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Essay On World War 3
Within the near future, a World War 3 breaks out to destroy all of the modern societies known as
North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. As a country rose from the
ashes called Orion. The country was fair and just for a very long time, but then another war broke
out. That's when Emmett was born. Emmett was had always been a brilliant boy, always helping the
government with it's computer programming. The government won the war, and there was a huge
debate. The government had decided to put a little chip in the population's brains that would control
the population forever. Emmett helped the program be created, and had put it in his brain as well.
The government hadn't told society what they actually do with more content...
Jaxon went first, and then Emmett, and then Ryker. One by one, and it took weeks to get the all of
the countries, but not the leaders and programmers that made the chip.
Everything changed after the chips were put into the population's brain. There was no fun, no
creativity, no life in anybody. There was no laughter, no anger, no feeling. Everybody talked
politely, no life shown through it. The populace was under the government's mercy at all times. The
government also changed who everybody's friends are. The government had Jaxon and Emmett no
longer be friends because the government wanted absolutely no happiness. The government also
rearranged everybody's jobs to where the people who were working had no fun either.
One day, as the chip continued to tell Emmett what to do and where to go, Emmett was walking
home and tripped on a rock that the chip did not see. Emmett hit his head so hard that it broke the
chip inside his head. He lay unconscious for 30 minutes, and eventually woke up. Emmett stood up
and looked at the world around him. He was furious.
Emmett was told by the government that they would only use the chip to stop wars and crime of
that sort. He was so mad that he went home and slammed the door and stayed home the entire day,
even though he should go back out and talk grieve with the other kids.
Emmett just sat there in his bed, thinking how the government could lie to him, after all the work he
did for them in the past. After
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Essay on War
Essay on war
War has been a part of human culture since it's birth. It has led to a great many massacres and has
shown us the evil that exists within the souls of humanity. Some have even gone as far as saying that
war is human nature. To better understand the reasons behind war and how it affects others, I've
examined several different societies and cultures so as to better understand the necessity of war and
see the cause of their external war attitude. To do so, different variables from two topics (military
institutions and external war attitude) were matched up and crossed so as to look into the answers to
these questions. The variables were then calculated and through these graphs, I was able to find
different societies in more content...
Warfare to the Somalis was seen as a division of labor that was the principal means of acquiring
cattle. In times of war, peasants would be taken from /their/his/ home/s/ for months at a time.
Warfare was organized by the chiefs on behalf of the kin and it was the duty of every able bodied
man to take part in it (pg 133 Philip)." In order for one to become wealthy within a society, they
must earn it through the privilege of authority. This comes from the reward of conduct pleasing to
one's superiors. For the most part, the wealth of a man comes from the exercise of poetical virtues,
obedience to authority, wisdom in council, and courage in war.
During battle, leadership among the Somalis is led by a general who the king feels will be the
right one only after having a consultation with the appropriate spirits. He also selected the people
of certain sazas "to guard the king." These people did so simply by staying home. The leaders of
the armies were forceful during wartime. "Every able bodied man was expected to turn out, but
though the penalty for cowardice in the field was instant death by burning, people who simply
stayed at home were merely fined on their chief's return (P. 193 Philips)."
The generals were important as a moral rallying–point. It is said that the army would lose heart if
their general is killed in battle , but as soon as his successor is found, their courage would return.
The decision to engage in war was made mainly by the king and his orders
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Essay on War Poetry
War Poetry
War Poetry is written to express a writers feelings towards war in general. Some writers express total
glorification of the war, while others convey the inanity of confrontation.
One of the poems that I have studied "The Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred Tennyson is a
poem that tells of a 19th century battle between the British and the Russians during the Crimean War
in Russia. During this war, Great Britain, France, and Turkey were fighting against Russia. This
battle was particularly disturbing because the lightly armored British, obviously misled, charges a
line of heavily armed Russian artillery unit.
The poem describes how many soldiers died due to a mistake made more content...
