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EWG-DSS Newsletter
                                                                                                                               Nr. 8, Year 2009

EWG-DSS Newsletter                                          by Pascale Zaraté, Fátima Dargam & Rita Ribeiro
                                                            (Coordination Board of the EURO Working Group on DSS since 2007)
Newsletter of the EURO Working
Group on Decision Support System                                 Dear Euro Working Group members! Dear Friends!
In this issue                                                    The 2009 edition of our newsletter was published later than
                                                            usual. Time seems to fly these days! Nevertheless, this issue
 Editorial........................................ 1
                                                            includes a couple of interesting information concerning our
 EWG-DSS Online......................... 2                  Working Group (see the EWG-DSS Online, for instance), as well
                                                            as a new session of Interview, which was inaugurated with our
 Recent Publications.................... 2                  Madeira founding member and EURO President-elected: Grazia
 Interview ...................................... 4
                                                            Speranza. Moreover, we also find in this issue a list of recent
                                                            publications and some research projects being developed by some
 Research Review ........................ 5                 of our group, apart from the usual sessions about the EWG-DSS
                                                            Meetings and Call for Papers. We are very grateful to all the
 Call for Papers............................. 8             members, who have contributed to the contents of this issue.
 DSS Stream EURO XXIV ............. 9                            In 2009 our group completed 20 years of existence! This round
                                                            anniversary was commemorated with a warm get-together in July
 EWG-DSS Meetings .................... 9
                                                            2009, in Bonn, by the occasion of the 23rd EURO Conference. It
 Upcoming Events...................... 10                   was great to meet some of our founding group members again, as
                                                            well as to have a chance to get to know the new ones who also
 Group News............................... 10               took part at the EURO XXIII in Germany. More about this meeting
  Contacting & Joining the EWG-DSS
                                                            can be found in the sub-session “EWG-DSS Meeting 2009” of
...................................................... 10   “EWG-DSS Meetings”.

 EWG-DSS Members .................. 10
                                                                The year of 2009 was not only the year of our 20th anniversary,
                                                            but also a year of many efforts towards making the the EWG-DSS
 Contributing to this Newsletter 10                         members interact via various different initiatives. The study about a
                                                            “Collaboration Academic Social Network” for the group was one of
                                                            them, followed by the new online fronts now available for the EWG-
                                                            DSS in LinkedIn and in the EWG-DSS Wordpress Blog. This
                                                            Newsletter briefly describes about all these initiatives. We hope
Editorial Board                                             you enjoy reading about them here and, most important, giving
The Newsletter of the EURO-WG                               them a go online as well! Interact within EWG-DSS! Participate!
on Decision Support Systems is
currently edited by:                                                                       Yours Sincerely,

Fátima Dargam, Pascale Zaraté                                    Pascale Zaraté               Fátima Dargam                    Rita Ribeiro
& Rita Ribeiro

Comments and announcements
to next issues of the EWG-DSS
Newsletter should be sent to
or with the subject:
“EWG-DSS Newsletter”.

researchers involved with the            published. We hope you like it
EWG-DSS online                           Decision Making research area. It        and use it! ♦
                                         serves as another platform for all
EWG-DSS Web-Links:                       the members of the group to better       Recent Publication
                                         interact as well as have a better
•   EWG-DSS – EURO Homepage              reach of our academic production         From members of the EWG-
                                         and network links. Currently the         DSS:
                                         Linked-In EWG-DSS Group has 53
                                         members. This group is also open
                                         to Linked-In members, who would          o   A       Special      Issue     on
                                         like to interact with the EWG-DSS            “Technologies                  for
                                         group without being a member.                Collaborative Decision Making
                                                                                      “, in the International Journal of
                                         •   EWG-DSS – Slideshare                     Decision Support Systems
  (                                                       Technology IJDSST, including
Working Groups      EURO                                                              selected      papers     of   the
Working Groups      EWG Decision                                                      Decision Analysis & DSS
support systems                                                                       Stream of the EURO XXIII
                                                                                      Conference in Bonn, Germany,
In the EWG-DSS page of the               The EWG-DSS Slideshare account               July 2009. Guest Editors:
EURO-Homepage you find the               <> is        F.C.C. Dargam; P. Zaraté (to
updated information about the            open to any visitor and allows one           appear).
group activities in terms of past        to view the documents (pdf files,
and future meetings, our means of        power-point files, etc…) that are        o   Towards       a  Collaboration
communications      and      on-line     placed there available by the                Network      for  the  EURO
networks, as well as some                EWG-DSS Coordination Board.                  Working Group on DSS (EWG-
selected publications of the group.      Since 2008, the Newsletters are              DSS). F. Dargam; R. Ribeiro;
                                         placed in this Slideshare account.           P. Zaraté. Jan.2010. Invited
•   EWG-DSS – IRIT Server                It is our intention to publish also          Review of the EJOR European
                                         presentations of the group. If you           Journal of Operation Research
                                         would like to share one of your              (to appear).
                                         power-point presentations (within
                                         our research area) with others, you      o   A Special Issue in the Journal
                                         can also send them to us so, that            of Decision Support Systems
A server hosted by IRIT, which           they can be placed available for             Technologies, edited by A.
contains      all    the     EWG-DSS     viewing (with credits to you) under          Respicio and P. Zaraté, on
Newsletters’ pdf files; Call for         this environment.                            Technologies for Collaborative
Papers relevant for the group as                                                      Decision Making; IGI Global,
well as project descriptions of          •   EWG-DSS – Blog                           Hershey - USA, Vol. 1 N. 4,
group members (in “Shared                                                             October 2009.
Documents”). This web-site is
devoted to the members of the                                                     o   A Special issue in EJOR on
EWG-DSS. It is possible that every                                                    Formal         Tools         and
member sends a message to the                 Since May 2009, our EURO
                                                                                      Methodologies for DSS, edited
group          mailing-list,     ewg-    Working Group on Decision
                                                                                      by P. Zaraté; Elsevier, Vol. 195
                                         Support Systems EWG-DSS has a, either using the facility                                                N. 3, June 2009. A selection of
                                         Blog! <>
“Post” of the IRIT Server or by                                                       papers presented during the
                                         This blog opens another platform
directly using the e-mail address of                                                  CIDMDS Conference 2006 are
                                         for all of us, members of the group,
the     list    in    his/her   e-mail                                                published: 4 papers are edited
                                         to better interact. The posts in this
environment. Also via the option                                                      on 17 submitted.
                                         blog are supposed to range from
“Review Members”, one is able to
                                         reports of group meetings and their
check       the    individual   e-mail                                            o   Collaborative Decision Making:
                                         papers presented, as well as call
addresses of each member. All the                                                     Perspectives and Challenges;
                                         for papers and conferences,
EWG-DSS members are allowed                                                           (Eds) P. Zaraté, J.P. Belaud,
                                         interviews with group members
to have access to this server.                                                        G. Camilleri, F. Ravat; July
                                         and other informal information of
                                                                                      2008; N°ISSN: 0922-6389;
•   EWG-DSS – LinkedIn Group             the members. The blog is
                                                                                      IOSPress Publisher; available
                                         maintained by the Coordination
                                         Board of the group. You should
                                         take as much advantage as
                                                                                  o   Integration of decision support
                                         possible of this fantastic interactive
                                                                                      systems to improve decision
                                         means, commenting the posts,
                                                                                      support performance (Survey -
                                         suggesting new ones and sending
The EWG-DSS Group in LinkedIn,                                                        Review Paper). Shaofeng Liu,
                                         to the us your own posts to be
was created in May 2009 aiming to                                                     Alex H. B. Duffy, Robert Ian
encourage the cooperation of all                                                      Whitfield, Iain M. Boyle.
Knowledge and Information               ‘08), Jinan, China, pp. 652–               European Society for Fuzzy
    Systems - An International              656.                                       logic     and      technology
    Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10115-                                                       Conference (IFSA-EUSFLAT
    009-0192-4. Abstract available      o   Vasant, P., Bhattacharya, A.               2009) , Lisbon, Portugal, July
    online     at     the      link:        and Abraham, A., October                   2009 : 719-724. ISBN: 978-          2008, “Measurement of Level-               989-95079-6-8
    ntent/jm7k56n631252761/                 of-Satisfaction of Decision            o   L. F. Simoes; T. C. Pais; R.
                                            Maker in Intelligent Fuzzy-
                                                                                       A. Ribeiro; G. Jonniaux; S.
o   Bhattacharya, A., Vasant, P.,           MCDM theory: A Generalised
                                                                                       Reynaud,              Search
    Sarkar, B. and Mukherjee,               Approach” (Chapter 9). In:
                                                                                       methodologies for efficient
    S.K., 2008, “A Fully Fuzzified,         (Ed.:      Kahraman,       Cengiz)
                                                                                       planetary site selection. In:
    Intelligent           Theory-of-        “Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-
                                                                                       IEEE        Congress      on
    Constraints         Product-Mix         Making           Theory         and
                                                                                       Evolutionary     Computation
    Decision”. International Journal        Applications        with    Recent
                                                                                       (CEC 2009), Norway, May
    of      Production    Research,         Developments”;              Series:
                                                                                       2009 :1981-1987.
    Volume 46, Issue 3, pp. 789-            Springer Optimization and Its
    815.                                    Applications, Vol. 16, pp. 235–        o   R. A. Marques Pereira, R.A.
                                            261, Springer-Verlag: Berlin,              Ribeiro,     P.   Serra.   Rule
o    Bhattacharya, A., Geraghty, J.         ISBN:         978-0-387-76812-0.           correlation and integration in
    and Young, P. “On the                   [       fuzzy     inference    systems.
    analytical    framework      of         78-0-387-76812-0]                          International     Journal    of
    resilient supply chain network                                                     Uncertainty, Fuzziness and
    assessing excursion events”,        o   Bhattacharya, A., Abraham, A.              Knowledge-Based        Systems
    The 3rd Asia International              and Vasant, P., October 2008,              Vol. 16, No. 5 (2008) 601–626
    Conference on Modelling &               “FMS         Selection        under
    Simulation, Bandung & Bali,             Disparate Level-of-Satisfaction        o   S.H. Alavi, J. Jassbi, P.J. A.
