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                                            An information service for EUROCITIES members

                                                                                                                 N° 105        April 2011

editorial                                                                                                                highlights
Cooperation and cohesion
in Bordeaux                                     New rules in the pipeline for public service utilities

                    T    he voice of big
                         cities in Europe
                     is most powerful                               EUROCITIES will respond to the European Commission proposal
                     when we marry                                  to reform the EU state aid rules on Services of General Economic
                     the political and                              Interest. We see the proposed revision as a sign of progress and are
                     technical expertise
                                                                    particularly pleased that one of the commission’s main aims is to
                     in our member
                     cities with the                                simplify the rules for small-scale public services of a local nature.
knowledge of the EUROCITIES
secretariat in Brussels. The more we can                                                                                  see p. 5
engage our members in EU affairs, in
spite of the delivery pressures in their
cities, the greater our success as an
effective lobbying platform.
                                                Cities on active inclusion conferences coming up
   So the role of the contact officer in
each member city is pivotal. They are                                 Nine national workshops on active inclusion will take place
our vital channels of communication                                   over the coming months as part of the EUROCITIES-NLAO 2011
through the complex machinery of                                      activities. The events will take place in each of the nine partner
local government in our 135 member
                                                                      cities of the project and will address youth and active inclusion
cities. Contact officers ensure that
                                                                      with local and national stakeholders.
EUROCITIES’ news reaches the most
appropriate colleagues in their
administrations. But in addition, they
make informed decisions as to which                                                                                      see p. 9
issues, forums or working groups their
city colleagues could most effectively
contribute. In short, contact officers
animate our network.
                                                Belfast signs EUROCITIES Green Digital Charter!
  For these reasons, it’s important
that our contact officers are kept up                                 Belfast is the 23rd city to have signed up to the EUROCITIES
to speed on the big issues that set                                   Green Digital Charter, which commits cities to the intelligent use
the policy framework for cities in                                    of ICT for sustainable development and energy efficiency. An
Europe and that they also have the                                    active member of the EUROCITIES network, particularly on green
chance to exchange experience on the                                  issues, Belfast is already a signatory of both the Covenant of
operational aspects of international                                  Mayors and the EUROCITIES Climate Change declaration.
relations. This is why each year, with
the generous support of the host city,
                                                                                                                         see p. 7
we hold the EUROCITIES cooperation

   The 2011 edition will bring (mainly,
though not only) contact officers
together with the Brussels team,
to hear about the latest network                thematic sections                                                  other sections
developments and to learn from
their peers in other cities. This year in
Bordeaux, we’ll also provide a briefing            Culture                         p. 4              Key Developments                p. 2
on cohesion policy, taking stock of the
current review process, and seeing how             Economic Development            p. 5              Projects                        p. 11
Bordeaux has itself used EU funds for
city transformation.                               Environment                     p. 6              Events                          p. 12

                                                   Knowledge Society               p. 7
  Running over 19 and 20 May, this
year’s cooperation platform promises to            Mobility                        p. 8
be unmissable. I hope to see you there!
                                                   Social Affairs                  p. 9
  Paul Bevan
  Secretary General, EUROCITIES                    Cooperation                     p. 10
Key developments

  EU green transport vision must support local flexibility

        y mainstreaming urban transport           pricing schemes, seem to disregard city           car use in urban areas in general. Even if
        into its new ten-year strategy            realities.”                                       they are lighter and more specialised, cars
        for transport, the European                                                                 are a huge contributor to congestion in
                                                    Legal issues, specifically, are causing
  Commission has taken a step in the right                                                          cities and also require the use of polluting
                                                  unease among cities across Europe:
  direction towards a cleaner and more                                                              sources of energy.”
  economically vibrant EU.                           1.     Mandatory urban mobility plans:
                                                  which may compromise the flexibility
     Commenting on the EU’s revised
                                                  cities have to ensure transport solutions
  transport white paper unveiled on 28
                                                  are tailored specifically to their needs. We
  March, EUROCITIES secretary general, Paul
                                                  believe that no mandatory ‘one-size-fits-
  Bevan, said:
                                                  all’ solution can be applied at the local
     “We are pleased that the commission          level.
  is showing the strategic leadership
                                                     2.   Access restriction schemes and
  necessary to tackle politically difficult
                                                  road user charging: cities oppose the
  issues and we welcome the leverage it will
                                                  commission’s wish to develop a legal
  give member states and local authorities
                                                  framework for these. In fact, these fields
  to push for sustainability.”
                                                  are local competences that are best
     Yet, there is apprehension that the          addressed flexibly by local authorities
  same strategy has the potential to              according to local circumstances.
  undermine the ability of local authorities
                                                     In addition, the new strategy doesn’t
  to develop and deliver transport solutions
                                                  offer the best approach towards more
  in the future. On this, EUROCITIES’
                                                  environmentally-friendly forms of
  mobility lead, Frits Lintmeijer, Deputy
                                                  transport in urban areas. EUROCITIES
  Mayor for transport in Utrecht, said:
                                                  president, Frank Jensen, the Mayor of
    “While we are delighted that                  Copenhagen, said:
  the commission has taken up our
                                                     “If we really want to make a difference
  recommendation to recognise the
                                                  in the future, we need to get people             EUROCITIES position on the future of transport:
  importance of urban transport in its new
                                                  cycling, walking and using public      
  plans, we are concerned that proposals
                                                  transport. The commission must also
  related to mandatory urban mobility                                                              Vanessa Holve, EUROCITIES policy officer –
                                                  consider a strategy that strives to limit
  plans, access restriction schemes and road                                                       mobility:

  EUROCITIES prepares interactive website
     This summer, EUROCITIES will be launching its new website,
  featuring a range of tools that will help you, as a member, to stay
  in touch more easily with the network.
    Once you log in, your member's area homepage will feature
  the forums and working groups in which you are active. This
  will give you more direct access to the information that’s most
  relevant to your needs and interests.
   A collaboration tool for working groups and other groups of
  members will help you work together on shared documents.
    In team spaces, members can exchange information through
  wikis and news feeds.
    You’ll also be able to sign up to our various policy sector
  newsletters or you can subscribe to an RSS feed to stay informed.
     We hope that these new features will help you in your
  EUROCITIES work and keep you up-to-date on what’s happening              Maurice Bock, EUROCITIES digital communications coordinator:
  in the network.                                                

Flash 105      April 2011                                                                                                                            2
Key developments

  Have your say! consultation on new smart cities and communities initiative

        new initiative of the European Commission aims to build                     Support will be given to projects based on the priorities identified
        on the long-term urban sustainability plans made by                         in cities' urban sustainability plans.
        cities in Europe, for example those developed under the
                                                                                      EUROCITIES is currently preparing a response to the public
  Covenant of Mayors initiative.
                                                                                    consultation on the Smart Cities and Communities initiative. If
    'Smart Cities and Communities' aims to enhance the potential                    you are interested in contributing, please contact Jan Franke at
  for replicating good local energy practice across the EU and to                   the Brussels office
  facilitate the exchange of knowledge. Through it, the commission
  wishes to make low-carbon technologies and solutions
  commercially interesting by creating economies of scale with the
  help of a city projects.                                                              Jan Franke, EUROCITIES policy officer - knowledge society:
    The new initiative intends to support a variety of city activities,
  including joint technology testbedding and demonstration                              European Commission consultation on Smart Cities and Communities
  projects, knowledge transfer and the exchange of best practice.             

  Advancing on mobility                                                                            Catch up with colleagues at 2011
     EUROCITIES is teaming up with             integrated SUMP or which apply                      EUROCITIES cooperation platform
  other organizations across the EU            only infrastructural measures to                    Bordeaux | 19-20 May 2011
  in a new European Commission                 resolve mobility problems. For
  mobility project, which is to be             the more advanced cities that                         This year’s
  launched in June 2011.                       already have a SUMP, ADVANCE                        EUROCITIES
                                               offers to evaluate of these SUMPs                   cooperation
     Under the brand name,                                                                         platform will take
                                               and potential for improvement.
  ADVANCE, this new project                                                                        place in Bordeaux
  will aim to increase the energy                The ADVANCE audit scheme                          on 19-20 May.
  efficiency of urban transport and            will be developed by a team of
  reduce the demand for transport              mobility experts, stakeholders                         Now in its
  in European cities. To reach these           and city representatives. After                     seventh edition,
  goals ADVANCE will develop,                  a validation and improvement                        this annual
  test and apply an audit scheme               phase, eight cities, including                      meeting convenes
  for cities that will improve the             EUROCITIES members, Terrassa                        all EUROCITIES
  quality of sustainable urban                 and Szczecin, will be guided                        contact officers
  mobility plans (SUMPs) and                   through the scheme to devise                        and provides an
  policies.                                    eight local action plans. These                     opportunity for
                                               plans will raise awareness among                    them to meet,
    As one of the project partners,                                                                exchange, discuss
                                               local decision-makers on the
  EUROCITIES will be responsible                                                                   and learn from
                                               correlation of energy efficiency
  mainly for establishing a user                                                                   one another.
                                               and transport.
  group to review the sustainable
  urban mobility plans auditing                   To ensure the future                               Highlights of
  scheme. We’ll also be responsible            uptake of the results in more                       the 2011 event will include:
  for promoting ADVANCE via                    European cities, at least 50
                                                                                                      •    An interactive information fair with
  other EU level programmes and                additional external auditors
                                                                                                   stands for each of the forums, projects, EUROCITIES
  events.                                      will be trained in ten European
                                                                                                   fundamentals etc...
                                               countries. Actions aimed at
    The application of the
                                               disseminating the results and                        •      An introduction to the new EUROCITIES
  ADVANCE audit scheme will
                                               sharing experiences among city                      website and members area, exploring the new
  result in local action plans. The
                                               practitioners and auditors will                     working tools provided through these sites
  ADVANCE audit scheme will be
                                               also be taken up. The project’s
  practical and user-friendly to                                                                     •     A study visit of several districts in Bordeaux,
                                               strategic partners including
  ensure that cities have sufficient                                                               where participants will be able to see the impact of
                                               EUROCITIES will organise
  resources after the audit to be                                                                  cohesion policy and exchange on the perspectives for
                                               awareness-raising events across
  able to implement concrete                                                                       the future
                                               Europe to promote the scheme.
  measures under their plans.
                                                                                                      Register now!
     The focus of ADVANCE lies
  in supporting cities without an

