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What Is The Personality Of Indira Gandhi
Sagrika Ghosh's bare knuckle biography of Indira Gandhi shows the life and insights of the life
of Indira Gandhi. She is fondly remembered as Durga who won India its first decisive military
victory in centuries and the strong stateswoman who had the courage to look at the American
bullying in the eye and not blink. In the beguile? story of her life, journalist Sagrika Ghosh has
excavated not just Indira the iron lady and powerful dictator but also the flesh and blood lady. It
has been 33 years since she was assassinated but the shadow of Indira Gandhi continues to loom
over Indian politics. Even today she holds on public imagination as India's first woman Prime
Minister, the architect of the major military victories and the prime move of more content...
She writes obsession with household order" overrode her "intellectual scruples over democratic
norms"cite. Indira was obsessed with maintaining order both at home as well in politics. This
dominating attitude is an integral part of her personality. Indira's relationship with her father has
been portrayed beautifully. On one hand where it was complicated. She adored him but also
rebelled at the same time. Her father always wanted her to be a powerful independent woman. He
wanted her to be healthy and he taught her different sports but Indira was someone who was
always unwell and came out as a disappointment to her father. When Nehru was in jail he would
write her letters about how she should learn different sports and do yoga to stay fit. He felt that
illness is a sign of the weak. Later in life when Indira dropped out of Oxford she came as
disappointment to her father who was very upset at this decision of her. Furthermore, when she
decided to marry Feroz Gandhi, Nehru rejected it because he was from a lower caste and a
different religion. Also, there were rumors of him being a drunkard and this made Nehru think that
it would affect his political career. The relationship of Indira and Nehru was close but not very
warm and
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Research Paper On Gandhi
Samantha Devapiriam
Honors World Literature
21 November 2014
Draft One ROL
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, better known as Mahatma Gandhi, was a prominent Indian leader
who was influential in India's struggle to gain independence from Great Britain. Gandhi led India to
independence through non–violent methods of protesting. Gandhi's peaceful approaches were later
copied by great leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. retaught by peace experts like Sissela Bok,
and followed by ordinary people like Madeline Slade, which attested how powerful his legacy was.
Mahatma Gandhi's leadership and non–violent methods in India's fight for independence influenced
many great leaders after him, proving that Gandhi's legacy lives on.
Prominent more content...
Gandhi's grandson Arun Gandhi was moved by his grandfather's life and legacy. Arun said that
his parents and Gandhi taught him about nonviolence (Legacy Love). Gandhi's encounter with
the police that threw him off a train were what started his nonviolence philosophy (Legacy Love).
This philosophy is what Arum strives to live by (Legacy Love). Gandhi's last piece of wisdom to
him was "to grow so that 'your mind is like a room with may open windows. Let the breeze flow
in from all directions, but refuse to be blown away by any one'" (Legacy Love). Gandhi's hope for
Arun was that he would keep an open mind for all new concepts and ideas, but never be carried
away by one single thought. Arun said that his grandfather's stories and struggles were what inspired
him and influenced his life (Legacy
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Indira Gandhi Analysis
Rough draft This is a document explaining why indira gandhi was a good prime minister and why
her assassination was unjust. Indira gandhi was the first woman leader of india and came to be
the prime minister and a very successful leader. she lead india in a way that many of india's
citizens would only dream of she was very brave and did some things very little have achieved
like settling disputes between certain government parties. As well as she helped with the
countries famine and food shortages but there were some who believed that she was reckless and
was unfit to be prime minister so the assassination of indira gandhi unjust because she was a very
thought leader and cared very much for her citizens she also was very good at politics and knew
when to do certain things but there were people who disliked her and believed she wasn't a good
prime minister her to body guards were the ones who killed her using there submachine guns to
kill her at the time she was walking through her palace garden when she was assassinated the
reason they assassinated her was because they had hopes that a better leader could be chosen.
Indira gandhi was a very successful leader and achieved many things throughout her three terms she
had various ties to different government members. Her father would take her to his office and
while he worked she got to meet her fathers friends and as she got older and more into politics she
then relied on these adults as mentors. Then when she became prime
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Indira Gandhi Research Paper
Have you ever been told you couldn't do something because of your gender. Indira Gandhi showed
people that no matter what your gender is, you can do whatever you want to do, but you do have
to work hard. Yet some people thought that what Indira did was wrong. Indira Gandhi took a stand
for women in government by being the very first female prime minister of India, and paving a path
for women. She showed that with hard work you can do anything, disregarding your gender.
Indira Gandhi took a stand for women in government everywhere. Indira got elected to prime
minister in 1966. She served 4 total terms from 1966 to 1977, and then from 1980 to 1984. Even
with Indira's advantages she still had to work hard. According to Anchal Project Indira Gandhi, The
Iron Lady of India she once said," Every position has advantages and disadvantages. I had an more content...
The two people who assassinated her were two men named Beant Singh and Satwant Singh, two
of her bodyguards. She thought she could trust Beant but she couldn't. Beant and Satwant
assassinated her because earlier Indira had raided the Golden Temple, a very important place to
the Sikhs. Beant Singh was pleased of his doing and never regretted it. According to the
newspaper article Beant Singh: The Man Who Killed Indira Gandhi!, he once said,"I have no
hatred for any Hindu, Muslim, Christian, neither hatred for any religion...I'm proud of the task
that I did! I do ardas in front of Waheguru! If I am blessed with a human life, then give me a death
of the brave when I am hanged. " After Indira was assassinated a genocide happened. Beant was a
Sikh, and because of that all the people who hated him got revenge, and they killed tons of Sikhs.
