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Essay on My Favourite Dream
It was 6:45 when I dreamt of the best dream ever! It consisted of two unicorns and a flying pig! It was about to finish when someone decided to
repetitively tap me. I moved away from the person in my dream, only to find out that it was my mother telling me it was time to go to school. I
slowly recovered from my sleep and I rose from my bed. I put my slippers on and went to the washroom to brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I
went downstairs to eat breakfast. The meal I was eating was milk and Cheerios, with a glass of 100% orange juice. I put on my clothes and I said bye to
my dad because he was just leaving off to work. I packed my bag and I told my mom that I was walking to school today with my sister. I put on my
boots and more content...
Meanwhile, my friends were playing poker in my class when I stepped in. I helped my friend Harsh by giving him strategies to win. We were
having so much fun playing poker that we didn't even realize that the bell rang. At the gymnasium we got ready to play basketball. After a tiring 45
minutes, we got ready to go to health class. We were starting to present our bullying presentations when a student from Mrs. Wong's class came to take
a vote to see how many people were wearing sprit colors. We participated in the vote and continued our presentations. Our group's presentation was
about music copyright and how it was illegal to burn and sell music CD's to your friends. As I was watching another group's presentation, I realized my
stomach was grumbling. That meant that lunch time was soon! As predicted, the lunch bell rang and it was time to go downstairs to pick up my
food. My mom said that she was put some leftover laadus and samosas in my lunch bag. I received my lunch bag and went upstairs to sit down in
my class. As I opened my lunch box I was dazzled by the smell of the samosas. In fact, my friend Jimmy even asked to try one. As I kindly accepted, I
realized that I was going to be late for chess club. After 5 minutes I finally finished the last crumb of my laddu and headed for the library to play
some chess. I checkmated my friend Niral and was surprised how he didn't see it coming. To put it in other words, I trapped his king from moving by
doing the same
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The Most Memorable Meal Essay
The Most Memorable Meal
As a food lover and adventurous eater, I've certainly eaten so many kinds of food from many countries around the world. And I have a lot of good
and bad moments related to food. However, when you ask me about the most memorable meal that I have eaten in my life, perhaps the first thing that
appears in my mind is my daddy's soup.
It was 10 years ago, when I was just a little boy. At that time, my mom had so much work at her office and she just couldn't come back home until 9
p.m. In my family, my mom was the only one who could prepare food and cook. So when she called my dad and said that she couldn't come back home
early to cook a meal for me and my father, we thought that we were having the biggest problem more content...
And I was so surprised about my dad's soup. All my thoughts about a great meal were taken down. The soup was not as delicious as it looked, it
tasted so weird: at first, I felt it so salty, after a while, it tasted so spicy. After tasting the first sip, I looked at my dad and smiled. He just thought
that he was successful with his soup until he tried his first sip. Then he knew how his soup was and he said "Sorry son, I tried my best, maybe we
can wait for mom to come back home and cook dinner for us." As soon as he finished speaking, I took the spoon, continued eating the soup and smiled.
I know the soup was not good, but it was from my dad, from all his love for me. I don't know if my dad knew what I was thinking or not, or maybe
he thought that I was so hungry to eat everything even though it tasted too bad. My dad was so surprised about my act for a while, and he
continued to eat the soup with me. We both had a great time together, eating and talking with each other about bad things, good things at work and
school. After that, my mom finally came home. She looked so tired from her work, but she still smiled and looked at me and my dad while both of
us were eating soup. She surely knew my dad made something for me and she slowly went forward to the table and started tasting the soup. After her
tasting, not a single word, she hugged both of us with her slender arms and also with all her heart. This
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Best Day Ever Essay
!!!!! The Best Day Ever !!!!!!
Have you ever been into the White House and saw the president in his limo? Have you ever had this greatest day in your life? Read my story and I
will tell you about it. !!!!! The Best Day Ever !!!!!!
Have you ever been into the White House and saw the president in his limo? Have you ever had this greatest day in your life? Read my story and I
will tell you about it.
So last summer we were in Washington D.C. and we were camping there. We were on our way to White House got tickets for a tour there and after
we were done in the White House we took some pictures and we saw a bunch of police motorcycles and then we saw him in his limo and then there
was more police.
Then we more content...
At the Marine Memorial we got to see the marines play their instruments and do there gun tricks. At the Roosevelt Memorial they have a small
waterfall with Eleanor standing next to their dog Fala and it was AWESOME!!!
Well that is all I have to say. I hope that you enjoyed my story.
So last summer we were in Washington D.C. and we were camping there. We were on our way to White House got tickets for a tour there and after
we were done in the White House we took some pictures and we saw a bunch of police motorcycles and then we saw him in his limo and then there
was more police.
Then we left to go to another part of Washington D.C. and we got to see the Washington Memorial. We got to go and hug it, but the elevator was
broken so we couldn't go to the top and see over Washington
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My Best Birthday of My Life
Had you ever had the craziest birthday? Like so crazy you might even lose your head? Well, I had a birthday like that too! This is my story about
my craziest birthday and my best birthday ever. One day, it was a peaceful morning. Everyone woke up so calm. With birds singing and the beautiful
sun awake, until when I woke up. When I woke up, it wasn't that peaceful, I was screaming so loud saying," IT'S MY BIRTHDAYPEOPLE! YES!" I
screamed as loud as a seagull screaming. So, I got out of bed like I just don't care and danced to the bathroom and got ready to have fun because, it's
my birthday! Who doesn't like their own birthday? When I got ready, I told my mom," Where are we going for my birthday?" My more
My mom wanted me to be happy so we drove to her house to see if she is still home, but she wasn't home. So we drove back home. Before I left,
because there were a lot of people, I told my friends, Jessica and Elise also my sister, to make sure my room doesn't get into a big mess, I was really
positive that they can make sure my room is clean because they were the best. But then, when I came home after a quick little check and walked
quietly to my room, I couldn't believe my eyes! Now a quick question, had you ever had a room so messy that even looks like a zoo? I mean like, AN
ACTUAL ZOO! Well I did just when I entered my room, so, when I was in my room with a little dance,I got some dance moves. Back to the story, it
was like, a big ZOO, like an actual ZOO! IT WAS A MESS!
