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What was the theme of your
The theme for my project was heavily centred around football, more
explicitly the professionals who bring us the game through media
outlets. I wanted to cover how their working life was around the
stadiums on matchday; the social media teams, the presenters,
photogragher and the more inner workings of a football club. Rather
than the usual focus on the teams, coaches and specific players.
Not only just the daily work life of them but how the covid pandemic
affected their jobs and what sort of disruption as well as problem
solving they endured through that season. I was interested to find
out if it brought about any long term changes ; like schools using
teams, and what short term changes it caused or created. To do this
I wanted to create a documentary type series where I would follow
one of these professionals on their work day and have a sit down
interview with them to ask them set lists of questions to be able to
discover my answers.
What made you choose this
My reason for choosing this was that football is something I hold a
massive interest and passion for. Not only this but sports
photography is something I love and that industry is something I
want to work in and be able to produce my own form of content
around the sport. Covid was also something which massively
halted a potential chance of getting work in sports photography so
being able to find out how it affected people already in the
industry I thought was interesting and especially in careers you
don’t see or hear much about
How did you develop your idea
throughout the project
I constantly developed my idea and my project as the weeks
unfolded. I found my self drawing inspiration from those around
me, id see elements of classmates projects and really like the
way they may have cut something or the sound effects they’ve
used so quite a lot of different parts of my project have been
formed from drawing inspiration from others projects. Aswell as
this my project was developed from peer feedback from both
tutors and classmates and I would make improvements from
what they said about my piece.
What was the final outcome
My final outcome was a below 10 minute video. It was split into 4
sections, an opener, an introduction, the main interview and then
an outro. The opener was an edited montage with a narration
talking about what football is and how the pandemic affected it by
not allowing fans into the stadium. The introduction was
introducing Greig and what his job and role was within this
industry. The interview is pretty self explanatory, it was my
interview with Greig where he answered my questions and it cut
from the main shot to cutaways of him working. The outro was just
a short credit scene after Greig's final words.
How did you feel about the final
Although I was happy with what I have made I feel as
though I could have made something a lot better had
certain scenarios been different and harder challengers
overcame. There are certain issues which I will delve
deeper into in the " what didn’t go so well" section of my
evaluation. These issues have certainly limited how pleased
I can be about the end project however overall I am glad I
am finished and I am definitely happy as I feel it is progress
from my first work in year 1 and my first interview in year 2
but I feel like I could have made something at least 20x
better under certain circumstances.
How did you feel before the
Before the project started I had a rough idea of what I wanted to make
and I was excited to see if I would be able to have the idea stem into
an actual project. However this made the earlier stages of planning
and research harder as I already had my mine set on what I wanted to
make and it was more down to researching logistics and how I would
be able to get the shots and interviews I needed.
How did you find contributors
Luckily I had a family member who works as a sports
photographer, and since I was already lucky enough to
accompany him on a match before I asked if he would be willing
to let me come again and also to answer several questions about
how the pandemic affected his work. He obliged and I got to go
along to Barnsley to document his day. As for the other
contributor he is a colleague of Greig's of which he was able to
pass me on his contact details so I could enquire about an
interview. This resulted in an interview via email as his schedule
was too busy to meet. I tried to get other contributors for the
project but was not able to or didn’t hear back after sending
questions across.
What went well with the
I think the main success of my project was the initial shots for the
interview when the sun was in the right place so the lighting looked
unbelievably good and it created a lens flare on the shot which I
think made it look great. Aswell as this I am really happy how the
intro turned out as I think it looks professional and creates a good
platform for something which could become a series. The audio
almost throughout is to a good standard and one which I am happy
What challenges did you
The main challenge which became present was finding footage
to use. Although I had filmed loads for the interview and
cutaways, these shots were not appropriate to use for my outro
and intro. My un-willingness and lack of being comfortable in
front of the camera really became a challenge when I needed
footage to use for these. I was more than happy to record voice
notes but to actually film myself I couldn’t bare. This in result
became a challenge as I had loads of audio files to use but no
visual counterpart to use for it. The only other real challenge was
trying to get interviews, there were two more that I would have
liked to get but one of which I never received a reply and the
second I never heard from after sending over the questions
What did not go so well with
the project
My main issues were the fact I don’t think it completely felt like a documentary.
