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1 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
EverythingYou Need To KnowAbout
Dianabol Powder For Sale
EverythingYouNeedToKnowAboutDianabolPowderForSale.................................................................... 1
Meta description..........................................................................................................................3
Introduction................................................................................................................................. 3
What is Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) Powder?.....................................................................4
Description of Dianabol Powder.........................................................................................4
Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Dianabol Powder............................................. 5
How to Buy Dianabol (methandrostenolone) Powder Online....................................................6
Legally Purchasing Dianabol..............................................................................................7
Dianabol Powder For Sale.................................................................................................. 7
Steps of Dianabol powder online purchase:............................................................... 8
How to Make Dianabol at Home................................................................................................ 8
Let’s delve into the details on how to make Dianabol at home;.................................8
How Dianabol (D-bol) Works.....................................................................................................9
Dianabol (D-bol) Half-life.......................................................................................................... 9
Dianabol Detection Time.......................................................................................................... 10
Dianabol Results: What Will I Gain?........................................................................................10
Muscle Gain...................................................................................................................... 10
Strength............................................................................................................................. 10
Weight Gain.......................................................................................................................11
Boost Testosterone Levels.................................................................................................11
Therapeutic Uses...............................................................................................................11
Dianabol (D-bol) Dosage and Usage (Is it Safe to take Dianabol?).........................................11
Dianabol Dosage...............................................................................................................11
Dbol Usage........................................................................................................................11
Dianabol Cycle..................................................................................................................12
Post Cycle Therapy........................................................................................................... 12
Dianabol (D-bol) Side Effects: How to Avoid the Side Effects............................................... 12
How to Avoid and Manage Dianabol Side Effects................................................................... 13
Use an aromatase inhibitor or an anti-estrogen................................................................ 13
2 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
Health liver supplements...................................................................................................13
Cholesterol supplements................................................................................................... 13
Take testosterone...............................................................................................................13
Check on your diet.......................................................................................................... 14
Take small and controlled doses....................................................................................... 14
Dianabol Contraindications.............................................................................................. 14
Dianabol Review.......................................................................................................................15
Massive Mass Gains..........................................................................................................15
Boosts the Human Growth Hormone output.................................................................... 15
User-Friendly.................................................................................................................... 15
3 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
Meta description
Are you looking to enhance your muscle mass, kick start them or maintain the
substantial gains? Dianabol (methandrostenolone) powder should be your next big
thing. Find out what you need to know about these anabolic steroids, usage, the
effectiveness, and how to bypass the side effects.
If you’re a serious bodybuilder, you’ll understand better the struggle of gaining
muscle mass. Subscribing to a gym and doing those tedious compound workouts like
barbell rows or lunges may not be enough for toning your muscles.
Working out has health benefits, but it requires maximum patience, consistency and
time. I mean, you can’t just exercise for a week, check yourself through the mirror,
and expect to see magical lean muscles. However, you can act wisely by
supplementing your workouts with approved anabolic steroids, which will
undoubtedly increase your muscles within seven days.
4 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
What is Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) Powder?
Description of Dianabol Powder
Raw Dianabol is a chemical compound with CAS no. (72-63-9), belonging to the
class of C17 anabolic steroids. It is a robust synthetic steroid that has gained
popularity since the 1950’s. The drug mainly benefits athletes and bodybuilders who
want to maintain their muscles and boost their strength in a short time.
Anabolic steroids are known to be hepatoxic. To minimize this effect, the developers
of Dianabol affixed a methyl group at the 17th
position of the carbon. The
double-bond is also added to the first and second positions of the carbon atoms to
reduce possible androgenic side effects like acne or male pattern baldness.
Unlike other steroids, Dianabol protein powder is permissible in most countries.
However, the drug is a schedule III controlled substance and would only be available
on prescription, especially in the U.S.
Even after World War II, the Americans and the Soviet Union were always competing
and looking to outsmart each other in ideologies. Although they two were involved in
the actual war, they were obsessed with beating each other in sports and moon
Between the 1940’s and 50’s, the Russians dominated the Olympics, thanks to the
testosterone products their athletes were using. However, this secret was short-lived
when the then US. Olympic doctor, John Ziegler, discovered the trick. In a bid to
outdo the Soviet Union, he teamed up with Ciba Pharmaceuticals to come up with a
similar product.
