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O LEVEL Business Studies – Scheme of work
Course overview
The aim of this Scheme of Work is to set out a progression through the Syllabus content, and to give ideas for activities, together with references to
relevant Internet sites.
The Scheme is neither intended to be prescriptive, nor complete, as local conditions will vary: time and resource availabilities are likely to differ
considerably. More, the Scheme is intended to give ideas to teachers upon which they can build. It is certainly not intended that teachers undertake all
of the activities shown in the various units – that would be impossible in the time usually available – but rather to offer choices which could depend on more content...
External Influences 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 Mixed and market economies Key features of own
national economy Business reactions to market change Competition and business Business cycle Government influence over decision making by using
economic policy measures Impact of business decisions on people, the economy and the environment Government economic policy measures Impact of
technology on business Ethical issues Workforce and the working environment The consumer International trade Problems of entering new markets
abroad Exchange rates Concept of exchange rates and how changes in them affect businesses External costs and benefits Revision
Some Internet sites reviewed GENERAL Cambridge International, particularly for current information, discussion board, contacts.
Watch developments Information on running a young enterprise scheme International version of young
enterprise UK GOVERNMENT UK national statistics www.competition–– UK statistics on anything plus questions International Governments United Arab Emirates Papua New Guinea Kuwait Saudi Arabia Botswana Kenya
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Literacy Narrative Essay example
At this point in my life I find myself in an interesting predicament regarding my attitudes toward reading and writing; more so towards reading.
Years ago I used to love reading books for pleasure but nowadays I find myself reading things that little to no effort to digest. This includes the very
basic posts on facebook expressing one's opinion on something or articles and threads on reddit discussing topics I find intriguing. Perhaps it's the
severe senioritis that has overcome me as I enter my last semester at Chapman University. As I've gotten lazier I can see it start to reflect in my
everyday life. Deep down I still love to read but I rarely find myself getting truly invested into the action unless it relates to something I am
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You can feed the mind as much as you want and it will never get full of reading. Sadly, I'm not the same person that I was. I guess you could say it's
part of growing up. It never really was intentional but it's just the way how it ended up. On the other hand my attitudes toward writing are very
different. First let me say that deep down I truly do not like to write. I myself don't personally like to write for leisure or pleasure but rather I write
because I believe it is one of the most important aspects of being able to communicate with those around you, both personally and professionally.
To put differently, my attitude towards writing is that I write because I need to write and survive in the world around me. I write because I have
to, not because I want to. Hopefully this somewhat makes sense. To better explain let me make a comparison. When I am assigned a writing
assignment or I am writing because the action is being forced upon me I find myself not enjoying the process and overall the end result is subpar.
The perfect example of this would be my junior year in high school when I was enrolled in AP english literature. I dreaded the majority of the class
simply because there was so much writing involved in the entire course and therefore I was constantly writing just to get a grade. Being forced to
write in such high volume every week for an entire school year was not enjoyable for myself and as a result the
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Essay on Writing Experience
My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences,
forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the
future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no
errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in
kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers
taught more content...
I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form
as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My
goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my
whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs,
essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will
have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and
sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and
collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so
that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift
changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not
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Current Affairs Essay
Current Affairs In the United States The world has and will always have their beliefs and ideas about different groups in society. Every group in
society gets judged in many different ways for example, the LGBTQ community has experienced many judgments, violence, hate, and discrimination
since 1924. It is not a secret that there is a huge problem of inequality and discrimination in the United States military. In 1993, the policy "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell" prohibited openly lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals from serving in the U.S. military and were discharged if known to be homosexual
(Belkin, 108). However, according to Kornblum and Julian tolerance for homosexuality grew and things changed, for example: Strong evidence of this more content...
