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Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive
 Plants in Eau Claire County,
           David Hon

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin


•   Introduction to Python
•   Applications of Python to GIS
•   Primer to the project
•   Research questions
•   Data
•   Descriptive analysis
•   Predictive analysis with Python
•   Conclusions

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

                                     Introduction to Python
What is Python?

“Python is designed to be an easy-to-use,
easy-to-learn dynamic scripting language”
(Butler, 2005)

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

                        Applications of Python to GIS

Why Python?

•   Increase efficiency
•   Reduce error
•   Customize processes
•   Create script tools
•   Formalize a process

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

                                     Introduction to Python

How to use Python in GIS (or at least how I did!):
   • Learn Python basics
        • Learn Python the Hard Way, by Zed Shaw
   • Plan
   • Psuedocode
   • Get help, or Help
   • Import modules (gp. and arcpy. important)
   • Define variables
   • Execute tools
   • Go crazy with comments
   • Make it work
   • Make it better
   • Make your tool and use it!

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

                                                   Project Primer

• Document impacts of terrestrial invasive plants
  (aka TIPS)
    • Forest productivity
    • Biodiversity
    • Endangered species
• Create a scientific collection process (yes, we
  made it up!)
• Gather rich baseline data
• Engage citizen scientists
• Describe human and environmental characteristics
  of TIPS
• Create a basic predictive habitat suitability model
  to prioritize areas for future monitoring

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

                                                      Literature Review
•   Terrestrial invasive plant species = TIPS
•   Defining TIPS
•   Long natural history (Maron et al, 2004)
•   Many negative effects (Pimental, 2000; Chornesky et al, 2003; Hedja et al,
    2009; Lodge et al, 2006; Mascaro et al, 2007; Wisconsin Department of Natural
    Resources, 2010)
                                • Humans facilitate invasions                 (Robbins
                                • Invasions exist through a process
                                    (Lodge et al, 2007; Wisconsin Department of Natural
                                    Resources, 2010; Theoharides et al, 2007; Blumenthal,
                                • TIPS difficult to control (Anderson et al,
                                    2003; DiTomasao et al, 2006; Kirby et al, 2000;
                                    Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2010)
                                • Policy change best for controlling
                                  TIPS (Hauser et al, 2009; Wisconsin Department of
                                    Natural Resources, 2009; Shine and Doody, 2011)

     Lodge et al, 2007
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

                                     Research Questions

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

                                               Other thanks to:
      Matt Moris                               Aaron McEachern
                                               Judy Schwarzmeier
                                               Josh Ruttschow
                                               Anna Mares
                                               Jeanette Kelly
                                               Paula Kleinjes-Neff
                                               Sean Hartnett
                                                                  (Hon, 2011)
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

                                           Region of Interest

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

                             Reed Canary                  Species Used
                                                            In Analysis
                                                  Orange/Yellow Hawkweed
Leafy Spurge

 Common St.
 John’s Wort
                           Spotted Knapweed                   Bush

                                                                     (Hon, 2011)
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin


 Understanding the Field Data (Summer 2011)

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

                                        Data: Base Layers

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

                          Data: Invasive Species in GIS
Orange/Yellow Hawkweed                  Spotted Knapweed                   Leafy Spurge

 Common St. John’s Wort                Reed Canary Grass                   Bush Honeysuckles

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

    Human                              Environmental
                                                                          Data: Controls
    Factors                               Factors

                                                                           Mixed Factors

                                                                         Based on field
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

     Methods: GIS Data Flow for Descriptive Model
                             factor layers
                                                                              Split species
             Merge with                                                       intensity
Lines to

                                  Join point
                                  data with
                                  factor layers
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin


                    Total Number                    % Infestations        % Infestations   % Infestations
                    Used in      % Infestations     Classified as         Classified as    Classified as
Species             Analysis (n) Classified as Rare Infrequent/Occasional Locally Abundant Dominant

Orange and Yellow
Hawkweed               729.00          13.44               52.81               33.33            0.41

Leafy Spurge           114.00           1.75               29.82               59.65            8.77

Common St. John's
Wort                   46.00           36.96               34.78               28.26            0.00

Bush Honeysuckles      137.00          43.80               25.55               30.66            0.00

Spotted Knapweed       412.00          20.63               30.58               41.50            7.28

Reed Canary Grass      123.00          13.01               53.66               31.71            1.63        17
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin


                                           Mean         Mean        Mean       Mean
                                           Distance     Distance    Road       Distance
                         Mean Soil Mean    from         from        Density    from
Species                  Drainage Slope    Cities (m)   Roads (m)   (m/m^2)    Rivers (m) Mode Land Cover

Orange and Yellow
Hawkweed                   27.8     1.20    9401.4        452.3     0.001042    248.0     Coniferous Forest

Leafy Spurge               20.8     1.15    9431.3        99.0      0.001256    277.8     Coniferous Forest

Common St. John's Wort     43.0     1.85   11219.1        632.8     0.000655    230.7     Deciduous Forest

Bush Honeysuckles          40.3     1.36    5896.4        278.3     0.003204    113.1     Deciduous Forest

                                                                                           Forest Edge or
Spotted Knapweed           25.3     1.31    9054.5        361.0     0.001152    221.0     Forest Transition

Reed Canary Grass          48.2     1.29   10216.4        536.7     0.000959    277.8     Deciduous Forest
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin


                                     Distance from Rivers


Distance (m)


               200.00                                                    Rare
                                                                         Locally Abundant

                                    Terrestrial Invasive Species

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin


                                Summary of Controls on Infestation
         Species                            Intensity

Orange/Yellow Hawkweed    Slope, distance from rivers, road density
                          Soil drainage, distance from rivers, distance from
Leafy Spurge              roads, land cover

                          Soil drainage, slope, distance from rivers, distance from
Spotted Knapweed          roads, distance from cities, road density, land cover

Common St. John's Wort    Soil drainage, distance from cities, road density, land cover

                          Soil drainage, slope, distance from rivers, distance from
Bush Honeysuckles         cities, road density, land cover

                          Soil drainage, slope, distance from rivers, distance from
Reed Canary Grass         cities, road density, land cover                                20
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

   Timeline: Predictive Habitat Suitability
The “Hon Method”

• Learn Python basics (Sept. to Nov.)
    • Learn Python the Hard Way, by Zed Shaw
• Plan (Week 1 Nov.)
• Psuedocode (Week 1 Nov.)
• Create a simple mimic-tool (Week 2 Nov)
• Get help, or Help (Week 2 Nov.)
• Import modules (gp. and arcpy. important) (Week 2
  Nov – Dec)
• Define variables (Week 2 Nov – Dec)
• Execute tools (Week 2 Nov – Dec)
• Go crazy with comments (Week 2 Nov – Dec)
• Make it work (Week 1 Dec.)
• Make it better (Weeks 1-2) Dec.)
• Make your tool and use it! (Week 3 Dec.)
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

        Predictive Habitat Suitability Model

                               The Plan

• Use known locations of invasive species
   Data issues:
   • Points represent areas
   • Environmental and human influences all
      assumed to be equal
   • Samples not even across landscape
   • Samples not stratified
• Python because of replicability
• Use loops for point data
• Find unique values of all factor data
• Binary model (Yes/No)
• Reclass by table
• Add binary layers to create surface

Result – deterministic index (0-7) model of invasive
  species habitat                                                        22
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

           Predictive Habitat Suitability Model
                    Mimic tool: multiclip 10.5.11
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
import os

# Declared variables:
inFCs = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) #input feature classes
clip_FC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) #clip feature
output_WS = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) #output workspace

inFCs = inFCs.split(";") #splits features into multiple features

for inFC in inFCs:
    (filePath, fileName) = os.path.split(inFC)
    dotInd = fileName.find(".") #finds the extension name e.g. .shp
    if dotInd <> -1: #looks at what is before the extension name
        newFC = fileName[0:dotInd] #declares the filename that is
before the extension filename
        outFC = newFC + "_clip" #adds "_clip" to the new features
        outFC = fileName + "_clip"

# execute clip tool
arcpy.Clip_analysis(inFC, clip_FC, output_WS + “//" + outFC)
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

        Predictive Habitat Suitability Model

Pseudocode sample

       IP exists on LULC 1, 3, 5
       LULC layer 1, 3, 5 = 1
       LULC layer 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 = 0

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

        Predictive Habitat Suitability Model

                          Get Help!