                                                                                                  Sinéad Mullins, EUROCITIES communications executive:
  Peter Staelens, EUROCITIES project officer – mobility:   

Flash 105         April 2011                                                                                                                                 3

   European Capitals of Culture after 2019

        esponding to a European Commission consultation on the
        future of the European Capitals of Culture (ECoC) beyond
        2019, EUROCITIES has recommended that the future scheme
  contributes to ‘sustainable integrated urban development’ where
  culture is connected to other policy areas. We have also asked for
  greater emphasis on intercultural dialogue, citizens’ participation
  and culture as part of integrated urban development.
    The first general results of the commission’s consultation,
  below, were presented at a public hearing on 2 March in Brussels:
    •     95% of respondents believe the scheme should continue
  after 2019. A majority think that the objectives are still relevant
  but should be updated, although there is no consensus on how
                                                                                        •     There is strong support for monitoring actions provided
  this should be done.
                                                                                      by the European Commission as well as for more exchange of
     •     A majority believe that selection criteria should be more                  experiences between cities.
  precise and place more emphasis on cooperation across Europe,
                                                                                        All responses received, together with a detailed analysis, will be
  on long-term impacts and legacy, and on greater involvement of
                                                                                      published on the commission’s website before summer 2011. The
  citizens at all stages of the event.
                                                                                      new ECoC proposal will be presented by early 2012 and will be
    •     In terms of territory covered, 62% believe the ECoC                         based on the consultation process, an independent evaluation of
  should cover only cities or metropolitan areas, while 38% think it                  the ECoC’s current functioning and on independent evaluations
  should cover regions.                                                               of former title holders

  Julie Hervé, EUROCITIES policy officer – culture:

  Act for culture in Europe!                                  Culture does good!
                                                               Two main themes were discussed
                                                             at the 16-19 March meeting of the
                                                             EUROCITIES Culture Forum in Turku, this
                                                             year’s European Capital of Culture:
     'We are more' (2010-2013) is a                            •      Culture and well-being: Based
  Europe-wide arts advocacy campaign                         on the fact that culture increases both
  set up by Culture Action Europe in                         the mental and physical well-being of
  partnership with the European Cultural                     people, Turku’s well-being programme
  Foundation. Its goal is to contribute to a                 presented during the meeting,
  strengthened recognition of the role of                    encompasses several projects that relate
  arts and culture in the development of                     directly to well-being e.g. cultural plans               To overcome barriers linked to budget
  European societies.                                        for homes for the elderly as well as for              cuts, forum members agreed that the
                                                             schools and daycare.                                  benefits of culture for cities and society
    The campaign focuses on improving
                                                                                                                   need to be more visible. There was
  the quality and quantity of support that                     •      Cities confronting budget cuts               also consensus regarding the need to
  the sector receives from two key EU                        for culture: members discussed their                  coordinate once again and rebuild
  policies: the Culture Programme and EU                     respective national financial contexts                public administrations for culture, where
  regional development policies. The entire                  and the consequences of budget cuts for               relevant, as well as to improve the
  culture sector as well as individuals can                  local-level strategies.                               effectiveness and visibility of local and
  get involved and support the campaign.
                                                                                                                   regional cooperation.
                                                                The financing of culture is seen to
                                                             vary from city to city. By and large, there             The next EUROCITIES Culture Forum
                                                             is still strong popular support for public            meeting will take place in Aarhus,
                                                             spending in the arts. At the same time,               Denmark, on 9-12 June and will focus on
                                                             public money for the arts is scarce and               governance for local cultural policies.
                                                             must be spent where necessary. These
                                                             considerations require effective cultural
  We are more – act for culture in Europe:

  Contact:                             Julie Hervé, EUROCITIES policy officer – culture:

Flash 105         April 2011                                                                                                                                 4
Economic Development

  EUROCITIES members shortlisted for European Enterprise Awards

       rojects associated with the cities of Amsterdam, Barcelona,            partners including the city
       Gdansk and Vilnius are among the 12 nominees for the                   of Amsterdam, this initiative
       European Enterprise Awards (EEA) this year. These annual               supports university students in
  awards seek to promote the efforts of local, regional and                   setting up companies during
  national public authorities involved in entrepreneurial initiatives.        their studies.
    Many of the nominated projects include opportunities for                    The winners of this year’s
  socially disadvantaged groups. For instance, the municipal                  EEAs will be announced on
  employment office in Gdansk launched the Mature Entrepreneur                24 May 2011 at an awards
  programme which provides grants and business skills training to             ceremony in Budapest
  those aged 50-64. The programme creates opportunities for these
  people to become self-employed as an alternative to retirement
  or unemployment. Over 30 new companies have already been set
  up this way.
    Another example is the CASE programme in Amsterdam                         EEA 2011:
  which targets young people and promotes entrepreneurship.
  Run by the city’s universities together with public sector                   Julie Hervé, EUROCITIES policy officer – culture:

  How lifelong learning boosts local economies                                         Reforming EU state aid rules for
  in Europe                                                                            public service utilities
    The latest EUROCITIES Economic Development Forum meeting in                          EUROCITIES will
  Munich dealt with lifelong learning strategies from the perspective of               respond to the European
  economic development.                                                                Commission’s recent
                                                                                       communication on the
    Today’s rapid technological change and economic restructuring
                                                                                       reform of the EU state
  requires a flexible, highly-skilled and more adaptable workforce. In this
                                                                                       aid rules on Services
  context, participants discussed how the concept of lifelong learning
                                                                                       of General Economic
  relates to the Europe 2020 strategy, the demographic transition in
                                                                                       Interest (SGEI). The
  Europe, and potential fields of action for local authorities.
                                                                                       communication aims to
     A series of sessions were also held on the following cases:                       generate political debates before preparing a new draft
                                                                                       package of rules on SGEI.
    •     Terrassa Metropolitan Area presented its Vocational and
  Education Training Council, which, among other things, aims to help                    The current SGEI package applies to large commercial
  match the supply of training with the city’s employment demands.                     services for example network industries (postal services,
                                                                                       energy provision, electronic communication services
    •     Eindhoven presented some of its key programmes, activities                   and public transport services), as well as a wide range
  and instruments associated with lifelong learning which are part of its              of health and social services (e.g. care services for the
  Brainport region concept.                                                            elderly and disabled persons).
    •     Istanbul’s İsmek programme offers 123 courses in 218 centres                    EUROCITIES regards the proposed revision positively
  which helps over 300,000 migrants who come to Istanbul each year in                  since there is a general feeling that the current
  order to maximise their potential and increase their job prospects.                  legislation needs to be simplified, more proportional
    •     Antwerp presented their local evidence-based policy and                      and more transparent as shown by the results of the
  practice in education research, which, in a consortium with six other                2010 public consultation. In particular, EUROCITIES is
  European cities and five research institutions, studies the role of local            pleased that one of the commission’s main aims is to
  authorities knowledge brokerage.                                                     simplify the rules for small-scale public services of a
                                                                                       local nature with a limited impact on trade between EU
    Participants also took part in a study visit to Hasenbergl, a                      member states as well as for certain social services.
  neighbourhood in the North of Munich, where the city council set
  up a project called ‘Lernen vor Ort’ (Learning local). The project                     The European Commission will consult with other EU
  emanates from observed learning gaps within the city, where some                     institutions and stakeholders on drafts of the new SGEI
  neighbourhoods were seen as better served than others in terms of                    package before July 2011.
  learning facilities and access to curricula information. The project aims
  to reach the most deprived neighbourhoods and ultimately close that
  learning gap.

                                                                                       Commission communication on SGEI:

  Soraya Zanardo, assistant to EUROCITIES' policy director:                            Marie Ranty, EUROCITIES policy officer - economic development:                                               

Flash 105         April 2011                                                                                                                                 5

  Energy efficiency: the EU’s new action plan

        he European Commission has issued a new energy efficiency          heating, while showing support for the greater use of heat and
        plan proposing several actions for reaching the 20% energy         power co-generation. These goals, the plan states, will require an
        savings target set for 2020 including measures such as             integrated approach and the involvement of local authorities.
  efficiency improvements in buildings and in power and heat
                                                                             The new plan makes no reference to transport actions, which
  generation as well as upgrading industrial processes.
                                                                           are addressed in the EU’s revised transport white paper unveiled
    According to the plans, public bodies in the EU will be                on 28 March (see pg.2).
  required to retrofit at least 3% of their building stock every year.
                                                                             Apart from energy savings and a reduction of greenhouse
  Commission figures show that this is about double the current
                                                                           gas emissions, the proposed measures are to lead to
  rate. The renovations would need to bring public buildings to the
                                                                           important financial savings for households, improve Europe’s
  level of the best 10% of the national building stock in terms of
                                                                           competitiveness and create jobs. The commission plans to issue
  energy efficiency.
                                                                           a number of legislative proposals in the course of the year to
    In addition, local authorities would only be allowed to rent or        implement the action plan.
  buy existing buildings when they are in the best available energy
                                                                             EUROCITIES is currently preparing a response to the
  performance class. Improvements on private buildings, however,
                                                                           commission's action plan
  would be left mainly to member states.
    Under another planned proposal, the commission will require
  public authorities to apply high energy efficiency standards when
  buying goods, services and works.                                        Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2011:

    As regards efficient energy production, the commission is              Michael Klinkenberg, EUROCITIES policy officer – environment:
  suggesting to further explore ways in which to promote district

  Special Covenant of Mayors event for                                       EU issues 2050 low carbon economy roadmap
  large cities
                                                                               The European Commission’s roadmap for moving to a low
  Brussels I 14 April 2011                                                   carbon economy in 2050, published on 8 March, looks at how
    Recognising that local                                                   the EU can deliver greenhouse gas reductions of 80- 95% by
  authorities of different sizes                                             2050.
  have different needs, the                                                     Based on a cost-effectiveness analysis, it proposes guidelines
  Covenant of Mayors office is                                               for sectoral policies, low-carbon national and regional
  organising a discussion group                                              strategies and long-term investments, while stressing that the
  on 14 April in Brussels during                                             EU must start working on such strategies now.
  the EU Sustainable Energy
  Week (EUSEW) 2011.                                                           For the commission, the most cost-effective way to achieve
                                                                             the 2050 target requires a 25% reduction of greenhouse gases
     This meeting will be                   Also on Wednesday 13             by 2020, to be achieved by domestic measures alone, rather
  the first of several aimed             April, cities that are involved     than the current 20% target.
  at addressing the specific             in the covenant will showcase
  interests and questions                                                      The roadmap identifies transport measures such as pricing
                                         their actions in the field of
  of large cities that are                                                   schemes, improvements of public transport and electrification,
                                         climate change and energy
  signatories or potential                                                   as key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and tackling air
                                         efficiency. Examples taken
  signatories to the Covenant                                                pollution at the same time, especially in cities. According to
                                         from those that are using
  of Mayors.                                                                 the commission, a massive investment shift is necessary, but
                                         European funding for local
                                                                             high benefits are expected in return, including halved fuel
     A range of local action             sustainable energy actions,
                                                                             imports by 2050, job creation, as well as better air quality and
  plans will be presented and            will also be presented.
                                                                             health benefits.
  discussed at the meeting,                Join the discussion for an
  entitled ‘Covenant of Mayors                                                  The roadmap was judged unambitious by some MEPs and
                                         update on European funding
  action plans – large cities                                                environmental NGOs who have said that the EU must cut its
                                         and be inspired by the
  & agglomerations share                                                     greenhouse gas emissions by 30% until 2020. In response, the
                                         actions and results of what is
  experiences’. Participants will                                            EU’s climate commissioner, Connie Hedegaard, confirmed that
                                         surely one of the EU’s most
  also be given plenty of time                                               the EU could move to a 30% target if other countries also
                                         successful climate initiatives!
  for informal networking and                                                offered more ambitious action in currently deadlocked UN
  peer learning.                                                             climate talks.

  Programmes and registration                                                Roadmap for moving to a low carbon economy in 2050:                        

  Dion Wierts, EUROCITIES project officer – climate & energy                 Michael Klinkenberg, EUROCITIES policy officer – environment:                                        

Flash 105        April 2011                                                                                                                      6
Knowledge Society

  Funding call on ICT for innovative government and public services

         he European Commission has                       authentication: it is proposed to pilot the         The
         launched a call for applications to              use of eID in a number of sectors such            commission
         support pilot projects that make                 as transport, health, social security etc.        will support
  government services more effective and                  with eIDs issued by a number of different         one pilot
  fully interoperable. Applicants should                  trusted public and private organisations.         action
  submit project proposals that address one               The pilot will also test the interoperability     under this
  of the following objectives:                            of the different approaches, at national          objective
                                                          and EU level, for persons and legal               for up to €3
    1.     Towards a cloud of public
                                                          entities, including the facility to 'mandate'     million.
  services: cloud computing refers to the
                                                          between them.
  provision of computational resources to                                                                     Funding is made available under the
  companies and public administrations, on                  Under this objective, the commission            5th call for proposals within the ICT Policy
  demand via a computer network. It offers                will support one pilot, financing up to           Support Programme (ICT PSP), which
  the possibility for administrations to                  €8.5 million.                                     aims to stimulate smart, sustainable and
  deliver services that are more flexible and                                                               inclusive growth by accelerating the wider
                                                             3.    Piloting IPv6 upgrade for
  are easier to develop, maintain, open and                                                                 uptake and best use of innovative digital
                                                          eGovernment services in Europe: With
  share. The pilots will test and validate the                                                              technologies.
                                                          a depletion of IPv4 addresses expected
  use of these technologies by authorities.
                                                          soon, public administrations and other               Deadline for applications: 1 June 2011
     Under this objective, the commission                 stakeholders must prepare for IPv6
  intends to support several actions,                     deployment in order to ensure continuity
  financing up to €5 million per pilot.                   of their services. The aim is hence to
                                                          stimulate the upgrade of eGovernment
    2.    Towards a single European
                                                          infrastructures, and services of public           ICT PSP work programme 2011:
  electronic identification (eID) and
                                                          interest to IPv6.                       

  Barcelona Smart City model launched                                            Belfast signs EUROCITIES Green Digital Charter!
    The Barcelona ‘Smart City’ model was                                           Belfast is the 23rd city
  launched by Ramón García-Bragados,                                             to have signed up to
  Deputy Mayor of Barcelona, on 28                                               the EUROCITIES Green
  March.                                                                         Digital Charter, which
                                                                                 commits cities to the
     Barcelona’s smart city concept aims to                                      intelligent use of ICT for
  increase citizens’ quality of life, support                                    sustainable development
  more competitive and innovative                                                and energy efficiency.
  business, make city management and
  maintenance easier and cheaper and                                                The charter was
  last, but not the least, enhance the sustainability and                        signed by Belfast’s Lord
  development of a greener city.                                                 Mayor, Pat Convery,
                                                                                 during a recent meeting
     The Barcelona model is built around:                                        with EUROCITIES
    1.   Ubiquitous infrastructures which allow for                              secretary general, Paul
  connections everywhere throughout the city;                                    Bevan.

    2.   Rich information provided by sensor devices and                            An active member
  brought to light through the open data portal; and                             of the EUROCITIES
                                                                                 network, particularly
     3.     The human capital of Barcelona.                                      on green issues, Belfast
    Through these, Barcelona will work towards developing                        is already a signatory
  a new generation of services generation and better                             of both the Covenant
  management of public spaces.                                                   of Mayors and the
                                                                                 EUROCITIES Climate
    The smart city is being implemented for the first time in                    Change declaration.
  the ‘22@Barcelona’ innovation district. More than 1,500
  innovative companies have established themselves there,                           Belfast is the capital city of Northern Ireland and the second
  and have created 45,000 new jobs since 2001. Its advanced                      largest city on the island of Ireland. The city has a population of
  infrastructures are also used by research companies as a                       267,374, with 645,536 residents in the wider metropolitan area.
  testing area for a range of city pilot initiatives and the 22@                 The city has undergone substantial economic growth in recent
  experience for example is being used as a blueprint for                        years with considerable expansion and regeneration in the city
  reforming the city’s other districts.                                          centre.

                                                                                Deirdre Ferguson, city of Belfast:

  Joan Batlle i Montserrat, city of Barcelona:                  EUROCITIES Green Digital Charter:

Flash 105         April 2011                                                                                                                            7

   No 'one-size-fits-all' for access restriction schemes in cities, says EUROCITIES

          recommendation stemming from                    In addition, the commission’s revised          best-placed to determine their access
          a European Commission study                  white paper on transport published                restriction schemes.
          on access restriction schemes                on 28 March 2011, also seems to pose
                                                                                                            In cooperation with the Council of
  is causing concern among cities across               problems for cities as it proposes ‘a
                                                                                                         European Municipalities and Regions
  Europe. The commission recommendation,               validated framework for urban road
                                                                                                         (CEMR), we have drafted a joint position
  which is one of ten, implies the                     user charging and access restriction
                                                                                                         paper on access restriction schemes in
  establishment of a single EU-wide                    schemes and their applications, including
                                                                                                         cities and will continue to cooperate to
  website for vehicle registration and the             a legal and a validated operational and
                                                                                                         ensure that cities’ recommendations are
  payment of access charges. EUROCITIES                technical framework covering vehicle and
                                                                                                         considered at EU level
  does not favour such an EU approach                  infrastructure applications’.
  since European cities do not have the
                                                         EUROCITIES is in favour of those
  resources for a bespoke payment channel
                                                       recommendations that highlight the
  via a centralised website. Nevertheless,
                                                       importance of guidance and exchange
  cities would welcome a central point of
                                                       of best practice between cities, as well
  reference which would allow users to
                                                       as EU support with funding. We remain
  access a city website in order to process
                                                       opposed however to any EU legislation
  any registration or payment.
                                                       that aims to harmonise the design and
    The commission launched the study                  implementation of access restriction
  as part of its commitments to the                    schemes in urban areas. In our position
  urban mobility action plan adopted in                sent both to the commission and Brussels
  September 2009. The study was presented              press corps, we have spelled out clearly
  at a workshop in Brussels in March 2011,             that each city deals with a unique
  where stakeholders expressed the wish                environmental, social and geographical
  to have a harmonised framework for low               landscape and that local authorities are
                                                                                                        Vanessa Holve, EUROCITIES policy officer -
  emission zones at EU level.