Due to the lack of any other interviews and the lack of a proper introduction
and outro, it didn’t feel very proper more like just an interview . This is one of
my biggest concerns with this and also one of my biggest disappointments.
Along with this one of my main issues is the colouring. I tried my best to be
able to match the warmth and brightness of the first clip to the others but it
just seemed impossible, the final outcome I had I think was the closest I was
going to get without just scrapping it and re-recording the entire piece.
Outside of the production one of my biggest issues has been the written work.
It is not something I enjoy and has caused me a lot of concern and fear
regarding my final result.
How would you rate your
With the risk of sounding full of myself I think a merit is fair grade for my project. Looking at the
grading especially for the actual production I think my work comes under the merit side of the
markings. I think it would be unfair and a lie to say it deserves a distinction when I compare my
work to those of classmates who have been able to rack up 50-60 slides for each section. However
I feel what my may lack in quantity by only doing 20-30 it makes up in quality. I think I produced a
very good video which would be able to attain the target audience while also producing some
good written work within my research and contextual. My only worry is that it is the written work
that lets me down as this has been something that has needed constant improvement all through
out school and college and it’s a side of my work that I have never been able to truly crack.
How well did your project cater
for your target audience
My only real target audience was football fans. So to interest
them I just had to make it about football as much as possbile
and I don’t think I could have done much more in order to do
this. I filmed my interview inside of a football stadium, I had
cutaways which were during a match and the entirety of the
intro was archived footage of football matches and interviews.
I think I catered for my intended audience very well, it was
especially helpful focusing on such a broad audience but I think
that is the correct audience for me to have been after
How did your skills develop
I think my main skill that has improved was my use of premiere yet
again. I feel although It wasn’t great I feel a lot more comfortable
playing around with the colouring of my videos and I feel like I can now
confidently attempt to match up the colours to something which looks
and feels natural or good. After Effects was something new I tried out
during my experiments and that is definitely a skill which has improved
as I had no idea how to use it before but now can quite confidently
animate on top of my videos even if it wasn’t something I used in the
final cut.
Feedback from peers
A lot of the feedback I received was during the production of my piece. I would ask classmates for their
opinion on my piece and what they would change. I would do this every time I reached a finishing point
in each section of my video. I would ask them how they felt about it, what they would change, if they
thought it was fitting, how the audio sounded and if the clips I have put into it at certain points was
fitting. After receiving this feedback I would change and sculpt my project until I got 2 or 3 people saying
they liked that section and their suggestions and improvements were not things I could change in post-
production, these would then become improvents for future projects and stuff to keep an eye out next
time I am filming a project.
Although on my social media account where I posted my final project asking for feedback from peers I
wasn’t able to get any. I decided if they were not willing to even give a sentence to help better my video
from a polite request on an instagram story, I figured I would send it directly to people who I thought
may be open to providing feedback and people who had not yet seen it so they don’t have any ideas of
already worked areas and it’s a fresh view and opinion on it.
Feedback from peers II
Aidan Carey 18M
Although its not the most in depth feedback it is still
incredibly useful. I asked him his opinion on it and refrained
from telling him I would be using his opinion as a form of
evaluation. He talked about the ending and how it feels it is
a very sudden ending and it just goes from a long section of
him to suddenly ending and credits. This is something I tried
to fix but due to not having much more footage and not
feeling comfortable with being on camera, the end piece of
this outro I wasn’t happy with and decided it made the final
piece worse if anything.