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

        Predictive Habitat Suitability Model

Import modules

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from import *
import sys, os
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create(9.3)

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

        Predictive Habitat Suitability Model

Define variables
invasives = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (0)
#invasive species fcs;multivalue
dfc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (1)
dff = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (2)
dfr = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (3)
DI = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (4)
slp = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (5)
rdn = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (6)
rlu = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (7)
#inraster1-7 are the factors used for
out_ws = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (8)
#output workspace                                                        27
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

        Predictive Habitat Suitability Model

Execute tools

for invasive in invasives:
     (filePath, fileName) = os.path.split(invasive)
     dotInd = fileName.find(".") #finds the extension name e.g.
     if dotInd <> -1: #looks at what is before the extension
               newFC = fileName[0:dotInd] #declares the
filename that is before the extension filename
               out_inv = newFC + "_" #adds "_" to the new
features' filename
               out_inv = fileName + "_"

     #loops through all of the invasive species
     gp.addmessage("finding unique values for reclass
     freq_dfc = arcpy.Frequency_analysis(invasive, out_ws +
“//" + out_inv + "dfc", "dfrmcities2_slice"

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

Results: Predictive Habitat Suitability Model

                 Eau Claire

                                          Fall Creek


Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin


• Disconnect between citizens, scientists, policymakers, and
• Leafy spurge
• Improvements for next time
• Python and predictive modeling for other projects
    • Location analysis
    • Hazard mapping
    • Population growth
    • Urbanization
    • What else?

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

                                               Any questions?

                                                                (Hon, 2011)
Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin

Anderson, G. L., E. S. Delfosse, N. R. Spencer, C. W. Prosser, and R. D. Richard. 2003. Lessons in
                Developing Successful Invasive Weed Control Programs. Journal of Range Management 56
Blumenthal, Dana. 2005. Interrelated Causes of Plant Invasion. Science 310 (5746):243-244.
Bonnet, Alastair. 2008. What is Geography? 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications
Butler, Howard. 2005. A guide to the Python universe for ESRI users. ArcUser Apr-May 2005.
CareerOneStop, “Geospatial Technology Competency Model,” CareerOneStop,
                &GEO=Y (accessed 9/28/11).
Chornesky, Elizabeth A., and John M. Randall. 2003. The Threat of Invasive Alien Species to Biological
                Diversity: Setting a Future Course. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 90 (1):67-76.
Ditomaso, Joseph M., Matthew L. Brooks, Edith B. Allen, Ralph Minnich, Peter M. Rice, and Guy B. Kyser.
                2006. Control of Invasive Weeds with Prescribed Burning. Weed Technology 20 (2):535-548.
Hauser, Cindy E., and Michael A. McCarthy. 2009. Streamlining ‘search and destroy’: cost-effective
                surveillance for invasive species management: Wiley-Blackwell.
Hawaii Geographic Alliance, “Geography for Life National Geography Standards 1994,” Hawaii Geographic
                Alliance, (accessed 9/28/11).
Hejda, Martin, Petr Pyšek, and Vojtěch Jarošík. 2009. Impact of invasive plants on the species richness,
                diversity and composition of invaded communities. Journal of Ecology 97 (3):393-403.
Henery, Martin L., Gillianne Bowman, Patrik Mráz, Urs A. Treier, Emilie Gex-Fabry, Urs Schaffner, and
Heinz Müller-Schärer. 2010. Evidence for a combination of pre-adapted traits and rapid adaptive change in the
                invasive plant Centaurea stoebe. Journal of Ecology 98 (4):800-813.
Jackson, Peter. 2006. Thinking Geographically. Geography 91(3): 199-204.
Kirby, Donald R., Robert B. Carlson, Kelly D. Krabbenhoft, Donald Mundal, and Matt M. Kirby. 2000.
                Biological Control of Leafy Spurge with Introduced Flea Beetles (Aphthona spp.). Journal of
                Range Management 53 (3):305-308.
Lewis, Peirce. December 1985. Beyond Description. Annals of the Association of American Geographers
                75(4): 465-478.

Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin


Lodge, David M., Susan Williams, Hugh J. MacIsaac, Keith R. Hayes, Brian Leung, Sarah Reichard, Richard
                N. Mack, Peter B. Moyle, Maggie Smith, David A. Andow, James T. Carlton, and Anthony
McMichael. 2006. Biological Invasions: Recommendations for U.S. Policy and Management. Ecological
                Applications 16 (6):2035-2054.
Maron, John L., Montserrat Vilà, Riccardo Bommarco, Sarah Elmendorf, and Paul Beardsley. 2004. Rapid
                Evolution of an Invasive Plant. Ecological Monographs 74 (2):261-280.
Mascaro, Joseph, and Stefan A. Schnitzer. 2007. Rhamnus cathartica L. (Common Buckthorn) as an
                Ecosystem Dominant in Southern Wisconsin Forests. Northeastern Naturalist 14 (3):387-402.
Pattison, William D. Late Summer 1990. The Four Traditions of Geography. Journal of Geography .
                September/October 1990: 202-206.
Pimentel, David, Lori Lach, Rodolfo Zuniga, and Doug Morrison. 2000. Environmental and Economic Costs
                of Nonindigenous Species in the United States. BioScience 50 (1):53.
Robbins, Paul. 2004. Comparing Invasive Networks: Cultural and Political Biographies of Invasive Species.
                Geographical Review 94 (2):139-156.
Shine, Richard and Doody, J Sean. 2011. Invasive species control: understanding conflicts between researchers
                and the general community. Frontiers in ecology and the environment 9 (7):400-406.
Solem, M., Chueng, I., and Schlemper, B.M. 2008. Skills in Professional Geography: An Assessment
                of Workforce Needs and Expectations. The Professional Geographer 60(3): 356-373.
Theoharides, Kathleen A., and Jeffrey S. Dukes. 2007. Plant invasion across space and time: factors affecting
                nonindigenous (accessed October 11th 2011).
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.. 2011. Invasive Species. 2010. Available from http://dnspecies
                success during four stages of invasion. New Phytologist 176 (2):256-273.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 2009. Wisconsin's Forestry Best Management Practices for
                Invasive Species.
       (accessed October 11th 2011).
Zelinsky, Wilber. 2001. The Geographer as Voyeur. Geographical Review 91(1/2): 1-8.


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Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plant Species in Eau Claire County, WI

