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Below you will find articles on the following topics, as requested. Thank you for choosing me as your provider! If there are any questions or concerns about these articles, feel free to contact me. Also, please keep me in mind for future projects!
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1. How To Do Nothing, Well. (An article on time management)2. The Balancing Beam (An article on work/life balance)3. Herding Cats (A people management article)4. 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid of Outsourcing5. 10 Reasons Why You Should Have a Mailing List6. 10 Ways to Use Your Mailing List7. 10 Qualities of a Good Newsletter8. 10 Ways to Double Your Income This Year9. 10 Ways to Better Connect with Your Customers10. Top 10 Distractions for Entrepreneurs and How to Avoid ThemHow to do Nothing, Well<br />As an entrepreneur, it is tough to simply slow down. Taking a breather is not typically in the DNA of a typical self-starter, especially for those of us who do most of our work from home. However, without a break, we will never be effective managers of our own businesses, not to mention our lives. More importantly, our families/friends/significant others need us, too, and without some downtime, we will never be able to have any real relationships. <br />So, how does an entrepreneur do nothing? Here are ten ways to stop and take a breath –<br />,[object Object],Psychological research shows that certain places somehow “prompt” our brains for different kinds of activities. For example, if you read in your bed, it might be harder for you to sleep because your brain expects you to be in reading mode, not sleep mode. The same is true for work. Have a place inside or outside your home that is for work and only work. This can help prompt your brain to “switch off” during downtime.<br />,[object Object],I can hear your outcry. “But I can’t turn it off! What if a get an important call?” It is not that urgent.  The world will not end. I promise. <br />,[object Object],This has really helped my sanity level. On my phone, I have changed the settings so that I do not receive mail immediately. Instead. It comes every hour. This helps keep me from checking the phone every time I hear that little noise! I am going to do the same with my computer soon.<br />,[object Object],If all of your friends are team members, coworkers, or clients, it doesn’t matter how hard you try, your conversation will gravitate toward work. Even if you find a way to restrain yourself from talking about it, you know you will be thinking about it. Find some friends that have nothing to do with work, and tell them you want to keep your mind off it.<br />,[object Object],Find a way to take a “Sabbath” day from work from time to time. Just put it on your calendar, and do not allow anyone to schedule meetings with you during that time.  Otherwise, days that initially look open will become busy quickly.<br />,[object Object],Try not to work all hours of the day, even if you can. Make a work schedule and stick to it. If you don’t, you will find yourself answering e-mail and working on marketing copy all day/night long. Even if your schedule is not 9 to 5 (make it 3AM to 10AM if you want!), make sure you have time set aside specifically for work.<br />,[object Object],Today I had to turn a great and exciting project of interest to me. I know it would be enjoyable if I had more time, but I have so much on my plate that it would just be a burden. Say no to the projects you just cannot do in a timely manner, even if they are interesting.<br />,[object Object],If you don’t know how to do something, or if it is seriously time consuming, consider outsourcing it to give yourself some free time. Sites such as Elance and have people ready and willing to bid on just about any type of project!<br />,[object Object],I have found that when I turn my computer off, I am much less likely to go check something. Even though it only takes a minute or two to get it up and running, this wait time is usually enough of a deterrent for me to leave the non-urgent tasks until later.<br />,[object Object],You can’t (or really shouldn’t) be doing work while driving. Just get in the car and go for a while. This can be a great way to get away from work, and it can also be a great time to let your mind wander, as long as you are paying attention to the road!<br />It may still be hard to shut off and take it easy, but these tips can certainly help. Best of luck doing nothing!<br />The Balancing Beam<br />As an entrepreneur, chances are you are probably very passionate about what you do, and you probably work crazy hours, maybe even from home. Here are a few tips to keep your life balanced while doing what you love.<br />,[object Object],If all of your friends are somehow connected to your business, it will be tough to keep from talking about work. Try to find people to spend time with that have nothing to do with your job, and keep work off the subject list.<br />,[object Object],If you have a spouse or significant other, schedule dates with them where nothing work-related will occur.  Turn the phone off or leave it at home and go somewhere.<br />,[object Object],Schedule yourself a vacation. Even though you have started your own business and are doing what you love, you still need a break, and one week is just not enough to get out of “work mode.” It will take you at least a week to get that breathing room that you really need.<br />,[object Object],We all get very accustomed to that sound that our phone makes when we get a text message or an email.  Without even thinking about it you will probably pick it up and look at it. Turn that sound off on your phone whenever you are not working so you can avoid constantly checking it.<br />,[object Object],Even if you do work for yourself, you still need a schedule. If you work whenever you want, you will end up working all the time. Set a work schedule and only work during that time period unless absolutely necessary.<br />,[object Object],If you work from home, try to have client or customer meetings somewhere other than your house. If you schedule meetings at home, you are inviting customers and clients to come to your home uninvited during those times that you are unreachable.