What would you do differently
in the future
One of the main things I would love to try in the future is to create my own graphics
and intermission screens. Although my artistic capabilities are not great I think being
able to add graphics to it such as titles and extra pieces would really up the quality of
my work. I saw some fellow classmates use intermission screens in their work and
although I did not feel it was entirely appropriate for what I was creating, it could be for
a future project and to be able to create my own rather than use one that I found
online, again would really up my level of working and bring another sense of
professionalism to what I create.
I would also spend more time on my written side of the work and not rush into filming,
if id spent an extra week or two before I had filmed ( although the timescale for filming
was slightly out of my control this time) I think my final piece could have been a lot
How would you develop your
skills more for the future
The main way I think you are able to develop your skills is through practice. No matter how
much time and effort you put into researching and watching tutorials for certain skills the
only way you will be able to develop and perfect what you are wanting to create is through
trying it and finding your own way to work around things. Especially with skills revolving
around editing and filming, the best thing you can do to improve is to experiment and
practice. A lot of the time you will find ways of doing certain tasks differently to what your
watching. I definitely found this out while trying my rotoscope experiment. I found several
ways of creating the effect which I wanted in multiple soft wares; like photoshop and adobe
after effects
What personal skills could you
develop to make sure your work
is professional
I think one of the personal skills I could develop the most is confidence. Had this been better I
think I would have been able to create a much better and much more professional piece. With
more confidence I would have been able to and felt comfortable reaching out to more people
for interviews and if they would be open to contributing to my documentary. Not only this but
being able to reach out and ask a lot more people for feedback on the project would have
helped me to progress and develop my video even more. Another way confidence would help
to improve my piece is that I would feel more comfortable on camera. Although I filmed
introductions and outros with me in them talking about what has happened or what we were
going to be doing / talking about, these were changed to just using the audio, this made it a
lot less complex as I didn’t have enough b roll to be able to include a 2 minute long only audio
intro and outro so a lot of it was cut due to this. In the future I would like to be more
confident on camera as I think it will heavily increase my standard of work.
My contextual powerpoint is possibly one of my strongest out of the selection, I did a large
amount of research into three existing documentaries which I wanted to draw ideas from and
three that were trying to attract a similar target audience to mine. Aswell as this I did research
into the different variables of documentary to help me decide which one would be best for
me to create. Media theories surrounding documentaries are also something I looked into and
this helped to better my understanding of the different types of documentaries there are,
compared to before hand where I thought there was no real difference and documentaries
were a genre in themselves.
My research powerpoint had a rather large issue in that my survey I sent out to be the backing
of my research received very few replies. Although put in the class group chat, teams chat and
my social media I received less than 10. This made it challenging to know what areas I should
research into from an audience perspective. Other than this with feedback I received from
Scott I think I was able to get my research into a good place, I looked into music options,
logistics and restrictions I had while filming at barnsley as well as different options for virtual
interviews and live interviews.
Problem Solving
My problem solving powerpoint wasn’t as in depth as I would have perhaps liked it to be. This
is due to only needing a single shoot, this limits the risk of issues and potential problems
occurring. Aswell as this there werent many techniques I wanted to try out as an experiment
other than rotoscoping, everything else I felt I would be using were skills I had already learnt
how to use and were fairly confident with; we were advised to steer away from using things
we already know as experiments as it wasn’t needed. Even so I created risk assessments and
talked about what I had created as my experiment, rotoscoping is definitely something I want
to look more into in the future just when it is more fitting in the project I am making.
My planning powerpoint is potentially my weakest link. The first feedback I received was that
it was heading in the correct direction but lacked the detail It needed. I think this was because
I had already filmed what I needed before I had finished my planning. This made it difficult to
come up with a plan of what I would want to have due to me already having what id got. So it
was easier to simplify what id filmed and put it in to the document, this made it seemed
rushed and without thought. Since then I have added more detail to certain areas and spoke
about how I reached out to people for their virtual interviews. I am still concerned that it is
not enough but I am not sure what else to add at this point.

