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Customs and Courtesies Essays
Marine Corps customs and courtesies are very important to the way the Marine Corps works. They
are intended to reinforce discipline and the chain of command, showing how Marines will treat their
superiors. They also enhance esprit de corps and unity. This is what makes the Marine Corps the
brotherhood that it has become. Military courtesies include correct forms of address like; Sir, and
Ma'am, and when each should be used; the salute, and standing at attention, proper wear of military
covers, and the rules for behavior in different ceremonies. Specifics can change depending on an
individual's rank, location, and conditions. A military funeral, for example, requires stricter etiquette
than a normal day. Courtesies are sometimes more content...
But one thing they all have in common is they show the respect and honor the soldiers and
superiors have for one another. Military courtesies are often very similar to the civilities found in
the civilian world as well as daily life. The only difference is that it is mandatory for the courtesies
seen in the military to be adhered to and followed by its soldiers. If these courtesies are not
followed, the offending soldier can, and almost always will, be punished. This punishment can
come in the form of corrective training, known commonly as essays, extra duty and can go as far
as court martial, jail time and/or being discharged from the military. In the military, manners and
levels of respect help to identify the difference between junior to senior ranking members.
Courtesies and customs of the Army have been practiced for hundreds of years. They involve a
code of conduct that is mandatory for every member of the army to follow. Some are obviously
against the rules of professionalism such as public display of affection in uniform, as is being
intoxicated in uniform and exhibiting violent behavior are conducts that are punishable in the
military code of conduct. Others are unique codes of behavior that must to be followed in order to
present a one of a kind organizational structure to the military as these customs and practices instill
and show discipline and
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Custom Molds Case Summary
1. Case Background Founded in 1975, Custom Molds Inc. is the producer and supplier of bespoke
molds and plastic connectors to the electronics industry. Building on its reputation, the company
expanded in–house operations in the 1980s to include the limited production of plastic parts geared
towards R&D based initiatives. During the early 1990s, the company realized that the shifting
structure and market environment of the electronics industry was starting to impinge on the
company's manufacturing processes. This created a host of issues. 2. The Issues and Possible
Causes The main issue is that their clients have moved away from the old vertical manufacturing
structure (i.e. acquiring the upstream/downstream components of the more content...
The company can also use a unit within its own process, with exceptional performance levels, as a
yardstick for other units. These types of practices can help the company formulate goals and targets
for performance (Slack et al, 2008). It can also be achieved by methodically measuring internal
services, products and processes against those employed by competitors. Thus, Custom Molds stands
to learn a lot from other companies through benchmarking. It can also help the company identify key
processes and bridge the disjunction between the company's actual state and its expected state
(Boxwell, 1994). It's also an expert method for identifying the bottlenecks which have been plaguing
Custom Molds. For instance, the company's competitors might be able to get products to customers
on time. If management were to investigate the flow of their own processes [Figure 1–Question 2],
then they would realise that too much time is being wasted waiting on raw materials to be delivered
before starting work. A possible solution might be to hold higher raw material inventory, so that
preliminary processes can begin, while waiting for other materials to be delivered. This can help
reduce lead time for orders. In this way, the benchmarking technique will present the company with
new opportunities to evolve with the market. However, the process can be expensive and time
consuming because it might
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Essay on Japan and Its Customs
Japan and Its Customs
General Information on Japan
Japan has a population of approximately 125 million people packed tightly into a rather small
geographic area. The official language in Japan is Japanese. Japanese is spoken only in Japan. The
literacy rate in Japan is very close to 100 percent and 95 percent of the Japanese population has a
high school education.
Japan's form of government is parliamentarian democracy under the rule of a constitutional monarch.
The dominant religion is Shinto, which is exclusive to Japan. However, the Japanese have no official
1) Make appointments before you arrive in the country
Japanese don't like newcomers. Make appointments before you arrive in the country.
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The person of lower status usually initiates the bow, bows the lowest, and is the last one to rise. Men
usually leave their hands at their sides while bowing, but women usually place them together on their
thighs with their fingertips overlapping or touching. On most occasions, especially when saying
good–bye, there are several bows by all parties. Bowing is used for greetings and partings, for
sincerity, humility, for ceremony, to acknowledge or show agreement.
2) Don't use large hand gestures, unusual facial expressions or dramatic movements. The Japanese do
not talk with their hands.
It is best not to use hand or other gestures as you might mistake the correct meaning of the signal or
use them at inappropriate times. When talking to the Japanese, keep a greater distance than at
home. And do not point with your finger, it is impolite. Do not look them straight in the eyes. Body
motion, as a whole, is more reserved in Japan than in the West. Yet where Japanese body language
may lack in grandeur, it gains in subtleness of detail. Hand shaking is definitely a Western custom.
3) Never shout either in anger or to get someone's attention
In Japan, silence is just as important as speaking. It is a designated moment to understand what has
just been communicated. In the West, silence is considered as an awkward moment and we try to
mask this uncomfortable feeling with words. It is best not to try to break the silence as you might
appear insincere.
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Customs and courtesies Essay
US Army Customs and Courtesies A custom is a social norm stemming from tradition and enforced
as an unwritten law. A courtesy is a respectful behavior often linked to a custom. A military courtesy
is such behavior extended to a person or thing that honors them in some way. Military customs and
courtesies define the profession of arms. When you display military customs and courtesies in
various situations, you demonstrate to yourself and others your commitment to duty, honor, and
country. And your professionalism and pride. As a new soldier and future Army leader, you must
recognize that military customs and courtesies are your constant means of showing that the standard
of conduct for officers and Soldiers is high more content...
PARADE REST: Like "Attention", Parade Rest is a form of respect given to NCOs by those
junior in rank. When a Senior NCO enters an area of junior enlisted soldiers or cadets, the room is
called to "at ease". All personnelshould immediately go to the position of "stand at–ease" until told
to "carry–on". Likewise, when speaking to an NCO, soldiers junior in rank or cadets, will maintain
the position of "parade rest" until instructed to "stand at ease", "at ease", or "rest"/relax. Things you
should never do or say: Never criticize the Army or a leader in public. Never go "over the heads" of
superiors–don't jump the chain of command. Never offer excuses. Never "wear" a superior's rank
by saying something like, "the first sergeant wants this done now," when in fact the first sergeant
said no such thing. Speak with your own voice. Never turn and walk away to avoid giving the
hand salute. Never run indoors or pretend you don't hear (while driving, for example) to avoid
standing reveille or retreat. Never appear in uniform while under the influence of alcohol. If you
don't know the answer to a superior's question, you will never go wrong with the response, "I don't
know sir, but I'll find
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Custom Chip, Inc. Case Analysis Essay
Custom Chip, Inc. Case Analysis
SummaryCustom Chip, Inc case describes the situation of a company where lack of coordination
and cooperation among different departments is hindering them to achieve their common or ultimate
goal as a single business entity. Applications engineering, product engineering and manufacturing are
all inclined towards achieving their individual objectives and timelines rather than collaborating and
synergizing their efforts in order to attain a common goal of effective production with improved cost
reduction. Few of the primary reasons are insufficient and unorganized company policies for
coordination and cooperation, poor networking with in the organization especially on management
level, lack more content...