<br />,[object Object],No matter what you do, checking your computer or phone will be tempting, and just turning it off may not be enough. Periodically, go somewhere that has no cell phone service or wireless internet. I often go to the nature refuge that is about 20 minutes from my home.<br />,[object Object],Electronic devices and the internet are great, but sometimes they need to be put away in lieu of a good book. Immersing yourself in a good book, especially fiction, can help you explore yourself outside of anything work related.<br />,[object Object],Community service is most important for those who you serve, but it can also change you as well and make you think differently about life. Serving others is the best possible way to connect with them and appreciate what you have. Work projects often seem distant and unimportant when engaged in helping others.<br />,[object Object],Even for your own projects, set deadlines. Even if you miss them, at least you had a goal to work toward. This can help motivate you to sit down and get things done.<br />If you will take these tips into account, you can find a way to keep that life/work balancing beam level!<br />Herding Cats<br />If you have employees, you know how tough it can be to manage people.  Sometimes trying to get everyone on board and going in the same direction can be like herding cats. Here are a few tips on how to successfully manage employees.<br />,[object Object],There will always be those who criticize your work on some level. Some of them may be sincere; others may be vindictive. Nonetheless, never let criticism keep you from doing your job and making sure that others do their jobs as well.<br />,[object Object],It is vital to explain tasks to employees in an actionable and explanatory manner. Do not assume that they understand what it is that you need if you do not explain it well enough. Make sure that your instructions to employees are clear and concise.<br />,[object Object],When you have given specific instructions but the work provided is less than perfect, make sure that your feedback is specific. Instead of saying, “This is not good enough,” say, “While xxx is good, I would have liked to see more of yyy from this assignment.” This can help your employees improve over time.<br />,[object Object],Not everyone is as proactive as you. That is why you are an entrepreneur and the boss. Without some regular follow-up with employees, they may focus their attention on other more urgent matters or, in some cases, slack off.  Check in for regular status updates to keep them on their toes.<br />,[object Object],Be understanding of mistakes, because you make them as well. Take the time to get to know your employees and understand who they are. This can help you to find better ways to motivate them.<br />,[object Object],Lighten up. Have a laugh with your employees from time to time. This will help them to see you in a different light and can significantly increase workplace morale.<br />,[object Object],Build a culture of rewards in your company. When people do good work, make sure they are personally and publicly recognized, and find ways to either get them promotions, raises, or some other type of monetary incentive when good work is done.<br />,[object Object],When an employee misses a deadline, does not show up for work, etc., make sure you document these incidents. If this type of behavior continues, you may have to terminate this person in the future, and you will need to have records for any future complaints or lawsuits.<br />,[object Object],Along with documenting everything, be willing to have tough conversations when an employee’s work is consistently poor. Sometimes, this is all it takes to bring someone around.<br />,[object Object],Nothing is more important than being an example to your employees. If you make a promise, keep it. If they need something from you, get it to them as soon as you can. They will follow your example and do great work in return.<br />Following these tips can help you get everyone on task and keep on your sanity as a boss.<br />10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Outsourcing<br />Passing off important tasks to others can be scary, especially as an entrepreneur. Your reputation and livelihood is on the line. However, there are plenty of reasons these days not to be afraid of outsourcing you work. <br />,[object Object],All of us have things that we hate to do, even when it has to do with something that we love. For example, you may have a writing service and love to write copy for clients, but you dislike working on your website or creating ads. There are people out there who love to do web design and marketing that can take those jobs off your hands.<br />,[object Object],Chances are, you are great at several things having to do with your career or business, but some areas just don’t come as easy.  Using the web design example above, maybe you can create a website, but it is mediocre at best. Why not find the people who are better than you and let them provide you with a spectacular site?<br />,[object Object],In reality, you cannot keep up with everything anyway, or even if you can, it will not be the quality that you want. Letting someone help can allow you to do quality work in the areas you keep for yourself.<br />,[object Object],Some tasks are more important than others, but important tasks often get trumped by time-consuming, urgent tasks. Letting someone deal with the urgent and the time-consuming can help you focus on the important.<br />,[object Object],While some people are better than you at certain tasks, the reverse is also true. Give someone else the other tasks so you can do what you do best.<br />,[object Object],Outsourcing is easier than ever before. Sites such as Elance and have scores of providers ready and willing to solve your problems for you. These providers are experts in their fields and can typically start on a project immediately.<br />,[object Object],You could hire full-time employees to take care of tasks for you, but this will often cost you much more in the long run than outsourcing. Outsourcing, unlike full-time employment, can be done on an as-needed basis and does not require additional personnel expenses such as insurance and retirement accounts.