Many people died in those four days. All of them thought they were standing up for Indira. Many
don't believe what they or Beant Singh did was right, but that just goes to show that Indira was truly
loved by so many
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Crucial similarities between Martin Luther King Jr and Indira Gandhi The best leaders have
momentous impact on a society due to their enormous effort of enchanting their countries by
bringing about important changes, and many people want to be like these influential public
figures. However, not all people are born with qualities to be great leaders. Although, some people
are born to be honorable and memorable leaders, such as Martin Luther King Jr and Indira
Gandhi. Usually, many kids spend most of their time playing with cars, dolls or playing with
their friends, but these two didn't have usual childhoods as others had. Instead, many people
would say, both Martin and Indira had unique lives. They had various similarities such as
participating in public activities, having supportive parents, sacrificing themselves for their
country and being assassinated. Ever since they were kids, they participated in public activities
to share their voices. For Martin Luther King Jr, being a black and segregated didn't make any
sense to him. He had to be in a different place from white people even if he was in a restaurant. In a
fact that, he wasn't allowed to have a seat on a bus because the color of his skin. At the age of six,
he had a friend, indeed, who was a white boy whose father had no intention of letting him play with
King. Also, losing his friend made him deeply concerned about race segregation. In addition, he
attended Booker T. Washington High School, where he became
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The concept of heroes in the daily life of an ordinary man is ancient. The first known use of this
word was back in the 14th century. A hero is generally a person who displays extraordinary bravery
and readiness for self–sacrifice, and is therefore praised by all. In almost all cultures, a hero is a
symbol of strength, courage, nobility and selflessness. The list of qualities of a hero does not end
here; a hero also has to be intelligent, daring, self–reliant for the most part, resistant in the face of
hardships and must have the will to try where others do not. In ancient Greek culture, a hero was
usually a demigod with supernatural powers charged with the duty of completing extremely
difficult and dangerous tasks, examples being Achilles, Perseus and Hercules. In Egyptian
mythology, the Gods and Goddesses were the heroes as were some humans, like Queen
Cleopatra. In ancient Indian literature, figures from folklore are considered heroes, like Birbal,
Majnu and Ranjha. A hero can also simply be someone who has achieved what one cannot, or
what one hopes to achieve. In this way, Indira Gandhi, former prime minister of India, was a hero
to the Indian nation. In the eyes of many Indians, she was a role model for women everywhere, and
for the Third World countries. She was an epitome of decisiveness, commitment, strong will and
determination. Being a female, which is considered the weaker gender, she still was the head of the
world's most populous democracy for more than a
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Indira Gandhi Research Paper
Indira Gandhi
Change and Elegance
December, 6th, 2010 Indira Gandhi (No relation to Mohandas Gandhi) was a strong political
activist throughout her life, even in her childhood Indira would prove that what was most important
to her was her country, her people and the freedom of both. To better understand the Indira Gandhi's
methodology and political contributions, it is necessary to first analyze the political state of her
country, as well as her background and career as a whole. Indira was born into the Nehru family
whom had a strong political background all on its own. Indira's father, Jawaharlal, and her
grandfather, Motilal, were both members of the Indian National Congress, which was very
sympathetic toward the rising more content...
Indira did all that she could to help ease the strain on her father, becoming over time his
confidante and advisor, helping him deal with the tremendous pressures and difficult decisions
that a prime minister must face. In 1955 Indira, who was now widely known and respected by the
Indian people, was nominated for membership on the Congress Working Committee. Having
worked relentlessly on the committee, in 1957 Indira received more votes than her father himself
for membership on the General Election Commitee and in 1959 was elected President of
Congress. Immediately, Indira took full charge of her new position stating that, "The nation is in
a hurry and we can't afford to lose time. My complaint against the congress is that it's not going as
fast as the people." (Butler 68) However, the actualization of the workings of India's government
disheartened Indira and in 1560 she resigned as president. Spending her time now tending to her
husband whom had suffered a heart attack and later a second fatal heart attack, brought her again
to her father's side. Jawaharlal, now in his 70's and suffering from kidney disease, needed Indira
more than ever. Indira took over many of his duties, travelling all over India as well as travelling
internationally on her father's behalf and on January, 19th, 1966 Indira succeeded Lal Bahadur
Shastri as prime minister, becoming India's
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She joined the National Congress party and became active in India's independence movement in
1938. In 1955, she was elected to the executive body of the Congress party, becoming a national
political figure in her own right. Four years thereafter, she was president of the party. It was
finally in 1966 when Indira Gandhi was given her first opportunity to govern the Republic of India
as Prime Minister, following the death of Prime Minister Shastri. Even though she was governing
as a reserve, Gandhi had her first campaign victory in the national elections of 1971. For the
subsequent years, Indira Gandhi and her administration had successfully governed India. She was in
office for fifteen years over more content...
Gandhi's leadership was not the only aspect in jeopardy; her life was at risk as well.
Frustration within the Sikh community in Punjab due to the betrayal and threatening behaviour of the
Indian government gave way to a small–scale armed insurgency calling for the implementation of
what the Sikhs had been peacefully agitating for since India's independence.[3] The leader of this
armed movement was a preacher from a Sikh institution called Damdami Taksal, Sant Jarnail Singh
Bhindranwale.[4] In simpler terms, the aforementioned acknowledges the fact that Sikhs in Punjab
were in dispute with the Indian government over a territory that belongs distinctly to Sikhs. What
bothered the Sikhs was the opportunity given to them shortly after independence – a land separate
from Hindus and Muslims. Unfortunately, at the time of independence, Sikhs declined the
opportunity to acquire a sovereign territory and accepted to live amongst the people of India. The
Sikhs rejected the offer as they thought they would be given the opportunity to live in unity with
others without being suppressed or misrepresented.
Regrettably, this is exactly what happened. The government, created shortly after independence, had
representation of mass populations, of which mostly were Hindus. Sikhs, who only composed two
percent of India,
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Research Paper On Indira Gandhi
Indira Gandhi (1919–1984) was among the most powerful and skilled leaders in the Indian history.
She was the only daughter of Pd. Jawaharlal Nehru. She was cut out for politics. She had the
classic and prerequisite bent of mind when it came to political machinery and social reforms. In
course of her practice, she became public's favourite. K.A. Abbas rightly said in his book 'Indira
Gandhi: Return Of The Red Rose', "Indira Gandhi's accession is not hereditary. It's the reaffirmation
of the principles and policies formulated by Jawaharlal Nehru." She was first appointed the prime
minister in 1966, after which she garnered massive public support and acceptance through her
extensive work in the field of agriculture, abolishing poverty and more content...
This landed her in a spot of flux. On the evening of 25th June, 1975, Indira Gandhi had a concise
meeting with her close friends and confidants at her residence. Among them was an old advisor and
friend Siddharth Shankar Ray, home minister Om Mehta, Prashnachandra and RK Chanda. They
went through all the documents and legal accounts, and ultimately, as per Article 352, they came to a
conclusion that internal emergency should be declared. They also gave many reasons for the same;
some of them being that the government cited threats to national security, the 1973 oil crisis, the
economy of India was in shambles and there was rampant desertion and disorder across the nation.
Hence, owing to all these reasons, and above all, safeguarding her position in the political hierarchy,
Indira Gandhi decided to write a letter to the president of India, seeking agreement on her decision of
declaring internal emergency. Before this, she asked three questions to Siddharth Shankar Ray. Her
first question was, can a letter regarding internal democracy be written to the president without
consulting the cabinet. Second, she questioned him regarding the language and tone of the letter.
And lastly, she questioned him regarding the content of the
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Failures Of Indira Gandhi
Week Ten: This weeks analysis on Indira Gandhi helped me unpack her successes and failures.
Some of the major failures that my group talked about was the forced sterilization, state of
emergency, religious divide, censorship and corruption. The mass forced sterilization was ultimate
failure in my eyes and as I talked about prior a major human rights violation. Interestingly, Indira
Gandhi had no gender policy during her reign. One would think that a women politician would
want to address so many of the problems that plague women on a daily basis. If I was a women in
India during the time where Indira Gandhi came to power, I would have been devastated that she
was not interested in improving women's rights. Indira also reinforced the religious divide within
India, especially for the Sikhs. She ended up exacerbating tensions in the region, which ultimately
lead to her demise.
