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Setting and Achieving Goals Essay
A person needs to achieve certain goals in one's life before you can call them successful. Success is
to achieve goals, you have set. I have set certain goals I would like to achieve in my lifetime. Some
of these goals are personal while others are professional. My professional goals in life are to find
a good job that makes me happy, get a good education, find a job that makes enough money for me
to support my family, and help people. Goals it is very important for me to receive a good
education. Most job fields require a descent education. If I don't have an education I would not be
able to function properly at the work place and I would not understand what to do. To maintain a
good job that will make good money will require me to more content...
I believe attending school at the University of Phoenix I will have more job opportunities,
increased earning power, and learning opportunities, broaden my perspective, career preparation
and most importantly achieving a lifelong dream of obtaining a college degree. I am a thirty three
year old man and new student at The University of Phoenix; this is where all my goals start. The
first goal is to attend a college that will allow me to earn a degree while working a full time job I
know I am in the right place because I take one class every five weeks this is what I need .It's a lot
simple to apply your energy to the class. My second goal is to get an education that will allow me
to get a job or a better job. It will also give me job security even though it may not necessary be at
the same job but it will allow me the security of knowing that when I decide to move on I do not
have to worry about what kind of salary I will be earning .With my degree there are many
different opportunities for me. My third goal to be efficient in using the computer literacy while
attending the University of Phoenix. This will allow me to develop skills for today's corporate
America. I also have a goal to broaden my perspective while attending University of Phoenix
Online. It has given me a chance to earn a degree in an environment that has people from different
religions, cultures, races, and social situation that all have one common goal of getting a college
degree. We
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Importance of Setting Goals Essay
The Importance of Setting Goals
Setting goals is the most important thing you can do in your life. Without goal's you are going to
have no direction, no ambition to be successful, no drive to stay in school, and trouble finding a
career that will provide for you. Without these three things, achieving your goals is going to be one
of the toughest tasks in the years to come.
When setting direction to success you must make good choices on the path you are going to choose.
The wrong path will put you somewhere that is going to take you off track from your goals. This
path can lead to partying too much, getting lazy, and not going back to school. Not doing schoolwork
is getting lazy. You muststay on top of schoolwork and not fall behind. more content...
The drive to stay in school is another big part of setting goals. Without the drive to stay in school,
you lose site of those nice things that can be achieved with hard work. Drive also motivates you to
do the things that you don't want to do, but have to do them. Things like writing papers, studying for
exams, and going to school during the summer. The drive to achieve your goals will help you
through these tough times. Through the tough times, think about all of those goals you are trying to
achieve, and how nice it is going to be when you reach them.
Finding a career that will provide for you can be very difficult if you do not follow the path to
reach your goals. This is another reason to stay on track and work hard in school. Without your
education, going into the work force and finding a good job that will provide for you and your
family can be very hard. Most jobs require school degrees and sometimes certifications that require
many hours of work. Without the degrees and the certifications, advancement in a job is sometimes
impossible. Without advancement in a career, it is very hard to reach your goals of making that big
salary, and having all of the enjoyable things in life.
My first year of college I didn't realize the importance of setting goals. After my first year in college,
having a good job, and seeing other people that did not make such good choices, I have
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Goal Setting Essay examples
I am in a college skills class. I have been asked to choose a topic that I feel will
better my future. Prior to this class I simply thought the goals I had and accomplished
were enough. Everyday goals of paying bills on time and keeping on schedule now
doesn't seem enough. Well, I have since learned that things will go more smoothly, less
crazy, and I can reduce my stress level with a few more goals for myself and my
daughters as well.
Goal setting has become a new reality, I have always had goals, and now I know
with some planning I can reach all of them. I have set short to long term goals. In my
short term goal I would like to save $1000.00 by May 01, 2010 for home improvements. more content...
In this class we took the Personality Style Survey based on Gary Smalley's
writings. The class was first given the survey and then the definition sheet of the
personality styles. Of course, I was the Lion. A brief definition of the Lion is likes to
lead. The Lion is good at making decisions and is very goalโ€“oriented. They enjoy
challenges, difficult assignments, and opportunity for advancement. Because lions
thinking of the goal, they can step on people to reach it. Lions can be very aggressive
and competitive. Lions must learn not to be too bossy or to take charge of other's
Carla, page #1 of 2 affairs. Strength: Goalโ€“oriented, strong, direct. Weakness: Argumentative, too
dictatorial. Limitation: Doesn't understand that directness can hurt others, hard time
expressing grace. This is truly the definition of myself. I have five daughters which I
gave this survey and three of the five were Lions (imagine that) the other two Otters.
In order for us to achieve our goals we must stay determined and focused. I
plan on using goals for the rest of my life. Every goal set seems to arrive before
its due date. This is such a great feeling for me. I have been a single parent of five
daughters for fourteen years and goal setting has been my husband most of the time!
With everything I have spoken about goal
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Smart Goals Essay
Smart Goals Essay
Vanessa Goins
Grand Canyon University
MGTโ€“605 (MGTโ€“605โ€“0103) Leadership
Professor Andree Swanson
March 21, 2013
Out of the three goals, (Personal, educational, and professional) I chose two of the goals that I am
focusing on and that is my personal and educational goals. For my personal goals, I want to create
a big picture of what I plan to do in life. Then I want to break them down in order to reach my
goals, then once I have them together, then I would start working on them to achieve them. For
example(Specific and Measurable goals), I plan on finding a job that has great benefits and the best
rate of pay, and one that does not require working on weekends(Mondayโ€“Friday only), and not
working more content...
I plan on earning my Master's Degree within a year of Graduation. While I am currently in school, I
will rely on my instructors, academic counselors, graduation team, the GCU Online Library, and the
school's other resources that will give me additional help when I need them. If I feel lost or a subject
seems too difficult, then I will ask eโ€“mail my instructors and let he or she know that I am having
difficulty and that I need help. If I am feeling overwhelmed about school, I will seek the help and
advice of my academic counselor to help me come up with a solution to help me feel relaxed and not
stressed with taking online classes. I know that I will be successful if I always ask and seek help
here at GCU.
After all of this being said, I believe that I am a D1 in the development level, which is "The
Enthusiastic Beginner" (Low Competence/High Commitment). I would be enthusiastic and be
highly committed to doing my job if I were to have a certain position or even as a student in
school on certain levels in my program, but at the same time, I would and still do not yet know
all of the ropes yet. Right now I consider myself a very curious, inexperienced person who does
quite have the skills required for the job in hand or the things that I have learned in school so far,
but I am yet hopeful that I will learn to develop and learn more and more skills in the near future.
Fowler, S. B., Blanchard,
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My Professional Goals Essay
Choosing a career in medicine is my first career choice, and in many ways it is the only career
choice I want. From professional athletes that we see on television, to the educators that have
taught me and many others through the years, they all have committed themselves to extensive
study. They have practiced countless of hours to master their individual skill set for their
profession. I see myself following in the same footsteps, but as a pediatrician. I want to also
master the skills that it takes to be a great doctor. It may not be simple and the outcome may not be
near, but with extensive studying and practice I want to achieve and master the set of skills of
pediatric diagnosis and eventually improve the medical process. This is more content...
My working experience with Dr. Sure has taught me that to exercise good clinical judgment
required extensive study, practice, and endless hours of work. As a pediatrician, I will strive to
make every effort to empower and educate my own patients with the knowledge that will give them
control over there aliments. With each visit I hope that we can work together for a brighter and
healthier tomorrow.
