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Cyber Crime Essay
Cyber Crime
Cyber Crime... this type of Crime is being more common in today's world as advancements with
technology have now come and will continue to bring changes. The society as a whole should have
worries about crimes being committed within the internet, the crimes are increasing and if nothing is
done to prevent them, and then they will not stop. More and more people each day are becoming
more accustomed to the use of technology. Such advancement are leading to more crime online. First
we will talk about sex crimes which start with internet encounters.
The main problem with the internet is an increase of sex crimes. In 2009 Greenhaven Press
published "Cyber Crimes". The book went on to talk about the problems about sex crimes
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In the article Sadler went on to talk about how people usually let their guard down when they are
behind their smartphones people will open anything they get such as a text or email without
hesitation. Smartphone companies should improve security and should be able to spot fakes and
deal with them accordingly. People with iPhone's are being targeted directly. The scam is someone
who is impersonating to be an Apple employee and is trying to convince the person they have a
breach on their phone and in order to deal with the problem they will need to go to this website and
put down information to verify. Emails with a link that is asking for your Apple ID, personal
information, and payment information. Some emails that have a link attached with it also can grant
access to a hacker to your smartphone or computer and they can then access just about anything that
you had put down on your computer. (Sadler)
In 2009 Greenhaven Press published the book "Cyber Crime". Bruce Schneier talked about whether
a software company should be liable for the security breaches. Security breaches are starting to
become more and more common. The issue is often argued to be because of manufactures poorly
making products on purpose. In certain aspects people would be favoring secure products over
insecure but it seems they do not due to software monopolies limiting the choices they have by only
making things up to the latest compatibilities with certain product and other companies not
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Cybercrime: Two Case Studies
Cybercrime is committed when a person uses a computer and network technology to commit an act
which is against the law. Such crimes cover a wide range of activities that can be clearly defined as
against the common good. Financial fraud, stalking, cyber–bullying, and malware creation are
common ones. There are times however when cybercrimes, although illegal in action, are committed
to promote the common good. Ambiguous cybercrimes create a moral/ethical dilemma in the public
spotlight, and create doubt toward the authorities that uphold the law. The following are two such
We Do Not Forgive. We Do Not Forget On April 4th 2013, Rehtaeh Parsons committed suicide after
a year and a half of cyber–bullying from the four boys that gang–raped her in November of 2011.
The boys had photographed the crime against the seventeen year old, and used the photos to brag
about it on social media (Winston Ross, 2013). After a year of half–hearted investigating, police
called off the investigation without filing any charges, citing that the case was an issue of "he said,
she said" (Winston Ross, 2013). After the girl's death, public outrage over the botched investigation
led to the hacker collective Anonymous to get involved. Because the boys were minors at the time of
the crime, their identities were protected by law. Anonymous hackers scoured the Internet to find out
the identity of the rapists as well as personal details about their personal lives. The group then went
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Cyber Crime Essay
Cyber Crime is described as criminal activity committed via use of electronic communications with
respect to cyber fraud or identity theft through phishing and spoofing. There are many other forms of
cyber–crime also such as harassment, pornography etc. via use of information technology. Usually
Cyber–crime is divided in below 3 categories: 1.Persons: Cyber Crime against person can be
conducted in many ways as in today's world all the personal information is available on internet and
one can use this against a person. 2.Property: These kind of crimes includes unauthorized computer
tres passing via cyber space, transmission of harmful programmer or possession of comutersied
information. 3.Government: One of growing cyber–crime and very dangerous at high scale is
cyber–crime against government. As terrorist may use cyber space to crack into the government or
military maintained websites and can get access to the very secretive information or files which can
damage the safety of the county and the citizens of the nation at large. Strict Cyber Law: Cyber Law
was the first step taken by the government against the cyber–crime. According to this law if any one
tries to destroy, alters or delete any data or damage it without any permission of the owner of the
computer, shall be punishable offense. Similarly if any corporate body is maintaining or protecting
data of the person or company and if any negligent act or failure found in protecting the data shall
be liable to pay
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Cyber Crimes, Moral And Ethical Implication
Cyber Crimes, Moral and Ethical Implication
The internet's rapid growth and computer technology has helped people around the world over the
past few years. This evolution has also enabled new forms of crime–dubbed cyber–crime. This
phenomenon has greatly evoked feelings such as admiration and fear in people mind. Cyber–crime
is defined as crimes committed on internet, with computers as the tool, Agathise E Joseph, June
28th 2006. It is not an "armed robbery", not a murder but a practice that requires intelligence and
knowledge in IT. Today after all the several internet advantages, there are still people who are
reluctant about subscribing on a social network for fear of exposing their privacy. Privacy is a
very serious threat and can be a source of illegal reproduction of software applications, games,
movies and CD's. Computer frauds are damaging our lives nowadays and can cause a huge monetary
loss to the entertainment industry. According to Richard Power (editorial Director of thecomputer
Security Institute, San Francisco CA), the "love bug" virus is estimated at a billion of dollars.
There are a lot of viruses causing damages in companies everyday so we cannot undoubtedly single
out one crime because all kind of crimes are posing serious threat to people and businesses. Most of
computer crimes are committed by professional who know the computer ethics.
This work seeks to underline the moral and ethical implication of cyber–crimes, precisely the moral
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Cybercrime And Its Effect On The Youth
I believe that crime is an important and relevant subject in today's modern society due to it
increasing occurrence. A topic that has particularly fascinated me is cybercrime and it evolvement
among the youth in Ghana. The study of cybercrime among the youth as a result of cheap in–flow of
electronic waste, which is affordable to acquire and explore for sensitive data like personal
information, credit card numbers etc., societies response to it and ways to prevent it are all areas
that have interested me from my teenage years. Growing up in Ghana cybercrime was fairly simple
through credit card fraud. Only a few people had access to this because it was expensive to buy the
raw dump of credits cards from people in the hotels and bars who could provide this information.
This was disclosed to me by a peer who was involved and later was arrested by a security agency.
Over the years, such cybercrime has become more widespread and advanced in different forms. The
most common include identity fraud, blackmailing, access to classified information, personal
security breaches by accessing hard drives, old phones, and so forth.
