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Essay On Media Bias
The media has developed its own way of captivating viewers' attention, and more importantly opinions, by frequently using an excessive amount of
bias. The term bias means to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something. Bias is not only tied to people, it is tied to
opinions as well. It is common to see media sources stating its opinion on a topic, persuasion into believing the same details as the media, is its
equivalent. The media is notoriously known to only show the public what should be seen. News stories are aired night after night in which only a
portion of the story is being told, initially leading viewers to believe the same thing as the news sources. By implementing the use of bias, the public
has more content...
John Stossel is a mainstream media journalist who was fired from his job after stating that the media contained bias and that he is a Libertarian.
Stossel had worked for 2020 and was a crowd favorite, he pulled in many viewers and never received bad reviews, luring society into sharing his same
viewpoints. In an interview with John Stossel titled, Dealing with Media Bias, Bernard Goldberg breaks down the reasoning as to why the media is
considered to be biased. Goldberg says in the interview that the reason behind media–related bias is due to the fact that truths may be told that the
media may not want to deal with, thus, avoiding conversation. This just goes to show that professionals are actively knowledgeable about the
bias which is being projected into the media and will do whatever it takes to keep one side of the story hidden. If one side of a story doesn't match
up with what a news source is displaying to the public, it simply gets left out all because the source may not have a way to defend itself when the
public becomes curious of potentially excluded factors. Bias in the media is inevitable, every news source is going to have its own opinion on a
topic and as a society the only thing that can be done to properly choose one's stance on an idea is to further investigate which source provides the
most accurate and credible
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Media Bias Has A Serious Effect
It has been stated that the media is biased, and consequently acts as a destructive force in our republic, an idea that has proven to be realistic in society
today in American politics. Rather than showing information on politics in a neutral manner, the media will only provide information on what they
believe is important, attempting to influence the American people with one side of the story. With that, the media is a destructive force for reasons
also including that it has no choice but to be, it is just a way of nature of the media. The final reason as to why the media acts as a monster to our
republic is because rather than focusing the attention of the information that will benefit our society, the media provides viewers information
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In the article, Media Bias in The 2016 Presidential Race, it brings up a key element that "there are only so many pages in a newspaper or so many
minutes in a nightly news program and not every important story can be published" (Papastefan). This leads to the conclusion that news outlets
must determine which piece of information they would like to put out there for millions to see, bringing out the biased part of these news channels.
Papastefan also points out that the news outlets are obviously going to look to publish the stories that will bring their ratings up, so it is up
journalists to pick which stories they find to be the most interesting and will bring attention to their audience. Obviously these journalists are going
to pick the to release the stories that they find praises their political party and downgrades those they dislike. This can be compared to a child
picking someone for their kickball team and the only two people that are left is their best friend and a kid he or she loathes greatly; clearly the kid he
hates will not be
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Media Bias Essay
Media Bias Influencing Political Decisions Media bias, the bias of journalist or news reporters with mass media around the world. Media bias plays a
huge part in today's society with everything we see in the media but media is especially bias when it comes to politics. Politics are the activities of
government concerning the political relations between countries. Media bias can be anything from uneven information on certain events, not telling the
full truth; which is telling a whole lie, only telling half of the true story, or only getting information from somebody or something that is bias. In
today's society media bias is a huge problem because people tend to be bias without even knowing it. News reporters or journalist may be writing or
reporting something and not even realize that they are being bias about the information they are giving. Although some people believe media bias is
just a perception and it is not actually happening in media, many people know that media bias is a problem and is shaping many people's opinions.
According to Richard Goldkamp, "Bias can undermine the effort to provide accurate news coverage" (3). This means that people are not getting the
full truth when looking at a news story or a journal because it is biased. When something is bias, it can make a person believe something that they
shouldn't because the whole truth was not given or the truth was twisted. In order to fix this problem of media bias in politics, reporters and journalists
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Media Bias: A Case Study
"You don't think CNN is biased?" "Not as bad as Fox News. I wouldn't be surprised if people accused Fox News of being a fake news organization
someday." "Do you think people will accuse CNN of being a fake news organization?" "No." Once again, silence filled the car. Both Larry and
Martha felt that the silence was both peaceful and awkward at the same time. During the silence, Martha had a lot on her mind. Larry and Martha
used to have the time of their lives just talking for hours. But Martha couldn't remember the last time she and Larry had fun just talking to each other,
besides their time at the restaurant a few moments ago. Then again, Larry and Martha had busy lives. Martha was a teacher, and Larry worked as a
web designer. All the
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Media Bias In The Media
Plaguing over 310 million Americans with an STD so horrifying, it is everywhere – nearly every news channel, nearly every newspaper, and nearly
every news websites gives it to the people. This STD is one that has grown to the government, grown to the politics and grown to the society of our
county. This STD is softness, transience and distortion within the media in our country. Every single American is prone to this sickening disease. By
softening the news, breaking stories in a transient time without full accuracy and distorting the meaning of stories the news has made the American
people a recipient of an STD. Existing for as long as breaking news has been around, media bias has recently begin to escalate. One might ask, where is
the proof? more content...
Creating an aroma to a story by speculating is the media's number one problem. Not knowing is the people's biggest concern but many times the
media will report an idea so quickly that it is false. This bias is brought by the idea show in the NBER report – "The quicker the news is reported, the
more views the network gains, more views equals more money." Just recently in our community there was a terrible accident, the news broke the story
but had a slight miscommunication. They reported two deaths, in reality though, only one person died and the other one was in critical condition. Yet
the community had already heard about the two deaths and didn't believe when the news re–edited their article. This fallacy is the continual add the
STD of media bias. Transience must be stopped, if the media doesn't not have the full story it should only be touched
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Media Bias Essay
Is the Media Bias? One problem that plagues us every day without us even realizing is media bias. We see it in the news, our favorite sitcoms and
even in the newspapers. Yet, we really don't recognize it when we hear or see it. Media bias is evident in every aspect of the media. The problem
is that we don't recognize it when it's in our faces. Are the impressions that we form about individuals a product of the media? In my opinion, the
media plays an important and powerful part in some of our lives. Many people consult their television sets for the news. We form our own opinions
on certain issues based on what we've seen, heard, and read in the media. I think that the media's role in political affairs have the power to make or
break more content...