The use of the word "flashed" more than once makes it stand out in the poem. Repetition makes
poetry more intense and captures the readers attention. Imagery is another important poetic device
that Tennyson uses masterfully here. "Stormed with shot and shell," shows the bravery of soldiers
(stanza 3). This use of vivid vocabulary brings about the feeling of action. It also adds suspense by
intrigiung the reader. When Tennyson writes, "Plunged in the battery–smoke," he portraits the
courage of the troops (stanza 5). The troops had to be brave to charge into the unknown. These
men were willing to die without fear. "Right thro' the line they broke," shows the victory of the
cavalry. Through courage and fearlessness, the soldiers succeeded in battle. The men were
persistent and finally came through. Intense Imagery makes the readers mind dream and envision
what is going on, and Tennyson uses it perfectly. Symbolism is an element of poetry where
something may have more than meaning. For example, when Tennyson writes, "Into the valley of
death," it has two meanings (stanza 1). One meaning, is that the troops are going into a valley. The
other meaning is that the troops are going into a battle for their lives. Another is example of
symbolism is when Tennyson writes, "Into the mouth of hell". The reader knows that the soldiers
really are not going to hell. The soldiers are really going into a
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Essay on The Effects of War
Death by the millions. War; caused by the petty disagreements of those in power; fought by the
brave young men that had no other choice. No one truly wins a war; it does not decipher who is
right, only whom is left. The horrors of war are devastating; both mentally and physically. The
horror is not only ever present during life on the Frontline, it lives on in the survivors guilt. I
believe the horror of war is not only represented in the soldiers, we are all too quick to forget
about the feelings of those at home, the friends and families, and the effects the war had on them.
The Physical effect of war is one of its most poignant horrors, and probably its most acknowledged.
We aren't privy to this sort of imagery in Regeneration, it' more content...
At this point in time it was integral for a man to care and protect and almost take charge over his
family, how would this man do so? I also believe the fear in those "blank stares" when she notices
them is heart–wrenching; they do not wished to be seen in this way, they are afraid of what the
society that inflicted this upon them may think. This could also be a reference to how bleak their
futures are of a result– these men physically paid the cost for other people's battles.
Neurasthenia and the mental affect of war is a lesser considered but equally if not more poignant
horror. Examples of this are rife in Regeneration, I believe that Regeneration is deliberately set in
a psychiatric hospital, as this emphasises some of the key elements of the First World War. I
believe that the mental effects of war are highlighted mostly in the character of David Burns; a
patient at Craiglockhart War Hospital; I believe this to be more heart wrenching as Burns is
based upon a real patient as noted in Dr River's studies. He was real. A real person suffered in this
manner. Burns is a troubled character and has severe issues eating, he had developed this problem
when" thrown into the air by the explosion of a shell and had landed on a German corpse, whose
gas filled belly had ruptured on impact. Before Burns lost consciousness, he'd had time to realize
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Essay on War Film Genre
Matthew Jaskot
English 102–7 9:30 A.M
September 20, 2012
War from the Beginning War films have been around for quite some time. They have many different
aspects to them. Each film has a little bit different view, depending on what the director wants the
audience to get out of the movie. Some target the importance of how horrific and heart breaking war
was, while others were used to inspire their country to support their troops. There are films though
that go straight to the point of war and show all of the intense combat, the pain and suffering the
soldiers did for their country, and the brutality of what countries did to prisoners in concentration
camps. War films never get dull, they will keep the audience interested more content...
People could see what was happening at the war, and realize what their soldiers were going
through. These films were used mostly as a recruitment use, and as way to make the people
angry towards the enemy, suggesting that heroic American involvement would bring home
victory. We could see ourselves that the war demands not only on the nerves of the soldiers but
also to those who had to stay at home (Kaes 22). Not only did films like these inspire people to
join the military, but made the people who stayed at home become aware of the how nerve
racking and crucial the war was. War films died off for a period of time after the war, since there
was no need to rally the people during a time of peace. Eventually the films picked back in the mid
twenties. The first film to really bring start the production of war films again was The Big Parade,
it was the first to realistically portray the horrors of battle and the struggle for survival by three
soldier–comrades. This film made more money than any other MGM production during this time.
These films were more gruesome than viewers were used to seeing. Hantke states that the war was a
place of death; imminent, inevitable, violent, inexorably physical, and omnipresent: bloody death,
grim death, death without metaphysical or transcendent comforts (702). Films like these really
showed how awful and painful war was to those who never went oversea to fight. These films
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Essay On The War
Pep talk: Its December now and it seems as though the war is coming to its end soon in the views
of the British . At this point no one knows what is going to happen. The Continental army being the
underdogs are extremely low on supplies and aren't sure they can go any longer. During this time
George Washington read to the soldiers Thomas Paine's new pamphlet: "The Crisis: These are the
times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrinks
from the service of their country; but he who stands It NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man
and woman" (Hart Diane). With this being read it put the continental army in high spirits. It as well
meant that the war wasn't over yet and those who more content...
