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Innovation Policies From the European
Union: Methods for Classification

Victor Rodriguez
Carlos Montalvo
TNO, Innovation Policy Group

   This study focuses on taxonomic and typological                                    also carrying out any new combination of productive
methods of innovation policies in the European institu-                               resources that amounts to the setting of new production
tional context. Although many types of policies affect                                (Schumpeter, 1939). Thus, this Schumpeterian definition
innovation, no universally accepted criteria exist to                                 of the term innovation includes the development of new
classify them. As innovation policy in a myriad of the-                               consumer goods, new methods of production, new mar-
matic areas—systemic model—has become pluralized,                                     kets, and new forms of industrial organization.
this article offers a method for classification. Such poli-                              A broader and more integrated policy framework
cies are grouped and categorized according to biologi-                                built on the concept of an enlarged European research
cal and neofunctional approaches.                                                     area emerged in 2000 (European Commission, 2000b).
                                                                                      In this context, a spectrum of innovation policy scenar-
Keywords: innovation system; innovation model;                                        ios was envisaged from centralization to decentraliza-
innovation policy; European Union; taxonomy; typology                                 tion (Kuhlmann, 2001).
                                                                                         The architecture of the European Union (EU) for
                                                                                      innovation is multidimensional—supranational policy
                        Introduction                                                  furniture juxtaposed with national, regional (Braczyk,
                                                                                      Cooke, & Heidenreich, 1998; Ohmae, 1993), sectoral
   Innovation policy—as a generic policy—is a set of                                  (Breschi & Malerba, 1997; Cooke, Gomez Uranga, &
actions intended to raise the quantity and efficiency of                              Etxebarria, 1997; Malerba, 2002), and technological
innovative activities. In turn, innovative activities are the                         (Carlsson, 1995, 1997; Carlsson & Stankiewicz, 1991)
creation, adaptation, and adoption of new products,                                   policy artifacts.
processes, or services (European Commission, 2000a).                                     As innovation policy in a myriad of thematic areas—
   Although research is a source of innovation, this                                  systemic model—at the EU level became pluralized, we
encompasses more than a successful application of                                     faced the cognitive challenge of putting them into some
research results. Because it is through enterprise that                               form of recognizable order. Thus, a system of classifica-
economic benefit of the successful exploitation of nov-                               tion is used to group and categorize EU innovation poli-
elty is captured, enterprise is at the heart of the innova-                           cies according to a biological and neofunctional
tion process. Thus, innovation policies must extend                                   approach.
their focus beyond the link with research and have the                                   Substantial academic effort has been devoted to sys-
ultimate effect on enterprise (European Commission,                                   temic models of innovation (Edquist, 1997, 2001; Edquist
2003).                                                                                & Johnson, 1997; Lundvall, 1992; Lundvall, Johnson,
   Innovation is broadly defined to include not only                                  Andersen, & Dalum, 2002; Nelson, 1993). However,
putting new technological inventions into practice but                                there has been relatively little analysis of the taxonomy

AUTHORS’ NOTE: The authors are deeply grateful to Nicholas Neill-Fraser for helpful comments on an earlier version of this article.
Acknowledgment is made to Barry Bozeman, Mark Dodgson, Stefan Kuhlmann, Ruud Smits, and the Pew Center on Global Climate
Change for their permission to reproduce their tables. Special thanks are given to participants in the TNO-IPg Strategy Day for their
remarkable observations in Delft on 2 July 2007. This study was conducted under the umbrella of TNO-IPg Long Term Research Program
Renewal of Innovation: Knowledge Investment Projects “Innovation Policy Monitoring and Impact” No. 13-001 KIP 07-002.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society Vol. 27, No. 6, December 2007, 467-481
DOI: 10.1177/0270467607308287
Copyright © 2007 Sage Publications

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or typology of innovation policies (Alic, 2002; Alic,                           conceive innovation as a complex process involving
Mowery, & Rubin, 2003; den Hertog & de Groot, 2005)                             different actors and their interactions.
and a scarcity at the EU level (Kuhlmann, 2002;                                     Systems strive to achieve goals for which their ele-
Lundvall & Borrás, 2005; Rothwell & Dodgson, 1992;                              ments fulfill specific functions. Different typologies of
Smits & Kuhlmann, 2002).                                                        system functions have been developed with different
    Although many types of policies affect innovation, no                       degrees of detail and emphasis (Johnson, 2001). A gen-
universally accepted criteria classify them. Taxonomy or                        eral typology of innovation system functions set out
typology of innovation policies seldom includes regu-                           three categories, namely, reduction of uncertainty, man-
latory policies, such as environmental or competition                           agement of conflict and cooperation, and provision of
regulation. Regulatory policies can strongly influence                          incentives (Edquist & Johnson, 1997).
innovation. The environmental literature (e.g., Blind et al.,                       Once the model is chosen, innovation policies can be
2004; Jaffe, Newell, & Stavins, 2003; SQW, 2006)                                devised. Although there is a lack of consensus on the
includes many studies of regulation-induced innovation,                         definition of public policy, Birkland (2001) indicates
such as the development of greenhouse gas emission                              elements common to all definitions of public policy:
controls. Likewise, energy policy also has affected inno-                       The policy is made in the name of the “public”; policy
vation. For example, efficiency standards have reduced                          is generally made or initiated by government; policy is
the average energy consumption of household appli-                              interpreted and implemented by public and private
ances (e.g., Rubin, 2001). In addition, competition policy                      actors; policy is what the government intends to do.
is recognized as shaping innovation (e.g., Hart, 2001).                             Regarding the theoretical framework of policy instru-
    All in all, this study focuses on taxonomic and typo-                       ments, Lascoumes and Le Gales (2007) present two
logical methods of innovation policies in the institutional                     arguments. Firstly, public policy instrumentation is a
context of the EU. The article is organized as follows. To                      major issue in public policy, as it reveals a theorization
begin with, innovation per se, models of innovation, and                        of the relationship between the governing and the gov-
innovation policy are discussed. In Section 3, the EU pol-                      erned: Every instrument constitutes a condensed form of
icy and regulation process are briefly described. In                            knowledge about social control and ways of exercising
Section 4, data and methodology used for the taxonomy                           it. Secondly, instruments are not neutral devices: They
and typology of innovation policy are specified. In                             produce specific effects, independently of the objective
Section 5, the resulting taxa and types of the EU policies                      pursued (the aims ascribed to them), which structure
on innovation are shown. In Section 6, models on inno-                          public policy according to their own logic.
vation policies are depicted. Before concluding, science,                           Public policy instrumentation means the set of prob-
technology, and innovation policies are examined.                               lems posed by the choice and use of instruments (tech-
Finally, some concluding remarks are given.                                     niques, methods of operation, devices) that allow
                                                                                government policy to be made material and operational.
              Theoretical Framework                                             Another way of formulating the issue is to say that it
                                                                                involves not only understanding the reasons that drive
   In this section, we define the constructs needed for a                       towards retaining one instrument rather than another but
taxonomy and typology and thereby the scope for this                            also envisaging the effects produced by these choices.
study. At the outset, innovation is the successful produc-                      By way of indication, a brief catalogue of these instru-
tion, assimilation, and exploitation of novelty in the                          ments can be drawn up: legislative and regulatory,
economic and social spheres. In a more detailed way,                            economic and fiscal, agreement- and incentive-based,
innovation is the renewal and enlargement of the range of                       information- and communication-based. But observa-
products and services and the associated markets; the                           tion shows that it is exceptional for a policy, or even a
establishment of new methods of production, supply, and                         program for action within a policy, to be monoinstru-
distribution; and the introduction of changes in manage-                        mental. Most often, the literature notes a plurality of
ment, work organization, and the working conditions and                         instruments being mobilized and then raises the ques-
skills of the workforce (European Commission, 1995).                            tion of coordinating them (Bernelmans-Videc, Rist, &
   Regarding innovation theories, the linear models                             Vedung, 1998).
study innovation as a process divided into different                                Apart from national governments, nongovernmental
stages (Rogers, 1995). In contrast, systemic models                             organizations, public-private partnerships, subnational
(Edquist, 1997, 2001; Edquist & Johnson, 1997;                                  agencies, and supranational programs all promote inno-
Lundvall, 1992; Lundvall et al., 2002; Nelson, 1993)                            vation policies as well. In this study, we only focus on