Dianabol (methandrostenolone) powder came into existence in the late 1950s. It
was quite popular between the 1960s and ’70s as the exceptional choice in steroids
Unlike the predecessors, this drug was the first oral anabolic steroid on the market.
The objective of this drug was to side-step the unlawful injection of steroids by
athletes. It has less androgenic effects and is available via prescription in most
countries. D-bol is twice stronger than testosterone.
5 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
Dianabol Testosterone Anadrol
Anabolic rating 210 100 320
Androgenic rating 60 100 45
Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Dianabol Powder
Product Name Methandrostenolone
Chemical name 17a-methyl, 17b-hydroxy, 1,1-androstadienone, 3-one
CAS no. 72-63-9
Melting point (°C) 163 – 167
Purity 98.7%
Appearance White powder
Molecular weight 300.442 g/mol
Molecular formula C20H28O2
6 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
· Water (9.7 mg/L at 25°C)
· Alcohol
· Glacial acetic acid
· Chloroform
Usage Facilitates the increase in muscle mass
Brands and Trade
· Dianabol
· Averbol
· Nerobol
· D-bol
· Metandienone
· Reforvit-b· Dehydromethyltestosterone
· Metanabol
· Methandienone
· 1-dehydro-17alpha-methyltestosterone
· Stenolone
· Pronabol
· Naposim
· Encephan
How to Buy Dianabol (methandrostenolone) Powder
Buying anabolic steroids depends on a few factors. Your location has a significant
role since some states have set up restrictions on the purchase, possession, and use of
Dianabol powder. For example, the use of methandrostenolone and its derivatives is
illegal in the U.S., Australia, and Canada, unless under a valid prescription. However,
in other countries like Mexico, Dianabol powder buy is as easy as purchasing a pair
of sneakers.
7 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
Legally Purchasing Dianabol
D-bol might be a restricted drug in your state, but you can still make a legal purchase
from a licensed Dianabol powder manufacturer. Let me explain. If you do not have
a legit prescription from a doctor, your mind will most likely click on black markets.
Well, the deal may be too good using the back door, but you’re likely to land on a
counterfeit, unsterile, and lethal medication.
Although it’s unreasonable to relocate to a state that has legalized the use of steroids,
you can still bank on the legitimate Dianabol powder online stores. At least, you’re
guaranteed high-quality product that has been produced under sterile and regulated
Dianabol Powder For Sale
Various online vendors are offering anabolic steroids for sale. Since the Chinese
stores are ever flooded, you can rummage around for Dianabol powder China,
especially on bulk purchases. To find a reliable seller, consider the top-rated source,
shipping flexibility, and the availability of relevant information on the particular site.
8 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
Steps of Dianabol powder online purchase:
1. Go to or any other reliable Dianabol powder factory like
this Chinese store.
2. Click on the search bar, type “Dianabol,” and search the substance
3. You’ll be prompted to register an account for easy tracking of the product during shipping.
However, you can choose to check out as a guest.
4. Provide your account details
5. Confirm the order and wait for delivery right at your doorstep.
Note that the Dianabol powder price varies from one vendor to another and the
quantity you’re buying.
How to Make Dianabol at Home
In as much as you can purchase a ready-made steroid, you can buy separate raw
materials and come up with your homemade Dianabol powder recipe. This process is
advantageous in that it’s economical and the conversion allows you to customize the
dose in correspondence with your body.
There are up to five Dianabol powder conversion recipes, which vary according to the
ingredients in use and the dosage.
