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Essay On Cannabis And Drugs
There are many affects that drugs and alcohol can have on the body, and on the life of a person. Thousands of jobs, homes, and families are lost
annually through the addictions of drugs and alcohol. Children grow up without parents, spouses are forced to raise their children as single parents,
and grandparents become legal guardians for a second time, due to the effects of substance abuse and dependence. Exactly how addiction is defined and
diagnosed is an on–going issue and one that will be discussed in this paper. While there are eleven different categories that substances are arranged,
this paper will be focusing specifically on alcohol and cannabis. An estimated 126 million Americans over the age of 12 reported more
This has made the drug much more potent and easy to grow. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 17 million people in America
had used marijuana in 1992 (as quoted in Smith & Stevens, 2009, p.64). The affects that drugs and alcohol can have on the human body, as well as
the addictions they create, have been discussed in presidential debates, the topic of many scholarly journals and books, and continue to affect the
lives of millions of people worldwide. Meldelson & Mello (1985) wrote that the most conclusive way to define addiction is that it prevails when
drug or alcohol use is directly affiliated with "impairment of health and social functioning is a useful general thesis" (as cited in Smith & Stevens,
2009, p. 138). Addiction can also be defined as "the lack of choice the user has over the drug use" Once the individual needs the alcohol or drug to feel
normal, and not as a way to feel pleasure, they can be considered dependant on that particular substance (Smith & Stevens, 2009). According to the
American Psychiatric Association (2000), in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual, Text Revision (DSM–IV– TR) a substance is
referred to as a medication or drug of abuse that is used in an abusive way, and in a manner incoherent with medical treatment. Dependence or addiction
is translated as where tolerance is increased, withdrawal symptoms occur based on each individual substance, the substance is taken in larger amounts,
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Drug Alcohol And Alcohol Abuse Essay
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Drug and alcohol abuse is something that is happening more and more often it seems. There are many reason for this
happening. First of all, people experiment with drugs and alcohol mainly out of curiosity. Maybe their friends are doing it, they just want to have a
good time, or they could be hoping to improve athletic performance. It is common thing at parties and social gatherings for people to feel the need to
drink or try drugs. Another reason start to use and abuse drugs and alcohol is problems such as stress, anxiety or depression (Understanding Addiction,
2015). Low self–esteem or feelings of guilt or shame is another reason that drugs and alcohol become used and abused (Facts about Alcohol and Drug
Abuse, 2015). Abuse isn't automatic when one uses; it varies between individuals. Drug abuse varies more by the drug than the amount that is being
used. If drug and alcohol use is causing problems in your life, drug addiction or abuse is likely (Understanding Addiction, 2015). The average age of
first experimentation of drugs or alcohol is age 13. In the teenage population of America today, over 90% have used alcohol. Marijuana use in teens
is over 50% and cocaine use is over 17%. Some form of hallucinogen has been used by over 12% of the teen population today. Between the ages of
15–24, 50% of deaths involve drug or alcohol abuse (Facts about Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 2015). There are many reasons for addiction and why some
people do become addicted
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Drug and Alcohol Abuse Essay
Alcohol abuse is a serious problem, driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs is an even bigger problem that shouldn't be taken lightly.
Abusing either one of these substances can lead to the death of you or the death of someone else or even cause a major change in their life like
Jacqueline's story, her whole life has been changed because of another person's ignorance and carelessness. Therefore, you should know the facts about
drug and alcohol abuse before you do something you may regret for the rest of your life.
According TO NIDA FOR TEENS: THE SCIENCE BEHIND DRUG ABUSE, drugs are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work.
Drugs find their way into your bloodstream, whether you ingest, inhale or more content...
That is when he began dealing drugs. He then got caught and now resides in maximum– security jail. In many cases teens that you may know do end
up going to jail because they have become addicted to the drugs they have been using and they will do anything to buy what they need. At that point
your fellow peers or even friends will begin dealing drugs thinking that it is the quickest means of receiving money. With the money they receive, it
goes towards the drugs they want to purchase. According to TREATMENT EPISODES DATA SET (TEDS) 1992
–2002, SAMHSA, 2006, Marijuana
is addictive. More teens are in treatment with a primary diagnosis of marijuana dependence than for all other illicit drugs combined. Several teens
begin using substances when they are introduced to marijuana. Marijuana is referred to as a gateway drug, and many teen users begin using because
they are depressed, having family problems, or any other struggles they are experiencing in their lives. Teens begin smoking marijuana, thinking they
are not going to become addicted. Truth is marijuana use by teenagers who have prior antisocial problems can quickly lead to addiction. Therefore, if
you were to begin using marijuana, you should be aware that you can become addicted. As stated by NIAAA, UNDERAGE DRINKING: A MAJOR
PUBLIC HEALTH CHALLENGE, The younger you are when you start drinking, the greater your
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Essay on Addictions to Smoking and Alcohol
Addictions to Smoking and Alcohol
A lot of people suffer from the consequences of smoking and drinking alcohol, which often leads to addiction. The word 'addiction' is a very powerful
word in this sense, as it means the physical and psychological craving for a substance that develops into a dependency, and continues even though it is
causing the addicted person physical, psychological and social harm. The disease of addiction is chronic and progressive; it can lead to extremely
dangerous outcomes. This applies to both smoking, and alcohol addiction.
Smoking is not just a bad habit, but also a complex addiction. Experts believe that nicotine exerts its powerful addictive effects more content...
Smoking increases the risk of suffering from heart diseases, stroke, other lung diseases and other respiratory illnesses. The body develops horrific
reactions to the daily onslaught of smoking. It damages the blood vessels in the legs and arms for example, which lead to restricted circulation and
even amputation of the limbs. Also, a smoker addict will eventually start getting eye irritations (which leads to blindness), foul smelling hair, hair loss
and even start developing a loss of smell. All of these reactions are due to the dangerous chemicals cigarettes contain. One example of such a chemical
is hydrogen cyanide, which can lead to headaches, nausea, dizziness and vomiting.
Whilst breaking the physical addiction to nicotine is hard, for many smokers breaking the habit – the psychological addiction – is much harder. This is
mainly because smoking is likely to have become deeply ingrained over many years, and has therefore become an integral part of many emotional
occasions. Sad or unhappy, bored or having to concentrate hard, happy and relaxed with friends – cigarettes are likely to have played a part in almost
all of these situations. Some people smoke because of the way cigarettes are advertised, and where they are shown. Another reason why
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Alcohol Is A Dangerous Drug
In our modern society the constant abuse of drugs and alcohol has become a major issue. Dependence on substances such as alcohol is a common
phenomenon in our world. Many individuals who constantly drink changing their ways are the hardest and biggest obstacles. Often these individuals
are looking to feel the positive effects that alcohol provides for them. Such as gaining more confidence and forgetting about any problems they may
have in their life, past present or future. Alcohol is a drug that slows down an individual's brain, providing the drinker with a feeling of relaxation.
