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Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation:
Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and
Caregivers of Infants
Environmental Health for Infants
Environmental Health is the act of preventing disease, injury,
and harm to human health.
The environment consists of air, water, and surfaces that infants
can come into contact with and cause bodily harm.
The environment consists of air, water and surface contaminants
in which infants come in contact with. We need to create a
healthy environment for infants.
The Infants Environment
The Environment of an infant includes but is not limited to the
following :
Play areas
Those previously stated factors can cause, precipitate, or
augment a child’s health condition.(ODPHP, ND) These
conditions can include:
Respiratory sickness
Toxic poisoning
The environment consist of nurseries, daycare centers, bath
rooms and play areas for the infant. Asthma, allergies,
respiratory sickness and poisoning can trigger or cause any of
these health conditions
Infants Are More At Risk
The body of an infant is so fragile, it makes them more
vulnerable to danger and illnesses.Their skin is thinner than
average adult skin which allows particles and toxins to be
Because they are so curious, they are more likely to touch and
taste things that they may not know are harmful to their bodies.
Infants do not have a fully developed immune system, so
environmental substances can easily affect the health of an
Infants are more at risk than adults. The immune system is not
fully developed and makes them more vulnerable to danger and
Indoor Air Pollution
Surprisingly there is a greater amount of air pollutants indoors
than outdoors. This causes a greater risk of danger for infants
because they are not regularly exposed to outdoor filtered air
The presence of dirt, moisture and contaminants grow quickly
inside because of the warmth
The environment Indoors are not filtered compared to the air we
breathe outside
Infants spend a great deal of time indoors. Surprisingly the air
pollutants indoors puts them at a greater risk because of the
warmth unfiltered air.
Environmental Factors
Environmental factors are substances that can have an Influence
on the health and wellness of infants. These Include:
Infant vulnerabilities to air pollution
Infants breathe in a larger amount of air in relation to each
kilogram of their body weight, Making them more vulnerable to
the dangers environmental factors may cause.
Because they are so low to the ground, they are more exposed to
pollutants and particles that are heavier than air and more
dangerous to breathe in (WHO,2018)
Good Indoor Air Quality= Good Health
Good air quality is crucial to the well- being of an infant. Air
contaminants include but are not limited to:
Tobacco smoke
These can trigger asthma, allergic reactions, and respiratory
Prevention Tips
Maintain Clean Surfaces
Dust/Clean floors, walls, and ceilings
Eliminated uneasy-to-clean flooring (carpet)
Disinfect surfaces regularly
Conceal moisture in places mold can easily grow
Reduce Dust/irritants
Eliminate trash and clutter in the home
Clean and dust tables, furniture, exposed surfaces
Remove dust from ceiling fans, and electronic equipment daily.
Ways to prevent illness are, maintain clean surfaces, reduce
dust and irritants and eliminate trash and clutter in the home
Get Poison Control help ONLINE or call 1-
800-222-1222. Both options are free, expert, and confidential.
National Resource
Web Resource
Scholarly Articles
Chen, X., Huang, L., Li, Q., Wu, M., Lin, L., Hong, M., Wang,
H., Yang, X., Hao, L., & Yang, N. (2020). Exposure to
environmental tobacco smoke during pregnancy and infancy
increased the risk of upper respiratory tract infections in
infants: a birth cohort study in Wuhan, China. Indoor air,
“ Exposure to ETS during infancy was associated with URTI
only among infants who were breastfed for less than 12 months
(P for interaction < 0.05).Furthermore, infants exposed to ETS
during both pregnancy and infancy showed the highest HR of
1.46 (95% CI: 1.16, 1.85) for URTI.Efforts should be made to
protect pregnant women and infants from the adverse effects of
indoor and outdoor ETS”.
Sbihi, H., Koehoorn, M., Tamburic, L., & Brauer, M. (2017).
Asthma Trajectories in a Population-based Birth Cohort.
Impacts of Air Pollution and Greenness. American Journal of
Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 195(5), 607–
“Traffic-related air pollution increased the probability of a
chronic asthma trajectory”.
Karimi, B., & Shokrinezhad, B. (2020). Air pollution and
mortality among infant and children under five years: A
systematic review and meta-analysis. Atmospheric Pollution
Research, 11(6), 61–70. https://doi-
“Conclusively, PM2.5, PM10, CO, NO2, and SO2 were
positively and significantly associated with both infant and
child under-five mortality. They got clear evidence of an
association between exposure to particulate and gaseous air
pollutants with the infant and child mortality”.
Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment
TitleTotal PointsNRS-434VNNRS-434VN-O508Environmental
Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention
and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of
Infants80.0CriteriaPercentageUnsatisfactory (0.00%)Less than
Satisfactory (75.00%)Satisfactory (79.00%)Good
(89.00%)Excellent (100.00%)CommentsPoints
EarnedContent80.0%Environmental Factor and the Potential
Effect on Infants15.0%An environmental factor is not
presented.The issue chosen is not environmental. An incomplete
summary of how the environmental factor potentially affects
infant health or safety is presented.A general description of how
the environmental factor potentially affects infant health or
safety is presented. There are inaccuracies, or more evidence is
needed for support or rationale.A description of how the
environmental factor potentially affects infant health or safety
is presented. Some support or rationale is needed.A detailed
description of how the environmental factor potentially affects
infant health or safety is presented. Strong support and rationale
are provided. The direct effect of the environmental factor on
infant health and safety is well established.Health Promotion
Plan for Caregivers to Address Environmental Factor and
Improve Infant Health and Well-Being15.0%A health promotion
plan is not presented.An incomplete health promotion plan is
presented. The plan fails to address the environmental issue; or,
the plan does not include steps to improve health or safety for
infants. There are major inaccuracies.A general health
promotion plan is presented. The plan addresses the
environmental issue and includes general steps to improve
health or safety for infants. There are some inaccuracies. More
information or evidence is needed for support. It is unclear if
the plan is suitable for the chosen caregiver.A health promotion
plan is presented. The plan addresses the environmental issue
and includes steps to improve health or safety for infants. Some
information or evidence is needed for support. The plan is
realistic for the chosen caregiver.A well-developed health
promotion plan is presented. The plan clearly addresses the
environmental issue and includes specific steps to improve
health or safety for infants. Sufficient information and evidence
are provided for support. The plan is realistic for the chosen
caregiver.Recommendations for Accident Prevention and Safety
Promotion10.0%Recommendations for safety promotion and
accident prevention are not offered.Some recommendations for
safety promotion and accident prevention offered are
summarized. The recommendations offered are unrelated to the
environmental factor; steps recommended do not support the
health and safety of infants.Recommendations for safety
promotion and accident prevention offered are summarized. The
recommendations offered are generally related to the
environmental factor. Most steps recommended support the
health and safety of infants. There are some inaccuracies. More
information or rationale is needed for support and
clarity.Recommendations for safety promotion and accident
prevention offered are proposed. The recommendations offered
relate to the environmental factor and the steps outlined support
the health and safety of infants. Some rationale is needed for
support or clarity. In general, the recommendations are realistic
and suitable for the chosen situation and caregiver.Well -
developed recommendations for safety promotion and accident
prevention offered are proposed. The recommendations offered
clearly relate to the environmental factor. The steps outlined are
well thought out and support the health and safety of infants.
The recommendations are realistic and highly suitable for the
chosen situation and caregiver.Evidence-Based Examples,
Interventions, and Suggestions10.0%Examples, interventions,
and suggestions are not offered. None of the scholarly resources
meet the assignment criteria.Some examples, interventions, and
suggestions are offered. Most of the research resources do not
meet the criteria as outlined in the assignment.General
examples, interventions and suggestions are offered. Some of
the research resources do not meet the criteria as outlined in the
assignment.Examples, interventions, and suggestions offered are
evidence-based. At least three scholarly research resources are
utilized, and at least two peer-reviewed and no older than 6
years old. Overall, the resources support the examples,
interventions and suggestions.Examples, interventions and
suggestions are evidence-based and strongly supported. Three or
more scholarly research resources are utilized; at least two are
peer-reviewed and no older than 6 years old.Community,
National, and Web-Based Resources for Health
Promotion10.0%Resources are not included for the health
promotion.Some resources are included, but overall do not meet
the criteria as outlined in the assignment. The resources are not
relevant to the health promotion. A description does not
accompany the resources. The contact information for the
resources is incomplete or inaccurate.Resources are included as
part of the health promotion. Some of the resources do not meet
the criteria as outlined in the assignment. A general description
accompanies the resources. Some contact information for the
resources is incomplete or inaccurate.Two community
resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource are
included with the health promotion. Overall, the resources are
relevant to the health promotion and accessible for the
caregiver. A description accompanies the resources. The contact
