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How To Write An Essay On The Movie Crash
This academy award winning film is a phenomenal piece created to emphasize the racial relations
that impacted crime as America was recovering from the terrorist attack. The movie switches back
and forth between two days, a 36–hour period, providing viewers with enough information to
understand what and why things were happening. The overall plot was to showcase the lives of
several individuals, from different backgrounds, and how their lives intertwine. Viewers got a gist
of what each individuals did for a living, but Paul Haggis wanted to make sure the movie focused
more on who these individuals are. The main objective of this movie was to focus on on race
relations in Los Angeles, which allowed viewers to relate to the characters. The actors/actresses more content...
This led him to distrust the environment he was in, thus building a personality strong enough to
protect his family. Jean Cabot, played by Sandra Bullock, was the wife of an attorney. Jean felt
neglected by the people she thought were her friends, and she had little trust in people who were
non–Caucasian. Soon she started to appreciate the people who were actually there for her, the
Hispanic housekeeper Maria. In conclusion, Crash stirred up a lot on discussion across America. I
realized that it was not the color of the skin that mattered, but their personality. However, there
will be people who feel as though their life struggles are far worse than others. They would pity
themselves, just like Jean did, until they come to a realization that the world does not revolve
around them. This realization could come from movies, books, peers, or even personal
experiences. For example, Anthony had a moment of realization when he refused to sell each
Cambodian for $500. He knew it was immoral, so he set them free in Chinatown. Nonetheless, this
is only one kind act. Society is twisted, there will never be a day of peace, because we cannot force
people to accept every human race out
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The Movie ' Crash ' Essay
KC Libecki
Professor Eisenberg
The movie, Crash, demonstrates the lives of various individuals from divergent socio–economic
classes, who have life changing experiences in between their conflicting prejudices and stereotypes.
The theme of multiculturalism has also made its influence on the major characters of the movie: a
white American district attorney and his wife who is constantly scared of "the other"; two African
American thieves who steal their car, a racist police officer who offends an African American TV
producer and harasses his wife, a non–racist police officer, a Latino lock maker, a Persian family and
another African American detective in the search of his brother. The plot of the movie intersects all
characters ' lives and their attitudes towards each other after 9/11, while making the audience
question the validity of prejudices and racial stereotypes. In this brief essay, we are going to discuss
how racism and stereotyping have the impact on the lives of some main characters in the movie,
considering the development of the storyline and the impact of various incidents that change their
perspective towards themselves and each other.
Racism, prejudice and stereotyping, as the major themes of the movie, Crash, dominate all the
sub–stories that are somehow connected to each other. Moreover, as the stories go on and events
develop, it becomes possible to see how characters start to have changes in their perspective and
attitude towards each other, either
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Film Analysis Essay on Crash (2004)
The movie "Crash" – from director and producer Paul Haggis – pictures one day in the lives of
various characters in Los Angeles, all of them from different social and racial backgrounds but
nevertheless connected and intertwined throughout the story. The movie's story is being told in a
mostly chronological way, except that it puts one scene to the very beginning of the film and then
cuts back to the day prior, indicated by the visual text "yesterday". In this first sequence, detectives
Graham Waters and his partner Ria have been rearended when they arrive at a crime scene, leading
to a fight between Hispanic Ria and the accident responsible, furious Chinese Kim Lee, involving
race–related insults towards each other. Breaking through more content...
There is Jean Corbet, accusing her locksmith Daniel Ruiz of being a gang member, whose daughter
is almost shot by the Persian shop owner Farhad, whose daughter works in the mortuary where
Detective Graham Waters dead brother is identified as Peter, who stole Jean Corbets car, making her
change the locks in her house in the first place. This list of connections could be continued with for
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Crash: A Movie Review Essay
Most people are born with good hearts, but as they grow up they learn prejudices. "Crash" is a
movie that brings out bigotry and racial stereotypes. The movie is set in Los Angeles, a city with a
cultural mix of every nationality. The story begins when several people are involved in a multi–car
accident. Several stories interweave during two days in Los Angeles involving a collection of
inter–related characters, a police detective with a drugged out mother and a mischief younger
brother, two car thieves who are constantly theorizing on society and race, the white district attorney
and his wife, a racist cop and his younger partner, a successful Hollywood director and his wife, a
Persian immigrant father, a Hispanic locksmith and his more content...
Then Peter brings up the fact that their waitress was black. Anthony points out that just because
she is black, does not mean that she fails to see in stereotypes. He argues that she did not serve
them because she assumed they would not tip well. So Peter says, "Well how much did you tip
her?" In his defense Anthony claims that with that kind of service, why should he tip? By doing
this, Anthony is just contributing to the cycle of discrimination. She decides not to serve him like
everyone else, so he does not tip her. She is then proven right in her assumption and the cycle
continues. Then a white man and woman (the Los Angeles District Attorney and his wife) walk
past them in the street, and as soon as the woman sees the two black men her arm almost
automatically clings to the side of her husband. They then pull out their firearms and approach the
couple, robbing them of their SUV at gunpoint. By acting the way they did they proved the woman
correct in her assumption. In this scene Haggis shows only face shots so that each characters
emotion is revealed by their face. The Los Angeles District Attorney's wife is freaking out at her
husband because they have a Mexican locksmith changing their locks. She tells her husband she
would like the locks changed again in the morning because the "gangbanger" locksmith with the
"prison tattoos" is going to sell their keys to one of his "homies". She then walks into the all
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Crash Movie Essay
One must never judge or discriminate a person based on their physical attributes. Prejudice and
discrimination directed against someone of a different race is known as racism. It is evident in the
movie "Crash" directed by Paul Haggis, that people misconceive others due to judgement on their
physical traits. Throughout the movie, the characters living in Los Angeles face the challenges of
fitting in a town populated by people of different colours. The offenders are the "white" people
whereas the victims are everyone else. The presence of racism is the main cause of every conflict that
occurs in the movie.
The majority of the racism involved in the movie is towards the negro population. They are
perceived as thugs, thieves more content...
If he speaks up, not only will he put in jail but he will also be humiliated if his colleagues find out.
Racism isn't only towards the black population of the town, it is demonstrated in many other
ethnicities as well. Jean Cabot is a woman who believes her race, white, is superior than any other
race including black and hispanic. Jean is also very rude towards her maid Maria, and she gets
angry at her over the littlest things. She is also convinced that mexicans are gangsters so, when
Daniel is changing the locks at her house, she demands that they get redone the next day, fearing
that Daniel will sell a copy of her house keys to one of his gangster friends. Farhad, a persian man
with a strong accent, is also humiliated by a gun store owner when he's trying to buy a gun.