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the EU innovation policies. Institutionally, innovation
policies at the EU level must follow the principles of
subsidiarity and European added value. The first rule
means that those policies have to be justified through
supranational formulation that would not be effectively
managed by the member states, while the second princi-
ple requires from such policies a synergy effect not
attainable within the national borders.
    The European Council (2000) in Lisbon applied the
open method of coordination (OMC) to innovation poli-
cies, introduced in the Employment Strategy of the
Amsterdam Treaty. The European Convention (2002)
decided not to codify the OMC within the European                            Figure 1. Early Stage of the Codecision Procedure
Constitution but recognized the special logic of innova-
tion policies by drafting a separate subarticle (Kaiser &
Prange, 2004).
    Innovation policies in the EU are multifaceted,                           procedures that define how the EU will fulfill the goals
ingrained, and wide ranging, including all initiatives                        defined in the policies. They also may clarify policies or
regarding science, education, research, technology                            state law. The EU governance relies on the method that
development, and industrial modernization, overlapping                        arbitrates between different interests by two filters,
also with industrial, environmental, labor, and social                        namely, the general interest at the level of the
policies (Shapira & Klein, 2001). In fact, due to the                         Commission and democratic representation at the level
complexity of the innovation policy system at the EU                          of the Council and the Parliament. Innovation policies
level, a need of a typology arises. The epistemic strategy                    fall into the scope of the codecision procedure.
is to categorize EU innovation policies in line with two                          The Commission alone proposes policies and reg-
perspectives: biological and neofunctionalist.                                ulations. Besides that, the Commission has the ability
    First, we use biological heuristics, a method by                          to execute policy. Regulatory and budgetary acts are
which species of organisms are classified, because we                         adopted by the Council, representing the member
consider the criteria useful for the purpose of our study.                    states, and the Parliament, representing citizens
Modern classification in biology has its root in the work                     (European Commission, 2001). Central to the EU’s
of Linnaeus, who grouped species according to shared                          decision-making system is the codecision procedure.
physical characteristics. These groupings have since                          This sets the principle of parity and means where nei-
been revised by molecular systematics, which uses                             ther the Parliament nor the Council may adopt legis-
DNA sequences as data (Simpson, 2006).                                        lation without the other’s assent.
    Second, from a neofunctionalist standpoint, European                          The Commission has a monopoly of legislative initia-
integration has brought a multilayered division of                            tive in all the areas that are subject to the codecision pro-
labor to classical nation-state functions. In these circum-                   cedure. Innovation is among them. The Commission’s
stances, innovation systems are stirred up by the increas-                    proposal is the result of an extensive consultation process
ing socioeconomic and political Europeanization since                         (see Figure 1), which may be conducted in various ways,
the 1980s. Nonetheless, EU innovation policies are still                      namely, impact assessment, reports by technical or scien-
pursued in parallel on the supranational, national, and                       tific experts, consultation of national experts, interna-
subnational levels. The justification for multiple but sep-                   tional organizations or nongovernmental organizations,
arate innovation policies at the EU level has been over-                      consultation via green and white papers, and so on. The
taken by changed circumstances (Georghiou, 2001).                             work of European contract research organizations such as
                                                                              TNO, Fraunhofer ISI, or VTT plays a role in this phase.
           EU Policies and Regulations                                            A consultation process is also launched among the
                                                                              different Commission departments in order to ensure that
   In this section, we concisely depict the EU architec-                      all aspects of the matter in question are taken into
ture for producing policies and regulations. Under the                        account (interservice consultation). The Commission’s
EU governance system, policies are defined as expected                        proposal is adopted by the College of Commissioners on
outcomes of the EU work and provide a framework                               the basis of either a written procedure (no discussion
within which the EU operates. Regulations are the                             among Commissioners) or an oral procedure (the dossier

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Table 1. Frequency Distribution of EU Documents on
Year         Council        Parliament             Commission

2000            21               25                        52                            2005
2001            10               55                        68
2002            29               43                        99                            2004
2003            42               49                        88

2004            19               17                        87
2005            23               16                       113
2006            51               41                       106
Total          195              246                       613                            2002

Note: EU = European Union. Noise was only removed for 2006.

is discussed by the College of Commissioners) and is
published in the Official Journal of the European Union.                                        0            20      40       60         80       100    120
Then, the proposal is forwarded to the European
Parliament and to the Council simultaneously.                                                                Commission     Parliament        C ouncil

   The Economic and Social Committee, representing
civil society, and the Committee of the Regions, repre-                       Figure 2. Chart of EU Documents on Innovation
senting local authorities, must be consulted by the                           Note: EU = European Union.
Commission and can be consulted by the Council and the
Parliament. Thenceforth, the Economic and Social                              taxonomy refers to a classification system that leads to
Committee and the Committee of the Regions may issue                          categorizing innovation policies into mutually exclusive
opinions in cases considered by them to be appropriate.                       and exhaustive sets with a series of discrete decision
After that, the codecision procedure takes place only                         rules, while a typological heuristic makes possible iden-
between the Parliament, Council, and Commission.                              tifying multiple ideal types, each representing indepen-
                                                                              dent variables of the outcome. In our study, the outcome
                  Data and Method                                             could be represented by the Lisbon goals, that is, to make
                                                                              the EU the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-
    As we aim to classify EU innovation policies, we                          based economy, capable of sustainable economic growth
assumed that those policies are embedded in documents.                        with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.
For that reason, we resorted to documents published in                            A catalogue of all aspects and instances of EU pol-
Eur-lex. This reference center provides online access to                      icy innovation would obviously be quite unmanage-
the EU official journal, treaties, legislation in force,                      able. It would merely demonstrate that innovation
preparatory acts, case law, and parliamentary questions.                      policies are too diverse, too protean, to be captured in
    The yearly frequency distribution of EU documents                         full by a single categorization. For that reason, two
on innovation from 2000 to 2006 is shown in Table 1 and                       strategies were designed to fully tackle the classifica-
Figure 2. Firstly, the analysis was restricted to documents                   tion problem of EU innovation policies.
containing the term innovation either in the title or in the                      The first strategy was to adopt two biological
text. Secondly, the working database was constructed by                       approaches to the problem of classification of EU
retrieving documents published in English by the                              innovation policies into a typology in order to provide
Council, the Parliament, and the Commission in the EU                         an epistemic horizon for cognitive purposes. Firstly, a
official journal. Thirdly, we chose only the year 2006 for                    Linnaean heuristic allowed us to classify EU innova-
illustrating typology of EU innovation policies. Finally,                     tion policies into a hierarchy that starts with domains
for 2006, we discarded those documents that contained                         and finishes with species. Secondly, a cladistic
the term innovation because they were not fully in line                       approach permitted us to arrange innovation policies
with our selected definition of innovation. In other                          only into their order of branching in an evolutionary
words, we removed noise only between January 1, 2006,                         tree (Luria, Gould, & Singer, 1981).
and December 31, 2006.                                                            In both cases, the underlying logic for each criterion
    The semantic confusion of the terms taxonomy and                          is Aristotelian: Superior taxa possess similarities that are
typology is clarified by Doty and Glick (1994). The term                      common to all lower taxa, and lower taxa possess more

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Table 2. Public Policy Instruments for Research and Development

Instruments in a Narrow Sense                                                                                  Instruments in a Broader Sense

1. Institutional funding                                                                                       4. Public demand and procurement
   National research centers
   Research councils
   Applied research and technology development organizations
   Universities and other higher education institutions
2. Financial incentives                                                                                        5. Corporatist measures
   Indirect promotion programs                                                                                    Long-term visions; technology foresight
   Technology promotion programs                                                                                  Technology assessment
   Risk capital                                                                                                   Awareness initiatives
3. Other innovation infrastructure and technology transfer mechanisms                                          6. (Continuing) education; training
   Information and consultancy for small- and medium-sized enterprises
   Demonstration centers                                                                                       7. Public policy
   Technology centers                                                                                             Competition policy
   Cooperation, networks, people                                                                                  Public stimulation of private demand

Source: Meyer-Krahmer and Kuntze (1992).

specificity that could make a difference from other taxa                        be budgetary decisions on allocating funds to public
at the same level of classification. For example, domes-                        research organizations, such as universities, and subsi-
tic policy is the counterpart of external policy and it con-                    dies or tax relief to private firms. The instruments used
sists of all government policy decisions, programs, and                         in technology policy may be public procurement and
actions that primarily deal with internal matters, as                           direct incentives in the form of subsidies and tax reduc-
opposed to relations with other countries that are not EU                       tions, supporting research at universities, finding institu-
member states. Major areas of domestic policy include                           tional mechanisms that link universities and public
economic policy and regulatory policy. Economic policy                          laboratories to the users of research, and designing and
refers to the actions that cover interest rates, governmen-                     enforcing intellectual property rights. The instruments
tal deficit, and labor markets, among others. Regulatory                        used in innovation policy pay special attention to the
policy refers to the implementation of rules to influence                       institutional dimension including competence building
the behavior of actors in society.                                              and organizational performance, such as improving
    The second strategy was to use a neofunctionalist                           individual skills and learning abilities.
heuristic for our typological approach. The ideal types                            Another way of constructing a technology policy
are complex constructs that must be described in terms                          typology could be in the manner of Alic and colleagues
of multiple dimensions and are not categories. Instead,                         (2003), who schematized the policy tools according to
each ideal type represents a unique combination of the                          (a) direct government funding of R&D; (b) direct or indi-
dimensions used to describe EU innovation policies.                             rect support for commercialization and production; (c)
    Public policy instrumentation and its choice of tools                       indirect support for development; and (d) support for
and modes of operation are generally treated either as a                        learning and diffusion (see Table 3).
kind of evidence (e.g., governing means making regula-
tions, taxing, entering into contracts, communicating,                                          Taxonomy and Typology of EU
etc.) or as if the questions it raises (the properties of                                            Innovation Policies
instruments, justifications for choosing them, their
applicability, etc.) are part of a rationality of methods. A                       The old linear model of innovation embedded the first
good deal of the public administration literature devoted                       generation of innovation policy. The second generation
to the issue of instrumentation is marked by a function-                        of innovation policy was launched in the EU in 1995.
alist orientation (Lascoumes & Le Gales, 2007).                                 Since the 2000s, the EU innovation policies belong to the
    In particular, Meyer-Krahmer and Kuntze (1992)                              third generation, which implies having innovation at the
have defined research and development (R&D) instru-                             center of all policies in the knowledge-based economy
ments both in a narrow sense and in a broader sense (see                        according to the Lisbon strategy. For that reason, inno-
Table 2). The instruments used for science policy may                           vation goals can be found in a wide range of policies and

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Table 3. Technology Policy Tools

                                             Direct or Indirect Support for
Direct Government Funding                 Commercialization and Production;                                        Support for Learning and Diffusion of
of R&D                                     Indirect Support for Development                                            Knowledge and Technology

R&D contracts with private firms       Patent prosecution                                                Education and training (technicians, engineers, and
   (fully funded or cost-shared)       R&D tax credits                                                     scientists; business decision makers; consumers)
R&D contracts and grants with          Tax credits or production subsidies for                           Codification and diffusion of technical knowledge
   universities                          firms bringing new technologies to                                (screening, interpretation, and validation of
Intramural R&D conducted in              market                                                            R&D results; support for databases)
   government laboratories             Tax credits or rebates for purchasers of                          Technical standard setting to ensure commonality
R&D contracts with industry-led          new technologies                                                  or compatibility
   consortia or collaborations         Government procurement                                            Technology and industrial extension services
   among two or more actors above      Demonstration projects                                            Publicity, persuasion, and consumer information
                                                                                                           (including awards, media campaigns, etc.)