    Indonesia, 25, 26 & 29 May              of Decision Maker using                    Serra, R. A. Ribeiro. Defining
    2009, 392–397.                          Intelligent           Fuzzy-MCDM           fuzzy       measures:         A
                                            Model” (Chapter 10). In: (Ed.:             comparative study with genetic
o   Bhattacharya, A., Geraghty, J.          Kahraman, Cengiz) “Fuzzy                   and      gradient      descent
    and     Young,    P.,    2009.          Multi-Criteria Decision-Making             algorithms.    In:   Intelligent
    “Optimised planning, ranking &          Theory and Applications with               Engineering Systems and
    selection of suppliers: An              Recent Developments”; Series:              Computational      Cybernetics,
    integrated     QFD-AHP-LGP              Springer Optimization and Its              Edited    by     J.   Tenreiro
    methodology”, Proceedings of            Applications, Vol. 16, pp. 263–            Machado, B. Patkai, J. Rudas,
    the “Advances in Production             280, Springer-Verlag: Berlin,              Springer, e-ISBN 978-1-4020-
    Management            Systems”          ISBN:         978-0-387-76812-0.           8678-6 (2008) 427-438.
    (APMS2009) conference, held             [
    during 19-23 September 2009             78-0-387-76812-0]                      o   P. Serra, R. A. Ribeiro, R. A.
    at Bordeaux, France.                                                               Marques Pereira, R. Steel, M.
                                        o    Abraham, A., Vasant, P. and               Niezette, A. Donati Fuzzy
o   Susanto, S., Al-Dabass, D. and          Bhattacharya, A., October                  Thermal Alarm System for
    Bhattacharya,       A.,     2009,       2008,                 “Neuro-fuzzy         Venus       Express.        In:
    “Optimised     cell     formation       Approximation to Multi-Criteria            Encyclopedia    of    Decision
    algorithm            considering        Decision         Making       QFD          Making and Decision Support
    sequence      of     operations,        Methodology” (Chapter 12). In:             Technologies.          Editors:
    alternative routing and part-           (Ed.:      Kahraman,       Cengiz)         Frederic Adam and Patrick
    volume”,     The      3rd    Asia       “Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-            Humphreys.          Publisher:
    International Conference on             Making           Theory         and        Information           Science
    Modelling     &      Simulation,        Applications       with    Recent          Reference, Vol I (2008) 391-
    Bandung & Bali, Indonesia, 25,          Developments”;             Series:         401.
    26 & 29 May 2009, 79–84.                Springer Optimization and Its
                                            Applications, Vol. 16, pp. 301–        o   R. A. Ribeiro, I. L. Nunes.
o   Susanto, S., Suharto, I.,               321, Springer-Verlag: Berlin,              Interfaces    Usability      for
    Rosmiyanti,        N.T.     and         ISBN:        978-0-387-76812-0.            Monitoring     Systems       In:
    Bhattacharya, A., 25–27, 2008,          [+        Encyclopedia     of    Decision
    “Fuzzy Multi-objective Linear           /978-0-387-76812-0]                        Making and Decision Support
    Programming              having                                                    Technologies.           Editors:
    Probabilistic       Constraints:                                                   Frederic Adam and Patrick
                                        o   T. Pais; R. A. Ribeiro,                    Humphreys.            Publisher:
    Application in Product-Mix
                                            Contributions    to   Dynamic
    Decision-Making”.      The 5th                                                     Information             Science
                                            Multicriteria Decision Making              Reference, Vol II. (2008).
    International Conference on
                                            Models. In: Proceedings of the
    Fuzzy         Systems       and
                                            International Fuzzy Systems            o   B.R. Santos, T. Fonseca, M.
    Knowledge Discovery (FSKD
                                            Association World Congress &               Barata, R. A. Ribeiro, P.
Sousa. A method for automatic       o   T. C. Pais, R.A. Ribeiro,Y.       giving us the opportunity of
    fuzzy set generation using              Devouassoux, S. Reynaud           producing this interview for our
    sensor       data.     Autosoft-        Dynamic ranking algorithm for     Newsletter. We hope you enjoy
    Intelligent Automation and Soft         landing site selection. In:       reading it!
    Computing          International        Proceedings    of    the  Int.
    Journal Vol 14, No 3 (2008),            Conference on Information         EWG-DSS: Tell us about your
    279-292.                                Processing and Management         research / working experiences
                                            of   Uncertainty   (IPMU´08),     with EURO
o   C. Coelho, P. Serra, R. A.              Malaga, June 2008.
    Ribeiro, R. A. Marques-                                                   GS: Since the beginning of 2008 I
    Pereira, A. Dietz, A. Donati.                                             have actively worked inside EURO,
    Fuzzy alarm system for laser        Thanks to all members who
                                                                              as Vice-President of IFORS (the
    gyroscopes        degradation.      contributed to this session. ♦
                                                                              International    Federation       of
    Autosoft-            Intelligent                                          Operational Research Societies)
    Automation      and         Soft                                          representing EURO. EURO is one
    Computing         International     Interview                             of the regional groupings of
    Journal, Vol 14, No 3 (2008)                                              IFORS. The position of Vice-
    pp. 351-365.                                                              President of IFORS has offered me
                                                                              the opportunity to get to know
o   T. Simas, G. Silva, B. Miranda,                                           IFORS and its organization and,
    A. Moitinho, and R. Ribeiro.                                              through IFORS, the other regional
    Knowledge Discovery in Large                                              groupings. In the last couple of
    Data Sets. In: Classification                                             years I have also regularly met the
    and Discovery in Large                                                    Executive Committee of EURO
    Astronomical Surveys, C.A.L.                                              and got in touch with the several
    Bailer-Jones      (ed.),    AIP                                           issues and challenges EURO is
    Conference Proceedings vol.                                               meeting nowadays.
    1082, AIP (Melville, New
    York),           2008:196-201.                                            EWG-DSS: What do you think you
    ISBN978-0-7354-0613-1.                                                    could contribute during your
                                                                              mandate as President?
o   M. M. Gomes, B. R. Santos, T.
    Simas, P. Sousa, R. A.
                                                                              GS: EURO is a grouping of 30
    Ribeiro. Reducing the number
                                                                              national societies. Many of the
    of membership functions in
                                                                              national societies have a long and
    linguistic variables: Application   Grazia Speranza
                                                                              consolidated history, numerous
    to a fuzzy monitoring system.
                                            “My view of EURO is that          individual     and        institutional
    8Th Internatinal Conference on
                                        EURO is at the service of OR          members, high quality journals.
    Application of Fuzzy Systems
                                        researchers in Europe.”               EURO is a strong grouping
    and Soft Computing (ICAFS-
                                                                              because the member societies are
    08), Helsinki, Finland, Sept.,
                                        On behalf of the EWG-DSS,             strong. The role of EURO with
    2008: 198-206.
                                        Fátima Dargam had the pleasure        respect to the national societies
o   T. C. Pais, R.A. Ribeiro,Y.         to interview our colleague: Grazia    can be seen as similar to the role
    Devouassoux, S. Reynaud.            Speranza,      also    a   founding   of Europe with respect to the
    Regions rating for selecting        member of the EWG-DSS since           European countries. EURO can
    spacecraft landing sites. In:       1989 in Madeira. Grazia Speranza      add value to the national societies
    Proceedings of The 8th              is    Professor     of   Operations   and contribute to make the
    International          FLINS        Research of the University of         European OR researchers more
    Conference on Computational         Brescia since 1990, where she has     visible and more successful in a
    Intelligence in Decision and        also actively promoted research       globalized scientific world.
    Control,      Madrid,  Spain,       via assuming different positions.
    September, 2008 : 1039-1044.        From 1998 to 2000, she was            Over the years EURO has created
                                        President of the Research Council,    a number of tools to promote
o   Y. Devouassoux, S. Reynaud,         and from 2000 to 2002 she was         Operations Research in Europe,
    G. Jonniaux, R. A. Ribeiro, T.      Vice-President of that University     has a successful journal, the
    C. Pais. Hazard avoidance           and from 2002 to 2008 Grazia          European Journal of Operational
    developments for planetary          Speranza also worked as the Dean      Research    (EJOR),   successful
    exploration. In: Proceedings of     of the Faculty of Economics and       conferences, awards, meetings,
    the 7th International ESA           Business of the University of         working    groups,   workshops,
    Conference on Guidance,             Brescia. In 2009, EURO has            summer and winter institutes,….
    Navigation & Control Systems,       elected Grazia Speranza to be its     The role of EURO has become
    Tralee, Ireland, June 2008.         President for the next mandate.       more and more important. At the
                                        We congratulate Grazia for this       EURO conference that was held in
                                        achievement and thank her for         Prague in 2007 the number of
participants exceeded for the first       EWG-DSS: How important is the          the EJOR to submit to it an “Invited
time the threshold of 2000. The           duty of EURO President for you?        Review” concerning the area of
EURO conference in Prague was                                                    Decision Support Systems. Since
considered       an   extraordinarily     GS: I will take this duty extremely    then, the members of the board (F.
successful conference. Within the         seriously. I am currently on           Dargam, R. Ribeiro and P. Zaraté)
EURO        Executive    Committee        sabbatical, after two terms as dean    have been working on a social
nobody believed the next EURO             of the Faculty of Economics and        networks approach, aiming at
conference, held in Bonn in 2009          Business at the University of          representing and analyzing the
could be more successful. And             Brescia. I feel I am ready to use      academic interactions of the
instead it was, with approximately        my experience to contribute to the     members of the EWG-DSS group,
2300 participants! This is a clear        success of EURO and, through           with respect to our activities on the
sign of an increasing interest            EURO, of OR research in Europe.        area of Decision Making.
towards conferences of European
size and scope. I believe that one        EWG-DSS: How do you see the
of the challenges EURO has to             situation of the Euro Working
face is, while keeping the present        Groups within EURO? Could it
level of effectiveness and quality of     possibly be better promoted?
the national societies, to increase
at the same time the European             GS: I have attended in 1989 the
level of aggregation.                     EURO Summer Institute on
                                          Decision Support Systems in
The previous Presidents of EURO I         Madeira (Portugal), an exciting
had the opportunity to work with,         opportunity to learn and interact
Martine Labbé and Valerie Belton,         with young researchers. The
have done excellent work for              EURO working group on DSS was
EURO and I intend to continue             created in Madeira and has
their work along the same lines. I        remained active over the years         To carry on this study, the authors
intend to cooperate with the              with initiatives, workshops, this      counted with research information
national societies to understand          newsletter. I learned from that        input (mainly recent publications),
what EURO can offer to them and           experience the relevance of a          provided by 70 group members.
how we can make EURO more                 European dimension of the groups       Their participation was of vital
useful to their members. One of my        of interest. I believe the working     importance for the success of this
goals is to interact with the             groups are extremely important         project, which already in its 1st.