(CNN) The LGBTQ community has fought so hard for their rights of equality and unfortunately this ban sets them back. The LGBTQ community has
had a lot of progress, but there has also been a lot of setbacks on the topic of same–sex marriage. LGBTQ rights movement has been fighting for
same–sex marriage since as early as 2002 in the United States. According to Gerstmann, in 2002 the only same–sex marriage case was dismissed very
fast by the Supreme Court. President Clinton signed the law without any hesitation that same–sex marriage was not legal in any state (Gerstmann, 9). A
couple years later in 2005, the LGBTQ community grew and supporters grew as well, because in Nebraska there was the first federal judge that
believed that there is a constitutional right of same–sex marriage for those that desire it (Gerstmann, 10). By 2015 the Supreme Court ruled in
Obergefell v. Hodges that same–sex marriage bans were unconstitutional, and same–sex marriage became legal in all states (Gerstmann, 10). Even
though same–sex marriage bans were named unconstitutional in all states, there are still some Southern states that are reluctant to see same–sex
marriages as a right. According to Gerstmann (2016), Southern states allowed bills granting religious vendors to have the choice of not serving
same–sex couples. Even though same–sex marriage is legal in all states there are some states that enacted constitutional or statutory bans on same–sex
marriage, known as
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My writing styles Essay
My writing styles
There are many writing styles that many people pick up as they go through there many years of schooling. Each person picks up the same type of
writing styles but as years go by people seem to pick up there own little types of writing style that separates them from everyone else. As I have gone
through many years of English classes I have acquired more and more skills and many more are sure to come as I continue my education. My writing
skills have only gotten better from the time of ninth grade English class until today. Since my days back in junior high school I was only taught the
basic skills to write papers and since then they have grown to make me a decent writer. I have many strengths and more content...
Run–on sentences is also another one of my weaknesses as a writer which is not as big as a problem as my weakness of verb tense use. Another of
many disadvantages of a writer in my point of view is my able to organize my sentences so they run smoothly. I need to work a little bit more on my
internal organization of paragraphs. I don't exactly incorporate quotes so that my sentences run as smoothly as they can. All together I think these couple
of disadvantages of my writing is minimal and that I can work on these mistakes out if I would proof read my papers more in depth. If I can work out
my weaknesses from my writing I will have more advantages and also be considered a better writer.
Along with disadvantages of my writing also come the advantages which make me a half way decent writer in my perspective. In writing papers I
include many interesting facts about the topic that I am writing on. This skill of being able to research topics good is something that I think is one of
my major strengths because of the ability to take the time and patience to weed through tons of material. I am able to take this research that I find and
incorporate it into my papers in a fair enough manner that makes my papers have way decent. Another strength that I posses is my
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My Writing Goals
I have not taken the ACTs yet because I have been very busy with my school work and have been all caught up with extra curricular activities. I just
don't have any time on the weekends because I always have work or I'm hanging out with my friends. I believe as well as I hope that I can do well on
the test. My goal is to achieve a twenty–four through a twenty–seven because I believe that would show how inteligente I actually am. If I score
anything lower than a twenty, then I will most likely plan on taking the test again to do better on it. My strengths in writing can vary, but I am the best
at topic development, specific audience, and sentence structure. I am great when it comes to topic development; I can come up with many different more content...
I want to improve on the areas that I said earlier. I want to improve in my grammar, spelling, and punctuation because it will help me with writing in
all of my classes. The big picture is that it will help me with what I do everyday because I read and write every day. My goal by the end of the term is
to be able to spell all words correct. Also to expand my vocabulary. Another goal of mine is to upgrade my skill in punctuation. ore importantly, it
will help me in my everyday life because I will be reading and writing everyday. Another goal of mine is that I want to become better at these so I can
do well on my ACTs. This will help me incollege. I wish to reach a score of twenty–five to feel good about myself. I said before that I need to become
better at spelling, and I feel as if I can work on this by just practicing. I will become better in the other two areas just by writing more and more to have
it drilled into my mind. I will know the principles of writings because of how many times I will have used them. My goals in this is to receive a grade
of an A in this class. I know for sure that I can obtain this grade because I am a smart individual who likes to work
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Essay about The Education System
The education system has been a controversial issue among educators. Requirements of school do not let student choose what they want to study for
their future. It's a big issue to force student study specific curriculums, which don't help them improve, and what they like to create something.
Educators choose a general system for education to all students which based on general knowledge. Intelligent or genius students have to be in that
system of education, which doesn't let them improve their creativity. Educators attempt to change that system to make it better, but their changing was
not that great to be an example for the world. Also, did that change qualify education system to compete other systems or not? In some examples and more content...
Gatto is concern to society that the contemporary schooling system is trying to get rid of students' personality by turning them into obedient students
that are easy to have power over (control). Therefore, the system will produce uneducated voters that are easy to be misled by higher powers. In
addition, students are not given the freedom of choosing what they want. He is saying that public schools are not the only way to success; also,
unschooled people don't mean that they are uneducated. Moreover, Gatto encourages home–school system than public school as option because
home–school system has more independence but it's not a solution for the US. I disagree to his solution because he is supporting examples from old
generation such as Edison and Ben Franklin; however, our generation is different than before. It needs school environment like sharing our ideas in
class and helping each other to solve problems. Therefore, homeschool is not the solution to success. It is a combination of the students' skills,
intelligence, and effort that makes up their success.
