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      Generator Transmission line    Coupler        Cavity     Beam

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Other requirements/challenges

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Coupler options
* !' quot;             )   -quot;
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Coupler port location


      !! #
        quot;    quot;$   %           B
CW couplers
     quot;                /         )                       %quot;          %                    -)*                )
    85                                                                                   %
LEP2 / SOLEIL        352 MHz        Coax fixed        Cylindrical         2 106         Test: 565 kW    Traveling wave
                                                                                                        @ Γ=0.6
                                                                                               380 kW
                                                                                    Operation: 150 kW

LHC                  400 MHz    Coax variable (60     Cylindrical        2 104 to       Test: 500 kW    Traveling wave
                                  mm stroke)                             3.5 105              300 kW    Standing wave

HERA                 500 MHz        Coax fixed        Cylindrical        1.3 105        Test: 300 kW    Traveling wave
                                                                                    Operation: 65 kW

CESR                 500 MHz        WG fixed         WG, 3 disks          2 105         Test: 250 kW    Traveling wave
(Beam test)                                                                                    125 kW   Standing wave
                                                                                    Operation: 155 kW   Beam test

CESR / 3rd           500 MHz        WG fixed           WG disk            2 105         Test: 450 kW    Traveling wave
generation light                                                                    Operation: 300 kW
sources                                                                                        360 kW   Forward power

TRISTAN / KEKB       509 MHz        Coax fixed        Disk, coax          7 104         Test: 800 kW    Traveling wave
/ BEPC-II                                                                                      300 kW   Standing wave
                                                                                    Operation: 400 kW

APT                  700 MHz      Coax variable       Disk, coax         2 105 to       Test: 1 MW      Traveling wave
                                 ( 5 mm stroke)                           6 105              850 kW     Standing wave

Cornell ERL          1300 MHz    Coax variable         Cylindrical       9 104 to        Test: 61 kW    Traveling wave
injector / ERL                  (>15 mm stroke)     (cold and warm)       8 105
cryomodule collab.
                                                                                                        Very low ∆T
JLAB FEL             1500 MHz       WG fixed          WG planar           2 106          Test: 50 kW
                                                                                    Operation: 35 kW

                                                                              !! #
                                                                                quot;      quot;$    %
Pulsed couplers
       quot;                       /                )                             %quot;          %                        -                  8              '
      85                                                                                                            %
CARE-HIPPI                   704 MHz                 Coax fixed              Disk, coax           -                 Test: 1 MW     2.0 msec, 50 Hz

SNS                          805 MHz                 Coax fixed              Disk, coax         7 105                Test: 2 MW    1.3 msec, 60 Hz
                                                                                                               Operation: 550 kW   1.3 msec, 60 Hz

J-PARC                       972 MHz                 Coax fixed              Disk, coax         5 105              Test: 2.2 MW    0.6 msec, 25 Hz
                                                                                                                         370 kW    3.0 msec, 25 Hz

FLASH                       1300 MHz                Coax variable         Conical (cold),      1 106 to            Test: 250 kW    1.3 msec, 10 Hz
                                                      (FNAL)             WG planar (warm)       1 107          Operation: 250 kW   800 usec, 10 Hz

FLASH                       1300 MHz                Coax variable        Cylindrical (cold),   1 106 to            Test: 1 MW*     1.3 msec, 2 Hz
                                                      (TTF-II)           WG planar (warm)       1 107          Operation: 250 kW   1.3 msec, 10 Hz

FLASH / XFEL /              1300 MHz                Coax variable            Cylindrical       1 106 to              Test: 1 MW    1.3 msec, 2 Hz
ILC                                                  (TTF-III)            (cold and warm)       1 107          Operation: 250 kW   1.3 msec, 10 Hz

KEK STF                     1300 MHz                 Coax fixed              Disks, coax        2 106              Test: 1.9 MW    10 usec, 5 Hz
                                                   (baseline ILC)         (cold and warm)                                  1 MW    1.5 msec, 5 Hz
KEK STF                     1300 MHz                Coax fixed               Disk (cold),       2×106               Test: 2 MW     1.5 msec, 3 Hz
                                               (capacitively coupled)    cylindrical (warm)                               1 MW     1.5 msec, 5 Hz