The Continental Army and British Army were very much different the British army always well
supplied and trained on the other hand the Continental army was not. The Continental army was
everything but strengths the Continental army was quite small with only a tiny navy and no more
that's 20,000 troops in one place and time they were also very untrained for battle and shooting.The
Continental army was as well always short on supplies food, ammunition, weapons, and uniforms.
Unfortunately The Continental Congress couldn't particularly get money to pay for supplies for
The Continental army. The colonist were instead selling to the British because they paid with gold
while the Continental Congress paid with paper money so the value was much different. The
British army was much different compared to the Continental Army The British army had an army
of 50,000 troops as well as another 30,000 mercenaries. They as well had recruited Loyalists,
African Americans, and Native Americans making The British army quite large. They were also
never scarce on supplies. As the war came to a start between The Continental and British army The
outcome wasn't looking good not all slaves were sure if in the document it said that "all men are
created equal" that included their freedom to because of this the British army was recruiting African
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Essay on The War on Terror
War on terror refers to the ongoing military campaign led by U.S and U.K against organizations
identified as terrorists. Terrorism can be defined as an unlawful violence or war deliberately
targeted to civilians. It can also be defined as a systematic use of terror to coerce or violent acts
intended to create fear. This threat is normally perpetrated for religious, political or ideological
goals. The conflict as also called by other names. They include World War III, The Long War,War on
Terrorism, Bush's War on Terror, The Global War of Terror and War on
Al–Qaeda, (Coaty, 2010).
Terrorism became popular in 1996 when Al– Qaeda network was formed by the late Osama Bin
Laden. The network was formed by the World Islamic Front for more content...
Underlying conditions that terrorists seek to exploit were reduced. This was a measure that was used
to reduce the chances of unlawful attacks on the globe. U.S partnered with the international
community to empower weak states and prevent emergence of terrorism. To date, this can be seen in
Libya, Cote Devore and Somalia where the states have no proper governments. The international
troops have been deployed in the above states to ensure that terrorists do not utilize such loopholes to
attack the citizens.
Fighting the War on Terror
War on terror is a global challenge. A number of ways have been put across to fight the problem led
by the United States of America. Defeating terrorist has been found to be a very effective way of
fighting this threat. It is achieved by identity, location and destruction of the terrorists along with
their organizations. Once the unlawful activities are spotted, they are confirmed and relevant actions
taken against them instantly. Evidence is the U.S bombing of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan in
pursuit of Al– Qaeda network which was successful because Osama was later found and killed.
Strategy of targeted killings is also a major way to fight terror. This is a method that focuses on the
individuals who bear the greatest responsibility. The aim is to catch them alive or dead. It has
indeed borne fruit over the years. Evidence is the demise of Sadaam, Fazul and the recent killing of
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Essay On World War 1
The first World War is universally considered to be one of the single deadliest events in human
history. World War I is undoubtedly one of the largest military altercations to ever take place,
with a duration of five years, involving 32 nations. Over the course of five years, the war killed
almost 37.5 million people, approximately 57% of all soldiers involved ( One
might suspect a conflict on this scale would have arisen from a divide in ideology or from a
dispute over prized resources. However, it was a politically unimportant event paired with
pre–established military alliances that created one of the deadliest conflicts on Earth. The initiating
event occurred June 28th, 1914. On this date, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, more content...
The German attack on Belgium forced Britain into the conflict due to an agreement to protect
Belgium's sovereignty and neutrality; thus, Britain also declared war on Germany. Next to enter the
conflict was the Ottoman Empire, modern–day Turkey. Next, Italy entered the war, fighting against
Germany and Austria. The War had grown to the point that nations were no longer viewed as
individual armies, but as international alliances conducting warfare. Britain, Russia, France, and
Italy were the main forces for the Allies. The opposing force came to be known as the Central
Powers, composed of Austria–Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire. These central nations in
the European Theatre forced divisions throughout Europe and through the rest of the world. Due to
the global expansion of War involvement, German Forces began to engage on all sides. Germany
had the second largest Navy in the world by the beginning of the War; the Germans increased their
Navy usage as the threat of an attack from the sea became imminent. The increase in German Naval
defense eventually led to a German U–Boat sinking an American passenger ship called the Lusitania,
which was operating a trade route near German Territory, this finally pushed the disengaged America
into the War. Then, on December 5th of 1917, Germany signed an armistice with Russia, ending the
conflict between the
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War Photography Essay
War has always been an unfortunate part of our society and civilization. War will sadly and
undoubtedly be with us as long as we exist. However, the portrayal of war for many centuries gave a
sense of patriotism and romanticism. Then the invention of the camera changed how humanity
perceived war in the late to mid 19th century. And all of a sudden, images ofwar became of shear
violence and destruction. The violence in these images would play a significant part in the social
and political standpoints of war in our nation. During the pre–Civil War era, the technology of
photography was rare or still in development. All renderings of war were either in paintings or in
literature. Since artists were the only people capable of more content...