 Methandrostenolone powder
 Benzyl Benzoate (BB)
 Grapeseed oil
 Tren acetate
 Benzyl Alcohol (BA)
 Ethyl Oleate (EO)
 Sterile glass vial
 Thermometer
 Needles
 Syringe and a sterile syringe filter
 Beaker
Let’s delve into the details on how to make Dianabol at home;
9 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
20ml @50
250ml/ @80
250ml @80
100ml @50
50ml @50
20g or
20g or
5g or 5.6ml 2.5g or 2.23ml
BB 4.0ml 40ml 60ml 18% 18% (9ml)
BA 0.4ml 10ml 15ml 2% 1% (0.5ml)
Grapeseed oil 5.0ml 182.14ml 157.14ml 29.4ml
Use red oil
EO – – – 30% –
Guaiacol – – – 15% 15% (7.5ml)
Generally, Dbol powder tastes bitter, but the above ingredients will neutralize the
How Dianabol (D-bol) Works
Dianabol powder inhibits muscles from breaking down while boosting the synthesis
of proteins and increasing nitrogen retention. This drug will make your body to
concentrate all the consumed proteins into the muscles. Thanks to its short half-life,
you’ll start noticing some register positive changes within 7 – 10 days.
The steroid stimulates the user’s appetite, strength, and the mood.
Dianabol (D-bol) Half-life
Dbol has an average half-life of 4 hours. Considering that the period is too short,
you’ll need to evenly split the dosage throughout the day to maintain the blood
concentration level.
10 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
Dianabol Detection Time
The steroid will be detected up to six weeks from the time you last took it. If you are
an active athlete, you ought to stop taking Dianabol two months before the test.
Dianabol Results: What Will I Gain?
Muscle Gain
Anabolic steroids work by reversing the catabolic processes and increasing protein
anabolism. For bodybuilders, you’re likely to experience improved strengths while
working out. Though Dianabol may not give you a vascular appearance, it will at least
increase your muscles and make you look fuller than before.
To the gym goers, Dianabol steroid is the best supplement for boosting your strength
and giving you the stamina to endure the intense workouts. The drug accelerates the
recovery time and at the same time reduces fatigue.
11 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
Weight Gain
Methandrostenolone is the best prescription for patients who have difficulties in
gaining or maintaining a healthy weight. The product can make you add up to 20
pounds in a couple of weeks.
Boost Testosterone Levels
If you suffer from low testosterone condition, your doctor is likely to prescribe legal
steroids such as Dbol.
Therapeutic Uses
Increasing nitrogen retention and tissue repairs, especially after skin grafting, surgery,
or burns. Additionally, Dianabol is used for treating specific types of anemia.
Dianabol (D-bol) Dosage and Usage (Is it Safe to take
Dianabol Dosage
The standard Dbol dosage ranges between 15 and 50mg/day. However, some
experienced users would use as much as 100mg per day. The most key factor to note
is that high doses of steroids will most likely affect your blood pressure.
Women and newbies should not take something more than 15mg. For female athletes,
the maximum daily dosage is 30mg. Any value higher than this might lead to an
increase in male sexual characteristics and other irreversible dbol side effects.
Dbol has a short half-life, hence, the need to split the dosage 2 – 3 times a day. It is
advisable to take the drug around meal times to minimize common side effects like
nausea. One sure way to increase the bioavailability of Dianabol is by incorporating
grapefruits in your diet.
Dbol Usage
Dbol was the first anabolic steroid that could be taken orally. Although the drug is
popularly available and taken as a tablet, you can administer it through intramuscular
injections. For excellent results, you should embrace the Dianabol stack by using
other steroids like Durabolin, testosterone, Primobolan, or trenbolone.
12 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
Dianabol Cycle
A typical Dianabol cycle lasts between four and six weeks with a dose amounting to
30 – 50mg. Within the period, make sure to stack the steroid with a daily dose of
cardarine and N2guard for preventing liver damage. Aromasin should also come in
hand to inhibit aromatization, which is responsible for estrogen formation and water
Dianabol results are usually noticeable within the first week of taking it. Here is an
estimate on how much weight you can gain from a full cycle;
Period (weeks) Mass (pounds)
1 5 – 7
2 10
4 17
6 26
Post Cycle Therapy
At the end of the six weeks, it is necessary to consider a post-cycle therapy to avoid
hormone suppression in the pituitary glands. In most cases, the cycle will lower the
testosterone levels. Therefore, you’re tasked to ensure the level returns to normal lest
you lose the muscle mass you have accumulated. The therapy lasts up to four weeks.
Dianabol (D-bol) Side Effects: How to Avoid the Side
Dianabol steroid is beneficial only if you use it wisely while considering the
precautions and the risks involved. The more you increase the dosage, the higher the
likelihood of experiencing severe side effects.