Graff says that putting students in classes in the contemporary system is wasting and limiting students' potential and creativity (198). Complaining that
intellects do not meet the success standard set by schools, Graff proves that schools limit the intellect students can achieve in their academic career
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Essay about Crime
In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden
by law. Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk
driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time. For example, ever since
Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being charged with witchcraft in the 1600's, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even
though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types more content...
Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors. Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors.
Under the federal criminal law system, felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or imprisonment for more than a year. Amisdemeanor is
punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons convicted of felonies are sent to state prisons, while those guilty of
misdemeanors serve their sentence in city, or county jails, or correction houses.
Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such crimes usually bring severe punishments. Crimes against property
include arson, automobile theft, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In most cases, these crimes carry lighter penalties
than the crimes set against the person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The law considers robbery a crime against the person or against
the property, according to the case. Robbery may involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter occurs between
the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm. This usually occurs during muggings or other strong–arm robberies.
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Peer Reflection Essay
During the past eight weeks of this course I enjoyed learning so many new writing strategies that I did not know before. This course has been a very
intense and challenging class, with much knowledgeable information that I have gained in these short eight weeks. I will explain the things I have
learned over this time such as, how I selected a topic for my persuasive essay, some key concepts I have learned from my research, my peer review
feedback evaluations, how my classmates helped me understand points of view, and how my classmates provided me with additional writing strategies.
When trying to find a good topic for my persuasive essay it seemed to be a bit of a struggle. I chose teen pregnancy and to convince my readers the
cons of more content...
I remember reading Stacey's paper about internet pirating, and the harm it is causing to people. When I first started to read her paper, I knew from
the start it defiantly wasn't a topic I was interested in. As I continued to read I starting to instantly get a feel for her standpoint and immediately was
interested. With the great supporting evidence she had obtained it really made me more interested in her point of view. Reading other classmates
essays really gave me and opening eye to the different thinking we all have as individuals. We do not all think as one, we all have our own
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Talent Shows Essay
The influence of talent shows on the music industry
In the recent years, talent shows have become some of the most lucrative and popular television programmes all around the world. The charm of such
contests is easy to fall for – wewatch average people become stars virtually overnight and we root for them, often showing our support by spending
money on voting. While there are several kinds of talent shows, those most popular are singing competitions, which aim to showcase talented singers
and create viable musiccareers. While those programmes thrive and enjoy immense popularity, they are also widelycriticised for the way in which they
impact the music business. In this essay I will try to presenthow talent shows affect the music industry more content...
JamesFoley, a music journalist, describes this influence as follows: "Does [
The X Factor
] impact on thesigning and release schedules of other labels? Of course it does. They will do anything to avoid being up against JLS and Alexandra
Burke and Leona Lewis [all previous
The X Factor contestants], because they know they have automatic access to a promotions platform that other labels don't have" (Addley, par. 10).To
reiterate, talent contests have a great influence on how the music industry operates andfrom the aforementioned effects, we can arrive to the conclusion
that their impact is mostlynegative. Though they provide the market with numerous newcomers, few of those are able tocreate their own original
image or sustain their careers for more than a couple of months. While it ishard to dismiss the vast popularity that talent shows enjoy, it is also
important to remember that theymight be one of the many nails in the coffin of the present–day music industry.Works cited:1. Addler, Esther. "Is The
X Factor killing pop?".
The Guardian,
November 14, 2009. AccessedMay 2, 2013.
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How My Writing Has Changed Essay
My writing styles have changed drastically over the past four years of high school. This memo will explain how my writing has changed and how my
knowledge of writing has improved.
Aspects of My Writing during High School
During my English courses throughout high school, I learned many things from writing simple journals, research papers, and a single term paper.
During high school, I was laid back and procrastinated for much of my work. During the latter part of high school when I wrote my term paper my
senior year, I found out that working a little every night writing a few paragraphs helped me out greatly. I was not just throwing something together just
to get the grade and the paper finished. I spent time on the paper more content...