Most of the coverage of crime during this period reflected those political interests and loyalties rather than mere facts. The stories were written on a
dramatic style more suitable for a novel than a newspaper. Protest of objectivity and accuracy were made, but these were understood to be mere
theatrical camouflage for the editorial opinions sown throughout most news stories. The media can be biased towards both liberals and conservatives.
Some conservatives argue that liberal journalists tend to attach their own liberal beliefs in the news they report, while liberal journalist insist that they
stay neutral and report news without any bias. Others will argue that conservative reporters take minor things, embellish it, or blow it to mythical
proportions. According to Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken, right
– wing journalist used this tactic to cripple Clinton's presidency,
discredit Gore, and to put Bush into office. The media should present their news in an unbiased way to allow viewers to form their own views.
Unfortunately, this is not the case. The media often shows its bias, their widespread exposure enables them to communicate their ideas to the public
regardless of the public responsiveness. In an article in the New York Times, President Trump called thenews media "the enemy of the American
people," In interviews around the country Americans of verifying political affiliations,
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Liberal Bias in the Media Essay
Today it seems almost impossible to get a straightforward answer on any major topic from the media. All sources of media have a specific audience
that they are intending to hear or view the information that they have prepared, therefore they will cut bits and pieces out so that only the message
they are trying to get across will be received. So indeed there is a media bias, and yes it more often than not slants towards the liberal view point, as
many reporters and journalists have liberal views themselves. Journalists and reporters for the major networks will strongly denounce the suggestion
that they favor of one side or the other when it comes to being politically biased. On the other hand there are other media sources that more
You must be liberal, progressive, a Democrat. I've been in communal gatherings in The Post, watching election returns, and have been
flabbergasted to see my colleagues cheer unabashedly for the Democrats." (Washington Post). Often media broadcasters tend to lean to this side,
therefore giving them the image of being liberally bias. Chris Mathews and Keith Oberman from MSNBC are two examples of broadcasters that
have been accused of delivering their news with a liberal twist to it. Journalists tend to vote on the liberal side of situations, but still say that while
they are on the job they only tell the news in the fairest way and the way that will be least offensive as well as respectful to who it will be presented.
In many cases however, this report can come out with an oddly left sided tone ( Since 1991 when Katie Couric became co–host
of NBC's Today Show, she has used her powerful spot in the media to praise significant liberal figures such as Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter. At
the same time however, Couric has never been shy about complaining about "right winged conservatives" The New York Times has a reputation as an
extremely bias newspaper and wrote an article titled, "Conservative Takeover of Kansas is Imminent, Warns the Sons of the Times' Publisher" by Clay
Waters. This article bashed conservatives in Kansas and
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Media Bias Essay example
Media Bias
One problem that plagues us everyday without us even realizing it is media bias. We see it in the news. We see it on our favorite sitcoms. We read it
everyday in the paper. Yet, we really don't recognize it when we hear it or see it. Mediabias is evident in every aspect of the media, yet the problem is
that we don't even recognize it when it is right in front of our faces. Are the impressions that we form about individuals a product of the media? Do we
form certain opinions about particular types of people based solely on the things we see and hear in the media everyday without even realizing it? The
problem is not only that there is media bias present, but also that we can't recognize it when we more content...
When women first aired on television, they were seen as housewives and mothers. Few had jobs. Most of the women had husbands that worked
hard everyday, and they had submissive roles. Women were not the decision makers, nor did they have too much intelligence. This was seen in
shows such as All in the Family, The Beavers, The Donna Reed Show, The Brady Bunch, and many more. There were not any female news
anchors, and when they were on television they did cooking shows, and perhaps the weather. As time moved on and the Women Movement began,
women became working mothers; still they had lower roles, such as secretarial ones, and factory jobs. Presently women have been portrayed as
more career oriented. They are doctors and lawyers, managers, and television anchors. There are also many shows where women are more
independent. Many are not married, some are single mothers, and some are even divorced. This was a positive change, but yet it does hold some
media bias. The problem is whether these changes occurred because of a societal shift, or was this because people who invested in the media saw this
happening, wanted ratings, and felt that this must be done and in turn society began to shift their way of thinking about women; or was it a
combination of both?
The problem is why does the media feel that they can shape societal views. Another stereotype that is present in the media
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Media Bias Analysis
Now a days people run to media for answers on current events and expect information to be accurate, but yet do the people know that almost all
media news reports are bias. Often times people run to news channels that give out information they want to hear based off the media's beliefs. The
media has always been bias, but it wasn't until certain events occurred that opened society's eyes. There are six powerhouse news sources that all have
their own type of bias which points out their own perspective on current events. When it comes to current events, different media platforms represent
the story from different perspectives. Viewers want their views to be validated rather than challenged and don't give ideas of what people should do. more content...
Those who work in the media are so afraid to tell the truth and decide to keep quiet instead because of what others might think of them. John
Stossel, on the other hand, decided to speak nothing but the truth when he announced that he was a libertarian with strong beliefs and began his
own show. Bernie Goldberg was another person who admitted to the media being biased and has said that because of the truth, he has lost many of
his former "friends". Everyday people sit down in front of their TV to watch the news expecting to hear what one wants to hear. People watch news
sources that have the same mindset as them and know it, but will continue to do so because of wanting to stick to their own beliefs. Sometimes it
can be difficult to spot bias in the media for some because of how believable and inaccurate the media can be. Nevertheless, there is definitely bias in
the media and the six powerhouses have their own beliefs and will only give out information they believe is
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Media Bias
The media today has become a topic of concern for many members of the general population. Am I getting a reliable source of information? Is this
source withholding the truth and ameliorating a topic? If I know that the information being reported is false, how can I trust that any other
information from this source can be trusted? These are several questions that a particular citizen might make on a day to day basis, and when the
question of bias is thrown into the mix, an overwhelming feeling of mistrust in our media can ensue. Media sources today are siding more and more
towards their viewers political views, and this creates a form of media–bias that can spread untrustworthy information out into the public. Depending
on your media source, more content...