Presidents of the national societies      and EURO should promote them at        version (link) allows us to obtain
and to work with them to identify         best. I am open to suggestions on      useful    feedback    for    further
the best balance between the              possible ways to better promote        academic collaboration in joint-
fundamental role of the national          the     working      groups.    The    research projects and publications.
societies and the role of EURO.           coordinators may play a key role in
One of the main challenges of             the process and I intend to interact
EURO I see is the ‘editorial              with them and carefully listen to
challenge’.       Most       European     their suggestions. We may use the
governments already identified or         EURO web site, the EURO mailing
intend     to     identify    objective   lists and the EURO conferences
measures to evaluate the quality of       more effectively to promote the
scientific publications. It is not easy   working groups. We may also
to measure ‘quality’ and there            create new awards for best papers
would be a number of interesting          or careers in specific areas.
issue to be discussed here.
However, as a matter of fact,             My view of EURO is that EURO is
European universities tend to             at the service of OR researchers in    This work was presented several
evaluate the quality of papers of         Europe.                          ♦     times during its 1st version
their faculties through the quality of                                           development phase, for instance at
the journals where the papers are                                                the International Symposium on
published. I think we need to                                                    the Management of Industrial and
understand whether the best               Research Review                        Corporate Knowledge (ISMICK) in
papers       by     European        OR    Description from Research Projects     Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in Nov.
researchers are published at              from EWG-DSS Members                   2008; at the the Decision Analysis
present in the best journals, if the                                             & DSS Stream of the EURO XXIII
present editorial situation is            An Academic Social Network             Conference in Bonn, Germany, in
satisfactory to the European OR           for the EWG-DSS (1st.Version)          July 2009; and as an invited talk at
researchers and, in case, to              F.Dargam, P.Zaraté & R.Ribeiro         the Statistics and Operations
understand what the role of EURO                                                 Research Department of the
can be in improving the situation.        As already reported in the previous    University of Graz in Austria, in
                                          EWG-DSS        Newsletter,      the    Nov.2009. The presentation used
                                          Coordination Board was invited by
in this last talk can be found in the   What is TESS about?                       is to list and analyse government
EWG-DSS Blog (link) and also in                                                   information      requirements       at
                                        For 50 years, subsidies at
the EWG-DSS Slideshare account                                                    national and intermediate levels
                                        continental and state level have
(link).                                                                           and to identify the local information
                                        successfully driven cultivation of a
                                                                                  needs. It will then create a data-
The full paper (link) about this work   few species in Europe. Intensive
                                                                                  base of models suitable for bio-
submitted to EJOR as an Invited         monocultures, replacing the former
                                                                                  socio-economic predictions and
Review can be found in the              diverse local land-use, continue to
                                                                                  see where there are gaps in the
EWG-DSS Slideshare account              degrade ecosystem services that
                                                                                  supply of models and data,       sustained Europeans for centuries.
                                                                                  compared with the demand for
                                        Species have disappeared locally
A comprehensive research report                                                   information.
                                        through habitat loss, fragmentation
about this project, including all the
                                        and chemical inputs, so that              Case studies of local communities
publications considered, as well as
                                        biodiversity has declined at an           will test how best to meet local
all the authors’ network graphics
                                        unprecedented rate. Animals and           decision    support    needs     in
showing their interaction with the
                                        plants that once fascinated or fed        exchange for local monitoring that
others, is planned to be placed
                                        people have vanished from many            meets central policy requirements.
available soon at the IRIT Server
                                        communities.                              They will also examine whether
within “Shared Documents”.
                                                                                  local    monitoring   (based    on
                                        Governments         now        require
As coordinators of the EURO                                                       schools, NGOs, local community
                                        Strategic             Environmental
Working Group on DSS, we also                                                     groups or individuals motivated by
                                        Assessment (SEA) for land-use
encourage other EURO Working                                                      use of wild resources) can supply
                                        plans and programmes and
Groups to follow our example and                                                  the extra environmental data that
                                        Environmental Impact Assessment
try to identify the cooperation of                                                are needed.
                                        (EIA)     for    specific     projects,
their groups in order to encourage
                                        sometimes       now       also     with   To identify current best practice for
more participation and research
                                        sustainability assessments. SEA           incorporating    biodiversity    and
production in joint-work.       ♦       and EIA depend on experts to              wider environmental information
                                        collect data and make predictions,        into decision-making on land-use
                                        and are therefore used for only a         across the EU, there will be a
                                        minority of the myriad decisions          survey of government and local
TESS Project                            that affect our environment.              practices in all 27 EU member
                                                                                  states plus some candidate states.
                                        However, the ability to predict
                                                                                  It will assess how the use of
                                        change and present options has
                                                                                  biodiversity and environmental
                                        now increased through the use of
                                                                                  information in EIA, SEA and
                                        sophisticated computer modelling.
                                                                                  sustainability assessment has
                                        Such models may incorporate
                                                                                  affected ecosystem services and
                                        behavioural mechanisms of key
                                                                                  biodiversity in both protected and
                                        species and can be spatially-
                                                                                  cultivated areas. This survey will
                                        specific through linkage to habitat
Transactional       Environmental                                                 also identify priority areas for
                                        and socio-economic data. TESS
Support System                                                                    internet-based decision support
                                        argues that by making the
                                                                                  and local monitoring to benefit
Project description submitted by        computer models work for anyone,
                                                                                  livelihoods and biodiversity.
Jason Papathanasiou.                    with environmental information
                                        gathered by local people, the
                                        principles      of    environmental       TESS Partners:
TESS is an international research       assessment can assist decisions
project supported by the 7th            affecting      development       and
                                                                                  • Aristotle   University       of
Framework Programme of the                                                        Thessaloniki   –      coordinator
                                        management of land at all relevant
European Commission. It aims to                                                   (Greece,
                                        levels right across the countryside.
assist the integration of information                                             • Bournemouth University (United
about biodiversity and related          What does TESS do?
environmental matters from the          TESS aims to design a decision  
local level into planning and land-     support      system   related     to
use decisions, while at the same                                                  • NERC-Centre for Ecology and
                                        environment and land- use that will
time encouraging local people to                                                  Hydrology   (United  Kingdom,
                                        make it easy for policy makers to
collect such information in order to                                    
                                        integrate local knowledge into their
maintain and restore biodiversity       decision making, while also guiding       • Anatrack Ltd (United Kingdom,
and ecosystem services. To              and encouraging local activities in
achieve this, a decision support        ways that restore and/or maintain
system will be designed to                                                        • ERENA, Ordenamento e Gestão
                                        biodiversity     and    ecosystem
exchange information required in                                                  de    Recursos    Naturais Ltd.
environmental assessments at all                                                  (Portugal,
levels for information that benefits    The project runs from October
                                                                                  • Tero Ltd (Greece,
local recreation and livelihoods.       2008 to March 2011. Its first phase
• European       Sustainable     Use     remediation/revitalization                        stand-alone        software.      For
    Specialist      Group      (Belgium,     measures, models for assessing                    example, GIS functions and kriging      risk values, results of remediation               methods may be used for spatial
    g/sub/europe.htm)                        measures implementation, etc.);                   data analysis only; MCDA tools
                                                                                               may be implemented for non-
    • Federation of Associations for         - WP3 on elaboration of the case
                                                                                               spatial     multi-criteria   problem
    Hunting and Conservation of the          studies and implementation of
                                                                                               investigation. However, the full
    EU (Belgium,                DECERNS SDSS for realization of
                                                                                               power of DECERNS is utilized
                                             multicriteria decision analysis on
    • Pro-Biodiversity Service (Poland)                                                        when GIS and MCDA subsystems
                                             land-use      management       and
                                                                                               and the models provider are used
    • Centre for Cartography of Fauna        remediation     of    contaminated
                                                                                               in an integrated problem analysis.
    and Flora (Slovenia,        territories.
    • Szent Istvan University, Institute                                                       DECERNS users have access to
    for Wildlife Conservation (Hungary,      DECERNS WebSDSS
                                                                                               handy tools for the analysis of                                                                            uncertainty in the recommended
                                             Environmental risk analysis and
    • Institute   of       Sustainable       sustainable land-use planning                     decision. These include the
    Technology at Tallinn University of      require implementation of tools for               opportunity to use several different
    Technology (Estonia,         spatial    information   analysis,                MCDA models to analyze a multi-
                                             problem-oriented     models     for               criteria problem and the ability to
    • Danube Delta National Institute                                                          address the robustness of the
    for        R&D        (Romania,          assessment of risk values, and
                                             corresponding      methods      for               decision to variations in the relative
    • WWF       Turkey           (Turkey,     DecernsSDSS                                         Models Provider
                                                        Presentation tier
    More details about this project can                                                                                  Models GUI
                                                        Models Manager
    be found in the web-page:              ♦            - Provides GUI to manage tasks
                                                                                                           MP Core
                                                    - Models output visualization
                                                     (tables, graphs, map layers)
                                                                                                         - Request handling
                                                                                                       - Models initialization
    DECERNS                                                                                             - Task management
                                                                                                   - Input/Output data storing
    Project & WebSDSS
    Project description submitted by                                                                                   Model Adapters
    Boris I. Yatsalo.
                                                        Application tier
    The objective of the DECERNS                         MP Connector
    project (Nov 2006 – Jan 2010) is
    creation of methods and software                - Communication with Models                               DB
                                                          Providers (N >= 1)
    tools that provide decision support        - Information layers loading into SDSS
    on multicriteria analysis of [spatial]        - Table/Graph data preparation for
                                                           Models Manager
    alternatives, including land use
    planning/management,                                                                                                         Models
    environmental protection, location
    problems, etc.
