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Pros And Cons Of Cybercrime
The meaning of cybercrime is the criminal activities on the computer or internet used to access
personal information and also business trade secrets to harm others. These illegal activities are
done by hackers and known as cybercrime. Cybercrime can be harmful or cause of threats for a
person or for whole national security or harmful for financial health. Cybercrime includes the illegal
files downloading and stealing millions of dollars from bank accounts and creating and distributing
virus on others computers.
Cybercrime is crime that involve computer or computer technology to harm others people on
internet. Then cybercrime means the compromise the any system or it resources or information or
data by unauthorized access. The cybercrime is unethical and more over it is illegal. Its result are
attacker go to jail or pay the heavy amount of penalty or punishment.
The cybercrime then activated when more content...
For the confidential information or leak out of privacy the punishment is up to 5 million of fine and
imprison for 5 year or both.
The punishment of sending marketing/irritation messages is PKR 50 thousand fine if this crime is
repeated the punishment would be 3 month imprison and up to PKR 1 million fine.
If anyone creates a website for negative purpose the punishment is 3 year imprison and fine up to
PKR 0.5 million.
The punishment for those who publish individual picture without permission or sending dirty
messages and unnecessary cyber interference is imprison for 1 year and fine up to 1 million.
If anyone interference in sensitive data of information system then imprison up to 7 year and fine up
to PKR 10 million.
If anyone access unauthorized data then imprison for 3 month and fine up to 50
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Pros And Disadvantages Of Cyber Crime Essay
Internet was created by some accomplished people in 1960's. It was started for research and
development in USA. Initially, it was started for military use but by and by, internet was made
available for all the computer users. Many people use internet for the communication because it has
been the most favourable and efficient way of communication. There are many advantages of
internet but as well as on the other side it has many drawbacks. Many people misuse this technology
because of this the World is in danger zone, privacy of the countries, companies, government
institutes and peoples are in unsafe. Many crimes are done by the use of the internet. The main
misuse of this technology is Cybercrime. Cybercrimes violate more content...
There are around 30 million internet users with 15 million mobile sub in Pakistan. As indicated by
Cyber Crime Unit (CCU), a branch of Federal Investigation Agency, just 62 cases were accounted
for to the unit in 2007, 287 cases in 2008, proportion dropped in 2009 yet in 2010, more than 312
cases were enlisted. In any case, unreported occurrences of digital crime are immense in numbers.
In 2012, There was an ICT 7th exhibition CONNECT held in Expo Centre Karachi where President
Pakistan Information Security Association (PISA) and former additional director general FIA
Ammar Jaffery said "The unwillingness of cyber crime victims to pursue cases is the major hurdle in
the way of investigations and action against hackers and criminals in the country".
As indicated by him around 200 cases were accounted for in 2011 including internet fraud, site
hacking .The victims do not report against the crime as a result of the fear of police, extorting and
individual mysteries. Man people used to blackmail female via facebook account, by hacking
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Cyber Crime : A Crime
Cyber crime is described as computer crimes. They could be classified as any form of illegal
activity that take place on a computer or even a phone. According to the Department of Justice
they classify cyber crime into three categories: crimes in which a computer is the target, another
class is when a computer is used as a weapon. The last class is when a computer is used as an
accessory, this is when criminals use computers to store data they've stolen. The growth of the
internet has allowed cyber criminals to attack any target anywhere and not even have to be local.
Capabilities in internet speed and the out reach of the world wide web make this crime more
desirable and easy to accomplish. Cyber crime has an impact of businesses and people within the
community is various ways. Millions are lost everyday trying to repair the damage that they've
done. The people that commit these crimes are computer nerds who are just looking for bragging
rights with their friends. Some of these people do break into organizations to steal money or
personal information. They could even be spying on a competitor company for secrets. Fighting
cyber–crime according to the FBI is an ongoing task across all levels. The US Government identifies
4 major challenges:
Ensuring cyber–crime is reported: How can a business know that they are a victim of a crime. Most
businesses do not know that they have been a victim until it's too late. This crime is an invisible
crime unless a person is trying to
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Cybercrime: Two Case Studies
Cybercrime is committed when a person uses a computer and network technology to commit an act
which is against the law. Such crimes cover a wide range of activities that can be clearly defined as
against the common good. Financial fraud, stalking, cyber–bullying, and malware creation are
common ones. There are times however when cybercrimes, although illegal in action, are committed
to promote the common good. Ambiguous cybercrimes create a moral/ethical dilemma in the public
spotlight, and create doubt toward the authorities that uphold the law. The following are two such
We Do Not Forgive. We Do Not Forget On April 4th 2013, Rehtaeh Parsons committed suicide after
a year and a half of cyber–bullying from the four boys that gang–raped her in November of 2011.
The boys had photographed the crime against the seventeen year old, and used the photos to brag
about it on social media (Winston Ross, 2013). After a year of half–hearted investigating, police
called off the investigation without filing any charges, citing that the case was an issue of "he said,
she said" (Winston Ross, 2013). After the girl's death, public outrage over the botched investigation
led to the hacker collective Anonymous to get involved. Because the boys were minors at the time of
the crime, their identities were protected by law. Anonymous hackers scoured the Internet to find out
the identity of the rapists as well as personal details about their personal lives. The group then went
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Cyber Crime Speech
Hello everyone. First of all I would like to thank Madam Munirah for giving me the opportunity to
be here today. So, before I proceed with my speech, let me introduce myself first. The name's
given is Nur Syifa and I am 20 years old. The topic of today's speech is "Internet: how wild can it
be?" As all of us aware, internet is one of the best inventions for us and importance of the internet is
huge in our lives. It has become the best source to get information about everything. With internet we
can stay updated with the latest happenings in the world, stay connected with people and many
more. But as you know, nothing comes with "benefit". Everything has its negative points as well as
the internet. The question might have hit your mind that what are the bad sides of the internet,
right? The first point that we're going to discuss is about how easily inappropriate materials can be
found on the internet. There are many things available on more content...