Product engineers believe that they have shortage of human resource and most of their time is
wasted in day to day manufacturing issues and they can not coordinate with application engineers
during design phase to reduce design errors. Also they can't do any scientific measures by
experiments to control and improve yields. Lack of company policies on coordination among
different departments is also a major issue, product engineers have to coordinate both with
application engineers and manufacturing during daily operations. The lack of cooperation is mainly
due to departments concentrating on their individual goals, applications engineers top priority is to
satisfy customer needs through designs, manufacturing and operations are more concerned about
productivity and timelines. Thus their objectives are inherently conflicting. The problem of product
1210A which involved redesigning of a product was delayed only because applications engineer was
busy on some other task assigned to him and both departments doesn't have the bigger picture of the
whole objectives and goals of the company. Applications engineer cooperated because both
department managers had a good working relationship which clearly indicates the importance of
networking within the organization. The problem of product 3806A highlights the lack of
cooperation between manufacturing and applications department. It also shows that bias of one
manager is hindering the over all productivity and even if Frank is
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Customer Service Essay examples
Companies are misguided nowadays by the notion that customers depend on them, when the truth of
the matter is that companies are dependent on those customers. Customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty is now essential for a business or company to survive. So what is the difference between
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and how to companies and or business achieve this? Also
when you have difficult customers how do you achieve customer satisfaction?
It's essential that companies or businesses today listen to their customers. No company or business
today can afford to disregard the importance of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Aren't they the
same thing? No, they are absolutely not and they are more content...
Customer loyalty is much harder to obtain that customer service satisfaction. The most important
first step is to satisfy the customer by meeting their expectations. Customers only give a company
one chance and if they aren't satisfied they will not do business with that company again, as well
as tell others of their experience. The next step would be to exceed the customer's expectations. If a
business goes above and beyond to assist the customer they begin to build loyalty. The next step is
to truly surprise the customer. In order to dominate the marketplace the company must find a way to
make them selves stand out with their product or service, accompanied with phenomenal customer
service. Once this has been done customer satisfaction and loyalty will be gained. "Acquiring a new
customer can cost four or five times more than keeping a current customer" (Bestmark, 2013). So it's
essential to keep the current customer's happy and coming back for more.
Some of the ways that businesses can build loyalty would be by offering loyalty programs,
Interacting with customers, surveys, creating institutional ties, and personalized marketing. Another
way to build loyalty is to treat your employees so well that they treat your customers well. If you
have happy employees they will treat your customers happy. "The link between satisfaction and
loyalty however is not proportional" (Kotler, Keller, 2009, p71), so businesses must
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Customary Law
1. INTRODUCTION Customary law is among other laws the most controversial and as a result
raises a lot of questions among legal luminaries. There are whole lots of reasons responsible for
these and this research shall take time to address as many of these causes or reasons as possible.
To add salt to injury, the few authorities of customary law that still hold sway customary sources
(in explaining the inconsistencies of the law of custom) agrees that "all laws are custom but not all
custom is the law" This job has been made easier thanks to Dr. B. O. Adediji (Reader) an erudite
scholar of the law, who practically gave the entire outline of the course that this research must sail
(table of content) To display my scholastic content I more content...
This means that customary law which is not compatible with any existing enactment ought not to
be enforced by the courts. The argument is that existing customary laws must not be
incompatible with any written law (Obilade 1991). (c) Public Policy Test: This means that a
custom shall not be enforced if it is contrary to public policy. The idea of public policy here
implies the principle of judicial legislation or interpretation founded on the current needs of the
community. Anything that offends morality is contrary to public policy. That is moral values
and ideas which are prevalent in a society as a way of preserving its interest. Where a transaction
is contrary to the policy of the laws or public policy, the law refuses to enforce or recognize it on
the ground that it has a mischievous tendency so as to be injurious to the interests of the state or
the community. This law is predicated on the interest, be it welfare, safety or advancement of the
society at large. 3 4. MAKERS OF CUSTOMARY LAWS Before delving into the issue of those
who make customary laws, I would love to employ the expertise of a professional–Osborn C. J.
Osborn pointed out one hundred years ago (1908) in Lewis vs. Bankole still afflict the customary
law today. Indeed, it is increasingly more complicated as the society transforms from a simple
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Essay on Custom Painting Cars
The first thing you see when you get into the car, and the last thing you see when you get out.
Painting cars is an art, from stock to custom paint there is a lot of possibilities and techniques.
Something some people don't pay attention to and some people its the first thing they look at, and
some people make their living by painting cars. In this research paper i will talk about painting
and certain various types of custom painting techniques. Painting a car is a good way to make it
unique and special to you. When you go to buy a car, whether at a car lot or from someone else you
will notice the cars paint job. It may be a solid colour or something a little special and unique. At the
surface it may just look like a solid color but more content...
Polishing helps the paint shine and helps it better protect the paint. Never wash a car after painting
make sure to buff it and polish before you wash it.
When it comes to custom painting Two Tone is one of the most used. Two tone paint jobs are
used on a lot of factory cars but usually separated with moldings. Two tone is where the bottom of
the car is one color and the top is another. When doing custom painting you can do more than just
two tones you can do three tones or even four tones. Alot of times people separate the colors by a
pin strip so that the colors don't look like to walls of color, the pin strip helps carry your eye
without realizing the strip is there.
When you are going to do two tone you must mask off the part you are not painting and spray the
color on the first part, this is usually the bottom first. Once what you have sprayed dryer you will
mask over it leaving the unsprayed area to view. Then you spray the next color of choice. Once the
last layer has dried take the paper off the panel and clear over the whole thing. If you plan to spray a
Strip in between you can must do this before clear coating the hole panel. Wood Grain is something
that was started a long time ago with wood grain cars. Painting wood grain is a good way to bring
back that vintage wood grain look. There are many ways to do wood grain and here are some. One
of the most used ways is to spray a brown then your base color over it, take your finger and
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Essay about Custom Chips Inc
Title: Custom Chips Inc. Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University Abstract This week's case study is
an analysis of the manufacturing company Custom Chips Inc., and further this analysis will define
the obstacles to their processes that create inconsistency in creating higher yields. The case will
further assess Custom Chips Inc. through SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats to future operations within the company. Custom Chips Inc. This weekly
case assessment looks to evaluate and answer the questions presented from the overview of the
company Custom Chips Incorporated. "Custom Chips Inc. is a semiconductor manufacturer
specializing in the development of custom chips and other more content...