                                             decision-making support. As a rule,               importance and value of each
    Three organizations participate in       land-use management problems                      decision criteria. For this, the
    the DECERNS project realization:         are complex and involve multiple                  sensitivity of the decision to
    - Obninsk       State      Technical     and         often        competing                changes in weights and/or value
    University     (IATE),      Obninsk,     objectives/criteria.                              functions can be used. An
    Russia;                                       DECERNS              (Decision               alternative approach to uncertainty
                                             Evaluation in Complex Risk                        analysis       implemented       in
    - Khlopin Radium Institute, St.-         Network Systems) is a Web-based                   DECERNS is the use of distributed
    Petersburg, Russia (KRI); and            SDSS that aims to provide a                       /random or fuzzy weights and/or
                                             methodology and software tools                    criterion values.
-   Brookhaven National Laboratory,
                                             which will facilitate decision-
    Upton, NY, USA.
                                             making support in the field of multi-             More about DECERNS Project and
The three main Work Packages (WP)            criteria   analysis   of    (spatial)             WebSDSS, as well as some demo-
  within the DECERNS project are:            alternatives, including land-use                  files can be found at the project’s
                                             planning      and    environmental                web-site:
    - WP1 on development of web-
    based Spatial Decision Support                                                             For further information, send your
    System (WebSDSS) DECERNS;                                                                  requests to Boris I. Yatsalo:
                                             DECERNS offers the possibility to
    - WP2 on models and databases            access the GIS and MCDA                         ♦
    development   (database    on            subsystems  independently     as
case studies will be especially      Support Models" that was held in
Call for Papers                        welcomed. Manuscripts will be        2004.
Conferences                            peer-reviewed. The acceptance of
                                                                            Organizing Committee:
                                       the contributions will be based on
EURO XXIV:                             the originality of the work, the     Carlos Henggeler Antunes, Ana
                                       relevance for the conference         Rosa Borges, Carla Oliveira, Luís
                                       theme and its overall quality.       Cândido Dias, Maria João Alves.
                                       Conference Chair:                         The accepted papers will be
                                       Ana Respicio                         published     in    a     CD-ROM
The        24th        European        Faculty of Sciences                  Conference     Proceedings. Full
                                       University of Lisbon, Portugal       versions of the papers presented
Conference on Operational
                                                                            at the Conference may be later
Research will take place in the                                             submitted for publication in the
period of July 11th to 14th, 2010,     IMPORTANT DATES:
                                                                            International Journal of Systems
in Lisbon, Portugal.                   • Paper submission due:              Science, Journal of Mathematical
The Programme and Organising           January 30th, 2010 (extended)        Modelling or in the Algorithms,
Committee are preparing a high                                              International Journal of Intelligent
                                       • Notification to authors: March     Decision Technologies.
quality academic programme of the      1st, 2010
Conference. More details about the                                          IMPORTANT DATES:
Conference and the venue can be        • Final version of accepted
found in the Conference Web-site:      papers: March 26th, 2010             o March 22, 2010: Registration .                                            deadline   (for   authors     to
                                       • Workshop proposal                  guarantee inclusion in the final
DSS2010:                               submission due: February 15th,       program     and    proceedings
                                       2010                                 volume).
                                       • Poster submission due: April       o April 15-17, 2010: Conference.
                                       1st, 2010
The     15th    IFIP  WG     8.3       • Doctoral Consortium                Conference Secretariat:
International Conference on                                       
                                       submission due: April 1st, 2010
Decision     Support   Systems,                                             More details about Call for Papers
under the theme "Bridging the          • Main Conference: July 8th-
                                                                            for the URPDM2010 Conference
socio-technical gap in DSS -           10th, 2010
                                                                            and the venue can be found in the
Challenges for the next decade",       • Doctoral Consortium: July 7th,     Conference               Web-site:
will take place in the period of       2010                               ♦
July 7th to 10th, 2010, at the
Faculty of Sciences, University of     • Workshops: July 7th, 2010          Journal Announcement
Lisbon, in Lisbon, Portugal.
                                       More details about Call for Papers   Special Issue in IJDSST
In recent years, bridging the socio-
                                       for the DSS2010 Conference and
technical gap has been a                                                    “Technologies                  for
                                       the venue can be found in the
challenge in many areas of                                                  Collaborative            Decision
                                       Conference Web-site:
research. The socio-technical gap                                           Making”
is the great divide between the
social aspects aimed to be                                                  edited by F.Dargam & P. Zaraté
supported and those that are
actually supported, due in part to     URPDM2010:                           The proposed feature issue will
technical limitations and in part to                                        publish in the International Journal
the complexity of the contexts                                              of Decision Support Systems
where decision support must be                                              Technology IJDSST, a selection of
provided. In Decision Support                                               the best papers presented at the
Systems, this challenge has raised                                          Decision Analysis & DSS Stream
several     important     questions                                         of the the EURO XXIII Conference
concerned with the account and                                              in Bonn, Germany, in July 2009. In
encapsulation of social aspects of     The 25th Mini-EURO Conference        that DSS Stream 14 interesting
managerial decision making as          on Uncertainty and Robustness        papers have been presented.
well as with the representation of     in Planning and Decision Making      Among them, only 4 papers will be
certain human cognitive aspects,       will take in Coimbra, Portugal, in   selected for this Special Issue.
such as intuition or insights within   the period of April 15th to 17th,
computational systems.                 2010.                                Schedule for publication:
     Submissions to DSS2010                The URPDM2010 follows up
from academics and practitioners       the successful conference on         -   Acceptation / Rejection: 26
are invited and showcases of real      "Managing Uncertainty in Decision        Feb. 2010.

-   Revised papers submission:       Making                                EWG-DSS Meeting 2009
    2 April 2010.                    . Knowledge Management as a           In 2009, the EWG-DSS annual
-   Final decision: 30 April 2010.   Collaboration Model                   meeting took place in Bonn,
-   Expected publication: End of     . Applications in Decision Making     Germany, on July 7th, within the
    June 2010.                       and Decision Analysis                 EURO XXIII, The 23rd European
                                           Contributors are requested to   Conference       on     Operational
For further information, please      submit their Abstracts (no more       Research.      In    this    EURO
contact the guest editors via e-     than 600 characters) in English (no   conference, the EWG-DSS group
mail:     formulas or mathematical notations    organized a DSS Stream, where a
or             ♦     are allowed), via the Abstract        total of 14 papers were presented
                                     Submission web-page of the            within the stream’s three sessions:
                                     Conference      site,  where the      “Social Collaboration & Network-
                                     information about the submission      based      Decision      Systems”;
DSS Stream at the                    procedure can be found. Link:         “Knowledge Management and
EURO XXIV                          DSS”; and “Methodologies for
                                                                           DSS and Distributed DSS”.
                                     IMPORTANT DATES:
                                     Deadline      for      Abstracts:     The research projects presented
             EWG-DSS Stream          February 28th, 2010                   on the DSS Stream are listed
             at the EUROXXIV                                               below:
                                     Acceptance             notification
             Lisbon, July 2010
                                     March 15th, 2010                      1.Group memory support to
                                     Deadline for early registration       collaborative decision making.
                                     March 31st, 2010                      AbdelKader Adla.
                                                                            2.     Consistency       in      ahp-
Call for Papers                      Deadline for author registration      collaborative decision making.
                                     April 30th, 2010                      María Teresa Escobar, José María
EURO XXIV Lisbon, Portugal.                                                Moreno-jimenez, Juan Aguarón.
                                     Conference                   dates
July 11-14th, 2010                                                         3. Towards a collaboration network
                                     July 11th-14th, 2010
                                                                           for the euro working group on
                                     We hope to see you all in             DSS.       Fatima Dargam, Rita
                                     Lisbon!                               Ribeiro, Pascale Zaraté.
                                                                           4.Knowledge extraction in e-
Stream:                              EWG-DSS Meetings                      cognocracy. José María Moreno-
“Decision Support System “                                                 jimenez,     Jesús       Cardeñosa,
                                     List of all past EWG-DSS              Carolina, Gallardo, Juan Aguarón,
Organizers:                          Meetings,/ Workshops & Mini-
Pascale Zaraté & Fátima Dargam                                             María Teresa Escobar, Adrian
                                     Conferences:                          Toncovich, Alberto Turón.
                                                                           5. A multi-agent framework for a
      The     24th     European                                            web dss applied to manufacturing
Conference     on    Operational     . Fontainebleau (France) – 1990;      system. Taghezout Noria.
Research, EURO XXIV, will take       . Bruges (Belgium) – 1991;            6.Academic decisions support
place in Lisbon from July 11th to    . Hungary – 1992;                     systems: a methodology. José G.
14th, 2010.                          . Sintra (Portugal) – 1993;           Hernández R., María J. García.
     Within this Conference, the     . Turku (Finland) – 1994;             7. E-government: a comparative
Stream of Decision Support           . Samos (Greece) – 1995;              study of the g2c online services
Systems, expects the participation   . Ispra (Italy) – 1996;               progress      using      multi-criteria
of researchers, practitioners, as    . Bruges (Belgium) – 1997;            analysis. Yannis Yannacopoulos,
well as students working in the      . Granada (Spain) – 1998;             Panagiotis Manolitzas, Athanasios
areas of decision making, analysis   . Turku (Finland) – 1999;             Spyridakos.
and decision support. The Call for   . Toulouse (France) – 2000;           8. Applicability of simple additive
Papers document for the DSS          . Caiscas (Portugal) – 2001;          weighting method with grey
Stream, in pdf format, can be        . Bruges (Belgium) – 2002;            relations and comparison with
downloaded here.                     . Luxembourg – 2003;                  other grey theory techniques.
                                     . Istanbul, (Turkey) – 2003;          Edmundas Zavadskas, Arturas
      Topics concerning the areas    . Prato, (Italy) – 2004;              Kaklauskas, Tatjana Vilutiene.
listed below are of particular       . Graz (Austria) – 2005;              9. An evidence-adaptive belief
interest in this stream:             . London (UK) – 2006;                 rule-based      decision      support
. Models for Decision Making and     . Reykavik (Iceland) – 2006;          system for clinical risk assessment
Decision Analysis                    . Montreal (Canada) – 2007;           in emergency care. Guilan Kong,
. Network-based Collaboration        . Prague (Czech Republic) – 2007;     Dong-Ling Xu, Jian-Bo Yang.