Many members of the general public have caught onto the ruse of mass media outlets, and are starting to not trust them. A Gallup poll from the
somewhat recent year of late 2016 has shown that Americans' trust in mass media has fallen to a record setting low. For the general population,
only 32 percent of Americans trusted the media outlets' reports with a "great deal of trust" or a "fair amount of trust". A deeper look into the polling
shows that only 14 percent of population who classify as Republican trust the media a great deal or a fair amount. This could be due to the bias
against Republicans in certain media sources, or it could fall into something deeper. As for age groups, ages 18–49 have shown 26 percent in the same
trust rating, while 50 and older shows 38 percent. The difference in percentages due to age are most likely due to the technological fluency of younger
generations. Better understanding of technology can allow for a person to dig deeper into what is true or false in the media
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Media Bias Essay
Media has been playing a significant role in our daily lives by developing our personalities, enriching our knowledge and providing us with different
sorts of information. It has a tremendous power in framing cultural guidelines and shaping political dissertation. If the information provided to the U.S.
citizens is distorted, then they cannot make informed decisions on the matters of public policy. Thus, it becomes vital to the American democracy that
the news media and its institutions remain unbiased, fair and accurate. Media bias happens when a media systematically and persistently emphasize one
particular point of view that is usually below the standards of professional journalism. There can be various reasons for media bias, some more
Recently, in June 2017, Grant Charley reported a news article named 'One Almost–Certain Risk for Investors in the Health–Care Bill; Higher out of
pocket spending will keep the spotlight on healthcare costs' in The Wall Street Journal which was published by Dow Jones & Company. Later, in
August 2017, Deborah Barfield Berry reported a news article named 'Blacks look to close health gap; With ACA in limbo, leaders take matters into
their own hands' in USA Today which was published by the newspaper company itself. Both the newspaper articles were focused on the proposed
healthcare bill and Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Comparison and contrast between both articles According to Charley (2017), even after the enactment of new healthcare bill proposed by the
Republicans, the out–of–pocket expenses for the patients is expected to rise. As per the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the total
out–of–pocket spending is expected to increase by $221 billion more than the ACA over the next 10 years. Charley also mentions that these higher
deductibles seem to be a logical outcome of the proposed healthcare bill in order to decrease the insurance premiums and minimize the number of
Americans who can lose their health insurance. This exhibits Charley's biased approach towards supporting the new healthcare
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Bias In The Media Bias
There are many different hidden truths in the media that people do not know about due to the fact that the media emphasizes on just one particular
point of view. Throughout the years, people have been biased in the media and the reason as to why this happens is that people choose to lean on
one side such as republican, democrat, libertarian, or conservative. To be biased means to only be on one side of an argument or situation and only
favor more of what one person has to say. There are a variety of different news channels in which they all tend to lean more on one side, there is not a
single news channel that is on the same side as another. There are many current events that have multiple contentious between other news channels.
The more content...
Whether it is news channels on the television or whether it is Twitter and Facebook news, the public will always have a way to find out current
reports. Since society has become so dependent on technology, a greater amount of individuals get their actual news online and especially through
social media. As many of the public know, you cannot trust what people online are saying. Since individuals are so accustomed to getting the news
online, many of them tend to believe what they just happen to scroll across on Twitter and Facebook or any other sort of social media. Finding
actual facts and truths on the news have become so difficult now, due to all of the millions of different sites and places where we can get our news
from. The news online tend to be biased and untrue due to how openly and freely individuals can create their own site and "reports" on current events
such as a real news channels would. Social media has just made it more complicated to find the actual accuracy of current events but with enough
research, dedication, and using the SMELL test, finding the right information would not be as
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The Arguments Surrounding Media Bias Essay
Whether it is through a newspaper, television, magazines or talk radio, people will always communicate through some type of medium. Now, whether
or not the mediums are tainted with bias is a question of beliefs. Some people argue that journalism today is rather fair and balanced, while others
would vehemently oppose that view by saying that bias is definitely prevalent in news media and other mediums today. In some instances, there lies the
belief that the fairness doctrine should be reestablished in order to mend the problem of bias; however, many would strenuously fight that by arguing
that such an act would destroy the freedom of the press guaranteed under the first amendment. Another argument surrounding this issue is the more content...
But in today's market, with hundreds of choices in programming, such regulations are irrelevant, and nearly impossible to enforce" (Sears par.8). Sears
then goes on to say that the Fairness Doctrine is counterproductive and that the FCC actually found that it discouraged free speech. This was because
instead of trying to give each side "equal time", station owners began dropping politically–based programming altogether (Sears par.9). The policy was
abolished in 1987 by the FCC as a result (Sears, par 9).
Until the 1980s, the control of the media was in the hands of the national government. From then, the control shifted to private outlets and by the
1990's, there were more than fifty multinational companies who controlled it ("Mass Media"). Today, only about six major companies control the
larger fraction of media in America (Williams, Par. 1). Norman Solomon wrote in the New Political Science Journal that most reporters and editors
work for just a few huge companies. These journalists and editors are on the payroll for "mega–media institutions", of which, only about six exist
(Solomon 297). How much will the public learn if these companies generally control the output of information?
Yet another argument is that bias is not really an issue at all. Richard Perloff wrote that while people believe that while the media may exaggerate what it
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Media Bias Essay
Media Bias, Real or Not?
In the expository text "Collective mass media bias, social media, and non–partisans" by Xiaoyi Luo and the expository text "How biased are the media,
really?" by Paul Farhi, the authors intend to inform the reader of media bias and how it affects voters. Xiaoyi Luo studies at the Institute for Cultural
Industries at Shenzhen University and is outside of the media, while Paul Farhi is a reporter for The Washington Post and is an insider of the bias
itself while he remains somewhat neutral on it referencing other sources and not his opinion as much as possible. These authors were successful in
their attempts to prove their points and how they perceive the media bias while backing it with research and sources. I will be comparing these
expository texts while rhetorically analyzing them individually, to better understand media bias and its popularity growth from two different
perspectives based on research and professionals to understand how media bias affects voters.