Additionally, each step along the manufacturing and product development phase is subject to
considerable risks in errors from the operator or the machines (Daft, 2013). These errors account for
a product yield of only 60–70 percent, and the company is at risk for greater risk exposure when the
yields reach the 30–50 percent range as the company may not meet customer request and demands
(Daft, 2013). There are several problems and conflicts that the company faces due to the link between
costs and the individual product unit. First, it is more than the number, the required efficiency in
designing and manufacturing requires a greater dependency on company engineers, resulting in
customer uncertainty in delivered products due to the required level of perfection in the
development process. I feel there are some measurable areas that need to be continually evaluated to
determine the highest probabilities of error in machine and man, the points in the manufacturing
process, and the influencing circumstances that contribute to product flaws. I feel this data must be
measured in a study to determine the highest probabilities of failure in machine, man or the actual
process or procedure. The problem cannot be address appropriately unless the experts identify what
is actually contributing to or causing the increase in failed products. After these points have been
identified, then company leaders can address these problem areas
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Custom Molds Case
Custom Molds need to position their organization for separates from their rivals. To separate the
organization, Custom Mold needs to know their focused needs which can be center fitness of the
organization. For this situation, quality, item plan, and adaptability are vital aggressive needs for
the molds creation. Cost and conveyance are focused components however just as request qualifiers,
not arrange victors. For the plastic parts, conveyance and cost are more critical; quality and
adaptability get to be request qualifiers. The significance of keeping up the conveyance calendar has
brought on a large number of the issues with Custom Molds creation. Flexibility (Customization)
Flexibility is an essential focused need for the molds. more content...
As a benefit association, each organization needs to create their item at the lower value that can
augment the benefit. At the plastic parts, the quantity of requests has remained generally stable.
While the volume per request for parts has expanded essentially in the course of the most recent
three years. This has brought on bottlenecks in the shop and has prompted late conveyances of parts.
Quality (Top Quality) Both creation forms at Custom Molds have an awesome nature of assembling
the molds and plastic part. Thus, quality should be clearly viewed as a main source of competitive
advantage, by meeting customer requirements and also quality has to be consistent. In
manufacturing strategy, therefore, quality is associated with both conformance to specifications and
critical customer expectations. Lead–Time Delivery is a competitive priority because customers are
interested in satisfying their needs and wants in the right quantity at the right time. It should be on
time with high development speed. Lead time is a time issue where it reflects the accompanying
ideas: the quantity of parts of an association's operations; how rapidly an item or administration is
conveyed to a client; how dependably the items or administrations are produced and conveyed to the
business sector; and the rate at which changes in items and procedures are
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Military Customs and Courtesy Essay
Today's Army in an extremely nostalgic organization with a copious amount traditions and has
about a million different methods of conducting its business. Some are old and some are new, but
possibly the oldest one that has been around since before the Army was officially established and
still lives today is the Army's rules, regulations and policies on customs and courtesies. In this form
of a remedial block of instruction given to me, due to what I believe to be false targeting, I am to
explain the Army's customs and courtesies and their importance. Customs and Courtesies are among
the main fundamentals of military life, the other being the Seven Army Values, upon which Soldiers
are expected to live and rely upon both on and off more content...
A leader unwilling to sacrifice individual goals for the good of the unit cannot convince other unit
members to do so. The mission suffers with potentially devastating effects. While personal goals
often coincide with Army goals, there is no room for personal agendas at the expense of the
institution or the American people. It is a standard in the hierarchy of military customs and
courtesies that the leader must display to his subordinates that he is willing to put in extra effort,
sacrifice personal time, and show initiative and motivation in order to achieve the same from his
Soldiers. Tardiness is not tolerated in the military. It reflects inattention to duty. In addition to being
extremely impolite, on active duty, it is punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Never keep a senior officer waiting because of your forgetfulness or lack of planning. If an
unexpected event delays you, call ahead and give an explanation. The same rule applies to
appointments and meetings you have arranged with subordinates. Don't keep them waiting. If your
subordinates think of you as a "latecomer," you have not set a good example for them. In today's
society, some people resign themselves to just getting by. Because we've been entrusted with our
nation's security and a good portion of the national treasury –– because our mission often involves
the risk of human life and sometimes national survival
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The Immigration And Customs Enforcement Essay
ICE stands for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, they deal with matters concerning border
control, customs, trade and immigration to insure public safety and homeland security. Their
priorities focus on preventing terrorism and the illegal movement of items, as well as people.
Within ICE, there are three subgroups that fall into specialized tasks for the agency, such as
Homeland security investigations (HSI) and the Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO).
Although being a fairly new agency there has been more than a few controversies on how ICE
handles the illegal immigrants, however, since 9/11 the U.S has been trying to find the most
effective ways to stop terrorism. So, that also means that not everyone would agree with the tactics
that ICE used to solve the problem for those specific cases.
The U.S has been known as the land of opportunities, so of course people from all over the world
would try to leave their countries that weren't thriving economically after World War I, this lead to
immigration into the US to rise significantly. "Every year, the State Department issued a limited
number of visas; only those immigrants who had obtained them and could present valid visas were
permitted entry." Because of the limited number of visas, the number of illegal attempts into the
country began to occur. The Border Patrol was established when illegal aliens and entries started
becoming more frequent, the strict guidelines also causing deportation to go on as well.
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The Custom House
Custom–House, in order to not only introduce his prior autobiographical writing, but describe how he
came about creating his novel. In the Custom–House, the narrator works as a surveyor in the Salem
Custom–House. He is surrounded by an aged group of workers, who pass time by sleeping and
repeating various stories of their lives as sailors. The narrator, who believes his life and job are
becoming rather frivolous, stumbles across a document that seemed to be untouched by humans for
a large period of time. It was an "idle and rainy day" when Hawthorne discovered what he explains
to be the Scarlet Letter. He is wandering through the second story of the Custom–House and finds
himself in a large, barren room in which the run down walls are unfinished and the ceiling's
uncovered more content...
He then shudders and lets the letter fall to the floor. Hawthorne does not realize there is yet
another piece of paper that had been wrapped up inside the letter. The writings in this paper
explains occurrences and past events of the life of a woman named Hester Prynne. Pue writes
about how she lived her life as a voluntary nurse, carrying out as much good as possible in her life.
As Hawthorne digs deeper into the documents he found, he discovers more stories of the woman, the
author referring to the Scarlet Letter several times throughout his writings. Hawthorne lastly
describes his feelings about what to do next with the package he found. He ponders over the stories
of Hester Prynne, believing that the stories are the doorway to creating his own novel. He even
elucidates how he felt as if Surveyor Pue's ghost emphatically urged him to share the information
with the public. Nathaniel Hawthorne eventually does share his information through his own words,
in the novel he constructs, titled The Scarlet
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Essay Human Culture
Culture is a learned behaviour made up with a shared set of; values, norms and beliefs which are
governed by a sense of tradition and shared history that gives us a common identity. Since human
beings are virtually identical biologically, as individuals our different characteristics can be
explained and expressed through our human behaviour through symbolic representation. Our
perception of the World around us can also influence ourculture. For example; what we perceive or
interpret as good or bad reflects on our morals, values and what we are willing to accept, allow and
stand up against. According to Hofsted, Culture is a 'is the shared attitudes, beliefs, values and
behaviour' also referred to as 'Mental Programming' more content...
