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                              K                                                                                     PR

                                                                       14 USb 3.0

One of the triumphs of the harry Potter movie franchise is the plethora
of magical gizmos it features, springing from the fertile imaginations
of J.K. Rowling and the movie special effects department.

Yet some of these ideas are no longer so far fetched or magical. The ‘talking newspaper’
seen in some scenes, for example is available today on the iPad. I know, because RS has,
from our previous issue made eTech available as a downloadable iPad App, and I’m the one
doing the talking.

Our theme this issue is connectivity, and that’s particularly appropriate because it is
connectivity that is enabling this functionality. A chain of wireless and wired connections          INSIDE eTech
carries a voice recording, a video clip, an image or a piece of text from the source,
to your iPad (or netbook, Kindle, laptop, smartphone…)                                               04   iSay

No wonder that at RS we’re seeing explosive growth in interest in the products and                   05   RS NEWSlINE
technologies that create the links in that chain. In this issue of eTech, we’re exposing
just a few of those. USB3.0 is poised to transform the relationship between computers
                                                                                                     06   DESIGNSPaRK PCb

and peripherals. ZigBee is seeing increasing uptake as a simple mesh networking                      10   PRODUCT NEWS
protocol. Power over Ethernet simplifies these networks and potentially saves power.
The Human Machine Interface (HMI) is the final, and arguably the most important link in              12   ThINK GlObally, aCT lOCally
that connectivity chain, and we have a major article that looks at how technology pioneered          14   USb 3.0
in game consoles is being used in industrial and instrumentation applications.
                                                                                                     16   OPEN SOURCE haRDWaRE
                                            Our mission at RS is to help you Find the right               USER GROUP
      Terms and conditions: Terms and
conditions of sale set out in the current
                                            connectivity solutions for your next project, Design
                                            them in and then make it simple to Buy the
                                                                                                     18   CUSTOmER PROfIlE
 RS Catalogue. This issue is valid from
                April 2011 to June 2011.    components you need for prototypes and production.       19   POWER OVER EThERNET
                                            Offering eTech on your iPad as well as in print and
      Published by: RS Components
           Limited. Registered office:      online is one part of that mission. The new version of   20   PRObE SElECTION
   Birchington Road, Weldon, Corby,
       Northamptonshire NN17 9RS.
         Registered No. 1002091. RS
                                            DesignSpark PCB described in this issue is another.      22   maRKET TRENDS
                                            Watch this space for more!
               Components Ltd 2010.
             RS are trademarks of RS                                                                 24   RS EDP
             Components Limited. An
       Electrocomponents Company.           PS:…. and before you ask: yes we are planning to
                                            extend our iPad app to other platforms like Android.
                                                                                                     26   faN IS a blaST

                                                                                                     28   DESIGN TIPS: NETWORKER

                                                                                                     32   ElECTRONICS EXTRaS
                      Place FSC
                      logo here
                                                                                                     34   POWER Of TOUCh
                                                          Glenn Jarrett
                                                          Head of Electronics Marketing
                                                                                                     36   RaPID POWER
                                                          RS Components                              42   INDUSTRy NEWS: fRaUNhOfER

ELE_0019_0311                                                                                                            eTech - ISSUE 6   03
iSay                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               RS

                                                                                                                                                   eTech launches as the                                                      Supporting R&D of

                                                                                                                                                   first Electronics Industry                                                 Intelligent Robots in Japan
                                                                                                                                                   iPad magazine app                                                          With the use of sensors, the Intelligent Robot
                                                                                                                                                   featuring enhanced interactive content including                           laboratory in Japan, successfully developed
                                                                                                                                                   images, animation and video free of charge                                 an autonomously controlled robot.
                                 gives fPGas the

                                                                                                                                                   This iPad app provides a              and has been developed to go         The research and development of
                                                                                                                                                   new way to display product            beyond the basic page-turner         the robot required a wide variety
                                                                                                                                                   and technology information,           digital magazine, taking full        of manufacturing knowledge
                                                                                                                                                   extending and enhancing the           advantage of the device’s off-line   covering from electronic and
                                                                                                                                                   magazine content with additional      viewing capabilities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ”                mechanical components.
                                                                                                                                                   images, animation and video,          Download the latest edition of
                                                                                                                                                   making it a truly interactive         eTech on iPad through the            With the support of
                                                                                                                                                   customer experience.                  App Store.                           RS Components, researchers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              at the laboratory were able to
                flexibility gives fPGas the advantage in growing number of applications.                                                           Commenting on the launch,                                                  purchase analog and digital
                                                                                                                                                   Glenn Jarrett, Head of                                                     devices, as well as printed circuit
                                                                                                                                                   Electronics Marketing at RS                                                boards from a one-stop shop.
                                                                                                                                                   said, “With more and more

                The         flexibility of programmable components                  while remaining committed to support the existing               information sources available to                                           Dr. Shin’ichi Tuka commented,                       Dr. Shin’ichi Tuka
                            has become more important than ever as                 3G W-CDMA or CDMA2000 standards. Equipment                      design engineers, it is imperative                                         “It was a paradigm shift. RS
                electronics adoption continues to grow in more and more            manufacturers must ensure that these base stations can          that RS provides them with                                                 features a wide variety of product    delivery of RS Components, not
                applications. For example, in the automotive industry              be easily upgraded when required to adapt to any change         news in the format that they find                                          portfolio, the next day delivery,     to mention the support provided
                on-board integrated systems are multiplying to provide             in standard. In addition, operators require slight variations   both informative and engaging.                                             and long-tail products. I was         through regular advice through
                greater convenience and safety, along with improved                in different countries and some parts of the world are          eTech for iPad is an industry first                                        astonished at the speed of            face-to-face meetings.”
                pollution control. Cutting-edge electronic modules provide         intending to use WiMax.
                greater functionality at ever-decreasing cost. The standard
                components (or Application Specific Standard Product
                (ASSP)) and specific ASIC-type circuits (Application Specific
                                                                                   To my knowledge, no supplier of fixed and mobile
                                                                                   telecommunications infrastructure relies only partially
                                                                                                                                                     EnbW Engineers build an automated Cocktail mixer
                Integrated Circuit) available on this market are however           on FPGA solutions. Programmable components are
                often found to be inadequate for the demands made                  fast becoming the only economically-viable approach               four trainees at EnbW in Tuttlingen,             a PlC and two custom boards                     resistors, rectifiers, capacitors,
                on them.                                                           for new systems.                                                  Germany, have built an automated                 were also used. To provide efficient              microprocessors and
                                                                                                                                                     cocktail mixer as their final project            service, an lCD display shows users             the stepper motors,
                The needs of manufacturers frequently change between                                                                                 as they study to become Industrial               the cocktails they have selected                all of which they
                the initial design specification and the arrival of a new                                                                            Electronics Installation Engineers.              and an aluminium compression tool               obtained quickly and

                vehicle on the market, making demands on the flexibility                                                                                                                               driven by a geared motor is used to             easily using the RS
                of the electronics which are difficult to satisfy using ASSPs
                and ASICs, especially within an accessible price range.
                                                                                          ...on-board integrated                                     The engineers built a mixer that
                                                                                                                                                     could accommodate a large
                                                                                                                                                                                                      pour out the required level of liquid
                                                                                                                                                                                                      from the bottles.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      E-Procurement service.