Decision Systems                     . Toulouse (France) – 2008;           10. Patterns as building blocks in
. New Methodologies and              . Bonn (Germany) – 2009.              decision-tree algorithms. Boris
Technology in Group Decision
Delibasic, Milija Suknovic, Milos
                                                                               EWG-DSS Members
11. Web-based decision support                                                 The EWG-DSS group has now 105
through kernel density estimation                                              registered members. The updated
and      combination.       Antonio                                            list of all members of the group is
Rodrigues.                                                                     available upon request to Pascale
12. A new way of classifying and                                               Zaraté. Changes to this list should
comparing                  systemic                                            also be reported to Pascale Zaraté
methodologies. Kalliopi Peponi,                                                via e-mail:
Argyris Arnellos, Thomas Spyrou,
John Darzentas.                                                                Via the EWG-DSS – IRIT Server the
13. Participating in competitive      This reencounter of the group was        registered group members of the
online      games:        analyzing   registered by a series of informal       EWG-DSS are able to contact
competitive and hedonic decision      pictures. Some of them can be            directly each other by using the e-
elements. Thomas Weiss, Claudia       seen in the post “EWG-DSS – 20           mail address list available in this
Loebbecke.                            Years!” (link) of the EWG-DSS            environment     (option    “Review
14. Distributed decision making       Blog. Go there and enjoy the             Members”).
goes multiscale. Christian Wernz      photos!                         ♦        By using our mailing-list addressed
                                                                               as:, the EWG-DSS
The abstracts of the work listed                                               members are able to send
above can be found in the                                                      messages to all other members,
proceedings of the EURO XXIII
                                      Contacting the EWG-DSS
                                                                               allowing this way a one-to-one
conference.                   ♦                                                distribution of information about
                                      The EURO-WG on Decision                  research events and calls for
                                      Support Systems is currently             publications.
Upcoming Events                       head by the Coordination Board:
EWG-DSS Meeting in 2010               Pascale Zaraté, Fátima Dargam                  If you need more information
     In 2010, the EWG-DSS             & Rita Ribeiro                           about the group, please contact us
annual meeting will take place in     (Coordination Board of the               or        visit    our     web-site:
Lisbon, Portugal, during the period   EURO Working Group on DSS          or our
of July 11th - 14th, within the       since 2007)                              EWG-DSS                         Blog:
EUROXXIV, The 24th European                                                ♦
Conference      on     Operational    For updates or for joining EWG-
Research, in which our EWG-DSS        DSS, please contact:
group will as usual organize a        Pascale Zarate
DSS stream devoted to the topic of    E-mail:
“Applied and Distributed Decision     IRIT – Equipe CSC
Making”.    The Call for Papers       INPT – ENSIACET – GI
document in pdf format can be         118 route de Narbonne                    Contributing to this Newsletter
downloaded here.                      31062 Toulouse cedex 4                   Every member of the EWG-DSS is
                                      FRANCE                                   very welcome to contribute to this
      For more details about the                                               Newsletter.
EURO XXIV, please visit the
conference                website:                                             Subjects can be related to:
                                      EWG-DSS Online Links:                                                 •   Recent Publications
♦                                     EURO Web:
                                           •   PhD Dissertations

                                      EWG-DSS Blog:                            •   Book Presentations / Reviews
Group News                               •   Research Group Presentations
20 Years of the EWG-DSS               EWG-DSS LinkedIn Group:                  •   Research        Views        and
In 2009 our group completed 20        &gid=1961459&trk=anet_ug_hm
years of existence! This round                                                 •   Forthcoming Events
anniversary was commemorated          EWG-DSS Slideshare:
with a warm get-together in July        •   General Announcements
2009, in Bonn, by the occasion of     EWG-DSS IRIT Server:                     Contributions to the EWG-DSS
the 23rd EURO Conference. It was   Newsletter should be sent to one of
great to meet some of our founding    g-dss                                    the email addresses below with the
group members again, as well as                                                subject: “EWG-DSS Newsletter”.
to have a chance to get to know       EWG-DSS Mailing List:          
the new ones who also took part at                
the EURO XXIII in Germany.


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EWG-DSS Newsletter 2009

  • 1. EWG-DSS Newsletter Nr. 8, Year 2009 Editorial EWG-DSS Newsletter by Pascale Zaraté, Fátima Dargam & Rita Ribeiro (Coordination Board of the EURO Working Group on DSS since 2007) Newsletter of the EURO Working Group on Decision Support System Dear Euro Working Group members! Dear Friends! In this issue The 2009 edition of our newsletter was published later than usual. Time seems to fly these days! Nevertheless, this issue Editorial........................................ 1 includes a couple of interesting information concerning our EWG-DSS Online......................... 2 Working Group (see the EWG-DSS Online, for instance), as well as a new session of Interview, which was inaugurated with our Recent Publications.................... 2 Madeira founding member and EURO President-elected: Grazia Interview ...................................... 4 Speranza. Moreover, we also find in this issue a list of recent publications and some research projects being developed by some Research Review ........................ 5 of our group, apart from the usual sessions about the EWG-DSS Meetings and Call for Papers. We are very grateful to all the Call for Papers............................. 8 members, who have contributed to the contents of this issue. DSS Stream EURO XXIV ............. 9 In 2009 our group completed 20 years of existence! This round anniversary was commemorated with a warm get-together in July EWG-DSS Meetings .................... 9 2009, in Bonn, by the occasion of the 23rd EURO Conference. It Upcoming Events...................... 10 was great to meet some of our founding group members again, as well as to have a chance to get to know the new ones who also Group News............................... 10 took part at the EURO XXIII in Germany. More about this meeting Contacting & Joining the EWG-DSS can be found in the sub-session “EWG-DSS Meeting 2009” of ...................................................... 10 “EWG-DSS Meetings”. EWG-DSS Members .................. 10 The year of 2009 was not only the year of our 20th anniversary, but also a year of many efforts towards making the the EWG-DSS Contributing to this Newsletter 10 members interact via various different initiatives. The study about a “Collaboration Academic Social Network” for the group was one of them, followed by the new online fronts now available for the EWG- DSS in LinkedIn and in the EWG-DSS Wordpress Blog. This Newsletter briefly describes about all these initiatives. We hope Editorial Board you enjoy reading about them here and, most important, giving The Newsletter of the EURO-WG them a go online as well! Interact within EWG-DSS! Participate! on Decision Support Systems is currently edited by: Yours Sincerely, Fátima Dargam, Pascale Zaraté Pascale Zaraté Fátima Dargam Rita Ribeiro & Rita Ribeiro Comments and announcements to next issues of the EWG-DSS Newsletter should be sent to or with the subject: “EWG-DSS Newsletter”. 1
  • 2. researchers involved with the published. We hope you like it EWG-DSS online Decision Making research area. It and use it! ♦ serves as another platform for all EWG-DSS Web-Links: the members of the group to better Recent Publication interact as well as have a better • EWG-DSS – EURO Homepage reach of our academic production From members of the EWG- and network links. Currently the DSS: Linked-In EWG-DSS Group has 53 members. This group is also open to Linked-In members, who would o A Special Issue on like to interact with the EWG-DSS “Technologies for group without being a member. Collaborative Decision Making “, in the International Journal of • EWG-DSS – Slideshare Decision Support Systems ( Technology IJDSST, including Working Groups EURO selected papers of the Working Groups EWG Decision Decision Analysis & DSS support systems Stream of the EURO XXIII Conference in Bonn, Germany, In the EWG-DSS page of the The EWG-DSS Slideshare account July 2009. Guest Editors: EURO-Homepage you find the <> is F.C.C. Dargam; P. Zaraté (to updated information about the open to any visitor and allows one appear). group activities in terms of past to view the documents (pdf files, and future meetings, our means of power-point files, etc…) that are o Towards a Collaboration communications and on-line placed there available by the Network for the EURO networks, as well as some EWG-DSS Coordination Board. Working Group on DSS (EWG- selected publications of the group. Since 2008, the Newsletters are DSS). F. Dargam; R. Ribeiro; placed in this Slideshare account. P. Zaraté. Jan.2010. Invited • EWG-DSS – IRIT Server It is our intention to publish also Review of the EJOR European presentations of the group. If you Journal of Operation Research would like to share one of your (to appear). power-point presentations (within our research area) with others, you o A Special Issue in the Journal can also send them to us so, that of Decision Support Systems A server hosted by IRIT, which they can be placed available for Technologies, edited by A. contains all the EWG-DSS viewing (with credits to you) under Respicio and P. Zaraté, on Newsletters’ pdf files; Call for this environment. Technologies for Collaborative Papers relevant for the group as Decision Making; IGI Global, well as project descriptions of • EWG-DSS – Blog Hershey - USA, Vol. 1 N. 4, group members (in “Shared October 2009. Documents”). This web-site is devoted to the members of the o A Special issue in EJOR on EWG-DSS. It is possible that every Formal Tools and member sends a message to the Since May 2009, our EURO Methodologies for DSS, edited group mailing-list, ewg- Working Group on Decision by P. Zaraté; Elsevier, Vol. 195 Support Systems EWG-DSS has a, either using the facility N. 3, June 2009. A selection of Blog! <> “Post” of the IRIT Server or by papers presented during the This blog opens another platform directly using the e-mail address of CIDMDS Conference 2006 are for all of us, members of the group, the list in his/her e-mail published: 4 papers are edited to better interact. The posts in this environment. Also via the option on 17 submitted. blog are supposed to range from “Review Members”, one is able to reports of group meetings and their check the individual e-mail o Collaborative Decision Making: papers presented, as well as call addresses of each member. All the Perspectives and Challenges; for papers and conferences, EWG-DSS members are allowed (Eds) P. Zaraté, J.P. Belaud, interviews with group members to have access to this server. G. Camilleri, F. Ravat; July and other informal information of 2008; N°ISSN: 0922-6389; • EWG-DSS – LinkedIn Group the members. The blog is IOSPress Publisher; available maintained by the Coordination at Board of the group. You should take as much advantage as o Integration of decision support possible of this fantastic interactive systems to improve decision means, commenting the posts, support performance (Survey - suggesting new ones and sending The EWG-DSS Group in LinkedIn, Review Paper). Shaofeng Liu, to the us your own posts to be was created in May 2009 aiming to Alex H. B. Duffy, Robert Ian encourage the cooperation of all Whitfield, Iain M. Boyle. 2