The women dress conservatively covering the beauty aspects of their bodies and the men
sometimes wear long dresses. The tacit characteristics are those which are hidden and can only
be seen with deeper look or understanding.(Gibson, 2002) Arabs are known to be strict followers of
Islam and follow a conservative way of life one way is that Muslim men and women do not
socialise openly. Interculturalists mention that there is a range of culture such as; gender, age,
religion, regional and class culture (Garson, 2002). This suggests that people from the same or
similar back ground integrate with individuals who share or have the same ethnics, social class,
age and religion. This can be related to typical high schools in the USA , where the upper class or
'rich kids' group themselves into the cheerleading team or the football team whereas those from
middle class back rounds are either the 'nerds' or trying to fit into High school life. In the same way
people consciously join groups with those who share interests as them in order to feel comfortable
with a sense of identity and belonging.
My culture reflects the various ways I express myself, however throughout my childhood I had a
different culture that was more traditional and now that I am my own individual I have grown and
been influenced by enlightened ideas and theories. Due to this I am able to make my own choices,
opinions and decisions in
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Immigration And Customs Enforcement
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency is the largest and pri– mary
investigative arm of the U.S. DHS.46 ICE is responsible for identifying and inves– tigating
weaknesses within the nation's borders, developing intelligence concerning threats, removing foreign
nationals, and enforcing over 400 federal statutes. The agency was formed in 2003 as part of the
Homeland Security Act and is the result of a merger of several federal agencies, including the
Customs Service, Immigration and Natural– ization, and the Federal Protective Service. ICE has
approximately 15,000 employees in 400 offices in the United States and 50 offices around the
world.47 The ICE agency plays a pivotal role in enforcing Internet–related crimes because
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Things Fall Apart Customs And Tradition Analysis
The Importance of Customs and Traditions
Religions around the world share similar fundamentals but can differ tremendously depending on
what is being practised. Although, there are some practises that are not accepted throughout our
world. Human nature tends to be frightened or uncomfortable with what we do not understand and
therefore, we judge. It is not uncommon however, it is psychologically proven that the human brain
follows "The Crowd Effect." Simply put, when an individual is placed in a group scenario, the bias
of the individual can be strongly influenced. Whether or not the accepted truth is fact or fallacy.
Having the ability to be open minded and not jump to conclusions would have a great effect on our
societies today.
Tradition has played a major factor throughout our world's history and continues to grow each day.
Sometimes tradition changes from its present form into a new custom. In the book Things Fall
Apart the Ibo people of Umuofia, believe that there is one creator, God, also called Chineke or
Chukwu. The creator can be approached through numerous other deities and spirits in the form of
natural objects. Okonkwo, a respected leader amongst the village people, who lives in fear that he
will become like his father– a man known for his laziness and cowardice. Much of Okonkwo's
masculine behaviour results in him killing without remorse, beating his three wives more
Disrupting the nature of one's life is not acceptable under any circumstances and will hopefully not
continue as we grow together. It is completely understandable if a certain religion does not appeal to
the best interests in our hearts but that also means we should not judge. Elders, books, the internet
and our loved ones can help explain the mysterious backgrounds that are practised around us. This
will definitely help our societies we live in today, for things not to fall
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Essay about Custom Mode Inc. Case Study
Team 3:
Team 3:
Case Study: Custom Molds, INC
Case Study: Custom Molds, INC
Custom Molds Inc., manufactures custom designed molds for plastic parts and produces custom
made plastic connectors for the electronics industry. Established in 1987, the primary focus was to
provide manufacturers or electronic connectors a source of high–quality custom–designed molds for
producing plastic parts. After building a strong brand reputation through the designing and
fabrication of precision molds, Custom Mold's expanded into the limited manufacture of plastic
parts. The operations at Custom Mold's include a process for fabricating molds and a second
process for producing plastic parts. The two processes are linked together, but more
Based on the changing electronic industry and business demands, Custom Molds should correct
major issues by adopting the following recommendations. The molding process should focus on
small batch sizes and purchase more small and customizable machines. More workers should be
hired to oversee the production since there is more labor needed to prepare the machine for each
customized mold. The plastic parts process should focus on few but large capacity specialized
machines. Fewer workers will be needed to oversee this process because there are few setting
changes needed. To control the problem of late deliveries, a better communication system between
offices should be implemented so workers do not need to walk back and forth between offices.
Orders should also be accepted based on the ability to complete the product in the time that is
promised to the customer. More efficient communication between all departments would result in a
more accurate estimated delivery time. To control errors resulting in defective parts, Custom Molds
should invest in moving the testing center to a more centrally located area. More frequent testing
and less walking will increase efficiency and decrease defective products. An alternative option to
the recommendations listed, is for Custom Molds Inc. to evaluate the market for the products they
produce and to decide to make either molds or plastic parts. The key factors that should be
considered while
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Custom Pen Essay
Custom Pens
Designing your own custom nib holder is so exciting! Because the material we use has set lengths,
our pen designs are limited to 5". Both of our standard designs are 5" long, which seems to be a
happy medium. People with smaller hands sometimes prefer their pens to be in the 5" range.
Have you seen any pen designs that have inspired you? Please feel free to send those to us when you
order. We love to try new things and will work hard to create the pen you of your dreams. We can
also surprise you if you don't have a preference.
We use acrylic resin "blanks" from a few different suppliers. It's possible to get custom made blanks
from our suppliers with specific wood species and/or color(s) more content...
Please see the video if you need help or to see it being done!
What is a "carrot" pen? A carrot is a shorter pen with a fatter grip. The thick grip tends to force you
to hold the pen a bit differently than a regular thin pen or pencil which helps you remember to keep
your hand relaxed.
Will my new pen come with a nib? Yes! All of our pens will ship with a Brause 361– Blue Pumpkin
nib already inserted. We've found this to be a user–friendly and versatile nib.
What does "handmade" mean? Handmade means that every pen is made by hand, one at a time,
with a lot of time and attention spent on getting the curves and angles just right. It's been buffed,
polished and carefully inspected each step of the way. Every one of our handmade pens are a little
different, giving you a one of a kind writing instrument. We've learned our designs through trial and
error. They are not made by a machine or with a "pattern".Like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike.
Just like writing calligraphy, pen making requires a "muscle memory" and craftsmanship.