Firstly, media bias has become a rising topic, especially since the 2016 United States presidential election. Media bias has been a topic for
conversation for many years and has been a common topic since the media has become such a large force. From the quote, "Seventy–seven percent of
those surveyed by the Pew Research Center in the fall said the media "tend to favor one side" compared with 53 percent who said so in 1985." (Paul
Farhi), examples of ethos and logos are apparent through a
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Media Bias Essay
Media Bias
Is the Media Bias? Many people including myself believe that it is. On the other hand, there are people who believe that media is not biased and
just states facts. These people (i.e. my dad), who believe that media is not biased also believe that everything on TV is true, in my experience. We
see bias in media (print or broadcast) many times. It might be the subtlest of things that is unnoticeable to more blatant attempts. The fact is bias is
everywhere and it is very difficult to separate the two. The reasons why it is difficult are not clearly understood by my self but I can point toward the
fact that everyone is the world has opinions and in some way or form it will be presented in the way they talk or write. more content...
However, very quickly, the articles comes to "candidate bashing" by each candidate rather then discussing the issues the articles focuses on what each
other says about the other. One thing that really stood out, in five of the seven articles, are discussions of George Bush's activities were discussed prior
to discussion of Al Gore. At first, I thought that maybe it was a fluke and writer was following an alphabetical order procedure to present the article.
But, when I read the two articles that discussed Al Gore's activities first it struck me that this is a very important aspect of any writing. This struck
me as important because I believe that the position that the writer usually supports is the one that is discussed first and the contrast it with another
view. By discussing George Bush first the ideas of Bush are imbedded in the mind and then when discussion of Al Gore is presented it is in the mind
to compare it with the previous discussion. This might not necessarily be true but I do feel strongly about this claim. The reason why is, when
someone wants to present a unbiased presentation they will compare and contrast the positions of both candidates throughout the whole article and not
separate it into two sections. Next, words and phrases chosen to describe the candidates' activities imply bias towards Al Gore. In almost every article
I found some words or phrases that gave the impression
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The Biased Media Essay examples
In today's society television news is an entertainment medium which was intended to provide information to the public on current issues, but that is
not its prime function any more. It's also meant to help viewers see issues from different perspectives. Being objective on a certain issue cannot
always exist so there is a bias of some sort in every news station. Each news station has a specific point of view and they try to persuade the viewers
to agree with them. To do this they use specific evidence to support the idea, and specific language to help you to believe that idea.
The relationship between the media and politics has been going on for a long time. According to Paul Starr's article `Political Networking' the
relationship more content...
We should have the ability to watch a news station and get details and be able to decide on a situation on our own.
There are many arguments when it comes to this issue. Some people think that the media has a liberal bias; some people think that there is a
conservative view. The real issue is that there is a bias opinion and this is changing the way that people perceive the media. According to Tyler Cohen `
Media Bias Is Not a Serious Problem' it doesn't matter that the media has a biased opinion. He states that people are aware that the media is bias and
because of that they keep in mind when watching. He also states that people want to watch stations that have the same opinion as them (2005). Most
people to watch specific news stations that do have the same belief as them, but we should be able to watch whatever station we want and be able to
get the same type of information.
The question of the media having a liberal bias definitely been around for some time now. Because the media has received so many complaints about
having this slanted view some think that the media has changed. According to E.J. Dionne's article `Liberal Media Bias Is a Myth' the media has
gotten better. He states that on social and cultural issues, the media was reporting more objectively (2002). In his article he brings up the issue that
now that the media is trying to not be so liberal they are now going to have a new bias. It is a constant battle.
Politics has
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Media Bias Research Paper
"Media bias refers to the bias of journalists and news producers within the mass media. A political bias in journalistic reporting, in programming
selection, or otherwise in mass communications media is an example of media bias." Alleges of media bias in the United States consist of alleges
of liberal bias, conservative bias, mainstream bias, and corporate bias. An array of watchdog organizations that try to find the details behind both
biased reporting and unproven alleges of bias were founded to prevent this. "Liberal bias is partisan selection or distortion of information to support
liberal policies. This bias can be expressed by professors and public school teachers, College Board exams, reporters and other journalists in mainstream
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Media Bias
Introduction One problem that plagues us everyday without us even realizing it is media bias. We see it in the news. We see it on our favorite
sitcoms. We read it everyday in the paper. Yet, we really don't recognize it when we hear it or see it. Media bias is evident in every aspect of the
media, yet the problem is that we don't even recognize it when it is right in front of our faces. Are the impressions that we form about individuals a
product of the media? Do we form certain opinions about particular types of people based solely on the things we see and hear in the media everyday
without even realizing it? The problem is not only that there is media bias present, but also that we can't recognize it when we see it. What
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Reporters misconstrue facts, yet they supposedly only report what we want to hear. If this is true then does it mean that this is how we really feel
about African Americans, or is it what investors in the media feel about them and it only aids in society forming these negative stereotypes about
them. The media bias here is in the fact that they only report certain situations. They are more likely to report negative situations than positive
ones, yet the media is supposed to be unbiased and fair. Another example of media bias against African Americans is shown in the types of
television shows and movies that they are aired in. When African Americans first stepped on the media scene, it was in shows where they were
portrayed as maids, and in other subservient roles. Many times African Americans were aired giving very negative racial marks against white
people leading to the belief that African Americans were ignorant, less skilled, and held as many racist views as the white world that was supposed
to be changing for the better. The media not only created biases among blacks and whites, but between black and blacks. Most black women in media
were those of lighter complexion and white features. They were shown as objects of beauty, while darker skinned women were still the maids, and
bitter women. The media either forced a stereotype on an unknowing public on its' definition of black beauty or they advocated
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Media Bias In The Media
Kasuba Chabala
Michael Holladay
ENG 107
Media Bias It is no mystery that the media has much influence in constructing social norms and shaping political dissertations. The expeditious
growth in the media, during the previous years, has meant that individuals are able to get many distinct perspectives on the news and with all these
opinions thrown at the audience, it is safe to believe that it aids the public to create their own opinions. But is it? Is the media even trying to be
informative to the public anymore? It doesn't seem so. People rely on all media sources to report factual information which helps the public obtain a
much different understanding of what's going on in the world. Except in today's era, most of the information is altered to fit a desired narrative.