Naturally, my eagerness to learn came about at a very young age. I always wanted to know how the
human body worked. Growing up in the age of YouTube, I often poured over countless hours of
videos learning simple concepts that I could easily understand at that time. As I grew I was always
looking to learn something new. Finally, in high school I took advantage of College Now, a
program where students in high school had access to college classes on a college campus while
receiving college credits. While I was there, I earned a Certificate in Computer Science from
CUNY Queens College. This eagerness to learn came about of a very simple reason. My parents
had high aspirations for me since no one on either side of their families had ever gone beyond a
high school education. They wanted me to be the first in the family to achieve a Bachelor's degree.
Finally in 2012, I graduated from St. Johns University with a
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My Personal Goals Essay
As a child and even as a teenager one tends to make dreams and set goals for life. On occasion these
goals are far stretched and sometimes even fairyโ€“tale like, we tend to see life through a roseโ€“colored
glass, not taking into account the many sidetracks life throws our way. At that stage in life our goals
tend to be less focused and somewhat unreachable. However, the process of growing up, or
maturing, tends organized and center our goals, we learn to make compromises and set goals for
our goals. There are different types of goals, short term and long term. I have learned to separate the
many goals I have into three main categories: family, professional and personal.
First, my family goals include how I see myself and how I see more content...
I have planned monthly individual date nights with my children, so that they can have my undivided
attention for a certain period of time.
The second family short term goal takes into account my marriage. In order to raise happy and
healthy children, a happy and healthy relationship with one's spouse is paramount. In order to
achieve this goal my husband and I have decided to also dedicate more time for the two of us. For
the next year we have made an agreement to take at least one vacation together, so that we may
increase the bond that brought us together. We have also decided that for the next three year we
will spend Holidays as a family so that we may create our own family traditions, we will do
whatever is in our power to spend Holidays together, that includes not working or making other plans
with the rest of our immediate families.
On many occasions my personal goals have come before my professional aspirations. A career in
the medical field has always been something I have looked forward to. As a child I wanted and
dreamed of being a doctor, however due to the choices I made in life and the priorities that I had
not thought of, I have come to realize that my childhood dream may not come true. Yet, I was
able to compromise and make short and long term goals that will lead me into a career in the
medical field. My long term goal is to enter the medical field world and be a respected contributor
to it. I want to be able to help others in the time of need. In
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Essay Professional and Personal Goals
For the past eleven years I have been working in the web designing and development field,
specifically for colleges and universities. Beginning at Peirce College, while pursuing my
undergraduate degree in information technology, and working as a workโ€“study student on the
college's website, I was able to acquire experience and web development and design techniques that
are used in a higher educational setting. After graduation from Peirce, I was employed as the web
manager and eventually assistant director of web communications at Philadelphia University, where
I continued to learn techniques specific for universities, such as how to design site that appeal to
prospective students, how to manage different faculty, staff, more content...
Communicating technical issues โ€“ technical people tend to talk in a way that a person that is others
may know fully understand. Being in a public relations setting, as well as conducting technical
training, I have acquired skills to relay technical web processes to these users and helping to get to
feel more comfortable using web systems.
Knowledge of how to market universities to target audiences โ€“ Involvement with these different
universities over the years, learning what the tendencies of users, from studying site statistics,
conducting focus groups, and studying best practices in the market, I have a firm understanding of
how to create usable site architecture, that could be beneficial to universities.
Introvert tendencies โ€“ When working on projects, I sometimes like to just be alone, with music and
just focus completely on that one project. I also tend to not speak up in meetings and group settings,
even if I have a great idea, I usually dwell on it and the idea get presented by someone else or I just
don't get my idea across as well as I would have liked to.
Lacks of business savvy โ€“ I feel like I lack that knowโ€“how of how to start a business, where to get
capital, legal information, or writing a business plan.
Tell ideas as opposed to sell ideas โ€“
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United Nations Sustainable Development Goals On September 15th, 2015 United Nation leaders
created and embraced the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but it was not until January
1st, 2016 that the goals came into full effect ("Sustainable Development Agenda," 2016). The
purpose of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to combat poverty and hunger,
ensure wellโ€“being, reduce inequality, protect land, secure clean water, and manage climate
change("Sustainable Development Agenda," 2016). These goals expanded on the achievements of the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and now include peace and justice, sustainable
consumption, and go further in undertaking issues of poverty ("Sustainable Development Agenda,"
2016). The SDGs include solving issues of hunger, education, gender equality, economic growth,
peace, climate action, clean energy, and clean water and sanitation. They present clear regulations for
nations to incorporate into their daily routines to provide better lives for future generations. Although
the SDGs are not binding contracts, governments and leaders are expected to work together and
follow through on ensuring that progress and development is being made. The new development
goals require that all countries, impoverished and affluent alike, do their part in protecting their
environment and making sure that they are making headway. The SDGs are a 15โ€“year plan that
focus on building a healthy and fair future for the world and its inhabitants
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SMART Goals for Yourself Essays
One of the best ways to follow a successful path is to set goals for yourself. They are important to
keep yourself on task and to get to a desired point of self fulfillment. The issue can be how to
achieve goals in a successful manner. The issue is "Although people may desire or intend to attain
some outcome, they are not committed to that as a goal until they are willing to invest affect,
cognition, and behavior in attaining it" (Traci Mann, 2013). This is why it is important to have a
set path on how to accomplish important goals. I have chosen three goals that I want to accomplish
to demonstrate a Process known as SMART, to help accomplish them. There goals are that I want to
finally earn a college degree(personal), I want to make more content...
Last comes time bound. For this particular goal, my time frame is the amount of time it takes in
order to complete the next 6 classes. This is enough time for me to see if I really can accomplish
my goal, as well as how long it will take in order for me to fulfill the requirements in order to make
it into the Honor Society. After the 6 months, I will then evaluate and Reโ€“Do this goal throughout
my college career, and be using the SMARTER method. This same process can be applied to my
personal goal of finally obtaining a college degree. To me, this is a very important goal.
Accomplishing this goal will allow me to prove to myself that I can earn a degree and that I can
even work my way up to a doctorate, like I hope to do someday. By applying the SMART process to
this goal, I have specified it to earning my associates degree. I will know that this goal is
accomplished by finishing all the requirements of earning an associate's degree, in my chosen
field. This goal is achievable because I know I have to intelligence and the desire to accomplish
it. It is also realistic because it is a 2 year degree and I am at a point where I can fully dedicate
myself to the goal, for this amount of time. I have given myself the traditional 2 years to finish
earning this degree. This is another goal that I actually plan on using the SMARTER process, so I
can continue to earn higher degrees, up until I earn my PhD. Both of the goals that I have
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Essay On College Goals
When the challenge of beginning college presented itself, I had no goals in mind. When you're
18 and have a high school diploma in your hand, people tend to see you as a piece of molding
clay. Your friends and family can't resist telling you what you should do and how you should do
it. They also never fail to pile on the questions. Not having the answers to such seemingly simple
questions like, "What do you want to be?" "Where do you want to go?" "How are you going to do
it?" can make a young, ambitious person question herself. But the reality was, I just did not know
yet. I considered becoming a business manager, a dental hygienist, an accountant, a nurse. Originally,
I thought not having a solid plan meant I wasn't prepared for college. However, I discovered that no
matter what students aspire to pursue during their postsecondary education, everyone must complete
General Education Requirements, so that is where I began my journey.
As far as where I wanted to go, my sights were set on the University of Alaska Southeast in Juneau.
So in 2014, I left my hometown of Haines, moved into the more content...