The victims of racism realize that the behaviour towards them is unfair so they find ways to stand
up for themselves. Cameron, with his marriage life a stake, snaps at police officers when he is
pulled over once again. Officer Tom Hansen saves Cameron's life otherwise, the other police
officers would've shot him. Cameron was once mistreated which shook his family life and created a
gap between him and his wife therefore, he didn't want the white people to take control of his life.
Daniel, who was always mistaken for a gangster was finally fed up with it. As he was fixing the
locks of Farhad's store, Farhad calls
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The Movie Crash Essay
After seeing the movie "Crash" which was directed by Paul Haggis I seemed to have viewed life
a little differently. I honestly felt like this movie exposed me to different kinds of social and
multicultural situations I could possibly ever think of. The movie gave me many examples of how
these events could affect our society in general. As I closely observed the movie I noticed the
different behaviors it contained one of them that stood out to me the most was prejudice. I
personally view prejudice as a general thought that almost everyone has had at least once in his or
her life.
Within the first thirty minutes of the movie I observed a Muslim man inside of gun store trying to
purchase a gun. The main owner of the store was a Caucasian man; more content...
I was truly amazed of how he gathered up all the bad treatment he received from both Sandra and
the Persian guy and turned his energy into something good. It really amazed me how he managed to
stay humbled and mentally strong and not let the preconceived notions about him in regards to his
specific race affect him as a character. His character totally shattered the idea of a middle–aged man
who is blue–collar worker who is always involved around gangs and gang related activities. The
truth is that I was really amazed to see that he actually had a both a wife and young daughter who he
was caring
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Bias In The Movie Crash
In 2004 Paul Haggis directed the film Crash, a movie fundamentally about the effects of prejudice
and bias on a group of Los Angeles natives including cops, robbers, and immigrants whose lives
"crash" into one another's. With the help of strong acting and an amazing storyline Crash won
three Academy Awards and did it while carrying a message not so easily identified. The characters
Anthony (Ludacris) Peter (Larenz Tate) Officer Ryan (Matt Dillon) and their depictions of explicit
bias are so well done that the impact of implicit bias in the screenplay is almost missed.
Be advised, before watching Crash, the speed of the action might leave one without a chance to
truly sort out what is happening; or even fail to enjoy the ride. This seems to be the experience of one
film critic Ray Wong, in his review for Rave Reviews. His lamentations, "Do we have to be
reminded every minute about the racial differences, misunderstanding and injustice" coupled with
the mention of his suspension of disbelief not holding, could lead one to the opinion that he might
have fallen prey to his own biases. He credits the actors for saving the film, complaining "Oh, come
on! This is a more content...
As Roger Ebert, critic for states, "we understand why he explodes at the HMO
worker (whose race is only an excuse for his anger). He victimizes others by exercising his power,
and is impotent when it comes to helping his father." Later, we witness as Ryan struggles to
rescue a victim trapped in an SUV, his eyes lock with his victim from the night before. The scene
requires the active empathy from the audience, but the visible emotions of Ryan go from shock, to
fear, to remorse, and finally determination as he begs to save her and does so with the same
compassion he showed his father; at this point, we see hope for Ryan
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Stereotyping is a major issue in the world today, however, mostly in the United States. It is known
as fixed impressions, exaggerated or preconceived ideas about particular social groups, usually
based solely on physical appearance (The New York Company). Crash is a great example because
it shows others stereotyping individuals in many ways. According to Schingel, it is the perfect
analogy of how we as a human race deal with life, people and our own experiences. The movie,
released in 2005, shows each character's point of view, rather it be from an African–American,
Caucasian, or a Latino. It follows each character throughout the movie to show how they live their
daily lives.
Crash is known for more content...
There was another example with the Mexican locksmith that had stereotyping involved. For
example, the Persian store owner was frightened that the Mexican was trying to rip him off,
however just like Bullock's assumption, he was incorrect. The locksmith was actually trying to tell
him some important information, but he did not pay attention. For not listening, his store was
broken into and he lost a large amount of money. They could not get past his race to actually get to
know him and to realize that he was right. It is as if they do not recognize the other cultures going on
around them.
According to Schingel, judgments are so easy to make. Each one is judged by their own
categories. Instead of looking past their race, individuals' criticise each other and most of the time,
they are completely wrong. For example, Cameron, an actor and a Buddhist, was pulled over for
"driving while black". Instead of the white LAPD letting him go, Cameron had to get out of the car
and take a drinking test, even though he had not been drinking. He apologizes to the LAPD while
the officer is feeling all over his wife. Christine, CameronпїЅs wife, gets very upset with Cameron
because she claims that the officer took his dignity away. When it comes to race, it seems as if
black individuals have to act like whites to get the same privileges. If he wanted to be successful, he
needed to act like a white man. With that came two major
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The Movie Crash
SLWK 3220: Crash – A Critical Analysis
Melissa Munro–Bernard
Dalhousie University The 2004 film, Crash, offers a unique commentary on racism in American
society. In this film, racism does not have clear–cut victims and offenders; rather, the racially
oppressed are also shown – in different contexts and situations – to themselves be perpetrators of
discrimination and racially motivated biases and beliefs. This paper will highlight some of the
taken–for–granted assumptions, biases and beliefs presented in this movie; use examples from the
movie to demonstrate how a situation can be framed from multiple perspectives; and finally,
consider the presentation of racism in this movie as situation in a broader socio–political framework. more content...
No characters are villainized for their beliefs; rather, just enough backstory is given to 'explain
away' or rationalize their discriminatory actions. The message seems to be that everyone is 'a little
bit racist,' which is no doubt comforting for some (particularly white people, who are less inclined
to confront their own privilege and oppressive beliefs). Moreover, Crash focuses its social
commentary almost exclusively on racism at the personal level (such as the individualistic
experiences and roots of characters' prejudiced attitudes) but does not delve into the entrenched
historical and societal inequalities of that racism. Likewise, the move does little to challenge
predominant notions of white privilege and the privileges and benefits that accrue from systemic
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The Movie Crash Essay
Writer–director Paul Haggis Movie "Crash" written in 2004, tells an interconnecting story of what
Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Iranians, cops and criminals. Regardless of their Social Economic
Academic or Political background, they are all defined in one way or another by racism. Crash
represents the modern condition as a violent bumper car ride (Variety) which connects stories based
on coincidences serendipity, and luck as the lives of the characters crash against one another. The
movie presumes that most people feel prejudice and resentment against members of another group.
Crash has a world pool of all–star actors and actress, who are all from different ethnic minorities,
however they are all prejudiced in some way. Haggis tries to more content...
"The character is wordy and didactic, yes, but not the film. He is also – as he proves when he and
his partner carjack a young District Attorney (Brendan Fraser) and his wife (Sandra Bullock) –
everything he despises white people for suspecting he is." (Empire) Along his side is his friend
Peter Waters who is played by Larenz Tate, they together begin to steal cars to make a living.
Anthony is the dominant one of the two, since he is older.