<br />,[object Object],Freelancing sites have some great safeguards in place to protect you from getting scammed or from paying for incomplete work. Funds can be placed in an account, so that the provider knows they are available, and they will not be released to the provider until the work is done. <br />,[object Object],It feels great to have people competing to work for you. Often, you will have several providers to pick from and can choose the best match for your project.<br />,[object Object],Providers have public rankings based on feedback from previous employers, and will not win bids for jobs unless they have high statistics. This means they are highly motivated to provide you with the best service possible.<br />As you can see, outsourcing is a great investment, and it might just be a great way to expand your business and free up some of your time!<br />10 Reasons Why You Should Have a Mailing List<br />Mailing lists can be an extremely powerful communication tool with customers. If you do not have a mailing list yet, here are 10 reasons why you should begin to put one together as soon as possible.<br />,[object Object],It often takes at least three sales pitches to make a sale, if not more. Newsletters are a great way to get potential customers back to your site for another look at your products or services.<br />,[object Object],It is much easier to get people to come back to your site if they have a reminder. A newsletter can be a good way to reach them where they are (their e-mail) and remind them to come back.<br />,[object Object],Sometimes a customer may find something in your newsletter interesting enough to send it on to family members, friends, or other potential customers. This is free advertising for your business, not to mention a great personal referral.<br />,[object Object],A newsletter can be a great way to send customers (or potential customers) updates about new products, or let them know if your site will be down for maintenance anytime soon.<br />,[object Object],A newsletter can be a great way to bring in sales if they are down by offering an exclusive coupon for newsletter subscribers. <br />,[object Object],A newsletter can help you bring in more revenue by advertising affiliate products that are related to your business. As an affiliate, you can make a percentage of every sale of a related product made from your newsletter.<br />,[object Object],You can also generate revenue for your business by selling ad space in your newsletter. This should not be overdone, but adding some related products from other businesses to your newsletter can actually add to its overall value for the consumer.<br />,[object Object],If you want to know how well different types of advertisements and marketing copy will fare with different types of customers, a newsletter will allow you to do “split testing,” or segmenting your mailing list and sending different types of newsletters to different groups, then gauging the overall response.<br />,[object Object],Customers like to know about you as a business owner. They want to know they can trust you and your team. A newsletter is a great way to let customers know about you with a short bio or personal story about or a team member.<br />,[object Object],Placing links to your social networking sites is a great way to get more traffic. More social networking traffic can lead to more sales and a better connection to your clients.<br />As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to put together a mailing list for you business and start regularly connecting with your clients.<br />10 Ways to Use Your Mailing List<br />Now that you have a mailing list of clients and potential clients, what is the best way to use it? Below are ten methods to connect with your customers via your list.<br />,[object Object],Send exclusive coupons to your readers on a regular basis. This will help ensure they want to check out your newsletter when it hits their inbox.<br />,[object Object],When you have new products, don’t simply rely on customers to find them out by going to your website or seeing other advertisements. A mailing list can be a great way to send announcements about new products to your readers. If you can let them know before you announce it on your site, that is even better.<br />,[object Object],Send your mailing list exclusive event invites and reminders of upcoming events. When possible, send them some type of VIP pass for their loyalty to your brand.<br />,[object Object],Split testing refers to a process in which you segment out parts of your mailing list population and send them targeted announcements. You can then see what types of responses you get from the different groups. Groups that respond the best can be an indicator of an important market for your business.<br />,[object Object],Make sure your mailing list newsletters include links to your social networking sites. Customers who read you newsletter are more likely to want to connect more deeply with your company, which is exactly what social networking is designed to do.<br />,[object Object],Encourage customers to forward your e-mail newsletter to relatives, friends, and other people that they think would be interested in your product. This can be a great method of free advertising.<br />,[object Object],As mentioned above, customers who read your updates may want to know more about you. Share some personal stories or a short bio with them.<br />,[object Object],Companies that sell related products may want to tap into your mailing list. Selling advertising space in your newsletter is an easy way to allow them access without giving them access to the actual contact information.<br />,[object Object],Another way to generate revenue is to advertise related products that you sell as an affiliate. These products are owned by someone else, but you receive a percentage for every sales that is generated from your mailing list.<br />,[object Object],Finally, newsletters are a great way to bounce ideas off customers. If you are considering starting a new product or service, send out a link through your list to your customers for an online survey. They will often be willing to oblige and appreciative that you value their input.