                The cost of masks set in 40/45 nm technologies reaches                systems are multiplying to                                     spindle bearing eight bottles.
                                                                                                                                                     Plexiglass windows and a stepper                 for the mixer’s electronic
                                                                                                  provide greater
                millions of dollars. The effect of this is clearly a fall in the
                number of ASSPs and ASICs. In 2009, the number of new                                                                                motor was used to push the                       systems, a large number of small
                                                                                                                                                     spindle over cog wheels.                         components including transistors,
                ASIC designs fell by 21%. FPGAs, on the other hand, are
                entering the world of processors because of their flexibility           convenience and safety,
                of use, coupled with the efficiency and performance levels
                                                                                            along with improved                                    RS announces partnership with board
                of hardware solutions. SRAM-based programmable
                components combine the benefits of fast integration and
                flexibility during the design stage while being adaptable
                                                                                              pollution control                                    manufacturers bVm and microsoft
                to multiple standards.
                                                                                                                                                   RS Components are pleased to announce             leading board developer BVM and software          customers and suppliers; our business
                For instance, the FPGA is now vital in mobile telephone                                                                            the partnership with BVM and Microsoft to         giants Microsoft.                                 is focused on doing what is best for all
                infrastructures. The latest generations being installed                                                                            provide design engineers, exclusive access                                                          stakeholders, to ensure we deliver the best
                are based on 3GPP LTE technology, whose full range of                                                                              to a complete range of motherboard kits with      This joint venture provides engineers with a      product and service to the end customer.
                specifications is not yet finalised. Base station suppliers         Share your opinion on this at                                  Windows Embedded software installed and           plug and play solution which is transferable      Clearly RS are a great partner to meet these
                have however already begun to deliver LTE technology,                                           ready to use. This is the first partnership of    across devices with easy adoption routes,         objectives and Microsoft thinks so too.”
                                                                                                                                                   its type in the high-volume distribution market   offering a long-term development lifespan.
                                                                                                                                                   place, linking the RS design engineering          Commenting for BVM, Robert Wainwright,
                                                                                                                                                   community (DesignSpark) and the                   General Manager said “we are committed            Find out more on the BVM / Microsoft /
                                                                                                                                                   ecommerce trading site users with market-         to working in partnership with both our           RS partnership at

04   eTech - ISSUE 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             eTech - ISSUE 6   05
“   ...3D viewer, enabling
engineers to gain a ‘real
life’ view of a PCb layout
                             DesignSpark PCb
                             Version 2 takes PCb                                                                                             deSiGNSparkPCB

                       ”     design to
during design...

                             by martin Keenan

                             The launch of DesignSpark in summer 2010 sent ripples through the engineering
                             world. With free online resources and design support, waves of engineers soon
                             joined the community. One of the biggest success stories since the launch of
                             DesignSpark has been DesignSpark PCb; a completely free and unrestricted
                             professional-grade schematic capture and PCb design environment.

                             Now,            after just nine months, the
                                             number of downloads for
                             DesignSpark PCB has exceeded 60,000;
                                                                             functionality, resulting in an even better
                                                                             experience for the many thousands of
                                                                             engineers already using it. The expectation
                                                                                                                              Through the 3D Viewer, engineers can
                                                                                                                              review a three-dimensional representation
                                                                                                                              of their board, at any stage during design, to
                             that’s around 300 per working day since         is that this commitment to development           quickly evaluate the mechanical design. Any
                             its launch!                                     will help to further increase its popularity     adjustments can easily be carried out in the
                                                                             and encourage the DesignSpark community          2D view and checked in the 3D Viewer for
                             With a commitment to maintaining and            to continue contributing their ideas for         near-instant visual feedback.
                             improving what is rapidly becoming one of       future enhancements.
                             the most important engineering resources
                             to engineers in over 150 countries across       3D Viewer added
                             the globe, RS has announced Version             One of the major new features of
                             2 of DesignSpark PCB. This is the first         DesignSpark PCB Version 2 takes PCB
                             official revision of the tool and while it      design to another dimension – literally!
                             remains totally free and unrestricted in its    The development team have implemented
                             functionality, it boasts a long list of new     a 3D Viewer, enabling design engineers
                             features. Engineers can download Version        to visualise in real time their final project,
                             2 today from            rendered in a highly accurate, fully detailed
                             and start enjoying all the new features and     3D view.
                             existing benefits that large corporate users,
                             as well as SMEs and hobbyists around the        DesignSpark PCB has always offered
                             world, have already discovered.                 the ability to export designs to a CAD
                                                                             environment that offer a 3D representation       The 3D Viewer is found in the tool bar and
                             In fact, the diverse cross-section of           of the board and its components, for             along with the ability to view a populated
                             DesignSpark PCB users is something RS           mechanical design. While this is still           board in 3 dimensions, engineers also have
                             is particularly proud of; the intention is to   possible, using a pre-loaded and extensible      the option to edit individual component
                             develop, support and maintain DesignSpark       library of 3D components engineers no            settings, to get the most realistic
                             PCB to remain an industry-leading resource,     longer need to move to a CAD environment,        representation possible – all from
                             and with the release of Version 2 comes         or export an intermediary file, to visualise     within the same design environment;
                             the addition of many new features that          their design in 3D.                              DesignSpark PCB.
                             extend the tool’s capability, usability and
                                                                                                                                                        Continued page 08>

06   eTech - ISSUE 6                                                                                                                                    eTech - ISSUE 6   07
Amphenol range increased to over
                                                  “  There are now some 30,000 registered
                                                  users of DesignSpark and downloads of                                             9,000 connectors at RS
                                                  the tool number 55,000
                                                                                                                                 New introductions expand the Amphenol portfolio, including renewable energy,
                                                                                                                               industrial, medical, military, data and audio technology markets, all available direct
                                                                                                                                                          from stock for next-day-delivery

< Continued from page 07

New capabilities                                  ‘escape’ key. To enable finer gained design,
As well as the breathtaking 3D Viewer,            the resolution of angular rotation has also
DesignSpark PCB’s Version 2 also                  been increased, while the Library Manager
introduces a number of new capabilities.          function will also offer new ‘move to’ and
These enhancements include being able             ‘save to’ commands.
to automatically create and save a new
                                                                                                                                            RJField range                                 XLR Solutions
library as an item, as well as saving the         more functionality
selected components directly to a library         Adding to the enhanced usability,
from the design view. Simpler and more            functionality has also received some
comprehensive output is enabled through           attention; support for the
two new features; a new column type               widely used Excellon
allows plain text to be inserted in to reports,   drill file format has been
while a new bitmap printing option enables        extended to support
greater flexibility. In addition to these          different drill tool
capabilities, DesignSpark PCB will also           numbers across
provide a drill indent output option, able        drill files. Other
to switch between separate plated and             enhancements
unplated drills.                                  include the ability
                                                  to paste copies of
Greater usability                                 components in the same
We live in a connected world, where candid        position, as well as add values
feedback via online portals has become            to all the alternate footprints of a
second nature and, as with most well-             component when editing just one.
received products, DesignSpark PCB has
generated its fair share of on-line debate.       The success of DesignSpark PCB reinforces                                                 Ecomate Series                            62GB Electroless Nickel
Thanks in part to this user feedback some         the belief that the electronics engineering
features have been highlighted where              community needs professional tools and

                                                                                                                                                  See the full range at :
usability could be further improved.              services that aren’t just free to use but
So in response to this, the first major           offer real value, with an uncompromising
upgrade to DesignSpark PCB will include a         commitment to support that only a
number of usability enhancements, which           company like RS can truly offer.
include new commands in the Project menu
that allow sheets within a project to be
duplicated or renamed. It will also be easier
                                                  With the release of DesignSpark
                                                  PCB Version 2, RS has reaffirmed its
                                                  commitment to delivering the best
                                                                                                 Get more online...
                                                                                                 Share your experience using
                                                                                                 DesignSpark PCb on
when adding a new component to return             open source experience to its
to the dialog box; by simply pressing the         engineering community.