The film Crash fits into the categories of Drama, Indie, and Crime. Crash relates to the categories
by including all the characters emotion and how they are individual lives are impacted. How
crime is related in the film is by the carjacking, sexual assaults and as well as the shooting of Mr.
Pena's daughter. The film is not part of a classic. Crash is based on a real life experienced instead of
a true story, "It originated in a dream that I had. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking
about these two guys who 10 years before had jacked my car. I was really curious about who these
two kids were." (HUFFPOST) The film is unique to its categories, because it covers so many
different story lines, and it forcers the viewer to look deep inside themselves and choose which
side they would be on. The viewer can be in this situation at any given time, and it would be up to
the viewers to say would I do this or would I act in a unique way to change my life and someone else
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Movie Analysis : ' Crash '
Paul Haggis directed an Oscar winning film in 2004 called "Crash", this movie basically talks
about racism and the impact it has on the lives of people in Los Angeles. This movie got a good
response from the viewers, as it concentrated on some real harsh realities of racism and asked
some hard questions which are generally avoided in movies. This movie clearly promotes the a
very delicate issue, and hence requires some detailed assessment. I personally feel the movie was
good and it portrayed some very common events of racism, I think "Crash" shows realities, but in a
not–so–realistic way. We do not see any detailed back story to any of the characters, but we know
just enough about them as the director wants us to know. They are a variety of races show in this
movie; African Americans, Hispanics, a Persian family, and Asians. Every switch of a scene is
done to intersect the story of the previous scene with the next one, for example we are introduced
to the Cabot family when two black men steal their car. Similarly, the Persian family, who clearly is
struggling to make in living as immigrants, hires the Hispanic locksmith. These are some of the lead
characters of this movie who are knotted together. This technique actually keeps the viewers
engaged and captivated. All the main white characters in "Crash" are shown to be socially and
economically stable, meanwhile many, minorities characters are shown to have some kind of
financial struggle going on. Jean and Rick Cabot,
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Essay On The Movie Crash
Serendipitous Realizations Director Paul Haggis touches upon many sensitive topics in his
movie Crash. He weaves a somewhat complicated plot intertwining the stories of several
characters who deal with many of the same issues we put up with on a daily basis. From racial
profiling and biases to cultural barriers and prejudices, Mr. Haggis spins a compelling, yet
heartbreaking story of how some of these very issues bring about epiphanies in the lives of
multiple characters. Police officer John Ryan deals with a lot of stress in his life. Stress that
comes from his many years on the police force in addition to the stress he is under at home caring
for his ill and aging father. All of this tension, coupled with the experiences he has had on the job,
has turned Officer Ryan into a jaded cynic. He comprehends this about himself which he shows in
a comment to his partner, Officer Tom Hanson, when he tells him, "Wait til you've been on the
job a few years. You think you know who you are? You have no idea." During a traffic stop Ryan
allows his prejudices to overtake his sound judgment and he molests the black woman from the car
he has pulled over. He gets a wake–up call in regards to his behavior later in the film when he arrives
on the scene of an accident and more content...
He spends a majority of the film spouting off comments about how mistreated black people are.
He does not bother to actually pay attention to what is being said or done around him, preferring to
paint everyone else black with the same racist brush. He often sees bias where there is none. He
narrowly misses being caught up in a shoot out with police and as a result of that incident, he
becomes enlightened to the fact that things are not always as they seem to him. After his epiphany,
Anthony later shows us that he has grown as an individual when he comes across a van full of
Asians who were victims of human trafficking and sets them
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The Movie Crash Essay
Paul Haggis creator of the film, Crash, creatively weaves racism into the everyday lives of average
American citizens. The people portrayed in the film experience inequality and racial prejudice at
every turn. Whether they are the person being racist or the person being discriminated against all the
characters have a unique role to play. In the film, a wealthy, educated woman by the name of Jean
Cabot, has problems trust and humanity issues with people of different races. In the film, she
discriminates against people because of who she believes they are affiliated with and people who
do not share the same social status as she does. First, Mrs. Cabot's story begins with her and her
husband, Rick, are enjoying an evening stroll. As they walk through the city two young black men,
Anthony and Peter, are walking down the same street. Mrs. Cabot notices the two black men and
instinctively grabs Rick's arm for safety. Anthony takes it as a racial gesture, and him and his friend
draw handguns and instruct Mr. and Mrs. Cabot to hand the car keys to them. Anthony and Peter
take the Cabot's vehicle and off into the night they go. At this point in the story, Mrs. Cabot has a more content...
Cabot comes home to find the police at her aid. In addition, a locksmith, named Daniel, is
changing the locks as an extra precaution. She then noticed that Daniel is Hispanic and views him
as a gang member. She quickly demands that the locks be changed again the next day. She claims
that he will copy the set of keys and sell it to his friends who will later vandalize their home. As a
result of her outburst her husband insists that she calm down and try to get some sleep. The
locksmith finishes up and having overheard her comments purposely lays two sets of keys on the
counter for her to see. In this scene, she is speaking out of fear, and from past experience. However,
she needs to take into consideration that Daniel is human and is only trying to do his
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Reflection On The Movie Crash
The film Crash challenged my understanding of race because the movie showed me that no matter
where you go or what you are doing people can be judging you just because of your race. People
will cause you harm just because you are not the same as them and are considered the minority.
Crash taught me that people will judge one another by stereotypes they heard or have in mind about
a specific race. They did not try to get to know the person, yet they acted like they knew a lot
because of race stereotypes. One scene in the movie that showed this is when Jean stereotyped
Daniel by saying he is a gang member just because he was Hispanic with tattoos and baggy pants.
Jean did not know that Daniel is a family guy and provides for his wife and daughter.
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The Movie Crash
The movie crash is a phenomenal movie, which reflects our society in an uncomfortable way.
Although, we have come a long way from the era of slave trade and open racism, we are not where
we want to be yet, with regards to these issues, but we have made huge progress. The movie reflects
a number of silent issues plaguing our society, such as mistrust, stereotyping, profiling, racism, and
clash of cultures. The plot of this movie causes us to reflect deeply about our societal and
personal values, it raises questions of if we are guilty of the same, and if we are doing enough to
address these issues. In a brief review, Goyette (2011) of Boston colleges reported that the movie
promotes racial awareness, thrusts race under the magnifying glass more content...
In Los Angeles, CA, there is a great representation of this cultural diversity as shown in the movie.