Their widespread exposure empowers them to convey their notions to the public, regardless of the public's awareness. In my analysis on the bias in
mainstream media, I strongly believe that it is almost impossible to get a sincere nor forthright answer on any important topic, because the media
seems to target a specific audience with expectations of creating an imbalance in dispersing information, sustaining rivalries, maximizing profits and
increasing racial tension. Bias according to the oxford dictionary, refers to the "inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially
in a way considered to be unfair" (Oxford, 2017). Thus, media bias would relate to the prejudice held
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Essay On Media Bias

  • 1. Essay On Media Bias The media has developed its own way of captivating viewers' attention, and more importantly opinions, by frequently using an excessive amount of bias. The term bias means to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something. Bias is not only tied to people, it is tied to opinions as well. It is common to see media sources stating its opinion on a topic, persuasion into believing the same details as the media, is its equivalent. The media is notoriously known to only show the public what should be seen. News stories are aired night after night in which only a portion of the story is being told, initially leading viewers to believe the same thing as the news sources. By implementing the use of bias, the public has more content... John Stossel is a mainstream media journalist who was fired from his job after stating that the media contained bias and that he is a Libertarian. Stossel had worked for 2020 and was a crowd favorite, he pulled in many viewers and never received bad reviews, luring society into sharing his same viewpoints. In an interview with John Stossel titled, Dealing with Media Bias, Bernard Goldberg breaks down the reasoning as to why the media is considered to be biased. Goldberg says in the interview that the reason behind media–related bias is due to the fact that truths may be told that the media may not want to deal with, thus, avoiding conversation. This just goes to show that professionals are actively knowledgeable about the bias which is being projected into the media and will do whatever it takes to keep one side of the story hidden. If one side of a story doesn't match up with what a news source is displaying to the public, it simply gets left out all because the source may not have a way to defend itself when the public becomes curious of potentially excluded factors. Bias in the media is inevitable, every news source is going to have its own opinion on a topic and as a society the only thing that can be done to properly choose one's stance on an idea is to further investigate which source provides the most accurate and credible Get more content on
  • 2. Media Bias Has A Serious Effect It has been stated that the media is biased, and consequently acts as a destructive force in our republic, an idea that has proven to be realistic in society today in American politics. Rather than showing information on politics in a neutral manner, the media will only provide information on what they believe is important, attempting to influence the American people with one side of the story. With that, the media is a destructive force for reasons also including that it has no choice but to be, it is just a way of nature of the media. The final reason as to why the media acts as a monster to our republic is because rather than focusing the attention of the information that will benefit our society, the media provides viewers information more content... In the article, Media Bias in The 2016 Presidential Race, it brings up a key element that "there are only so many pages in a newspaper or so many minutes in a nightly news program and not every important story can be published" (Papastefan). This leads to the conclusion that news outlets must determine which piece of information they would like to put out there for millions to see, bringing out the biased part of these news channels. Papastefan also points out that the news outlets are obviously going to look to publish the stories that will bring their ratings up, so it is up journalists to pick which stories they find to be the most interesting and will bring attention to their audience. Obviously these journalists are going to pick the to release the stories that they find praises their political party and downgrades those they dislike. This can be compared to a child picking someone for their kickball team and the only two people that are left is their best friend and a kid he or she loathes greatly; clearly the kid he hates will not be Get more content on
  • 3. Media Bias Essay Media Bias Influencing Political Decisions Media bias, the bias of journalist or news reporters with mass media around the world. Media bias plays a huge part in today's society with everything we see in the media but media is especially bias when it comes to politics. Politics are the activities of government concerning the political relations between countries. Media bias can be anything from uneven information on certain events, not telling the full truth; which is telling a whole lie, only telling half of the true story, or only getting information from somebody or something that is bias. In today's society media bias is a huge problem because people tend to be bias without even knowing it. News reporters or journalist may be writing or reporting something and not even realize that they are being bias about the information they are giving. Although some people believe media bias is just a perception and it is not actually happening in media, many people know that media bias is a problem and is shaping many people's opinions. According to Richard Goldkamp, "Bias can undermine the effort to provide accurate news coverage" (3). This means that people are not getting the full truth when looking at a news story or a journal because it is biased. When something is bias, it can make a person believe something that they shouldn't because the whole truth was not given or the truth was twisted. In order to fix this problem of media bias in politics, reporters and journalists need Get more content on
  • 4. Media Bias: A Case Study "You don't think CNN is biased?" "Not as bad as Fox News. I wouldn't be surprised if people accused Fox News of being a fake news organization someday." "Do you think people will accuse CNN of being a fake news organization?" "No." Once again, silence filled the car. Both Larry and Martha felt that the silence was both peaceful and awkward at the same time. During the silence, Martha had a lot on her mind. Larry and Martha used to have the time of their lives just talking for hours. But Martha couldn't remember the last time she and Larry had fun just talking to each other, besides their time at the restaurant a few moments ago. Then again, Larry and Martha had busy lives. Martha was a teacher, and Larry worked as a web designer. All the Get more content on
  • 5. Media Bias In The Media Plaguing over 310 million Americans with an STD so horrifying, it is everywhere – nearly every news channel, nearly every newspaper, and nearly every news websites gives it to the people. This STD is one that has grown to the government, grown to the politics and grown to the society of our county. This STD is softness, transience and distortion within the media in our country. Every single American is prone to this sickening disease. By softening the news, breaking stories in a transient time without full accuracy and distorting the meaning of stories the news has made the American people a recipient of an STD. Existing for as long as breaking news has been around, media bias has recently begin to escalate. One might ask, where is the proof? more content... Creating an aroma to a story by speculating is the media's number one problem. Not knowing is the people's biggest concern but many times the media will report an idea so quickly that it is false. This bias is brought by the idea show in the NBER report – "The quicker the news is reported, the more views the network gains, more views equals more money." Just recently in our community there was a terrible accident, the news broke the story but had a slight miscommunication. They reported two deaths, in reality though, only one person died and the other one was in critical condition. Yet the community had already heard about the two deaths and didn't believe when the news re–edited their article. This fallacy is the continual add the STD of media bias. Transience must be stopped, if the media doesn't not have the full story it should only be touched Get more content on