While she did have a lot of failures, this weeks class helped bring to light some of her successes as
well. Prior to this class I only really thought of her failures and even during class my group had a
hard time coming up with anything. I think her lack of credentials and her short–sidedness made her
ill prepared to be a ruler. Throughout this class I began to admire Nehru and his leadership of India;
however, with Indira I felt myself being angry and disappointed with her ruling style.
Rajiv Gandhi's rise to power was even more abrupt than his mothers. He was even less qualified than
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"All my games were political games; I was, like Joan Of Arc, perpetually being burned at the
stake." These are meaningful words of the ever so loved, hated, and looked up to woman of
India: Indira Gandhi. Indira Ghil;678andhi, as the late prime minister of India, is still is
remembered to this day for the impact she had on the world. As the prime minister of India during
a time of political turmoil and being a vulnerable target, it was hard for her to use her power for
benefits. Although the obstacles that made her struggle, she maintained standing her ground and
ended up leading India to where they are today politically. Indira Gandhi was born on November 19,
1917 to Jawaharlal Nehru and Kamala Nehru. Indira was practically born into the political world.
Her father, Jawaharlal Nehru, was the first prime minister of India. Indira was constantly around
politics and became very used to the idea of what being a prime minister is like. Indira was
mostly taught by tutors in her home growing up. When she did attend school it was not year
round. This let her spend as much time at home with one on one tutors as much as she needed to.
As a child, the only time she was around her father was when he wasn't away because of his job.
Most of her childhood, she was home with her mother, Kamala. It was hard for Indira most of the
time because while her father was always working and not home, her mother was bed ridden because
of multiple illnesses. Although her mother being sick,
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Essay on Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
"If I die a violent death as some fear and a few are plotting, I know the violence will be in the
thought and the action of the assassin, not in my dying...." Indira Gandhi
On October 31, 1984, Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, was shot down while walking
from her house to her office in New Delhi, India's Capital City (The New York Times). The fatal
shooting was carried out by two men who were members of her personal bodyguard. The shooting
marked an abrupt and tragic end to the lengthy political career of the woman who was not only
India's first female Prime Minister, but also the daughter of the very first Prime Minister of India,
Jawaharlal Nehru, better known as Mohandus Gandhi. The news of the assassination of India's more content...
When India finally did become independent, it was only after a large part of her territory was
partitioned off to form a new country, Pakistan. Independent India came to have a predominantly
Hindu leadership, although there were many Muslims living in the country, while Pakistan had a
Muslim government. Many Hindus in the country were very dissatisfied with the loss of land, which
resulted from the establishment of Pakistan. As a result, relations between India's Muslim and Hindu
population were often strained, frequently erupting into bloodshed as one or the other side felt
underrepresented or unfairly treated. It was in this unsettled atmosphere that Indira Gandhi first
came to power. She was chosen as Prime Minister in 1966, and with the exception of a three–year
period during which she was first voted out of office and then subsequently voted back in, Gandhi
remained the Prime Minister until her death (New York Times). The incident of her being voted
out, however, shows that Indira was a controversial figure in Indian politics. She was accused by
many of being a dictator whose focus on enlarging her own sphere of power led her to neglect the
needs of her country, swinging it further into poverty. When she was voted out of office in 1977 it
was as a result of an increasing public opinion that Gandhi was too authoritarian, and that she did not
have India's interests in mind (Rediff on the net).
The tension between autocratic and democratic
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Indira Gandhi Research Paper
An online poll showed 81% of people believe Indira Gandhi's assassination was justified. It was a
sunny day in New Delhi, India when the prime minister of India died. The day was October 31,
1984; she was shot by 2 of her bodyguards named Beant Singh and Satwant Singh. The assassination
of Indira Gandhi was unjust because she went to war for India's independence and wanted to help
the environment; however, some people believe she was making unintelligent decisions for India.
Nevertheless, Gandhi used her power and politics to improve the environment. She had power and a
high position, so she used it. "Indira's ministry of Environment and forests itself is noted in a
building called the 'Indira Rayavana Bahava'– an energy efficient structure that was inaugurated in
2014," (Indira the Environmentalist.) It talks about a nature preserve/garden that was named after
her. That only happens when you're known for being a green more content...
She used her position as Prime minister to help India gain independence. Gandhi Independence
Day "Today is certainly a day to celebrate the success of our democracy. However, on this
occasion, we should also introspect about what remains to be done" (Gandhi 1). While she was the
prime minister, she tried her best to make positive changes in India. Gandhi fought for India, she
took the time to fight for her territory, her people. She used her position as
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Research Paper On Indira Gandhi
Prevalently known as the Iron Lady of India, Indira Gandhi earned an imposing notoriety over the
globe as a 'statesman'. Her sheer feeling of legislative issues and excellent aptitudes launch her
position in the Indian governmental issues, to such an extent that she went ahead to wind up
distinctly the main lady chose to head a vote based nation. Till date, she is the main lady to hold the
workplace. Conceived in a politically compelling line and developing in an exceptional political air,
Indira Gandhi had taken in the little–known technique very ahead of schedule in life. She had a
tyrant streak and turned into the focal figure of the Indian National Congress party, post her dad's
passing. She was known for her political mercilessness and
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Indira Gandhi Negative Positive
Indira Gandhi was the most corrupt politicians of all time . Her politics was so ugly that to remain
in power and stay as uncrowned queen of India she imposed emergency in 1977 . She made
extreme laws such as forcible vasectomy of men ( unmarried young men included ) to control
population of India . She was an awful leader and one of the biggest criminal of all times . She ate
away India financially and also caused a lot of mayhem .
When Sikhs opposed her regime ( in worlds largest democracy ) , she turned against Sikhs . She
attacked Golden temple on 6th june , 1984 , codenamed as "operation bluestar " , nonetheless to
say that all so called sikh extremists were created due to effects of her evil regime . She was given
her more content...
She followed pragmatic policies and her relations with the leaders of superpowers were based upon
cold calculations.
When Indira Gandhi came to the helm of affairs, that was a bi–polar world. One bloc was led by the
US and other headed by the Soviet Union. The Cold War wasat its height. The nuclear race was on.
Some relics of colonialism and imperialism were still there. Racialism was prevalent in some parts.