Jessica and Elise also my sister, Suri, (she is a great sister, like she is a really good sister) said, "That the other people made a big mess and we were
trying to make it clean. We even screamed stop making a mess." Now I was screaming like crazy in my head after that mess!
I told them,"At least you guys tried, but this is still a mess!" But it was ok because it was easy for me to clean. Then the doorbell rang, everyone was
silent like a mouse. I walked to the door and opened it. When I opened the door, I was SO SURPRISED , and it cheered me up too! It was my friend,
Virginia, (Virginia is a great friend to have) she came back to the United States after
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Longest Paper Ever
Mlomeister has given me a link to this site. One day I am not going to get so angry at these types of things. It's a fact of life and an age–old issue, one
that is almost pointless to fight and refute because it is an incredibly emotional topic and requires a lot time and effort to understand. Not only that,
but there are hundreds and hundreds of sites like this, each one gathering information from each other so they've created their own religion against
religion. Not too many people will delve into the 'why's and how's of things like this, it's way easier to just nod and shake your fist, close your eyes
and form your opinions without doing anything to make sure that your opinions are based on literal fact, on truth. I was definitely, more content...
But I can certainly see how others might, when they are twisting and misconstruing information. Here is an example. I wrote, "It's like saying "all
Muslims" are terrorists, when obviously they all aren't. " Snip off the last part of that sentence, and suddenly I am someone who just made a really
unfair and untrue statement, "All Muslims are terrorists." But someone makes a webpage about it, and all of a sudden its "Scarlett Is Anti Muslim"
and then that statement has babies and all of a sudden I'm misrepresented. Really easy to do. Here is an example taken from the page that started this
whole thing for me: "Death to the Rape Victim (Deuteronomy 22:23–24 NAB) If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has
relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help
though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife." It is clear that God doesn't give a damn about the rape victim. He is
only concerned about the violation of another mans "property". That last bit is the author of the webpage's opinion. ( I did a quick search on this
fellows page to see if I could find out his accreditations, not surprisingly there are none. Also not surprising is his unwillingness to respond to his
emails that he gets generated from his site. Oh but you can
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Greatest Invention Essays
What is the greatest invention of all time?
Throughout time there have been lots of new inventions which have both hindered and helped everyday life with humans. There are many different
possible world's greatest inventions because they have all helped out humankind in some way, some more than others.
I think that the greatest invention of all time is Harnessed Electricity. Some may argue that this was not an invention it was a discovery but although
electricity itself was a discovery there was still the invention of had to use it and what it could be used for. I think that electricity is very important to
human life because it would be nearly impossible to do anything we do today. If we didn't have electricity a lot of things more content...
I believe that the use of electricity in healthcare is more important than the use of penicillin because of the x–rays, MRI scans, life support machines,
cat scans, ultrasound, surgery lighting, heart rate monitors, incubators and loads of other much needed specialist equipment. This equipment has over
the years helped to save millions of lives and although penicillin helps to treat the odd few illnesses it doesn't help to run a well equipped hospital
which saves even more lives with the billions of people who visit a hospital every year.
Without electricity there would be no light and it would constantly be dark from around 4pm ever day. This would restrict most people from doing
things because as soon as it was dark they would have to go to bed because there would be no lighting. Nobody could go out after dark as there
would be no street lights on the roads and houses would have to be lit by candle light which wouldn't give of the strength of light that a light bulb
does now. Yet again it would be exactly like living in the dark ages.
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My Best Day Essay : My Perfect Day
Have you ever wondered what a perfect day would be like? An everyday routine starts to get annoying and boring, especially if you don't get a day
off. At the moment, my routine is to wake up early, get ready for school, go to school, and after a long day come back home. From the time I get
home which is around two in the afternoon and by the time I go to sleep, it all consists of doing homework. Sometimes I wish I can at least take a day
off and relax, with having no worries. The idea of a perfect day for me should be a day to get rid of stress, and should be an unforgettable day.
As the sun started to come out, I knew it was time to start my day. The perfect day that I've always dreamed of was going to be today. I looked at my more content...
In the meantime, while I was waiting for my food to get here I went to the kitchen to wash the dishes that I left in the morning. After my food got
delivered I went back into my bed and started eating my orange chicken with rice. By that time, I was already in the fourth movie, all of a sudden it
was really dark outside, but I was not scared at all, even though I was home alone. Now it was around ten at night and I had finished watching the
Halloween series. I turned my tv off and started playing really loud music on my speaker. I knew it was nighttime and the neighbors might complain,
but at the moment I didn't care about anything. I enjoy listening to depressing songs specially from Coldplay which gets me in the mood to cry. My
eyes began to close so I turned my speaker off as well as the light and I went to sleep. At last, a perfect day for me should be different from any
ordinary day, and should enjoy it like as if it was my last. I see a perfect day as not something outstanding, but more of like a lazy day. This day was
one of the best days I've ever had because it's been forever since I've taken a break. Many people might do something like this on a regular day, but for
me it was one of the days where I got to stay in bed, relax, and let all of the stress out. Days like this doesn't hurt and everyone has their own ideal day,
but for me is all about being comfortable. As long as, I have a day off
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Essay Best War Ever Book Review
Many regard World War II as the best war ever, but why? It seems the one fact that stands out in American minds is that the Allied Powers were
fighting against people who were perceived as "evil", such as Adolf Hitler and Emperor Hirohito. Many disregard all the casualties and hardships
and only think about the big picture: victory. Michael C. C. Adams' book, The Best War Ever: America and World War II, attempts to dissipate all of
the misconceptions of the Second World War. Americans came out of the war with a positive view of all the years of fighting. This myth was born
from several factors, mainly due to the overseas setting of both theaters of the war, intense government propaganda, Hollywood's glamorization, and
widespread more content...
