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 Introduction 
The Website 
The Green Sheet 
The Syllabus 
The QHQ 
Discussion: Literature and 
Literary Theory 
Author and Text Introduction: 
Tyson and Freeman
 Education 
• Ph.D. : University of California, Riverside: English 
• MA: California State University, Long Beach: English 
• BA: California State University, Long Beach: English 
• AA: Long Beach City College, Long Beach: Liberal Arts 
 Special Emphasis 
• Twentieth Century British and American Literatures; 
Queer Studies; Minority, Gender, Class, and Feminist 
Studies; Writing and Writing Centers. 
 De Anza: Since January 2012 
EWRT 211 
EWRT 30 
 I will take 46 students, and I will add until the final day 
to do so. 
 If you are on the waiting list, you can stay. I will email 
add codes in waitlist order. Those on the waitlist or 
those wishing to add should indicate so on the roll 
sheet. Please include an email address. 
 As we go over the syllabus, consider whether you will 
stay in the class. If you want out, please let me know, 
so I can offer your seat to another student. 
 If you are not on the waiting list, it is very unlikely you 
will get into the class unless we have a mass exodus 
after the syllabus! 
Our class website is In order to 
do the homework, you must establish an account. To make your own 
FREE Word Press account, go to The system will 
walk you through the steps to signup for a username or to set up 
your own user-friendly Word Press blog. Alternatively, you can sign 
into our website through Facebook. 
If you prefer not to use your own name, you may use a pseudonym. 
Just make sure you sign in with YOUR Word Press username before 
you post on our class page so you get credit for your work. Please 
email me your username once you have established which 
account you shall use for the quarter. 
If you cannot establish your website and username, please come to 
my office hours as soon as possible, and I will help you with the 
process. Much of our work will take place online, so establishing this 
connection is mandatory. 
You may want to establish your new Gmail account before you 
establish your Wordpress username 
Writing Tips 
Helpful Links 
Your Daily Homework 
Assignment (which is where you 
post your homework.)
• Course Requirements 
 Assignments and 
 Participation 
• Required Materials 
 Books 
 Computer Access 
 Dedicated email 
• Class Policies 
 Plagiarism 
 Conduct and Courtesy 
• The Class Website 
 How to sign up for an 
 How to post your 
 Giovanni’s Room by 
James Baldwin 
 Beebo Brinker by Ann 
 The Front Runner by 
Patricia Nell Warren 
 A Gmail account that 
you will be willing to 
share via Wordpress, 
Kaizena, and Google 
Buy these three for sure 
This is 
as a pdf 
on the 
 Active participation in class discussions and regular 
attendance. You will earn real points for your 
participation in activities. 
 Keeping up-to-date on the assignments and 
 Formal writing: two out of class essays 
 A midterm and a final (Objective and essay style) 
 A series of homework posts to the class website 
 Reading quizzes and in-class assignments.
All out of class essays are to be submitted to me electronically 
before the due date. 
1. Before you submit your essay, please save your file as your last name and the 
number 2, like this: Smith 2. That will help me keep your essays organized. 
2. Submit your essay through Kaizena, a Google Drive add-on, at Or simply use the link on 
our class website home page. This system allows me to respond to your essay 
with both voice and written comments and to insert helpful links. 
3. Sign in to your Google Account and allow Kaizena access to your Google 
4. Click on the “Ask Dr. Kim Palmore for feedback” link. 
5. Choose your document from your Google Drive. You will be directed to a new 
page to choose a delivery box from a drop down menu. 
6. Add your essay to the appropriate ELIT box (Essay #1 or #2). Then, click the 
“Ask for feedback” button again. 
7. Once I have graded your paper, Kaizena will automatically share with you the 
link to the Google document in the comments section — located on the top-right 
corner of the Google document. 
8. Click on the highlighted sections of the paper to find both audio and written 
comments concerning your essay or links to materials that will help you 
improve your writing.
 Success in this course depends on regular 
attendance and active participation. Participation 
points will be part of our daily activities. If you are 
not in class, you cannot earn these points. You 
should save absences for emergencies, work 
conflicts, weddings, jury duty, or any other issues 
that might arise in your life. 