According to the Centre for Mental Health "about 6,700 Canadians die each year as a result of drinking alcohol–due to car crashes, other accidents,
suicides and murders, and health problems related to alcohol use"( Most people don't even recognize alcohol as a drug but the
reality is alcohol is a very dangerous drug and is the most abused substance in Canada. The act off drinking has become a social norm within our
culture and access to it is a lot simpler than any other substance. The issues that emerge when a person is dependent on alcohol may not become
evident right away but eventually overtime the individual builds up a reliance on the substance as a form of relief or emotional release. This
dependence will lead to the individual believing that they cannot function without a drink. Much like a drug user breaking the habit is one of the most
difficult barriers that an
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Introduction Of Drugs And Alcohol Essay
Table of Contents Introduction to Drugs and Alcohol2 Overview2 I. Workplace Factors3 II. Workplace Performance & Behavior4 III. Workplace
Role5 RECOMMENDATION6 Workplace Policies and Drug Testing7 Policy and Regulations on Alcohol and drug abuse7 Employee Education
/Health Promotion8 Works Cited9 Employer's Guide for a Drug–free Workplace Introduction to Drugs and Alcohol In order to understand drug and
alcohol use, it is important to be clear about what we mean by the terms 'drugs' and 'alcohol. Alcohol is a legal, sedative drug, which changes the
way we think, feel and do. It can make you more relaxed or it can take away your judgment. For most countries, like Canada, it is legal for adults
over 18 years to buy and drink. There are many different types of alcoholic drinks such as beer, wine and spirits (whiskey, vodka, gin etc.). Drugs
are chemicals which, when taken into our bodies, alters normal bodily function, resulting any psychological and behavioral change. Some drugs are
legal, such as caffeine, tobacco/nicotine and alcohol. Other drugs like cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy and heroin are illegal. Legal drugs also include
medicines that are available over the counter at a chemist or prescribed by a doctor. A person can misuse these drugs by taking them in a way, which
they are not supposed to be used or in amounts not prescribed by their doctor. Overview Alcohol and drug problems (sometimes also called substance
abuse or misuse) are common in a
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The Effects Of Drugs And Alcohol On The Brain
What really is an addiction? Why and how do such individuals get hooked on something and cannot seem to part ways? Many bystanders and
outsiders seem to be puzzled on why or how others become addicted to drugs and alcohol. This has been an ongoing issue still current in today's
society. "It is often mistakenly assumed that drug abusers lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop using drugs simply by
choosing to change their behavior" (Understanding Drug). Same thing goes for the use of alcohol. It is up to the mind, whether or not to prevents
the power such toxic substance if abuse, such as drugs and alcohol. The mind is the main focus in individuals becoming addicted. Because drugs
and alcohol affect the brain in ways that cause for compulsive abuse between the two, it can become difficult. The brain controls the actions,
whatever is influencing the brain, that is whom the brain shall listen to regardless if that individual wants to quit of not. "Addicts continue to take
drugs, not out of fear of withdrawal...but because they are seeking form of satisfaction or pleasure or relief from a state of emotional distress of
difficulty of life" (Weinberg). Sociologists claim that because individuals become addicted to the intake of drugs and alcohol is because they cannot
stop because it influences their brain and they do it for the feeling of being satisfy for the moment. The power of influence seems to be ignored
because as much as an individual may want to stop
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Drugs And Alcohol Research Paper
Drugs and Alcohol
For nearly 85 years, the government has prohibited pscychoactive drugs. American leaders attempted to do the same to alcohol with Prohibition in the
1920?s. In any society, drug use plays a part in the people?s culture. Whether it be a native taking hallucinogens for a religious ceremony, a destitute
alcoholic drinking on a city street, or a group of teenagers smoking marijuana, drugs and alcohol have the same effects in any culture. The question of
?why do people use drugs? has been a dilemma which American medical experts and government leaders have fought to answer for years. Recently,
many institutions and organizations have formed in order to fight the war on drugs and help diminish the percent of Americans who more
Sadly, prolonged or excessive use can lead to alcoholism. In fact, of the 175 million drinkers in America, 10 to 13 million are alcoholics.
Additionally, the majority of all hospital emergencies involve accidents or illnesses related to alcohol use. The production, distribution, and
marketing of alcoholic beverages are employers of many people and generate large sums of money. As a whole, drinking is as much of a part of
American society as apple pie and the Fourth of July. Because drinking is such a big part of our lives, the problems which arise from its use are not to
be easily diminished (Snyder 19).
Despite the fast–paced growth and apparent success of Alcoholics Anonymous over the past 50 years, American society has collectively paid little
attention to alcolhol–related problems. In the early to mid 1900?s, drinking was deemed generally acceptable behavior, and alcoholics were typically
viewed as ? an unfortunate minority of weak–willed people, victims of self–inflicted damage and hardship?(Snyder 27).
Some major steps have been taken by the institutions of American society to combat alcoholism. In 1956, the American Medical Association declared
alcholism was a disease. However, the societal fear of marijuana, heroin, and prescription–drug abuse of the 1960?s and 70?s caused concern over
alcoholism to reduce quite dramatically. However, the government soon captained more programs which researched and attempted
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Drug and Alcohol Essay
Drugs and Alchohol The first meeting I attended was an AA and a NA meeting. At first, I was very nervous attending it because I didn't know what
to expect. I always had the impression that all people who attended these meetings were typical people that you see in bars with long hair, and beards;
but I was wrong. They look normal just like you and me. There were young people, and middle–aged people. Some of them I never would have
expected that they were alcoholics or drug addicts. Both meetings seemed to be very similar to me. They both introduced themselves the same way, for
example hi my name is Gino and I'm an alcoholic, or I'm addicted to cocaine. They both sat in a group and discussed their addiction, their progress,
and more content...
In both cases, drugs or alcohol was due to serious family problems, and they do it to get their minds off of the problem. It is their way of getting away.
Since both meetings are so similar, there are things that I like and dislike about both. I like the fact that it is a group effort to help one another
because everyone there has the same problem, and there are different ideas shared on how to overcome the addiction. It seems to me that everyone
is fine when they are together at the meeting, because by talking it takes their minds off of the drugs or the alcohol. So the question that I am asking
is when these people go back out into the world, and the group is not there, and a problem occurs are they going to resort back to the substance.
Another thing that I really didn't like was the way they introduced themselves. I don't agree with putting a title after your name, like I'm an alcoholic.
To me, that makes a person feel lowly about him or herself, and they will go through life always feeling that they are an alcoholic or a drug addict. I
feel that that needs to be changed very badly. I think it should be Hi, my name is Gino, and I am here because I have a drinking or a drug problem
and I need help to overcome it. So if that person overcomes it, they will say I accomplished something.