Source: Alic, Mowery, and Rubin (2003).
Note: R&D = research and development.

Table 4. Linnaean Taxonomy

Domain      Kingdom     Division           Class                   Order                   Family                          Genus                   Species

domestic   economic     industrial   entrepreneurial            innovation          technology                     biotechnology policy,       genomics policy,
  policy     policy       policy       policy                     policy               policy                        information                  database
                                                                                                                     technology policy, etc.      policy, etc.
domestic   economic     industrial   entrepreneurial            innovation          nontechnology                  organizational              training and
  policy     policy       policy       policy                     policy              policy                         policy                       education
domestic   regulatory   fiscal       tax                        income tax          corporate                      incentive                   tax deduction
  policy     policy        policy       policy                     policy             policy                         policy                       policy

regulations. Innovation could be directly or indirectly                             More specific sectoral polices may deal with biotech-
addressed by the policies and regulations. In this section,                         nology or information technology policy. Among these,
the results of our typology are displayed.                                          genomics and database policies can be found. Non-
   The Linnaean heuristic exemplified to some extent in                             technological aspects of innovation, such as provision of
Table 4 shows a degree of specificity of innovation poli-                           training and education as sources of innovation, can show
cies. To begin with, domestic policy is the complement                              another type of species of EU innovation policy.
of foreign policy and it primarily deals with internal mat-                         Regarding regulatory policies, tax deductions are an
ters, as opposed to relations with other countries that are                         example of this criterion.
not EU member states. Examples of the second are poli-                                 The cladistic approach here simply arranges
cies to foster innovation in neighboring countries, evalu-                          the innovation policies in an evolutionary tree. For
ation of innovation policies of accession countries, and                            instance, domestic policy in the cladogram (see Figure 3)
improvement of innovation in third countries.                                       shows that technological and nontechnological poli-
   Major areas of domestic policy include economic pol-                             cies stem from innovation policy and this comes
icy and regulatory policy. For instance, the promotion of                           from entrepreneurial policy that derives from indus-
innovation for the knowledge-based economy illustrates                              trial policy in economic policy. As it was already
economic policies dealing with innovation. One example                              said, the first strategy was to adopt the two biologi-
of industrial policy for innovation is the encouragement                            cal approaches in order to provide a frame for epis-
of innovation in the food sector. One example of entre-                             temic rationale.
preneurial policy is the state aid for small- and medium-                              The second strategy used a neofunctionalist heuristic
sized enterprises (SMEs). One example of innovation                                 for our typology. Thus, the following first-order con-
policy is the innovation policy tools. Examples of tech-                            structs were formulated for this attempt: (a) content, (b)
nology policy are those that promote innovation in media,                           axis, (c) time horizon, (d) process, (e) action, (f) goals,
agriculture, health, food, fisheries, and nuclear sectors.                          and (g) division of labor.

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                                                                                                                                EU innovation policy management

                                                                                          EU innovation policy management
Figure 3. Cladogram
                                                                                                                            0      20                 40            60          80
                                                                                                                                Frequency of documents on EU innovation

                                                                                                                                State aid to SMEs          Finance and budget
   Firstly, innovation policies content is a criterion                                                                          Innovation policy tools    Policy coherence

because innovation is pervasive; many policy areas
have an impact on innovation. Among the subject mat-                       Figure 4. European Union (EU) Innovation Policy Management
ter of these documents, innovation appeared in texts                       Note: SMEs = small- and medium-sized enterprises.
related to agriculture, competition, culture, democ-
racy, development, economy, education, employment,
energy, environment, EU accession, EU neighbor-                               Fifthly, as far as the action involved with innova-
hood, external relations, finance, fishery, food, health,                  tion policies, innovation policies can cover their
human rights, information and communication tech-                          design, implementation, management, and assess-
nologies, manufacturing, intellectual property rights,                     ment. Regarding the design of instruments, the
media, networks, policy coherence, regions, science,                       Commission’s proposal is the result of an extensive con-
security, social aspects, standardization, trade, trans-                   sultation process. Those consultative documents can be
port, and youth.                                                           blue books, white papers, green papers, and reports. A
   Secondly, with respect to axis, innovation policies                     blue book is a book of specialized information. A white
can be vertical or horizontal. Vertical policies, very                     paper is a detailed or authoritative report. A green paper
important for implementation, depict relationships                         is a document that proposes and invites discussion on
between different institutional layers. For instance,                      approaches to a problem. A consultative report can be
sectoral policies for innovation depict vertical poli-                     produced by technical experts, national experts, interna-
cies, namely, improving innovation in the media and                        tional organizations, or nongovernmental organizations.
audiovisual sector, agriculture, health, food, transport,                  Regarding implementation, innovation policies can also
fisheries, and nuclear sectors. Horizontal policies are                    be embodied in frameworks, actions, implementation
essential for coordination of many policy domains to                       plans, or programs. Innovation policies appear in other
achieve better innovation policy in a multisectoral                        policy declarations. Regarding management, innovation
approach, such as promoting innovation for a knowledge-                    policies can be embodied in state aid to SMEs, finance
based economy.                                                             and budget, policy coherence, and other innovation pol-
   Thirdly, with regard to time horizon, innovation                        icy tools (see Figure 4). Finally, the assessment of inno-
policies could be characterized as short-, medium-, or                     vation policies can be embodied in reports produced by
long-term. One example of the first is state aid to                        impartial experts.
SMEs. One example of the second is finance and bud-                           Sixthly, innovation policies can have direct or indi-
get. One example of the third is the fulfillment of                        rect goals. In 2006, documents dealing with innova-
researchers’ scarcity.                                                     tion policy design in a direct way contained sectoral,
   Fourthly, concerning policy process, innovation                         regional, external, labor, and macroeconomic aspects
policies can be made collectively or institutionally                       (see Figure 5). The documents that dealt with innova-
(March & Olsen, 1996). Collective policy making is                         tion policy indirectly addressed topics other than
seen as bargaining behavior and policy as negotiated                       innovation such as education, environment, culture,
outcomes, such as developing innovation in regions.                        standardization, and so on (see Figure 6).
Institutional policy making implies matching institu-                         Finally, policies can be classified by the governmental
tions, behaviors, and contexts, such as maintenance of                     actors responsible for their design and implementation.
innovation in the nuclear sector.                                          In science policy, the main policy actors are those

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                                                                                                                              Improve innovation in media and
                                                                                                                              audiovisual sector
                                                                                                                              Encourage innovation in
                                                                                                        7                     agriculture
                                                                                                                              Promote innovation in the health
                                                               4                                                              sector
                                                                                                                              Encourage innovation in the food
                                                                            5                                                 sector
                                                                                                                              Reinforce innovation in the
                                                       3                                                                      transport sector
      Direct EU innovation policies

                                                                                                                              Stimulate innovation in the
                                                 2                                                                            fisheries sector
                                                                                                                              Maintain innovation in the
                                           1                                                                                  nuclear sector
                                                                                                                              Increase innovation in security

                                                                                          6                                   Develop innovation in regions

                                                               4                                                              Foster innovation in
                                                                                                                              neighbouring countries
                                                       3                                                                      Stir innovation among youth

                                                 2                                                                            Improving innovation in third
                                                 2                                                                            Evaluate innovation policies of
                                                                                                                              accession countries
                                                                                                                              Fill up the scarcity of
                                                                                                                              Promote innovation for
                                                                                                                              knowledge based economy

                                      0         2            4                          6                          8
                                          Frequency of EU documents on innovation

Figure 5. EU (European Union) Direct Innovation Policy Design for 2006

Commission’s directorates and Parliament’s committees                                          technology policy, the main policy protagonists are those
dealing with education and research. Others, however, in                                       directorates of the Commission and committees of the
charge of health, defense, energy, transport, and environ-                                     Parliament that deal with applied science and procure-
ment may also play a role since they organize their own                                        ment of technologies. In innovation policy, the main pro-
research communities. Finance plays a role when it                                             tagonists are those directorates of the Commission and
comes to deciding the budget allocation for research. In                                       committees of the Parliament that deal with enterprise.

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                                                                                                                                           Provide training and education
                                                                                                                                           as sources of innovation

                                                                                                                                           Enforce environmental
                                                                                               15                                          regulation to spur innovation

                                                                                                                                           Support culture for creativity and

                                                                6                                                                          Use innovation degree for trade
         Indirect EU innovation policies

                                                                                                                                           Respect democracy and human
                                                                                                                                           rights to support innovation

                                                                                                                                           Promote standardisation to
                                                    2                                                                                      boost innovation

                                                    2                                                                                      Foster employment and
                                                                                                                                           productivity to achieve
                                                                                                                                           Use information technology for
                                                                                                                                           Meet the development goals to
                                                1                                                                                          generate innovation

                                                1                                                                                          Enforce noncontractual
                                                                                                                                           obligations for innovation

                                                                                                                                           Enforce intellectual property
                                           0                5           10                  15                   20                        rights for innovation

                                               Frequency of EU documents on innovation

Figure 6. EU (European Union) Indirect Innovation Policy Design for 2006

          Models for Innovation Policies                                                                        market failures such as extensive externalities, high
                                                                                                                transaction costs, and asymmetric information. The mis-
   Innovation policy models are referred to in this sec-                                                        sion paradigm limits innovation policy to the mission of
tion to illustrate how the historical context played a role                                                     government agencies but does not confine it to
in their construction. Bozeman (2000) modeled three                                                             defense. The cooperation paradigm fosters technology
paradigms differentiated by policy legitimization, viz.                                                         transfer.
market failure, mission, and cooperation (see Table 5).                                                            European innovation policies have been increasingly
The market failure paradigm limits innovation policy to                                                         differentiated in terms of scope and instruments since the

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Table 5. Bozeman Models

Model                        Market Failure                                         Mission                           Cooperative Technology