At UAS, I had the option to pursue an Associate of Applied Science degree in Health Science, but I
felt completing my Preโ€“Nursing Qualifications through UAF would be the better choice. By
following that path, the next step would be applying to UAA's School of Nursing to pursue a
Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, my ultimate goal. So in the summer of 2015, I moved from
Juneau to Fairbanks, and now, I find myself in the final semester of my preโ€“nursing requirements.
Now, what's left?
This March, I will be sending in my application to the University of Alaska Anchorage School of
Nursing, and hope for admission for the fall of 2017. I currently hold a Certified Nurse's Aide
license for the State of Alaska, and plan to utilize its employment advatages until I acquire my
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My Goals Essay
As the most of my peers, I have been asking myself a question, what is it really I want out of my
life? This question has been bothering many people, and not only the college students who are
trying to figure out the path which will lead them to the comfortable life. One might ask, what is
that comfort that we all are striving for? Is it a state of mind or is it some unknown world that we
are so eager to enter? Well, it varies from person to person, it depends on the life that the person
has left behind when the decision to go to college was made. There are several aspects of our lives
that could influence us and the future decisions that we'll make. The biggest part of our decision
making is the way we were raised and the culture we more content...
On the other hand, we have a poor family. A person that was born to a poor family has been
exposed to a lot of worries about financial situation. Most likely, the person at the early age had to
think how to support a family or just help them out. Most likely that person will have to work along
with going to school, of course the job will take away concentration from school. There will be a
little chance that the person will finish high school or even go to college. The family will show little
or no support for the higher education, because they will look at the short run problems, they need
money now, not four years from now. Secondly, the person will not be as motivated to go to school
of higher education as the person who was born to a rich family. The surrounding of that person does
not provide the proper environment for the logical thinking in terms of long term life goals, because
most likely the family will live in the area that is consistent with their income. ! Meaning that the
child will never get a chance to see the full meaning of completing the higher education. To every
rule there are always exceptions. There are people who would totally disagree that the
opportunities are limited only to the rich. They see world as a much brighter place, the place where
any person could reach the desired goal if he/she want it bad
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Public Speaking Goals
Abstract This paper will go over the three main goals I would like to achieve in my public
speaking career. My first goal is to improve upon the structure of my speeches to ensure that the
topics that I discuss are in an order that will make sense to the audience. My second main goal I
have for improving my public speaking skills is to improve on my confidence before, during, and
after my speech. Finally, my last goal is to raise my delivery skills when I am giving my speech
to assure the audience that I am confident and that I am a credible person. Together, these goals
will help improve my public speaking skills. Personal Action Plan: Public Speaking In the
workplace, having the skill of being an exceptional public speaker more content...
Taking deep breathes before your speech is one good way to build your confidence. Doing so can
help you calm down if you are really nervous. No matter how much you prepare for your speech
you will be nervous before you get up and present and taking a few deep breaths in and out is a
good way to calm your nerves. Another way to boost your confidence and also calm your nerves
a bit is to drink water. It may seem a bit odd but it is very important to be hydrated before a big
speech because your nervousness causes your mouth to dry up. Anderson (2016) suggests you
drink about a third of a bottle of water before you give your speech to stop your mouth from getting
dry. Those are a few simple things you can do to become more confident while giving a
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Personal Goals : Goals And Goals
Life is all about choices, what do you want to eat, who do you want to hang out with and where do
you want to attend college? These choices shape and create who we are. However, as important as
choices are they do not guide us. The goals we set for ourselves are our guides. Goals can determine
whether a person succeeds or fails (Hyatt). Goals give us a sense of direction, a sense of self worth
and a sense of excitement (Locke & Lathem 2002). In my classroom I ask students to create goals
every year. I ask them for two academic goals and one personal goal. I enjoy doing this activity
because it gives my students guidance and something to shoot for. I create goals in every aspect
of my life. Some of my goals include professional goals with coaching and teaching, some goals are
personal goals and lastly some are goals are family related. Throughout this paper I will be talking
about goals. This paper will discuss advantages of goal, S.M.A.R.T. goals and types of goals.
There are many benefits for setting goals for yourself or the company you manage. Through this
next paragraph we will be talking about the four main benefits of goal setting. The first benefit is
goal setting makes you selfโ€“aware (Benefits of Goal Setting). When a person becomes selfโ€“aware
they know their strengths and their weaknesses. When a person knows their strengths and
weaknesses they can chose the strategies and steps they want to take to achieve the goal they set.
The second benefit of goal setting is
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Essay about Goals and Vision
Leaders must be many things. They must be the pinnacle of what their workforce would want to
follow. Leaders must be accessible by the people while being above reproach at an attainable level.
If leaders are not above reproach they could be dissuaded by the alternate viewpoints. It's imperative
that leaders encompass motivation and a spark of charisma to be effective and to impart vision to
their employees.
In my opinion, a leader needs to be both very likeable and able to be an authoritarian on opposite
sides of the spectrum. The person chosen to be the desired leader can and will make a following for
themselves. If a leader can and does possess inherent likeable and good leadership qualities, then
people will be willing more content...
In following the goals and aspirations of the company directive the because their group needs to
spend time on that which matters (Big Dog and Little Dog's Juxtaposition, 2011). They must be
focused on and adhering to the group mindset and focus on unmeasured ambitions. These are very
imperative to vision because they give a framework to their projects and give an adherence to the
Leaders must be the ones to set goals and objectives. Goals are imperative to the success of an
organization or business's vision in many various ways. The goals and objectives that a company
sets need to be something that the employees under the leader or leaders would aspire and want to
follow. They must be ideas and aims that are representative of the company and attainable to all
those people that are involved.
These goals and objectives are very vital and important to the furtherance of any company. The main
purpose of a goal is that it should be for the betterment of all the individuals of the organization while
keeping the organization's achievements toward the advancement of its goals and visions. Goals are
like visionary milestones. They are the fabric of the company's aptitude for achievement. They give
boundaries employees and bring an interconnected nature to the group mentality. It is very
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Definition Essay On Goals
My Goals
Did you know people with written goals are 50% more likely to achieve than people without
goals? A goal is the object of someone's ambition or aim. Goals are helpful because it gives the
person a purpose to work hard for something. Goals are unique since each person has a different
mindset for their life. My goals consists of an academic, professional, and person perspective. My
goals will be described, have an explanation of past and present that attains goals, and will identify a
goals to retain goals.
I have several goals but one of them is about my academic studies, high school and college. It's
important to set goals for school so you're able to succeed. For high school, I am aiming for a 3.8
or higher GPA (grade point average) because I will be able to get into a superior college. Also, I
want to quit procrastinating because it will increase my chance of earning A's on tests and quizzes.
After I have successfully graduated high school, I'll be heading off to college. As a ninth grader in
high school, I haven't decided on my dream college. However, my goal is to get a major that best fits
my dream job so that I will have a higher possibility of earning a job as a detective.
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When I was younger, I always loved anything dealing with mystery. Questionable topics interests
me. A detective is someone "whose occupation is to investigate and solve crimes". Usually if
someone wants to become a detective, they start off as a police officer. Then proceed to a police
training academy to prepare yourself as a detective. A job like that isn't easy as a blink of an eye.
It can be quite dangerous. However, if someone has a strong passion for something then that's all
that matters. My goals for my career as a detective is to solve every crime that I can because the
adrenaline of accomplishing something is incredible. Although there will be a lot of obstacles, I
know I'll be able to overcome them if I put my mind to
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Essay about Life Goals
Even though next value comes last on the list, it is not far behind in the importance from
previous two. Education is another very important part of my life. I truly believe it's the key to a
happy and successful life. As a child I was encouraged by my father to do well in school, while
many of my friends were playing outside my dad made me sit home and practice equations.