08    eTech - ISSUE 6
PRODUCT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PRODUCT
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NEWS
                                                                                            fIbRE OPTIC CONNECTORS
                                                                          fibre Optic Transceiver for high speed data rates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               mICROmaTCh CONNECTORS
                                                                                             n The AFCT-5805xxZ transceiver is a high                                                                                          1.27mm - Tyco amP mICRO-maTCh™
                                                                                         performance, cost effective module for serial                                                                                         IDC Series
                                                                                   optical data communications applications specified
                                                                                           for a data rate of 155 Mb/s. It is designed to                                                                                     n This small system of IDC connectors
                                                                                        provide a SONET/SDH compliant link for intermediate reach links operating at                                                          have a contact spacing of 1.27mm, offer
                                                                                     +3.3 V or +5.0 V input voltage. Application areas include links for LAN backbone                                                         a range of wire-to-board & board-to-board
                                                                                   switches and routers, WAN core, edge and access switches and routers, links for                                                            intercommunications. The contacts are fully
                                                                                               add/drop multiplexers and demultiplexers and SONET interconnections                                                            protected by plastic housings, providing high
                                                                                                                                    Online search term: afCT-5805               performance and reliability with built in Polarisation. No additional strain relief is required.
                                                                                                                                                                                The contact spring system is in the female board header and not in the wire connector,
                                                                                                                                                                                which compensates for positional tolerances and prevents fretting corrosion.
                                                                                                                                                                                Online search term: idc micro-match 1.27mm
                               POSITION SENSORS fROm SPECTRaSymbOl
                           Contactless, low profile and high temperature Position Sensors.

                     n Membrane Sensors from SpectraSymbol have transformed the way engineers
                   think about position sensing through a low form-factor (less than 0.5mm), better value
                compared to other linear sensors, and high adaptability for design constraints. We have
              now introduced high temperature linear sensor applications with the Hotpot, rising to +85°C
          in operation or storage, the MagnetoPot for contactless applications and the ThinPot which is
       half the width of the traditional Softpot product.
      Online search term: Spectrasymbol                                                                                                                                                                 SChOTTKy DIODES                                                                         USb2.0 hUb CONTROllERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Rectifiers - Schottky barrier Up to 0.199a                                              Industry’s first Single-Chip, USb 2.0 hub
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and 10/100 Ethernet Controllers
                                                                                                                                                                                                        n We have increased the range from Vishay and can now
                                                                                                                                                                                                        provide Small signal schottky diodes for general purpose                               n SMSC are the first company to introduce a fully
                                                                                                                                                                                                        applications. The diodes feature low turn-on voltage and                               integrated 2/3/4 port Hi-Speed USB 2.0 hub with
                                                                                                                                                                                                        high breakdown voltage and are protected by a PN junction                              10/100 Ethernet controllers. SMSC’s UniClock

                                                                                                                                                                                                        guard ring against excessive voltage, such as electrostatic                            technology simplifies the clocking scheme and
mCX CONNECTORS - fROm CablINE                                                                                                                                                                                             discharges. They are available in the                                reduces system BOM cost by using a single 25MHz
             Specifically designed conectors for                                                                                                                                                                          DO-35 case with type designation                                     crystal for both USB and Ethernet connectivity
                               lCD applications
                                                                                lECROy USb aNalySERS                                                                                                                      BAT41, and are AEC-Q101 qualified.                                   − without the need for extra components when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Online search term: vishay 7103*                                     adding USB hubs. They have built-in ±8kV/15kV
        n Cabline V is used in slimline LCD applications.                       PCmCIa card USb 2.0 analysers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          “Diode Schottky”                                                     contact/air discharge ESD protection on both USB
      It is now considered the defacto standard of LVDS
                                                                                n The Lecroy USBMobile T2 is a small and affordable hardware-based USB 2.0                                                                                                                                     and Ethernet PHYs . Multiple Operation Systems
    panel interface for LCDs with LED backlight. Cabline
                                                                                protocol analyser family that combines de-facto standard CATC Trace display with                                                                                                                               are supported including: Windows® 7 Windows XP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,          ,
     VS is specially designed for the transmission/shield
                                                                                powerful analysis features. Features include : portable operation with any PCMCIA                                                                                                                              Windows Vista®, Windows CE, Windows Mobile®,
      performance of the Displayport signal which is the
                                                                                compatible PC, CATC trace analysis software, 64 MByte recording memory, High                                                                                                                                   Linux® and Mac®.
 embedded standard interface of the FPD and is certified
                                                                                impedance probe, 2 mini AB USB ports, Advanced Triggering and Event reporting.                                                                                                                                 Online search term: 716-0449
                         to the latest VESA specification.
                        Online search term: CablINE                             Online search term: lecroy, USb

                                                                                                                                                                              ThERmal INTERfaCE KIT
                                                                                                                                                                            Comprehensive Thermal Interface
                                                                                                                                                                                     Sil-Pad kit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GDT 2 aND 3 ElECTRODE
                                                                                                                                                                         n Bergquist is a world leader for Sil-Pad materials                                                                       SURGE aRRESTERS
                                                                                                                                                                              to meet critical needs of a rapidly changing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Surge arrestors from Epcos
                                                                                                                                                                          electronics industry. This universal kit comprises
                                                                                                                                                                             of different forms of Sil-Pad, Q-Pad and Gap-
                                                                                VNC2 VINCUlUm USb hOST                                                                      Pad insulators with the necessary accessories
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    n Excessive voltages and the resulting
                                                                                DEVElOPmENT KIT                                                                          required to attach them to the PCB. The thermally
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    surge currents can damage or even destroy
                                                                                VNC2 Vinculum USb host Development Kit                                                                                                                                                                              communications equipment, data transmission
                                                                                                                                                                          conductive insulators, continue to be a clean and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and energy supply systems. Gas-filled surge
                                                                                                                                                                           efficient alternative to mica, ceramics or grease
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   arresters offer optimal protection in these cases. They limit
                                                                                 n V2-Eval Board is intended for use as a hardware platform to enable easy                 for a wide range of electronic applications. They
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   surge voltages quickly and safely to uncritical values and reliably
                                                                                 evaluation of FTDI“s Vinculum-II VNC2 series of embedded USB Host / Slave               provide excellent thermal performance, eliminates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   discharge any dangerous currents that may occur. We have now
                                                                                 controllers. The V2-Eval Board includes all the necessary components required          the mess of grease, is more durable than mica and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   have full portfolio of Epcos devices that are very smal,l have a
                                                                                 by a user to begin developing USB Host / Slave system applications based on             the“total applied cost” compares favourably with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   fast response time and stable performance over the lifetime
                                                                                 the VNC2 device. There are two USB type A connectors for connecting to USB                                 other alternatives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   with extremely low capacitance.
                                                             slave peripherals, FT42232H USB to quad channel UART device for VNC2 programming & debug                               Online search term: 127-057
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Online search term: epcos GDT
                                                             functions and USB type B connector for connection to PC host via FT4232H. The board supply
                                                             voltage is +4.75 to +5.25V and supply current is 60mA
                                                             Online search term: 708-0110

10    eTech - ISSUE 6                                                                               See more online - Over 5,000 new products are added at every month                                                                                                                                   eTech - ISSUE 6     11
Think globally,
act locally
Wireless Personal area
Networks: Zigbee or IEEE
802.15.4? Certification,
Standards and alliances.

                       While             electromagnetic radiation
                                         in the form of radio waves
                       has been exploited for over a century, without
                                                                            alongside other standards from the same
                                                                            group (802.15) which defines wireless
                                                                            personal area networks (WPAN), and is itself
                                                                                                                                                       The right profile
                                                                                                                                                      The real power of the
                                                                                                                                                  802.15.4 standard is its ability
                                                                                                                                                                                     the older IR style remote control with an RF
                                                                                                                                                                                     device, which doesn’t rely on a clear line-
                                                                                                                                                                                     of-sight to operate. More significantly, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ZigBee RF4CE specification. It means device
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       manufacturers can now integrate Atmel’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       solution secure in the knowledge that it will
                       the incredible success of mobile phones its          a subset of the more overarching group, 802,                    to create networks using multiple        integration of ZigBee into consumer devices       be compatible and interoperable with other
                       real commercial potential may yet remain             which defines local area networking in general     nodes within the immediate area, and to               will not only allow a single remote to control    devices that have been certified to the
                       unrealised. While cellular technology provided       and is not restricted to wireless technologies.    use this network to exchange relatively small         multiple devices, but also enable those devices   same standard.
                       a focus for R&D as well as a return on that                                                             amounts of data in a power-efficient way. This        to communicate directly, to share information
                       investment, it has encouraged and enabled            While the standard defines the physical (PHY)      contrasts with other WPAN technologies,               about the use and distribution of multimedia,     Low power, short range wireless
                       the development of an ever widening array            and media access (MAC) layers, it is the           such as WiFi and Bluetooth where, although            and even shut down equipment automatically        communication is expected to support
                       of wireless technologies. Though the basic           set of protocols developed to exploit the          capable of creating ad hoc networks or peer-          when it isn’t being used.                         greener living through the secure exchange
                       principles remain unchanged, the various             underlying network architecture that is actually   to-peer connections, their higher bandwidth                                                             of data using intelligent sensors to control our

                       regulations and protocols that are applied to        known as ZigBee. Although the ‘brand’ name         and more demanding power requirements will                                                              immediate environment which, in turn, could
                       them continue to define the world around us.         and the standard are often synonymous, early
                                                                            adopters were prone to using the PHY/MAC
                                                                                                                               likely preclude them from encroaching on the
                                                                                                                               burgeoning application areas where ZigBee is
                                                                                                                                                                                         low power,                                    help the global environment too.