I do this so the information is true, and also in order from which events have occurred. When I wrote my term paper my senior year I was well
organized. I was required to write about an event in history. I chose India Uprising of 1877 as the topic of my paper. This topic was not interesting at
all, but I chose to write about it. When I finished writing my thesis and outline, I wrote note cards about the different topics, which allowed me to
gather all my information and organize it in which different events occurred. When I was finished with the paper, it sounded and read consistently and
it all flowed together.
How These Experiences Prepared Me for College Writing
I have written many different types of papers for all of my classes throughout high school. For my science classes, I have written several labs in the
form of essays. Writing the essays was different for me because I did not really know that science had much to do with writing. It took me a while to
gather all the information I needed to finish my lab assignments. Writing lab reports will definitely help me in my science courses in the next four years.
The journals I have written came from my four years of high school English. Everyday I came to class there would be a topic on the board. I took five
minutes each day to write about the given topic. It was brainstorming and giving our input on whatever the topic was. I think
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Technology Trends Essay
INTRODUCTION It seems that every year people turn increasingly toward living their lives through technology. It has inundated society, families,
jobs, and lives. Three developing trends that in some ways overlap each other are specifically related to living in a technology world. These trends are
particularly important to the school librarian because many students are living their lives through the web. In order to reach those students, the
librarian must be knowledgeable about the trends and applications and be able to use and apply them in a library setting. By using them, the librarian
makes the library relevant to students, and brings the library to students where the students are.
The first trend is social more content...
TREND ONE – SOCIAL COMMUNICATION Social communication is found on the web through blogs, online journaling, emailing, instant
messaging, and micro–blogging. People use these applications to track their lives, inform others what they have been doing, make recommendations,
rant about an interest, and a variety of other reasons. There is some sort of social communication about virtually every topic under the sun. Blogs,
which is short for web–blogs, are essentially a place online where people go to write about their thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc. in their own voice in
order to share it with the masses ("Exploring web 2.0 and libraries," 2006). In a blog, someone can respond to the writer with a comment, and then the
blogger can post the comment for others to view, or they can delete it. In education or in a library, a blog could be used to share ideas about a topic,
recommend books, share thoughts on a book, share news about upcoming events, share information about a past event, etc. (Naslund & Guistini,
2008). Blogs are very applicable to the library setting. It is a place to have conversations about anything. It could become a sort of on–line book club.
The blog should invite participation. The more engaged students are, the more likely they are to care about the library ("Technology trends for a 2.0
world," 2007). Some of the more popular blog sites are,, and (Naslund & Guistini, 2008). Micro–blogging is
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Essay Topics.

  • 1. Essay Topics. w w w e tr .X m eP e ap .c rs O LEVEL Business Studies – Scheme of work Course overview The aim of this Scheme of Work is to set out a progression through the Syllabus content, and to give ideas for activities, together with references to relevant Internet sites. om The Scheme is neither intended to be prescriptive, nor complete, as local conditions will vary: time and resource availabilities are likely to differ considerably. More, the Scheme is intended to give ideas to teachers upon which they can build. It is certainly not intended that teachers undertake all of the activities shown in the various units – that would be impossible in the time usually available – but rather to offer choices which could depend on more content... External Influences 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 Mixed and market economies Key features of own national economy Business reactions to market change Competition and business Business cycle Government influence over decision making by using economic policy measures Impact of business decisions on people, the economy and the environment Government economic policy measures Impact of technology on business Ethical issues Workforce and the working environment The consumer International trade Problems of entering new markets abroad Exchange rates Concept of exchange rates and how changes in them affect businesses External costs and benefits Revision Some Internet sites reviewed GENERAL Cambridge International, particularly for current information, discussion board, contacts. Watch developments Information on running a young enterprise scheme International version of young enterprise UK GOVERNMENT UK national statistics www.competition–– UK statistics on anything plus questions International Governments United Arab Emirates Papua New Guinea Kuwait Saudi Arabia Botswana Kenya