World peacewas under a grave threat. In the circumstances Indira Gandhi followed the policy of
non–alignment as laid down by Nehru. Very soon the international community recognised her as a
leader who was committed to freedom and peace. Her role in the non–aligned moment was duly
recognised at the Seventh Conference NAM when she was elected its chairperson in 1983 at New
Delhi. This Conference was a historic one. The resolutions passed at the Conference reflected Indira
Gandhi's statesmanship and far–sightedness. Her most important contribution in the realm of world
peace was the shaping of the NAM. Her able leadership provided a smooth sailing for the
Conference. It also led to a better understanding of the common problems of freedom, peace and
social justice for the people of the Third World. It was through this Conference that she made a
major chunk of humanity feel important in the UN. Here she played a more dynamic role as a
leader of mankind in the international arena. Her performance as
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Prime Minister and Gandhi
Analyzing the speech 'What Educated Women Can Do' by Indira Gandhi, published in the Selected
Speeches and Writings of Indira Gandhi from September 1972 to March 1977 (
2011) stresses on the importance of women's education and their neglect not only in India but around
the whole world. In this speech, Gandhi provides many strong stances on women's education. Gandhi
discusses its culture and superstitions and how women in India have been oppressed of proper
/formal education. She also highlights how educated women should carry themselves well by not
forgetting their maternal obligation and domestic duties.
In her critique Gandhi emphasizes on the persuasive methods used by Gandhi specifically on Ethos,
Pathos, and more content...
No nation which has no harmony can grow in any direction at all'. This is par with the (REP) (2008)
view that women education is important is every country.
'The right for girls to be educated is one of the most critical of all rights because education plays an
important role in enabling girls and women to secure other rights'.
Gandhi was the 3rd Prime Minister of India. During her reign, she was looked up to as an
independent individual who was able to bring change to India. Her passion toward fighting for
independence and women's rights began at an early age.
'Indira Gandhi was the daughter of the first prime minister of India however she led a very
unsettled childhood due to the fact that her family was involve in the fight for freedom from
British rule' (, 2011). Gandhi was also an influential women and a role model for
her people. The citizens of India recognized her capabilities and believed in her strength which
caused them to be loyal followers.
'Gandhi recognized her political party which resulted in a split with her younger, more liberal and
progressive elements siding with her' (, 2011).
Furthermore, people respected the dedication Gandhi had for her people while she was in prison
carrying out missionary duties. 'She spent 13 months in jail for her role in nationalist political
demonstrations against the British rule. While in jail she taught reading and writing to
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Indira Gandhi Research Paper
An online poll showed 81% of people believe Indira Gandhi's assassination was justified. It was a
sunny day in New Delhi, India when the prime minister of India dies. The day was October 31,
1984; she was shot by 2 of her bodyguards named Beant Singh and Satwant Singh. The assassination
of Indira Gandhi was unjustified because she went to war for India's independence and wanted to
help the environment; however, some people believe she was making unintelligent decisions for
India. Nevertheless, Indira used her power and politics to improve the environment. She had power
and a high position, so she used it. "Indira's ministry of Environment and forests itself is noted in a
building called the 'Indira Rayavana Bahava'– an energy efficient more content...
She used her position as Prime minister to help India gain independence. "Today is certainly a day
to celebrate the success of our democracy. However, on this occasion, we should also introspect
about what remains to be done"(Gandhi
Independence day) While she was the prime minister, she tried her best to make positive changes
in India. She tried to help the environment while fighting alongside others. Indira fought for India,
she took the time to fight for her territory, her people. She used her position as prime minister to
keep India Independent. During her independence day anniversary speech, she said her people
should celebrate this day. While she was the prime minister, she tried her best to make positive
changes in India. Some people believe she was making poor decisions for India. Indira was not
making wicked decisions for India, she was actually being smart and logical. I once read an
article from I am Courage. It said,"Indira built upon the foundations laid by Jawaharlal Nehru to
convert India into a growing nuclear power"(Nuclear Programme of India.) Some people believe
India was making critical decisions for India, but in reality, she wasn't. The Nuclear Programme was
a very intelligent move on her part and proves my counterclaim wrong, that she was making faulty
decisions for
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Nehru Gandhi And Indira Gandhi
When India became independent in August 1947 and established independence from the British
Empire after years of colonial rule and oppression, various conflicts were faced within the issue of
addressing and running a new state. The new state of India was accompanied by a vast array of
issues, relating to matters such as inequality and prejudice. These problems that occurred after the
independence of India were addressed by the Congress Party under the leadership of Jawaharlal
Nehru, and after his death in 1964, his daughter Indira Gandhi, who ran as Prime Minister from
1966 to 1977 and then again from 1980 until her assassination in 1984. During their time as the
Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi implemented many significant social,
political and economic policies and reforms that had a major effect in the establishment of the
world's largest democracy. However many issues were encountered such as the partisan violence
and the language and cultural barriers which resulted in the feeling of erasure by various faiths and
communities. Nehru also implemented aspects of democratic socialism and a secular state during
his time as Prime Minister, and within his government, as his continuous persistence with the
advocacy for more rights for women, his educational reforms and his industrialisation policies, such
as the various 5 Year Plans from 1951 onwards. Indira's strict industrial policies also had a dramatic
effect on India, such as the Green
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In the contemporary world, references to dynasties refer more often to sports teams than to political
regimes. Yet, not long ago two political leaders owed much of their rise to political prominence due
to their dynastical heritage. These political leaders were Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan and Indira
Gandhi of India. The reasons why dynastic connections have been important to the election of these
women leaders is because of their family legacy and the political instability of their respective
nations. In discussing these two women and these two accompanying themes, insights into the
importance of their gender will be revealed, showing that gender was both irrelevant and significant.
It was irrelevant due to dynastic connections, yet significant when considering Bhutto was prime
minister of a Muslim majority country and both women led societies with a strong patriarchal
culture. Both Benazir Bhutto and Indira Gandhi had fathers who served as prime ministers of their
respective nations and both of their fathers were incredibly popular during their tenure in office.