Writers following the Civil War wrote novels in response to the violence. They depicted that the
future of war would be evil, apocalyptic, and destructive on a massive scale. Mark Twain was one
of the writers who discussed this kind of scenario in one of his novels. "'In that explosion all our
noble civilization–factories went up in the air and disappeared from the earth...twenty–five thousand
men lay dead around us'" (Franklin 814). The images that showed all of the dead and the
destruction, no doubt caused people to believe that the rise in industrialism would lead to more
mass destruction. Many writers depicted in their novels, landscapes of gray, craters, and death. It
was as if these writers were warning us, that if we as a society don't industrialize properly and
responsibly, that the future of our planet would be just like the landscape described by these
writers. They saw this rise in technology as a doom to civilization. However, the warnings of these
writers disgracefully became reality. Much of Europe a few decades later during WW1, had
landscapes that were gray, cratered, and full of dead bodies. A great change came during WW1
and WW2. War images were not the only way war was portrayed, but motion pictures also came
along. The motion pictures gave a whole new perspective on war to the American people. Thus, by
seeing this influence, many powerful leaders saw an advantage. They saw, "the tremendous potential
of movies for propaganda and
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Essay on The Great War
The Great War , or as it is known now, World War One was a global conflict fought between the
Allied Powers ; Great Britain, France, Russia, and the United States along will other smaller nations
and the Central Powers ; Germany, Austria– Hungary, Turkey/Ottoman Empire and other small
nations from 1914 to 1918. World War One began from a series of tumultuous events, that in turn
affected the balance of alliances that had been made between countries at that time in the world. The
ignition, or rather start of these events occurred on June 28th, 1914, when the Archduke of Austria–
Hungary, Frances Ferdinand and his wife, were assassinated by a young Serbian militant, Gavrilo
Princep. Austria – Hungary was ensured of support from more content...
By mid September 1914 the introduction of trench warfare had begun and on the western front for
the Germans it had become a war of attrition. By November 1914, with the exception of the United
States of America, most major nations were at war due to allegiances or direct involvement. By
February 1915 the Austria Army had lost 5 million soldiers and consequentially, was no longer
involved in the war until the insurgence of the Germans. Russian successes alongside the eastern
front and against Austria attributed to the Germans dividing their forces into two active fronts. The
Germans were quite successful on the eastern front, despite being outnumbered by 93.5 divisions
of Russian armed forces to 78.5 divisions of German armed forces. By May of 1915 Germany
liberated the Austrian forces and together they took Poland, Lithuania, Galicia and Latvia, moving
increasingly forward (Germany in World War One, Holburn). The western front did not bode as well
for the Germans. The Allies rallied an offensive for the liberation of France in late September 1915.
This resulted in a stalemate between the powers, inflicting heavy casualties on the Allied and Central
Powers. This fierce battling with no progression continued into late 1916, when the Germans became
concerned at the amount of the allied forces on the western front and the invention of the tank –
technology that Germany
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Essay on War and the Media
In times of War, the media plays a crucial role both in reporting, monitoring and giving updates.
During the Vietnam War of 1955–1975, the American press played crucial roles of reporting until it
ended up shifting its tone under the influence of occurrence of some events like the Tet Offensive,
the My Lai Massacre, the bombing of Cambodia and leaking of Pentagon papers resulting into lack
of trust in the press (Knightly 1975). From the beginning of the war up to present times there have
been undying debates over the role of media in the war. The have been various criticisms over the
American News Media's actions and influences on the outcome of the war. The debate is embedded
on the particular political assumptions perceived across more content...
