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March | April 2010
Feature title: Evaluation of probiotic bacteria in prawn production

            International Aquafeed is published five times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.
            All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies,
            the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of
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            ©Copyright 2009 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
            or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058

The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry
F: Probiotic
                                                                                                                                                        How should probiotics
                                                                                                                                                        be administered?
                                                                                                                                                            Probiotics could be used to replace
                                                                                                                                                        chemicals and antibiotics and have
                                                                                                                                                        already been shown to increase the
                                                                                                                                                        immune response, survival and disease
                                                                                                                                                        resistance in prawns (6). Probiotics
                                                                                                                                                        could either be incorporated into the
                                                                                                                                                        feed or administered into the rearing
                                                                                                                                                        water. Hai et al. (4) found that both feed
                                                                                                                                                        and water administered application was
                                                                                                                                                        efficient in the transfer of probiotics
                                                                                                                                                        to the prawns. However, survival, spe-
                                                                                                                                                        cific growth rates and total haemocyte
                                                                                                                                                        counts (THCs) concentrations were
                                                                                                                                                        higher when probiotics were supple-
                                                                                                                                                        mented through feed (4) .
                                                                                                                                                            Thus, feed incorporated probiotics are
                                                                                                                                                        more beneficial than probiotics adminis-
                                                                                                                                                        tered to the rearing water. THCs play
                                                                                                                                                        important roles in the crustacean immune

   Evaluation of probiotic                                                                                                                              response as the haemocytes encapsulate
                                                                                                                                                        bacteria, thus a high haemocyte count clears
                                                                                                                                                        the bacterial load in the haemolymph.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            or on the sediments. The spores of Bacillus
                                                                                                                                                                                                            sp. can be easily introduced into dry food
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Bacillus spp. to inhibiting the growth of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               pathogenic bacteria could be one of the

   bacteria in prawn production
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and are unlikely to use genes for antibiotic       enzymes produced by Bacillus, including
                                                                                                                                                        How do probiotics work?                             resistance or virulence from the vibrios or        protease, amylase, lipase and gelatinase (6).
                                                                                                                                                            Proposed mode of actions of probiotics          related gram-negative bacteria (6) and have               The success of Bacillus spp. has been
                                                                                                                                                        includes immunostimulation, inhibition or           not been associated with aquatic organism          demonstrated by the development and use
    by Tim O’brine, university of Plymouth, united Kingdom                                                                                              competition (antagonistic) with potential           pathologies.
                                                                                                                                                        pathogens or simply maintenance of healthy              For      this
                                                                                                                                                        and diverse intestinal microbiota.                  reason, their

   This article focuses on our current knowledge of the benefits of probiotic application, selecting probiotics                                             Non pathogenic strains of Vibrio,               use has been                                                                                                        ®
                 and their modes of actions in combating microbial diseases in prawn production                                                         Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Bacillus and                promoted and
                                                                                                                                                        Alteromonas that are known to have antago-          widely accept-
                                                                                                                                                        nistic properties to pathogenic strains             ed        within
                                                                                                                                                        can be used as probiotic strains (8). The           the industry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The probiotic for healthy growth

                                                                                                                                                        inhibitory compounds produced from the              Banerjee et al.
           lobally, two million metric             and in the live feed and they usually cause         of probiotics to manipulate the microbial        antagonistic organisms can control the              (9) observed 90

           tonnes of prawn valued                  disease under sub-optimal culture condi-            balance (3).                                     pathogenic bacteria population in a system          percent inhibi-
           at US$14.4 billion were                 tions. Therefore the successful completion              Probiotics are organisms that create         without affecting the water quality and             tion of patho-
           produced in 2004(1), with               of the larval cycle in prawns requires a            a favourable environment for the growth          therefore could be very beneficial to prawn         genic bacteria
large industry growth observed in                  healthy microbial balance in the system (3).        and well-being of the host animals by their      production.                                         by       Bacillus
Asian countries.                                       During the larval stages of prawn               transience through the gastrointestinal tract        Examples of antagonistic bacteria that          subtilis along
                                                   production, luminescent vibriosis caused            or merely by their presence in the water.        secrete inhibitory substances include nisin         with competi-
    Intensification of prawn production has        by Vibrio spp. is particularly severe and               The selection of probiotics for specific     (antibacterial peptide) of Lactobacillus lactis,    tive exclusion
resulted in an increase of bacterial infec-        sporadically causes temporary closure of            marine aquatic species has to be considered      pediocin (proteinaceous bacteriocin) of             of       patho-
tions which frequently cause mass mortali-         economic activities in prawn larviculture           carefully in order to make them spe-             Pediococcus acidlactici, sidephore-like mol-        genic     vibrios
ties of prawn larvae due to the proliferation      facilities (3).                                     cies specific (4). Probiotic candidates are      ecules and pyocyanin (antibiotic pigment)           by Bacillus spp.
of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria.                  Vibriosis elicits signs of lethargy, degener-   most often bacteria with inhibitory activity     of Pseudomonas spp. The primary require-            Moriar ty(6)
    Disease is often the result of stress          ation of the gills, lymphoid organs, digestive      against a target pathogen or the dominant        ment for the demonstration of antagonistic          reported that,                        Improvements in growth and Feed Conversion Ratio