I honestly believe that these meetings work to a certain extent. I believe very strongly that a person can overcome an alcohol or a drug problem. The
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Drugs and Alcohol Essay
Drugs are heavily used throughout the entire world. However, it is important to understand and not undermine the variability in which drugs are used.
It is clear some are for distinct medical treatment and others are for recreational use. In the United States, marijuana has been and continues to be a very
controversial drug. Some states have allowed marijuana consumption for medicinal purposes, while others have completely outlawed the drug. Those
who are against the legalization and regulation of marijuana suggest the economical and health risk associated with consumption of the drug are too
high. Although there is risk involved with the legalization of the marijuana, our country has already been risking too much banning the
more content...
in "Marijuana Facts" 1). From an outsider's perspective, one has to ask why is there so much tension and hesitation in legalizing marijuana? If alcohol
is the direct cause of many deaths, while marijuana has not been responsible for any, it only makes sense that our health would not be our greatest
concern in legalizing the drug. Also, it is important to understand marijuana consumption is less susceptible to overuse than alcohol or other drugs
(Marijuana 10:477). Despite this, critics often argue that marijuana is a gateway to other more potent and harmful drugs. According to Dr. Halbach of
the World Health Organization there is no pharmacological link betweencannabis and opiates (Marijuana 10:477). This demonstrates the physiological
unlikelihood of marijuana being a stepping–stone to other more potent drugs containing opiates. Marijuana does have drawbacks and side effects, as
any other drug whether medicinal or recreational. However, putting the drug in perspective helps one to understand the contradiction in legalizing
other drugs while continuing to ignore marijuana even though it can beneficial in different capacities. One major way the legalization and regulation
of marijuana can benefit society is for medical use or prescription by a doctor. Critics of this may be quick to assert this is an excuse to entertain
personal interest and satisfaction one would achieve from the drug. However, there are
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Essay about Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace
Use of Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Figure 2 79% of binge drinkers are members of the workforce (Drug–Free
Workplace) {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Drug and/or Alcohol Use Seriously Threatens Organizations {draw:frame} Excessive absenteeism, which
holds a significantly percentage of occurrences of drug users as cited above, costs an organization lower productivity, damaged moral and
consequently lower product quality. The US Dept of Labor reports that annually, 500 million work days are lost solely due to alcoholism. In addition
to absenteeism lowering moral, workplace theft is an experienced and related problem. Approximately 18% of cocaine users steal at work, from either
the more content...
These are guys who you might find at the end of a bar any given night, or might be a once occasional drug user who went bad. What is the financial
impact to this industry–wide problem? Most of all, we are saddled with high insurance rates, specifically liability and Workers Compensation rates.
There is a formula for determining rates, and those rates are based on experience modifiers, among other things. Guys who use at work in our
industry are an accident waiting to happen. You can't be safe on a construction site while you are intoxicated or high. Is the problem rampant in
your company? We are pretty lucky. We haven't had much of a problem in our company. Most of the men we have with us are family men, more
concerned with going home after work and spending time with their families. They may enjoy a beer or two from time to time, but are not the kind
of group who gets their paycheck and disappears for a few days. _Being in this vulnerable industry, how do you combat the potential employee use of
drugs and/or alcohol in your workplace?_ Like I said, we have a good group of guys working for us. But we hire smart. We screen our guys through a
drug test and extensive referrals. A lot of our workforce recommends their family or friends to us as well. Are you contractually obligated to drug test?
In some cases, yes. Several of the big
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Substance Abuse with Drugs and Alcohol
There are many types of drugs and alcohol. With them there are very mant effects and dangers. Starting with alcohol your will read about what the
substance can do to you physically and mentally. Hopefully if you are having trouble with substance abuse this paper will change your mind.
Substance abuse is overindulgence in or dependence on an addictive substance, especailly alcohol or drugs. Most people drink because they are
depressed or upset because of a loss. They drink alcohol to make themselves feel better because it is basically a depressant. Others drink because they
enjoy the alchohol.
After a little alcohol the drinker may feel confident and relaxed. They may also be a little more talkative. The more they drink the more the effects
increase. Other effects are vomiting, or they start to become unable to walk, they can lose control if their bladder, loss of balance, loss of judgment,
or loss of coordinance. they could pass out. If you drink to much you could go into a coma, or even worse, you could die.
Chronic abuse can cause serious health problems like liver disease, phsyciatric problems, social problems, increased risk of cancer, or heart disease.
Alcoholics that frequently drink tend to gain a tolerance.
After they gain a tolerance they have to drink more alcohol to feel the same way that they did before. After they gain a tolerance they can become
dependant on alcohol. This makes people slip into the problem of abuse and addiction. Once they are addicted they
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My Experience With Drugs And Alcohol
First of all I would like to thank Professor Lamb for creating a safe environment to speak openly about our own experiences about drugs and alcohol.
Once upon consulting my field instructor earlier this semester, she had posed the question... "Are you just sitting in it?" The "it" referring to my
anxieties since my father is an addict. As I reflect on this semester, I believe there were a few times that I was "just sitting in it," but as I heard some
colleagues open–up it instilled a sense of courage and relief that I was not alone. I appreciate that you, Professor Lamb, created a safe and
non–judgmental space to share our thoughts, feelings, comments, questions, etc. Thank you for giving us assignments that were not just "busy work"
and that challenged us to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. I know that you had advised the class to not choose a family member for this final
assignment but I took the challenge (risk) and the results were beneficial. Remember how on the first day of class you had students introduce
themselves and wanted to know what they wanted to get out of this course. I remember myself saying... "Hello, my name is Mary Marrone. I am a
first year full–time AHA student. I would like to learn about the stigma placed on drugs and alcohol because my father is an addict (correction:
recovering addict?) and my family just never talks about it... it just gets swept under the rug." I felt that this assignment gave me the courage and
platform to start
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Alcohol's importance in our social history is sufficiently great. Even more significant is the abuse of alcohol and how alcohol has affected modern
society. For several decades, alcohol and drugs has been a major problem in our society. Not only has the drug problem increased but also drug
related problems are rising day by day. There is no crime in the world that kills teenagers more than alcohol does. Those substances affect the body in
many ways. As they say, anything that anyone gets addicted to is calledaddiction. Addiction is partly Biological, psychological and partly social.
Using drugs increases the risk of injury. Addiction is a disease. The usage of alcohol and drugs affects a person by their appearance and makes them
depressed. In this term paper I will be discussing how symptoms, and the progression of alcohol and drugs. According to researchers, in Schick Shadel
Hospital, the progression of alcoholism is a three–stage pattern, each stage getting more severe over the course of time. The duration of the pattern is
depending on the individual and on their situation. Stage 1 would be the Developmental Zone. In this stage symptoms are very low at this point.