 It is your responsibility to talk to me your absences 
or other conflicts. Work done in class cannot be 
made up. Also, please arrive on time, as you will not 
be able to make up work completed before you 
arrive, including quizzes.
 I do not accept late work. I do, however, extend 
an opportunity to revise your first essay for a better 
grade. If you miss the essay due date, you may 
submit that essay when the revisions are due. 
Revised and late essays receive no feedback. 
 Quizzes: I may decide to include pop quizzes from 
time to time to ensure you are completing all 
readings in a timely fashion. There are no make up 
opportunities for quizzes. 
 Exams: We will have two exams during the 
quarter. There are no make-up tests. If you miss a 
test and have a valid excuse, you may take it in 
lieu of submitting a revised or late essay.
Conduct, Courtesy, and Electronic Devices: 
 In this class, we will regularly engage in the discussion 
of topics that may stir passionate debates. Please 
speak freely and candidly; however, while your thoughts 
and ideas are important to me and to the dynamics of 
the class, you must also respect others and their 
opinions. Courtesy will allow each person to have the 
opportunity to express his or her ideas in a comfortable 
 Courtesy includes but is not limited to politely listening 
to others when they contribute to class discussions, not 
slamming the classroom door, and maintaining a 
positive learning environment for your fellow 
classmates. To help maintain a positive learning 
environment, please focus on the work assigned, and 
do not text-message in class.
Academic Dishonesty: 
Plagiarism includes quoting or 
paraphrasing material without 
documentation and copying from 
other students or professionals. 
Intentional plagiarism is a grave 
offense; the resulting response 
will be distasteful. Depending 
upon the severity, instances of 
plagiarism may result in a failing 
grade for the paper or the 
course and possible 
administrative action. All 
assignments will be scanned 
and scrutinized for academic 
dishonesty. Please refer to your 
handbook for more information 
regarding plagiarism.
The Syllabus
 The syllabus is a tentative schedule. 
 It may be revised during the quarter. 
 Use it to determine how to prepare for class. 
Week and 
Class  
What we 
will do  
in class  
Homework due 
before the next 
class   
There is writing homework due before 
6 pm the evening before each meeting. 
This is both to help you think about 
your reading and to help you produce 
ideas for your essays. 
In order to earn an A on your 
homework, you must do the following: 
 Complete all of the posts. 
 Post them on time. 
 Be thoughtful in your 
 On the front page of the website, you will find the homework 
post after each class (text me if you don’t see it). 
 Below that post on the right, are the words “Leave a 
 Click there and a comment box will open. Copy and paste 
your homework into the comment box 
 Click “Post Comment.” 
A word of advice: compose all of your homework for the quarter in a 
single word document. This way, you will be able to edit before you 
post, saving you stress over silly errors. This will also enable you to 
access your posted work throughout the quarter. You will find that very 
helpful at the end of the quarter.
Each text we study will provide material for response writing called a 
QHQ (Question-Hypothesis-Question). The QHQ requires students to 
have second thoughts, that is, to think again about questions that 
arise during their reading and to write about questions that are 
meaningful to them. 
Begin your QHQ by formulating some question you have about some 
aspect of the reading. The first question in the QHQ may be one 
sentence or longer, but its function is to frame your QHQ writing. A 
student might start with a question like, “Why is the house in this story 
haunted? Or, “Why do I suspect the murdered child has come back to 
life?” A student might even write, “Why am I having so much trouble 
understanding this story?”
After you pose your initial question, focus on a close reading of the 
text in search of a hypothesis. This hypothesis section comprises 
the body of your text. The student who asked about the haunted 
house might refer to multiple passages about haunting in the text, 
comparing and contrasting them to other instances of haunting with 
which he or she is familiar. The student who asked about the dead 
child might connect passages associated with the death to sections 
about a new child who abruptly appears in the text. The student 
who struggled to understand the text might explore those passages 
whose meanings were obscure or difficult to understand, 
connecting them to other novels and/or cultural texts. 
After carefully exploring your initial question (This 
exploration should include quoted text and be at 
least 250 words), put forward another question, 
one that has sprung from your hypothesis. This 
will be the final sentence of your QHQ and will 
provide a base for further reflection into the text.