The dependency over internet has led to increase in cyber crime. Some criminals use the internet for
spreading computer viruses and also fraud. Cyber crime is a new type of crime that occurs in this
Science and Technology years. There are a lot of definitions for cyber crime. According to cyber crime is known as computer crime that refers to any crime that involves a
computer and a network. Besides that, cyber crime is also defined as crimes committed on the
internet using the computer as either a tool or a targeted victim. One of the cyber crime is the
internet fraud. The most severe form of internet fraud involves identity theft, which is illegally
getting a hold of someone's personal information in some way that uses fraud or deception and is
used for financial gain. One method of getting people's bank account details is the money transfer
email scam. People receive emails requesting help with transferring funds from another
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Why Cybercrime Is Important
Running head: CYBERCRIME
Pooja Patil
MCS 5993 spring 2016
First Paper
Due 11/04/2016
Dr.Terrance Dillard
Crime is a typical word that we generally heard in this globalization period, Crime is related to
violations of the law or it is related to the commission of a demonstration prohibited by law .In this
technological world cybercrime is the new kind of crime. There is a considerable measure of
definitions for cybercrime. According to Wikipedia Cybercrime also known ascomputer crime
which requires computer and network and network connected device such as mobile. Cybercrime is
characterized as violations conferred on the web utilizing the computer as either an instrument or a
targeted victim. Other than that Cybercrime can be characterized as violations submitted on the web
utilizing the computer as either an instrument (Joseph An E, 2006).
All over the word Cybercrime is on the risk , every day there is news on cybercrime since 2006 ,
Nowadays credit card or any card with magnetic black stripe are widely used for any transaction's,
Transaction that includes a card is of the risk , If there is a computer software which permits access
by different clients (e.g. by franchisees, merchants, or different suppliers without security at the top
of the priority list, then there 's risk .As we all use mobile devices containing delicate information,
are lost or stolen each day. In very
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The Issue Of Cyber Crimes Essay
Jurisdiction is one of the main issues on account of cyber crimes because of the extremely inclusive
nature of the cyber crimes. With the constantly developing arm of the internet the territorial concept
appears to vanish. New Methods for resolution of dispute should offer route to the traditional
techniques. Accordingly, the Information Technology Act, 2000 is quiet on these issues.
In spite of the fact that S. 75 accommodates extra territorial operations of this law, yet they could be
significant just when supported with provisions which recognizes orders and warrants for
Information issued by capable authorities outside their purview and measure for cooperation's for
trade of material and evidences of cyber violations between law implementation organizations.
Normally the jurisdiction of a court is identified with the place where the offense is committed. This
depends on the English common law position that all crimes committed are local and ought to be
tried just by the courts which have the jurisdiction over the matter and where the crime has been
committed. When there is a confusion with regards to the local area which any crime took place, the
courts, inside whose purview even a part of the offense was submitted, is given the jurisdiction to try
the matter.
Ques.2 Explain briefly the classification of cyber crimes in India?
Ans.2The subject of cyber crime may be broadly classified firstly as under the following three
1. Against Individuals
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Cyber Security Threats And Crimes
Cyber security threats/crimes
Before people even knew you could do so much with computers and internet beside common work
activity before it got popular and admired, criminals had to get a lot more personal when
retrieving their personal information like dig through trash, steal or break into their mailboxes, are
buy it from a somebody who sold other people identity was some of the way criminal got people
personal information. Now many of people around the world keep all of their information online and
criminal have quickly figure out a way to seal people information and identities without ever living
there house.
Cybercrime is one of the fast–growing areas of crime we are facing right now. More criminal's
everyday are taking advantage of the convenience and preying on people use of the Internet to
commit a series of criminal activities that has no boundaries physical or virtual. Attacks against
computer hardware and software, for example, malware and network intrusion; Financial crimes and
corruption, such as online fraud, phishing; are some ways these criminal use to get your personal
The major annoyance and risk for the internet community has to be hacker and spammers. The
toughest security measures have not been able to enclose these criminals. Such as, social sites like
Facebook, twitter and Myspace are candy land for hackers in 2008 and 2014. However the targets
for 2015 will probably be altered
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Cyber Crime Essay
Cyber Crime
Cyber Crime... this type of Crime is being more common in today's world as advancements with
technology have now come and will continue to bring changes. The society as a whole should have
worries about crimes being committed within the internet, the crimes are increasing and if nothing is
done to prevent them, and then they will not stop. More and more people each day are becoming
more accustomed to the use of technology. Such advancement are leading to more crime online. First
we will talk about sex crimes which start with internet encounters.
The main problem with the internet is an increase of sex crimes. In 2009 Greenhaven Press
published "Cyber Crimes". The book went on to talk about the problems about sex crimes
more content...
In the article Sadler went on to talk about how people usually let their guard down when they are
behind their smartphones people will open anything they get such as a text or email without
hesitation. Smartphone companies should improve security and should be able to spot fakes and
deal with them accordingly. People with iPhone's are being targeted directly. The scam is someone
who is impersonating to be an Apple employee and is trying to convince the person they have a
breach on their phone and in order to deal with the problem they will need to go to this website and
put down information to verify. Emails with a link that is asking for your Apple ID, personal
information, and payment information. Some emails that have a link attached with it also can grant
access to a hacker to your smartphone or computer and they can then access just about anything that
you had put down on your computer. (Sadler)
In 2009 Greenhaven Press published the book "Cyber Crime". Bruce Schneier talked about whether
a software company should be liable for the security breaches. Security breaches are starting to
become more and more common. The issue is often argued to be because of manufactures poorly
making products on purpose. In certain aspects people would be favoring secure products over
insecure but it seems they do not due to software monopolies limiting the choices they have by only
making things up to the latest compatibilities with certain product and other companies not
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Cybercrime Research Paper : Cybercrime
Cybercrime Research Paper We live in the digital internet age where personal identity, banking and
credit card, information can be easily shared and accessed. This provides convenience for
individuals, but it has also opens greater opportunities for identity, banking and credit card theft. The
individuals that commit this cybercrime are often referred to as hackers. Oxford Dictionaries defines
a hacker as, "a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data". Hacking
influences and impacts our daily lives and will affect the future. In the future, the major question
that must be answered is whether common values and rights might have to be sacrificed to
secure the public from cybercrime? I believe to stop cybercrime and to retain individuals will
have to stand up for their rights and what they believe, even if it is against the law. Will the
American public trust the government, large corporations, ethical hackers, or education to handle
the issue of cybercrime? Will the issue of cybercrime be used as an excuse to limit personal
freedom of speech? I believe this issue is a problem of the human heart. The only way to solve this
issue of cybercrime through the effort of providing every American citizen with a strong foundation
of ethical hacking knowledge at a young age.
There are three main types of hackers, white hat, gray hat, and black hat. An ethical hacker is
considered a white hat hacker. Ethical hackers are people who hacks for a good cause,
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Cyber Crime In Australia
The Australian Law cannot cope with the rapid rise of cyber crime, cyber attacks are increasing,
identify theft is becoming more common and phishing is becoming a more popular way of
accessing bank details.
