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Environmental Racism And Environmental Justice
Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice
Environmental Racism and Environmental justice is one of the biggest global issues that the world has facing and dealing with and critically hits the
world as a result inconsistency implementation from the government. It has many issues that out of control and unprecedented and discriminating in
the process. the government hasn't want to stabilizing the issues and environmental discrimination, and environmental policy making are one of the top
critically impact the affect the global issues and confronting environmental racism in our generation twenty first century.
According to Bullard, R. (2002), "despite significant improvements in environmental protection over past more content...
Moreover, the consideration of the problematic equation associated with environmental injustice is not only concern of the movement. For example
from the statement of Bullard, when stated about the environmental justice practical reality, "advances environmental justice is not a social program",
nor it and affirmative action program and that ultimately the central concern of the movement is the implementation of justice ("American
Environmental Justice Movement | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy", 2016). The statement of environmental justice, originated with a great
passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VI, which stated that the illegality of any act against the passage that not permitted or allowed the
federal government to discrimination any bases of race, color and national origin. Nevertheless, the reality and actual practice has been differently and
the global environment issues have many conflicts that critically influence and move the world in critical movement. (–j
/#H3) As a result today there is no place in the world have environment is protected and resistible because of intentional governmental
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Importance Of Environment Essay
The environment plays a significant role in life. It is an essential part of our life. A clean environment is very necessary to live a peaceful and healthy
life. An environment is the natural surroundings which help life to grow and nourish on this earth. It helps human beings, animals and other living
things to grow and develop naturally. But now days,our everyday actions and decisions are negatively impacting the environment, causing pollution,
deforestation, overfishing.We are disturbing our environment in many ways which affecting not only the environment but all living beings. Any type
of disturbance in the nature's balance affects the environment totally which ruins the human lives. Ever since the first human beings, there
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All across the world, people are facing challenging environmental problems every day. Global warming is the biggest problem that our planet is
facing right now. It is one of the most current and widely discussed problem. In short, global warming represents a fundamental threat to all living
things on earth.Climate changes like global warming is the result of human practices like emission of greenhouse gases. Global warming leads to
rising temperatures of the oceans and the earth surface causing melting of polar ice caps, rise in sea levels and also lead to natural disaster such as
flash floods and desertification. A decade ago, global warming was not much of a concern as it is now. No matter how much we are informed about it
, we as a society seem to ignore the future disasters that global warming will acquire. Global warming is a "global" dilemma and everyone has an
obligation to help reduce emissions. Human influence has always been a very serious issue to Global warming.We as human are not taking care of the
earth. Human influence to this global warming is more than the natural causes .The earth has been changing for many years until now it is still
changing because of modern lifestyle of human. Human activities include industrial production, gas emission,burning fossil fuel and deforestation. Gas
emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from
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Environmental Science Essay
Environmental Fundamentals
Laura Jackson
April 8, 2013
Environmental Fundamentals
Environmental science is defined as the study of the environment and the interconnecting systems it contains, furthermore, the way people interact with
their natural surroundings and use natural resources (wise geek, 2013). Scientist in this field is highly interdisciplinary and extremely diverse, for
example, a scientist might study volcanoes or climate change. This essay will cover the following; the definition of environmental science, the
relationship between science and technology and how it affects environmental problems; the concept of environmental sustainability and why it should
be studied; how more content...
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental sustainability is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the idea of keeping
the environment as pristine as naturally possible based on ideal–seeking behavior (Wikipedia, 2010). What makes environmental sustainability so
important is that it demands that society designs activities to meet human needs while indefinitely preserving the life support systems of the planet
(Wikipedia, 2010). Human consumption can only use the nature's resources at a rate that can be replenished naturally.
Human Values affecting Society
The most devastating environmental change of all is the loss of biodiversity. The rate of species extinction has remained at one species per million per
year, furthermore, the accelerating destruction of habitats throughout the world leads to projections of the loss of two–thirds of all species on earth by
the end of this century, and millions of years to recover from the Cretaceous period (, 2013). As individuals, we obtain our food, directly
or indirectly from plants, for example, plant our primary use of medicines. Biodiversity also determines the properties of communities and ecosystems,
which capture energy from the sun. The world is less resilient, more homogeneous, less interesting, and with fewer opportunities for our descendants
and ourselves: where the process reaches
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Reflection On Environmentalism
Thematically based around environmental issues, English 131 strays away from the stereotypical English composition class of overanalyzing classic,
fictional literature, and instead melds the logical power of factual science with the emotional power of writing, to produce a course fit to tackle
present day concerns. While certainly not to knock at typical English language and literature composition classes, as these courses are a boot camp for
strengthening analytical skills and producing complex claims, it was refreshing to take part in a more research based curriculum, especially in a topic
that I had previously little to no experience in. However, while this class is definitely more grounded in research and facts, my previous experiences of
closely analyzing and dealing with theoretical concepts is readily apparent throughout my course writing. As you will soon hopefully notice, the
majority of my work presented in this portfolio deals with the ethics and emotions behind environmentalism. Although my overarching topic is more
conceptual than one would expect in an environmentally driven English class, my arguments and claims are backed with facts and logic, while still
retaining the resonating impact associated with pathos induced writing. The products of this combination–of the weaving together of logos and
pathos–which the curriculum of this class has readily allowed me to do, are carefully crafted, argumentatively sound papers and projects that
demonstrate a proficiency
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Environmental health is the science that studies how the environment influences the human disease and health. Environment means things that are
natural to us in the environment, for instance air, water, and soil. However, it also covers the physical, chemical, biological, and social features that
surround us every day. The physical environment is the man–made or built structures that include our living, work, and even schools. Included in the
community systems such as the roads and our transportations, and waste management. However, the alterations such as air pollution to our natural
environment, is included in the physical section. The social environment is our social lifestyles like diet, exercise, socioeconomic status and many more content...
