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Copyright © 2023 Oh Teik Theam
Published by Oh Teik Theam
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A couplet is a pair of lines with rhyming end words. Usually both lines have the same
number of syllables.
A couplet may be closed or open.
In a closed couplet, there is a grammatical pause at the end of the first line:
He said, “Give me your vote.”
I said, “You get my goat.”
In an open couplet, the meaning of the first line continues to the second:
My wallet gets a dent
When ten dollars is spent.
Here are three excellent couplets:
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind;
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
- William Shakespeare
I have the measles and the mumps,
A gash, a rash and purple bumps.
- Shel Silversein
Nature puts on little shows
Every time it rains or snows.
- Charles Ghigna
Reading couplets provides a delightful form of light entertainment. Happy reading!
She salved her mental aches
With strawberries and cakes.
The stuntman escaped from the trap:
Another feather in his cap.
Active Voice
The English teacher said, “Always make the right choice.
In nine out of ten cases, use the active voice.”
“You are loved by me,” he said to her.
She said, “The active voice I prefer!”
This is a catchy ad
For the latest food fad.
It’s common for an adverb to modify a verb:
The old pedestrian waited patiently on the kerb.
An adverb can modify an adjective:
My new boss is incredibly vindictive.
It’s interesting when an adverb modifies another adverb:
When the clerk finished the job very quickly, her boss said, “Superb!”
Sometimes an adverb modifies the whole sentence:
Unfortunately, he showed no real repentance.
To complete the lesson, an adverb can also modify a gerund:
Walking briskly is my kind of exercise—when I’m out on an errand.
In the face of adversity,
Have determination gritty.
He’s too free with his advice,
Which is ignored in a trice.
He’s too free with his advice,
Which is always not concise.
Advice improves your mood
When it is mental food.
Advice given late
Carries not much weight.
Her grandfather is still alive,
Healthy at age ninety plus five.
At age ninety, he’s still alive and kicking.
This weekend, he intends to go picnicking.
Old age and I
See eye to eye.
Not credible was her alibi:
She was at home getting some shut-eye.
See you later, alligator.
You are my new navigator.
A person who chooses to be alone
Is like a skeleton without a bone.
Alter Ego
Hello, amigo,
My alter ego!
Anger is a nasty emotion.
Control it with a mental potion.
Don’t ever go to bed
With anger in your head.
An ant carried a breadcrumb
One-tenth the size of my thumb.
Louder will a person speak
When their argument is weak.
A sharp bamboo arrow from my quiver
Made the bulls-eye on the target shiver.
I can your portrait paint.
Sit still and do not faint!
From the artist’s heart
Comes beautiful art.
Women desire
Stylish attire.
“I’m not married,” said he.
“Footloose and fiancée-free.”
She gave birth to a bouncing baby.
It was born out of wedlock, maybe.
The fish ignored the bait.
It wanted to lose weight.
My comb gave me a scare
When it was full of hair.
This new ball has a good bounce;
It weighs one pound and one ounce.
“My boy, I’ve been a barber for years sixteen.
You really don’t know the stubble I have seen.”
Tales I heard from my wizened barber
Included one called Ali Baba.
Bask in the sunshine
From eight until nine.
The beanstalk said to Jack,
“That is a heavy sack.”
The beanstalk said to Jack,
“I deserve a kickback.”
The beanstalk said to Jack,
“When are you coming back?”
His gingery beard
Is soft but not weird.
Get out of my office, you scum,
Before I beat you like a drum.
Beauty and the beast:
A rare visual feast.
Beauty lies
In our eyes.
Come to bed;
Rest your head.
Stung by a fierce bee;
Screamed like a banshee.
The beggar held a metal bowl,
Which had in its centre a hole.
The beggar got a dollar
From a distinguished scholar.
Be scared or be brave.
Choose how to behave.
“This is the last straw,” said a big rat.
“One of us will have to bell the cat.”
“I drew the short straw,” said a timid rat.
“It falls to me to bell the tabby cat.”
A watched telly
Warms the belly.
You can’t do your best
When you lose your zest.
I’m willing to take a bet
I won’t learn to gamble yet.
When he saw the huge bill,
He suddenly felt ill.
When she saw the big bill,
She had to take a pill.
A bird in a cage
Dies at a young age.
The bird on the windowsill
Whistled a song by Faith Hill.
Raven said, “Swallow, your feathers dazzle in the spring.
My feathers protect me from the winter’s piercing sting.”
Watching the cloudless, sunny sky,
A thirsty crow felt high and dry.
A flock of birds in flight
Make a beautiful sight.
Birds of a feather
Chirrup together.
Magpie, peewit, mynah and jay
Drink coffee in a nest café.
Free the bird from the cage
And end its pent-up rage.
She plays the blame game
With no trace of shame.
She said, “I am to blame,”
With a feeling of shame.
Jack broke the windowpane
And put the blame on Jane.
Blind Date
A dream blind date
Arranged by fate.
“I am a cliff,” said the bluff.
“Facing me is the sea rough.”
I saw her blush.
Her eyes said hush.
There’s a boat
On the moat.
Something that hit his small boat
Made it unable to float.
The bond they share
Is something rare.
The something at the dog thrown
Turned out to be just a bone!
Doc, please remove the bone stuck in my throat.
I’ll give you anything that floats your boat.
Lend me a paperback book
To read by the babbling brook.
A book is comfortably read
When you are resting in your bed.
Win or lose,
Eschew booze.
You can’t borrow
My tomorrow.
That mean brat
Drowned a rat.
I’ve baked my first loaf of bread.
Why don’t we paint the town red?
I earn my daily bread.
My family is fed.
With just needle and thread,
She earns her daily bread.
This loaf of bread is stale.
Do not put it for sale.
With the death of the breadwinner,
There’s no breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Give him a break
For pity’s sake.
Breakfast of gruel,
Bodily fuel.
She was a lovely bride.
Her parents beamed with pride.
Good morning, I am the new broom.
You really are a dirty room!
A relationship bruise
Cannot be soothed by booze.
Leave me alone, travel bug.
Hide yourself under the rug!
Bitten by the travel bug,
I searched in vain for a drug.
“I’m as busy as a bee.
Call me tomorrow,” said he.
A kaleidoscope of butterflies:
In my stomach they behave like flies.
A hen kept in a cage
Looks older than its age.
A cake with icing
Is to my liking.
She wanted to bake
Her own wedding cake.
Happy birthday, Andy.
Here’s a box of candy.
His ancient car gave up the ghost,
A memorable chapter closed.
He let his beautiful sweetheart
Ride in his wooden bullock cart.
I realized I was out of cash;
To the ATM I made a dash.
The castle in the sand
Looked impressive and grand.
The castles in the sands
Were built by unseen hands.
Castles in the air:
No one can get there.
Beautiful castles in the sand:
Heavy rains they will not withstand.
In a bachelor flat
Lived an old tabby cat.
He answered a call on his cellphone
And almost knocked down a traffic cone.
I bought a new chair this morning;
It’s my favourite butt parking!
Yesterday I had a patty.
Today I’ll try some chapatti.
A heinous malefactor
Has an evil character.
Come and chew the fat with me.
We can talk from pee to see.
Cheating isn’t something nice.
Don’t make the shame mistake twice.
Turn the other cheek
Seven days a week.
He was weary
But still cheery.
“I’ll beat you hollow,” he said.
“Your two bishops will be dead.”
He captured my bishops and my queen,
But his rooks are nowhere to be seen.
Oops, the cheque is unsigned.
Sorry, it slipped my mind.
At a computer fair I met a chick.
I was disappointed we didn’t click.
Scrubbing the floor
Is a small chore.
All the tables had been scrubbed clean.
Not a speck of dust could be seen.
A hungry mouse
Shuns a clean house.
If you’re beyond clever,
You will live forever.
For sixty minutes the clock ticked.
It’s clear a new hour it has picked.
“You have ten minutes to round up the flock,”
Said the farmer. “You have to beat the clock!”
I don’t live alone:
I live with my clone!
Look how he has grown,
And so has his clone!
He’s a clone
Of my clone.
My best friend has a clone
With DNA unknown.
Leave me alone.
Talk to my clone.
Leave me alone.