Firstly, cyber attacks are increasing and by 2017 the cyber security network is expected to cost
$120.1 billion. Cyberattacks are getting so common, there are on average 18 victims per second, and
556 million per year. Banks are now being targeted, with 68% of fraud being unrecoverable, also
60% of banks targeted were forced to close business, the rates of cyber crime is increasing and the
Australian law isn't coping or acting fast enough to prevent and solve cases.
Secondly, Identify theft is becoming more common, in a survey from 2011,
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Cyber Crimes And The Crime
Abstract Law Enforcement have always been tasked with having to evolve with the trends in crime
throughout history. Unfortunately for Law Enforcement, they are always on the back end of that
and are often behind for months before being able to counteract. Cyber crimes are no different.
Cyber Crimes are a new and always developing form of crime that bases its entire agenda from
taking advantage of its victims over the internet. Law Enforcement 's job is to assess and work to
stop these crimes but it 's not that easy. These cyber crimes are heavily in the favor of the
criminals and the lack of assistance to Law Enforcement makes it harder for them. The scams are
always changing and the costs are adding up as Law Enforcement takes on Cyber crimes.
Introduction Cyber crimes, as defined by, are criminal activity or a crime that
involves the internet, a computer system, or computer technology. Cyber Crimes may occur all
over the globe, but the scene of the crime shares one common location, the internet. Law
Enforcement has been tasked with bringing an end to this digital dilemma and they have started by
going to war. The war on Cyber crimes is a term used to designate the efforts of Law Enforcement
to go against these sly criminals. There are many different forms of these crimes, such as some come
in forms of scams and others are ushered in by hackers. The shocking part is the statistics that come
along with these crimes and the amount of money that
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Research Paper On Cybercrime
The basic idea of cybercrime can be explained by just one line "Cybercrimes are any crimes that
involve a computer and a network." It is not necessary that the computer is used in order to commit
a crime, sometimes it can be target as well. These include crimes such as cyber–stalking, Identity
theft, cyber trespass, cyber deceptions etc. In other words cybercrime can be defined as any illegal
activity carried out using computer and the network as its means of communication.
This paper presents information regarding cybercrimes and its types and how does it impacts
organization both on economic and social front in addition to some of the existing solutions to
prevent the users/ organization from cybercrimes and it also suggests some new ideas that can be
considered as a preventive measure from cybercrime and it also include cyber–crime against women
in India. Primary motive behind this research is that bring awareness amongst women in India. Make
them understand that how cybercrime can affect their life. What are the various ways of cybercrime
against women? What kind of prevention techniques available you will find in this research paper.
In today's worlds internet is more content...
Apparently most of the user content submitted is anonymous, however, the website's owner or
administrator choses what to post, and at the same time adds comments to the posts. The court of
the first instance viewed that the website is not immune under CDA В§ 230 and allowed the
lawsuit to proceed forward. The jury sided with the claimant and she was awarded $338,000 for the
mental anguish she had suffered because of the libellous posts s overturned the verdict, pointing to
CDA, which according to them, applies to the gossip website and this particular case as
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Cyber Crime
Analysis of Cyber Crime awareness among youth
Abstract: Cyber crime is emerging as a serious threat. Worldwide governments, police departments
and intelligence units have started to react. One of the many approaches to enable students and other
peoples to protect themselves from the ever–increasing amount and range of cybercrime. This is
relevant to students studying different aspects of undergraduate and postgraduate computing. This
paper discusses the views of young generation on the potential risks on other relevant issues related
cyber crime. The peoples may specialise in different aspects of computing from business information
systems, through software development to networking. But we are just focusing more
(ii) Crimes in which computers are targets.
III.Who are cyber criminals?
The cyber criminals constitute of various groups/category. This division may justify on the basis of
the object that they have in their mind. The following are the category of cyber criminals–
1. Children and adolescents between the age group of 6–18 years: The simple reason for this type of
committing crime behavior pattern in children is seen mostly due to the curiousness to know and
explore the things. Further the reasons may be psychological even [1].
2. Organized hackers– These kinds of hackers are mostly organized together to fulfill certain
objective. The reason may be to fulfill their political bias, fundamentalism, etc [1].
E.g. The Pakistanis are said to be one of the best quality hackers in the world. They mainly target the
Indian government sites with the purpose to fulfill their political objectives [1].
3. Professional hackers / crackers their work of hackers is motivated by the color of money.
These kinds of hackers are mostly employed to hack the site of the rivals and get credible, reliable
and valuable information. Further they are van employed to crack the system of the employer
basically as a measure to make it safer by detecting the loopholes [1].
4. Discontented employees– This group includes those people who have been either sacked by their
employer or are dissatisfied with their employer. To avenge they normally hack the
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Cyber Crime And Transnational Crime Essay
Due to the borderless nature of cyberspace, the perfect arena has been created for transnational crime
to occur. Whether it's an anonymous hacker infiltrating a computer network, terrorists targeting the
U.S. power grid, or even the Mexican Los Zetas selling drugs on the Dark Web, cyberspace has
presented itself as an attractive target for illegal activity. Any criminal act in cyberspace immediately
poses a transnational security threat to practically anything comprehensible, such as: governments,
military, infrastructure, national security, the civilian population, and corporations. In order for
policymakers and the international community to effectively implement sound policies and treaties
to mitigate and deter the various criminal acts stemming from cyberspace, they must understand how
sophisticated criminals have become and they must examine how resilient the Internet has made a
criminals daily operations. As a result, the intangible environment of this borderless area makes it
difficult to visualize the extent of its transnational nature. With that being said, how do we
effectively implement policies and multilateral treaties to monitor, weaken, and ultimately, eradicate,
criminals in cyberspace? Definitions For the purposes of this paper, the term cyberspace is defined
as the electronic medium of computer networks, in which online communication takes place. In
addition, the term cybercrime relates to a criminal act that has some kind of computer or cyber
aspect to
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CyberCrime Essay
Computers have improved a great deal from the time that they were invented to the present. They
have even improved a great deal from year to year. This may be positive, but then again it has a
negative effect on society. The use and advancement of technology has increased different types of
crimes like the following; terrorism, black marketing, and theft crimes. It is also responsible for the
success of their respective criminal assets.
These technologies related crimes are described by one word, which is cyber crime. According to
Dan Koenig, cyber crime is a criminal offense that has been created or made possible by the advent
of computer technology, or a traditional crime which has been transformed by the use of a computer. more content...
The advancement of technology causes more black–marketing because it helps create the products
that are sold in the black market system. A couple of years ago there were no such thing as
bootlegging songs and movies on CD's and DVD's. But because of the fact that computers are
being improved anybody who has a computer can copy movies, songs and then sell them. Even
young people are able to do this. According to Kevin Webb, a Dallas–based computer consultant,
saw a teenager using an iPod MP3 player to steal hundreds of dollars worth of software from a
neighborhood CompUSA store in about a minute and a half (Stevenson). This shows how anybody
can accomplish bootlegging so easily.
