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Literature in Life Essay
Literature in Life
Literature is the expressed influence of communities and the individuals in societies. Literature spans
culture, beliefs, and attributes the necessary component for corroborating how literature reflects, and
portrays communities. The language from literature helps gives culture explanation of live in
different society. Literature that is defined by the culture aspect, gives details about such fascinating
and affluent information or context. Certain works, and words used in literature can help the reader
understand and describe the sense of the community being read in the story. In addition, it is not
uncommon for people to write about an imaginary community that is based from their own
community. more content...
Another example of how a community can affect an author's writing is illustrated in William
Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" (DiYanni, 2007, p. 79–84). The story takes place in the South after
the Civil War. Faulkner's writing is extremely eloquent and deliberate. The time period also comes
out through the language in his writing referring to African–Americans as Negros and to
Northerners as Yankees. It soon becomes obvious that Faulkner must have been raised in the same
time and place this story takes place. Communities do not only affect the language of the author but
they also can provide the community of the author's work. Some communities act like an extended
family and an author may want to show that aspect. Sometimes an author may wish to write about a
close–knit community that knows everyone else's business. Often a writer will write about their
community, illustrating certain cultural aspects that they hold dear. All of these can be examples of
the writer's community coming to life in their own stories. In "A Rose for Emily," (DiYanni, 2007,
p. 79–84) Faulkner shows us a community that is very involved with each other. They are constantly
talking about what Miss Emily does, what she says, and whom she sees. The author speaks for the
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The Importance Of English Literature
English Literature is what has allowed us humans to communicate properly and display our
intended actions while talking, but on paper with a wider vocabulary and symbols that represent
pauses, questions, or showing passed tense or ownership properly when writing. I particularly
dislike literature as a subject in school, but I know that it is completely necessary, and for that I
have a respect for it as a core class. Without it, not only would I not be able to communicate
correctly, but I also would not be able to understand other people 's writing either. Literature in
general is important to everyone else in the human species as well. Without it, it would be like the
tower of babel from the bible everywhere all the time. In fact, more content...
This affects my life because my father is a very strong christian, to the point where he carries an
eight foot tall, almost 200 pound wood cross that he built, down the streets of inner Kansas City,
even around prospect and other areas at night. He bases everything in his life on the stories and
morals of the bible. Because of all that's in that book, it impacts my life more than probably
anything. I'm a science wiz, especially when it comes to animals because I study reptiles and
amphibians (herpetology), so we argue a lot because he believes the world is only six thousand
years old and has some explanation for everything, no matter how much it sounds like nonsense.
He also doesn't believe in evolution. He doesn 't even believe in dinosaurs; he thinks they are just
hybrids made from Nephilim, which are angels or demons that roamed the earth and then those
Nephilim mated with animals. According to my dad, that hybrid would've mated with other
hybrids with identical DNA (however that happened) and then they created a full new species. We
debate all the time about everything. I won't give all my rebuttals in this essay because he isn't
here to give his own rebuttal. He sounds crazy to most people, but the truth is, he just studies the
bible and practices its morals and believes everything in it. He also follows a lot of christian
scientists that I just think are kinda nuts like Ken Hamm and Kent Hovind. But all this would be
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Essay on 20th Century English Literature
May 3, 2011
British Literature II Defining Literary Techniques of 20th Century English Literature During the
20th Century, much advancement and change occurred throughout English Literature. All of the
works we studied from this period were heavily influenced by current events in the world. The
writers all examined the world around them and tried to express it through their writings. The three
things that weave a common thread throughout all 20th Century English Literature are global
warfare, radical artistic experimentation, and the effects of colonial expansion. The first point of
global warfare is an easily identifiable and widespread one. All of the poetry we examined was
centered around warfare and the effects of it more content...
It also uses magical realism as another form of artistic experimentation. In "The Moment Before
the Gun Went Off," the author Nadine Gordimer caught some flak for experimenting in her
literature by writing it about racism rather than focusing on the more feminist issues of the day,
as were the norm. She also wrote this story from several viewpoints, wanting to enable the reader
to understand the full scope of apartheid. One more literary experiment she incorporated was
foreshadowing the twist ending subtly throughout the entire story. Radical literary
experimentation was a big part of 20th Century English Literature. Lastly, the colonial expansion
theme is perhaps the easiest and broadest similarity to pick up on. Each story we studied is set in
and has the culture of a foreign land. Usually this land was one from England's massive colonial
empire, but not always. Take "The Day They Burned the Books" by Jean Rhys for example. This
story being set in the Caribbean clearly shows a foreign setting. They way the natives rebel in the
story also brings out the oppressive nature of colonialism and how they struggled against it. "Walker
Brother's Cowboy" by Alice Munro is set in depression era Canada and shows how the people
struggled with the effects of colonialism even during the Great Depression. The third defining feature
is possibly the greatest one of 20th Century English Literature. In conclusion, the
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Contribution Of Literature In English Literature
Indian literature in English originated as a necessary result of the introduction of English education
in India under colonial law. In recent years it –Dhavan R.K. opines–
It is now recognized has attracted widespread interest, both in India and abroad.1 (Dhavan: 1986, 5)
Indian literature in English is not only part of Commonwealth literature, but also occupies a Great
significance in the World literature.2 (Dhavan: 1986, 5)
Today, a number of Indian English writers have contributed significantly to modern English
literature. Ram Mohan Roy who heralded the Indian Renaissance and Macaulay who suggested
English language education in India were probably aware of what was in amass for the Indians in
terms of literary consciousness. Today it Mongia Sunanda says:
Has won for itself international acclaim and distinction.3 (Mongia Sunanda: 1997, 213)
Today,fiction being the most powerful form of literary expression, has acquired a impressive
position in Indian literature in English. It is generally believed that the novel is the most appropriate
literary more content...
The expected impact of the Gandhian movement on Indian English literature was the sudden
blossoming of realistic novels during the 1930s. Novelists turned their attention away from the past
to focus on contemporary issues. In their novels existing social and political problems that Indians
found themselves in were given importance. The nation–wide movement of Gandhi not only
stimulated Indian English novelists but also provided them with some of their high–flying themes,
such as the struggle for freedom, the East–West encounter, the communal problem and the miserable
condition of the marginalized, the landless poor, the downtrodden, the economically exploited and the
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Reflective Essay on English Literature Module
Reflective Essay It is amazing that my journey as an English: Literature major has almost come
to a close so quickly. My path has been a smooth and enjoyable one, and it is with great sadness
that I begin to gather up the ends of my literary education. I know that I will continue to grow and
develop as a critical reader/thinker throughout my lifetime, but I will sorrowfully miss the
educational structure that has shaped my literary understanding for the last three years. I consider
my greatest strengths as a literature major to be my insightfulness and creative slant with which I
approach a piece of work. I have a love for all genres of literature and enthusiastically grasp the text
with an eagerness to understand it and more content...
By dissecting the lines and passages, I have been able to pick up on details and subtleties that
have brought the focus and message of the works into finer focus. Paying close attention to detail
lends itself to the meticulous, sophisticated readings that I have presented. I possess the ability to
make informed judgments about the political and cultural significance of the literary works on
which I have focused. In the Boland essay, I have shown how a woman poet has struggled against
the cannon to prove that women are also writers of poetry, not just the subject of it. Looking at
the way women are portrayed in Boland's work shows how they have a passive, domestic role in
Irish life from which they are struggling to break free. My essay on Mansfield's piece shows that I
understand she was making a comment on the suppression of women's feelings and sexual desires.
