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05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Great achievements involves
great risk and hard work !!
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
‘’I hated every single minute of training
but every time I till myself suffer today
and live tomorrow as a champion’’
Mohamed aly
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Teaching is best when it’s about “helping
people learn rather than telling people what
you know,“
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Prof: Eleanor Duckworth.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Put patient’s interests first and act
upon them.......
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• It the regulatory body of the dental profession
• Rules:
 Protect patients
 Promotes confidence in dental professionals
 Sets standards of dental practice & conduct
 Assure the quality of dental education
 Assure professionals are up to date
 Helps pts. With complaints about dental professionals.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• The GDC:
 Eight dentist
 four DCP
 12 lay people
• Was set up in 1956
• Dentist can be entitled:
 Dentist
 Doctor
 Dental surgeon
 Dental practitioner
 Specialist!!!!
 maxillofacial surgeon !!!
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Registration in GDC
• Temporary registration...
• IQE vs. ORE.....[ILITS]
• Vocational training !!
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Continuing professional
development CPD
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
For dentists
250 hs of CPD is a must over 5 ys
75 hs should be verified
Core subjects !!!
10 emergency, 5 infection control, 5 radiation protection
150 credit hours over 5 years
60 credit hours should be verified
• Role of dentist
• Role of therapiest
• Role of hygienist [nerve block, infiltration,
restore or extract]
• Role of nurse [x-ray, referral, rubber dam ]
• Role of technicians .....
GDC guidlines [scope of practice.....]
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Standards Guidance
General Dental Council
1)Standards for Dental Professionals
2)Principles of Patient Consent
3)Principles of Patient Confidentiality
4)Principles of Dental Team Working
5)Principles of Raising Concerns
6)Principles of Complaints Handling
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Consent
• Confidentiality
• Breaking of confidentiality
• Keeping records
• Complaint
• Negligence
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Putting patients’ interests first and acting to
protect them
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Putting patients’ interests first and acting to
protect them
• You have an urgent and important meeting with your bank
manager about your house mortgage, but you also have a
patient in acute pain who has an appointment at the same
time. There is no other dentist available. Can you rebook the
• GDC Rule 1.1 states: Put patients’ interests before your own
or those of any colleague, organization or business.
If the patient put in a complaint to the GDC, it would be hard
to defend cancelling them.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Putting patients’ interests first and
acting to protect them
• You are having a really busy day. Is it OK to
leave writing up the notes until the end of the
day, when you have more time to do it
• GDC Rule 1.4 states: Make and keep accurate
and complete patient records, including a
medical history, at the time you treat them.
Make sure that patients have easy access to
their records.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Putting patients’ interests first and
acting to protect them
• A patient needs Root Canal Treatment on a difficult
upper molar, which you think might be too hard for
you. You recommend they see a specialist, but they say
they can’t afford it, and they really want you to do the
RCT on the NHS. What should you do?
• GDC Rule 1.3 states: Work within your knowledge,
professional competence and physical abilities. Refer
patients for a second opinion and for further advice
when it is necessary, or if the patient asks. Refer
patients for further treatment when it is necessary to
do so.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• This is a common and very difficult situation in
NHS dentistry, due to the shortage of
specialists willing to work at NHS pay rates.
However, if you do the RCT despite knowing it
was beyond your ability and it fails, you could
be in trouble. If you refuse to do the RCT, the
patient may complain anyway. Their
complaint may not succeed, but it will spoil
your life for a few months or years.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Putting patients’ interests first and
acting to protect them
• A patient has made a really unfair complaint against you,
when you have done your absolute best to treat them. Can
you tell them to go and find another dentist, and have
nothing more to do with them?
• GDC Rule 1.5 states: Give patients who make a complaint
about the care or treatment they have received a helpful
response at the appropriate time. Respect the patient’s
right to complain. Make sure that there is an effective
complaints procedure where you work and follow it at all
times. Co-operate with any formal inquiry into the
treatment of a patient.
• Even if you know you are in the right, or that the complaint
is simply malicious, you must follow this rule.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Putting patients’ interests first and
acting to protect them
• You have retired from dentistry, and have no
outstanding complaints against you. Do you still need
indemnity insurance?
• GDC Rule 1.6 states: Make sure your patients are able
to claim any compensation they may be entitled to by
making sure you are protected against claims at all
times, including past periods of practice.
Before retirement, you must check that your insurer
covers claims that may arise after you have retired.
Some might want an extra fee for this, and some
include it automatically as part of their “package”
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Putting patients’ interests first and
acting to protect them
• You have placed a large posterior amalgam. The
patient asks how long it will last. You reply that some
amalgams have been known to last up to 40 or 50
years. Is this OK?
• GDC Rule 1.10 states: Do not make any claims which
could mislead patients.
• Although what you said is true, it could be taken as
misleading. You should add that you expect it to last
for (x) years, but there are many reasons for early
replacement etc., – that is, fully inform the patient.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Putting patients’ interests first and
acting to protect them
• Your colleague and friend of many years has developed
Multiple Sclerosis, but is determined to keep working as long
as possible to financially secure his family. You notice that the
quality of his dentistry is worsening. What should you do?
• GDC Rule 1.7 states: If you believe that patients might be at risk
because of your health, behavior or professional performance, or
that of a colleague, or because of any aspect of the clinical
environment, you should take action. You can get advice from
appropriate colleagues, a professional organization or your
defense organization. If at any time you are not sure how to
continue, contact the GDC.
• It may be a tough decision, but to do nothing could put your own
registration at risk
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Putting patients’ interests first and
acting to protect them
• For years you have referred suitable cases to an
excellent implantologist colleague. She wants to thank
you by giving you a small fee for each future referral.
As a caring dentist, you know that you will not be
swayed or influenced by this. Should you accept this
• GDC Rule 1.9 states: Never ask for, nor accept, any
payment, gift or hospitality, or make or accept any
referral, which may affect or appear to affect your
professional judgment.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• The key here is the words “appear to affect”.
While you may know that you are not
influenced, it may appear to others that you
could be, which might put your registration at
risk. You should politely decline.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Putting patients’ interests first and
acting to protect them
• Each year, your dental lab sends you a large
box of chocolates at Christmas time. Should
you ask them to stop?
• A small Christmas gift is a common practice
with labs, and it would seem unreasonable
that your professional judgment would be
affected by this.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Putting patients’ interests first and
acting to protect them
• You are out shopping at the weekend, and one of
your patients sees you and starts asking about a
toothache he is having. Can you say you are not
at work now, and they should book an
appointment for next week?