Drinking symptoms are occasional. This zone includes social drinking, drinking faster and more than others, suffering memory blackouts and having a
drink at least once a week. Stage 2 is the Zone of Overt Alcoholism. In stage two symptoms are occurring more than the first stage. Meaning they are
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Persuasive Speech On Drugs And Alcohol
Today's changing society has many global problems. Every passing year seems to uncover a new difficulty within the world. One of these many
controversial problems is the excessive drug and alcohol millions misuse daily. From drunk driving wrecks to overdoses, today's abuse problem has
skyrocketed. Seeing the harmful impact this abuse has on our society, we have to do something. What makes drugs and alcohol so appealing is how
limited the supply is. Most drugs are illegal today, and it our human nature to strive to get something we can't have or something that's "breaking the
rules." Therefore, we should allow any and all drugs to be legal for all ages to use. First, we should start with giving babies nicotine. When babies are
born we more content...
If they don't want to proceed these careers they can sell the new products or go into the medical and governmental fields. In the marketing business
people should travel to all parts of the world and introduce them to the drugs and alcohol they don't already have. In the medical field, doctors
should replace IV fluids with alcohol. The alcohol will surely improve the patients health faster and better than anything else. All shots need to be
replaced with heroin or cocaine to make patients feel happy and subjective to any needed medical attention. Lastly in the government career, police
officers should have to arrest and charge any person that does not have alcohol or drugs in their systems. After a person has been charged four times
they will be sent to court. The judge should sentence the criminal to a minimum of two years in prison. Making all these minor changes to our
society will help control and solve our abuse problem. If drugs and alcohol are the new norm, fewer and fewer people will end up doing
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Prohibition Of Drugs And Alcohol
Popular belief holds that consumption of drugs and alcohol encourages violence and that the appropriate response is prohibition of these goods.
However, a different viewpoint is that prohibition creates illegal underground markets, which require violence and crime to remedy in–house disputes.
This paper examines the relationship between prohibition and violence using the historical data and behavior following previous U.S. drug and alcohol
laws, regulations, and enforcement on indicators of violence, e.g. homicide rates, and government enforcement expenditures. The results show that an
increase in enforcement of drug and alcohol prohibition laws have been positively associated with increases in the homicide rate. Furthermore,
supplementary evidence suggests this strong positive correlation prohibition enforcement on violence and the overall crime rate.
I. Introduction
Is Prohibition actually successful in reducing recreational drug consumption and drug–related violence? This is the question that will be analyzed in
this paper. Drug enforcement officials frequently cite drug–related violence as a reason that drugs must be eliminated from our society. A contrary
belief is that the system of drug prohibition actually causes most of the violence. Just like with alcohol prohibition in the 1920s and the rise of
organized crime, drug prohibition inspires a dangerous underground market that manifests itself with violent crime throughout the U.S. and, in fact, the
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Drug Abuse On The Workplace Essay
Drug Abuse in the Workplace:
The human resource topic I chose to write my research paper on is "Drug Abuse in the Workplace". Drug abuse in the workplace is something very
common that many of us will encounter at some point. Alcohol and drug abuse has a major effect on employee absence and lost productively that
leaves a negative working environment. It is important a company addresses the right guidelines to keep a drug free workplace. Establishing a clear
and fair substance abuse policy and providing frequent drug testing can help with these issues. Drug abuse has proven to be a result of work related
stress; companies that provide employee awareness training help teach employees how to better manage these issues. Substance Abuse in the
workplace in one of the top concerns in the United States today "Studies show that 73 percent of drug users are employees, costing American
businesses billions of dollars annually in lost production and staffing costs (Walsh)." These are some of the few topics I will be addressing in my
research paper.
In order to understand what effects drugs have on the workplace, you must first understand how drugs affect the human body. "Most abused drugs
directly or indirectly target the brain 's reward system by flooding the circuit with dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter present in regions of the
brain that regulate movement, emotion, cognition, motivation, and feelings of pleasure. When drugs enter the brain, they can
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A Reflection On Substance Abuse Essay
My reflection paper is on the subject of substance abuse. As the structure of society changes, the acceptability of one drug or another changes. I
have dealt with my own experiences of substance abuse personally and through family and friends throughout my community. I believe there are
many underlying problems Native people face today that lead to substance abuse. So, drug use and alcoholism is not the problem in my town,
those are more like side effects of something deeper. I would have to agree most with the symbolic interactionist perspective as far as the labeling
theory goes. There are also many images in the media that depict the use of drugs and alcohol to make it seem like even though it is bad, it is
sometimes okay. These images sparked my own curiosity to experience a fun high or a night out with friends and hopefully getting lucky. I had so
many questions about drug use and alcohol. My older siblings and cousins were involved in those circles so it was only natural that me and my
cousins and peers who I grew up with got into smoking marijuana and buying drinks on the weekends. I did not know at the time about the dangers
of underage drinking. I also had very little knowledge of the condition of my mental health at my young age. Eventually I found out that I had an
addictive personality and I got myself into a downward spiral of substance abuse. My drug of choice is marijuana. Some people say marijuana is not a
drug. Many people say that it is just
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Drug And Alcohol Abuse Essay
If I were an advisor to the Governor of Missouri, the issue I would encourage him to address is the manufacture of drugs and the use of drugs and
alcohol throughout our state. The advice I would give him is to impose stiffer penalties for those who manufacture drugs and focus on prevention, and,
most importantly, rehabilitation, of those who abuse alcohol or drugs.According to the Missouri Department of Mental Health, alcohol and drug abuse
affects more than 259,000 Missourians and another 800,000 who are family members of substance abusers. That is roughly 20% of Missourians who
are affected. Intoxication by the means of drugs and alcohol contribute to a great percentage of deaths statewide from burns, fires, homicides, assaults, more content...
Once in college, these students get drug–tested every semester and the scholarship is renewed every semester they are drug–free. This is by far the best
solution I have seen to keep our youth off of drugs and there should be more scholarships like it.For those who are arrested for abusing drugs and/ or
alcohol, there should be mandatory rehabilitation if the party involved is convicted.
A jail term, fine and/ or community service should be mandated as well, but without rehabilitation, the person convicted will be more likely to
continue abusing drugs and/ or alcohol. Drug and/ or alcohol addicts need to feel love and peer support despite their faults in order to make any
progress on the road to rehabilitation. Often times, a jail sentence, fine and/ or community service alone causes only resentment and defiance among
addicts. These individuals need to be around people who care for them and Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous provides these individuals with the
support that they need. In order to fully understand drug and alcohol addiction, we must first comprehend the phases of addiction itself. According to a
handout given to addicts at the Lester E.
