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Contact: Jawad Rachami
The assessments, insights, conclusions and recommendaƟons summarized in this report are the result 
of research and analysis efforts conducted under the Reliability InformaƟon Analysis Center (RIAC) for 
the U.S. Army Rapid Equipping Force (REF). 
RIAC has served as a Department of Defense (DoD) InformaƟon Analysis Center (IAC) for more than 35 
years. The mission of a DoD IAC is to improve the producƟvity of researchers, engineers, and program 
managers in the research, development and acquisiƟon communiƟes by collecƟng, analyzing, 
applying, and disseminaƟng worldwide scienƟfic and technical informaƟon. The secondary mission is 
to promote standardizaƟon within their field. 
As an IAC, RIAC provides the informaƟon, tools, training, and technical experƟse in the engineering 
disciplines of Reliability, Maintainability, Quality, Supportability, and Interoperability (RMQSI) to 
support accurate decision making and implement cost‐effecƟve soluƟons throughout all phases of a 
product or system life cycle. 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge 
RIAC website: hƩp://
Acronyms & AbbreviaƟons 
ExecuƟve Summary 
SecƟon 1.0 
1.1 US Army Policy IniƟaƟves 
1.2 US Navy and USMC Policy IniƟaƟves 
SecƟon 2.0 
Understanding Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge 
2.1 Energy GeneraƟon 
2.2 Energy Storage 
2.3 Energy Management 
SecƟon 3.0 
TacƟcal Edge Energy IniƟaƟves 
3.1 GeneraƟon: High‐Efficiency Flexible Solar Panels 
3.2 Storage: Advanced BaƩeries 
3.3 Management: TacƟcal Micro‐grids 
SecƟon 4.0 
Understanding the Energy Technology Landscape 
4.1 US Clean Technology Industry 
4.2 Industry Overview and Market Trends 
4.2.1 Venture Capital and Private Equity Funding Flows 
4.2.2 Cleantech VC Funding Trends 
SecƟon 5.0 
Understanding InnovaƟon Hubs: Silicon Valley 
5.1 High‐Tech Marketplace 
5.2 InsƟtuƟonal Landscape 
5.2.1 Academic InsƟtuƟons 
5.2.2 NaƟonal Laboratories 
5.2.3 NASA Ames Research Center 
5.2.4 State and Municipal Government Agencies 
5.3 Silicon Valley Culture 
5.4 Silicon Valley’s PotenƟal ContribuƟons 
5.4.1 Energy GeneraƟon in Silicon Valley 
5.4.2 Energy Storage in Silicon Valley 
5.4.3 Energy Management in Silicon Valley 
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SecƟon 6.0 
Conclusion and RecommendaƟons 
6.1 Understand Venture Capital and Private Equity Funding Flows 
6.1.1 DifferenƟate Venture‐Backed Companies 
6.1.2 Observe and Forecast Trends 
6.2 Align IncenƟves for Companies with PotenƟal Dual‐Use Technologies 
6.2.1 Early and EffecƟve Investor Engagement 
6.2.2 Break Down Capability Gaps to IdenƟfy Technical Needs 
6.2.3 Address Ambiguity in Program Milestones 
6.3 Promote Interagency CollaboraƟon 
1. DoD TacƟcal Electric Power Requirements 
2. DoD Petroleum Spending and ConsumpƟon 
3. Global WTI Crude Oil process, 2005—2012 
4. DLA‐E Fuel Price per Barrel, FY05—FY11 
5. Major Players in U.S. Clean Technology Industry 
6. VC Cleantech Sector Investments, 2005—Q2 2013 
7. Cleantech and Total U.S. VC Investment, 2005—Q2 2013 
8. Major Cleantech IPO Performance, 2010—present 
9. Cleantech Start‐Up Investment Rounds 
10. Total U.S .VC Investment in All Sectors, 2008—Q2 2013 
11. Cleantech Funding Trends in Top Five Regions, 2010—2013 
12. Cleantech Venture Funding by Subsector, Q1 2013 
13. The Valley of Death 
1. Major Cleantech IPOs, 2010—present 
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AHPCRC Army High Performance CompuƟng Research Center 
ARC NASA Ames Research Center 
ARCIC Army CapabiliƟes IntegraƟon Center 
ARPA‐E Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy 
ARRA U.S. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 
ASA/IE&E Assistant Secretary of the Army for InstallaƟons, Energy and 
ASD(OEPP) Assistant Secretary of Defense for OperaƟonal Energy Plans and 
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bbl/d Barrels per day 
BCIL Army Base Camp IntegraƟon Laboratory 
COMISAF Commanding General of the InternaƟonal Security Assistance Force 
COTS Commercial‐off‐the‐Shelf 
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 
DLA‐E Defense LogisƟcs Agency – Energy 
DoD U.S. Department of Defense 
DoE U.S. Department of Energy 
DTIC Defense Technical InformaƟon Center 
DWCF Defense Working Capital Fund 
E2O USMC ExpediƟonary Energy Office 
EIA U.S. Energy InformaƟon AdministraƟon 
ESG Energy Security Goals 
FFRDC Federally funded research and development center 
FY Fiscal Year 
GCEP Global Climate and Energy Project, Stanford University 
GREENS Ground Renewable ExpediƟonary Energy System 
HPC High Performance CompuƟng 
IPO IniƟal Public Offering 
KPCB Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers 
LBL Lawrence Berkeley NaƟonal Laboratory 
LLNL Lawrence Livermore NaƟonal Laboratory
LP Limited Partner 
M&A Mergers and AcquisiƟons 
MROC Marine Requirement Oversight Council 
NASA NaƟonal AeronauƟcs and Space AdministraƟon 
NECO Navy Energy CoordinaƟon Office 
NNSA DoE NaƟonal Nuclear Security AdministraƟon 
NREL NaƟonal Renewable Energy Laboratory 
NVCA NaƟonal Venture Capital AssociaƟon 
OCO Overseas ConƟngency OperaƟons 
REDUCE Renewable Energy for Distributed Undersupplied Command Environ‐ments 
RENEWS Reusing ExisƟng Natural Energy from Wind and Solar 
SAGE Smart and Green Energy program, 
SEEDZ Smart Energy Enterprise Development Zone 
SPACES Solar Portable AlternaƟve CommunicaƟons Energy System 
TFE U.S. Navy’s Task Force Energy 
VC Venture Capital 
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In this age of conƟnued fiscal austerity, diminished 
defense budgets will not be accompanied by reduced 
threats or requirements for US naƟonal security. 
Responding to the variety of complex emerging 
threats characterizing the 21st century security 
environment will require projecƟng power and 
maintaining a military presence in a variety of austere 
areas, oŌen without support from a developed host 
naƟon infrastructure or contribuƟons from allies or 
partners. In order to more effecƟvely and efficiently 
address and overcome this century’s security 
challenges, the US Department of Defense (DoD) has 
a compelling interest in insƟtuƟonalizing innovaƟon 
within its programming and acquisiƟon systems. This 
will require creaƟng incenƟves and mechanisms to 
enable parƟcipaƟon by non‐tradiƟonal actors to help 
DoD access a wider spectrum of innovaƟon and 
harness its potenƟal in an era of both great challenge 
and marked opportunity. 
Significantly, the United States military will conƟnue 
to have a criƟcal and enduring interest in the security, 
reliability, and resilience of all types of operaƟonal 
energy needed to sustain itself and meet its mission 
requirements worldwide. Strategic planning 
frameworks assume consistent and sustainable 
funcƟoning of materiel and supply chains in support 
of domesƟc and overseas operaƟons and demand 
This report idenƟfies general shortcomings in DoD’s 
efforts to insƟtuƟonalize innovaƟve pracƟces 
throughout the procurement cycle in general and 
assesses opportuniƟes for the Army, and DoD at 
large, to beƩer harness innovaƟon in support of 
operaƟonal energy requirements in parƟcular and 
with special emphasis on leveraging the resources of 
innovaƟon hubs—specifically Silicon Valley. 
Energy generaƟon, storage, and management are 
criƟcal components of operaƟonal energy at the 
tacƟcal edge. The US military's current energy 
requirements and the sources and methods it relies 
on to meet these needs exposes it to undue risk for 
supply disrupƟon, as well as security vulnerabiliƟes 
affecƟng baƩlefield fuel supply lines. The inefficient 
consumpƟon model currently used limits overall 
readiness and combat effecƟveness and increases 
budget volaƟlity during a period of extended fiscal 
austerity. In addiƟon, energy inefficiency at the 
tacƟcal edge: 
 Increases the threat of aƩacks on deployed 
units and supply convoys; 
 Elevates risk to the mission and limits effecƟve 
and agile command and control; 
 Burdens logisƟcs systems resulƟng in both 
higher direct and opportunity costs. 
InnovaƟon hubs, such as those represented in Silicon 
Valley can play an important role in the evoluƟon to 
greater energy reliability and mission effecƟveness at 
the tacƟcal edge. Today, unique clusters of 
businesses, private capital, academic insƟtuƟons, and
government laboratories can be more systemaƟcally 
engaged for the beƩerment of warfighter needs in 
the areas of energy development and power 
management. Silicon Valley’s widely‐used model of 
low‐cost, rapid prototyping and risk‐tolerant 
investment can be used to address some pressing 
defense challenges when properly leveraged and 
DOD has long been a champion of innovaƟon. It has 
pioneered a number of breakthrough technologies 
that found their way into widespread commercial use 
with great benefits to society. In fact, it is thanks to 
some of those breakthrough innovaƟons that 
‘Pandora’s box’ has opened on a whole host of 
transformaƟve innovaƟons across the globe— 
resulƟng in democraƟzing access to informaƟon and 
networked human creaƟon. Ironically, this has also 
accelerated the need for more innovaƟon to counter 
the nefarious use of advanced technologies and the 
means to produce them. Therefore, the main thrust 
of this report is that more can be done to 
insƟtuƟonalize innovaƟon within current defense 
programs and that current acquisiƟon systems need 
to adapt to exisƟng and emerging realiƟes in order to 
create pathways for the military to take advantage of 
the talent and ingenuity of a larger community of 
innovators who are not necessarily aligned with 
defense markets and applicaƟons. 
To be sure, this report does not advance a silver‐bullet 
soluƟon. Rather, it advances a set of 
recommendaƟons and advocates for a consideraƟon 
of a more effecƟve and proacƟve approach to 
innovaƟon within Army and (more generally) DOD 
program and acquisiƟon systems in order to more 
effecƟvely address a rapidly evolving threat and 
strategic environment. 
There are specific iniƟaƟves that may be pursued in 
the short‐term based on programs already underway. 
OrganizaƟons such as the Army’s Rapid Equipping 
Force, the Marine Corps ExpediƟonary Energy Office 
and the Army's Research, Development, and 
Engineering Command can benefit from Silicon Valley 
‐based companies working on related technologies. 
More broadly, a suite of recommendaƟons can be 
applied across DoD to beƩer leverage Silicon Valley's 
comparaƟve advantages in technology development. 
These include: 
 Understanding Private Capital Flows in 
innovaƟon hubs like Silicon Valley. 
 Aligning incenƟves between Military and 
innovaƟon‐centric business models. 
 PromoƟng Inter‐agency CollaboraƟon, 
including the effecƟve sharing of technical and 
technology data. 
 Establishing and expanding key partnerships 
for agile and meaningful innovaƟon. 
The tradiƟonal military procurement system will be 
considerably strained as it strives to keep up with 
dynamic demands under increasing budgetary 
constraints. More deliberate use of innovaƟon 
models to assist in solving the complex challenges of 
operaƟonal energy can provide a range of benefits to 
the U.S. military, including the oŌen‐conflicƟng goals 
of reducing costs while increasing capability. 
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The United States military has a criƟcal and enduring 
interest in the security, reliability, and resilience of all 
types of operaƟonal energy needed to sustain itself 
and meet its mission requirements worldwide. 
Strategic planning frameworks assume consistent and 
sustainable funcƟoning of materiel and supply chains 
in support of domesƟc and overseas operaƟons. This 
report describes and assesses opportuniƟes for the 
US Department of Defense (DoD) to harness 
innovaƟon in support of energy security, parƟcularly 
in an operaƟonal context. 
Today, the United States faces a rapidly changing 
geostrategic environment, with evolving security 
threats that include internaƟonal terrorism, WMD 
proliferaƟon, hosƟle non‐state actors, and 
environmental instability. Responding to such a 
volaƟle threat environment requires increased agility 
and innovaƟon. The U.S. military must conƟnuously 
adapt to exisƟng and emerging challenges—including 
challenges to the security and reliability of 
operaƟonal energy supply. Strategic planning 
frameworks assume consistent and sustainable 
funcƟoning of materiel and supply chains in support 
of operaƟons. However, the criƟcal challenges facing 
the warfighter around the globe evolve too rapidly 
for exisƟng materiel. Responding to evolving threats 
requires presence in a variety of austere 
environments, oŌen without support from a 
developed host naƟon infrastructure or contribuƟons 
from allies or partners. Furthermore, current energy 
sources and methods expose the mission to undue 
risk for supply disrupƟon and security vulnerabiliƟes 
affecƟng fuel supply lines. Energy generaƟon, 
storage, and management are all criƟcal components 
of operaƟonal energy at the tacƟcal edge. The 
inefficient consumpƟon model currently used limits 
overall readiness and combat effecƟveness and 
increases budget volaƟlity during a period of 
extended fiscal austerity. 
OperaƟonal energy will conƟnue to be an 
important consideraƟon in current and future 
engagements, since increasing energy security in 
all theaters of operaƟon is a vital element of U.S. 
military strategy. In 2011, the DoD published its 
OperaƟonal Energy Strategy to “transform the 
way the Department consumes energy in military 
operaƟons.” The strategy established the office 
of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
OperaƟonal Energy Plans and Programs (ASD 
(OEPP)) to “promote the energy security of 
military operaƟons through guidance for and 
oversight of Departmental acƟviƟes and 
More recently, on 20 June 2013, Deputy 
Secretary of Defense Dr. Ashton Carter issued 
guidance for a “comprehensive defense energy 
policy,” designed to transform how DoD uses 
energy to enhance military capability, improve 
energy security and reduce costs.2 This iniƟaƟve 
represents a major effort by the DoD to 
insƟtuƟonalize effecƟve operaƟonal and faciliƟes 
energy management across the full range of 
defense acƟviƟes. It also provides the impetus for 
the Department to invest in innovaƟve, cost‐effec 
Ɵve energy soluƟons. 
Successfully meeƟng DoD energy goals will enhance 
operaƟonal efficiency during an extended period of 
fiscal austerity and geostrategic volaƟlity. Ensuring 
that current and emerging operaƟonal energy needs 
are adequately met can not only achieve budget 
efficiency, but enhance mobility, endurance, and 
overall operaƟonal effecƟveness. It would also 
provide US forces with the ability to beƩer fit current 
and emerging conƟngency environments with 
increased impact and lower footprint: ‘more tooth, 
less tail.’ 
There is an important role for innovaƟon in the U.S. 
military efforts to address operaƟonal energy needs. 
InnovaƟon has long been a keystone of technology 
advancement in the United States, including in the 
field of alternaƟve energy. The challenge remains to 
insƟtuƟonalize innovaƟon as a key enabler of soluƟon 
‐targeƟng within defense planning and acquisiƟon 
systems. Current defense acquisiƟon processes are 
predominantly aligned with tradiƟonal defense 
industry and do not systemaƟcally seek and engage 
innovaƟon‐driven organizaƟons as industry partners. 
Missed opportuniƟes for collaboraƟon and 
breakthrough innovaƟon impose an opportunity cost 
in terms of the reliability, efficiency, and overall 
performance in a highly kineƟc mission 
1.1 U.S. Army Policy IniƟaƟves 
The U.S. Army has long recognized that operaƟonal 
energy is criƟcal to the supply, execuƟon, and success 
of the military mission of the United States. A long 
record of policy statements, research and analysis 
products, and operaƟonal assessments highlights the 
need for effecƟve operaƟonal energy strategies to 
fulfill mission requirements at home and abroad. 
More recently, however, the need for effecƟve 
OperaƟonal Energy planning and implementaƟon has 
come into focus as a result of a changing geostrategic 
landscape marked by asymmetric threats, global 
economic challenges, increased compeƟƟon for 
global energy supplies, and climate change. In 2009, 
the Army established a Senior Energy Council, which 
put in place a governance structure for energy policy 
1 DOD, Energy for the Warfighter: OperaƟonal Energy strategy, May 2011. Available here. 
2 DoD Guidance for Comprehensive Defense Energy Policy, June 2013. Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum available 
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and issued an Army Energy Security ImplementaƟon 
Strategy. The strategy arƟculated five Strategic 
Energy Security Goals (ESGs):3 
 Reduced energy consumpƟon 
 Increased energy efficiency across plaƞorms 
and faciliƟes 
 Increased use of renewable/alternaƟve energy 
 Assured access to sufficient energy supplies 
 Reduced adverse impacts on the environment 
The Army CapabiliƟes IntegraƟon Center, Deputy 
Chief of Staff, G‐4, issued a white paper in April 2010 
that stated:4 
Recent efforts to idenƟfy operaƟonal energy 
objecƟves highlight a lack of exisƟng systems 
analysis to idenƟfy mission‐related aƩributes, such 
as resilience, agility and flexibility – important, not 
only in an expediƟonary environment, but on 
domesƟc installaƟons in a “flaƩening” world. The 
OperaƟonal Energy Campaign must establish a 
capability‐based approach to energy and power 
that integrates all DOTMLPF aspects and idenƟfies 
performance parameters based upon analysis of 
operaƟonal concepts. This will require both 
operaƟonal analysis and a comprehensive 
assessment of baseline energy use and 
performance, providing the basis for modernizaƟon 
prioriƟes and improvement goals, as well as 
management tools and training. 
In June 2011, General David Petraeus, then 
Commanding General of the InternaƟonal Security 
Assistance Force (COMISAF) in Afghanistan, released 
a memorandum in which he recognized operaƟonal 
energy as the “lifeblood of our warfighƟng 
capabiliƟes.”5 At the same Ɵme General Petraeus 
released his 2011 memo, Army leadership directed 
the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for 
InstallaƟons, Energy and Environment (ASA/IE&E) and 
the Deputy Chief of Staff, G‐4 to coordinate efforts 
related to the development and management of 
conƟngency bases in support of Combatant 
Commander requests for Base OperaƟons Support. 
In September 2012, the Deputy Chief of Staff, G‐4, 
was designated as the Army Staff lead for OperaƟonal 
Energy in support of ASA/IE&E. Deputy Chief of Staff, 
G‐4, was charged with the mission of integraƟng 
Army efforts with other services in order to meet DoD 
energy security, efficiency, and sustainability goals. 
Shortly thereaŌer, Army leadership announced the 
launch of ‘The Power is in Your Hands’ campaign to 
promote cultural awareness of energy‐informed 
operaƟons throughout the Army. Army Secretary, 
John McHugh; Army Chief of Staff, General Ray 
Odierno; and Sgt. Major of the Army, Ray Chandler, 
3 Army Energy Security ImplementaƟon Strategy, The Army Senior Energy Council, 13 January 2009 
4 Army CapabiliƟes IntegraƟon Center (ARCIC), Research, Development and Engineering Command, Deputy Chief of Staff, 
G‐4, “Power and Energy Strategy White Paper”, April 2010. 
5 Memo available online and can be accessed here. Also Memo from General Allen can be accessed here 
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issued a joint statement challenging the Army to 
change its operaƟonal energy culture.6 
1.2 U.S. Navy and USMC Policy 
The Department of the Navy named six objecƟves for 
FY13, including to “lead the naƟon in sustainable 
energy.”7 In 2009, Secretary of the Navy, Ray Maybus, 
idenƟfied five major energy goals for the Navy and 
the Marine Corps8: 
 By 2020, 50 percent of total energy 
consumpƟon will come from alternaƟve 
 By 2020, at least 50 percent of shore‐based 
energy requirements will be produced from 
alternaƟve sources, and 50 percent of 
installaƟons will be net zero. 
 By 2012, the Navy will demonstrate a Carrier 
Strike Group fueled by alternaƟve energy, and 
deploy it by 2016. 
 By 2015, petroleum use in commercial vehicles 
will be reduced by 50 percent. 
To this end, the Navy created Task Force Energy (TFE) 
to “develop the metrics, processes, tools, and 
organizaƟonal structure to support the Navy Energy 
Strategy.” The Task Force is comprised of a number of 
energy‐related working groups, a Navy Energy 
CoordinaƟon Office (NECO), and a flag‐level execuƟve 
steering commiƩee. 
As an expediƟonary force, the Marine Corps has long 
championed the need for energy efficiency and 
reliability to enhance the mobility, endurance, and 
combat effecƟveness of its units. “Unleash us from 
the tether of fuel,” Lieutenant General James Maƫs 
wrote in an April 2006 Naval Research Advisory 
CommiƩee report. The burden of liquid fuel became 
increasingly apparent through operaƟons in Iraq and 
Afghanistan, which saw exponenƟal growth in Marine 
Corps energy consumpƟon. This trend, combined 
with the changing geopoliƟcal and economic 
landscapes, drove significant insƟtuƟonal and policy 
change in recent years. 
In October 2009, the USMC ExpediƟonary Energy 
Office (E2O) was established to “analyze, develop, 
and direct the Marine Corps’ energy strategy in order 
to opƟmize expediƟonary capabiliƟes across all 
warfighƟng funcƟons,” as well as advise the Marine 
Requirement Oversight Council (MROC) on energy‐related 
issues. E2O is a Director‐level office within 
Headquarters Marine Corps, reporƟng to the 
Assistant Commandant. 