The advancement of technology helps cause more theft crimes because a criminal can investigate
certain information on the place from which they want to steal so that they can possess information
they need to make their crime successful. They can easily find passwords that they need. An
example of this occurred in California where a hacker gained access to several computer networks,
which included information about 265,000 state workers. This information consisted of the first, last,
and middle names and the Social Security numbers of every state employee, from the Governor to
contracted staff. In another case two
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cyber Crime
Cybercrime we have when a computer is the object of the crime like hacking, phishing, spamming
or is used as a tool to commit an offense like the child pornography, hate crimes etc.
In this crimes, the cyber–criminal use different technology in computers to have access to the
personal data, use the exploitative or malicious web purposes.
Also criminals can use computers to communicate and store data. These criminals involved in these
illegal activities are called hackers.
Cybercrime also referred to as computer crime. Crimes hit computer networks or devices. These
types of crimes have viruses and denial–of–service (DoS).
Common types of cybercrime include online bank information theft, identity theft, online predatory
crimes more content...
Downloading a movie or a song from torrents it is considered piracy and it must be punished. It is
a minor crime but still it has to end at some point. If someone gets used to get what he want for
free then imagine if in the following years they find a way to get also money for free. What
would happen then? It appears only in digital on the screen. Stealing an original movie from the
local DVD store it is considered a crime, it is the same stealing it from the web, and the difference is
that it only appears on your screen. If you rob a bank in the web and just numbers appear on your
account is going to be the same easy thing as downloading a movie in a few
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Disadvantages Of Cyber Crime
Cyber crimes may refer to crimes that are committed through cyber space, it is a very powerful
and dangerous ways of committing crimes as one does not need to be in a specific place to commit
the crime, no one will be able to know what you have done on the internet, and no one will know
who you are as on the internet, most of the time the user can be anonymous, this will lead to the
increase of crimes because the user know that they will not be found out as easily as those crimes
that are committed where the suspect themselves are on the scene which might leave behind many
witnesses or evidence that will reveal their identity. On the internet, users can create a fake identity,
without any real information that will lead to them, but nonetheless, catching cyber criminal are not
impossible more content...
–Important terms in the law are not clearly defined. This is dangerous as it may have various
degrees of interpretation. For example, online libel does not define, as to whether or not certain
situations are considered libelous. Ambiguous terms may also be found in the provision for Real
time collection of data. Threatens Freedom of Speech. –The ambiguity of the provisions, particularly
the online libel, can cause people to be wary of what they say online. The exposition of the truth
may be seen as libellous, depending on the way it is treated. In short, people are subconsciously
being restrained by the law. Even if the freedom of speech is not unlimited, the law still inhibits
somehow, those individuals that want to speak out. There is a fear that any negative comment and
criticism may beseen as an "attack," and can be used against them. Maintenance of the Law. –The
implementation and execution of the Cybercrime Law would alone cost the Philippines P
50,000,000 a year. Not to mention the actual prosecution of it. The Cybercrime law, deals with
delicate subject matters, and must be handled with balance and objectivity in order to make it
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Essay on Computer Crimes
Computer Crimes
Computer crimes are on the rise 1 in 10 Americans experience some form of a malicious attack on
their computer system. If you pay attention to the rest of this speech you will understand how a
Hackers mind works and how to defend yourself from them. In this speech I will tell you why and
how people break into computers, what sorts of trouble they cause, and what kind of punishment lie
ahead for them if caught.
Hackers and Crackers break into computer systems for any of a wide variety of reasons. Many groups
break into computers for capital gain while still others do it as a means to pass time at work or at
school. For most it's a thrill to figure out how to break into a computer. Most people never have any more content...
Another way that Hackers cause trouble is by altering the telephone switching networks at MCI,
AT&T, and Sprint. By doing this they are able to listen to any conversation they choose. Often–times
they will listen in on the Police and
FBI communicating with each–other. This allows them to move to a new location before they are
found. Some Hackers use their knowledge of the telephone system to turn their enemies home
telephone into a virtual pay–phone that asks for quarters whenever you take the phone off the hook.
A person to commits a computer crime in caught will very likely face a substantial punishment.
Often these types of criminals are never caught unless they really screw up. The most wanted
Hacker Kevin Mitinick was tracked down and arrested after he broke into a computer that
belonged to a Japanese security professional. After this man noticed that someone had gotten into
his computer he dedicated the rest of his life to tracking down this one man. Kevin was able to say
one step ahead of police for some time but the fatal mistake that he made was leaving a voice–mail
message on a computer bragging about the fact that he thought he was unstoppable. When he was
arrested he faced a 250,000 dollar fine, 900 hours community service, and a 10 year jail sentence.
Many schools and small businesses still don't have a clue about how to deal with computer crimes
and the like whenever they happen to strike.
In conclusion hopefully you now
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Cyber Crime Essay
In today's day and age, everyone uses a computer. Whether it is just for fun (surfing the internet,
downloading music) or for work (using Excel, Word or the internet for sources) there are not too
many people that do not understand how useful the computer can be. In fact, many people have
figured out how to use the computer to commit crime anonymously, and sometimes without the
victim even knowing a crime has been committed. There are many different types of internet crime.
First, it is incredibly easy to hide one's identity on the internet. Most people use "user names" as
opposed to actual names, therefore anyone can choose anything for their name. Some people do this
just so they can feel like they can be who ever they want to more content...