Cox Medical Center the first stage of addiction is called the pleasure stage. This stage includes peer pressure, curiosity, attraction, release of inhibitions
and relaxation. This is the stage in which usage is
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Essay On Cannabis And Drugs

  • 1. Essay On Cannabis And Drugs There are many affects that drugs and alcohol can have on the body, and on the life of a person. Thousands of jobs, homes, and families are lost annually through the addictions of drugs and alcohol. Children grow up without parents, spouses are forced to raise their children as single parents, and grandparents become legal guardians for a second time, due to the effects of substance abuse and dependence. Exactly how addiction is defined and diagnosed is an on–going issue and one that will be discussed in this paper. While there are eleven different categories that substances are arranged, this paper will be focusing specifically on alcohol and cannabis. An estimated 126 million Americans over the age of 12 reported more content... This has made the drug much more potent and easy to grow. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 17 million people in America had used marijuana in 1992 (as quoted in Smith & Stevens, 2009, p.64). The affects that drugs and alcohol can have on the human body, as well as the addictions they create, have been discussed in presidential debates, the topic of many scholarly journals and books, and continue to affect the lives of millions of people worldwide. Meldelson & Mello (1985) wrote that the most conclusive way to define addiction is that it prevails when drug or alcohol use is directly affiliated with "impairment of health and social functioning is a useful general thesis" (as cited in Smith & Stevens, 2009, p. 138). Addiction can also be defined as "the lack of choice the user has over the drug use" Once the individual needs the alcohol or drug to feel normal, and not as a way to feel pleasure, they can be considered dependant on that particular substance (Smith & Stevens, 2009). According to the American Psychiatric Association (2000), in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual, Text Revision (DSM–IV– TR) a substance is referred to as a medication or drug of abuse that is used in an abusive way, and in a manner incoherent with medical treatment. Dependence or addiction is translated as where tolerance is increased, withdrawal symptoms occur based on each individual substance, the substance is taken in larger amounts, or Get more content on
  • 2. Drug Alcohol And Alcohol Abuse Essay Drug and Alcohol Abuse Drug and alcohol abuse is something that is happening more and more often it seems. There are many reason for this happening. First of all, people experiment with drugs and alcohol mainly out of curiosity. Maybe their friends are doing it, they just want to have a good time, or they could be hoping to improve athletic performance. It is common thing at parties and social gatherings for people to feel the need to drink or try drugs. Another reason start to use and abuse drugs and alcohol is problems such as stress, anxiety or depression (Understanding Addiction, 2015). Low self–esteem or feelings of guilt or shame is another reason that drugs and alcohol become used and abused (Facts about Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 2015). Abuse isn't automatic when one uses; it varies between individuals. Drug abuse varies more by the drug than the amount that is being used. If drug and alcohol use is causing problems in your life, drug addiction or abuse is likely (Understanding Addiction, 2015). The average age of first experimentation of drugs or alcohol is age 13. In the teenage population of America today, over 90% have used alcohol. Marijuana use in teens is over 50% and cocaine use is over 17%. Some form of hallucinogen has been used by over 12% of the teen population today. Between the ages of 15–24, 50% of deaths involve drug or alcohol abuse (Facts about Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 2015). There are many reasons for addiction and why some people do become addicted Get more content on
  • 3. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Essay Alcohol abuse is a serious problem, driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs is an even bigger problem that shouldn't be taken lightly. Abusing either one of these substances can lead to the death of you or the death of someone else or even cause a major change in their life like Jacqueline's story, her whole life has been changed because of another person's ignorance and carelessness. Therefore, you should know the facts about drug and alcohol abuse before you do something you may regret for the rest of your life. According TO NIDA FOR TEENS: THE SCIENCE BEHIND DRUG ABUSE, drugs are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work. Drugs find their way into your bloodstream, whether you ingest, inhale or more content... That is when he began dealing drugs. He then got caught and now resides in maximum– security jail. In many cases teens that you may know do end up going to jail because they have become addicted to the drugs they have been using and they will do anything to buy what they need. At that point your fellow peers or even friends will begin dealing drugs thinking that it is the quickest means of receiving money. With the money they receive, it goes towards the drugs they want to purchase. According to TREATMENT EPISODES DATA SET (TEDS) 1992 –2002, SAMHSA, 2006, Marijuana is addictive. More teens are in treatment with a primary diagnosis of marijuana dependence than for all other illicit drugs combined. Several teens begin using substances when they are introduced to marijuana. Marijuana is referred to as a gateway drug, and many teen users begin using because they are depressed, having family problems, or any other struggles they are experiencing in their lives. Teens begin smoking marijuana, thinking they are not going to become addicted. Truth is marijuana use by teenagers who have prior antisocial problems can quickly lead to addiction. Therefore, if you were to begin using marijuana, you should be aware that you can become addicted. As stated by NIAAA, UNDERAGE DRINKING: A MAJOR PUBLIC HEALTH CHALLENGE, The younger you are when you start drinking, the greater your Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Addictions to Smoking and Alcohol Addictions to Smoking and Alcohol A lot of people suffer from the consequences of smoking and drinking alcohol, which often leads to addiction. The word 'addiction' is a very powerful word in this sense, as it means the physical and psychological craving for a substance that develops into a dependency, and continues even though it is causing the addicted person physical, psychological and social harm. The disease of addiction is chronic and progressive; it can lead to extremely dangerous outcomes. This applies to both smoking, and alcohol addiction. Smoking is not just a bad habit, but also a complex addiction. Experts believe that nicotine exerts its powerful addictive effects more content... Smoking increases the risk of suffering from heart diseases, stroke, other lung diseases and other respiratory illnesses. The body develops horrific reactions to the daily onslaught of smoking. It damages the blood vessels in the legs and arms for example, which lead to restricted circulation and even amputation of the limbs. Also, a smoker addict will eventually start getting eye irritations (which leads to blindness), foul smelling hair, hair loss and even start developing a loss of smell. All of these reactions are due to the dangerous chemicals cigarettes contain. One example of such a chemical is hydrogen cyanide, which can lead to headaches, nausea, dizziness and vomiting. Whilst breaking the physical addiction to nicotine is hard, for many smokers breaking the habit – the psychological addiction – is much harder. This is mainly because smoking is likely to have become deeply ingrained over many years, and has therefore become an integral part of many emotional occasions. Sad or unhappy, bored or having to concentrate hard, happy and relaxed with friends – cigarettes are likely to have played a part in almost all of these situations. Some people smoke because of the way cigarettes are advertised, and where they are shown. Another reason why Get more content on