 Water retention or bloating
 Enlargement of the prostate
13 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
 Heart strain
 Suppression of the pituitary gland
 Gynecomastia
 Acne
 Insomnia
 High blood pressure
 Abnormal hair growth
 Male pattern baldness
 Damage of the liver
 Virilization or male sexual characteristics in females such as deep vocal chords, abnormal
growth of hair, or the enlargement of the clitoris.
 An increase in bad LDL cholesterol and a decrease in good HDL cholesterol
How to Avoid and Manage Dianabol Side Effects
Use an aromatase inhibitor or an anti-estrogen
Dbol has a tendency of aromatizing into estrogen. When there is too much of this
hormone in the body, the results are water retention, bloating, infertility,
gynecomastia, or depression.
The good news is that you can use an aromatase inhibitor to block the conversion of
dbol into estrogen. Some examples include letrozole, Aromasin, and Arimidex.
Ensure you take these supplements during the Dianabol cycle and the post cycle
Health liver supplements
The best supplement should minimize liver toxicity by reducing oxidative damage. If
it contains milk thistle, NAC, TUDCA, among other rich ingredients, that means it
fits the bill.
Cholesterol supplements
You need to take Dianabol in conjunction with minerals that improve the cholesterol
levels. Some of these add-ons include red yeast rice, fish oil, niacin, or co-enzyme
Take testosterone
Usually, the amount of testosterone produced by the body will not be sufficient during
the Dbol cycle. If the level runs low, the muscle-building process will also stall.
14 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
Therefore, stacking some testosterone supplements with Dianabol will help you
achieve your goal.
Check on your diet
Take foods rich in omega fatty acids and healthy proteins. High-fat meals are the
primary cause of water retention, hence, an increase in blood pressure levels.
Take small and controlled doses
Beginners should not exceed a dose of 20mg/day. Although some seasoned
bodybuilders would risk taking up to 100mg of the steroid, the practice is unsafe. If
you have to increase the quantity, 50mg is all right. High dosage corresponds to acute
side effects such as elevation of the blood pressure.
Take note that the Dianabol cycle should last between six and eight weeks.
Dianabol Contraindications
 Children, adolescents, or anyone younger than 30 years
In children, taking Dianabol will interfere with bone maturation and sexual
 Pregnant women
The steroid may lead to fetal abnormalities
 Breastfeeding moms
 Breast and prostate cancer patients
 Hypercalcemia
15 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
Dianabol Review
Massive Mass Gains
You’ll begin noticing the effects immediately you start the dosage. You don’t even
need to compare the Dianabol before and after photos to note the difference. After the
first week, your body will appear fuller, and you’ll experience significant weight gain.
While exercising at the gym, you’ll have enough strength to perform intense workouts
or lift heavy weights. By the end of the cycle, you will have gained something close to
Boosts the Human Growth Hormone output
This drug is among the few legal steroids that promote the growth hormone. If you
combine the Dianabol stack with a healthy diet and regular workouts, the steroid
works magic. Though you gain some reasonable mass, your body fat reduces
16 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd
Most steroids for sale are injectable. However, Dianabol is orally administered
through pills, tablets, capsules, or in liquid form. You can also do your Dianabol
powder recipe and customize the dosage.
Side Effects
The deadliest dbol side effects are high blood pressure, liver damage, and
gynecomastia. The fact that your chest becomes mysteriously full in less than a week
can be a determent. You can control the rest of the side effects by observing personal
discipline and following the directions, but gynecomastia is uncontrollable.
Other side effects that make bodybuilders to keep off this drug are the possibilities of
infertility, heart problems, and the damage of the liver.
When you get to hear about anabolic steroids, several questions will surely race
through your mind. “Is Dianabol legal?”, “Can I get a dose without a valid
prescription?”, “When were steroids invented?” and similar queries. The above
article has all the answers you’ve been trying to find.
Dbol for sale was widespread between 1960 and 1970 steroids bodybuilding era.
However, its side effects made FDA categorize it as a class III substance and limit its
consumption. In the United States, Dianabol is available only via prescription.