*) one pair of couplers was tested to 2 MW, 1.3 msec, 2 Hz

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TTF-III / XFEL coupler
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Cornell ERL injector input coupler
H    quot;&
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                                                       80 K Intercepts
     *) *!                                                                                               Air Outlets
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    +quot;                    $    $                                         300 K Intercept
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, % #%quot;        %      quot;quot;

(6H           quot;    &     &
+quot;              %quot;        5$                                                                               Air Inlet
                                                                                                           for Bellows
                                                                                            Air Inlet
                                                                                            for Window

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TRISTAN / KEKB coupler
                 '#         quot;    &.   )!  quot;          quot;
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Biased doorknob ( 2 kV)

Alumina (99.5%) coaxial disk
window, coated with 100 Å of
TiNxO1-x , air cooled outside

Copper plated SS,
4 K He gas cooling at 8 l/min

Water cooled inner conductor,
electropolished copper

                                !! #
                                  quot;    quot;$   %                .
SNS coupler

                   !        &     77
                                   1             quot;

Inner Conductor   8              quot;
                                 &quot;     quot;
                   ==   *
                   <B   *!        '

 Helium-cooled    8&
Outer Conductor   +                     *
                    !=         *                 %   quot;
                             !quot;              quot;
Ceramic Window
                   '        !     '     %        &
                        '        2               $
                             quot;      @        A
  Door knob             /quot;         quot;quot;                quot;'

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                                   quot;    quot;$   %            <
SNS couplers: operational
                     400                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   20
                                   Cav_Fw d_pow er
                     350           Eacc
Forward Power (kW)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Eacc (MV/m)
                     200                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   10



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                                                                                                                                        Cavity num ber
                                 10b; disabled (noisy filed probe signal)                                                                                                                           CM19
                                 11b; disabled                                                                                                                                                      Removed
                                     (large fundamental mode coupling thru HOM coupler)                                                                                                             for HOM coupler repair

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                                                                                                                       quot;                             !                 $

                                                                                                                                                                                        !! #
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CARE-HIPPI coupler
    <       A&               %
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    &        %     &     ) 1 ,8
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CARE-HIPPI coupler (2)
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H   $ %quot;

                        !! #
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CARE-HIPPI coupler (3)
                                  +                $   quot;

8%   quot;quot; quot;'

             2 ms, 50 Hz pulse


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Input couplers summary

*quot;         %              quot;                  5
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Need for HOM dampers
1-         %                                    )   !quot;
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                                                    '  #               9             :
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                                                         !! #
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HOM damper types
              'quot;        quot; & quot;%
                           !                       quot;   quot;'                        3quot;       %!    $$
          &            quot;quot; quot;                       )!!quot; quot;quot;                                      quot;' quot; quot;
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    quot;              quot;   quot;             &quot; quot;         'quot;   &       %    &/                      %
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                                                               &               &
$              quot;                   quot;         5       &                  )    -quot;

                                                             !! #
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Beam pipe absorbers; KEKB
                                                      1        $   $
1(   88
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                                                              quot;'        quot;' ,8
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                             '   $
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                                                           !! #
                                                             quot;     quot;$   %            .
Cornell beam pipe absorbers
)1                                           10    !quot;
       quot;quot;                        %    #        >        $quot;    quot;   &%  quot;
                                                                      &&                &   quot;
     1  quot;              %quot; quot;                                  quot;     ! &/                     ' D<
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                                                         )        10           !quot;

                                                         !! #
                                                           quot;          quot;$   %                       <
XFEL beam pipe absorber

6              !    quot; &/
                    '                 &

($    $    %quot; $ quot;       $%      B#   !quot;

=<*       &quot;   %!   %                 quot;
quot;'        quot;'    quot;       quot;   &1
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                                                  !! #
                                                    quot;    quot;$   %     =
Rectangular waveguide HOM couplers