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  • 2. What was the theme of your project The theme for my project was heavily centred around football, more explicitly the professionals who bring us the game through media outlets. I wanted to cover how their working life was around the stadiums on matchday; the social media teams, the presenters, photogragher and the more inner workings of a football club. Rather than the usual focus on the teams, coaches and specific players. Not only just the daily work life of them but how the covid pandemic affected their jobs and what sort of disruption as well as problem solving they endured through that season. I was interested to find out if it brought about any long term changes ; like schools using teams, and what short term changes it caused or created. To do this I wanted to create a documentary type series where I would follow one of these professionals on their work day and have a sit down interview with them to ask them set lists of questions to be able to discover my answers.
  • 3. What made you choose this theme/idea My reason for choosing this was that football is something I hold a massive interest and passion for. Not only this but sports photography is something I love and that industry is something I want to work in and be able to produce my own form of content around the sport. Covid was also something which massively halted a potential chance of getting work in sports photography so being able to find out how it affected people already in the industry I thought was interesting and especially in careers you don’t see or hear much about
  • 4. How did you develop your idea throughout the project I constantly developed my idea and my project as the weeks unfolded. I found my self drawing inspiration from those around me, id see elements of classmates projects and really like the way they may have cut something or the sound effects they’ve used so quite a lot of different parts of my project have been formed from drawing inspiration from others projects. Aswell as this my project was developed from peer feedback from both tutors and classmates and I would make improvements from what they said about my piece.
  • 5. What was the final outcome My final outcome was a below 10 minute video. It was split into 4 sections, an opener, an introduction, the main interview and then an outro. The opener was an edited montage with a narration talking about what football is and how the pandemic affected it by not allowing fans into the stadium. The introduction was introducing Greig and what his job and role was within this industry. The interview is pretty self explanatory, it was my interview with Greig where he answered my questions and it cut from the main shot to cutaways of him working. The outro was just a short credit scene after Greig's final words.
  • 6. How did you feel about the final outcome Although I was happy with what I have made I feel as though I could have made something a lot better had certain scenarios been different and harder challengers overcame. There are certain issues which I will delve deeper into in the " what didn’t go so well" section of my evaluation. These issues have certainly limited how pleased I can be about the end project however overall I am glad I am finished and I am definitely happy as I feel it is progress from my first work in year 1 and my first interview in year 2 but I feel like I could have made something at least 20x better under certain circumstances.
  • 7. How did you feel before the project Before the project started I had a rough idea of what I wanted to make and I was excited to see if I would be able to have the idea stem into an actual project. However this made the earlier stages of planning and research harder as I already had my mine set on what I wanted to make and it was more down to researching logistics and how I would be able to get the shots and interviews I needed.
  • 8. How did you find contributors Luckily I had a family member who works as a sports photographer, and since I was already lucky enough to accompany him on a match before I asked if he would be willing to let me come again and also to answer several questions about how the pandemic affected his work. He obliged and I got to go along to Barnsley to document his day. As for the other contributor he is a colleague of Greig's of which he was able to pass me on his contact details so I could enquire about an interview. This resulted in an interview via email as his schedule was too busy to meet. I tried to get other contributors for the project but was not able to or didn’t hear back after sending questions across.
  • 9. What went well with the project I think the main success of my project was the initial shots for the interview when the sun was in the right place so the lighting looked unbelievably good and it created a lens flare on the shot which I think made it look great. Aswell as this I am really happy how the intro turned out as I think it looks professional and creates a good platform for something which could become a series. The audio almost throughout is to a good standard and one which I am happy with.