  • 5. Alcohol Is A Dangerous Drug In our modern society the constant abuse of drugs and alcohol has become a major issue. Dependence on substances such as alcohol is a common phenomenon in our world. Many individuals who constantly drink changing their ways are the hardest and biggest obstacles. Often these individuals are looking to feel the positive effects that alcohol provides for them. Such as gaining more confidence and forgetting about any problems they may have in their life, past present or future. Alcohol is a drug that slows down an individual's brain, providing the drinker with a feeling of relaxation. According to the Centre for Mental Health "about 6,700 Canadians die each year as a result of drinking alcohol–due to car crashes, other accidents, suicides and murders, and health problems related to alcohol use"( Most people don't even recognize alcohol as a drug but the reality is alcohol is a very dangerous drug and is the most abused substance in Canada. The act off drinking has become a social norm within our culture and access to it is a lot simpler than any other substance. The issues that emerge when a person is dependent on alcohol may not become evident right away but eventually overtime the individual builds up a reliance on the substance as a form of relief or emotional release. This dependence will lead to the individual believing that they cannot function without a drink. Much like a drug user breaking the habit is one of the most difficult barriers that an Get more content on
  • 6. Introduction Of Drugs And Alcohol Essay Table of Contents Introduction to Drugs and Alcohol2 Overview2 I. Workplace Factors3 II. Workplace Performance & Behavior4 III. Workplace Role5 RECOMMENDATION6 Workplace Policies and Drug Testing7 Policy and Regulations on Alcohol and drug abuse7 Employee Education /Health Promotion8 Works Cited9 Employer's Guide for a Drug–free Workplace Introduction to Drugs and Alcohol In order to understand drug and alcohol use, it is important to be clear about what we mean by the terms 'drugs' and 'alcohol. Alcohol is a legal, sedative drug, which changes the way we think, feel and do. It can make you more relaxed or it can take away your judgment. For most countries, like Canada, it is legal for adults over 18 years to buy and drink. There are many different types of alcoholic drinks such as beer, wine and spirits (whiskey, vodka, gin etc.). Drugs are chemicals which, when taken into our bodies, alters normal bodily function, resulting any psychological and behavioral change. Some drugs are legal, such as caffeine, tobacco/nicotine and alcohol. Other drugs like cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy and heroin are illegal. Legal drugs also include medicines that are available over the counter at a chemist or prescribed by a doctor. A person can misuse these drugs by taking them in a way, which they are not supposed to be used or in amounts not prescribed by their doctor. Overview Alcohol and drug problems (sometimes also called substance abuse or misuse) are common in a Get more content on
  • 7. The Effects Of Drugs And Alcohol On The Brain What really is an addiction? Why and how do such individuals get hooked on something and cannot seem to part ways? Many bystanders and outsiders seem to be puzzled on why or how others become addicted to drugs and alcohol. This has been an ongoing issue still current in today's society. "It is often mistakenly assumed that drug abusers lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop using drugs simply by choosing to change their behavior" (Understanding Drug). Same thing goes for the use of alcohol. It is up to the mind, whether or not to prevents the power such toxic substance if abuse, such as drugs and alcohol. The mind is the main focus in individuals becoming addicted. Because drugs and alcohol affect the brain in ways that cause for compulsive abuse between the two, it can become difficult. The brain controls the actions, whatever is influencing the brain, that is whom the brain shall listen to regardless if that individual wants to quit of not. "Addicts continue to take drugs, not out of fear of withdrawal...but because they are seeking form of satisfaction or pleasure or relief from a state of emotional distress of difficulty of life" (Weinberg). Sociologists claim that because individuals become addicted to the intake of drugs and alcohol is because they cannot stop because it influences their brain and they do it for the feeling of being satisfy for the moment. The power of influence seems to be ignored because as much as an individual may want to stop Get more content on
  • 8. Drugs And Alcohol Research Paper Drugs and Alcohol For nearly 85 years, the government has prohibited pscychoactive drugs. American leaders attempted to do the same to alcohol with Prohibition in the 1920?s. In any society, drug use plays a part in the people?s culture. Whether it be a native taking hallucinogens for a religious ceremony, a destitute alcoholic drinking on a city street, or a group of teenagers smoking marijuana, drugs and alcohol have the same effects in any culture. The question of ?why do people use drugs? has been a dilemma which American medical experts and government leaders have fought to answer for years. Recently, many institutions and organizations have formed in order to fight the war on drugs and help diminish the percent of Americans who more content... Sadly, prolonged or excessive use can lead to alcoholism. In fact, of the 175 million drinkers in America, 10 to 13 million are alcoholics. Additionally, the majority of all hospital emergencies involve accidents or illnesses related to alcohol use. The production, distribution, and marketing of alcoholic beverages are employers of many people and generate large sums of money. As a whole, drinking is as much of a part of American society as apple pie and the Fourth of July. Because drinking is such a big part of our lives, the problems which arise from its use are not to be easily diminished (Snyder 19). Despite the fast–paced growth and apparent success of Alcoholics Anonymous over the past 50 years, American society has collectively paid little attention to alcolhol–related problems. In the early to mid 1900?s, drinking was deemed generally acceptable behavior, and alcoholics were typically viewed as ? an unfortunate minority of weak–willed people, victims of self–inflicted damage and hardship?(Snyder 27). Some major steps have been taken by the institutions of American society to combat alcoholism. In 1956, the American Medical Association declared alcholism was a disease. However, the societal fear of marijuana, heroin, and prescription–drug abuse of the 1960?s and 70?s caused concern over alcoholism to reduce quite dramatically. However, the government soon captained more programs which researched and attempted Get more content on
  • 9. Drug and Alcohol Essay Drugs and Alchohol The first meeting I attended was an AA and a NA meeting. At first, I was very nervous attending it because I didn't know what to expect. I always had the impression that all people who attended these meetings were typical people that you see in bars with long hair, and beards; but I was wrong. They look normal just like you and me. There were young people, and middle–aged people. Some of them I never would have expected that they were alcoholics or drug addicts. Both meetings seemed to be very similar to me. They both introduced themselves the same way, for example hi my name is Gino and I'm an alcoholic, or I'm addicted to cocaine. They both sat in a group and discussed their addiction, their progress, and more content... In both cases, drugs or alcohol was due to serious family problems, and they do it to get their minds off of the problem. It is their way of getting away. Since both meetings are so similar, there are things that I like and dislike about both. I like the fact that it is a group effort to help one another because everyone there has the same problem, and there are different ideas shared on how to overcome the addiction. It seems to me that everyone is fine when they are together at the meeting, because by talking it takes their minds off of the drugs or the alcohol. So the question that I am asking is when these people go back out into the world, and the group is not there, and a problem occurs are they going to resort back to the substance. Another thing that I really didn't like was the way they introduced themselves. I don't agree with putting a title after your name, like I'm an alcoholic. To me, that makes a person feel lowly about him or herself, and they will go through life always feeling that they are an alcoholic or a drug addict. I feel that that needs to be changed very badly. I think it should be Hi, my name is Gino, and I am here because I have a drinking or a drug problem and I need help to overcome it. So if that person overcomes it, they will say I accomplished something. I honestly believe that these meetings work to a certain extent. I believe very strongly that a person can overcome an alcohol or a drug problem. The meetings Get more content on