I grew up in a large family made up of four boys and three girls, I was the six born of my parents,
due the size of the family my parent had huge financial difficulties which lead to divorce. This had
a tone on all the children, which brought a delay in our academic life's because of financial
difficulties. Through perseverance and hard work I completed my
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Essay on Cyber Crime and Cyber Law
Recently, the Internet has become the most significant technology in all over the world, which is not
only used by the people to contact with each other but also utilized by the business organizations to
become global (Taylor, Caeti, Loper, Fritsch & Liederbach, 2006). Computer and internet enable the
business organizations to execute the Electronic commerce business model, which has become very
popular. Computers and Internet are a powerful source in the success of globalization and
international business. Computers are being used worldwide and due to this, cyber crimes are
increasing continuously with a rapid growth (Cheeseman, 2006).
These types of crimes have become a matter of importance for the consumers as well more
Cyber Crime and Cyber Law
Presently, Cyber crime is one of the crucial subjects in the history of criminal, which is known as
White Color crime. This subject has become very popular in the society because cyber crime is
associated with the people who are quite educated and who have sufficient knowledge about the
information technology (2010: A good year for fighting cybercrime? 2009). Computer and internet
are only objects in these crimes because these types of crimes are done by very qualified and
computer specialist persons. They use the computer or internet as a medium.
Cyber crimes are a type of fraud, which requires knowledge and greater skill for accomplishing the
task. It is involved the basis of information technology, illegal approach, unlawful use of technology,
alteration of data and information, fraud with the help of technological devices, stealing credit cards
and money during the online transaction, possessing the data and material of other persons over
internet in an unauthorized way, laundering money through internet, use of internet to coordinates
with terrorist attacks, etc. (Taylor, Caeti, Loper, Fritsch & Liederbach, 2006).
Not only the government but also media and business industries are fascinated by the evolution of
the justice system to control the activities of Cyber Crime. It is a challenging
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CyberCrime Essay
Computers have improved a great deal from the time that they were invented to the present. They
have even improved a great deal from year to year. This may be positive, but then again it has a
negative effect on society. The use and advancement of technology has increased different types of
crimes like the following; terrorism, black marketing, and theft crimes. It is also responsible for the
success of their respective criminal assets.
These technologies related crimes are described by one word, which is cyber crime. According to
Dan Koenig, cyber crime is a criminal offense that has been created or made possible by the advent
of computer technology, or a traditional crime which has been transformed by the use of a computer. more content...
The advancement of technology causes more black–marketing because it helps create the products
that are sold in the black market system. A couple of years ago there were no such thing as
bootlegging songs and movies on CD's and DVD's. But because of the fact that computers are
being improved anybody who has a computer can copy movies, songs and then sell them. Even
young people are able to do this. According to Kevin Webb, a Dallas–based computer consultant,
saw a teenager using an iPod MP3 player to steal hundreds of dollars worth of software from a
neighborhood CompUSA store in about a minute and a half (Stevenson). This shows how anybody
can accomplish bootlegging so easily.
The advancement of technology helps cause more theft crimes because a criminal can investigate
certain information on the place from which they want to steal so that they can possess information
they need to make their crime successful. They can easily find passwords that they need. An
example of this occurred in California where a hacker gained access to several computer networks,
which included information about 265,000 state workers. This information consisted of the first, last,
and middle names and the Social Security numbers of every state employee, from the Governor to
contracted staff. In another case two
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Persuasive Essay On Cybercrime
Cybercrime is a major dilemma in most parts of the world and with the ever–growing usage of
technology, prevention is necessary for protection. Different forms of cyber–crime may consist of
fraud, terrorism, warfare and a variety of other illegal activities. Cyber–crimes can cause harm to an
individual, a business, or even a nation. The main issue with enforcing law enforcement and
cybercrime prevention is the possibility of infringing on Constitutional rights and privacy. There is
really no way for law enforcement to physically prevent cybercrimes from happening rather than
other traditional crimes. Instead, law enforcement must use technology itself to try and prevent and
catch these cyber–crimes from occurring. (Cole, Smith, and Dejung, 2017)
Cybercrimes are not just limited to the Unites States. Most of the time, the actual perpetrators are
from different countries and are protected by the lack of jurisdiction. The most common type of
cybercrime is identity theft. This is where the perpetrators construct fraudulent websites and
organizations to get unsuspecting victims to release their personal information. This can occur over
cellphones, computers, and even at the gas pump. Combating cybercrime has a special relationship
with privacy violations. Gaining information from monitoring one's activities through technology to
surveillance has persuaded law enforcement that it is morally right to gain evidence in illegal and
unethical procedures that are necessary to control cybercrime acts. (Cybercrime, 2017)
The two latest forms of cybercrimes stem from cyber bullying and the creation of malware systems
that attack other computers to steal information. Cyberbullying has been mentioned numerous times
in the current news about individual attacking others to the degree that psychological and emotional
damage can occur and in some cases even death. In my opinion, cyberbullying will always be present
in every generation. My belief is that there needs to be strict laws against certain types of harassment
and certain punishments on cyberbullying that results in harm or death in the victim. The latest
trend of young school aged children committing suicide due to cyberbullying is astronomical and has
been on the incline
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Essay on CyberCrime
Millions of people around the world use computers and the internet everyday. We all use it in
school, work even at home, computers have made us life easier, it has brought so many benefits to
society but it has also brought some problems, cybercrimes is one of them. The internet could be
considered a type of community of computer networks, therefore we could consider it a society. Like
in every society, in the internet there is commerce, education, entertainment, and of course there is
crime, cybercrime. Real life society has police and laws to regulate people actions, unfortunately right
now the internet is missing this type of control. Governments around the world need to work
together to find a solution to this problem. more content...
Now the internet is used by universities, companies, schools, government agencies, families and
individual users (Encarta, 2001). Cybercrimes are committed by using computers, so they could be
considered computer crimes. Computer crimes started in the 1960s with the introduction of
computers into businesses and government agencies. Through the years computers and computer
crimes have evolved, now most of computer crimes are done through the internet (Godwin, 1995).