Their popularity created a stable base of supporters for the Bhutto's and Gandhi's and the last names
of Benazir and Indira undoubtedly carried much weight during their campaign for election due to the
success of their respective paterfamilias. It is interesting to consider socio–economic context of the
two nations and how this played a role in voters deciding who to cast their vote for. India and
Pakistan share
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Gandhi 's Impact On India
Gandhi's Impact Often, when someone thinks of his or her role model they typically think of their
mom or dad, but many Indian citizens would think of Mohandas Gandhi. Gandhi was the leader of
Indian nationalism and is well known as one of the greatest national leaders in the twentieth century
.He was strong and determined to give his country the independence they deserved. Also, he was
kind of man who would risk anything to give India the freedom they wished for. However, he didn't
host violent protests or encourage angry mobs. Instead, Gandhi helped his country gain their
freedom using non–violence. "Non–violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is
mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man." (Mohandas
Gandhi) Gandhi will continue to be a good role model for all as he was a great leader, an advocate
for peace, and a martyr for his country. India is an extremely populous nation, but leading the country
by example came naturally to Gandhi. His methods and philosophy of nonviolent confrontation not
only led his own country to freedom, but also helped the idea of non–violence spread all around the
world. These leadership skills formed from a young age as Gandhi watched his mother and
mimicked the way she acted. She was a gentle woman who cared for all people, despite their class
or religion. She was also a hard worker, which taught Gandhi the importance of working for what
you believe in. Gandhi eventually would use
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Essay Indira Gandhi

  • 1. What Is The Personality Of Indira Gandhi Sagrika Ghosh's bare knuckle biography of Indira Gandhi shows the life and insights of the life of Indira Gandhi. She is fondly remembered as Durga who won India its first decisive military victory in centuries and the strong stateswoman who had the courage to look at the American bullying in the eye and not blink. In the beguile? story of her life, journalist Sagrika Ghosh has excavated not just Indira the iron lady and powerful dictator but also the flesh and blood lady. It has been 33 years since she was assassinated but the shadow of Indira Gandhi continues to loom over Indian politics. Even today she holds on public imagination as India's first woman Prime Minister, the architect of the major military victories and the prime move of more content... She writes obsession with household order" overrode her "intellectual scruples over democratic norms"cite. Indira was obsessed with maintaining order both at home as well in politics. This dominating attitude is an integral part of her personality. Indira's relationship with her father has been portrayed beautifully. On one hand where it was complicated. She adored him but also rebelled at the same time. Her father always wanted her to be a powerful independent woman. He wanted her to be healthy and he taught her different sports but Indira was someone who was always unwell and came out as a disappointment to her father. When Nehru was in jail he would write her letters about how she should learn different sports and do yoga to stay fit. He felt that illness is a sign of the weak. Later in life when Indira dropped out of Oxford she came as disappointment to her father who was very upset at this decision of her. Furthermore, when she decided to marry Feroz Gandhi, Nehru rejected it because he was from a lower caste and a different religion. Also, there were rumors of him being a drunkard and this made Nehru think that it would affect his political career. The relationship of Indira and Nehru was close but not very warm and Get more content on
  • 2. Research Paper On Gandhi Samantha Devapiriam Grayson Honors World Literature 21 November 2014 Draft One ROL Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, better known as Mahatma Gandhi, was a prominent Indian leader who was influential in India's struggle to gain independence from Great Britain. Gandhi led India to independence through non–violent methods of protesting. Gandhi's peaceful approaches were later copied by great leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. retaught by peace experts like Sissela Bok, and followed by ordinary people like Madeline Slade, which attested how powerful his legacy was. Mahatma Gandhi's leadership and non–violent methods in India's fight for independence influenced many great leaders after him, proving that Gandhi's legacy lives on. Prominent more content... Gandhi's grandson Arun Gandhi was moved by his grandfather's life and legacy. Arun said that his parents and Gandhi taught him about nonviolence (Legacy Love). Gandhi's encounter with the police that threw him off a train were what started his nonviolence philosophy (Legacy Love). This philosophy is what Arum strives to live by (Legacy Love). Gandhi's last piece of wisdom to him was "to grow so that 'your mind is like a room with may open windows. Let the breeze flow in from all directions, but refuse to be blown away by any one'" (Legacy Love). Gandhi's hope for Arun was that he would keep an open mind for all new concepts and ideas, but never be carried away by one single thought. Arun said that his grandfather's stories and struggles were what inspired him and influenced his life (Legacy Get more content on
  • 3. Indira Gandhi Analysis Rough draft This is a document explaining why indira gandhi was a good prime minister and why her assassination was unjust. Indira gandhi was the first woman leader of india and came to be the prime minister and a very successful leader. she lead india in a way that many of india's citizens would only dream of she was very brave and did some things very little have achieved like settling disputes between certain government parties. As well as she helped with the countries famine and food shortages but there were some who believed that she was reckless and was unfit to be prime minister so the assassination of indira gandhi unjust because she was a very thought leader and cared very much for her citizens she also was very good at politics and knew when to do certain things but there were people who disliked her and believed she wasn't a good prime minister her to body guards were the ones who killed her using there submachine guns to kill her at the time she was walking through her palace garden when she was assassinated the reason they assassinated her was because they had hopes that a better leader could be chosen. Indira gandhi was a very successful leader and achieved many things throughout her three terms she had various ties to different government members. Her father would take her to his office and while he worked she got to meet her fathers friends and as she got older and more into politics she then relied on these adults as mentors. Then when she became prime Get more content on
  • 4. Indira Gandhi Research Paper Have you ever been told you couldn't do something because of your gender. Indira Gandhi showed people that no matter what your gender is, you can do whatever you want to do, but you do have to work hard. Yet some people thought that what Indira did was wrong. Indira Gandhi took a stand for women in government by being the very first female prime minister of India, and paving a path for women. She showed that with hard work you can do anything, disregarding your gender. Indira Gandhi took a stand for women in government everywhere. Indira got elected to prime minister in 1966. She served 4 total terms from 1966 to 1977, and then from 1980 to 1984. Even with Indira's advantages she still had to work hard. According to Anchal Project Indira Gandhi, The Iron Lady of India she once said," Every position has advantages and disadvantages. I had an more content... The two people who assassinated her were two men named Beant Singh and Satwant Singh, two of her bodyguards. She thought she could trust Beant but she couldn't. Beant and Satwant assassinated her because earlier Indira had raided the Golden Temple, a very important place to the Sikhs. Beant Singh was pleased of his doing and never regretted it. According to the newspaper article Beant Singh: The Man Who Killed Indira Gandhi!, he once said,"I have no hatred for any Hindu, Muslim, Christian, neither hatred for any religion...I'm proud of the task that I did! I do ardas in front of Waheguru! If I am blessed with a human life, then give me a death of the brave when I am hanged. " After Indira was assassinated a genocide happened. Beant was a Sikh, and because of that all the people who hated him got revenge, and they killed tons of Sikhs. Many people died in those four days. All of them thought they were standing up for Indira. Many don't believe what they or Beant Singh did was right, but that just goes to show that Indira was truly loved by so many Get more content on