                       Perhaps unsurprisingly, wireless technologies
                       that operate in the unlicensed part of the
                                                                            technology with proprietary protocols,
                                                                            rather than ZigBee itself, largely due to
                                                                                                                               now being applied.                                    short range wireless
                       spectrum have seen the greatest amount of
                       interest and as those frequencies become
                                                                            manufacturers wishing to protect their
                                                                            market share from competitors with
                                                                                                                               A significant boost to ZigBee’s appeal – and
                                                                                                                               prerequisite for interoperability and certification
                       increasingly congested so too does the need          compatible solutions.                              – is the development and application of               is expected to
                       for encoding techniques and protocols that                                                              profiles. These effectively define the application
                       are able to cope with the ‘noise’ from other         However, while this may have initially             area for a ZigBee device and today there exist        support greener

                       devices.This, along with the need for reliable       stymied the adoption of ZigBee in some             a number of profiles which cover health care,                                                           find the latest Zigbee ranges at
                       interoperability, has led to the evolution of        applications areas, it has not impeded the         home automation, smart metering and most              living...                               
                       industry standards, governed by independent          development and adoption of IEEE 802.15.4          recently remote control.
                       bodies which attempt to accommodate both             compliant solutions. Today there are a number
                       the commercial and technical requirements of         of chipsets and even single-chip solutions         The profile for remote control, which was             Atmel recently announced that its
                       developers and consumers alike.                      available on the market. RS stocks a number        created after the ZigBee Alliance agreed to           ATmega128RFA1 single-chip wireless                  Get more online...
                                                                            of compliant solutions from manufacturers          cooperate with the RF4CE Consortium, is now           microcontroller has been certified by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Share your thoughts on Zigbee
                       One such standard is IEEE 802.15.4, often            including Texas Instruments, Freescale,            beginning to see widespread deployment in             ZigBee Alliance to the ZigBee Remote Control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         adoption at
                       referred to by its ‘brand name’ of ZigBee. It sits   Microchip and Atmel.                               consumer electronics. It effectively replaces         standard, which was developed for the

12   eTech - ISSUE 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               eTech - ISSUE 6   13
                       Will USb 3.0 ring the death knell for slower serial interfaces?

                                                                                                                                  compatibility; USB 2.0 receptacles won’t be able to accept USB 3.0              external hard drive manufacturers are already announcing products,
                                                                                                                                  plugs as they are physically larger, however USB 3.0 receptacles will           such as Buffalo Technology’s latest range of USB 3.0 enabled storage
                                                                                                                                  accept USB 2.0 plugs thanks to the connector’s design.                          solutions which was announced at the recent Consumer Electronics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Show (CES) in Las Vegas.
                                                                                                                                  Beyond the physical differences, the protocol used by SuperSpeed is
                                                                                                                                  significantly different from its predecessors, although this will be largely    CES 2011 was also the venue for a number of other announcements
                                                                                                                                  transparent to the user. It will require a new generation of controllers        around USB 3.0, such as Genesys Logic’s introduction of a range
                                                                                                                                  and drivers, the availability of which will be significant in helping USB 3.0   of controllers including a 4-port hub controller, flash card reader
                                                                                                                                  realise its full potential.                                                     controller and a SATA bridge controller. VIA Labs also used CES 2011 to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  demonstrate its range of USB 3.0 controllers.
                                                                                                                                  The SuperSpeed interface uses full duplex transfer, thanks to the use of
                                                                                                                                  two independent differential channels. Also, the use of a packet based          Speculation that USB 3.0 will displace USB 2.0 has, inevitably, caused
                                                                                                                                  protocol makes the data routable between host and device, as opposed            some providers to question whether it is commercially viable to continue
                                                                                                                                  to the broadcast method used in USB 2.0, all of which contributes to            to invest in USB 2.0 development. The answer is almost certainly yes,
                                                                                                                                  achieving the higher bandwidth speeds.                                          because although SuperSpeed offers many benefits, it is unlikely to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  cost-competitive in all applications.
                                                                                                                                  Predominantly this no longer relies on polling, or asking each peripheral
                                                                                                                                  whether it has data to send, meaning the bus is only active when                The undeniable appeal of USB coupled with the benefits of SuperSpeed

                                                      USB 3.0                  has arrived; at over 10 times faster than USB
                                                                               2.0 it promises to provide quicker file transfer
                                                      between enabled devices, feeding consumers’ insatiable appetite
                                                                                                                                  data is being moved, which has the added benefit of improving power
                                                                                                                                  management, which is now addressed at every layer of the interface to
                                                                                                                                  deliver a significant power saving. For instance, at the link layer there are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and its compatibility with USB 2.0 may even regenerate the market
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for USB in general, as no other serial interface offers the same level
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of convenience or, with the advent of SuperSpeed, the same
                                                      for storing, streaming and sharing high bandwidth data such as              four link states, which can be selected to trade off the power consumed         high bandwidth.
                                                      multimedia files.                                                           against the latency of the interface. Also, the USB 3.0 specification
                                                                                                                                  increases the amount of power that a host can distribute, from 500mA
                                                      As with previous incarnations of the universal serial bus, and holding      to 900mA.
                                                      fast with its underlying premise of ease of use, USB 3.0 (or SuperSpeed
                                                      USB as it has become known) will provide backwards compatibility with       Support for the new USB 3.0 receptacle will, of course, take time but

                                                      USB 2.0, even though it is electrically and mechanically quite different.   there are a number of PCI bus expansion cards available for PCs that

      Over 10 times                                   In order to reach the blisteringly high 5Gbit/s bandwidth it uses
                                                                                                                                  offer the new interface, while newer PCs, laptops and other devices will
                                                                                                                                  be able to support the standard natively.
           faster than                                two differential pairs; one for transmitting and one for receiving, as
                                                      opposed to the single differential pair for tx/rx as used in USB 2.0. To
                                                                                                                                  Software support will come in the form of drivers, which will need to be
                                                                                                                                  added to all the operating systems in circulation, although initially this
               USb 2.0                                accommodate this without sacrificing compatibility, the specification
                                                      adds four additional wires to the cable assembly. This, in turn,
                                                                                                                                  may also involve peripheral manufacturers developing drivers for the
                                                                                                                                  relevant OS, too.
       it promises to                                 necessitates a different connector profile but in order to make it
                                                      physically compatible with the existing USB user base, the additional       With high speed serial communications comes a need for
 provide quicker file                                 connections are located at the back of the connector, behind the existing   comprehensive test and measurement during the development phase

   transfer between
                                                      USB 2.0 connections.                                                        and in response to this need, leading T&M companies including LeCroy            find the latest USb 3.0 ranges at
                                                                                                                                  and Tektronix now offer automated test suites for USB 3.0, along with

             enabled                                  This clever innovation does have some implications, however. It means
                                                      that only Standard-A receptacles (the ones most frequently found on
                                                                                                                                  the necessary probes and interface hardware for their respective
                                                                                                                                  oscilloscopes.                                                                   Get more online...

           devices                                    PCs) will accept both USB 2.0 and SuperSpeed 3.0 Standard-A plugs.
                                                      Standard-B, Powered-B, Micro-B and Micro-AB receptacles (the ones           The primary appeal of USB 3.0 is its high speed and as it becomes more           Share your thoughts on USb 3.0 Superspeed at
                                                      now commonly found on portable devices) will only offer backwards           widely adopted, it will create opportunities for high speed peripherals;

14   eTech - ISSUE 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  eTech - ISSUE 6    15
                                                                                                                             It is important to note that not all open source designs must start
                                                                                                              ...hobbyists   out that way and there is no reason why proprietary technology
                                                                                                                             cannot be “open sourced” that is provided that you hold all the
                                                                                                           to established    rights to the design. However, most OSHW projects are open from

                                                                         Images from OShUG events
                                                                                                            multi-national   the offset and are often the result of collaboration that crosses
                                                                                                                             organisational and geographic boundaries. With public resources
                                                                                                     organisations have      such as mailing lists, version control systems, wikis and bug
                                                                                                                             trackers typically being employed in support of their development.
                                                                                                     come to realise the     The poster child of the OSHW movement is without a doubt the
                                                                                                    inherent potential of    Arduino microcontroller platform, and the success it has enjoyed
                                                                                                                             is in no small part due to its open nature and the fact that this
                                                                                                       engaging in open
Introduction to
                                                                                                                             aspect has served to foster a substantial ecosystem. Which has

                                                                                                      collaboration and
                                                                                                                             not only benefited third parties through the creation of new
                                                                                                                             business opportunities, but has also enabled the platform to secure

                                                                                                      liberal licensing of

Open Source
                                                                                                                             significant market share. Whilst its highly active and ever growing
                                                                                                                             community of users and a culture of sharing has enabled global-
                                                                                                        hardware design      scale support.