Right now it is estimated that $100 billion dollars is lost annually because of cybercrimes and 97%
of the offenses go undetected (Gebhardt, 2001). Cybercrimes will continue to evolve becoming more
and more dangerous. Right now there are different types of cybercrimes, the most important and
dangerous are the following. Computer network break–ins, this type of crime is performed by
hackers that break into computer systems to steal data or plant viruses, this type of crime has been
made illegal by the U.S. federal government but its detection is difficult; Industrial espionage, this
occurs when a corporation hires a hacker to obtain information about another corporation; Software
piracy, this the illegal copying and distribution of software, this copies of software work as well as
the originals but are much cheaper because it is very simple to create this copies; Mail bombings,
this type of crime consist in ordering the computer to
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Essay on Cyber Crime and National Security
Essay on Cyber Crime And National Security
When we talk about national security, we talk about the security of over one billion people and
sovereignty of a country that is culturally rich, politically stable, socially compact and economically
emerging. The worst victim of terrorism and naxalism India and its national security has been
threatened recently by cyber crime.
They concept of cyber crime is not radically different from the concept of conventional crime. Cyber
crime is the latest and perhaps the most complicated problem in the crime world of the country. In
the context of national security, cyber crime may involve hacktivism (on–line activity intended to
influence polity), traditional espionage or information warfare more content...
In fact, the first recorded cyber crime dates back to 1820. Joseph Marie Jacquard, a textile
manufacture in France produced the loom which involved a seniors of steps. This caused fear among
Jacquard's employees that their traditional employment and live hood were being threatened. They
committed acts of sabotage to discourse Jacquard from further use of the new technology.
Cyber terrorism is a threat to national security which may be defined as " the premeditated use of
disruptive activities or the threat thereof, in cyber space, with the intention of further social,
ideological, religious, political or similar objectives or to intimidate any person in furtherance of
such objects". A cyber terrorist is a person who uses thecomputer system as a means or ends to
achieve the following objectives – (1) putting the public or any section of public in fear, or (2)
affecting adversely the harmony between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or
castes or communities; or (3) coercing or overawing the government established by law; or (4)
endangering the sovereignty and integrity of the nation.
Cyber crime is a global phenomenon and therefore the initiative to fight it should come from the
same level. Today cyber and organized crime has become the order of the day round the globe and
the need to put an end to this criminal act cannot be kept aside. Research has shown that people lose
millions of with this set of
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Research Paper On Cybercrime
The basic idea of cybercrime can be explained by just one line "Cybercrimes are any crimes that
involve a computer and a network." It is not necessary that the computer is used in order to commit
a crime, sometimes it can be target as well. These include crimes such as cyber–stalking, Identity
theft, cyber trespass, cyber deceptions etc. In other words cybercrime can be defined as any illegal
activity carried out using computer and the network as its means of communication.
This paper presents information regarding cybercrimes and its types and how does it impacts
organization both on economic and social front in addition to some of the existing solutions to
prevent the users/ organization from cybercrimes and it also suggests some new ideas that can be
considered as a preventive measure from cybercrime and it also include cyber–crime against women
in India. Primary motive behind this research is that bring awareness amongst women in India. Make
them understand that how cybercrime can affect their life. What are the various ways of cybercrime
against women? What kind of prevention techniques available you will find in this research paper.
In today's worlds internet is more content...
Apparently most of the user content submitted is anonymous, however, the website's owner or
administrator choses what to post, and at the same time adds comments to the posts. The court of
the first instance viewed that the website is not immune under CDA В§ 230 and allowed the
lawsuit to proceed forward. The jury sided with the claimant and she was awarded $338,000 for the
mental anguish she had suffered because of the libellous posts s overturned the verdict, pointing to
CDA, which according to them, applies to the gossip website and this particular case as
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Essay on Introduction to Computer Crime
In our modern society where technology is evolving, the people who are exposed to computers each
day are also increasing. Using computers have become part of our daily lives to the extent that the
world would not function as it would now without the use of computers. With that, criminals are
moving on to using computers for their criminal activities and thus computer crimes are born.
Every now and then we will hear news of companies getting hacked, government websites being
defaced, customers' information being leaked out and other various computer crimes all over the
This report aims to introduce the various types of computer crimes and what impact does computer
crimes bring to the society. The report will more content...
Unlike normal crimes, computer crimes can be initiated in a remote location where the law is not
enforced for computer crimes and with many computers getting networked to each other, computer
crimes have been made easier.
2.0Background 2.2Various types of computercrime
There are many various types of computer crimes and they have grown huge in numbers ever since
more people have access to computers. In this section, it will focus on the more common types of
computer crimes that have been prosecuted by law such as Hacking, Theft, Cyberstalking, Identity
Theft and usage of malicious softwares. 2.2.1Hacking
Hacking is a type of computer crime where a hacker gains unauthorized access to another computer
to access personal or sensitive information and sometimes also to destroy or modify information in
the computer. As technology is constantly improving over time, the knowledge of computers gained
by people is also improving over time and thus leading hackers to exploit security vulnerabilities in
computers to benefit themselves or bring havoc to a certain party. Many people are still not
conscious of their computer usage habits which make it an easy target for hackers as an
unsuspecting user can execute a malicious software unknowingly which can allow a hacker can
exploit and gain access to the computer system. 2.2.2Theft (Piracy)
Theft or piracy is a computer crime where a user violates copyrights of a material by illegally
downloading them. With
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Persuasive Essay On Cybercrime
Imagine, one day you wake up and you're running late. On your way into work you stop at your
favorite coffee shop. You order your coffee and your muffin, and you go to swipe your card only to
find out it declines. What do you do? You call your bank and they tell you several accounts have
been hacked and yours was one of them. Now you have no money, no access to your savings.
Everything you've ever worked for is gone and it only took one click. This is a very real possibility,
and it doesn't stop at bank accounts. Cybercrime is at an all–time high, and no one is safe. Cyber
threats have vastly grown over the past decade, we need to better prepare ourselves and become
more aware in the event of future attacks. Cybercrime is not limited to bank fraud or identity theft, it
is any crime that is committed by use of an electronic device, such as a computer or cellphone.