                                            1      *Q $     $   7
>  quot;) (1       R$1
               0    0 )quot;
6%    quot;'     $ quot;' !          quot;   quot;
   &     0$
8      &R$0L
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Radial line HOM coupler
8         7 7 & 1 00
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Hquot;  !&       quot;     L     #
  !quot;            $7      quot;
)      !quot;!     &quot;quot;
                &          quot; 'quot;
$     &/         '        L
        quot;    &&
              quot;        >+     quot;quot;
      quot;       !quot;
   quot;'     &quot;                5

                                       !! #
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Loop HOM coupler
) (4 (00
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    1#                %              &    0, 0 )
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                                                                &    &
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                                               !! #
                                                 quot;    quot;$   %              B
LEP/LHC couplers
 1  !quot;
     quot;     %E     F            %           %       &
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+     &quot;    $   5     &   quot;     quot;
,  quot;quot;    08 quot;
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                                  quot;   !$           $

                                   !! #
                                     quot;    quot;$   %
SOLEIL/Super-3HC couplers
                                     What the beam sees passing
                                     through the SOLEIL module
+%          &          &   quot;

   '            quot; '&       quot;08
1(   !quot;

     #. )         %quot;


                                    !! #
                                      quot;    quot;$   %                 .
TESLA HOM couplers
quot;     quot;
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0     quot;'    quot;        quot;!     quot;
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“Bumps in the road”
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                                           !! #
                                             quot;      quot;$   %   .
SNS experience
+%                      !&    quot;
          %   '       quot;' & &                 %                       !&     '
$        #&
          &                &/           +quot;                  $    $   quot;  !quot; %quot; '
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$        #&
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                                                     !! #
                                                       quot;    quot;$   %                ..
SNS experience (2)

     !! #
       quot;    quot;$   %   .<
Loop HOM coupler for RHIC 56 MHz
                                    SC cavity at BNL
                     quot;   quot;
                         '   '   quot;&
  'quot;   &)   !quot;
,&      &        !           &

                                         !! #
                                           quot;    quot;$   %          .=
HOM dampers summary

+                         !        quot;
                                   '        &

(quot;               &6                                            $
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*quot;               quot;'           $             L         quot;
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+                %    '             quot;                                quot;
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+       &
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               I would like to thank

                  '#    7quot; 96 :
         Qquot;            H ! A9             :
           ,            #S quot; 60
                          !9   :

who provided new information for this presentation
     many others from whose papers/slides
              I borrowed materials

                                  !! #
                                    quot;    quot;$   %      .

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ESS-Bilbao Initiative Workshop. High duty cycle RF Power Couplers