The pollution has both chronic and acute effects on our health, and affects many of our systems and organs. The health consequences of lower levels of
pollution have been more difficult to decide. The first cause is that people differ in response to the environment and the toxics. When we are exposed to
the different conditions caused by the environment, the variation is wide because of how we react. With this variability of the population, it can mask
the effects that do occur in a sensitive segment of the population. The second difficulty is our age, and the timing of the exposures and how it will
influence both sensitivity to the environmental agent, and the type of effect it will cause our health. Infants and children may acquire lifelong damage
compared to us adults. Environmental regulation and pollution control will remain an important cornerstone of the public health policy. The focus will
be prevention, instead of disease treatment. Control of the pollution is a highly cost–effective means ensuring public health. With the contaminated
environments and the work hazards in occupations, improving the pollution control may lead to a reduced health care disparities. When the health of
all citizens is protected that a nation can fulfill its potential. Another reason we could consider is the climate change. The climate poses a challenge to
our health. Threats to our health caused by a toxin or disease pathogen, there are ways the
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Caring About Our Environment Essay
Caring About Our Environment
Improving and maintaining the earth's environment is becoming a more important task every day of our lives. Due to ignorance and frequent
carelessness, this important task is quickly becoming a critical one. For this reason, I took it upon myself to construct a strategic plan to enlighten my
peers to the problems of our environment. I did this in hopes that it would encourage everyone to act responsibly towards improving and maintaining
the environment. With ongoing threats to the earth's water supply,atmosphere, and surface, I found it necessary to devise a method of environmental
enlightenment. I plan to apply this method at my place of academic study, The University. If supported by the more content...
I recently discovered that one cheeseburger takes more than 700 gallons of water to produce (includes water consumed by cows, water used to irrigate
the cornfields that feed the cows, and the water used to produce the beef and cheese). When considering the millions of cheeseburgers that are
consumed worldwide everyday, it is evident that the earth's water supply is declining rapidly. Due to air pollution, theozone layer is also being
consumed at an extreme rate. Its arch nemesis is the various fumes from cars and factories. Scientists estimate that each 1% drop in ozone levels
causes a 3 to 6% rise in skin cancer cases. Since the ozone layer prevents most ultraviolet and other high–energy radiation from penetrating to the
earth's surface, this is a crisis that has to be rectified. The ozone's depletion has dropped to a level so thin that if we brought it down to Earth, it would
only be as deep as the thickness of three dimes. The only positive outlook concerning this matter is that the ozone has the ability to reconstruct itself
when UV–C rays break the bond of O2. Single oxygen atoms combine with O2 to form ozone (UV–B rays limit this process still yet). This evidence
shows that the world is in dire need of an environmental resurrection. In order for this to occur and be successful, it would require an effort by every
individual nation of our world.
My resolution requires that The University of South Carolina
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Global Pollution Essay
Pollution is a growing issue in the world and is the major cause that contributes to many environmental problems. What is usually classified as
pollution, what kind of pollution is present in the world, and what the people are doing to deal with this pollution issue in the world. There are several
problems with world pollution that are associated with global warming and include waste disposal, water pollution, and air pollution. These things are
usually caused by people on the planet who produce waste. This has been a growing complication and is (omit) now been taken as a serious issue.
Solutions to these situations have been considered to keep the Earth and all the things in it.
One of the situations that are involved with more content...
"The problem of exposure to hazardous materials remains, except that it is spread over a wider area" (Newton).
Illegal waste disposal is also another reason that contributes to world pollution.
It may be defined as the improper disposal of waste at any site other than a regularly licensed landfill or other facility. Usually this kind of disposal
is done because people are unaware of the law and are unwilling to take the time or refuse to pay the costs for properly disposing materials, or are in
possession of toxic materials that may cause legal problems. (Watts) "Illegal waste dumping ranges from being a simple nuisance to a serious health
hazard and often occur in isolated or desolate places. In the United States, illegal waste dumping is often thought of as a local problem; however, the
motives and types of people who engage in it–including multinational corporations, criminal syndicates, and individuals–persist throughout the world"
The dangers of disposing of waste illegally are often unknown by some corporations or even ignored. By not getting rid of waste properly it
encourages more dumping, so a small problem may rapidly become a major hazard. Another danger is the health risks posed by the type of material
being discarded. Dangerous materials commonly dumped illegally include such medical wastes as used syringes
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Environmental Science Reflection
Over the course of the semester, I feel that, in my Introduction to Environmental Science (EVR2001) class, I have learned an extensive amount about
current, past, and possibly future environmental issues that our planet is enduring. Many of the issues impacting our environment have caught my
attention and opened my eyes to the effects these issues are causing. Environmental science has had an impact on me personally, and has changed my
understanding and the intensity of my opinions on many environmental issues in a variety of ways. There are even particular environmental issues that
I find relevant to my own life for many reasons. This class taught me how I can reduce my own impact on the environment, which has even led me to
change some aspects of my life to reduce my environmental impact as a result. EVR2001 has impacted me personally, in many different ways First,
this class has brought so many issues to my attention, and taught me that almost anything can have a negative impact on our environment. For
example, I found it intriguing that even letting a pet cat, or feral cats in general, outside, is a severe negative threat to the biodiversity of an
ecosystem (Lecture 4 Slides). Personally, I do not believe many people know the effect cats can have, which leads them to believe their cat is fine
roaming around outside. The Global Article Analysis assignments had another impact on me. They allowed me to realize that countries can be affected
differently by the same
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Environmental Pollution Essay
Environmental Pollution
Automobiles like these are around the world everyday, and their exhaust destroys our air everyday.
Our environment is a major aspect of our life today. Many of us don't take our
Earth seriously and think that as long as pollution doesn't hurt them they can go ahead and throw garbage on the ground or spill oil down the drain.
Well to many people have that theory and they are killing offour Earth and also physically harming themselves from the air they breath and the water
they swim in. Our Earth is fragile like a human and people don't know. There are many different types ofenvironmental pollution (e.g. Water, air,
Scientists believe that more content...
If this depletion opens up dangerous and deadly UV Rays from the sun will come into Earth. Air pollution causes global warming which scientist
believe is making the Earth warmer and melting ice up in the South and North
Pole. The country Holland has had water from the ocean got too high for them and flooded into towns. Holland spent millions of dollars to put up
"dikes" which are big barriers in the water to prevent their town to be completely submerged.
With the ocean getting deeper coastal cites all around the world could flood, billions of dollars would be spent to try to prevent it, but in a while it
could not be stopped. Instead of waiting and having to spend all this money why don't we put it together today and try different ways of preventing air
pollution, it would be much easier than all the trouble of stopping flooding.