  Creating barrier-free cities for all
  Vienna | 27-28 June 2011
    Faced with the challenges of implementing the United Nations
  convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, cities are
  eager to exchange experiences on how best to ensure barrier-free
  accessibility and enable all citizens to take part in city life.
    It’s in this context that the EUROCITIES ‘barrier-free city for all’
  working group was set up in 2009.
     The group will hold its next meeting on 27-28 June in Vienna
  to discuss mobility and security and share ‘design for all’ examples
  already in place in public spaces, transport infrastructure and
  guide systems across some of Europe’s biggest cities.
     Now with over 25 members and partners, the working group
  has met three times already. At its last meeting held in Brussels in
  November 2010, Inmaculada Placencia-Porrero, a representative
  of the European Commission section for employment, social
  affairs and equal opportunities, spoke of the 2010-2020
  European strategy for people with disabilities and the renewed
  commitment to a barrier-free Europe. She emphasised the
  importance of networks, above all city networks, and called for                 The group’s final meeting of 2011 is already scheduled for
  closer cooperation between this EUROCITIES working group and                  the end of the year in Paris. It will focus largely on education
  the commission. Future requirements for European standards                    and training and the development of a European curriculum on
  were also examined and will be on the group’s agenda for the                  accessible design and construction, a ‘design for all’ for architects,
  future.                                                                       urban and transport planning, as well as for craft and trade.

  Barbara Berninger, the city of Vienna:

Flash 105         April 2011                                                                                                                             8
Social Affairs

  First task force meeting on the European Social Fund

        he European Social Fund (ESF) has moved up on EUROCITIES’               The conclusions of the task force discussions will form the basis
        agenda now that the EU institutions are discussing the                of EUROCITIES’ policy statement on the future of the ESF, which
        instrument’s next funding round for the period 2014-2020.             will outline the key principles that cities would like the European
                                                                              Commission to consider when drafting the new regulations.
     The ESF, which supports employment and social inclusion,
  represents about 10% of the EU’s total budget. The current                     In addition, the Brussels secretariat recently sent a survey to
  debate offers cities a unique opportunity to influence the policy-          all members of the EUROCITIES Social Forum so as to allow for
  making process and raise concerns. Of particular importance to us           more cities to contribute to the discussions. The survey included
  is the need to increase visibility and awareness of the important           questions on several technical points currently being discussed by
  role of cities in delivering the Europe 2020 goals.                         the European Commission. The findings of this survey will feature
                                                                              in a more detailed EUROCITIES policy paper to come out later in
     Our discussions kicked off last March at the first EUROCITIES
                                                                              the year.
  ESF task force meeting, which was chaired and hosted by the
  city of Birmingham. Based on experiences to date, participants                The ESF task force will meet twice more this year, with the
  discussed the pros and cons of the current ESF regulation. It               next meeting on 24-25 May in Grenoble Alpes Metropole. Cities
  was agreed that cities are in a unique position to see the links            interested in becoming involved in this work are invited to
  between different policy areas and are able to address them in              contact Silvia Ganzerla at the Brussels office
  a holistic way, while building partnerships for better outcomes.
  It was further felt that cities are an ideal test-bed for innovative
                                                                              Silvia Ganzerla, EUROCITIES senior policy officer – social affairs:

  EUROCITIES report: use of health data in local policy making                                            Cities on Active Inclusion
     EUROCITIES has just published a
  report on the use of health data in local
  policy making. The report is a result of
  the peer review held by the EUROCITIES
  working group health and well-being
  in late 2010 in Liverpool. Participants
                                                                                                             Nine national workshops on active
  looked at the examples of health
                                                                                                          inclusion will take place over the coming
  profiles in England, the European
                                                                                                          months as part of the EUROCITIES-NLAO
  Urban Health Indicators System (URHIS)
                                                                                                          2011 activities. The events will take place
  and how the information collected is
                                                                                                          in each of the nine partner cities of
  used in four large Dutch cities.
                                                                                                          the project and will address youth and
     The most important conclusion of the                                                                 active inclusion with local and national
  report is that the collection of data and                                                               stakeholders.
                                                   important that the data is presented
  its analysis can only signal a problem,
                                                   in an accessible way, analysed and                       The active inclusion of young people in
  but cannot explain how or why it
                                                   accompanied by recommendations on                      society is the main focus of EUROCITIES-
  happens. Regular collection of data is
                                                   possible actions to be taken. Lastly,                  NLAO for the first half of 2011. These
  helpful as it immediately shows changes
                                                   the report also mentioned challenges                   events will seek to analyse how cities
  in a given area or sector. However,
                                                   related to data comparability, especially              can, and are already, tackling youth
  finding out what caused these changes
                                                   between countries.                                     unemployment. The workshops will also
  requires further and more specific
                                                                                                          provide opportunities for good practice
  research and collection of additional              The report also gathers the
                                                                                                          exchange among the cities involved in the
  data.                                            contributions on collection and use of
                                                                                                          project. We also expect the participation
                                                   local health data in six cities: Belfast,
    This has implications for policy                                                                      of key representatives of the EU
                                                   Bologna, Eindhoven, Leeds, Rotterdam
  making and policy evaluation. Data                                                                      institutions.
                                                   and Warsaw.
  can be used for setting or modifying
  priorities and to evaluate policy
  effectiveness. In both cases, it is

                                                                                                         More information on the meetings will be
                                                                                                         published shortly on the EUROCITIES-NLAO
  Peer review report                                                              website:

  Anna Drozd, EUROCITIES programme officer social inclusion – PROGRESS:                                   Michele Corbetta, EUROCITIES LAO network                                                                               coordinator:

Flash 105        April 2011                                                                                                                             9

  EU report on future orientations for cities

        ities and urban development are a focal point of current         consumption, transport, and
        territorial development policy in the EU. With this in mind,     communication), are outlined.
        the ESPON project FOCI-Future Orientations for Cities, was
                                                                           The approved final report
  launched in 2008 to analyse the state, trends and development
                                                                         will be available to download
  perspectives for the largest cities and urban agglomerations
                                                                         from the ESPON website in the
  within the EU.
                                                                         coming weeks
    Just published, the project’s draft final report introduces a
  policy-oriented selection of research findings to feed into current
  policy debates. Different sections review the situations of cities
  across the EU - their economic performance, cooperation, social
  cohesion and sustainable development.
    The final chapter is devoted to ‘imagining the future of
  European cities’, where two scenarios are proposed: a ‘green
  economy’ and ‘enhancing the European potential’. Both scenarios
  emphasise changes and challenges that will impact on cities
  which will need to be addressed by all levels of government.
  The issues and opportunities of demographic stagnation and
                                                                         FOCI draft final report:
  ageing populations, slower progress of real incomes, impacts
  of climate change and new technologies that will affect                Soraya Zanardo, assistant to EUROCITIES policy director:
  territorial development in a number of fields (energy production/

  EU insights for EUROCITIES eastern members                                                Greater emphasis wanted for role
                                                                                            of cities in macro-regions
   working group                                                                               In March, the EUROCITIES working group
   on European                                                                              on governance met with representatives
   neighbourhood policy                                                                     of the Polish and Hungarian Permanent
   and enlargement met                                                                      Representations to the EU to look at the role of
   in Brussels in March                                                                     cities in macro-regional strategies.
   for comprehensive                                                                          As this year will see both a new
   discussions on the                                                                       communication on the Danube region strategy
   European capital and                                                                     and the review of the Baltic sea strategy, there is
   its institutions.                                                                        a window of opportunity for cities to offer some
     On the first day,                                                                      thinking and influence on their final outcomes.
   members of the                                                                              It was highlighted during the group’s
   working group met                                                                        recent meeting in Brussels that the role of
   with representatives                                                                     cities in macro-regions has, up to now, been
   from a range of local                                                                    undervalued. Big cities are the nodes of many
   and regional offices                                                                     networks and are therefore vital to the success
   based in Brussels                                                                        of macro-regional strategies. Cooperation,
   at the Wien House. At EUROCITIES, they participated in a session on project              transport, research, economy and creative
   management, where Nathalie Guri, EUROCITIES’ new projects manager, gave a                networks all need to go through big cities. In this
   presentation on responding to EU funding calls.                                          context, members advocated that cities should
     Participants were also given an insight into the EU machinery during                   be involved in the design and development of
   meetings held with the head of unit for eastern partnership at the European              macro-regions.
   Parliament, among others. Another meeting was held at the European
   Commission’s DG EuropeAid unit for geographical coordination for Europe.

  Ketevan Karenashvili, city of Tbilisi:
                                                                                            Soraya Zanardo, assistant to EUROCITIES policy director:
  Regina Wiala-Zimm, city of Vienna:                 

Flash 105          April 2011                                                                                                                      10

  SEGMENT expert seminar at next EUROCITIES Mobility Forum
   Oslo | 6-7 June 2011

      he first meeting in a series of experts seminars organised
      within the SEGMENT - Segmented Marketing for Energy
      Efficient Transport project will take place at the next
  EUROCITIES Mobility Forum meeting in Oslo, early June.
    The gathering will give forum members a chance to meet and
  talk with experts and representatives of SEGMENT.
    SEGMENT is a three-year commission-funded project that
  tests the use of consumer market segmentation techniques in                             •     Targeting consumers undergoing ‘life change moments’
  persuading people to change their travel behaviour.                                   which cause them to question and reconsider their travel habits;
     Participants will learn about the first results of the project                     and
  as well as information that responds to needs identified by                             •    Clustering these consumers into homogenous groups and
  a survey that was circulated in summer 2010. There will also                          formulating customised campaigns.
  be opportunities for an exchange of experience and ideas
  concerning current transport activities and future campaigns. In                        The draft programme of the Oslo seminar will be circulated in
  this respect, much is to be learned from the SEGMENT project,                         the coming weeks
  which seeks to maximise the impact of campaigns through two
  segmentation techniques:


  Melanie Leroy, EUROCITIES project officer - mobility management:

  European Mobility Week 2011 promotes                                                           Save the date!
  alternative mobility                                                                           CIVITAS Forum conference
     ’Alternative mobility‘ is the slogan for the 2011 European Mobility                         Funchal | 17-19 October 2011
  Week and with it, the European Commission wants to support the
  transition towards a resource-efficient transport system by promoting                             CIVITAS,
  clean, fuel efficient modes and human-powered travel.                                          the European
                                                                                                 Commission initiative
     The general aim of the                                                                      aimed at promoting
  campaign – which runs from                                                                     cleaner and better
  16 to 22 September every year                                                                  transport in cities, is
  - is to encourage European                                                                     getting ready for its
  local authorities to introduce                                                                 annual event, this
  and promote sustainable                                                                        year taking place in
  transport measures and to                                                                      the city of Funchal,
  invite citizens to try out                                                                     the capital of Portugal’s Maderan archipelago, on 17-19
  alternatives to car use.                                                                       October.
    In 2010, a record number                                                                        For the ninth time running, this annual conference
  of 2,221 cities, representing                                                                  offers an ideal forum for local politicians, mobility
  approximately 227 million                                                                      practitioners, academics and NGOs to network and
  European citizens, registered their participation on the campaign’s                            exchange experiences on urban mobility in Europe.
  official website.                                                                              European Commission high-level representatives will
     EUROCITIES, the project’s coordinator, has once again developed                             also speak on the latest developments regarding EU
  a series of guidelines and graphic designs that aim to aid cities                              policies and programmes in the field.
  undertaking campaign activities at the local level.                                              EUROCITIES collaborates with the CIVITAS initiative
     EUROCITIES members are encouraged to sign the European Mobility                             and the organisation of the 2011 event in Funchal
  Week Charter and to fill out the online registration form. By doing so,                        through the support action CIVITAS VANGUARD.
  cities are eligible to apply for the 2011 edition of the EMW award and                           A more detailed programme and call for
  follow in the footsteps of EUROCITIES members, Murcia and Riga, who                            contributions will be published in April.
  were among the 2010 finalists.

                                                                                                 CIVITAS forum conference:
  EMW 2011:
                                                                                                 Jorgina Cuixart, EUROCITIES project officer – environment &
  Peter Staelens, EUROCITIES project officer – mobility:            energy:

Flash 105         April 2011                                                                                                                                   11

 Date / Place                     Name of Event                                                        More information

 13-15 April 2011                 Housing in hard times                                      
 York, United Kingdom             Class, poverty and social exclusion

 6-7 May 2011                     Governance and change on the urban fringe                  
 Oslo, Norway                     The European Urban Research Association workshop

 12-13 May 2011                   Regional governance of sustainable integrated              
                                  development of deprived urban areas
 Duisburg, Germany                RegGov final conference

 18-20 May 2011                   REAL CORP 2011                                             
 Essen, Germany                   Change for stability: lifecycles of cities and regions

 19-20 May 2011                   EUROCITIES cooperation platform                            
 Bordeaux, France                 Annual event for EUROCITIES contact officers

 19-21 May 2011                   Urban conflicts international conference                   
 Belfast, United Kingdom          Ethno-National Divisions, States and Cities

 22-25 May 2011                   Cities of the future                                       

 Stockholm, Sweden                Sustainable urban planning and water management

 23-25 May 2011                   Major cities of Europe conference                          
 Prato, Italy                     Themes: do more with less & smart cities

 25-27 May 2011                   International transport forum                              
 Leipzig, Germany                 Transport and society

 15-16 June 2011                  BIZ BARCELONA                                              
 Barcelona, Spain                 Supporting entrepreneurship, innovation and SMEs in

 23-25 June 2011                  Cities without limits                                      
 Copenhagen, Denmark              Organised by European Urban Research Association

      EUROCITIES Flash is published           Publisher                               EUROCITIES
      by EUROCITIES Brussels Office.          Paul Bevan, Secretary General
                                                                                      1 Square de Meeûs
      © EUROCITIES 2011                       Editor                                  B-1000 Brussels
                                              Róisín Hughes                           Tel: +32 2 552 0888
      Please send any contributions                                                   Fax: +32 2 552 0889
      or comments concerning the              Layout                                  e-mail:
      contents of the Flash to:               Rob Harris Productions                                                   

Flash 105       April 2011                                                                                                               12