  • 5. Crucial similarities between Martin Luther King Jr and Indira Gandhi The best leaders have momentous impact on a society due to their enormous effort of enchanting their countries by bringing about important changes, and many people want to be like these influential public figures. However, not all people are born with qualities to be great leaders. Although, some people are born to be honorable and memorable leaders, such as Martin Luther King Jr and Indira Gandhi. Usually, many kids spend most of their time playing with cars, dolls or playing with their friends, but these two didn't have usual childhoods as others had. Instead, many people would say, both Martin and Indira had unique lives. They had various similarities such as participating in public activities, having supportive parents, sacrificing themselves for their country and being assassinated. Ever since they were kids, they participated in public activities to share their voices. For Martin Luther King Jr, being a black and segregated didn't make any sense to him. He had to be in a different place from white people even if he was in a restaurant. In a fact that, he wasn't allowed to have a seat on a bus because the color of his skin. At the age of six, he had a friend, indeed, who was a white boy whose father had no intention of letting him play with King. Also, losing his friend made him deeply concerned about race segregation. In addition, he attended Booker T. Washington High School, where he became Get more content on
  • 6. The concept of heroes in the daily life of an ordinary man is ancient. The first known use of this word was back in the 14th century. A hero is generally a person who displays extraordinary bravery and readiness for self–sacrifice, and is therefore praised by all. In almost all cultures, a hero is a symbol of strength, courage, nobility and selflessness. The list of qualities of a hero does not end here; a hero also has to be intelligent, daring, self–reliant for the most part, resistant in the face of hardships and must have the will to try where others do not. In ancient Greek culture, a hero was usually a demigod with supernatural powers charged with the duty of completing extremely difficult and dangerous tasks, examples being Achilles, Perseus and Hercules. In Egyptian mythology, the Gods and Goddesses were the heroes as were some humans, like Queen Cleopatra. In ancient Indian literature, figures from folklore are considered heroes, like Birbal, Majnu and Ranjha. A hero can also simply be someone who has achieved what one cannot, or what one hopes to achieve. In this way, Indira Gandhi, former prime minister of India, was a hero to the Indian nation. In the eyes of many Indians, she was a role model for women everywhere, and for the Third World countries. She was an epitome of decisiveness, commitment, strong will and determination. Being a female, which is considered the weaker gender, she still was the head of the world's most populous democracy for more than a Get more content on
  • 7. Indira Gandhi Research Paper Indira Gandhi Change and Elegance December, 6th, 2010 Indira Gandhi (No relation to Mohandas Gandhi) was a strong political activist throughout her life, even in her childhood Indira would prove that what was most important to her was her country, her people and the freedom of both. To better understand the Indira Gandhi's methodology and political contributions, it is necessary to first analyze the political state of her country, as well as her background and career as a whole. Indira was born into the Nehru family whom had a strong political background all on its own. Indira's father, Jawaharlal, and her grandfather, Motilal, were both members of the Indian National Congress, which was very sympathetic toward the rising more content... Indira did all that she could to help ease the strain on her father, becoming over time his confidante and advisor, helping him deal with the tremendous pressures and difficult decisions that a prime minister must face. In 1955 Indira, who was now widely known and respected by the Indian people, was nominated for membership on the Congress Working Committee. Having worked relentlessly on the committee, in 1957 Indira received more votes than her father himself for membership on the General Election Commitee and in 1959 was elected President of Congress. Immediately, Indira took full charge of her new position stating that, "The nation is in a hurry and we can't afford to lose time. My complaint against the congress is that it's not going as fast as the people." (Butler 68) However, the actualization of the workings of India's government disheartened Indira and in 1560 she resigned as president. Spending her time now tending to her husband whom had suffered a heart attack and later a second fatal heart attack, brought her again to her father's side. Jawaharlal, now in his 70's and suffering from kidney disease, needed Indira more than ever. Indira took over many of his duties, travelling all over India as well as travelling internationally on her father's behalf and on January, 19th, 1966 Indira succeeded Lal Bahadur Shastri as prime minister, becoming India's Get more content on
  • 8. She joined the National Congress party and became active in India's independence movement in 1938. In 1955, she was elected to the executive body of the Congress party, becoming a national political figure in her own right. Four years thereafter, she was president of the party. It was finally in 1966 when Indira Gandhi was given her first opportunity to govern the Republic of India as Prime Minister, following the death of Prime Minister Shastri. Even though she was governing as a reserve, Gandhi had her first campaign victory in the national elections of 1971. For the subsequent years, Indira Gandhi and her administration had successfully governed India. She was in office for fifteen years over more content... Gandhi's leadership was not the only aspect in jeopardy; her life was at risk as well. Frustration within the Sikh community in Punjab due to the betrayal and threatening behaviour of the Indian government gave way to a small–scale armed insurgency calling for the implementation of what the Sikhs had been peacefully agitating for since India's independence.[3] The leader of this armed movement was a preacher from a Sikh institution called Damdami Taksal, Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.[4] In simpler terms, the aforementioned acknowledges the fact that Sikhs in Punjab were in dispute with the Indian government over a territory that belongs distinctly to Sikhs. What bothered the Sikhs was the opportunity given to them shortly after independence – a land separate from Hindus and Muslims. Unfortunately, at the time of independence, Sikhs declined the opportunity to acquire a sovereign territory and accepted to live amongst the people of India. The Sikhs rejected the offer as they thought they would be given the opportunity to live in unity with others without being suppressed or misrepresented. Regrettably, this is exactly what happened. The government, created shortly after independence, had representation of mass populations, of which mostly were Hindus. Sikhs, who only composed two percent of India, Get more content on
  • 9. Research Paper On Indira Gandhi Indira Gandhi (1919–1984) was among the most powerful and skilled leaders in the Indian history. She was the only daughter of Pd. Jawaharlal Nehru. She was cut out for politics. She had the classic and prerequisite bent of mind when it came to political machinery and social reforms. In course of her practice, she became public's favourite. K.A. Abbas rightly said in his book 'Indira Gandhi: Return Of The Red Rose', "Indira Gandhi's accession is not hereditary. It's the reaffirmation of the principles and policies formulated by Jawaharlal Nehru." She was first appointed the prime minister in 1966, after which she garnered massive public support and acceptance through her extensive work in the field of agriculture, abolishing poverty and more content... This landed her in a spot of flux. On the evening of 25th June, 1975, Indira Gandhi had a concise meeting with her close friends and confidants at her residence. Among them was an old advisor and friend Siddharth Shankar Ray, home minister Om Mehta, Prashnachandra and RK Chanda. They went through all the documents and legal accounts, and ultimately, as per Article 352, they came to a conclusion that internal emergency should be declared. They also gave many reasons for the same; some of them being that the government cited threats to national security, the 1973 oil crisis, the economy of India was in shambles and there was rampant desertion and disorder across the nation. Hence, owing to all these reasons, and above all, safeguarding her position in the political hierarchy, Indira Gandhi decided to write a letter to the president of India, seeking agreement on her decision of declaring internal emergency. Before this, she asked three questions to Siddharth Shankar Ray. Her first question was, can a letter regarding internal democracy be written to the president without consulting the cabinet. Second, she questioned him regarding the language and tone of the letter. And lastly, she questioned him regarding the content of the Get more content on