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Everything you need to know about dianabol (methandrostenolone) powder for sale

  • 1. 1 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd EverythingYou Need To KnowAbout Dianabol Powder For Sale EverythingYouNeedToKnowAboutDianabolPowderForSale.................................................................... 1 Meta description..........................................................................................................................3 Introduction................................................................................................................................. 3 What is Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) Powder?.....................................................................4 Description of Dianabol Powder.........................................................................................4 Origin...................................................................................................................................4 Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Dianabol Powder............................................. 5 How to Buy Dianabol (methandrostenolone) Powder Online....................................................6 Legally Purchasing Dianabol..............................................................................................7 Dianabol Powder For Sale.................................................................................................. 7 Steps of Dianabol powder online purchase:............................................................... 8 How to Make Dianabol at Home................................................................................................ 8 Requirements...............................................................................................................8 Let’s delve into the details on how to make Dianabol at home;.................................8 How Dianabol (D-bol) Works.....................................................................................................9 Dianabol (D-bol) Half-life.......................................................................................................... 9 Dianabol Detection Time.......................................................................................................... 10 Dianabol Results: What Will I Gain?........................................................................................10 Muscle Gain...................................................................................................................... 10 Strength............................................................................................................................. 10 Weight Gain.......................................................................................................................11 Boost Testosterone Levels.................................................................................................11 Therapeutic Uses...............................................................................................................11 Dianabol (D-bol) Dosage and Usage (Is it Safe to take Dianabol?).........................................11 Dianabol Dosage...............................................................................................................11 Dbol Usage........................................................................................................................11 Dianabol Cycle..................................................................................................................12 Post Cycle Therapy........................................................................................................... 12 Dianabol (D-bol) Side Effects: How to Avoid the Side Effects............................................... 12 How to Avoid and Manage Dianabol Side Effects................................................................... 13 Use an aromatase inhibitor or an anti-estrogen................................................................ 13
  • 2. 2 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd Health liver supplements...................................................................................................13 Cholesterol supplements................................................................................................... 13 Take testosterone...............................................................................................................13 Check on your diet.......................................................................................................... 14 Take small and controlled doses....................................................................................... 14 Dianabol Contraindications.............................................................................................. 14 Dianabol Review.......................................................................................................................15 Massive Mass Gains..........................................................................................................15 Boosts the Human Growth Hormone output.................................................................... 15 User-Friendly.................................................................................................................... 15 Wrap-Up............................................................................................................................16
  • 3. 3 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd Meta description Are you looking to enhance your muscle mass, kick start them or maintain the substantial gains? Dianabol (methandrostenolone) powder should be your next big thing. Find out what you need to know about these anabolic steroids, usage, the effectiveness, and how to bypass the side effects. Introduction If you’re a serious bodybuilder, you’ll understand better the struggle of gaining muscle mass. Subscribing to a gym and doing those tedious compound workouts like barbell rows or lunges may not be enough for toning your muscles. Working out has health benefits, but it requires maximum patience, consistency and time. I mean, you can’t just exercise for a week, check yourself through the mirror, and expect to see magical lean muscles. However, you can act wisely by supplementing your workouts with approved anabolic steroids, which will undoubtedly increase your muscles within seven days.
  • 4. 4 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd What is Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) Powder? Description of Dianabol Powder Raw Dianabol is a chemical compound with CAS no. (72-63-9), belonging to the class of C17 anabolic steroids. It is a robust synthetic steroid that has gained popularity since the 1950’s. The drug mainly benefits athletes and bodybuilders who want to maintain their muscles and boost their strength in a short time. Anabolic steroids are known to be hepatoxic. To minimize this effect, the developers of Dianabol affixed a methyl group at the 17th position of the carbon. The double-bond is also added to the first and second positions of the carbon atoms to reduce possible androgenic side effects like acne or male pattern baldness. Unlike other steroids, Dianabol protein powder is permissible in most countries. However, the drug is a schedule III controlled substance and would only be available on prescription, especially in the U.S. Origin Even after World War II, the Americans and the Soviet Union were always competing and looking to outsmart each other in ideologies. Although they two were involved in the actual war, they were obsessed with beating each other in sports and moon exploration. Between the 1940’s and 50’s, the Russians dominated the Olympics, thanks to the testosterone products their athletes were using. However, this secret was short-lived when the then US. Olympic doctor, John Ziegler, discovered the trick. In a bid to outdo the Soviet Union, he teamed up with Ciba Pharmaceuticals to come up with a similar product. Dianabol (methandrostenolone) powder came into existence in the late 1950s. It was quite popular between the 1960s and ’70s as the exceptional choice in steroids bodybuilding. Unlike the predecessors, this drug was the first oral anabolic steroid on the market. The objective of this drug was to side-step the unlawful injection of steroids by athletes. It has less androgenic effects and is available via prescription in most countries. D-bol is twice stronger than testosterone.