For example, in August 2001 Rafael Nunez also known as RaFa successfully hacked into a
NASA employee's computer and obtained classified shuttle designs for future space crafts. While
this attack did not cause any real harm, he did leak the designs to a local reporter to prove his
theory that NASA isn't as secure as everyone may have thought. Another form of cybercrime would
be internet stalking, one out of twelve women experience some type of cyber stalking in their
lifetime, and most predators are men. This could lead to cyberbullying, which is something you see
occur every day. October 17th, 2006,
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Cyber Crime In The United States
Criminal activities are actions by individuals or a group of persons towards entities that are
recognized as illegal by the oversight bodies. In the United States, the oversight body is the
judiciary. The Judiciary works in collaboration with the State law enforcing departments who
investigate and arrest the offenders to be tried against the judicial standards. The paper will seek to
highlight the controversial crimes in the United States. The manuscript will review terrorism, cyber
crimes, and drugs in the United States. The author will evaluate the extent of the crimes, measures
that have been enacted to curb the offenses, and their pros and cons. Conclusin and
recommendations will be done based on the findings of the study.
Responses more content...
The drug crimes are recognized by the United States legal system in different scenarios and
perspective. Each perspective carries legal charges upon conviction. The drug crimes vary from
directly being in possession of the drugs that have been legally criminalized with the intention to
sell or being in the possession of the drugs with the intention for personal use. The two intentions
for the use of the drug are treated separately and carries a different legal term upon conviction. The
possession of the drug as the tool for the trade is treated as a serious offense as compared to that for
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Cyber Crime Essay
As the number of internet users and ease of access increases, and more and more of the public and
private assets are stored electronically rather than physically. The internet while providing range of
benefits to individuals and organizations also provide criminal opportunities to emerge. These online
criminal activities are known as Cybercrime.
The briefing paper is an attempt to discover different areas of cyber crime, and its implication in
today 's world . The paper focuses on the growing range of cyber crimes to the security of public and
private sector, its types and how to mitigate the risk of cyber crime.
The term Cybercrime is used to refer to any crime that is conducted with the help of computer or
network. Internet was not designed to be secure. Information technology provides different ways of
communication for exchange of fast, cheap and secure information. But can also be used as a
means of communication to help existing criminal activities, and to provide new way for criminal
activities. Cyber crime is not a static way of crime. The introduction of new technology also expands
the range of potential victims. In the past 20 years the ICT industry has had phenomenal growth by
agreeing global technical standards and disciplines from hypertext to Wi–Fi but when it comes to
Cyber security many standards are just not followed.(John Stuffolk, Global Head of Cyber security,
17 Huawei 'We should learn from the cold war to strengthen cyberspace ' Financial Times, 21
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The Issue Of Cyber Crimes Essay
Jurisdiction is one of the main issues on account of cyber crimes because of the extremely inclusive
nature of the cyber crimes. With the constantly developing arm of the internet the territorial concept
appears to vanish. New Methods for resolution of dispute should offer route to the traditional
techniques. Accordingly, the Information Technology Act, 2000 is quiet on these issues.
In spite of the fact that S. 75 accommodates extra territorial operations of this law, yet they could be
significant just when supported with provisions which recognizes orders and warrants for
Information issued by capable authorities outside their purview and measure for cooperation's for
trade of material and evidences of cyber violations between law implementation organizations.
Normally the jurisdiction of a court is identified with the place where the offense is committed. This
depends on the English common law position that all crimes committed are local and ought to be
tried just by the courts which have the jurisdiction over the matter and where the crime has been
committed. When there is a confusion with regards to the local area which any crime took place, the
courts, inside whose purview even a part of the offense was submitted, is given the jurisdiction to try
the matter.
Ques.2 Explain briefly the classification of cyber crimes in India?
Ans.2The subject of cyber crime may be broadly classified firstly as under the following three
1. Against Individuals
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Literature Review On Cyber Crime
2. Literature review
The internet is a medium that is becoming progressively important as it makes information available
in a quick and easy manner. It has transformed communications and acts as a global network that
allows people to communicate and interact without being limited by time, boarders and distance.
However, the infrastructure is vulnerable to hackers who use the system to commit cyber crime. To
accomplish this, they make use of innovative stealth techniques for their malicious purposes in the
In the computer security context, a hacker is someone who seeks and exploits weaknesses in a
computer system or computer network (Wiki).
To clarify, hackers apply more content...
In fact, computers are not only the means of the crime, but also the target of it. Cyber crime
encompasses a wide range of activities, including: hacking, phishing, denial of service (DoS) attacks,
creating and distributing malware, unauthorized data access, corruption of deletion of data,
interception of data (Kennedys).
The fight against hackers and cyber crime is a global problem and nationally and internationally, the
threats they caused have been recognized and acknowledged.
Governments, organizations and companies co–operate to secure cyber space. In fact, the prevention
of cyber criminal activities is the most critical aspect in the fight against cyber crime. It's mainly
based on the concepts of awareness and information sharing. A proper security posture is the best
defence against cyber crime (Paganini, Perluigi, 2014)–of–security/incident–detection
The UK government confirmed that unfortunately a growing number of adversaries are looking to
use cyberspace to steal, compromise or destroy critical data. The scale of our dependence means
that our prosperity, our key infrastructure, our places of work and our homes can all be affected
(Cabinet Office,
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Cyber Crime Essay
In today's day and age, everyone uses a computer. Whether it is just for fun (surfing the internet,
downloading music) or for work (using Excel, Word or the internet for sources) there are not too
many people that do not understand how useful the computer can be. In fact, many people have
figured out how to use the computer to commit crime anonymously, and sometimes without the
victim even knowing a crime has been committed. There are many different types of internet crime.
First, it is incredibly easy to hide one's identity on the internet. Most people use "user names" as
opposed to actual names, therefore anyone can choose anything for their name. Some people do this
just so they can feel like they can be who ever they want to more content...