  • 10. Failures Of Indira Gandhi Week Ten: This weeks analysis on Indira Gandhi helped me unpack her successes and failures. Some of the major failures that my group talked about was the forced sterilization, state of emergency, religious divide, censorship and corruption. The mass forced sterilization was ultimate failure in my eyes and as I talked about prior a major human rights violation. Interestingly, Indira Gandhi had no gender policy during her reign. One would think that a women politician would want to address so many of the problems that plague women on a daily basis. If I was a women in India during the time where Indira Gandhi came to power, I would have been devastated that she was not interested in improving women's rights. Indira also reinforced the religious divide within India, especially for the Sikhs. She ended up exacerbating tensions in the region, which ultimately lead to her demise. While she did have a lot of failures, this weeks class helped bring to light some of her successes as well. Prior to this class I only really thought of her failures and even during class my group had a hard time coming up with anything. I think her lack of credentials and her short–sidedness made her ill prepared to be a ruler. Throughout this class I began to admire Nehru and his leadership of India; however, with Indira I felt myself being angry and disappointed with her ruling style. Rajiv Gandhi's rise to power was even more abrupt than his mothers. He was even less qualified than his Get more content on
  • 11. "All my games were political games; I was, like Joan Of Arc, perpetually being burned at the stake." These are meaningful words of the ever so loved, hated, and looked up to woman of India: Indira Gandhi. Indira Ghil;678andhi, as the late prime minister of India, is still is remembered to this day for the impact she had on the world. As the prime minister of India during a time of political turmoil and being a vulnerable target, it was hard for her to use her power for benefits. Although the obstacles that made her struggle, she maintained standing her ground and ended up leading India to where they are today politically. Indira Gandhi was born on November 19, 1917 to Jawaharlal Nehru and Kamala Nehru. Indira was practically born into the political world. Her father, Jawaharlal Nehru, was the first prime minister of India. Indira was constantly around politics and became very used to the idea of what being a prime minister is like. Indira was mostly taught by tutors in her home growing up. When she did attend school it was not year round. This let her spend as much time at home with one on one tutors as much as she needed to. As a child, the only time she was around her father was when he wasn't away because of his job. Most of her childhood, she was home with her mother, Kamala. It was hard for Indira most of the time because while her father was always working and not home, her mother was bed ridden because of multiple illnesses. Although her mother being sick, Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Prime Minister Indira Gandhi "If I die a violent death as some fear and a few are plotting, I know the violence will be in the thought and the action of the assassin, not in my dying...." Indira Gandhi On October 31, 1984, Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, was shot down while walking from her house to her office in New Delhi, India's Capital City (The New York Times). The fatal shooting was carried out by two men who were members of her personal bodyguard. The shooting marked an abrupt and tragic end to the lengthy political career of the woman who was not only India's first female Prime Minister, but also the daughter of the very first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, better known as Mohandus Gandhi. The news of the assassination of India's more content... When India finally did become independent, it was only after a large part of her territory was partitioned off to form a new country, Pakistan. Independent India came to have a predominantly Hindu leadership, although there were many Muslims living in the country, while Pakistan had a Muslim government. Many Hindus in the country were very dissatisfied with the loss of land, which resulted from the establishment of Pakistan. As a result, relations between India's Muslim and Hindu population were often strained, frequently erupting into bloodshed as one or the other side felt underrepresented or unfairly treated. It was in this unsettled atmosphere that Indira Gandhi first came to power. She was chosen as Prime Minister in 1966, and with the exception of a three–year period during which she was first voted out of office and then subsequently voted back in, Gandhi remained the Prime Minister until her death (New York Times). The incident of her being voted out, however, shows that Indira was a controversial figure in Indian politics. She was accused by many of being a dictator whose focus on enlarging her own sphere of power led her to neglect the needs of her country, swinging it further into poverty. When she was voted out of office in 1977 it was as a result of an increasing public opinion that Gandhi was too authoritarian, and that she did not have India's interests in mind (Rediff on the net). The tension between autocratic and democratic Get more content on
  • 13. Indira Gandhi Research Paper An online poll showed 81% of people believe Indira Gandhi's assassination was justified. It was a sunny day in New Delhi, India when the prime minister of India died. The day was October 31, 1984; she was shot by 2 of her bodyguards named Beant Singh and Satwant Singh. The assassination of Indira Gandhi was unjust because she went to war for India's independence and wanted to help the environment; however, some people believe she was making unintelligent decisions for India. Nevertheless, Gandhi used her power and politics to improve the environment. She had power and a high position, so she used it. "Indira's ministry of Environment and forests itself is noted in a building called the 'Indira Rayavana Bahava'– an energy efficient structure that was inaugurated in 2014," (Indira the Environmentalist.) It talks about a nature preserve/garden that was named after her. That only happens when you're known for being a green more content... She used her position as Prime minister to help India gain independence. Gandhi Independence Day "Today is certainly a day to celebrate the success of our democracy. However, on this occasion, we should also introspect about what remains to be done" (Gandhi 1). While she was the prime minister, she tried her best to make positive changes in India. Gandhi fought for India, she took the time to fight for her territory, her people. She used her position as Get more content on
  • 14. Research Paper On Indira Gandhi Prevalently known as the Iron Lady of India, Indira Gandhi earned an imposing notoriety over the globe as a 'statesman'. Her sheer feeling of legislative issues and excellent aptitudes launch her position in the Indian governmental issues, to such an extent that she went ahead to wind up distinctly the main lady chose to head a vote based nation. Till date, she is the main lady to hold the workplace. Conceived in a politically compelling line and developing in an exceptional political air, Indira Gandhi had taken in the little–known technique very ahead of schedule in life. She had a tyrant streak and turned into the focal figure of the Indian National Congress party, post her dad's passing. She was known for her political mercilessness and Get more content on
  • 15. Indira Gandhi Negative Positive negative Indira Gandhi was the most corrupt politicians of all time . Her politics was so ugly that to remain in power and stay as uncrowned queen of India she imposed emergency in 1977 . She made extreme laws such as forcible vasectomy of men ( unmarried young men included ) to control population of India . She was an awful leader and one of the biggest criminal of all times . She ate away India financially and also caused a lot of mayhem . When Sikhs opposed her regime ( in worlds largest democracy ) , she turned against Sikhs . She attacked Golden temple on 6th june , 1984 , codenamed as "operation bluestar " , nonetheless to say that all so called sikh extremists were created due to effects of her evil regime . She was given her more content... She followed pragmatic policies and her relations with the leaders of superpowers were based upon cold calculations. When Indira Gandhi came to the helm of affairs, that was a bi–polar world. One bloc was led by the US and other headed by the Soviet Union. The Cold War wasat its height. The nuclear race was on. Some relics of colonialism and imperialism were still there. Racialism was prevalent in some parts. World peacewas under a grave threat. In the circumstances Indira Gandhi followed the policy of non–alignment as laid down by Nehru. Very soon the international community recognised her as a leader who was committed to freedom and peace. Her role in the non–aligned moment was duly recognised at the Seventh Conference NAM when she was elected its chairperson in 1983 at New Delhi. This Conference was a historic one. The resolutions passed at the Conference reflected Indira Gandhi's statesmanship and far–sightedness. Her most important contribution in the realm of world peace was the shaping of the NAM. Her able leadership provided a smooth sailing for the Conference. It also led to a better understanding of the common problems of freedom, peace and social justice for the people of the Third World. It was through this Conference that she made a major chunk of humanity feel important in the UN. Here she played a more dynamic role as a leader of mankind in the international arena. Her performance as Get more content on
