’s Watch is a sworn brotherhood. We have no families. None of us will ever father sons. Our wife is duty. Our mistress is honor”? Will Benjen Samurai Jack Jon 5. Who tells Eddard, “A courageous informer would be as useless as a cowardly knight”? Petyr Cersei Varys King Arthur
  • 25. 25 words from A Game of Thrones Test Format: Matching When: next class
  • 26. Vocabulary Exam #1 1. amethyst: a purple or violet quartz, used as a gem. 2. bailey: the defensive wall surrounding an outer court of a castle. 3. baluster: any of a number of closely spaced supports for a railing. 4. barbican: a defensive outpost of any sort. 5. caparison: a decorative covering for a horse or for the tack or harness of a horse; trappings. 6. coffer: a box or chest, esp. one for valuables. 7. coif: a hood-shaped cap, usually of white cloth and with extended sides, worn beneath a veil, as by nuns. 8. crannog: a small, artificial, fortified island constructed in bogs in ancient Scotland and Ireland. 9. crenel: any of the open spaces between the merlons of a battlement. 10. crofter: a person who rents and works a small farm, esp. in Scotland or northern England. 11. cursory: going rapidly over something, without noticing details; hasty; superficial:
  • 27. 12. damask: hand-wrought steel, made in various Asian countries, from parts of a bloom of heterogeneous composition, repeatedly folded over and welded and finally etched to reveal the resulting grain: used esp. for sword blades. 13. deft: dexterous; nimble; skillful; clever 14. doublet: a close-fitting outer garment, with or without sleeves and sometimes having a short skirt, worn by men in the Renaissance. 15. doughty: steadfastly courageous and resolute; valiant. 16. eyrie: the nest of a bird of prey, as an eagle or a hawk. 17. gibbet: a gallows with a projecting arm at the top, from which the bodies of criminals were formerly hung in chains and left suspended after execution. 18. gorget: a piece of armor for the throat. 19. hauberk: a long defensive shirt, usually of mail, extending to the knees. 20. hummock: an elevated tract of land rising above the general level of a marshy region. 21. insipid: without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid: 22. lithe: bending readily; pliant; limber; supple; flexible: 23. pommel: a knob, as on the hilt of a sword. 24. puissant: powerful; mighty; potent. 25. rondel: a metal disk that protects the armpit.
  • 28. Political and Social Commentary
  • 29. Attribution, Non Commercial “Haiku show[s] us the world in a water drop, providing a tiny lens through which to glimpse the miracle and mystery of life” (National Endowment for the Humanities).
  • 30. What is Haiku?  It is a traditional form of Japanese poetry  It describes nature, every day life, or the human condition  It is based on personal reflection Its value is in sudden discovery or revelation Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives
  • 31.  The moment two bubbles are united, they both vanish. A lotus blooms. -Kijo Murakami (1865-1938)
  • 32. Why Haiku?  It is a great mode of self-expression  It demands both brevity and clarity in writing  It captures one moment and its emotions perfectly  It expresses complex ideas through simple observations 4/ Attribution, No Derivatives
  • 33. Writing Haiku  Writing and understanding Haiku requires multiple skills:  Close observation  Careful reflection  Concise word choice  An open mind Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives
  • 34. Traditional Haiku  The crow has flown away: swaying in the evening sun, a leafless tree. -Natsume Soseki (1867-1916)
  • 35. Writing Haiku: Form   A Haiku traditionally has three lines with seventeen syllables:  Five  Seven  Five  This form is strict in Japanese  Sometimes it varies in other languages or in translation.
  • 36. Writing Haiku: Structure and Language   Haiku consists of two parts: The description and the reflection.  Each part depends on the other for meaning.  In Japanese Haiku, the break is marked by a “cutting word.” In English, the break is often marked by punctuation (e.g. colon, long dash, ellipsis)  Haiku must include a kigo, a word that indicates a season. This does not have to be a traditional season like fall or winter. It could be baseball season or voting time; the reader just has to be able to determine when the event takes place.
  • 37. Social and Political Haiku   Laura Welch Habeas corpus And that pesky Bill of Rights: Who needs 'em? Wink. Wink.  Jean Hall McCain is ailin' Chooses hockey mom Palin-- You betcha, we're pucked!  Chaunce Windle See dust thick on text books. Evolution was a fad. Science dead? You betcha.
  • 38. Write Your Own Political or Social Haiku Find inspiration in A Game of Thrones Make a list of descriptive words Choose a character or two Use the five, seven, five syllable form Include a kigo to indicate the season Use both a description and a reflection. Remember to identify the break between the two with punctuation.
  • 39. Works Cited   Natural Endowment for the Humanities. EDSITEment. Can You Haiku? May 2002. 10 October 2009. <>.  Toyomasu, Kei Grieg. HAIKU for PEOPLE. 10 Jan. 2001. 10 October 2009. <>.  Herrlin, Jackie. HA-KU. 2004. Internet Archive. 10 October 2009. <>. (Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives)  Russo, Dave. North Carolina Haiku Society. Unknown. 10 October 2009. <>.
  • 40.   Buy books  Establish Gmail account  Register for Wordpress  Read A Game of Thrones through page 100  Post #1 Write a Haiku (or two) that expresses a social or political aspect of the reading thus far.  Study: Vocabulary (Exam one is at our next meeting). You can find the list of words on the website under “Vocabulary” “Vocabulary list one” or on the presentation for class #1