Working in this culturally diverse community, which has been described by Price (2011) as the most
culturally diverse county in the United States, comprising of approximately 4.7 million Hispanic
residents, about 1.4 million Asian residents, and about 146, 000 Native American residents, which
is higher than any other parts of the country will definitely prove to be interesting. However, I must
make the conscious effort to not treat people; patients and colleagues alike with any form of bias as
a result of their race or ethnic
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Crash Reflection
Racism Reflection The movie I chose for this assignment was the Hollywood film Crash. I really
enjoyed watching this movie even though I have watched it previously before. Crash is the type of
movie where you need to watch it more than once to understand the real meaning it is trying to
portray about racism. There are many acts of racism that is being shown in this movie in different
ways through the many characters revealed. In this movie I found there to be a lot of themes that
took place, however the top three I felt was most important were stereotypes, oppression, and
prejudice. Stereotype is defined as the popular belief about a specific type of individual. In the
movie there was a scene with the locksmith was fixing Jean's more content...
When I look back on it now I can see that although I never exactly went through any racist
situations face to face, my whole like in fact was being judged based on my class. I did not
realize this until after I watched the movie crash and we had the discussion of racism in our
tutorial class. In a way it is really sad to have to think about how everyone probably only accepted
me at first because they knew I was like them. I think the most hurtful and eye opening scene for
me was near the end of the movie when the young officer Tom Hansen was giving the black man a
drive up the street when all of a sudden he thought he was reaching into his pocket to shoot him
and he shot him first. This scene made me cry a lot and I felt very disturbed after watching it. I
think I felt this way mostly because throughout the whole movie they perceived this officer as one
of the good people until this very last scene where he kills an innocent man. At this point of the
movie, this is where I lost hope because he was one of the only people who had good morals and
was doing his best to be a good person and then all of a sudden it changes. Reality hits you and
everyone changes to someone else.
I would not recommend this movie to a grade 8 class because I know that after they watch this
movie they will not get the true meaning behind what it is trying to show people. I myself did not
understand the movie the first
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Essay On The Movie Crash
The movie we saw was Crash. Ms H I have to tell you this I could've wrote a huge essay on how I
enjoyed that movie. From that time the movie has taught and it hit me to when watching. We
always need to watch our backs because the society we live in. It showed about racism. I have a
real story for you Ms.H what just happened 2 months ago. My parents just went to Ohio; they
went to my cousin's house. My Dad is an open soul happy guy who likes to talk to everyone. He
went out to say Hi to the neighbors and my cousin's neighbors told him "No I wont say hi to you"
and walked in his home and shut his door. Just because my dad had a turban. They never had seen a
turban guy before down their, plus its all what the media shows especially in more
And would come back to rob them again. It hurts my heart what would the person be feeling the
victim here if this were a real story what a shame. This fits perfect because both of them are judging
a group of people. In every race we have bad apples and good apples. If some bad apples mess up the
reputation doesn't mean the whole race is bad.
Stereotyping is a huge problem in the USA. Judging group just by the way they look like. It
affects alot in communication. Example if I see a Hispanic guy outside someone might say "Oh
he's a construction worker" but really he might be a lawyer, doctor etc. Stereotyping happened to
me to, this was when I was a senior. A nova staff member was at my high school and his computer
broke and I had to go meet him to fill out my application. When I entered the room he goes like to
me "Oh finally you're here to fix my computer!" I just look at him and say no. Then he made up
an excuse, which I still laugh at today, I was wearing a red shirt and the Nova guy tells me "The
school employees told me the person who will fix my computer will be wearing a red shirt". I just
walked away 2min later the actual computer guy came in wearing our school logo blue shirt. Plus
I'm Indian and he everyone knows mostly all Indian are computer people that might've been another
point for him. Like in the begging of the film when the Iran Family was trying to buy a gun you can
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Crash Essay
Stage 2 English Communications: Crash Film Study "In the end, everyone is flawed, the racism is
inescapable, and the audience feels a twinge of empathy for just about everyone." Who did you feel
most empathy for in this film and why? Support your comments with close reference to the
characters, incidents and filmic treatment in your answer. The film, Crash, exemplifies fear as a
motivator for human behavior and displays that innately everyone is flawed. Our identities are
determined by the choices we make and our reactions to others, regardless of class, ethnicity, culture
or language. Through the use of an ironic script, symbolism and effective cinematography, Director,
Paul Haggis, encourages us to empathize with characters more content...
As Daniel explains the situation to Farhad, he is the subject of abuse as a consequence of Farhad's
poor English skills and his own form of racism. Exceedingly frustrated, Daniel throws the account in
a rubbish bin and leaves. Again this displays how Daniel cannot help Farhad, with his door or
symbolically his aggravation. Rather than retaliating, Daniel avoids confrontation and walks out.
Farhad's intent is made clear later when, after being burgled, he searches through the dumpster
before the camera focuses on Daniel's address on the account. A new scene opens with a
slow–motion shot of Daniel's van pulling into his driveway in the side–mirror of Farhad's car,
suggesting Farhad's pre–meditated revenge. As Farhad alights from his car the shot frames Farhad's
gun, as Daniel unpacks his van in the background. This shot is juxtaposed by Lara inside,
watching her dad out the window beside their Christmas tree and nativity scene; a further
indication of the religious and wholesome nature of the family. The pace of the film slows as Lara
dashes from the house screaming "He doesn't have it!" meaning his 'cloak of invincibility'. Just as
Lara jumps into his arms, Farhad shoots and the camera cuts to Daniel's distraught face. Later it is
revealed she is unharmed as Farhad's own daughter has loaded the gun with blanks. Yet again, instead
of abusing Farhad, Daniel simply turns and takes his daughter and distraught wife inside, closing the
door and ending the
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Essay about Film Analysis: Crash
Over the span of the two days shown in the dramatic film, Crash, we are introduced to several
contrasting characters in Los Angeles with differing storylines: Two African
–American criminals
who possess many theories about the effects race and social class have on their community. A
Persian immigrant, who speaks limited English, and his intelligent, Americanized daughter. A
privileged white–collar criminal lawyer and his spoiled wife. A pair of Caucasian policemen, a
young optimist and his bigoted partner who returns home every night to tend to his ill father. A
black Hollywood director who's wife believes her husband is ashamed of his race. A Latino
locksmith, preoccupied with protecting his young daughter from their crime– more
This uninterrupted progression builds tension – with the lack of editing, the shot is as close to "real
time" as possible. For the majority of the scene, there is no music playing and no ambient noise,
emphasizing Jean's voice (which crescendos as the shot progresses, adding suspense). Her friend
tells Jean that she is busy and will call her back later, so Jean hangs up the phone. Jean then walks
towards the staircase, and we hear a trembling groan as she slips on the stairs' top step. We then
only hear the sound of her tumbling and the phone crashing to the floor. The camera zooms to a
close up of the phone rocking back and forth, creaking on the hardwood, until it stops and there is
silence – leaving us wondering what has happened to Jean. The scene cuts to Jean crumpled at the
bottom of the stairs, barely moving and moaning in pain. This shot is taken from a high angle, at the
top of the stairs, displaying just how low Joan has fallen – literally and figuratively. Her bigotry and
selfishness leaves her physically injured and emotionally exposed.