<br />Using these methods can help you bring more revenue while forging a deeper relationship with your clients!<br />10 Qualities of a Good Newsletter<br />When trying to connect with potential buyers on your mailing list, just sending a newsletter is not enough. It has to be something that truly connects with your buyers. Below are 10 qualities that make for a great newsletter.<br />,[object Object],Customers who read your newsletter often want a deeper connection to you and your company. Make sure your newsletter has some personal flare to it. Include a bio or a personal story related to your product.<br />,[object Object],Your newsletter should be much more than text. Have a great, modern design with pictures, and make sure it is not just black and white.<br />,[object Object],Make sure the headline of your newsletter is something interesting. As a good test, ask yourself, “If this was the subject of an e-mail I received, would I read it?”<br />,[object Object],This may seem obvious, but do not forget to include plenty of links back to your website in your newsletter. If customers have to type your web address into their browser, they are much less likely to go back to your site.<br />,[object Object],As mentioned above, the customers who have opted to read your newsletter probably want a deeper connection with you or your company.  If you will include links to your Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking profiles, this is just one other mode of communication between these customers and you or your company.<br />,[object Object],A great newsletter will be segmented into different versions for different users and demographics. This helps you target your message to different customer groups and allows you test responses to different versions.<br />,[object Object],Place exclusive coupons in your newsletter on a regular basis. This will help keep customers on your mailing list, as they will be looking for deals.<br />,[object Object],Make sure that your newsletter is not just a sales pitch. Include information that is pertinent to your readers and your field of business. This can really add value for those who will read it.<br />,[object Object],Include advertising for related products, as this can also add value for the customer and bring in revenue. However, beware of too many ads. Keep the ad space to minimum to avoid crowding out your message.<br />,[object Object],Let customers know about upcoming events or product launches, preferably before they are announced on your website. When possible, include some type of “sneak peek” or VIP pass for your readers.<br />Using these tactics will make for a great newsletter that will grab your customers’ attention.<br />10 Ways to Double Your Income This Year<br />All of us are looking for ways to make more money, especially in the current economy. Below are a few simple ideas that, if done correctly, could double your income this year.<br />,[object Object],If you want to get traffic to your business website without buying advertisements, you need to make sure it is “optimized,” which means that it is set up in such a way that search engines will display it when relevant terms are searched. There are plenty of designers that can do this for you for a small fee, and it could have huge returns.<br />,[object Object],Sometimes optimization is not enough to get the customers you are looking for. Consider setting up ads on Google, Bing, or other search engines. If you have never done this before, you might want to have an expert help you. Again, when done correctly, this can really help you convert more sales.<br />,[object Object],You are probably an expert at something, even if you don’t realize it. Think about what you do best, then write a short guide about it to sell online. You can do this fairly easily through affiliate websites such as Clickbank.<br />,[object Object],Again, personal coaching or mentoring is a good way to put your expertise to use. Set up an ad online for personal coaching for people who want to enter your field. You might be surprised at the number of people willing to pay for this kind of one-on-one training.<br />,[object Object],Take a look around you house. What do you have lying around that might be valuable? It’s a long shot, but you never know what you might find! If you find something interesting, post it on Ebay and see what you can get for it. At least you can finally get rid of some clutter!<br />,[object Object],Another great place to find deals on products to resell is Craigslist. Often people post items on Craigslist that they just want to dump, and sometimes these products can have real value. For example, if you buy and resell enough of them, used books can bring in great profits on Amazon and Ebay.<br />,[object Object],It is currently a buyer’s market in real estate. If you can find a house that is selling below value because it needs some work or it is a repossession, you can often turn a quick profit by buying the property, hiring someone to do some work to it, then selling it for a much higher price.<br />,[object Object],If personal coaching is not your cup of tea, maybe you can try consulting for other businesses within your area of expertise. Businesses that are looking for ideas or need to bring in extra customers often look to consultants who know the field to help them. Posting an ad online or in relevant trade magazines can bring in clients.<br />,[object Object],If you have talents as a web designer, writer, or a number of other specialties, freelancing is a great way to bring in extra revenue. Freelancing sites such as Elance and are simple to use and can have you on the path to bringing in extra income almost immediately.<br />,[object Object],If you are interested in a very specific type of product or service, see if there is a website dedicated to it. If not, this might be a great opportunity to bring in some revenue by setting up a blog that has product information along with relevant ads.<br />Maybe not all of these ideas will work for you, but even implementing a few could possibly double your income this year!<br />10 Ways to Better Connect With Your Customers<br />In our current culture, it is not good enough to simply have a great product. Sometimes, even a great product plus clever marketing is not enough. Customers want to feel connected to you and/or your company. Below are 10 great ways to connect with your customers.