Growing up in Russia, I knew there won't be any opportunities of attending a college, because of
ethnic discrimination. Without my father's approval, my brother took very popular for Turkish
teenager choice; he dropped out of school and started working on the construction site. Ultimately, it
was going to be my future too, but I was doing excellent in all my classes, more content...
I am off to a bad start in college, but I know it will change. It's my goal. There are two types of goals,
long term and short term. Whets the difference? Short term goals deal with objectives you want to
accomplish within few days or months. Long term goals deal with objectives that set up year or
more ahead. Both of them play very important role in persons live. Although long term goals tend
to summaries person's whole life plans and seem to be more effective, having short term goals is
as crucial, because they, step by step make you reach big goals. One of my short term goals is to
change my education habits. In the next semester I am planning not to procrastinate and try to do
my assignments with all the effort and potential I have. I also plan on seeking more advisement
and tutoring help. In the next semester I am aiming for GPA above 3.5. In addition to that,
hopefully, looking forward to declare a major When it comes to long term goals, I haven't made
any specific ones, mainly because I have not decided what path to take. In general, in four years I'm
envisioning myself with a degree and good, solid job. Since bachelor's degree not an enough these
days, I will go to a Graduate school. I don't want to be a millionaire or someone who owns a
corporation or anything big. I see myself as a good worker at the company, who makes enough to
provide for his
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My Personal Goals as a Student Essay
My Personal Goals as a Student
An obvious goal as a working adult returning to school is, of course, to earn a degree. My overall
goal is no different than any other student, however, I also have several personal goals I hope to
achieve while attending the University. Some of these goals are to acquire new skills and enhance
my current business abilities, to apply what I learn in the classroom to forward my career, and to
feel personal satisfaction of finishing something I started. Already having experience in the business
world has proven to me that it is essential to have skills to maintain and improve daily functions.
Three skills I'd personally like to improve on are my organizational, time management, and more content...
By just going through the motions of coming to work everyday, only getting done what has to be
done, and going home at the end of the day, one might realize that an everyday routine can quickly
turn into a mundane professional life. At the same time, if a person does all of these things, but
shows a bit of initiative to gain more knowledge of the job, they may see an opportunity to
slightly move up in the company. The latter is my situation. My experience and knowledge of my
department and its systems have afforded me the opportunity to move up within the department
over the past five years, but I'm beginning to see a limit of how far those skills alone will allow
me to climb. Being an expert in my field of pharmaceutical benefits doesn't translate into managing
personnel just as knowing how to complete a task doesn't mean I'm able to give a clear
presentation on how it should be done. Sure, I've been rewarded for the work I've done and
knowledge I've obtained, but at some point, my employer will eventually see that more is needed to
continue to promote me to higher, more management focused positions. My goal is to complete these
courses and obtain my degree to prove that, if the situation arises, I can be the right person for the
job. A more personal goal of mine is to finish what I've started. After high school,
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Essay on Goal Setting
Goal Setting In the first article that I found It stated that Goal Setting is a formal process for
personal planning, and is a form of motivation. It is used for a target that a person works for so
they can be successful. The process of goal setting is used by many people throughout the world that
are trying to and have already achieved something in their lifetime.
Setting goals helps a person remain focused on being successful, stay away from distractions, and
will help with motivation. There are two types of goal setting:
Longโ€“term, and Shortโ€“term goals. Shortโ€“term goals are smaller goals that are "easier" to achieve,
and will keep the person motivated and continue to strive for success. They also are goals that lead
up more content...
Also, after achieving a goal, you must look back and ask yourself if the goal was too easy for you to
achieve, if you learned something while trying to achieve the goal, and if you need to fix any of
your "skills" in trying to achieve your goal.
If you do not achieve your goals, then this does not mean that you are a failure as long as you learn
something from your mistakes. You must find where you made your mistakes and then fix them.
Some of the Key Points for goal setting is Deciding what is important for you to achieve in your life,
separating what is important from what is irrelevant, motivating yourself to achievement, and
building your selfโ€“confidence based on measured achievement of goals.
In the second article that I found, it stated that Goal Setting is a very powerful technique that can
yield strong returns in all areas of your life. Setting goals allows you to decide what you want to do
with your life.
This article reiterates the previous article and states "Goal Setting Helps
Selfโ€“confidence". "By setting goals, and measuring their achievement, you are able to see what you
have done and what you are capable of. The process of achieving goals and seeing their achievement
gives you the confidence and selfโ€“belief that you need that you will be able to achieve higher and
more difficult goals".
Some of the key points that this article stresses for setting goals is that you can achieve more,
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dreams and goals Essay
One of the amazing things we have been given as humans is the unquenchable desire to have
dreams of a better life, and the ability to establish goals to live out those dreams. Think of it: We
can look deep within our hearts and dream of a better situation for ourselves and our families;
dream of better financial lives and better emotional or physical lives; certainly dream of better
spiritual lives. But what makes this even more powerful is that we have also been given the ability
to not only dream but to pursue those dreams, and not only to pursue them, but the cognitive ability
to actually lay out a plan and strategies (setting goals) to achieve those dreams. Powerful!
What are your dreams and goals? This isn't what you already more content...
No other people. No cell phone. No computer. Just you, a pad, a pen, and your thoughts.
Think about what really thrills you. When you are quiet, think about those things that really get
your blood moving. What would you LOVE to do, either for fun or for a living? What would you
love to accomplish? What would you try if you were guaranteed to succeed? What big thoughts
move your heart into a state of excitement and joy? When you answer these questions, you will
feel great and you will be in the "dream zone." It is only when we get to this point that we
experience what our dreams are!
Write down all of your dreams as you have them. Don't think of any as too outlandish or
foolishโ€“remember, you're dreaming! Let the thoughts fly and take careful record.
Now, prioritize those dreams. Which are most important? Which are most feasible? Which would
you love to do the most? Put them in the order in which you will actually try to attain them.
Remember, we are always moving toward action, not just dreaming.
Here is the big picture: Life is too short to not pursue your dreams. Someday your life will near its
end and all you will be able to do is look backward. You can reflect with joy or regret. Those who
dream, who set goals and act on them to live out their dreams, are those who live lives of joy and
have a sense of peace when they near the end of their lives. They have finished well, for themselves
and for their families.
Remember: These
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Essay On English Goals
My goal for this semester is to graduate while working. My English goal is to pass. I am trying to
raise my level of reading and writing. The number of hours I work per week affects my school work,
especially english class. The reading and writing takes up a lot of time, time in which I would rather
be at work. As a reader, I need more time to get a book finished because when I am working I get
tired and if I'm tired I don't want to read. As a writer, I wait until the very last minute to start writing
an essay for school. Honestly, my writing does not usually go into depth because I don't want to take
the time to work on it. I have a problem with procrastination.
Right now, I am currently working at Jack in the Box, and it is not fun because it's so
unorganized there. Everyone besides me gets a break because everyone else their smokes except
for me. My Uncle Jeffery worked there a few years ago, and that was the only reason he started to
smoke; to get a break. I am not going to start smoking just to get a break. I wanted to stay there for
another month or two until I turned eighteen but that did not happen; one that's not frying tacos,
french fries, etc. My job affects my school work because I spend more more content...