• GDC Rule 1.2 states: Follow these principles
when handling questions and complaints from
patients and in all other aspects of nonclinical
professional service.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• If the patient put in a complaint to the GDC,
this would be hard to defend. However, if you
gave them the phone number of an
emergency service, or (if less urgent) you
explained that you can not do the detailed
examination necessary outside the surgery to
give proper advice, and they understood this,
there should be no problem.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Respecting patients’ dignity and
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Respecting patients’ dignity and
• You are about to restore a tooth, but at this stage you do not know
what will be needed – this will only become apparent when you
have deconstructed the existing restoration. The patient wants to
know how much it will cost. Can you just tell them that you
honestly don’t know yet?
• GDC Rule 2.4 states: Listen to patients and give them the
information they need, in a way they can use, so that they can
make decisions. This will include:
• communicating effectively with patients
• explaining options (including risks and benefits)
• giving full information on proposed treatment and possible
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• You must explain the cost of all the possible
outcomes, e.g. simple restoration, RCT,
Crown, necessity of a surgical extraction, costs
of replacing the tooth if extraction is needed.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Respecting patients’ dignity and
• A patient has broken your newly fitted crown by
falling over while drunk. He wants a free
replacement. You are tempted to tell him where
to “get off”. Can you?
• GDC Rule 2.1 states: Treat patients politely and
with respect, in recognition of their dignity and
rights as individuals.
You can politely insist that the replacement must
be paid for, but you must avoid irritation or
sarcasm (however difficult that might be!).
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Respecting patients’ dignity and
• You have a patient who always has very bad body odor.
Can you ask them only to attend appointments at the end
of the day, although you know this is difficult for them?
• GDC Rule 2.3 states: Treat patients fairly and in line with
the law. Promote equal opportunities for all patients. Do
not discriminate against patients or groups of patients
because of their sex, age, race, ethnic origin, nationality,
special needs or disability, sexuality, health, lifestyle,
beliefs or any other irrelevant consideration.
• People with bad body odor are not specifically protected by
law. However, “fairness” applies to all patients.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Respecting patients’ dignity and
• You have a patient who you really like, and
they like you. The treatment has been
completed and they are now dentally fit. The
patient asks you on a date. Can you accept?
• GDC Rule 2.5 states: Maintain appropriate
boundaries in the relationships you have
with patients. Do not abuse those
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• According to the GDC rule. Some years ago a
UK doctor was struck off for dating and then
marrying a patient. The complaint was made
by the patient’s ex-husband
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Respecting patients’ dignity and
• A patient needs a crown for an upper incisor. They
want gold, which you feel is aesthetically
unacceptable. Should you insist on providing ceramic
or nothing?
• GDC Rule 2.2 states: Recognize and promote patients’
responsibility for making decisions about their
bodies, their priorities and their care, making sure
you do not take any steps without patients’ consent
(permission). Follow the GDC guidance ‘Principles of
patient consent’.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• “Doctor Knows Best” is no longer an
acceptable ethical framework. If the gold
crown functioned clinically as well (or better)
than the ceramic crown, the patient’s choice
should be respected.
• What if the patient wants to replace a ceramic
crown with a gold crown? Will you do it?
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Protecting the confidentiality of patients’ information
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Protecting the confidentiality of
patients’ information
Your record cards have a red sticker on the front
to alert you if a patient has an infective disease,
and a yellow sticker if they have another relevant
medical condition. Is this OK?
• GDC Rule 3.2 states: Prevent information from
being accidentally revealed and prevent
unauthorized access by keeping information
secure at all times.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• It could be interpreted that, if other people’s
records were visible e.g. at the reception desk,
you are breaking this rule. The meaning of
warning stickers is unlikely to be a secret
confined only to Practice staff.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Protecting the confidentiality of
patients’ information
• As part of a marketing scheme, you plan to send
tailored birthday cards to your patients, saying for
example “Happy 30th Birthday Angela Jones”. Is this
• GDC Rule 3.1 states: Treat information about patients
as confidential and only use it for the purposes for
which it is given.
Under this rule, the patient’s date of birth was given to
you for dental reasons. The patient may not wish
others in her house to know how old she is.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Protecting the confidentiality of
patients’ information
• You have an elderly patient with bilateral cataracts who
you see driving away badly from your practice. You know
they have poor eyesight as they could not see their new
dentures in the mirror. Should you keep this knowledge
• GDC Rule 3.3 states: In exceptional circumstances, it may
be justified to make confidential patient information
known without consent if it is in the public interest or the
patient’s interest. You should get appropriate advice
before revealing information on this basis. Follow the GDC
guidance ‘Principles of patient confidentiality’.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• The important thing is to get advice before
breaching confidentiality. When seeking
advice (e.g. from your Defense Organization),
you should describe the circumstances, but
not identify the patient in any way.
• Failure to act appropriately could put your
registration at risk.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Co-operating with colleagues in the
interests of patient
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Co-operating with colleagues in the
interests of patient
• Your Practice has a hygienist, but you the
dentist don’t want to send her any patients as
you have to pay a fee for using her. Is this OK?
• GDC Rule 4.1 states: Co-operate with other
team members and colleagues and respect
their role in caring for patients.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• If you believe the hygienist does a better job
of motivating, instructing, and scaling etc.,
that is, the patient gets better treatment, then
you should not refuse referral because of your
own financial interests. The patient’s interests
come first.
There may be valid reasons for keeping the
patients to yourself, but those reasons must
be in the patient’s interest.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Co-operating with colleagues in the
interests of patient
• You give your own nurse a special bonus
cheque each year for working with you. Is that
• GDC Rule 4.2 states: Treat all team members
and other colleagues fairly and in line with
the law. Do not discriminate against them.
• It is doubtful that the bonus will give rise to a
hearing at the GDC. It is pretty certain that it
will cause resentment in your Practice.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Co-operating with colleagues in the
interests of patient
• You are an associate dentist, and due to a downturn in Practice
profitability you have been given a month’s notice to quit. Your
boss asks you to help with a surgical extraction that is beyond his
ability, but within yours. The extraction is booked for next week.
You reckon that he will need to learn to cope when you are gone,
and suggest he refers the patient. Is this OK?
• GDC Rule 4.3 states: Communicate effectively and share your
knowledge and skills with other team members and colleagues as
necessary in the interests of patients. In all dealings with other
team members and colleagues, make the interests of patients
your first priority. Follow the GDC guidance ‘Principles of dental
team working’.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• The key here is whether your behavior is in
the patient’s best interest, which it is not. You
should agree to help.
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Maintaining your professional
knowledge and competence
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Maintaining your professional
knowledge and competence.
• As a dental nurse who takes radiographs, you
work in a tightly controlled environment to a
dentist’s precise prescription. Do you also have
to know the details of the laws that govern
• GDC Rule 5.4 states: Find out about laws and
regulations which affect your work, premises,
equipment and business, and follow them.
The answer to this question is – yes.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Maintaining your professional
knowledge and competence.