"The development of informal banking institutions and parallel banking systems may permit central
bank supervision to be bypassed, but can also facilitate the evasion of cash transaction reporting
requirements in those nations which have them (Grabosky 17). Viruses, worms and trojans are also a
common internet crime. Computer viruses are programs that can copy themselves in order to infect
a computer without the knowledge of the user. These can be spread by e–mail, flash drives, floppy
disks, or any other form of portable memory. Worms are similar in that the user is unaware, but the
point of these is to send the virus to as many people as possible. Therefore, the worm does not attach
itself to the computer, but instead to the e–mail so it can be sent out again and again. Trojans appear
to be innocent to the computer user, but in fact is used to open a backdoor to the computer so
others can access. They can also be used to transmit viruses or worms. Most people can protect
against these by installing anti–virus software that will review information to make sure it is safe
before the user can open. There are also numerous firewalls that can be installed on a computer to
make sure only authorized material is transmitted. The easiest way to misuse the internet is simply to
conspire to commit a criminal act. Many people use computers to share information and to
communicate plans. Some of these may be simply
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Cyber Crime Essays

  • 1. Pros And Cons Of Cybercrime Cybercrime: The meaning of cybercrime is the criminal activities on the computer or internet used to access personal information and also business trade secrets to harm others. These illegal activities are done by hackers and known as cybercrime. Cybercrime can be harmful or cause of threats for a person or for whole national security or harmful for financial health. Cybercrime includes the illegal files downloading and stealing millions of dollars from bank accounts and creating and distributing virus on others computers. Cybercrime is crime that involve computer or computer technology to harm others people on internet. Then cybercrime means the compromise the any system or it resources or information or data by unauthorized access. The cybercrime is unethical and more over it is illegal. Its result are attacker go to jail or pay the heavy amount of penalty or punishment. The cybercrime then activated when more content... For the confidential information or leak out of privacy the punishment is up to 5 million of fine and imprison for 5 year or both. The punishment of sending marketing/irritation messages is PKR 50 thousand fine if this crime is repeated the punishment would be 3 month imprison and up to PKR 1 million fine. If anyone creates a website for negative purpose the punishment is 3 year imprison and fine up to PKR 0.5 million. The punishment for those who publish individual picture without permission or sending dirty messages and unnecessary cyber interference is imprison for 1 year and fine up to 1 million. If anyone interference in sensitive data of information system then imprison up to 7 year and fine up to PKR 10 million. If anyone access unauthorized data then imprison for 3 month and fine up to 50 Get more content on
  • 2. Pros And Disadvantages Of Cyber Crime Essay INTRODUCTION :– Internet was created by some accomplished people in 1960's. It was started for research and development in USA. Initially, it was started for military use but by and by, internet was made available for all the computer users. Many people use internet for the communication because it has been the most favourable and efficient way of communication. There are many advantages of internet but as well as on the other side it has many drawbacks. Many people misuse this technology because of this the World is in danger zone, privacy of the countries, companies, government institutes and peoples are in unsafe. Many crimes are done by the use of the internet. The main misuse of this technology is Cybercrime. Cybercrimes violate more content... There are around 30 million internet users with 15 million mobile sub in Pakistan. As indicated by Cyber Crime Unit (CCU), a branch of Federal Investigation Agency, just 62 cases were accounted for to the unit in 2007, 287 cases in 2008, proportion dropped in 2009 yet in 2010, more than 312 cases were enlisted. In any case, unreported occurrences of digital crime are immense in numbers. In 2012, There was an ICT 7th exhibition CONNECT held in Expo Centre Karachi where President Pakistan Information Security Association (PISA) and former additional director general FIA Ammar Jaffery said "The unwillingness of cyber crime victims to pursue cases is the major hurdle in the way of investigations and action against hackers and criminals in the country". As indicated by him around 200 cases were accounted for in 2011 including internet fraud, site hacking .The victims do not report against the crime as a result of the fear of police, extorting and individual mysteries. Man people used to blackmail female via facebook account, by hacking website. CHART OF CYBER CRIME Get more content on
  • 3. Cyber Crime : A Crime Cyber crime is described as computer crimes. They could be classified as any form of illegal activity that take place on a computer or even a phone. According to the Department of Justice they classify cyber crime into three categories: crimes in which a computer is the target, another class is when a computer is used as a weapon. The last class is when a computer is used as an accessory, this is when criminals use computers to store data they've stolen. The growth of the internet has allowed cyber criminals to attack any target anywhere and not even have to be local. Capabilities in internet speed and the out reach of the world wide web make this crime more desirable and easy to accomplish. Cyber crime has an impact of businesses and people within the community is various ways. Millions are lost everyday trying to repair the damage that they've done. The people that commit these crimes are computer nerds who are just looking for bragging rights with their friends. Some of these people do break into organizations to steal money or personal information. They could even be spying on a competitor company for secrets. Fighting cyber–crime according to the FBI is an ongoing task across all levels. The US Government identifies 4 major challenges: Ensuring cyber–crime is reported: How can a business know that they are a victim of a crime. Most businesses do not know that they have been a victim until it's too late. This crime is an invisible crime unless a person is trying to Get more content on
  • 4. Cybercrime: Two Case Studies Cybercrime is committed when a person uses a computer and network technology to commit an act which is against the law. Such crimes cover a wide range of activities that can be clearly defined as against the common good. Financial fraud, stalking, cyber–bullying, and malware creation are common ones. There are times however when cybercrimes, although illegal in action, are committed to promote the common good. Ambiguous cybercrimes create a moral/ethical dilemma in the public spotlight, and create doubt toward the authorities that uphold the law. The following are two such cases. We Do Not Forgive. We Do Not Forget On April 4th 2013, Rehtaeh Parsons committed suicide after a year and a half of cyber–bullying from the four boys that gang–raped her in November of 2011. The boys had photographed the crime against the seventeen year old, and used the photos to brag about it on social media (Winston Ross, 2013). After a year of half–hearted investigating, police called off the investigation without filing any charges, citing that the case was an issue of "he said, she said" (Winston Ross, 2013). After the girl's death, public outrage over the botched investigation led to the hacker collective Anonymous to get involved. Because the boys were minors at the time of the crime, their identities were protected by law. Anonymous hackers scoured the Internet to find out the identity of the rapists as well as personal details about their personal lives. The group then went public Get more content on