E2O released an ExpediƟonary Energy Strategy and 
ImplementaƟon Plan in March 2011, which idenƟfied 
objecƟves of a 50 percent increase in overall 
efficiency by 2025, as well as the ability to deploy an 
expediƟonary force that is fully energy self‐sufficient 
(excluding vehicle fuel). This strategy again 
emphasized the parƟcular importance of energy 
efficiency to the Marine Corps, framing the problem 
thus: “Over the last ten years, we have become more 
lethal, but we have become heavy. We have lost 
speed. To reset the balance, we must return to our 
Spartan roots – fast, lethal, and austere.” 
6 Announcements are documented on Army official website here . 
7 Department of the Navy Business transformaƟon Plan: Fiscal Year 2013 and Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Report. 
Available here 
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TradiƟonal procurement processes were deemed 
inappropriate for the early stages of the E2O's 
mission. The office decided to address condiƟons on 
the ground as they existed in Afghanistan rather than 
work with MTOE figures. To do this, the E2O 
conducted the first energy “audit” of major bases in a 
combat zone. The Marine Energy Assessment Team 
compiled an extensive report with findings related to 
larger camps along with company and baƩalion level 
bases.9 This gave the E2O an accurate baseline 
assessment of energy use across the spectrum of 
current operaƟons. 
The E2O also began reaching out to industry groups 
to begin mapping currently‐available Commercial Off‐ 
The‐Shelf (COTS) technologies. The evaluaƟon 
sessions were named ExFOBs aŌer their intended 
goal – creaƟng an expediƟonary forward operaƟng 
base. AŌer the iniƟal ExFOB at QuanƟco, Virginia in 
March 2010 the exercises were moved to Twentynine 
Palms, California to beƩer reproduce environmental 
condiƟons in Afghanistan. The ExFOBs have since 
grown in scope and parƟcipaƟon. They now involve 
the Marine Corps WarfighƟng Laboratory, the Office 
of Naval Research, Training and EducaƟon Command, 
and Marine Corps Systems Command.10 
Figure 1: DOD TacƟcal Electric Power 
9 The Assessment report is available from the Defense Technical InformaƟon Center (DTIC) and can be accessed 
10 Available here. 
Air Force 
Source: US Army Project Manager‐Mobile Electric Power (PM‐MEP), AAO 2007 
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Understanding Energy 
Reliability at the TacƟcal 
DoD is the largest energy consumer in the federal 
government and, arguably, the largest single‐enƟty 
consumer in the world. Demand includes energy for 
military installaƟons at home and overseas, as well as 
operaƟonal energy used by military forces in their 
day‐to‐day missions. U.S. forces need reliable access 
to sufficient energy to meet these operaƟonal and 
installaƟon needs. DoD’s current OperaƟonal Energy 
Strategy outlines three main primary goals for 
achieving energy reliability:11 
 More Fight, Less Fuel: Reduce Demand for 
Energy in Military OperaƟons. DoD will work to 
reduce demand for and increase efficiency of 
military energy use, in order to reduce risk and 
costs of military operaƟons. 
 More OpƟons, Less Risk: Expand and Secure 
Energy OpƟons for Military OperaƟons. DoD 
will work to diversify sources of energy away 
from petroleum‐based fuels, which are an 
increasingly expensive and unreliable source in 
today’s world. Security for energy 
infrastructure overall is an ongoing issue. 
 More Capability, Less Cost: Build Energy 
Security into the Future Force. DoD is engaged 
today in equipping the military force of 
tomorrow. It is important to consider energy 
reliability in strategic planning and force 
Petroleum spending has seen significant increases in 
response to internaƟonal oil prices, fluctuaƟng by as 
much as $11 billion, or almost 2% of the DoD budget, 
in the last eight years (See Figures 2 and 3). 
Increased discreƟonary funding for DoD, primarily 
through funding for Overseas ConƟngency 
OperaƟons (OCO), has offset these budgetary strains. 
With sequestraƟon and other looming fiscal 
restraints, the volaƟlity of petroleum spending likely 
will force tradeoffs in supporƟng or even mission 
criƟcal spending. 
Many energy analysts, including at the U.S. Energy 
InformaƟon AdministraƟon (EIA), project that oil 
prices will conƟnue to increase over the next several 
decades, based on trends in both supply and 
demand. According to the EIA, global petroleum 
demand has increased steadily from about 63 million 
barrels of oil per day (bbl/d) in 1980 to 89.2 million 
bbl/d today; this demand is projected to pass 110 
million bbl/d by 2035. 
Heavy reliance on petroleum markets is especially 
problemaƟc due to the drivers of global demand. 
DiversificaƟon, a focus on energy efficiency, and 
economic recession dropped demand in the EU, 
whose members comprise our strongest military 
allies, by 0.5 million bbl/d to 14.4 million bbl/d in 
2012. This marks its lowest level in two decades aŌer 
five straight years of decline, which is projected to 
conƟnue in upcoming years.12 Worldwide appeƟte for 
petroleum is instead driven by China, India, and, to a 
lesser extent, Brazil. Projected consumpƟon in China 
alone is increasing by 410,000 bbl/d in 2013 and is 
11 DOD, OperaƟonal Energy strategy: ImplementaƟon Plan, March 2012. 
12 Source of data is the U.S. Energy InformaƟon AdministraƟon. 
13 Graph from Moshe Schwartz, Katherine Blakeley, Ronald O’Rourke, “Department of Defense Energy IniƟaƟves: 
Background and Issues for Congress,” Congressional Research Service, 10 Dec 2012, hƩp:// 
Figure 2. DoD Petroleum Spending and ConsumpƟon, FY05‐FY1113 
Figure 3. Global WTI Crude Oil Prices, 2005‐2012 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 11
advance, based on price and budget projecƟons.17 A 
renewable fund, called the Defense Working Capital 
Fund, absorbs gains or losses based on the market 
price; for example, if the market price is higher than 
the standard price in a given year, the DWCF pays out 
the difference. Recently, DLA‐E has needed to adjust 
the price more frequently in order to keep the DWCF 
solvent (Figure 4). 
The final element to consider is the increasing cost of 
extracƟng petroleum. Despite advances in alternaƟve 
extracƟon methods, such as horizontal drilling (oŌen 
called fracking), extracƟon and development costs 
are rising faster than oil prices. As of 2013, the major 
expected to increase by 430,000 bbl/d in 2014.14 
CompeƟng with these states for increasingly 
expensive petroleum may lead to heightened poliƟcal 
tension, with potenƟal effects on military strategy 
and operaƟons. 
Rising demand combines with potenƟal supply 
constraints, since oil is a non‐renewable resource, 
and tensions between the US and a few major 
producers persist (e.g. Venezuela, which provided 9% 
of U.S. petroleum imports in 2012, and Iran).15 
Therefore, even assuming steady DoD demand, 
petroleum‐based fuel is a growing burden on the 
defense budget. 
Petroleum costs are not only rising overall but also 
increasing in volaƟlity. For example, DoD costs 
increased 90% from FY04‐FY05 and then dropped 
sharply from FY08‐FY09. Price volaƟlity makes it 
difficult for DoD to accurately budget for its future 
needs. This can cause dangerous budget shorƞalls, 
forcing DoD to redirect funds to fuel purchases. This 
is both expensive and disrupƟve to strategic and 
operaƟonal planning. 
Another reflecƟon of price volaƟlity is the frequency 
with which the Defense LogisƟcs Agency – Energy 
(DLA‐E) has to set the price of fuel. DLA‐E is the DoD 
agency responsible for acquiring, storing, distribuƟng, 
and selling energy. It acquires petroleum from 
suppliers around the world and resells it to DoD 
customers at a standardized price, designed to 
insulate them from price volaƟlity.16 This standard 
price originally was determined 12‐18 months in 
14 “Short‐Term Energy Outlook,” U.S. Energy InformaƟon AdministraƟon, July 2013, hƩp:// 
15 Source of data is the U.S. Energy InformaƟon AdministraƟon. 
16 See hƩp:// for more informaƟon. 
17 Defense LogisƟcs Agency – Energy, hƩp:// . 
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oil companies (i.e. ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Total, Shell, and ConocoPhillips) only made net revenue of about 
$20/bbl, despite the recent jump in price.18 The costs of petroleum are not expected to return to 2005 levels. 
To beƩer understand the unique energy requirements of the DoD, operaƟonal energy can be broken down into 
its three major components: generaƟon, storage, and management. These overlapping capabiliƟes help guide 
operators, contracƟng officers, and other non‐technical personnel through challenges and opportuniƟes in the 
wide array of energy‐related technologies. 
Figure 4. DLA‐E Fuel Price per Barrel, FY05—FY1119 
2.1 Energy GeneraƟon 
A major component of operaƟonal energy is energy generaƟon – that is, the inputs and infrastructure needed to 
produce energy consistently, affordably, and in sufficient quanƟƟes. Recently, military energy generaƟon 
iniƟaƟves have focused on integraƟng renewable energy sources in an effort to reduce dependence on 
convenƟonal petroleum‐based fuels. The 2007 NaƟonal Defense AuthorizaƟon Act called on DoD to produce a 
25% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025; internally, each branch of the service established similarly 
ambiƟous goals. 
Developing renewable energy generaƟon capabiliƟes will support DoD energy reliability in two major ways. First, 
18 Ryan Carlyle, “What are the top five facts everyone should know about oil exploraƟon?” Forbes, 3 Apr 2013, hƩp:// 
19 Schwartz, et. al., “Department of Defense Energy IniƟaƟves: Background and Issues for Congress.” 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 13
Reducing the logisƟcs tail not only protects war 
fighters but also enhances the maneuverability and 
endurance of forward‐deployed units. Recent 
InternaƟonal Security Assistance Forces experiences 
in Afghanistan showed that supplying energy will be a 
major component of anƟ‐access and area challenges 
in future operaƟons; surmounƟng the logisƟcal 
obstacles to producing and supplying energy will only 
increase with Ɵme. 
2.2 Energy Storage 
The second major component of operaƟonal energy 
is the capacity to store energy for future use. Energy 
storage technology manages fluctuaƟons in both 
power demand and supply. The military’s need for 
electricity can vary by Ɵme of day or season, 
operaƟonal tempo, and other factors that lead to 
demand exceeding supply during peaks in the load. 
Further, renewable energy sources generate power 
unevenly; for example, levels of incoming solar 
radiaƟon directly impact solar panel output, causing 
intermiƩent and unpredictably energy supply. Both 
these challenges require backup storage capability to 
ensure consistent power output.21 
Military interests in energy storage are related to 
requirements for generaƟon, parƟcularly for the 
ground based expediƟonary forces of the Army and 
Marine Corps. High‐efficiency deployable energy 
storage systems can provide a longer‐lasƟng and less 
resource‐intense power supply for military 
operaƟons, reducing the need to resupply fuels for 
power generaƟon. Even if warfighters can produce 
power downrange, the inability to store that power 
it will lower the heŌy cost of energy so that limited 
resources can be applied to other defense prioriƟes. 
Annual DoD consumpƟon of petroleum is 
approximately 120 million barrels. Since 2005 this 
consumpƟon has held fairly steady, with a slight 
decline due in part to increased use of renewables. 
Reducing costs associated with energy generaƟon can 
have a significant impact on operaƟonal effecƟveness 
by enabling beƩer direcƟon of resources, especially 
within a limited budget. Renewables, such as solar 
and wind energy, have the potenƟal to generate 
energy at more affordable, less volaƟle prices 
because they lack the global supply constraints and 
demand compeƟƟon of petroleum. IntegraƟng 
renewables also will simplify logisƟcs and reduce the 
risk to fuel supply lines. 
Fuel convoys are vulnerable targets. An Army 
Environmental Policy InsƟtute study of the 2003‐2007 
period esƟmated one Army military or contractor 
casualty for every 24 fuel convoys in Afghanistan. A 
similar 2010 Marine Corps study found one Marine 
casualty for every 50 fuel or water convoys.20 
20 “Sustain the Mission Project: Casualty Factors for Fuel and Water Resupply Convoys,” AEPI, Sep 2009, hƩp:// 
21 “Energy Storage,” DoE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, hƩp://‐development/energy‐storage 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 14
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 15 
will impact the reliability of criƟcal equipment. 
The experiences of India Company, 3rd BaƩalion, 5th 
Marine Regiment (I/3/5) illustrate these benefits. 
During operaƟons in Sangin District of Helmand 
Province, Afghanistan, I/3/5 used rechargeable 
baƩeries for its communicaƟons equipment. The 
eliminaƟon of disposable baƩeries reduced the 
weight carried by each Marine, while also removing 
the need for several logisƟcal resupply convoys. 
2.3 Energy Management 
Energy reliability demands the ability to monitor and 
opƟmize energy generaƟon, storage, and delivery. 
Energy management is exemplified in the ‘smart grid’ 
systems under development today, which use 
advanced informaƟon and communicaƟons 
technology to enhance the reliability of electrical 
Neither advanced generaƟon nor storage 
technologies alone can provide energy reliability to 
military ground units. They must have 
complementary energy management capabiliƟes to 
maintain the balance between generaƟon and 
storage. For example, both the Army and Marine 
Corps are working to develop mobile tacƟcal micro‐grids, 
which integrate different energy sources to 
manage and distribute power more efficiently. 
Micro‐grids exemplify the benefits of effecƟve energy 
management from a system‐wide perspecƟve. These 
intelligent systems can integrate exisƟng power 
generaƟon sources, such as generators, with 
renewables (discussed in more detail in SecƟon 3.3). 
By efficiently managing sources based on load in real 
Ɵme, tacƟcal micro‐grids reduce fuel consumpƟon, 
enhancing mobility and tacƟcal capabiliƟes.
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TacƟcal Edge Energy 
DoD has iniƟated a number of operaƟonal energy 
programs across the different Services to advance the 
state of energy reliability, efficiency and security at 
the tacƟcal edge. There are numerous examples of 
government‐led advances in technology that were 
either fully or parƟally funded by the DoD. Efforts to 
harness innovaƟon currently revolve around the 
acquisiƟon and marginal improvement of COTS and 
GOTS products and services. There has also been an 
increased interest in the 3+ year Ɵme horizon of 
technology development organizaƟons such as 
DARPA and ARPA‐E. A gap sƟll remains, however, for 
rapidly procuring and fielding emerging technologies 
in the 1‐3 year Ɵmeframe. 
As with other capabiliƟes, the DoD balances the need 
for process‐driven acquisiƟons with the flexibility to 
respond to dynamic requirements and rapidly‐commercializing 
technologies. The need for rapid 
development and fielding is consistently matched 
with tesƟng and evaluaƟon of equipment with liƩle 
or no operaƟonal background. Such careful balancing 
requires coordinaƟon and collaboraƟon in the DoD to 
insƟtuƟonalize and align incenƟves for harnessing 
innovaƟon in support of common operaƟonal needs. 
For example, the U.S. Army is integraƟng energy 
consideraƟons into various program requirements, 
including: Concept development and 
experimentaƟon; resource management; materiel 
development and acquisiƟon; tesƟng and evaluaƟon; 
as well as training and educaƟon programs. The Army 
is also engaging in a number of capabiliƟes to 
enhance operaƟonal energy implementaƟon at the 
TacƟcal Edge including the Base Camp IntegraƟon 
Laboratory (BCIL), the Smart and Green Energy 
(SAGE) program, and the ConƟngency Basing 
IntegraƟon Technology and EvaluaƟon Center. 
3.1 GeneraƟon: High‐Efficiency 
Flexible Solar Panels 
The U.S. Marine Corps ExpediƟonary Energy Office 
has two energy generaƟon/storage systems as 
Programs of Record: the Solar Portable AlternaƟve 
CommunicaƟons Energy System (SPACES) and the 
Ground Renewable ExpediƟonary Energy System 
(GREENS). Both of these systems are designed to 
provide power to Marine units in remote locaƟons, 
ranging in size from platoons to enƟre baƩalion 
combat operaƟons centers. The updated GREENS 2.0 
prototype uses mono‐crystalline silicon solar panels 
from SBM Solar, Inc., which meet tacƟcal 
requirements as light, flexible, glass‐free, and high 
performing in extreme temperatures.
weight, compaƟbility with exisƟng mobile renewable 
energy systems for recharging, and the ability to 
perform well at high temperatures. 
Engaging more effecƟvely and substanƟvely with 
Silicon Valley could contribute to these soluƟons. For 
example, QuantumScape, an early‐stage company 
operaƟng out of San Jose, CA, is commercializing all‐electron 
baƩery technology that was first developed 
by mechanical engineers at Stanford with an ARPA‐E 
grant. InteresƟngly, this research was conducted 
through the new Army High Performance CompuƟng 
Research Center (AHPCRC) with military applicaƟons 
in mind. This type of baƩery “stores energy in charge 
separaƟon, using only electrons, which are lighter, 
and therefore faster, than the ion charge carriers 
typical of convenƟonal baƩeries.”23 It exhibits higher 
power density, energy density, and life cycle than 
advanced lithium‐ion baƩeries.24 
QuantumScape’s management has long experience 
with venture‐funded start‐ups in the region. CEO 
Jagdeep Singh co‐founded an opƟcal networking gear 
company called Infinera that scaled from start‐up to 
publicly traded commercial success. KPCB and Khosla 
Ventures, two of Silicon Valley’s most acƟve and 
profitable cleantech VCs, were both early backers of 
This company’s potenƟally disrupƟve baƩery 
technology addresses many of the military’s major 
energy storage challenges, and its financial, 
managerial, and technical experƟse bode well for its 
conƟnued development. However, despite the early 
connecƟon with Stanford’s AHPCRC, there is no 
Alta Devices, a venture‐backed company in Silicon 
Valley, manufactures gallium arsenide solar panels 
that share the same key characterisƟcs as SBM Solar’s 
products but are almost twice as efficient—30.8% 
NREL—reported efficiency for Alta compared to 17‐ 
18% for SBM Solar. TheoreƟcally, GREENS electricity 
output could be increased without adding to the 
weight of the system, if it uƟlized Alta’s technology. 
Other companies that are developing similar solar 
technologies include MicroLink Devices (San 
Francisco, CA), SiGen (San Jose, CA), and AstroWaƩ 
(AusƟn, TX). 
3.2 Storage: Advanced BaƩeries 
The military – parƟcularly the ground units of the 
Army and Marine Corps – relies on baƩeries to 
provide energy storage soluƟons in remote locaƟons. 
However, baƩery technology in use by the military 
today tends to be heavy, have low power density and 
oŌen is not rechargeable. In 2010, a typical Marine 
Corps patrol in Afghanistan carried enough baƩeries 
to support mission essenƟal requirements for three 
or four days – about 20‐35 pounds per person22. An 
average mulƟband radio, operated conƟnuously, 
requires 216 AA baƩeries every two days. Larger 
electronic systems oŌen uƟlize bulky baƩery packs 
that are hooked up to vehicles to be recharged, 
increasing fuel needs. 
There is significant room for improvement in 
advanced baƩery technology for military applicaƟons. 
Reducing the burden of carrying baƩeries would 
make warfighters more nimble and self‐sufficient. 
CriƟcal requirements include high efficiency, low 
22 “KaƟe Fehrenbacher, “The Valley’s next big baƩery play: QuantumScape,” Gigaom, 5 Oct 2011, hƩp://‐valleys‐next‐ 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 18 
23 Army High Performance RecruiƟng Center, Stanford Mechanical Engineering Department, hƩp:// 
24 Dan Lafontaine, “Army scienƟsts develop deployable renewable energy soluƟons,” U.S. Army News, hƩp://Ɵcle/79471/
baƩery components would boost the number of 
hours of power the RENEWS system can provide. 
Beyond this, numerous new startups are developing 
soŌware and data analysis tools that could provide 
military energy soluƟons. Palo Alto‐based AutoGrid, 
for instance, has a cloud‐based soŌware plaƞorm 
that analyzes electrical grid data in order to idenƟfy 
usage trends and opƟmize load management. Nest 
Labs (discussed in SecƟon 5.1) invented a smart 
thermostat designed for home use, but the 
underlying analyƟcs that “teach” the thermostat to 
adjust to an individual’s energy needs and usage 
paƩerns could have military applicaƟons. In general, 
all the R&D efforts targeƟng domesƟc ‘smart grids’ 
could benefit Army and other military efforts to 
develop tacƟcal microgrids, which are scaled‐down, 
stand‐alone versions of larger connected electrical 
public indicaƟon that the Army or any other DoD 
organizaƟons have pursued a partnership with 
There are numerous other examples of innovaƟve 
work in energy storage going on in Silicon Valley. 
Imprint Energy, a start‐up based in Alameda, CA, is 
commercializing zinc‐based baƩery technology first 
developed at UC Berkeley. Its products are thin, 
flexible, and rechargeable, with a much higher energy 
density than comparable lithium‐ion baƩeries and 
much safer. Research into zinc‐air baƩeries conƟnues 
at Stanford (as discussed in SecƟon 5.2), and similar 
zinc‐air fuel cell technology currently licensed to Zinc 
Air, Inc., in Montana, originated at LLNL. 