How long will it take to make my custom pen? Custom pens typically take anywhere from 1–4
weeks to create. The time required depends on many factors, the materials requested and our current
backlog of work. If you have questions about timing, please don't hesitate to contact
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Traditions Are Important For Our Society
One concept that is present in every culture is tradition, and whether it be secular or religious, they
each bring a unique significance to each culture. Nevertheless, traditions are important and
somewhat necessary because it helps keep a culture "on its feet" and it provides a sense of identity
for people. Traditions may vary from little things like going to your favorite restaurant on a special
day like birthdays or family reunion, to big important traditions like eating Kosher in Judaism and
the mandatory following of the Five Pillars of Islam. But keeping traditions are so important for our
society today because it allows people to honor those who came before them in hopes of improving
their culture and make positive contributions to society. This also puts better emphasis on family
life and teaches how to strengthen family life through tradition. Although some ceremonies and
rituals prevail longer than us, they make us feel part of that larger sense of things as we pass them
down to our own children, to their children, and so on. Traditions are important because they are
the basis of all knowledge within the realm of a giving culture or religion; however, they can also be
sexist in nature, dangerous, or just immoral. Some traditions may even include some influence of
gender roles as apparent in the Maori tribe with women being prohibited from positions of
leadership and power, and in the Muslim faith where women 's role in society has been subject to
controversy and
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Essay Custom

  • 1. Customs and Courtesies Essays Marine Corps customs and courtesies are very important to the way the Marine Corps works. They are intended to reinforce discipline and the chain of command, showing how Marines will treat their superiors. They also enhance esprit de corps and unity. This is what makes the Marine Corps the brotherhood that it has become. Military courtesies include correct forms of address like; Sir, and Ma'am, and when each should be used; the salute, and standing at attention, proper wear of military covers, and the rules for behavior in different ceremonies. Specifics can change depending on an individual's rank, location, and conditions. A military funeral, for example, requires stricter etiquette than a normal day. Courtesies are sometimes more content... But one thing they all have in common is they show the respect and honor the soldiers and superiors have for one another. Military courtesies are often very similar to the civilities found in the civilian world as well as daily life. The only difference is that it is mandatory for the courtesies seen in the military to be adhered to and followed by its soldiers. If these courtesies are not followed, the offending soldier can, and almost always will, be punished. This punishment can come in the form of corrective training, known commonly as essays, extra duty and can go as far as court martial, jail time and/or being discharged from the military. In the military, manners and levels of respect help to identify the difference between junior to senior ranking members. Courtesies and customs of the Army have been practiced for hundreds of years. They involve a code of conduct that is mandatory for every member of the army to follow. Some are obviously against the rules of professionalism such as public display of affection in uniform, as is being intoxicated in uniform and exhibiting violent behavior are conducts that are punishable in the military code of conduct. Others are unique codes of behavior that must to be followed in order to present a one of a kind organizational structure to the military as these customs and practices instill and show discipline and Get more content on
  • 2. Custom Molds Case Summary 1. Case Background Founded in 1975, Custom Molds Inc. is the producer and supplier of bespoke molds and plastic connectors to the electronics industry. Building on its reputation, the company expanded in–house operations in the 1980s to include the limited production of plastic parts geared towards R&D based initiatives. During the early 1990s, the company realized that the shifting structure and market environment of the electronics industry was starting to impinge on the company's manufacturing processes. This created a host of issues. 2. The Issues and Possible Causes The main issue is that their clients have moved away from the old vertical manufacturing structure (i.e. acquiring the upstream/downstream components of the more content... The company can also use a unit within its own process, with exceptional performance levels, as a yardstick for other units. These types of practices can help the company formulate goals and targets for performance (Slack et al, 2008). It can also be achieved by methodically measuring internal services, products and processes against those employed by competitors. Thus, Custom Molds stands to learn a lot from other companies through benchmarking. It can also help the company identify key processes and bridge the disjunction between the company's actual state and its expected state (Boxwell, 1994). It's also an expert method for identifying the bottlenecks which have been plaguing Custom Molds. For instance, the company's competitors might be able to get products to customers on time. If management were to investigate the flow of their own processes [Figure 1–Question 2], then they would realise that too much time is being wasted waiting on raw materials to be delivered before starting work. A possible solution might be to hold higher raw material inventory, so that preliminary processes can begin, while waiting for other materials to be delivered. This can help reduce lead time for orders. In this way, the benchmarking technique will present the company with new opportunities to evolve with the market. However, the process can be expensive and time consuming because it might Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Japan and Its Customs Japan and Its Customs General Information on Japan Japan has a population of approximately 125 million people packed tightly into a rather small geographic area. The official language in Japan is Japanese. Japanese is spoken only in Japan. The literacy rate in Japan is very close to 100 percent and 95 percent of the Japanese population has a high school education. Japan's form of government is parliamentarian democracy under the rule of a constitutional monarch. The dominant religion is Shinto, which is exclusive to Japan. However, the Japanese have no official religion. Appearance 1) Make appointments before you arrive in the country Japanese don't like newcomers. Make appointments before you arrive in the country. more content... The person of lower status usually initiates the bow, bows the lowest, and is the last one to rise. Men usually leave their hands at their sides while bowing, but women usually place them together on their thighs with their fingertips overlapping or touching. On most occasions, especially when saying good–bye, there are several bows by all parties. Bowing is used for greetings and partings, for sincerity, humility, for ceremony, to acknowledge or show agreement. 2) Don't use large hand gestures, unusual facial expressions or dramatic movements. The Japanese do not talk with their hands. It is best not to use hand or other gestures as you might mistake the correct meaning of the signal or use them at inappropriate times. When talking to the Japanese, keep a greater distance than at home. And do not point with your finger, it is impolite. Do not look them straight in the eyes. Body motion, as a whole, is more reserved in Japan than in the West. Yet where Japanese body language may lack in grandeur, it gains in subtleness of detail. Hand shaking is definitely a Western custom. 3) Never shout either in anger or to get someone's attention In Japan, silence is just as important as speaking. It is a designated moment to understand what has just been communicated. In the West, silence is considered as an awkward moment and we try to mask this uncomfortable feeling with words. It is best not to try to break the silence as you might appear insincere.