  • 5. 5 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd Dianabol Testosterone Anadrol Anabolic rating 210 100 320 Androgenic rating 60 100 45 Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Dianabol Powder Product Name Methandrostenolone Chemical name 17a-methyl, 17b-hydroxy, 1,1-androstadienone, 3-one CAS no. 72-63-9 Melting point (°C) 163 – 167 Purity 98.7% Appearance White powder Molecular weight 300.442 g/mol Molecular formula C20H28O2
  • 6. 6 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd Solubility · Water (9.7 mg/L at 25°C) · Alcohol · Glacial acetic acid · Chloroform Usage Facilitates the increase in muscle mass Brands and Trade names · Dianabol · Averbol · Nerobol · D-bol · Metandienone · Reforvit-b· Dehydromethyltestosterone · Metanabol · Methandienone · 1-dehydro-17alpha-methyltestosterone · Stenolone · Pronabol · Naposim · Encephan How to Buy Dianabol (methandrostenolone) Powder Online Buying anabolic steroids depends on a few factors. Your location has a significant role since some states have set up restrictions on the purchase, possession, and use of Dianabol powder. For example, the use of methandrostenolone and its derivatives is illegal in the U.S., Australia, and Canada, unless under a valid prescription. However, in other countries like Mexico, Dianabol powder buy is as easy as purchasing a pair of sneakers.
  • 7. 7 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd Legally Purchasing Dianabol D-bol might be a restricted drug in your state, but you can still make a legal purchase from a licensed Dianabol powder manufacturer. Let me explain. If you do not have a legit prescription from a doctor, your mind will most likely click on black markets. Well, the deal may be too good using the back door, but you’re likely to land on a counterfeit, unsterile, and lethal medication. Although it’s unreasonable to relocate to a state that has legalized the use of steroids, you can still bank on the legitimate Dianabol powder online stores. At least, you’re guaranteed high-quality product that has been produced under sterile and regulated conditions. Dianabol Powder For Sale Various online vendors are offering anabolic steroids for sale. Since the Chinese stores are ever flooded, you can rummage around for Dianabol powder China, especially on bulk purchases. To find a reliable seller, consider the top-rated source, shipping flexibility, and the availability of relevant information on the particular site.
  • 8. 8 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd Steps of Dianabol powder online purchase: 1. Go to or any other reliable Dianabol powder factory like this Chinese store. 2. Click on the search bar, type “Dianabol,” and search the substance 3. You’ll be prompted to register an account for easy tracking of the product during shipping. However, you can choose to check out as a guest. 4. Provide your account details 5. Confirm the order and wait for delivery right at your doorstep. Note that the Dianabol powder price varies from one vendor to another and the quantity you’re buying. How to Make Dianabol at Home In as much as you can purchase a ready-made steroid, you can buy separate raw materials and come up with your homemade Dianabol powder recipe. This process is advantageous in that it’s economical and the conversion allows you to customize the dose in correspondence with your body. There are up to five Dianabol powder conversion recipes, which vary according to the ingredients in use and the dosage. Requirements  Methandrostenolone powder  Benzyl Benzoate (BB)  Grapeseed oil  Tren acetate  Benzyl Alcohol (BA)  Ethyl Oleate (EO)  Sterile glass vial  Thermometer  Needles  Syringe and a sterile syringe filter  Beaker Let’s delve into the details on how to make Dianabol at home;
  • 9. 9 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd 20ml @50 mg/ml 250ml/ @80 mg/ml 250ml @80 mg/ml 100ml @50 mg/ml 50ml @50 mg/ml D-bol powder 1g 20g or 17.86ml 20g or 17.86ml 5g or 5.6ml 2.5g or 2.23ml BB 4.0ml 40ml 60ml 18% 18% (9ml) BA 0.4ml 10ml 15ml 2% 1% (0.5ml) Grapeseed oil 5.0ml 182.14ml 157.14ml 29.4ml Use red oil instead (31.77ml) EO – – – 30% – Guaiacol – – – 15% 15% (7.5ml) Generally, Dbol powder tastes bitter, but the above ingredients will neutralize the flavor. How Dianabol (D-bol) Works Dianabol powder inhibits muscles from breaking down while boosting the synthesis of proteins and increasing nitrogen retention. This drug will make your body to concentrate all the consumed proteins into the muscles. Thanks to its short half-life, you’ll start noticing some register positive changes within 7 – 10 days. The steroid stimulates the user’s appetite, strength, and the mood. Dianabol (D-bol) Half-life Dbol has an average half-life of 4 hours. Considering that the period is too short, you’ll need to evenly split the dosage throughout the day to maintain the blood concentration level.