Water pollution is another major aspect of environmental pollution.
Water pollution is scary because over 75% of our Earth is covered by the ocean.
Water pollution comes from many different sources around the world. One major pollutant that destroys the ocean is oil spills. The oil from an oil
spill kills hundreds of sea animals from fish, to whales, to birds. Below is a small list of just some of the major oil spills. Notice how many tons were
spilled into our ocean... Notable Oil Spills Date Location Description Tons
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The Problem Of Food Waste In America
Problem As society expands, it is critical to seek ways to lessen humans' environmental impact. A key aspect of practicing sustainability is efficiently
using resources, and one of such resources is food. In America alone, about 40% of food goes uneaten, and as the population increases, pressures on
managing this waste will only increase further (Buzby, et al. 499). With many Americans lacking a secure supply offood, the need for an improved
ability to manage food waste is essential. Furthermore, food waste places a severe strain on the environment. In an article by Buzby, Hyman, Stewart,
and Wells, they state, "Food loss at the retail and consumer levels represents significant amounts of money and other resources invested in food
production, including land, fresh water, labor, energy, agricultural chemicals (e.g., fertilizer, pesticides) and other inputs to produce food that does not
ultimately meet its intended purpose of feeding people" (Buzby, et al. 492). It is clear that the problems with food waste are immense, ranging from
environmental to economic. Food waste across the country is a pressing issue, however, it is very large in scope. A narrower area with great potential
for improvement is college dining halls, specifically those at Rutgers University. In Dr. Whitehair's article on improving university dining, she states
"Food waste generated by universities each year is estimated at nearly 540,000 million tons" (Whitehair 63). Rutgers University's Dining
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Responsibility Of Environmental Responsibility
Today in our world we don't seem to care about what happens to our planet. We are just continuing to pollute, destroy ecosystems, and deplete our
natural resources, and so much more to harm our environment. But what is anyone doing to stop this to save our environment? All of his conflict and
problems we are bringing onto our selves, which will only continue to get worse and worse if we don't take action now. It is important to know that
humans must have a relationship with our planet in order to not destroy it, also known as environmental responsibility.
What exactly is environmental responsibility? There really isn't an exact definition since there are many ways people look at the situation. But one of
the interpretations of the definition is that environmental responsibly is the "obligation of decision makers to take actions which protect and improve the
environment as a whole, along with their own interests," according to the University of Pretorie. But my personal view of the subject at hand is,
it's one responsibly or duty to take care, help improve and rebuild any past and future damages we have or will on our environment. Fixing our past
actions will help us repair our damaged environment, and prepare us for any future conflict. . But why is it important to have environmental
responsibility? It's important since all of the resources we are using and the way we are using them today, are either constructing or razing the world
of tomorrow. So, we have to construct sustainability in order to secure we have enough resources, and make sure we don't run out of them in the
future. First let me start with the basics. I know you have heard of how we are polluting our environment. It has existed in the air, water, and soil for
thousands of years, and all this pollution in our environment can cause many problems such as diseases such as cancer. We need to take drastic
measures to stop all of this pollution in our environment. We can start using clean energy in our everyday lives. Instead of using gas to power our cars,
in the future we may switch to electric cars. Since cars are one of the main contributors to the air pollution in our environment. We can reduce the
amount of runoff in our water systems by
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Essay On Environmental Impact On Environment
Environmental Impact of Personal Lifestyle: Behavior # 1
My first lifestyle behavior that has an impact on the environment is the overuse of bottled water and plastic bags. In our modern society using
plastic bags and bottled water became a necessity in our everyday life which is completely unnecessary. I, personally depend on stuff made of
plastic for my basic needs. I usually every time doing some shopping every time using new plastic bags. Sometimes these bags gathered in my house
that I just throw them into the trash. I use plastic zippers to store food and other things. No doubt it is very convenient to cover the table with a plastic
cover sheet before dinner and just take and throw away without a second thought. It is cheap and convenient, I don't have to spend a couple of minutes
to clean it and reuse next time. Unfortunately, the higher prices for our lazy life is paying our environment with global warming.
Bottled water consumption has attached to the issue of the overutilization of plastic to which I was just addicted to. While I was drinking my 8
glasses water per day, I was wasting 8 plastic bottles. During my cooking process where I used water from bottles assuming it is healthier than the
tap water, I was wasting minimum 5 bottles per meal. I used to cook every day and sometimes twice a day. In this case, there are two issues in one
that I was causing to the environment first quantity of the plastic waste and the use of low–quality water by paying lots of
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The Importance Of Environmental Consciousness
In recent days, certainly, the term environmental consciousness is one of the most utilized in various degrees in our society. It being in a conference of
international leaders or a local neighborhood meeting, the matter of being environmentally and ecologically conscient became a mandatory measure. In
a general sense, being conscious towards environmental issues is described as the ability to comprehend the environment one habits in, the actions and
relationships among it, and the impacts the caused by a short or long term. Such consciousness is only felt as complete once the perception that such
actions are much greater than a local, it impacts the planet and the environment in question. In order to diminish the human environmental impact, we
need to rethink our actions and its possible consequences.
Additionally, another aspect of acquiring such consciousness is the search for information. After all, awareness and knowledge are subjects profoundly
interrelated. For instance, in recent days it is brought to the fact that cars are released pollutant gases, as industries.Yet that the most developed and
consumerist countries are the ones that release most pollutant gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. The understanding that the amount of
waste produced is also a major issue and it produces affects the environmental balance.
However, being aware of such knowledge does not mean being environmentally conscious. Such can have minimal utility when not transformed
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Persuasive Essay On Environmental Sustainability
The current global population of 7.6 billion people is expected to reach 11.2 billion in 2100 (UN DESA), and as the Earth's population continues to
grow exponentially, the topic of environmental sustainability is being debated with increased urgency. In the past few years, many large–scale
environmental issues have emerged due to human activities: climate change, air and water pollution, rising sea levels, habitat loss, species extinction,
and worsening natural disasters are all becoming more and more prevalent. But perhaps our most immediate concern should be whether or not we will
be able to continue feeding this ever–increasing population.