Saving the money is going to be a challenge for me. I like to go shopping and I really need to
break the habit of buying stuff I do not need. In the past I have put shopping before my reading
and writing and it has resulted in a bad grade for me. If I buy stuff, I am not saving my money for
things I need such as a car. I was doing really good with my spending habits until Christmas came
and I went on a few shopping trips. I am an impulsive buyer, I'm not sure why. I see something and
I want to spend money on it. This affects me as a reader because I'm out shopping and not
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  • 1. Setting and Achieving Goals Essay A person needs to achieve certain goals in one's life before you can call them successful. Success is to achieve goals, you have set. I have set certain goals I would like to achieve in my lifetime. Some of these goals are personal while others are professional. My professional goals in life are to find a good job that makes me happy, get a good education, find a job that makes enough money for me to support my family, and help people. Goals it is very important for me to receive a good education. Most job fields require a descent education. If I don't have an education I would not be able to function properly at the work place and I would not understand what to do. To maintain a good job that will make good money will require me to more content... I believe attending school at the University of Phoenix I will have more job opportunities, increased earning power, and learning opportunities, broaden my perspective, career preparation and most importantly achieving a lifelong dream of obtaining a college degree. I am a thirty three year old man and new student at The University of Phoenix; this is where all my goals start. The first goal is to attend a college that will allow me to earn a degree while working a full time job I know I am in the right place because I take one class every five weeks this is what I need .It's a lot simple to apply your energy to the class. My second goal is to get an education that will allow me to get a job or a better job. It will also give me job security even though it may not necessary be at the same job but it will allow me the security of knowing that when I decide to move on I do not have to worry about what kind of salary I will be earning .With my degree there are many different opportunities for me. My third goal to be efficient in using the computer literacy while attending the University of Phoenix. This will allow me to develop skills for today's corporate America. I also have a goal to broaden my perspective while attending University of Phoenix Online. It has given me a chance to earn a degree in an environment that has people from different religions, cultures, races, and social situation that all have one common goal of getting a college degree. We Get more content on
  • 2. Importance of Setting Goals Essay The Importance of Setting Goals Setting goals is the most important thing you can do in your life. Without goal's you are going to have no direction, no ambition to be successful, no drive to stay in school, and trouble finding a career that will provide for you. Without these three things, achieving your goals is going to be one of the toughest tasks in the years to come. When setting direction to success you must make good choices on the path you are going to choose. The wrong path will put you somewhere that is going to take you off track from your goals. This path can lead to partying too much, getting lazy, and not going back to school. Not doing schoolwork is getting lazy. You muststay on top of schoolwork and not fall behind. more content... The drive to stay in school is another big part of setting goals. Without the drive to stay in school, you lose site of those nice things that can be achieved with hard work. Drive also motivates you to do the things that you don't want to do, but have to do them. Things like writing papers, studying for exams, and going to school during the summer. The drive to achieve your goals will help you through these tough times. Through the tough times, think about all of those goals you are trying to achieve, and how nice it is going to be when you reach them. Finding a career that will provide for you can be very difficult if you do not follow the path to reach your goals. This is another reason to stay on track and work hard in school. Without your education, going into the work force and finding a good job that will provide for you and your family can be very hard. Most jobs require school degrees and sometimes certifications that require many hours of work. Without the degrees and the certifications, advancement in a job is sometimes impossible. Without advancement in a career, it is very hard to reach your goals of making that big salary, and having all of the enjoyable things in life. My first year of college I didn't realize the importance of setting goals. After my first year in college, having a good job, and seeing other people that did not make such good choices, I have Get more content on
  • 3. Goal Setting Essay examples I am in a college skills class. I have been asked to choose a topic that I feel will better my future. Prior to this class I simply thought the goals I had and accomplished were enough. Everyday goals of paying bills on time and keeping on schedule now doesn't seem enough. Well, I have since learned that things will go more smoothly, less crazy, and I can reduce my stress level with a few more goals for myself and my daughters as well. Goal setting has become a new reality, I have always had goals, and now I know with some planning I can reach all of them. I have set short to long term goals. In my short term goal I would like to save $1000.00 by May 01, 2010 for home improvements. more content... In this class we took the Personality Style Survey based on Gary Smalley's writings. The class was first given the survey and then the definition sheet of the personality styles. Of course, I was the Lion. A brief definition of the Lion is likes to lead. The Lion is good at making decisions and is very goalโ€“oriented. They enjoy challenges, difficult assignments, and opportunity for advancement. Because lions thinking of the goal, they can step on people to reach it. Lions can be very aggressive and competitive. Lions must learn not to be too bossy or to take charge of other's Carla, page #1 of 2 affairs. Strength: Goalโ€“oriented, strong, direct. Weakness: Argumentative, too dictatorial. Limitation: Doesn't understand that directness can hurt others, hard time expressing grace. This is truly the definition of myself. I have five daughters which I gave this survey and three of the five were Lions (imagine that) the other two Otters.
  • 4. In order for us to achieve our goals we must stay determined and focused. I plan on using goals for the rest of my life. Every goal set seems to arrive before its due date. This is such a great feeling for me. I have been a single parent of five daughters for fourteen years and goal setting has been my husband most of the time! With everything I have spoken about goal Get more content on
  • 5. Smart Goals Essay Smart Goals Essay Vanessa Goins Grand Canyon University MGTโ€“605 (MGTโ€“605โ€“0103) Leadership Professor Andree Swanson March 21, 2013 Out of the three goals, (Personal, educational, and professional) I chose two of the goals that I am focusing on and that is my personal and educational goals. For my personal goals, I want to create a big picture of what I plan to do in life. Then I want to break them down in order to reach my goals, then once I have them together, then I would start working on them to achieve them. For example(Specific and Measurable goals), I plan on finding a job that has great benefits and the best rate of pay, and one that does not require working on weekends(Mondayโ€“Friday only), and not working more content... I plan on earning my Master's Degree within a year of Graduation. While I am currently in school, I will rely on my instructors, academic counselors, graduation team, the GCU Online Library, and the school's other resources that will give me additional help when I need them. If I feel lost or a subject seems too difficult, then I will ask eโ€“mail my instructors and let he or she know that I am having difficulty and that I need help. If I am feeling overwhelmed about school, I will seek the help and advice of my academic counselor to help me come up with a solution to help me feel relaxed and not stressed with taking online classes. I know that I will be successful if I always ask and seek help here at GCU. After all of this being said, I believe that I am a D1 in the development level, which is "The Enthusiastic Beginner" (Low Competence/High Commitment). I would be enthusiastic and be highly committed to doing my job if I were to have a certain position or even as a student in school on certain levels in my program, but at the same time, I would and still do not yet know all of the ropes yet. Right now I consider myself a very curious, inexperienced person who does quite have the skills required for the job in hand or the things that I have learned in school so far, but I am yet hopeful that I will learn to develop and learn more and more skills in the near future. References Fowler, S. B., Blanchard, Get more content on