In a time period of which things like this were not spoken, Mansfield took the first step in leading
women toward emotional sovereignty. All of this also ties into my understanding of the roles of
genre, gender, class, and culture in the work's production. Criticism came highly to both Boland's
and Mansfield's work because they deal with the liberation of women. Although Boland is definitely
more contemporary than Mansfield, both know the struggles associated with anything considered to
contain "feminist" undertones. I believe that both of
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Essay on Why Read Literature?
Nothing teaches us better than literature to see, in ethnic and cultural differences, the richness of the
human patrimony, and to prize those differences as manifestation humanity's multi–faceted
creativity. Reading good literature is an experience of pleasure, of course; but it is also an
experience of learning what and how we are, on our human integrity and our human imperfection,
with our actions, our dreams, and our ghosts, alone and in a relationship that link us to others, in our
public image and in the secret recesses of our consciousness.
The bond that literature establishes among human beings compels them to enter into dialogue. The
bond also makes them conscious of more content...
Without reading and untouched by literature will resemble a community of mutes and those of
lost expressions afflicted tremendous problems of communication due to its crude and rude
language. This is true for individuals, too. A person who does not read, or reads little, or reads
only trash, is a person who speaks much but he/she will say little words such as curse words,
because his/her vocabulary is lacking in the means for self–expression.
Reading Literature is not only a verbal expression, but also represents a limitation on intellect and
in imagination. It is a poverty of thought, for the simple reason to grasp our knowledge and ask
what is the importance of life? We learn how to speak correctly––and deeply and subtly–– from
good literature and only from good literature. No other discipline or branch of the arts can
substitute for literature in crafting the language that people need to communicate. To speak well,
to have at one's disposal a rich and diverse language, to be able to find appropriate expression for
every idea and every emotion that we want to communicate, is to be better prepared to think, to
teach, to learn, to converse, and also to fantasize, to dream, to feel. In a secret way, words repeat in
all our action, even
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Everyone has something that stirs their passion. Something that sparks an interest so deep seated
that to not pursue it would be unthinkable. Some find their in numbers, some in athletics, others
may find love for science or design but I found mine in English Literature. The intricate of the
language itself and a writer's ability to create powerful emotions in an individual have long been
enthralled me. I am amazed at how the words of one can influence thousands. I found my love and
passion for English Literature at a very young age. Therefore I feel nothing but pure excitement at the
prospect of studying English at university level.
As a stepping stone, I weigh every genre equally but I have a lean towards Prose and Novels. From more content...
The question of what a text says, does, means entraps me. I love researching authors such as Dan
Brown and also critically analyse his text and differentiate between facts and fiction. Also a writer
such as Michael Ondaatje writing about world war gives a very large area to critically read these
books and find historical fact about them.
With my love for Literature comes my love for performing. As a prominent presenter and debater
of my college, I was chosen for many competitions. These participations were very valuable and
earned me a lot of experience. As I have stark leadership skills, presentations and competitions such
as MUN's were ensued.
As I mentioned my love for literature was build up at a young age and this was possible with the
help of a young and enthusiastic teacher, Mrs Rekha, who made me fall in love with Julius Cesar
and hence chose me to enact the role of Calpurnice. I have loved every minute of my work, thus
this opened many doors of opportunities. Soon, as I grew up, I realized that although I enjoy
working with my professors, I am not going to be satisfied with carrying out routine procedure
under the directions of others. I wanted to be the part of the team that directs the course of many
projects. Hence my seniors and classmates encouraged my ambitions and felt that I have the
potential for graduate
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Renaissance: Impact on English Literature
Renaissance: Impact on English Literature
. "Renaissance" is a French word which means rebirth, reawakening or revival. In literature the term
"Renaissance" is used to denote the revival of ancient classical literature and culture and
re–awakening of human mind, after the long sleep in the Medieval Ages, to the glory, wonders and
beauty of man's earthly life and nature. The great literary movement, Renaissance began in Italy with
the fall of Constantinople in 1453. But its influence was not felt in England till the last years of the
fifteenth century when the English scholars who visited Italy at the time came back to England
nourished on the Renaissance humanism. The Renaissance, however, had its full blossoming in the more content...
He is rightly called the child of the renaissance. He often borrowed from classical writer such as
Aristotle, Plato, Virgil, and others. The Shepherd's Calendar is modeled on the artificial pastoral
popularized by the Renaissance and inspired by Virgil and Theocritus. In this poem he sets himself
to rescue English poetry from the "rascally rhymes" into whose hands it had fallen and to reform it
in its kind, metre and action. In his plan and conduct of The Faerie Queene he follows the
classical model of a heroic poem and takes a lot from the classical writers. Sir Guyon'sVoyage to
the Bower of Bliss is baded upon a similar voyage in Homer's Odyssey. Spenser also shared in the
rich sensuous life the Renaissance had thrown open to men. His poems,The Faerie Queene in
particular offer us a rich feast for our sense. Similarly, the Renaissance exercised a great influence
on the Metaphysical Poetry. Metaphysical poetry is predominantly intellectual and analytical. In it
an emotion or feeling is expressed through the working of the intellect. The poets who wrote
successfully in the metaphysical style were all intellectual. Donne, the leader of the metaphysical's,
for instance, links up a wider range of ideas. In Metaphysical poetry emotions are shaped and
expressed by logical reasoning, and both sound and picture are subservient to this end. Words
dedicated to poetry are eschewed because these words are charged with accumulated emotion. Like
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Essay On Importance Of Literature
The importance of literature on today's society
In a rapidly developing world, the definition of literature goes beyond what the readers see and
perceive. It provides a platform for us to open our minds to ambiguities of meaning, while exploring
what the world really has to offer through other cultures and beliefs. Most importantly, literature has
taught me to support my own point of view and trust my instincts and interpretations. The
boundaries of literature are endless and holds no limit to race, religion, culture, and sexuality. With
an infinite amount of advantages, I believe literature is an integral component of our everyday lives
as it redefines text beyond the literal meaning, thus allowing us to connect with human emotions and
surpassing self–defining barriers.
As an avid reader and enthusiastic writer, I have grown to learn that interpretation goes far beyond
literal terms. The article "Why Study Literature", emphasizes the importance of literature in our
education system and everyday life. Michael Meyer's states that "[w]hile people will say what they
mean and mean what they say, [...] language in our world is [...] maddeningly and delightfully
ambiguous" ("Why Literature" 1). Literature acts as a medium of developing critical thinking skills,
leading to independent learners and readers. If we limit a reader's interpretation of text, it restricts
creativity and the idea of being open to multiple analyses. An example of when this technique was
applied was in my
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Essay On Indian English Literature
Introduction to Indian writing in English, inclusive of fiction: Indian English Literature is defined as
the contribution of Indian writers to the Literature in English. With the consolidation of the British
power in India, English, the language of rulers also began to exercise its influence on the
intellectuals of the country. To the educated people, English language is a gateway to western
knowledge. English provided a window for the Indian intellectuals to have a look at the wide world.
Indian English Literature is a literature which is a combination of Indian literature and Indian
literature written in English. Indian writings in English are a product of the historical encounter
between the two cultures – Indian and the western– more content...
The first book with a title Travels of Dean Mahornet was written in English by Sake Dean Mahomet.
It was published in 1793 in England. After publication of this book the English Parliament felt to
rectify and equalize some of the materialistic of the East India Com servants. The England
Parliament had approved the Charter Act. It made England responsible for the educational
betterment of the natives. The English Education Act was prompted by Thomas Babington
Macaulay's ill–famed "minute" on Indian education. It made English the medium of Indian
education system and English literature a disciplinary subject in Indian educational institutions.