While all of us relatively understand how driving cars, leaving the lights on, or using too much water can affect the environment, there is one massive
human activity that is frequently overlooked–eating. From growing, to processing, to distributing, and finally consuming, our agricultural system uses
an immense portion of our planet's limited resources and emits large amounts of greenhouse gases that have drastic effects on the environment.
Because of this, it is imperative to understand the environmental impacts of the type of foods that we choose to include in our diets. While much of
today's population is heavily reliant on animal products, it is evident that a meat–based diet is not environmentally sustainable; on the other hand, a
plant–based diet is much more environmentally friendly in terms of the amount of grain, water, and
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Essay about Environmentalism
Evironmentalism: The Next Step Broad Social Change Through Personal Commitment Introduction In the last thirty years, America has witnessed an
environmental revolution. New laws like the 1963 Clean Air Act and the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act forged new ground in political
environmentalism. Social phenomena like Earth Day, organized by Dennis Hayes in 1970, and the beginning of large–scale recycling, marked by
Oregon's 1972 Bottle Bill, have help change the way Americans think about the environment. As we approach the third millennium, however, we must
reconsider our place on the planet and reflect on our efforts and progress towards a sustainable society. As global warming becomes a scientific reality,
natural disasters make more content...
Transportation The invention of the automobile is one of history's greatest environmental disasters. The automobile decentralized our society. People
with cars moved out of the city and drove to work from their suburban homes. Before the automobile, agriculture was local. Food was grown by
farmers living in what was soon to be the suburbs, and delivered fresh to markets in the cities. Because of the short distance food had to travel, farmers
didn't need to add preservatives or other additives to maintain freshness. Clearly, the automobile, like other harmful inventions, makes our lives easier in
many ways, but how often do we consider the environment when weighing these benefits? Fossil fuels account for the automobile's most significant
effect on the environment. Not only are the emissions from cars and trucks toxic to every air–breathing organism, but every step of the fossil fuel
process, from extraction to disposal, is bad for the environment. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), millions of gallons of
untreated water contaminated by the drilling processes are dumped into waterways and oceans annually. Once extracted, fossil fuels are frequently
refined on site, burying 179 million tons of toxic waste annually. During transport, an average of 1 million gallons of oil is spilled into the ocean each
month. Upon arrival, fossil fuels are usually burned in automobiles or power plants. The average coal–burning power plant burns
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Essay On Environmental Pollution
The environmental issue I choose is pollution. There is different types of pollution. There is water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, thermal
pollution, radioactive pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution. Every type of pollution is bad and it is causing health issues and even worst, deaths.
Pollution is A very serious subject that is harmful to people and the environment. It is killing A lot of people. 4.6 million people die each year from
pollution. Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, stormwater, and industrial waste are dumped into US water.Pollution is one of the most
biggest global killers affecting over 100 million people. Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed by pollution every year.
Approximately 40% of lakes in America are too polluted for fishing, aquatic life, or swimming. Pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the
natural surroundings. Pollution disturbs our ecosystem. Air Pollution is the most dangerous forms of pollution. It occurs due to many of reasons,
excessive burning of fuel, cooking, driving and other types of activities that are similar. They release A huge amount of chemical substances in the air
everyday; these pollute the air. Also smoke from chimneys, factories, vehicles or burning basically occurs due to coal burning. Air pollution is
breaking down our ozone layer. There is different types of pollution but environmental pollution has been around for centuries and it is affecting the
environment. People should care about this topic because pollution is a serious problem and it causes many deaths and illnesses.
The worst types of pollution are air pollution and water pollution, they don't only harm our environment but also our health. It's really scary to think
about because around 15,000 people in the world each day die because of water pollution and 2.4 million people in the world die each year because of
air pollution. So this is a big environmental issue. The causes of water pollution is water and sewage waste. World population is increasing each year.
This is causing huge environmental and health damage. Most water pollution doesn't begin in the water it starts with what stuff filters and enters
through the water.
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Environmental Issue Essay
Environmental problems are something which belongs to nature or known as "Mother Earth" [13]. Nature was created to help people survive from
gathering foods until build a house. This phenomenon happens continuously without thinking how much damage that nature has because human's fault.
Nature gradually becomes worse and animal's life in danger. People who are aware of the importance of nature react. Those people do several ways to
save the environment. Although these efforts can return back the environment, these efforts only can be hold temporarily. This problem happens
because those people who are aware of the environment only slightly; for remaining, there are people either do not know or do not care about the
nature. People's more content...
Air pollution levels have a large existence in big cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bandung, and so on. This problem happens because the number of
motor vehicle use that is not limited [1]. Exhaust smog are the cause of air pollution which has the dangerous effects for people's health. Exhaust smog
is a result of burning fuel oil every motor vehicle. There are two types of burning fuel oil: the first is complete burning [2] and incomplete burning [3].
These types of burning have the differentiation in producing the remainder. Complete burning produces carbon dioxide as a result of remaining while
incomplete burning produces carbon monoxide as a result of the rest. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are gases that are harmful to people's
health and could decrease ozone layer [4] [5]. Exhaust smog is hazardous to people's health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil [6].
Consequently, exhaust smog has possibility to contain carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gas. These harmful gases affect human respiration.