<br />,[object Object],E-mail lists are a great way to let customers know about upcoming events, product launches, and sales. They can also be used to send out an e-newsletter that has short personal stories about yourself or the people who work at your company.<br />,[object Object],Attaching a blog to your company’s website makes customers feel that it is important to you to let them know what is going on in your company. As an added bonus, when done correctly, they can help your ranking in search engines.<br />,[object Object],From time-to-time, offer to meet with your best clients as a small group to discuss your industry and what is going on in their businesses. They will appreciate the extra time and recognition of being one of your best customers.<br />,[object Object],Nothing gets people’s attention like a giveaway. Have periodic giveaways and discounts, and keep them at regular intervals to keep customers coming back to check on the latest freebie.<br />,[object Object],Periodically survey your customers to see what is of value to them. You will often get great information from these surveys, but even if you don’t, just the fact that you asked will let your customers know that you care about what is important to them.<br />,[object Object],Everyone is on Facebook these days. Almost every company, even small local businesses, has a presence there. However, it is important not to just be on Facebook, but to be posting the right items there.  Make sure that you post interactive items and try to get feedback from potential clients.<br />,[object Object],Twitter is another powerful social networking tool for businesses. Setting up a twitter account and asking customers to “follow” you via your website and other modes of communication gives you the opportunity to regularly connect with customers when they check their twitter feeds.<br />,[object Object],Presenting a webinar, or an online seminar, for your clients on a topic related to your area of is a great way to give them the chance to see that you are an expert in your field, and it gives them the chance to ask you some personal questions.<br />,[object Object],If it is appropriate for your field, offer a few opportunities for personal coaching for clients that are especially faithful to your brand. You will make some great loyal partners in the process.<br />,[object Object],Find ways to connect with and serve your community, especially if you are a local company or freelancer. Invite your customers to participate as well. If your business is national or international, find a cause that your clients are interested in and invite them to partner with you.<br />Using these tactics can help you connect with your customers or clients in a truly meaningful way.<br />Top 10 Distractions for Entrepreneurs and How to Avoid Them<br />Entrepreneurs, by our very nature, can be easily distracted. We are always getting caught up in new gadgets and ideas. However, some focus is necessary in order to complete you important tasks. Below are the top 10 distractions for entrepreneurs along with suggestions for avoiding them.<br />,[object Object],As entrepreneurs, we are often the first people to get caught up in the latest technology, because we like new things. However, sometimes new is not always better. Try to stick to what works and only upgrade to new technology when it provides you with something useful.<br />,[object Object],E-mail can easily derail any project. It is hard to ignore that sound your computer or your smartphone makes when that new e-mail comes in. To avoid this, set your e-mail client and your phone to check for new e-mail only once an hour. This way, you can still stay on top of e-mail without the constant interruption.<br />,[object Object],Contrary to popular belief, the customer is not always right. Some customers can suck up all of your time with concerns and complaints. If you have a customer that continually complains about your product or service, fire them and refund their money. It will cost you less and the long run. <br />,[object Object],Since this business is yours, it is hard to let go. However, holding tightly to each task and micromanaging will take up time that could be used on important projects and tasks. When you give someone a task, check up with them from time to time, but allow them to do it.<br />,[object Object],If you can, find a workspace outside of your home, especially if you have small children. Our homes typically have too many distractions to allow you to work effectively. If you have to work at home, set up a private personal workspace away from the rest of the house.<br />,[object Object],With so many tasks, pieces of technology, and modes of communication, it is tough to stay on task. Try to close unused windows on your desktop and let the phone go to voicemail when you need to concentrate.<br />,[object Object],As an entrepreneur, you need to dream. This is probably how you came up with your business idea in the first place. However, excessive dreaming about your future success can keep you from finishing your work in the present. Try to schedule time to think through these ideas.<br /> <br />,[object Object],As an entrepreneur, success or failure is all on your shoulders. This makes it very easy to constantly worry. Constant worry is a distraction and a drain on your energy.  To avoid this worry, reflect on your past success and surround yourself with people who are encouraging.<br />,[object Object],Entrepreneurs are always on to the next business idea, which is important. However, new ideas can be distractions that work against current ideas. Write down your new ideas when they come to you, then try to finish your current work first before starting to research or flesh out the new ones.<br />,[object Object],There is always another new resource out the to help you with your business. While these are often necessary and helpful, there is no way you can take them all in. Find a few of the best ones for you and your business and don’t worry about the rest.<br />Following these guidelines can help you focus, get your work done, and avoid distractions.<br />
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