The United States diplomatic mission emphasized that the American press was only giving hand to
the Saigon government in curbing communist aggression. It was clear that although the U.S press
was briefing correspondents on the Vietnam War, they still followed the guidance and from the
Vietnamese press within the country (Venanzi 1983). Therefore although the Vietnamese president
had authority to impose restrictions on the press the American press ought to be allowed to report
about the war because this was crucial in ensuring that the United State got the necessary support in
order to keep on giving aid to the Saigon Government. According to Clarence Wyatt America had no
independent press to gather information from Vietnam and it therefore had to rely discouraging
realism. This weakened the moral support that America could have given (Taylor 1998). During the
war, American journalism reporters were believed to only give facts which were only relevant and
official. According to Daniel Miller(2004) this believe stirred doomed objectivity giving way to
official influence which hindered success of Kennedy's policies in Vietnam. As picture about the war
appeared in the media criticizing the manner in which the war was being carried out in South
Vietnamese, people become pessimistic about the success of the Saigon government. While other
picture appearing in the media supported the Americans who had advised the Saigon Government
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Essays On War

  • 1. Essay On World War 3 Within the near future, a World War 3 breaks out to destroy all of the modern societies known as North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. As a country rose from the ashes called Orion. The country was fair and just for a very long time, but then another war broke out. That's when Emmett was born. Emmett was had always been a brilliant boy, always helping the government with it's computer programming. The government won the war, and there was a huge debate. The government had decided to put a little chip in the population's brains that would control the population forever. Emmett helped the program be created, and had put it in his brain as well. The government hadn't told society what they actually do with more content... Jaxon went first, and then Emmett, and then Ryker. One by one, and it took weeks to get the all of the countries, but not the leaders and programmers that made the chip. Everything changed after the chips were put into the population's brain. There was no fun, no creativity, no life in anybody. There was no laughter, no anger, no feeling. Everybody talked politely, no life shown through it. The populace was under the government's mercy at all times. The government also changed who everybody's friends are. The government had Jaxon and Emmett no longer be friends because the government wanted absolutely no happiness. The government also rearranged everybody's jobs to where the people who were working had no fun either. One day, as the chip continued to tell Emmett what to do and where to go, Emmett was walking home and tripped on a rock that the chip did not see. Emmett hit his head so hard that it broke the chip inside his head. He lay unconscious for 30 minutes, and eventually woke up. Emmett stood up and looked at the world around him. He was furious. Emmett was told by the government that they would only use the chip to stop wars and crime of that sort. He was so mad that he went home and slammed the door and stayed home the entire day, even though he should go back out and talk grieve with the other kids. Emmett just sat there in his bed, thinking how the government could lie to him, after all the work he did for them in the past. After Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on War Essay on war War has been a part of human culture since it's birth. It has led to a great many massacres and has shown us the evil that exists within the souls of humanity. Some have even gone as far as saying that war is human nature. To better understand the reasons behind war and how it affects others, I've examined several different societies and cultures so as to better understand the necessity of war and see the cause of their external war attitude. To do so, different variables from two topics (military institutions and external war attitude) were matched up and crossed so as to look into the answers to these questions. The variables were then calculated and through these graphs, I was able to find different societies in more content... Warfare to the Somalis was seen as a division of labor that was the principal means of acquiring cattle. In times of war, peasants would be taken from /their/his/ home/s/ for months at a time. Warfare was organized by the chiefs on behalf of the kin and it was the duty of every able bodied man to take part in it (pg 133 Philip)." In order for one to become wealthy within a society, they must earn it through the privilege of authority. This comes from the reward of conduct pleasing to one's superiors. For the most part, the wealth of a man comes from the exercise of poetical virtues, obedience to authority, wisdom in council, and courage in war. During battle, leadership among the Somalis is led by a general who the king feels will be the right one only after having a consultation with the appropriate spirits. He also selected the people of certain sazas "to guard the king." These people did so simply by staying home. The leaders of the armies were forceful during wartime. "Every able bodied man was expected to turn out, but though the penalty for cowardice in the field was instant death by burning, people who simply stayed at home were merely fined on their chief's return (P. 193 Philips)." The generals were important as a moral rallying–point. It is said that the army would lose heart if their general is killed in battle , but as soon as his successor is found, their courage would return. The decision to engage in war was made mainly by the king and his orders Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on War Poetry War Poetry War Poetry is written to express a writers feelings towards war in general. Some writers express total glorification of the war, while others convey the inanity of confrontation. One of the poems that I have studied "The Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred Tennyson is a poem that tells of a 19th century battle between the British and the Russians during the Crimean War