Carbon monoxide makes the respiratory system becomes worse. Carbon monoxide will interfere with the process of hemoglobin in breathing [7]. As a
result, people will not only feel lack of oxygen but also often feel dizzy and weak. In the other hand, carbon dioxide causes dizziness and fatigue to the
sufferer [8]. In the prevention and reduction of the impact of exhaust smog, the Indonesian government decided all motor vehicle users have to check
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Essay on Environmental Ethics
Ethics is the study of what is right and wrong in human conduct. Environmental ethics studies the effects of human's moral relationships on the
environment and everything within it (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008). The ethical principles that govern those relations determine human
duties, obligations, and responsibilities with regard to the Earth's natural environment and all of the animals and plants that inhabit it (Taylor, 1989). The
purpose of this paper is to reveal environmental issues that are threatening the existence of life on Earth, and discus our social obligations to refrain
from further damaging our environment, health and life for future generations. I will discus the need for appropriate actions and the more
These perspectives are anthropocentric or human centered and view all non–human life as less important than humans themselves. Environmental ethics
challenges these beliefs by questioning the assumed moral superiority of human beings to members of other species on earth (SEP, 2008). Preservation
of the environment is essential to the preservation of the human race. Global Warming is the number one concern threatening the very existence of
humans and everything within the environment today. The human race is to blame for the destruction of the natural world. The environmental issues
that are threatening all human and non–human life today, started in the industrial revolution and the discovery of oil The need to improve the quality of
life resulted in the construction of factories to mass produce products for consumers. These factories were powered by fossil fuels such as coal, oil and
gas. The combustion of these fossil fuels emitted great quantities of pollutants that remain in the Earths atmosphere to this day and is the number one
cause of global warming. However, in ethics one cannot evaluate just one thing. In ethics, as in nature, everything is connected to everything else
(Partridge, 1998). Deforestation for agricultural purposes and the expansion of human habitats is happening around the world. This
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  • 2. Importance Of Environment Essay The environment plays a significant role in life. It is an essential part of our life. A clean environment is very necessary to live a peaceful and healthy life. An environment is the natural surroundings which help life to grow and nourish on this earth. It helps human beings, animals and other living things to grow and develop naturally. But now days,our everyday actions and decisions are negatively impacting the environment, causing pollution, deforestation, overfishing.We are disturbing our environment in many ways which affecting not only the environment but all living beings. Any type of disturbance in the nature's balance affects the environment totally which ruins the human lives. Ever since the first human beings, there more content... All across the world, people are facing challenging environmental problems every day. Global warming is the biggest problem that our planet is facing right now. It is one of the most current and widely discussed problem. In short, global warming represents a fundamental threat to all living things on earth.Climate changes like global warming is the result of human practices like emission of greenhouse gases. Global warming leads to rising temperatures of the oceans and the earth surface causing melting of polar ice caps, rise in sea levels and also lead to natural disaster such as flash floods and desertification. A decade ago, global warming was not much of a concern as it is now. No matter how much we are informed about it , we as a society seem to ignore the future disasters that global warming will acquire. Global warming is a "global" dilemma and everyone has an obligation to help reduce emissions. Human influence has always been a very serious issue to Global warming.We as human are not taking care of the earth. Human influence to this global warming is more than the natural causes .The earth has been changing for many years until now it is still changing because of modern lifestyle of human. Human activities include industrial production, gas emission,burning fossil fuel and deforestation. Gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from Get more content on
  • 3. Environmental Science Essay Environmental Fundamentals Laura Jackson Env/100 April 8, 2013 JOHN ENSWORTH Environmental Fundamentals Introduction Environmental science is defined as the study of the environment and the interconnecting systems it contains, furthermore, the way people interact with their natural surroundings and use natural resources (wise geek, 2013). Scientist in this field is highly interdisciplinary and extremely diverse, for example, a scientist might study volcanoes or climate change. This essay will cover the following; the definition of environmental science, the relationship between science and technology and how it affects environmental problems; the concept of environmental sustainability and why it should be studied; how more content... Environmental Sustainability Environmental sustainability is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the idea of keeping the environment as pristine as naturally possible based on ideal–seeking behavior (Wikipedia, 2010). What makes environmental sustainability so important is that it demands that society designs activities to meet human needs while indefinitely preserving the life support systems of the planet (Wikipedia, 2010). Human consumption can only use the nature's resources at a rate that can be replenished naturally. Human Values affecting Society The most devastating environmental change of all is the loss of biodiversity. The rate of species extinction has remained at one species per million per year, furthermore, the accelerating destruction of habitats throughout the world leads to projections of the loss of two–thirds of all species on earth by the end of this century, and millions of years to recover from the Cretaceous period (, 2013). As individuals, we obtain our food, directly or indirectly from plants, for example, plant our primary use of medicines. Biodiversity also determines the properties of communities and ecosystems, which capture energy from the sun. The world is less resilient, more homogeneous, less interesting, and with fewer opportunities for our descendants
  • 4. and ourselves: where the process reaches Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection On Environmentalism Thematically based around environmental issues, English 131 strays away from the stereotypical English composition class of overanalyzing classic, fictional literature, and instead melds the logical power of factual science with the emotional power of writing, to produce a course fit to tackle present day concerns. While certainly not to knock at typical English language and literature composition classes, as these courses are a boot camp for strengthening analytical skills and producing complex claims, it was refreshing to take part in a more research based curriculum, especially in a topic that I had previously little to no experience in. However, while this class is definitely more grounded in research and facts, my previous experiences of closely analyzing and dealing with theoretical concepts is readily apparent throughout my course writing. As you will soon hopefully notice, the majority of my work presented in this portfolio deals with the ethics and emotions behind environmentalism. Although my overarching topic is more conceptual than one would expect in an environmentally driven English class, my arguments and claims are backed with facts and logic, while still retaining the resonating impact associated with pathos induced writing. The products of this combination–of the weaving together of logos and pathos–which the curriculum of this class has readily allowed me to do, are carefully crafted, argumentatively sound papers and projects that demonstrate a proficiency Get more content on