  • 10. Drugs and Alcohol Essay Drugs are heavily used throughout the entire world. However, it is important to understand and not undermine the variability in which drugs are used. It is clear some are for distinct medical treatment and others are for recreational use. In the United States, marijuana has been and continues to be a very controversial drug. Some states have allowed marijuana consumption for medicinal purposes, while others have completely outlawed the drug. Those who are against the legalization and regulation of marijuana suggest the economical and health risk associated with consumption of the drug are too high. Although there is risk involved with the legalization of the marijuana, our country has already been risking too much banning the more content... in "Marijuana Facts" 1). From an outsider's perspective, one has to ask why is there so much tension and hesitation in legalizing marijuana? If alcohol is the direct cause of many deaths, while marijuana has not been responsible for any, it only makes sense that our health would not be our greatest concern in legalizing the drug. Also, it is important to understand marijuana consumption is less susceptible to overuse than alcohol or other drugs (Marijuana 10:477). Despite this, critics often argue that marijuana is a gateway to other more potent and harmful drugs. According to Dr. Halbach of the World Health Organization there is no pharmacological link betweencannabis and opiates (Marijuana 10:477). This demonstrates the physiological unlikelihood of marijuana being a stepping–stone to other more potent drugs containing opiates. Marijuana does have drawbacks and side effects, as any other drug whether medicinal or recreational. However, putting the drug in perspective helps one to understand the contradiction in legalizing other drugs while continuing to ignore marijuana even though it can beneficial in different capacities. One major way the legalization and regulation of marijuana can benefit society is for medical use or prescription by a doctor. Critics of this may be quick to assert this is an excuse to entertain personal interest and satisfaction one would achieve from the drug. However, there are Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace Use of Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Figure 2 79% of binge drinkers are members of the workforce (Drug–Free Workplace) {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Drug and/or Alcohol Use Seriously Threatens Organizations {draw:frame} Excessive absenteeism, which holds a significantly percentage of occurrences of drug users as cited above, costs an organization lower productivity, damaged moral and consequently lower product quality. The US Dept of Labor reports that annually, 500 million work days are lost solely due to alcoholism. In addition to absenteeism lowering moral, workplace theft is an experienced and related problem. Approximately 18% of cocaine users steal at work, from either the more content... These are guys who you might find at the end of a bar any given night, or might be a once occasional drug user who went bad. What is the financial impact to this industry–wide problem? Most of all, we are saddled with high insurance rates, specifically liability and Workers Compensation rates. There is a formula for determining rates, and those rates are based on experience modifiers, among other things. Guys who use at work in our industry are an accident waiting to happen. You can't be safe on a construction site while you are intoxicated or high. Is the problem rampant in your company? We are pretty lucky. We haven't had much of a problem in our company. Most of the men we have with us are family men, more concerned with going home after work and spending time with their families. They may enjoy a beer or two from time to time, but are not the kind of group who gets their paycheck and disappears for a few days. _Being in this vulnerable industry, how do you combat the potential employee use of drugs and/or alcohol in your workplace?_ Like I said, we have a good group of guys working for us. But we hire smart. We screen our guys through a drug test and extensive referrals. A lot of our workforce recommends their family or friends to us as well. Are you contractually obligated to drug test? In some cases, yes. Several of the big Get more content on
  • 12. Substance Abuse with Drugs and Alcohol There are many types of drugs and alcohol. With them there are very mant effects and dangers. Starting with alcohol your will read about what the substance can do to you physically and mentally. Hopefully if you are having trouble with substance abuse this paper will change your mind. Substance abuse is overindulgence in or dependence on an addictive substance, especailly alcohol or drugs. Most people drink because they are depressed or upset because of a loss. They drink alcohol to make themselves feel better because it is basically a depressant. Others drink because they enjoy the alchohol. After a little alcohol the drinker may feel confident and relaxed. They may also be a little more talkative. The more they drink the more the effects increase. Other effects are vomiting, or they start to become unable to walk, they can lose control if their bladder, loss of balance, loss of judgment, or loss of coordinance. they could pass out. If you drink to much you could go into a coma, or even worse, you could die. Chronic abuse can cause serious health problems like liver disease, phsyciatric problems, social problems, increased risk of cancer, or heart disease. Alcoholics that frequently drink tend to gain a tolerance. After they gain a tolerance they have to drink more alcohol to feel the same way that they did before. After they gain a tolerance they can become dependant on alcohol. This makes people slip into the problem of abuse and addiction. Once they are addicted they Get more content on
  • 13. My Experience With Drugs And Alcohol First of all I would like to thank Professor Lamb for creating a safe environment to speak openly about our own experiences about drugs and alcohol. Once upon consulting my field instructor earlier this semester, she had posed the question... "Are you just sitting in it?" The "it" referring to my anxieties since my father is an addict. As I reflect on this semester, I believe there were a few times that I was "just sitting in it," but as I heard some colleagues open–up it instilled a sense of courage and relief that I was not alone. I appreciate that you, Professor Lamb, created a safe and non–judgmental space to share our thoughts, feelings, comments, questions, etc. Thank you for giving us assignments that were not just "busy work" and that challenged us to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. I know that you had advised the class to not choose a family member for this final assignment but I took the challenge (risk) and the results were beneficial. Remember how on the first day of class you had students introduce themselves and wanted to know what they wanted to get out of this course. I remember myself saying... "Hello, my name is Mary Marrone. I am a first year full–time AHA student. I would like to learn about the stigma placed on drugs and alcohol because my father is an addict (correction: recovering addict?) and my family just never talks about it... it just gets swept under the rug." I felt that this assignment gave me the courage and platform to start Get more content on
  • 14. Alcohol's importance in our social history is sufficiently great. Even more significant is the abuse of alcohol and how alcohol has affected modern society. For several decades, alcohol and drugs has been a major problem in our society. Not only has the drug problem increased but also drug related problems are rising day by day. There is no crime in the world that kills teenagers more than alcohol does. Those substances affect the body in many ways. As they say, anything that anyone gets addicted to is calledaddiction. Addiction is partly Biological, psychological and partly social. Using drugs increases the risk of injury. Addiction is a disease. The usage of alcohol and drugs affects a person by their appearance and makes them depressed. In this term paper I will be discussing how symptoms, and the progression of alcohol and drugs. According to researchers, in Schick Shadel Hospital, the progression of alcoholism is a three–stage pattern, each stage getting more severe over the course of time. The duration of the pattern is depending on the individual and on their situation. Stage 1 would be the Developmental Zone. In this stage symptoms are very low at this point. Drinking symptoms are occasional. This zone includes social drinking, drinking faster and more than others, suffering memory blackouts and having a drink at least once a week. Stage 2 