3.3 Management: TacƟcal Micro‐grids 
The Army Research, Development and Engineering 
Command is developing two tacƟcal microgrid 
systems. The first, called Reusing ExisƟng Natural 
Energy from Wind and Solar (RENEWS), uses 
completely renewable energy sources to power 
smaller systems in very remote locaƟons. RENEWS, 
which weighs about 100lbs and is stored in two 70lb 
cases, can power two or three laptops conƟnuously 
with solar/wind power or for about five hours from 
stored energy. The second, Renewable Energy for 
Distributed Undersupplied Command Environments 
(REDUCE), is a larger system that will integrate fuel‐based 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 19 
generators with renewables.25 
Advances in energy generaƟon and storage (will 
support effecƟve micro‐grids: higher‐efficiency 
25 Author generated, adapted from Dan Goldman, Highland Capital Management, cited in Tony ValenƟne et. al., “USDA Guarantees 2nd 
GeneraƟon Biofuels Access to Bond Market for IniƟal CommercializaƟon,” Clean Energy Notes, 17 Mar 2011, cleanener‐gynotes.
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Understanding the Energy 
Technology Landscape 
U.S. renewable energy and other clean technology 
sectors have seen renewed interest in recent years 
due to a number factors including the advent of new 
technologies, shiŌs in the geostrategic and policy 
environments, and lessons learned from a range of 
threat environments. Many of these systems are sƟll 
not commercially viable, however. They require 
government support through a mix of subsidies, tax 
breaks, mandates, and other policy tools. This public 
sector reliance oŌen shapes technological capabiliƟes 
and commercial organizaƟons because of the 
requirements that accompany this governmental 
Recent events and global trends make government 
involvement more likely in the future. Natural 
disasters such as Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy 
demonstrated the vulnerability of the energy sector, 
raising awareness and galvanizing public interest. 
There also has been a sustained rise in public concern 
about anthropogenic climate change. The scienƟfic 
community has reported that observed trends 
toward greater climaƟc volaƟlity can be aƩributed to 
increased greenhouse gas emissions, and this has 
aƩracted resources and innovators to the challenge 
of developing low‐ and zero‐carbon energy 
technologies, and the storage and management 
technologies required for their implementaƟon. 
4.1 US Clean Technology Industry 
The US cleantech industry (Figure 5) includes a 
diverse set of actors with overlapping and 
interrelated roles. Government influence is 
prominent throughout the industry at both federal 
and state levels, especially as a regular and 
substanƟal source of financing. Large research 
universiƟes and naƟonal and corporate laboratories 
figure prominently in the early stages of research and 
development. New technologies are discovered and 
explored at this stage, with increasing aƩenƟon paid 
to high potenƟal products and/or services. 
ProducƟon opƟons are reviewed and tested during 
commercializaƟon, as businesses consider aspects of 
design, manufacturing, cost, market size, regulatory 
environment and other factors. These early‐stage 
companies are oŌen funded privately by investors 
who specialize in the field. Consumer input is 
integrated early in the process during 
commercializaƟon, providing opportuniƟes for 
tesƟng and feedback. This cycle conƟnues as the 
company matures, moving toward profitability and 
exploraƟon, $34 billion in health research, and $81 
billion in defense‐related research).27 
Within the industry, generaƟon and deployment of 
renewable energy has seen the most growth. As a 
result, prices conƟnue to be driven down and 
renewables present an increasingly viable alternaƟve 
to petroleum‐based fuels. This is parƟcularly true for 
the residenƟal solar sector; the US had 7,500MW of 
solar photovoltaic capacity at the end of 2012, three 
Ɵmes more than in 2010, and more than ten Ɵmes 
2007.28 Renewables supplied over 49% of new US 
power generaƟon capacity in 2012. The EIA projects 
that this surge will conƟnue, with renewables 
supplying more electricity than nuclear reactors or 
natural gas by 2016.29 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 22 
4.2 Industry Overview and Market 
Energy technology research receives significant 
aƩenƟon from major universiƟes and other academic 
and research insƟtuƟons across the country. For 
example, the New York BaƩery and Energy Storage 
Technology ConsorƟum is partnering with Dutch firm 
DNV Kema to build a $23 million BaƩery and Energy 
Storage Technology tesƟng and commercializaƟon 
center in Rochester, NY.26 While federal funding for 
energy R&D averaged about $4.7 billion annually 
from 2009‐2014, this is much lower than annual 
investments in other areas of naƟonal innovaƟon 
priority (e.g. $19 billion in space research and 
Figure 5. Major Players in U.S. Clean Technology Industry 
26 Silvio Marcacci, “$23 Million Energy Storage Research Center Launched in New York State,” Clean Technica, 30 Jul 2013. Access here. 
27 Alex Trembath, Michael Shellenberger, Jesse Jenkins, Ted Nordhaus, “Beyond Boom and Bust: Puƫng Clean Tech on a Path to Subsidy 
Independence,” 17 Apr 2013. Access here. 
28 Silvio Marcacci, “Dazzling Dozen US States Illuminate Path to Solar Energy Future,” Clean Technica, 26 Jul 2013. Access here. 
29 Dennis McGinn, “American Renewable Energy is Powering the American Energy TransformaƟon,” Huffington Post, 9 July 2013. Access 
majority of domesƟc cleantech sectors rely on 
government subsidies and other supporƟve policies 
to compete in energy markets. This leaves the 
industry vulnerable in the face of significant funding 
cuts. Federal funding for clean technologies reached 
an all‐Ɵme high of $44 billion through the American 
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 [ARRA]. By 
2014, annual federal cleantech spending will drop to 
$11 billion (a 75% decline since 2009), and 70% of all 
federal clean energy policies in place in 2009 will 
have expired. Even regular non‐ARRA federal clean 
tech funding is set to decline by more than half, from 
a high of $24.3 billion in 2010 to $10.9 billion in 
Overall, the US clean technology industry is at an 
inflecƟon point. The rapid expansion of government 
funding since 2009 prompted significant advances, 
parƟcularly in the large‐scale residenƟal solar sector. 
These new technologies could become compeƟƟve in 
domesƟc energy markets, but for now the industry 
remains dependent on unreliable federal support, 
leading to a dangerous “boom and bust” cycle. 
4.2.1 Venture Capital and Private Equity 
Funding Flows 
Venture capital investment in the cleantech sector is 
trending downward and has been for several years. 
According to publicly available data from the 
MoneyTree Report, generated by 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and the NaƟonal 
Venture Capital AssociaƟon (NVCA), the cleantech 
sector saw its sixth straight quarter of decline in Q2 
2013 to $364 million.33 This marks a 62% year‐over‐ 
Cleantech growth is reflected in industry 
employment, which expanded 12% from 2007 to 
2010. This represents more than 70,000 new jobs 
during the height of the recession. From 2011 to 
2012, the solar sector added jobs nearly six Ɵmes as 
quickly as the rest of the economy, though solar 
manufacturing dropped off in 2012 in part due to 
compeƟƟon from cheaper foreign imports. 
This recent cleantech expansion is largely due to 
unprecedented government support for clean energy. 
President Obama has called on the US to double wind 
and solar electricity generaƟon by 2020, ciƟng 
economic, climate change, and energy security 
demands.30 States also have taken the iniƟaƟve to 
promote energy reliability, parƟcularly the 
integraƟon of renewable energy sources. California, 
New York, MassachuseƩs, and other states in the 
New England region conƟnue to lead the charge in 
this area. 
Government cleantech spending will exceed $150 
billion from 2009‐2014, a more than three Ɵmes 
increase from 2002‐2008. A majority of this spending 
is directed toward subsidizing the deployment and 
adopƟon of new energy technologies (e.g. solar 
installaƟons) while manufacturing received only 8%. 
Overall investment in renewables and other 
cleantech followed the government’s lead, jumping 
155% to $9.5 billion in Q2 2013. This was supported 
by the extension of a wind power tax credit and 
unexpectedly good performances from cleantech 
iniƟal public offerings (IPOs), like Tesla.31 
Due to the rapid expansion of government funding, a 
30 “President Obama’s Plan to Fight Climate Change,” 25 Jul 2013, hƩp://‐acƟon‐plan. 
31 “Clean energy investment rises 22%, led by US, China,” Bloomberg, 11 Jul 2013, hƩp://‐‐energy‐investment‐ 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 23 
rises‐22‐led‐us‐china/ . 
32 Alex Trembath, et. al., “Beyond Boom and Bust: Puƫng Clean Tech on a Path to Subsidy Independence.”
sign for an industry. The venture model takes 
advantage of high risk, high reward early‐stage 
companies; therefore, as industries mature, the role 
for VC investment naturally declines. This creates 
space for increased debt/equity and project financing 
from other sources. The drop in cleantech venture 
investment may be partly explained by growing 
maturing in cleantech markets, parƟcularly the larger 
solar companies. Mark Heeson, president of the 
NVCA, observed: “As clean energy conƟnues to 
evolve from a capital intensive to a capital efficient 
model, it is clear that the venture industry is 
responding to the market forces at work.”35 
iii. Limited exit opportuniƟes: 
As the risk associated with investment goes down 
and later‐stage investors step in, VCs look to exit the 
venture profitably. Typically, VCs rely heavily on iniƟal 
public offerings (IPOs) as a viable exit strategy, and 
acquisiƟons also play a role. However, the last few 
years have shown that (at least right now) there is no 
real domesƟc IPO market for cleantech. Ten venture‐backed 
companies had to pull IPO plans in 2012 and 
raise addiƟonal rounds of private investment, 
significantly reducing the returns of these backers. 
Even companies with successful IPOs have had 
disappoinƟng performances. Nine VC‐backed 
cleantech start‐ups have done major market IPOs 
since 2010 and stayed public for more than six 
months (the typical length of the lock‐up period VC 
investors need to wait before selling their shares). All 
but two were trading below their IPO price at that 
180‐day mark, and over Ɵme only Tesla has clearly 
year decrease and the lowest quarterly funding total 
in over seven years (Figure 6). 
There are a number of likely contribuƟng factors to 
this downward VC investment trend: 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 24 
i. Overall weak economy: 
Declining venture investment can indicate that VCs 
are reluctant to invest in new companies in general, 
which is not surprising in a weak economy. This is 
likely a large part of the drop between 2007‐2008 
across all sectors, which coincided with the bursƟng 
of the U.S. housing bubble in mid‐2007 and start of 
the recession (Figure 7). Even the recent drop in 
cleantech since Q1 2011 may be rooted in VC cauƟon; 
it mirrored overall VC acƟvity, but with a 
disproporƟonate decline that makes sense from this 
perspecƟve, given the parƟcularly significant losses 
VCs took on cleantech firms such as A123 Systems. 
However, VCs seem parƟcularly reluctant to invest in 
new cleantech companies. In Q2 2013, overall 
venture capital investment acƟvity rose 12 percent in 
terms of dollars and 2 percent in terms of number of 
deals compared to the previous quarter, but 
cleantech venture investment declined further.34 This 
could indicate parƟcularly low VC confidence in 
cleantech deals, compared to other sectors, but more 
likely a weak economy is not a sufficient explanaƟon 
for the downward trajectory of cleantech venture 
ii. Maturing industry: 
Decreased VC investment is not always a negaƟve 
33 Generated by the author. Data from MoneyTree Report Q1 2013 and PWC press release on trends from upcoming MoneyTree Q2 2013 
report . 
34 PWC press release on trends from upcoming MoneyTree Q2 2013 report, hƩps:// 
filesource/displays/noƟce‐D.html . 
35 Data from Yahoo! Finance; MaƩhew Nordan, “The state of cleantech venture capital: what lies ahead,” GigaOM, 27 Mar 2013.
Figure 6. VC Cleantech Sector Investments, 2005 – Q2 2013 36 
Figure 7. Cleantech and Total US VC Investment, 2005 – Q2 2013 37 
36 Generated by the author. Data from MoneyTree Report Q1 2013 and PWC press release on trends from upcoming MoneyTree Q2 2013 
report (hƩps://Ɵce‐D.html). 
37 “Q2 2013 – Quarterly Venture Capital Financing and Exit Data,” CBI Insights, 15 July 2013, hƩp:// 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 25
are only limited returns, given the size of iniƟal 
Regardless, there seems to be a growing role for 
corporaƟons in funding cleantech firms, and potenƟal 
military customers should watch their behavior 
closely. There are numerous examples from the last 
quarter alone. Sunrun, a domesƟc residenƟal solar 
provider, raised $630 million from JP Morgan to 
construct a new facility. SolarCity raised $500 million 
from Goldman Sachs, and SolarReserve raised $260 
million from Google. Notably, innovaƟve fuel cell 
manufacturer Bloom Energy raised $150 million from 
Credit Suisse, German uƟlity company EON, and its 
previous investors.40 
iv. Concerns of limited partners (LPs). 
VC firms get the money they invest from LPs, such as 
foundaƟons, pension funds, and private wealthy 
families. Recently, many of these limited partners 
have been backing away from cleantech. 
VantagePoint Capital Partners, one of the largest VCs 
acƟve in cleantech, stopped raising a new clean‐tech 
fund because of lack of LP interest. Solar 
manufacturing was one of the fund’s intended 
targets, along with energy storage, electric vehicle, 
and smart grid technology. Many LP insƟtuƟons sƟll 
interested in cleantech are earmarking venture funds 
for lower risk late‐stage growth equity deals. 
v. Losing government support. 
Federal funding for clean technologies reached an all‐ 
Ɵme high of $44 billion through the American 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 26 
done well (Table 1, Figure 8). 
These are not the outsized returns on investment 
that VC firms need from their successes to 
compensate for inevitable losses on other high‐risk 
investments. There is some hope; last year, both 
SolarCity and First Solar had strong iniƟal showings, 
and Tesla conƟnues to outperform the average. 
However, it is too early to tell whether this indicates 
a turn‐around for cleantech IPOs. 
Mergers and AcquisiƟons (M&A) are the primary 
alternaƟve exit vehicle to IPOs. In the cleantech 
sector, M&A acƟvity historically has been modest, 
although it is trending upward: $5 billion earned in 
Q2 2013, compared to only $2 billion in Q1, according 
to data from analysis group CleanTechIQ. Significant 
contributors to those numbers was ABB’s $1 billion 
acquisiƟon of Power One, a power management 
company, and CoinStar [subsidiary] Outerwall’s $350 
million acquisiƟon of ecoATM, an electronics 
recycling company.38 
It is difficult to assess cleantech venture‐backed 
acquisiƟons, let alone Silicon Valley cleantech 
acquisiƟons, since most exit data does not 
differenƟate venture‐backed companies. This means 
potenƟal military customers will not be able to 
determine the best VC firms and/or porƞolio 
companies in the energy technology sector with a 
high degree of confidence. However, a 2012 
Cleantech Venture‐Backed M&A Exit Study showed 
only 27 venture‐backed cleantech deals greater than 
$50 million in the previous ten years, with an 
esƟmated $13 billion in total M&A exit value. These 
38 Neal Dikeman, “Guest Post: Cleantech VC‐Backed M&A Exit Numbers,” Green Tech Media, 18 September 2012, hƩp://Ɵcles/read/Guest‐Post‐Cleantech‐VC‐Backed‐MA‐Exit‐Numbers 
39 Carus, “Cleantech VC jumps 56% in Q2, M&A rebounds.” 
40 “Q2 2013 – Quarterly Venture Capital Financing and Exit Data,” CBI Insights.
Table 1. Major Cleantech IPOs, 2010 – present 42 
Company Date of IPO Opening 
at Day 
to Day 
% Change 
to Current 
Codexis, Inc. (CDXS) 22 Apr 2010 13.00 10.58 ‐19% 2.46 ‐81% 
Tesla Motors, Inc. (TSLA) 29 Jun 2010 19.00 22.86 20% 127.26 570% 
Amyris, Inc. (AMRS) 28 Sep 2010 16.50 28.79 74% 2.94 ‐82% 
SemiLEDs Corp (LEDS) 9 Dec 2010 24.00 4.28 ‐20% 1.28 ‐95% 
Gevo, Inc. (GEVO) 9 Feb 2011 14.23 9.25 ‐35% 1.99 ‐86% 
Solazyme, Inc. (SZYM) 27 May 2011 20.00 11.37 ‐43% 11.40 ‐43% 
KiOR, Inc. (KIOR) 24 Jun 2011 15.00 9.08 ‐40% 4.39 ‐71% 
Ceres, Inc. (CERE) 22 Feb 2012 15.00 5.03 ‐66% 2.19 ‐85% 
Enphase Energy, Inc. (ENPH) 22 Apr 2010 7.50 3.36 ‐55% 8.08 8% 
Figure 8. Major Cleantech IPO Performance, 2010 – present42 
41 Author generated, adapted from MaƩhew Nordan, “The state of cleantech venture capital: what lies ahead.” Data from Yahoo! Finance 
42 Felicity Carus, “Cleantech VC jumps 56% in Q2, M&A rebounds,” CleantechIQ, 3 July 2013, hƩp://‐vc‐jumps‐56‐in‐q2‐ma‐rebounds/. 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 27
 Related to the problem of limited exit 
opportuniƟes, the increased proporƟon of 
follow‐on investment may indicate adverse 
selecƟon: VCs are providing working capital to 
companies they had hoped to have profitably 
exited already. In any case, VCs will be 
reluctant to conƟnue invesƟng in a sector with 
limited opportuniƟes for profitable exit. 
 VCs are earmarking more money for late‐stage 
funding because of anƟcipated needs aŌer a 
boom of seed/Series A investments around 
2006. That year VCs began focusing on the 
cleantech industry, and funding quickly 
increased by more than 50% annually for the 
next three years. Most of those cleantech 
rounds used seed/Series A money, but since 
then the trend has reversed (Figure 9). VC 
firms may have responded to these trends – 
and the projected need for even greater late‐stage 
funding in the future – by earmarking 
funds. In support of this idea, a number of 
major VCs started raising large late‐stage 
cleantech funds c. 2010‐2011, including 
VantagePoint, KPCB, Khosla Ventures, and 
Hudson Clean Energy. 
Tracking these trends in VC funding may help DoD 
and other government customers forecast future 
developments. If they can idenƟfy sectors that are 
likely to need extra funding in the future, they may 
be able to match those sectors to their own needs 
and idenƟfy business opportuniƟes. Early 
engagement in these sectors would help determine 
the technological and organizaƟonal hurdles to 
effecƟve partnering. 
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 [ARRA]. 
Dependence on government subsidies leads to 
unpredictability in the sector, parƟcularly as the 
sƟmulus money winds down, which can complicate 
investment. This blends with concerns about other 
federal, as well as state, incenƟves for cleantech 
4.2.2 Cleantech VC Funding Trends 
Not only is venture funding down for cleantech, but it 
is increasingly made as follow‐on investment (Series 
B or later, meaning investments in later‐stage, lower‐risk 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 28 
companies). Nearly 90% of cleantech VC 
investments were Series B or later in Q1 2013, and 
the average size of those rounds fell by 45%. 
However, the increase in venture funding over all 
sectors featured a resurgence of early stage 
investments, which rose 63% in dollars to their 
highest level in six quarters. Average size of early 
stage deals also jumped from $3.7 million in Q1 to 
$5.2 million in Q2. As of this wriƟng, Q2 2013 
investment data by stage of development for the 
cleantech sector is not yet publicly available, but 
reports indicate that cleantech did not see a 
comparable rise in early‐stage acƟvity. 
There are a number of possible contribuƟng factors 
to this trend: 
 VCs someƟmes favor add‐ons over new 
plaƞorms in hard Ɵmes, because they know 
the company and have a beƩer chance of 
success. Further, poor economic condiƟons 
may have sƟfled other new promising 
41 Author generated, adapted from MaƩhew Nordan, “The state of cleantech venture capital: what lies ahead.” Data from Yahoo! Finance 
42 Felicity Carus, “Cleantech VC jumps 56% in Q2, M&A rebounds,” CleantechIQ, 3 July 2013, hƩp://‐vc‐jumps‐ 
Nonetheless, investment metrics need to be balanced against other factors—VC‐funded start‐up enterprises 
may at Ɵmes pose risks to the acquisiƟon of sustainable soluƟons, as was the case with Solyndra. 
Figure 9. Cleantech Start‐Up Investment Rounds43 
43 Graph from MaƩhew Nordan, “The state of cleantech venture capital, part 1: the money,” Gigaom, 28 November 2011, hƩp://‐state‐of‐cleantech‐venture‐capital‐part‐1‐the‐money/ . 
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WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 30 
Understanding InnovaƟon 
Hubs: Silicon Valley 
Silicon Valley, located in the southern region of the 
San Francisco Bay Area in northern California, is one 
of the most innovaƟve and producƟve high‐tech 
regions in the world (Inset Figure44). Its unique 
combinaƟon of business, academic, government, and 
cultural resources facilitate technological innovaƟon. 
In the last decade, Silicon Valley has emerged as one 
of the centers of U.S. clean technology industry. 
Given the recent strategic shiŌs outlined above and 
the long history of the region's support for tradiƟonal 
defense industries such as semiconductors, satellites, 
and opƟcs, the DoD has the opportunity to 
systemaƟcally reengage Silicon Valley on energy 
reliability challenges. Leveraging Silicon Valley in a 
producƟve fashion requires substanƟal adjustment to 
standard DoD pracƟces. The companies, investors, 
and educaƟonal insƟtuƟons in the region do not 
funcƟon like tradiƟonal defense contractors. As a 
community, these groups share characterisƟcs such 
as access to cuƫng‐edge research, large labor force 
of talented engineers, rapid development and tesƟng, 
low levels of cash reserves, and the pressure for 
exponenƟal growth to provide investor returns. 
These qualiƟes offer comparaƟve advantages for 
innovaƟve problem‐solving but also potenƟal for 
misunderstanding and frustrated collaboraƟon. 