  • 1. !quot; ! #!&' $%&
  • 2. Introduction & quot; ' % & quot; !$ ! ! & quot;' !quot; quot; ( $ &% quot; ' $ & )* quot;% ! + quot; %quot; ! quot; & ($ & quot; quot;quot; ! quot;' % quot;quot; quot; !% quot; quot; , quot; quot; % %quot; quot; - quot;' quot; quot;' &quot;' % % %quot; quot; quot; $quot; quot; quot; - & quot;quot; quot;' !quot; quot; $ quot; ' $ & !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 3. Talk outline , , & quot; /quot; ' 0quot; &* ) quot;' 1- 2- quot; + #, , 4 1 ) + ,3 0 10 quot;5 + ,+(63 1 77 6 ) 1 ,8 9 ( # 8, : 6 & 0quot; & 1- 2- quot; $ $ $ $ ; ' % !' quot; 2 quot; quot; !! # quot; quot;$ % .
  • 4. !! # quot; quot;$ % <
  • 5. Primary functions quot; quot;quot; ! quot;' % quot;' &quot;quot; & & % & $ # !quot; quot;' >? quot;quot; Pforw Pbeam Prefl Generator Transmission line Coupler Cavity Beam ' #& quot; quot;quot; quot; & >? ! quot; & quot;' ! quot; ; quot; & quot; # ! $ quot; 9 %quot; % : !! # quot; quot;$ % =
  • 6. Other requirements/challenges $ %# # quot;quot; $% !quot; quot; ' quot; →quot; 97 <=7 : !quot; quot;quot; & quot; 3 quot; ! quot;' & $ quot;' ! → quot;quot; quot; quot; A & quot; quot;' quot; quot;' %quot; % quot; !$& quot; quot; #& 'quot; quot;quot; ( quot; / quot; %# # quot;' & quot; quot; ' #%quot; % quot; % 5$9 6: quot;quot; quot; A !quot; &quot; $quot; &&$ → !quot; & $ quot;' $ + quot;quot; quot; & quot; 8! quot;9 quot; quot; : 5 $ → quot;' & quot; && quot;' $ $ # $ quot; 6 - quot; &quot; - quot;' quot; / $ quot; ' quot;' quot; quot; quot; quot; quot;' quot; $ quot; #& !quot; $quot;! ' quot; ' quot;' quot; !! # quot; quot;$ % @
  • 7. Coupler options * !' quot; ) -quot; quot; quot; ' 0% 0% & quot;&quot; 1quot; ! quot;$ 1quot; $ quot; ' 1quot; quot; quot;' quot;quot; !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 8. Coupler port location ) quot; !! # quot; quot;$ % B
  • 9. CW couplers quot;3 quot; / ) %quot; % -)* ) - 85 % LEP2 / SOLEIL 352 MHz Coax fixed Cylindrical 2 106 Test: 565 kW Traveling wave @ Γ=0.6 380 kW Operation: 150 kW LHC 400 MHz Coax variable (60 Cylindrical 2 104 to Test: 500 kW Traveling wave mm stroke) 3.5 105 300 kW Standing wave HERA 500 MHz Coax fixed Cylindrical 1.3 105 Test: 300 kW Traveling wave Operation: 65 kW CESR 500 MHz WG fixed WG, 3 disks 2 105 Test: 250 kW Traveling wave (Beam test) 125 kW Standing wave Operation: 155 kW Beam test CESR / 3rd 500 MHz WG fixed WG disk 2 105 Test: 450 kW Traveling wave generation light Operation: 300 kW sources 360 kW Forward power TRISTAN / KEKB 509 MHz Coax fixed Disk, coax 7 104 Test: 800 kW Traveling wave / BEPC-II 300 kW Standing wave Operation: 400 kW APT 700 MHz Coax variable Disk, coax 2 105 to Test: 1 MW Traveling wave ( 5 mm stroke) 6 105 850 kW Standing wave Cornell ERL 1300 MHz Coax variable Cylindrical 9 104 to Test: 61 kW Traveling wave injector / ERL (>15 mm stroke) (cold and warm) 8 105 cryomodule collab. Very low ∆T JLAB FEL 1500 MHz WG fixed WG planar 2 106 Test: 50 kW Operation: 35 kW !