                                                                                                                                                        mode of action of probiotics in aquaculture                                                          Lower mortality in the ponds
caused by poor water quality and by reduc-         glands and detachment of the epithelium             intestinal bacterial flora in larvae from well                                                       when Bacillus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Increases biomass production
ing stress, less mortality may occur.              lining the mid-gut, all of which lead to even-      performing prawn-rearing groups.                 systems is the assurance of the minimum             sp. was added                        Keeps pathogenic bacteria populations under control
    The single most critical factor governing      tual or rapid mortality.                                For example, Hill et al. (5) identified      inhibitory concentration of the antagonistic        to pond water                                Helps maintain optimal health status
optimal growth and survival of prawn is                Application of disinfectants and antimi-        Bacillus pumilis in the mid gut of P. monodon    compound in the culture, which is supple-           in      penaeid
water quality. Prawns are delicate creatures       crobials can complete the larval cycle in           which had an inhibitory effect against patho-    mented to the larval rearing tank (3).              prawn culture,
and can be stressed by adverse environ-            prawns but has led to the emergence of              genic bacteria. The dominant bacterial flora         Antagonistic, gram-positive Bacillus spp.       there was a
mental conditions in culture ponds, result-        antibiotic-resistant pathogens with threat          is possibly capable of excluding invading        have been used as a probiotic in fish and           decrease       in
ing in reduced appetite, slow growth, as well      of gene transfer to humans as well as waste         bacteria from the adhesion sites of the gut      shellfish (9) and could be used in prawn            luminous Vibrio                                                    rl
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Natuna trition
as being more susceptible to disease (2).          antimicrobials ending up in the environment.        wall thus supporting the endemic bacterial       aquaculture.                                        densities.
    Vibrio spp. are normally present in the        These negative consequences of antibiotic           flora of prawn - a more natural approach to           Bacillus spp. are naturally ingested by            The antago-                                    NOREL,S.A. • Jesús Aprendiz, 19, 1º A y B • 28007 Madrid (SPAIN)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tel. +34 91 501 40 41 • Fax +34 91 501 46 44 •

culture facilities, larval gut flora of prawns     treatments have led to the development              protecting prawns from diseases.                 prawns and other organisms that feed in             nistic factor of

                                                 18 || InternatIonal AquAFeed || March-april 2010
                                                 18 InternatIonal AquAFeed March-april 2010                                                                                                                March-april 2010 || InternatIonal AquAFeed || 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                           March-april 2010 InternatIonal AquAFeed 19
F: Probiotic
                                                                                                           also reported that B. coagulans
                                                                                                           used as a water additive at a
                                                                                                           certain concentration could sig-
                                                                                                           nificantly increase the survival
                                                                                                           rate and some digestive enzyme
                                                                                                           activities of prawn larvae. In
                                                                                                           addition, the use of B. subtilis
                                                                                                           was improved prawn immune
                                                                                                           responses by increases in phe-
                                                                                                           noloxidase activity, phagocytic
                                                                                                           activity and clearance efficiency
                                                                                                           against Vibrio alginolyticus.