"Ads implied that if you bought a war bond your sacrifice was on par with that of the man in the front lines." (74) The US government and industry
played on Americans' sense of patriotism in order to get them to support the war or buy their products. However, "Advertising had inherent
problems as an educational tool. It is by nature emotional, rather than intellectual; it sells feelings rather than ideas." (73) Government propaganda
and business advertising were not the only factors in forming the inaccurate myth of the Second World War. Hollywood made films where
"people get blown up with their clothes and fall gracefully to the ground" (100). Through the realism of motion pictures, such as 1998's 'Saving
Private Ryan' and 2001's 'Pearl Harbor', Americans were falsely led to believe in a glorified war. The other major factor in allowing the war to be
dubbed as "the best war ever" was the economic prosperity. "The U.S. gross national product increased 60 percent during the war," (114) a statistic
which differed greatly from those of the depression years of the 1930's. The reality under the cover of myth was repulsive. ". . . the coast was littered
with shattered boats, tanks, trucks, rations, packs, buttocks, thighs, torsos, hands, heads." (101) Americans never witnessed the carnage. To add insult
to injury, when soldiers on leave told of these horrors, they were considered cowards and victims of
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The Greatest Athlete Of All Time Essay
Greatness in sports is a status that only very few reach, however to be labeled the greatest athlete of all time is for that one soul individual who
excels at all aspects of the game and exceeds every other player in that sport. In my exploratory essay I established what makes an athlete the
greatest athlete of all time. In the following paragraph I am going to summarize what makes an athlete the greatest athlete of all time. For the sake
of the argument to follow I am going to stick with just the NFL. When I look at the NFL one name comes to mind when thinking about the
greatest NFL player of all time. His name is Tom Brady. Tom Brady is the greatest of all time. Before I can argue that Tom Brady is the greatest of
all time, I am going to summarize the criteria of what makes an athlete the greatest of all time. However, there is a possible problem with the
criteria. Readers may think that this criterion is assembled to prove that Tom Brady is the greatest of all time. This is not the case though; this
criterion has been complied of multiple sources of what they believe is the greatest athlete of all time. These sources are from all different places
they are not all from New England. The criteria are made up of multiple characteristics required to be labeled the greatest of all time. Drive is a
necessity to be the greatest of all time. Now this sounds very clichГ©d however, I cannot be over looked. The athlete cannot be satisfied with the day
of work they have to have the
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The Best Holiday I Have Ever Had
The school days are crammed with facts and figures, encompassing various subjects ranging from English to Mathematics. All of these require students
to learn, memorise, understand and to be tested. Besides grades and examinations, the school also encompasses a wider curriculum including character
moulding, citizenship building and personality development. Indeed, I think the school does prepare us for life.
Firstly, the school teaches us self–discipline. We learn to keep to a schedule and to adhere to the timetable. We also learn to appreciate time and to be
punctual. Moreover, we are trained to plan and manage time wisely. We also abide by and respect rules and regulations. The disciplined students will
grow up to be disciplined more content...
I do not know what the others see, but I do realise inequality. Students with top scores are given the most attention, and slower students, instead of
guiding them more, they are being neglected. Clases like science streams are every students' dreams. And those in art streams are being labelled as
dumb. That's very unfair. Because students in art streams are not dumb, they are just more interested in other things than studies. Some people will be
surprised to find that some of these students in art stream are so much smarter than those in science stream.
In the working world, it doesn't matter whether you're from art or science stream; whether you have graduated from overly prestigous universities or
have won hundreds of awards or competitions. IT IS YOU, yourself that matters.
I am not saying school is unimportant or useless. Just that, school has taught the students the wrong mentality – Getting most As = The best.
4. School creates a challenging atmosphere for students. Some passed it with a successful achievement but some failed to so.
A successful achievement doesn't count how many A, a student get in the examination. A successful achievement is how we learned, absorb and use
the input we get in school efficiently.
Despite from where the students were studying, boarding school, daily school or technical school. All students from any type of school
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Best Day of my Life Essay
Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in my life and some being
the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. The best day of my life was definitely the day that I received my
drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I received it, the opportunities that were opened up for me
and the long lasting benefits that I received from it that still exist today. Getting my drivers' license was an intense feeling that I will never forget. Just
knowing that I had a drivers' license made me feel so free, as free as a bird flying in the open sky with no real place to go, just a desire more
My drivers' license brought me great feelings and let me do more with my life than I could ever do before. As well as giving me those feelings and
that type of freedom, having my drivers' license opened up a new image of the community for me. I could see more of the city, gain experience with
directions and I could improve my driving abilities all with my drivers' license. I also became very interested in the way the automobile works and
eventually looking more into what makes it go faster. Driving fast in a car may be unsafe but the thrill and excitement of high rates of speed gave
me a rush I had never felt before. Seeing, feeling and hearing everything go by faster made the whole driving experience so much better. My mouth
watered with envy as I approached the drivers' seat every time I went out for a drive. The automobile, as a whole, became a high interest of mine;
the styling, the sound and the speed of it. I loved driving and I loved cars and all of this new found love was from the birth of my drivers' license.
Such a simple piece of paper opened up such a broad area of learning for me; it was of much amazement to me. Receiving my drivers' license was
the best day of my life. It will be remembered forever because of the feelings, experience and new beginnings that it gave me. Today, I still hold my
interest in the automobile but the thrill of driving has dulled significantly since I receive
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Essay About The Best News Ever
The Best News Ever
I remember the best 9 months of my life like they were yesterday. When I was nine years old I was given the best news of my life. One day my mom
didn't work so she picked me up from school. At the time I was in fourth grade. I had been an only child for a full nine years of my life and I had
longed to have a little sibling. My mom picked me up and we went home so I could do my could do my homework and shortly after have dinner at
my grandparents. When I got home there was a present on the table. I knew there was nothing special about that day so, I instantly thought it was
for my grandparents or someone. I walked over to it and asked what was it and who was it for? My mom replied by saying " It's for more
My grandma was so astonished by this she did not understand why she would need a sharpie. But. she would soon realize what this was all about
when she opened the next part of their present. This was something so cute and special, it was an ultra sound picture in a cute frame. I for one loved
it, it was so cute and it was a picture of my soon to be sibling.
When they finally opened it up their faces were so confused yet delighted that it was hilarious. My grandma said, " Oh my goodness are you having a
baby?" My mom replied with " Yes if it's a boy Stephen Robert Gray. I want both your name and Robs name in it. If it's a girl than her name will be
Olivia Susan Gray."