  • 10. 10 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd Dianabol Detection Time The steroid will be detected up to six weeks from the time you last took it. If you are an active athlete, you ought to stop taking Dianabol two months before the test. Dianabol Results: What Will I Gain? Muscle Gain Anabolic steroids work by reversing the catabolic processes and increasing protein anabolism. For bodybuilders, you’re likely to experience improved strengths while working out. Though Dianabol may not give you a vascular appearance, it will at least increase your muscles and make you look fuller than before. Strength To the gym goers, Dianabol steroid is the best supplement for boosting your strength and giving you the stamina to endure the intense workouts. The drug accelerates the recovery time and at the same time reduces fatigue.
  • 11. 11 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd Weight Gain Methandrostenolone is the best prescription for patients who have difficulties in gaining or maintaining a healthy weight. The product can make you add up to 20 pounds in a couple of weeks. Boost Testosterone Levels If you suffer from low testosterone condition, your doctor is likely to prescribe legal steroids such as Dbol. Therapeutic Uses Increasing nitrogen retention and tissue repairs, especially after skin grafting, surgery, or burns. Additionally, Dianabol is used for treating specific types of anemia. Dianabol (D-bol) Dosage and Usage (Is it Safe to take Dianabol?) Dianabol Dosage The standard Dbol dosage ranges between 15 and 50mg/day. However, some experienced users would use as much as 100mg per day. The most key factor to note is that high doses of steroids will most likely affect your blood pressure. Women and newbies should not take something more than 15mg. For female athletes, the maximum daily dosage is 30mg. Any value higher than this might lead to an increase in male sexual characteristics and other irreversible dbol side effects. Dbol has a short half-life, hence, the need to split the dosage 2 – 3 times a day. It is advisable to take the drug around meal times to minimize common side effects like nausea. One sure way to increase the bioavailability of Dianabol is by incorporating grapefruits in your diet. Dbol Usage Dbol was the first anabolic steroid that could be taken orally. Although the drug is popularly available and taken as a tablet, you can administer it through intramuscular injections. For excellent results, you should embrace the Dianabol stack by using other steroids like Durabolin, testosterone, Primobolan, or trenbolone.