Indian English Literature has matured from a sapling to a firmly rooted tree that blooms with its
entirety still awaiting its yet–to–come metamorphosis. Indians took countless events and spotlight
notable personalities to bring Indian writing in English to its contemporary fame. Indian literature in
English and its transformation had happened in company with the consolidation of British
imperialism in India. The critics come to the agreement that Indian English literature dates back to at
least the early 19th century. In its early stages, the narration was influenced by the Western art form
of the "novel". Early Indian writers made English by Indian words to communicate an experience
and understanding which was fundamentally and in essence of Indian. In the beginning acceptance
of English language and literature by upper–class Indians. First, there were the educational reforms
called forth by both the Charter Act of 1813 and the 1835 English Education Act of William
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"Why should someone study British literature in their senior year of high school? Why would
anyone need another history course in their schedule?" These are the thoughts that had gone
through my head as I entered into English IV in September 2016. English, in the past, hadn't been
my favorite course. Analyzing poems, reading Shakespeare, and interpreting an author's style in a
novel are not activities I partake in during my free time, so doing them in class for grades was
quite the chore. That is until I traveled to London in November of 2016. On that trip, everything I
had learned about British literature, as well as England as a country, was placed into my life,
outside of the classroom. I saw the Sutton Hoo Treasures in the more content...
Doo 3
Schofield, when finished with Beowulf, showed the class the Sutton Hoo treasures. The Sutton
Hoo treasures are actual treasures that came from the Anglo–Saxon period. They include a helmet,
chalice, and silverware used during the era. I saw the Sutton Hoo treasures in the British
Museum on my trip to London. What I saw on my computer in class was sitting in a climate
controlled, glass case in front of me, the ship burial helmet. The people, places, and events I was
learning about in class were real; not just some stuff that was thrown into a textbook, but real people
Anglo–Saxons wore this helmet. The knowledge I had of the history behind the treasures enhanced
my experience viewing them in the museum, and inversely, viewing the treasures enhanced my
appreciation for the material learned in class because they proved to me that it was real. English
scholars consider the English Triumvirate to be William Shakespeare, John
Milton, and Geoffrey Chaucer. I had studied Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales before my
trip in great depth and was excited to see his burial place at Westminster Abbey. Chaucer interested
me as soon as I read his biographical information. He set out to write 120 tales, 2 for each
character, to tell on their pilgrimage to Canterbury. I read "The Nun Priest's Tale" and "The
Pardoner's Tale" which, to this day, are my favorite works of literature in the course. When I did
visit Westminster Abbey, it was surreal to see so many
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Defining Literature Essay
The definition of literature has been discussed and argued over time and there is no precise
answer to be given. Any reader or author can define literature as whatever they wish it to be
defined as. This is more of an opinion of how one views certain pieces of work or writings and
whether or not they feel that is actually literature or not. Literature is any type of creative writing
such as fiction or poetry, for example. Literature is also any form of body of written works of
language, which could be from the English era or even as far back as the Shakespearean or
Elizabethan era. It is also work from a specific period or culture defining key elements or somehow
relating to and/or expressing how it is exactly from that time. more content...
In her poem, "Dylan" in lines 4 and 5, she writes, "Her hair was a halo of warm light / and color
dripped off her tongue" (23). The reader can interpret just from those two lines the creativity and
imagination not only in that one poem, but also in all poetry. The description of hair being a halo
of warm light allows the reader to use his or her own imagination to perceive that image in
whichever way they would like. Creative writing can be determined by many other things not only
image or structure of how the poem is set into stanzas, but what is left up to the reader for
interpretation. Jewel writes in "Cautious" in lines 23–29, "an open vessel / whose function it was / to
be filled / until my consciousness / could return and / spit out / the bad seeds" (18). After reading
these lines the reader can be left with different feelings and emotions that vary from disgust or
simplicity. This is just another example of how poetry is creative writing. According to the
American Heritage Dictionary, literature is defined as being the body of written works of a
language, period, or culture. An author of any specific type of writing or works can include
certain details pertaining to language or other details, which allow the reader to develop a sensory
image of that specific period or culture. If the reader had no prior knowledge to the language,
period, or culture of the writing he or she would be reading, upon reading and analyzing
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Essay on Romanticism In Literature
Romanticism In Literature
Romanticism in literature, began around 1750 and lasted until 1870. Different from the classical
ways of Neoclassical
Age(1660–1798), it relied on imagination, idealization of nature and freedom of thought and
Two men who influenced the era with their writings were
William Wordsworth and SamuelTaylor Coleridge, both English poets of the time. Their edition of
"Lyrical Ballads';, stressed the importance of feeling and imagination. Thus in romantic
Literature the code was imagination over reason, emotion over logic, and finally intuition over
science. All of these new ways discouraged and didn't tolerate the more classic way of literature.
Other significant writers of more content...
References to this can be found in
"Ode to Evening'; by William Collins, and "Elegy Written in a
Country Churchyard'; by Thomas Gray.
With the freedom that Romanticism brought came the broadening of the writers horizons. The
Middle Ages became topic of many stories and settings. The nostalgia of more Gothic times put more
exotic ideas into the author's minds. The supernatural became a substantial part of the literature.
Outcomes of this new idea were "Lines Written a Few Miles Above
Tintern Abbey';, by Wordsworth, and "The Castle of Otranto';, written by Horace Walpole.
The world of the supernatural and exoticness was reinforced by two main things. One was pure
rebellion against the standards of the eighteenth–century rationalism, such as the structure of
neoclassical society. The second was the rediscovery of folk tales and ballads, particularly the ones
collected by Facob and Wilhelm Karl Grimm, also know as the Brothers Grimm.
These gave an inspiration to write many of the pieces of a supernatural nature for the writers of the
Romantic Age.
The Romantic Age started to lose it's glitter by the middle of the nineteenth–century. Literature
started to get serious again focusing on issues such as problems of religion and faith and politics of
the English democracy. Now instead of journeying to mythical places through the reading people
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The romance, as a literary creativity, is known to date back to the ancient Greeks – during the
second and third centuries – whose works were written in prose to describe how two lovers
overcome difficulties before they were eventually united. A similar experience was faced by the
knights of the Middle Ages and was immortalized by romances narrated in verse and distributed by
the troubadours throughout Western Europe about ten centuries later. And, in England, a group of
poets came to revive the spirit of the knights of those romances and dominated the literary scene in
the nineteenth century when they countered the rationality established by neoclassicism during the
era of the Enlightenment.
Objectives of the Research
This paper aims first to underscore the significance of the romance in the history of English
literature, second to highlight its influence on the later movement of Romanticism, and third to
delineate on what grounds were both deprecated.
Research Questions
–What is the contribution made by the romance to English literature?
–To what extent is Romanticism influential on literature?
–Who took to deprecate the romance and the romantic tendency in literature? more content...
Yet, more significantly, the principles of chivalry facilitated important changes in attitudes regarding
the value of women as Bromiley states in his Encyclopedia (1994; 272); for the first time in
European history, ladies became regarded with a transcendence of premeditated thought by chivalries
who conducted themselves graciously and bestowed upon ladies the utmost courtesy and
attentiveness. And as highlighted by James Sweeny in The Dictionary of the Middle Ages, 1983, a
chavalier was to echo shades of this attitude to all women, regardless of class, age or
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Essay On Oral Literature
Is the study or oral literature relevant in the contemporary world? Traditionally, literature in general
has played an important role in language and literary studies. Educators and curriculum developers
have usually focused on including a variety of oral and written texts in different levels of study.