WhatsApp my clone.
Her clothes were so tight
I couldn’t breathe right!
Cumulus in the sky,
Could you please start to cry?
A circus clown
Buries his frown.
“I’ll give your fair skin a kiss,”
Said the cobra with a hiss.
Coffee you drink,
Better you think.
Make my coffee strong;
This movie is long.
Sip your coffee not
When it’s piping hot.
You’re wrong; the answer is not a napkin.
Nothing is smaller than a child’s coffin.
A look in a kaleidoscope will show
Bright and lovely colours of the rainbow.
A comma is a short pause.
Its correct use wins applause.
Place a comma before coordinating conjunctions to separate independent clauses:
The philanthropist lived to an old age, and the money he left behind went to various
worthy causes.
But short clauses are “comma-bereft” –
For example: I stayed but she left.
Omit the comma if the independent clauses are conceptually interdependent:
The young woman said to him, “Come inside and I’ll introduce you to the
(The subject of the independent clause is understood: Come inside = (You) come inside.)
A non-restrictive clause is set off from the rest of the sentence by commas:
Her father, who likes music, often sings while he is dressed in his pyjamas.
(The clause provides information about the noun it modifies (“father”) but is not
essential to understanding the meaning of the noun—it does not restrict the meaning. If
we leave out the clause, the sentence still makes sense.)
“A restrictive clause is not set off by commas from the rest of the sentence,” said Miss
And then she quickly wrote on the blackboard: People who live in glass houses should
not throw stones.
(The clause is essential to the meaning of the noun it modifies (“people”)—it restricts the
meaning. Which people are we talking about? People who live in glass houses. If we
leave out the clause, the sentence does not make sense.)
The principle of comma use applies to appositives as well:
(a) His friend James said to him the other day, “I met a wonderful belle.”
(b) In the middle of the night, her only child, Helen, let out a yell.
(Restrictive: Which friend? His friend James.
Non-restrictive: “Helen” merely describes “her only child”.)
She wrote: “The blind, young man sang a beautiful song.”
Her teacher said, “The comma makes the sentence wrong.”
The composer was over the moon
About the huge success of his tune.
FANBOYS stands for for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so—
The coordinating conjunctions we all know.
A conscience strong
Says no to wrong.
The girl was baffled by the first question in the quiz:
She didn’t know that “It’s” stands for “It has” or “It is”.
I’d like to speak to the police sergeant in charge.
It’s about the escaped convict who’s still at large.
The system is rotten to the core.
We can’t put up with it any more.
I’ll count the cars.
You count the stars.
“Let me give you a helping hand,”
I said to the crab in the sand.
The sea creature cleared its throat.
From side to side swayed the boat.
In all kinds of weather,
The crooks flock together.
A tough crossword clue,
A soft pencil chew.
For crying out loud,
Don’t follow the crowd!
Its GPS tells it where to go,
The golden arrow from Cupid’s bow.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Please don’t ask about this and that.
Look at all the curious faces
Visiting so many places.
Eaten with scented rice,
Chicken curry tastes nice.
He escaped from poverty’s curse:
He inherited a big purse.
Witch’s curse,
Empty purse.
Utter a holy verse,
Annihilate a curse.
I don’t think the customer was right
When he said, “Miss, this tie is too tight.”
My hand had a paper cut.
My eyes must have been half-shut.
They went to the annual fair
And danced as a lovely pair.
With joy in her brain,
She danced in the rain.
People danced cheek to cheek,
Superfluous to speak.
They danced perfectly as a pair;
Their noses were not in the air.
He is an experienced ranger,
Not afraid to flirt with danger.
It’s the crack of dawn;
A new day is born.
The day becomes long
If something is wrong.
Almost dead.
Gun to the head.
Will he be dead?
He carelessly bumped into Death
And said, “I need to catch my breath.”
Have zero fear
When death is near.
After several days of vigorous debate,
The motion was carried by fifty votes to eight.
Chaotic retreat
Signals defeat.
Tortoise was happy that Hare overslept.
Hare cried, “This defeat is hard to accept!”
Pitiless rejection,
Pitiful dejection.
Broken relay,
Lengthy delay.
The angry man left hurriedly at noon,
Quicker than a toupee in a typhoon.
The desert wind at night
Frightens even a kite.
I do not deserve you.
Choose another in lieu.
Destiny and fate
Are each other’s mate.
Destiny and fate
Met on a blind date.
The detective came to on the parquet floor.
Someone had hit his head with a two-by-four.
There’s no need to think twice.
Just throw away the dice.
A six-foot tall dimwit
Was a mental midget.
A clean white shirt
Attracts much dirt.
Discovery is a process
That is much needed for progress.
A discussion can get heated
When someone becomes conceited.
I am not feeling well:
I have a dizzy spell.
The evil you do
Boomerangs on you.
Yes, I think she understood.
I did it for her own good.
The feel good factor
Is your best doctor.
Says my family doctor,
“The best medicine is laughter.”
His smart dog licked his face
To ask for an embrace.
A dog with a hollow bone
Will ignore a megaphone.
A dangerous dog in a manger lay.
The hungry oxen couldn’t eat the hay.
The dog for sale
Has a long tail.
Confidence is about
Expelling every doubt.
We need a winning team
To realize our dream.
The young woman was in despair,
For her dream vanished then and there.
It wasn’t a pleasant dream,
With a stalker and a scream.
The window display caught her eye:
That silk dress she wanted to buy.
“This is the perfect fruit drink,” said Grace.
“Definitely no more wild juice chase!”
Drink makes you teeter
From the first metre.
He’s a slave to drink;
He’s not in the pink.
The passenger was a bundle of nerves
When the cabby negotiated the curves.
I wish to be left alone.
I have to repair my drone.
“The drought will be brief,”
Said the village chief.
“We’re still alive,” said the ducks,
“So don’t tell us our luck sucks.”
Two daggers drawn,
Duel at dawn.
He is in the soup:
A Macau scam dupe.
Durian is my favourite fruit season;
It’s rich, creamy texture is the reason.
He sold durians off his barrow
In a street crowded and narrow.
Geography tells us that Earth
Has an equatorial girth.
Watch what you eat,
Salty or sweet.
What would you like to eat?
We don’t serve any meat.
The old health guru spoke:
“Eat your eggs with the yolk.”
“Eat me? You can’t!”
Cried the eggplant.
It all happened in a flash:
My ego suffered a gash.
When your ego gets a bruise,
You should never blow a fuse.
“Enamoured of” is standard usage, not “enamoured with” or “enamoured by”:
Everyone in the village knows that she is enamoured of that handsome guy.
The enemy within
Must never ever win.
Envy is a bright flame
That will its owner maim.
The teacher gave her class a sample
Of the meaning of good example.
I’ll see you in a bit.
Right now it’s an exit.
He gave her the eye
And became her guy.
He gave her the eye;
She was rather shy.
This dog and ox fable
Happened in a stable.
He works on the land,
Helped by a farmhand.
Tons of money she spends,
A slave to fashion’s trends.
The right dose of fear
Protects our life dear.
Be a proud spender
Of feelings tender.
Two families rude
Caused a bitter feud.
“I can knock you out—I have a fist of stone.”
“I don’t think you can even lick a snow cone!”
This new film is trash.
What a waste of cash!
It’s starting to tire:
More wood on the fire!
We were cold from the storm,
But a fire kept us warm.
“Out of the frying pan into the fire”
Is a bad situation that stokes your ire.
Firefighters wear special attire
When they strive to put out a fire.
The fish in his hand was bought.
No, it wasn’t by him caught.
Fish and chips
Hurt the hips.
Buy the fish;
Cook the dish.
A pet fish in a bowl
Deeply misses its shoal.
Be patient with line and bait;
A fish will reward your wait.
“Your apartment is dirty,” said Pat.
I was so angry I knocked her flat!
She said my verbal flattery
Was couched in language flowery.
“I won’t leave you,” said the flea,
Disregarding the dog’s plea.
From my concise dictionary I found
The floor of a room is also called ground.
Describe a flower
By its scent power.
The flower she chose
Was a yellow rose.
The favourite flower of my nose
Is certainly the beautiful rose.
Eating a “flavourite” food
Will surely improve one’s mood.