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 10. Pulsed couplers quot;3 quot; / ) %quot; % - 8 ' - 85 % CARE-HIPPI 704 MHz Coax fixed Disk, coax - Test: 1 MW 2.0 msec, 50 Hz SNS 805 MHz Coax fixed Disk, coax 7 105 Test: 2 MW 1.3 msec, 60 Hz Operation: 550 kW 1.3 msec, 60 Hz J-PARC 972 MHz Coax fixed Disk, coax 5 105 Test: 2.2 MW 0.6 msec, 25 Hz 370 kW 3.0 msec, 25 Hz FLASH 1300 MHz Coax variable Conical (cold), 1 106 to Test: 250 kW 1.3 msec, 10 Hz (FNAL) WG planar (warm) 1 107 Operation: 250 kW 800 usec, 10 Hz FLASH 1300 MHz Coax variable Cylindrical (cold), 1 106 to Test: 1 MW* 1.3 msec, 2 Hz (TTF-II) WG planar (warm) 1 107 Operation: 250 kW 1.3 msec, 10 Hz FLASH / XFEL / 1300 MHz Coax variable Cylindrical 1 106 to Test: 1 MW 1.3 msec, 2 Hz ILC (TTF-III) (cold and warm) 1 107 Operation: 250 kW 1.3 msec, 10 Hz KEK STF 1300 MHz Coax fixed Disks, coax 2 106 Test: 1.9 MW 10 usec, 5 Hz (baseline ILC) (cold and warm) 1 MW 1.5 msec, 5 Hz KEK STF 1300 MHz Coax fixed Disk (cold), 2×106 Test: 2 MW 1.5 msec, 3 Hz (capacitively coupled) cylindrical (warm) 1 MW 1.5 msec, 5 Hz *) one pair of couplers was tested to 2 MW, 1.3 msec, 2 Hz ( quot; % %quot; % $quot; quot; & C * ! ' % &D= * !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 11. TTF-III / XFEL coupler (E quot;F - & -quot; & quot; ' quot; '' quot; 9D ? 3: quot;quot; 0( 3 1 30 4 0 ,) +% quot;quot; quot; %quot; % % ) %quot; %quot; $ !quot; quot; 'quot; *9. A: +quot; = *9 . A: >+ 0quot; quot; !' % quot; ' G@ * + #%quot; % % quot; ' 5 $ quot;' & quot;' - quot; ! !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 12. Cornell ERL injector input coupler H quot;& ' H quot; ' quot; ! & + #, , +, %quot; quot; ! quot; '!' % &= * + % quot;' quot;' @ @ -quot; quot;& ' quot;' $ % quot;' ! quot;quot; ' quot; quot;' ( quot; % ' & ' quot;' E) F%quot; %% ' quot; A &% E F%quot; % $ % quot;% ' quot; ! &$ quot; '9 quot; : (quot; quot;' & % quot; $ %% 8 quot; @ 80 K Intercepts *) *! Air Outlets 5 K Intercept +quot; $ $ 300 K Intercept quot; ' % + #, , +, * , % #%quot; % quot;quot; ' (6H quot; & & quot; $quot; Compress +quot; %quot; 5$ Air Inlet for Bellows Cooling Compress Air Inlet for Window Cooling !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 13. TRISTAN / KEKB coupler '# quot; &. )! quot; quot; + ,+(6 9 quot;' & / &= A: = -quot;quot; -J × < quot;- quot;'I , ! quot; quot;' quot;' %quot; % % quot;! $ < * > 77 1 $ !quot;quot; 1) , 8 #, + quot;! & -quot; quot;% ' & &/ quot; quot; 9- & %: Biased doorknob ( 2 kV) Alumina (99.5%) coaxial disk window, coated with 100 Å of TiNxO1-x , air cooled outside Copper plated SS, 4 K He gas cooling at 8 l/min Water cooled inner conductor, electropolished copper !! # quot; quot;$ % .
  • 14. SNS coupler Hquot; ! & 77 1 quot; ' Inner Conductor 8 quot; &quot; quot; == * <B *! ' Helium-cooled 8& Outer Conductor + * % != * % quot; !quot; quot; Ceramic Window quot; ' ! ' % & ' 2 $ quot; @ A Door knob /quot; quot;quot; quot;' Transition !! # quot; quot;$ % <