information provided for the resources is accurate.Two
community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based
resource are included with the health promotion. The resources
are highly relevant to the health promotion and are accessible
for the caregiver. A detailed description accompanies the
resources. The contact information provided for the resources is
complete and accurate.Appropriateness of Health Promotion for
Caregiver and Situation15.0%No aspect of the health promotion
presentation is relevant to the caregiver or associated
demographic.The literacy level is not written for the level of the
caregiver or target audience. The socioeconomic level,
language, culture, and any other relevant characteristic of the
caregiver are not always consistent with representing the
caregiver or associated demographic. Major changes need to be
made for the presentation to be tailored to the caregiver or
associated demographic.The literacy level is generally written
for the level of the caregiver or target audience. The
socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant
characteristics of the caregiver are generally written
representing the caregiver or associated demographic. Some
changes need to be made for the presentation to be tailored for
the caregiver or associated demographic.The literacy level is
written for the level of the caregiver or target audience. The
socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant
characteristics of the caregiver are tailored for the car egiver or
associated demographic. There are some areas that require
revision or slight change.The literacy level is written for the
level of the caregiver or target audience. The socioeconomic
level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristics
of the caregiver are tailored for the caregiver or associated
demographic. The presentation demonstrates insight into
tailoring presentations to a specific target
population.PowerPoint and Voice Over
Requirements5.0%Presentation fails to meet the criteri a
outlined. The presentation contains fewer than 10 slides, omits
speaker notes, and does not have a reference slide. Loom is not
utilized for the presentation.Presentation meets some of the
criteria outlined. A minimum of 10 slides is used for the
presentation. The reference slide and speaker notes are omitted
or are not complete. An attempt at a Loom presentation is
made.Presentation meets most of the criteria outlined.
Presentation uses 10 -12 slides, but the slide arrangement does
not support the intended presentation. The reference slides and
speaker notes are missing information or contain inaccuracies.
A Loom presentation is submitted, but the presentation is
inconsistent with the PowerPoint and speaker notes.Presentation
meets the criteria outlined. Presentation uses 10 -12 slides and
the slide arrangement supports the intended presentation. The
speaker notes are submitted and support the presentation. The
reference slide is submitted. A Loom presentation is submitted
and overall is consistent with the PowerPoint and speaker
notes.Presentation meets the criteria outlined. Presentation uses
10 -12 slides and the slide arrangement strongly supports the
intended presentation. The speaker notes submitted are well -
developed and support the presentation. The reference slide is
submitted. A Loom presentation is submitted and is consistent
with the PowerPoint and speaker notes.Organization and
Effectiveness15.0%Visual Appeal5.0%There are few or no
graphic elements. No variation in layout or typography is
evident.Color is garish or typographic variations are overused
and legibility suffers. Background interferes with readability.
Understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships is limited.
In general, the visual presentation is not optimal for the
audienceMinimal use of graphic elements is evident. Elements
do not consistently contribute to the understanding of concepts,
ideas, and relationships. There is some variation in type size,
color, and layout. Some of the visual aspects are distracting for
the intended audience.Thematic graphic elements are used but
not always in context. Visual connections mostly contribute to
the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships.
Differences in type size and color are used well and
consistently. Overall, the presentation is visually appealing and
suitable for the intended audience.Appropriate and thematic
graphic elements are used to make visual connections that
contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas, and
relationships. Differences in type size and color are used well
and consistently. The presentation has strong visual appeal and
is developed with the intended audience in mind.Aesthetic
Quality5.0%Design is cluttered. Materials detract from the
content or the purpose of presentation is low quality.Design
detracts from purpose. Text and visuals are too simplistic,
cluttered, and busy. Little or no creativity or inventiveness is
present.Design is fairly clean, with a few exceptions. Materials
add to, not detract from the presentation. Materials used were
quality products and easy to see or hear.Design is appropriate
and integrates a variety of objects, charts, and graphs to amplify
the message.Design is clean. Skillful handling of text and
visuals creates a distinctive and effective presentation. Overall,
effective and functional audio, text, or visuals are
evident.Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation,
grammar, and language use)5.0%Surface errors are pervasive
enough that they impede communication of meaning.
Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is
employed.Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the
reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word
choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not
varied.Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are
not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence
structure and audience-appropriate language are employed.Prose
is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be
present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence
structures and figures of speech.The writer is clearly in
command of standard, written, academic
English.Format5.0%Documentation of Sources (citations,
footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to
assignment and style)5.0%Sources are not
documented.Documentation of sources is inconsistent or
incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous
formatting errors.Sources are documented, as appropriate to
assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be
present.Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment
and style, and format is mostly correct.Sources are completely
and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and
style, and format is free of error.Total Weightage100%

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Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation Acciden

  • 1. Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants 4d Environmental Health for Infants Environmental Health is the act of preventing disease, injury, and harm to human health. The environment consists of air, water, and surfaces that infants can come into contact with and cause bodily harm. The environment consists of air, water and surface contaminants in which infants come in contact with. We need to create a healthy environment for infants. The Infants Environment The Environment of an infant includes but is not limited to the following : Nursery Daycare/Classroom Play areas
  • 2. Bathrooms etc... Those previously stated factors can cause, precipitate, or augment a child’s health condition.(ODPHP, ND) These conditions can include: Asthma Allergies Respiratory sickness Toxic poisoning The environment consist of nurseries, daycare centers, bath rooms and play areas for the infant. Asthma, allergies, respiratory sickness and poisoning can trigger or cause any of these health conditions Infants Are More At Risk The body of an infant is so fragile, it makes them more vulnerable to danger and illnesses.Their skin is thinner than average adult skin which allows particles and toxins to be absorbed. Because they are so curious, they are more likely to touch and taste things that they may not know are harmful to their bodies. Infants do not have a fully developed immune system, so environmental substances can easily affect the health of an infant. Infants are more at risk than adults. The immune system is not fully developed and makes them more vulnerable to danger and illness. Indoor Air Pollution Surprisingly there is a greater amount of air pollutants indoors
  • 3. than outdoors. This causes a greater risk of danger for infants because they are not regularly exposed to outdoor filtered air The presence of dirt, moisture and contaminants grow quickly inside because of the warmth The environment Indoors are not filtered compared to the air we breathe outside Infants spend a great deal of time indoors. Surprisingly the air pollutants indoors puts them at a greater risk because of the warmth unfiltered air. Environmental Factors Environmental factors are substances that can have an Influence on the health and wellness of infants. These Include: Dust Dirt Fragrances Chemicals Mold Pets/Pests Infant vulnerabilities to air pollution Infants breathe in a larger amount of air in relation to each kilogram of their body weight, Making them more vulnerable to the dangers environmental factors may cause. Because they are so low to the ground, they are more exposed to pollutants and particles that are heavier than air and more dangerous to breathe in (WHO,2018)
  • 4. Good Indoor Air Quality= Good Health Good air quality is crucial to the well- being of an infant. Air contaminants include but are not limited to: Tobacco smoke Dust Fragrances chemicals These can trigger asthma, allergic reactions, and respiratory illnesses. Prevention Tips Maintain Clean Surfaces Dust/Clean floors, walls, and ceilings Eliminated uneasy-to-clean flooring (carpet) Disinfect surfaces regularly Conceal moisture in places mold can easily grow Reduce Dust/irritants Eliminate trash and clutter in the home Clean and dust tables, furniture, exposed surfaces Remove dust from ceiling fans, and electronic equipment daily. Ways to prevent illness are, maintain clean surfaces, reduce dust and irritants and eliminate trash and clutter in the home
  • 5. Get Poison Control help ONLINE or call 1- 800-222-1222. Both options are free, expert, and confidential. National Resource Web Resource Scholarly Articles Chen, X., Huang, L., Li, Q., Wu, M., Lin, L., Hong, M., Wang, H., Yang, X., Hao, L., & Yang, N. (2020). Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke during pregnancy and infancy increased the risk of upper respiratory tract infections in infants: a birth cohort study in Wuhan, China. Indoor air, “ Exposure to ETS during infancy was associated with URTI only among infants who were breastfed for less than 12 months (P for interaction < 0.05).Furthermore, infants exposed to ETS during both pregnancy and infancy showed the highest HR of 1.46 (95% CI: 1.16, 1.85) for URTI.Efforts should be made to protect pregnant women and infants from the adverse effects of indoor and outdoor ETS”. Sbihi, H., Koehoorn, M., Tamburic, L., & Brauer, M. (2017). Asthma Trajectories in a Population-based Birth Cohort. Impacts of Air Pollution and Greenness. American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 195(5), 607– 613. 0164OC “Traffic-related air pollution increased the probability of a chronic asthma trajectory”. Karimi, B., & Shokrinezhad, B. (2020). Air pollution and