  • 6. Media Bias Essay Is the Media Bias? One problem that plagues us every day without us even realizing is media bias. We see it in the news, our favorite sitcoms and even in the newspapers. Yet, we really don't recognize it when we hear or see it. Media bias is evident in every aspect of the media. The problem is that we don't recognize it when it's in our faces. Are the impressions that we form about individuals a product of the media? In my opinion, the media plays an important and powerful part in some of our lives. Many people consult their television sets for the news. We form our own opinions on certain issues based on what we've seen, heard, and read in the media. I think that the media's role in political affairs have the power to make or break more content... Most of the coverage of crime during this period reflected those political interests and loyalties rather than mere facts. The stories were written on a dramatic style more suitable for a novel than a newspaper. Protest of objectivity and accuracy were made, but these were understood to be mere theatrical camouflage for the editorial opinions sown throughout most news stories. The media can be biased towards both liberals and conservatives. Some conservatives argue that liberal journalists tend to attach their own liberal beliefs in the news they report, while liberal journalist insist that they stay neutral and report news without any bias. Others will argue that conservative reporters take minor things, embellish it, or blow it to mythical proportions. According to Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken, right – wing journalist used this tactic to cripple Clinton's presidency, discredit Gore, and to put Bush into office. The media should present their news in an unbiased way to allow viewers to form their own views. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The media often shows its bias, their widespread exposure enables them to communicate their ideas to the public regardless of the public responsiveness. In an article in the New York Times, President Trump called thenews media "the enemy of the American people," In interviews around the country Americans of verifying political affiliations, Get more content on
  • 7. Liberal Bias in the Media Essay Today it seems almost impossible to get a straightforward answer on any major topic from the media. All sources of media have a specific audience that they are intending to hear or view the information that they have prepared, therefore they will cut bits and pieces out so that only the message they are trying to get across will be received. So indeed there is a media bias, and yes it more often than not slants towards the liberal view point, as many reporters and journalists have liberal views themselves. Journalists and reporters for the major networks will strongly denounce the suggestion that they favor of one side or the other when it comes to being politically biased. On the other hand there are other media sources that more content... You must be liberal, progressive, a Democrat. I've been in communal gatherings in The Post, watching election returns, and have been flabbergasted to see my colleagues cheer unabashedly for the Democrats." (Washington Post). Often media broadcasters tend to lean to this side, therefore giving them the image of being liberally bias. Chris Mathews and Keith Oberman from MSNBC are two examples of broadcasters that have been accused of delivering their news with a liberal twist to it. Journalists tend to vote on the liberal side of situations, but still say that while they are on the job they only tell the news in the fairest way and the way that will be least offensive as well as respectful to who it will be presented. In many cases however, this report can come out with an oddly left sided tone ( Since 1991 when Katie Couric became co–host of NBC's Today Show, she has used her powerful spot in the media to praise significant liberal figures such as Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter. At the same time however, Couric has never been shy about complaining about "right winged conservatives" The New York Times has a reputation as an extremely bias newspaper and wrote an article titled, "Conservative Takeover of Kansas is Imminent, Warns the Sons of the Times' Publisher" by Clay Waters. This article bashed conservatives in Kansas and Get more content on
  • 8. Media Bias Essay example Media Bias Introduction One problem that plagues us everyday without us even realizing it is media bias. We see it in the news. We see it on our favorite sitcoms. We read it everyday in the paper. Yet, we really don't recognize it when we hear it or see it. Mediabias is evident in every aspect of the media, yet the problem is that we don't even recognize it when it is right in front of our faces. Are the impressions that we form about individuals a product of the media? Do we form certain opinions about particular types of people based solely on the things we see and hear in the media everyday without even realizing it? The problem is not only that there is media bias present, but also that we can't recognize it when we more content... When women first aired on television, they were seen as housewives and mothers. Few had jobs. Most of the women had husbands that worked hard everyday, and they had submissive roles. Women were not the decision makers, nor did they have too much intelligence. This was seen in shows such as All in the Family, The Beavers, The Donna Reed Show, The Brady Bunch, and many more. There were not any female news anchors, and when they were on television they did cooking shows, and perhaps the weather. As time moved on and the Women Movement began, women became working mothers; still they had lower roles, such as secretarial ones, and factory jobs. Presently women have been portrayed as more career oriented. They are doctors and lawyers, managers, and television anchors. There are also many shows where women are more independent. Many are not married, some are single mothers, and some are even divorced. This was a positive change, but yet it does hold some media bias. The problem is whether these changes occurred because of a societal shift, or was this because people who invested in the media saw this happening, wanted ratings, and felt that this must be done and in turn society began to shift their way of thinking about women; or was it a combination of both? The problem is why does the media feel that they can shape societal views. Another stereotype that is present in the media Get more content on
  • 9. Media Bias Analysis Now a days people run to media for answers on current events and expect information to be accurate, but yet do the people know that almost all media news reports are bias. Often times people run to news channels that give out information they want to hear based off the media's beliefs. The media has always been bias, but it wasn't until certain events occurred that opened society's eyes. There are six powerhouse news sources that all have their own type of bias which points out their own perspective on current events. When it comes to current events, different media platforms represent the story from different perspectives. Viewers want their views to be validated rather than challenged and don't give ideas of what people should do. more content... Those who work in the media are so afraid to tell the truth and decide to keep quiet instead because of what others might think of them. John Stossel, on the other hand, decided to speak nothing but the truth when he announced that he was a libertarian with strong beliefs and began his own show. Bernie Goldberg was another person who admitted to the media being biased and has said that because of the truth, he has lost many of his former "friends". Everyday people sit down in front of their TV to watch the news expecting to hear what one wants to hear. People watch news sources that have the same mindset as them and know it, but will continue to do so because of wanting to stick to their own beliefs. Sometimes it can be difficult to spot bias in the media for some because of how believable and inaccurate the media can be. Nevertheless, there is definitely bias in the media and the six powerhouses have their own beliefs and will only give out information they believe is Get more content on