                                                                                                           Several probiotics
                                                                                                           versus one probiotic
                                                                                                                Combining probiotics to pro-
                                                                                                            duce a range of beneficial effects
                                                                                                            on prawn production has been
                                                                                                            studied and is often employed
                                                                                                            in commercial probiotics, as
                                                                                                            previously mentioned by the
                                                                                                            use of multiple Bacillus spp. in
                                                                                                            SANOLIFE® MIC (10).
                                                                                                                The combination of two pro-
                                                                                                            biotics in Western king prawn
                                                                                                            production was not found to
                                                                                                            significantly improve the specific
                                                                                                            growth rate of prawns compared
                                                                                                            to single use of a probiotic,
                                                                                                            but the prawns exposed to the
                                                                                                            combined probiotics did elicit a
                                                                                                            lower proportion of hyalinocytes
                                                                                                            (involved in phagocytosis) as well
                                                                                                            as having a lower bacterial load
                                                                                                            in the haemolymph, hence were
of SANOLIFE® MIC, a mixture of strains           super oxide radicals, resulting in the inhibi-   healthier than those exposed to the
of Bacillus spp. Decamp et al. (10) reported     tion of bacteria due to oxidative damage         individual probiotics (4).
on the performance of SANOLIFE® MIC              and lipid peroxidation.                              Far et al. (15) also compared the use of
on Asian and Latin-American hatcheries,             As a result, prawns fed the probiotics        one probiotic against multiple probiotics
with P. monodon and L. vannamei and found        Pseudomonas synxantha and P. aeruginosa          through feed incorporation. Treatment
that SANOLIFE® MIC performed as well as          had higher specific growth rates, survival       groups consisted of prawns fed diet
prophylactic use of antibiotics and was also     and food conversion ratio compared to            with B. subtilis and prawns fed a diet
a cost effective alternative.                    prawns not fed probiotics (11). Probiotics       mixed with B. subtilis and a commercial
    Pai et al. (3) suggested another mode of     stimulated the prawns to produce a               probiotic (BIO-GOLD, Korea) which con-
action of Bacillus; immunostimulation and        higher THC and resulted in the lowest            sisted of L. acidophilus, Bacillus subtilis
enhanced food acceptance which results in        bacterial load in the haemolmpyh, thus           and L. plantarum. Interestingly, diets just
improved general health of prawns rather         improving the health of the prawns (4).          consisting of B. subtilis had significantly

                                                                                                                                                 Dry with 20-50% less energy
than the antagonistic mode described above.         Nakayama et al. (12) demonstrated             higher survival and yield compared with
In their study they found that the bacteria      that B. Subtilis could be effective in           the diet incorporating both B. subtilis
that showed the greatest antagonism was          the inhibition of Vibrio growth, while           and BIO-GOLD. Thus it appears that B.
the Pseudomonas bacteria.                        B. Licheniformis and B. Megaterium               subtilis alone, out performs BIO-GOLD,
    The Pseudomonas bacteria suppressed          could be effective in reducing V. harveyi        but it should also be noted that a diet just
the vibrio population in a P. monodon larval     haemolytic activities, suggesting that           containing BIO-GOLD was not different
rearing system by production of pyocyanin        compounds produced by Bacillus might             from the diet containing B. Subtilis and
giving them a competitive advantage over         be effective against Vibrio growth and           BIO-GOLD.
V. harveyi, mediated by the killing of the       toxin production.                                    Therefore, an inhibitory action between
pathogen (3).                                       Balcazar and Rohas-Luna (13)reported          the consortium of probiotics in the BIO-
    The unusual redox properties of pyo-         that B. subtilis produced antimicrobial          GOLD and B. subtilis diet can be ruled out.
cyanin and other phenazine compounds             activity against pathogenic Vibrio spp. and      Overall though, the addition of B. subtilis
secreted by fluorescent Pseudomonads can         that prawn mortality was reduced by              was found to improve prawn (L. vannamei)       Geelen Counterflow / T +31-475-592315
enhance the production of hydroxide and          treatment with B. subtilis. Zhou et al. (14)     survival rate and yield (15).                  Geelen Counterflow USA Inc. / T +1-772-559-4338
                                                                                                                                                 Geelen Counterflow América Latina / T +54-9-2362-418899
                                               20 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | March-april 2010                                                    E / I
Evaluation of probiotic bacteria in prawn production
Evaluation of probiotic bacteria in prawn production

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Evaluation of probiotic bacteria in prawn production