"The development of informal banking institutions and parallel banking systems may permit central
bank supervision to be bypassed, but can also facilitate the evasion of cash transaction reporting
requirements in those nations which have them (Grabosky 17). Viruses, worms and trojans are also a
common internet crime. Computer viruses are programs that can copy themselves in order to infect
a computer without the knowledge of the user. These can be spread by e–mail, flash drives, floppy
disks, or any other form of portable memory. Worms are similar in that the user is unaware, but the
point of these is to send the virus to as many people as possible. Therefore, the worm does not attach
itself to the computer, but instead to the e–mail so it can be sent out again and again. Trojans appear
to be innocent to the computer user, but in fact is used to open a backdoor to the computer so
others can access. They can also be used to transmit viruses or worms. Most people can protect
against these by installing anti–virus software that will review information to make sure it is safe
before the user can open. There are also numerous firewalls that can be installed on a computer to
make sure only authorized material is transmitted. The easiest way to misuse the internet is simply to
conspire to commit a criminal act. Many people use computers to share information and to
communicate plans. Some of these may be simply
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Essays On Cyber Crime

  • 1. Cyber Crime Essay Cyber Crime Cyber Crime... this type of Crime is being more common in today's world as advancements with technology have now come and will continue to bring changes. The society as a whole should have worries about crimes being committed within the internet, the crimes are increasing and if nothing is done to prevent them, and then they will not stop. More and more people each day are becoming more accustomed to the use of technology. Such advancement are leading to more crime online. First we will talk about sex crimes which start with internet encounters. The main problem with the internet is an increase of sex crimes. In 2009 Greenhaven Press published "Cyber Crimes". The book went on to talk about the problems about sex crimes more content... In the article Sadler went on to talk about how people usually let their guard down when they are behind their smartphones people will open anything they get such as a text or email without hesitation. Smartphone companies should improve security and should be able to spot fakes and deal with them accordingly. People with iPhone's are being targeted directly. The scam is someone who is impersonating to be an Apple employee and is trying to convince the person they have a breach on their phone and in order to deal with the problem they will need to go to this website and put down information to verify. Emails with a link that is asking for your Apple ID, personal information, and payment information. Some emails that have a link attached with it also can grant access to a hacker to your smartphone or computer and they can then access just about anything that you had put down on your computer. (Sadler) In 2009 Greenhaven Press published the book "Cyber Crime". Bruce Schneier talked about whether a software company should be liable for the security breaches. Security breaches are starting to become more and more common. The issue is often argued to be because of manufactures poorly making products on purpose. In certain aspects people would be favoring secure products over insecure but it seems they do not due to software monopolies limiting the choices they have by only making things up to the latest compatibilities with certain product and other companies not Get more content on
  • 2. Cybercrime: Two Case Studies Cybercrime is committed when a person uses a computer and network technology to commit an act which is against the law. Such crimes cover a wide range of activities that can be clearly defined as against the common good. Financial fraud, stalking, cyber–bullying, and malware creation are common ones. There are times however when cybercrimes, although illegal in action, are committed to promote the common good. Ambiguous cybercrimes create a moral/ethical dilemma in the public spotlight, and create doubt toward the authorities that uphold the law. The following are two such cases. We Do Not Forgive. We Do Not Forget On April 4th 2013, Rehtaeh Parsons committed suicide after a year and a half of cyber–bullying from the four boys that gang–raped her in November of 2011. The boys had photographed the crime against the seventeen year old, and used the photos to brag about it on social media (Winston Ross, 2013). After a year of half–hearted investigating, police called off the investigation without filing any charges, citing that the case was an issue of "he said, she said" (Winston Ross, 2013). After the girl's death, public outrage over the botched investigation led to the hacker collective Anonymous to get involved. Because the boys were minors at the time of the crime, their identities were protected by law. Anonymous hackers scoured the Internet to find out the identity of the rapists as well as personal details about their personal lives. The group then went public Get more content on
  • 3. Cyber Crime Essay Cyber Crime is described as criminal activity committed via use of electronic communications with respect to cyber fraud or identity theft through phishing and spoofing. There are many other forms of cyber–crime also such as harassment, pornography etc. via use of information technology. Usually Cyber–crime is divided in below 3 categories: 1.Persons: Cyber Crime against person can be conducted in many ways as in today's world all the personal information is available on internet and one can use this against a person. 2.Property: These kind of crimes includes unauthorized computer tres passing via cyber space, transmission of harmful programmer or possession of comutersied information. 3.Government: One of growing cyber–crime and very dangerous at high scale is cyber–crime against government. As terrorist may use cyber space to crack into the government or military maintained websites and can get access to the very secretive information or files which can damage the safety of the county and the citizens of the nation at large. Strict Cyber Law: Cyber Law was the first step taken by the government against the cyber–crime. According to this law if any one tries to destroy, alters or delete any data or damage it without any permission of the owner of the computer, shall be punishable offense. Similarly if any corporate body is maintaining or protecting data of the person or company and if any negligent act or failure found in protecting the data shall be liable to pay Get more content on
  • 4. Cyber Crimes, Moral And Ethical Implication Cyber Crimes, Moral and Ethical Implication Introduction The internet's rapid growth and computer technology has helped people around the world over the past few years. This evolution has also enabled new forms of crime–dubbed cyber–crime. This phenomenon has greatly evoked feelings such as admiration and fear in people mind. Cyber–crime is defined as crimes committed on internet, with computers as the tool, Agathise E Joseph, June 28th 2006. It is not an "armed robbery", not a murder but a practice that requires intelligence and knowledge in IT. Today after all the several internet advantages, there are still people who are reluctant about subscribing on a social network for fear of exposing their privacy. Privacy is a very serious threat and can be a source of illegal reproduction of software applications, games, movies and CD's. Computer frauds are damaging our lives nowadays and can cause a huge monetary loss to the entertainment industry. According to Richard Power (editorial Director of thecomputer Security Institute, San Francisco CA), the "love bug" virus is estimated at a billion of dollars. There are a lot of viruses causing damages in companies everyday so we cannot undoubtedly single out one crime because all kind of crimes are posing serious threat to people and businesses. Most of computer crimes are committed by professional who know the computer ethics. This work seeks to underline the moral and ethical implication of cyber–crimes, precisely the moral Get more content on