Chicken curry and fish:
My culinary wish.
Forgiveness brings bliss:
It is Heaven’s kiss.
The boss told me to hold the fort.
The job was harder than I thought.
This fox steals a hen
Every now and then.
“Tonight is the night,” said a fox.
“I will raid that coop full of cocks.”
Buy two, get one free:
Tasty instant mee.
Let me help you for free.
Glad to forgo my fee.
Friendships are very fragile.
Avoid becoming hostile.
You are life’s gift in friendship.
I cherish the membership.
Ease your fright,
Hold me tight.
The frog prince swam in the pond,
Waiting for the princess blonde.
The frog prince swam in the pond.
Of the lilies it was fond.
Its days are over as a tadpole,
This croaking green frog taking a stroll.
Do not judge me by my frown.
There are days when we feel down.
A face with a frown
Deserves a thumbs down.
It is beyond dispute:
This is a healthful fruit.
Gretel ate a fruit in the wood
And exclaimed, “This tastes berry good!”
When your work is done,
Go out and have fun.
For my money,
He is funny.
The future, someone said,
Is also for the dead.
The future is bright;
Focus on the light.
Of the future, do not fear.
Stay in the present, you hear?
The genie in the ancient lamp
Turned me into a boxing champ.
The genie in the ancient lamp
Had a psychosomatic cramp.
“You are correct,” says Mr. Brown.
“A gerund is a type of noun.”
A gerund always functions as a noun:
Walking briskly helps to keep your weight down.
(The gerund functions as the subject of the verb “helps”.)
In the dead of the night,
A boy ghost flew a kite.
In the dead of the night,
Two young ghosts had a fight.
In the dead of the night,
A ghost said, “Hold me tight.”
The young ghost left her grave
To reside in a cave.
The gigolo looked frail:
An unhealthy fee-male.
Don’t forget to live;
Remember to give.
He said to the gnome,
“Welcome to my home.”
The father and son are always on the go,
Their vocabulary innocent of “slow”.
Going To
“Going to” is used to reflect the future tense:
They are all going to stop sitting on the fence.
An adventurer bold
Set out to look for gold.
There is no dearth
Of good on earth.
Goodbye is the hardest word,
But it’s not the most absurd.
“Goodish” means “somewhat good” or “fairly large”:
(a) It was a goodish performance by Marge.
(b) The crook hid a goodish sum on the barge.
Gossip we should never spread.
Let it be forever dead.
There’s no doubt
You have gout.
“I think I’ll buy a beautiful red gown
And enjoy a delicious meal in town.”
“Graffiti” (plural in form) is often used as a mass noun:
Graffiti was scribbled all over the walls in the old town.
The teacher said, “Learn good grammar.
It’s ‘is’ and not ‘are’ for hammer.”
The lazy grasshopper said to the ant,
“Sing with me—there’s no need from work to pant.”
Gratitude you feel
Don’t try to conceal.
The gratitude you feel in your heart
Can’t be measured in dollars or baht.
With one foot in the grave,
He forgot and forgave.
A man filled with greed
Will not wise words heed.
More than you need
Betrays your greed.
It starts as a seed,
This evil called greed.
He who listens hears
Unshed bitter tears.
He’s given his parents much grief.
Time he turned over a new leaf.
Her grief
Was brief.
A new groom sweeps clean,
No dirt to be seen.
A new groom sweeps clean,
With eyes that are keen.
If you carry a grudge,
Please give your mind a nudge.
At the gate and in the yard,
The uniformed men stood guard.
An unwelcome guest
Will your patience test.
Guy means “a man”: We need a strong guy like Rex;
Its plural, guys, means “people of either sex”.
Nip a bad habit in the bud.
You simply drop it with a thud.
Comb your hair;
It’s still there.
Innocent of hair,
The head of the heir.
Young and beautiful Clare
Has castles in her hair.
An unseen and mysterious hand
Described a circle in the sand.
Happiness is to be found
Where there is love strong and sound.
Happiness comes from within.
Boy, you can be fat or thin!
The dog on a leash
Sniffed out the hashish.
He who acts in haste
Might become shamefaced.
She wants to pay one hundred dollars for your hat?
Hey, that’s an offer that is not to be sneezed at!
A rich woman bought an expensive hat.
It was a beautiful thing to look at.
She let haughtiness pose
On the tip of her nose.
Two heads are better than one:
The ideas will weigh a ton.
Time will a hurt heal;
Better you will feel.
Sweet nothings in my ear,
Which no one else can hear.
He is a man after my own heart.
We both like Beethoven and Mozart.
My mum said, “Your broken heart
Needs a spiritual spare part.”
Victory and defeat
Both affect the heartbeat.
The reporter said, “All hell broke loose
When the two families broke the truce.”
Hell has much to gain
When bad guys cause pain.
My hen has only one leg,
But daily it lays an egg.
A hiker walked on the road.
His weariness clearly showed.
The pupil pleaded with his teacher thus:
“I think my homework deserves a B plus.”
Be hospitable;
It’s profitable.
Welcome to my tree house,
Which I share with a mouse.
My primary goal in life
Is to be a good housewife.
I have a strong hunch
I’ll meet her at brunch.
If you’re hungry, Jack,
Would you like a snack?
To break the ice,
Say something nice.
“This idiom is funny,” says Joe.
“‘Tell me about it’ means ‘I know’!”
If we all strengthen our immunity,
The virus has no opportunity.
When incompetence somehow wins,
The incompetent winner grins.
When a heart is sadly broken,
Infidelity has spoken.
An infinitive can function as a noun:
“I love to sing,” said the cheerful circus clown.
(The infinitive functions as the object of the verb “love”.)
An infinitive also functions as an adverb:
(a) The new students were eager to learn about the herb.
(The infinitive modifies the adjective “eager”.)
(b) He braved the rain to wait for his girlfriend on the kerb.
(The infinitive modifies the verb “braved”.)
“An infinitive as an adjective,” said the teacher from her seat.
“Whenever I take a train or a bus, I bring a sandwich to eat.”
(The infinitive modifies the noun “sandwich”.)
The teacher says to the pupil, bright and inquisitive:
“Sometimes it makes perfect sense to split an infinitive.”
Inflation is hard on the purse,
But the situation could be worse.
A pen and a bottle of ink
Make it easy for him to think.
Wake up, wake up, wake up, for goodness’ sake!
Your insomnia pill you forgot to take!
The friendly invoice
Had a payment choice.
An island in the sun
Promises lots of fun.
No island in the sun
Has inhabitants none.
Give this new job a try;
It’s as easy as pie.
The lad finished his paper round
And said, “I am now homeward-bound.”
Have you heard the funny joke
About a blonde and a bloke?
A joke can a friendship end
Or a relationship mend.
Divided into chapters fourteen,
This new book has one thousand jokes clean.
When funny jokers speak,
They do so tongue in cheek.
“The handsome king,” she wrote,
“Was crowned in a reign coat.”
It takes more than a kiss
To multiply your bliss.
Her soft kiss
Is sheer bliss.
“It’s not here, you twit.
Where’s the thirst-aid kit?”
These two women have a knack
Of talking behind my back.
This mud hut is a blot on the landscape
From which your curious eyes cannot escape.
“Yippee! The boss has gone out!”
The lazy employees shout.
Once a week
I eat leek.
The leopard stood rooted to the spot.
It finally said, “Please, no snapshot!”
I just received her printed letter
(Handwritten would have been better).
I’d rather die
Than tell a lie.
A white lie,
Truth is shy.
A white lie,
My ally.
Life, made in the bed,
Is lived in the head.
I will protect you with my life;
I have a hammer and a knife.
She brings sunshine into my life.
I will ask her to be my wife.
Life is a drop of eternity,
Best lived not in taciturnity.
One life to live,
Much love to give.
Life is a wonderful thing
Even if you’re not a king.
The only limit is the sky.
Never give up, never say die.
At the zoo a poor chimp
Walked with a pronounced limp.
“Reject liquor,”
Said the vicar.
Living in the past
Cannot be a blast.
It’s a very long road
If heavy is your load.
He took a small bank loan
To marry his sweet Joan.
Sure, I have a few secret longings,
But they don’t reflect my shortcomings.