The QHQ is designed to help you formulate your response to the texts we 
study into clearly defined questions and hypotheses that can be used as a 
basis for both class discussion and longer papers. The QHQ can be 
relatively informal but should demonstrate a thoughtful approach to the 
material. While your responses need to be organized and coherent, because 
you will sharing them in class, the ideas they present may be preliminary 
and exploratory. 
Remember, a QHQ is not a summary or a report—it is an original, thoughtful 
response to what you have read. All QHQs should be posted on the website 
the by 5 pm the evening before the class for which they are due. This will 
give both me and other students time to ponder your ideas and think about 
appropriate responses. Moreover, this sharing of material should provide 
plenty of fodder for essays. Even though you have posted your QHQ, you 
should bring a copy of it to class in order to share your thoughts and insights 
and to stimulate class discussion.
Is this class 
too hard? 
Is this class 
History 10? 
Will I be the 
What is it? 
Why study it?
Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, 
"literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or 
scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative 
imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction. 
Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. But, literature is 
more important than just a historical or cultural artifact. Literature introduces us to 
new worlds of experience. We learn about books and literature; we enjoy the 
comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow 
and evolve through our literary journey with books. 
Ultimately, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says 
and how he/she says it. We may interpret the author's message. In academic circles, 
this decoding of the text is often carried out through the use of literary theory, using a 
mythological, sociological, psychological, historical, or other approach. 
Whatever critical paradigm we use to discuss and analyze literature, there is still an 
artistic quality to the works. Literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is 
universal, and it affects us.
What is it? 
Why use it?
GLBTQI literature focuses on texts about 
sexual minorities--including Gay, Lesbian, 
Bisexual, Transgendered, Intersexed, and 
Queer identities--cultural contexts, and social 
In this course we will study the trajectory of 
GLBTQI literature as it weaves its through the 
20th century and into the new millennium.
Dr. Lois M. Tyson is professor of 
English at Grand Valley State University. 
Tyson earned a Bachelor of Arts in French 
from Rutgers University in 1972, and 
double master’s degrees in education and 
English from Ohio University in 1982 and 
1984. She earned a Ph.D. in English from 
the Ohio State University in 1989. 
She has authored various publications, 
anthologies and papers on wide-ranging 
topics including critical theory, literary 
analysis, and American literature. Her 
highly acclaimed text, Critical Theory 
Today: A User-Friendly Guide, now in its 
second edition, is in wide distribution and 
has contributed to her recognition as one 
of the nation's preeminent authorities on 
the subject.
In Critical Theory Today, Lois Tyson considers varying 
theoretical approaches to literary criticism. She describes 
and explains eleven different critical approaches. At the 
end of each chapter, she includes an essay that 
demonstrates that theory applied to F Scott Fitzgerald’s 
The Great Gatsby. In this class, we will only read her 
chapter on “Lesbian, gay, and queer criticism, but I have 
included a link to a pdf version of her complete book for 
those of you who would like to see the entire text. 
You will find the chapter reading for the homework under the heading 
“Secondary Sources” at the top of the webpage. Click on “GLBTQ Criticism Lois 
Tyson.” You will find both a link to a pdf and a scroll through document. Please 
read at least the first 26 pages. For those of you interested, I have included the 
queer reading of The Great Gatsby. 
When you come to class, you must have access to the document: either an 
electronic source or a printed document is acceptable. Please don’t plan to use 
your phone.
 American short story writer, novelist, playwright, and 
 As a realist chronicler of post-Civil War New England 
life, Freeman is acknowledged as an important 
contributor to regionalist literature. She is frequently 
labeled a local colorist because she depicted the social 
and physical aspects of the New England countryside, 
including the flavor of local speech patterns. Yet 
Freeman's most exemplary writing, which focuses on 
the psychology of her characters, transcends the 
limitations of local color writing. Although Freeman 
wrote novels, plays, and verse, she is most known for 
her stories, particularly “The Revolt of Mother” and “A 
New England Nun.”
 Written in 1895, “The Long Arm” is a 
compilation of both epistolary writing and 
journal entries. 