Haggis is extremely successful in evoking his message through a riveting story. Most people are not
aware that racism can exist in several forms – curt retorts, distancing movements, hate crimes, etc.
He connects seven distinct plots, all dealing with different levels and types of racism to convey that
everyone holds is innately flawed.
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Essays On The Movie Crash

  • 1. How To Write An Essay On The Movie Crash This academy award winning film is a phenomenal piece created to emphasize the racial relations that impacted crime as America was recovering from the terrorist attack. The movie switches back and forth between two days, a 36–hour period, providing viewers with enough information to understand what and why things were happening. The overall plot was to showcase the lives of several individuals, from different backgrounds, and how their lives intertwine. Viewers got a gist of what each individuals did for a living, but Paul Haggis wanted to make sure the movie focused more on who these individuals are. The main objective of this movie was to focus on on race relations in Los Angeles, which allowed viewers to relate to the characters. The actors/actresses more content... This led him to distrust the environment he was in, thus building a personality strong enough to protect his family. Jean Cabot, played by Sandra Bullock, was the wife of an attorney. Jean felt neglected by the people she thought were her friends, and she had little trust in people who were non–Caucasian. Soon she started to appreciate the people who were actually there for her, the Hispanic housekeeper Maria. In conclusion, Crash stirred up a lot on discussion across America. I realized that it was not the color of the skin that mattered, but their personality. However, there will be people who feel as though their life struggles are far worse than others. They would pity themselves, just like Jean did, until they come to a realization that the world does not revolve around them. This realization could come from movies, books, peers, or even personal experiences. For example, Anthony had a moment of realization when he refused to sell each Cambodian for $500. He knew it was immoral, so he set them free in Chinatown. Nonetheless, this is only one kind act. Society is twisted, there will never be a day of peace, because we cannot force people to accept every human race out Get more content on
  • 2. The Movie ' Crash ' Essay KC Libecki Professor Eisenberg SOC1101 The movie, Crash, demonstrates the lives of various individuals from divergent socio–economic classes, who have life changing experiences in between their conflicting prejudices and stereotypes. The theme of multiculturalism has also made its influence on the major characters of the movie: a white American district attorney and his wife who is constantly scared of "the other"; two African American thieves who steal their car, a racist police officer who offends an African American TV producer and harasses his wife, a non–racist police officer, a Latino lock maker, a Persian family and another African American detective in the search of his brother. The plot of the movie intersects all characters ' lives and their attitudes towards each other after 9/11, while making the audience question the validity of prejudices and racial stereotypes. In this brief essay, we are going to discuss how racism and stereotyping have the impact on the lives of some main characters in the movie, considering the development of the storyline and the impact of various incidents that change their perspective towards themselves and each other. Racism, prejudice and stereotyping, as the major themes of the movie, Crash, dominate all the sub–stories that are somehow connected to each other. Moreover, as the stories go on and events develop, it becomes possible to see how characters start to have changes in their perspective and attitude towards each other, either Get more content on
  • 3. Film Analysis Essay on Crash (2004) The movie "Crash" – from director and producer Paul Haggis – pictures one day in the lives of various characters in Los Angeles, all of them from different social and racial backgrounds but nevertheless connected and intertwined throughout the story. The movie's story is being told in a mostly chronological way, except that it puts one scene to the very beginning of the film and then cuts back to the day prior, indicated by the visual text "yesterday". In this first sequence, detectives Graham Waters and his partner Ria have been rearended when they arrive at a crime scene, leading to a fight between Hispanic Ria and the accident responsible, furious Chinese Kim Lee, involving race–related insults towards each other. Breaking through more content... There is Jean Corbet, accusing her locksmith Daniel Ruiz of being a gang member, whose daughter is almost shot by the Persian shop owner Farhad, whose daughter works in the mortuary where Detective Graham Waters dead brother is identified as Peter, who stole Jean Corbets car, making her change the locks in her house in the first place. This list of connections could be continued with for Get more content on
  • 4. Crash: A Movie Review Essay Most people are born with good hearts, but as they grow up they learn prejudices. "Crash" is a movie that brings out bigotry and racial stereotypes. The movie is set in Los Angeles, a city with a cultural mix of every nationality. The story begins when several people are involved in a multi–car accident. Several stories interweave during two days in Los Angeles involving a collection of inter–related characters, a police detective with a drugged out mother and a mischief younger brother, two car thieves who are constantly theorizing on society and race, the white district attorney and his wife, a racist cop and his younger partner, a successful Hollywood director and his wife, a Persian immigrant father, a Hispanic locksmith and his more content... Then Peter brings up the fact that their waitress was black. Anthony points out that just because she is black, does not mean that she fails to see in stereotypes. He argues that she did not serve them because she assumed they would not tip well. So Peter says, "Well how much did you tip her?" In his defense Anthony claims that with that kind of service, why should he tip? By doing this, Anthony is just contributing to the cycle of discrimination. She decides not to serve him like everyone else, so he does not tip her. She is then proven right in her assumption and the cycle continues. Then a white man and woman (the Los Angeles District Attorney and his wife) walk past them in the street, and as soon as the woman sees the two black men her arm almost automatically clings to the side of her husband. They then pull out their firearms and approach the couple, robbing them of their SUV at gunpoint. By acting the way they did they proved the woman correct in her assumption. In this scene Haggis shows only face shots so that each characters emotion is revealed by their face. The Los Angeles District Attorney's wife is freaking out at her husband because they have a Mexican locksmith changing their locks. She tells her husband she would like the locks changed again in the morning because the "gangbanger" locksmith with the "prison tattoos" is going to sell their keys to one of his "homies". She then walks into the all Get more content on
  • 5. Crash Movie Essay One must never judge or discriminate a person based on their physical attributes. Prejudice and discrimination directed against someone of a different race is known as racism. It is evident in the movie "Crash" directed by Paul Haggis, that people misconceive others due to judgement on their physical traits. Throughout the movie, the characters living in Los Angeles face the challenges of fitting in a town populated by people of different colours. The offenders are the "white" people whereas the victims are everyone else. The presence of racism is the main cause of every conflict that occurs in the movie. The majority of the racism involved in the movie is towards the negro population. They are perceived as thugs, thieves more content... If he speaks up, not only will he put in jail but he will also be humiliated if his colleagues find out. Racism isn't only towards the black population of the town, it is demonstrated in many other ethnicities as well. Jean Cabot is a woman who believes her race, white, is superior than any other race including black and hispanic. Jean is also very rude towards her maid Maria, and she gets angry at her over the littlest things. She is also convinced that mexicans are gangsters so, when Daniel is changing the locks at her house, she demands that they get redone the next day, fearing that Daniel will sell a copy of her house keys to one of his gangster friends. Farhad, a persian man with a strong accent, is also humiliated by a gun store owner when he's trying to buy a gun. The victims of racism realize that the behaviour towards them is unfair so they find ways to stand up for themselves. Cameron, with his marriage life a stake, snaps at police officers when he is pulled over once again. Officer Tom Hansen saves Cameron's life otherwise, the other police officers would've shot him. Cameron was once mistreated which shook his family life and created a gap between him and his wife therefore, he didn't want the white people to take control of his life. Daniel, who was always mistaken for a gangster was finally fed up with it. As he was fixing the locks of Farhad's store, Farhad calls Get more content on