The student did not put an X against “none of the above”,
For she knew that another term for puppy love is calf love.
Love can be clearly heard
With just a whispered word.
Love is a wonderful gift.
Give it with no thought of thrift.
The love of Grace and Roy
Occasioned lifelong joy.
It’s heaven on earth
When love causes mirth.
Tender love has a splendiferous knack
Of making a forgiving heart come back.
Known to not a few,
How much I love you.
His lovemaking needs to be much stronger.
There are Tik Tok videos that are longer.
She curled up in her beanbag
And read the new fashion mag.
The magician’s guillotine trick
Pleased every Tom, Harry and Dick.
The maid swept the floor with a glance
And partnered her broom in a dance.
Marriage is a major milestone:
The right person will come alone!
A marriage will definitely crack
When tolerance leaves and won’t come back.
Do you meditate, Ben?
Yes, every now and Zen.
We will meet
In that street.
The brief message in the bottle
Was as dark as my pipe’s dottle.
A parking meter
Is a coin eater.
It is awfully sad
To watch good milk turn bad.
Spare me a little time.
Sit down and watch me mime.
An act that’s unkind
Reflects a poor mind.
If you do something unkind,
Your mind is thereby defined.
You have a selfish mind.
You have an axe to grind.
My mind is my palace,
Where I can find solace.
I gave him a piece of my mind.
How could he have been so unkind?
A hen, a duck, a goose.
In my mind, they are loose.
A magnifying hand mirror she bought.
It makes me look more beautiful, she thought.
A magnifying hand mirror she bought.
The temptation to stare at it she fought.
The miscreants in the night
Thought mischief was their right.
The miser’s gold was stolen by a thief.
The miser was stricken with intense grief.
I have seen many a mistake,
But this one surely takes the cake.
Modesty is soft on the ear:
It’s a quality we all cheer.
“My dear, your modifier is out of place;
I can picture the look on your teacher’s face!”
Money is a treasure,
But it’s not wealth’s measure.
My wallet gets a dent
When ten dollars is spent.
She’s very free with her money:
“Buy yourself a snow cone, sonny.”
Money and fame
Highlight one’s name.
The money was well spent:
To charity it went.
He has a big bank account,
With tons of money to count.
The candle at both ends I burn.
Tons of money I need to earn.
Sea monsters, strong to their fingertips,
Catch for their daily meals fish and ships.
A mouse can’t speak,
But it can squeak.
Town Mouse said, “Do you like wheat?”
Country Mouse said, “Yes, let’s eat!”
Beautiful music fills the air
When the wind caresses her hair.
Great music and dance
Put me in a trance.
Life’s healing nectar:
The feel good factor.
This family is in need
Of a charitable deed.
You should plant a seed
Of each thing you need.
The news that I heard
Was worse than absurd.
People who abhor the night
Appreciate the lamplight.
In his nose,
Snotty woes.
Flock is a collective noun, and so is pride,
But you should cast waste-paper basket aside!
An example of a word used as a plural noun is scissors.
A few more words that come to mind include jeans, culottes and trousers.
Two not-so-common collective nouns:
A knot of toads; a pratfall of clowns.
“Thank you” is the perfect way to greet
Every opportunity you meet.
Do not overeat,
Carb, veggie or meat.
Busy as an ox;
Cunning as a fox.
If you turn to the next page,
You can read about the sage.
Line the floor of the bird cage
With the newspaper’s front page.
Don’t cause others pain.
Your joy will be slain.
When you get into a panic,
Self-possession is the tonic.
Moving beaks,
Parrot speaks.
When it is used as a verbal, a present participle functions as an adjective:
The man said to the crying woman, “You do not have to worry—I am not vindictive.”
When it is used as a verbal, a past participle functions as an adjective, too:
The little boy came home with a broken arm and said, “Stay calm—no need to get in a
The grammar champion of the college remained unbeaten
When she said, “The past participle of eat is eaten.”
You end up with a sentence cripple
When you dangle a participle.
Let go of the past.
The future is vast.
The ink in my pen
Contains stories ten.
Perfection is a rose,
Whose beauty clearly shows.
This perfume has a nice scent,
Worth the money that I spent.
Two drops of perfume she wore:
Delightful when less is more.
She called me at nine
To say she felt fine.
She phoned me at nine
And said, “You are mine.”
It was a nice picnic spot.
Far from our house it was not.
You’ve got that colour picture upside down.
The smile on the face has become a frown!
The window display caught her eye.
She suddenly longed for a pie.
Jack and Jill went up the hill.
Jack said, “Did you take your pill?”
Darling, you are my pillar,
The owner of this villa!
I have to catch a plane.
I have to be in Spain.
The boy opened his book to take a peep,
And answered, “The plural of sheep is sheep.”
The plural of hoof is hoofs or hooves;
The plural of roof is roofs, not rooves.
According to a book I read, the plural of person is persons or people:
(a) Police are looking for the person or persons who murdered the school principal.
(b) “Nine people have agreed to donate to the fund,” said the happy school principal.
There’s poetry in my head.
I hope it will soon be read.
Mosquitoes are fond
Of a stagnant pond.
This looks like an ordinary lotion.
It’s actually a strong love potion.
Preparedness keeps a person alive.
They’d be ready should danger arrive.
Without the little preposition,
How can we have a composition?
The price
Is nice.
It’s cheap at twice
The retail price.
Anything with a high price,
You really need to think twice.
Early to bed and early to rise:
You are giving yourself a big prize.
Probity is a cake
Which only some can bake.
The smart pupil’s correct answer earned the English teacher’s praise:
“Everyone is a pronoun; every one is a pronoun phrase.”
“Could you please explain to us the difference between you’re and your, Mr. Brown?”
“Well, you’re is the contraction of you are; your is a possessive pronoun.”
He used an old mop
As a movie prop.
This is a proverb fine:
A stitch in time saves nine.
Sir, I do not wish to pry,
But are you a private eye?
A pun is a verbal clown.
It may well erase a frown.
He was a rich and handsome knight.
For her, it was love at purse sight.
The quack said to the crowd, “If you are sick,
My healing skills will restore your health quick.”
The quake made it shiver:
The bridge on the river.
Question Mark
“Will you please close the door does not need a question mark.
It’s a politely expressed command,” she said to Clark.
Why don’t you
Join the queue?
You, you and you,
Please join the queue.
There is only you
In the shortest queue!
Stuck in a quicksand,
Not what he had planned!
He was stuck in a quicksand,
And needed a helping hand.
The president cleared his throat.
We all waited for a quote.
It’s raining cats and dogs,
A fun time for the frogs.
With its bright colours, I reckon
A rainbow is the sky’s ribbon.
The rat eyed the cheese
And started to freeze.
Reading fiction,
My addiction.
Fully ready,
Slow and steady.
“You’re a waste of my time,” said he.
“You will never be my sweet pea.”
After a complete rest,
Your work will be your best.
Chicken curry and rice
Whet the appetite twice.
I paid an exorbitant price
For a small packet of brown rice.
“Your house is dirty,” said the roach,
Its voice full of scornful reproach.
Embolden your heart
Or romance won’t start.
Sturdy roots,
Juicy fruits.
I give her a stalk of rose.
Her happiness clearly shows.
I like this route:
Hard work bears fruit.
Baseless rumour,
Verbal tumour.
Let us join the gold rush.
There’ll be no scrum or crush.
Sacrifice is only nice
At a reasonable price.
What happened? You gave us quite a scare.
We thought you’d been eaten by a bear.
Tortoise, you gave me quite a scare.
I thought you’d been beaten by Hare.
With a perpetual frown,
Scarecrows always feel down.
A scarecrow, from the day he’s born,
Is the protector of the corn.
She sold seashells by the seashore.
Nobody bought them for décor.
Have a seat.
Rest your feet.
A seed we sow
Will slowly grow.
Survival is hard for the seeds
If you don’t get rid of the weeds.
Unwanted seed,
Unwanted weed.
Forlorn seeds
Become weeds.
Plant a clean seed.
Wish it Godspeed.
He who has something to sell
Has many stories to tell.
We learn about the subject of a sentence from the predicate:
The old ruler of the small kingdom decided to abdicate.