Core assumptions    (1) Markets are the most efficient         (1) The government role should be                (1) Markets are not always the most
                       allocation of information and              closely tied to authorized                       efficient route to innovation and
                       technology.                                programmatic missions of                         economic growth.
                    (2) Government laboratory role                agencies.                                     (2) Global economy requires more
                       limited to market failures such         (2) Government R&D is limited to                    centralized planning and broader
                       as extensive externalities, high           missions of agencies, but not                    support for civilian technology
                       transaction costs, and                     confined to defense. University                  development.
                       information distortions. Small             R&D supports traditional roles of             (3) Government laboratories and
                       mission domain, chiefly in                 land grant universities such as                  universities can play a role in
                       defense. Universities provided             agricultural or engineering                      developing technology, especially
                       basic research, in line with               extension, manufacturing                         precompetitive technology, for use
                       private sector undersupply due             assistance, and contract research                in the private sector.
                       to market failure (inability to            for defense or energy research.
                       appropriate directly the results        (3) Government should not compete
                       of basic research).                        with private sector in innovation
                    (3) Innovation flows from and to              and technology. But a
                       private sector; minimal                    government or university R&D
                       university or government role.             role is a complement.
Peak influence      Highly influential during all              1945-1965; 1992-present                          1992-1994
Policy examples     Deregulation; contraction of               Creation of energy policy R&D,                   Expansion of federal laboratory roles
                       government role; R&D tax                  agricultural labs, and other such                and university role in technology
                       credits; capital gains; tax roll          broad mission frameworks.                        transfer and cooperative research
                       back. Little or no need for                                                                and other technology-based
                       federal laboratories except in                                                             economic development programs.
                       defense support.
Theoretical roots   Neoclassical economics.                    Traditional liberal governance with              Industrial policy theory, regional
                                                                 broad definition of government                   economic development theory.

Source: Bozeman (2000).
Note: R&D = research and development.

1950s. Rothwell and Dodgson (1992) modeled them                                  diffusion, managerial, and systemic (see Table 7). The
according to a historic approach differentiated by the                           specific instruments are shown in Table 8.
degree of coordination between science and industrial
policy makers (see Table 6). They displayed three                                  Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies
phases, viz. 1950s and 1960s, mid-1970s to early 1980s,
and early 1980s to early 1990s. The three phases were                                This section describes the meanings of constructs
characterized by the degree of coordination of science                           used in innovation policy studies. Firstly, science can be
and industrial policy makers, namely, little, increasing,                        conceptualized as a mode of knowledge. In the domain
and complete coordination, respectively.                                         or neighborhood, knowledge is just one member of a
    Smits and Kuhlmann (2002) also modeled                                       whole cluster of closely related entities, such as fancy, sus-
European innovation policies from a historic stand-                              picion, surmise, awareness, information, opinion, belief,
point but they differentiated them by the primary goal                           conviction, and so on, according to Ziman (2005). He
of such policies. The 1970s were characterized by a                              arranged them in increasing order of credibility to indi-
financial goal for stimulating research and develop-                             cate that knowledge is just the limit point of that set. A
ment, the 1980s by diffusion or technology transfer,                             feature of knowledge is the notion of consensus, which
the 1990s by managerial gaps in running businesses,                              Kusch (2004) envisages as precisely the elusive endpoint
and the 2000s by systems for facilitating change.                                where knowledge is indeed achieved.
    In particular, innovation policy instruments in use in                           What distinguishes science from other modes of
all EU and preaccession countries were classified by Smits                       systemic inquiry is its distinctive method: the scien-
and Kuhlmann (2002) into four categories: financial,                             tific method. In particular, technology is science in

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Rodriguez, Montalvo / INNOVATION POLICIES 477

Table 6. Rothwell and Dodgson’s Models

1950s and 1960s          Science policy                      Industrial policy                                  Firm size emphasis
                         • Scientific education              • Grants for R&D                                   • Emphasis on large firms and industrial
                         • University research               • Equipment grants                                   agglomeration
                         • Basic research in                 • Industrial restructuring                         • Creating national “flagship” companies
                           government                        • Support for collective                           • Public R&D funds go mainly to
                           laboratories                        industrial research                                large companies
                                                             • Technical education                              • Paucity of venture capital
                                                               and training
                         Little coordination or active collaboration between science policy makers and industrial policy makers
Mid 1970s to             Innovation policy
 early 1980s               • Some concern over lack of university-industry linkages
                           • Grants for innovation
                           • Involving collective research institutes in product development
                           • Innovation-stimulating public procurement
                           • Increasing interest in SMEs
                           • Many measures introduced to support innovation in SMEs
                           • Continuing paucity of venture capital
                         Increasing interdepartmental coordination
Early 1980s to present   Technology policy
                           • Increased emphasis on stimulating university-industry linkages
                           • Increased emphasis on “strategic” research in universities
                           • Selection and support of generic technologies
                           • Growth in European policies of collaboration in precompetitive research
                           • Emphasis on intercompany collaboration
                           • Emphasis on the creation of new technology-based firms
                           • Growing availability of venture capital
                         Interdepartmental initiatives
                         Growing interest in accountability and in measures for evaluating the effectiveness of public R&D policies
                         Increasing concern over growing regional economic disparities
                         National and local government initiatives to enhance R&D
                         Potential of the less-developed regions: accelerated establishment of regional technology infrastructures
                           (e.g., science parks, technopoles, innovation centers)
Source: Rothwell and Dodgson (1992).
Note: R&D = research and development; SMEs = small- and medium-sized enterprises.

application; science in action is research (Ziman,                               major sources of research questions, emphasis on cogni-
2000). The instrumental attitude to science is summed                            tive or operational problems, and focus on science and
up by the hybrid scientific research and technological                           technology (Spiegel-Rösing, 1977). Science and tech-
development using the acronym R&D. This linear                                   nology studies started as a movement with a critical view
model locates science at the upstream and innovation                             of scientific and technological development and its
at the downstream.                                                               impact on society. Later, this movement turned into an
   The supposed role of research is to produce, by any                           academic field more interested in knowledge creation,
feasible means, whatever knowledge is required, or                               having taken approaches from sociology, philosophy,
seems likely to be required, in order to satisfy an                              and history.
actual, or envisaged, material need. Industrial R&D                                 The science and technology policy was established as
and other forms of applied science do indeed share the                           an area of government intervention in the immediate
same norms also sometimes found inside large gov-                                aftermath of World War II. Initially, the main area of
ernmental laboratories. Industrial R&D and academic                              involvement was just science. In the 1950s and 1960s,
science are culturally very different.                                           the focus was on institution building and expansion of
   Science and technology studies and policy analysis                            policy for science. In the 1970s, the application and uti-
have been divided because of their disciplinary origins,                         lization of science as a policy were emphasized, with

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Table 7. Development of European Innovation Policy

                       Primary Goal                Client                        Content                         Process                   System

Financial (1970s)    stimulating R&D       one-to-one private              R&D subsidy
Diffusion (1980s)    transfer of           one-to-one private              science subjects              limited to specific
                        knowledge and        firm (public                  formal                           technical project
                        technological        institution)
Managerial gap       support running a     one-to-one                      social science                limited to specific       organizing small chains
 (1990s)                business           one-to-few                      formal                           consultancy project      and clusters
                                           private firm                    tacit                         demand articulation       management interfaces
                                                                                                         strategy development
Systemic (late       facilitating change   chains networks                 science, social               management                system organizer
  1990s)                                     systems                          science                    complex project           system builder
                                                                           formal                        strategy and vision       management interfaces
                                                                           tacit                            development            identifying, mobilizing,
                                                                           strategic                     demand articulation          involving users
                                                                              intelligence               stimulate learning        guarding democratic
                                                                                                         stimulate experimenting      content
                                                                                                                                   developing infrastructure
                                                                                                                                   strategic intelligence

Source: Smits and Kuhlmann (2002).
Note: R&D = research and development.

Table 8. Innovation Policy Instruments From EU Member                             technology thereby emerging more clearly as an area of
         States and Accession Countries                                           concern. In the 1980s, there was a shift to innovation pol-
Type of Instrument                Specific Instrument                             icy by removing the distinction between science and
                                                                                  technology. In the 1990s, basic research became inti-
Financial                financing                                                mately intertwined with the production of goods and
                         strengthening company research
                                                                                  technological development.
                         start-up technology-based companies                         Science and technology policy analysis is concerned
Diffusion                mobility                                                 with the governance, direction, and promotion of science
                         absorption technologies by SMEs                          and technology in the real world of science and technol-
Managerial               mobility                                                 ogy (Salazar-Acosta, 2005). Science and technology pol-
                         innovation and management
                         start-up technology-based companies
                                                                                  icy analysis moved between different models and
                         absorption technologies by SMEs                          theories from political science, economics, and manage-
                         strategy, vision of R&D                                  ment. The terms science, basic research, and academia
Systemic                 Dynamic:                                                 have been used interchangeably. In addition, the terms
                            raising public awareness                              technology, applied research, and industry have also
                            promotion of clustering and
                                                                                  been employed in a similar manner.
                               cooperation for innovation
                            cooperation research, universities,                      This semantic confusion has helped to conceal
                               companies                                          important differences between them. To reduce the
                         Static (infrastructure):                                 current state of confusion, we provide the following
                            public authorities                                    clarifications. Traditional literature has been used to
                                                                                  distinguish between basic and applied research, with
                            protection of intellectual property
                               rights                                             basic research being focused on questions of funda-
                            administrative simplification                         mental scientific interest and applied research focused
                            legal and regulatory environment                      on questions of usefulness and applications.
                            education and training                                   Stokes (1997) modeled research according to the con-
Source: Smits and Kuhlmann (2002).                                                sideration of usefulness and the quest for fundamental
Note: EU = European Union; R&D = research and development;                        understanding. If there is an application but no quest for
SMEs = small- and medium-sized enterprises.                                       fundamental understanding, then the research falls into

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Rodriguez, Montalvo / INNOVATION POLICIES 479