Heaps of commotion was happening at this time. For I was taking my sweatshirt off and showing them my shirt, but they didn't really care about that at
the moment all that they were concerned about were telling my parents. " Oh my goodness we are going to have another grandchild. This is amazing!"
So I figured I would join the excitement then show them my shirt later. It was amazing and what made it even better is grandma's famous chop suey.
She creates the best chop suey ever. We ate it all up with excitement. Our littlefamily were so excited about everything. I absolutely loved everything
that was yet to come. Then
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My Best Mistake
" A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Everyone in their lifetime is prone to making a mistake and if for some farfetched
reason they haven't made a mistake they haven't tried anything new. I have made many mistakes in my life but the one that protrudes to me and I
learned the most from is when I threw my sister's phone in the pool. The lessons i learned from making this mistake was to not be as competitive
when we are playing games for fun and to not take losing so passionately.
It was a scorching, summer day when my sister and I walked over to our neighbors house to go swimming. After arriving to their house we
immediately jumped in the pool because of how scorching it was outside. After an hour of having a great time in the pool playing numerous pool
games we stopped to have a quick break and a snack. At this point I was starting to get frantic because I am a type of person that hates losing and I
am really competitive. Shortly after eating the snack and taking a quick break we went into the house to find a toothpick so we could play a game
called toothpick. Looking back at all the situation so far I can't understand why I was getting so mad just because I was losing in a game that was
just for fun. Prior to playing the game my sister said a snide comment to me which just provoked my anger of losing even more. Shortly after we
jumped back into the pool so we could start playing the toothpick game. Immediately after we started
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One hot and sunny day my parents, little brother, and I wanted to get out of the house. So we decided to got to the park and play on the playground. It
was so hot outside that we were sweating just from standing but it was a great day. Not only was it was a great day but it was also a great day because
it was the day I was going to ask my parents if we could get a dog. I was so excited to ask that I was getting goosebumps. I began to walk towards my
parents and when I reached them I asked the question." Can we get a dog please?" Both my mama and dad looked at each other and said one day we
will be able to. It wasn't a yes but it wasn't a no, so I knew that there was a chance that I could get one.
The next day became one of the best days of my life and soon one of the saddest days. When I was 5 years old I got one of the best gifts any kid
good ask for. I've always wanted one and was so glad when I laid eyes on her. Before I go into detail why not just start from the very beginning. One
evening, my little brother and I was watching tv with my mama when I heard my mama talking to my dad on the phone saying "what you mean you
have a surprise?" When I heard that, I knew that It had to be something really intriguing. Minutes later I could hear the sound of the tires running over
rocks and an engine running. It turns out that It was my daddy pulling into the driveway, so I had gotten even more anxious to find out exactly what
the surprise was. My mama, brother, and I all waited
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The best advice ever given
Dr. Cheryl
English 1301.86.87
September 25
The Best Advice Ever Given In life there are many challenges that may either make or break a person. The journey to overcome these challenges
is often made easier by a handful of useful advice. This advice doesn't necessarily have to come from a much wiser person. It's the advice itself that
is labeled as being wise. Just because someone gives another person wise advice, it doesn't necessarily mean that the task at hand will immediately
be overcome. The receiver must use the advice willingly for it to be effective. Some of the best advice I have ever been given was to never burn
bridges. My father gave me this advice when I was a teenager. He found out the hard way that more content...
I also know that my father's advice would have been useless if I wouldn't have executed it and just ignored his words. Being so thankful for the power
of advice, I have promised myself to take any advice that is free and if I have overcome an obstacle someone else is struggling with, I will always offer
my fair share of advice. In my interview with Hope she told me the greatest advice she ever received came from her father. The advice was never to
dwell on things that would not benefit her. He gave her the advice because she would stress about friends who were one sided and just dragged her
down. In her life this helped her to drown out the negative and focus on the goals and the good things in her life. I can totally relate to this advice as
I've dealt with friends who were also negative and one sided. To move forward from negative people is a big step for anyone to make and will benefit
the person for the best. This is good advice for anyone to take in a similar situation. As I would give someone the advice I have learned, this is
advice I would take away and use to my advantage. In my second interview with Cassie I learned some very valuable things. Cassie told me the best
advice she ever received was no matter what happens, keep going, things might seem bad, but it's not over yet and hard work pays off given by a
family friend. Cassie says her family friend, Nikki, gave her the
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What Is My Best Class Essay
When I first came into this class the first thing we did was a writing assignment. We had to write down 5 problems that I personally had with writing
and to expand on these problems. I wrote: I always seem to take too much time to think about what I'm going to write then I actually do writing, I tend
to make mistake when re–reading something, I lose my train of thought easily, English has never been my best class, and I'm a slow writing.
Throughout this semester in English Composition 102 I feel like this class has really helped me improve on all 5 of these problems and then some.
This class has really improved my writing style and structure to a point where others can see a real difference in my writing then before, even though
that wasn' more content...
I wanted to thank you for that. I'm actually going to miss this class but it helped get that much closer to my dream. Thank you for
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A significant person in my life is, of course, my Mother. She might be the most influential person in my life, which makes sense because she has
literally been there for every part of my life, from egg, to pregnancy, to adolescence, to early adulthood, and hopefully, God willing, for much
longer. She is the most amazing person I have ever met. I guess that because she means so much to me is the reason why she influences me as
greatly as she does. In my opinion, my Mom is many things, including comely, candid, caring, and conscientious. If I had to pick a personality trait to
focus on, I guess I would choose conscientious. Conscientious is one of the big five personality traits of the Five Factor Model of personality; along
with openness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. People who score high in conscientious, like I assume my Mom does, are detailed
oriented, careful, and/or vigilant. The individuals are also usually efficient, organized, and self–disciplined. They tend to aim for high achievement and
practice deliberation, as well. Many people would agree that conscientious people are dependable, hard–working, and have character. I choose this trait
of conscientious because I feel whole–heartedly that my Mom is most, if not all, of these traits. With my mom being conscientious, I have picked up
some conscientious habits along the way. On the big five personality test I scored highest on openness, but conscientious was a close second. My Mom
has always aspired
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The Best Decision Ive Ever Made
We've all had decisions we made in life. Some decisions were good and became life changing while others were not so good and become life
experiences. One decision I made in my life will always stand out as the best decision I ever made. This involved my youngest son Gannon and the
decision to have a major operation that not only saved his life, but gave him a better quality of life.