  • 6. The Movie Crash Essay After seeing the movie "Crash" which was directed by Paul Haggis I seemed to have viewed life a little differently. I honestly felt like this movie exposed me to different kinds of social and multicultural situations I could possibly ever think of. The movie gave me many examples of how these events could affect our society in general. As I closely observed the movie I noticed the different behaviors it contained one of them that stood out to me the most was prejudice. I personally view prejudice as a general thought that almost everyone has had at least once in his or her life. Within the first thirty minutes of the movie I observed a Muslim man inside of gun store trying to purchase a gun. The main owner of the store was a Caucasian man; more content... I was truly amazed of how he gathered up all the bad treatment he received from both Sandra and the Persian guy and turned his energy into something good. It really amazed me how he managed to stay humbled and mentally strong and not let the preconceived notions about him in regards to his specific race affect him as a character. His character totally shattered the idea of a middle–aged man who is blue–collar worker who is always involved around gangs and gang related activities. The truth is that I was really amazed to see that he actually had a both a wife and young daughter who he was caring Get more content on
  • 7. Bias In The Movie Crash In 2004 Paul Haggis directed the film Crash, a movie fundamentally about the effects of prejudice and bias on a group of Los Angeles natives including cops, robbers, and immigrants whose lives "crash" into one another's. With the help of strong acting and an amazing storyline Crash won three Academy Awards and did it while carrying a message not so easily identified. The characters Anthony (Ludacris) Peter (Larenz Tate) Officer Ryan (Matt Dillon) and their depictions of explicit bias are so well done that the impact of implicit bias in the screenplay is almost missed. Be advised, before watching Crash, the speed of the action might leave one without a chance to truly sort out what is happening; or even fail to enjoy the ride. This seems to be the experience of one film critic Ray Wong, in his review for Rave Reviews. His lamentations, "Do we have to be reminded every minute about the racial differences, misunderstanding and injustice" coupled with the mention of his suspension of disbelief not holding, could lead one to the opinion that he might have fallen prey to his own biases. He credits the actors for saving the film, complaining "Oh, come on! This is a more content... As Roger Ebert, critic for states, "we understand why he explodes at the HMO worker (whose race is only an excuse for his anger). He victimizes others by exercising his power, and is impotent when it comes to helping his father." Later, we witness as Ryan struggles to rescue a victim trapped in an SUV, his eyes lock with his victim from the night before. The scene requires the active empathy from the audience, but the visible emotions of Ryan go from shock, to fear, to remorse, and finally determination as he begs to save her and does so with the same compassion he showed his father; at this point, we see hope for Ryan Get more content on
  • 8. Stereotyping is a major issue in the world today, however, mostly in the United States. It is known as fixed impressions, exaggerated or preconceived ideas about particular social groups, usually based solely on physical appearance (The New York Company). Crash is a great example because it shows others stereotyping individuals in many ways. According to Schingel, it is the perfect analogy of how we as a human race deal with life, people and our own experiences. The movie, released in 2005, shows each character's point of view, rather it be from an African–American, Caucasian, or a Latino. It follows each character throughout the movie to show how they live their daily lives. Crash is known for more content... There was another example with the Mexican locksmith that had stereotyping involved. For example, the Persian store owner was frightened that the Mexican was trying to rip him off, however just like Bullock's assumption, he was incorrect. The locksmith was actually trying to tell him some important information, but he did not pay attention. For not listening, his store was broken into and he lost a large amount of money. They could not get past his race to actually get to know him and to realize that he was right. It is as if they do not recognize the other cultures going on around them. According to Schingel, judgments are so easy to make. Each one is judged by their own categories. Instead of looking past their race, individuals' criticise each other and most of the time, they are completely wrong. For example, Cameron, an actor and a Buddhist, was pulled over for "driving while black". Instead of the white LAPD letting him go, Cameron had to get out of the car and take a drinking test, even though he had not been drinking. He apologizes to the LAPD while the officer is feeling all over his wife. Christine, CameronпїЅs wife, gets very upset with Cameron because she claims that the officer took his dignity away. When it comes to race, it seems as if black individuals have to act like whites to get the same privileges. If he wanted to be successful, he needed to act like a white man. With that came two major Get more content on
  • 9. The Movie Crash SLWK 3220: Crash – A Critical Analysis Melissa Munro–Bernard Dalhousie University The 2004 film, Crash, offers a unique commentary on racism in American society. In this film, racism does not have clear–cut victims and offenders; rather, the racially oppressed are also shown – in different contexts and situations – to themselves be perpetrators of discrimination and racially motivated biases and beliefs. This paper will highlight some of the taken–for–granted assumptions, biases and beliefs presented in this movie; use examples from the movie to demonstrate how a situation can be framed from multiple perspectives; and finally, consider the presentation of racism in this movie as situation in a broader socio–political framework. more content... No characters are villainized for their beliefs; rather, just enough backstory is given to 'explain away' or rationalize their discriminatory actions. The message seems to be that everyone is 'a little bit racist,' which is no doubt comforting for some (particularly white people, who are less inclined to confront their own privilege and oppressive beliefs). Moreover, Crash focuses its social commentary almost exclusively on racism at the personal level (such as the individualistic experiences and roots of characters' prejudiced attitudes) but does not delve into the entrenched historical and societal inequalities of that racism. Likewise, the move does little to challenge predominant notions of white privilege and the privileges and benefits that accrue from systemic Get more content on
  • 10. The Movie Crash Essay Writer–director Paul Haggis Movie "Crash" written in 2004, tells an interconnecting story of what Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Iranians, cops and criminals. Regardless of their Social Economic Academic or Political background, they are all defined in one way or another by racism. Crash represents the modern condition as a violent bumper car ride (Variety) which connects stories based on coincidences serendipity, and luck as the lives of the characters crash against one another. The movie presumes that most people feel prejudice and resentment against members of another group. Crash has a world pool of all–star actors and actress, who are all from different ethnic minorities, however they are all prejudiced in some way. Haggis tries to more content... "The character is wordy and didactic, yes, but not the film. He is also – as he proves when he and his partner carjack a young District Attorney (Brendan Fraser) and his wife (Sandra Bullock) – everything he despises white people for suspecting he is." (Empire) Along his side is his friend Peter Waters who is played by Larenz Tate, they together begin to steal cars to make a living. Anthony is the dominant one of the two, since he is older. The film Crash fits into the categories of Drama, Indie, and Crime. Crash relates to the categories by including all the characters emotion and how they are individual lives are impacted. How crime is related in the film is by the carjacking, sexual assaults and as well as the shooting of Mr. Pena's daughter. The film is not part of a classic. Crash is based on a real life experienced instead of a true story, "It originated in a dream that I had. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about these two guys who 10 years before had jacked my car. I was really curious about who these two kids were." (HUFFPOST) The film is unique to its categories, because it covers so many different story lines, and it forcers the viewer to look deep inside themselves and choose which side they would be on. The viewer can be in this situation at any given time, and it would be up to the viewers to say would I do this or would I act in a unique way to change my life and someone else Get more content on