The shade of the tree
Is totally free.
Shade of wall,
Free for all.
I manage to outrun
My shadow from the sun.
My shadow from the sun
Follows me for some fun.
A weak old sheep
Died in its sleep.
Come out of your shell.
Feel socially well.
I ordered a shirt bespoke,
With stunning pictures of yolk.
The children played by the shore.
The big waves left them in awe.
Morning showers
Soothe the flowers.
I don’t feel at all well.
I’ve lost my sense of smell.
An old man who was sick
Hoped to recover quick.
Out of sight, out of mind.
You are not so defined.
Deep silence is the software
For emotional repair.
When the English teacher asked for a simile from Todd,
The clever boy said, “As alike as two peas in a pod.”
As a rough rule of thumb,
What’s the size of a crumb?
Once in a blue moon,
I sleep until noon.
If you can’t get some shut-eye,
I’ll sing you a lullaby.
I couldn’t sleep a wink,
But it’s not what you think.
We need to hire a sleuth
To discover the truth.
The bride wore a big smile
As she walked down the aisle.
A winning smile,
Her facial style.
For her, smiling is a breeze.
There is no need for “say cheese”!
“Stop smoking,” said a wise elf.
“Don’t make an ash of yourself.”
Smoking is a “lungevity” threat,
So give it up if you haven’t yet.
Flowers in a flowerpot
Deserve a colour snapshot.
He had an afternoon snooze
And dreamed he went on a cruise.
I really like this song.
It is six minutes long.
A beautiful song
Can be short or long.
You have a voice strong,
Perfect for this song.
I have a song to sing
For every day of spring.
With one foot in the grave,
His soul he tried to save.
The sound I like most to hear
Is your heartbeat in my ear.
A young sow was in a twitter:
She’d given birth to a litter.
You’ll be twice the man you are
If you spend some time at the spa.
A speaker must make his speech brief
Lest someone might exclaim, “Time thief!”
“This is the difference—‘vomited’ is spelt with only one ‘t’,
But ‘benefitted’ is spelt with either one or two,” said he.
The atmosphere at the annual spelling bee of the school was electric:
One contestant added k, e and d to form the past tense of panic.
Let us put this to the vote:
‘Thank you note’ or ‘thank-you note’?
“Harrass” is a very common misspelling.
Remove one “r” to get the correct spelling.
Alright is alwrong.
All right is on song.
With “o’clock”, we spell out the number.
It’s ten o’clock—time for my slumber!
Our breathing spree:
The air is free.
Strike while the iron’s hot,
With all the strength you’ve got.
Out of the house he stole
To take a little stroll.
You might be stronger.
I might live longer.
He has a stubborn streak
Which needs an urgent tweak.
Sultriness she dangles
From numerous angles.
The weak sun went out of sight
As it yielded to the night.
She wore a swimsuit
For a fashion shoot.
Dressed in a swimsuit,
She looked very cute.
With a new twist in each tale,
His stories never get stale.
He told us tall tales
About sharks and whales.
Talent is a waste
If it’s not showcased.
She looked at me but did not whisper, speak or shout.
I felt I was talking to her cardboard cut-out.
The magnificent old tavern
Was located in a cavern.
The experienced English teacher said to me,
“You can use either ‘iced’ or ‘ice’ before ‘tea’.”
A friend said, “Teaching is my vocation.
My learning is in any location.”
Unkind remarks she hears
Fill her big eyes with tears.
The new pupil failed to get a perfect score,
Not knowing that the past tense of see is saw.
In the test you failed to shine;
You were mentally offline.
Study for the test,
And then do your best.
Read the text,
Then press next.
A thief stole a fiction book.
His friend said, “Nice, what you took.”
A thief planned to burgle a house.
He’d be as quiet as a mouse.
“I steal food for my dinner.
I’ll never become thinner!”
He stole
My foal.
From hunger thin,
All bones and skin.
An unexpressed thought
Is not forward brought.
Give your wallet a gift.
Practise the virtue of thrift.
Thrift is a noble virtue,
A monetary rescue.
He is under his wife’s thumb.
No wonder he looks so glum!
There’s thunder in the air.
There’re people running there.
An eye for an eye
Ends not in a tie.
Thank God, we are almost there,
With forty minutes to spare.
Having a whale of a time,
She didn’t hear the clock’s chime.
After ten minutes of toil,
The fire made the kettle boil.
Under its protective thick shell,
A tortoise had a dizzy spell.
Tortoise won the race when Hare overslept.
The spectators laughed loudly when Hare wept!
The humble tortoise won the race.
The proud hare had a reddish face!
A tourist meets new faces
In interesting places.
My favourite aunt
Had a heart transplant.
I am a far cry from home,
Having a great time in Rome!
A deciduous tree grieves
When it sheds its autumn leaves.
Make truth your good friend.
Think it and hit send.
When truth is dead,
Lies triumph instead.
They postponed the tryst
Because of the mist.
My dear, when will you learn
Not to speak out of turn?
The rebel leader cleared his throat.
He has no proof, thought the turncoat.
They all danced the twist
In the morning mist.
In the middle of the night,
I saw a UFO light.
The universe is vast.
Forever it will last.
Wholly unthinkable,
Titanic sinkable.
The meal of tender veal
Is nice to the tongue’s feel.
Dismiss vengeance from your mind.
Peace in your heart you will find.
A transitive verb always takes an object:
The state police apprehended the suspect.
A transitive verb has a passive form:
The big tree was uprooted by the storm.
An intransitive verb does not take an object, and it has no passive form:
The head of the state prison is confident that the ex-inmates will reform.
“A verb can be both transitive and intransitive, Frank:
The torpedo sank the warship. / The warship quickly sank.”
The teacher said with a smile, “You are absolutely right, Jean.
The ‘to be’ verbs are be, am, is, are, was, were, being and been.”
For the subjunctive mood, we write or say “If I had…”
I am sure that ten million dollars would make me glad!
When “number of” is preceded by “the”, use a singular verb:
“The number of visitors to the fair is big. It’s just superb!”
When “number of” is preceded by “a”, use a plural verb:
A number of botanists have agreed to test the new herb.
There is an apple and an orange on the table.
Changing is to are will make the sentence “unstable”!
I saw the student write this down:
“Invite” is a verb and a noun.
Pray remember this lesson well:
Verbs show, adjectives merely tell.
When you choose a strong verb or noun,
An adjective begins to frown!
What is a verbal? It’s a verb that functions as a different part of speech.
Gerund, participle, infinitive—we have an example of each!
A virus wearing a blindfold
Gave me a devastating cold.
He was advised not to shun
Vitamin D from the sun.
Where the two vloggers roam,
They call the place their home.
The love in her voice
Made my heart rejoice.
I simply had no choice.
I had to raise my voice.
His voice was very loud,
Like thunder in a cloud.
You have a beautiful voice.
Sing a nice song of your choice.
The volcanic eruption
Occasioned life disruption.
The chairman cleared his throat.
Everyone cast their vote.
He said, “Give me your vote.”
I said, “You get my goat.”
The answer to a question in a pop quiz:
Consonant and vowel describe what Y is.
Hungry vultures in the blue sky:
The protagonist will soon die.
I think I will wait and see.
She may have good news for me.
Cobwebby old walking frame—
No one knows its owner’s name.
The writing is on the wall:
Gambling will cause his downfall.
My bulgy wallet
Bought a gold bracelet.
My wallet in my pocket,
Fearful of the pickpocket.
The rains are long overdue.
Water we going to do?
Water we found
Under the ground.
You will feel very weak
Until tomorrow week.
Fierce heat wave.
Weather slave.
On the wooden door I knock.
There’s no answer from wedlock.
An obese whale
Looked for a scale.
“Do you want to ask me why?”
Said the spider to the fly.
I will protect you with me life,
Simply because you are my wife.
Wonderful wife,
Beautiful life.
The sudden gust of wind was so strong
My wig said sadly, “Mister, so long!”
A codicil to his will:
His mind completely strong still.
Protect yourself from the cold wind
When it is very determined.
Open a window, dear—
It is baking in here!
I can’t dine
Without wine.
She gives me a saucy wink.
She really likes me, I think.