  • 3. Knowledge and Information ‘08), Jinan, China, pp. 652– European Society for Fuzzy Systems - An International 656. logic and technology Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10115- Conference (IFSA-EUSFLAT 009-0192-4. Abstract available o Vasant, P., Bhattacharya, A. 2009) , Lisbon, Portugal, July online at the link: and Abraham, A., October 2009 : 719-724. ISBN: 978- 2008, “Measurement of Level- 989-95079-6-8 ntent/jm7k56n631252761/ of-Satisfaction of Decision o L. F. Simoes; T. C. Pais; R. Maker in Intelligent Fuzzy- A. Ribeiro; G. Jonniaux; S. o Bhattacharya, A., Vasant, P., MCDM theory: A Generalised Reynaud, Search Sarkar, B. and Mukherjee, Approach” (Chapter 9). In: methodologies for efficient S.K., 2008, “A Fully Fuzzified, (Ed.: Kahraman, Cengiz) planetary site selection. In: Intelligent Theory-of- “Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision- IEEE Congress on Constraints Product-Mix Making Theory and Evolutionary Computation Decision”. International Journal Applications with Recent (CEC 2009), Norway, May of Production Research, Developments”; Series: 2009 :1981-1987. Volume 46, Issue 3, pp. 789- Springer Optimization and Its 815. Applications, Vol. 16, pp. 235– o R. A. Marques Pereira, R.A. 261, Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Ribeiro, P. Serra. Rule o Bhattacharya, A., Geraghty, J. ISBN: 978-0-387-76812-0. correlation and integration in and Young, P. “On the [ fuzzy inference systems. analytical framework of 78-0-387-76812-0] International Journal of resilient supply chain network Uncertainty, Fuzziness and assessing excursion events”, o Bhattacharya, A., Abraham, A. Knowledge-Based Systems The 3rd Asia International and Vasant, P., October 2008, Vol. 16, No. 5 (2008) 601–626 Conference on Modelling & “FMS Selection under Simulation, Bandung & Bali, Disparate Level-of-Satisfaction o S.H. Alavi, J. Jassbi, P.J. A. Indonesia, 25, 26 & 29 May of Decision Maker using Serra, R. A. Ribeiro. Defining 2009, 392–397. Intelligent Fuzzy-MCDM fuzzy measures: A Model” (Chapter 10). In: (Ed.: comparative study with genetic o Bhattacharya, A., Geraghty, J. Kahraman, Cengiz) “Fuzzy and gradient descent and Young, P., 2009. Multi-Criteria Decision-Making algorithms. In: Intelligent “Optimised planning, ranking & Theory and Applications with Engineering Systems and selection of suppliers: An Recent Developments”; Series: Computational Cybernetics, integrated QFD-AHP-LGP Springer Optimization and Its Edited by J. Tenreiro methodology”, Proceedings of Applications, Vol. 16, pp. 263– Machado, B. Patkai, J. Rudas, the “Advances in Production 280, Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Springer, e-ISBN 978-1-4020- Management Systems” ISBN: 978-0-387-76812-0. 8678-6 (2008) 427-438. (APMS2009) conference, held [ during 19-23 September 2009 78-0-387-76812-0] o P. Serra, R. A. Ribeiro, R. A. at Bordeaux, France. Marques Pereira, R. Steel, M. o Abraham, A., Vasant, P. and Niezette, A. Donati Fuzzy o Susanto, S., Al-Dabass, D. and Bhattacharya, A., October Thermal Alarm System for Bhattacharya, A., 2009, 2008, “Neuro-fuzzy Venus Express. In: “Optimised cell formation Approximation to Multi-Criteria Encyclopedia of Decision algorithm considering Decision Making QFD Making and Decision Support sequence of operations, Methodology” (Chapter 12). In: Technologies. Editors: alternative routing and part- (Ed.: Kahraman, Cengiz) Frederic Adam and Patrick volume”, The 3rd Asia “Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision- Humphreys. Publisher: International Conference on Making Theory and Information Science Modelling & Simulation, Applications with Recent Reference, Vol I (2008) 391- Bandung & Bali, Indonesia, 25, Developments”; Series: 401. 26 & 29 May 2009, 79–84. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Vol. 16, pp. 301– o R. A. Ribeiro, I. L. Nunes. o Susanto, S., Suharto, I., 321, Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Interfaces Usability for Rosmiyanti, N.T. and ISBN: 978-0-387-76812-0. Monitoring Systems In: Bhattacharya, A., 25–27, 2008, [+ Encyclopedia of Decision “Fuzzy Multi-objective Linear /978-0-387-76812-0] Making and Decision Support Programming having Technologies. Editors: Probabilistic Constraints: Frederic Adam and Patrick o T. Pais; R. A. Ribeiro, Humphreys. Publisher: Application in Product-Mix Contributions to Dynamic Decision-Making”. The 5th Information Science Multicriteria Decision Making Reference, Vol II. (2008). International Conference on Models. In: Proceedings of the Fuzzy Systems and International Fuzzy Systems o B.R. Santos, T. Fonseca, M. Knowledge Discovery (FSKD Association World Congress & Barata, R. A. Ribeiro, P. 3
  • 4. Sousa. A method for automatic o T. C. Pais, R.A. Ribeiro,Y. giving us the opportunity of fuzzy set generation using Devouassoux, S. Reynaud producing this interview for our sensor data. Autosoft- Dynamic ranking algorithm for Newsletter. We hope you enjoy Intelligent Automation and Soft landing site selection. In: reading it! Computing International Proceedings of the Int. Journal Vol 14, No 3 (2008), Conference on Information EWG-DSS: Tell us about your 279-292. Processing and Management research / working experiences of Uncertainty (IPMU´08), with EURO o C. Coelho, P. Serra, R. A. Malaga, June 2008. Ribeiro, R. A. Marques- GS: Since the beginning of 2008 I Pereira, A. Dietz, A. Donati. have actively worked inside EURO, Fuzzy alarm system for laser Thanks to all members who as Vice-President of IFORS (the gyroscopes degradation. contributed to this session. ♦ International Federation of Autosoft- Intelligent Operational Research Societies) Automation and Soft representing EURO. EURO is one Computing International Interview of the regional groupings of Journal, Vol 14, No 3 (2008) IFORS. The position of Vice- pp. 351-365. President of IFORS has offered me the opportunity to get to know o T. Simas, G. Silva, B. Miranda, IFORS and its organization and, A. Moitinho, and R. Ribeiro. through IFORS, the other regional Knowledge Discovery in Large groupings. In the last couple of Data Sets. In: Classification years I have also regularly met the and Discovery in Large Executive Committee of EURO Astronomical Surveys, C.A.L. and got in touch with the several Bailer-Jones (ed.), AIP issues and challenges EURO is Conference Proceedings vol. meeting nowadays. 1082, AIP (Melville, New York), 2008:196-201. EWG-DSS: What do you think you ISBN978-0-7354-0613-1. could contribute during your mandate as President? o M. M. Gomes, B. R. Santos, T. Simas, P. Sousa, R. A. GS: EURO is a grouping of 30 Ribeiro. Reducing the number national societies. Many of the of membership functions in national societies have a long and linguistic variables: Application Grazia Speranza consolidated history, numerous to a fuzzy monitoring system. “My view of EURO is that individual and institutional 8Th Internatinal Conference on EURO is at the service of OR members, high quality journals. Application of Fuzzy Systems researchers in Europe.” EURO is a strong grouping and Soft Computing (ICAFS- because the member societies are 08), Helsinki, Finland, Sept., On behalf of the EWG-DSS, strong. The role of EURO with 2008: 198-206. Fátima Dargam had the pleasure respect to the national societies o T. C. Pais, R.A. Ribeiro,Y. to interview our colleague: Grazia can be seen as similar to the role Devouassoux, S. Reynaud. Speranza, also a founding of Europe with respect to the Regions rating for selecting member of the EWG-DSS since European countries. EURO can spacecraft landing sites. In: 1989 in Madeira. Grazia Speranza add value to the national societies Proceedings of The 8th is Professor of Operations and contribute to make the International FLINS Research of the University of European OR researchers more Conference on Computational Brescia since 1990, where she has visible and more successful in a Intelligence in Decision and also actively promoted research globalized scientific world. Control, Madrid, Spain, via assuming different positions. September, 2008 : 1039-1044. From 1998 to 2000, she was Over the years EURO has created President of the Research Council, a number of tools to promote o Y. Devouassoux, S. Reynaud, and from 2000 to 2002 she was Operations Research in Europe, G. Jonniaux, R. A. Ribeiro, T. Vice-President of that University has a successful journal, the C. Pais. Hazard avoidance and from 2002 to 2008 Grazia European Journal of Operational developments for planetary Speranza also worked as the Dean Research (EJOR), successful exploration. In: Proceedings of of the Faculty of Economics and conferences, awards, meetings, the 7th International ESA Business of the University of working groups, workshops, Conference on Guidance, Brescia. In 2009, EURO has summer and winter institutes,…. Navigation & Control Systems, elected Grazia Speranza to be its The role of EURO has become Tralee, Ireland, June 2008. President for the next mandate. more and more important. At the We congratulate Grazia for this EURO conference that was held in achievement and thank her for Prague in 2007 the number of 4