However, as the world has continued to evolve, questions have emerged on the relevance of oral
literature studies in the contemporary world. There are arguments opposing the inclusion of oral
literature in English and other language studies across the board. In response to these arguments, it
is important to note that oral literature plays an important role in highlighting the history of people
from different cultures, as well as more content...
Focusing on the contemporary meanings of words alone provides a bare understanding of
language. However, when students begin the study of language from historical oral literary works,
the understanding is wholesome and more effective. In studying oral literature, students begin to
place words in specific contexts depending on how they are used. For example, reading a poem out
loud can reveal word meanings that could not have been derived otherwise. It creates an opportunity
for students to explore how different authors of oral literature use language as a form of expression.
From such understanding, educators begin to see positive results in how students express
themselves through speaking and writing. The study of oral literature in the modern society is all
the more important because of the poor language use being witnessed presently. Oral literature
authors offer a lot for the students to explore in terms of language use. Students can develop the very
important self expression skills from a study of oral literature. In this perspective, the importance of
oral literature studies cannot be emphasized enough. Though the times are changing, the role of oral
literature in society remains
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Reflection About Contemporary Literature
There are many concepts and new information that I learned from this course. The aspect that I
enjoyed the most about contemporary literature was the advantage of reading short stories over
novels. Short stories are more interesting to me because they tell so much in just a few pages. The
genre of contemporary literature was also captivating because of the realness and depth of the
characters. The themes of the stories also covered a great variety of subjects and themes and I found
that most of the stories were quite tragic. Contemporary literature ventured into different themes
such as love, sex, family, and gender roles. It was more open to the struggles or experiences that
real–life people might have. The settings of the stories more content...
She does try to be brave and chase after the robber that took her purse. She was cautious enough to
not keep any valuables in her purse, keep the money in her pocket and hide her passport in her
address book. After familiarizing myself with this genre of literature I learned many things. The first
was actually learning what time period contemporary literature encompassed and the difference
between modern and contemporary literature. I also learned how the characters play an important
part. Contemporary literature focuses more on the characters than on the plot. The characters have
to be well–defined, realistic, and well–developed. The themes of the stories also change according to
the time. I know that now I can identify a contemporary piece of literature and explain its
components. Finally, briefly describe (100 – 200 words) a story you found particularly interesting or
compelling. You can use any of the stories in your text or any of the other forms of media used in
class (recall that we listened to The Scarlet Ibis and watched 12 Angry Men, and read the articles
in the New York Times for example). "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver is one of the stories that I
found very engaging. I particularly liked this story because in a few pages it shows how the main
character grows and changes. At the beginning, the narrator was prejudiced against blind people. By
the end, the narrator experiences a
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Example Of Reflection In Literature
In the span of this course, I have learned a great deal about myself in terms of literature. This
course has enabled me to make many great strides in my writing by exemplifying the works of
authors and their literary devices. English 1102 has broadened my literary horizon by showing me
more elegant ways to express my opinion. I am remorseful towards the fact that I did not take the
class in person. Inversely, I have learned better ways to communicate towards the audience, through
the use of various literary elements in lieu of going on tangents. In regards to taking English 1102,
I feel as though I am on the precipitous of progress through the use of parallel structure and diction
as a way of getting my point across, as well as using poetic styles from famous authors such as
Charlotte Gilman to better express my thoughts and ideas. On the other hand, not being able to take
the class in person has disabled me in a sense of not being able to garner a better sense of grammar
and punctuation. Furthermore, through the assignments that I have completed, I have mastered the
use of consistency which spurred on a more fluid line of communication with the readers through the
use of efficiently utilizing parallel structure and diction, instead of jumping from topic to topic. The
need to spew all perspectives originates from my predisposition of compacting conflicting opinions
on one paper. Notably, employing parallel structure has brightened up my writing tremendously. For
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18th Century Literature Essay
18th Century Literature
The 18th century is a period of great literary works. The styles are different throughout the period,
but the unity of the work is still present.
Much of this period focused on public and general themes, until the Pre–
Romantic era when literary works began to focus upon personal expression. 18th century literature
can be broken down into three main parts: the Restoration, the Age of Pope, and Pre–Romantics.
The literature of the Restoration period covers a time span from
Charles's recovery of the throne to the years until the expulsion of James II in 1688 or until the death
of John Dryden in 1700. The literature of the
Restoration was characterized more content...
This literary time period also included works from John Dryden, who used elegance and cleverness
in his writings. This period ended about 1700, and enabled a new age of literature.
In literary history, the first half of the 18th century is known as the
Age of the Pope. In this age, the writers expressed views of the public and restrained from writing
personal topics or expressions. In the Age of the Pope or the Neoclassical Age, most of the literary
themes were of social, political, and moral life. The Rape of the Lock and Epigrams by Alexander
Pope, and "A
Modest Proposal" and Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift are some examples from the Age
of Pope or the Neoclassical age. Most of the literary works in this period used satirical styles to
express a concern in society. "Puffs, powders, patches, Bibles, billet–doux", from The
Rape of the Lock shows an example of pathos a satirical device used in this age of literature.
Jonathan Swift also uses satire in Gulliver's Travels to mock the Parliament, and in "Modest
Proposal" he writes about eating children as a solution to a socioeconomic problem. After the
writings, literature began to focus on private expressions rather than public thoughts and emotions.
The Age of Johnson or the Pre–romantic era was shown in various ways.
Characteristics of the age included ballads, a new taste for ruins, Gothic
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Language is important because it's one of the main ways to communicate and interact with other
people around us. It keeps us in contact with other people. English language is an example for the
importance of a language because it is the international language and has become the most important
language to people in many parts of the world. It is most widely used in communicating around the
world, Also it is spoken as the first language in many countries. English is playing a major role in
many sections like education, medicine, engineering and business. There are many reasons that
makes English is the most important language in the world.
The article lists four reasons why English is important the first reason is that more
Moreover the internet sites are in English and we can see the other languages sites gives options
to translate into English and a lot of information we will find are written in English. Another fact
is that it the writer thing is that it is the easiest language to learn and suggest that starting learning
English for one week and see the results. If we understand and communicate in English it will be
every easy for us while traveling and we can get help in English around the world. Many
companies and governmental companies hire people who are good readers and writers and can
speak English very well.