is the Zone of Overt Alcoholism. In stage two symptoms are occurring more than the first stage. Meaning they are more Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Speech On Drugs And Alcohol Today's changing society has many global problems. Every passing year seems to uncover a new difficulty within the world. One of these many controversial problems is the excessive drug and alcohol millions misuse daily. From drunk driving wrecks to overdoses, today's abuse problem has skyrocketed. Seeing the harmful impact this abuse has on our society, we have to do something. What makes drugs and alcohol so appealing is how limited the supply is. Most drugs are illegal today, and it our human nature to strive to get something we can't have or something that's "breaking the rules." Therefore, we should allow any and all drugs to be legal for all ages to use. First, we should start with giving babies nicotine. When babies are born we more content... If they don't want to proceed these careers they can sell the new products or go into the medical and governmental fields. In the marketing business people should travel to all parts of the world and introduce them to the drugs and alcohol they don't already have. In the medical field, doctors should replace IV fluids with alcohol. The alcohol will surely improve the patients health faster and better than anything else. All shots need to be replaced with heroin or cocaine to make patients feel happy and subjective to any needed medical attention. Lastly in the government career, police officers should have to arrest and charge any person that does not have alcohol or drugs in their systems. After a person has been charged four times they will be sent to court. The judge should sentence the criminal to a minimum of two years in prison. Making all these minor changes to our society will help control and solve our abuse problem. If drugs and alcohol are the new norm, fewer and fewer people will end up doing Get more content on
  • 16. Prohibition Of Drugs And Alcohol Popular belief holds that consumption of drugs and alcohol encourages violence and that the appropriate response is prohibition of these goods. However, a different viewpoint is that prohibition creates illegal underground markets, which require violence and crime to remedy in–house disputes. This paper examines the relationship between prohibition and violence using the historical data and behavior following previous U.S. drug and alcohol laws, regulations, and enforcement on indicators of violence, e.g. homicide rates, and government enforcement expenditures. The results show that an increase in enforcement of drug and alcohol prohibition laws have been positively associated with increases in the homicide rate. Furthermore, supplementary evidence suggests this strong positive correlation prohibition enforcement on violence and the overall crime rate. I. Introduction Is Prohibition actually successful in reducing recreational drug consumption and drug–related violence? This is the question that will be analyzed in this paper. Drug enforcement officials frequently cite drug–related violence as a reason that drugs must be eliminated from our society. A contrary belief is that the system of drug prohibition actually causes most of the violence. Just like with alcohol prohibition in the 1920s and the rise of organized crime, drug prohibition inspires a dangerous underground market that manifests itself with violent crime throughout the U.S. and, in fact, the Get more content on
  • 17. Drug Abuse On The Workplace Essay Drug Abuse in the Workplace: The human resource topic I chose to write my research paper on is "Drug Abuse in the Workplace". Drug abuse in the workplace is something very common that many of us will encounter at some point. Alcohol and drug abuse has a major effect on employee absence and lost productively that leaves a negative working environment. It is important a company addresses the right guidelines to keep a drug free workplace. Establishing a clear and fair substance abuse policy and providing frequent drug testing can help with these issues. Drug abuse has proven to be a result of work related stress; companies that provide employee awareness training help teach employees how to better manage these issues. Substance Abuse in the workplace in one of the top concerns in the United States today "Studies show that 73 percent of drug users are employees, costing American businesses billions of dollars annually in lost production and staffing costs (Walsh)." These are some of the few topics I will be addressing in my research paper. In order to understand what effects drugs have on the workplace, you must first understand how drugs affect the human body. "Most abused drugs directly or indirectly target the brain 's reward system by flooding the circuit with dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter present in regions of the brain that regulate movement, emotion, cognition, motivation, and feelings of pleasure. When drugs enter the brain, they can Get more content on
  • 18. A Reflection On Substance Abuse Essay My reflection paper is on the subject of substance abuse. As the structure of society changes, the acceptability of one drug or another changes. I have dealt with my own experiences of substance abuse personally and through family and friends throughout my community. I believe there are many underlying problems Native people face today that lead to substance abuse. So, drug use and alcoholism is not the problem in my town, those are more like side effects of something deeper. I would have to agree most with the symbolic interactionist perspective as far as the labeling theory goes. There are also many images in the media that depict the use of drugs and alcohol to make it seem like even though it is bad, it is sometimes okay. These images sparked my own curiosity to experience a fun high or a night out with friends and hopefully getting lucky. I had so many questions about drug use and alcohol. My older siblings and cousins were involved in those circles so it was only natural that me and my cousins and peers who I grew up with got into smoking marijuana and buying drinks on the weekends. I did not know at the time about the dangers of underage drinking. I also had very little knowledge of the condition of my mental health at my young age. Eventually I found out that I had an addictive personality and I got myself into a downward spiral of substance abuse. My drug of choice is marijuana. Some people say marijuana is not a drug. Many people say that it is just Get more content on
  • 19. Drug And Alcohol Abuse Essay If I were an advisor to the Governor of Missouri, the issue I would encourage him to address is the manufacture of drugs and the use of drugs and alcohol throughout our state. The advice I would give him is to impose stiffer penalties for those who manufacture drugs and focus on prevention, and, most importantly, rehabilitation, of those who abuse alcohol or drugs.According to the Missouri Department of Mental Health, alcohol and drug abuse affects more than 259,000 Missourians and another 800,000 who are family members of substance abusers. That is roughly 20% of Missourians who are affected. Intoxication by the means of drugs and alcohol contribute to a great percentage of deaths statewide from burns, fires, homicides, assaults, more content... Once in college, these students get drug–tested every semester and the scholarship is renewed every semester they are drug–free. This is by far the best solution I have seen to keep our youth off of drugs and there should be more scholarships like it.For those who are arrested for abusing drugs and/ or alcohol, there should be mandatory rehabilitation if the party involved is convicted. A jail term, fine and/ or community service should be mandated as well, but without rehabilitation, the person convicted will be more likely to continue abusing drugs and/ or alcohol. Drug and/ or alcohol addicts need to feel love and peer support despite their faults in order to make any progress on the road to rehabilitation. Often times, a jail sentence, fine and/ or community service alone causes only resentment and defiance among addicts. These individuals need to be around people who care for them and Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous provides these individuals with the support that they need. In order to fully understand drug and alcohol addiction, we must first comprehend the phases of addiction itself. According to a handout given to addicts at the Lester E. Cox Medical Center the first stage of addiction is called the pleasure stage. This stage includes peer pressure, curiosity, attraction, release of inhibitions and relaxation. This is the stage in which usage is Get more content on