  • 5. participants exceeded for the first EWG-DSS: How important is the the EJOR to submit to it an “Invited time the threshold of 2000. The duty of EURO President for you? Review” concerning the area of EURO conference in Prague was Decision Support Systems. Since considered an extraordinarily GS: I will take this duty extremely then, the members of the board (F. successful conference. Within the seriously. I am currently on Dargam, R. Ribeiro and P. Zaraté) EURO Executive Committee sabbatical, after two terms as dean have been working on a social nobody believed the next EURO of the Faculty of Economics and networks approach, aiming at conference, held in Bonn in 2009 Business at the University of representing and analyzing the could be more successful. And Brescia. I feel I am ready to use academic interactions of the instead it was, with approximately my experience to contribute to the members of the EWG-DSS group, 2300 participants! This is a clear success of EURO and, through with respect to our activities on the sign of an increasing interest EURO, of OR research in Europe. area of Decision Making. towards conferences of European size and scope. I believe that one EWG-DSS: How do you see the of the challenges EURO has to situation of the Euro Working face is, while keeping the present Groups within EURO? Could it level of effectiveness and quality of possibly be better promoted? the national societies, to increase at the same time the European GS: I have attended in 1989 the level of aggregation. EURO Summer Institute on Decision Support Systems in The previous Presidents of EURO I Madeira (Portugal), an exciting had the opportunity to work with, opportunity to learn and interact Martine Labbé and Valerie Belton, with young researchers. The have done excellent work for EURO working group on DSS was EURO and I intend to continue created in Madeira and has their work along the same lines. I remained active over the years To carry on this study, the authors intend to cooperate with the with initiatives, workshops, this counted with research information national societies to understand newsletter. I learned from that input (mainly recent publications), what EURO can offer to them and experience the relevance of a provided by 70 group members. how we can make EURO more European dimension of the groups Their participation was of vital useful to their members. One of my of interest. I believe the working importance for the success of this goals is to interact with the groups are extremely important project, which already in its 1st. Presidents of the national societies and EURO should promote them at version (link) allows us to obtain and to work with them to identify best. I am open to suggestions on useful feedback for further the best balance between the possible ways to better promote academic collaboration in joint- fundamental role of the national the working groups. The research projects and publications. societies and the role of EURO. coordinators may play a key role in One of the main challenges of the process and I intend to interact EURO I see is the ‘editorial with them and carefully listen to challenge’. Most European their suggestions. We may use the governments already identified or EURO web site, the EURO mailing intend to identify objective lists and the EURO conferences measures to evaluate the quality of more effectively to promote the scientific publications. It is not easy working groups. We may also to measure ‘quality’ and there create new awards for best papers would be a number of interesting or careers in specific areas. issue to be discussed here. However, as a matter of fact, My view of EURO is that EURO is European universities tend to at the service of OR researchers in This work was presented several evaluate the quality of papers of Europe. ♦ times during its 1st version their faculties through the quality of development phase, for instance at the journals where the papers are the International Symposium on published. I think we need to the Management of Industrial and understand whether the best Research Review Corporate Knowledge (ISMICK) in papers by European OR Description from Research Projects Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in Nov. researchers are published at from EWG-DSS Members 2008; at the the Decision Analysis present in the best journals, if the & DSS Stream of the EURO XXIII present editorial situation is An Academic Social Network Conference in Bonn, Germany, in satisfactory to the European OR for the EWG-DSS (1st.Version) July 2009; and as an invited talk at researchers and, in case, to F.Dargam, P.Zaraté & R.Ribeiro the Statistics and Operations understand what the role of EURO Research Department of the can be in improving the situation. As already reported in the previous University of Graz in Austria, in EWG-DSS Newsletter, the Nov.2009. The presentation used Coordination Board was invited by 5
  • 6. in this last talk can be found in the What is TESS about? is to list and analyse government EWG-DSS Blog (link) and also in information requirements at For 50 years, subsidies at the EWG-DSS Slideshare account national and intermediate levels continental and state level have (link). and to identify the local information successfully driven cultivation of a needs. It will then create a data- The full paper (link) about this work few species in Europe. Intensive base of models suitable for bio- submitted to EJOR as an Invited monocultures, replacing the former socio-economic predictions and Review can be found in the diverse local land-use, continue to see where there are gaps in the EWG-DSS Slideshare account degrade ecosystem services that supply of models and data, sustained Europeans for centuries. compared with the demand for Species have disappeared locally A comprehensive research report information. through habitat loss, fragmentation about this project, including all the and chemical inputs, so that Case studies of local communities publications considered, as well as biodiversity has declined at an will test how best to meet local all the authors’ network graphics unprecedented rate. Animals and decision support needs in showing their interaction with the plants that once fascinated or fed exchange for local monitoring that others, is planned to be placed people have vanished from many meets central policy requirements. available soon at the IRIT Server communities. They will also examine whether within “Shared Documents”. local monitoring (based on Governments now require As coordinators of the EURO schools, NGOs, local community Strategic Environmental Working Group on DSS, we also groups or individuals motivated by Assessment (SEA) for land-use encourage other EURO Working use of wild resources) can supply plans and programmes and Groups to follow our example and the extra environmental data that Environmental Impact Assessment try to identify the cooperation of are needed. (EIA) for specific projects, their groups in order to encourage sometimes now also with To identify current best practice for more participation and research sustainability assessments. SEA incorporating biodiversity and production in joint-work. ♦ and EIA depend on experts to wider environmental information collect data and make predictions, into decision-making on land-use and are therefore used for only a across the EU, there will be a minority of the myriad decisions survey of government and local TESS Project that affect our environment. practices in all 27 EU member states plus some candidate states. However, the ability to predict It will assess how the use of change and present options has biodiversity and environmental now increased through the use of information in EIA, SEA and sophisticated computer modelling. sustainability assessment has Such models may incorporate affected ecosystem services and behavioural mechanisms of key biodiversity in both protected and species and can be spatially- cultivated areas. This survey will specific through linkage to habitat Transactional Environmental also identify priority areas for and socio-economic data. TESS Support System internet-based decision support argues that by making the and local monitoring to benefit Project description submitted by computer models work for anyone, livelihoods and biodiversity. Jason Papathanasiou. with environmental information gathered by local people, the principles of environmental TESS Partners: TESS is an international research assessment can assist decisions project supported by the 7th affecting development and • Aristotle University of Framework Programme of the Thessaloniki – coordinator management of land at all relevant European Commission. It aims to (Greece, levels right across the countryside. assist the integration of information • Bournemouth University (United about biodiversity and related What does TESS do? Kingdom, environmental matters from the TESS aims to design a decision local level into planning and land- support system related to use decisions, while at the same • NERC-Centre for Ecology and environment and land- use that will time encouraging local people to Hydrology (United Kingdom, make it easy for policy makers to collect such information in order to integrate local knowledge into their maintain and restore biodiversity decision making, while also guiding • Anatrack Ltd (United Kingdom, and ecosystem services. To and encouraging local activities in achieve this, a decision support ways that restore and/or maintain system will be designed to • ERENA, Ordenamento e Gestão biodiversity and ecosystem exchange information required in de Recursos Naturais Ltd. services. environmental assessments at all (Portugal, levels for information that benefits The project runs from October • Tero Ltd (Greece, local recreation and livelihoods. 2008 to March 2011. Its first phase 6
  • 7. • European Sustainable Use remediation/revitalization stand-alone software. For Specialist Group (Belgium, measures, models for assessing example, GIS functions and kriging risk values, results of remediation methods may be used for spatial g/sub/europe.htm) measures implementation, etc.); data analysis only; MCDA tools may be implemented for non- • Federation of Associations for - WP3 on elaboration of the case spatial multi-criteria problem Hunting and Conservation of the studies and implementation of investigation. However, the full EU (Belgium, DECERNS SDSS for realization of power of DECERNS is utilized multicriteria decision analysis on • Pro-Biodiversity Service (Poland) when GIS and MCDA subsystems land-use management and and the models provider are used • Centre for Cartography of Fauna remediation of contaminated in an integrated problem analysis. and Flora (Slovenia, territories. • Szent Istvan University, Institute DECERNS users have access to for Wildlife Conservation (Hungary, DECERNS WebSDSS handy tools for the analysis of uncertainty in the recommended Environmental risk analysis and • Institute of Sustainable sustainable land-use planning decision. These include the Technology at Tallinn University of require implementation of tools for opportunity to use several different Technology (Estonia, spatial information analysis, MCDA models to analyze a multi- problem-oriented models for criteria problem and the ability to • Danube Delta National Institute address the robustness of the for R&D (Romania, assessment of risk values, and corresponding methods for decision to variations in the relative • WWF Turkey (Turkey, DecernsSDSS Models Provider Presentation tier More details about this project can Models GUI Models Manager be found in the web-page: ♦ - Provides GUI to manage tasks MP Core - Models output visualization (tables, graphs, map layers) - Request handling HTTP - Models initialization DECERNS - Task management - Input/Output data storing Project & WebSDSS Project description submitted by Model Adapters Boris I. Yatsalo. Application tier The objective of the DECERNS MP Connector project (Nov 2006 – Jan 2010) is creation of methods and software - Communication with Models DB Providers (N >= 1) tools that provide decision support - Information layers loading into SDSS on multicriteria analysis of [spatial] - Table/Graph data preparation for Models Manager alternatives, including land use planning/management, Models environmental protection, location problems, etc. decision-making support. As a rule, importance and value of each Three organizations participate in land-use management problems decision criteria. For this, the the DECERNS project realization: are complex and involve multiple sensitivity of the decision to - Obninsk State Technical and often competing changes in weights and/or value University (IATE), Obninsk, objectives/criteria. functions can be used. An Russia; DECERNS (Decision alternative approach to uncertainty Evaluation in Complex Risk analysis implemented in - Khlopin Radium Institute, St.- Network Systems) is a Web-based DECERNS is the use of distributed Petersburg, Russia (KRI); and SDSS that aims to provide a /random or fuzzy weights and/or methodology and software tools criterion values. - Brookhaven National Laboratory, which will facilitate decision- Upton, NY, USA. making support in the field of multi- More about DECERNS Project and The three main Work Packages (WP) criteria analysis of (spatial) WebSDSS, as well as some demo- within the DECERNS project are: alternatives, including land-use files can be found at the project’s planning and environmental web-site: - WP1 on development of web- management. based Spatial Decision Support For further information, send your System (WebSDSS) DECERNS; requests to Boris I. Yatsalo: DECERNS offers the possibility to - WP2 on models and databases access the GIS and MCDA ♦ development (database on subsystems independently as 7