Edison’s quadrant. If there is no consideration of useful-                    account the combination of heterogeneous factors whose
ness, but there exists a quest for fundamental under-                         interactions produce—or fail to produce—innovation.
standing, then the research falls into Bohr’s quadrant. If                    Sociology of science developed this perspective by
there is both consideration of usefulness and fundamen-                       rejecting the retrospective view that suppresses moments
tal understanding, then the research falls into Pasteur’s                     of uncertainty and sees creation only as a series of
quadrant.                                                                     inevitable stages moving from the abstract to the con-
    Research can be conducted in industrial, governmen-                       crete, from the idea to its concretization (Akrich, Callon,
tal, or academic organizations. Basic research is not the                     & Latour, 1988). Translation of and through technical
monopoly of universities; some companies carry out                            instruments is a constant process of relating information
basic research as well. Furthermore, applied research is                      and protagonists and of regularly reinterpreting the sys-
not only found in industry; academia also pursues                             tems thereby created.
applied research. Nonetheless, the labels of basic and                            Public policy instrumentation, in general, and innova-
applied research are changing. A priori definitions of                        tion policy instrumentation, in particular, are therefore
polar ideal types are vague, imprecise, and awkward for                       means of orienting relations between political society
empirical operationalization in postmodern science                            (via the administrative executive) and civil society (via
(Callon, 1997; Kidd, 1965; Latour, 1993).                                     its administered subjects), through intermediaries in the
    Science and technology are distinct branches of                           form of devices that mix technical components (measur-
knowledge and distinct communities, with different                            ing, calculating, the rule of law, procedure) and social
research problems and methods, responding to differ-                          components (representation, symbol). This instrumenta-
ent incentives. Technology involves much more than                            tion is expressed in a more-or-less standardized form—a
science, and innovation involves much more than                               required passage for public policy—and combines oblig-
technology. Innovations do not always involve the                             ations, financial relations (tax deductions, economic aid),
application of technology (Metcalfe, 2000). It is inad-                       and methods of learning about populations (statistical
equate to think of innovation in technological terms                          observations).
alone (Dodgson & Bessant, 1996).
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EU Innovation Policies