in Russia. During this war, Great Britain, France, and Turkey were fighting against Russia. This battle was particularly disturbing because the lightly armored British, obviously misled, charges a line of heavily armed Russian artillery unit. The poem describes how many soldiers died due to a mistake made more content... The use of the word "flashed" more than once makes it stand out in the poem. Repetition makes poetry more intense and captures the readers attention. Imagery is another important poetic device that Tennyson uses masterfully here. "Stormed with shot and shell," shows the bravery of soldiers (stanza 3). This use of vivid vocabulary brings about the feeling of action. It also adds suspense by intrigiung the reader. When Tennyson writes, "Plunged in the battery–smoke," he portraits the courage of the troops (stanza 5). The troops had to be brave to charge into the unknown. These men were willing to die without fear. "Right thro' the line they broke," shows the victory of the cavalry. Through courage and fearlessness, the soldiers succeeded in battle. The men were persistent and finally came through. Intense Imagery makes the readers mind dream and envision what is going on, and Tennyson uses it perfectly. Symbolism is an element of poetry where something may have more than meaning. For example, when Tennyson writes, "Into the valley of death," it has two meanings (stanza 1). One meaning, is that the troops are going into a valley. The other meaning is that the troops are going into a battle for their lives. Another is example of symbolism is when Tennyson writes, "Into the mouth of hell". The reader knows that the soldiers really are not going to hell. The soldiers are really going into a Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on The Effects of War Death by the millions. War; caused by the petty disagreements of those in power; fought by the brave young men that had no other choice. No one truly wins a war; it does not decipher who is right, only whom is left. The horrors of war are devastating; both mentally and physically. The horror is not only ever present during life on the Frontline, it lives on in the survivors guilt. I believe the horror of war is not only represented in the soldiers, we are all too quick to forget about the feelings of those at home, the friends and families, and the effects the war had on them. The Physical effect of war is one of its most poignant horrors, and probably its most acknowledged. We aren't privy to this sort of imagery in Regeneration, it' more content... At this point in time it was integral for a man to care and protect and almost take charge over his family, how would this man do so? I also believe the fear in those "blank stares" when she notices them is heart–wrenching; they do not wished to be seen in this way, they are afraid of what the society that inflicted this upon them may think. This could also be a reference to how bleak their futures are of a result– these men physically paid the cost for other people's battles. Neurasthenia and the mental affect of war is a lesser considered but equally if not more poignant horror. Examples of this are rife in Regeneration, I believe that Regeneration is deliberately set in a psychiatric hospital, as this emphasises some of the key elements of the First World War. I believe that the mental effects of war are highlighted mostly in the character of David Burns; a patient at Craiglockhart War Hospital; I believe this to be more heart wrenching as Burns is based upon a real patient as noted in Dr River's studies. He was real. A real person suffered in this manner. Burns is a troubled character and has severe issues eating, he had developed this problem when" thrown into the air by the explosion of a shell and had landed on a German corpse, whose gas filled belly had ruptured on impact. Before Burns lost consciousness, he'd had time to realize Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on War Film Genre Matthew Jaskot English 102–7 9:30 A.M Avodian September 20, 2012 War from the Beginning War films have been around for quite some time. They have many different aspects to them. Each film has a little bit different view, depending on what the director wants the audience to get out of the movie. Some target the importance of how horrific and heart breaking war was, while others were used to inspire their country to support their troops. There are films though that go straight to the point of war and show all of the intense combat, the pain and suffering the soldiers did for their country, and the brutality of what countries did to prisoners in concentration camps. War films never get dull, they will keep the audience interested more content... People could see what was happening at the war, and realize what their soldiers were going through. These films were used mostly as a recruitment use, and as way to make the people angry towards the enemy, suggesting that heroic American involvement would bring home victory. We could see ourselves that the war demands not only on the nerves of the soldiers but also to those who had to stay at home (Kaes 22). Not only did films like these inspire people to join the military, but made the people who stayed at home become aware of the how nerve racking and crucial the war was. War films died off for a period of time after the war, since there was no need to rally the people during a time of peace. Eventually the films picked back in the mid twenties. The first film to really bring start the production of war films again was The Big Parade, it was the first to realistically portray the horrors of battle and the struggle for survival by three soldier–comrades. This film made more money than any other MGM production during this time. These films were more gruesome than viewers were used to seeing. Hantke states that the war was a place of death; imminent, inevitable, violent, inexorably physical, and omnipresent: bloody death, grim death, death without metaphysical or transcendent comforts (702). Films like these really showed how awful and painful war was to those who never went oversea to fight. These films Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On The War Pep talk: Its December now and it seems as though the war is coming to its end soon in the views of the British . At this point no one knows what is going to happen. The Continental army being the underdogs are extremely low on supplies and aren't sure they can go any longer. During this