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  • 3. Literacy Narrative Essay example At this point in my life I find myself in an interesting predicament regarding my attitudes toward reading and writing; more so towards reading. Years ago I used to love reading books for pleasure but nowadays I find myself reading things that little to no effort to digest. This includes the very basic posts on facebook expressing one's opinion on something or articles and threads on reddit discussing topics I find intriguing. Perhaps it's the severe senioritis that has overcome me as I enter my last semester at Chapman University. As I've gotten lazier I can see it start to reflect in my everyday life. Deep down I still love to read but I rarely find myself getting truly invested into the action unless it relates to something I am more content... You can feed the mind as much as you want and it will never get full of reading. Sadly, I'm not the same person that I was. I guess you could say it's part of growing up. It never really was intentional but it's just the way how it ended up. On the other hand my attitudes toward writing are very different. First let me say that deep down I truly do not like to write. I myself don't personally like to write for leisure or pleasure but rather I write because I believe it is one of the most important aspects of being able to communicate with those around you, both personally and professionally. To put differently, my attitude towards writing is that I write because I need to write and survive in the world around me. I write because I have to, not because I want to. Hopefully this somewhat makes sense. To better explain let me make a comparison. When I am assigned a writing assignment or I am writing because the action is being forced upon me I find myself not enjoying the process and overall the end result is subpar. The perfect example of this would be my junior year in high school when I was enrolled in AP english literature. I dreaded the majority of the class simply because there was so much writing involved in the entire course and therefore I was constantly writing just to get a grade. Being forced to write in such high volume every week for an entire school year was not enjoyable for myself and as a result the Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Writing Experience My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers taught more content... I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs, essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not Get more content on
  • 5. Current Affairs Essay Current Affairs In the United States The world has and will always have their beliefs and ideas about different groups in society. Every group in society gets judged in many different ways for example, the LGBTQ community has experienced many judgments, violence, hate, and discrimination since 1924. It is not a secret that there is a huge problem of inequality and discrimination in the United States military. In 1993, the policy "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" prohibited openly lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals from serving in the U.S. military and were discharged if known to be homosexual (Belkin, 108). However, according to Kornblum and Julian tolerance for homosexuality grew and things changed, for example: Strong evidence of this more content... (CNN) The LGBTQ community has fought so hard for their rights of equality and unfortunately this ban sets them back. The LGBTQ community has had a lot of progress, but there has also been a lot of setbacks on the topic of same–sex marriage. LGBTQ rights movement has been fighting for same–sex marriage since as early as 2002 in the United States. According to Gerstmann, in 2002 the only same–sex marriage case was dismissed very fast by the Supreme Court. President Clinton signed the law without any hesitation that same–sex marriage was not legal in any state (Gerstmann, 9). A couple years later in 2005, the LGBTQ community grew and supporters grew as well, because in Nebraska there was the first federal judge that believed that there is a constitutional right of same–sex marriage for those that desire it (Gerstmann, 10). By 2015 the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that same–sex marriage bans were unconstitutional, and same–sex marriage became legal in all states (Gerstmann, 10). Even though same–sex marriage bans were named unconstitutional in all states, there are still some Southern states that are reluctant to see same–sex marriages as a right. According to Gerstmann (2016), Southern states allowed bills granting religious vendors to have the choice of not serving same–sex couples. Even though same–sex marriage is legal in all states there are some states that enacted constitutional or statutory bans on same–sex marriage, known as Get more content on
  • 6. My writing styles Essay My writing styles There are many writing styles that many people pick up as they go through there many years of schooling. Each person picks up the same type of writing styles but as years go by people seem to pick up there own little types of writing style that separates them from everyone else. As I have gone through many years of English classes I have acquired more and more skills and many more are sure to come as I continue my education. My writing skills have only gotten better from the time of ninth grade English class until today. Since my days back in junior high school I was only taught the basic skills to write papers and since then they have grown to make me a decent writer. I have many strengths and more content... Run–on sentences is also another one of my weaknesses as a writer which is not as big as a problem as my weakness of verb tense use. Another of many disadvantages of a writer in my point of view is my able to organize my sentences so they run smoothly. I need to work a little bit more on my internal organization of paragraphs. I don't exactly incorporate quotes so that my sentences run as smoothly as they can. All together I think these couple of disadvantages of my writing is minimal and that I can work on these mistakes out if I would proof read my papers more in depth. If I can work out my weaknesses from my writing I will have more advantages and also be considered a better writer. Along with disadvantages of my writing also come the advantages which make me a half way decent writer in my perspective. In writing papers I include many interesting facts about the topic that I am writing on. This skill of being able to research topics good is something that I think is one of my major strengths because of the ability to take the time and patience to weed through tons of material. I am able to take this research that I find and incorporate it into my papers in a fair enough manner that makes my papers have way decent. Another strength that I posses is my Get more content on