To understand why this changed his life for the better you need to know what he has been through. Gannon is a nine year old beautiful blond hair
blue eyed little boy whose eyes sparkle when he smiles. He has this knack for making people fall in love with him in an instant. For the first two
years of his life he was a healthy little boy, but there more content...
That was a pattern over the next few weeks as I was a roller coaster of emotions. The worst was the fear of waiting to see the outcome. I knew there
would be paralysis on his left side but would he talk, would he still be my Gannon? Time would tell.
On July nineteenth, Gannon checked out of the hospital. Things were different that's for sure. Yes, he was now wheelchair bound, yes he was still
having seizures, although minimal they were still rearing there ugly head, yes he was still on meds but somehow things were better. Gannon was
happy. He was putting on weight, he was talking and most importantly he was smiling his little half smile and he was laughing. The laughing was the
best as there weren't very many moments of those before. We knew walking out of there we still had a rough road ahead; we had to get Gannon
walking again. We also knew that day in May changed our lives forever.
Not even a year later Gannon still has epilepsy, he is paralyzed, he still has autism but there is something he has gained. He has gained a chance at a
life. My baby is not sick anymore, there is no fear of death at any moment. He has a life, a quality life. Making the decision to have my little boy lose
half his brain will always remain the best decision I have ever
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My Greatest Movies Essay
There are remarkably multiple amazing movies to choose from.If I had to pick 10 of the greatest films of all time they would include suspense and
action. The list of movies that I have picked out are in my opinion the greatest films of all time. In the cinema, there are hundreds and hundreds of
memorable moments and scenes from many films. The reason behind this is because the ten movies that I have picked out have compelled me to
''relive'' the moment. Therefore they give me a memory that I will hold on to.
If a movie changes you mine it's not because of your reasoning it's because of your emotions that you feel towards the movie. My 10 greatest films
must be films that fascinate me and pull me in quickly. They need to embezzle my attention and keep me entertained at all times.
Therefore my 10 greatest films are:
1) Moana
After seeing this movie multiple times, this movie is by far my favorite film. It's not because it is a disney film or even a kids movie it's because all the
elements in this movie was well executed. The animation of this film was done beautifully and done with great detail. In the film you can tell how
much time and effort was put in and how the animators took the time to work on each section of the movie. The soundtrack of moana was beautifully
written and composed. Another reason that moana is my number one movie is because she is not a princess. In the movie she is trained to be the
chief and wants be for her island and her people.In addition to that the characters in the film that we encounter are very compelling. We watch them
change, and grow and react throughout the movie. Lastly, the story was very strong Moana had conflicts, and goals and knew how to overcome the
conflicts to get to her goals.
2) The Hunger Games
One of the main reasons why I chose The Hunger Games as my second choice is because it is a very intense and suspenseful movie. In this film
what I really liked was that there was love, loss and explosion. You never knew what was going to happen which I enjoyed because I knew it was
going to be a very superb movie. The actors and actresses in this movie were picked out marvelously. Each character in this movie played their part as
if the Hunger Games existed. The
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Essay On My Favourite Dream

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  • 6. Longest Paper Ever Mlomeister has given me a link to this site. One day I am not going to get so angry at these types of things. It's a fact of life and an age–old issue, one that is almost pointless to fight and refute because it is an incredibly emotional topic and requires a lot time and effort to understand. Not only that, but there are hundreds and hundreds of sites like this, each one gathering information from each other so they've created their own religion against religion. Not too many people will delve into the 'why's and how's of things like this, it's way easier to just nod and shake your fist, close your eyes and form your opinions without doing anything to make sure that your opinions are based on literal fact, on truth. I was definitely, more content... But I can certainly see how others might, when they are twisting and misconstruing information. Here is an example. I wrote, "It's like saying "all Muslims" are terrorists, when obviously they all aren't. " Snip off the last part of that sentence, and suddenly I am someone who just made a really unfair and untrue statement, "All Muslims are terrorists." But someone makes a webpage about it, and all of a sudden its "Scarlett Is Anti Muslim" and then that statement has babies and all of a sudden I'm misrepresented. Really easy to do. Here is an example taken from the page that started this whole thing for me: "Death to the Rape Victim (Deuteronomy 22:23–24 NAB) If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife." It is clear that God doesn't give a damn about the rape victim. He is only concerned about the violation of another mans "property". That last bit is the author of the webpage's opinion. ( I did a quick search on this fellows page to see if I could find out his accreditations, not surprisingly there are none. Also not surprising is his unwillingness to respond to his emails that he gets generated from his site. Oh but you can Get more content on
  • 7. Greatest Invention Essays What is the greatest invention of all time? Throughout time there have been lots of new inventions which have both hindered and helped everyday life with humans. There are many different possible world's greatest inventions because they have all helped out humankind in some way, some more than others. I think that the greatest invention of all time is Harnessed Electricity. Some may argue that this was not an invention it was a discovery but although electricity itself was a discovery there was still the invention of had to use it and what it could be used for. I think that electricity is very important to human life because it would be nearly impossible to do anything we do today. If we didn't have electricity a lot of things more content... I believe that the use of electricity in healthcare is more important than the use of penicillin because of the x–rays, MRI scans, life support machines, cat scans, ultrasound, surgery lighting, heart rate monitors, incubators and loads of other much needed specialist equipment. This equipment has over the years helped to save millions of lives and although penicillin helps to treat the odd few illnesses it doesn't help to run a well equipped hospital which saves even more lives with the billions of people who visit a hospital every year. Without electricity there would be no light and it would constantly be dark from around 4pm ever day. This would restrict most people from doing things because as soon as it was dark they would have to go to bed because there would be no lighting. Nobody could go out after dark as there would be no street lights on the roads and houses would have to be lit by candle light which wouldn't give of the strength of light that a light bulb does now. Yet again it would be exactly like living in the dark ages. Get more content on