                                                                                                            artefacts...     Arduino is just the tip of the iceberg and you’d be mistaken if you
                                                                                                                             thought that OSHW was only concerned with simple systems. The

                                                                                                                             movement boasts, for example, multiple cutting edge software-
                                                                                                                             defined radio (SDR) projects, high performance embedded
                                                                                                                             computing platforms, low cost desktop 3D printers and an
                                                                                                                             affordable USB protocol analyser project, to name but a few out of

                                                                                                                             As was initially the case with open source software, OSHW has
                                                                                                                             its own share of detractors. It may be difficult to at first see how
by andrew back, Open Source hardware User Group                                                                              it could work when the replication costs for hardware are so
                                                                                                                             much greater than those associated with software. However, it
                                                                                                                             offers the potential to democratise the hardware development
                                                                                                                             process, reduce development costs, drive reuse, simplify business
                                                                                                                             relationships in collaborative environments and to create
Within the last few years the open source hardware                                                                           opportunities for new entrants. By its very nature it supports
movement has been subject to explosive growth, as                                                                            learning and for this and other reasons it is also gaining favour in
hobbyists to established multi-national organisations
have come to realise the inherent potential of                                                                                        The numbers speak for themselves and as of May
engaging in open collaboration and liberal                                                                                              2010 there were already at minimum thirteen OSHW
                                                                                                                                        companies with >$1m revenue. While this might
licensing of hardware design artefacts. What                                                                                            sound like small change, let us remember the humble
started as a niche phenomenon is now a multi-                                                                                             beginnings of the multi-billion dollar open source
million dollar industry that continues to grow and                                                                                            software industry.

that shows no signs of slowing down.

As       the name suggests open source hardware (OSHW)
         adopts the principles and methodologies employed in
the development of open source software and applies them to
hardware development. As with the development of open source
software there is no rigid formula, however, a fundamental
principle is that design artefacts will be made available at zero cost
and via a liberal licence. These may be, for example, schematics,
CAD files, PCB layouts or C or HDL source code. Through publishing
these via an open source licence the copyright holder grants
                                                                                                                             for information on the Open Source hardware User Group
anyone the right to study, modify and improve the design, and for
them in turn to subsequently make it or a derivative work available
in a similar manner to third parties.

                                                                                                                              Get more online...
                                                                                                                              DesignSpark regularly covers OShW developments. find
                                                                                                                              out about the latest initiatives at

16    eTech - ISSUE 6                                                                                                                                                          eTech - ISSUE 6   17
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eTech Magazine - Issue 6
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eTech Magazine - Issue 6