• You are a recently qualified dentist, and have
completed your DF1 training. The DF1 year gave you
all the CPD points required for the 5 year cycle. Can
you stop your CPD until the next cycle starts?
• GDC Rule 5.1 states: Recognize that your qualification
for registration was the first stage in your
professional education. Develop and update your
knowledge and skills throughout your working life.
This implies that you must continue CPD evenly
throughout your career, even if you have “ticked the
box” regarding minimum requirements.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Be trustworthy
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Be trustworthy
• Someone has insulted your mother and girl friend, and
made inferences about your ancestry. You get very
angry and hit them. Are you in trouble with the GDC?
• GDC Rule 6.3 states: Maintain appropriate standards
of personal behavior in all walks of life so that
patients have confidence in you and the public have
confidence in the dental profession.
• If you are convicted of assault in court, the GDC will be
informed and your registration could be at risk.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Be trustworthy
• You have been offered a DVD in the pub which
you think may be a pirate copy. This has nothing
to do with your work. Is the GDC interested in
whether you buy it or not?
• GDC Rule 6.1 states: Justify the trust that your
patients, the public and your colleagues have in
you by always acting honestly and fairly.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• This rule says “always” – meaning whether it
has to do with your work is irrelevant. If you
are convicted of handling or receiving stolen
goods (which includes “Intellectual Property”),
the GDC will be informed and your
registration may be at risk.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Be trustworthy
• You have been asked by a dental supplier to
give a paid lecture on one of their products, to
say how good it is. Should you refuse?
• GDC Rule 6.2 states: Apply these principles to
clinical and professional relationships, and
any business or educational activities you are
involved in.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
If you believe the product is good, that is fine.
You must not however give an unbalanced
view: you must find out all the evidence about
how the material performs, and include that
in your presentation.
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05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• No treatment can be carried out on a patient
without their valid informed consent for the
specific treatment to be undertaken !!!!!
• Pts. have a right to choose whether or not to
accept your advice or treatment
• Types of consent :
 Implied: only if ............
 Verbal consent: most common
 Written : TTT under GA or sedation, long TTT plans
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• The patient as ‘gatekeeper’
• Using this ranking of principles, in a sense it is
the patient who becomes the ‘gatekeeper’ to
dental services..............
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
If there is any doubt about the pts.’ mental ability
to understand the ttt fully...........
No TTT should be undertaken
Don’t miss: in the case of G.A the pt. Should
be informed about the risk of death even if
he is very anxious......
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• A 38 years old patient with severe dawn syndrome
came to clinic requiring extraction of wisdom tooth,
what is the best treatment describing the consent
• a) The best thing is to obtain parent's consent
• b) if he can understand the procedure &
complications ,he can give the consent
• c) he may understand the procedures &
complications but his special needs precludes cons.
• d) if the tooth needs extraction, do it on your behalf
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Who can give consent ???
 Patients more than 16 .................
 Patients less than 16 ....................
 Parents only if less than 16............
Frazer/gillick competence consent :
Achild under 16 could give valid consent to medical ttt without
parentral knowledge or agreement .......provided the child had
mental capacity ( intelligence, maturity & understanding) to give
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Frazer/gillick competence consent:
For gillick consent to be valid :
 The child must have capacity
 The proposed ttt must be in the child’s best interest
(conslutate with a collegue)
 Every reasonable effort must be made to persuade the
child to involve his parents
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Brother/sister/uncle etc. .........
• Local authority.....
• Patients who lack capacity
 No consent [even at emergency...]
 If the child is in their care under an
emergency protection
 No one else can give consent,
Opinion from colleague, 2
consultants opinions in case of
major cases.............
Necessary TTT should be provided
that is in the patient best interest...
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Remember that the age for giving consent is:
16 for normal patient
18 for patients who lack capacity
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Under the UK disability discrimination ACT,
any service providor must not use any
reason related to patients disability as an
excuse to treat them less favourably ....
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• A patient can give informed consent only when they have received
and understood an explanation of what is proposed.
What does the explanation have to include?
• The GDC says you must find out what your patients want to know,
as well as telling them what you think they need to know. Examples
of information which patients may want to know include:
• why you think a proposed treatment is necessary;
• the risks and benefits of the proposed treatment;
• what might happen if the treatment is not carried out;
• other forms of treatment, their risks and benefits,
• whether or not you consider the treatment appropriate.
• the (estimated) cost of the treatment
• the nature of the contract (e.g. NHS or Private).
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Do you have to tell the patient about things not
on the GDC list ?
• Yes: it is your responsibility to find out what the
patient wants to know, and provide the
information. A patient might claim that consent
was not “informed” if for example they did not
know that a treatment would take many more
visits than they thought, or that they would be
seeing multiple dentists/specialists. You must
find out what is important to the patient.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• What do you understand by the term Restricted
• This is when a patient agrees to part, but not all of a
treatment plan. This can cause some difficulty for the
dentist, as complex plans tend to be staged.
• An example might be that a necrotic dark incisor
requires a Root Filling and a veneer. The patient may
refuse the root filling but consent to the veneer.
• Dentists must document such cases very carefully and
meticulously, while respecting the rights of the patient
to have the treatment of their choice.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
A 16 year old patient consents to a dentally necessary
extraction. They understand the necessity, risks,
consequences etc. The parent refuses. Can you legally
do the extraction?
• Patients with capacity aged 16 and over can consent
on their own behalf.
Clearly it is better to make all attempts to reach an
agreement with all parties in these circumstances.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• What about the opposite case? A 16 year old
patient refuses a necessary extraction just
before you are about to start, but the parents
have given informed consent. What do you
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• For more info please check:
• The DH ‘’department of health’’ guidelines
named [reference guide to consent for
examination or treatment]
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05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Protect the
confidentiality of
• Treat information
about pts. As
confedintial and
only use it for the
purpose each is
given for
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Your duty:
is to prevent information from bieng
accedenally revealed and prevent unauthorised
access by keeping information secure at all times
When to break confidentiality ?
In exceptional circumstances [protect the public ] ONLY
Or with pts. informed consent....
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05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Third parties..........patient consent is a must !!!
other healthcare professionals participating in
the care of the patient
 insurance companies seeking information in
relation to injury claims, for example
 solicitors acting for the patient or for others.
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• The following situations may permit disclosure
without consent:
• Where there is a legal or statutory requirement; this
can include:
certain infectious diseases (of which HIV is not one)
serious injury or dangerous occurrences
certain Acts of Parliament
When ordered from the court, not court officer!
Disclosure may be justified in the public interest even If it
affects just one member of the public
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Brain storm!
• ‘’Anwar el balkimy’’ case, any ideas??
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
From BMJ
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Neglect= carelessness
• Any failure to exercise reasonable skill & care
• How to avoid to be a neglicant......records
• How to know if a dentist is neglicant or not ??