  • 1. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin David Hon 1
  • 2. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Outline • Introduction to Python • Applications of Python to GIS • Primer to the project • Research questions • Data • Descriptive analysis • Predictive analysis with Python • Conclusions 2
  • 3. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Introduction to Python What is Python? “Python is designed to be an easy-to-use, easy-to-learn dynamic scripting language” (Butler, 2005) 3
  • 4. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Applications of Python to GIS Why Python? • Increase efficiency • Reduce error • Customize processes • Create script tools • Formalize a process 4
  • 5. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Introduction to Python How to use Python in GIS (or at least how I did!): • Learn Python basics • Learn Python the Hard Way, by Zed Shaw • Plan • Psuedocode • Get help, or Help • Import modules (gp. and arcpy. important) • Define variables • Execute tools • Go crazy with comments • Make it work • Make it better • Make your tool and use it! 5
  • 6. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Project Primer • Document impacts of terrestrial invasive plants (aka TIPS) • Forest productivity • Biodiversity • Endangered species • Create a scientific collection process (yes, we made it up!) • Gather rich baseline data • Engage citizen scientists • Describe human and environmental characteristics of TIPS • Create a basic predictive habitat suitability model to prioritize areas for future monitoring 6
  • 7. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Literature Review • Terrestrial invasive plant species = TIPS • Defining TIPS • Long natural history (Maron et al, 2004) • Many negative effects (Pimental, 2000; Chornesky et al, 2003; Hedja et al, 2009; Lodge et al, 2006; Mascaro et al, 2007; Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2010) • Humans facilitate invasions (Robbins 2004) • Invasions exist through a process (Lodge et al, 2007; Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2010; Theoharides et al, 2007; Blumenthal, 2005) • TIPS difficult to control (Anderson et al, 2003; DiTomasao et al, 2006; Kirby et al, 2000; Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2010) • Policy change best for controlling TIPS (Hauser et al, 2009; Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2009; Shine and Doody, 2011) 7 Lodge et al, 2007
  • 8. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Research Questions 8
  • 9. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Other thanks to: Matt Moris Aaron McEachern Judy Schwarzmeier Josh Ruttschow Anna Mares Jeanette Kelly Paula Kleinjes-Neff Sean Hartnett 9 (Hon, 2011)
  • 10. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Region of Interest 10
  • 11. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Reed Canary Species Used Grass In Analysis Orange/Yellow Hawkweed Leafy Spurge Common St. John’s Wort Spotted Knapweed Bush Honeysuckles 11 (Hon, 2011)
  • 12. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Data Understanding the Field Data (Summer 2011) 12
  • 13. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Data: Base Layers 13
  • 14. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Data: Invasive Species in GIS Orange/Yellow Hawkweed Spotted Knapweed Leafy Spurge Common St. John’s Wort Reed Canary Grass Bush Honeysuckles 14
  • 15. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Human Environmental Data: Controls Factors Factors Mixed Factors Based on field observations! 15
  • 16. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Methods: GIS Data Flow for Descriptive Model Generate factor layers Split species by infestation Merge with intensity points Lines to points Join point data with factor layers 16
  • 17. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Results Total Number % Infestations % Infestations % Infestations Used in % Infestations Classified as Classified as Classified as Species Analysis (n) Classified as Rare Infrequent/Occasional Locally Abundant Dominant Orange and Yellow Hawkweed 729.00 13.44 52.81 33.33 0.41 Leafy Spurge 114.00 1.75 29.82 59.65 8.77 Common St. John's Wort 46.00 36.96 34.78 28.26 0.00 Bush Honeysuckles 137.00 43.80 25.55 30.66 0.00 Spotted Knapweed 412.00 20.63 30.58 41.50 7.28 Reed Canary Grass 123.00 13.01 53.66 31.71 1.63 17
  • 18. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Results Mean Mean Mean Mean Distance Distance Road Distance Mean Soil Mean from from Density from Species Drainage Slope Cities (m) Roads (m) (m/m^2) Rivers (m) Mode Land Cover Orange and Yellow Hawkweed 27.8 1.20 9401.4 452.3 0.001042 248.0 Coniferous Forest Leafy Spurge 20.8 1.15 9431.3 99.0 0.001256 277.8 Coniferous Forest Common St. John's Wort 43.0 1.85 11219.1 632.8 0.000655 230.7 Deciduous Forest Bush Honeysuckles 40.3 1.36 5896.4 278.3 0.003204 113.1 Deciduous Forest Forest Edge or Spotted Knapweed 25.3 1.31 9054.5 361.0 0.001152 221.0 Forest Transition Reed Canary Grass 48.2 1.29 10216.4 536.7 0.000959 277.8 Deciduous Forest 18
  • 19. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Results Distance from Rivers 600.00 500.00 400.00 Distance (m) 300.00 200.00 Rare Infrequent/Occasional 100.00 Locally Abundant Dominant 0.00 Terrestrial Invasive Species 19
  • 20. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Results Summary of Controls on Infestation Species Intensity Orange/Yellow Hawkweed Slope, distance from rivers, road density Soil drainage, distance from rivers, distance from Leafy Spurge roads, land cover Soil drainage, slope, distance from rivers, distance from Spotted Knapweed roads, distance from cities, road density, land cover Common St. John's Wort Soil drainage, distance from cities, road density, land cover Soil drainage, slope, distance from rivers, distance from Bush Honeysuckles cities, road density, land cover Soil drainage, slope, distance from rivers, distance from Reed Canary Grass cities, road density, land cover 20
  • 21. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Timeline: Predictive Habitat Suitability Model The “Hon Method” • Learn Python basics (Sept. to Nov.) • Learn Python the Hard Way, by Zed Shaw • Plan (Week 1 Nov.) • Psuedocode (Week 1 Nov.) • Create a simple mimic-tool (Week 2 Nov) • Get help, or Help (Week 2 Nov.) • Import modules (gp. and arcpy. important) (Week 2 Nov – Dec) • Define variables (Week 2 Nov – Dec) • Execute tools (Week 2 Nov – Dec) • Go crazy with comments (Week 2 Nov – Dec) • Make it work (Week 1 Dec.) • Make it better (Weeks 1-2) Dec.) • Make your tool and use it! (Week 3 Dec.) 21