  • 6. Environmental health is the science that studies how the environment influences the human disease and health. Environment means things that are natural to us in the environment, for instance air, water, and soil. However, it also covers the physical, chemical, biological, and social features that surround us every day. The physical environment is the man–made or built structures that include our living, work, and even schools. Included in the community systems such as the roads and our transportations, and waste management. However, the alterations such as air pollution to our natural environment, is included in the physical section. The social environment is our social lifestyles like diet, exercise, socioeconomic status and many more content... The pollution has both chronic and acute effects on our health, and affects many of our systems and organs. The health consequences of lower levels of pollution have been more difficult to decide. The first cause is that people differ in response to the environment and the toxics. When we are exposed to the different conditions caused by the environment, the variation is wide because of how we react. With this variability of the population, it can mask the effects that do occur in a sensitive segment of the population. The second difficulty is our age, and the timing of the exposures and how it will influence both sensitivity to the environmental agent, and the type of effect it will cause our health. Infants and children may acquire lifelong damage compared to us adults. Environmental regulation and pollution control will remain an important cornerstone of the public health policy. The focus will be prevention, instead of disease treatment. Control of the pollution is a highly cost–effective means ensuring public health. With the contaminated environments and the work hazards in occupations, improving the pollution control may lead to a reduced health care disparities. When the health of all citizens is protected that a nation can fulfill its potential. Another reason we could consider is the climate change. The climate poses a challenge to our health. Threats to our health caused by a toxin or disease pathogen, there are ways the Get more content on
  • 7. Caring About Our Environment Essay Caring About Our Environment Improving and maintaining the earth's environment is becoming a more important task every day of our lives. Due to ignorance and frequent carelessness, this important task is quickly becoming a critical one. For this reason, I took it upon myself to construct a strategic plan to enlighten my peers to the problems of our environment. I did this in hopes that it would encourage everyone to act responsibly towards improving and maintaining the environment. With ongoing threats to the earth's water supply,atmosphere, and surface, I found it necessary to devise a method of environmental enlightenment. I plan to apply this method at my place of academic study, The University. If supported by the more content... I recently discovered that one cheeseburger takes more than 700 gallons of water to produce (includes water consumed by cows, water used to irrigate the cornfields that feed the cows, and the water used to produce the beef and cheese). When considering the millions of cheeseburgers that are consumed worldwide everyday, it is evident that the earth's water supply is declining rapidly. Due to air pollution, theozone layer is also being consumed at an extreme rate. Its arch nemesis is the various fumes from cars and factories. Scientists estimate that each 1% drop in ozone levels causes a 3 to 6% rise in skin cancer cases. Since the ozone layer prevents most ultraviolet and other high–energy radiation from penetrating to the earth's surface, this is a crisis that has to be rectified. The ozone's depletion has dropped to a level so thin that if we brought it down to Earth, it would only be as deep as the thickness of three dimes. The only positive outlook concerning this matter is that the ozone has the ability to reconstruct itself when UV–C rays break the bond of O2. Single oxygen atoms combine with O2 to form ozone (UV–B rays limit this process still yet). This evidence shows that the world is in dire need of an environmental resurrection. In order for this to occur and be successful, it would require an effort by every individual nation of our world. My resolution requires that The University of South Carolina Get more content on
  • 8. Global Pollution Essay Pollution is a growing issue in the world and is the major cause that contributes to many environmental problems. What is usually classified as pollution, what kind of pollution is present in the world, and what the people are doing to deal with this pollution issue in the world. There are several problems with world pollution that are associated with global warming and include waste disposal, water pollution, and air pollution. These things are usually caused by people on the planet who produce waste. This has been a growing complication and is (omit) now been taken as a serious issue. Solutions to these situations have been considered to keep the Earth and all the things in it. One of the situations that are involved with more content... "The problem of exposure to hazardous materials remains, except that it is spread over a wider area" (Newton). Illegal waste disposal is also another reason that contributes to world pollution. It may be defined as the improper disposal of waste at any site other than a regularly licensed landfill or other facility. Usually this kind of disposal is done because people are unaware of the law and are unwilling to take the time or refuse to pay the costs for properly disposing materials, or are in possession of toxic materials that may cause legal problems. (Watts) "Illegal waste dumping ranges from being a simple nuisance to a serious health hazard and often occur in isolated or desolate places. In the United States, illegal waste dumping is often thought of as a local problem; however, the motives and types of people who engage in it–including multinational corporations, criminal syndicates, and individuals–persist throughout the world" (Watts). The dangers of disposing of waste illegally are often unknown by some corporations or even ignored. By not getting rid of waste properly it encourages more dumping, so a small problem may rapidly become a major hazard. Another danger is the health risks posed by the type of material being discarded. Dangerous materials commonly dumped illegally include such medical wastes as used syringes Get more content on
  • 9. Environmental Science Reflection Over the course of the semester, I feel that, in my Introduction to Environmental Science (EVR2001) class, I have learned an extensive amount about current, past, and possibly future environmental issues that our planet is enduring. Many of the issues impacting our environment have caught my attention and opened my eyes to the effects these issues are causing. Environmental science has had an impact on me personally, and has changed my understanding and the intensity of my opinions on many environmental issues in a variety of ways. There are even particular environmental issues that I find relevant to my own life for many reasons. This class taught me how I can reduce my own impact on the environment, which has even led me to change some aspects of my life to reduce my environmental impact as a result. EVR2001 has impacted me personally, in many different ways First, this class has brought so many issues to my attention, and taught me that almost anything can have a negative impact on our environment. For example, I found it intriguing that even letting a pet cat, or feral cats in general, outside, is a severe negative threat to the biodiversity of an ecosystem (Lecture 4 Slides). Personally, I do not believe many people know the effect cats can have, which leads them to believe their cat is fine roaming around outside. The Global Article Analysis assignments had another impact on me. They allowed me to realize that countries can be affected differently by the same Get more content on
  • 10. Environmental Pollution Essay Environmental Pollution ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION Automobiles like these are around the world everyday, and their exhaust destroys our air everyday. Our environment is a major aspect of our life today. Many of us don't take our Earth seriously and think that as long as pollution doesn't hurt them they can go ahead and throw garbage on the ground or spill oil down the drain. Well to many people have that theory and they are killing offour Earth and also physically harming themselves from the air they breath and the water they swim in. Our Earth is fragile like a human and people don't know. There are many different types ofenvironmental pollution (e.g. Water, air, atmospheric.) Scientists believe that more content... If this depletion opens up dangerous and deadly UV Rays from the sun will come into Earth. Air pollution causes global warming which scientist believe is making the Earth warmer and melting ice up in the South and North Pole. The country Holland has had water from the ocean got too high for them and flooded into towns. Holland spent millions of dollars to put up "dikes" which are big barriers in the water to prevent their town to be completely submerged. With the ocean getting deeper coastal cites all around the world could flood, billions of dollars would be spent to try to prevent it, but in a while it could not be stopped. Instead of waiting and having to spend all this money why don't we put it together today and try different ways of preventing air pollution, it would be much easier than all the trouble of stopping flooding. Water pollution is another major aspect of environmental pollution. Water pollution is scary because over 75% of our Earth is covered by the ocean. Water pollution comes from many different sources around the world. One major pollutant that destroys the ocean is oil spills. The oil from an oil spill kills hundreds of sea animals from fish, to whales, to birds. Below is a small list of just some of the major oil spills. Notice how many tons were spilled into our ocean... Notable Oil Spills Date Location Description Tons