Bolam principle test :
A doctor is neglicant if he acted in accordance with the practice
accepted as proper by a reasonable body of medical men skilled
in the particular part
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Dental record
 Clinical notes
 Medical history questionnaire
 Photograph
 Investigation results
 Consent forms
 Copies of TTT plan
 Copies of refferal letters
o Should be stored in a safe place
o Should be retained as long as possible(min 11ys)
o For children should be kept until they are 25 or for
11 years [which longer]
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Child abuse NAI
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• If you felt that the injuries are incosistent
with the history.....
Susbect child abuse ..
What else..............
 Discuss your suspicious with a collegue
 If justified....... Call pts. GMP
 Call the local child protection advisor
 If afraid refer to hospital.....[ nurse]
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Please check:
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
NHS complaints procedure:
Local resolution
Concilation through health Board
Independent review
Audit !! Peer review !!
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Time limit:
Local resolution... A full response should be provided
within 10 days in practice and 20 days in hospital.
1ry response within 3 days [acknowledgment ]
Complaints must be made < 12 months after the event or
< 6 months after he realized that there’s a problem
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Complaint procedure
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Fitness to practice
• Fitness to practice officer is the frst to see the case
• Then it is refeered to the investigating committee
• If this comitee decided that the case is serious it
referres the case quickly to one of three
committees :
 Professional conduct
 Professional performance
 Health cmmittee
At any stage of investigation the case may be referred to the interm
orders committee
 Wolf act
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Please don’t forget :
–Sedation rules
–General anesthesia rules
–Chaperone and escort in TTT
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Time for ethical situations
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• A 10 years old male patient comes to your
clinic with his UR2 avulsed. He said that he
was playing and hit in the door
• He comes with his grandmother who quickly
put the avulsed tooth in milk
• His parents is not at home....
• Discuss your management!!
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Mr. jack’s lawyer attendes to the practice
requesting his records?
• What will you do ?
Patients have the rights to access their
records but ......... Protect your self !!!
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• While performing endodontic treatment for
lower right first molar, a file breaks inside the
• Life span of the file determine neglicance..
• Advise about TTT, removal, complete endo or
• Failure to advise pts is considered neglicance
• If pt is not satisfied advise him to call complaint
advisor No
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Nivas who is 15ys old child comes to your
practice alone having toothache that disturb his
• What will you do ?
• is an emergency
• Try to contact parents..
• Consultate with a colleague (pt. Best interest )
• Consider gillik competence consent
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• You have just opened your private new dental
practice..... Mr. Davis is a dentist in a neighboring
• You noticed that his work result is very disappointing
and his patients start to come for you to treat...
• You are aware if he work in another post...
• What to do ....
 Contact MR Davis
 Local dental advisor
 GDC [ fitness to practice officer]
 Police station!!!!!
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• A 15 ys old female come with her mother, they request
crowns for her upper laterals as the teeth are out of line
• You see that orthodontic TTT may allow for aligment without
• Mother agreed with you but the patient insists and says
‘’ NO I am not waiting 2 ys for ortho ‘’
 No treatment... Not in patient best interest
 Advise her to seek another opinion
Consent refusal .........
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• While you are in your practice your
receptionist received a call from the police
asking for records
you should know why they need...
It should be a good reason for breaking
If not ask him for court order....
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• You are a principal in the dental unit in the tian-gin
hospital, recently you discovered a bad smell comes
out from one of your dentists
• You now knows that he is an alcohol abuser ... You
warned him several times but without benefit
• Discuss ?
 Suspense.........
 Fitness to practice officer
 The case finally will come to the ‘’ professional
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Mr Boil is 31 ys old , he is a regular dental attender at
your practice since 1996. his girlfriend Sara also is your
• He came to you to extract his LR8 as you planned 2
weeks ago, but unfortunatly after extraction you
couldn’t stop bleeding and transfer him to near
‘’He is a HIV +ve ‘’ disaster
would you tell his GF ?
No..... Dentists cann’t tell about HIV or cancer !!
Advise him to do so
Tell his Gp to do so
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Norwegian fresh graduate dentist wants to
practice dentistry in UK[his 1ry dental
qualification is from Yugoslavia]
• How can you advise him?
• A dental care professional wants to improve their
position in your clinic.......
• How can you advise?
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Mrs fiona jones come back to you 2 days after
extracting her UR2, she is very angry.......
• She said ‘’ I went to another dentist near to my
house and he told me that you extracted a
permenant tooth insead of the baby tooth ‘’
• She want to do a complaint !!!
• Appology !!show Sembassy!!
• Discuss treatment options including from implant
to denture
• Inform her that she won’t afford any extra fees
• Or offer refund......
• If not satisfied..................
Call Complaint advisor
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• Mrs. Fiona jones come to you, she is 17 years old pt., she was very
angry ........
• She told you that she went to the hospital and a fresh graduate
dentist extracted her permanent upper front lateral and he didn’t
fully inform her that it is a permanent tooth...
• She want to do a complaint.......
• Sembassy “ I understand that this is hurt u.........”
• You cannot judge his work....
• She should seek his opinion, you don’t know what he faced or
diagnosed.........[also to allow for local resolution..]
• Always be supportive to other college.
• Explain Complaint procedure...........
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• 15 years male with learning difficulty & epilepsy come to
your practice alone
• He is irregular attender and he has broken his central’s
crown horizontally and also you suspect root fracture
• You see that extraction is your best option here..........
• His mother has arthritis and she is house bound since 7
• We have 2 problems................
• Judge learning difficulty for gillik consent.....
• Temporary dressing to relieve pain....
• Try telephone verbal consent
• If not applicable seek 2nd
colleague opinion
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Treatment without consent is a battery if pt. is
under 18 and lack the capacity to give
consent !!!!
However ............
in the case of adult patients, despite misconceptions to
the contrary, no such proxy consent is available either at
common law or under the Mental Health Act
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• You received a call from the manager of ‘’old ages care
house’’ he told you that he has an emergency situation
and requested you to come
• When you go there you found Mr. Carr who was your pt.
for the last 20 years, he is in severe pain from un-restorable
broken LL6 requiring extraction
• The problem that he recently diagnosed as alzahimar
patient with sever dementia
• He didn't’ recognize you and refused the TTT.
• Dementia !!! Consent issue
• Patient best interest.........
• Consultation.............
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
• You are a new member in a dental practice and
in your first day the principal told you to perform
panorama for every new patient?
• No justification...........
• U should be aware if the nurse has received
Discuss & Advise him
Local advisor
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Next session
• Evidence based
• Infection control
• Waste disposal
• Practice management
• Recall
• Key facts in diagnosis
• Audit and peer review
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
Questions ?