  • 5. Cyber Crime Speech Hello everyone. First of all I would like to thank Madam Munirah for giving me the opportunity to be here today. So, before I proceed with my speech, let me introduce myself first. The name's given is Nur Syifa and I am 20 years old. The topic of today's speech is "Internet: how wild can it be?" As all of us aware, internet is one of the best inventions for us and importance of the internet is huge in our lives. It has become the best source to get information about everything. With internet we can stay updated with the latest happenings in the world, stay connected with people and many more. But as you know, nothing comes with "benefit". Everything has its negative points as well as the internet. The question might have hit your mind that what are the bad sides of the internet, right? The first point that we're going to discuss is about how easily inappropriate materials can be found on the internet. There are many things available on more content... The dependency over internet has led to increase in cyber crime. Some criminals use the internet for spreading computer viruses and also fraud. Cyber crime is a new type of crime that occurs in this Science and Technology years. There are a lot of definitions for cyber crime. According to cyber crime is known as computer crime that refers to any crime that involves a computer and a network. Besides that, cyber crime is also defined as crimes committed on the internet using the computer as either a tool or a targeted victim. One of the cyber crime is the internet fraud. The most severe form of internet fraud involves identity theft, which is illegally getting a hold of someone's personal information in some way that uses fraud or deception and is used for financial gain. One method of getting people's bank account details is the money transfer email scam. People receive emails requesting help with transferring funds from another Get more content on
  • 6. Why Cybercrime Is Important Running head: CYBERCRIME CYBERCRIME PAPER Pooja Patil MCS 5993 spring 2016 First Paper Due 11/04/2016 Dr.Terrance Dillard INTRODUCTION Crime is a typical word that we generally heard in this globalization period, Crime is related to violations of the law or it is related to the commission of a demonstration prohibited by law .In this technological world cybercrime is the new kind of crime. There is a considerable measure of definitions for cybercrime. According to Wikipedia Cybercrime also known ascomputer crime which requires computer and network and network connected device such as mobile. Cybercrime is characterized as violations conferred on the web utilizing the computer as either an instrument or a targeted victim. Other than that Cybercrime can be characterized as violations submitted on the web utilizing the computer as either an instrument (Joseph An E, 2006). WHY CYBERCRIME AWARENESS IS IMPORTANT All over the word Cybercrime is on the risk , every day there is news on cybercrime since 2006 , Nowadays credit card or any card with magnetic black stripe are widely used for any transaction's, Transaction that includes a card is of the risk , If there is a computer software which permits access by different clients (e.g. by franchisees, merchants, or different suppliers without security at the top of the priority list, then there 's risk .As we all use mobile devices containing delicate information, are lost or stolen each day. In very Get more content on
  • 7. The Issue Of Cyber Crimes Essay Jurisdiction is one of the main issues on account of cyber crimes because of the extremely inclusive nature of the cyber crimes. With the constantly developing arm of the internet the territorial concept appears to vanish. New Methods for resolution of dispute should offer route to the traditional techniques. Accordingly, the Information Technology Act, 2000 is quiet on these issues. In spite of the fact that S. 75 accommodates extra territorial operations of this law, yet they could be significant just when supported with provisions which recognizes orders and warrants for Information issued by capable authorities outside their purview and measure for cooperation's for trade of material and evidences of cyber violations between law implementation organizations. Normally the jurisdiction of a court is identified with the place where the offense is committed. This depends on the English common law position that all crimes committed are local and ought to be tried just by the courts which have the jurisdiction over the matter and where the crime has been committed. When there is a confusion with regards to the local area which any crime took place, the courts, inside whose purview even a part of the offense was submitted, is given the jurisdiction to try the matter. Ques.2 Explain briefly the classification of cyber crimes in India? Ans.2The subject of cyber crime may be broadly classified firstly as under the following three groups. 1. Against Individuals a.their Get more content on
  • 8. Cyber Security Threats And Crimes Cyber security threats/crimes Before people even knew you could do so much with computers and internet beside common work activity before it got popular and admired, criminals had to get a lot more personal when retrieving their personal information like dig through trash, steal or break into their mailboxes, are buy it from a somebody who sold other people identity was some of the way criminal got people personal information. Now many of people around the world keep all of their information online and criminal have quickly figure out a way to seal people information and identities without ever living there house. Cybercrime is one of the fast–growing areas of crime we are facing right now. More criminal's everyday are taking advantage of the convenience and preying on people use of the Internet to commit a series of criminal activities that has no boundaries physical or virtual. Attacks against computer hardware and software, for example, malware and network intrusion; Financial crimes and corruption, such as online fraud, phishing; are some ways these criminal use to get your personal information.. The major annoyance and risk for the internet community has to be hacker and spammers. The toughest security measures have not been able to enclose these criminals. Such as, social sites like Facebook, twitter and Myspace are candy land for hackers in 2008 and 2014. However the targets for 2015 will probably be altered Get more content on
  • 9. Cyber Crime Essay Cyber Crime Cyber Crime... this type of Crime is being more common in today's world as advancements with technology have now come and will continue to bring changes. The society as a whole should have worries about crimes being committed within the internet, the crimes are increasing and if nothing is done to prevent them, and then they will not stop. More and more people each day are becoming more accustomed to the use of technology. Such advancement are leading to more crime online. First we will talk about sex crimes which start with internet encounters. The main problem with the internet is an increase of sex crimes. In 2009 Greenhaven Press published "Cyber Crimes". The book went on to talk about the problems about sex crimes more content... In the article Sadler went on to talk about how people usually let their guard down when they are behind their smartphones people will open anything they get such as a text or email without hesitation. Smartphone companies should improve security and should be able to spot fakes and deal with them accordingly. People with iPhone's are being targeted directly. The scam is someone who is impersonating to be an Apple employee and is trying to convince the person they have a breach on their phone and in order to deal with the problem they will need to go to this website and put down information to verify. Emails with a link that is asking for your Apple ID, personal information, and payment information. Some emails that have a link attached with it also can grant access to a hacker to your smartphone or computer and they can then access just about anything that you had put down on your computer. (Sadler) In 2009 Greenhaven Press published the book "Cyber Crime". Bruce Schneier talked about whether a software company should be liable for the security breaches. Security breaches are starting to become more and more common. The issue is often argued to be because of manufactures poorly making products on purpose. In certain aspects people would be favoring secure products over insecure but it seems they do not due to software monopolies limiting the choices they have by only making things up to the latest compatibilities with certain product and other companies not Get more content on
  • 10. Cybercrime Research Paper : Cybercrime Cybercrime Research Paper We live in the digital internet age where personal identity, banking and credit card, information can be easily shared and accessed. This provides convenience for individuals, but it has also opens greater opportunities for identity, banking and credit card theft. The individuals that commit this cybercrime are often referred to as hackers. Oxford Dictionaries defines a hacker as, "a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data". Hacking influences and impacts our daily lives and will affect the future. In the future, the major question that must be answered is whether common values and rights might have to be sacrificed to secure the public from cybercrime? I believe to stop cybercrime and to retain individuals will have to stand up for their rights and what they believe, even if it is against the law. Will the American public trust the government, large corporations, ethical hackers, or education to handle the issue of cybercrime? Will the issue of cybercrime be used as an excuse to limit personal freedom of speech? I believe this issue is a problem of the human heart. The only way to solve this issue of cybercrime through the effort of providing every American citizen with a strong foundation of ethical hacking knowledge at a young age. There are three main types of hackers, white hat, gray hat, and black hat. An ethical hacker is considered a white hat hacker. Ethical hackers are people who hacks for a good cause, Get more content on