A flirtatious wink,
Sexier than you think.
A wink can play a part
In giving love a start.
She gave him a saucy wink.
He lost the power to think.
He is blessed with old age.
His wisdom we can gauge.
You can be wise
With dreamy eyes.
Adjectival prize
Describes the word wise.
The midget witch has just escaped, sarge!
It’s terrible—small medium at large!
Please say something witty
In a manner pithy.
Look at this food in the wok:
Spinach cooked in chicken stock.
The two women first met in the delivery room.
It was splendiferous—one came from the other’s womb.
Raising his hands in a victory dance,
Slim Chance says, “I’m better than Fat Chance!”
Although he has had many years of formal schooling,
He doesn’t know that a young goose is called a gosling.
She wrote five clipped words on her pad:
Memo, typo, flu, fridge and grad.
Sugar-coated words were spoken,
But promises would be broken.
Weigh your words in your mind.
Will they sound harsh or kind?
His plethora of words spoken
Are for a long time unbroken.
They faced a stumbling block
And worked against the clock.
It is back-breaking work,
Which I will never shirk.
The boss said, “Pull your weight.
Work should not be third-rate.”
Every worm in the can
Has its say in the plan.
A squeamish gal will squirm
At the sight of a worm.
The worms wriggle
As they giggle.
I worry a lot:
Covid and whatnot.
Worth its weight in pure gold;
Can’t be further extolled.
Don’t wrestle with a foe.
You might injure a toe.
The final draft is the choice
Of the writer’s inner voice.
Be a better writer—
Make your writing tighter.
He was a bad speller
Who wrote a best-seller.
Writer’s Block
The writer was at the end of his tether,
For the words he wrote would not come together.
You can’t a story tell
If your ideas don’t jell.
Make it extremely plain
When you write to explain.
Every piece of writing will read nice
If the writer drafts it at least twice.
“You get my goat”
Was all she wrote.
If you’re headstrong,
You may go wrong.
It’s awful to yawn
At the crack of dawn.
Work hard in the field;
Harvest a high yield.
My health-conscious tabby cat
Practised yoga on a mat.
Shoulder to the wheel
With unflagging zeal.
I’ve heard of a cause celebre
That involved a stolen zebra.
A task done with zest
Deserves a good rest.
Zombies are the living dead
Who fill us with utter dread.
English Couplets ~ A free eBook.pdf
English Couplets ~ A free eBook.pdf
English Couplets ~ A free eBook.pdf
English Couplets ~ A free eBook.pdf

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English Couplets ~ A free eBook.pdf

  • 3. ENGLISH COUPLETS Copyright © 2023 Oh Teik Theam Published by Oh Teik Theam This ebook is published solely for free distribution/circulation. It should not be used in any way for commercial gain.
  • 4. Preface A couplet is a pair of lines with rhyming end words. Usually both lines have the same number of syllables. A couplet may be closed or open. In a closed couplet, there is a grammatical pause at the end of the first line: He said, “Give me your vote.” I said, “You get my goat.” In an open couplet, the meaning of the first line continues to the second: My wallet gets a dent When ten dollars is spent. Here are three excellent couplets: Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. - William Shakespeare I have the measles and the mumps, A gash, a rash and purple bumps. - Shel Silversein Nature puts on little shows Every time it rains or snows. - Charles Ghigna Reading couplets provides a delightful form of light entertainment. Happy reading!
  • 5. A Ache She salved her mental aches With strawberries and cakes. Achievement The stuntman escaped from the trap: Another feather in his cap. Active Voice The English teacher said, “Always make the right choice. In nine out of ten cases, use the active voice.” “You are loved by me,” he said to her. She said, “The active voice I prefer!” Ad This is a catchy ad For the latest food fad. Adverb It’s common for an adverb to modify a verb: The old pedestrian waited patiently on the kerb. An adverb can modify an adjective: My new boss is incredibly vindictive. It’s interesting when an adverb modifies another adverb: When the clerk finished the job very quickly, her boss said, “Superb!” Sometimes an adverb modifies the whole sentence: Unfortunately, he showed no real repentance. To complete the lesson, an adverb can also modify a gerund: Walking briskly is my kind of exercise—when I’m out on an errand. Adversity In the face of adversity, Have determination gritty. Advice He’s too free with his advice, Which is ignored in a trice.
  • 6. He’s too free with his advice, Which is always not concise. Advice improves your mood When it is mental food. Advice given late Carries not much weight. Age Her grandfather is still alive, Healthy at age ninety plus five. At age ninety, he’s still alive and kicking. This weekend, he intends to go picnicking. Old age and I See eye to eye. Alibi Not credible was her alibi: She was at home getting some shut-eye. Alligator See you later, alligator. You are my new navigator. Alone A person who chooses to be alone Is like a skeleton without a bone. Alter Ego Hello, amigo, My alter ego! Anger Anger is a nasty emotion. Control it with a mental potion. Don’t ever go to bed With anger in your head. Ant An ant carried a breadcrumb
  • 7. One-tenth the size of my thumb. Argument Louder will a person speak When their argument is weak. Arrow A sharp bamboo arrow from my quiver Made the bulls-eye on the target shiver. Art I can your portrait paint. Sit still and do not faint! From the artist’s heart Comes beautiful art. Attire Women desire Stylish attire. B Bachelor “I’m not married,” said he. “Footloose and fiancée-free.” Baby She gave birth to a bouncing baby. It was born out of wedlock, maybe. Bait The fish ignored the bait. It wanted to lose weight. Bald My comb gave me a scare When it was full of hair. Ball This new ball has a good bounce; It weighs one pound and one ounce.
  • 8. Barber “My boy, I’ve been a barber for years sixteen. You really don’t know the stubble I have seen.” Tales I heard from my wizened barber Included one called Ali Baba. Bask Bask in the sunshine From eight until nine. Beanstalk The beanstalk said to Jack, “That is a heavy sack.” The beanstalk said to Jack, “I deserve a kickback.” The beanstalk said to Jack, “When are you coming back?” Beard His gingery beard Is soft but not weird. Beat Get out of my office, you scum, Before I beat you like a drum. Beauty Beauty and the beast: A rare visual feast. Beauty lies In our eyes. Bed Come to bed; Rest your head. Bee Stung by a fierce bee; Screamed like a banshee. Beggar
  • 9. The beggar held a metal bowl, Which had in its centre a hole. The beggar got a dollar From a distinguished scholar. Behave Be scared or be brave. Choose how to behave. Bell “This is the last straw,” said a big rat. “One of us will have to bell the cat.” “I drew the short straw,” said a timid rat. “It falls to me to bell the tabby cat.” Belly A watched telly Warms the belly. Best You can’t do your best When you lose your zest. Bet I’m willing to take a bet I won’t learn to gamble yet. Bill When he saw the huge bill, He suddenly felt ill. When she saw the big bill, She had to take a pill. Bird A bird in a cage Dies at a young age. The bird on the windowsill Whistled a song by Faith Hill. Raven said, “Swallow, your feathers dazzle in the spring. My feathers protect me from the winter’s piercing sting.”
  • 10. Watching the cloudless, sunny sky, A thirsty crow felt high and dry. A flock of birds in flight Make a beautiful sight. Birds of a feather Chirrup together. Magpie, peewit, mynah and jay Drink coffee in a nest café. Free the bird from the cage And end its pent-up rage. Blame She plays the blame game With no trace of shame. She said, “I am to blame,” With a feeling of shame. Jack broke the windowpane And put the blame on Jane. Blind Date A dream blind date Arranged by fate. Bluff “I am a cliff,” said the bluff. “Facing me is the sea rough.” Blush I saw her blush. Her eyes said hush. Boat There’s a boat On the moat. Something that hit his small boat Made it unable to float.