  • 1.
  • 2. N SElECTIO 06 bE b PC 20 O K PR DESIGNSPaR 14 USb 3.0 One of the triumphs of the harry Potter movie franchise is the plethora of magical gizmos it features, springing from the fertile imaginations of J.K. Rowling and the movie special effects department. Yet some of these ideas are no longer so far fetched or magical. The ‘talking newspaper’ seen in some scenes, for example is available today on the iPad. I know, because RS has, from our previous issue made eTech available as a downloadable iPad App, and I’m the one doing the talking. Our theme this issue is connectivity, and that’s particularly appropriate because it is connectivity that is enabling this functionality. A chain of wireless and wired connections INSIDE eTech carries a voice recording, a video clip, an image or a piece of text from the source, to your iPad (or netbook, Kindle, laptop, smartphone…) 04 iSay No wonder that at RS we’re seeing explosive growth in interest in the products and 05 RS NEWSlINE technologies that create the links in that chain. In this issue of eTech, we’re exposing just a few of those. USB3.0 is poised to transform the relationship between computers 06 DESIGNSPaRK PCb and peripherals. ZigBee is seeing increasing uptake as a simple mesh networking 10 PRODUCT NEWS protocol. Power over Ethernet simplifies these networks and potentially saves power. The Human Machine Interface (HMI) is the final, and arguably the most important link in 12 ThINK GlObally, aCT lOCally that connectivity chain, and we have a major article that looks at how technology pioneered 14 USb 3.0 in game consoles is being used in industrial and instrumentation applications. 16 OPEN SOURCE haRDWaRE Our mission at RS is to help you Find the right USER GROUP Terms and conditions: Terms and conditions of sale set out in the current connectivity solutions for your next project, Design them in and then make it simple to Buy the 18 CUSTOmER PROfIlE RS Catalogue. This issue is valid from April 2011 to June 2011. components you need for prototypes and production. 19 POWER OVER EThERNET Offering eTech on your iPad as well as in print and Published by: RS Components Limited. Registered office: online is one part of that mission. The new version of 20 PRObE SElECTION Birchington Road, Weldon, Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 9RS. Registered No. 1002091. RS DesignSpark PCB described in this issue is another. 22 maRKET TRENDS Watch this space for more! Components Ltd 2010. RS are trademarks of RS 24 RS EDP Components Limited. An Electrocomponents Company. PS:…. and before you ask: yes we are planning to extend our iPad app to other platforms like Android. 26 faN IS a blaST 28 DESIGN TIPS: NETWORKER 32 ElECTRONICS EXTRaS Place FSC logo here 34 POWER Of TOUCh Glenn Jarrett Head of Electronics Marketing 36 RaPID POWER RS Components 42 INDUSTRy NEWS: fRaUNhOfER ELE_0019_0311 eTech - ISSUE 6 03
  • 3.
  • 4. iSay RS JEAN-LOUIS BRELET, SENIOR MARKETING MANAGER NEWSlINES PRODUCT DEFINITION, XILINX SAYS: “ eTech launches as the Supporting R&D of flexibility first Electronics Industry Intelligent Robots in Japan iPad magazine app With the use of sensors, the Intelligent Robot featuring enhanced interactive content including laboratory in Japan, successfully developed images, animation and video free of charge an autonomously controlled robot. gives fPGas the advantage ” This iPad app provides a and has been developed to go The research and development of new way to display product beyond the basic page-turner the robot required a wide variety and technology information, digital magazine, taking full of manufacturing knowledge extending and enhancing the advantage of the device’s off-line covering from electronic and magazine content with additional viewing capabilities. ” mechanical components. images, animation and video, Download the latest edition of making it a truly interactive eTech on iPad through the With the support of customer experience. App Store. RS Components, researchers at the laboratory were able to flexibility gives fPGas the advantage in growing number of applications. Commenting on the launch, purchase analog and digital Glenn Jarrett, Head of devices, as well as printed circuit Electronics Marketing at RS boards from a one-stop shop. said, “With more and more The flexibility of programmable components while remaining committed to support the existing information sources available to Dr. Shin’ichi Tuka commented, Dr. Shin’ichi Tuka has become more important than ever as 3G W-CDMA or CDMA2000 standards. Equipment design engineers, it is imperative “It was a paradigm shift. RS ” electronics adoption continues to grow in more and more manufacturers must ensure that these base stations can that RS provides them with features a wide variety of product delivery of RS Components, not applications. For example, in the automotive industry be easily upgraded when required to adapt to any change news in the format that they find portfolio, the next day delivery, to mention the support provided on-board integrated systems are multiplying to provide in standard. In addition, operators require slight variations both informative and engaging. and long-tail products. I was through regular advice through greater convenience and safety, along with improved in different countries and some parts of the world are eTech for iPad is an industry first astonished at the speed of face-to-face meetings.” pollution control. Cutting-edge electronic modules provide intending to use WiMax. greater functionality at ever-decreasing cost. The standard components (or Application Specific Standard Product (ASSP)) and specific ASIC-type circuits (Application Specific To my knowledge, no supplier of fixed and mobile telecommunications infrastructure relies only partially EnbW Engineers build an automated Cocktail mixer Integrated Circuit) available on this market are however on FPGA solutions. Programmable components are often found to be inadequate for the demands made fast becoming the only economically-viable approach four trainees at EnbW in Tuttlingen, a PlC and two custom boards resistors, rectifiers, capacitors, on them. for new systems. Germany, have built an automated were also used. To provide efficient microprocessors and cocktail mixer as their final project service, an lCD display shows users the stepper motors, The needs of manufacturers frequently change between as they study to become Industrial the cocktails they have selected all of which they the initial design specification and the arrival of a new Electronics Installation Engineers. and an aluminium compression tool obtained quickly and “ vehicle on the market, making demands on the flexibility driven by a geared motor is used to easily using the RS of the electronics which are difficult to satisfy using ASSPs and ASICs, especially within an accessible price range. ...on-board integrated The engineers built a mixer that could accommodate a large pour out the required level of liquid from the bottles. E-Procurement service. The cost of masks set in 40/45 nm technologies reaches systems are multiplying to spindle bearing eight bottles. Plexiglass windows and a stepper for the mixer’s electronic provide greater millions of dollars. The effect of this is clearly a fall in the number of ASSPs and ASICs. In 2009, the number of new motor was used to push the systems, a large number of small spindle over cog wheels. components including transistors, ASIC designs fell by 21%. FPGAs, on the other hand, are entering the world of processors because of their flexibility convenience and safety, of use, coupled with the efficiency and performance levels along with improved RS announces partnership with board ” of hardware solutions. SRAM-based programmable components combine the benefits of fast integration and flexibility during the design stage while being adaptable pollution control manufacturers bVm and microsoft to multiple standards. RS Components are pleased to announce leading board developer BVM and software customers and suppliers; our business For instance, the FPGA is now vital in mobile telephone the partnership with BVM and Microsoft to giants Microsoft. is focused on doing what is best for all infrastructures. The latest generations being installed provide design engineers, exclusive access stakeholders, to ensure we deliver the best are based on 3GPP LTE technology, whose full range of to a complete range of motherboard kits with This joint venture provides engineers with a product and service to the end customer. specifications is not yet finalised. Base station suppliers Share your opinion on this at Windows Embedded software installed and plug and play solution which is transferable Clearly RS are a great partner to meet these have however already begun to deliver LTE technology, ready to use. This is the first partnership of across devices with easy adoption routes, objectives and Microsoft thinks so too.” its type in the high-volume distribution market offering a long-term development lifespan. place, linking the RS design engineering Commenting for BVM, Robert Wainwright, community (DesignSpark) and the General Manager said “we are committed Find out more on the BVM / Microsoft / ecommerce trading site users with market- to working in partnership with both our RS partnership at 04 eTech - ISSUE 6 eTech - ISSUE 6 05
  • 5. ...3D viewer, enabling engineers to gain a ‘real life’ view of a PCb layout DesignSpark PCb Version 2 takes PCb deSiGNSparkPCB ” design to during design... aNOThER DImENSION by martin Keenan The launch of DesignSpark in summer 2010 sent ripples through the engineering world. With free online resources and design support, waves of engineers soon joined the community. One of the biggest success stories since the launch of DesignSpark has been DesignSpark PCb; a completely free and unrestricted professional-grade schematic capture and PCb design environment. Now, after just nine months, the number of downloads for DesignSpark PCB has exceeded 60,000; functionality, resulting in an even better experience for the many thousands of engineers already using it. The expectation Through the 3D Viewer, engineers can review a three-dimensional representation of their board, at any stage during design, to that’s around 300 per working day since is that this commitment to development quickly evaluate the mechanical design. Any its launch! will help to further increase its popularity adjustments can easily be carried out in the and encourage the DesignSpark community 2D view and checked in the 3D Viewer for With a commitment to maintaining and to continue contributing their ideas for near-instant visual feedback. improving what is rapidly becoming one of future enhancements. the most important engineering resources to engineers in over 150 countries across 3D Viewer added the globe, RS has announced Version One of the major new features of 2 of DesignSpark PCB. This is the first DesignSpark PCB Version 2 takes PCB official revision of the tool and while it design to another dimension – literally! remains totally free and unrestricted in its The development team have implemented functionality, it boasts a long list of new a 3D Viewer, enabling design engineers features. Engineers can download Version to visualise in real time their final project, 2 today from rendered in a highly accurate, fully detailed and start enjoying all the new features and 3D view. existing benefits that large corporate users, as well as SMEs and hobbyists around the DesignSpark PCB has always offered world, have already discovered. the ability to export designs to a CAD environment that offer a 3D representation The 3D Viewer is found in the tool bar and In fact, the diverse cross-section of of the board and its components, for along with the ability to view a populated DesignSpark PCB users is something RS mechanical design. While this is still board in 3 dimensions, engineers also have is particularly proud of; the intention is to possible, using a pre-loaded and extensible the option to edit individual component develop, support and maintain DesignSpark library of 3D components engineers no settings, to get the most realistic PCB to remain an industry-leading resource, longer need to move to a CAD environment, representation possible – all from and with the release of Version 2 comes or export an intermediary file, to visualise within the same design environment; the addition of many new features that their design in 3D. DesignSpark PCB. extend the tool’s capability, usability and Continued page 08> 06 eTech - ISSUE 6 eTech - ISSUE 6 07