One of the most international languages is English. It is from the requirements from studying
abroad and the textbooks are almost in English. If a person wants to get PHD degree English is
important and helpful for them. The writer of the article wants to shed the lights on how to
improve English skills. 1) students should differentiate between textbooks languages and real
English language and focus on grammar and how to write without any mistake. The writer
compared between the use of English and Arabic language. 2) How to get fluent English language
speaker and explains the tips for it. We don't have to memorize each single word but only the
phrases and statements. Also read and write stories, articles and conversation. Moreover download
and listen to BBC, CNN, WEE and Euro news agencies to be familiar
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My Experience In Literature
I remember some of the first books I read as a child, before being introduced to the massive variety
of literature that can be found everywhere. I remember focusing on the images and drawings that the
illustrators made which brought these stories to life. I remember most significantly the author, Kevin
Henkes, and his different interpretations on dealing with solitude as a child. I remember relating to
the mice which he created within the stories. I remember imagining myself within the books, hoping
to join in on the endless adventures that the characters went on. I remember discovering my growing
interest in reading. I have never been someone who could get into a book without at first knowing
what I am jumping into. The idea of opening up a book, entering a world, not knowing what to
expect, always deterred me. But, fictional reading to me, has always brought to me a sense of
curiosity, for it pushes me to discover almost an entire new life through the eyes of another. All
throughout my childhood, my parents encouraged me to read as much as possible, where there
was never a time where we would not have a book checked out at the library near my house. We
would sit within the children's section of the library and just read. Whether reading Roald Dahl or
R.L. Stine, I was pulled into a whole nother world with each book that I read. It pushed me to
imagine what I now see as impossible and almost pushed me out of the reality which I was living in
at the time. I began my
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Essays On English Literature

  • 1. Literature in Life Essay Literature in Life Literature is the expressed influence of communities and the individuals in societies. Literature spans culture, beliefs, and attributes the necessary component for corroborating how literature reflects, and portrays communities. The language from literature helps gives culture explanation of live in different society. Literature that is defined by the culture aspect, gives details about such fascinating and affluent information or context. Certain works, and words used in literature can help the reader understand and describe the sense of the community being read in the story. In addition, it is not uncommon for people to write about an imaginary community that is based from their own community. more content... Another example of how a community can affect an author's writing is illustrated in William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" (DiYanni, 2007, p. 79–84). The story takes place in the South after the Civil War. Faulkner's writing is extremely eloquent and deliberate. The time period also comes out through the language in his writing referring to African–Americans as Negros and to Northerners as Yankees. It soon becomes obvious that Faulkner must have been raised in the same time and place this story takes place. Communities do not only affect the language of the author but they also can provide the community of the author's work. Some communities act like an extended family and an author may want to show that aspect. Sometimes an author may wish to write about a close–knit community that knows everyone else's business. Often a writer will write about their community, illustrating certain cultural aspects that they hold dear. All of these can be examples of the writer's community coming to life in their own stories. In "A Rose for Emily," (DiYanni, 2007, p. 79–84) Faulkner shows us a community that is very involved with each other. They are constantly talking about what Miss Emily does, what she says, and whom she sees. The author speaks for the Get more content on
  • 2. The Importance Of English Literature English Literature is what has allowed us humans to communicate properly and display our intended actions while talking, but on paper with a wider vocabulary and symbols that represent pauses, questions, or showing passed tense or ownership properly when writing. I particularly dislike literature as a subject in school, but I know that it is completely necessary, and for that I have a respect for it as a core class. Without it, not only would I not be able to communicate correctly, but I also would not be able to understand other people 's writing either. Literature in general is important to everyone else in the human species as well. Without it, it would be like the tower of babel from the bible everywhere all the time. In fact, more content... This affects my life because my father is a very strong christian, to the point where he carries an eight foot tall, almost 200 pound wood cross that he built, down the streets of inner Kansas City, even around prospect and other areas at night. He bases everything in his life on the stories and morals of the bible. Because of all that's in that book, it impacts my life more than probably anything. I'm a science wiz, especially when it comes to animals because I study reptiles and amphibians (herpetology), so we argue a lot because he believes the world is only six thousand years old and has some explanation for everything, no matter how much it sounds like nonsense. He also doesn't believe in evolution. He doesn 't even believe in dinosaurs; he thinks they are just hybrids made from Nephilim, which are angels or demons that roamed the earth and then those Nephilim mated with animals. According to my dad, that hybrid would've mated with other hybrids with identical DNA (however that happened) and then they created a full new species. We debate all the time about everything. I won't give all my rebuttals in this essay because he isn't here to give his own rebuttal. He sounds crazy to most people, but the truth is, he just studies the bible and practices its morals and believes everything in it. He also follows a lot of christian scientists that I just think are kinda nuts like Ken Hamm and Kent Hovind. But all this would be absent Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on 20th Century English Literature May 3, 2011 British Literature II Defining Literary Techniques of 20th Century English Literature During the 20th Century, much advancement and change occurred throughout English Literature. All of the works we studied from this period were heavily influenced by current events in the world. The writers all examined the world around them and tried to express it through their writings. The three things that weave a common thread throughout all 20th Century English Literature are global warfare, radical artistic experimentation, and the effects of colonial expansion. The first point of global warfare is an easily identifiable and widespread one. All of the poetry we examined was centered around warfare and the effects of it more content... It also uses magical realism as another form of artistic experimentation. In "The Moment Before the Gun Went Off," the author Nadine Gordimer caught some flak for experimenting in her literature by writing it about racism rather than focusing on the more feminist issues of the day, as were the norm. She also wrote this story from several viewpoints, wanting to enable the reader to understand the full scope of apartheid. One more literary experiment she incorporated was foreshadowing the twist ending subtly throughout the entire story. Radical literary experimentation was a big part of 20th Century English Literature. Lastly, the colonial expansion theme is perhaps the easiest and broadest similarity to pick up on. Each story we studied is set in and has the culture of a foreign land. Usually this land was one from England's massive colonial empire, but not always. Take "The Day They Burned the Books" by Jean Rhys for example. This story being set in the Caribbean clearly shows a foreign setting. They way the natives rebel in the story also brings out the oppressive nature of colonialism and how they struggled against it. "Walker Brother's Cowboy" by Alice Munro is set in depression era Canada and shows how the people struggled with the effects of colonialism even during the Great Depression. The third defining feature is possibly the greatest one of 20th Century English Literature. In conclusion, the Get more content on
  • 4. Contribution Of Literature In English Literature INTRODUCTION Indian literature in English originated as a necessary result of the introduction of English education in India under colonial law. In recent years it –Dhavan R.K. opines– It is now recognized has attracted widespread interest, both in India and abroad.1 (Dhavan: 1986, 5) Indian literature in English is not only part of Commonwealth literature, but also occupies a Great significance in the World literature.2 (Dhavan: 1986, 5) Today, a number of Indian English writers have contributed significantly to modern English literature. Ram Mohan Roy who heralded the Indian Renaissance and Macaulay who suggested English language education in India were probably aware of what was in amass for the Indians in terms of literary consciousness. Today it Mongia Sunanda says: Has won for itself international acclaim and distinction.3 (Mongia Sunanda: 1997, 213) Today,fiction being the most powerful form of literary expression, has acquired a impressive position in Indian literature in English. It is generally believed that the novel is the most appropriate literary more content... The expected impact of the Gandhian movement on Indian English literature was the sudden blossoming of realistic novels during the 1930s. Novelists turned their attention away from the past to focus on contemporary issues. In their novels existing social and political problems that Indians found themselves in were given importance. The nation–wide movement of Gandhi not only stimulated Indian English novelists but also provided them with some of their high–flying themes, such as the struggle for freedom, the East–West encounter, the communal problem and the miserable condition of the marginalized, the landless poor, the downtrodden, the economically exploited and the Get more content on