Thank you
05/01/15 easy way to pass exams

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  • 1. MJDF/MFDS /ORE 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 2. Great achievements involves great risk and hard work !! Ethics 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 3. ‘’I hated every single minute of training but every time I till myself suffer today and live tomorrow as a champion’’ Mohamed aly 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 4. • Teaching is best when it’s about “helping people learn rather than telling people what you know,“ Harvard Graduate School of Education Prof: Eleanor Duckworth. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 5. Put patient’s interests first and act upon them....... 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 6. GDC • It the regulatory body of the dental profession • Rules:  Protect patients  Promotes confidence in dental professionals  Sets standards of dental practice & conduct  Assure the quality of dental education  Assure professionals are up to date  Helps pts. With complaints about dental professionals. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 7. GDC • The GDC:  Eight dentist  four DCP  12 lay people • Was set up in 1956 • Dentist can be entitled:  Dentist  Doctor  Dental surgeon  Dental practitioner  Specialist!!!!  maxillofacial surgeon !!! 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 8. Registration in GDC • Temporary registration... • IQE vs. ORE.....[ILITS] • Vocational training !! 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 9. Continuing professional development CPD 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams For dentists 250 hs of CPD is a must over 5 ys 75 hs should be verified Core subjects !!! 10 emergency, 5 infection control, 5 radiation protection For DCP 150 credit hours over 5 years 60 credit hours should be verified
  • 10. Ethics • Role of dentist • Role of therapiest • Role of hygienist [nerve block, infiltration, restore or extract] • Role of nurse [x-ray, referral, rubber dam ] • Role of technicians ..... GDC guidlines [scope of practice.....] 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 11. Standards Guidance General Dental Council 1)Standards for Dental Professionals 2)Principles of Patient Consent 3)Principles of Patient Confidentiality 4)Principles of Dental Team Working 5)Principles of Raising Concerns 6)Principles of Complaints Handling 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 12. • Consent • Confidentiality • Breaking of confidentiality • Keeping records • Complaint • Negligence 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 13. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 14. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 15. Ethics 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 16. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 17. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 18. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 19. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 20. Putting patients’ interests first and acting to protect them 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 21. Putting patients’ interests first and acting to protect them • You have an urgent and important meeting with your bank manager about your house mortgage, but you also have a patient in acute pain who has an appointment at the same time. There is no other dentist available. Can you rebook the patient? • GDC Rule 1.1 states: Put patients’ interests before your own or those of any colleague, organization or business. If the patient put in a complaint to the GDC, it would be hard to defend cancelling them. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 22. Putting patients’ interests first and acting to protect them • You are having a really busy day. Is it OK to leave writing up the notes until the end of the day, when you have more time to do it properly? • GDC Rule 1.4 states: Make and keep accurate and complete patient records, including a medical history, at the time you treat them. Make sure that patients have easy access to their records. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 23. Putting patients’ interests first and acting to protect them • A patient needs Root Canal Treatment on a difficult upper molar, which you think might be too hard for you. You recommend they see a specialist, but they say they can’t afford it, and they really want you to do the RCT on the NHS. What should you do? • GDC Rule 1.3 states: Work within your knowledge, professional competence and physical abilities. Refer patients for a second opinion and for further advice when it is necessary, or if the patient asks. Refer patients for further treatment when it is necessary to do so. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 24. • This is a common and very difficult situation in NHS dentistry, due to the shortage of specialists willing to work at NHS pay rates. However, if you do the RCT despite knowing it was beyond your ability and it fails, you could be in trouble. If you refuse to do the RCT, the patient may complain anyway. Their complaint may not succeed, but it will spoil your life for a few months or years. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 25. Putting patients’ interests first and acting to protect them • A patient has made a really unfair complaint against you, when you have done your absolute best to treat them. Can you tell them to go and find another dentist, and have nothing more to do with them? • GDC Rule 1.5 states: Give patients who make a complaint about the care or treatment they have received a helpful response at the appropriate time. Respect the patient’s right to complain. Make sure that there is an effective complaints procedure where you work and follow it at all times. Co-operate with any formal inquiry into the treatment of a patient. • Even if you know you are in the right, or that the complaint is simply malicious, you must follow this rule. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 26. Putting patients’ interests first and acting to protect them • You have retired from dentistry, and have no outstanding complaints against you. Do you still need indemnity insurance? • GDC Rule 1.6 states: Make sure your patients are able to claim any compensation they may be entitled to by making sure you are protected against claims at all times, including past periods of practice. Before retirement, you must check that your insurer covers claims that may arise after you have retired. Some might want an extra fee for this, and some include it automatically as part of their “package” 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 27. Putting patients’ interests first and acting to protect them • You have placed a large posterior amalgam. The patient asks how long it will last. You reply that some amalgams have been known to last up to 40 or 50 years. Is this OK? • GDC Rule 1.10 states: Do not make any claims which could mislead patients. • Although what you said is true, it could be taken as misleading. You should add that you expect it to last for (x) years, but there are many reasons for early replacement etc., – that is, fully inform the patient. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 28. Putting patients’ interests first and acting to protect them • Your colleague and friend of many years has developed Multiple Sclerosis, but is determined to keep working as long as possible to financially secure his family. You notice that the quality of his dentistry is worsening. What should you do? • GDC Rule 1.7 states: If you believe that patients might be at risk because of your health, behavior or professional performance, or that of a colleague, or because of any aspect of the clinical environment, you should take action. You can get advice from appropriate colleagues, a professional organization or your defense organization. If at any time you are not sure how to continue, contact the GDC. • It may be a tough decision, but to do nothing could put your own registration at risk 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 29. Putting patients’ interests first and acting to protect them • For years you have referred suitable cases to an excellent implantologist colleague. She wants to thank you by giving you a small fee for each future referral. As a caring dentist, you know that you will not be swayed or influenced by this. Should you accept this arrangement? • GDC Rule 1.9 states: Never ask for, nor accept, any payment, gift or hospitality, or make or accept any referral, which may affect or appear to affect your professional judgment. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 30. • The key here is the words “appear to affect”. While you may know that you are not influenced, it may appear to others that you could be, which might put your registration at risk. You should politely decline. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 31. Putting patients’ interests first and acting to protect them • Each year, your dental lab sends you a large box of chocolates at Christmas time. Should you ask them to stop? • A small Christmas gift is a common practice with labs, and it would seem unreasonable that your professional judgment would be affected by this. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 32. Putting patients’ interests first and acting to protect them • You are out shopping at the weekend, and one of your patients sees you and starts asking about a toothache he is having. Can you say you are not at work now, and they should book an appointment for next week? • GDC Rule 1.2 states: Follow these principles when handling questions and complaints from patients and in all other aspects of nonclinical professional service. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 33. • If the patient put in a complaint to the GDC, this would be hard to defend. However, if you gave them the phone number of an emergency service, or (if less urgent) you explained that you can not do the detailed examination necessary outside the surgery to give proper advice, and they understood this, there should be no problem. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 34. Respecting patients’ dignity and choice 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 35. Respecting patients’ dignity and choice • You are about to restore a tooth, but at this stage you do not know what will be needed – this will only become apparent when you have deconstructed the existing restoration. The patient wants to know how much it will cost. Can you just tell them that you honestly don’t know yet? • GDC Rule 2.4 states: Listen to patients and give them the information they need, in a way they can use, so that they can make decisions. This will include: • communicating effectively with patients • explaining options (including risks and benefits) • giving full information on proposed treatment and possible costs. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 36. • You must explain the cost of all the possible outcomes, e.g. simple restoration, RCT, Crown, necessity of a surgical extraction, costs of replacing the tooth if extraction is needed. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 37. Respecting patients’ dignity and choice • A patient has broken your newly fitted crown by falling over while drunk. He wants a free replacement. You are tempted to tell him where to “get off”. Can you? • GDC Rule 2.1 states: Treat patients politely and with respect, in recognition of their dignity and rights as individuals. You can politely insist that the replacement must be paid for, but you must avoid irritation or sarcasm (however difficult that might be!). 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 38. Respecting patients’ dignity and choice • You have a patient who always has very bad body odor. Can you ask them only to attend appointments at the end of the day, although you know this is difficult for them? • GDC Rule 2.3 states: Treat patients fairly and in line with the law. Promote equal opportunities for all patients. Do not discriminate against patients or groups of patients because of their sex, age, race, ethnic origin, nationality, special needs or disability, sexuality, health, lifestyle, beliefs or any other irrelevant consideration. • People with bad body odor are not specifically protected by law. However, “fairness” applies to all patients. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 39. Respecting patients’ dignity and choice • You have a patient who you really like, and they like you. The treatment has been completed and they are now dentally fit. The patient asks you on a date. Can you accept? • GDC Rule 2.5 states: Maintain appropriate boundaries in the relationships you have with patients. Do not abuse those relationships. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 40. • According to the GDC rule. Some years ago a UK doctor was struck off for dating and then marrying a patient. The complaint was made by the patient’s ex-husband 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 41. Respecting patients’ dignity and choice • A patient needs a crown for an upper incisor. They want gold, which you feel is aesthetically unacceptable. Should you insist on providing ceramic or nothing? • GDC Rule 2.2 states: Recognize and promote patients’ responsibility for making decisions about their bodies, their priorities and their care, making sure you do not take any steps without patients’ consent (permission). Follow the GDC guidance ‘Principles of patient consent’. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 42. • “Doctor Knows Best” is no longer an acceptable ethical framework. If the gold crown functioned clinically as well (or better) than the ceramic crown, the patient’s choice should be respected. • What if the patient wants to replace a ceramic crown with a gold crown? Will you do it? 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 43. Protecting the confidentiality of patients’ information 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 44. Protecting the confidentiality of patients’ information • Your record cards have a red sticker on the front to alert you if a patient has an infective disease, and a yellow sticker if they have another relevant medical condition. Is this OK? • GDC Rule 3.2 states: Prevent information from being accidentally revealed and prevent unauthorized access by keeping information secure at all times. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 45. • It could be interpreted that, if other people’s records were visible e.g. at the reception desk, you are breaking this rule. The meaning of warning stickers is unlikely to be a secret confined only to Practice staff. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 46. Protecting the confidentiality of patients’ information • As part of a marketing scheme, you plan to send tailored birthday cards to your patients, saying for example “Happy 30th Birthday Angela Jones”. Is this OK? • GDC Rule 3.1 states: Treat information about patients as confidential and only use it for the purposes for which it is given. Under this rule, the patient’s date of birth was given to you for dental reasons. The patient may not wish others in her house to know how old she is. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 47. Protecting the confidentiality of patients’ information • You have an elderly patient with bilateral cataracts who you see driving away badly from your practice. You know they have poor eyesight as they could not see their new dentures in the mirror. Should you keep this knowledge confidential? • GDC Rule 3.3 states: In exceptional circumstances, it may be justified to make confidential patient information known without consent if it is in the public interest or the patient’s interest. You should get appropriate advice before revealing information on this basis. Follow the GDC guidance ‘Principles of patient confidentiality’. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 48. • The important thing is to get advice before breaching confidentiality. When seeking advice (e.g. from your Defense Organization), you should describe the circumstances, but not identify the patient in any way. • Failure to act appropriately could put your registration at risk. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 49. Co-operating with colleagues in the interests of patient 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 50. Co-operating with colleagues in the interests of patient • Your Practice has a hygienist, but you the dentist don’t want to send her any patients as you have to pay a fee for using her. Is this OK? • GDC Rule 4.1 states: Co-operate with other team members and colleagues and respect their role in caring for patients. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 51. • If you believe the hygienist does a better job of motivating, instructing, and scaling etc., that is, the patient gets better treatment, then you should not refuse referral because of your own financial interests. The patient’s interests come first. There may be valid reasons for keeping the patients to yourself, but those reasons must be in the patient’s interest. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 52. Co-operating with colleagues in the interests of patient • You give your own nurse a special bonus cheque each year for working with you. Is that OK? • GDC Rule 4.2 states: Treat all team members and other colleagues fairly and in line with the law. Do not discriminate against them. • It is doubtful that the bonus will give rise to a hearing at the GDC. It is pretty certain that it will cause resentment in your Practice. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 53. Co-operating with colleagues in the interests of patient • You are an associate dentist, and due to a downturn in Practice profitability you have been given a month’s notice to quit. Your boss asks you to help with a surgical extraction that is beyond his ability, but within yours. The extraction is booked for next week. You reckon that he will need to learn to cope when you are gone, and suggest he refers the patient. Is this OK? • GDC Rule 4.3 states: Communicate effectively and share your knowledge and skills with other team members and colleagues as necessary in the interests of patients. In all dealings with other team members and colleagues, make the interests of patients your first priority. Follow the GDC guidance ‘Principles of dental team working’. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 54. • The key here is whether your behavior is in the patient’s best interest, which it is not. You should agree to help. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 55. Maintaining your professional knowledge and competence 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 56. Maintaining your professional knowledge and competence. • As a dental nurse who takes radiographs, you work in a tightly controlled environment to a dentist’s precise prescription. Do you also have to know the details of the laws that govern radiography? • GDC Rule 5.4 states: Find out about laws and regulations which affect your work, premises, equipment and business, and follow them. The answer to this question is – yes. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 57. Maintaining your professional knowledge and competence. • You are a recently qualified dentist, and have completed your DF1 training. The DF1 year gave you all the CPD points required for the 5 year cycle. Can you stop your CPD until the next cycle starts? • GDC Rule 5.1 states: Recognize that your qualification for registration was the first stage in your professional education. Develop and update your knowledge and skills throughout your working life. This implies that you must continue CPD evenly throughout your career, even if you have “ticked the box” regarding minimum requirements. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 58. Be trustworthy 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 59. Be trustworthy • Someone has insulted your mother and girl friend, and made inferences about your ancestry. You get very angry and hit them. Are you in trouble with the GDC? • GDC Rule 6.3 states: Maintain appropriate standards of personal behavior in all walks of life so that patients have confidence in you and the public have confidence in the dental profession. • If you are convicted of assault in court, the GDC will be informed and your registration could be at risk. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 60. Be trustworthy • You have been offered a DVD in the pub which you think may be a pirate copy. This has nothing to do with your work. Is the GDC interested in whether you buy it or not? • GDC Rule 6.1 states: Justify the trust that your patients, the public and your colleagues have in you by always acting honestly and fairly. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 61. • This rule says “always” – meaning whether it has to do with your work is irrelevant. If you are convicted of handling or receiving stolen goods (which includes “Intellectual Property”), the GDC will be informed and your registration may be at risk. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 62. Be trustworthy • You have been asked by a dental supplier to give a paid lecture on one of their products, to say how good it is. Should you refuse? • GDC Rule 6.2 states: Apply these principles to clinical and professional relationships, and any business or educational activities you are involved in. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 63. • If you believe the product is good, that is fine. You must not however give an unbalanced view: you must find out all the evidence about how the material performs, and include that in your presentation. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 64. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 65. Consent 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 66. Consent • No treatment can be carried out on a patient without their valid informed consent for the specific treatment to be undertaken !!!!! • Pts. have a right to choose whether or not to accept your advice or treatment • Types of consent :  Implied: only if ............  Verbal consent: most common  Written : TTT under GA or sedation, long TTT plans 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 67. Consent • The patient as ‘gatekeeper’ • Using this ranking of principles, in a sense it is the patient who becomes the ‘gatekeeper’ to dental services.............. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 68. Consent If there is any doubt about the pts.’ mental ability to understand the ttt fully........... No TTT should be undertaken Don’t miss: in the case of G.A the pt. Should be informed about the risk of death even if he is very anxious...... 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 69. • A 38 years old patient with severe dawn syndrome came to clinic requiring extraction of wisdom tooth, what is the best treatment describing the consent • a) The best thing is to obtain parent's consent • b) if he can understand the procedure & complications ,he can give the consent • c) he may understand the procedures & complications but his special needs precludes cons. • d) if the tooth needs extraction, do it on your behalf 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 70. Consent • Who can give consent ???  Patients more than 16 .................  Patients less than 16 ....................  Parents only if less than 16............ But.... Frazer/gillick competence consent : Achild under 16 could give valid consent to medical ttt without parentral knowledge or agreement .......provided the child had mental capacity ( intelligence, maturity & understanding) to give consent 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 71. Consent • Frazer/gillick competence consent: For gillick consent to be valid :  The child must have capacity  The proposed ttt must be in the child’s best interest (conslutate with a collegue)  Every reasonable effort must be made to persuade the child to involve his parents 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 72. Consent • Brother/sister/uncle etc. ......... • Local authority..... • Patients who lack capacity  No consent [even at emergency...]  If the child is in their care under an emergency protection circumstances...  No one else can give consent, Opinion from colleague, 2 consultants opinions in case of major cases............. Necessary TTT should be provided that is in the patient best interest... 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 73. Consent • Remember that the age for giving consent is: 16 for normal patient 18 for patients who lack capacity 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 74. Remember......... Under the UK disability discrimination ACT, any service providor must not use any reason related to patients disability as an excuse to treat them less favourably .... 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 75. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 76. • A patient can give informed consent only when they have received and understood an explanation of what is proposed. What does the explanation have to include? • The GDC says you must find out what your patients want to know, as well as telling them what you think they need to know. Examples of information which patients may want to know include: • why you think a proposed treatment is necessary; • the risks and benefits of the proposed treatment; • what might happen if the treatment is not carried out; • other forms of treatment, their risks and benefits, • whether or not you consider the treatment appropriate. • the (estimated) cost of the treatment • the nature of the contract (e.g. NHS or Private). 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 77. • Do you have to tell the patient about things not on the GDC list ? • Yes: it is your responsibility to find out what the patient wants to know, and provide the information. A patient might claim that consent was not “informed” if for example they did not know that a treatment would take many more visits than they thought, or that they would be seeing multiple dentists/specialists. You must find out what is important to the patient. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 78. • What do you understand by the term Restricted Consent? • This is when a patient agrees to part, but not all of a treatment plan. This can cause some difficulty for the dentist, as complex plans tend to be staged. • An example might be that a necrotic dark incisor requires a Root Filling and a veneer. The patient may refuse the root filling but consent to the veneer. • Dentists must document such cases very carefully and meticulously, while respecting the rights of the patient to have the treatment of their choice. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 79. • A 16 year old patient consents to a dentally necessary extraction. They understand the necessity, risks, consequences etc. The parent refuses. Can you legally do the extraction? • Patients with capacity aged 16 and over can consent on their own behalf. Clearly it is better to make all attempts to reach an agreement with all parties in these circumstances. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 80. • What about the opposite case? A 16 year old patient refuses a necessary extraction just before you are about to start, but the parents have given informed consent. What do you do? 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 81. • For more info please check: • The DH ‘’department of health’’ guidelines named [reference guide to consent for examination or treatment] 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 82. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 83. Confidentiality • Protect the confidentiality of patient information • Treat information about pts. As confedintial and only use it for the purpose each is given for 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 84. Confidentiality • Your duty: is to prevent information from bieng accedenally revealed and prevent unauthorised access by keeping information secure at all times When to break confidentiality ? In exceptional circumstances [protect the public ] ONLY Or with pts. informed consent.... 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 85. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 86. Confidentiality • Third parties..........patient consent is a must !!! other healthcare professionals participating in the care of the patient  insurance companies seeking information in relation to injury claims, for example  solicitors acting for the patient or for others. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 87. Confidentiality • The following situations may permit disclosure without consent: • Where there is a legal or statutory requirement; this can include: certain infectious diseases (of which HIV is not one) serious injury or dangerous occurrences certain Acts of Parliament When ordered from the court, not court officer! Disclosure may be justified in the public interest even If it affects just one member of the public 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 88. Brain storm! • ‘’Anwar el balkimy’’ case, any ideas?? 