  • 10. Media Bias The media today has become a topic of concern for many members of the general population. Am I getting a reliable source of information? Is this source withholding the truth and ameliorating a topic? If I know that the information being reported is false, how can I trust that any other information from this source can be trusted? These are several questions that a particular citizen might make on a day to day basis, and when the question of bias is thrown into the mix, an overwhelming feeling of mistrust in our media can ensue. Media sources today are siding more and more towards their viewers political views, and this creates a form of media–bias that can spread untrustworthy information out into the public. Depending on your media source, more content... Many members of the general public have caught onto the ruse of mass media outlets, and are starting to not trust them. A Gallup poll from the somewhat recent year of late 2016 has shown that Americans' trust in mass media has fallen to a record setting low. For the general population, only 32 percent of Americans trusted the media outlets' reports with a "great deal of trust" or a "fair amount of trust". A deeper look into the polling shows that only 14 percent of population who classify as Republican trust the media a great deal or a fair amount. This could be due to the bias against Republicans in certain media sources, or it could fall into something deeper. As for age groups, ages 18–49 have shown 26 percent in the same trust rating, while 50 and older shows 38 percent. The difference in percentages due to age are most likely due to the technological fluency of younger generations. Better understanding of technology can allow for a person to dig deeper into what is true or false in the media Get more content on
  • 11. Media Bias Essay Media has been playing a significant role in our daily lives by developing our personalities, enriching our knowledge and providing us with different sorts of information. It has a tremendous power in framing cultural guidelines and shaping political dissertation. If the information provided to the U.S. citizens is distorted, then they cannot make informed decisions on the matters of public policy. Thus, it becomes vital to the American democracy that the news media and its institutions remain unbiased, fair and accurate. Media bias happens when a media systematically and persistently emphasize one particular point of view that is usually below the standards of professional journalism. There can be various reasons for media bias, some more content... Recently, in June 2017, Grant Charley reported a news article named 'One Almost–Certain Risk for Investors in the Health–Care Bill; Higher out of pocket spending will keep the spotlight on healthcare costs' in The Wall Street Journal which was published by Dow Jones & Company. Later, in August 2017, Deborah Barfield Berry reported a news article named 'Blacks look to close health gap; With ACA in limbo, leaders take matters into their own hands' in USA Today which was published by the newspaper company itself. Both the newspaper articles were focused on the proposed healthcare bill and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Comparison and contrast between both articles According to Charley (2017), even after the enactment of new healthcare bill proposed by the Republicans, the out–of–pocket expenses for the patients is expected to rise. As per the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the total out–of–pocket spending is expected to increase by $221 billion more than the ACA over the next 10 years. Charley also mentions that these higher deductibles seem to be a logical outcome of the proposed healthcare bill in order to decrease the insurance premiums and minimize the number of Americans who can lose their health insurance. This exhibits Charley's biased approach towards supporting the new healthcare Get more content on
  • 12. Bias In The Media Bias There are many different hidden truths in the media that people do not know about due to the fact that the media emphasizes on just one particular point of view. Throughout the years, people have been biased in the media and the reason as to why this happens is that people choose to lean on one side such as republican, democrat, libertarian, or conservative. To be biased means to only be on one side of an argument or situation and only favor more of what one person has to say. There are a variety of different news channels in which they all tend to lean more on one side, there is not a single news channel that is on the same side as another. There are many current events that have multiple contentious between other news channels. The more content... Whether it is news channels on the television or whether it is Twitter and Facebook news, the public will always have a way to find out current reports. Since society has become so dependent on technology, a greater amount of individuals get their actual news online and especially through social media. As many of the public know, you cannot trust what people online are saying. Since individuals are so accustomed to getting the news online, many of them tend to believe what they just happen to scroll across on Twitter and Facebook or any other sort of social media. Finding actual facts and truths on the news have become so difficult now, due to all of the millions of different sites and places where we can get our news from. The news online tend to be biased and untrue due to how openly and freely individuals can create their own site and "reports" on current events such as a real news channels would. Social media has just made it more complicated to find the actual accuracy of current events but with enough research, dedication, and using the SMELL test, finding the right information would not be as Get more content on
  • 13. The Arguments Surrounding Media Bias Essay Whether it is through a newspaper, television, magazines or talk radio, people will always communicate through some type of medium. Now, whether or not the mediums are tainted with bias is a question of beliefs. Some people argue that journalism today is rather fair and balanced, while others would vehemently oppose that view by saying that bias is definitely prevalent in news media and other mediums today. In some instances, there lies the belief that the fairness doctrine should be reestablished in order to mend the problem of bias; however, many would strenuously fight that by arguing that such an act would destroy the freedom of the press guaranteed under the first amendment. Another argument surrounding this issue is the more content... But in today's market, with hundreds of choices in programming, such regulations are irrelevant, and nearly impossible to enforce" (Sears par.8). Sears then goes on to say that the Fairness Doctrine is counterproductive and that the FCC actually found that it discouraged free speech. This was because instead of trying to give each side "equal time", station owners began dropping politically–based programming altogether (Sears par.9). The policy was abolished in 1987 by the FCC as a result (Sears, par 9). Until the 1980s, the control of the media was in the hands of the national government. From then, the control shifted to private outlets and by the 1990's, there were more than fifty multinational companies who controlled it ("Mass Media"). Today, only about six major companies control the larger fraction of media in America (Williams, Par. 1). Norman Solomon wrote in the New Political Science Journal that most reporters and editors work for just a few huge companies. These journalists and editors are on the payroll for "mega–media institutions", of which, only about six exist (Solomon 297). How much will the public learn if these companies generally control the output of information? Yet another argument is that bias is not really an issue at all. Richard Perloff wrote that while people believe that while the media may exaggerate what it Get more content on
  • 14. Media Bias Essay Media Bias, Real or Not? In the expository text "Collective mass media bias, social media, and non–partisans" by Xiaoyi Luo and the expository text "How biased are the media, really?" by Paul Farhi, the authors intend to inform the reader of media bias and how it affects voters. Xiaoyi Luo studies at the Institute for Cultural Industries at Shenzhen University and is outside of the media, while Paul Farhi is a reporter for The Washington Post and is an insider of the bias itself while he remains somewhat neutral on it referencing other sources and not his opinion as much as possible. These authors were successful in their attempts to prove their points and how they perceive the media bias while backing it with research and sources. I will be comparing these expository texts while rhetorically analyzing them individually, to better understand media bias and its popularity growth from two different perspectives based on research and professionals to understand how media bias affects voters. Firstly, media bias has become a rising topic, especially since the 2016 United States presidential election. Media bias has been a topic for conversation for many years and has been a common topic since the media has become such a large force. From the quote, "Seventy–seven percent of those surveyed by the Pew Research Center in the fall said the media "tend to favor one side" compared with 53 percent who said so in 1985." (Paul Farhi), examples of ethos and logos are apparent through a Get more content on