  • 1. Innovation Policies From the European Union: Methods for Classification Victor Rodriguez Carlos Montalvo TNO, Innovation Policy Group This study focuses on taxonomic and typological also carrying out any new combination of productive methods of innovation policies in the European institu- resources that amounts to the setting of new production tional context. Although many types of policies affect (Schumpeter, 1939). Thus, this Schumpeterian definition innovation, no universally accepted criteria exist to of the term innovation includes the development of new classify them. As innovation policy in a myriad of the- consumer goods, new methods of production, new mar- matic areas—systemic model—has become pluralized, kets, and new forms of industrial organization. this article offers a method for classification. Such poli- A broader and more integrated policy framework cies are grouped and categorized according to biologi- built on the concept of an enlarged European research cal and neofunctional approaches. area emerged in 2000 (European Commission, 2000b). In this context, a spectrum of innovation policy scenar- Keywords: innovation system; innovation model; ios was envisaged from centralization to decentraliza- innovation policy; European Union; taxonomy; typology tion (Kuhlmann, 2001). The architecture of the European Union (EU) for innovation is multidimensional—supranational policy Introduction furniture juxtaposed with national, regional (Braczyk, Cooke, & Heidenreich, 1998; Ohmae, 1993), sectoral Innovation policy—as a generic policy—is a set of (Breschi & Malerba, 1997; Cooke, Gomez Uranga, & actions intended to raise the quantity and efficiency of Etxebarria, 1997; Malerba, 2002), and technological innovative activities. In turn, innovative activities are the (Carlsson, 1995, 1997; Carlsson & Stankiewicz, 1991) creation, adaptation, and adoption of new products, policy artifacts. processes, or services (European Commission, 2000a). As innovation policy in a myriad of thematic areas— Although research is a source of innovation, this systemic model—at the EU level became pluralized, we encompasses more than a successful application of faced the cognitive challenge of putting them into some research results. Because it is through enterprise that form of recognizable order. Thus, a system of classifica- economic benefit of the successful exploitation of nov- tion is used to group and categorize EU innovation poli- elty is captured, enterprise is at the heart of the innova- cies according to a biological and neofunctional tion process. Thus, innovation policies must extend approach. their focus beyond the link with research and have the Substantial academic effort has been devoted to sys- ultimate effect on enterprise (European Commission, temic models of innovation (Edquist, 1997, 2001; Edquist 2003). & Johnson, 1997; Lundvall, 1992; Lundvall, Johnson, Innovation is broadly defined to include not only Andersen, & Dalum, 2002; Nelson, 1993). However, putting new technological inventions into practice but there has been relatively little analysis of the taxonomy AUTHORS’ NOTE: The authors are deeply grateful to Nicholas Neill-Fraser for helpful comments on an earlier version of this article. Acknowledgment is made to Barry Bozeman, Mark Dodgson, Stefan Kuhlmann, Ruud Smits, and the Pew Center on Global Climate Change for their permission to reproduce their tables. Special thanks are given to participants in the TNO-IPg Strategy Day for their remarkable observations in Delft on 2 July 2007. This study was conducted under the umbrella of TNO-IPg Long Term Research Program Renewal of Innovation: Knowledge Investment Projects “Innovation Policy Monitoring and Impact” No. 13-001 KIP 07-002. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society Vol. 27, No. 6, December 2007, 467-481 DOI: 10.1177/0270467607308287 Copyright © 2007 Sage Publications Downloaded from by on September 22, 2009
  • 2. 468 BULLETIN OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY / December 2007 or typology of innovation policies (Alic, 2002; Alic, conceive innovation as a complex process involving Mowery, & Rubin, 2003; den Hertog & de Groot, 2005) different actors and their interactions. and a scarcity at the EU level (Kuhlmann, 2002; Systems strive to achieve goals for which their ele- Lundvall & Borrás, 2005; Rothwell & Dodgson, 1992; ments fulfill specific functions. Different typologies of Smits & Kuhlmann, 2002). system functions have been developed with different Although many types of policies affect innovation, no degrees of detail and emphasis (Johnson, 2001). A gen- universally accepted criteria classify them. Taxonomy or eral typology of innovation system functions set out typology of innovation policies seldom includes regu- three categories, namely, reduction of uncertainty, man- latory policies, such as environmental or competition agement of conflict and cooperation, and provision of regulation. Regulatory policies can strongly influence incentives (Edquist & Johnson, 1997). innovation. The environmental literature (e.g., Blind et al., Once the model is chosen, innovation policies can be 2004; Jaffe, Newell, & Stavins, 2003; SQW, 2006) devised. Although there is a lack of consensus on the includes many studies of regulation-induced innovation, definition of public policy, Birkland (2001) indicates such as the development of greenhouse gas emission elements common to all definitions of public policy: controls. Likewise, energy policy also has affected inno- The policy is made in the name of the “public”; policy vation. For example, efficiency standards have reduced is generally made or initiated by government; policy is the average energy consumption of household appli- interpreted and implemented by public and private ances (e.g., Rubin, 2001). In addition, competition policy actors; policy is what the government intends to do. is recognized as shaping innovation (e.g., Hart, 2001). Regarding the theoretical framework of policy instru- All in all, this study focuses on taxonomic and typo- ments, Lascoumes and Le Gales (2007) present two logical methods of innovation policies in the institutional arguments. Firstly, public policy instrumentation is a context of the EU. The article is organized as follows. To major issue in public policy, as it reveals a theorization begin with, innovation per se, models of innovation, and of the relationship between the governing and the gov- innovation policy are discussed. In Section 3, the EU pol- erned: Every instrument constitutes a condensed form of icy and regulation process are briefly described. In knowledge about social control and ways of exercising Section 4, data and methodology used for the taxonomy it. Secondly, instruments are not neutral devices: They and typology of innovation policy are specified. In produce specific effects, independently of the objective Section 5, the resulting taxa and types of the EU policies pursued (the aims ascribed to them), which structure on innovation are shown. In Section 6, models on inno- public policy according to their own logic. vation policies are depicted. Before concluding, science, Public policy instrumentation means the set of prob- technology, and innovation policies are examined. lems posed by the choice and use of instruments (tech- Finally, some concluding remarks are given. niques, methods of operation, devices) that allow government policy to be made material and operational. Theoretical Framework Another way of formulating the issue is to say that it involves not only understanding the reasons that drive In this section, we define the constructs needed for a towards retaining one instrument rather than another but taxonomy and typology and thereby the scope for this also envisaging the effects produced by these choices. study. At the outset, innovation is the successful produc- By way of indication, a brief catalogue of these instru- tion, assimilation, and exploitation of novelty in the ments can be drawn up: legislative and regulatory, economic and social spheres. In a more detailed way, economic and fiscal, agreement- and incentive-based, innovation is the renewal and enlargement of the range of information- and communication-based. But observa- products and services and the associated markets; the tion shows that it is exceptional for a policy, or even a establishment of new methods of production, supply, and program for action within a policy, to be monoinstru- distribution; and the introduction of changes in manage- mental. Most often, the literature notes a plurality of ment, work organization, and the working conditions and instruments being mobilized and then raises the ques- skills of the workforce (European Commission, 1995). tion of coordinating them (Bernelmans-Videc, Rist, & Regarding innovation theories, the linear models Vedung, 1998). study innovation as a process divided into different Apart from national governments, nongovernmental stages (Rogers, 1995). In contrast, systemic models organizations, public-private partnerships, subnational (Edquist, 1997, 2001; Edquist & Johnson, 1997; agencies, and supranational programs all promote inno- Lundvall, 1992; Lundvall et al., 2002; Nelson, 1993) vation policies as well. In this study, we only focus on Downloaded from by on September 22, 2009
  • 3. Rodriguez, Montalvo / INNOVATION POLICIES 469 the EU innovation policies. Institutionally, innovation policies at the EU level must follow the principles of subsidiarity and European added value. The first rule means that those policies have to be justified through supranational formulation that would not be effectively managed by the member states, while the second princi- ple requires from such policies a synergy effect not attainable within the national borders. The European Council (2000) in Lisbon applied the open method of coordination (OMC) to innovation poli- cies, introduced in the Employment Strategy of the Amsterdam Treaty. The European Convention (2002) decided not to codify the OMC within the European Figure 1. Early Stage of the Codecision Procedure Constitution but recognized the special logic of innova- tion policies by drafting a separate subarticle (Kaiser & Prange, 2004). Innovation policies in the EU are multifaceted, procedures that define how the EU will fulfill the goals ingrained, and wide ranging, including all initiatives defined in the policies. They also may clarify policies or regarding science, education, research, technology state law. The EU governance relies on the method that development, and industrial modernization, overlapping arbitrates between different interests by two filters, also with industrial, environmental, labor, and social namely, the general interest at the level of the policies (Shapira & Klein, 2001). In fact, due to the Commission and democratic representation at the level complexity of the innovation policy system at the EU of the Council and the Parliament. Innovation policies level, a need of a typology arises. The epistemic strategy fall into the scope of the codecision procedure. is to categorize EU innovation policies in line with two The Commission alone proposes policies and reg- perspectives: biological and neofunctionalist. ulations. Besides that, the Commission has the ability First, we use biological heuristics, a method by to execute policy. Regulatory and budgetary acts are which species of organisms are classified, because we adopted by the Council, representing the member consider the criteria useful for the purpose of our study. states, and the Parliament, representing citizens Modern classification in biology has its root in the work (European Commission, 2001). Central to the EU’s of Linnaeus, who grouped species according to shared decision-making system is the codecision procedure. physical characteristics. These groupings have since This sets the principle of parity and means where nei- been revised by molecular systematics, which uses ther the Parliament nor the Council may adopt legis- DNA sequences as data (Simpson, 2006). lation without the other’s assent. Second, from a neofunctionalist standpoint, European The Commission has a monopoly of legislative initia- integration has brought a multilayered division of tive in all the areas that are subject to the codecision pro- labor to classical nation-state functions. In these circum- cedure. Innovation is among them. The Commission’s stances, innovation systems are stirred up by the increas- proposal is the result of an extensive consultation process ing socioeconomic and political Europeanization since (see Figure 1), which may be conducted in various ways, the 1980s. Nonetheless, EU innovation policies are still namely, impact assessment, reports by technical or scien- pursued in parallel on the supranational, national, and tific experts, consultation of national experts, interna- subnational levels. The justification for multiple but sep- tional organizations or nongovernmental organizations, arate innovation policies at the EU level has been over- consultation via green and white papers, and so on. The taken by changed circumstances (Georghiou, 2001). work of European contract research organizations such as TNO, Fraunhofer ISI, or VTT plays a role in this phase. EU Policies and Regulations A consultation process is also launched among the different Commission departments in order to ensure that In this section, we concisely depict the EU architec- all aspects of the matter in question are taken into ture for producing policies and regulations. Under the account (interservice consultation). The Commission’s EU governance system, policies are defined as expected proposal is adopted by the College of Commissioners on outcomes of the EU work and provide a framework the basis of either a written procedure (no discussion within which the EU operates. Regulations are the among Commissioners) or an oral procedure (the dossier Downloaded from by on September 22, 2009
  • 4. 470 BULLETIN OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY / December 2007 Table 1. Frequency Distribution of EU Documents on Innovation 2006 Year Council Parliament Commission 2000 21 25 52 2005 2001 10 55 68 2002 29 43 99 2004 2003 42 49 88 Year 2004 19 17 87 2003 2005 23 16 113 2006 51 41 106 Total 195 246 613 2002 Note: EU = European Union. Noise was only removed for 2006. 2001 2000 is discussed by the College of Commissioners) and is published in the Official Journal of the European Union. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Documents Then, the proposal is forwarded to the European Parliament and to the Council simultaneously. Commission Parliament C ouncil The Economic and Social Committee, representing civil society, and the Committee of the Regions, repre- Figure 2. Chart of EU Documents on Innovation senting local authorities, must be consulted by the Note: EU = European Union. Commission and can be consulted by the Council and the Parliament. Thenceforth, the Economic and Social taxonomy refers to a classification system that leads to Committee and the Committee of the Regions may issue categorizing innovation policies into mutually exclusive opinions in cases considered by them to be appropriate. and exhaustive sets with a series of discrete decision After that, the codecision procedure takes place only rules, while a typological heuristic makes possible iden- between the Parliament, Council, and Commission. tifying multiple ideal types, each representing indepen- dent variables of the outcome. In our study, the outcome Data and Method could be represented by the Lisbon goals, that is, to make the EU the most competitive and dynamic knowledge- As we aim to classify EU innovation policies, we based economy, capable of sustainable economic growth assumed that those policies are embedded in documents. with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion. For that reason, we resorted to documents published in A catalogue of all aspects and instances of EU pol- Eur-lex. This reference center provides online access to icy innovation would obviously be quite unmanage- the EU official journal, treaties, legislation in force, able. It would merely demonstrate that innovation preparatory acts, case law, and parliamentary questions. policies are too diverse, too protean, to be captured in The yearly frequency distribution of EU documents full by a single categorization. For that reason, two on innovation from 2000 to 2006 is shown in Table 1 and strategies were designed to fully tackle the classifica- Figure 2. Firstly, the analysis was restricted to documents tion problem of EU innovation policies. containing the term innovation either in the title or in the The first strategy was to adopt two biological text. Secondly, the working database was constructed by approaches to the problem of classification of EU retrieving documents published in English by the innovation policies into a typology in order to provide Council, the Parliament, and the Commission in the EU an epistemic horizon for cognitive purposes. Firstly, a official journal. Thirdly, we chose only the year 2006 for Linnaean heuristic allowed us to classify EU innova- illustrating typology of EU innovation policies. Finally, tion policies into a hierarchy that starts with domains for 2006, we discarded those documents that contained and finishes with species. Secondly, a cladistic the term innovation because they were not fully in line approach permitted us to arrange innovation policies with our selected definition of innovation. In other only into their order of branching in an evolutionary words, we removed noise only between January 1, 2006, tree (Luria, Gould, & Singer, 1981). and December 31, 2006. In both cases, the underlying logic for each criterion The semantic confusion of the terms taxonomy and is Aristotelian: Superior taxa possess similarities that are typology is clarified by Doty and Glick (1994). The term common to all lower taxa, and lower taxa possess more Downloaded from by on September 22, 2009