  • 6. My Professional Goals Essay Choosing a career in medicine is my first career choice, and in many ways it is the only career choice I want. From professional athletes that we see on television, to the educators that have taught me and many others through the years, they all have committed themselves to extensive study. They have practiced countless of hours to master their individual skill set for their profession. I see myself following in the same footsteps, but as a pediatrician. I want to also master the skills that it takes to be a great doctor. It may not be simple and the outcome may not be near, but with extensive studying and practice I want to achieve and master the set of skills of pediatric diagnosis and eventually improve the medical process. This is more content... My working experience with Dr. Sure has taught me that to exercise good clinical judgment required extensive study, practice, and endless hours of work. As a pediatrician, I will strive to make every effort to empower and educate my own patients with the knowledge that will give them control over there aliments. With each visit I hope that we can work together for a brighter and healthier tomorrow. Naturally, my eagerness to learn came about at a very young age. I always wanted to know how the human body worked. Growing up in the age of YouTube, I often poured over countless hours of videos learning simple concepts that I could easily understand at that time. As I grew I was always looking to learn something new. Finally, in high school I took advantage of College Now, a program where students in high school had access to college classes on a college campus while receiving college credits. While I was there, I earned a Certificate in Computer Science from CUNY Queens College. This eagerness to learn came about of a very simple reason. My parents had high aspirations for me since no one on either side of their families had ever gone beyond a high school education. They wanted me to be the first in the family to achieve a Bachelor's degree. Finally in 2012, I graduated from St. Johns University with a Get more content on
  • 7. My Personal Goals Essay As a child and even as a teenager one tends to make dreams and set goals for life. On occasion these goals are far stretched and sometimes even fairyโ€“tale like, we tend to see life through a roseโ€“colored glass, not taking into account the many sidetracks life throws our way. At that stage in life our goals tend to be less focused and somewhat unreachable. However, the process of growing up, or maturing, tends organized and center our goals, we learn to make compromises and set goals for our goals. There are different types of goals, short term and long term. I have learned to separate the many goals I have into three main categories: family, professional and personal. First, my family goals include how I see myself and how I see more content... I have planned monthly individual date nights with my children, so that they can have my undivided attention for a certain period of time. The second family short term goal takes into account my marriage. In order to raise happy and healthy children, a happy and healthy relationship with one's spouse is paramount. In order to achieve this goal my husband and I have decided to also dedicate more time for the two of us. For the next year we have made an agreement to take at least one vacation together, so that we may increase the bond that brought us together. We have also decided that for the next three year we will spend Holidays as a family so that we may create our own family traditions, we will do whatever is in our power to spend Holidays together, that includes not working or making other plans with the rest of our immediate families. On many occasions my personal goals have come before my professional aspirations. A career in the medical field has always been something I have looked forward to. As a child I wanted and dreamed of being a doctor, however due to the choices I made in life and the priorities that I had not thought of, I have come to realize that my childhood dream may not come true. Yet, I was able to compromise and make short and long term goals that will lead me into a career in the medical field. My long term goal is to enter the medical field world and be a respected contributor to it. I want to be able to help others in the time of need. In Get more content on
  • 8. Essay Professional and Personal Goals Introduction For the past eleven years I have been working in the web designing and development field, specifically for colleges and universities. Beginning at Peirce College, while pursuing my undergraduate degree in information technology, and working as a workโ€“study student on the college's website, I was able to acquire experience and web development and design techniques that are used in a higher educational setting. After graduation from Peirce, I was employed as the web manager and eventually assistant director of web communications at Philadelphia University, where I continued to learn techniques specific for universities, such as how to design site that appeal to prospective students, how to manage different faculty, staff, more content... Communicating technical issues โ€“ technical people tend to talk in a way that a person that is others may know fully understand. Being in a public relations setting, as well as conducting technical training, I have acquired skills to relay technical web processes to these users and helping to get to feel more comfortable using web systems. Knowledge of how to market universities to target audiences โ€“ Involvement with these different universities over the years, learning what the tendencies of users, from studying site statistics, conducting focus groups, and studying best practices in the market, I have a firm understanding of how to create usable site architecture, that could be beneficial to universities. Weaknesses Introvert tendencies โ€“ When working on projects, I sometimes like to just be alone, with music and just focus completely on that one project. I also tend to not speak up in meetings and group settings, even if I have a great idea, I usually dwell on it and the idea get presented by someone else or I just don't get my idea across as well as I would have liked to. Lacks of business savvy โ€“ I feel like I lack that knowโ€“how of how to start a business, where to get capital, legal information, or writing a business plan. Tell ideas as opposed to sell ideas โ€“ Get more content on
  • 9. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals On September 15th, 2015 United Nation leaders created and embraced the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but it was not until January 1st, 2016 that the goals came into full effect ("Sustainable Development Agenda," 2016). The purpose of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to combat poverty and hunger, ensure wellโ€“being, reduce inequality, protect land, secure clean water, and manage climate change("Sustainable Development Agenda," 2016). These goals expanded on the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and now include peace and justice, sustainable consumption, and go further in undertaking issues of poverty ("Sustainable Development Agenda," 2016). The SDGs include solving issues of hunger, education, gender equality, economic growth, peace, climate action, clean energy, and clean water and sanitation. They present clear regulations for nations to incorporate into their daily routines to provide better lives for future generations. Although the SDGs are not binding contracts, governments and leaders are expected to work together and follow through on ensuring that progress and development is being made. The new development goals require that all countries, impoverished and affluent alike, do their part in protecting their environment and making sure that they are making headway. The SDGs are a 15โ€“year plan that focus on building a healthy and fair future for the world and its inhabitants Get more content on
  • 10. SMART Goals for Yourself Essays One of the best ways to follow a successful path is to set goals for yourself. They are important to keep yourself on task and to get to a desired point of self fulfillment. The issue can be how to achieve goals in a successful manner. The issue is "Although people may desire or intend to attain some outcome, they are not committed to that as a goal until they are willing to invest affect, cognition, and behavior in attaining it" (Traci Mann, 2013). This is why it is important to have a set path on how to accomplish important goals. I have chosen three goals that I want to accomplish to demonstrate a Process known as SMART, to help accomplish them. There goals are that I want to finally earn a college degree(personal), I want to make more content... Last comes time bound. For this particular goal, my time frame is the amount of time it takes in order to complete the next 6 classes. This is enough time for me to see if I really can accomplish my goal, as well as how long it will take in order for me to fulfill the requirements in order to make it into the Honor Society. After the 6 months, I will then evaluate and Reโ€“Do this goal throughout my college career, and be using the SMARTER method. This same process can be applied to my personal goal of finally obtaining a college degree. To me, this is a very important goal. Accomplishing this goal will allow me to prove to myself that I can earn a degree and that I can even work my way up to a doctorate, like I hope to do someday. By applying the SMART process to this goal, I have specified it to earning my associates degree. I will know that this goal is accomplished by finishing all the requirements of earning an associate's degree, in my chosen field. This goal is achievable because I know I have to intelligence and the desire to accomplish it. It is also realistic because it is a 2 year degree and I am at a point where I can fully dedicate myself to the goal, for this amount of time. I have given myself the traditional 2 years to finish earning this degree. This is another goal that I actually plan on using the SMARTER process, so I can continue to earn higher degrees, up until I earn my PhD. Both of the goals that I have Get more content on
  • 11. Essay On College Goals When the challenge of beginning college presented itself, I had no goals in mind. When you're 18 and have a high school diploma in your hand, people tend to see you as a piece of molding clay. Your friends and family can't resist telling you what you should do and how you should do it. They also never fail to pile on the questions. Not having the answers to such seemingly simple questions like, "What do you want to be?" "Where do you want to go?" "How are you going to do it?" can make a young, ambitious person question herself. But the reality was, I just did not know yet. I considered becoming a business manager, a dental hygienist, an accountant, a nurse. Originally, I thought not having a solid plan meant I wasn't prepared for college. However, I discovered that no matter what students aspire to pursue during their postsecondary education, everyone must complete General Education Requirements, so that is where I began my journey. As far as where I wanted to go, my sights were set on the University of Alaska Southeast in Juneau. So in 2014, I left my hometown of Haines, moved into the more content... At UAS, I had the option to pursue an Associate of Applied Science degree in Health Science, but I felt completing my Preโ€“Nursing Qualifications through UAF would be the better choice. By following that path, the next step would be applying to UAA's School of Nursing to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, my ultimate goal. So in the summer of 2015, I moved from Juneau to Fairbanks, and now, I find myself in the final semester of my preโ€“nursing requirements. Now, what's left? This March, I will be sending in my application to the University of Alaska Anchorage School of Nursing, and hope for admission for the fall of 2017. I currently hold a Certified Nurse's Aide license for the State of Alaska, and plan to utilize its employment advatages until I acquire my nursing Get more content on