  • 8. My Best Day Essay : My Perfect Day Have you ever wondered what a perfect day would be like? An everyday routine starts to get annoying and boring, especially if you don't get a day off. At the moment, my routine is to wake up early, get ready for school, go to school, and after a long day come back home. From the time I get home which is around two in the afternoon and by the time I go to sleep, it all consists of doing homework. Sometimes I wish I can at least take a day off and relax, with having no worries. The idea of a perfect day for me should be a day to get rid of stress, and should be an unforgettable day. As the sun started to come out, I knew it was time to start my day. The perfect day that I've always dreamed of was going to be today. I looked at my more content... In the meantime, while I was waiting for my food to get here I went to the kitchen to wash the dishes that I left in the morning. After my food got delivered I went back into my bed and started eating my orange chicken with rice. By that time, I was already in the fourth movie, all of a sudden it was really dark outside, but I was not scared at all, even though I was home alone. Now it was around ten at night and I had finished watching the Halloween series. I turned my tv off and started playing really loud music on my speaker. I knew it was nighttime and the neighbors might complain, but at the moment I didn't care about anything. I enjoy listening to depressing songs specially from Coldplay which gets me in the mood to cry. My eyes began to close so I turned my speaker off as well as the light and I went to sleep. At last, a perfect day for me should be different from any ordinary day, and should enjoy it like as if it was my last. I see a perfect day as not something outstanding, but more of like a lazy day. This day was one of the best days I've ever had because it's been forever since I've taken a break. Many people might do something like this on a regular day, but for me it was one of the days where I got to stay in bed, relax, and let all of the stress out. Days like this doesn't hurt and everyone has their own ideal day, but for me is all about being comfortable. As long as, I have a day off Get more content on
  • 9. Essay Best War Ever Book Review Many regard World War II as the best war ever, but why? It seems the one fact that stands out in American minds is that the Allied Powers were fighting against people who were perceived as "evil", such as Adolf Hitler and Emperor Hirohito. Many disregard all the casualties and hardships and only think about the big picture: victory. Michael C. C. Adams' book, The Best War Ever: America and World War II, attempts to dissipate all of the misconceptions of the Second World War. Americans came out of the war with a positive view of all the years of fighting. This myth was born from several factors, mainly due to the overseas setting of both theaters of the war, intense government propaganda, Hollywood's glamorization, and widespread more content... "Ads implied that if you bought a war bond your sacrifice was on par with that of the man in the front lines." (74) The US government and industry played on Americans' sense of patriotism in order to get them to support the war or buy their products. However, "Advertising had inherent problems as an educational tool. It is by nature emotional, rather than intellectual; it sells feelings rather than ideas." (73) Government propaganda and business advertising were not the only factors in forming the inaccurate myth of the Second World War. Hollywood made films where "people get blown up with their clothes and fall gracefully to the ground" (100). Through the realism of motion pictures, such as 1998's 'Saving Private Ryan' and 2001's 'Pearl Harbor', Americans were falsely led to believe in a glorified war. The other major factor in allowing the war to be dubbed as "the best war ever" was the economic prosperity. "The U.S. gross national product increased 60 percent during the war," (114) a statistic which differed greatly from those of the depression years of the 1930's. The reality under the cover of myth was repulsive. ". . . the coast was littered with shattered boats, tanks, trucks, rations, packs, buttocks, thighs, torsos, hands, heads." (101) Americans never witnessed the carnage. To add insult to injury, when soldiers on leave told of these horrors, they were considered cowards and victims of Get more content on
  • 10. The Greatest Athlete Of All Time Essay Greatness in sports is a status that only very few reach, however to be labeled the greatest athlete of all time is for that one soul individual who excels at all aspects of the game and exceeds every other player in that sport. In my exploratory essay I established what makes an athlete the greatest athlete of all time. In the following paragraph I am going to summarize what makes an athlete the greatest athlete of all time. For the sake of the argument to follow I am going to stick with just the NFL. When I look at the NFL one name comes to mind when thinking about the greatest NFL player of all time. His name is Tom Brady. Tom Brady is the greatest of all time. Before I can argue that Tom Brady is the greatest of all time, I am going to summarize the criteria of what makes an athlete the greatest of all time. However, there is a possible problem with the criteria. Readers may think that this criterion is assembled to prove that Tom Brady is the greatest of all time. This is not the case though; this criterion has been complied of multiple sources of what they believe is the greatest athlete of all time. These sources are from all different places they are not all from New England. The criteria are made up of multiple characteristics required to be labeled the greatest of all time. Drive is a necessity to be the greatest of all time. Now this sounds very clichГ©d however, I cannot be over looked. The athlete cannot be satisfied with the day of work they have to have the Get more content on
  • 11. The Best Holiday I Have Ever Had The school days are crammed with facts and figures, encompassing various subjects ranging from English to Mathematics. All of these require students to learn, memorise, understand and to be tested. Besides grades and examinations, the school also encompasses a wider curriculum including character moulding, citizenship building and personality development. Indeed, I think the school does prepare us for life. Firstly, the school teaches us self–discipline. We learn to keep to a schedule and to adhere to the timetable. We also learn to appreciate time and to be punctual. Moreover, we are trained to plan and manage time wisely. We also abide by and respect rules and regulations. The disciplined students will grow up to be disciplined more content... I do not know what the others see, but I do realise inequality. Students with top scores are given the most attention, and slower students, instead of guiding them more, they are being neglected. Clases like science streams are every students' dreams. And those in art streams are being labelled as dumb. That's very unfair. Because students in art streams are not dumb, they are just more interested in other things than studies. Some people will be surprised to find that some of these students in art stream are so much smarter than those in science stream. In the working world, it doesn't matter whether you're from art or science stream; whether you have graduated from overly prestigous universities or have won hundreds of awards or competitions. IT IS YOU, yourself that matters. I am not saying school is unimportant or useless. Just that, school has taught the students the wrong mentality – Getting most As = The best. 4. School creates a challenging atmosphere for students. Some passed it with a successful achievement but some failed to so. A successful achievement doesn't count how many A, a student get in the examination. A successful achievement is how we learned, absorb and use the input we get in school efficiently. Despite from where the students were studying, boarding school, daily school or technical school. All students from any type of school
  • 12. Get more content on