  • 5. Reflective Essay on English Literature Module Reflective Essay It is amazing that my journey as an English: Literature major has almost come to a close so quickly. My path has been a smooth and enjoyable one, and it is with great sadness that I begin to gather up the ends of my literary education. I know that I will continue to grow and develop as a critical reader/thinker throughout my lifetime, but I will sorrowfully miss the educational structure that has shaped my literary understanding for the last three years. I consider my greatest strengths as a literature major to be my insightfulness and creative slant with which I approach a piece of work. I have a love for all genres of literature and enthusiastically grasp the text with an eagerness to understand it and more content... By dissecting the lines and passages, I have been able to pick up on details and subtleties that have brought the focus and message of the works into finer focus. Paying close attention to detail lends itself to the meticulous, sophisticated readings that I have presented. I possess the ability to make informed judgments about the political and cultural significance of the literary works on which I have focused. In the Boland essay, I have shown how a woman poet has struggled against the cannon to prove that women are also writers of poetry, not just the subject of it. Looking at the way women are portrayed in Boland's work shows how they have a passive, domestic role in Irish life from which they are struggling to break free. My essay on Mansfield's piece shows that I understand she was making a comment on the suppression of women's feelings and sexual desires. In a time period of which things like this were not spoken, Mansfield took the first step in leading women toward emotional sovereignty. All of this also ties into my understanding of the roles of genre, gender, class, and culture in the work's production. Criticism came highly to both Boland's and Mansfield's work because they deal with the liberation of women. Although Boland is definitely more contemporary than Mansfield, both know the struggles associated with anything considered to contain "feminist" undertones. I believe that both of Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Why Read Literature? Nothing teaches us better than literature to see, in ethnic and cultural differences, the richness of the human patrimony, and to prize those differences as manifestation humanity's multi–faceted creativity. Reading good literature is an experience of pleasure, of course; but it is also an experience of learning what and how we are, on our human integrity and our human imperfection, with our actions, our dreams, and our ghosts, alone and in a relationship that link us to others, in our public image and in the secret recesses of our consciousness. The bond that literature establishes among human beings compels them to enter into dialogue. The bond also makes them conscious of more content... Without reading and untouched by literature will resemble a community of mutes and those of lost expressions afflicted tremendous problems of communication due to its crude and rude language. This is true for individuals, too. A person who does not read, or reads little, or reads only trash, is a person who speaks much but he/she will say little words such as curse words, because his/her vocabulary is lacking in the means for self–expression. Reading Literature is not only a verbal expression, but also represents a limitation on intellect and in imagination. It is a poverty of thought, for the simple reason to grasp our knowledge and ask what is the importance of life? We learn how to speak correctly––and deeply and subtly–– from good literature and only from good literature. No other discipline or branch of the arts can substitute for literature in crafting the language that people need to communicate. To speak well, to have at one's disposal a rich and diverse language, to be able to find appropriate expression for every idea and every emotion that we want to communicate, is to be better prepared to think, to teach, to learn, to converse, and also to fantasize, to dream, to feel. In a secret way, words repeat in all our action, even Get more content on
  • 7. Everyone has something that stirs their passion. Something that sparks an interest so deep seated that to not pursue it would be unthinkable. Some find their in numbers, some in athletics, others may find love for science or design but I found mine in English Literature. The intricate of the language itself and a writer's ability to create powerful emotions in an individual have long been enthralled me. I am amazed at how the words of one can influence thousands. I found my love and passion for English Literature at a very young age. Therefore I feel nothing but pure excitement at the prospect of studying English at university level. As a stepping stone, I weigh every genre equally but I have a lean towards Prose and Novels. From more content... The question of what a text says, does, means entraps me. I love researching authors such as Dan Brown and also critically analyse his text and differentiate between facts and fiction. Also a writer such as Michael Ondaatje writing about world war gives a very large area to critically read these books and find historical fact about them. With my love for Literature comes my love for performing. As a prominent presenter and debater of my college, I was chosen for many competitions. These participations were very valuable and earned me a lot of experience. As I have stark leadership skills, presentations and competitions such as MUN's were ensued. As I mentioned my love for literature was build up at a young age and this was possible with the help of a young and enthusiastic teacher, Mrs Rekha, who made me fall in love with Julius Cesar and hence chose me to enact the role of Calpurnice. I have loved every minute of my work, thus this opened many doors of opportunities. Soon, as I grew up, I realized that although I enjoy working with my professors, I am not going to be satisfied with carrying out routine procedure under the directions of others. I wanted to be the part of the team that directs the course of many projects. Hence my seniors and classmates encouraged my ambitions and felt that I have the potential for graduate Get more content on
  • 8. Renaissance: Impact on English Literature Renaissance: Impact on English Literature . "Renaissance" is a French word which means rebirth, reawakening or revival. In literature the term "Renaissance" is used to denote the revival of ancient classical literature and culture and re–awakening of human mind, after the long sleep in the Medieval Ages, to the glory, wonders and beauty of man's earthly life and nature. The great literary movement, Renaissance began in Italy with the fall of Constantinople in 1453. But its influence was not felt in England till the last years of the fifteenth century when the English scholars who visited Italy at the time came back to England nourished on the Renaissance humanism. The Renaissance, however, had its full blossoming in the more content... He is rightly called the child of the renaissance. He often borrowed from classical writer such as Aristotle, Plato, Virgil, and others. The Shepherd's Calendar is modeled on the artificial pastoral popularized by the Renaissance and inspired by Virgil and Theocritus. In this poem he sets himself to rescue English poetry from the "rascally rhymes" into whose hands it had fallen and to reform it in its kind, metre and action. In his plan and conduct of The Faerie Queene he follows the classical model of a heroic poem and takes a lot from the classical writers. Sir Guyon'sVoyage to the Bower of Bliss is baded upon a similar voyage in Homer's Odyssey. Spenser also shared in the rich sensuous life the Renaissance had thrown open to men. His poems,The Faerie Queene in particular offer us a rich feast for our sense. Similarly, the Renaissance exercised a great influence on the Metaphysical Poetry. Metaphysical poetry is predominantly intellectual and analytical. In it an emotion or feeling is expressed through the working of the intellect. The poets who wrote successfully in the metaphysical style were all intellectual. Donne, the leader of the metaphysical's, for instance, links up a wider range of ideas. In Metaphysical poetry emotions are shaped and expressed by logical reasoning, and both sound and picture are subservient to this end. Words dedicated to poetry are eschewed because these words are charged with accumulated emotion. Like Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Importance Of Literature The importance of literature on today's society In a rapidly developing world, the definition of literature goes beyond what the readers see and perceive. It provides a platform for us to open our minds to ambiguities of meaning, while exploring what the world really has to offer through other cultures and beliefs. Most importantly, literature has taught me to support my own point of view and trust my instincts and interpretations. The boundaries of literature are endless and holds no limit to race, religion, culture, and sexuality. With an infinite amount of advantages, I believe literature is an integral component of our everyday lives as it redefines text beyond the literal meaning, thus allowing us to connect with human emotions and surpassing self–defining barriers. As an avid reader and enthusiastic writer, I have grown to learn that interpretation goes far beyond literal terms. The article "Why Study Literature", emphasizes the importance of literature in our education system and everyday life. Michael Meyer's states that "[w]hile people will say what they mean and mean what they say, [...] language in our world is [...] maddeningly and delightfully ambiguous" ("Why Literature" 1). Literature acts as a medium of developing critical thinking skills, leading to independent learners and readers. If we limit a reader's interpretation of text, it restricts creativity and the idea of being open to multiple analyses. An example of when this technique was applied was in my Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Indian English Literature Introduction to Indian writing in English, inclusive of fiction: Indian English Literature is defined as the contribution of Indian writers to the Literature in English. With the consolidation of the British power in India, English, the language of rulers also began to exercise its influence on the intellectuals of the country. To the educated people, English language is a gateway to western knowledge. English provided a window for the Indian intellectuals to have a look at the wide world. Indian English Literature is a literature which is a combination of Indian literature and Indian literature written in English. Indian writings in English are a product of the historical encounter between the two cultures – Indian and