  • 11. Movie Analysis : ' Crash ' Paul Haggis directed an Oscar winning film in 2004 called "Crash", this movie basically talks about racism and the impact it has on the lives of people in Los Angeles. This movie got a good response from the viewers, as it concentrated on some real harsh realities of racism and asked some hard questions which are generally avoided in movies. This movie clearly promotes the a very delicate issue, and hence requires some detailed assessment. I personally feel the movie was good and it portrayed some very common events of racism, I think "Crash" shows realities, but in a not–so–realistic way. We do not see any detailed back story to any of the characters, but we know just enough about them as the director wants us to know. They are a variety of races show in this movie; African Americans, Hispanics, a Persian family, and Asians. Every switch of a scene is done to intersect the story of the previous scene with the next one, for example we are introduced to the Cabot family when two black men steal their car. Similarly, the Persian family, who clearly is struggling to make in living as immigrants, hires the Hispanic locksmith. These are some of the lead characters of this movie who are knotted together. This technique actually keeps the viewers engaged and captivated. All the main white characters in "Crash" are shown to be socially and economically stable, meanwhile many, minorities characters are shown to have some kind of financial struggle going on. Jean and Rick Cabot, Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On The Movie Crash Serendipitous Realizations Director Paul Haggis touches upon many sensitive topics in his movie Crash. He weaves a somewhat complicated plot intertwining the stories of several characters who deal with many of the same issues we put up with on a daily basis. From racial profiling and biases to cultural barriers and prejudices, Mr. Haggis spins a compelling, yet heartbreaking story of how some of these very issues bring about epiphanies in the lives of multiple characters. Police officer John Ryan deals with a lot of stress in his life. Stress that comes from his many years on the police force in addition to the stress he is under at home caring for his ill and aging father. All of this tension, coupled with the experiences he has had on the job, has turned Officer Ryan into a jaded cynic. He comprehends this about himself which he shows in a comment to his partner, Officer Tom Hanson, when he tells him, "Wait til you've been on the job a few years. You think you know who you are? You have no idea." During a traffic stop Ryan allows his prejudices to overtake his sound judgment and he molests the black woman from the car he has pulled over. He gets a wake–up call in regards to his behavior later in the film when he arrives on the scene of an accident and more content... He spends a majority of the film spouting off comments about how mistreated black people are. He does not bother to actually pay attention to what is being said or done around him, preferring to paint everyone else black with the same racist brush. He often sees bias where there is none. He narrowly misses being caught up in a shoot out with police and as a result of that incident, he becomes enlightened to the fact that things are not always as they seem to him. After his epiphany, Anthony later shows us that he has grown as an individual when he comes across a van full of Asians who were victims of human trafficking and sets them Get more content on
  • 13. The Movie Crash Essay Paul Haggis creator of the film, Crash, creatively weaves racism into the everyday lives of average American citizens. The people portrayed in the film experience inequality and racial prejudice at every turn. Whether they are the person being racist or the person being discriminated against all the characters have a unique role to play. In the film, a wealthy, educated woman by the name of Jean Cabot, has problems trust and humanity issues with people of different races. In the film, she discriminates against people because of who she believes they are affiliated with and people who do not share the same social status as she does. First, Mrs. Cabot's story begins with her and her husband, Rick, are enjoying an evening stroll. As they walk through the city two young black men, Anthony and Peter, are walking down the same street. Mrs. Cabot notices the two black men and instinctively grabs Rick's arm for safety. Anthony takes it as a racial gesture, and him and his friend draw handguns and instruct Mr. and Mrs. Cabot to hand the car keys to them. Anthony and Peter take the Cabot's vehicle and off into the night they go. At this point in the story, Mrs. Cabot has a more content... Cabot comes home to find the police at her aid. In addition, a locksmith, named Daniel, is changing the locks as an extra precaution. She then noticed that Daniel is Hispanic and views him as a gang member. She quickly demands that the locks be changed again the next day. She claims that he will copy the set of keys and sell it to his friends who will later vandalize their home. As a result of her outburst her husband insists that she calm down and try to get some sleep. The locksmith finishes up and having overheard her comments purposely lays two sets of keys on the counter for her to see. In this scene, she is speaking out of fear, and from past experience. However, she needs to take into consideration that Daniel is human and is only trying to do his Get more content on
  • 14. Reflection On The Movie Crash The film Crash challenged my understanding of race because the movie showed me that no matter where you go or what you are doing people can be judging you just because of your race. People will cause you harm just because you are not the same as them and are considered the minority. Crash taught me that people will judge one another by stereotypes they heard or have in mind about a specific race. They did not try to get to know the person, yet they acted like they knew a lot because of race stereotypes. One scene in the movie that showed this is when Jean stereotyped Daniel by saying he is a gang member just because he was Hispanic with tattoos and baggy pants. Jean did not know that Daniel is a family guy and provides for his wife and daughter. Get more content on
  • 15. The Movie Crash The movie crash is a phenomenal movie, which reflects our society in an uncomfortable way. Although, we have come a long way from the era of slave trade and open racism, we are not where we want to be yet, with regards to these issues, but we have made huge progress. The movie reflects a number of silent issues plaguing our society, such as mistrust, stereotyping, profiling, racism, and clash of cultures. The plot of this movie causes us to reflect deeply about our societal and personal values, it raises questions of if we are guilty of the same, and if we are doing enough to address these issues. In a brief review, Goyette (2011) of Boston colleges reported that the movie promotes racial awareness, thrusts race under the magnifying glass more content... In Los Angeles, CA, there is a great representation of this cultural diversity as shown in the movie. Working in this culturally diverse community, which has been described by Price (2011) as the most culturally diverse county in the United States, comprising of approximately 4.7 million Hispanic residents, about 1.4 million Asian residents, and about 146, 000 Native American residents, which is higher than any other parts of the country will definitely prove to be interesting. However, I must make the conscious effort to not treat people; patients and colleagues alike with any form of bias as a result of their race or ethnic Get more content on