  • 11. Get more content on
  • 12. The Problem Of Food Waste In America Problem As society expands, it is critical to seek ways to lessen humans' environmental impact. A key aspect of practicing sustainability is efficiently using resources, and one of such resources is food. In America alone, about 40% of food goes uneaten, and as the population increases, pressures on managing this waste will only increase further (Buzby, et al. 499). With many Americans lacking a secure supply offood, the need for an improved ability to manage food waste is essential. Furthermore, food waste places a severe strain on the environment. In an article by Buzby, Hyman, Stewart, and Wells, they state, "Food loss at the retail and consumer levels represents significant amounts of money and other resources invested in food production, including land, fresh water, labor, energy, agricultural chemicals (e.g., fertilizer, pesticides) and other inputs to produce food that does not ultimately meet its intended purpose of feeding people" (Buzby, et al. 492). It is clear that the problems with food waste are immense, ranging from environmental to economic. Food waste across the country is a pressing issue, however, it is very large in scope. A narrower area with great potential for improvement is college dining halls, specifically those at Rutgers University. In Dr. Whitehair's article on improving university dining, she states "Food waste generated by universities each year is estimated at nearly 540,000 million tons" (Whitehair 63). Rutgers University's Dining Get more content on
  • 13. Responsibility Of Environmental Responsibility Today in our world we don't seem to care about what happens to our planet. We are just continuing to pollute, destroy ecosystems, and deplete our natural resources, and so much more to harm our environment. But what is anyone doing to stop this to save our environment? All of his conflict and problems we are bringing onto our selves, which will only continue to get worse and worse if we don't take action now. It is important to know that humans must have a relationship with our planet in order to not destroy it, also known as environmental responsibility. What exactly is environmental responsibility? There really isn't an exact definition since there are many ways people look at the situation. But one of the interpretations of the definition is that environmental responsibly is the "obligation of decision makers to take actions which protect and improve the environment as a whole, along with their own interests," according to the University of Pretorie. But my personal view of the subject at hand is, it's one responsibly or duty to take care, help improve and rebuild any past and future damages we have or will on our environment. Fixing our past actions will help us repair our damaged environment, and prepare us for any future conflict. . But why is it important to have environmental responsibility? It's important since all of the resources we are using and the way we are using them today, are either constructing or razing the world of tomorrow. So, we have to construct sustainability in order to secure we have enough resources, and make sure we don't run out of them in the future. First let me start with the basics. I know you have heard of how we are polluting our environment. It has existed in the air, water, and soil for thousands of years, and all this pollution in our environment can cause many problems such as diseases such as cancer. We need to take drastic measures to stop all of this pollution in our environment. We can start using clean energy in our everyday lives. Instead of using gas to power our cars, in the future we may switch to electric cars. Since cars are one of the main contributors to the air pollution in our environment. We can reduce the amount of runoff in our water systems by Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Environmental Impact On Environment Environmental Impact of Personal Lifestyle: Behavior # 1 My first lifestyle behavior that has an impact on the environment is the overuse of bottled water and plastic bags. In our modern society using plastic bags and bottled water became a necessity in our everyday life which is completely unnecessary. I, personally depend on stuff made of plastic for my basic needs. I usually every time doing some shopping every time using new plastic bags. Sometimes these bags gathered in my house that I just throw them into the trash. I use plastic zippers to store food and other things. No doubt it is very convenient to cover the table with a plastic cover sheet before dinner and just take and throw away without a second thought. It is cheap and convenient, I don't have to spend a couple of minutes to clean it and reuse next time. Unfortunately, the higher prices for our lazy life is paying our environment with global warming. Bottled water consumption has attached to the issue of the overutilization of plastic to which I was just addicted to. While I was drinking my 8 glasses water per day, I was wasting 8 plastic bottles. During my cooking process where I used water from bottles assuming it is healthier than the tap water, I was wasting minimum 5 bottles per meal. I used to cook every day and sometimes twice a day. In this case, there are two issues in one that I was causing to the environment first quantity of the plastic waste and the use of low–quality water by paying lots of Get more content on
  • 15. The Importance Of Environmental Consciousness In recent days, certainly, the term environmental consciousness is one of the most utilized in various degrees in our society. It being in a conference of international leaders or a local neighborhood meeting, the matter of being environmentally and ecologically conscient became a mandatory measure. In a general sense, being conscious towards environmental issues is described as the ability to comprehend the environment one habits in, the actions and relationships among it, and the impacts the caused by a short or long term. Such consciousness is only felt as complete once the perception that such actions are much greater than a local, it impacts the planet and the environment in question. In order to diminish the human environmental impact, we need to rethink our actions and its possible consequences. Additionally, another aspect of acquiring such consciousness is the search for information. After all, awareness and knowledge are subjects profoundly interrelated. For instance, in recent days it is brought to the fact that cars are released pollutant gases, as industries.Yet that the most developed and consumerist countries are the ones that release most pollutant gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. The understanding that the amount of waste produced is also a major issue and it produces affects the environmental balance. However, being aware of such knowledge does not mean being environmentally conscious. Such can have minimal utility when not transformed Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Environmental Sustainability The current global population of 7.6 billion people is expected to reach 11.2 billion in 2100 (UN DESA), and as the Earth's population continues to grow exponentially, the topic of environmental sustainability is being debated with increased urgency. In the past few years, many large–scale environmental issues have emerged due to human activities: climate change, air and water pollution, rising sea levels, habitat loss, species extinction, and worsening natural disasters are all becoming more and more prevalent. But perhaps our most immediate concern should be whether or not we will be able to continue feeding this ever–increasing population. While all of us relatively understand how driving cars, leaving the lights on, or using too much water can affect the environment, there is one massive human activity that is frequently overlooked–eating. From growing, to processing, to distributing, and finally consuming, our agricultural system uses an immense portion of our planet's limited resources and emits large amounts of greenhouse gases that have drastic effects on the environment. Because of this, it is imperative to understand the environmental impacts of the type of foods that we choose to include in our diets. While much of today's population is heavily reliant on animal products, it is evident that a meat–based diet is not environmentally sustainable; on the other hand, a plant–based diet is much more environmentally friendly in terms of the amount of grain, water, and Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about