  • 5. Cybercrime And Its Effect On The Youth I believe that crime is an important and relevant subject in today's modern society due to it increasing occurrence. A topic that has particularly fascinated me is cybercrime and it evolvement among the youth in Ghana. The study of cybercrime among the youth as a result of cheap in–flow of electronic waste, which is affordable to acquire and explore for sensitive data like personal information, credit card numbers etc., societies response to it and ways to prevent it are all areas that have interested me from my teenage years. Growing up in Ghana cybercrime was fairly simple through credit card fraud. Only a few people had access to this because it was expensive to buy the raw dump of credits cards from people in the hotels and bars who could provide this information. This was disclosed to me by a peer who was involved and later was arrested by a security agency. Over the years, such cybercrime has become more widespread and advanced in different forms. The most common include identity fraud, blackmailing, access to classified information, personal security breaches by accessing hard drives, old phones, and so forth. I grew up in a large family made up of four boys and three girls, I was the six born of my parents, due the size of the family my parent had huge financial difficulties which lead to divorce. This had a tone on all the children, which brought a delay in our academic life's because of financial difficulties. Through perseverance and hard work I completed my Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Cyber Crime and Cyber Law Introduction Recently, the Internet has become the most significant technology in all over the world, which is not only used by the people to contact with each other but also utilized by the business organizations to become global (Taylor, Caeti, Loper, Fritsch & Liederbach, 2006). Computer and internet enable the business organizations to execute the Electronic commerce business model, which has become very popular. Computers and Internet are a powerful source in the success of globalization and international business. Computers are being used worldwide and due to this, cyber crimes are increasing continuously with a rapid growth (Cheeseman, 2006). These types of crimes have become a matter of importance for the consumers as well more content... Cyber Crime and Cyber Law Presently, Cyber crime is one of the crucial subjects in the history of criminal, which is known as White Color crime. This subject has become very popular in the society because cyber crime is associated with the people who are quite educated and who have sufficient knowledge about the information technology (2010: A good year for fighting cybercrime? 2009). Computer and internet are only objects in these crimes because these types of crimes are done by very qualified and computer specialist persons. They use the computer or internet as a medium. Cyber crimes are a type of fraud, which requires knowledge and greater skill for accomplishing the task. It is involved the basis of information technology, illegal approach, unlawful use of technology, alteration of data and information, fraud with the help of technological devices, stealing credit cards and money during the online transaction, possessing the data and material of other persons over internet in an unauthorized way, laundering money through internet, use of internet to coordinates with terrorist attacks, etc. (Taylor, Caeti, Loper, Fritsch & Liederbach, 2006). Not only the government but also media and business industries are fascinated by the evolution of the justice system to control the activities of Cyber Crime. It is a challenging Get more content on
  • 7. CyberCrime Essay Computers have improved a great deal from the time that they were invented to the present. They have even improved a great deal from year to year. This may be positive, but then again it has a negative effect on society. The use and advancement of technology has increased different types of crimes like the following; terrorism, black marketing, and theft crimes. It is also responsible for the success of their respective criminal assets. These technologies related crimes are described by one word, which is cyber crime. According to Dan Koenig, cyber crime is a criminal offense that has been created or made possible by the advent of computer technology, or a traditional crime which has been transformed by the use of a computer. more content... The advancement of technology causes more black–marketing because it helps create the products that are sold in the black market system. A couple of years ago there were no such thing as bootlegging songs and movies on CD's and DVD's. But because of the fact that computers are being improved anybody who has a computer can copy movies, songs and then sell them. Even young people are able to do this. According to Kevin Webb, a Dallas–based computer consultant, saw a teenager using an iPod MP3 player to steal hundreds of dollars worth of software from a neighborhood CompUSA store in about a minute and a half (Stevenson). This shows how anybody can accomplish bootlegging so easily. The advancement of technology helps cause more theft crimes because a criminal can investigate certain information on the place from which they want to steal so that they can possess information they need to make their crime successful. They can easily find passwords that they need. An example of this occurred in California where a hacker gained access to several computer networks, which included information about 265,000 state workers. This information consisted of the first, last, and middle names and the Social Security numbers of every state employee, from the Governor to contracted staff. In another case two Get more content on
  • 8. Persuasive Essay On Cybercrime Cybercrime is a major dilemma in most parts of the world and with the ever–growing usage of technology, prevention is necessary for protection. Different forms of cyber–crime may consist of fraud, terrorism, warfare and a variety of other illegal activities. Cyber–crimes can cause harm to an individual, a business, or even a nation. The main issue with enforcing law enforcement and cybercrime prevention is the possibility of infringing on Constitutional rights and privacy. There is really no way for law enforcement to physically prevent cybercrimes from happening rather than other traditional crimes. Instead, law enforcement must use technology itself to try and prevent and catch these cyber–crimes from occurring. (Cole, Smith, and Dejung, 2017) Cybercrimes are not just limited to the Unites States. Most of the time, the actual perpetrators are from different countries and are protected by the lack of jurisdiction. The most common type of cybercrime is identity theft. This is where the perpetrators construct fraudulent websites and organizations to get unsuspecting victims to release their personal information. This can occur over cellphones, computers, and even at the gas pump. Combating cybercrime has a special relationship with privacy violations. Gaining information from monitoring one's activities through technology to surveillance has persuaded law enforcement that it is morally right to gain evidence in illegal and unethical procedures that are necessary to control cybercrime acts. (Cybercrime, 2017) The two latest forms of cybercrimes stem from cyber bullying and the creation of malware systems that attack other computers to steal information. Cyberbullying has been mentioned numerous times in the current news about individual attacking others to the degree that psychological and emotional damage can occur and in some cases even death. In my opinion, cyberbullying will always be present in every generation. My belief is that there needs to be strict laws against certain types of harassment and certain punishments on cyberbullying that results in harm or death in the victim. The latest trend of young school aged children committing suicide due to cyberbullying is astronomical and has been on the incline Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on CyberCrime Millions of people around the world use computers and the internet everyday. We all use it in school, work even at home, computers have made us life easier, it has brought so many benefits to society but it has also brought some problems, cybercrimes is one of them. The internet could be considered a type of community of computer networks, therefore we could consider it a society. Like in every society, in the internet there is commerce, education, entertainment, and of course there is crime, cybercrime. Real life society has police and laws to regulate people actions, unfortunately right now the internet is missing this type of control. Governments around the world need to work together to find a solution to this problem. more content... Now the internet is used by universities, companies, schools, government agencies, families and individual users (Encarta, 2001). Cybercrimes are committed by using computers, so they could be considered computer crimes. Computer crimes started in the 1960s with the introduction of computers into businesses and government agencies. Through the years computers and computer crimes have