  • 12. 12 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd Dianabol Cycle A typical Dianabol cycle lasts between four and six weeks with a dose amounting to 30 – 50mg. Within the period, make sure to stack the steroid with a daily dose of cardarine and N2guard for preventing liver damage. Aromasin should also come in hand to inhibit aromatization, which is responsible for estrogen formation and water retention. Dianabol results are usually noticeable within the first week of taking it. Here is an estimate on how much weight you can gain from a full cycle; Period (weeks) Mass (pounds) 1 5 – 7 2 10 4 17 6 26 Post Cycle Therapy At the end of the six weeks, it is necessary to consider a post-cycle therapy to avoid hormone suppression in the pituitary glands. In most cases, the cycle will lower the testosterone levels. Therefore, you’re tasked to ensure the level returns to normal lest you lose the muscle mass you have accumulated. The therapy lasts up to four weeks. Dianabol (D-bol) Side Effects: How to Avoid the Side Effects Dianabol steroid is beneficial only if you use it wisely while considering the precautions and the risks involved. The more you increase the dosage, the higher the likelihood of experiencing severe side effects.  Water retention or bloating  Enlargement of the prostate
  • 13. 13 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd  Heart strain  Suppression of the pituitary gland  Gynecomastia  Acne  Insomnia  High blood pressure  Abnormal hair growth  Male pattern baldness  Damage of the liver  Virilization or male sexual characteristics in females such as deep vocal chords, abnormal growth of hair, or the enlargement of the clitoris.  An increase in bad LDL cholesterol and a decrease in good HDL cholesterol How to Avoid and Manage Dianabol Side Effects Use an aromatase inhibitor or an anti-estrogen Dbol has a tendency of aromatizing into estrogen. When there is too much of this hormone in the body, the results are water retention, bloating, infertility, gynecomastia, or depression. The good news is that you can use an aromatase inhibitor to block the conversion of dbol into estrogen. Some examples include letrozole, Aromasin, and Arimidex. Ensure you take these supplements during the Dianabol cycle and the post cycle therapy. Health liver supplements The best supplement should minimize liver toxicity by reducing oxidative damage. If it contains milk thistle, NAC, TUDCA, among other rich ingredients, that means it fits the bill. Cholesterol supplements You need to take Dianabol in conjunction with minerals that improve the cholesterol levels. Some of these add-ons include red yeast rice, fish oil, niacin, or co-enzyme Q10. Take testosterone Usually, the amount of testosterone produced by the body will not be sufficient during the Dbol cycle. If the level runs low, the muscle-building process will also stall.
  • 14. 14 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd Therefore, stacking some testosterone supplements with Dianabol will help you achieve your goal. Check on your diet Take foods rich in omega fatty acids and healthy proteins. High-fat meals are the primary cause of water retention, hence, an increase in blood pressure levels. Take small and controlled doses Beginners should not exceed a dose of 20mg/day. Although some seasoned bodybuilders would risk taking up to 100mg of the steroid, the practice is unsafe. If you have to increase the quantity, 50mg is all right. High dosage corresponds to acute side effects such as elevation of the blood pressure. Take note that the Dianabol cycle should last between six and eight weeks. Dianabol Contraindications  Children, adolescents, or anyone younger than 30 years In children, taking Dianabol will interfere with bone maturation and sexual development.  Pregnant women The steroid may lead to fetal abnormalities  Breastfeeding moms  Breast and prostate cancer patients  Hypercalcemia
  • 15. 15 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd Dianabol Review Massive Mass Gains You’ll begin noticing the effects immediately you start the dosage. You don’t even need to compare the Dianabol before and after photos to note the difference. After the first week, your body will appear fuller, and you’ll experience significant weight gain. While exercising at the gym, you’ll have enough strength to perform intense workouts or lift heavy weights. By the end of the cycle, you will have gained something close to 20lbs. Boosts the Human Growth Hormone output This drug is among the few legal steroids that promote the growth hormone. If you combine the Dianabol stack with a healthy diet and regular workouts, the steroid works magic. Though you gain some reasonable mass, your body fat reduces significantly. User-Friendly
  • 16. 16 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd Most steroids for sale are injectable. However, Dianabol is orally administered through pills, tablets, capsules, or in liquid form. You can also do your Dianabol powder recipe and customize the dosage. Side Effects The deadliest dbol side effects are high blood pressure, liver damage, and gynecomastia. The fact that your chest becomes mysteriously full in less than a week can be a determent. You can control the rest of the side effects by observing personal discipline and following the directions, but gynecomastia is uncontrollable. Other side effects that make bodybuilders to keep off this drug are the possibilities of infertility, heart problems, and the damage of the liver. Wrap-Up When you get to hear about anabolic steroids, several questions will surely race through your mind. “Is Dianabol legal?”, “Can I get a dose without a valid prescription?”, “When were steroids invented?” and similar queries. The above article has all the answers you’ve been trying to find. Dbol for sale was widespread between 1960 and 1970 steroids bodybuilding era. However, its side effects made FDA categorize it as a class III substance and limit its consumption. In the United States, Dianabol is available only via prescription.