  • 11. Bond The bond they share Is something rare. Bone The something at the dog thrown Turned out to be just a bone! Doc, please remove the bone stuck in my throat. I’ll give you anything that floats your boat. Book Lend me a paperback book To read by the babbling brook. A book is comfortably read When you are resting in your bed. Booze Win or lose, Eschew booze. Borrow You can’t borrow My tomorrow. Brat That mean brat Drowned a rat. Bread I’ve baked my first loaf of bread. Why don’t we paint the town red? I earn my daily bread. My family is fed. With just needle and thread, She earns her daily bread. This loaf of bread is stale. Do not put it for sale. Breadwinner With the death of the breadwinner,
  • 12. There’s no breakfast, lunch and dinner. Break Give him a break For pity’s sake. Breakfast Breakfast of gruel, Bodily fuel. Bride She was a lovely bride. Her parents beamed with pride. Broom Good morning, I am the new broom. You really are a dirty room! Bruise A relationship bruise Cannot be soothed by booze. Bug Leave me alone, travel bug. Hide yourself under the rug! Bitten by the travel bug, I searched in vain for a drug. Busy “I’m as busy as a bee. Call me tomorrow,” said he. Butterfly A kaleidoscope of butterflies: In my stomach they behave like flies. C Cage A hen kept in a cage Looks older than its age.
  • 13. Cake A cake with icing Is to my liking. She wanted to bake Her own wedding cake. Candy Happy birthday, Andy. Here’s a box of candy. Car His ancient car gave up the ghost, A memorable chapter closed. Cart He let his beautiful sweetheart Ride in his wooden bullock cart. Cash I realized I was out of cash; To the ATM I made a dash. Castle The castle in the sand Looked impressive and grand. The castles in the sands Were built by unseen hands. Castles in the air: No one can get there. Beautiful castles in the sand: Heavy rains they will not withstand. Cat In a bachelor flat Lived an old tabby cat. Cellphone He answered a call on his cellphone And almost knocked down a traffic cone. Chair
  • 14. I bought a new chair this morning; It’s my favourite butt parking! Chapatti Yesterday I had a patty. Today I’ll try some chapatti. Character A heinous malefactor Has an evil character. Chat Come and chew the fat with me. We can talk from pee to see. Cheating Cheating isn’t something nice. Don’t make the shame mistake twice. Cheek Turn the other cheek Seven days a week. Cheery He was weary But still cheery. Chess “I’ll beat you hollow,” he said. “Your two bishops will be dead.” He captured my bishops and my queen, But his rooks are nowhere to be seen. Cheque Oops, the cheque is unsigned. Sorry, it slipped my mind. Chick At a computer fair I met a chick. I was disappointed we didn’t click. Chore Scrubbing the floor Is a small chore.
  • 15. Clean All the tables had been scrubbed clean. Not a speck of dust could be seen. A hungry mouse Shuns a clean house. Clever If you’re beyond clever, You will live forever. Clock For sixty minutes the clock ticked. It’s clear a new hour it has picked. “You have ten minutes to round up the flock,” Said the farmer. “You have to beat the clock!” Clone I don’t live alone: I live with my clone! Look how he has grown, And so has his clone! He’s a clone Of my clone. My best friend has a clone With DNA unknown. Leave me alone. Talk to my clone. Leave me alone. WhatsApp my clone. Clothes Her clothes were so tight I couldn’t breathe right! Cloud Cumulus in the sky, Could you please start to cry?
  • 16. Clown A circus clown Buries his frown. Cobra “I’ll give your fair skin a kiss,” Said the cobra with a hiss. Coffee Coffee you drink, Better you think. Make my coffee strong; This movie is long. Sip your coffee not When it’s piping hot. Coffin You’re wrong; the answer is not a napkin. Nothing is smaller than a child’s coffin. Colour A look in a kaleidoscope will show Bright and lovely colours of the rainbow. Comma A comma is a short pause. Its correct use wins applause. Place a comma before coordinating conjunctions to separate independent clauses: The philanthropist lived to an old age, and the money he left behind went to various worthy causes. But short clauses are “comma-bereft” – For example: I stayed but she left. Omit the comma if the independent clauses are conceptually interdependent: The young woman said to him, “Come inside and I’ll introduce you to the superintendent.” (The subject of the independent clause is understood: Come inside = (You) come inside.) A non-restrictive clause is set off from the rest of the sentence by commas: Her father, who likes music, often sings while he is dressed in his pyjamas.
  • 17. (The clause provides information about the noun it modifies (“father”) but is not essential to understanding the meaning of the noun—it does not restrict the meaning. If we leave out the clause, the sentence still makes sense.) “A restrictive clause is not set off by commas from the rest of the sentence,” said Miss Jones. And then she quickly wrote on the blackboard: People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. (The clause is essential to the meaning of the noun it modifies (“people”)—it restricts the meaning. Which people are we talking about? People who live in glass houses. If we leave out the clause, the sentence does not make sense.) The principle of comma use applies to appositives as well: (a) His friend James said to him the other day, “I met a wonderful belle.” (b) In the middle of the night, her only child, Helen, let out a yell. (Restrictive: Which friend? His friend James. Non-restrictive: “Helen” merely describes “her only child”.) She wrote: “The blind, young man sang a beautiful song.” Her teacher said, “The comma makes the sentence wrong.” Composer The composer was over the moon About the huge success of his tune. Conjunction FANBOYS stands for for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so— The coordinating conjunctions we all know. Conscience A conscience strong Says no to wrong. Contraction The girl was baffled by the first question in the quiz: She didn’t know that “It’s” stands for “It has” or “It is”. Convict I’d like to speak to the police sergeant in charge. It’s about the escaped convict who’s still at large. Core The system is rotten to the core. We can’t put up with it any more.
  • 18. Count I’ll count the cars. You count the stars. Crab “Let me give you a helping hand,” I said to the crab in the sand. Creature The sea creature cleared its throat. From side to side swayed the boat. Crook In all kinds of weather, The crooks flock together. Crossword A tough crossword clue, A soft pencil chew. Crowd For crying out loud, Don’t follow the crowd! Cupid Its GPS tells it where to go, The golden arrow from Cupid’s bow. Curiosity Curiosity killed the cat. Please don’t ask about this and that. Look at all the curious faces Visiting so many places. Curry Eaten with scented rice, Chicken curry tastes nice. Curse He escaped from poverty’s curse: He inherited a big purse. Witch’s curse, Empty purse.
  • 19. Utter a holy verse, Annihilate a curse. Customer I don’t think the customer was right When he said, “Miss, this tie is too tight.” Cut My hand had a paper cut. My eyes must have been half-shut. D Dance They went to the annual fair And danced as a lovely pair. With joy in her brain, She danced in the rain. People danced cheek to cheek, Superfluous to speak. They danced perfectly as a pair; Their noses were not in the air. Danger He is an experienced ranger, Not afraid to flirt with danger. Dawn It’s the crack of dawn; A new day is born. Day The day becomes long If something is wrong. Dead Underfed, Almost dead.
  • 20. Gun to the head. Will he be dead? Death He carelessly bumped into Death And said, “I need to catch my breath.” Have zero fear When death is near. Debate After several days of vigorous debate, The motion was carried by fifty votes to eight. Defeat Chaotic retreat Signals defeat. Tortoise was happy that Hare overslept. Hare cried, “This defeat is hard to accept!” Dejection Pitiless rejection, Pitiful dejection. Delay Broken relay, Lengthy delay. Departure The angry man left hurriedly at noon, Quicker than a toupee in a typhoon. Desert The desert wind at night Frightens even a kite. Deserve I do not deserve you. Choose another in lieu. Destiny Destiny and fate Are each other’s mate.
  • 21. Destiny and fate Met on a blind date. Detective The detective came to on the parquet floor. Someone had hit his head with a two-by-four. Dice There’s no need to think twice. Just throw away the dice. Dimwit A six-foot tall dimwit Was a mental midget. Dirt A clean white shirt Attracts much dirt. Discovery Discovery is a process That is much needed for progress. Discussion A discussion can get heated When someone becomes conceited. Dizzy I am not feeling well: I have a dizzy spell. Do The evil you do Boomerangs on you. Yes, I think she understood. I did it for her own good. Doctor The feel good factor Is your best doctor. Says my family doctor, “The best medicine is laughter.”