  • 15. SNS couplers: operational experience 400 20 Cav_Fw d_pow er 18 350 Eacc 16 300 14 Forward Power (kW) 250 12 Eacc (MV/m) 200 10 8 150 6 100 4 50 2 0 0 a b a b a b a b a b a b d b d b d b d b d b d b d b d b d b d b d b d c c c c c c 01 01 02 03 03 04 05 05 06 07 07 08 09 09 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 Cavity num ber 10b; disabled (noisy filed probe signal) CM19 11b; disabled Removed (large fundamental mode coupling thru HOM coupler) for HOM coupler repair )! # quot; quot; quot; ( 1 & ! quot; '% ! ( quot;quot; quot; quot; ( ) quot; quot;' ) ' '9quot; %quot; %: ( quot;' % # %quot; quot;quot;' ( # quot;quot; && $& % % quot; ( !' quot; % quot; quot;' $quot;' ) quot;' quot; quot; ( Hquot; quot; & & 5 & quot; &% ''! quot; ' % ( ) #quot; quot; $% !quot; quot; quot; quot; quot;'9 8 quot; : 8) ( ( $ % quot;quot; quot; quot;' quot; 8quot; ) ! !quot; quot; $ quot; ! ( H) $ quot; '%quot; quot; 8 %quot; 8) % quot;'& quot; ! $ !! # quot; quot;$ % =
  • 16. CARE-HIPPI coupler < A& % quot; ! quot; & % & ) 1 ,8 ( # 8, ' + quot; quot; ' quot; % & * K 9 = A: + quot; quot; quot;quot; ' 77 1 6 %quot; -quot; quot; %quot; % = -quot;quot; * = % !' quot; , * = A9 * ! ': quot;quot; $ !! # quot; quot;$ % @
  • 17. CARE-HIPPI coupler (2) ) quot; quot; %quot; % %quot; quot;' ( $ H $ %quot; !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 18. CARE-HIPPI coupler (3) + $ quot; 8% quot;quot; quot;' 2 ms, 50 Hz pulse + * !! # quot; quot;$ % B
  • 19. Input couplers summary *quot; % quot; 5 quot;' /quot; &6 %quot; quot; & ,+ + (63 6 < A) ( # , 8 1 8, ! quot;' - , $ quot; ! quot; ' &% 3 quot; & quot; quot; ' !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 20. !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 21. Need for HOM dampers 1- % ) !quot; quot; quot;quot; ! & quot; quot; % % quot; quot; ' # 9 : + quot;quot; quot; quot; &$ %quot; quot;quot; 'quot; -quot; quot; #$ quot; $quot; quot;quot; 9 ' quot; quot; ! quot; ' quot;' >quot; quot; 1 0: quot; '% $ # #$ ' H quot;' quot;& & ! & quot;' L/ quot; .& <M = & quot; /quot; & M ' quot;' & quot; = , &6 & - &N D quot; $ $$quot; quot; & -quot; quot; quot;! %9 quot; : <M = quot; quot;' NJ $ / ' & quot; quot; $ & & quot; quot; !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 22. HOM damper types 'quot; quot; & quot;% ! quot; quot;' 3quot; %! $$ & quot;quot; quot; )!!quot; quot;quot; quot;' quot; quot; quot; quot;' & + quot; ' quot;' quot; && quot;quot; quot;3 quot;' quot; quot; $ quot; $ $ 9$ quot; Jquot; % !'quot; : ' % !'quot; quot; -quot; quot; -quot;quot; * !'quot; ! # && / & & & quot; 5 & &/ + quot; $ $ + !$ quot; quot; quot; &quot; quot; 'quot; & % &/ % $$ + $$ quot; quot; & $ quot; %quot; &quot; %! $ $' quot; quot; 9&quot; quot;: ) -quot; quot;quot; quot;+1 %! 9 # &: & & $ quot; quot; 5 & ) -quot; !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 23. Beam pipe absorbers; KEKB 77 1 $ $ 1( 88 ,1 ( 1 quot; quot;$ quot;quot; ' ! ) quot;' quot;' ,8 7 7& ! 1 quot;' ! ' % ($ $ &quot; quot; ' $ quot; 77 1 1) , 8 #, *quot; quot; quot;# ' ' H quot; ' &=* $ quot; quot;' % @ *quot; quot; quot; M . quot; quot;' # ( quot;! N O !quot; quot; ' quot;' ! quot; quot; ) ! quot;' B 7& 1 0 ! quot; quot; %quot; quot; quot; quot;' quot;& G * 7 7quot; 1 ! quot; '$ quot; & 10 H1 P ! $ quot; $ $ & 410 quot; H &quot; $$ &quot;quot; & >+ quot; quot; quot; ! '& quot; quot; ' $ -quot; && quot; !! # quot; quot;$ % .