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 89. From BMJ 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 90. Neglicance • Neglect= carelessness • Any failure to exercise reasonable skill & care • How to avoid to be a neglicant......records • How to know if a dentist is neglicant or not ?? Bolam principle test : A doctor is neglicant if he acted in accordance with the practice accepted as proper by a reasonable body of medical men skilled in the particular part Bolithio........... 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 91. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 92. Dental record  Clinical notes  Medical history questionnaire  Photograph  Investigation results  Consent forms  Copies of TTT plan  Copies of refferal letters o Should be stored in a safe place o Should be retained as long as possible(min 11ys) o For children should be kept until they are 25 or for 11 years [which longer] 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 93. Child abuse NAI 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 94. NAI • If you felt that the injuries are incosistent with the history..... Susbect child abuse .. What else..............  Discuss your suspicious with a collegue  If justified....... Call pts. GMP  Call the local child protection advisor  If afraid refer to hospital.....[ nurse] 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 95. Please check: 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 96. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 97. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 98. complaints NHS complaints procedure: Local resolution Concilation through health Board Independent review ombudsman Audit !! Peer review !! 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 99. complaints • Time limit: Local resolution... A full response should be provided within 10 days in practice and 20 days in hospital. 1ry response within 3 days [acknowledgment ] Complaints must be made < 12 months after the event or < 6 months after he realized that there’s a problem 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 100. Complaint procedure 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 101. Fitness to practice • Fitness to practice officer is the frst to see the case • Then it is refeered to the investigating committee • If this comitee decided that the case is serious it referres the case quickly to one of three committees :  Professional conduct  Professional performance  Health cmmittee At any stage of investigation the case may be referred to the interm orders committee  Wolf act 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 102. • Please don’t forget : –Sedation rules –General anesthesia rules –Chaperone and escort in TTT 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 103. Time for ethical situations 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 104. Ethics • A 10 years old male patient comes to your clinic with his UR2 avulsed. He said that he was playing and hit in the door • He comes with his grandmother who quickly put the avulsed tooth in milk • His parents is not at home.... • Discuss your management!! 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 105. Ethics • Mr. jack’s lawyer attendes to the practice requesting his records? • What will you do ? Patients have the rights to access their records but ......... Protect your self !!! 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 106. Ethics • While performing endodontic treatment for lower right first molar, a file breaks inside the canal............ • Life span of the file determine neglicance.. • Advise about TTT, removal, complete endo or referral..... • Failure to advise pts is considered neglicance • If pt is not satisfied advise him to call complaint advisor No 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 107. Ethics • Nivas who is 15ys old child comes to your practice alone having toothache that disturb his sleep... • What will you do ? • is an emergency • Try to contact parents.. • Consultate with a colleague (pt. Best interest ) • Consider gillik competence consent 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 108. Ethics • You have just opened your private new dental practice..... Mr. Davis is a dentist in a neighboring practice... • You noticed that his work result is very disappointing and his patients start to come for you to treat... • You are aware if he work in another post... • What to do ....  Contact MR Davis  Local dental advisor  GDC [ fitness to practice officer]  Police station!!!!! 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 109. Ethics • A 15 ys old female come with her mother, they request crowns for her upper laterals as the teeth are out of line • You see that orthodontic TTT may allow for aligment without peparation • Mother agreed with you but the patient insists and says ‘’ NO I am not waiting 2 ys for ortho ‘’  No treatment... Not in patient best interest  Advise her to seek another opinion Consent refusal ......... 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 110. Ethics • While you are in your practice your receptionist received a call from the police asking for records you should know why they need... It should be a good reason for breaking confidentiality If not ask him for court order.... 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 111. Ethics • You are a principal in the dental unit in the tian-gin hospital, recently you discovered a bad smell comes out from one of your dentists • You now knows that he is an alcohol abuser ... You warned him several times but without benefit • Discuss ?  Suspense.........  Fitness to practice officer  The case finally will come to the ‘’ professional conduct.....’’ 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 112. Ethics • Mr Boil is 31 ys old , he is a regular dental attender at your practice since 1996. his girlfriend Sara also is your patient. • He came to you to extract his LR8 as you planned 2 weeks ago, but unfortunatly after extraction you couldn’t stop bleeding and transfer him to near hospital. ‘’He is a HIV +ve ‘’ disaster would you tell his GF ? No..... Dentists cann’t tell about HIV or cancer !! Advise him to do so Tell his Gp to do so 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 113. Ethics • Norwegian fresh graduate dentist wants to practice dentistry in UK[his 1ry dental qualification is from Yugoslavia] • How can you advise him? • A dental care professional wants to improve their position in your clinic....... • How can you advise? 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 114. Ethics • Mrs fiona jones come back to you 2 days after extracting her UR2, she is very angry....... • She said ‘’ I went to another dentist near to my house and he told me that you extracted a permenant tooth insead of the baby tooth ‘’ • She want to do a complaint !!! • Appology !!show Sembassy!! • Discuss treatment options including from implant to denture • Inform her that she won’t afford any extra fees • Or offer refund...... • If not satisfied.................. Call Complaint advisor 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 115. Ethics • Mrs. Fiona jones come to you, she is 17 years old pt., she was very angry ........ • She told you that she went to the hospital and a fresh graduate dentist extracted her permanent upper front lateral and he didn’t fully inform her that it is a permanent tooth... • She want to do a complaint....... • Sembassy “ I understand that this is hurt u.........” • You cannot judge his work.... • She should seek his opinion, you don’t know what he faced or diagnosed.........[also to allow for local resolution..] • Always be supportive to other college. • Explain Complaint procedure........... 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 116. Ethics • 15 years male with learning difficulty & epilepsy come to your practice alone • He is irregular attender and he has broken his central’s crown horizontally and also you suspect root fracture • You see that extraction is your best option here.......... • His mother has arthritis and she is house bound since 7 years • We have 2 problems................ • Judge learning difficulty for gillik consent..... • Temporary dressing to relieve pain.... • Try telephone verbal consent • If not applicable seek 2nd colleague opinion 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 117. Ethics Treatment without consent is a battery if pt. is under 18 and lack the capacity to give consent !!!! However ............ in the case of adult patients, despite misconceptions to the contrary, no such proxy consent is available either at common law or under the Mental Health Act 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 118. Ethics • You received a call from the manager of ‘’old ages care house’’ he told you that he has an emergency situation and requested you to come • When you go there you found Mr. Carr who was your pt. for the last 20 years, he is in severe pain from un-restorable broken LL6 requiring extraction • The problem that he recently diagnosed as alzahimar patient with sever dementia • He didn't’ recognize you and refused the TTT. • Dementia !!! Consent issue • Patient best interest......... • Consultation............. 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 119. Ethics • You are a new member in a dental practice and in your first day the principal told you to perform panorama for every new patient? • No justification........... • U should be aware if the nurse has received training Discuss & Advise him Local advisor GDC 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 120. Next session • Evidence based • Infection control • Waste disposal • Practice management • Recall • Key facts in diagnosis • Audit and peer review 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams
  • 121. Questions ? Thank you 05/01/15 easy way to pass exams