  • 5. Rodriguez, Montalvo / INNOVATION POLICIES 471 Table 2. Public Policy Instruments for Research and Development Instruments in a Narrow Sense Instruments in a Broader Sense 1. Institutional funding 4. Public demand and procurement National research centers Research councils Applied research and technology development organizations Universities and other higher education institutions Others 2. Financial incentives 5. Corporatist measures Indirect promotion programs Long-term visions; technology foresight Technology promotion programs Technology assessment Risk capital Awareness initiatives 3. Other innovation infrastructure and technology transfer mechanisms 6. (Continuing) education; training Information and consultancy for small- and medium-sized enterprises Demonstration centers 7. Public policy Technology centers Competition policy Cooperation, networks, people Public stimulation of private demand Source: Meyer-Krahmer and Kuntze (1992). specificity that could make a difference from other taxa be budgetary decisions on allocating funds to public at the same level of classification. For example, domes- research organizations, such as universities, and subsi- tic policy is the counterpart of external policy and it con- dies or tax relief to private firms. The instruments used sists of all government policy decisions, programs, and in technology policy may be public procurement and actions that primarily deal with internal matters, as direct incentives in the form of subsidies and tax reduc- opposed to relations with other countries that are not EU tions, supporting research at universities, finding institu- member states. Major areas of domestic policy include tional mechanisms that link universities and public economic policy and regulatory policy. Economic policy laboratories to the users of research, and designing and refers to the actions that cover interest rates, governmen- enforcing intellectual property rights. The instruments tal deficit, and labor markets, among others. Regulatory used in innovation policy pay special attention to the policy refers to the implementation of rules to influence institutional dimension including competence building the behavior of actors in society. and organizational performance, such as improving The second strategy was to use a neofunctionalist individual skills and learning abilities. heuristic for our typological approach. The ideal types Another way of constructing a technology policy are complex constructs that must be described in terms typology could be in the manner of Alic and colleagues of multiple dimensions and are not categories. Instead, (2003), who schematized the policy tools according to each ideal type represents a unique combination of the (a) direct government funding of R&D; (b) direct or indi- dimensions used to describe EU innovation policies. rect support for commercialization and production; (c) Public policy instrumentation and its choice of tools indirect support for development; and (d) support for and modes of operation are generally treated either as a learning and diffusion (see Table 3). kind of evidence (e.g., governing means making regula- tions, taxing, entering into contracts, communicating, Taxonomy and Typology of EU etc.) or as if the questions it raises (the properties of Innovation Policies instruments, justifications for choosing them, their applicability, etc.) are part of a rationality of methods. A The old linear model of innovation embedded the first good deal of the public administration literature devoted generation of innovation policy. The second generation to the issue of instrumentation is marked by a function- of innovation policy was launched in the EU in 1995. alist orientation (Lascoumes & Le Gales, 2007). Since the 2000s, the EU innovation policies belong to the In particular, Meyer-Krahmer and Kuntze (1992) third generation, which implies having innovation at the have defined research and development (R&D) instru- center of all policies in the knowledge-based economy ments both in a narrow sense and in a broader sense (see according to the Lisbon strategy. For that reason, inno- Table 2). The instruments used for science policy may vation goals can be found in a wide range of policies and Downloaded from by on September 22, 2009
  • 6. 472 BULLETIN OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY / December 2007 Table 3. Technology Policy Tools Direct or Indirect Support for Direct Government Funding Commercialization and Production; Support for Learning and Diffusion of of R&D Indirect Support for Development Knowledge and Technology R&D contracts with private firms Patent prosecution Education and training (technicians, engineers, and (fully funded or cost-shared) R&D tax credits scientists; business decision makers; consumers) R&D contracts and grants with Tax credits or production subsidies for Codification and diffusion of technical knowledge universities firms bringing new technologies to (screening, interpretation, and validation of Intramural R&D conducted in market R&D results; support for databases) government laboratories Tax credits or rebates for purchasers of Technical standard setting to ensure commonality R&D contracts with industry-led new technologies or compatibility consortia or collaborations Government procurement Technology and industrial extension services among two or more actors above Demonstration projects Publicity, persuasion, and consumer information (including awards, media campaigns, etc.) Source: Alic, Mowery, and Rubin (2003). Note: R&D = research and development. Table 4. Linnaean Taxonomy Domain Kingdom Division Class Order Family Genus Species domestic economic industrial entrepreneurial innovation technology biotechnology policy, genomics policy, policy policy policy policy policy policy information database technology policy, etc. policy, etc. domestic economic industrial entrepreneurial innovation nontechnology organizational training and policy policy policy policy policy policy policy education policy domestic regulatory fiscal tax income tax corporate incentive tax deduction policy policy policy policy policy policy policy policy regulations. Innovation could be directly or indirectly More specific sectoral polices may deal with biotech- addressed by the policies and regulations. In this section, nology or information technology policy. Among these, the results of our typology are displayed. genomics and database policies can be found. Non- The Linnaean heuristic exemplified to some extent in technological aspects of innovation, such as provision of Table 4 shows a degree of specificity of innovation poli- training and education as sources of innovation, can show cies. To begin with, domestic policy is the complement another type of species of EU innovation policy. of foreign policy and it primarily deals with internal mat- Regarding regulatory policies, tax deductions are an ters, as opposed to relations with other countries that are example of this criterion. not EU member states. Examples of the second are poli- The cladistic approach here simply arranges cies to foster innovation in neighboring countries, evalu- the innovation policies in an evolutionary tree. For ation of innovation policies of accession countries, and instance, domestic policy in the cladogram (see Figure 3) improvement of innovation in third countries. shows that technological and nontechnological poli- Major areas of domestic policy include economic pol- cies stem from innovation policy and this comes icy and regulatory policy. For instance, the promotion of from entrepreneurial policy that derives from indus- innovation for the knowledge-based economy illustrates trial policy in economic policy. As it was already economic policies dealing with innovation. One example said, the first strategy was to adopt the two biologi- of industrial policy for innovation is the encouragement cal approaches in order to provide a frame for epis- of innovation in the food sector. One example of entre- temic rationale. preneurial policy is the state aid for small- and medium- The second strategy used a neofunctionalist heuristic sized enterprises (SMEs). One example of innovation for our typology. Thus, the following first-order con- policy is the innovation policy tools. Examples of tech- structs were formulated for this attempt: (a) content, (b) nology policy are those that promote innovation in media, axis, (c) time horizon, (d) process, (e) action, (f) goals, agriculture, health, food, fisheries, and nuclear sectors. and (g) division of labor. Downloaded from by on September 22, 2009
  • 7. Rodriguez, Montalvo / INNOVATION POLICIES 473 EU innovation policy management EU innovation policy management Figure 3. Cladogram 0 20 40 60 80 Frequency of documents on EU innovation State aid to SMEs Finance and budget Firstly, innovation policies content is a criterion Innovation policy tools Policy coherence because innovation is pervasive; many policy areas have an impact on innovation. Among the subject mat- Figure 4. European Union (EU) Innovation Policy Management ter of these documents, innovation appeared in texts Note: SMEs = small- and medium-sized enterprises. related to agriculture, competition, culture, democ- racy, development, economy, education, employment, energy, environment, EU accession, EU neighbor- Fifthly, as far as the action involved with innova- hood, external relations, finance, fishery, food, health, tion policies, innovation policies can cover their human rights, information and communication tech- design, implementation, management, and assess- nologies, manufacturing, intellectual property rights, ment. Regarding the design of instruments, the media, networks, policy coherence, regions, science, Commission’s proposal is the result of an extensive con- security, social aspects, standardization, trade, trans- sultation process. Those consultative documents can be port, and youth. blue books, white papers, green papers, and reports. A Secondly, with respect to axis, innovation policies blue book is a book of specialized information. A white can be vertical or horizontal. Vertical policies, very paper is a detailed or authoritative report. A green paper important for implementation, depict relationships is a document that proposes and invites discussion on between different institutional layers. For instance, approaches to a problem. A consultative report can be sectoral policies for innovation depict vertical poli- produced by technical experts, national experts, interna- cies, namely, improving innovation in the media and tional organizations, or nongovernmental organizations. audiovisual sector, agriculture, health, food, transport, Regarding implementation, innovation policies can also fisheries, and nuclear sectors. Horizontal policies are be embodied in frameworks, actions, implementation essential for coordination of many policy domains to plans, or programs. Innovation policies appear in other achieve better innovation policy in a multisectoral policy declarations. Regarding management, innovation approach, such as promoting innovation for a knowledge- policies can be embodied in state aid to SMEs, finance based economy. and budget, policy coherence, and other innovation pol- Thirdly, with regard to time horizon, innovation icy tools (see Figure 4). Finally, the assessment of inno- policies could be characterized as short-, medium-, or vation policies can be embodied in reports produced by long-term. One example of the first is state aid to impartial experts. SMEs. One example of the second is finance and bud- Sixthly, innovation policies can have direct or indi- get. One example of the third is the fulfillment of rect goals. In 2006, documents dealing with innova- researchers’ scarcity. tion policy design in a direct way contained sectoral, Fourthly, concerning policy process, innovation regional, external, labor, and macroeconomic aspects policies can be made collectively or institutionally (see Figure 5). The documents that dealt with innova- (March & Olsen, 1996). Collective policy making is tion policy indirectly addressed topics other than seen as bargaining behavior and policy as negotiated innovation such as education, environment, culture, outcomes, such as developing innovation in regions. standardization, and so on (see Figure 6). Institutional policy making implies matching institu- Finally, policies can be classified by the governmental tions, behaviors, and contexts, such as maintenance of actors responsible for their design and implementation. innovation in the nuclear sector. In science policy, the main policy actors are those Downloaded from by on September 22, 2009
  • 8. 474 BULLETIN OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY / December 2007 Improve innovation in media and audiovisual sector 7 Encourage innovation in 7 agriculture Promote innovation in the health 4 sector Encourage innovation in the food 5 sector Reinforce innovation in the 3 transport sector Direct EU innovation policies Stimulate innovation in the 2 fisheries sector Maintain innovation in the 1 nuclear sector Increase innovation in security 1 6 Develop innovation in regions 4 Foster innovation in neighbouring countries 3 Stir innovation among youth 2 Improving innovation in third countries 2 Evaluate innovation policies of accession countries 1 Fill up the scarcity of researchers 3 Promote innovation for knowledge based economy 0 2 4 6 8 Frequency of EU documents on innovation Figure 5. EU (European Union) Direct Innovation Policy Design for 2006 Commission’s directorates and Parliament’s committees technology policy, the main policy protagonists are those dealing with education and research. Others, however, in directorates of the Commission and committees of the charge of health, defense, energy, transport, and environ- Parliament that deal with applied science and procure- ment may also play a role since they organize their own ment of technologies. In innovation policy, the main pro- research communities. Finance plays a role when it tagonists are those directorates of the Commission and comes to deciding the budget allocation for research. In committees of the Parliament that deal with enterprise. Downloaded from by on September 22, 2009