  • 11. Cyber Crime In Australia The Australian Law cannot cope with the rapid rise of cyber crime, cyber attacks are increasing, identify theft is becoming more common and phishing is becoming a more popular way of accessing bank details. Firstly, cyber attacks are increasing and by 2017 the cyber security network is expected to cost $120.1 billion. Cyberattacks are getting so common, there are on average 18 victims per second, and 556 million per year. Banks are now being targeted, with 68% of fraud being unrecoverable, also 60% of banks targeted were forced to close business, the rates of cyber crime is increasing and the Australian law isn't coping or acting fast enough to prevent and solve cases. Secondly, Identify theft is becoming more common, in a survey from 2011, Get more content on
  • 12. Cyber Crimes And The Crime Abstract Law Enforcement have always been tasked with having to evolve with the trends in crime throughout history. Unfortunately for Law Enforcement, they are always on the back end of that and are often behind for months before being able to counteract. Cyber crimes are no different. Cyber Crimes are a new and always developing form of crime that bases its entire agenda from taking advantage of its victims over the internet. Law Enforcement 's job is to assess and work to stop these crimes but it 's not that easy. These cyber crimes are heavily in the favor of the criminals and the lack of assistance to Law Enforcement makes it harder for them. The scams are always changing and the costs are adding up as Law Enforcement takes on Cyber crimes. Introduction Cyber crimes, as defined by, are criminal activity or a crime that involves the internet, a computer system, or computer technology. Cyber Crimes may occur all over the globe, but the scene of the crime shares one common location, the internet. Law Enforcement has been tasked with bringing an end to this digital dilemma and they have started by going to war. The war on Cyber crimes is a term used to designate the efforts of Law Enforcement to go against these sly criminals. There are many different forms of these crimes, such as some come in forms of scams and others are ushered in by hackers. The shocking part is the statistics that come along with these crimes and the amount of money that Get more content on
  • 13. Research Paper On Cybercrime Abstract: The basic idea of cybercrime can be explained by just one line "Cybercrimes are any crimes that involve a computer and a network." It is not necessary that the computer is used in order to commit a crime, sometimes it can be target as well. These include crimes such as cyber–stalking, Identity theft, cyber trespass, cyber deceptions etc. In other words cybercrime can be defined as any illegal activity carried out using computer and the network as its means of communication. This paper presents information regarding cybercrimes and its types and how does it impacts organization both on economic and social front in addition to some of the existing solutions to prevent the users/ organization from cybercrimes and it also suggests some new ideas that can be considered as a preventive measure from cybercrime and it also include cyber–crime against women in India. Primary motive behind this research is that bring awareness amongst women in India. Make them understand that how cybercrime can affect their life. What are the various ways of cybercrime against women? What kind of prevention techniques available you will find in this research paper. I.Introduction: In today's worlds internet is more content... Apparently most of the user content submitted is anonymous, however, the website's owner or administrator choses what to post, and at the same time adds comments to the posts. The court of the first instance viewed that the website is not immune under CDA В§ 230 and allowed the lawsuit to proceed forward. The jury sided with the claimant and she was awarded $338,000 for the mental anguish she had suffered because of the libellous posts s overturned the verdict, pointing to CDA, which according to them, applies to the gossip website and this particular case as Get more content on
  • 14. Cyber Crime Analysis of Cyber Crime awareness among youth Abstract: Cyber crime is emerging as a serious threat. Worldwide governments, police departments and intelligence units have started to react. One of the many approaches to enable students and other peoples to protect themselves from the ever–increasing amount and range of cybercrime. This is relevant to students studying different aspects of undergraduate and postgraduate computing. This paper discusses the views of young generation on the potential risks on other relevant issues related cyber crime. The peoples may specialise in different aspects of computing from business information systems, through software development to networking. But we are just focusing more content... (ii) Crimes in which computers are targets. III.Who are cyber criminals? The cyber criminals constitute of various groups/category. This division may justify on the basis of the object that they have in their mind. The following are the category of cyber criminals– 1. Children and adolescents between the age group of 6–18 years: The simple reason for this type of committing crime behavior pattern in children is seen mostly due to the curiousness to know and explore the things. Further the reasons may be psychological even [1]. 2. Organized hackers– These kinds of hackers are mostly organized together to fulfill certain objective. The reason may be to fulfill their political bias, fundamentalism, etc [1]. E.g. The Pakistanis are said to be one of the best quality hackers in the world. They mainly target the Indian government sites with the purpose to fulfill their political objectives [1]. 3. Professional hackers / crackers their work of hackers is motivated by the color of money. These kinds of hackers are mostly employed to hack the site of the rivals and get credible, reliable and valuable information. Further they are van employed to crack the system of the employer basically as a measure to make it safer by detecting the loopholes [1]. 4. Discontented employees– This group includes those people who have been either sacked by their employer or are dissatisfied with their employer. To avenge they normally hack the Get more content on
  • 15. Cyber Crime And Transnational Crime Essay Due to the borderless nature of cyberspace, the perfect arena has been created for transnational crime to occur. Whether it's an anonymous hacker infiltrating a computer network, terrorists targeting the U.S. power grid, or even the Mexican Los Zetas selling drugs on the Dark Web, cyberspace has presented itself as an attractive target for illegal activity. Any criminal act in cyberspace immediately poses a transnational security threat to practically anything comprehensible, such as: governments, military, infrastructure, national security, the civilian population, and corporations. In order for policymakers and the international community to effectively implement sound policies and treaties to mitigate and deter the various criminal acts stemming from cyberspace, they must understand how sophisticated criminals have become and they must examine how resilient the Internet has made a criminals daily operations. As a result, the intangible environment of this borderless area makes it difficult to visualize the extent of its transnational nature. With that being said, how do we effectively implement policies and multilateral treaties to monitor, weaken, and ultimately, eradicate, criminals in cyberspace? Definitions For the purposes of this paper, the term cyberspace is defined as the electronic medium of computer networks, in which online communication takes place. In addition, the term cybercrime relates to a criminal act that has some kind of computer or cyber aspect to Get more content on