You can find a link to the work on the website 
under “short stories.” 
 This piece is 17 pages long. 
 When you come to class, you must have 
access to the document: either an electronic 
source or a printed document is acceptable. 
Please don’t plan to use your phone.
Read Tyson on 
GLBTQ Theory (1-26) 
and “The Long Arm” by 
Mary Wilkins Freeman 
1895 (17 pages) 
Post #1: Choose one 
1. What is Literary 
Theory? Why study 
GLBTQ Theories? 
2. A QHQ on either Tyson 
or Freeman

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Ewrt 1 c class 17 writing essay 2 review for exam 1

Elit 10 class 1

  • 1. Can you solve these puzzles? Raise your hand!
  • 2.  Introduction The Website The Green Sheet The Syllabus The QHQ Discussion: Literature and Literary Theory Author and Text Introduction: Tyson and Freeman
  • 3.  Education • Ph.D. : University of California, Riverside: English • MA: California State University, Long Beach: English • BA: California State University, Long Beach: English • AA: Long Beach City College, Long Beach: Liberal Arts  Special Emphasis • Twentieth Century British and American Literatures; Queer Studies; Minority, Gender, Class, and Feminist Studies; Writing and Writing Centers.  De Anza: Since January 2012 EWRT 211 EWRT 1A EWRT 1B EWRT 1C EWRT 2 EWRT 30 ELIT 48C ELIT 10
  • 4.  I will take 46 students, and I will add until the final day to do so.  If you are on the waiting list, you can stay. I will email add codes in waitlist order. Those on the waitlist or those wishing to add should indicate so on the roll sheet. Please include an email address.  As we go over the syllabus, consider whether you will stay in the class. If you want out, please let me know, so I can offer your seat to another student.  If you are not on the waiting list, it is very unlikely you will get into the class unless we have a mass exodus after the syllabus!
  • 5. Our class website is In order to do the homework, you must establish an account. To make your own FREE Word Press account, go to The system will walk you through the steps to signup for a username or to set up your own user-friendly Word Press blog. Alternatively, you can sign into our website through Facebook. If you prefer not to use your own name, you may use a pseudonym. Just make sure you sign in with YOUR Word Press username before you post on our class page so you get credit for your work. Please email me your username once you have established which account you shall use for the quarter. If you cannot establish your website and username, please come to my office hours as soon as possible, and I will help you with the process. Much of our work will take place online, so establishing this connection is mandatory. You may want to establish your new Gmail account before you establish your Wordpress username
  • 6. Writing Tips Helpful Links Your Daily Homework Assignment (which is where you post your homework.)
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  • 8. • Course Requirements  Assignments and values  Participation • Required Materials  Books  Computer Access  Dedicated email address • Class Policies  Plagiarism  Conduct and Courtesy • The Class Website  How to sign up for an account  How to post your homework.
  • 9.  Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin  Beebo Brinker by Ann Bannon  The Front Runner by Patricia Nell Warren  A Gmail account that you will be willing to share via Wordpress, Kaizena, and Google Drive Buy these three for sure This is available as a pdf on the website
  • 10.  Active participation in class discussions and regular attendance. You will earn real points for your participation in activities.  Keeping up-to-date on the assignments and reading.  Formal writing: two out of class essays  A midterm and a final (Objective and essay style)  A series of homework posts to the class website  Reading quizzes and in-class assignments.
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  • 13. All out of class essays are to be submitted to me electronically before the due date. 1. Before you submit your essay, please save your file as your last name and the number 2, like this: Smith 2. That will help me keep your essays organized. 2. Submit your essay through Kaizena, a Google Drive add-on, at Or simply use the link on our class website home page. This system allows me to respond to your essay with both voice and written comments and to insert helpful links. 3. Sign in to your Google Account and allow Kaizena access to your Google Drive. 4. Click on the “Ask Dr. Kim Palmore for feedback” link. 5. Choose your document from your Google Drive. You will be directed to a new page to choose a delivery box from a drop down menu. 6. Add your essay to the appropriate ELIT box (Essay #1 or #2). Then, click the “Ask for feedback” button again. 7. Once I have graded your paper, Kaizena will automatically share with you the link to the Google document in the comments section — located on the top-right corner of the Google document. 8. Click on the highlighted sections of the paper to find both audio and written comments concerning your essay or links to materials that will help you improve your writing.