  • 24. Cornell beam pipe absorbers )1 10 !quot; quot;quot; % # > $quot; quot; &% quot; && & quot; 1 quot; %quot; quot; quot; ! &/ ' D< quot;quot; quot; QA )1 # )1 B 7 $ ' +0 ) 0 Hquot; 60 # Hquot; quot; quot;' quot; &G * & ,) ($ $ = *quot; quot; ' )!quot; 60 & ,# ) ' )!quot; ) quot;' ) quot; 9Q: ($ $ ' quot; % +quot; )1 # !$ quot; quot; ) 10 !quot; !! # quot; quot;$ % <
  • 25. XFEL beam pipe absorber 6 ! quot; &/ ' & ($ $ %quot; $ quot; $% B# !quot; =<* &quot; %! % quot; quot;' quot;' quot; quot; &1 40 ) $ quot;quot; * !! # quot; quot;$ % =
  • 26. Rectangular waveguide HOM couplers )( 1 *Q $ $ 7 > quot;) (1 R$1 0 0 )quot; 6% quot;' $ quot;' ! quot; quot; R& & 0$ 8 &R$0L ( # 9 <B = A : E (F 9< A: *quot; !quot;! &quot;quot; & quot;' quot;$ &/ ' L quot; && quot; % !'quot; quot;quot; '& quot; quot; !quot; quot; ' ( # *Q $ $ + !! # quot; quot;$ % @
  • 27. Radial line HOM coupler 8 7 7 & 1 00 1 #$ quot; Hquot; !& quot; L # !quot; $7 quot; ) !quot;! &quot;quot; & quot; 'quot; $ &/ ' L quot; && quot; >+ quot;quot; quot; !quot; quot;' &quot; 5 & !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 28. Loop HOM coupler ) (4 (00 , 8 ) >8 10 ) &quot; % ! & 1( 0 8 quot; quot; #B L 1 08 1# % & 0, 0 ) 10 #. ) 0 11+ ( 0+ +0 1( quot;!& 1( %quot; quot;quot;&quot; quot;' =: quot;' 9N G 0 & 69=B A: quot; $9. QA : Q ?) ( 1 ' 9 =Q A: ' % quot;quot; quot; && H &quot; !quot; ' quot;' quot; quot; ' + quot; quot;quot;! ' quot;& 5quot;& quot; %quot; $ & 6! 6 - quot; quot;quot; &quot;quot; & & quot; quot;quot; !! # quot; quot;$ % B
  • 29. LEP/LHC couplers 08 1 !quot; quot; %E F % % & quot; %quot; quot;quot; / quot;& quot;' + &quot; $ 5 & quot; quot; , quot;quot; 08 quot; 1 0) !quot; quot; !$ $ !! # quot; quot;$ %
  • 30. SOLEIL/Super-3HC couplers What the beam sees passing through the SOLEIL module +% & & quot; quot; ' quot; '& quot;08 1 +0 1( !quot; quot; #. ) %quot; 0, 10 !! # quot; quot;$ % .
  • 31. TESLA HOM couplers quot; quot; &quot; ! quot; &1( quot;' / quot; 0 quot;' quot; quot;! quot; quot;$ $ & 'quot;quot; '$ quot; '9 K & : & +01 (# !quot; quot; quot; !! # quot; quot;$ % .
  • 32. “Bumps in the road” quot;$ quot; quot;' ' . QA !quot; 98 quot; ! quot;' & : quot; ' quot; & 8 ! $! quot; '' quot; )* quot; 9 Q ?) ( 1 ' : quot;' & $ quot; ' quot;&quot; & & quot; ' quot; ! ! quot; & quot; quot; !! # quot; quot;$ % .
  • 33. SNS experience +% !& quot; % ' quot;' & & % !& ' $ #& & &/ +quot; $ $ quot; !quot; %quot; ' & & . !' quot; & ' ! & ' $ #& & *quot; $ $ quot; !quot; !! # quot; quot;$ % ..
  • 34. SNS experience (2) !! # quot; quot;$ % .<
  • 35. Loop HOM coupler for RHIC 56 MHz SC cavity at BNL quot; quot; ' ' quot;& quot; 'quot; &) !quot; ,& & ! & !! # quot; quot;$ % .=
  • 36. HOM dampers summary + ! quot; ' & (quot; &6 $ - quot; 'quot; 'quot; quot; quot; $quot; quot;quot; &quot; & *quot; quot;' $ L quot; ' $ % & quot; $ E$ quot; F + % ' quot; quot; ' ! & + & quot; quot;quot; & % & $ quot; ' quot;& 2H !! # quot; quot;$ % .@
  • 37. Acknowledgements I would like to thank '# 7quot; 96 : Qquot; H ! A9 : , #S quot; 60 !9 : who provided new information for this presentation and many others from whose papers/slides I borrowed materials !! # quot; quot;$ % .