  • 16. CyberCrime Essay Computers have improved a great deal from the time that they were invented to the present. They have even improved a great deal from year to year. This may be positive, but then again it has a negative effect on society. The use and advancement of technology has increased different types of crimes like the following; terrorism, black marketing, and theft crimes. It is also responsible for the success of their respective criminal assets. These technologies related crimes are described by one word, which is cyber crime. According to Dan Koenig, cyber crime is a criminal offense that has been created or made possible by the advent of computer technology, or a traditional crime which has been transformed by the use of a computer. more content... The advancement of technology causes more black–marketing because it helps create the products that are sold in the black market system. A couple of years ago there were no such thing as bootlegging songs and movies on CD's and DVD's. But because of the fact that computers are being improved anybody who has a computer can copy movies, songs and then sell them. Even young people are able to do this. According to Kevin Webb, a Dallas–based computer consultant, saw a teenager using an iPod MP3 player to steal hundreds of dollars worth of software from a neighborhood CompUSA store in about a minute and a half (Stevenson). This shows how anybody can accomplish bootlegging so easily. The advancement of technology helps cause more theft crimes because a criminal can investigate certain information on the place from which they want to steal so that they can possess information they need to make their crime successful. They can easily find passwords that they need. An example of this occurred in California where a hacker gained access to several computer networks, which included information about 265,000 state workers. This information consisted of the first, last, and middle names and the Social Security numbers of every state employee, from the Governor to contracted staff. In another case two Get more content on
  • 17. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cyber Crime CYBERCRIME Cybercrime we have when a computer is the object of the crime like hacking, phishing, spamming or is used as a tool to commit an offense like the child pornography, hate crimes etc. In this crimes, the cyber–criminal use different technology in computers to have access to the personal data, use the exploitative or malicious web purposes. Also criminals can use computers to communicate and store data. These criminals involved in these illegal activities are called hackers. Cybercrime also referred to as computer crime. Crimes hit computer networks or devices. These types of crimes have viruses and denial–of–service (DoS). Common types of cybercrime include online bank information theft, identity theft, online predatory crimes more content... Downloading a movie or a song from torrents it is considered piracy and it must be punished. It is a minor crime but still it has to end at some point. If someone gets used to get what he want for free then imagine if in the following years they find a way to get also money for free. What would happen then? It appears only in digital on the screen. Stealing an original movie from the local DVD store it is considered a crime, it is the same stealing it from the web, and the difference is that it only appears on your screen. If you rob a bank in the web and just numbers appear on your account is going to be the same easy thing as downloading a movie in a few Get more content on
  • 18. Disadvantages Of Cyber Crime Cyber crimes may refer to crimes that are committed through cyber space, it is a very powerful and dangerous ways of committing crimes as one does not need to be in a specific place to commit the crime, no one will be able to know what you have done on the internet, and no one will know who you are as on the internet, most of the time the user can be anonymous, this will lead to the increase of crimes because the user know that they will not be found out as easily as those crimes that are committed where the suspect themselves are on the scene which might leave behind many witnesses or evidence that will reveal their identity. On the internet, users can create a fake identity, without any real information that will lead to them, but nonetheless, catching cyber criminal are not impossible more content... –Important terms in the law are not clearly defined. This is dangerous as it may have various degrees of interpretation. For example, online libel does not define, as to whether or not certain situations are considered libelous. Ambiguous terms may also be found in the provision for Real time collection of data. Threatens Freedom of Speech. –The ambiguity of the provisions, particularly the online libel, can cause people to be wary of what they say online. The exposition of the truth may be seen as libellous, depending on the way it is treated. In short, people are subconsciously being restrained by the law. Even if the freedom of speech is not unlimited, the law still inhibits somehow, those individuals that want to speak out. There is a fear that any negative comment and criticism may beseen as an "attack," and can be used against them. Maintenance of the Law. –The implementation and execution of the Cybercrime Law would alone cost the Philippines P 50,000,000 a year. Not to mention the actual prosecution of it. The Cybercrime law, deals with delicate subject matters, and must be handled with balance and objectivity in order to make it Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Computer Crimes Computer Crimes Computer crimes are on the rise 1 in 10 Americans experience some form of a malicious attack on their computer system. If you pay attention to the rest of this speech you will understand how a Hackers mind works and how to defend yourself from them. In this speech I will tell you why and how people break into computers, what sorts of trouble they cause, and what kind of punishment lie ahead for them if caught. Hackers and Crackers break into computer systems for any of a wide variety of reasons. Many groups break into computers for capital gain while still others do it as a means to pass time at work or at school. For most it's a thrill to figure out how to break into a computer. Most people never have any more content... Another way that Hackers cause trouble is by altering the telephone switching networks at MCI, AT&T, and Sprint. By doing this they are able to listen to any conversation they choose. Often–times they will listen in on the Police and FBI communicating with each–other. This allows them to move to a new location before they are found. Some Hackers use their knowledge of the telephone system to turn their enemies home telephone into a virtual pay–phone that asks for quarters whenever you take the phone off the hook. A person to commits a computer crime in caught will very likely face a substantial punishment. Often these types of criminals are never caught unless they really screw up. The most wanted Hacker Kevin Mitinick was tracked down and arrested after he broke into a computer that belonged to a Japanese security professional. After this man noticed that someone had gotten into his computer he dedicated the rest of his life to tracking down this one man. Kevin was able to say one step ahead of police for some time but the fatal mistake that he made was leaving a voice–mail message on a computer bragging about the fact that he thought he was unstoppable. When he was arrested he faced a 250,000 dollar fine, 900 hours community service, and a 10 year jail sentence. Many schools and small businesses still don't have a clue about how to deal with computer crimes and the like whenever they happen to strike. In conclusion hopefully you now Get more content on
  • 20. Cyber Crime Essay In today's day and age, everyone uses a computer. Whether it is just for fun (surfing the internet, downloading music) or for work (using Excel, Word or the internet for sources) there are not too many people that do not understand how useful the computer can be. In fact, many people have figured out how to use the computer to commit crime anonymously, and sometimes without the victim even knowing a crime has been committed. There are many different types of internet crime. First, it is incredibly easy to hide one's identity on the internet. Most people use "user names" as opposed to actual names, therefore anyone can choose anything for their name. Some people do this just so they can feel like they can be who ever they want to more content... "The development of informal banking institutions and parallel banking systems may permit central bank supervision to be bypassed, but can also facilitate the evasion of cash transaction reporting requirements in those nations which have them (Grabosky 17). Viruses, worms and trojans are also a common internet crime. Computer viruses are programs that can copy themselves in order to infect a computer without the knowledge of the user. These can be spread by e–mail, flash drives, floppy disks, or any other form of portable memory. Worms are similar in that the user is unaware, but the point of these is to send the virus to as many people as possible. Therefore, the worm does not attach itself to the computer, but instead to the e–mail so it can be sent out again and again. Trojans appear to be innocent to the computer user, but in fact is used to open a backdoor to the computer so others can access. They can also be used to transmit viruses or worms. Most people can protect against these by installing anti–virus software that will review information to make sure it is safe before the user can open. There are also numerous firewalls that can be installed on a computer to make sure only authorized material is transmitted. The easiest way to misuse the internet is simply to conspire to commit a criminal act. Many people use computers to share information and to communicate plans. Some of these may be simply Get more content on