  • 12. My Goals Essay As the most of my peers, I have been asking myself a question, what is it really I want out of my life? This question has been bothering many people, and not only the college students who are trying to figure out the path which will lead them to the comfortable life. One might ask, what is that comfort that we all are striving for? Is it a state of mind or is it some unknown world that we are so eager to enter? Well, it varies from person to person, it depends on the life that the person has left behind when the decision to go to college was made. There are several aspects of our lives that could influence us and the future decisions that we'll make. The biggest part of our decision making is the way we were raised and the culture we more content... On the other hand, we have a poor family. A person that was born to a poor family has been exposed to a lot of worries about financial situation. Most likely, the person at the early age had to think how to support a family or just help them out. Most likely that person will have to work along with going to school, of course the job will take away concentration from school. There will be a little chance that the person will finish high school or even go to college. The family will show little or no support for the higher education, because they will look at the short run problems, they need money now, not four years from now. Secondly, the person will not be as motivated to go to school of higher education as the person who was born to a rich family. The surrounding of that person does not provide the proper environment for the logical thinking in terms of long term life goals, because most likely the family will live in the area that is consistent with their income. ! Meaning that the child will never get a chance to see the full meaning of completing the higher education. To every rule there are always exceptions. There are people who would totally disagree that the opportunities are limited only to the rich. They see world as a much brighter place, the place where any person could reach the desired goal if he/she want it bad Get more content on
  • 13. Public Speaking Goals Abstract This paper will go over the three main goals I would like to achieve in my public speaking career. My first goal is to improve upon the structure of my speeches to ensure that the topics that I discuss are in an order that will make sense to the audience. My second main goal I have for improving my public speaking skills is to improve on my confidence before, during, and after my speech. Finally, my last goal is to raise my delivery skills when I am giving my speech to assure the audience that I am confident and that I am a credible person. Together, these goals will help improve my public speaking skills. Personal Action Plan: Public Speaking In the workplace, having the skill of being an exceptional public speaker more content... Taking deep breathes before your speech is one good way to build your confidence. Doing so can help you calm down if you are really nervous. No matter how much you prepare for your speech you will be nervous before you get up and present and taking a few deep breaths in and out is a good way to calm your nerves. Another way to boost your confidence and also calm your nerves a bit is to drink water. It may seem a bit odd but it is very important to be hydrated before a big speech because your nervousness causes your mouth to dry up. Anderson (2016) suggests you drink about a third of a bottle of water before you give your speech to stop your mouth from getting dry. Those are a few simple things you can do to become more confident while giving a Get more content on
  • 14. Personal Goals : Goals And Goals Life is all about choices, what do you want to eat, who do you want to hang out with and where do you want to attend college? These choices shape and create who we are. However, as important as choices are they do not guide us. The goals we set for ourselves are our guides. Goals can determine whether a person succeeds or fails (Hyatt). Goals give us a sense of direction, a sense of self worth and a sense of excitement (Locke & Lathem 2002). In my classroom I ask students to create goals every year. I ask them for two academic goals and one personal goal. I enjoy doing this activity because it gives my students guidance and something to shoot for. I create goals in every aspect of my life. Some of my goals include professional goals with coaching and teaching, some goals are personal goals and lastly some are goals are family related. Throughout this paper I will be talking about goals. This paper will discuss advantages of goal, S.M.A.R.T. goals and types of goals. There are many benefits for setting goals for yourself or the company you manage. Through this next paragraph we will be talking about the four main benefits of goal setting. The first benefit is goal setting makes you selfโ€“aware (Benefits of Goal Setting). When a person becomes selfโ€“aware they know their strengths and their weaknesses. When a person knows their strengths and weaknesses they can chose the strategies and steps they want to take to achieve the goal they set. The second benefit of goal setting is Get more content on
  • 15. Essay about Goals and Vision Leaders must be many things. They must be the pinnacle of what their workforce would want to follow. Leaders must be accessible by the people while being above reproach at an attainable level. If leaders are not above reproach they could be dissuaded by the alternate viewpoints. It's imperative that leaders encompass motivation and a spark of charisma to be effective and to impart vision to their employees. In my opinion, a leader needs to be both very likeable and able to be an authoritarian on opposite sides of the spectrum. The person chosen to be the desired leader can and will make a following for themselves. If a leader can and does possess inherent likeable and good leadership qualities, then people will be willing more content... In following the goals and aspirations of the company directive the because their group needs to spend time on that which matters (Big Dog and Little Dog's Juxtaposition, 2011). They must be focused on and adhering to the group mindset and focus on unmeasured ambitions. These are very imperative to vision because they give a framework to their projects and give an adherence to the task. Leaders must be the ones to set goals and objectives. Goals are imperative to the success of an organization or business's vision in many various ways. The goals and objectives that a company sets need to be something that the employees under the leader or leaders would aspire and want to follow. They must be ideas and aims that are representative of the company and attainable to all those people that are involved. These goals and objectives are very vital and important to the furtherance of any company. The main purpose of a goal is that it should be for the betterment of all the individuals of the organization while keeping the organization's achievements toward the advancement of its goals and visions. Goals are like visionary milestones. They are the fabric of the company's aptitude for achievement. They give boundaries employees and bring an interconnected nature to the group mentality. It is very Get more content on
  • 16. Definition Essay On Goals My Goals Did you know people with written goals are 50% more likely to achieve than people without goals? A goal is the object of someone's ambition or aim. Goals are helpful because it gives the person a purpose to work hard for something. Goals are unique since each person has a different mindset for their life. My goals consists of an academic, professional, and person perspective. My goals will be described, have an explanation of past and present that attains goals, and will identify a goals to retain goals. I have several goals but one of them is about my academic studies, high school and college. It's important to set goals for school so you're able to succeed. For high school, I am aiming for a 3.8 or higher GPA (grade point average) because I will be able to get into a superior college. Also, I want to quit procrastinating because it will increase my chance of earning A's on tests and quizzes. After I have successfully graduated high school, I'll be heading off to college. As a ninth grader in high school, I haven't decided on my dream college. However, my goal is to get a major that best fits my dream job so that I will have a higher possibility of earning a job as a detective. more content... When I was younger, I always loved anything dealing with mystery. Questionable topics interests me. A detective is someone "whose occupation is to investigate and solve crimes". Usually if someone wants to become a detective, they start off as a police officer. Then proceed to a police training academy to prepare yourself as a detective. A job like that isn't easy as a blink of an eye. It can be quite dangerous. However, if someone has a strong passion for something then that's all that matters. My goals for my career as a detective is to solve every crime that I can because the adrenaline of accomplishing something is incredible. Although there will be a lot of obstacles, I know I'll be able to overcome them if I put my mind to Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about Life Goals Even though next value comes last on the list, it is not far behind in the importance from previous two. Education is another very important part of my life. I truly believe it's the key to a happy