time George Washington read to the soldiers Thomas Paine's new pamphlet: "The Crisis: These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrinks from the service of their country; but he who stands It NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman" (Hart Diane). With this being read it put the continental army in high spirits. It as well meant that the war wasn't over yet and those who more content... The Continental Army and British Army were very much different the British army always well supplied and trained on the other hand the Continental army was not. The Continental army was everything but strengths the Continental army was quite small with only a tiny navy and no more that's 20,000 troops in one place and time they were also very untrained for battle and shooting.The Continental army was as well always short on supplies food, ammunition, weapons, and uniforms. Unfortunately The Continental Congress couldn't particularly get money to pay for supplies for The Continental army. The colonist were instead selling to the British because they paid with gold while the Continental Congress paid with paper money so the value was much different. The British army was much different compared to the Continental Army The British army had an army of 50,000 troops as well as another 30,000 mercenaries. They as well had recruited Loyalists, African Americans, and Native Americans making The British army quite large. They were also never scarce on supplies. As the war came to a start between The Continental and British army The outcome wasn't looking good not all slaves were sure if in the document it said that "all men are created equal" that included their freedom to because of this the British army was recruiting African Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on The War on Terror War on terror refers to the ongoing military campaign led by U.S and U.K against organizations identified as terrorists. Terrorism can be defined as an unlawful violence or war deliberately targeted to civilians. It can also be defined as a systematic use of terror to coerce or violent acts intended to create fear. This threat is normally perpetrated for religious, political or ideological goals. The conflict as also called by other names. They include World War III, The Long War,War on Terrorism, Bush's War on Terror, The Global War of Terror and War on Al–Qaeda, (Coaty, 2010). Terrorism became popular in 1996 when Al– Qaeda network was formed by the late Osama Bin Laden. The network was formed by the World Islamic Front for more content... Underlying conditions that terrorists seek to exploit were reduced. This was a measure that was used to reduce the chances of unlawful attacks on the globe. U.S partnered with the international community to empower weak states and prevent emergence of terrorism. To date, this can be seen in Libya, Cote Devore and Somalia where the states have no proper governments. The international troops have been deployed in the above states to ensure that terrorists do not utilize such loopholes to attack the citizens. Fighting the War on Terror War on terror is a global challenge. A number of ways have been put across to fight the problem led by the United States of America. Defeating terrorist has been found to be a very effective way of fighting this threat. It is achieved by identity, location and destruction of the terrorists along with their organizations. Once the unlawful activities are spotted, they are confirmed and relevant actions taken against them instantly. Evidence is the U.S bombing of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan in pursuit of Al– Qaeda network which was successful because Osama was later found and killed. Strategy of targeted killings is also a major way to fight terror. This is a method that focuses on the individuals who bear the greatest responsibility. The aim is to catch them alive or dead. It has indeed borne fruit over the years. Evidence is the demise of Sadaam, Fazul and the recent killing of Osama Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On World War 1 The first World War is universally considered to be one of the single deadliest events in human history. World War I is undoubtedly one of the largest military altercations to ever take place, with a duration of five years, involving 32 nations. Over the course of five years, the war killed almost 37.5 million people, approximately 57% of all soldiers involved ( One might suspect a conflict on this scale would have arisen from a divide in ideology or from a dispute over prized resources. However, it was a politically unimportant event paired with pre–established military alliances that created one of the deadliest conflicts on Earth. The initiating event occurred June 28th, 1914. On this date, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, more content... The German attack on Belgium forced Britain into the conflict due to an agreement to protect Belgium's sovereignty and neutrality; thus, Britain also declared war on Germany. Next to enter the conflict was the Ottoman Empire, modern–day Turkey. Next, Italy entered the war, fighting against Germany and Austria. The War had grown to the point that nations were no longer viewed as individual armies, but as international alliances conducting warfare. Britain, Russia, France, and Italy were the main forces for the Allies. The opposing force came to be known as the Central Powers, composed of Austria–Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire. These central nations in the European Theatre forced divisions throughout Europe and through the rest of the world. Due to the global expansion of War involvement, German Forces began to engage on all sides. Germany had the second largest Navy in the world by the beginning of the War; the Germans increased their Navy usage as the threat of an attack from the sea became imminent. The increase in German Naval defense eventually led to a German U–Boat sinking an American passenger ship called the Lusitania, which was operating a trade route near German Territory, this finally pushed the disengaged America into the War. Then, on December 5th of 1917, Germany signed an armistice with Russia, ending the conflict between the Get more content on