  • 6. mortality among infant and children under five years: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11(6), 61–70. https://doi- “Conclusively, PM2.5, PM10, CO, NO2, and SO2 were positively and significantly associated with both infant and child under-five mortality. They got clear evidence of an association between exposure to particulate and gaseous air pollutants with the infant and child mortality”. References guide/preparing- environment#:~:text=Create%20an%20environment%20that%20 supports,benches%2C%20and%20tables%20for%20meals. ps:// objectives/topic/environmental-healthhtt objectives/topic/environmental- health 90-of-the-worlds-children-breathe-toxic-air-every-day Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment TitleTotal PointsNRS-434VNNRS-434VN-O508Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants80.0CriteriaPercentageUnsatisfactory (0.00%)Less than
  • 7. Satisfactory (75.00%)Satisfactory (79.00%)Good (89.00%)Excellent (100.00%)CommentsPoints EarnedContent80.0%Environmental Factor and the Potential Effect on Infants15.0%An environmental factor is not presented.The issue chosen is not environmental. An incomplete summary of how the environmental factor potentially affects infant health or safety is presented.A general description of how the environmental factor potentially affects infant health or safety is presented. There are inaccuracies, or more evidence is needed for support or rationale.A description of how the environmental factor potentially affects infant health or safety is presented. Some support or rationale is needed.A detailed description of how the environmental factor potentially affects infant health or safety is presented. Strong support and rationale are provided. The direct effect of the environmental factor on infant health and safety is well established.Health Promotion Plan for Caregivers to Address Environmental Factor and Improve Infant Health and Well-Being15.0%A health promotion plan is not presented.An incomplete health promotion plan is presented. The plan fails to address the environmental issue; or, the plan does not include steps to improve health or safety for infants. There are major inaccuracies.A general health promotion plan is presented. The plan addresses the environmental issue and includes general steps to improve health or safety for infants. There are some inaccuracies. More information or evidence is needed for support. It is unclear if the plan is suitable for the chosen caregiver.A health promotion plan is presented. The plan addresses the environmental issue and includes steps to improve health or safety for infants. Some information or evidence is needed for support. The plan is realistic for the chosen caregiver.A well-developed health promotion plan is presented. The plan clearly addresses the environmental issue and includes specific steps to improve health or safety for infants. Sufficient information and evidence are provided for support. The plan is realistic for the chosen caregiver.Recommendations for Accident Prevention and Safety
  • 8. Promotion10.0%Recommendations for safety promotion and accident prevention are not offered.Some recommendations for safety promotion and accident prevention offered are summarized. The recommendations offered are unrelated to the environmental factor; steps recommended do not support the health and safety of infants.Recommendations for safety promotion and accident prevention offered are summarized. The recommendations offered are generally related to the environmental factor. Most steps recommended support the health and safety of infants. There are some inaccuracies. More information or rationale is needed for support and clarity.Recommendations for safety promotion and accident prevention offered are proposed. The recommendations offered relate to the environmental factor and the steps outlined support the health and safety of infants. Some rationale is needed for support or clarity. In general, the recommendations are realistic and suitable for the chosen situation and caregiver.Well - developed recommendations for safety promotion and accident prevention offered are proposed. The recommendations offered clearly relate to the environmental factor. The steps outlined are well thought out and support the health and safety of infants. The recommendations are realistic and highly suitable for the chosen situation and caregiver.Evidence-Based Examples, Interventions, and Suggestions10.0%Examples, interventions, and suggestions are not offered. None of the scholarly resources meet the assignment criteria.Some examples, interventions, and suggestions are offered. Most of the research resources do not meet the criteria as outlined in the assignment.General examples, interventions and suggestions are offered. Some of the research resources do not meet the criteria as outlined in the assignment.Examples, interventions, and suggestions offered are evidence-based. At least three scholarly research resources are utilized, and at least two peer-reviewed and no older than 6 years old. Overall, the resources support the examples, interventions and suggestions.Examples, interventions and suggestions are evidence-based and strongly supported. Three or