evolved, now most of computer crimes are done through the internet (Godwin, 1995). Right now it is estimated that $100 billion dollars is lost annually because of cybercrimes and 97% of the offenses go undetected (Gebhardt, 2001). Cybercrimes will continue to evolve becoming more and more dangerous. Right now there are different types of cybercrimes, the most important and dangerous are the following. Computer network break–ins, this type of crime is performed by hackers that break into computer systems to steal data or plant viruses, this type of crime has been made illegal by the U.S. federal government but its detection is difficult; Industrial espionage, this occurs when a corporation hires a hacker to obtain information about another corporation; Software piracy, this the illegal copying and distribution of software, this copies of software work as well as the originals but are much cheaper because it is very simple to create this copies; Mail bombings, this type of crime consist in ordering the computer to Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Cyber Crime and National Security Essay on Cyber Crime And National Security When we talk about national security, we talk about the security of over one billion people and sovereignty of a country that is culturally rich, politically stable, socially compact and economically emerging. The worst victim of terrorism and naxalism India and its national security has been threatened recently by cyber crime. They concept of cyber crime is not radically different from the concept of conventional crime. Cyber crime is the latest and perhaps the most complicated problem in the crime world of the country. In the context of national security, cyber crime may involve hacktivism (on–line activity intended to influence polity), traditional espionage or information warfare more content... In fact, the first recorded cyber crime dates back to 1820. Joseph Marie Jacquard, a textile manufacture in France produced the loom which involved a seniors of steps. This caused fear among Jacquard's employees that their traditional employment and live hood were being threatened. They committed acts of sabotage to discourse Jacquard from further use of the new technology. Cyber terrorism is a threat to national security which may be defined as " the premeditated use of disruptive activities or the threat thereof, in cyber space, with the intention of further social, ideological, religious, political or similar objectives or to intimidate any person in furtherance of such objects". A cyber terrorist is a person who uses thecomputer system as a means or ends to achieve the following objectives – (1) putting the public or any section of public in fear, or (2) affecting adversely the harmony between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities; or (3) coercing or overawing the government established by law; or (4) endangering the sovereignty and integrity of the nation. Cyber crime is a global phenomenon and therefore the initiative to fight it should come from the same level. Today cyber and organized crime has become the order of the day round the globe and the need to put an end to this criminal act cannot be kept aside. Research has shown that people lose millions of with this set of Get more content on
  • 11. Research Paper On Cybercrime Abstract: The basic idea of cybercrime can be explained by just one line "Cybercrimes are any crimes that involve a computer and a network." It is not necessary that the computer is used in order to commit a crime, sometimes it can be target as well. These include crimes such as cyber–stalking, Identity theft, cyber trespass, cyber deceptions etc. In other words cybercrime can be defined as any illegal activity carried out using computer and the network as its means of communication. This paper presents information regarding cybercrimes and its types and how does it impacts organization both on economic and social front in addition to some of the existing solutions to prevent the users/ organization from cybercrimes and it also suggests some new ideas that can be considered as a preventive measure from cybercrime and it also include cyber–crime against women in India. Primary motive behind this research is that bring awareness amongst women in India. Make them understand that how cybercrime can affect their life. What are the various ways of cybercrime against women? What kind of prevention techniques available you will find in this research paper. I.Introduction: In today's worlds internet is more content... Apparently most of the user content submitted is anonymous, however, the website's owner or administrator choses what to post, and at the same time adds comments to the posts. The court of the first instance viewed that the website is not immune under CDA В§ 230 and allowed the lawsuit to proceed forward. The jury sided with the claimant and she was awarded $338,000 for the mental anguish she had suffered because of the libellous posts s overturned the verdict, pointing to CDA, which according to them, applies to the gossip website and this particular case as Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Introduction to Computer Crime 1.0Introduction In our modern society where technology is evolving, the people who are exposed to computers each day are also increasing. Using computers have become part of our daily lives to the extent that the world would not function as it would now without the use of computers. With that, criminals are moving on to using computers for their criminal activities and thus computer crimes are born. Every now and then we will hear news of companies getting hacked, government websites being defaced, customers' information being leaked out and other various computer crimes all over the world. This report aims to introduce the various types of computer crimes and what impact does computer crimes bring to the society. The report will more content... Unlike normal crimes, computer crimes can be initiated in a remote location where the law is not enforced for computer crimes and with many computers getting networked to each other, computer crimes have been made easier. 2.0Background 2.2Various types of computercrime There are many various types of computer crimes and they have grown huge in numbers ever since more people have access to computers. In this section, it will focus on the more common types of computer crimes that have been prosecuted by law such as Hacking, Theft, Cyberstalking, Identity Theft and usage of malicious softwares. 2.2.1Hacking Hacking is a type of computer crime where a hacker gains unauthorized access to another computer to access personal or sensitive information and sometimes also to destroy or modify information in the computer. As technology is constantly improving over time, the knowledge of computers gained by people is also improving over time and thus leading hackers to exploit security vulnerabilities in computers to benefit themselves or bring havoc to a certain party. Many people are still not conscious of their computer usage habits which make it an easy target for hackers as an unsuspecting user can execute a malicious software unknowingly which can allow a hacker can exploit and gain access to the computer system. 2.2.2Theft (Piracy) Theft or piracy is a computer crime where a user violates copyrights of a material by illegally downloading them. With Get more content on
  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Cybercrime Imagine, one day you wake up and you're running late. On your way into work you stop at your favorite coffee shop. You order your coffee and your muffin, and you go to swipe your card only to find out it declines. What do you do? You call your bank and they tell you several accounts have been hacked and yours was one of them. Now you have no money, no access to your savings. Everything you've ever worked for is gone and it only took one click. This is a very real possibility, and it doesn't stop at bank accounts. Cybercrime is at an all–time high, and no one is safe. Cyber threats have vastly grown over the past decade, we need to better prepare ourselves and become more aware in the event of future attacks. Cybercrime is not limited to bank fraud or identity theft, it is any crime that is committed by use of an electronic device, such as a computer or cellphone. For example, in August 2001 Rafael Nunez also known as RaFa successfully hacked into a NASA employee's computer and obtained classified shuttle designs for future space crafts. While this attack did not cause any real harm, he did leak the designs to a local reporter to prove his theory that NASA isn't as secure as everyone may have thought. Another form of cybercrime would be internet stalking, one out of twelve women experience some type of cyber stalking in their lifetime, and most predators are men. This could lead to cyberbullying, which is something you see occur every day. October 17th, 2006, Get more content on