  • 4. Get more content on
  • 5. Customs and courtesies Essay US Army Customs and Courtesies A custom is a social norm stemming from tradition and enforced as an unwritten law. A courtesy is a respectful behavior often linked to a custom. A military courtesy is such behavior extended to a person or thing that honors them in some way. Military customs and courtesies define the profession of arms. When you display military customs and courtesies in various situations, you demonstrate to yourself and others your commitment to duty, honor, and country. And your professionalism and pride. As a new soldier and future Army leader, you must recognize that military customs and courtesies are your constant means of showing that the standard of conduct for officers and Soldiers is high more content... PARADE REST: Like "Attention", Parade Rest is a form of respect given to NCOs by those junior in rank. When a Senior NCO enters an area of junior enlisted soldiers or cadets, the room is called to "at ease". All personnelshould immediately go to the position of "stand at–ease" until told to "carry–on". Likewise, when speaking to an NCO, soldiers junior in rank or cadets, will maintain the position of "parade rest" until instructed to "stand at ease", "at ease", or "rest"/relax. Things you should never do or say: Never criticize the Army or a leader in public. Never go "over the heads" of superiors–don't jump the chain of command. Never offer excuses. Never "wear" a superior's rank by saying something like, "the first sergeant wants this done now," when in fact the first sergeant said no such thing. Speak with your own voice. Never turn and walk away to avoid giving the hand salute. Never run indoors or pretend you don't hear (while driving, for example) to avoid standing reveille or retreat. Never appear in uniform while under the influence of alcohol. If you don't know the answer to a superior's question, you will never go wrong with the response, "I don't know sir, but I'll find Get more content on
  • 6. Custom Chip, Inc. Case Analysis Essay Custom Chip, Inc. Case Analysis SummaryCustom Chip, Inc case describes the situation of a company where lack of coordination and cooperation among different departments is hindering them to achieve their common or ultimate goal as a single business entity. Applications engineering, product engineering and manufacturing are all inclined towards achieving their individual objectives and timelines rather than collaborating and synergizing their efforts in order to attain a common goal of effective production with improved cost reduction. Few of the primary reasons are insufficient and unorganized company policies for coordination and cooperation, poor networking with in the organization especially on management level, lack more content... Product engineers believe that they have shortage of human resource and most of their time is wasted in day to day manufacturing issues and they can not coordinate with application engineers during design phase to reduce design errors. Also they can't do any scientific measures by experiments to control and improve yields. Lack of company policies on coordination among different departments is also a major issue, product engineers have to coordinate both with application engineers and manufacturing during daily operations. The lack of cooperation is mainly due to departments concentrating on their individual goals, applications engineers top priority is to satisfy customer needs through designs, manufacturing and operations are more concerned about productivity and timelines. Thus their objectives are inherently conflicting. The problem of product 1210A which involved redesigning of a product was delayed only because applications engineer was busy on some other task assigned to him and both departments doesn't have the bigger picture of the whole objectives and goals of the company. Applications engineer cooperated because both department managers had a good working relationship which clearly indicates the importance of networking within the organization. The problem of product 3806A highlights the lack of cooperation between manufacturing and applications department. It also shows that bias of one manager is hindering the over all productivity and even if Frank is Get more content on
  • 7. Customer Service Essay examples Companies are misguided nowadays by the notion that customers depend on them, when the truth of the matter is that companies are dependent on those customers. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is now essential for a business or company to survive. So what is the difference between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and how to companies and or business achieve this? Also when you have difficult customers how do you achieve customer satisfaction? It's essential that companies or businesses today listen to their customers. No company or business today can afford to disregard the importance of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Aren't they the same thing? No, they are absolutely not and they are more content... Customer loyalty is much harder to obtain that customer service satisfaction. The most important first step is to satisfy the customer by meeting their expectations. Customers only give a company one chance and if they aren't satisfied they will not do business with that company again, as well as tell others of their experience. The next step would be to exceed the customer's expectations. If a business goes above and beyond to assist the customer they begin to build loyalty. The next step is to truly surprise the customer. In order to dominate the marketplace the company must find a way to make them selves stand out with their product or service, accompanied with phenomenal customer service. Once this has been done customer satisfaction and loyalty will be gained. "Acquiring a new customer can cost four or five times more than keeping a current customer" (Bestmark, 2013). So it's essential to keep the current customer's happy and coming back for more. Some of the ways that businesses can build loyalty would be by offering loyalty programs, Interacting with customers, surveys, creating institutional ties, and personalized marketing. Another way to build loyalty is to treat your employees so well that they treat your customers well. If you have happy employees they will treat your customers happy. "The link between satisfaction and loyalty however is not proportional" (Kotler, Keller, 2009, p71), so businesses must Get more content on
  • 8. Customary Law 1. INTRODUCTION Customary law is among other laws the most controversial and as a result raises a lot of questions among legal luminaries. There are whole lots of reasons responsible for these and this research shall take time to address as many of these causes or reasons as possible. To add salt to injury, the few authorities of customary law that still hold sway customary sources (in explaining the inconsistencies of the law of custom) agrees that "all laws are custom but not all custom is the law" This job has been made easier thanks to Dr. B. O. Adediji (Reader) an erudite scholar of the law, who practically gave the entire outline of the course that this research must sail (table of content) To display my scholastic content I more content... This means that customary law which is not compatible with any existing enactment ought not to be enforced by the courts. The argument is that existing customary laws must not be incompatible with any written law (Obilade 1991). (c) Public Policy Test: This means that a custom shall not be enforced if it is contrary to public policy. The idea of public policy here implies the principle of judicial legislation or interpretation founded on the current needs of the community. Anything that offends morality is contrary to public policy. That is moral values and ideas which are prevalent in a society as a way of preserving its interest. Where a transaction is contrary to the policy of the laws or public policy, the law refuses to enforce or recognize it on the ground that it has a mischievous tendency so as to be injurious to the interests of the state or the community. This law is predicated on the interest, be it welfare, safety or advancement of the society at large. 3 4. MAKERS OF CUSTOMARY LAWS Before delving into the issue of those who make customary laws, I would love to employ the expertise of a professional–Osborn C. J. Osborn pointed out one hundred years ago (1908) in Lewis vs. Bankole still afflict the customary law today. Indeed, it is increasingly more complicated as the society transforms from a simple Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Custom Painting Cars The first thing you see when you get into the car, and the last thing you see when you get out. Painting cars is an art, from stock to custom paint there is a lot of possibilities and techniques. Something some people don't pay attention to and some people its the first thing they look at, and some people make their living by painting cars. In this research paper i will talk about painting and certain various types of custom painting techniques. Painting a car is a good way to make it unique and special to you. When you go to buy a car, whether at a car lot or from someone else you will notice the cars paint job. It may be a solid colour or something a little special and unique. At the surface it may just look like a solid color but more content... Polishing helps the paint shine and helps it better protect the paint. Never wash a car after painting make sure to buff it and polish before you wash it. When it comes to custom painting Two Tone is one of the most used. Two tone paint jobs are used on a lot of factory cars but usually separated with moldings. Two tone is where the bottom of the car is one color and the top is another. When doing custom painting you can do more than just two tones you can do three tones or even four tones. Alot of times people separate the colors by a pin strip so that the colors don't look like to walls of color, the pin strip helps carry your eye without realizing the strip is there. When you are going to do two tone you must mask off the part you are not painting and spray the color on the first part, this is usually the bottom first. Once what you have sprayed dryer you will mask over it leaving the unsprayed area to view. Then you spray the next color of choice. Once the last layer has dried take the paper off the panel and clear over the whole thing. If you plan to spray a Strip in between you can must do this before clear coating the hole panel. Wood Grain is something that was started a long time ago with wood grain cars. Painting wood grain is a good way to bring back that vintage wood grain look. There are many ways to do wood grain and here are some. One of the most used ways is to spray a brown then your base color over it, take your finger and Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about Custom Chips Inc Title: Custom Chips Inc. Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University Abstract This week's case study is an analysis of the manufacturing company Custom Chips Inc., and further this analysis will define the obstacles to their processes that create inconsistency in creating higher yields. The case will further assess Custom Chips Inc. through SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to future operations within the company. Custom Chips Inc. This weekly case assessment looks to evaluate and answer the questions presented from the overview of the company Custom Chips Incorporated. "Custom Chips Inc. is a semiconductor manufacturer specializing in the development of custom chips and other more content... Additionally, each step along the manufacturing and product development phase is subject to considerable risks in errors from the operator or the machines (Daft, 2013). These errors account for a product yield of only 60–70 percent, and the company is at risk for greater risk exposure when the yields reach the 30–50 percent range as the company may not meet customer request and demands (Daft, 2013). There are several problems and conflicts that the company faces due to the link between costs and the individual product unit. First, it is more than the number, the required efficiency in designing and manufacturing requires a greater dependency on company engineers, resulting in customer uncertainty in delivered products due to the required level of perfection in the development process. I feel there are some measurable areas that need to be continually evaluated to determine the highest probabilities of error in machine and man, the points in the manufacturing process, and the influencing circumstances that contribute to product flaws. I feel this data must be measured in a study to determine the highest probabilities of failure in machine, man or the actual process or procedure. The problem cannot be address appropriately unless the experts identify what is actually contributing to or causing the increase in failed products. After these points have been identified, then company leaders can address these problem areas Get more content on
  • 11. Custom Molds Case Custom Molds need to position their organization for separates from their rivals. To separate the organization, Custom Mold needs to know their focused needs which can be center fitness of the organization. For this situation, quality, item plan, and adaptability are vital aggressive needs for the molds creation. Cost and conveyance are focused components however just as request qualifiers, not arrange victors. For the plastic parts, conveyance and cost are more critical; quality and adaptability get to be request qualifiers. The significance of keeping up the conveyance calendar has brought on a large number of the issues with Custom Molds creation. Flexibility (Customization) Flexibility is an essential focused need for the molds. more content... As a benefit association, each organization needs to create their item at the lower value that can augment the benefit. At the plastic parts, the quantity of requests has remained generally stable. While the volume per request for parts has expanded essentially in the course of the most recent three years. This has brought on bottlenecks in the shop and has prompted late conveyances of parts. Quality (Top Quality) Both creation forms at Custom Molds have an awesome nature of assembling the molds and plastic part. Thus, quality should be clearly viewed as a main source of competitive advantage, by meeting customer requirements and also quality has to be consistent. In manufacturing strategy, therefore, quality is associated with both conformance to specifications and critical customer expectations. Lead–Time Delivery is a competitive priority because customers are interested in satisfying their needs and wants in the right quantity at the right time. It should be on time with high development speed. Lead time is a time issue where it reflects the accompanying ideas: the quantity of parts of an association's operations; how rapidly an item or administration is conveyed to a client; how dependably the items or administrations are produced and conveyed to the business sector; and the rate at which changes in items and procedures are Get more content on
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  • 13. Military Customs and Courtesy Essay Today's Army in an extremely nostalgic organization with a copious amount traditions and has about a million different methods of conducting its business. Some are old and some are new, but possibly the oldest one that has been around since before the Army was officially established and still lives today is the Army's rules, regulations and policies on customs and courtesies. In this form of a remedial block of instruction given to me, due to what I believe to be false targeting, I am to explain the Army's customs and courtesies and their importance. Customs and Courtesies are among the main fundamentals of military life, the other being the Seven Army Values, upon which Soldiers are expected to live and rely upon both on and off more content... A leader unwilling to sacrifice individual goals for the good of the unit cannot convince other unit members to do so. The mission suffers with potentially devastating effects. While personal goals often coincide with Army goals, there is no room for personal agendas at the expense of the institution or the American people. It is a standard in the hierarchy of military customs and courtesies that the leader must display to his subordinates that he is willing to put in extra effort, sacrifice personal time, and show initiative and motivation in order to achieve the same from his Soldiers. Tardiness is not tolerated in the military. It reflects inattention to duty. In addition to being extremely impolite, on active duty, it is punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Never keep a senior officer waiting because of your forgetfulness or lack of planning. If an unexpected event delays you, call ahead and give an explanation. The same rule applies to appointments and meetings you have arranged with subordinates. Don't keep them waiting. If your subordinates think of you as a "latecomer," you have not set a good example for them. In today's society, some people resign themselves to just getting by. Because we've been entrusted with our nation's security and a good portion of the national treasury –– because our mission often involves the risk of human life and sometimes national survival Get more content on
  • 14. The Immigration And Customs Enforcement Essay ICE stands for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, they deal with matters concerning border control, customs, trade and immigration to insure public safety and homeland security. Their priorities focus on preventing terrorism and the illegal movement of items, as well as people. Within ICE, there are three subgroups that fall into specialized tasks for the agency, such as Homeland security investigations (HSI) and the Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO). Although being a fairly new agency there has been more than a few controversies on how ICE handles the illegal immigrants, however, since 9/11 the U.S has been trying to find the most effective ways to stop terrorism. So, that also means that not everyone would agree with the tactics that ICE used to solve the problem for those specific cases. The U.S has been known as the land of opportunities, so of course people from all over the world would try to leave their countries that weren't thriving economically after World War I, this lead to immigration into the US to rise significantly. "Every year, the State Department issued a limited number of visas; only those immigrants who had obtained them and could present valid visas were permitted entry." Because of the limited number of visas, the number of illegal attempts into the country began to occur. The Border Patrol was established when illegal aliens and entries started becoming more frequent, the strict guidelines also causing deportation to go on as well. Get more content on
  • 15. The Custom House Custom–House, in order to not only introduce his prior autobiographical writing, but describe how he came about creating his novel. In the Custom–House, the narrator works as a surveyor in the Salem Custom–House. He is surrounded by an aged group of workers, who pass time by sleeping and repeating various stories of their lives as sailors. The narrator, who believes his life and job are becoming rather frivolous, stumbles across a document that seemed to be untouched by humans for a large period of time. It was an "idle and rainy day" when Hawthorne discovered what he explains to be the Scarlet Letter. He is wandering through the second story of the Custom–House and finds himself in a large, barren room in which the run down walls are unfinished and the ceiling's uncovered more content... He then shudders and lets the letter fall to the floor. Hawthorne does not realize there is yet another piece of paper that had been wrapped up inside the letter. The writings in this paper explains occurrences and past events of the life of a woman named Hester Prynne. Pue writes about how she lived her life as a voluntary nurse, carrying out as much good as possible in her life. As Hawthorne digs deeper into the documents he found, he discovers more stories of the woman, the author referring to the Scarlet Letter several times throughout his writings. Hawthorne lastly describes his feelings about what to do next with the package he found. He ponders over the stories of Hester Prynne, believing that the stories are the doorway to creating his own novel. He even elucidates how he felt as if Surveyor Pue's ghost emphatically urged him to share the information with the public. Nathaniel Hawthorne eventually does share his information through his own words, in the novel he constructs, titled The Scarlet Get more content on