  • 1. March | April 2010 Feature title: Evaluation of probiotic bacteria in prawn production International Aquafeed is published five times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom. All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2009 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058 The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry
  • 2. F: Probiotic How should probiotics be administered? Probiotics could be used to replace chemicals and antibiotics and have already been shown to increase the immune response, survival and disease resistance in prawns (6). Probiotics could either be incorporated into the feed or administered into the rearing water. Hai et al. (4) found that both feed and water administered application was efficient in the transfer of probiotics to the prawns. However, survival, spe- cific growth rates and total haemocyte counts (THCs) concentrations were higher when probiotics were supple- mented through feed (4) . Thus, feed incorporated probiotics are more beneficial than probiotics adminis- tered to the rearing water. THCs play important roles in the crustacean immune Evaluation of probiotic response as the haemocytes encapsulate bacteria, thus a high haemocyte count clears the bacterial load in the haemolymph. or on the sediments. The spores of Bacillus sp. can be easily introduced into dry food Bacillus spp. to inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria could be one of the bacteria in prawn production and are unlikely to use genes for antibiotic enzymes produced by Bacillus, including How do probiotics work? resistance or virulence from the vibrios or protease, amylase, lipase and gelatinase (6). Proposed mode of actions of probiotics related gram-negative bacteria (6) and have The success of Bacillus spp. has been includes immunostimulation, inhibition or not been associated with aquatic organism demonstrated by the development and use by Tim O’brine, university of Plymouth, united Kingdom competition (antagonistic) with potential pathologies. pathogens or simply maintenance of healthy For this and diverse intestinal microbiota. reason, their ECOBIOL This article focuses on our current knowledge of the benefits of probiotic application, selecting probiotics Non pathogenic strains of Vibrio, use has been ® and their modes of actions in combating microbial diseases in prawn production Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Bacillus and promoted and Alteromonas that are known to have antago- widely accept- nistic properties to pathogenic strains ed within can be used as probiotic strains (8). The the industry. The probiotic for healthy growth G inhibitory compounds produced from the Banerjee et al. lobally, two million metric and in the live feed and they usually cause of probiotics to manipulate the microbial antagonistic organisms can control the (9) observed 90 tonnes of prawn valued disease under sub-optimal culture condi- balance (3). pathogenic bacteria population in a system percent inhibi- at US$14.4 billion were tions. Therefore the successful completion Probiotics are organisms that create without affecting the water quality and tion of patho- produced in 2004(1), with of the larval cycle in prawns requires a a favourable environment for the growth therefore could be very beneficial to prawn genic bacteria large industry growth observed in healthy microbial balance in the system (3). and well-being of the host animals by their production. by Bacillus Asian countries. During the larval stages of prawn transience through the gastrointestinal tract Examples of antagonistic bacteria that subtilis along production, luminescent vibriosis caused or merely by their presence in the water. secrete inhibitory substances include nisin with competi- Intensification of prawn production has by Vibrio spp. is particularly severe and The selection of probiotics for specific (antibacterial peptide) of Lactobacillus lactis, tive exclusion resulted in an increase of bacterial infec- sporadically causes temporary closure of marine aquatic species has to be considered pediocin (proteinaceous bacteriocin) of of patho- tions which frequently cause mass mortali- economic activities in prawn larviculture carefully in order to make them spe- Pediococcus acidlactici, sidephore-like mol- genic vibrios ties of prawn larvae due to the proliferation facilities (3). cies specific (4). Probiotic candidates are ecules and pyocyanin (antibiotic pigment) by Bacillus spp. of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria. Vibriosis elicits signs of lethargy, degener- most often bacteria with inhibitory activity of Pseudomonas spp. The primary require- Moriar ty(6) Disease is often the result of stress ation of the gills, lymphoid organs, digestive against a target pathogen or the dominant ment for the demonstration of antagonistic reported that, Improvements in growth and Feed Conversion Ratio mode of action of probiotics in aquaculture Lower mortality in the ponds caused by poor water quality and by reduc- glands and detachment of the epithelium intestinal bacterial flora in larvae from well when Bacillus Increases biomass production ing stress, less mortality may occur. lining the mid-gut, all of which lead to even- performing prawn-rearing groups. systems is the assurance of the minimum sp. was added Keeps pathogenic bacteria populations under control The single most critical factor governing tual or rapid mortality. For example, Hill et al. (5) identified inhibitory concentration of the antagonistic to pond water Helps maintain optimal health status optimal growth and survival of prawn is Application of disinfectants and antimi- Bacillus pumilis in the mid gut of P. monodon compound in the culture, which is supple- in penaeid water quality. Prawns are delicate