  • 22. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Predictive Habitat Suitability Model The Plan • Use known locations of invasive species Data issues: • Points represent areas • Environmental and human influences all assumed to be equal • Samples not even across landscape • Samples not stratified • Python because of replicability • Use loops for point data • Find unique values of all factor data • Binary model (Yes/No) • Reclass by table • Add binary layers to create surface Result – deterministic index (0-7) model of invasive species habitat 22
  • 23. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Predictive Habitat Suitability Model Mimic tool: multiclip 10.5.11 # Import arcpy module import arcpy import os # Declared variables: inFCs = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) #input feature classes clip_FC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) #clip feature output_WS = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) #output workspace inFCs = inFCs.split(";") #splits features into multiple features for inFC in inFCs: (filePath, fileName) = os.path.split(inFC) dotInd = fileName.find(".") #finds the extension name e.g. .shp if dotInd <> -1: #looks at what is before the extension name newFC = fileName[0:dotInd] #declares the filename that is before the extension filename outFC = newFC + "_clip" #adds "_clip" to the new features else: outFC = fileName + "_clip" # execute clip tool arcpy.Clip_analysis(inFC, clip_FC, output_WS + “//" + outFC) 23
  • 24. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Predictive Habitat Suitability Model Pseudocode sample If: IP exists on LULC 1, 3, 5 Then: LULC layer 1, 3, 5 = 1 LULC layer 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 = 0 24
  • 25. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Predictive Habitat Suitability Model Get Help! 25
  • 26. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Predictive Habitat Suitability Model Import modules import arcpy from arcpy import env from import * import sys, os import arcgisscripting gp = arcgisscripting.create(9.3) 26
  • 27. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Predictive Habitat Suitability Model Define variables invasives = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (0) #invasive species fcs;multivalue #variable #definition #comment dfc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (1) dff = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (2) dfr = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (3) DI = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (4) slp = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (5) rdn = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (6) rlu = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (7) #inraster1-7 are the factors used for reclassing out_ws = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (8) #output workspace 27
  • 28. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Predictive Habitat Suitability Model Execute tools for invasive in invasives: (filePath, fileName) = os.path.split(invasive) dotInd = fileName.find(".") #finds the extension name e.g. .shp if dotInd <> -1: #looks at what is before the extension name newFC = fileName[0:dotInd] #declares the filename that is before the extension filename out_inv = newFC + "_" #adds "_" to the new features' filename else: out_inv = fileName + "_" #loops through all of the invasive species gp.addmessage("finding unique values for reclass tables...") freq_dfc = arcpy.Frequency_analysis(invasive, out_ws + “//" + out_inv + "dfc", "dfrmcities2_slice" ... 28
  • 29. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Results: Predictive Habitat Suitability Model Eau Claire Altoona Fall Creek Augusta Fairchild 29
  • 30. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Conclusions • Disconnect between citizens, scientists, policymakers, and foresters • Leafy spurge • Improvements for next time • Python and predictive modeling for other projects • Location analysis • Hazard mapping • Population growth • Urbanization • What else? 30
  • 31. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Any questions? 31 (Hon, 2011)
  • 32. Evaluating Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin References Anderson, G. L., E. S. Delfosse, N. R. Spencer, C. W. Prosser, and R. D. Richard. 2003. Lessons in Developing Successful Invasive Weed Control Programs. Journal of Range Management 56 (1):2-12. Blumenthal, Dana. 2005. Interrelated Causes of Plant Invasion. Science 310 (5746):243-244. Bonnet, Alastair. 2008. What is Geography? 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications Inc. Butler, Howard. 2005. A guide to the Python universe for ESRI users. ArcUser Apr-May 2005. CareerOneStop, “Geospatial Technology Competency Model,” CareerOneStop, &GEO=Y (accessed 9/28/11). Chornesky, Elizabeth A., and John M. Randall. 2003. The Threat of Invasive Alien Species to Biological Diversity: Setting a Future Course. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 90 (1):67-76. Ditomaso, Joseph M., Matthew L. Brooks, Edith B. Allen, Ralph Minnich, Peter M. Rice, and Guy B. Kyser. 2006. Control of Invasive Weeds with Prescribed Burning. Weed Technology 20 (2):535-548. Hauser, Cindy E., and Michael A. McCarthy. 2009. Streamlining ‘search and destroy’: cost-effective surveillance for invasive species management: Wiley-Blackwell. Hawaii Geographic Alliance, “Geography for Life National Geography Standards 1994,” Hawaii Geographic Alliance, (accessed 9/28/11). Hejda, Martin, Petr Pyšek, and Vojtěch Jarošík. 2009. Impact of invasive plants on the species richness, diversity and composition of invaded communities. Journal of Ecology 97 (3):393-403. Henery, Martin L., Gillianne Bowman, Patrik Mráz, Urs A. Treier, Emilie Gex-Fabry, Urs Schaffner, and Heinz Müller-Schärer. 2010. Evidence for a combination of pre-adapted traits and rapid adaptive change in the invasive plant Centaurea stoebe. Journal of Ecology 98 (4):800-813. Jackson, Peter. 2006. Thinking Geographically. Geography 91(3): 199-204. Kirby, Donald R., Robert B. Carlson, Kelly D. Krabbenhoft, Donald Mundal, and Matt M. Kirby. 2000. Biological Control of Leafy Spurge with Introduced Flea Beetles (Aphthona spp.). Journal of Range Management 53 (3):305-308. Lewis, Peirce. December 1985. Beyond Description. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 75(4): 465-478. 32
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Editor's Notes

  1. TIPS = non-native, established and successful beyond their native range
  2. Put photos here
  3. Put photos here
  4. Put photos here