Environmentalism Evironmentalism: The Next Step Broad Social Change Through Personal Commitment Introduction In the last thirty years, America has witnessed an environmental revolution. New laws like the 1963 Clean Air Act and the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act forged new ground in political environmentalism. Social phenomena like Earth Day, organized by Dennis Hayes in 1970, and the beginning of large–scale recycling, marked by Oregon's 1972 Bottle Bill, have help change the way Americans think about the environment. As we approach the third millennium, however, we must reconsider our place on the planet and reflect on our efforts and progress towards a sustainable society. As global warming becomes a scientific reality, natural disasters make more content... Transportation The invention of the automobile is one of history's greatest environmental disasters. The automobile decentralized our society. People with cars moved out of the city and drove to work from their suburban homes. Before the automobile, agriculture was local. Food was grown by farmers living in what was soon to be the suburbs, and delivered fresh to markets in the cities. Because of the short distance food had to travel, farmers didn't need to add preservatives or other additives to maintain freshness. Clearly, the automobile, like other harmful inventions, makes our lives easier in many ways, but how often do we consider the environment when weighing these benefits? Fossil fuels account for the automobile's most significant effect on the environment. Not only are the emissions from cars and trucks toxic to every air–breathing organism, but every step of the fossil fuel process, from extraction to disposal, is bad for the environment. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), millions of gallons of untreated water contaminated by the drilling processes are dumped into waterways and oceans annually. Once extracted, fossil fuels are frequently refined on site, burying 179 million tons of toxic waste annually. During transport, an average of 1 million gallons of oil is spilled into the ocean each month. Upon arrival, fossil fuels are usually burned in automobiles or power plants. The average coal–burning power plant burns Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Environmental Pollution The environmental issue I choose is pollution. There is different types of pollution. There is water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, thermal pollution, radioactive pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution. Every type of pollution is bad and it is causing health issues and even worst, deaths. Pollution is A very serious subject that is harmful to people and the environment. It is killing A lot of people. 4.6 million people die each year from pollution. Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, stormwater, and industrial waste are dumped into US water.Pollution is one of the most biggest global killers affecting over 100 million people. Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed by pollution every year. Approximately 40% of lakes in America are too polluted for fishing, aquatic life, or swimming. Pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the natural surroundings. Pollution disturbs our ecosystem. Air Pollution is the most dangerous forms of pollution. It occurs due to many of reasons, excessive burning of fuel, cooking, driving and other types of activities that are similar. They release A huge amount of chemical substances in the air everyday; these pollute the air. Also smoke from chimneys, factories, vehicles or burning basically occurs due to coal burning. Air pollution is breaking down our ozone layer. There is different types of pollution but environmental pollution has been around for centuries and it is affecting the environment. People should care about this topic because pollution is a serious problem and it causes many deaths and illnesses. The worst types of pollution are air pollution and water pollution, they don't only harm our environment but also our health. It's really scary to think about because around 15,000 people in the world each day die because of water pollution and 2.4 million people in the world die each year because of air pollution. So this is a big environmental issue. The causes of water pollution is water and sewage waste. World population is increasing each year. This is causing huge environmental and health damage. Most water pollution doesn't begin in the water it starts with what stuff filters and enters through the water. Get more content on
  • 19. Environmental Issue Essay Environmental problems are something which belongs to nature or known as "Mother Earth" [13]. Nature was created to help people survive from gathering foods until build a house. This phenomenon happens continuously without thinking how much damage that nature has because human's fault. Nature gradually becomes worse and animal's life in danger. People who are aware of the importance of nature react. Those people do several ways to save the environment. Although these efforts can return back the environment, these efforts only can be hold temporarily. This problem happens because those people who are aware of the environment only slightly; for remaining, there are people either do not know or do not care about the nature. People's more content... Air pollution levels have a large existence in big cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bandung, and so on. This problem happens because the number of motor vehicle use that is not limited [1]. Exhaust smog are the cause of air pollution which has the dangerous effects for people's health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil every motor vehicle. There are two types of burning fuel oil: the first is complete burning [2] and incomplete burning [3]. These types of burning have the differentiation in producing the remainder. Complete burning produces carbon dioxide as a result of remaining while incomplete burning produces carbon monoxide as a result of the rest. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are gases that are harmful to people's health and could decrease ozone layer [4] [5]. Exhaust smog is hazardous to people's health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil [6]. Consequently, exhaust smog has possibility to contain carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gas. These harmful gases affect human respiration. Carbon monoxide makes the respiratory system becomes worse. Carbon monoxide will interfere with the process of hemoglobin in breathing [7]. As a result, people will not only feel lack of oxygen but also often feel dizzy and weak. In the other hand, carbon dioxide causes dizziness and fatigue to the sufferer [8]. In the prevention and reduction of the impact of exhaust smog, the Indonesian government decided all motor vehicle users have to check Get more content on
  • 20. Essay on Environmental Ethics Ethics is the study of what is right and wrong in human conduct. Environmental ethics studies the effects of human's moral relationships on the environment and everything within it (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008). The ethical principles that govern those relations determine human duties, obligations, and responsibilities with regard to the Earth's natural environment and all of the animals and plants that inhabit it (Taylor, 1989). The purpose of this paper is to reveal environmental issues that are threatening the existence of life on Earth, and discus our social obligations to refrain from further damaging our environment, health and life for future generations. I will discus the need for appropriate actions and the more content... These perspectives are anthropocentric or human centered and view all non–human life as less important than humans themselves. Environmental ethics challenges these beliefs by questioning the assumed moral superiority of human beings to members of other species on earth (SEP, 2008). Preservation of the environment is essential to the preservation of the human race. Global Warming is the number one concern threatening the very existence of humans and everything within the environment today. The human race is to blame for the destruction of the natural world. The environmental issues that are threatening all human and non–human life today, started in the industrial revolution and the discovery of oil The need to improve the quality of life resulted in the construction of factories to mass produce products for consumers. These factories were powered by fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. The combustion of these fossil fuels emitted great quantities of pollutants that remain in the Earths atmosphere to this day and is the number one cause of global warming. However, in ethics one cannot evaluate just one thing. In ethics, as in nature, everything is connected to everything else (Partridge, 1998). Deforestation for agricultural purposes and the expansion of human habitats is happening around the world. This Get more content on