  • 9. War Photography Essay War has always been an unfortunate part of our society and civilization. War will sadly and undoubtedly be with us as long as we exist. However, the portrayal of war for many centuries gave a sense of patriotism and romanticism. Then the invention of the camera changed how humanity perceived war in the late to mid 19th century. And all of a sudden, images ofwar became of shear violence and destruction. The violence in these images would play a significant part in the social and political standpoints of war in our nation. During the pre–Civil War era, the technology of photography was rare or still in development. All renderings of war were either in paintings or in literature. Since artists were the only people capable of more content... Writers following the Civil War wrote novels in response to the violence. They depicted that the future of war would be evil, apocalyptic, and destructive on a massive scale. Mark Twain was one of the writers who discussed this kind of scenario in one of his novels. "'In that explosion all our noble civilization–factories went up in the air and disappeared from the earth...twenty–five thousand men lay dead around us'" (Franklin 814). The images that showed all of the dead and the destruction, no doubt caused people to believe that the rise in industrialism would lead to more mass destruction. Many writers depicted in their novels, landscapes of gray, craters, and death. It was as if these writers were warning us, that if we as a society don't industrialize properly and responsibly, that the future of our planet would be just like the landscape described by these writers. They saw this rise in technology as a doom to civilization. However, the warnings of these writers disgracefully became reality. Much of Europe a few decades later during WW1, had landscapes that were gray, cratered, and full of dead bodies. A great change came during WW1 and WW2. War images were not the only way war was portrayed, but motion pictures also came along. The motion pictures gave a whole new perspective on war to the American people. Thus, by seeing this influence, many powerful leaders saw an advantage. They saw, "the tremendous potential of movies for propaganda and Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on The Great War The Great War , or as it is known now, World War One was a global conflict fought between the Allied Powers ; Great Britain, France, Russia, and the United States along will other smaller nations and the Central Powers ; Germany, Austria– Hungary, Turkey/Ottoman Empire and other small nations from 1914 to 1918. World War One began from a series of tumultuous events, that in turn affected the balance of alliances that had been made between countries at that time in the world. The ignition, or rather start of these events occurred on June 28th, 1914, when the Archduke of Austria– Hungary, Frances Ferdinand and his wife, were assassinated by a young Serbian militant, Gavrilo Princep. Austria – Hungary was ensured of support from more content... By mid September 1914 the introduction of trench warfare had begun and on the western front for the Germans it had become a war of attrition. By November 1914, with the exception of the United States of America, most major nations were at war due to allegiances or direct involvement. By February 1915 the Austria Army had lost 5 million soldiers and consequentially, was no longer involved in the war until the insurgence of the Germans. Russian successes alongside the eastern front and against Austria attributed to the Germans dividing their forces into two active fronts. The Germans were quite successful on the eastern front, despite being outnumbered by 93.5 divisions of Russian armed forces to 78.5 divisions of German armed forces. By May of 1915 Germany liberated the Austrian forces and together they took Poland, Lithuania, Galicia and Latvia, moving increasingly forward (Germany in World War One, Holburn). The western front did not bode as well for the Germans. The Allies rallied an offensive for the liberation of France in late September 1915. This resulted in a stalemate between the powers, inflicting heavy casualties on the Allied and Central Powers. This fierce battling with no progression continued into late 1916, when the Germans became concerned at the amount of the allied forces on the western front and the invention of the tank – technology that Germany Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on War and the Media In times of War, the media plays a crucial role both in reporting, monitoring and giving updates. During the Vietnam War of 1955–1975, the American press played crucial roles of reporting until it ended up shifting its tone under the influence of occurrence of some events like the Tet Offensive, the My Lai Massacre, the bombing of Cambodia and leaking of Pentagon papers resulting into lack of trust in the press (Knightly 1975). From the beginning of the war up to present times there have been undying debates over the role of media in the war. The have been various criticisms over the American News Media's actions and influences on the outcome of the war. The debate is embedded on the particular political assumptions perceived across more content... The United States diplomatic mission emphasized that the American press was only giving hand to the Saigon government in curbing communist aggression. It was clear that although the U.S press was briefing correspondents on the Vietnam War, they still followed the guidance and from the Vietnamese press within the country (Venanzi 1983). Therefore although the Vietnamese president had authority to impose restrictions on the press the American press ought to be allowed to report about the war because this was crucial in ensuring that the United State got the necessary support in order to keep on giving aid to the Saigon Government. According to Clarence Wyatt America had no independent press to gather information from Vietnam and it therefore had to rely discouraging realism. This weakened the moral support that America could have given (Taylor 1998). During the war, American journalism reporters were believed to only give facts which were only relevant and official. According to Daniel Miller(2004) this believe stirred doomed objectivity giving way to official influence which hindered success of Kennedy's policies in Vietnam. As picture about the war appeared in the media criticizing the manner in which the war was being carried out in South Vietnamese, people become pessimistic about the success of the Saigon government. While other picture appearing in the media supported the Americans who had advised the Saigon Government Get more content on