  • 15. Media Bias Essay Media Bias Is the Media Bias? Many people including myself believe that it is. On the other hand, there are people who believe that media is not biased and just states facts. These people (i.e. my dad), who believe that media is not biased also believe that everything on TV is true, in my experience. We see bias in media (print or broadcast) many times. It might be the subtlest of things that is unnoticeable to more blatant attempts. The fact is bias is everywhere and it is very difficult to separate the two. The reasons why it is difficult are not clearly understood by my self but I can point toward the fact that everyone is the world has opinions and in some way or form it will be presented in the way they talk or write. more content... However, very quickly, the articles comes to "candidate bashing" by each candidate rather then discussing the issues the articles focuses on what each other says about the other. One thing that really stood out, in five of the seven articles, are discussions of George Bush's activities were discussed prior to discussion of Al Gore. At first, I thought that maybe it was a fluke and writer was following an alphabetical order procedure to present the article. But, when I read the two articles that discussed Al Gore's activities first it struck me that this is a very important aspect of any writing. This struck me as important because I believe that the position that the writer usually supports is the one that is discussed first and the contrast it with another view. By discussing George Bush first the ideas of Bush are imbedded in the mind and then when discussion of Al Gore is presented it is in the mind to compare it with the previous discussion. This might not necessarily be true but I do feel strongly about this claim. The reason why is, when someone wants to present a unbiased presentation they will compare and contrast the positions of both candidates throughout the whole article and not separate it into two sections. Next, words and phrases chosen to describe the candidates' activities imply bias towards Al Gore. In almost every article I found some words or phrases that gave the impression Get more content on
  • 16. The Biased Media Essay examples In today's society television news is an entertainment medium which was intended to provide information to the public on current issues, but that is not its prime function any more. It's also meant to help viewers see issues from different perspectives. Being objective on a certain issue cannot always exist so there is a bias of some sort in every news station. Each news station has a specific point of view and they try to persuade the viewers to agree with them. To do this they use specific evidence to support the idea, and specific language to help you to believe that idea. The relationship between the media and politics has been going on for a long time. According to Paul Starr's article `Political Networking' the relationship more content... We should have the ability to watch a news station and get details and be able to decide on a situation on our own. There are many arguments when it comes to this issue. Some people think that the media has a liberal bias; some people think that there is a conservative view. The real issue is that there is a bias opinion and this is changing the way that people perceive the media. According to Tyler Cohen ` Media Bias Is Not a Serious Problem' it doesn't matter that the media has a biased opinion. He states that people are aware that the media is bias and because of that they keep in mind when watching. He also states that people want to watch stations that have the same opinion as them (2005). Most people to watch specific news stations that do have the same belief as them, but we should be able to watch whatever station we want and be able to get the same type of information. The question of the media having a liberal bias definitely been around for some time now. Because the media has received so many complaints about having this slanted view some think that the media has changed. According to E.J. Dionne's article `Liberal Media Bias Is a Myth' the media has gotten better. He states that on social and cultural issues, the media was reporting more objectively (2002). In his article he brings up the issue that now that the media is trying to not be so liberal they are now going to have a new bias. It is a constant battle. Politics has Get more content on
  • 17. Media Bias Research Paper "Media bias refers to the bias of journalists and news producers within the mass media. A political bias in journalistic reporting, in programming selection, or otherwise in mass communications media is an example of media bias." Alleges of media bias in the United States consist of alleges of liberal bias, conservative bias, mainstream bias, and corporate bias. An array of watchdog organizations that try to find the details behind both biased reporting and unproven alleges of bias were founded to prevent this. "Liberal bias is partisan selection or distortion of information to support liberal policies. This bias can be expressed by professors and public school teachers, College Board exams, reporters and other journalists in mainstream Get more content on
  • 18. Media Bias Introduction One problem that plagues us everyday without us even realizing it is media bias. We see it in the news. We see it on our favorite sitcoms. We read it everyday in the paper. Yet, we really don't recognize it when we hear it or see it. Media bias is evident in every aspect of the media, yet the problem is that we don't even recognize it when it is right in front of our faces. Are the impressions that we form about individuals a product of the media? Do we form certain opinions about particular types of people based solely on the things we see and hear in the media everyday without even realizing it? The problem is not only that there is media bias present, but also that we can't recognize it when we see it. What more content... Reporters misconstrue facts, yet they supposedly only report what we want to hear. If this is true then does it mean that this is how we really feel about African Americans, or is it what investors in the media feel about them and it only aids in society forming these negative stereotypes about them. The media bias here is in the fact that they only report certain situations. They are more likely to report negative situations than positive ones, yet the media is supposed to be unbiased and fair. Another example of media bias against African Americans is shown in the types of television shows and movies that they are aired in. When African Americans first stepped on the media scene, it was in shows where they were portrayed as maids, and in other subservient roles. Many times African Americans were aired giving very negative racial marks against white people leading to the belief that African Americans were ignorant, less skilled, and held as many racist views as the white world that was supposed to be changing for the better. The media not only created biases among blacks and whites, but between black and blacks. Most black women in media were those of lighter complexion and white features. They were shown as objects of beauty, while darker skinned women were still the maids, and bitter women. The media either forced a stereotype on an unknowing public on its' definition of black beauty or they advocated Get more content on
  • 19. Media Bias In The Media Kasuba Chabala Michael Holladay ENG 107 11/23/2017 Media Bias It is no mystery that the media has much influence in constructing social norms and shaping political dissertations. The expeditious growth in the media, during the previous years, has meant that individuals are able to get many distinct perspectives on the news and with all these opinions thrown at the audience, it is safe to believe that it aids the public to create their own opinions. But is it? Is the media even trying to be informative to the public anymore? It doesn't seem so. People rely on all media sources to report factual information which helps the public obtain a much different understanding of what's going on in the world. Except in today's era, most of the information is altered to fit a desired narrative. Their widespread exposure empowers them to convey their notions to the public, regardless of the public's awareness. In my analysis on the bias in mainstream media, I strongly believe that it is almost impossible to get a sincere nor forthright answer on any important topic, because the media seems to target a specific audience with expectations of creating an imbalance in dispersing information, sustaining rivalries, maximizing profits and increasing racial tension. Bias according to the oxford dictionary, refers to the "inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair" (Oxford, 2017). Thus, media bias would relate to the prejudice held Get more content on