  • 10. What challenges did you overcome The main challenge which became present was finding footage to use. Although I had filmed loads for the interview and cutaways, these shots were not appropriate to use for my outro and intro. My un-willingness and lack of being comfortable in front of the camera really became a challenge when I needed footage to use for these. I was more than happy to record voice notes but to actually film myself I couldn’t bare. This in result became a challenge as I had loads of audio files to use but no visual counterpart to use for it. The only other real challenge was trying to get interviews, there were two more that I would have liked to get but one of which I never received a reply and the second I never heard from after sending over the questions
  • 11. What did not go so well with the project My main issues were the fact I don’t think it completely felt like a documentary. Due to the lack of any other interviews and the lack of a proper introduction and outro, it didn’t feel very proper more like just an interview . This is one of my biggest concerns with this and also one of my biggest disappointments. Along with this one of my main issues is the colouring. I tried my best to be able to match the warmth and brightness of the first clip to the others but it just seemed impossible, the final outcome I had I think was the closest I was going to get without just scrapping it and re-recording the entire piece. Outside of the production one of my biggest issues has been the written work. It is not something I enjoy and has caused me a lot of concern and fear regarding my final result.
  • 12. How would you rate your project With the risk of sounding full of myself I think a merit is fair grade for my project. Looking at the grading especially for the actual production I think my work comes under the merit side of the markings. I think it would be unfair and a lie to say it deserves a distinction when I compare my work to those of classmates who have been able to rack up 50-60 slides for each section. However I feel what my may lack in quantity by only doing 20-30 it makes up in quality. I think I produced a very good video which would be able to attain the target audience while also producing some good written work within my research and contextual. My only worry is that it is the written work that lets me down as this has been something that has needed constant improvement all through out school and college and it’s a side of my work that I have never been able to truly crack.
  • 13. How well did your project cater for your target audience My only real target audience was football fans. So to interest them I just had to make it about football as much as possbile and I don’t think I could have done much more in order to do this. I filmed my interview inside of a football stadium, I had cutaways which were during a match and the entirety of the intro was archived footage of football matches and interviews. I think I catered for my intended audience very well, it was especially helpful focusing on such a broad audience but I think that is the correct audience for me to have been after
  • 14. How did your skills develop I think my main skill that has improved was my use of premiere yet again. I feel although It wasn’t great I feel a lot more comfortable playing around with the colouring of my videos and I feel like I can now confidently attempt to match up the colours to something which looks and feels natural or good. After Effects was something new I tried out during my experiments and that is definitely a skill which has improved as I had no idea how to use it before but now can quite confidently animate on top of my videos even if it wasn’t something I used in the final cut.
  • 15. Feedback from peers A lot of the feedback I received was during the production of my piece. I would ask classmates for their opinion on my piece and what they would change. I would do this every time I reached a finishing point in each section of my video. I would ask them how they felt about it, what they would change, if they thought it was fitting, how the audio sounded and if the clips I have put into it at certain points was fitting. After receiving this feedback I would change and sculpt my project until I got 2 or 3 people saying they liked that section and their suggestions and improvements were not things I could change in post- production, these would then become improvents for future projects and stuff to keep an eye out next time I am filming a project. Although on my social media account where I posted my final project asking for feedback from peers I wasn’t able to get any. I decided if they were not willing to even give a sentence to help better my video from a polite request on an instagram story, I figured I would send it directly to people who I thought may be open to providing feedback and people who had not yet seen it so they don’t have any ideas of already worked areas and it’s a fresh view and opinion on it.
  • 16. Feedback from peers II Aidan Carey 18M Although its not the most in depth feedback it is still incredibly useful. I asked him his opinion on it and refrained from telling him I would be using his opinion as a form of evaluation. He talked about the ending and how it feels it is a very sudden ending and it just goes from a long section of him to suddenly ending and credits. This is something I tried to fix but due to not having much more footage and not feeling comfortable with being on camera, the end piece of this outro I wasn’t happy with and decided it made the final piece worse if anything.