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Eurocities flash105 apr2011

  • 1. EUROCITIES Flash An information service for EUROCITIES members N° 105 April 2011 editorial highlights Cooperation and cohesion in Bordeaux New rules in the pipeline for public service utilities T he voice of big cities in Europe is most powerful EUROCITIES will respond to the European Commission proposal when we marry to reform the EU state aid rules on Services of General Economic the political and Interest. We see the proposed revision as a sign of progress and are technical expertise particularly pleased that one of the commission’s main aims is to in our member cities with the simplify the rules for small-scale public services of a local nature. institutional knowledge of the EUROCITIES secretariat in Brussels. The more we can see p. 5 engage our members in EU affairs, in spite of the delivery pressures in their cities, the greater our success as an effective lobbying platform. Cities on active inclusion conferences coming up So the role of the contact officer in each member city is pivotal. They are Nine national workshops on active inclusion will take place our vital channels of communication over the coming months as part of the EUROCITIES-NLAO 2011 through the complex machinery of activities. The events will take place in each of the nine partner local government in our 135 member cities of the project and will address youth and active inclusion cities. Contact officers ensure that with local and national stakeholders. EUROCITIES’ news reaches the most appropriate colleagues in their administrations. But in addition, they make informed decisions as to which see p. 9 issues, forums or working groups their city colleagues could most effectively contribute. In short, contact officers animate our network. Belfast signs EUROCITIES Green Digital Charter! For these reasons, it’s important that our contact officers are kept up Belfast is the 23rd city to have signed up to the EUROCITIES to speed on the big issues that set Green Digital Charter, which commits cities to the intelligent use the policy framework for cities in of ICT for sustainable development and energy efficiency. An Europe and that they also have the active member of the EUROCITIES network, particularly on green chance to exchange experience on the issues, Belfast is already a signatory of both the Covenant of operational aspects of international Mayors and the EUROCITIES Climate Change declaration. relations. This is why each year, with the generous support of the host city, see p. 7 we hold the EUROCITIES cooperation platform. The 2011 edition will bring (mainly, though not only) contact officers together with the Brussels team, to hear about the latest network thematic sections other sections developments and to learn from their peers in other cities. This year in Bordeaux, we’ll also provide a briefing Culture p. 4 Key Developments p. 2 on cohesion policy, taking stock of the current review process, and seeing how Economic Development p. 5 Projects p. 11 Bordeaux has itself used EU funds for city transformation. Environment p. 6 Events p. 12 Knowledge Society p. 7 Running over 19 and 20 May, this year’s cooperation platform promises to Mobility p. 8 be unmissable. I hope to see you there! Social Affairs p. 9 Paul Bevan Secretary General, EUROCITIES Cooperation p. 10
  • 2. Key developments EU green transport vision must support local flexibility B y mainstreaming urban transport pricing schemes, seem to disregard city car use in urban areas in general. Even if into its new ten-year strategy realities.” they are lighter and more specialised, cars for transport, the European are a huge contributor to congestion in Legal issues, specifically, are causing Commission has taken a step in the right cities and also require the use of polluting unease among cities across Europe: direction towards a cleaner and more sources of energy.” economically vibrant EU. 1. Mandatory urban mobility plans: which may compromise the flexibility Commenting on the EU’s revised cities have to ensure transport solutions transport white paper unveiled on 28 are tailored specifically to their needs. We March, EUROCITIES secretary general, Paul believe that no mandatory ‘one-size-fits- Bevan, said: all’ solution can be applied at the local “We are pleased that the commission level. is showing the strategic leadership 2. Access restriction schemes and necessary to tackle politically difficult road user charging: cities oppose the issues and we welcome the leverage it will commission’s wish to develop a legal give member states and local authorities framework for these. In fact, these fields to push for sustainability.” are local competences that are best Yet, there is apprehension that the addressed flexibly by local authorities same strategy has the potential to according to local circumstances. undermine the ability of local authorities In addition, the new strategy doesn’t to develop and deliver transport solutions offer the best approach towards more in the future. On this, EUROCITIES’ environmentally-friendly forms of mobility lead, Frits Lintmeijer, Deputy transport in urban areas. EUROCITIES Mayor for transport in Utrecht, said: president, Frank Jensen, the Mayor of “While we are delighted that Copenhagen, said: the commission has taken up our “If we really want to make a difference recommendation to recognise the in the future, we need to get people EUROCITIES position on the future of transport: importance of urban transport in its new cycling, walking and using public plans, we are concerned that proposals transport. The commission must also related to mandatory urban mobility Vanessa Holve, EUROCITIES policy officer – consider a strategy that strives to limit plans, access restriction schemes and road mobility: EUROCITIES prepares interactive website This summer, EUROCITIES will be launching its new website, featuring a range of tools that will help you, as a member, to stay in touch more easily with the network. Once you log in, your member's area homepage will feature the forums and working groups in which you are active. This will give you more direct access to the information that’s most relevant to your needs and interests. A collaboration tool for working groups and other groups of members will help you work together on shared documents. In team spaces, members can exchange information through wikis and news feeds. You’ll also be able to sign up to our various policy sector newsletters or you can subscribe to an RSS feed to stay informed. We hope that these new features will help you in your EUROCITIES work and keep you up-to-date on what’s happening Maurice Bock, EUROCITIES digital communications coordinator: in the network. Flash 105 April 2011 2
  • 3. Key developments Events Have your say! consultation on new smart cities and communities initiative A new initiative of the European Commission aims to build Support will be given to projects based on the priorities identified on the long-term urban sustainability plans made by in cities' urban sustainability plans. cities in Europe, for example those developed under the EUROCITIES is currently preparing a response to the public Covenant of Mayors initiative. consultation on the Smart Cities and Communities initiative. If 'Smart Cities and Communities' aims to enhance the potential you are interested in contributing, please contact Jan Franke at for replicating good local energy practice across the EU and to the Brussels office facilitate the exchange of knowledge. Through it, the commission wishes to make low-carbon technologies and solutions commercially interesting by creating economies of scale with the help of a city projects. Jan Franke, EUROCITIES policy officer - knowledge society: The new initiative intends to support a variety of city activities, including joint technology testbedding and demonstration European Commission consultation on Smart Cities and Communities projects, knowledge transfer and the exchange of best practice. Advancing on mobility Catch up with colleagues at 2011 EUROCITIES is teaming up with integrated SUMP or which apply EUROCITIES cooperation platform other organizations across the EU only infrastructural measures to Bordeaux | 19-20 May 2011 in a new European Commission resolve mobility problems. For mobility project, which is to be the more advanced cities that This year’s launched in June 2011. already have a SUMP, ADVANCE EUROCITIES offers to evaluate of these SUMPs cooperation Under the brand name, platform will take and potential for improvement. ADVANCE, this new project place in Bordeaux will aim to increase the energy The ADVANCE audit scheme on 19-20 May. efficiency of urban transport and will be developed by a team of reduce the demand for transport mobility experts, stakeholders Now in its in European cities. To reach these and city representatives. After seventh edition, goals ADVANCE will develop, a validation and improvement this annual test and apply an audit scheme phase, eight cities, including meeting convenes for cities that will improve the EUROCITIES members, Terrassa all EUROCITIES quality of sustainable urban and Szczecin, will be guided contact officers mobility plans (SUMPs) and through the scheme to devise and provides an policies. eight local action plans. These opportunity for plans will raise awareness among them to meet, As one of the project partners, exchange, discuss local decision-makers on the EUROCITIES will be responsible and learn from correlation of energy efficiency mainly for establishing a user one another. and transport. group to review the sustainable urban mobility plans auditing To ensure the future Highlights of scheme. We’ll also be responsible uptake of the results in more the 2011 event will include: for promoting ADVANCE via European cities, at least 50 • An interactive information fair with other EU level programmes and additional external auditors stands for each of the forums, projects, EUROCITIES events. will be trained in ten European fundamentals etc... countries. Actions aimed at The application of the disseminating the results and • An introduction to the new EUROCITIES ADVANCE audit scheme will sharing experiences among city website and members area, exploring the new result in local action plans. The practitioners and auditors will working tools provided through these sites ADVANCE audit scheme will be also be taken up. The project’s practical and user-friendly to • A study visit of several districts in Bordeaux, strategic partners including ensure that cities have sufficient where participants will be able to see the impact of EUROCITIES will organise resources after the audit to be cohesion policy and exchange on the perspectives for awareness-raising events across able to implement concrete the future Europe to promote the scheme. measures under their plans. Register now! The focus of ADVANCE lies in supporting cities without an Sinéad Mullins, EUROCITIES communications executive: Peter Staelens, EUROCITIES project officer – mobility: Flash 105 April 2011 3
  • 4. Culture European Capitals of Culture after 2019 R esponding to a European Commission consultation on the future of the European Capitals of Culture (ECoC) beyond 2019, EUROCITIES has recommended that the future scheme contributes to ‘sustainable integrated urban development’ where culture is connected to other policy areas. We have also asked for greater emphasis on intercultural dialogue, citizens’ participation and culture as part of integrated urban development. The first general results of the commission’s consultation, below, were presented at a public hearing on 2 March in Brussels: • 95% of respondents believe the scheme should continue after 2019. A majority think that the objectives are still relevant but should be updated, although there is no consensus on how • There is strong support for monitoring actions provided this should be done. by the European Commission as well as for more exchange of • A majority believe that selection criteria should be more experiences between cities. precise and place more emphasis on cooperation across Europe, All responses received, together with a detailed analysis, will be on long-term impacts and legacy, and on greater involvement of published on the commission’s website before summer 2011. The citizens at all stages of the event. new ECoC proposal will be presented by early 2012 and will be • In terms of territory covered, 62% believe the ECoC based on the consultation process, an independent evaluation of should cover only cities or metropolitan areas, while 38% think it the ECoC’s current functioning and on independent evaluations should cover regions. of former title holders Julie Hervé, EUROCITIES policy officer – culture: Act for culture in Europe! Culture does good! Two main themes were discussed at the 16-19 March meeting of the EUROCITIES Culture Forum in Turku, this year’s European Capital of Culture: 'We are more' (2010-2013) is a • Culture and well-being: Based Europe-wide arts advocacy campaign on the fact that culture increases both set up by Culture Action Europe in the mental and physical well-being of partnership with the European Cultural people, Turku’s well-being programme Foundation. Its goal is to contribute to a presented during the meeting, strengthened recognition of the role of encompasses several projects that relate arts and culture in the development of directly to well-being e.g. cultural plans To overcome barriers linked to budget European societies. for homes for the elderly as well as for cuts, forum members agreed that the schools and daycare. benefits of culture for cities and society The campaign focuses on improving need to be more visible. There was the quality and quantity of support that • Cities confronting budget cuts also consensus regarding the need to the sector receives from two key EU for culture: members discussed their coordinate once again and rebuild policies: the Culture Programme and EU respective national financial contexts public administrations for culture, where regional development policies. The entire and the consequences of budget cuts for relevant, as well as to improve the culture sector as well as individuals can local-level strategies. effectiveness and visibility of local and get involved and support the campaign. regional cooperation. The financing of culture is seen to vary from city to city. By and large, there The next EUROCITIES Culture Forum is still strong popular support for public meeting will take place in Aarhus, spending in the arts. At the same time, Denmark, on 9-12 June and will focus on public money for the arts is scarce and governance for local cultural policies. must be spent where necessary. These considerations require effective cultural strategies. We are more – act for culture in Europe: Contact: Julie Hervé, EUROCITIES policy officer – culture: Flash 105 April 2011 4