  • 7. My Writing Goals I have not taken the ACTs yet because I have been very busy with my school work and have been all caught up with extra curricular activities. I just don't have any time on the weekends because I always have work or I'm hanging out with my friends. I believe as well as I hope that I can do well on the test. My goal is to achieve a twenty–four through a twenty–seven because I believe that would show how inteligente I actually am. If I score anything lower than a twenty, then I will most likely plan on taking the test again to do better on it. My strengths in writing can vary, but I am the best at topic development, specific audience, and sentence structure. I am great when it comes to topic development; I can come up with many different more content... I want to improve on the areas that I said earlier. I want to improve in my grammar, spelling, and punctuation because it will help me with writing in all of my classes. The big picture is that it will help me with what I do everyday because I read and write every day. My goal by the end of the term is to be able to spell all words correct. Also to expand my vocabulary. Another goal of mine is to upgrade my skill in punctuation. ore importantly, it will help me in my everyday life because I will be reading and writing everyday. Another goal of mine is that I want to become better at these so I can do well on my ACTs. This will help me incollege. I wish to reach a score of twenty–five to feel good about myself. I said before that I need to become better at spelling, and I feel as if I can work on this by just practicing. I will become better in the other two areas just by writing more and more to have it drilled into my mind. I will know the principles of writings because of how many times I will have used them. My goals in this is to receive a grade of an A in this class. I know for sure that I can obtain this grade because I am a smart individual who likes to work Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about The Education System The education system has been a controversial issue among educators. Requirements of school do not let student choose what they want to study for their future. It's a big issue to force student study specific curriculums, which don't help them improve, and what they like to create something. Educators choose a general system for education to all students which based on general knowledge. Intelligent or genius students have to be in that system of education, which doesn't let them improve their creativity. Educators attempt to change that system to make it better, but their changing was not that great to be an example for the world. Also, did that change qualify education system to compete other systems or not? In some examples and more content... Gatto is concern to society that the contemporary schooling system is trying to get rid of students' personality by turning them into obedient students that are easy to have power over (control). Therefore, the system will produce uneducated voters that are easy to be misled by higher powers. In addition, students are not given the freedom of choosing what they want. He is saying that public schools are not the only way to success; also, unschooled people don't mean that they are uneducated. Moreover, Gatto encourages home–school system than public school as option because home–school system has more independence but it's not a solution for the US. I disagree to his solution because he is supporting examples from old generation such as Edison and Ben Franklin; however, our generation is different than before. It needs school environment like sharing our ideas in class and helping each other to solve problems. Therefore, homeschool is not the solution to success. It is a combination of the students' skills, intelligence, and effort that makes up their success. Graff says that putting students in classes in the contemporary system is wasting and limiting students' potential and creativity (198). Complaining that intellects do not meet the success standard set by schools, Graff proves that schools limit the intellect students can achieve in their academic career (198–199). Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Crime Crime In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being charged with witchcraft in the 1600's, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types more content... Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors. Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. Under the federal criminal law system, felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or imprisonment for more than a year. Amisdemeanor is punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons convicted of felonies are sent to state prisons, while those guilty of misdemeanors serve their sentence in city, or county jails, or correction houses. Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such crimes usually bring severe punishments. Crimes against property include arson, automobile theft, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In most cases, these crimes carry lighter penalties than the crimes set against the person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The law considers robbery a crime against the person or against the property, according to the case. Robbery may involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter occurs between the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm. This usually occurs during muggings or other strong–arm robberies. Get more content on
  • 10. Peer Reflection Essay During the past eight weeks of this course I enjoyed learning so many new writing strategies that I did not know before. This course has been a very intense and challenging class, with much knowledgeable information that I have gained in these short eight weeks. I will explain the things I have learned over this time such as, how I selected a topic for my persuasive essay, some key concepts I have learned from my research, my peer review feedback evaluations, how my classmates helped me understand points of view, and how my classmates provided me with additional writing strategies. When trying to find a good topic for my persuasive essay it seemed to be a bit of a struggle. I chose teen pregnancy and to convince my readers the cons of more content... I remember reading Stacey's paper about internet pirating, and the harm it is causing to people. When I first started to read her paper, I knew from the start it defiantly wasn't a topic I was interested in. As I continued to read I starting to instantly get a feel for her standpoint and immediately was interested. With the great supporting evidence she had obtained it really made me more interested in her point of view. Reading other classmates essays really gave me and opening eye to the different thinking we all have as individuals. We do not all think as one, we all have our own Get more content on