  • 8. case studies will be especially Support Models" that was held in Call for Papers welcomed. Manuscripts will be 2004. Conferences peer-reviewed. The acceptance of Organizing Committee: the contributions will be based on EURO XXIV: the originality of the work, the Carlos Henggeler Antunes, Ana relevance for the conference Rosa Borges, Carla Oliveira, Luís theme and its overall quality. Cândido Dias, Maria João Alves. Conference Chair: The accepted papers will be Ana Respicio published in a CD-ROM The 24th European Faculty of Sciences Conference Proceedings. Full University of Lisbon, Portugal versions of the papers presented Conference on Operational at the Conference may be later Research will take place in the submitted for publication in the period of July 11th to 14th, 2010, IMPORTANT DATES: International Journal of Systems in Lisbon, Portugal. • Paper submission due: Science, Journal of Mathematical The Programme and Organising January 30th, 2010 (extended) Modelling or in the Algorithms, Committee are preparing a high International Journal of Intelligent • Notification to authors: March Decision Technologies. quality academic programme of the 1st, 2010 Conference. More details about the IMPORTANT DATES: Conference and the venue can be • Final version of accepted found in the Conference Web-site: papers: March 26th, 2010 o March 22, 2010: Registration . deadline (for authors to • Workshop proposal guarantee inclusion in the final DSS2010: submission due: February 15th, program and proceedings 2010 volume). • Poster submission due: April o April 15-17, 2010: Conference. 1st, 2010 The 15th IFIP WG 8.3 • Doctoral Consortium Conference Secretariat: International Conference on submission due: April 1st, 2010 Decision Support Systems, More details about Call for Papers under the theme "Bridging the • Main Conference: July 8th- for the URPDM2010 Conference socio-technical gap in DSS - 10th, 2010 and the venue can be found in the Challenges for the next decade", • Doctoral Consortium: July 7th, Conference Web-site: will take place in the period of 2010 ♦ July 7th to 10th, 2010, at the Faculty of Sciences, University of • Workshops: July 7th, 2010 Journal Announcement Lisbon, in Lisbon, Portugal. More details about Call for Papers Special Issue in IJDSST In recent years, bridging the socio- for the DSS2010 Conference and technical gap has been a “Technologies for the venue can be found in the challenge in many areas of Collaborative Decision Conference Web-site: research. The socio-technical gap Making” is the great divide between the social aspects aimed to be edited by F.Dargam & P. Zaraté supported and those that are actually supported, due in part to URPDM2010: The proposed feature issue will technical limitations and in part to publish in the International Journal the complexity of the contexts of Decision Support Systems where decision support must be Technology IJDSST, a selection of provided. In Decision Support the best papers presented at the Systems, this challenge has raised Decision Analysis & DSS Stream several important questions of the the EURO XXIII Conference concerned with the account and in Bonn, Germany, in July 2009. In encapsulation of social aspects of The 25th Mini-EURO Conference that DSS Stream 14 interesting managerial decision making as on Uncertainty and Robustness papers have been presented. well as with the representation of in Planning and Decision Making Among them, only 4 papers will be certain human cognitive aspects, will take in Coimbra, Portugal, in selected for this Special Issue. such as intuition or insights within the period of April 15th to 17th, computational systems. 2010. Schedule for publication: Submissions to DSS2010 The URPDM2010 follows up from academics and practitioners the successful conference on - Acceptation / Rejection: 26 are invited and showcases of real "Managing Uncertainty in Decision Feb. 2010. 8
  • 9. - Revised papers submission: Making EWG-DSS Meeting 2009 2 April 2010. . Knowledge Management as a In 2009, the EWG-DSS annual - Final decision: 30 April 2010. Collaboration Model meeting took place in Bonn, - Expected publication: End of . Applications in Decision Making Germany, on July 7th, within the June 2010. and Decision Analysis EURO XXIII, The 23rd European Contributors are requested to Conference on Operational For further information, please submit their Abstracts (no more Research. In this EURO contact the guest editors via e- than 600 characters) in English (no conference, the EWG-DSS group mail: formulas or mathematical notations organized a DSS Stream, where a or ♦ are allowed), via the Abstract total of 14 papers were presented Submission web-page of the within the stream’s three sessions: Conference site, where the “Social Collaboration & Network- information about the submission based Decision Systems”; DSS Stream at the procedure can be found. Link: “Knowledge Management and EURO XXIV DSS”; and “Methodologies for DSS and Distributed DSS”. IMPORTANT DATES: Deadline for Abstracts: The research projects presented EWG-DSS Stream February 28th, 2010 on the DSS Stream are listed at the EUROXXIV below: Acceptance notification Lisbon, July 2010 March 15th, 2010 1.Group memory support to Deadline for early registration collaborative decision making. March 31st, 2010 AbdelKader Adla. 2. Consistency in ahp- Call for Papers Deadline for author registration collaborative decision making. April 30th, 2010 María Teresa Escobar, José María EURO XXIV Lisbon, Portugal. Moreno-jimenez, Juan Aguarón. Conference dates July 11-14th, 2010 3. Towards a collaboration network July 11th-14th, 2010 for the euro working group on We hope to see you all in DSS. Fatima Dargam, Rita Lisbon! Ribeiro, Pascale Zaraté. 4.Knowledge extraction in e- Stream: EWG-DSS Meetings cognocracy. José María Moreno- “Decision Support System “ jimenez, Jesús Cardeñosa, List of all past EWG-DSS Carolina, Gallardo, Juan Aguarón, Organizers: Meetings,/ Workshops & Mini- Pascale Zaraté & Fátima Dargam María Teresa Escobar, Adrian Conferences: Toncovich, Alberto Turón. 5. A multi-agent framework for a The 24th European web dss applied to manufacturing Conference on Operational . Fontainebleau (France) – 1990; system. Taghezout Noria. Research, EURO XXIV, will take . Bruges (Belgium) – 1991; 6.Academic decisions support place in Lisbon from July 11th to . Hungary – 1992; systems: a methodology. José G. 14th, 2010. . Sintra (Portugal) – 1993; Hernández R., María J. García. Within this Conference, the . Turku (Finland) – 1994; 7. E-government: a comparative Stream of Decision Support . Samos (Greece) – 1995; study of the g2c online services Systems, expects the participation . Ispra (Italy) – 1996; progress using multi-criteria of researchers, practitioners, as . Bruges (Belgium) – 1997; analysis. Yannis Yannacopoulos, well as students working in the . Granada (Spain) – 1998; Panagiotis Manolitzas, Athanasios areas of decision making, analysis . Turku (Finland) – 1999; Spyridakos. and decision support. The Call for . Toulouse (France) – 2000; 8. Applicability of simple additive Papers document for the DSS . Caiscas (Portugal) – 2001; weighting method with grey Stream, in pdf format, can be . Bruges (Belgium) – 2002; relations and comparison with downloaded here. . Luxembourg – 2003; other grey theory techniques. . Istanbul, (Turkey) – 2003; Edmundas Zavadskas, Arturas Topics concerning the areas . Prato, (Italy) – 2004; Kaklauskas, Tatjana Vilutiene. listed below are of particular . Graz (Austria) – 2005; 9. An evidence-adaptive belief interest in this stream: . London (UK) – 2006; rule-based decision support . Models for Decision Making and . Reykavik (Iceland) – 2006; system for clinical risk assessment Decision Analysis . Montreal (Canada) – 2007; in emergency care. Guilan Kong, . Network-based Collaboration . Prague (Czech Republic) – 2007; Dong-Ling Xu, Jian-Bo Yang. Decision Systems . Toulouse (France) – 2008; 10. Patterns as building blocks in . New Methodologies and . Bonn (Germany) – 2009. decision-tree algorithms. Boris Technology in Group Decision 9
  • 10. Delibasic, Milija Suknovic, Milos Jovanovic. EWG-DSS Members 11. Web-based decision support The EWG-DSS group has now 105 through kernel density estimation registered members. The updated and combination. Antonio list of all members of the group is Rodrigues. available upon request to Pascale 12. A new way of classifying and Zaraté. Changes to this list should comparing systemic also be reported to Pascale Zaraté methodologies. Kalliopi Peponi, via e-mail: Argyris Arnellos, Thomas Spyrou, John Darzentas. Via the EWG-DSS – IRIT Server the 13. Participating in competitive This reencounter of the group was registered group members of the online games: analyzing registered by a series of informal EWG-DSS are able to contact competitive and hedonic decision pictures. Some of them can be directly each other by using the e- elements. Thomas Weiss, Claudia seen in the post “EWG-DSS – 20 mail address list available in this Loebbecke. Years!” (link) of the EWG-DSS environment (option “Review 14. Distributed decision making Blog. Go there and enjoy the Members”). goes multiscale. Christian Wernz photos! ♦ By using our mailing-list addressed as:, the EWG-DSS The abstracts of the work listed members are able to send above can be found in the messages to all other members, proceedings of the EURO XXIII Contacting the EWG-DSS allowing this way a one-to-one conference. ♦ distribution of information about The EURO-WG on Decision research events and calls for Support Systems is currently publications. Upcoming Events head by the Coordination Board: EWG-DSS Meeting in 2010 Pascale Zaraté, Fátima Dargam If you need more information In 2010, the EWG-DSS & Rita Ribeiro about the group, please contact us annual meeting will take place in (Coordination Board of the or visit our web-site: Lisbon, Portugal, during the period EURO Working Group on DSS or our of July 11th - 14th, within the since 2007) EWG-DSS Blog: EUROXXIV, The 24th European ♦ Conference on Operational For updates or for joining EWG- Research, in which our EWG-DSS DSS, please contact: group will as usual organize a Pascale Zarate DSS stream devoted to the topic of E-mail: “Applied and Distributed Decision IRIT – Equipe CSC Making”. The Call for Papers INPT – ENSIACET – GI document in pdf format can be 118 route de Narbonne Contributing to this Newsletter downloaded here. 31062 Toulouse cedex 4 Every member of the EWG-DSS is FRANCE very welcome to contribute to this For more details about the Newsletter. EURO XXIV, please visit the conference website: Subjects can be related to: EWG-DSS Online Links: • Recent Publications ♦ EURO Web: • PhD Dissertations EWG-DSS Blog: • Book Presentations / Reviews Group News • Research Group Presentations 20 Years of the EWG-DSS EWG-DSS LinkedIn Group: • Research Views and Perspectives In 2009 our group completed 20 &gid=1961459&trk=anet_ug_hm years of existence! This round • Forthcoming Events anniversary was commemorated EWG-DSS Slideshare: with a warm get-together in July • General Announcements 2009, in Bonn, by the occasion of EWG-DSS IRIT Server: Contributions to the EWG-DSS the 23rd EURO Conference. It was Newsletter should be sent to one of great to meet some of our founding g-dss the email addresses below with the group members again, as well as subject: “EWG-DSS Newsletter”. to have a chance to get to know EWG-DSS Mailing List: the new ones who also took part at the EURO XXIII in Germany. 10