The DoD will likely face skepƟcism in its outreach to 
individuals and organizaƟons in Silicon Valley. Many 
groups harbor concerns about government 
collaboraƟon based on recent high‐profile failures, 
especially in cleantech (e.g. Solyndra), and a general 
lack of appreciaƟon for process‐heavy – or just slow – 
relaƟonships. Silicon Valley culture and incenƟve 
structures reward technical competence and rapid 
iteraƟon. This is a crucial aspect of the region upon 
which much innovaƟve and entrepreneurial acƟvity 
rests. Unfortunately, it can place undue stress on 
potenƟal DoD partners if these concerns are not 
adequately addressed during the early stages of 
negoƟaƟon. Given these hurdles, the DoD is best 
equipped to provide clarity in technological and 
contractual arrangements, along with an accurate 
assessment of milestones and disbursement 
schedules. EducaƟng organizaƟons and thought 
leaders in Silicon Valley is criƟcal to a sustainable and 
valuable relaƟonship. 
5.1 High‐Tech Marketplace 
Silicon Valley has long been a center of high‐tech 
business in electronics and informaƟon technology. 
Numerous industry leaders have developed there, 
including Google, Yahoo, Cisco Systems, Intuit, and 
Sun Microsystems.45 In recent years Silicon Valley has 
also supported the development of the U.S. clean 
44 Image from hƩp:// 
45 “History of Stanford,” Stanford University, hƩp:// .
VantagePoint Capital Partners. Venture capital 
investors like these are skilled at idenƟfying 
technologies with long‐term growth potenƟal. These 
“porƞolio companies” are expected to provide 
substanƟal returns on investment, usually in the 7‐9 
year Ɵmeframe. 
Several major cleantech success stories were iniƟally 
supported by Silicon Valley capital. Several 
representaƟve examples include: 
1. Clean Power Finance provides Internet‐based 
financial services and soŌware for the 
residenƟal solar industry. It was founded in 
2006 in San Francisco, CA, with venture 
capital from a number of Silicon Valley firms. 
Currently, Clean Power Finance partners 
with major solar manufacturing and 
installaƟon companies and has secured half 
a billion dollars from bank and corporate 
investors, such as Google and Morgan 
2. Nest Labs developed a “learning 
thermostat” system for home energy 
management. Since its founding in 2010 in 
Palo Alto, CA, Nest has expanded quickly and 
now has partnerships with leading U.S. 
uƟliƟes (e.g. Southern California Edison) and 
sells its product in 80 countries worldwide. 
Nest aƩracted Series A investment from a 
number of high‐profile Silicon Valley‐based 
VCs, including KPCB, Google Ventures, 
Shasta Ventures, Lightspeed Venture 
Partners, and Intertrust. Its co‐founders 
gained experience in tech development and 
design at Apple, where they worked on the 
iPod and iPhone. 
technology, or “cleantech,” industry. Many young 
and rapidly growing companies with distributed 
energy soluƟons are based in the region. 
Alongside its high‐tech industry, Silicon Valley has 
developed a network of risk‐tolerant private capital 
with substanƟal commercializaƟon experience. OŌen 
referred to as venture capital (VC), it is a vital source 
of financing for many start‐ups. VC firms solicit funds 
from a variety of sources, including private families of 
high net worth and insƟtuƟonal investors such as 
pension funds. Each fund is comprised of several 
backers, who expect a return on their investment 
upon closing, typically in the 7‐9 year Ɵmeframe. 
Investment is made at the early stages of company 
growth, oŌen before it has begun generaƟng 
revenue, based on projected growth that will bring 
outsized returns to the investors. This high‐growth 
strategy is necessary to maximize returns, as many 
venture‐backed companies end up failing and are 
liquidated or acquired at a value well below their 
total backing. 
Overall U.S. venture investment is heavily weighted 
toward Silicon Valley, with $2.2 billion going into 274 
deals in Q1 2013 (Figure 10). For comparison, New 
England, the next most acƟve venture investment 
region, received only $677 million in 88 rounds.46 
Silicon Valley similarly dominates cleantech VC, as a 
subset of the total (Figure 11). 
There are well over 100 venture capital firms based in 
Silicon Valley, and many firms headquartered 
elsewhere are acƟve in the area. Leading investors in 
Silicon Valley energy technologies include Kleiner 
Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB), Khosla Ventures, and 
46 MoneyTree Report Q1 2013,” PricewaterhouseCoopers and NaƟonal Venture Capital AssociaƟon, hƩps:// 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 31
Figure 10. Total U.S. VC Investment in All Sectors, 2008—Q2 201347 
Figure 11. Cleantech Funding Trends in Top Five Regions48 
47 Author generated. Data from MoneyTree Report Q1 2013 
48 Graph from Cleantech MoneyTree Report Q1 2013, PricewaterhouseCoopers and NaƟonal Venture Capital AssociaƟon, hƩp://Ɵons/assets/pwc‐money‐tree‐cleantech‐venture‐funding‐q1‐2013.pdf 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 32
and the emerging high‐tech industries. Today, the 
crossover between the university and Silicon Valley 
conƟnues to be so strong that Stanford has been 
called “the farm system for Silicon Valley.”49 
There are many acƟve energy research centers and 
iniƟaƟves at Stanford.50 A few of the most prominent 
 The Precourt InsƟtute for Energy was 
established in 2009 as the center of all energy 
research and educaƟon iniƟaƟves at Stanford. In 
addiƟon to coordinaƟng the other diverse 
programs, the Precourt InsƟtute offers seed 
grants and co‐sponsors the Energy and 
Environmental Affiliates Program, which forges 
connecƟons between companies and Stanford 
researchers to promote the exchange of ideas 
and more rapid commercializaƟon of working 
 The Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP), 
founded in 2002, conducts early‐stage research 
aimed at developing new energy sources to 
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It has over 
$130 million in funding from corporate partners 
such as ExxonMobil, GE, and DuPont.52 
 The Hoover InsƟtuƟon Shultz‐Stephenson Task 
Force on Energy Policy “addresses energy policy 
in the United States and its effects on our 
domesƟc and internaƟonal poliƟcal prioriƟes, 
parƟcularly our naƟonal security.” The task 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 33 
3. Kurion is a profitable start‐up that 
developed an improved, faster process for 
cleaning up nuclear waste. In 2011, it gained 
prominence for its role assisƟng aŌer the 
Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. Kurion 
shows the long reach of Silicon Valley 
cleantech venture capital; though the 
startup is based in southern California, one 
of its two major iniƟal investors was Palo 
Alto firm Firelake Capital Management. 
Market forces and selecƟon effects, which can and 
should be harnessed by DoD procurement efforts, 
drive efficiencies in the private sector. Developing 
awareness and relaƟonships with VC firms – 
parƟcularly those with past experience in the 
cleantech sector – could help DoD idenƟfy and target 
emerging technology soluƟons of relevance to 
emerging tacƟcal edge challenges. 
5.2 InsƟtuƟonal Environment 
5.2.1 Academic InsƟtuƟons 
Silicon Valley industry has long‐standing historical Ɵes 
to the many academic insƟtuƟons in the area, 
parƟcularly Stanford University. The Palo Alto garage 
where Stanford alumni David Packard and William 
HewleƩ founded their electronics company in 1939 is 
known as “the Birthplace of Silicon Valley.” As Silicon 
Valley developed into a powerhouse of technological 
innovaƟon, close Ɵes conƟnued between Stanford 
49 That parƟcular quote comes from a 2012 arƟcle in the New Yorker (Ken AuleƩa, “Get Rich U,” 30 Apr 2012, hƩp:// 
reporƟng/2012/04/30/120430fa_fact_auleƩa), but in the last few years there have been a number of similar arƟcles in major publicaƟons, 
highlighƟng Stanford’s start‐up culture. 
50 This is not an exhausƟve list of Stanford’s energy‐related iniƟaƟves. Other relevant programs include the Precourt Energy Efficiency Center 
(hƩp://, the Stanford Woods InsƟtute for the Environment (hƩp://, the Stanford InsƟtute for Materials 
and Energy Science (hƩp://, the SUNFACE Center for Interface Science and Catalysis (hƩp://, the 
Energy Modeling Forum (hƩp://, and the Center for Advanced Molecular Photovoltaics (hƩp://, and the 
Stanford Energy Club (hƩp:// 
51 Energy and Environmental Affiliates Program, hƩp:// 
52 Global Climate and Energy Project, hƩp://
Other area universiƟes also engage meaningfully with 
local industry – especially University of California‐ 
Berkeley, Santa Clara University, and San Jose State 
University. Santa Clara idenƟfied “Engagement with 
Silicon Valley” as one of five prioriƟes in its 2011 
Strategic Plan, specifically ciƟng the need to “increase 
learning, service, and research opportuniƟes with 
Silicon Valley corporaƟons, insƟtuƟons, and 
The academia‐industry nexus in Silicon Valley brings a 
number of potenƟal indirect benefits to DoD energy 
reliability efforts. UniversiƟes provide valuable R&D 
resources, in terms of both on‐campus laboratories 
and equipment and access to government and 
private grant funding. Both the Precourt InsƟtute and 
the TomKat Center offer seed grants for proof‐of‐concept 
research on potenƟally disrupƟve 
technologies. GCEP currently supports 80 full‐Ɵme 
and 35 exploratory research projects. This research 
could lead to innovaƟve military applicaƟons in the 
future; for example, earlier this year GCEP 
researchers announced the development of a zinc‐air 
baƩery that eventually could provide a low‐cost, high 
‐efficiency alternaƟve to tradiƟonal lithium‐ion 
Significantly, businesses have the opportunity to 
support, and even shape, this early academic 
research. The Precourt InsƟtute sponsors an Energy 
and Environmental Affiliates Program, which builds 
force chair is former U.S. Secretary of State 
George Shultz, and its members include current 
and former leaders in environmental science, 
government, and industry.53 
 The TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy funds 
research in science, technology, and policy to 
address major global energy problems.54 
 The Center on Nanostructuring for Efficient 
Energy Conversion is one of 46 naƟonal Energy 
FronƟer Research Centers, established and 
funded by the Department of Energy [DoE]. Its 
mission is to “understand how nanostructuring 
can enhance efficiency for energy conversion 
and solve fundamental cross‐cuƫng problems 
in advanced energy conversion and storage 
 The Steyer‐Taylor Center for Energy Policy and 
Finance is a joint program of the Stanford Law 
School and Graduate School of Business. The 
Freeman Spogli InsƟtute Program on Energy and 
Sustainable Development is “an internaƟonal, 
interdisciplinary program that draws on the 
fields of economics, poliƟcal science, law, and 
management to invesƟgate how the producƟon 
and consumpƟon of energy affect human 
welfare and environmental quality.”56 The 
Stanford Environmental and Energy Policy 
Analysis Center is a joint effort between the 
Precourt InsƟtute and the Stanford InsƟtute for 
Economic Policy Research to study energy policy 
at the regional, naƟonal, and internaƟonal 
53 For a complete list of the Shultz‐Stephenson Task Force members, see hƩp://‐policy/members. 
54 TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy, hƩp:// . 
55 Center on Nanostructuring for Efficient Energy Conversion, hƩp:// 
56 FSI Program on Energy and Sustainable Development, hƩp:// 
57 Santa Clara University Strategic Plan 2011, hƩp://Ɵes‐goals/engagement/ 
58 Mark Shwartz, “GCEP scienƟsts develop high‐efficiency zinc‐air baƩery,” GCEP, hƩp://‐air‐baƩery.html 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 34
UniversiƟes have built‐in networks with other 
academic and research insƟtutes worldwide, which 
broaden Silicon Valley’s access to other ongoing R&D 
efforts in energy reliability. For example, the Shultz‐ 
Stephenson Task Force and Stanford University 
partnered with the MassachuseƩs InsƟtute of 
Technology to study emerging disrupƟve energy 
technologies. This two‐year project culminated in a 
workshop in March 2013, and is expected to release 
an in‐depth later this year. 
In addiƟon to these indirect benefits, there is a 
history of more direct cooperaƟon between DoD and 
Silicon Valley’s academic insƟtuƟons. During the Cold 
War, Stanford was acƟvely involved in technical 
research for criƟcal military applicaƟons. In the 
1950s, Stanford established an Applied Electronics 
Laboratory to build prototypes of electronic 
intelligence and warfare systems for the Office of 
Naval Research. In 1966, the Stanford Research 
InsƟtute built a $4.5 million radio reflector antenna 
on university land with Air Force funding. The original 
purpose of was atmospheric study, though the 
NaƟonal AeronauƟcs and Space AdministraƟon 
(NASA) later used the antenna to communicate with 
satellites and spacecraŌ. 
More recently, Stanford has received several mulƟ‐ 
million dollar military research contracts with the 
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency60 
(DARPA) and the Air Force Research Laboratory61 
(AFRL). In 2007, Stanford joined a consorƟum of three 
other universiƟes and NASA to study high 
performance compuƟng, with $105 million of Army 
funding.62 This Army High Performance CompuƟng 
Research Center (AHPCRC) is run out of Stanford’s 
partnerships between Stanford and parƟcipaƟng high 
‐tech firms. One feature of this program is the Fellow‐ 
Mentor‐Advisor program, which pairs each member 
firm with a research team of PhD students, led by a 
faculty member. 
The firm has privileged access to cuƫng edge 
relevant research, and the researchers benefit from 
the experƟse and commercializaƟon experience of 
businesses. Similarly, the TomKat Center’s Energy 
InnovaƟon Transfer Program connects each research 
project with an industry mentor. This cooperaƟon 
facilitates the process of moving from research to 
commercializaƟon, and increases the viability and 
business acumen of start‐ups and potenƟal future 
DoD partners. 
Academic insƟtuƟons provide conƟnuing educaƟon 
for industry players and updates to cuƫng‐edge 
research developments. Many of the programs and 
centers discussed above hold regular conferences, 
faculty lectures, and other educaƟonal events open 
to both business and academic leaders. San Jose 
State University recently teamed with Lawrence 
Berkeley NaƟonal Laboratory on a “BaƩery 
University,” offering special conƟnuing educaƟon 
courses in advanced energy storage technology.59 
Start‐ups and established businesses recruit from a 
near constant supply of young, highly educated, 
innovaƟve entrepreneurs. This happens organically, 
through informal networking and other 
opportuniƟes, as well as in a more formal way. For 
example, one of the member benefits of the Precourt 
InsƟtute’s Affiliates Program is facilitated graduate 
student recruiƟng, through special recruiƟng events 
and PhD research showcases. 
60&61 Military‐Industrial Complex database, hƩp:// 
62 Dan Stober, “Event celebrates collaborate project to advance high‐performance compuƟng,” Stanford News, 5 Dec 2007, hƩp://‐120507.html. 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 35
Beyond internal research, LBL frequently partners 
with industry and government actors in Silicon Valley 
on energy‐related innovaƟon. Last year, for example, 
LBL joined the city of San Jose in an iniƟaƟve to 
promote “a mutual exchange of ideas and experƟse 
in the applicaƟon of technology toward next‐genera 
Ɵon buildings, renewable energy, energy 
storage and the smart grid, all research strengths of 
Berkeley Lab.”65 LBL and the California Clean Energy 
Fund also launched CalCharge, a consorƟum aimed at 
building connecƟons between promising Silicon 
Valley‐based energy storage start‐ups with venture 
funding, industry knowledge, and academic experƟse 
from UC Berkeley and Stanford. 
Lawrence Livermore NaƟonal Laboratory 
Lawrence Livermore NaƟonal Laboratory (LLNL) is 
one of three DoE NaƟonal Nuclear Security 
AdministraƟon (NNSA) laboratories, located in 
Livermore, CA. Because it falls under the NNSA, it 
differs from LBL in its explicitly defense‐oriented 
mission to “[strengthen] United States security 
through development and applicaƟon of world‐class 
science and technology to enhance the naƟon’s 
defense; reduce the global threat from terrorism and 
weapons of mass destrucƟon; and respond with 
vision, quality, integrity, and technical excellence to 
scienƟfic issues of naƟonal importance.”66 As a result, 
LLNL has a long history of scienƟfic and technical 
research for military applicaƟons, as well as 
experience working for DoD directly. 
LLNL conducts perƟnent research in all aspects of 
energy reliability, especially energy storage and 
Mechanical Engineering Department. These limited 
iniƟaƟves have not yet been directed toward energy 
reliability challenges, but there is no relevant 
difference that would make such an arrangement 
5.2.2 NaƟonal Laboratories 
There are two naƟonal laboratories in Silicon Valley 
that conduct research and develop technologies 
related to energy. Both naƟonal laboratories in 
Silicon Valley are Federally Funded Research and 
Development Centers (FFRDCs), which means they 
are “federally funded, privately operated faciliƟes 
established to meet a special long‐term R&D need of 
the federal government which cannot be met 
effecƟvely by exisƟng in‐house or contractor 
resources.”63 Though independently owned and 
operated, FFRDCs exist to support government 
efforts and, in some ways, funcƟon as unofficial 
government sub‐agencies. 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 36 
Lawrence Berkeley NaƟonal Laboratory 
Lawrence Berkeley NaƟonal Laboratory (LBL) is a DoE 
naƟonal laboratory located on the University of 
California – Berkeley campus, with a planned second 
facility in Richmond, CA. LBL has an Environmental 
Energy Technologies Division that is deeply engaged 
in research related to energy reliability, with major 
funding from the DoE Office of Energy Efficiency and 
Renewable Energy. Key research areas include lithium 
ion and other advanced baƩery technologies, solar 
films, electrical grid modernizaƟon, and energy 
63 LBL Environmental Energy Technologies Division,‐development/electricity‐grid 
64 Julie Chao, “New Lawrence Berkeley NaƟonal Laboratory and City of San Jose Partnership to Boost Clean Tech in Silicon Valley,” LBL News 
Center, hƩp://‐releases/2012/06/12/city‐of‐san‐jose‐partnership/ 
65 Mission statement quoted from hƩps:// 
66 See hƩp:// for more informaƟon on the incubator program .
NASA scienƟsts and engineers. These small, high‐tech 
businesses, now leasing at NRP, conduct research in 
biotechnology, environmental technology, 
nanotechnology, communicaƟon and homeland 
security.”68 Some of these partners are key players in 
the Silicon Valley energy sector. 
5.2.4 State and Municipal Government 
California, its regional agencies, and its municipaliƟes 
have taken a leading role in addressing energy 
efficiency and environmental sustainability. 
California’s Renewables Porƞolio Standard is one of 
the most aggressive in the country, requiring uƟliƟes 
to use renewable energy sources for 33% of total 
procurement by 2020.69 California is also a leader in 
the deployment of renewable energy resources. The 
California Solar IniƟaƟve incenƟvizes uƟlity providers 
to use solar power by providing per‐waƩ rebates, on 
top of the federal Solar Investment Tax Credit. Solar 
capacity in California increased 26% from 2011‐2012, 
to 1629 megawaƩs.70 
Silicon Valley municipaliƟes have been parƟcularly 
acƟve in developing climate acƟon plans and 
cooperaƟng with local industry and academia to meet 
renewable energy challenges. Certain ciƟes also have 
taken more tangible acƟons to support cleantech 
industry research and development. San Jose expects 
to launch Providing Real‐Ɵme OpportuniƟes to 
Showcase and Pilot Emerging Clean Technology 
(ProspeCT) in Silicon Valley. ProspeCT SV is a 
cleantech demonstraƟon center located in a city‐management, 
and oŌen in partnership with regional 
government and industry. For example, in 2011 LLNL 
formed the hpc4energy incubator pilot program to 
demonstrate the value of high performance 
compuƟng (HPC) modeling and simulaƟon in 
developing new energy technologies. The hpc4energy 
incubator partners LLNL with six major industry 
players: Robert Bosch, GE Energy ConsulƟng, ISO New 
England, PoƩer Drilling, United Technologies 
Research Center, and GE Global Research.67 Each of 
these partnerships works on a different energy 
challenge. LLNL and ISO New England, which is 
responsible for oversight of electricity transmission 
operaƟons in New England, are using HPC techniques 
to opƟmize load management and increase grid 
reliability. This project originated in ISO’s need to 
integrate more renewable energy sources, based on 
guidance from New England policymakers—a 
challenge that DoD also faces. 
5.2.3 NASA Ames Research Center 
The Ames Research Center (ARC) is a major NASA 
research center located at the NASA Research Park at 
MoffeƩ Field in Santa Clara County. ARC has been 
acƟve since the 1950s in R&D primarily related to 
astrobiology, informaƟon technology, biotechnology 
and nanotechnology. 
In 2002, ARC iniƟated a number of collaboraƟve 
partnerships with academia, industry, and non‐profits. 
According to ARC, industry partners “posiƟon 
themselves for extraordinary opportuniƟes to engage 
in mutually beneficial cuƫng‐edge research with 
67 Quoted from NASA Research Park Partners, hƩp:// 
68 California Renewables Porƞolio Standard, hƩp:// 
69 Catherine Green, “California solar installaƟons jumped 26% in 2012, Los Angeles Times, 11 Jul 2013, hƩp://www.laƟ 
money/la‐fi‐mo‐california‐solar‐growth‐20130711,0,4238121.story . 
70 The January 2013 memo to the San Jose Community and Economic Development CommiƩee, reporƟng plans for ProspeCT SV can be read at 
hƩp://ca‐ . 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 37
important features of Silicon Valley culture. This 
secƟon already discussed many forward‐thinking 
partnerships, but one notable example is the Smart 
Energy Enterprise Development Zone (SEEDZ), which 
will incorporate and showcase Silicon Valley’s latest 
innovaƟons in energy reliability. The SEEDZ iniƟaƟve 
is led by Joint Venture Silicon Valley, an organizaƟon 
that “provides a neutral forum for collaboraƟve 
regional thinking and leadership from both the public 
and private sectors.”72 In keeping with this mission, 
all the major local energy stakeholders are 
represented in the SEEDZ iniƟaƟve: energy customers 
(e.g. Google, NASA ARC), energy providers (e.g. 