  • 6. Amphenol range increased to over “ There are now some 30,000 registered users of DesignSpark and downloads of 9,000 connectors at RS the tool number 55,000 ” New introductions expand the Amphenol portfolio, including renewable energy, industrial, medical, military, data and audio technology markets, all available direct from stock for next-day-delivery < Continued from page 07 New capabilities ‘escape’ key. To enable finer gained design, As well as the breathtaking 3D Viewer, the resolution of angular rotation has also DesignSpark PCB’s Version 2 also been increased, while the Library Manager introduces a number of new capabilities. function will also offer new ‘move to’ and These enhancements include being able ‘save to’ commands. to automatically create and save a new RJField range XLR Solutions library as an item, as well as saving the more functionality selected components directly to a library Adding to the enhanced usability, from the design view. Simpler and more functionality has also received some comprehensive output is enabled through attention; support for the two new features; a new column type widely used Excellon allows plain text to be inserted in to reports, drill file format has been while a new bitmap printing option enables extended to support greater flexibility. In addition to these different drill tool capabilities, DesignSpark PCB will also numbers across provide a drill indent output option, able drill files. Other to switch between separate plated and enhancements unplated drills. include the ability to paste copies of Greater usability components in the same We live in a connected world, where candid position, as well as add values feedback via online portals has become to all the alternate footprints of a second nature and, as with most well- component when editing just one. received products, DesignSpark PCB has generated its fair share of on-line debate. The success of DesignSpark PCB reinforces Ecomate Series 62GB Electroless Nickel Thanks in part to this user feedback some the belief that the electronics engineering features have been highlighted where community needs professional tools and See the full range at : usability could be further improved. services that aren’t just free to use but So in response to this, the first major offer real value, with an uncompromising upgrade to DesignSpark PCB will include a commitment to support that only a number of usability enhancements, which company like RS can truly offer. include new commands in the Project menu that allow sheets within a project to be duplicated or renamed. It will also be easier With the release of DesignSpark PCB Version 2, RS has reaffirmed its commitment to delivering the best Get more online... Share your experience using DesignSpark PCb on when adding a new component to return open source experience to its to the dialog box; by simply pressing the engineering community. 08 eTech - ISSUE 6
  • 7. PRODUCT PRODUCT NEWS NEWS fIbRE OPTIC CONNECTORS fibre Optic Transceiver for high speed data rates mICROmaTCh CONNECTORS n The AFCT-5805xxZ transceiver is a high 1.27mm - Tyco amP mICRO-maTCh™ performance, cost effective module for serial IDC Series optical data communications applications specified for a data rate of 155 Mb/s. It is designed to n This small system of IDC connectors provide a SONET/SDH compliant link for intermediate reach links operating at have a contact spacing of 1.27mm, offer +3.3 V or +5.0 V input voltage. Application areas include links for LAN backbone a range of wire-to-board & board-to-board switches and routers, WAN core, edge and access switches and routers, links for intercommunications. The contacts are fully add/drop multiplexers and demultiplexers and SONET interconnections protected by plastic housings, providing high Online search term: afCT-5805 performance and reliability with built in Polarisation. No additional strain relief is required. The contact spring system is in the female board header and not in the wire connector, which compensates for positional tolerances and prevents fretting corrosion. Online search term: idc micro-match 1.27mm POSITION SENSORS fROm SPECTRaSymbOl Contactless, low profile and high temperature Position Sensors. n Membrane Sensors from SpectraSymbol have transformed the way engineers think about position sensing through a low form-factor (less than 0.5mm), better value compared to other linear sensors, and high adaptability for design constraints. We have now introduced high temperature linear sensor applications with the Hotpot, rising to +85°C in operation or storage, the MagnetoPot for contactless applications and the ThinPot which is half the width of the traditional Softpot product. Online search term: Spectrasymbol SChOTTKy DIODES USb2.0 hUb CONTROllERS Rectifiers - Schottky barrier Up to 0.199a Industry’s first Single-Chip, USb 2.0 hub and 10/100 Ethernet Controllers n We have increased the range from Vishay and can now provide Small signal schottky diodes for general purpose n SMSC are the first company to introduce a fully applications. The diodes feature low turn-on voltage and integrated 2/3/4 port Hi-Speed USB 2.0 hub with high breakdown voltage and are protected by a PN junction 10/100 Ethernet controllers. SMSC’s UniClock ™ guard ring against excessive voltage, such as electrostatic technology simplifies the clocking scheme and mCX CONNECTORS - fROm CablINE discharges. They are available in the reduces system BOM cost by using a single 25MHz Specifically designed conectors for DO-35 case with type designation crystal for both USB and Ethernet connectivity lCD applications lECROy USb aNalySERS BAT41, and are AEC-Q101 qualified. − without the need for extra components when Online search term: vishay 7103* adding USB hubs. They have built-in ±8kV/15kV n Cabline V is used in slimline LCD applications. PCmCIa card USb 2.0 analysers “Diode Schottky” contact/air discharge ESD protection on both USB It is now considered the defacto standard of LVDS n The Lecroy USBMobile T2 is a small and affordable hardware-based USB 2.0 and Ethernet PHYs . Multiple Operation Systems panel interface for LCDs with LED backlight. Cabline protocol analyser family that combines de-facto standard CATC Trace display with are supported including: Windows® 7 Windows XP , , VS is specially designed for the transmission/shield powerful analysis features. Features include : portable operation with any PCMCIA Windows Vista®, Windows CE, Windows Mobile®, performance of the Displayport signal which is the compatible PC, CATC trace analysis software, 64 MByte recording memory, High Linux® and Mac®. embedded standard interface of the FPD and is certified impedance probe, 2 mini AB USB ports, Advanced Triggering and Event reporting. Online search term: 716-0449 to the latest VESA specification. Online search term: CablINE Online search term: lecroy, USb ThERmal INTERfaCE KIT Comprehensive Thermal Interface Sil-Pad kit GDT 2 aND 3 ElECTRODE n Bergquist is a world leader for Sil-Pad materials SURGE aRRESTERS to meet critical needs of a rapidly changing Surge arrestors from Epcos electronics industry. This universal kit comprises of different forms of Sil-Pad, Q-Pad and Gap- VNC2 VINCUlUm USb hOST Pad insulators with the necessary accessories n Excessive voltages and the resulting DEVElOPmENT KIT required to attach them to the PCB. The thermally surge currents can damage or even destroy VNC2 Vinculum USb host Development Kit communications equipment, data transmission conductive insulators, continue to be a clean and and energy supply systems. Gas-filled surge efficient alternative to mica, ceramics or grease arresters offer optimal protection in these cases. They limit n V2-Eval Board is intended for use as a hardware platform to enable easy for a wide range of electronic applications. They surge voltages quickly and safely to uncritical values and reliably evaluation of FTDI“s Vinculum-II VNC2 series of embedded USB Host / Slave provide excellent thermal performance, eliminates discharge any dangerous currents that may occur. We have now controllers. The V2-Eval Board includes all the necessary components required the mess of grease, is more durable than mica and have full portfolio of Epcos devices that are very smal,l have a by a user to begin developing USB Host / Slave system applications based on the“total applied cost” compares favourably with fast response time and stable performance over the lifetime the VNC2 device. There are two USB type A connectors for connecting to USB other alternatives. with extremely low capacitance. slave peripherals, FT42232H USB to quad channel UART device for VNC2 programming & debug Online search term: 127-057 Online search term: epcos GDT functions and USB type B connector for connection to PC host via FT4232H. The board supply voltage is +4.75 to +5.25V and supply current is 60mA Online search term: 708-0110 10 eTech - ISSUE 6 See more online - Over 5,000 new products are added at every month eTech - ISSUE 6 11
  • 8. Think globally, act locally Wireless Personal area Networks: Zigbee or IEEE 802.15.4? Certification, Standards and alliances. While electromagnetic radiation in the form of radio waves has been exploited for over a century, without alongside other standards from the same group (802.15) which defines wireless personal area networks (WPAN), and is itself The right profile The real power of the 802.15.4 standard is its ability the older IR style remote control with an RF device, which doesn’t rely on a clear line- of-sight to operate. More significantly, the ZigBee RF4CE specification. It means device manufacturers can now integrate Atmel’s solution secure in the knowledge that it will the incredible success of mobile phones its a subset of the more overarching group, 802, to create networks using multiple integration of ZigBee into consumer devices be compatible and interoperable with other real commercial potential may yet remain which defines local area networking in general nodes within the immediate area, and to will not only allow a single remote to control devices that have been certified to the unrealised. While cellular technology provided and is not restricted to wireless technologies. use this network to exchange relatively small multiple devices, but also enable those devices same standard. a focus for R&D as well as a return on that amounts of data in a power-efficient way. This to communicate directly, to share information investment, it has encouraged and enabled While the standard defines the physical (PHY) contrasts with other WPAN technologies, about the use and distribution of multimedia, Low power, short range wireless the development of an ever widening array and media access (MAC) layers, it is the such as WiFi and Bluetooth where, although and even shut down equipment automatically communication is expected to support of wireless technologies. Though the basic set of protocols developed to exploit the capable of creating ad hoc networks or peer- when it isn’t being used. greener living through the secure exchange principles remain unchanged, the various underlying network architecture that is actually to-peer connections, their higher