  • 5. Economic Development EUROCITIES members shortlisted for European Enterprise Awards P rojects associated with the cities of Amsterdam, Barcelona, partners including the city Gdansk and Vilnius are among the 12 nominees for the of Amsterdam, this initiative European Enterprise Awards (EEA) this year. These annual supports university students in awards seek to promote the efforts of local, regional and setting up companies during national public authorities involved in entrepreneurial initiatives. their studies. Many of the nominated projects include opportunities for The winners of this year’s socially disadvantaged groups. For instance, the municipal EEAs will be announced on employment office in Gdansk launched the Mature Entrepreneur 24 May 2011 at an awards programme which provides grants and business skills training to ceremony in Budapest those aged 50-64. The programme creates opportunities for these people to become self-employed as an alternative to retirement or unemployment. Over 30 new companies have already been set up this way. Another example is the CASE programme in Amsterdam EEA 2011: which targets young people and promotes entrepreneurship. Run by the city’s universities together with public sector Julie Hervé, EUROCITIES policy officer – culture: How lifelong learning boosts local economies Reforming EU state aid rules for in Europe public service utilities The latest EUROCITIES Economic Development Forum meeting in EUROCITIES will Munich dealt with lifelong learning strategies from the perspective of respond to the European economic development. Commission’s recent communication on the Today’s rapid technological change and economic restructuring reform of the EU state requires a flexible, highly-skilled and more adaptable workforce. In this aid rules on Services context, participants discussed how the concept of lifelong learning of General Economic relates to the Europe 2020 strategy, the demographic transition in Interest (SGEI). The Europe, and potential fields of action for local authorities. communication aims to A series of sessions were also held on the following cases: generate political debates before preparing a new draft package of rules on SGEI. • Terrassa Metropolitan Area presented its Vocational and Education Training Council, which, among other things, aims to help The current SGEI package applies to large commercial match the supply of training with the city’s employment demands. services for example network industries (postal services, energy provision, electronic communication services • Eindhoven presented some of its key programmes, activities and public transport services), as well as a wide range and instruments associated with lifelong learning which are part of its of health and social services (e.g. care services for the Brainport region concept. elderly and disabled persons). • Istanbul’s İsmek programme offers 123 courses in 218 centres EUROCITIES regards the proposed revision positively which helps over 300,000 migrants who come to Istanbul each year in since there is a general feeling that the current order to maximise their potential and increase their job prospects. legislation needs to be simplified, more proportional • Antwerp presented their local evidence-based policy and and more transparent as shown by the results of the practice in education research, which, in a consortium with six other 2010 public consultation. In particular, EUROCITIES is European cities and five research institutions, studies the role of local pleased that one of the commission’s main aims is to authorities knowledge brokerage. simplify the rules for small-scale public services of a local nature with a limited impact on trade between EU Participants also took part in a study visit to Hasenbergl, a member states as well as for certain social services. neighbourhood in the North of Munich, where the city council set up a project called ‘Lernen vor Ort’ (Learning local). The project The European Commission will consult with other EU emanates from observed learning gaps within the city, where some institutions and stakeholders on drafts of the new SGEI neighbourhoods were seen as better served than others in terms of package before July 2011. learning facilities and access to curricula information. The project aims to reach the most deprived neighbourhoods and ultimately close that learning gap. Commission communication on SGEI: Soraya Zanardo, assistant to EUROCITIES' policy director: Marie Ranty, EUROCITIES policy officer - economic development: Flash 105 April 2011 5
  • 6. Environment Energy efficiency: the EU’s new action plan T he European Commission has issued a new energy efficiency heating, while showing support for the greater use of heat and plan proposing several actions for reaching the 20% energy power co-generation. These goals, the plan states, will require an savings target set for 2020 including measures such as integrated approach and the involvement of local authorities. efficiency improvements in buildings and in power and heat The new plan makes no reference to transport actions, which generation as well as upgrading industrial processes. are addressed in the EU’s revised transport white paper unveiled According to the plans, public bodies in the EU will be on 28 March (see pg.2). required to retrofit at least 3% of their building stock every year. Apart from energy savings and a reduction of greenhouse Commission figures show that this is about double the current gas emissions, the proposed measures are to lead to rate. The renovations would need to bring public buildings to the important financial savings for households, improve Europe’s level of the best 10% of the national building stock in terms of competitiveness and create jobs. The commission plans to issue energy efficiency. a number of legislative proposals in the course of the year to In addition, local authorities would only be allowed to rent or implement the action plan. buy existing buildings when they are in the best available energy EUROCITIES is currently preparing a response to the performance class. Improvements on private buildings, however, commission's action plan would be left mainly to member states. Under another planned proposal, the commission will require public authorities to apply high energy efficiency standards when buying goods, services and works. Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2011: As regards efficient energy production, the commission is Michael Klinkenberg, EUROCITIES policy officer – environment: suggesting to further explore ways in which to promote district Special Covenant of Mayors event for EU issues 2050 low carbon economy roadmap large cities The European Commission’s roadmap for moving to a low Brussels I 14 April 2011 carbon economy in 2050, published on 8 March, looks at how Recognising that local the EU can deliver greenhouse gas reductions of 80- 95% by authorities of different sizes 2050. have different needs, the Based on a cost-effectiveness analysis, it proposes guidelines Covenant of Mayors office is for sectoral policies, low-carbon national and regional organising a discussion group strategies and long-term investments, while stressing that the on 14 April in Brussels during EU must start working on such strategies now. the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2011. For the commission, the most cost-effective way to achieve the 2050 target requires a 25% reduction of greenhouse gases This meeting will be Also on Wednesday 13 by 2020, to be achieved by domestic measures alone, rather the first of several aimed April, cities that are involved than the current 20% target. at addressing the specific in the covenant will showcase interests and questions The roadmap identifies transport measures such as pricing their actions in the field of of large cities that are schemes, improvements of public transport and electrification, climate change and energy signatories or potential as key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and tackling air efficiency. Examples taken signatories to the Covenant pollution at the same time, especially in cities. According to from those that are using of Mayors. the commission, a massive investment shift is necessary, but European funding for local high benefits are expected in return, including halved fuel A range of local action sustainable energy actions, imports by 2050, job creation, as well as better air quality and plans will be presented and will also be presented. health benefits. discussed at the meeting, Join the discussion for an entitled ‘Covenant of Mayors The roadmap was judged unambitious by some MEPs and update on European funding action plans – large cities environmental NGOs who have said that the EU must cut its and be inspired by the & agglomerations share greenhouse gas emissions by 30% until 2020. In response, the actions and results of what is experiences’. Participants will EU’s climate commissioner, Connie Hedegaard, confirmed that surely one of the EU’s most also be given plenty of time the EU could move to a 30% target if other countries also successful climate initiatives! for informal networking and offered more ambitious action in currently deadlocked UN peer learning. climate talks. Programmes and registration Roadmap for moving to a low carbon economy in 2050: Dion Wierts, EUROCITIES project officer – climate & energy Michael Klinkenberg, EUROCITIES policy officer – environment: Flash 105 April 2011 6
  • 7. Knowledge Society Funding call on ICT for innovative government and public services T he European Commission has authentication: it is proposed to pilot the The launched a call for applications to use of eID in a number of sectors such commission support pilot projects that make as transport, health, social security etc. will support government services more effective and with eIDs issued by a number of different one pilot fully interoperable. Applicants should trusted public and private organisations. action submit project proposals that address one The pilot will also test the interoperability under this of the following objectives: of the different approaches, at national objective and EU level, for persons and legal for up to €3 1. Towards a cloud of public entities, including the facility to 'mandate' million. services: cloud computing refers to the between them. provision of computational resources to Funding is made available under the companies and public administrations, on Under this objective, the commission 5th call for proposals within the ICT Policy demand via a computer network. It offers will support one pilot, financing up to Support Programme (ICT PSP), which the possibility for administrations to €8.5 million. aims to stimulate smart, sustainable and deliver services that are more flexible and inclusive growth by accelerating the wider 3. Piloting IPv6 upgrade for are easier to develop, maintain, open and uptake and best use of innovative digital eGovernment services in Europe: With share. The pilots will test and validate the technologies. a depletion of IPv4 addresses expected use of these technologies by authorities. soon, public administrations and other Deadline for applications: 1 June 2011 Under this objective, the commission stakeholders must prepare for IPv6 intends to support several actions, deployment in order to ensure continuity financing up to €5 million per pilot. of their services. The aim is hence to stimulate the upgrade of eGovernment 2. Towards a single European infrastructures, and services of public ICT PSP work programme 2011: electronic identification (eID) and interest to IPv6. Barcelona Smart City model launched Belfast signs EUROCITIES Green Digital Charter! The Barcelona ‘Smart City’ model was Belfast is the 23rd city launched by Ramón García-Bragados, to have signed up to Deputy Mayor of Barcelona, on 28 the EUROCITIES Green March. Digital Charter, which commits cities to the Barcelona’s smart city concept aims to intelligent use of ICT for increase citizens’ quality of life, support sustainable development more competitive and innovative and energy efficiency. business, make city management and maintenance easier and cheaper and The charter was last, but not the least, enhance the sustainability and signed by Belfast’s Lord development of a greener city. Mayor, Pat Convery, during a recent meeting The Barcelona model is built around: with EUROCITIES 1. Ubiquitous infrastructures which allow for secretary general, Paul connections everywhere throughout the city; Bevan. 2. Rich information provided by sensor devices and An active member brought to light through the open data portal; and of the EUROCITIES network, particularly 3. The human capital of Barcelona. on green issues, Belfast Through these, Barcelona will work towards developing is already a signatory a new generation of services generation and better of both the Covenant management of public spaces. of Mayors and the EUROCITIES Climate The smart city is being implemented for the first time in Change declaration. the ‘22@Barcelona’ innovation district. More than 1,500 innovative companies have established themselves there, Belfast is the capital city of Northern Ireland and the second and have created 45,000 new jobs since 2001. Its advanced largest city on the island of Ireland. The city has a population of infrastructures are also used by research companies as a 267,374, with 645,536 residents in the wider metropolitan area. testing area for a range of city pilot initiatives and the 22@ The city has undergone substantial economic growth in recent experience for example is being used as a blueprint for years with considerable expansion and regeneration in the city reforming the city’s other districts. centre. Deirdre Ferguson, city of Belfast: Joan Batlle i Montserrat, city of Barcelona: EUROCITIES Green Digital Charter: Flash 105 April 2011 7