  • 11. Talent Shows Essay The influence of talent shows on the music industry In the recent years, talent shows have become some of the most lucrative and popular television programmes all around the world. The charm of such contests is easy to fall for – wewatch average people become stars virtually overnight and we root for them, often showing our support by spending money on voting. While there are several kinds of talent shows, those most popular are singing competitions, which aim to showcase talented singers and create viable musiccareers. While those programmes thrive and enjoy immense popularity, they are also widelycriticised for the way in which they impact the music business. In this essay I will try to presenthow talent shows affect the music industry more content... JamesFoley, a music journalist, describes this influence as follows: "Does [ The X Factor ] impact on thesigning and release schedules of other labels? Of course it does. They will do anything to avoid being up against JLS and Alexandra Burke and Leona Lewis [all previous The X Factor contestants], because they know they have automatic access to a promotions platform that other labels don't have" (Addley, par. 10).To reiterate, talent contests have a great influence on how the music industry operates andfrom the aforementioned effects, we can arrive to the conclusion that their impact is mostlynegative. Though they provide the market with numerous newcomers, few of those are able tocreate their own original image or sustain their careers for more than a couple of months. While it ishard to dismiss the vast popularity that talent shows enjoy, it is also important to remember that theymight be one of the many nails in the coffin of the present–day music industry.Works cited:1. Addler, Esther. "Is The X Factor killing pop?". The Guardian, November 14, 2009. AccessedMay 2, 2013. Get more content on
  • 12. How My Writing Has Changed Essay My writing styles have changed drastically over the past four years of high school. This memo will explain how my writing has changed and how my knowledge of writing has improved. Aspects of My Writing during High School During my English courses throughout high school, I learned many things from writing simple journals, research papers, and a single term paper. During high school, I was laid back and procrastinated for much of my work. During the latter part of high school when I wrote my term paper my senior year, I found out that working a little every night writing a few paragraphs helped me out greatly. I was not just throwing something together just to get the grade and the paper finished. I spent time on the paper more content... I do this so the information is true, and also in order from which events have occurred. When I wrote my term paper my senior year I was well organized. I was required to write about an event in history. I chose India Uprising of 1877 as the topic of my paper. This topic was not interesting at all, but I chose to write about it. When I finished writing my thesis and outline, I wrote note cards about the different topics, which allowed me to gather all my information and organize it in which different events occurred. When I was finished with the paper, it sounded and read consistently and it all flowed together. How These Experiences Prepared Me for College Writing I have written many different types of papers for all of my classes throughout high school. For my science classes, I have written several labs in the form of essays. Writing the essays was different for me because I did not really know that science had much to do with writing. It took me a while to gather all the information I needed to finish my lab assignments. Writing lab reports will definitely help me in my science courses in the next four years. The journals I have written came from my four years of high school English. Everyday I came to class there would be a topic on the board. I took five minutes each day to write about the given topic. It was brainstorming and giving our input on whatever the topic was. I think
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  • 14. Technology Trends Essay INTRODUCTION It seems that every year people turn increasingly toward living their lives through technology. It has inundated society, families, jobs, and lives. Three developing trends that in some ways overlap each other are specifically related to living in a technology world. These trends are particularly important to the school librarian because many students are living their lives through the web. In order to reach those students, the librarian must be knowledgeable about the trends and applications and be able to use and apply them in a library setting. By using them, the librarian makes the library relevant to students, and brings the library to students where the students are. The first trend is social more content... TREND ONE – SOCIAL COMMUNICATION Social communication is found on the web through blogs, online journaling, emailing, instant messaging, and micro–blogging. People use these applications to track their lives, inform others what they have been doing, make recommendations, rant about an interest, and a variety of other reasons. There is some sort of social communication about virtually every topic under the sun. Blogs, which is short for web–blogs, are essentially a place online where people go to write about their thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc. in their own voice in order to share it with the masses ("Exploring web 2.0 and libraries," 2006). In a blog, someone can respond to the writer with a comment, and then the blogger can post the comment for others to view, or they can delete it. In education or in a library, a blog could be used to share ideas about a topic, recommend books, share thoughts on a book, share news about upcoming events, share information about a past event, etc. (Naslund & Guistini, 2008). Blogs are very applicable to the library setting. It is a place to have conversations about anything. It could become a sort of on–line book club. The blog should invite participation. The more engaged students are, the more likely they are to care about the library ("Technology trends for a 2.0 world," 2007). Some of the more popular blog sites are,, and (Naslund & Guistini, 2008). Micro–blogging is Get more content on