  • 13. Best Day of my Life Essay Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in my life and some being the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. The best day of my life was definitely the day that I received my drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I received it, the opportunities that were opened up for me and the long lasting benefits that I received from it that still exist today. Getting my drivers' license was an intense feeling that I will never forget. Just knowing that I had a drivers' license made me feel so free, as free as a bird flying in the open sky with no real place to go, just a desire more content... My drivers' license brought me great feelings and let me do more with my life than I could ever do before. As well as giving me those feelings and that type of freedom, having my drivers' license opened up a new image of the community for me. I could see more of the city, gain experience with directions and I could improve my driving abilities all with my drivers' license. I also became very interested in the way the automobile works and eventually looking more into what makes it go faster. Driving fast in a car may be unsafe but the thrill and excitement of high rates of speed gave me a rush I had never felt before. Seeing, feeling and hearing everything go by faster made the whole driving experience so much better. My mouth watered with envy as I approached the drivers' seat every time I went out for a drive. The automobile, as a whole, became a high interest of mine; the styling, the sound and the speed of it. I loved driving and I loved cars and all of this new found love was from the birth of my drivers' license. Such a simple piece of paper opened up such a broad area of learning for me; it was of much amazement to me. Receiving my drivers' license was the best day of my life. It will be remembered forever because of the feelings, experience and new beginnings that it gave me. Today, I still hold my interest in the automobile but the thrill of driving has dulled significantly since I receive Get more content on
  • 14. Essay About The Best News Ever The Best News Ever I remember the best 9 months of my life like they were yesterday. When I was nine years old I was given the best news of my life. One day my mom didn't work so she picked me up from school. At the time I was in fourth grade. I had been an only child for a full nine years of my life and I had longed to have a little sibling. My mom picked me up and we went home so I could do my could do my homework and shortly after have dinner at my grandparents. When I got home there was a present on the table. I knew there was nothing special about that day so, I instantly thought it was for my grandparents or someone. I walked over to it and asked what was it and who was it for? My mom replied by saying " It's for more content... My grandma was so astonished by this she did not understand why she would need a sharpie. But. she would soon realize what this was all about when she opened the next part of their present. This was something so cute and special, it was an ultra sound picture in a cute frame. I for one loved it, it was so cute and it was a picture of my soon to be sibling. When they finally opened it up their faces were so confused yet delighted that it was hilarious. My grandma said, " Oh my goodness are you having a baby?" My mom replied with " Yes if it's a boy Stephen Robert Gray. I want both your name and Robs name in it. If it's a girl than her name will be Olivia Susan Gray." Heaps of commotion was happening at this time. For I was taking my sweatshirt off and showing them my shirt, but they didn't really care about that at the moment all that they were concerned about were telling my parents. " Oh my goodness we are going to have another grandchild. This is amazing!" So I figured I would join the excitement then show them my shirt later. It was amazing and what made it even better is grandma's famous chop suey. She creates the best chop suey ever. We ate it all up with excitement. Our littlefamily were so excited about everything. I absolutely loved everything that was yet to come. Then Get more content on
  • 15. My Best Mistake " A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Everyone in their lifetime is prone to making a mistake and if for some farfetched reason they haven't made a mistake they haven't tried anything new. I have made many mistakes in my life but the one that protrudes to me and I learned the most from is when I threw my sister's phone in the pool. The lessons i learned from making this mistake was to not be as competitive when we are playing games for fun and to not take losing so passionately. It was a scorching, summer day when my sister and I walked over to our neighbors house to go swimming. After arriving to their house we immediately jumped in the pool because of how scorching it was outside. After an hour of having a great time in the pool playing numerous pool games we stopped to have a quick break and a snack. At this point I was starting to get frantic because I am a type of person that hates losing and I am really competitive. Shortly after eating the snack and taking a quick break we went into the house to find a toothpick so we could play a game called toothpick. Looking back at all the situation so far I can't understand why I was getting so mad just because I was losing in a game that was just for fun. Prior to playing the game my sister said a snide comment to me which just provoked my anger of losing even more. Shortly after we jumped back into the pool so we could start playing the toothpick game. Immediately after we started Get more content on
  • 16. One hot and sunny day my parents, little brother, and I wanted to get out of the house. So we decided to got to the park and play on the playground. It was so hot outside that we were sweating just from standing but it was a great day. Not only was it was a great day but it was also a great day because it was the day I was going to ask my parents if we could get a dog. I was so excited to ask that I was getting goosebumps. I began to walk towards my parents and when I reached them I asked the question." Can we get a dog please?" Both my mama and dad looked at each other and said one day we will be able to. It wasn't a yes but it wasn't a no, so I knew that there was a chance that I could get one. The next day became one of the best days of my life and soon one of the saddest days. When I was 5 years old I got one of the best gifts any kid good ask for. I've always wanted one and was so glad when I laid eyes on her. Before I go into detail why not just start from the very beginning. One evening, my little brother and I was watching tv with my mama when I heard my mama talking to my dad on the phone saying "what you mean you have a surprise?" When I heard that, I knew that It had to be something really intriguing. Minutes later I could hear the sound of the tires running over rocks and an engine running. It turns out that It was my daddy pulling into the driveway, so I had gotten even more anxious to find out exactly what the surprise was. My mama, brother, and I all waited Get more content on