  • 14. Cyber Crime In The United States Criminal activities are actions by individuals or a group of persons towards entities that are recognized as illegal by the oversight bodies. In the United States, the oversight body is the judiciary. The Judiciary works in collaboration with the State law enforcing departments who investigate and arrest the offenders to be tried against the judicial standards. The paper will seek to highlight the controversial crimes in the United States. The manuscript will review terrorism, cyber crimes, and drugs in the United States. The author will evaluate the extent of the crimes, measures that have been enacted to curb the offenses, and their pros and cons. Conclusin and recommendations will be done based on the findings of the study. Responses more content... The drug crimes are recognized by the United States legal system in different scenarios and perspective. Each perspective carries legal charges upon conviction. The drug crimes vary from directly being in possession of the drugs that have been legally criminalized with the intention to sell or being in the possession of the drugs with the intention for personal use. The two intentions for the use of the drug are treated separately and carries a different legal term upon conviction. The possession of the drug as the tool for the trade is treated as a serious offense as compared to that for personal Get more content on
  • 15. Cyber Crime Essay As the number of internet users and ease of access increases, and more and more of the public and private assets are stored electronically rather than physically. The internet while providing range of benefits to individuals and organizations also provide criminal opportunities to emerge. These online criminal activities are known as Cybercrime. The briefing paper is an attempt to discover different areas of cyber crime, and its implication in today 's world . The paper focuses on the growing range of cyber crimes to the security of public and private sector, its types and how to mitigate the risk of cyber crime. The term Cybercrime is used to refer to any crime that is conducted with the help of computer or network. Internet was not designed to be secure. Information technology provides different ways of communication for exchange of fast, cheap and secure information. But can also be used as a means of communication to help existing criminal activities, and to provide new way for criminal activities. Cyber crime is not a static way of crime. The introduction of new technology also expands the range of potential victims. In the past 20 years the ICT industry has had phenomenal growth by agreeing global technical standards and disciplines from hypertext to Wi–Fi but when it comes to Cyber security many standards are just not followed.(John Stuffolk, Global Head of Cyber security, 17 Huawei 'We should learn from the cold war to strengthen cyberspace ' Financial Times, 21 Get more content on
  • 16. The Issue Of Cyber Crimes Essay Jurisdiction is one of the main issues on account of cyber crimes because of the extremely inclusive nature of the cyber crimes. With the constantly developing arm of the internet the territorial concept appears to vanish. New Methods for resolution of dispute should offer route to the traditional techniques. Accordingly, the Information Technology Act, 2000 is quiet on these issues. In spite of the fact that S. 75 accommodates extra territorial operations of this law, yet they could be significant just when supported with provisions which recognizes orders and warrants for Information issued by capable authorities outside their purview and measure for cooperation's for trade of material and evidences of cyber violations between law implementation organizations. Normally the jurisdiction of a court is identified with the place where the offense is committed. This depends on the English common law position that all crimes committed are local and ought to be tried just by the courts which have the jurisdiction over the matter and where the crime has been committed. When there is a confusion with regards to the local area which any crime took place, the courts, inside whose purview even a part of the offense was submitted, is given the jurisdiction to try the matter. Ques.2 Explain briefly the classification of cyber crimes in India? Ans.2The subject of cyber crime may be broadly classified firstly as under the following three groups. 1. Against Individuals a.their Get more content on
  • 17. Literature Review On Cyber Crime 2. Literature review The internet is a medium that is becoming progressively important as it makes information available in a quick and easy manner. It has transformed communications and acts as a global network that allows people to communicate and interact without being limited by time, boarders and distance. However, the infrastructure is vulnerable to hackers who use the system to commit cyber crime. To accomplish this, they make use of innovative stealth techniques for their malicious purposes in the internet. In the computer security context, a hacker is someone who seeks and exploits weaknesses in a computer system or computer network (Wiki). To clarify, hackers apply more content... In fact, computers are not only the means of the crime, but also the target of it. Cyber crime encompasses a wide range of activities, including: hacking, phishing, denial of service (DoS) attacks, creating and distributing malware, unauthorized data access, corruption of deletion of data, interception of data (Kennedys). The fight against hackers and cyber crime is a global problem and nationally and internationally, the threats they caused have been recognized and acknowledged. Governments, organizations and companies co–operate to secure cyber space. In fact, the prevention of cyber criminal activities is the most critical aspect in the fight against cyber crime. It's mainly based on the concepts of awareness and information sharing. A proper security posture is the best defence against cyber crime (Paganini, Perluigi, 2014)–of–security/incident–detection /preventing–and–recovering–from–cybercrime/ The UK government confirmed that unfortunately a growing number of adversaries are looking to use cyberspace to steal, compromise or destroy critical data. The scale of our dependence means that our prosperity, our key infrastructure, our places of work and our homes can all be affected (Cabinet Office, Get more content on
  • 18. Cyber Crime Essay In today's day and age, everyone uses a computer. Whether it is just for fun (surfing the internet, downloading music) or for work (using Excel, Word or the internet for sources) there are not too many people that do not understand how useful the computer can be. In fact, many people have figured out how to use the computer to commit crime anonymously, and sometimes without the victim even knowing a crime has been committed. There are many different types of internet crime. First, it is incredibly easy to hide one's identity on the internet. Most people use "user names" as opposed to actual names, therefore anyone can choose anything for their name. Some people do this just so they can feel like they can be who ever they want to more content... "The development of informal banking institutions and parallel banking systems may permit central bank supervision to be bypassed, but can also facilitate the evasion of cash transaction reporting requirements in those nations which have them (Grabosky 17). Viruses, worms and trojans are also a common internet crime. Computer viruses are programs that can copy themselves in order to infect a computer without the knowledge of the user. These can be spread by e–mail, flash drives, floppy disks, or any other form of portable memory. Worms are similar in that the user is unaware, but the point of these is to send the virus to as many people as possible. Therefore, the worm does not attach itself to the computer, but instead to the e–mail so it can be sent out again and again. Trojans appear to be innocent to the computer user, but in fact is used to open a backdoor to the computer so others can access. They can also be used to transmit viruses or worms. Most people can protect against these by installing anti–virus software that will review information to make sure it is safe before the user can open. There are also numerous firewalls that can be installed on a computer to make sure only authorized material is transmitted. The easiest way to misuse the internet is simply to conspire to commit a criminal act. Many people use computers to share information and to communicate plans. Some of these may be simply Get more content on