  • 14. Attendance:  Success in this course depends on regular attendance and active participation. Participation points will be part of our daily activities. If you are not in class, you cannot earn these points. You should save absences for emergencies, work conflicts, weddings, jury duty, or any other issues that might arise in your life.  It is your responsibility to talk to me your absences or other conflicts. Work done in class cannot be made up. Also, please arrive on time, as you will not be able to make up work completed before you arrive, including quizzes.
  • 15.  I do not accept late work. I do, however, extend an opportunity to revise your first essay for a better grade. If you miss the essay due date, you may submit that essay when the revisions are due. Revised and late essays receive no feedback.  Quizzes: I may decide to include pop quizzes from time to time to ensure you are completing all readings in a timely fashion. There are no make up opportunities for quizzes.  Exams: We will have two exams during the quarter. There are no make-up tests. If you miss a test and have a valid excuse, you may take it in lieu of submitting a revised or late essay.
  • 16. Conduct, Courtesy, and Electronic Devices:  In this class, we will regularly engage in the discussion of topics that may stir passionate debates. Please speak freely and candidly; however, while your thoughts and ideas are important to me and to the dynamics of the class, you must also respect others and their opinions. Courtesy will allow each person to have the opportunity to express his or her ideas in a comfortable environment.  Courtesy includes but is not limited to politely listening to others when they contribute to class discussions, not slamming the classroom door, and maintaining a positive learning environment for your fellow classmates. To help maintain a positive learning environment, please focus on the work assigned, and do not text-message in class.
  • 17. Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism includes quoting or paraphrasing material without documentation and copying from other students or professionals. Intentional plagiarism is a grave offense; the resulting response will be distasteful. Depending upon the severity, instances of plagiarism may result in a failing grade for the paper or the course and possible administrative action. All assignments will be scanned and scrutinized for academic dishonesty. Please refer to your handbook for more information regarding plagiarism.
  • 19.  The syllabus is a tentative schedule.  It may be revised during the quarter.  Use it to determine how to prepare for class. Week and Class  What we will do  in class  Homework due before the next class   Date
  • 20. There is writing homework due before 6 pm the evening before each meeting. This is both to help you think about your reading and to help you produce ideas for your essays. In order to earn an A on your homework, you must do the following:  Complete all of the posts.  Post them on time.  Be thoughtful in your responses.
  • 21.  On the front page of the website, you will find the homework post after each class (text me if you don’t see it).  Below that post on the right, are the words “Leave a comment.”  Click there and a comment box will open. Copy and paste your homework into the comment box  Click “Post Comment.” A word of advice: compose all of your homework for the quarter in a single word document. This way, you will be able to edit before you post, saving you stress over silly errors. This will also enable you to access your posted work throughout the quarter. You will find that very helpful at the end of the quarter.
  • 23. Each text we study will provide material for response writing called a QHQ (Question-Hypothesis-Question). The QHQ requires students to have second thoughts, that is, to think again about questions that arise during their reading and to write about questions that are meaningful to them. Begin your QHQ by formulating some question you have about some aspect of the reading. The first question in the QHQ may be one sentence or longer, but its function is to frame your QHQ writing. A student might start with a question like, “Why is the house in this story haunted? Or, “Why do I suspect the murdered child has come back to life?” A student might even write, “Why am I having so much trouble understanding this story?”
  • 24. After you pose your initial question, focus on a close reading of the text in search of a hypothesis. This hypothesis section comprises the body of your text. The student who asked about the haunted house might refer to multiple passages about haunting in the text, comparing and contrasting them to other instances of haunting with which he or she is familiar. The student who asked about the dead child might connect passages associated with the death to sections about a new child who abruptly appears in the text. The student who struggled to understand the text might explore those passages whose meanings were obscure or difficult to understand, connecting them to other novels and/or cultural texts. After carefully exploring your initial question (This exploration should include quoted text and be at least 250 words), put forward another question, one that has sprung from your hypothesis. This will be the final sentence of your QHQ and will provide a base for further reflection into the text.