  • 9. more scholarly research resources are utilized; at least two are peer-reviewed and no older than 6 years old.Community, National, and Web-Based Resources for Health Promotion10.0%Resources are not included for the health promotion.Some resources are included, but overall do not meet the criteria as outlined in the assignment. The resources are not relevant to the health promotion. A description does not accompany the resources. The contact information for the resources is incomplete or inaccurate.Resources are included as part of the health promotion. Some of the resources do not meet the criteria as outlined in the assignment. A general description accompanies the resources. Some contact information for the resources is incomplete or inaccurate.Two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource are included with the health promotion. Overall, the resources are relevant to the health promotion and accessible for the caregiver. A description accompanies the resources. The contact information provided for the resources is accurate.Two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource are included with the health promotion. The resources are highly relevant to the health promotion and are accessible for the caregiver. A detailed description accompanies the resources. The contact information provided for the resources is complete and accurate.Appropriateness of Health Promotion for Caregiver and Situation15.0%No aspect of the health promotion presentation is relevant to the caregiver or associated demographic.The literacy level is not written for the level of the caregiver or target audience. The socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristic of the caregiver are not always consistent with representing the caregiver or associated demographic. Major changes need to be made for the presentation to be tailored to the caregiver or associated demographic.The literacy level is generally written for the level of the caregiver or target audience. The socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristics of the caregiver are generally written
  • 10. representing the caregiver or associated demographic. Some changes need to be made for the presentation to be tailored for the caregiver or associated demographic.The literacy level is written for the level of the caregiver or target audience. The socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristics of the caregiver are tailored for the car egiver or associated demographic. There are some areas that require revision or slight change.The literacy level is written for the level of the caregiver or target audience. The socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristics of the caregiver are tailored for the caregiver or associated demographic. The presentation demonstrates insight into tailoring presentations to a specific target population.PowerPoint and Voice Over Requirements5.0%Presentation fails to meet the criteri a outlined. The presentation contains fewer than 10 slides, omits speaker notes, and does not have a reference slide. Loom is not utilized for the presentation.Presentation meets some of the criteria outlined. A minimum of 10 slides is used for the presentation. The reference slide and speaker notes are omitted or are not complete. An attempt at a Loom presentation is made.Presentation meets most of the criteria outlined. Presentation uses 10 -12 slides, but the slide arrangement does not support the intended presentation. The reference slides and speaker notes are missing information or contain inaccuracies. A Loom presentation is submitted, but the presentation is inconsistent with the PowerPoint and speaker notes.Presentation meets the criteria outlined. Presentation uses 10 -12 slides and the slide arrangement supports the intended presentation. The speaker notes are submitted and support the presentation. The reference slide is submitted. A Loom presentation is submitted and overall is consistent with the PowerPoint and speaker notes.Presentation meets the criteria outlined. Presentation uses 10 -12 slides and the slide arrangement strongly supports the intended presentation. The speaker notes submitted are well - developed and support the presentation. The reference slide is
  • 11. submitted. A Loom presentation is submitted and is consistent with the PowerPoint and speaker notes.Organization and Effectiveness15.0%Visual Appeal5.0%There are few or no graphic elements. No variation in layout or typography is evident.Color is garish or typographic variations are overused and legibility suffers. Background interferes with readability. Understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships is limited. In general, the visual presentation is not optimal for the audienceMinimal use of graphic elements is evident. Elements do not consistently contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. There is some variation in type size, color, and layout. Some of the visual aspects are distracting for the intended audience.Thematic graphic elements are used but not always in context. Visual connections mostly contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. Differences in type size and color are used well and consistently. Overall, the presentation is visually appealing and suitable for the intended audience.Appropriate and thematic graphic elements are used to make visual connections that contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. Differences in type size and color are used well and consistently. The presentation has strong visual appeal and is developed with the intended audience in mind.Aesthetic Quality5.0%Design is cluttered. Materials detract from the content or the purpose of presentation is low quality.Design detracts from purpose. Text and visuals are too simplistic, cluttered, and busy. Little or no creativity or inventiveness is present.Design is fairly clean, with a few exceptions. Materials add to, not detract from the presentation. Materials used were quality products and easy to see or hear.Design is appropriate and integrates a variety of objects, charts, and graphs to amplify the message.Design is clean. Skillful handling of text and visuals creates a distinctive and effective presentation. Overall, effective and functional audio, text, or visuals are evident.Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use)5.0%Surface errors are pervasive
  • 12. enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is employed.Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied.Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed.Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech.The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.Format5.0%Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)5.0%Sources are not documented.Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.Total Weightage100%