Pacific Gas and Electric), government (e.g. ciƟes of 
Mountain View and Sunnyvale), research/academic 
insƟtuƟons (e.g. LBL), and technology developers 
(e.g. SunPower). It is noteworthy to find posiƟve, 
producƟve collaboraƟon toward a common goal 
among such a diverse set of actors. 
Further informaƟon sharing occurs through 
networking and educaƟonal events. Frequent 
conferences, academic lectures, research 
presentaƟons, and product showcases (e.g. 
Stanford’s Cool Products Expo) provide much needed 
‐exposure for new technologies. Many networks, 
both formal and informal, facilitate collaboraƟon; for 
example, StartX fosters student innovaƟon through 
an acƟve community of Stanford‐affiliated 
entrepreneurs, who offer encouragement, advice, 
and resources to young start‐ups. The universiƟes 
and naƟonal laboratories are natural venues for these 
events, but industry – both start‐ups and larger 
corporaƟons, such as Google – oŌen contributes as 
owned warehouse, which will provide affordable 
manufacturing, laboratory, and office space for 
Silicon Valley manufacturers to develop prototypes. It 
will be supported by LBNL resources.71 
5.3 Silicon Valley Culture 
A variety of factors drive the historic and conƟnued 
success of Silicon Valley‐based technologies and 
innovaƟon. While difficult to directly measure, a 
crucial component these successes is the uniquely 
invenƟve, entrepreneurial Silicon Valley culture. This 
is a key discriminator reason other well‐resourced 
high‐tech corridors have failed to replicate Silicon 
Valley's success. All the major players in industry, 
academia, finance, and government discussed above 
operate in a culture of risk‐taking that encourages 
innovaƟon in the face of seemingly intractable 
challenges. This entrepreneurial spirit is vital for the 
cleantech industry, which can require years and 
heavy capital investment to realize new technologies. 
Silicon Valley innovaƟon tradiƟonally has emphasized 
early design and manufacturing. Rapid prototyping 
and a results‐oriented approach to product 
development are common industry pracƟces honed 
by years of experience. This aligns well with the 
mission and goals of DoD organizaƟons such as the 
Special OperaƟons Command (SOCOM) and the Army 
Rapid Equipping Force (REF), which value the same 
approach toward the development and procurement 
of new and breakthrough technologies to enhance 
the capabiliƟes of the warfighter and effecƟvely 
counter enemy agility and adaptability on the field. 
WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 38 
CollaboraƟon and informaƟon sharing are also 
71 Joint Venture Silicon Valley, hƩp://Ɵon=com_content&view=arƟcle&id=325&Itemid=330 
72 Cleantech MoneyTree Report Q1 2013
Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation
Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation
Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation
Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation
Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation
Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation
Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation
Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation
Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation
Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation
Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation
Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation

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Enhancing Energy Reliability at the Tactical Edge Through Innovation

  • 1.
  • 2. FINAL Prepared for: Prepared by: Contact: Jawad Rachami
  • 3. Preface The assessments, insights, conclusions and recommendaƟons summarized in this report are the result of research and analysis efforts conducted under the Reliability InformaƟon Analysis Center (RIAC) for the U.S. Army Rapid Equipping Force (REF). RIAC has served as a Department of Defense (DoD) InformaƟon Analysis Center (IAC) for more than 35 years. The mission of a DoD IAC is to improve the producƟvity of researchers, engineers, and program managers in the research, development and acquisiƟon communiƟes by collecƟng, analyzing, applying, and disseminaƟng worldwide scienƟfic and technical informaƟon. The secondary mission is to promote standardizaƟon within their field. As an IAC, RIAC provides the informaƟon, tools, training, and technical experƟse in the engineering disciplines of Reliability, Maintainability, Quality, Supportability, and Interoperability (RMQSI) to support accurate decision making and implement cost‐effecƟve soluƟons throughout all phases of a product or system life cycle. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge RIAC website: hƩp://
  • 4. Acronyms & AbbreviaƟons ExecuƟve Summary TABLE OF CONTENTS SecƟon 1.0 IntroducƟon 1.1 US Army Policy IniƟaƟves 1.2 US Navy and USMC Policy IniƟaƟves SecƟon 2.0 Understanding Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge 2.1 Energy GeneraƟon 2.2 Energy Storage 2.3 Energy Management SecƟon 3.0 TacƟcal Edge Energy IniƟaƟves 3.1 GeneraƟon: High‐Efficiency Flexible Solar Panels 3.2 Storage: Advanced BaƩeries 3.3 Management: TacƟcal Micro‐grids SecƟon 4.0 Understanding the Energy Technology Landscape 4.1 US Clean Technology Industry 4.2 Industry Overview and Market Trends 4.2.1 Venture Capital and Private Equity Funding Flows 4.2.2 Cleantech VC Funding Trends SecƟon 5.0 Understanding InnovaƟon Hubs: Silicon Valley 5.1 High‐Tech Marketplace 5.2 InsƟtuƟonal Landscape 5.2.1 Academic InsƟtuƟons 5.2.2 NaƟonal Laboratories 5.2.3 NASA Ames Research Center 5.2.4 State and Municipal Government Agencies 5.3 Silicon Valley Culture 5.4 Silicon Valley’s PotenƟal ContribuƟons 5.4.1 Energy GeneraƟon in Silicon Valley 5.4.2 Energy Storage in Silicon Valley 5.4.3 Energy Management in Silicon Valley WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | i
  • 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS SecƟon 6.0 Conclusion and RecommendaƟons 6.1 Understand Venture Capital and Private Equity Funding Flows 6.1.1 DifferenƟate Venture‐Backed Companies 6.1.2 Observe and Forecast Trends 6.2 Align IncenƟves for Companies with PotenƟal Dual‐Use Technologies 6.2.1 Early and EffecƟve Investor Engagement 6.2.2 Break Down Capability Gaps to IdenƟfy Technical Needs 6.2.3 Address Ambiguity in Program Milestones 6.3 Promote Interagency CollaboraƟon Figures 1. DoD TacƟcal Electric Power Requirements 2. DoD Petroleum Spending and ConsumpƟon 3. Global WTI Crude Oil process, 2005—2012 4. DLA‐E Fuel Price per Barrel, FY05—FY11 5. Major Players in U.S. Clean Technology Industry 6. VC Cleantech Sector Investments, 2005—Q2 2013 7. Cleantech and Total U.S. VC Investment, 2005—Q2 2013 8. Major Cleantech IPO Performance, 2010—present 9. Cleantech Start‐Up Investment Rounds 10. Total U.S .VC Investment in All Sectors, 2008—Q2 2013 11. Cleantech Funding Trends in Top Five Regions, 2010—2013 12. Cleantech Venture Funding by Subsector, Q1 2013 13. The Valley of Death Tables 1. Major Cleantech IPOs, 2010—present WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | ii
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  • 7. ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS AHPCRC Army High Performance CompuƟng Research Center ARC NASA Ames Research Center ARCIC Army CapabiliƟes IntegraƟon Center ARPA‐E Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy ARRA U.S. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ASA/IE&E Assistant Secretary of the Army for InstallaƟons, Energy and Environment ASD(OEPP) Assistant Secretary of Defense for OperaƟonal Energy Plans and WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | iv Programs bbl/d Barrels per day BCIL Army Base Camp IntegraƟon Laboratory COMISAF Commanding General of the InternaƟonal Security Assistance Force COTS Commercial‐off‐the‐Shelf DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DLA‐E Defense LogisƟcs Agency – Energy DoD U.S. Department of Defense DoE U.S. Department of Energy DTIC Defense Technical InformaƟon Center DWCF Defense Working Capital Fund E2O USMC ExpediƟonary Energy Office EIA U.S. Energy InformaƟon AdministraƟon ESG Energy Security Goals FFRDC Federally funded research and development center FY Fiscal Year GCEP Global Climate and Energy Project, Stanford University GREENS Ground Renewable ExpediƟonary Energy System HPC High Performance CompuƟng IPO IniƟal Public Offering KPCB Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers LBL Lawrence Berkeley NaƟonal Laboratory LLNL Lawrence Livermore NaƟonal Laboratory
  • 8. ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS (CONT’D) LP Limited Partner M&A Mergers and AcquisiƟons MROC Marine Requirement Oversight Council NASA NaƟonal AeronauƟcs and Space AdministraƟon NECO Navy Energy CoordinaƟon Office NNSA DoE NaƟonal Nuclear Security AdministraƟon NREL NaƟonal Renewable Energy Laboratory NVCA NaƟonal Venture Capital AssociaƟon OCO Overseas ConƟngency OperaƟons REDUCE Renewable Energy for Distributed Undersupplied Command Environ‐ments RENEWS Reusing ExisƟng Natural Energy from Wind and Solar SAGE Smart and Green Energy program, SEEDZ Smart Energy Enterprise Development Zone SPACES Solar Portable AlternaƟve CommunicaƟons Energy System TFE U.S. Navy’s Task Force Energy VC Venture Capital WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | iv
  • 9. IntenƟonally LeŌ Blank WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | v
  • 10. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 1 ES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In this age of conƟnued fiscal austerity, diminished defense budgets will not be accompanied by reduced threats or requirements for US naƟonal security. Responding to the variety of complex emerging threats characterizing the 21st century security environment will require projecƟng power and maintaining a military presence in a variety of austere areas, oŌen without support from a developed host naƟon infrastructure or contribuƟons from allies or partners. In order to more effecƟvely and efficiently address and overcome this century’s security challenges, the US Department of Defense (DoD) has a compelling interest in insƟtuƟonalizing innovaƟon within its programming and acquisiƟon systems. This will require creaƟng incenƟves and mechanisms to enable parƟcipaƟon by non‐tradiƟonal actors to help DoD access a wider spectrum of innovaƟon and harness its potenƟal in an era of both great challenge and marked opportunity. Significantly, the United States military will conƟnue to have a criƟcal and enduring interest in the security, reliability, and resilience of all types of operaƟonal energy needed to sustain itself and meet its mission requirements worldwide. Strategic planning frameworks assume consistent and sustainable funcƟoning of materiel and supply chains in support of domesƟc and overseas operaƟons and demand This report idenƟfies general shortcomings in DoD’s efforts to insƟtuƟonalize innovaƟve pracƟces throughout the procurement cycle in general and assesses opportuniƟes for the Army, and DoD at large, to beƩer harness innovaƟon in support of operaƟonal energy requirements in parƟcular and with special emphasis on leveraging the resources of innovaƟon hubs—specifically Silicon Valley. Energy generaƟon, storage, and management are criƟcal components of operaƟonal energy at the tacƟcal edge. The US military's current energy requirements and the sources and methods it relies on to meet these needs exposes it to undue risk for supply disrupƟon, as well as security vulnerabiliƟes affecƟng baƩlefield fuel supply lines. The inefficient consumpƟon model currently used limits overall readiness and combat effecƟveness and increases budget volaƟlity during a period of extended fiscal austerity. In addiƟon, energy inefficiency at the tacƟcal edge:  Increases the threat of aƩacks on deployed units and supply convoys;  Elevates risk to the mission and limits effecƟve and agile command and control;  Burdens logisƟcs systems resulƟng in both higher direct and opportunity costs. InnovaƟon hubs, such as those represented in Silicon Valley can play an important role in the evoluƟon to greater energy reliability and mission effecƟveness at the tacƟcal edge. Today, unique clusters of businesses, private capital, academic insƟtuƟons, and
  • 11. government laboratories can be more systemaƟcally engaged for the beƩerment of warfighter needs in the areas of energy development and power management. Silicon Valley’s widely‐used model of low‐cost, rapid prototyping and risk‐tolerant investment can be used to address some pressing defense challenges when properly leveraged and applied. DOD has long been a champion of innovaƟon. It has pioneered a number of breakthrough technologies that found their way into widespread commercial use with great benefits to society. In fact, it is thanks to some of those breakthrough innovaƟons that ‘Pandora’s box’ has opened on a whole host of transformaƟve innovaƟons across the globe— resulƟng in democraƟzing access to informaƟon and networked human creaƟon. Ironically, this has also accelerated the need for more innovaƟon to counter the nefarious use of advanced technologies and the means to produce them. Therefore, the main thrust of this report is that more can be done to insƟtuƟonalize innovaƟon within current defense programs and that current acquisiƟon systems need to adapt to exisƟng and emerging realiƟes in order to create pathways for the military to take advantage of the talent and ingenuity of a larger community of innovators who are not necessarily aligned with defense markets and applicaƟons. To be sure, this report does not advance a silver‐bullet soluƟon. Rather, it advances a set of recommendaƟons and advocates for a consideraƟon of a more effecƟve and proacƟve approach to innovaƟon within Army and (more generally) DOD program and acquisiƟon systems in order to more effecƟvely address a rapidly evolving threat and strategic environment. There are specific iniƟaƟves that may be pursued in the short‐term based on programs already underway. OrganizaƟons such as the Army’s Rapid Equipping Force, the Marine Corps ExpediƟonary Energy Office and the Army's Research, Development, and Engineering Command can benefit from Silicon Valley ‐based companies working on related technologies. More broadly, a suite of recommendaƟons can be applied across DoD to beƩer leverage Silicon Valley's comparaƟve advantages in technology development. These include:  Understanding Private Capital Flows in innovaƟon hubs like Silicon Valley.  Aligning incenƟves between Military and innovaƟon‐centric business models.  PromoƟng Inter‐agency CollaboraƟon, including the effecƟve sharing of technical and technology data.  Establishing and expanding key partnerships for agile and meaningful innovaƟon. The tradiƟonal military procurement system will be considerably strained as it strives to keep up with dynamic demands under increasing budgetary constraints. More deliberate use of innovaƟon models to assist in solving the complex challenges of operaƟonal energy can provide a range of benefits to the U.S. military, including the oŌen‐conflicƟng goals of reducing costs while increasing capability. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 2
  • 12. IntenƟonally LeŌ Blank WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 3
  • 13. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION The United States military has a criƟcal and enduring interest in the security, reliability, and resilience of all types of operaƟonal energy needed to sustain itself and meet its mission requirements worldwide. Strategic planning frameworks assume consistent and sustainable funcƟoning of materiel and supply chains in support of domesƟc and overseas operaƟons. This report describes and assesses opportuniƟes for the US Department of Defense (DoD) to harness innovaƟon in support of energy security, parƟcularly in an operaƟonal context. Today, the United States faces a rapidly changing geostrategic environment, with evolving security threats that include internaƟonal terrorism, WMD proliferaƟon, hosƟle non‐state actors, and environmental instability. Responding to such a volaƟle threat environment requires increased agility and innovaƟon. The U.S. military must conƟnuously adapt to exisƟng and emerging challenges—including challenges to the security and reliability of operaƟonal energy supply. Strategic planning frameworks assume consistent and sustainable funcƟoning of materiel and supply chains in support of operaƟons. However, the criƟcal challenges facing the warfighter around the globe evolve too rapidly for exisƟng materiel. Responding to evolving threats requires presence in a variety of austere environments, oŌen without support from a developed host naƟon infrastructure or contribuƟons from allies or partners. Furthermore, current energy sources and methods expose the mission to undue risk for supply disrupƟon and security vulnerabiliƟes affecƟng fuel supply lines. Energy generaƟon, storage, and management are all criƟcal components of operaƟonal energy at the tacƟcal edge. The inefficient consumpƟon model currently used limits overall readiness and combat effecƟveness and increases budget volaƟlity during a period of extended fiscal austerity. OperaƟonal energy will conƟnue to be an important consideraƟon in current and future engagements, since increasing energy security in all theaters of operaƟon is a vital element of U.S. military strategy. In 2011, the DoD published its OperaƟonal Energy Strategy to “transform the way the Department consumes energy in military operaƟons.” The strategy established the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
  • 14. OperaƟonal Energy Plans and Programs (ASD (OEPP)) to “promote the energy security of military operaƟons through guidance for and oversight of Departmental acƟviƟes and investments.”1 More recently, on 20 June 2013, Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Ashton Carter issued guidance for a “comprehensive defense energy policy,” designed to transform how DoD uses energy to enhance military capability, improve energy security and reduce costs.2 This iniƟaƟve represents a major effort by the DoD to insƟtuƟonalize effecƟve operaƟonal and faciliƟes energy management across the full range of defense acƟviƟes. It also provides the impetus for the Department to invest in innovaƟve, cost‐effec Ɵve energy soluƟons. Successfully meeƟng DoD energy goals will enhance operaƟonal efficiency during an extended period of fiscal austerity and geostrategic volaƟlity. Ensuring that current and emerging operaƟonal energy needs are adequately met can not only achieve budget efficiency, but enhance mobility, endurance, and overall operaƟonal effecƟveness. It would also provide US forces with the ability to beƩer fit current and emerging conƟngency environments with increased impact and lower footprint: ‘more tooth, less tail.’ There is an important role for innovaƟon in the U.S. military efforts to address operaƟonal energy needs. InnovaƟon has long been a keystone of technology advancement in the United States, including in the field of alternaƟve energy. The challenge remains to insƟtuƟonalize innovaƟon as a key enabler of soluƟon ‐targeƟng within defense planning and acquisiƟon systems. Current defense acquisiƟon processes are predominantly aligned with tradiƟonal defense industry and do not systemaƟcally seek and engage innovaƟon‐driven organizaƟons as industry partners. Missed opportuniƟes for collaboraƟon and breakthrough innovaƟon impose an opportunity cost in terms of the reliability, efficiency, and overall performance in a highly kineƟc mission environment. 1.1 U.S. Army Policy IniƟaƟves The U.S. Army has long recognized that operaƟonal energy is criƟcal to the supply, execuƟon, and success of the military mission of the United States. A long record of policy statements, research and analysis products, and operaƟonal assessments highlights the need for effecƟve operaƟonal energy strategies to fulfill mission requirements at home and abroad. More recently, however, the need for effecƟve OperaƟonal Energy planning and implementaƟon has come into focus as a result of a changing geostrategic landscape marked by asymmetric threats, global economic challenges, increased compeƟƟon for global energy supplies, and climate change. In 2009, the Army established a Senior Energy Council, which put in place a governance structure for energy policy 1 DOD, Energy for the Warfighter: OperaƟonal Energy strategy, May 2011. Available here. 2 DoD Guidance for Comprehensive Defense Energy Policy, June 2013. Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum available here. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 5
  • 15. and issued an Army Energy Security ImplementaƟon Strategy. The strategy arƟculated five Strategic Energy Security Goals (ESGs):3  Reduced energy consumpƟon  Increased energy efficiency across plaƞorms and faciliƟes  Increased use of renewable/alternaƟve energy  Assured access to sufficient energy supplies  Reduced adverse impacts on the environment The Army CapabiliƟes IntegraƟon Center, Deputy Chief of Staff, G‐4, issued a white paper in April 2010 that stated:4 Recent efforts to idenƟfy operaƟonal energy objecƟves highlight a lack of exisƟng systems analysis to idenƟfy mission‐related aƩributes, such as resilience, agility and flexibility – important, not only in an expediƟonary environment, but on domesƟc installaƟons in a “flaƩening” world. The OperaƟonal Energy Campaign must establish a capability‐based approach to energy and power that integrates all DOTMLPF aspects and idenƟfies performance parameters based upon analysis of operaƟonal concepts. This will require both operaƟonal analysis and a comprehensive assessment of baseline energy use and performance, providing the basis for modernizaƟon prioriƟes and improvement goals, as well as management tools and training. In June 2011, General David Petraeus, then Commanding General of the InternaƟonal Security Assistance Force (COMISAF) in Afghanistan, released a memorandum in which he recognized operaƟonal energy as the “lifeblood of our warfighƟng capabiliƟes.”5 At the same Ɵme General Petraeus released his 2011 memo, Army leadership directed the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for InstallaƟons, Energy and Environment (ASA/IE&E) and the Deputy Chief of Staff, G‐4 to coordinate efforts related to the development and management of conƟngency bases in support of Combatant Commander requests for Base OperaƟons Support. In September 2012, the Deputy Chief of Staff, G‐4, was designated as the Army Staff lead for OperaƟonal Energy in support of ASA/IE&E. Deputy Chief of Staff, G‐4, was charged with the mission of integraƟng Army efforts with other services in order to meet DoD energy security, efficiency, and sustainability goals. Shortly thereaŌer, Army leadership announced the launch of ‘The Power is in Your Hands’ campaign to promote cultural awareness of energy‐informed operaƟons throughout the Army. Army Secretary, John McHugh; Army Chief of Staff, General Ray Odierno; and Sgt. Major of the Army, Ray Chandler, 3 Army Energy Security ImplementaƟon Strategy, The Army Senior Energy Council, 13 January 2009 4 Army CapabiliƟes IntegraƟon Center (ARCIC), Research, Development and Engineering Command, Deputy Chief of Staff, G‐4, “Power and Energy Strategy White Paper”, April 2010. 5 Memo available online and can be accessed here. Also Memo from General Allen can be accessed here WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 6