bandwidth of data using intelligent sensors to control our “ regulations and protocols that are applied to known as ZigBee. Although the ‘brand’ name and more demanding power requirements will immediate environment which, in turn, could them continue to define the world around us. and the standard are often synonymous, early adopters were prone to using the PHY/MAC likely preclude them from encroaching on the burgeoning application areas where ZigBee is low power, help the global environment too. Perhaps unsurprisingly, wireless technologies that operate in the unlicensed part of the technology with proprietary protocols, rather than ZigBee itself, largely due to now being applied. short range wireless spectrum have seen the greatest amount of interest and as those frequencies become manufacturers wishing to protect their market share from competitors with A significant boost to ZigBee’s appeal – and prerequisite for interoperability and certification communication increasingly congested so too does the need compatible solutions. – is the development and application of is expected to for encoding techniques and protocols that profiles. These effectively define the application are able to cope with the ‘noise’ from other However, while this may have initially area for a ZigBee device and today there exist support greener ” devices.This, along with the need for reliable stymied the adoption of ZigBee in some a number of profiles which cover health care, find the latest Zigbee ranges at interoperability, has led to the evolution of applications areas, it has not impeded the home automation, smart metering and most living... industry standards, governed by independent development and adoption of IEEE 802.15.4 recently remote control. bodies which attempt to accommodate both compliant solutions. Today there are a number the commercial and technical requirements of of chipsets and even single-chip solutions The profile for remote control, which was Atmel recently announced that its developers and consumers alike. available on the market. RS stocks a number created after the ZigBee Alliance agreed to ATmega128RFA1 single-chip wireless Get more online... of compliant solutions from manufacturers cooperate with the RF4CE Consortium, is now microcontroller has been certified by the Share your thoughts on Zigbee One such standard is IEEE 802.15.4, often including Texas Instruments, Freescale, beginning to see widespread deployment in ZigBee Alliance to the ZigBee Remote Control adoption at referred to by its ‘brand name’ of ZigBee. It sits Microchip and Atmel. consumer electronics. It effectively replaces standard, which was developed for the 12 eTech - ISSUE 6 eTech - ISSUE 6 13
  • 9. SuperSpeed or Supersede? Will USb 3.0 ring the death knell for slower serial interfaces? compatibility; USB 2.0 receptacles won’t be able to accept USB 3.0 external hard drive manufacturers are already announcing products, plugs as they are physically larger, however USB 3.0 receptacles will such as Buffalo Technology’s latest range of USB 3.0 enabled storage accept USB 2.0 plugs thanks to the connector’s design. solutions which was announced at the recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Beyond the physical differences, the protocol used by SuperSpeed is significantly different from its predecessors, although this will be largely CES 2011 was also the venue for a number of other announcements transparent to the user. It will require a new generation of controllers around USB 3.0, such as Genesys Logic’s introduction of a range and drivers, the availability of which will be significant in helping USB 3.0 of controllers including a 4-port hub controller, flash card reader realise its full potential. controller and a SATA bridge controller. VIA Labs also used CES 2011 to demonstrate its range of USB 3.0 controllers. The SuperSpeed interface uses full duplex transfer, thanks to the use of two independent differential channels. Also, the use of a packet based Speculation that USB 3.0 will displace USB 2.0 has, inevitably, caused protocol makes the data routable between host and device, as opposed some providers to question whether it is commercially viable to continue to the broadcast method used in USB 2.0, all of which contributes to to invest in USB 2.0 development. The answer is almost certainly yes, achieving the higher bandwidth speeds. because although SuperSpeed offers many benefits, it is unlikely to be cost-competitive in all applications. Predominantly this no longer relies on polling, or asking each peripheral whether it has data to send, meaning the bus is only active when The undeniable appeal of USB coupled with the benefits of SuperSpeed USB 3.0 has arrived; at over 10 times faster than USB 2.0 it promises to provide quicker file transfer between enabled devices, feeding consumers’ insatiable appetite data is being moved, which has the added benefit of improving power management, which is now addressed at every layer of the interface to deliver a significant power saving. For instance, at the link layer there are and its compatibility with USB 2.0 may even regenerate the market for USB in general, as no other serial interface offers the same level of convenience or, with the advent of SuperSpeed, the same for storing, streaming and sharing high bandwidth data such as four link states, which can be selected to trade off the power consumed high bandwidth. multimedia files. against the latency of the interface. Also, the USB 3.0 specification increases the amount of power that a host can distribute, from 500mA As with previous incarnations of the universal serial bus, and holding to 900mA. fast with its underlying premise of ease of use, USB 3.0 (or SuperSpeed USB as it has become known) will provide backwards compatibility with Support for the new USB 3.0 receptacle will, of course, take time but “ USB 2.0, even though it is electrically and mechanically quite different. there are a number of PCI bus expansion cards available for PCs that Over 10 times In order to reach the blisteringly high 5Gbit/s bandwidth it uses offer the new interface, while newer PCs, laptops and other devices will be able to support the standard natively. faster than two differential pairs; one for transmitting and one for receiving, as opposed to the single differential pair for tx/rx as used in USB 2.0. To Software support will come in the form of drivers, which will need to be added to all the operating systems in circulation, although initially this USb 2.0 accommodate this without sacrificing compatibility, the specification adds four additional wires to the cable assembly. This, in turn, may also involve peripheral manufacturers developing drivers for the relevant OS, too. it promises to necessitates a different connector profile but in order to make it physically compatible with the existing USB user base, the additional With high speed serial communications comes a need for provide quicker file connections are located at the back of the connector, behind the existing comprehensive test and measurement during the development phase transfer between USB 2.0 connections. and in response to this need, leading T&M companies including LeCroy find the latest USb 3.0 ranges at and Tektronix now offer automated test suites for USB 3.0, along with enabled This clever innovation does have some implications, however. It means that only Standard-A receptacles (the ones most frequently found on the necessary probes and interface hardware for their respective oscilloscopes. Get more online... ” devices PCs) will accept both USB 2.0 and SuperSpeed 3.0 Standard-A plugs. Standard-B, Powered-B, Micro-B and Micro-AB receptacles (the ones The primary appeal of USB 3.0 is its high speed and as it becomes more Share your thoughts on USb 3.0 Superspeed at now commonly found on portable devices) will only offer backwards widely adopted, it will create opportunities for high speed peripherals; 14 eTech - ISSUE 6 eTech - ISSUE 6 15
  • 10. It is important to note that not all open source designs must start ...hobbyists out that way and there is no reason why proprietary technology cannot be “open sourced” that is provided that you hold all the , to established rights to the design. However, most OSHW projects are open from Images from OShUG events multi-national the offset and are often the result of collaboration that crosses organisational and geographic boundaries. With public resources organisations have such as mailing lists, version control systems, wikis and bug trackers typically being employed in support of their development. come to realise the The poster child of the OSHW movement is without a doubt the inherent potential of Arduino microcontroller platform, and the success it has enjoyed is in no small part due to its open nature and the fact that this engaging in open Introduction to aspect has served to foster a substantial ecosystem. Which has collaboration and not only benefited third parties through the creation of new business opportunities, but has also enabled the platform to secure liberal licensing of Open Source significant market share. Whilst its highly active and ever growing community of users and a culture of sharing has enabled global- hardware design scale support. ” artefacts... Arduino is just the tip of the iceberg and you’d be mistaken if you thought that OSHW was only concerned with simple systems. The hardware movement boasts, for example, multiple cutting edge software- defined radio (SDR) projects, high performance embedded computing platforms, low cost desktop 3D printers and an affordable USB protocol analyser project, to name but a few out of hundreds. As was initially the case with open source software, OSHW has its own share of detractors. It may be difficult to at first see how by andrew back, Open Source hardware User Group it could work when the replication costs for hardware are so much greater than those associated with software. However, it offers the potential to democratise the hardware development process, reduce development costs, drive reuse, simplify business relationships in collaborative environments and to create Within the last few years the open source hardware opportunities for new entrants. By its very nature it supports movement has been subject to explosive growth, as learning and for this and other reasons it is also gaining favour in education. hobbyists to established multi-national organisations have come to realise the inherent potential of The numbers speak for themselves and as of May engaging in open collaboration and liberal 2010 there were already at minimum thirteen OSHW companies with >$1m revenue. While this might licensing of hardware design artefacts. What sound like small change, let us remember the humble started as a niche phenomenon is now a multi- beginnings of the multi-billion dollar open source million dollar industry that continues to grow and software industry. that shows no signs of slowing down. As the name suggests open source hardware (OSHW) adopts the principles and methodologies employed in the development of open source software and applies them to hardware development. As with the development of open source software there is no rigid formula, however, a fundamental principle is that design artefacts will be made available at zero cost and via a liberal licence. These may be, for example, schematics, CAD files, PCB layouts or C or HDL source code. Through publishing these via an open source licence the copyright holder grants for information on the Open Source hardware User Group anyone the right to study, modify and improve the design, and for visit them in turn to subsequently make it or a derivative work available in a similar manner to third parties. Get more online... DesignSpark regularly covers OShW developments. find out about the latest initiatives at 16 eTech - ISSUE 6 eTech - ISSUE 6 17