  • 9. Rodriguez, Montalvo / INNOVATION POLICIES 475 Provide training and education as sources of innovation Enforce environmental 15 regulation to spur innovation Support culture for creativity and 7 innovation 6 Use innovation degree for trade Indirect EU innovation policies 3 Respect democracy and human rights to support innovation 2 Promote standardisation to 2 boost innovation 2 Foster employment and productivity to achieve innovation 1 Use information technology for innovation 1 Meet the development goals to 1 generate innovation 1 Enforce noncontractual obligations for innovation Enforce intellectual property 0 5 10 15 20 rights for innovation Frequency of EU documents on innovation Figure 6. EU (European Union) Indirect Innovation Policy Design for 2006 Models for Innovation Policies market failures such as extensive externalities, high transaction costs, and asymmetric information. The mis- Innovation policy models are referred to in this sec- sion paradigm limits innovation policy to the mission of tion to illustrate how the historical context played a role government agencies but does not confine it to in their construction. Bozeman (2000) modeled three defense. The cooperation paradigm fosters technology paradigms differentiated by policy legitimization, viz. transfer. market failure, mission, and cooperation (see Table 5). European innovation policies have been increasingly The market failure paradigm limits innovation policy to differentiated in terms of scope and instruments since the Downloaded from by on September 22, 2009
  • 10. 476 BULLETIN OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY / December 2007 Table 5. Bozeman Models Model Market Failure Mission Cooperative Technology Core assumptions (1) Markets are the most efficient (1) The government role should be (1) Markets are not always the most allocation of information and closely tied to authorized efficient route to innovation and technology. programmatic missions of economic growth. (2) Government laboratory role agencies. (2) Global economy requires more limited to market failures such (2) Government R&D is limited to centralized planning and broader as extensive externalities, high missions of agencies, but not support for civilian technology transaction costs, and confined to defense. University development. information distortions. Small R&D supports traditional roles of (3) Government laboratories and mission domain, chiefly in land grant universities such as universities can play a role in defense. Universities provided agricultural or engineering developing technology, especially basic research, in line with extension, manufacturing precompetitive technology, for use private sector undersupply due assistance, and contract research in the private sector. to market failure (inability to for defense or energy research. appropriate directly the results (3) Government should not compete of basic research). with private sector in innovation (3) Innovation flows from and to and technology. But a private sector; minimal government or university R&D university or government role. role is a complement. Peak influence Highly influential during all 1945-1965; 1992-present 1992-1994 periods. Policy examples Deregulation; contraction of Creation of energy policy R&D, Expansion of federal laboratory roles government role; R&D tax agricultural labs, and other such and university role in technology credits; capital gains; tax roll broad mission frameworks. transfer and cooperative research back. Little or no need for and other technology-based federal laboratories except in economic development programs. defense support. Theoretical roots Neoclassical economics. Traditional liberal governance with Industrial policy theory, regional broad definition of government economic development theory. role. Source: Bozeman (2000). Note: R&D = research and development. 1950s. Rothwell and Dodgson (1992) modeled them diffusion, managerial, and systemic (see Table 7). The according to a historic approach differentiated by the specific instruments are shown in Table 8. degree of coordination between science and industrial policy makers (see Table 6). They displayed three Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies phases, viz. 1950s and 1960s, mid-1970s to early 1980s, and early 1980s to early 1990s. The three phases were This section describes the meanings of constructs characterized by the degree of coordination of science used in innovation policy studies. Firstly, science can be and industrial policy makers, namely, little, increasing, conceptualized as a mode of knowledge. In the domain and complete coordination, respectively. or neighborhood, knowledge is just one member of a Smits and Kuhlmann (2002) also modeled whole cluster of closely related entities, such as fancy, sus- European innovation policies from a historic stand- picion, surmise, awareness, information, opinion, belief, point but they differentiated them by the primary goal conviction, and so on, according to Ziman (2005). He of such policies. The 1970s were characterized by a arranged them in increasing order of credibility to indi- financial goal for stimulating research and develop- cate that knowledge is just the limit point of that set. A ment, the 1980s by diffusion or technology transfer, feature of knowledge is the notion of consensus, which the 1990s by managerial gaps in running businesses, Kusch (2004) envisages as precisely the elusive endpoint and the 2000s by systems for facilitating change. where knowledge is indeed achieved. In particular, innovation policy instruments in use in What distinguishes science from other modes of all EU and preaccession countries were classified by Smits systemic inquiry is its distinctive method: the scien- and Kuhlmann (2002) into four categories: financial, tific method. In particular, technology is science in Downloaded from by on September 22, 2009
  • 11. Rodriguez, Montalvo / INNOVATION POLICIES 477 Table 6. Rothwell and Dodgson’s Models 1950s and 1960s Science policy Industrial policy Firm size emphasis • Scientific education • Grants for R&D • Emphasis on large firms and industrial • University research • Equipment grants agglomeration • Basic research in • Industrial restructuring • Creating national “flagship” companies government • Support for collective • Public R&D funds go mainly to laboratories industrial research large companies • Technical education • Paucity of venture capital and training Little coordination or active collaboration between science policy makers and industrial policy makers Mid 1970s to Innovation policy early 1980s • Some concern over lack of university-industry linkages • Grants for innovation • Involving collective research institutes in product development • Innovation-stimulating public procurement • Increasing interest in SMEs • Many measures introduced to support innovation in SMEs • Continuing paucity of venture capital Increasing interdepartmental coordination Early 1980s to present Technology policy • Increased emphasis on stimulating university-industry linkages • Increased emphasis on “strategic” research in universities • Selection and support of generic technologies • Growth in European policies of collaboration in precompetitive research • Emphasis on intercompany collaboration • Emphasis on the creation of new technology-based firms • Growing availability of venture capital Interdepartmental initiatives Growing interest in accountability and in measures for evaluating the effectiveness of public R&D policies Increasing concern over growing regional economic disparities National and local government initiatives to enhance R&D Potential of the less-developed regions: accelerated establishment of regional technology infrastructures (e.g., science parks, technopoles, innovation centers) Source: Rothwell and Dodgson (1992). Note: R&D = research and development; SMEs = small- and medium-sized enterprises. application; science in action is research (Ziman, major sources of research questions, emphasis on cogni- 2000). The instrumental attitude to science is summed tive or operational problems, and focus on science and up by the hybrid scientific research and technological technology (Spiegel-Rösing, 1977). Science and tech- development using the acronym R&D. This linear nology studies started as a movement with a critical view model locates science at the upstream and innovation of scientific and technological development and its at the downstream. impact on society. Later, this movement turned into an The supposed role of research is to produce, by any academic field more interested in knowledge creation, feasible means, whatever knowledge is required, or having taken approaches from sociology, philosophy, seems likely to be required, in order to satisfy an and history. actual, or envisaged, material need. Industrial R&D The science and technology policy was established as and other forms of applied science do indeed share the an area of government intervention in the immediate same norms also sometimes found inside large gov- aftermath of World War II. Initially, the main area of ernmental laboratories. Industrial R&D and academic involvement was just science. In the 1950s and 1960s, science are culturally very different. the focus was on institution building and expansion of Science and technology studies and policy analysis policy for science. In the 1970s, the application and uti- have been divided because of their disciplinary origins, lization of science as a policy were emphasized, with Downloaded from by on September 22, 2009
  • 12. 478 BULLETIN OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY / December 2007 Table 7. Development of European Innovation Policy Primary Goal Client Content Process System Financial (1970s) stimulating R&D one-to-one private R&D subsidy firm Diffusion (1980s) transfer of one-to-one private science subjects limited to specific knowledge and firm (public formal technical project technological institution) competence Managerial gap support running a one-to-one social science limited to specific organizing small chains (1990s) business one-to-few formal consultancy project and clusters private firm tacit demand articulation management interfaces strategy development Systemic (late facilitating change chains networks science, social management system organizer 1990s) systems science complex project system builder formal strategy and vision management interfaces tacit development identifying, mobilizing, strategic demand articulation involving users intelligence stimulate learning guarding democratic stimulate experimenting content developing infrastructure strategic intelligence Source: Smits and Kuhlmann (2002). Note: R&D = research and development. Table 8. Innovation Policy Instruments From EU Member technology thereby emerging more clearly as an area of States and Accession Countries concern. In the 1980s, there was a shift to innovation pol- Type of Instrument Specific Instrument icy by removing the distinction between science and technology. In the 1990s, basic research became inti- Financial financing mately intertwined with the production of goods and taxation strengthening company research technological development. start-up technology-based companies Science and technology policy analysis is concerned Diffusion mobility with the governance, direction, and promotion of science absorption technologies by SMEs and technology in the real world of science and technol- Managerial mobility ogy (Salazar-Acosta, 2005). Science and technology pol- innovation and management start-up technology-based companies icy analysis moved between different models and absorption technologies by SMEs theories from political science, economics, and manage- strategy, vision of R&D ment. The terms science, basic research, and academia Systemic Dynamic: have been used interchangeably. In addition, the terms raising public awareness technology, applied research, and industry have also promotion of clustering and been employed in a similar manner. cooperation for innovation cooperation research, universities, This semantic confusion has helped to conceal companies important differences between them. To reduce the Static (infrastructure): current state of confusion, we provide the following public authorities clarifications. Traditional literature has been used to competition distinguish between basic and applied research, with protection of intellectual property rights basic research being focused on questions of funda- administrative simplification mental scientific interest and applied research focused legal and regulatory environment on questions of usefulness and applications. education and training Stokes (1997) modeled research according to the con- Source: Smits and Kuhlmann (2002). sideration of usefulness and the quest for fundamental Note: EU = European Union; R&D = research and development; understanding. If there is an application but no quest for SMEs = small- and medium-sized enterprises. fundamental understanding, then the research falls into Downloaded from by on September 22, 2009
  • 13. Rodriguez, Montalvo / INNOVATION POLICIES 479 Edison’s quadrant. If there is no consideration of useful- account the combination of heterogeneous factors whose ness, but there exists a quest for fundamental under- interactions produce—or fail to produce—innovation. standing, then the research falls into Bohr’s quadrant. If Sociology of science developed this perspective by there is both consideration of usefulness and fundamen- rejecting the retrospective view that suppresses moments tal understanding, then the research falls into Pasteur’s of uncertainty and sees creation only as a series of quadrant. inevitable stages moving from the abstract to the con- Research can be conducted in industrial, governmen- crete, from the idea to its concretization (Akrich, Callon, tal, or academic organizations. Basic research is not the & Latour, 1988). Translation of and through technical monopoly of universities; some companies carry out instruments is a constant process of relating information basic research as well. Furthermore, applied research is and protagonists and of regularly reinterpreting the sys- not only found in industry; academia also pursues tems thereby created. applied research. Nonetheless, the labels of basic and Public policy instrumentation, in general, and innova- applied research are changing. A priori definitions of tion policy instrumentation, in particular, are therefore polar ideal types are vague, imprecise, and awkward for means of orienting relations between political society empirical operationalization in postmodern science (via the administrative executive) and civil society (via (Callon, 1997; Kidd, 1965; Latour, 1993). its administered subjects), through intermediaries in the Science and technology are distinct branches of form of devices that mix technical components (measur- knowledge and distinct communities, with different ing, calculating, the rule of law, procedure) and social research problems and methods, responding to differ- components (representation, symbol). This instrumenta- ent incentives. Technology involves much more than tion is expressed in a more-or-less standardized form—a science, and innovation involves much more than required passage for public policy—and combines oblig- technology. Innovations do not always involve the ations, financial relations (tax deductions, economic aid), application of technology (Metcalfe, 2000). It is inad- and methods of learning about populations (statistical equate to think of innovation in technological terms observations). alone (Dodgson & Bessant, 1996). References Concluding Comments Akrich, M., Callon, M., & Latour, B. (1988). A quoi tient le suc- cès des innovations? Annales Des Mines, 4, 29. From a policy point of view, it is easier to talk about Alic, J. (2002). Policies for innovation: Learning from the past. In science and technology as a single concept, because V. Norberg-Bohm (Ed.), The role of government in technology technology is applied science. When the focus of policy innovation: Insights for government policy in the energy sec- is on innovation in Schumpeterian terms, it became tor. 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