  • 16. issued a joint statement challenging the Army to change its operaƟonal energy culture.6 1.2 U.S. Navy and USMC Policy IniƟaƟves The Department of the Navy named six objecƟves for FY13, including to “lead the naƟon in sustainable energy.”7 In 2009, Secretary of the Navy, Ray Maybus, idenƟfied five major energy goals for the Navy and the Marine Corps8:  By 2020, 50 percent of total energy consumpƟon will come from alternaƟve sources.  By 2020, at least 50 percent of shore‐based energy requirements will be produced from alternaƟve sources, and 50 percent of installaƟons will be net zero.  By 2012, the Navy will demonstrate a Carrier Strike Group fueled by alternaƟve energy, and deploy it by 2016.  By 2015, petroleum use in commercial vehicles will be reduced by 50 percent. To this end, the Navy created Task Force Energy (TFE) to “develop the metrics, processes, tools, and organizaƟonal structure to support the Navy Energy Strategy.” The Task Force is comprised of a number of energy‐related working groups, a Navy Energy CoordinaƟon Office (NECO), and a flag‐level execuƟve steering commiƩee. As an expediƟonary force, the Marine Corps has long championed the need for energy efficiency and reliability to enhance the mobility, endurance, and combat effecƟveness of its units. “Unleash us from the tether of fuel,” Lieutenant General James Maƫs wrote in an April 2006 Naval Research Advisory CommiƩee report. The burden of liquid fuel became increasingly apparent through operaƟons in Iraq and Afghanistan, which saw exponenƟal growth in Marine Corps energy consumpƟon. This trend, combined with the changing geopoliƟcal and economic landscapes, drove significant insƟtuƟonal and policy change in recent years. In October 2009, the USMC ExpediƟonary Energy Office (E2O) was established to “analyze, develop, and direct the Marine Corps’ energy strategy in order to opƟmize expediƟonary capabiliƟes across all warfighƟng funcƟons,” as well as advise the Marine Requirement Oversight Council (MROC) on energy‐related issues. E2O is a Director‐level office within Headquarters Marine Corps, reporƟng to the Assistant Commandant. E2O released an ExpediƟonary Energy Strategy and ImplementaƟon Plan in March 2011, which idenƟfied objecƟves of a 50 percent increase in overall efficiency by 2025, as well as the ability to deploy an expediƟonary force that is fully energy self‐sufficient (excluding vehicle fuel). This strategy again emphasized the parƟcular importance of energy efficiency to the Marine Corps, framing the problem thus: “Over the last ten years, we have become more lethal, but we have become heavy. We have lost speed. To reset the balance, we must return to our Spartan roots – fast, lethal, and austere.” 6 Announcements are documented on Army official website here . 7 Department of the Navy Business transformaƟon Plan: Fiscal Year 2013 and Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Report. Available here WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 7
  • 17. TradiƟonal procurement processes were deemed inappropriate for the early stages of the E2O's mission. The office decided to address condiƟons on the ground as they existed in Afghanistan rather than work with MTOE figures. To do this, the E2O conducted the first energy “audit” of major bases in a combat zone. The Marine Energy Assessment Team compiled an extensive report with findings related to larger camps along with company and baƩalion level bases.9 This gave the E2O an accurate baseline assessment of energy use across the spectrum of current operaƟons. The E2O also began reaching out to industry groups to begin mapping currently‐available Commercial Off‐ The‐Shelf (COTS) technologies. The evaluaƟon sessions were named ExFOBs aŌer their intended goal – creaƟng an expediƟonary forward operaƟng base. AŌer the iniƟal ExFOB at QuanƟco, Virginia in March 2010 the exercises were moved to Twentynine Palms, California to beƩer reproduce environmental condiƟons in Afghanistan. The ExFOBs have since grown in scope and parƟcipaƟon. They now involve the Marine Corps WarfighƟng Laboratory, the Office of Naval Research, Training and EducaƟon Command, and Marine Corps Systems Command.10 81% 8% 10% 1% Figure 1: DOD TacƟcal Electric Power Requirements 9 The Assessment report is available from the Defense Technical InformaƟon Center (DTIC) and can be accessed here. 10 Available here. Army Navy Air Force Marines Source: US Army Project Manager‐Mobile Electric Power (PM‐MEP), AAO 2007 WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 8
  • 18. IntenƟonally LeŌ Blank WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 9
  • 19. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 10 2.0 Understanding Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge DoD is the largest energy consumer in the federal government and, arguably, the largest single‐enƟty consumer in the world. Demand includes energy for military installaƟons at home and overseas, as well as operaƟonal energy used by military forces in their day‐to‐day missions. U.S. forces need reliable access to sufficient energy to meet these operaƟonal and installaƟon needs. DoD’s current OperaƟonal Energy Strategy outlines three main primary goals for achieving energy reliability:11  More Fight, Less Fuel: Reduce Demand for Energy in Military OperaƟons. DoD will work to reduce demand for and increase efficiency of military energy use, in order to reduce risk and costs of military operaƟons.  More OpƟons, Less Risk: Expand and Secure Energy OpƟons for Military OperaƟons. DoD will work to diversify sources of energy away from petroleum‐based fuels, which are an increasingly expensive and unreliable source in today’s world. Security for energy infrastructure overall is an ongoing issue.  More Capability, Less Cost: Build Energy Security into the Future Force. DoD is engaged today in equipping the military force of tomorrow. It is important to consider energy reliability in strategic planning and force development. Petroleum spending has seen significant increases in response to internaƟonal oil prices, fluctuaƟng by as much as $11 billion, or almost 2% of the DoD budget, in the last eight years (See Figures 2 and 3). Increased discreƟonary funding for DoD, primarily through funding for Overseas ConƟngency OperaƟons (OCO), has offset these budgetary strains. With sequestraƟon and other looming fiscal restraints, the volaƟlity of petroleum spending likely will force tradeoffs in supporƟng or even mission criƟcal spending. Many energy analysts, including at the U.S. Energy InformaƟon AdministraƟon (EIA), project that oil prices will conƟnue to increase over the next several decades, based on trends in both supply and demand. According to the EIA, global petroleum demand has increased steadily from about 63 million barrels of oil per day (bbl/d) in 1980 to 89.2 million bbl/d today; this demand is projected to pass 110 million bbl/d by 2035. Heavy reliance on petroleum markets is especially problemaƟc due to the drivers of global demand. DiversificaƟon, a focus on energy efficiency, and economic recession dropped demand in the EU, whose members comprise our strongest military allies, by 0.5 million bbl/d to 14.4 million bbl/d in 2012. This marks its lowest level in two decades aŌer five straight years of decline, which is projected to conƟnue in upcoming years.12 Worldwide appeƟte for petroleum is instead driven by China, India, and, to a lesser extent, Brazil. Projected consumpƟon in China alone is increasing by 410,000 bbl/d in 2013 and is 11 DOD, OperaƟonal Energy strategy: ImplementaƟon Plan, March 2012. 12 Source of data is the U.S. Energy InformaƟon AdministraƟon. 13 Graph from Moshe Schwartz, Katherine Blakeley, Ronald O’Rourke, “Department of Defense Energy IniƟaƟves: Background and Issues for Congress,” Congressional Research Service, 10 Dec 2012, hƩp:// natsec/R42558.pdf.
  • 20. Figure 2. DoD Petroleum Spending and ConsumpƟon, FY05‐FY1113 Figure 3. Global WTI Crude Oil Prices, 2005‐2012 WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 11
  • 21. advance, based on price and budget projecƟons.17 A renewable fund, called the Defense Working Capital Fund, absorbs gains or losses based on the market price; for example, if the market price is higher than the standard price in a given year, the DWCF pays out the difference. Recently, DLA‐E has needed to adjust the price more frequently in order to keep the DWCF solvent (Figure 4). The final element to consider is the increasing cost of extracƟng petroleum. Despite advances in alternaƟve extracƟon methods, such as horizontal drilling (oŌen called fracking), extracƟon and development costs are rising faster than oil prices. As of 2013, the major expected to increase by 430,000 bbl/d in 2014.14 CompeƟng with these states for increasingly expensive petroleum may lead to heightened poliƟcal tension, with potenƟal effects on military strategy and operaƟons. Rising demand combines with potenƟal supply constraints, since oil is a non‐renewable resource, and tensions between the US and a few major producers persist (e.g. Venezuela, which provided 9% of U.S. petroleum imports in 2012, and Iran).15 Therefore, even assuming steady DoD demand, petroleum‐based fuel is a growing burden on the defense budget. Petroleum costs are not only rising overall but also increasing in volaƟlity. For example, DoD costs increased 90% from FY04‐FY05 and then dropped sharply from FY08‐FY09. Price volaƟlity makes it difficult for DoD to accurately budget for its future needs. This can cause dangerous budget shorƞalls, forcing DoD to redirect funds to fuel purchases. This is both expensive and disrupƟve to strategic and operaƟonal planning. Another reflecƟon of price volaƟlity is the frequency with which the Defense LogisƟcs Agency – Energy (DLA‐E) has to set the price of fuel. DLA‐E is the DoD agency responsible for acquiring, storing, distribuƟng, and selling energy. It acquires petroleum from suppliers around the world and resells it to DoD customers at a standardized price, designed to insulate them from price volaƟlity.16 This standard price originally was determined 12‐18 months in 14 “Short‐Term Energy Outlook,” U.S. Energy InformaƟon AdministraƟon, July 2013, hƩp:// steo/archives/jul13.pdf. 15 Source of data is the U.S. Energy InformaƟon AdministraƟon. 16 See hƩp:// for more informaƟon. 17 Defense LogisƟcs Agency – Energy, hƩp:// . WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 12
  • 22. oil companies (i.e. ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Total, Shell, and ConocoPhillips) only made net revenue of about $20/bbl, despite the recent jump in price.18 The costs of petroleum are not expected to return to 2005 levels. To beƩer understand the unique energy requirements of the DoD, operaƟonal energy can be broken down into its three major components: generaƟon, storage, and management. These overlapping capabiliƟes help guide operators, contracƟng officers, and other non‐technical personnel through challenges and opportuniƟes in the wide array of energy‐related technologies. Figure 4. DLA‐E Fuel Price per Barrel, FY05—FY1119 2.1 Energy GeneraƟon A major component of operaƟonal energy is energy generaƟon – that is, the inputs and infrastructure needed to produce energy consistently, affordably, and in sufficient quanƟƟes. Recently, military energy generaƟon iniƟaƟves have focused on integraƟng renewable energy sources in an effort to reduce dependence on convenƟonal petroleum‐based fuels. The 2007 NaƟonal Defense AuthorizaƟon Act called on DoD to produce a 25% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025; internally, each branch of the service established similarly ambiƟous goals. Developing renewable energy generaƟon capabiliƟes will support DoD energy reliability in two major ways. First, 18 Ryan Carlyle, “What are the top five facts everyone should know about oil exploraƟon?” Forbes, 3 Apr 2013, hƩp:// what‐are‐the‐top‐five‐facts‐everyone‐should‐know‐about‐oil‐exploraƟon/. 19 Schwartz, et. al., “Department of Defense Energy IniƟaƟves: Background and Issues for Congress.” WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 13
  • 23. Reducing the logisƟcs tail not only protects war fighters but also enhances the maneuverability and endurance of forward‐deployed units. Recent InternaƟonal Security Assistance Forces experiences in Afghanistan showed that supplying energy will be a major component of anƟ‐access and area challenges in future operaƟons; surmounƟng the logisƟcal obstacles to producing and supplying energy will only increase with Ɵme. 2.2 Energy Storage The second major component of operaƟonal energy is the capacity to store energy for future use. Energy storage technology manages fluctuaƟons in both power demand and supply. The military’s need for electricity can vary by Ɵme of day or season, operaƟonal tempo, and other factors that lead to demand exceeding supply during peaks in the load. Further, renewable energy sources generate power unevenly; for example, levels of incoming solar radiaƟon directly impact solar panel output, causing intermiƩent and unpredictably energy supply. Both these challenges require backup storage capability to ensure consistent power output.21 Military interests in energy storage are related to requirements for generaƟon, parƟcularly for the ground based expediƟonary forces of the Army and Marine Corps. High‐efficiency deployable energy storage systems can provide a longer‐lasƟng and less resource‐intense power supply for military operaƟons, reducing the need to resupply fuels for power generaƟon. Even if warfighters can produce power downrange, the inability to store that power it will lower the heŌy cost of energy so that limited resources can be applied to other defense prioriƟes. Annual DoD consumpƟon of petroleum is approximately 120 million barrels. Since 2005 this consumpƟon has held fairly steady, with a slight decline due in part to increased use of renewables. Reducing costs associated with energy generaƟon can have a significant impact on operaƟonal effecƟveness by enabling beƩer direcƟon of resources, especially within a limited budget. Renewables, such as solar and wind energy, have the potenƟal to generate energy at more affordable, less volaƟle prices because they lack the global supply constraints and demand compeƟƟon of petroleum. IntegraƟng renewables also will simplify logisƟcs and reduce the risk to fuel supply lines. Fuel convoys are vulnerable targets. An Army Environmental Policy InsƟtute study of the 2003‐2007 period esƟmated one Army military or contractor casualty for every 24 fuel convoys in Afghanistan. A similar 2010 Marine Corps study found one Marine casualty for every 50 fuel or water convoys.20 20 “Sustain the Mission Project: Casualty Factors for Fuel and Water Resupply Convoys,” AEPI, Sep 2009, hƩp:// SMP_Casualty_Cost_Factors_Final1‐09.pdf 21 “Energy Storage,” DoE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, hƩp://‐development/energy‐storage WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 14
  • 24. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 15 will impact the reliability of criƟcal equipment. The experiences of India Company, 3rd BaƩalion, 5th Marine Regiment (I/3/5) illustrate these benefits. During operaƟons in Sangin District of Helmand Province, Afghanistan, I/3/5 used rechargeable baƩeries for its communicaƟons equipment. The eliminaƟon of disposable baƩeries reduced the weight carried by each Marine, while also removing the need for several logisƟcal resupply convoys. 2.3 Energy Management Energy reliability demands the ability to monitor and opƟmize energy generaƟon, storage, and delivery. Energy management is exemplified in the ‘smart grid’ systems under development today, which use advanced informaƟon and communicaƟons technology to enhance the reliability of electrical grids. Neither advanced generaƟon nor storage technologies alone can provide energy reliability to military ground units. They must have complementary energy management capabiliƟes to maintain the balance between generaƟon and storage. For example, both the Army and Marine Corps are working to develop mobile tacƟcal micro‐grids, which integrate different energy sources to manage and distribute power more efficiently. Micro‐grids exemplify the benefits of effecƟve energy management from a system‐wide perspecƟve. These intelligent systems can integrate exisƟng power generaƟon sources, such as generators, with renewables (discussed in more detail in SecƟon 3.3). By efficiently managing sources based on load in real Ɵme, tacƟcal micro‐grids reduce fuel consumpƟon, enhancing mobility and tacƟcal capabiliƟes.
  • 25. IntenƟonally LeŌ Blank WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 16
  • 26. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 17 3.0 TacƟcal Edge Energy IniƟaƟves DoD has iniƟated a number of operaƟonal energy programs across the different Services to advance the state of energy reliability, efficiency and security at the tacƟcal edge. There are numerous examples of government‐led advances in technology that were either fully or parƟally funded by the DoD. Efforts to harness innovaƟon currently revolve around the acquisiƟon and marginal improvement of COTS and GOTS products and services. There has also been an increased interest in the 3+ year Ɵme horizon of technology development organizaƟons such as DARPA and ARPA‐E. A gap sƟll remains, however, for rapidly procuring and fielding emerging technologies in the 1‐3 year Ɵmeframe. As with other capabiliƟes, the DoD balances the need for process‐driven acquisiƟons with the flexibility to respond to dynamic requirements and rapidly‐commercializing technologies. The need for rapid development and fielding is consistently matched with tesƟng and evaluaƟon of equipment with liƩle or no operaƟonal background. Such careful balancing requires coordinaƟon and collaboraƟon in the DoD to insƟtuƟonalize and align incenƟves for harnessing innovaƟon in support of common operaƟonal needs. For example, the U.S. Army is integraƟng energy consideraƟons into various program requirements, including: Concept development and experimentaƟon; resource management; materiel development and acquisiƟon; tesƟng and evaluaƟon; as well as training and educaƟon programs. The Army is also engaging in a number of capabiliƟes to enhance operaƟonal energy implementaƟon at the TacƟcal Edge including the Base Camp IntegraƟon Laboratory (BCIL), the Smart and Green Energy (SAGE) program, and the ConƟngency Basing IntegraƟon Technology and EvaluaƟon Center. 3.1 GeneraƟon: High‐Efficiency Flexible Solar Panels The U.S. Marine Corps ExpediƟonary Energy Office has two energy generaƟon/storage systems as Programs of Record: the Solar Portable AlternaƟve CommunicaƟons Energy System (SPACES) and the Ground Renewable ExpediƟonary Energy System (GREENS). Both of these systems are designed to provide power to Marine units in remote locaƟons, ranging in size from platoons to enƟre baƩalion combat operaƟons centers. The updated GREENS 2.0 prototype uses mono‐crystalline silicon solar panels from SBM Solar, Inc., which meet tacƟcal requirements as light, flexible, glass‐free, and high performing in extreme temperatures.
  • 27. weight, compaƟbility with exisƟng mobile renewable energy systems for recharging, and the ability to perform well at high temperatures. Engaging more effecƟvely and substanƟvely with Silicon Valley could contribute to these soluƟons. For example, QuantumScape, an early‐stage company operaƟng out of San Jose, CA, is commercializing all‐electron baƩery technology that was first developed by mechanical engineers at Stanford with an ARPA‐E grant. InteresƟngly, this research was conducted through the new Army High Performance CompuƟng Research Center (AHPCRC) with military applicaƟons in mind. This type of baƩery “stores energy in charge separaƟon, using only electrons, which are lighter, and therefore faster, than the ion charge carriers typical of convenƟonal baƩeries.”23 It exhibits higher power density, energy density, and life cycle than advanced lithium‐ion baƩeries.24 QuantumScape’s management has long experience with venture‐funded start‐ups in the region. CEO Jagdeep Singh co‐founded an opƟcal networking gear company called Infinera that scaled from start‐up to publicly traded commercial success. KPCB and Khosla Ventures, two of Silicon Valley’s most acƟve and profitable cleantech VCs, were both early backers of QuantumScape. This company’s potenƟally disrupƟve baƩery technology addresses many of the military’s major energy storage challenges, and its financial, managerial, and technical experƟse bode well for its conƟnued development. However, despite the early connecƟon with Stanford’s AHPCRC, there is no Alta Devices, a venture‐backed company in Silicon Valley, manufactures gallium arsenide solar panels that share the same key characterisƟcs as SBM Solar’s products but are almost twice as efficient—30.8% NREL—reported efficiency for Alta compared to 17‐ 18% for SBM Solar. TheoreƟcally, GREENS electricity output could be increased without adding to the weight of the system, if it uƟlized Alta’s technology. Other companies that are developing similar solar technologies include MicroLink Devices (San Francisco, CA), SiGen (San Jose, CA), and AstroWaƩ (AusƟn, TX). 3.2 Storage: Advanced BaƩeries The military – parƟcularly the ground units of the Army and Marine Corps – relies on baƩeries to provide energy storage soluƟons in remote locaƟons. However, baƩery technology in use by the military today tends to be heavy, have low power density and oŌen is not rechargeable. In 2010, a typical Marine Corps patrol in Afghanistan carried enough baƩeries to support mission essenƟal requirements for three or four days – about 20‐35 pounds per person22. An average mulƟband radio, operated conƟnuously, requires 216 AA baƩeries every two days. Larger electronic systems oŌen uƟlize bulky baƩery packs that are hooked up to vehicles to be recharged, increasing fuel needs. There is significant room for improvement in advanced baƩery technology for military applicaƟons. Reducing the burden of carrying baƩeries would make warfighters more nimble and self‐sufficient. CriƟcal requirements include high efficiency, low 22 “KaƟe Fehrenbacher, “The Valley’s next big baƩery play: QuantumScape,” Gigaom, 5 Oct 2011, hƩp://‐valleys‐next‐ WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 18 big‐baƩery‐play‐quantumscape/ 23 Army High Performance RecruiƟng Center, Stanford Mechanical Engineering Department, hƩp:// Project1_6.html 24 Dan Lafontaine, “Army scienƟsts develop deployable renewable energy soluƟons,” U.S. Army News, hƩp://Ɵcle/79471/
  • 28. baƩery components would boost the number of hours of power the RENEWS system can provide. Beyond this, numerous new startups are developing soŌware and data analysis tools that could provide military energy soluƟons. Palo Alto‐based AutoGrid, for instance, has a cloud‐based soŌware plaƞorm that analyzes electrical grid data in order to idenƟfy usage trends and opƟmize load management. Nest Labs (discussed in SecƟon 5.1) invented a smart thermostat designed for home use, but the underlying analyƟcs that “teach” the thermostat to adjust to an individual’s energy needs and usage paƩerns could have military applicaƟons. In general, all the R&D efforts targeƟng domesƟc ‘smart grids’ could benefit Army and other military efforts to develop tacƟcal microgrids, which are scaled‐down, stand‐alone versions of larger connected electrical grids. public indicaƟon that the Army or any other DoD organizaƟons have pursued a partnership with QuantumScape. There are numerous other examples of innovaƟve work in energy storage going on in Silicon Valley. Imprint Energy, a start‐up based in Alameda, CA, is commercializing zinc‐based baƩery technology first developed at UC Berkeley. Its products are thin, flexible, and rechargeable, with a much higher energy density than comparable lithium‐ion baƩeries and much safer. Research into zinc‐air baƩeries conƟnues at Stanford (as discussed in SecƟon 5.2), and similar zinc‐air fuel cell technology currently licensed to Zinc Air, Inc., in Montana, originated at LLNL. 3.3 Management: TacƟcal Micro‐grids The Army Research, Development and Engineering Command is developing two tacƟcal microgrid systems. The first, called Reusing ExisƟng Natural Energy from Wind and Solar (RENEWS), uses completely renewable energy sources to power smaller systems in very remote locaƟons. RENEWS, which weighs about 100lbs and is stored in two 70lb cases, can power two or three laptops conƟnuously with solar/wind power or for about five hours from stored energy. The second, Renewable Energy for Distributed Undersupplied Command Environments (REDUCE), is a larger system that will integrate fuel‐based WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 19 generators with renewables.25 Advances in energy generaƟon and storage (will support effecƟve micro‐grids: higher‐efficiency 25 Author generated, adapted from Dan Goldman, Highland Capital Management, cited in Tony ValenƟne et. al., “USDA Guarantees 2nd GeneraƟon Biofuels Access to Bond Market for IniƟal CommercializaƟon,” Clean Energy Notes, 17 Mar 2011, cleanener‐gynotes.