  • 17. The best advice ever given Dr. Cheryl English 1301.86.87 September 25 The Best Advice Ever Given In life there are many challenges that may either make or break a person. The journey to overcome these challenges is often made easier by a handful of useful advice. This advice doesn't necessarily have to come from a much wiser person. It's the advice itself that is labeled as being wise. Just because someone gives another person wise advice, it doesn't necessarily mean that the task at hand will immediately be overcome. The receiver must use the advice willingly for it to be effective. Some of the best advice I have ever been given was to never burn bridges. My father gave me this advice when I was a teenager. He found out the hard way that more content... I also know that my father's advice would have been useless if I wouldn't have executed it and just ignored his words. Being so thankful for the power of advice, I have promised myself to take any advice that is free and if I have overcome an obstacle someone else is struggling with, I will always offer my fair share of advice. In my interview with Hope she told me the greatest advice she ever received came from her father. The advice was never to dwell on things that would not benefit her. He gave her the advice because she would stress about friends who were one sided and just dragged her down. In her life this helped her to drown out the negative and focus on the goals and the good things in her life. I can totally relate to this advice as I've dealt with friends who were also negative and one sided. To move forward from negative people is a big step for anyone to make and will benefit the person for the best. This is good advice for anyone to take in a similar situation. As I would give someone the advice I have learned, this is advice I would take away and use to my advantage. In my second interview with Cassie I learned some very valuable things. Cassie told me the best advice she ever received was no matter what happens, keep going, things might seem bad, but it's not over yet and hard work pays off given by a family friend. Cassie says her family friend, Nikki, gave her the Get more content on
  • 18. What Is My Best Class Essay When I first came into this class the first thing we did was a writing assignment. We had to write down 5 problems that I personally had with writing and to expand on these problems. I wrote: I always seem to take too much time to think about what I'm going to write then I actually do writing, I tend to make mistake when re–reading something, I lose my train of thought easily, English has never been my best class, and I'm a slow writing. Throughout this semester in English Composition 102 I feel like this class has really helped me improve on all 5 of these problems and then some. This class has really improved my writing style and structure to a point where others can see a real difference in my writing then before, even though that wasn' more content... I wanted to thank you for that. I'm actually going to miss this class but it helped get that much closer to my dream. Thank you for Get more content on
  • 19. A significant person in my life is, of course, my Mother. She might be the most influential person in my life, which makes sense because she has literally been there for every part of my life, from egg, to pregnancy, to adolescence, to early adulthood, and hopefully, God willing, for much longer. She is the most amazing person I have ever met. I guess that because she means so much to me is the reason why she influences me as greatly as she does. In my opinion, my Mom is many things, including comely, candid, caring, and conscientious. If I had to pick a personality trait to focus on, I guess I would choose conscientious. Conscientious is one of the big five personality traits of the Five Factor Model of personality; along with openness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. People who score high in conscientious, like I assume my Mom does, are detailed oriented, careful, and/or vigilant. The individuals are also usually efficient, organized, and self–disciplined. They tend to aim for high achievement and practice deliberation, as well. Many people would agree that conscientious people are dependable, hard–working, and have character. I choose this trait of conscientious because I feel whole–heartedly that my Mom is most, if not all, of these traits. With my mom being conscientious, I have picked up some conscientious habits along the way. On the big five personality test I scored highest on openness, but conscientious was a close second. My Mom has always aspired Get more content on
  • 20. The Best Decision Ive Ever Made We've all had decisions we made in life. Some decisions were good and became life changing while others were not so good and become life experiences. One decision I made in my life will always stand out as the best decision I ever made. This involved my youngest son Gannon and the decision to have a major operation that not only saved his life, but gave him a better quality of life. To understand why this changed his life for the better you need to know what he has been through. Gannon is a nine year old beautiful blond hair blue eyed little boy whose eyes sparkle when he smiles. He has this knack for making people fall in love with him in an instant. For the first two years of his life he was a healthy little boy, but there more content... That was a pattern over the next few weeks as I was a roller coaster of emotions. The worst was the fear of waiting to see the outcome. I knew there would be paralysis on his left side but would he talk, would he still be my Gannon? Time would tell. On July nineteenth, Gannon checked out of the hospital. Things were different that's for sure. Yes, he was now wheelchair bound, yes he was still having seizures, although minimal they were still rearing there ugly head, yes he was still on meds but somehow things were better. Gannon was happy. He was putting on weight, he was talking and most importantly he was smiling his little half smile and he was laughing. The laughing was the best as there weren't very many moments of those before. We knew walking out of there we still had a rough road ahead; we had to get Gannon walking again. We also knew that day in May changed our lives forever. Not even a year later Gannon still has epilepsy, he is paralyzed, he still has autism but there is something he has gained. He has gained a chance at a life. My baby is not sick anymore, there is no fear of death at any moment. He has a life, a quality life. Making the decision to have my little boy lose half his brain will always remain the best decision I have ever Get more content on
  • 21. My Greatest Movies Essay There are remarkably multiple amazing movies to choose from.If I had to pick 10 of the greatest films of all time they would include suspense and action. The list of movies that I have picked out are in my opinion the greatest films of all time. In the cinema, there are hundreds and hundreds of memorable moments and scenes from many films. The reason behind this is because the ten movies that I have picked out have compelled me to ''relive'' the moment. Therefore they give me a memory that I will hold on to. If a movie changes you mine it's not because of your reasoning it's because of your emotions that you feel towards the movie. My 10 greatest films must be films that fascinate me and pull me in quickly. They need to embezzle my attention and keep me entertained at all times. Therefore my 10 greatest films are: 1) Moana After seeing this movie multiple times, this movie is by far my favorite film. It's not because it is a disney film or even a kids movie it's because all the elements in this movie was well executed. The animation of this film was done beautifully and done with great detail. In the film you can tell how much time and effort was put in and how the animators took the time to work on each section of the movie. The soundtrack of moana was beautifully written and composed. Another reason that moana is my number one movie is because she is not a princess. In the movie she is trained to be the chief and wants be for her island and her people.In addition to that the characters in the film that we encounter are very compelling. We watch them change, and grow and react throughout the movie. Lastly, the story was very strong Moana had conflicts, and goals and knew how to overcome the conflicts to get to her goals. 2) The Hunger Games One of the main reasons why I chose The Hunger Games as my second choice is because it is a very intense and suspenseful movie. In this film what I really liked was that there was love, loss and explosion. You never knew what was going to happen which I enjoyed because I knew it was going to be a very superb movie. The actors and actresses in this movie were picked out marvelously. Each character in this movie played their part as if the Hunger Games existed. The Get more content on