creatures crobials can complete the larval cycle in which had an inhibitory effect against patho- mented to the larval rearing tank (3). prawn culture, and can be stressed by adverse environ- prawns but has led to the emergence of genic bacteria. The dominant bacterial flora Antagonistic, gram-positive Bacillus spp. there was a mental conditions in culture ponds, result- antibiotic-resistant pathogens with threat is possibly capable of excluding invading have been used as a probiotic in fish and decrease in ing in reduced appetite, slow growth, as well of gene transfer to humans as well as waste bacteria from the adhesion sites of the gut shellfish (9) and could be used in prawn luminous Vibrio rl Natuna trition as being more susceptible to disease (2). antimicrobials ending up in the environment. wall thus supporting the endemic bacterial aquaculture. densities. u Vibrio spp. are normally present in the These negative consequences of antibiotic flora of prawn - a more natural approach to Bacillus spp. are naturally ingested by The antago- NOREL,S.A. • Jesús Aprendiz, 19, 1º A y B • 28007 Madrid (SPAIN) Tel. +34 91 501 40 41 • Fax +34 91 501 46 44 • culture facilities, larval gut flora of prawns treatments have led to the development protecting prawns from diseases. prawns and other organisms that feed in nistic factor of 18 || InternatIonal AquAFeed || March-april 2010 18 InternatIonal AquAFeed March-april 2010 March-april 2010 || InternatIonal AquAFeed || 19 March-april 2010 InternatIonal AquAFeed 19
  • 3. F: Probiotic also reported that B. coagulans used as a water additive at a certain concentration could sig- nificantly increase the survival rate and some digestive enzyme activities of prawn larvae. In addition, the use of B. subtilis was improved prawn immune responses by increases in phe- noloxidase activity, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency against Vibrio alginolyticus. Several probiotics versus one probiotic Combining probiotics to pro- duce a range of beneficial effects on prawn production has been studied and is often employed in commercial probiotics, as previously mentioned by the use of multiple Bacillus spp. in SANOLIFE® MIC (10). The combination of two pro- biotics in Western king prawn production was not found to significantly improve the specific growth rate of prawns compared to single use of a probiotic, but the prawns exposed to the combined probiotics did elicit a lower proportion of hyalinocytes (involved in phagocytosis) as well as having a lower bacterial load in the haemolymph, hence were of SANOLIFE® MIC, a mixture of strains super oxide radicals, resulting in the inhibi- healthier than those exposed to the of Bacillus spp. Decamp et al. (10) reported tion of bacteria due to oxidative damage individual probiotics (4). on the performance of SANOLIFE® MIC and lipid peroxidation. Far et al. (15) also compared the use of on Asian and Latin-American hatcheries, As a result, prawns fed the probiotics one probiotic against multiple probiotics with P. monodon and L. vannamei and found Pseudomonas synxantha and P. aeruginosa through feed incorporation. Treatment that SANOLIFE® MIC performed as well as had higher specific growth rates, survival groups consisted of prawns fed diet prophylactic use of antibiotics and was also and food conversion ratio compared to with B. subtilis and prawns fed a diet a cost effective alternative. prawns not fed probiotics (11). Probiotics mixed with B. subtilis and a commercial Pai et al. (3) suggested another mode of stimulated the prawns to produce a probiotic (BIO-GOLD, Korea) which con- action of Bacillus; immunostimulation and higher THC and resulted in the lowest sisted of L. acidophilus, Bacillus subtilis enhanced food acceptance which results in bacterial load in the haemolmpyh, thus and L. plantarum. Interestingly, diets just improved general health of prawns rather improving the health of the prawns (4). consisting of B. subtilis had significantly Dry with 20-50% less energy than the antagonistic mode described above. Nakayama et al. (12) demonstrated higher survival and yield compared with In their study they found that the bacteria that B. Subtilis could be effective in the diet incorporating both B. subtilis that showed the greatest antagonism was the inhibition of Vibrio growth, while and BIO-GOLD. Thus it appears that B. the Pseudomonas bacteria. B. Licheniformis and B. Megaterium subtilis alone, out performs BIO-GOLD, The Pseudomonas bacteria suppressed could be effective in reducing V. harveyi but it should also be noted that a diet just the vibrio population in a P. monodon larval haemolytic activities, suggesting that containing BIO-GOLD was not different rearing system by production of pyocyanin compounds produced by Bacillus might from the diet containing B. Subtilis and giving them a competitive advantage over be effective against Vibrio growth and BIO-GOLD. V. harveyi, mediated by the killing of the toxin production. Therefore, an inhibitory action between pathogen (3). Balcazar and Rohas-Luna (13)reported the consortium of probiotics in the BIO- The unusual redox properties of pyo- that B. subtilis produced antimicrobial GOLD and B. subtilis diet can be ruled out. cyanin and other phenazine compounds activity against pathogenic Vibrio spp. and Overall though, the addition of B. subtilis secreted by fluorescent Pseudomonads can that prawn mortality was reduced by was found to improve prawn (L. vannamei) Geelen Counterflow / T +31-475-592315 enhance the production of hydroxide and treatment with B. subtilis. Zhou et al. (14) survival rate and yield (15). Geelen Counterflow USA Inc. / T +1-772-559-4338 Geelen Counterflow América Latina / T +54-9-2362-418899 20 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | March-april 2010 E / I