  • 16. Prime Minister and Gandhi Analyzing the speech 'What Educated Women Can Do' by Indira Gandhi, published in the Selected Speeches and Writings of Indira Gandhi from September 1972 to March 1977 ( 2011) stresses on the importance of women's education and their neglect not only in India but around the whole world. In this speech, Gandhi provides many strong stances on women's education. Gandhi discusses its culture and superstitions and how women in India have been oppressed of proper /formal education. She also highlights how educated women should carry themselves well by not forgetting their maternal obligation and domestic duties. In her critique Gandhi emphasizes on the persuasive methods used by Gandhi specifically on Ethos, Pathos, and more content... No nation which has no harmony can grow in any direction at all'. This is par with the (REP) (2008) view that women education is important is every country. 'The right for girls to be educated is one of the most critical of all rights because education plays an important role in enabling girls and women to secure other rights'. Gandhi was the 3rd Prime Minister of India. During her reign, she was looked up to as an independent individual who was able to bring change to India. Her passion toward fighting for independence and women's rights began at an early age. 'Indira Gandhi was the daughter of the first prime minister of India however she led a very unsettled childhood due to the fact that her family was involve in the fight for freedom from British rule' (, 2011). Gandhi was also an influential women and a role model for her people. The citizens of India recognized her capabilities and believed in her strength which caused them to be loyal followers. 'Gandhi recognized her political party which resulted in a split with her younger, more liberal and progressive elements siding with her' (, 2011). Furthermore, people respected the dedication Gandhi had for her people while she was in prison carrying out missionary duties. 'She spent 13 months in jail for her role in nationalist political demonstrations against the British rule. While in jail she taught reading and writing to Get more content on
  • 17. Indira Gandhi Research Paper An online poll showed 81% of people believe Indira Gandhi's assassination was justified. It was a sunny day in New Delhi, India when the prime minister of India dies. The day was October 31, 1984; she was shot by 2 of her bodyguards named Beant Singh and Satwant Singh. The assassination of Indira Gandhi was unjustified because she went to war for India's independence and wanted to help the environment; however, some people believe she was making unintelligent decisions for India. Nevertheless, Indira used her power and politics to improve the environment. She had power and a high position, so she used it. "Indira's ministry of Environment and forests itself is noted in a building called the 'Indira Rayavana Bahava'– an energy efficient more content... She used her position as Prime minister to help India gain independence. "Today is certainly a day to celebrate the success of our democracy. However, on this occasion, we should also introspect about what remains to be done"(Gandhi Independence day) While she was the prime minister, she tried her best to make positive changes in India. She tried to help the environment while fighting alongside others. Indira fought for India, she took the time to fight for her territory, her people. She used her position as prime minister to keep India Independent. During her independence day anniversary speech, she said her people should celebrate this day. While she was the prime minister, she tried her best to make positive changes in India. Some people believe she was making poor decisions for India. Indira was not making wicked decisions for India, she was actually being smart and logical. I once read an article from I am Courage. It said,"Indira built upon the foundations laid by Jawaharlal Nehru to convert India into a growing nuclear power"(Nuclear Programme of India.) Some people believe India was making critical decisions for India, but in reality, she wasn't. The Nuclear Programme was a very intelligent move on her part and proves my counterclaim wrong, that she was making faulty decisions for Get more content on
  • 18. Nehru Gandhi And Indira Gandhi When India became independent in August 1947 and established independence from the British Empire after years of colonial rule and oppression, various conflicts were faced within the issue of addressing and running a new state. The new state of India was accompanied by a vast array of issues, relating to matters such as inequality and prejudice. These problems that occurred after the independence of India were addressed by the Congress Party under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru, and after his death in 1964, his daughter Indira Gandhi, who ran as Prime Minister from 1966 to 1977 and then again from 1980 until her assassination in 1984. During their time as the Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi implemented many significant social, political and economic policies and reforms that had a major effect in the establishment of the world's largest democracy. However many issues were encountered such as the partisan violence and the language and cultural barriers which resulted in the feeling of erasure by various faiths and communities. Nehru also implemented aspects of democratic socialism and a secular state during his time as Prime Minister, and within his government, as his continuous persistence with the advocacy for more rights for women, his educational reforms and his industrialisation policies, such as the various 5 Year Plans from 1951 onwards. Indira's strict industrial policies also had a dramatic effect on India, such as the Green Get more content on
  • 19. In the contemporary world, references to dynasties refer more often to sports teams than to political regimes. Yet, not long ago two political leaders owed much of their rise to political prominence due to their dynastical heritage. These political leaders were Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan and Indira Gandhi of India. The reasons why dynastic connections have been important to the election of these women leaders is because of their family legacy and the political instability of their respective nations. In discussing these two women and these two accompanying themes, insights into the importance of their gender will be revealed, showing that gender was both irrelevant and significant. It was irrelevant due to dynastic connections, yet significant when considering Bhutto was prime minister of a Muslim majority country and both women led societies with a strong patriarchal culture. Both Benazir Bhutto and Indira Gandhi had fathers who served as prime ministers of their respective nations and both of their fathers were incredibly popular during their tenure in office. Their popularity created a stable base of supporters for the Bhutto's and Gandhi's and the last names of Benazir and Indira undoubtedly carried much weight during their campaign for election due to the success of their respective paterfamilias. It is interesting to consider socio–economic context of the two nations and how this played a role in voters deciding who to cast their vote for. India and Pakistan share Get more content on
  • 20. Gandhi 's Impact On India Gandhi's Impact Often, when someone thinks of his or her role model they typically think of their mom or dad, but many Indian citizens would think of Mohandas Gandhi. Gandhi was the leader of Indian nationalism and is well known as one of the greatest national leaders in the twentieth century .He was strong and determined to give his country the independence they deserved. Also, he was kind of man who would risk anything to give India the freedom they wished for. However, he didn't host violent protests or encourage angry mobs. Instead, Gandhi helped his country gain their freedom using non–violence. "Non–violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man." (Mohandas Gandhi) Gandhi will continue to be a good role model for all as he was a great leader, an advocate for peace, and a martyr for his country. India is an extremely populous nation, but leading the country by example came naturally to Gandhi. His methods and philosophy of nonviolent confrontation not only led his own country to freedom, but also helped the idea of non–violence spread all around the world. These leadership skills formed from a young age as Gandhi watched his mother and mimicked the way she acted. She was a gentle woman who cared for all people, despite their class or religion. She was also a hard worker, which taught Gandhi the importance of working for what you believe in. Gandhi eventually would use Get more content on