  • 16. Crash Reflection Racism Reflection The movie I chose for this assignment was the Hollywood film Crash. I really enjoyed watching this movie even though I have watched it previously before. Crash is the type of movie where you need to watch it more than once to understand the real meaning it is trying to portray about racism. There are many acts of racism that is being shown in this movie in different ways through the many characters revealed. In this movie I found there to be a lot of themes that took place, however the top three I felt was most important were stereotypes, oppression, and prejudice. Stereotype is defined as the popular belief about a specific type of individual. In the movie there was a scene with the locksmith was fixing Jean's more content... When I look back on it now I can see that although I never exactly went through any racist situations face to face, my whole like in fact was being judged based on my class. I did not realize this until after I watched the movie crash and we had the discussion of racism in our tutorial class. In a way it is really sad to have to think about how everyone probably only accepted me at first because they knew I was like them. I think the most hurtful and eye opening scene for me was near the end of the movie when the young officer Tom Hansen was giving the black man a drive up the street when all of a sudden he thought he was reaching into his pocket to shoot him and he shot him first. This scene made me cry a lot and I felt very disturbed after watching it. I think I felt this way mostly because throughout the whole movie they perceived this officer as one of the good people until this very last scene where he kills an innocent man. At this point of the movie, this is where I lost hope because he was one of the only people who had good morals and was doing his best to be a good person and then all of a sudden it changes. Reality hits you and everyone changes to someone else. I would not recommend this movie to a grade 8 class because I know that after they watch this movie they will not get the true meaning behind what it is trying to show people. I myself did not understand the movie the first Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On The Movie Crash The movie we saw was Crash. Ms H I have to tell you this I could've wrote a huge essay on how I enjoyed that movie. From that time the movie has taught and it hit me to when watching. We always need to watch our backs because the society we live in. It showed about racism. I have a real story for you Ms.H what just happened 2 months ago. My parents just went to Ohio; they went to my cousin's house. My Dad is an open soul happy guy who likes to talk to everyone. He went out to say Hi to the neighbors and my cousin's neighbors told him "No I wont say hi to you" and walked in his home and shut his door. Just because my dad had a turban. They never had seen a turban guy before down their, plus its all what the media shows especially in more content... And would come back to rob them again. It hurts my heart what would the person be feeling the victim here if this were a real story what a shame. This fits perfect because both of them are judging a group of people. In every race we have bad apples and good apples. If some bad apples mess up the reputation doesn't mean the whole race is bad. Stereotyping is a huge problem in the USA. Judging group just by the way they look like. It affects alot in communication. Example if I see a Hispanic guy outside someone might say "Oh he's a construction worker" but really he might be a lawyer, doctor etc. Stereotyping happened to me to, this was when I was a senior. A nova staff member was at my high school and his computer broke and I had to go meet him to fill out my application. When I entered the room he goes like to me "Oh finally you're here to fix my computer!" I just look at him and say no. Then he made up an excuse, which I still laugh at today, I was wearing a red shirt and the Nova guy tells me "The school employees told me the person who will fix my computer will be wearing a red shirt". I just walked away 2min later the actual computer guy came in wearing our school logo blue shirt. Plus I'm Indian and he everyone knows mostly all Indian are computer people that might've been another point for him. Like in the begging of the film when the Iran Family was trying to buy a gun you can see Get more content on
  • 18. Crash Essay Stage 2 English Communications: Crash Film Study "In the end, everyone is flawed, the racism is inescapable, and the audience feels a twinge of empathy for just about everyone." Who did you feel most empathy for in this film and why? Support your comments with close reference to the characters, incidents and filmic treatment in your answer. The film, Crash, exemplifies fear as a motivator for human behavior and displays that innately everyone is flawed. Our identities are determined by the choices we make and our reactions to others, regardless of class, ethnicity, culture or language. Through the use of an ironic script, symbolism and effective cinematography, Director, Paul Haggis, encourages us to empathize with characters more content... As Daniel explains the situation to Farhad, he is the subject of abuse as a consequence of Farhad's poor English skills and his own form of racism. Exceedingly frustrated, Daniel throws the account in a rubbish bin and leaves. Again this displays how Daniel cannot help Farhad, with his door or symbolically his aggravation. Rather than retaliating, Daniel avoids confrontation and walks out. Farhad's intent is made clear later when, after being burgled, he searches through the dumpster before the camera focuses on Daniel's address on the account. A new scene opens with a slow–motion shot of Daniel's van pulling into his driveway in the side–mirror of Farhad's car, suggesting Farhad's pre–meditated revenge. As Farhad alights from his car the shot frames Farhad's gun, as Daniel unpacks his van in the background. This shot is juxtaposed by Lara inside, watching her dad out the window beside their Christmas tree and nativity scene; a further indication of the religious and wholesome nature of the family. The pace of the film slows as Lara dashes from the house screaming "He doesn't have it!" meaning his 'cloak of invincibility'. Just as Lara jumps into his arms, Farhad shoots and the camera cuts to Daniel's distraught face. Later it is revealed she is unharmed as Farhad's own daughter has loaded the gun with blanks. Yet again, instead of abusing Farhad, Daniel simply turns and takes his daughter and distraught wife inside, closing the door and ending the Get more content on
  • 19. Essay about Film Analysis: Crash Over the span of the two days shown in the dramatic film, Crash, we are introduced to several contrasting characters in Los Angeles with differing storylines: Two African –American criminals who possess many theories about the effects race and social class have on their community. A Persian immigrant, who speaks limited English, and his intelligent, Americanized daughter. A privileged white–collar criminal lawyer and his spoiled wife. A pair of Caucasian policemen, a young optimist and his bigoted partner who returns home every night to tend to his ill father. A black Hollywood director who's wife believes her husband is ashamed of his race. A Latino locksmith, preoccupied with protecting his young daughter from their crime– more content... This uninterrupted progression builds tension – with the lack of editing, the shot is as close to "real time" as possible. For the majority of the scene, there is no music playing and no ambient noise, emphasizing Jean's voice (which crescendos as the shot progresses, adding suspense). Her friend tells Jean that she is busy and will call her back later, so Jean hangs up the phone. Jean then walks towards the staircase, and we hear a trembling groan as she slips on the stairs' top step. We then only hear the sound of her tumbling and the phone crashing to the floor. The camera zooms to a close up of the phone rocking back and forth, creaking on the hardwood, until it stops and there is silence – leaving us wondering what has happened to Jean. The scene cuts to Jean crumpled at the bottom of the stairs, barely moving and moaning in pain. This shot is taken from a high angle, at the top of the stairs, displaying just how low Joan has fallen – literally and figuratively. Her bigotry and selfishness leaves her physically injured and emotionally exposed. Haggis is extremely successful in evoking his message through a riveting story. Most people are not aware that racism can exist in several forms – curt retorts, distancing movements, hate crimes, etc. He connects seven distinct plots, all dealing with different levels and types of racism to convey that everyone holds is innately flawed. Get more content on