  • 29. IntenƟonally LeŌ Blank WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 20
  • 30. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 21 4.0 Understanding the Energy Technology Landscape U.S. renewable energy and other clean technology sectors have seen renewed interest in recent years due to a number factors including the advent of new technologies, shiŌs in the geostrategic and policy environments, and lessons learned from a range of threat environments. Many of these systems are sƟll not commercially viable, however. They require government support through a mix of subsidies, tax breaks, mandates, and other policy tools. This public sector reliance oŌen shapes technological capabiliƟes and commercial organizaƟons because of the requirements that accompany this governmental support. Recent events and global trends make government involvement more likely in the future. Natural disasters such as Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy demonstrated the vulnerability of the energy sector, raising awareness and galvanizing public interest. There also has been a sustained rise in public concern about anthropogenic climate change. The scienƟfic community has reported that observed trends toward greater climaƟc volaƟlity can be aƩributed to increased greenhouse gas emissions, and this has aƩracted resources and innovators to the challenge of developing low‐ and zero‐carbon energy technologies, and the storage and management technologies required for their implementaƟon. 4.1 US Clean Technology Industry The US cleantech industry (Figure 5) includes a diverse set of actors with overlapping and interrelated roles. Government influence is prominent throughout the industry at both federal and state levels, especially as a regular and substanƟal source of financing. Large research universiƟes and naƟonal and corporate laboratories figure prominently in the early stages of research and development. New technologies are discovered and explored at this stage, with increasing aƩenƟon paid to high potenƟal products and/or services. ProducƟon opƟons are reviewed and tested during commercializaƟon, as businesses consider aspects of design, manufacturing, cost, market size, regulatory environment and other factors. These early‐stage companies are oŌen funded privately by investors who specialize in the field. Consumer input is integrated early in the process during commercializaƟon, providing opportuniƟes for tesƟng and feedback. This cycle conƟnues as the company matures, moving toward profitability and self‐sufficiency.
  • 31. exploraƟon, $34 billion in health research, and $81 billion in defense‐related research).27 Within the industry, generaƟon and deployment of renewable energy has seen the most growth. As a result, prices conƟnue to be driven down and renewables present an increasingly viable alternaƟve to petroleum‐based fuels. This is parƟcularly true for the residenƟal solar sector; the US had 7,500MW of solar photovoltaic capacity at the end of 2012, three Ɵmes more than in 2010, and more than ten Ɵmes 2007.28 Renewables supplied over 49% of new US power generaƟon capacity in 2012. The EIA projects that this surge will conƟnue, with renewables supplying more electricity than nuclear reactors or natural gas by 2016.29 WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 22 4.2 Industry Overview and Market Trends Energy technology research receives significant aƩenƟon from major universiƟes and other academic and research insƟtuƟons across the country. For example, the New York BaƩery and Energy Storage Technology ConsorƟum is partnering with Dutch firm DNV Kema to build a $23 million BaƩery and Energy Storage Technology tesƟng and commercializaƟon center in Rochester, NY.26 While federal funding for energy R&D averaged about $4.7 billion annually from 2009‐2014, this is much lower than annual investments in other areas of naƟonal innovaƟon priority (e.g. $19 billion in space research and Figure 5. Major Players in U.S. Clean Technology Industry 26 Silvio Marcacci, “$23 Million Energy Storage Research Center Launched in New York State,” Clean Technica, 30 Jul 2013. Access here. 27 Alex Trembath, Michael Shellenberger, Jesse Jenkins, Ted Nordhaus, “Beyond Boom and Bust: Puƫng Clean Tech on a Path to Subsidy Independence,” 17 Apr 2013. Access here. 28 Silvio Marcacci, “Dazzling Dozen US States Illuminate Path to Solar Energy Future,” Clean Technica, 26 Jul 2013. Access here. 29 Dennis McGinn, “American Renewable Energy is Powering the American Energy TransformaƟon,” Huffington Post, 9 July 2013. Access here.
  • 32. majority of domesƟc cleantech sectors rely on government subsidies and other supporƟve policies to compete in energy markets. This leaves the industry vulnerable in the face of significant funding cuts. Federal funding for clean technologies reached an all‐Ɵme high of $44 billion through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 [ARRA]. By 2014, annual federal cleantech spending will drop to $11 billion (a 75% decline since 2009), and 70% of all federal clean energy policies in place in 2009 will have expired. Even regular non‐ARRA federal clean tech funding is set to decline by more than half, from a high of $24.3 billion in 2010 to $10.9 billion in 2013.32 Overall, the US clean technology industry is at an inflecƟon point. The rapid expansion of government funding since 2009 prompted significant advances, parƟcularly in the large‐scale residenƟal solar sector. These new technologies could become compeƟƟve in domesƟc energy markets, but for now the industry remains dependent on unreliable federal support, leading to a dangerous “boom and bust” cycle. 4.2.1 Venture Capital and Private Equity Funding Flows Venture capital investment in the cleantech sector is trending downward and has been for several years. According to publicly available data from the MoneyTree Report, generated by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and the NaƟonal Venture Capital AssociaƟon (NVCA), the cleantech sector saw its sixth straight quarter of decline in Q2 2013 to $364 million.33 This marks a 62% year‐over‐ Cleantech growth is reflected in industry employment, which expanded 12% from 2007 to 2010. This represents more than 70,000 new jobs during the height of the recession. From 2011 to 2012, the solar sector added jobs nearly six Ɵmes as quickly as the rest of the economy, though solar manufacturing dropped off in 2012 in part due to compeƟƟon from cheaper foreign imports. This recent cleantech expansion is largely due to unprecedented government support for clean energy. President Obama has called on the US to double wind and solar electricity generaƟon by 2020, ciƟng economic, climate change, and energy security demands.30 States also have taken the iniƟaƟve to promote energy reliability, parƟcularly the integraƟon of renewable energy sources. California, New York, MassachuseƩs, and other states in the New England region conƟnue to lead the charge in this area. Government cleantech spending will exceed $150 billion from 2009‐2014, a more than three Ɵmes increase from 2002‐2008. A majority of this spending is directed toward subsidizing the deployment and adopƟon of new energy technologies (e.g. solar installaƟons) while manufacturing received only 8%. Overall investment in renewables and other cleantech followed the government’s lead, jumping 155% to $9.5 billion in Q2 2013. This was supported by the extension of a wind power tax credit and unexpectedly good performances from cleantech iniƟal public offerings (IPOs), like Tesla.31 Due to the rapid expansion of government funding, a 30 “President Obama’s Plan to Fight Climate Change,” 25 Jul 2013, hƩp://‐acƟon‐plan. 31 “Clean energy investment rises 22%, led by US, China,” Bloomberg, 11 Jul 2013, hƩp://‐‐energy‐investment‐ WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 23 rises‐22‐led‐us‐china/ . 32 Alex Trembath, et. al., “Beyond Boom and Bust: Puƫng Clean Tech on a Path to Subsidy Independence.”
  • 33. sign for an industry. The venture model takes advantage of high risk, high reward early‐stage companies; therefore, as industries mature, the role for VC investment naturally declines. This creates space for increased debt/equity and project financing from other sources. The drop in cleantech venture investment may be partly explained by growing maturing in cleantech markets, parƟcularly the larger solar companies. Mark Heeson, president of the NVCA, observed: “As clean energy conƟnues to evolve from a capital intensive to a capital efficient model, it is clear that the venture industry is responding to the market forces at work.”35 iii. Limited exit opportuniƟes: As the risk associated with investment goes down and later‐stage investors step in, VCs look to exit the venture profitably. Typically, VCs rely heavily on iniƟal public offerings (IPOs) as a viable exit strategy, and acquisiƟons also play a role. However, the last few years have shown that (at least right now) there is no real domesƟc IPO market for cleantech. Ten venture‐backed companies had to pull IPO plans in 2012 and raise addiƟonal rounds of private investment, significantly reducing the returns of these backers. Even companies with successful IPOs have had disappoinƟng performances. Nine VC‐backed cleantech start‐ups have done major market IPOs since 2010 and stayed public for more than six months (the typical length of the lock‐up period VC investors need to wait before selling their shares). All but two were trading below their IPO price at that 180‐day mark, and over Ɵme only Tesla has clearly year decrease and the lowest quarterly funding total in over seven years (Figure 6). There are a number of likely contribuƟng factors to this downward VC investment trend: WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 24 i. Overall weak economy: Declining venture investment can indicate that VCs are reluctant to invest in new companies in general, which is not surprising in a weak economy. This is likely a large part of the drop between 2007‐2008 across all sectors, which coincided with the bursƟng of the U.S. housing bubble in mid‐2007 and start of the recession (Figure 7). Even the recent drop in cleantech since Q1 2011 may be rooted in VC cauƟon; it mirrored overall VC acƟvity, but with a disproporƟonate decline that makes sense from this perspecƟve, given the parƟcularly significant losses VCs took on cleantech firms such as A123 Systems. However, VCs seem parƟcularly reluctant to invest in new cleantech companies. In Q2 2013, overall venture capital investment acƟvity rose 12 percent in terms of dollars and 2 percent in terms of number of deals compared to the previous quarter, but cleantech venture investment declined further.34 This could indicate parƟcularly low VC confidence in cleantech deals, compared to other sectors, but more likely a weak economy is not a sufficient explanaƟon for the downward trajectory of cleantech venture funding. ii. Maturing industry: Decreased VC investment is not always a negaƟve 33 Generated by the author. Data from MoneyTree Report Q1 2013 and PWC press release on trends from upcoming MoneyTree Q2 2013 report . 34 PWC press release on trends from upcoming MoneyTree Q2 2013 report, hƩps:// filesource/displays/noƟce‐D.html . 35 Data from Yahoo! Finance; MaƩhew Nordan, “The state of cleantech venture capital: what lies ahead,” GigaOM, 27 Mar 2013.
  • 34. Figure 6. VC Cleantech Sector Investments, 2005 – Q2 2013 36 Figure 7. Cleantech and Total US VC Investment, 2005 – Q2 2013 37 36 Generated by the author. Data from MoneyTree Report Q1 2013 and PWC press release on trends from upcoming MoneyTree Q2 2013 report (hƩps://Ɵce‐D.html). 37 “Q2 2013 – Quarterly Venture Capital Financing and Exit Data,” CBI Insights, 15 July 2013, hƩp:// venture‐capital‐data‐q2‐2013. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 25
  • 35. are only limited returns, given the size of iniƟal investments.39 Regardless, there seems to be a growing role for corporaƟons in funding cleantech firms, and potenƟal military customers should watch their behavior closely. There are numerous examples from the last quarter alone. Sunrun, a domesƟc residenƟal solar provider, raised $630 million from JP Morgan to construct a new facility. SolarCity raised $500 million from Goldman Sachs, and SolarReserve raised $260 million from Google. Notably, innovaƟve fuel cell manufacturer Bloom Energy raised $150 million from Credit Suisse, German uƟlity company EON, and its previous investors.40 iv. Concerns of limited partners (LPs). VC firms get the money they invest from LPs, such as foundaƟons, pension funds, and private wealthy families. Recently, many of these limited partners have been backing away from cleantech. VantagePoint Capital Partners, one of the largest VCs acƟve in cleantech, stopped raising a new clean‐tech fund because of lack of LP interest. Solar manufacturing was one of the fund’s intended targets, along with energy storage, electric vehicle, and smart grid technology. Many LP insƟtuƟons sƟll interested in cleantech are earmarking venture funds for lower risk late‐stage growth equity deals. v. Losing government support. Federal funding for clean technologies reached an all‐ Ɵme high of $44 billion through the American WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 26 done well (Table 1, Figure 8). These are not the outsized returns on investment that VC firms need from their successes to compensate for inevitable losses on other high‐risk investments. There is some hope; last year, both SolarCity and First Solar had strong iniƟal showings, and Tesla conƟnues to outperform the average. However, it is too early to tell whether this indicates a turn‐around for cleantech IPOs. Mergers and AcquisiƟons (M&A) are the primary alternaƟve exit vehicle to IPOs. In the cleantech sector, M&A acƟvity historically has been modest, although it is trending upward: $5 billion earned in Q2 2013, compared to only $2 billion in Q1, according to data from analysis group CleanTechIQ. Significant contributors to those numbers was ABB’s $1 billion acquisiƟon of Power One, a power management company, and CoinStar [subsidiary] Outerwall’s $350 million acquisiƟon of ecoATM, an electronics recycling company.38 It is difficult to assess cleantech venture‐backed acquisiƟons, let alone Silicon Valley cleantech acquisiƟons, since most exit data does not differenƟate venture‐backed companies. This means potenƟal military customers will not be able to determine the best VC firms and/or porƞolio companies in the energy technology sector with a high degree of confidence. However, a 2012 Cleantech Venture‐Backed M&A Exit Study showed only 27 venture‐backed cleantech deals greater than $50 million in the previous ten years, with an esƟmated $13 billion in total M&A exit value. These 38 Neal Dikeman, “Guest Post: Cleantech VC‐Backed M&A Exit Numbers,” Green Tech Media, 18 September 2012, hƩp://Ɵcles/read/Guest‐Post‐Cleantech‐VC‐Backed‐MA‐Exit‐Numbers 39 Carus, “Cleantech VC jumps 56% in Q2, M&A rebounds.” 40 “Q2 2013 – Quarterly Venture Capital Financing and Exit Data,” CBI Insights.
  • 36. Table 1. Major Cleantech IPOs, 2010 – present 42 Company Date of IPO Opening Value Value at Day 180 % Change to Day Current Value % Change to Current Codexis, Inc. (CDXS) 22 Apr 2010 13.00 10.58 ‐19% 2.46 ‐81% Tesla Motors, Inc. (TSLA) 29 Jun 2010 19.00 22.86 20% 127.26 570% Amyris, Inc. (AMRS) 28 Sep 2010 16.50 28.79 74% 2.94 ‐82% SemiLEDs Corp (LEDS) 9 Dec 2010 24.00 4.28 ‐20% 1.28 ‐95% Gevo, Inc. (GEVO) 9 Feb 2011 14.23 9.25 ‐35% 1.99 ‐86% Solazyme, Inc. (SZYM) 27 May 2011 20.00 11.37 ‐43% 11.40 ‐43% KiOR, Inc. (KIOR) 24 Jun 2011 15.00 9.08 ‐40% 4.39 ‐71% Ceres, Inc. (CERE) 22 Feb 2012 15.00 5.03 ‐66% 2.19 ‐85% Enphase Energy, Inc. (ENPH) 22 Apr 2010 7.50 3.36 ‐55% 8.08 8% Figure 8. Major Cleantech IPO Performance, 2010 – present42 41 Author generated, adapted from MaƩhew Nordan, “The state of cleantech venture capital: what lies ahead.” Data from Yahoo! Finance 42 Felicity Carus, “Cleantech VC jumps 56% in Q2, M&A rebounds,” CleantechIQ, 3 July 2013, hƩp://‐vc‐jumps‐56‐in‐q2‐ma‐rebounds/. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 27
  • 37.  Related to the problem of limited exit opportuniƟes, the increased proporƟon of follow‐on investment may indicate adverse selecƟon: VCs are providing working capital to companies they had hoped to have profitably exited already. In any case, VCs will be reluctant to conƟnue invesƟng in a sector with limited opportuniƟes for profitable exit.  VCs are earmarking more money for late‐stage funding because of anƟcipated needs aŌer a boom of seed/Series A investments around 2006. That year VCs began focusing on the cleantech industry, and funding quickly increased by more than 50% annually for the next three years. Most of those cleantech rounds used seed/Series A money, but since then the trend has reversed (Figure 9). VC firms may have responded to these trends – and the projected need for even greater late‐stage funding in the future – by earmarking funds. In support of this idea, a number of major VCs started raising large late‐stage cleantech funds c. 2010‐2011, including VantagePoint, KPCB, Khosla Ventures, and Hudson Clean Energy. Tracking these trends in VC funding may help DoD and other government customers forecast future developments. If they can idenƟfy sectors that are likely to need extra funding in the future, they may be able to match those sectors to their own needs and idenƟfy business opportuniƟes. Early engagement in these sectors would help determine the technological and organizaƟonal hurdles to effecƟve partnering. Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 [ARRA]. Dependence on government subsidies leads to unpredictability in the sector, parƟcularly as the sƟmulus money winds down, which can complicate investment. This blends with concerns about other federal, as well as state, incenƟves for cleantech commercializaƟon. 4.2.2 Cleantech VC Funding Trends Not only is venture funding down for cleantech, but it is increasingly made as follow‐on investment (Series B or later, meaning investments in later‐stage, lower‐risk WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 28 companies). Nearly 90% of cleantech VC investments were Series B or later in Q1 2013, and the average size of those rounds fell by 45%. However, the increase in venture funding over all sectors featured a resurgence of early stage investments, which rose 63% in dollars to their highest level in six quarters. Average size of early stage deals also jumped from $3.7 million in Q1 to $5.2 million in Q2. As of this wriƟng, Q2 2013 investment data by stage of development for the cleantech sector is not yet publicly available, but reports indicate that cleantech did not see a comparable rise in early‐stage acƟvity. There are a number of possible contribuƟng factors to this trend:  VCs someƟmes favor add‐ons over new plaƞorms in hard Ɵmes, because they know the company and have a beƩer chance of success. Further, poor economic condiƟons may have sƟfled other new promising opportuniƟes. 41 Author generated, adapted from MaƩhew Nordan, “The state of cleantech venture capital: what lies ahead.” Data from Yahoo! Finance 42 Felicity Carus, “Cleantech VC jumps 56% in Q2, M&A rebounds,” CleantechIQ, 3 July 2013, hƩp://‐vc‐jumps‐ 56‐in‐q2‐ma‐rebounds/.
  • 38. Nonetheless, investment metrics need to be balanced against other factors—VC‐funded start‐up enterprises may at Ɵmes pose risks to the acquisiƟon of sustainable soluƟons, as was the case with Solyndra. Figure 9. Cleantech Start‐Up Investment Rounds43 43 Graph from MaƩhew Nordan, “The state of cleantech venture capital, part 1: the money,” Gigaom, 28 November 2011, hƩp://‐state‐of‐cleantech‐venture‐capital‐part‐1‐the‐money/ . WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 29
  • 39. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 30 5.0 Understanding InnovaƟon Hubs: Silicon Valley Silicon Valley, located in the southern region of the San Francisco Bay Area in northern California, is one of the most innovaƟve and producƟve high‐tech regions in the world (Inset Figure44). Its unique combinaƟon of business, academic, government, and cultural resources facilitate technological innovaƟon. In the last decade, Silicon Valley has emerged as one of the centers of U.S. clean technology industry. Given the recent strategic shiŌs outlined above and the long history of the region's support for tradiƟonal defense industries such as semiconductors, satellites, and opƟcs, the DoD has the opportunity to systemaƟcally reengage Silicon Valley on energy reliability challenges. Leveraging Silicon Valley in a producƟve fashion requires substanƟal adjustment to standard DoD pracƟces. The companies, investors, and educaƟonal insƟtuƟons in the region do not funcƟon like tradiƟonal defense contractors. As a community, these groups share characterisƟcs such as access to cuƫng‐edge research, large labor force of talented engineers, rapid development and tesƟng, low levels of cash reserves, and the pressure for exponenƟal growth to provide investor returns. These qualiƟes offer comparaƟve advantages for innovaƟve problem‐solving but also potenƟal for misunderstanding and frustrated collaboraƟon. The DoD will likely face skepƟcism in its outreach to individuals and organizaƟons in Silicon Valley. Many groups harbor concerns about government collaboraƟon based on recent high‐profile failures, especially in cleantech (e.g. Solyndra), and a general lack of appreciaƟon for process‐heavy – or just slow – relaƟonships. Silicon Valley culture and incenƟve structures reward technical competence and rapid iteraƟon. This is a crucial aspect of the region upon which much innovaƟve and entrepreneurial acƟvity rests. Unfortunately, it can place undue stress on potenƟal DoD partners if these concerns are not adequately addressed during the early stages of negoƟaƟon. Given these hurdles, the DoD is best equipped to provide clarity in technological and contractual arrangements, along with an accurate assessment of milestones and disbursement schedules. EducaƟng organizaƟons and thought leaders in Silicon Valley is criƟcal to a sustainable and valuable relaƟonship. 5.1 High‐Tech Marketplace Silicon Valley has long been a center of high‐tech business in electronics and informaƟon technology. Numerous industry leaders have developed there, including Google, Yahoo, Cisco Systems, Intuit, and Sun Microsystems.45 In recent years Silicon Valley has also supported the development of the U.S. clean 44 Image from hƩp:// 45 “History of Stanford,” Stanford University, hƩp:// .