the western– more content... The first book with a title Travels of Dean Mahornet was written in English by Sake Dean Mahomet. It was published in 1793 in England. After publication of this book the English Parliament felt to rectify and equalize some of the materialistic of the East India Com servants. The England Parliament had approved the Charter Act. It made England responsible for the educational betterment of the natives. The English Education Act was prompted by Thomas Babington Macaulay's ill–famed "minute" on Indian education. It made English the medium of Indian education system and English literature a disciplinary subject in Indian educational institutions. Indian English Literature has matured from a sapling to a firmly rooted tree that blooms with its entirety still awaiting its yet–to–come metamorphosis. Indians took countless events and spotlight notable personalities to bring Indian writing in English to its contemporary fame. Indian literature in English and its transformation had happened in company with the consolidation of British imperialism in India. The critics come to the agreement that Indian English literature dates back to at least the early 19th century. In its early stages, the narration was influenced by the Western art form of the "novel". Early Indian writers made English by Indian words to communicate an experience and understanding which was fundamentally and in essence of Indian. In the beginning acceptance of English language and literature by upper–class Indians. First, there were the educational reforms called forth by both the Charter Act of 1813 and the 1835 English Education Act of William Get more content on
  • 11. "Why should someone study British literature in their senior year of high school? Why would anyone need another history course in their schedule?" These are the thoughts that had gone through my head as I entered into English IV in September 2016. English, in the past, hadn't been my favorite course. Analyzing poems, reading Shakespeare, and interpreting an author's style in a novel are not activities I partake in during my free time, so doing them in class for grades was quite the chore. That is until I traveled to London in November of 2016. On that trip, everything I had learned about British literature, as well as England as a country, was placed into my life, outside of the classroom. I saw the Sutton Hoo Treasures in the more content... Ms. Doo 3 Schofield, when finished with Beowulf, showed the class the Sutton Hoo treasures. The Sutton Hoo treasures are actual treasures that came from the Anglo–Saxon period. They include a helmet, chalice, and silverware used during the era. I saw the Sutton Hoo treasures in the British Museum on my trip to London. What I saw on my computer in class was sitting in a climate controlled, glass case in front of me, the ship burial helmet. The people, places, and events I was learning about in class were real; not just some stuff that was thrown into a textbook, but real people Anglo–Saxons wore this helmet. The knowledge I had of the history behind the treasures enhanced my experience viewing them in the museum, and inversely, viewing the treasures enhanced my appreciation for the material learned in class because they proved to me that it was real. English scholars consider the English Triumvirate to be William Shakespeare, John Milton, and Geoffrey Chaucer. I had studied Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales before my trip in great depth and was excited to see his burial place at Westminster Abbey. Chaucer interested me as soon as I read his biographical information. He set out to write 120 tales, 2 for each character, to tell on their pilgrimage to Canterbury. I read "The Nun Priest's Tale" and "The Pardoner's Tale" which, to this day, are my favorite works of literature in the course. When I did visit Westminster Abbey, it was surreal to see so many Get more content on
  • 12. Defining Literature Essay The definition of literature has been discussed and argued over time and there is no precise answer to be given. Any reader or author can define literature as whatever they wish it to be defined as. This is more of an opinion of how one views certain pieces of work or writings and whether or not they feel that is actually literature or not. Literature is any type of creative writing such as fiction or poetry, for example. Literature is also any form of body of written works of language, which could be from the English era or even as far back as the Shakespearean or Elizabethan era. It is also work from a specific period or culture defining key elements or somehow relating to and/or expressing how it is exactly from that time. more content... In her poem, "Dylan" in lines 4 and 5, she writes, "Her hair was a halo of warm light / and color dripped off her tongue" (23). The reader can interpret just from those two lines the creativity and imagination not only in that one poem, but also in all poetry. The description of hair being a halo of warm light allows the reader to use his or her own imagination to perceive that image in whichever way they would like. Creative writing can be determined by many other things not only image or structure of how the poem is set into stanzas, but what is left up to the reader for interpretation. Jewel writes in "Cautious" in lines 23–29, "an open vessel / whose function it was / to be filled / until my consciousness / could return and / spit out / the bad seeds" (18). After reading these lines the reader can be left with different feelings and emotions that vary from disgust or simplicity. This is just another example of how poetry is creative writing. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, literature is defined as being the body of written works of a language, period, or culture. An author of any specific type of writing or works can include certain details pertaining to language or other details, which allow the reader to develop a sensory image of that specific period or culture. If the reader had no prior knowledge to the language, period, or culture of the writing he or she would be reading, upon reading and analyzing Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Romanticism In Literature Romanticism In Literature Romanticism in literature, began around 1750 and lasted until 1870. Different from the classical ways of Neoclassical Age(1660–1798), it relied on imagination, idealization of nature and freedom of thought and expression. Two men who influenced the era with their writings were William Wordsworth and SamuelTaylor Coleridge, both English poets of the time. Their edition of "Lyrical Ballads';, stressed the importance of feeling and imagination. Thus in romantic Literature the code was imagination over reason, emotion over logic, and finally intuition over science. All of these new ways discouraged and didn't tolerate the more classic way of literature. Other significant writers of more content... References to this can be found in "Ode to Evening'; by William Collins, and "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard'; by Thomas Gray. With the freedom that Romanticism brought came the broadening of the writers horizons. The Middle Ages became topic of many stories and settings. The nostalgia of more Gothic times put more exotic ideas into the author's minds. The supernatural became a substantial part of the literature. Outcomes of this new idea were "Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey';, by Wordsworth, and "The Castle of Otranto';, written by Horace Walpole. The world of the supernatural and exoticness was reinforced by two main things. One was pure rebellion against the standards of the eighteenth–century rationalism, such as the structure of neoclassical society. The second was the rediscovery of folk tales and ballads, particularly the ones collected by Facob and Wilhelm Karl Grimm, also know as the Brothers Grimm. These gave an inspiration to write many of the pieces of a supernatural nature for the writers of the Romantic Age. The Romantic Age started to lose it's glitter by the middle of the nineteenth–century. Literature started to get serious again focusing on issues such as problems of religion and faith and politics of the English democracy. Now instead of journeying to mythical places through the reading people Get more content on
  • 14. The romance, as a literary creativity, is known to date back to the ancient Greeks – during the second and third centuries – whose works were written in prose to describe how two lovers overcome difficulties before they were eventually united. A similar experience was faced by the knights of the Middle Ages and was immortalized by romances narrated in verse and distributed by the troubadours throughout Western Europe about ten centuries later. And, in England, a group of poets came to revive the spirit of the knights of those romances and dominated the literary scene in the nineteenth century when they countered the rationality established by neoclassicism during the era of the Enlightenment. Objectives of the Research This paper aims first to underscore the significance of the romance in the history of English literature, second to highlight its influence on the later movement of Romanticism, and third to delineate on what grounds were both deprecated. Research Questions –What is the contribution made by the romance to English literature? –To what extent is Romanticism influential on literature? –Who took to deprecate the romance and the romantic tendency in literature? more content... Yet, more significantly, the principles of chivalry facilitated important changes in attitudes regarding the value of women as Bromiley states in his Encyclopedia (1994; 272); for the first time in European history, ladies became regarded with a transcendence of premeditated thought by chivalries who conducted themselves graciously and bestowed upon ladies the utmost courtesy and attentiveness. And as highlighted by James Sweeny in The Dictionary of the Middle Ages, 1983, a chavalier was to echo shades of this attitude to all women, regardless of class, age or Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Oral Literature Is the study or oral literature relevant in the contemporary world? Traditionally, literature in general has played an important role in language and literary studies. Educators and curriculum developers have usually focused on including a variety of oral and written texts in different levels of study. However, as the world has continued to evolve, questions have emerged on the relevance of oral literature studies in the contemporary world. There are arguments opposing the inclusion of oral literature in English and other language studies across the board. In response to these arguments, it is important to note that oral literature plays an important role in highlighting the history of people from different cultures, as well as more content... Focusing on the contemporary meanings of words alone provides a bare understanding of language. However, when students begin the study of language from historical oral literary works, the understanding is wholesome and more effective. In studying oral literature, students begin to place words in specific contexts depending on how they are used. For example, reading a poem out loud can reveal word meanings that could not have been derived otherwise. It creates an opportunity for students to explore how different authors of oral literature use language as a form of expression. From such understanding, educators begin to see positive results in how students express themselves through speaking and writing. The study of oral literature in the modern society is all the more important because of the poor language use being witnessed presently. Oral literature authors offer a lot for the students to explore in terms of language use. Students can develop the very important self expression skills from a study of oral literature. In this perspective, the importance of oral literature studies cannot be emphasized enough. Though the times are changing, the role of oral literature in society remains Get more content on