  • 17. What would you do differently in the future One of the main things I would love to try in the future is to create my own graphics and intermission screens. Although my artistic capabilities are not great I think being able to add graphics to it such as titles and extra pieces would really up the quality of my work. I saw some fellow classmates use intermission screens in their work and although I did not feel it was entirely appropriate for what I was creating, it could be for a future project and to be able to create my own rather than use one that I found online, again would really up my level of working and bring another sense of professionalism to what I create. I would also spend more time on my written side of the work and not rush into filming, if id spent an extra week or two before I had filmed ( although the timescale for filming was slightly out of my control this time) I think my final piece could have been a lot better.
  • 18. How would you develop your skills more for the future The main way I think you are able to develop your skills is through practice. No matter how much time and effort you put into researching and watching tutorials for certain skills the only way you will be able to develop and perfect what you are wanting to create is through trying it and finding your own way to work around things. Especially with skills revolving around editing and filming, the best thing you can do to improve is to experiment and practice. A lot of the time you will find ways of doing certain tasks differently to what your watching. I definitely found this out while trying my rotoscope experiment. I found several ways of creating the effect which I wanted in multiple soft wares; like photoshop and adobe after effects
  • 19. What personal skills could you develop to make sure your work is professional I think one of the personal skills I could develop the most is confidence. Had this been better I think I would have been able to create a much better and much more professional piece. With more confidence I would have been able to and felt comfortable reaching out to more people for interviews and if they would be open to contributing to my documentary. Not only this but being able to reach out and ask a lot more people for feedback on the project would have helped me to progress and develop my video even more. Another way confidence would help to improve my piece is that I would feel more comfortable on camera. Although I filmed introductions and outros with me in them talking about what has happened or what we were going to be doing / talking about, these were changed to just using the audio, this made it a lot less complex as I didn’t have enough b roll to be able to include a 2 minute long only audio intro and outro so a lot of it was cut due to this. In the future I would like to be more confident on camera as I think it will heavily increase my standard of work.
  • 20. Context My contextual powerpoint is possibly one of my strongest out of the selection, I did a large amount of research into three existing documentaries which I wanted to draw ideas from and three that were trying to attract a similar target audience to mine. Aswell as this I did research into the different variables of documentary to help me decide which one would be best for me to create. Media theories surrounding documentaries are also something I looked into and this helped to better my understanding of the different types of documentaries there are, compared to before hand where I thought there was no real difference and documentaries were a genre in themselves.
  • 21. Research My research powerpoint had a rather large issue in that my survey I sent out to be the backing of my research received very few replies. Although put in the class group chat, teams chat and my social media I received less than 10. This made it challenging to know what areas I should research into from an audience perspective. Other than this with feedback I received from Scott I think I was able to get my research into a good place, I looked into music options, logistics and restrictions I had while filming at barnsley as well as different options for virtual interviews and live interviews.
  • 22. Problem Solving My problem solving powerpoint wasn’t as in depth as I would have perhaps liked it to be. This is due to only needing a single shoot, this limits the risk of issues and potential problems occurring. Aswell as this there werent many techniques I wanted to try out as an experiment other than rotoscoping, everything else I felt I would be using were skills I had already learnt how to use and were fairly confident with; we were advised to steer away from using things we already know as experiments as it wasn’t needed. Even so I created risk assessments and talked about what I had created as my experiment, rotoscoping is definitely something I want to look more into in the future just when it is more fitting in the project I am making.
  • 23. Planning My planning powerpoint is potentially my weakest link. The first feedback I received was that it was heading in the correct direction but lacked the detail It needed. I think this was because I had already filmed what I needed before I had finished my planning. This made it difficult to come up with a plan of what I would want to have due to me already having what id got. So it was easier to simplify what id filmed and put it in to the document, this made it seemed rushed and without thought. Since then I have added more detail to certain areas and spoke about how I reached out to people for their virtual interviews. I am still concerned that it is not enough but I am not sure what else to add at this point.