and successful life. As a child I was encouraged by my father to do well in school, while many of my friends were playing outside my dad made me sit home and practice equations. Growing up in Russia, I knew there won't be any opportunities of attending a college, because of ethnic discrimination. Without my father's approval, my brother took very popular for Turkish teenager choice; he dropped out of school and started working on the construction site. Ultimately, it was going to be my future too, but I was doing excellent in all my classes, more content... I am off to a bad start in college, but I know it will change. It's my goal. There are two types of goals, long term and short term. Whets the difference? Short term goals deal with objectives you want to accomplish within few days or months. Long term goals deal with objectives that set up year or more ahead. Both of them play very important role in persons live. Although long term goals tend to summaries person's whole life plans and seem to be more effective, having short term goals is as crucial, because they, step by step make you reach big goals. One of my short term goals is to change my education habits. In the next semester I am planning not to procrastinate and try to do my assignments with all the effort and potential I have. I also plan on seeking more advisement and tutoring help. In the next semester I am aiming for GPA above 3.5. In addition to that, hopefully, looking forward to declare a major When it comes to long term goals, I haven't made any specific ones, mainly because I have not decided what path to take. In general, in four years I'm envisioning myself with a degree and good, solid job. Since bachelor's degree not an enough these days, I will go to a Graduate school. I don't want to be a millionaire or someone who owns a corporation or anything big. I see myself as a good worker at the company, who makes enough to provide for his Get more content on
  • 18. My Personal Goals as a Student Essay My Personal Goals as a Student An obvious goal as a working adult returning to school is, of course, to earn a degree. My overall goal is no different than any other student, however, I also have several personal goals I hope to achieve while attending the University. Some of these goals are to acquire new skills and enhance my current business abilities, to apply what I learn in the classroom to forward my career, and to feel personal satisfaction of finishing something I started. Already having experience in the business world has proven to me that it is essential to have skills to maintain and improve daily functions. Three skills I'd personally like to improve on are my organizational, time management, and more content... By just going through the motions of coming to work everyday, only getting done what has to be done, and going home at the end of the day, one might realize that an everyday routine can quickly turn into a mundane professional life. At the same time, if a person does all of these things, but shows a bit of initiative to gain more knowledge of the job, they may see an opportunity to slightly move up in the company. The latter is my situation. My experience and knowledge of my department and its systems have afforded me the opportunity to move up within the department over the past five years, but I'm beginning to see a limit of how far those skills alone will allow me to climb. Being an expert in my field of pharmaceutical benefits doesn't translate into managing personnel just as knowing how to complete a task doesn't mean I'm able to give a clear presentation on how it should be done. Sure, I've been rewarded for the work I've done and knowledge I've obtained, but at some point, my employer will eventually see that more is needed to continue to promote me to higher, more management focused positions. My goal is to complete these courses and obtain my degree to prove that, if the situation arises, I can be the right person for the job. A more personal goal of mine is to finish what I've started. After high school, Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Goal Setting Goal Setting In the first article that I found It stated that Goal Setting is a formal process for personal planning, and is a form of motivation. It is used for a target that a person works for so they can be successful. The process of goal setting is used by many people throughout the world that are trying to and have already achieved something in their lifetime. Setting goals helps a person remain focused on being successful, stay away from distractions, and will help with motivation. There are two types of goal setting: Longโ€“term, and Shortโ€“term goals. Shortโ€“term goals are smaller goals that are "easier" to achieve, and will keep the person motivated and continue to strive for success. They also are goals that lead up more content... Also, after achieving a goal, you must look back and ask yourself if the goal was too easy for you to achieve, if you learned something while trying to achieve the goal, and if you need to fix any of your "skills" in trying to achieve your goal. If you do not achieve your goals, then this does not mean that you are a failure as long as you learn something from your mistakes. You must find where you made your mistakes and then fix them. Some of the Key Points for goal setting is Deciding what is important for you to achieve in your life, separating what is important from what is irrelevant, motivating yourself to achievement, and building your selfโ€“confidence based on measured achievement of goals. In the second article that I found, it stated that Goal Setting is a very powerful technique that can yield strong returns in all areas of your life. Setting goals allows you to decide what you want to do with your life. This article reiterates the previous article and states "Goal Setting Helps Selfโ€“confidence". "By setting goals, and measuring their achievement, you are able to see what you have done and what you are capable of. The process of achieving goals and seeing their achievement gives you the confidence and selfโ€“belief that you need that you will be able to achieve higher and more difficult goals". Some of the key points that this article stresses for setting goals is that you can achieve more, improve Get more content on
  • 20. dreams and goals Essay One of the amazing things we have been given as humans is the unquenchable desire to have dreams of a better life, and the ability to establish goals to live out those dreams. Think of it: We can look deep within our hearts and dream of a better situation for ourselves and our families; dream of better financial lives and better emotional or physical lives; certainly dream of better spiritual lives. But what makes this even more powerful is that we have also been given the ability to not only dream but to pursue those dreams, and not only to pursue them, but the cognitive ability to actually lay out a plan and strategies (setting goals) to achieve those dreams. Powerful! What are your dreams and goals? This isn't what you already more content... No other people. No cell phone. No computer. Just you, a pad, a pen, and your thoughts. Think about what really thrills you. When you are quiet, think about those things that really get your blood moving. What would you LOVE to do, either for fun or for a living? What would you love to accomplish? What would you try if you were guaranteed to succeed? What big thoughts move your heart into a state of excitement and joy? When you answer these questions, you will feel great and you will be in the "dream zone." It is only when we get to this point that we experience what our dreams are! Write down all of your dreams as you have them. Don't think of any as too outlandish or foolishโ€“remember, you're dreaming! Let the thoughts fly and take careful record. Now, prioritize those dreams. Which are most important? Which are most feasible? Which would you love to do the most? Put them in the order in which you will actually try to attain them. Remember, we are always moving toward action, not just dreaming. Here is the big picture: Life is too short to not pursue your dreams. Someday your life will near its end and all you will be able to do is look backward. You can reflect with joy or regret. Those who dream, who set goals and act on them to live out their dreams, are those who live lives of joy and have a sense of peace when they near the end of their lives. They have finished well, for themselves and for their families. Remember: These Get more content on
  • 21. Essay On English Goals My goal for this semester is to graduate while working. My English goal is to pass. I am trying to raise my level of reading and writing. The number of hours I work per week affects my school work, especially english class. The reading and writing takes up a lot of time, time in which I would rather be at work. As a reader, I need more time to get a book finished because when I am working I get tired and if I'm tired I don't want to read. As a writer, I wait until the very last minute to start writing an essay for school. Honestly, my writing does not usually go into depth because I don't want to take the time to work on it. I have a problem with procrastination. Right now, I am currently working at Jack in the Box, and it is not fun because it's so unorganized there. Everyone besides me gets a break because everyone else their smokes except for me. My Uncle Jeffery worked there a few years ago, and that was the only reason he started to smoke; to get a break. I am not going to start smoking just to get a break. I wanted to stay there for another month or two until I turned eighteen but that did not happen; one that's not frying tacos, french fries, etc. My job affects my school work because I spend more more content... Saving the money is going to be a challenge for me. I like to go shopping and I really need to break the habit of buying stuff I do not need. In the past I have put shopping before my reading and writing and it has resulted in a bad grade for me. If I buy stuff, I am not saving my money for things I need such as a car. I was doing really good with my spending habits until Christmas came and I went on a few shopping trips. I am an impulsive buyer, I'm not sure why. I see something and I want to spend money on it. This affects me as a reader because I'm out shopping and not Get more content on