  • 25. The QHQ is designed to help you formulate your response to the texts we study into clearly defined questions and hypotheses that can be used as a basis for both class discussion and longer papers. The QHQ can be relatively informal but should demonstrate a thoughtful approach to the material. While your responses need to be organized and coherent, because you will sharing them in class, the ideas they present may be preliminary and exploratory. Remember, a QHQ is not a summary or a report—it is an original, thoughtful response to what you have read. All QHQs should be posted on the website the by 5 pm the evening before the class for which they are due. This will give both me and other students time to ponder your ideas and think about appropriate responses. Moreover, this sharing of material should provide plenty of fodder for essays. Even though you have posted your QHQ, you should bring a copy of it to class in order to share your thoughts and insights and to stimulate class discussion.
  • 26. Is this class too hard? Is this class History 10? Will I be the teacher’s favorite?
  • 27. What is it? Why study it?
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  • 29. Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, "literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction. Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. But, literature is more important than just a historical or cultural artifact. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. We learn about books and literature; we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow and evolve through our literary journey with books. Ultimately, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how he/she says it. We may interpret the author's message. In academic circles, this decoding of the text is often carried out through the use of literary theory, using a mythological, sociological, psychological, historical, or other approach. Whatever critical paradigm we use to discuss and analyze literature, there is still an artistic quality to the works. Literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is universal, and it affects us.
  • 30. What is it? Why use it?
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  • 32. GLBTQI literature focuses on texts about sexual minorities--including Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Intersexed, and Queer identities--cultural contexts, and social movements. In this course we will study the trajectory of GLBTQI literature as it weaves its through the 20th century and into the new millennium.
  • 33. Dr. Lois M. Tyson is professor of English at Grand Valley State University. Tyson earned a Bachelor of Arts in French from Rutgers University in 1972, and double master’s degrees in education and English from Ohio University in 1982 and 1984. She earned a Ph.D. in English from the Ohio State University in 1989. She has authored various publications, anthologies and papers on wide-ranging topics including critical theory, literary analysis, and American literature. Her highly acclaimed text, Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide, now in its second edition, is in wide distribution and has contributed to her recognition as one of the nation's preeminent authorities on the subject.
  • 34. In Critical Theory Today, Lois Tyson considers varying theoretical approaches to literary criticism. She describes and explains eleven different critical approaches. At the end of each chapter, she includes an essay that demonstrates that theory applied to F Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. In this class, we will only read her chapter on “Lesbian, gay, and queer criticism, but I have included a link to a pdf version of her complete book for those of you who would like to see the entire text. You will find the chapter reading for the homework under the heading “Secondary Sources” at the top of the webpage. Click on “GLBTQ Criticism Lois Tyson.” You will find both a link to a pdf and a scroll through document. Please read at least the first 26 pages. For those of you interested, I have included the queer reading of The Great Gatsby. When you come to class, you must have access to the document: either an electronic source or a printed document is acceptable. Please don’t plan to use your phone.
  • 35.  American short story writer, novelist, playwright, and poet.  As a realist chronicler of post-Civil War New England life, Freeman is acknowledged as an important contributor to regionalist literature. She is frequently labeled a local colorist because she depicted the social and physical aspects of the New England countryside, including the flavor of local speech patterns. Yet Freeman's most exemplary writing, which focuses on the psychology of her characters, transcends the limitations of local color writing. Although Freeman wrote novels, plays, and verse, she is most known for her stories, particularly “The Revolt of Mother” and “A New England Nun.”
  • 36.  Written in 1895, “The Long Arm” is a compilation of both epistolary writing and journal entries. You can find a link to the work on the website under “short stories.”  This piece is 17 pages long.  When you come to class, you must have access to the document: either an electronic source or a printed document is acceptable. Please don’t plan to use your phone.
  • 37. Read Tyson on GLBTQ Theory (1-26) and “The Long Arm” by Mary Wilkins Freeman 1895 (17 pages) Post #1: Choose one 1. What is Literary Theory? Why study GLBTQ Theories? 2. A QHQ on either Tyson or Freeman