  • 16. Reflection About Contemporary Literature There are many concepts and new information that I learned from this course. The aspect that I enjoyed the most about contemporary literature was the advantage of reading short stories over novels. Short stories are more interesting to me because they tell so much in just a few pages. The genre of contemporary literature was also captivating because of the realness and depth of the characters. The themes of the stories also covered a great variety of subjects and themes and I found that most of the stories were quite tragic. Contemporary literature ventured into different themes such as love, sex, family, and gender roles. It was more open to the struggles or experiences that real–life people might have. The settings of the stories more content... She does try to be brave and chase after the robber that took her purse. She was cautious enough to not keep any valuables in her purse, keep the money in her pocket and hide her passport in her address book. After familiarizing myself with this genre of literature I learned many things. The first was actually learning what time period contemporary literature encompassed and the difference between modern and contemporary literature. I also learned how the characters play an important part. Contemporary literature focuses more on the characters than on the plot. The characters have to be well–defined, realistic, and well–developed. The themes of the stories also change according to the time. I know that now I can identify a contemporary piece of literature and explain its components. Finally, briefly describe (100 – 200 words) a story you found particularly interesting or compelling. You can use any of the stories in your text or any of the other forms of media used in class (recall that we listened to The Scarlet Ibis and watched 12 Angry Men, and read the articles in the New York Times for example). "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver is one of the stories that I found very engaging. I particularly liked this story because in a few pages it shows how the main character grows and changes. At the beginning, the narrator was prejudiced against blind people. By the end, the narrator experiences a Get more content on
  • 17. Example Of Reflection In Literature In the span of this course, I have learned a great deal about myself in terms of literature. This course has enabled me to make many great strides in my writing by exemplifying the works of authors and their literary devices. English 1102 has broadened my literary horizon by showing me more elegant ways to express my opinion. I am remorseful towards the fact that I did not take the class in person. Inversely, I have learned better ways to communicate towards the audience, through the use of various literary elements in lieu of going on tangents. In regards to taking English 1102, I feel as though I am on the precipitous of progress through the use of parallel structure and diction as a way of getting my point across, as well as using poetic styles from famous authors such as Charlotte Gilman to better express my thoughts and ideas. On the other hand, not being able to take the class in person has disabled me in a sense of not being able to garner a better sense of grammar and punctuation. Furthermore, through the assignments that I have completed, I have mastered the use of consistency which spurred on a more fluid line of communication with the readers through the use of efficiently utilizing parallel structure and diction, instead of jumping from topic to topic. The need to spew all perspectives originates from my predisposition of compacting conflicting opinions on one paper. Notably, employing parallel structure has brightened up my writing tremendously. For example, Get more content on
  • 18. 18th Century Literature Essay 18th Century Literature The 18th century is a period of great literary works. The styles are different throughout the period, but the unity of the work is still present. Much of this period focused on public and general themes, until the Pre– Romantic era when literary works began to focus upon personal expression. 18th century literature can be broken down into three main parts: the Restoration, the Age of Pope, and Pre–Romantics. The literature of the Restoration period covers a time span from Charles's recovery of the throne to the years until the expulsion of James II in 1688 or until the death of John Dryden in 1700. The literature of the Restoration was characterized more content... This literary time period also included works from John Dryden, who used elegance and cleverness in his writings. This period ended about 1700, and enabled a new age of literature. In literary history, the first half of the 18th century is known as the Age of the Pope. In this age, the writers expressed views of the public and restrained from writing personal topics or expressions. In the Age of the Pope or the Neoclassical Age, most of the literary themes were of social, political, and moral life. The Rape of the Lock and Epigrams by Alexander Pope, and "A Modest Proposal" and Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift are some examples from the Age of Pope or the Neoclassical age. Most of the literary works in this period used satirical styles to express a concern in society. "Puffs, powders, patches, Bibles, billet–doux", from The Rape of the Lock shows an example of pathos a satirical device used in this age of literature. Jonathan Swift also uses satire in Gulliver's Travels to mock the Parliament, and in "Modest Proposal" he writes about eating children as a solution to a socioeconomic problem. After the writings, literature began to focus on private expressions rather than public thoughts and emotions. The Age of Johnson or the Pre–romantic era was shown in various ways. Characteristics of the age included ballads, a new taste for ruins, Gothic castles Get more content on
  • 19. Language is important because it's one of the main ways to communicate and interact with other people around us. It keeps us in contact with other people. English language is an example for the importance of a language because it is the international language and has become the most important language to people in many parts of the world. It is most widely used in communicating around the world, Also it is spoken as the first language in many countries. English is playing a major role in many sections like education, medicine, engineering and business. There are many reasons that makes English is the most important language in the world. The article lists four reasons why English is important the first reason is that more content... Moreover the internet sites are in English and we can see the other languages sites gives options to translate into English and a lot of information we will find are written in English. Another fact is that it the writer thing is that it is the easiest language to learn and suggest that starting learning English for one week and see the results. If we understand and communicate in English it will be every easy for us while traveling and we can get help in English around the world. Many companies and governmental companies hire people who are good readers and writers and can speak English very well. One of the most international languages is English. It is from the requirements from studying abroad and the textbooks are almost in English. If a person wants to get PHD degree English is important and helpful for them. The writer of the article wants to shed the lights on how to improve English skills. 1) students should differentiate between textbooks languages and real English language and focus on grammar and how to write without any mistake. The writer compared between the use of English and Arabic language. 2) How to get fluent English language speaker and explains the tips for it. We don't have to memorize each single word but only the phrases and statements. Also read and write stories, articles and conversation. Moreover download and listen to BBC, CNN, WEE and Euro news agencies to be familiar Get more content on
  • 20. My Experience In Literature I remember some of the first books I read as a child, before being introduced to the massive variety of literature that can be found everywhere. I remember focusing on the images and drawings that the illustrators made which brought these stories to life. I remember most significantly the author, Kevin Henkes, and his different interpretations on dealing with solitude as a child. I remember relating to the mice which he created within the stories. I remember imagining myself within the books, hoping to join in on the endless adventures that the characters went on. I remember discovering my growing interest in reading. I have never been someone who could get into a book without at first knowing what I am jumping into. The idea of opening up a book, entering a world, not knowing what to expect, always deterred me. But, fictional reading to me, has always brought to me a sense of curiosity, for it pushes me to discover almost an entire new life through the eyes of another. All throughout my childhood, my parents encouraged me to read as much as possible, where there was never a time where we would not have a book checked out at the library near my house. We would sit within the children's section of the library and just read. Whether reading Roald Dahl or R.L. Stine, I was pulled into a whole nother world with each book that I read. It pushed me to imagine what I now see as impossible and almost pushed me out of the reality which I was living in at the time. I began my Get more content on