  • 8. Mobility No 'one-size-fits-all' for access restriction schemes in cities, says EUROCITIES A recommendation stemming from In addition, the commission’s revised best-placed to determine their access a European Commission study white paper on transport published restriction schemes. on access restriction schemes on 28 March 2011, also seems to pose In cooperation with the Council of is causing concern among cities across problems for cities as it proposes ‘a European Municipalities and Regions Europe. The commission recommendation, validated framework for urban road (CEMR), we have drafted a joint position which is one of ten, implies the user charging and access restriction paper on access restriction schemes in establishment of a single EU-wide schemes and their applications, including cities and will continue to cooperate to website for vehicle registration and the a legal and a validated operational and ensure that cities’ recommendations are payment of access charges. EUROCITIES technical framework covering vehicle and considered at EU level does not favour such an EU approach infrastructure applications’. since European cities do not have the EUROCITIES is in favour of those resources for a bespoke payment channel recommendations that highlight the via a centralised website. Nevertheless, importance of guidance and exchange cities would welcome a central point of of best practice between cities, as well reference which would allow users to as EU support with funding. We remain access a city website in order to process opposed however to any EU legislation any registration or payment. that aims to harmonise the design and The commission launched the study implementation of access restriction as part of its commitments to the schemes in urban areas. In our position urban mobility action plan adopted in sent both to the commission and Brussels September 2009. The study was presented press corps, we have spelled out clearly at a workshop in Brussels in March 2011, that each city deals with a unique where stakeholders expressed the wish environmental, social and geographical to have a harmonised framework for low landscape and that local authorities are Vanessa Holve, EUROCITIES policy officer - emission zones at EU level. mobility: Creating barrier-free cities for all Vienna | 27-28 June 2011 Faced with the challenges of implementing the United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, cities are eager to exchange experiences on how best to ensure barrier-free accessibility and enable all citizens to take part in city life. It’s in this context that the EUROCITIES ‘barrier-free city for all’ working group was set up in 2009. The group will hold its next meeting on 27-28 June in Vienna to discuss mobility and security and share ‘design for all’ examples already in place in public spaces, transport infrastructure and guide systems across some of Europe’s biggest cities. Now with over 25 members and partners, the working group has met three times already. At its last meeting held in Brussels in November 2010, Inmaculada Placencia-Porrero, a representative of the European Commission section for employment, social affairs and equal opportunities, spoke of the 2010-2020 European strategy for people with disabilities and the renewed commitment to a barrier-free Europe. She emphasised the importance of networks, above all city networks, and called for The group’s final meeting of 2011 is already scheduled for closer cooperation between this EUROCITIES working group and the end of the year in Paris. It will focus largely on education the commission. Future requirements for European standards and training and the development of a European curriculum on were also examined and will be on the group’s agenda for the accessible design and construction, a ‘design for all’ for architects, future. urban and transport planning, as well as for craft and trade. Barbara Berninger, the city of Vienna: Flash 105 April 2011 8
  • 9. Social Affairs First task force meeting on the European Social Fund T he European Social Fund (ESF) has moved up on EUROCITIES’ The conclusions of the task force discussions will form the basis agenda now that the EU institutions are discussing the of EUROCITIES’ policy statement on the future of the ESF, which instrument’s next funding round for the period 2014-2020. will outline the key principles that cities would like the European Commission to consider when drafting the new regulations. The ESF, which supports employment and social inclusion, represents about 10% of the EU’s total budget. The current In addition, the Brussels secretariat recently sent a survey to debate offers cities a unique opportunity to influence the policy- all members of the EUROCITIES Social Forum so as to allow for making process and raise concerns. Of particular importance to us more cities to contribute to the discussions. The survey included is the need to increase visibility and awareness of the important questions on several technical points currently being discussed by role of cities in delivering the Europe 2020 goals. the European Commission. The findings of this survey will feature in a more detailed EUROCITIES policy paper to come out later in Our discussions kicked off last March at the first EUROCITIES the year. ESF task force meeting, which was chaired and hosted by the city of Birmingham. Based on experiences to date, participants The ESF task force will meet twice more this year, with the discussed the pros and cons of the current ESF regulation. It next meeting on 24-25 May in Grenoble Alpes Metropole. Cities was agreed that cities are in a unique position to see the links interested in becoming involved in this work are invited to between different policy areas and are able to address them in contact Silvia Ganzerla at the Brussels office a holistic way, while building partnerships for better outcomes. It was further felt that cities are an ideal test-bed for innovative Silvia Ganzerla, EUROCITIES senior policy officer – social affairs: approaches. EUROCITIES report: use of health data in local policy making Cities on Active Inclusion conferences EUROCITIES has just published a report on the use of health data in local policy making. The report is a result of the peer review held by the EUROCITIES working group health and well-being in late 2010 in Liverpool. Participants Nine national workshops on active looked at the examples of health inclusion will take place over the coming profiles in England, the European months as part of the EUROCITIES-NLAO Urban Health Indicators System (URHIS) 2011 activities. The events will take place and how the information collected is in each of the nine partner cities of used in four large Dutch cities. the project and will address youth and The most important conclusion of the active inclusion with local and national report is that the collection of data and stakeholders. important that the data is presented its analysis can only signal a problem, in an accessible way, analysed and The active inclusion of young people in but cannot explain how or why it accompanied by recommendations on society is the main focus of EUROCITIES- happens. Regular collection of data is possible actions to be taken. Lastly, NLAO for the first half of 2011. These helpful as it immediately shows changes the report also mentioned challenges events will seek to analyse how cities in a given area or sector. However, related to data comparability, especially can, and are already, tackling youth finding out what caused these changes between countries. unemployment. The workshops will also requires further and more specific provide opportunities for good practice research and collection of additional The report also gathers the exchange among the cities involved in the data. contributions on collection and use of project. We also expect the participation local health data in six cities: Belfast, This has implications for policy of key representatives of the EU Bologna, Eindhoven, Leeds, Rotterdam making and policy evaluation. Data institutions. and Warsaw. can be used for setting or modifying priorities and to evaluate policy effectiveness. In both cases, it is More information on the meetings will be published shortly on the EUROCITIES-NLAO Peer review report website: Anna Drozd, EUROCITIES programme officer social inclusion – PROGRESS: Michele Corbetta, EUROCITIES LAO network coordinator: Flash 105 April 2011 9
  • 10. Cooperation Events EU report on future orientations for cities C ities and urban development are a focal point of current consumption, transport, and territorial development policy in the EU. With this in mind, communication), are outlined. the ESPON project FOCI-Future Orientations for Cities, was The approved final report launched in 2008 to analyse the state, trends and development will be available to download perspectives for the largest cities and urban agglomerations from the ESPON website in the within the EU. coming weeks Just published, the project’s draft final report introduces a policy-oriented selection of research findings to feed into current policy debates. Different sections review the situations of cities across the EU - their economic performance, cooperation, social cohesion and sustainable development. The final chapter is devoted to ‘imagining the future of European cities’, where two scenarios are proposed: a ‘green economy’ and ‘enhancing the European potential’. Both scenarios emphasise changes and challenges that will impact on cities which will need to be addressed by all levels of government. The issues and opportunities of demographic stagnation and FOCI draft final report: ageing populations, slower progress of real incomes, impacts of climate change and new technologies that will affect Soraya Zanardo, assistant to EUROCITIES policy director: territorial development in a number of fields (energy production/ EU insights for EUROCITIES eastern members Greater emphasis wanted for role of cities in macro-regions The EUROCITIES working group In March, the EUROCITIES working group on European on governance met with representatives neighbourhood policy of the Polish and Hungarian Permanent and enlargement met Representations to the EU to look at the role of in Brussels in March cities in macro-regional strategies. for comprehensive As this year will see both a new discussions on the communication on the Danube region strategy European capital and and the review of the Baltic sea strategy, there is its institutions. a window of opportunity for cities to offer some On the first day, thinking and influence on their final outcomes. members of the It was highlighted during the group’s working group met recent meeting in Brussels that the role of with representatives cities in macro-regions has, up to now, been from a range of local undervalued. Big cities are the nodes of many and regional offices networks and are therefore vital to the success based in Brussels of macro-regional strategies. Cooperation, at the Wien House. At EUROCITIES, they participated in a session on project transport, research, economy and creative management, where Nathalie Guri, EUROCITIES’ new projects manager, gave a networks all need to go through big cities. In this presentation on responding to EU funding calls. context, members advocated that cities should Participants were also given an insight into the EU machinery during be involved in the design and development of meetings held with the head of unit for eastern partnership at the European macro-regions. Parliament, among others. Another meeting was held at the European Commission’s DG EuropeAid unit for geographical coordination for Europe. Ketevan Karenashvili, city of Tbilisi: Soraya Zanardo, assistant to EUROCITIES policy director: Regina Wiala-Zimm, city of Vienna: Flash 105 April 2011 10
  • 11. Projects SEGMENT expert seminar at next EUROCITIES Mobility Forum Oslo | 6-7 June 2011 T he first meeting in a series of experts seminars organised within the SEGMENT - Segmented Marketing for Energy Efficient Transport project will take place at the next EUROCITIES Mobility Forum meeting in Oslo, early June. The gathering will give forum members a chance to meet and talk with experts and representatives of SEGMENT. SEGMENT is a three-year commission-funded project that tests the use of consumer market segmentation techniques in • Targeting consumers undergoing ‘life change moments’ persuading people to change their travel behaviour. which cause them to question and reconsider their travel habits; Participants will learn about the first results of the project and as well as information that responds to needs identified by • Clustering these consumers into homogenous groups and a survey that was circulated in summer 2010. There will also formulating customised campaigns. be opportunities for an exchange of experience and ideas concerning current transport activities and future campaigns. In The draft programme of the Oslo seminar will be circulated in this respect, much is to be learned from the SEGMENT project, the coming weeks which seeks to maximise the impact of campaigns through two segmentation techniques: SEGMENT: Melanie Leroy, EUROCITIES project officer - mobility management: European Mobility Week 2011 promotes Save the date! alternative mobility CIVITAS Forum conference ’Alternative mobility‘ is the slogan for the 2011 European Mobility Funchal | 17-19 October 2011 Week and with it, the European Commission wants to support the transition towards a resource-efficient transport system by promoting CIVITAS, clean, fuel efficient modes and human-powered travel. the European Commission initiative The general aim of the aimed at promoting campaign – which runs from cleaner and better 16 to 22 September every year transport in cities, is - is to encourage European getting ready for its local authorities to introduce annual event, this and promote sustainable year taking place in transport measures and to the city of Funchal, invite citizens to try out the capital of Portugal’s Maderan archipelago, on 17-19 alternatives to car use. October. In 2010, a record number For the ninth time running, this annual conference of 2,221 cities, representing offers an ideal forum for local politicians, mobility approximately 227 million practitioners, academics and NGOs to network and European citizens, registered their participation on the campaign’s exchange experiences on urban mobility in Europe. official website. European Commission high-level representatives will EUROCITIES, the project’s coordinator, has once again developed also speak on the latest developments regarding EU a series of guidelines and graphic designs that aim to aid cities policies and programmes in the field. undertaking campaign activities at the local level. EUROCITIES collaborates with the CIVITAS initiative EUROCITIES members are encouraged to sign the European Mobility and the organisation of the 2011 event in Funchal Week Charter and to fill out the online registration form. By doing so, through the support action CIVITAS VANGUARD. cities are eligible to apply for the 2011 edition of the EMW award and A more detailed programme and call for follow in the footsteps of EUROCITIES members, Murcia and Riga, who contributions will be published in April. were among the 2010 finalists. CIVITAS forum conference: EMW 2011: Jorgina Cuixart, EUROCITIES project officer – environment & Peter Staelens, EUROCITIES project officer – mobility: energy: Flash 105 April 2011 11
  • 12. Events Date / Place Name of Event More information 13-15 April 2011 Housing in hard times conference.htm York, United Kingdom Class, poverty and social exclusion 6-7 May 2011 Governance and change on the urban fringe gov Oslo, Norway The European Urban Research Association workshop 12-13 May 2011 Regional governance of sustainable integrated development of deprived urban areas Duisburg, Germany RegGov final conference 18-20 May 2011 REAL CORP 2011 Essen, Germany Change for stability: lifecycles of cities and regions 19-20 May 2011 EUROCITIES cooperation platform Bordeaux, France Annual event for EUROCITIES contact officers 19-21 May 2011 Urban conflicts international conference Belfast, United Kingdom Ethno-National Divisions, States and Cities 22-25 May 2011 Cities of the future Stockholm, Sweden Sustainable urban planning and water management 23-25 May 2011 Major cities of Europe conference Prato, Italy Themes: do more with less & smart cities 25-27 May 2011 International transport forum Leipzig, Germany Transport and society 15-16 June 2011 BIZ BARCELONA Barcelona, Spain Supporting entrepreneurship, innovation and SMEs in Barcelona 23-25 June 2011 Cities without limits Copenhagen, Denmark Organised by European Urban Research Association EUROCITIES Flash is published Publisher EUROCITIES by EUROCITIES Brussels Office. Paul Bevan, Secretary General 1 Square de Meeûs © EUROCITIES 2011 Editor B-1000 Brussels Róisín Hughes Tel: +32 2 552 0888 Please send any contributions Fax: +32 2 552 0889 or comments concerning the Layout e-mail: contents of the Flash to: Rob Harris Productions Flash 105 April 2011 12