  • 16. Essay Human Culture Culture Culture is a learned behaviour made up with a shared set of; values, norms and beliefs which are governed by a sense of tradition and shared history that gives us a common identity. Since human beings are virtually identical biologically, as individuals our different characteristics can be explained and expressed through our human behaviour through symbolic representation. Our perception of the World around us can also influence ourculture. For example; what we perceive or interpret as good or bad reflects on our morals, values and what we are willing to accept, allow and stand up against. According to Hofsted, Culture is a 'is the shared attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviour' also referred to as 'Mental Programming' more content... The women dress conservatively covering the beauty aspects of their bodies and the men sometimes wear long dresses. The tacit characteristics are those which are hidden and can only be seen with deeper look or understanding.(Gibson, 2002) Arabs are known to be strict followers of Islam and follow a conservative way of life one way is that Muslim men and women do not socialise openly. Interculturalists mention that there is a range of culture such as; gender, age, religion, regional and class culture (Garson, 2002). This suggests that people from the same or similar back ground integrate with individuals who share or have the same ethnics, social class, age and religion. This can be related to typical high schools in the USA , where the upper class or 'rich kids' group themselves into the cheerleading team or the football team whereas those from middle class back rounds are either the 'nerds' or trying to fit into High school life. In the same way people consciously join groups with those who share interests as them in order to feel comfortable with a sense of identity and belonging. My culture reflects the various ways I express myself, however throughout my childhood I had a different culture that was more traditional and now that I am my own individual I have grown and been influenced by enlightened ideas and theories. Due to this I am able to make my own choices, opinions and decisions in Get more content on
  • 17. Immigration And Customs Enforcement The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency is the largest and pri– mary investigative arm of the U.S. DHS.46 ICE is responsible for identifying and inves– tigating weaknesses within the nation's borders, developing intelligence concerning threats, removing foreign nationals, and enforcing over 400 federal statutes. The agency was formed in 2003 as part of the Homeland Security Act and is the result of a merger of several federal agencies, including the Customs Service, Immigration and Natural– ization, and the Federal Protective Service. ICE has approximately 15,000 employees in 400 offices in the United States and 50 offices around the world.47 The ICE agency plays a pivotal role in enforcing Internet–related crimes because Get more content on
  • 18. Things Fall Apart Customs And Tradition Analysis The Importance of Customs and Traditions Religions around the world share similar fundamentals but can differ tremendously depending on what is being practised. Although, there are some practises that are not accepted throughout our world. Human nature tends to be frightened or uncomfortable with what we do not understand and therefore, we judge. It is not uncommon however, it is psychologically proven that the human brain follows "The Crowd Effect." Simply put, when an individual is placed in a group scenario, the bias of the individual can be strongly influenced. Whether or not the accepted truth is fact or fallacy. Having the ability to be open minded and not jump to conclusions would have a great effect on our societies today. Tradition has played a major factor throughout our world's history and continues to grow each day. Sometimes tradition changes from its present form into a new custom. In the book Things Fall Apart the Ibo people of Umuofia, believe that there is one creator, God, also called Chineke or Chukwu. The creator can be approached through numerous other deities and spirits in the form of natural objects. Okonkwo, a respected leader amongst the village people, who lives in fear that he will become like his father– a man known for his laziness and cowardice. Much of Okonkwo's masculine behaviour results in him killing without remorse, beating his three wives more content... Disrupting the nature of one's life is not acceptable under any circumstances and will hopefully not continue as we grow together. It is completely understandable if a certain religion does not appeal to the best interests in our hearts but that also means we should not judge. Elders, books, the internet and our loved ones can help explain the mysterious backgrounds that are practised around us. This will definitely help our societies we live in today, for things not to fall Get more content on
  • 19. Essay about Custom Mode Inc. Case Study Team 3: Team 3: Case Study: Custom Molds, INC Case Study: Custom Molds, INC Custom Molds Inc., manufactures custom designed molds for plastic parts and produces custom made plastic connectors for the electronics industry. Established in 1987, the primary focus was to provide manufacturers or electronic connectors a source of high–quality custom–designed molds for producing plastic parts. After building a strong brand reputation through the designing and fabrication of precision molds, Custom Mold's expanded into the limited manufacture of plastic parts. The operations at Custom Mold's include a process for fabricating molds and a second process for producing plastic parts. The two processes are linked together, but more content... Based on the changing electronic industry and business demands, Custom Molds should correct major issues by adopting the following recommendations. The molding process should focus on small batch sizes and purchase more small and customizable machines. More workers should be hired to oversee the production since there is more labor needed to prepare the machine for each customized mold. The plastic parts process should focus on few but large capacity specialized machines. Fewer workers will be needed to oversee this process because there are few setting changes needed. To control the problem of late deliveries, a better communication system between offices should be implemented so workers do not need to walk back and forth between offices. Orders should also be accepted based on the ability to complete the product in the time that is promised to the customer. More efficient communication between all departments would result in a more accurate estimated delivery time. To control errors resulting in defective parts, Custom Molds should invest in moving the testing center to a more centrally located area. More frequent testing and less walking will increase efficiency and decrease defective products. An alternative option to the recommendations listed, is for Custom Molds Inc. to evaluate the market for the products they produce and to decide to make either molds or plastic parts. The key factors that should be considered while Get more content on
  • 20. Custom Pen Essay Custom Pens Length: Designing your own custom nib holder is so exciting! Because the material we use has set lengths, our pen designs are limited to 5". Both of our standard designs are 5" long, which seems to be a happy medium. People with smaller hands sometimes prefer their pens to be in the 5" range. Shape: Have you seen any pen designs that have inspired you? Please feel free to send those to us when you order. We love to try new things and will work hard to create the pen you of your dreams. We can also surprise you if you don't have a preference. Material: We use acrylic resin "blanks" from a few different suppliers. It's possible to get custom made blanks from our suppliers with specific wood species and/or color(s) more content... Please see the video if you need help or to see it being done! What is a "carrot" pen? A carrot is a shorter pen with a fatter grip. The thick grip tends to force you to hold the pen a bit differently than a regular thin pen or pencil which helps you remember to keep your hand relaxed. Will my new pen come with a nib? Yes! All of our pens will ship with a Brause 361– Blue Pumpkin nib already inserted. We've found this to be a user–friendly and versatile nib. What does "handmade" mean? Handmade means that every pen is made by hand, one at a time, with a lot of time and attention spent on getting the curves and angles just right. It's been buffed, polished and carefully inspected each step of the way. Every one of our handmade pens are a little different, giving you a one of a kind writing instrument. We've learned our designs through trial and error. They are not made by a machine or with a "pattern".Like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike. Just like writing calligraphy, pen making requires a "muscle memory" and craftsmanship. How long will it take to make my custom pen? Custom pens typically take anywhere from 1–4 weeks to create. The time required depends on many factors, the materials requested and our current backlog of work. If you have questions about timing, please don't hesitate to contact
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  • 22. Traditions Are Important For Our Society One concept that is present in every culture is tradition, and whether it be secular or religious, they each bring a unique significance to each culture. Nevertheless, traditions are important and somewhat necessary because it helps keep a culture "on its feet" and it provides a sense of identity for people. Traditions may vary from little things like going to your favorite restaurant on a special day like birthdays or family reunion, to big important traditions like eating Kosher in Judaism and the mandatory following of the Five Pillars of Islam. But keeping traditions are so important for our society today because it allows people to honor those who came before them in hopes of improving their culture and make positive contributions to society. This also puts better emphasis on family life and teaches how to strengthen family life through tradition. Although some ceremonies and rituals prevail longer than us, they make us feel part of that larger sense of things as we pass them down to our own children, to their children, and so on. Traditions are important because they are the basis of all knowledge within the realm of a giving culture or religion; however, they can also be sexist in nature, dangerous, or just immoral. Some traditions may even include some influence of gender roles as apparent in the Maori tribe with women being prohibited from positions of leadership and power, and in the Muslim faith where women 's role in society has been subject to controversy and Get more content on