  • 40. VantagePoint Capital Partners. Venture capital investors like these are skilled at idenƟfying technologies with long‐term growth potenƟal. These “porƞolio companies” are expected to provide substanƟal returns on investment, usually in the 7‐9 year Ɵmeframe. Several major cleantech success stories were iniƟally supported by Silicon Valley capital. Several representaƟve examples include: 1. Clean Power Finance provides Internet‐based financial services and soŌware for the residenƟal solar industry. It was founded in 2006 in San Francisco, CA, with venture capital from a number of Silicon Valley firms. Currently, Clean Power Finance partners with major solar manufacturing and installaƟon companies and has secured half a billion dollars from bank and corporate investors, such as Google and Morgan Stanley. 2. Nest Labs developed a “learning thermostat” system for home energy management. Since its founding in 2010 in Palo Alto, CA, Nest has expanded quickly and now has partnerships with leading U.S. uƟliƟes (e.g. Southern California Edison) and sells its product in 80 countries worldwide. Nest aƩracted Series A investment from a number of high‐profile Silicon Valley‐based VCs, including KPCB, Google Ventures, Shasta Ventures, Lightspeed Venture Partners, and Intertrust. Its co‐founders gained experience in tech development and design at Apple, where they worked on the iPod and iPhone. technology, or “cleantech,” industry. Many young and rapidly growing companies with distributed energy soluƟons are based in the region. Alongside its high‐tech industry, Silicon Valley has developed a network of risk‐tolerant private capital with substanƟal commercializaƟon experience. OŌen referred to as venture capital (VC), it is a vital source of financing for many start‐ups. VC firms solicit funds from a variety of sources, including private families of high net worth and insƟtuƟonal investors such as pension funds. Each fund is comprised of several backers, who expect a return on their investment upon closing, typically in the 7‐9 year Ɵmeframe. Investment is made at the early stages of company growth, oŌen before it has begun generaƟng revenue, based on projected growth that will bring outsized returns to the investors. This high‐growth strategy is necessary to maximize returns, as many venture‐backed companies end up failing and are liquidated or acquired at a value well below their total backing. Overall U.S. venture investment is heavily weighted toward Silicon Valley, with $2.2 billion going into 274 deals in Q1 2013 (Figure 10). For comparison, New England, the next most acƟve venture investment region, received only $677 million in 88 rounds.46 Silicon Valley similarly dominates cleantech VC, as a subset of the total (Figure 11). There are well over 100 venture capital firms based in Silicon Valley, and many firms headquartered elsewhere are acƟve in the area. Leading investors in Silicon Valley energy technologies include Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB), Khosla Ventures, and 46 MoneyTree Report Q1 2013,” PricewaterhouseCoopers and NaƟonal Venture Capital AssociaƟon, hƩps:// MTPublic/ns/moneytree/filesource/exhibits/13Q1MoneyTreeSummaryReport.pdf. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 31
  • 41. Figure 10. Total U.S. VC Investment in All Sectors, 2008—Q2 201347 Figure 11. Cleantech Funding Trends in Top Five Regions48 47 Author generated. Data from MoneyTree Report Q1 2013 48 Graph from Cleantech MoneyTree Report Q1 2013, PricewaterhouseCoopers and NaƟonal Venture Capital AssociaƟon, hƩp://Ɵons/assets/pwc‐money‐tree‐cleantech‐venture‐funding‐q1‐2013.pdf WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 32
  • 42. and the emerging high‐tech industries. Today, the crossover between the university and Silicon Valley conƟnues to be so strong that Stanford has been called “the farm system for Silicon Valley.”49 There are many acƟve energy research centers and iniƟaƟves at Stanford.50 A few of the most prominent include:  The Precourt InsƟtute for Energy was established in 2009 as the center of all energy research and educaƟon iniƟaƟves at Stanford. In addiƟon to coordinaƟng the other diverse programs, the Precourt InsƟtute offers seed grants and co‐sponsors the Energy and Environmental Affiliates Program, which forges connecƟons between companies and Stanford researchers to promote the exchange of ideas and more rapid commercializaƟon of working soluƟons.51  The Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP), founded in 2002, conducts early‐stage research aimed at developing new energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It has over $130 million in funding from corporate partners such as ExxonMobil, GE, and DuPont.52  The Hoover InsƟtuƟon Shultz‐Stephenson Task Force on Energy Policy “addresses energy policy in the United States and its effects on our domesƟc and internaƟonal poliƟcal prioriƟes, parƟcularly our naƟonal security.” The task WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 33 3. Kurion is a profitable start‐up that developed an improved, faster process for cleaning up nuclear waste. In 2011, it gained prominence for its role assisƟng aŌer the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. Kurion shows the long reach of Silicon Valley cleantech venture capital; though the startup is based in southern California, one of its two major iniƟal investors was Palo Alto firm Firelake Capital Management. Market forces and selecƟon effects, which can and should be harnessed by DoD procurement efforts, drive efficiencies in the private sector. Developing awareness and relaƟonships with VC firms – parƟcularly those with past experience in the cleantech sector – could help DoD idenƟfy and target emerging technology soluƟons of relevance to emerging tacƟcal edge challenges. 5.2 InsƟtuƟonal Environment 5.2.1 Academic InsƟtuƟons Silicon Valley industry has long‐standing historical Ɵes to the many academic insƟtuƟons in the area, parƟcularly Stanford University. The Palo Alto garage where Stanford alumni David Packard and William HewleƩ founded their electronics company in 1939 is known as “the Birthplace of Silicon Valley.” As Silicon Valley developed into a powerhouse of technological innovaƟon, close Ɵes conƟnued between Stanford 49 That parƟcular quote comes from a 2012 arƟcle in the New Yorker (Ken AuleƩa, “Get Rich U,” 30 Apr 2012, hƩp:// reporƟng/2012/04/30/120430fa_fact_auleƩa), but in the last few years there have been a number of similar arƟcles in major publicaƟons, highlighƟng Stanford’s start‐up culture. 50 This is not an exhausƟve list of Stanford’s energy‐related iniƟaƟves. Other relevant programs include the Precourt Energy Efficiency Center (hƩp://, the Stanford Woods InsƟtute for the Environment (hƩp://, the Stanford InsƟtute for Materials and Energy Science (hƩp://, the SUNFACE Center for Interface Science and Catalysis (hƩp://, the Energy Modeling Forum (hƩp://, and the Center for Advanced Molecular Photovoltaics (hƩp://, and the Stanford Energy Club (hƩp:// 51 Energy and Environmental Affiliates Program, hƩp:// 52 Global Climate and Energy Project, hƩp://
  • 43. levels. Other area universiƟes also engage meaningfully with local industry – especially University of California‐ Berkeley, Santa Clara University, and San Jose State University. Santa Clara idenƟfied “Engagement with Silicon Valley” as one of five prioriƟes in its 2011 Strategic Plan, specifically ciƟng the need to “increase learning, service, and research opportuniƟes with Silicon Valley corporaƟons, insƟtuƟons, and communiƟes.”57 The academia‐industry nexus in Silicon Valley brings a number of potenƟal indirect benefits to DoD energy reliability efforts. UniversiƟes provide valuable R&D resources, in terms of both on‐campus laboratories and equipment and access to government and private grant funding. Both the Precourt InsƟtute and the TomKat Center offer seed grants for proof‐of‐concept research on potenƟally disrupƟve technologies. GCEP currently supports 80 full‐Ɵme and 35 exploratory research projects. This research could lead to innovaƟve military applicaƟons in the future; for example, earlier this year GCEP researchers announced the development of a zinc‐air baƩery that eventually could provide a low‐cost, high ‐efficiency alternaƟve to tradiƟonal lithium‐ion baƩeries.58 Significantly, businesses have the opportunity to support, and even shape, this early academic research. The Precourt InsƟtute sponsors an Energy and Environmental Affiliates Program, which builds force chair is former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz, and its members include current and former leaders in environmental science, government, and industry.53  The TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy funds research in science, technology, and policy to address major global energy problems.54  The Center on Nanostructuring for Efficient Energy Conversion is one of 46 naƟonal Energy FronƟer Research Centers, established and funded by the Department of Energy [DoE]. Its mission is to “understand how nanostructuring can enhance efficiency for energy conversion and solve fundamental cross‐cuƫng problems in advanced energy conversion and storage systems.”55  The Steyer‐Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance is a joint program of the Stanford Law School and Graduate School of Business. The Freeman Spogli InsƟtute Program on Energy and Sustainable Development is “an internaƟonal, interdisciplinary program that draws on the fields of economics, poliƟcal science, law, and management to invesƟgate how the producƟon and consumpƟon of energy affect human welfare and environmental quality.”56 The Stanford Environmental and Energy Policy Analysis Center is a joint effort between the Precourt InsƟtute and the Stanford InsƟtute for Economic Policy Research to study energy policy at the regional, naƟonal, and internaƟonal 53 For a complete list of the Shultz‐Stephenson Task Force members, see hƩp://‐policy/members. 54 TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy, hƩp:// . 55 Center on Nanostructuring for Efficient Energy Conversion, hƩp:// 56 FSI Program on Energy and Sustainable Development, hƩp:// 57 Santa Clara University Strategic Plan 2011, hƩp://Ɵes‐goals/engagement/ 58 Mark Shwartz, “GCEP scienƟsts develop high‐efficiency zinc‐air baƩery,” GCEP, hƩp://‐air‐baƩery.html WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 34
  • 44. UniversiƟes have built‐in networks with other academic and research insƟtutes worldwide, which broaden Silicon Valley’s access to other ongoing R&D efforts in energy reliability. For example, the Shultz‐ Stephenson Task Force and Stanford University partnered with the MassachuseƩs InsƟtute of Technology to study emerging disrupƟve energy technologies. This two‐year project culminated in a workshop in March 2013, and is expected to release an in‐depth later this year. In addiƟon to these indirect benefits, there is a history of more direct cooperaƟon between DoD and Silicon Valley’s academic insƟtuƟons. During the Cold War, Stanford was acƟvely involved in technical research for criƟcal military applicaƟons. In the 1950s, Stanford established an Applied Electronics Laboratory to build prototypes of electronic intelligence and warfare systems for the Office of Naval Research. In 1966, the Stanford Research InsƟtute built a $4.5 million radio reflector antenna on university land with Air Force funding. The original purpose of was atmospheric study, though the NaƟonal AeronauƟcs and Space AdministraƟon (NASA) later used the antenna to communicate with satellites and spacecraŌ. More recently, Stanford has received several mulƟ‐ million dollar military research contracts with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency60 (DARPA) and the Air Force Research Laboratory61 (AFRL). In 2007, Stanford joined a consorƟum of three other universiƟes and NASA to study high performance compuƟng, with $105 million of Army funding.62 This Army High Performance CompuƟng Research Center (AHPCRC) is run out of Stanford’s partnerships between Stanford and parƟcipaƟng high ‐tech firms. One feature of this program is the Fellow‐ Mentor‐Advisor program, which pairs each member firm with a research team of PhD students, led by a faculty member. The firm has privileged access to cuƫng edge relevant research, and the researchers benefit from the experƟse and commercializaƟon experience of businesses. Similarly, the TomKat Center’s Energy InnovaƟon Transfer Program connects each research project with an industry mentor. This cooperaƟon facilitates the process of moving from research to commercializaƟon, and increases the viability and business acumen of start‐ups and potenƟal future DoD partners. Academic insƟtuƟons provide conƟnuing educaƟon for industry players and updates to cuƫng‐edge research developments. Many of the programs and centers discussed above hold regular conferences, faculty lectures, and other educaƟonal events open to both business and academic leaders. San Jose State University recently teamed with Lawrence Berkeley NaƟonal Laboratory on a “BaƩery University,” offering special conƟnuing educaƟon courses in advanced energy storage technology.59 Start‐ups and established businesses recruit from a near constant supply of young, highly educated, innovaƟve entrepreneurs. This happens organically, through informal networking and other opportuniƟes, as well as in a more formal way. For example, one of the member benefits of the Precourt InsƟtute’s Affiliates Program is facilitated graduate student recruiƟng, through special recruiƟng events and PhD research showcases. 60&61 Military‐Industrial Complex database, hƩp:// 62 Dan Stober, “Event celebrates collaborate project to advance high‐performance compuƟng,” Stanford News, 5 Dec 2007, hƩp://‐120507.html. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 35
  • 45. Beyond internal research, LBL frequently partners with industry and government actors in Silicon Valley on energy‐related innovaƟon. Last year, for example, LBL joined the city of San Jose in an iniƟaƟve to promote “a mutual exchange of ideas and experƟse in the applicaƟon of technology toward next‐genera Ɵon buildings, renewable energy, energy storage and the smart grid, all research strengths of Berkeley Lab.”65 LBL and the California Clean Energy Fund also launched CalCharge, a consorƟum aimed at building connecƟons between promising Silicon Valley‐based energy storage start‐ups with venture funding, industry knowledge, and academic experƟse from UC Berkeley and Stanford. Lawrence Livermore NaƟonal Laboratory Lawrence Livermore NaƟonal Laboratory (LLNL) is one of three DoE NaƟonal Nuclear Security AdministraƟon (NNSA) laboratories, located in Livermore, CA. Because it falls under the NNSA, it differs from LBL in its explicitly defense‐oriented mission to “[strengthen] United States security through development and applicaƟon of world‐class science and technology to enhance the naƟon’s defense; reduce the global threat from terrorism and weapons of mass destrucƟon; and respond with vision, quality, integrity, and technical excellence to scienƟfic issues of naƟonal importance.”66 As a result, LLNL has a long history of scienƟfic and technical research for military applicaƟons, as well as experience working for DoD directly. LLNL conducts perƟnent research in all aspects of energy reliability, especially energy storage and Mechanical Engineering Department. These limited iniƟaƟves have not yet been directed toward energy reliability challenges, but there is no relevant difference that would make such an arrangement unfeasible. 5.2.2 NaƟonal Laboratories There are two naƟonal laboratories in Silicon Valley that conduct research and develop technologies related to energy. Both naƟonal laboratories in Silicon Valley are Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), which means they are “federally funded, privately operated faciliƟes established to meet a special long‐term R&D need of the federal government which cannot be met effecƟvely by exisƟng in‐house or contractor resources.”63 Though independently owned and operated, FFRDCs exist to support government efforts and, in some ways, funcƟon as unofficial government sub‐agencies. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 36 Lawrence Berkeley NaƟonal Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley NaƟonal Laboratory (LBL) is a DoE naƟonal laboratory located on the University of California – Berkeley campus, with a planned second facility in Richmond, CA. LBL has an Environmental Energy Technologies Division that is deeply engaged in research related to energy reliability, with major funding from the DoE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Key research areas include lithium ion and other advanced baƩery technologies, solar films, electrical grid modernizaƟon, and energy analysis.64 63 LBL Environmental Energy Technologies Division,‐development/electricity‐grid 64 Julie Chao, “New Lawrence Berkeley NaƟonal Laboratory and City of San Jose Partnership to Boost Clean Tech in Silicon Valley,” LBL News Center, hƩp://‐releases/2012/06/12/city‐of‐san‐jose‐partnership/ 65 Mission statement quoted from hƩps:// 66 See hƩp:// for more informaƟon on the incubator program .
  • 46. NASA scienƟsts and engineers. These small, high‐tech businesses, now leasing at NRP, conduct research in biotechnology, environmental technology, nanotechnology, communicaƟon and homeland security.”68 Some of these partners are key players in the Silicon Valley energy sector. 5.2.4 State and Municipal Government Agencies California, its regional agencies, and its municipaliƟes have taken a leading role in addressing energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. California’s Renewables Porƞolio Standard is one of the most aggressive in the country, requiring uƟliƟes to use renewable energy sources for 33% of total procurement by 2020.69 California is also a leader in the deployment of renewable energy resources. The California Solar IniƟaƟve incenƟvizes uƟlity providers to use solar power by providing per‐waƩ rebates, on top of the federal Solar Investment Tax Credit. Solar capacity in California increased 26% from 2011‐2012, to 1629 megawaƩs.70 Silicon Valley municipaliƟes have been parƟcularly acƟve in developing climate acƟon plans and cooperaƟng with local industry and academia to meet renewable energy challenges. Certain ciƟes also have taken more tangible acƟons to support cleantech industry research and development. San Jose expects to launch Providing Real‐Ɵme OpportuniƟes to Showcase and Pilot Emerging Clean Technology (ProspeCT) in Silicon Valley. ProspeCT SV is a cleantech demonstraƟon center located in a city‐management, and oŌen in partnership with regional government and industry. For example, in 2011 LLNL formed the hpc4energy incubator pilot program to demonstrate the value of high performance compuƟng (HPC) modeling and simulaƟon in developing new energy technologies. The hpc4energy incubator partners LLNL with six major industry players: Robert Bosch, GE Energy ConsulƟng, ISO New England, PoƩer Drilling, United Technologies Research Center, and GE Global Research.67 Each of these partnerships works on a different energy challenge. LLNL and ISO New England, which is responsible for oversight of electricity transmission operaƟons in New England, are using HPC techniques to opƟmize load management and increase grid reliability. This project originated in ISO’s need to integrate more renewable energy sources, based on guidance from New England policymakers—a challenge that DoD also faces. 5.2.3 NASA Ames Research Center The Ames Research Center (ARC) is a major NASA research center located at the NASA Research Park at MoffeƩ Field in Santa Clara County. ARC has been acƟve since the 1950s in R&D primarily related to astrobiology, informaƟon technology, biotechnology and nanotechnology. In 2002, ARC iniƟated a number of collaboraƟve partnerships with academia, industry, and non‐profits. According to ARC, industry partners “posiƟon themselves for extraordinary opportuniƟes to engage in mutually beneficial cuƫng‐edge research with 67 Quoted from NASA Research Park Partners, hƩp:// 68 California Renewables Porƞolio Standard, hƩp:// 69 Catherine Green, “California solar installaƟons jumped 26% in 2012, Los Angeles Times, 11 Jul 2013, hƩp://www.laƟ money/la‐fi‐mo‐california‐solar‐growth‐20130711,0,4238121.story . 70 The January 2013 memo to the San Jose Community and Economic Development CommiƩee, reporƟng plans for ProspeCT SV can be read at hƩp://ca‐ . WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 37
  • 47. important features of Silicon Valley culture. This secƟon already discussed many forward‐thinking partnerships, but one notable example is the Smart Energy Enterprise Development Zone (SEEDZ), which will incorporate and showcase Silicon Valley’s latest innovaƟons in energy reliability. The SEEDZ iniƟaƟve is led by Joint Venture Silicon Valley, an organizaƟon that “provides a neutral forum for collaboraƟve regional thinking and leadership from both the public and private sectors.”72 In keeping with this mission, all the major local energy stakeholders are represented in the SEEDZ iniƟaƟve: energy customers (e.g. Google, NASA ARC), energy providers (e.g. Pacific Gas and Electric), government (e.g. ciƟes of Mountain View and Sunnyvale), research/academic insƟtuƟons (e.g. LBL), and technology developers (e.g. SunPower). It is noteworthy to find posiƟve, producƟve collaboraƟon toward a common goal among such a diverse set of actors. Further informaƟon sharing occurs through networking and educaƟonal events. Frequent conferences, academic lectures, research presentaƟons, and product showcases (e.g. Stanford’s Cool Products Expo) provide much needed ‐exposure for new technologies. Many networks, both formal and informal, facilitate collaboraƟon; for example, StartX fosters student innovaƟon through an acƟve community of Stanford‐affiliated entrepreneurs, who offer encouragement, advice, and resources to young start‐ups. The universiƟes and naƟonal laboratories are natural venues for these events, but industry – both start‐ups and larger corporaƟons, such as Google – oŌen contributes as well. owned warehouse, which will provide affordable manufacturing, laboratory, and office space for Silicon Valley manufacturers to develop prototypes. It will be supported by LBNL resources.71 5.3 Silicon Valley Culture A variety of factors drive the historic and conƟnued success of Silicon Valley‐based technologies and innovaƟon. While difficult to directly measure, a crucial component these successes is the uniquely invenƟve, entrepreneurial Silicon Valley culture. This is a key discriminator reason other well‐resourced high‐tech corridors have failed to replicate Silicon Valley's success. All the major players in industry, academia, finance, and government discussed above operate in a culture of risk‐taking that encourages innovaƟon in the face of seemingly intractable challenges. This entrepreneurial spirit is vital for the cleantech industry, which can require years and heavy capital investment to realize new technologies. Silicon Valley innovaƟon tradiƟonally has emphasized early design and manufacturing. Rapid prototyping and a results‐oriented approach to product development are common industry pracƟces honed by years of experience. This aligns well with the mission and goals of DoD organizaƟons such as the Special OperaƟons Command (SOCOM) and the Army Rapid Equipping Force (REF), which value the same approach toward the development and procurement of new and breakthrough technologies to enhance the capabiliƟes of the warfighter and effecƟvely counter enemy agility and adaptability on the field. WR 13‐16: Enhancing Energy Reliability at the TacƟcal Edge Page | 38 CollaboraƟon and informaƟon sharing are also 71 Joint Venture Silicon Valley, hƩp://Ɵon=com_content&view=arƟcle&id=325&Itemid=330 72 Cleantech MoneyTree Report Q1 2013