  • 22. Dog His smart dog licked his face To ask for an embrace. A dog with a hollow bone Will ignore a megaphone. A dangerous dog in a manger lay. The hungry oxen couldn’t eat the hay. The dog for sale Has a long tail. Doubt Confidence is about Expelling every doubt. Dream We need a winning team To realize our dream. The young woman was in despair, For her dream vanished then and there. It wasn’t a pleasant dream, With a stalker and a scream. Dress The window display caught her eye: That silk dress she wanted to buy. Drink “This is the perfect fruit drink,” said Grace. “Definitely no more wild juice chase!” Drink makes you teeter From the first metre. He’s a slave to drink; He’s not in the pink. Driving The passenger was a bundle of nerves When the cabby negotiated the curves.
  • 23. Drone I wish to be left alone. I have to repair my drone. Drought “The drought will be brief,” Said the village chief. Duck “We’re still alive,” said the ducks, “So don’t tell us our luck sucks.” Duel Two daggers drawn, Duel at dawn. Dupe He is in the soup: A Macau scam dupe. Durian Durian is my favourite fruit season; It’s rich, creamy texture is the reason. He sold durians off his barrow In a street crowded and narrow. E Earth Geography tells us that Earth Has an equatorial girth. Eat Watch what you eat, Salty or sweet. What would you like to eat? We don’t serve any meat. Egg The old health guru spoke: “Eat your eggs with the yolk.”
  • 24. Eggplant “Eat me? You can’t!” Cried the eggplant. Ego It all happened in a flash: My ego suffered a gash. When your ego gets a bruise, You should never blow a fuse. Enamoured “Enamoured of” is standard usage, not “enamoured with” or “enamoured by”: Everyone in the village knows that she is enamoured of that handsome guy. Enemy The enemy within Must never ever win. Envy Envy is a bright flame That will its owner maim. Example The teacher gave her class a sample Of the meaning of good example. Exit I’ll see you in a bit. Right now it’s an exit. Eye He gave her the eye And became her guy. He gave her the eye; She was rather shy. F Fable This dog and ox fable
  • 25. Happened in a stable. Farmer He works on the land, Helped by a farmhand. Fashion Tons of money she spends, A slave to fashion’s trends. Fear The right dose of fear Protects our life dear. Feelings Be a proud spender Of feelings tender. Feud Two families rude Caused a bitter feud. Fight “I can knock you out—I have a fist of stone.” “I don’t think you can even lick a snow cone!” Film This new film is trash. What a waste of cash! Fire It’s starting to tire: More wood on the fire! We were cold from the storm, But a fire kept us warm. “Out of the frying pan into the fire” Is a bad situation that stokes your ire. Firefighter Firefighters wear special attire When they strive to put out a fire. Fish
  • 26. The fish in his hand was bought. No, it wasn’t by him caught. Fish and chips Hurt the hips. Buy the fish; Cook the dish. A pet fish in a bowl Deeply misses its shoal. Fishing Be patient with line and bait; A fish will reward your wait. Flat “Your apartment is dirty,” said Pat. I was so angry I knocked her flat! Flattery She said my verbal flattery Was couched in language flowery. Flea “I won’t leave you,” said the flea, Disregarding the dog’s plea. Floor From my concise dictionary I found The floor of a room is also called ground. Flower Describe a flower By its scent power. The flower she chose Was a yellow rose. The favourite flower of my nose Is certainly the beautiful rose. Food Eating a “flavourite” food Will surely improve one’s mood.
  • 27. Chicken curry and fish: My culinary wish. Forgiveness Forgiveness brings bliss: It is Heaven’s kiss. Fort The boss told me to hold the fort. The job was harder than I thought. Fox This fox steals a hen Every now and then. “Tonight is the night,” said a fox. “I will raid that coop full of cocks.” Free Buy two, get one free: Tasty instant mee. Let me help you for free. Glad to forgo my fee. Friendship Friendships are very fragile. Avoid becoming hostile. You are life’s gift in friendship. I cherish the membership. Fright Ease your fright, Hold me tight. Frog The frog prince swam in the pond, Waiting for the princess blonde. The frog prince swam in the pond. Of the lilies it was fond. Its days are over as a tadpole,
  • 28. This croaking green frog taking a stroll. Frown Do not judge me by my frown. There are days when we feel down. A face with a frown Deserves a thumbs down. Fruit It is beyond dispute: This is a healthful fruit. Gretel ate a fruit in the wood And exclaimed, “This tastes berry good!” Fun When your work is done, Go out and have fun. Funny For my money, He is funny. Future The future, someone said, Is also for the dead. The future is bright; Focus on the light. Of the future, do not fear. Stay in the present, you hear? G Genie The genie in the ancient lamp Turned me into a boxing champ. The genie in the ancient lamp Had a psychosomatic cramp.
  • 29. Gerund “You are correct,” says Mr. Brown. “A gerund is a type of noun.” A gerund always functions as a noun: Walking briskly helps to keep your weight down. (The gerund functions as the subject of the verb “helps”.) Ghost In the dead of the night, A boy ghost flew a kite. In the dead of the night, Two young ghosts had a fight. In the dead of the night, A ghost said, “Hold me tight.” The young ghost left her grave To reside in a cave. Gigolo The gigolo looked frail: An unhealthy fee-male. Give Don’t forget to live; Remember to give. Gnome He said to the gnome, “Welcome to my home.” Go The father and son are always on the go, Their vocabulary innocent of “slow”. Going To “Going to” is used to reflect the future tense: They are all going to stop sitting on the fence. Gold An adventurer bold Set out to look for gold.
  • 30. Good There is no dearth Of good on earth. Goodbye Goodbye is the hardest word, But it’s not the most absurd. Goodish “Goodish” means “somewhat good” or “fairly large”: (a) It was a goodish performance by Marge. (b) The crook hid a goodish sum on the barge. Gossip Gossip we should never spread. Let it be forever dead. Gout There’s no doubt You have gout. Gown “I think I’ll buy a beautiful red gown And enjoy a delicious meal in town.” Graffiti “Graffiti” (plural in form) is often used as a mass noun: Graffiti was scribbled all over the walls in the old town. Grammar The teacher said, “Learn good grammar. It’s ‘is’ and not ‘are’ for hammer.” Grasshopper The lazy grasshopper said to the ant, “Sing with me—there’s no need from work to pant.” Gratitude Gratitude you feel Don’t try to conceal. The gratitude you feel in your heart Can’t be measured in dollars or baht. Grave
  • 31. With one foot in the grave, He forgot and forgave. Greed A man filled with greed Will not wise words heed. More than you need Betrays your greed. It starts as a seed, This evil called greed. Grief He who listens hears Unshed bitter tears. He’s given his parents much grief. Time he turned over a new leaf. Her grief Was brief. Groom A new groom sweeps clean, No dirt to be seen. A new groom sweeps clean, With eyes that are keen. Grudge If you carry a grudge, Please give your mind a nudge. Guard At the gate and in the yard, The uniformed men stood guard. Guest An unwelcome guest Will your patience test. Guy Guy means “a man”: We need a strong guy like Rex; Its plural, guys, means “people of either sex”.
  • 32. H Habit Nip a bad habit in the bud. You simply drop it with a thud. Hair Comb your hair; It’s still there. Innocent of hair, The head of the heir. Young and beautiful Clare Has castles in her hair. Hand An unseen and mysterious hand Described a circle in the sand. Happiness Happiness is to be found Where there is love strong and sound. Happiness comes from within. Boy, you can be fat or thin! Hashish The dog on a leash Sniffed out the hashish. Haste He who acts in haste Might become shamefaced. Hat She wants to pay one hundred dollars for your hat? Hey, that’s an offer that is not to be sneezed at! A rich woman bought an expensive hat. It was a beautiful thing to look at.
  • 33. Haughtiness She let haughtiness pose On the tip of her nose. Head Two heads are better than one: The ideas will weigh a ton. Heal Time will a hurt heal; Better you will feel. Hear Sweet nothings in my ear, Which no one else can hear. Heart He is a man after my own heart. We both like Beethoven and Mozart. My mum said, “Your broken heart Needs a spiritual spare part.” Heartbeat Victory and defeat Both affect the heartbeat. Hell The reporter said, “All hell broke loose When the two families broke the truce.” Hell has much to gain When bad guys cause pain. Hen My hen has only one leg, But daily it lays an egg. Hiker A hiker walked on the road. His weariness clearly showed. Homework The pupil pleaded with his teacher thus: “I think my homework deserves a B plus.”
  • 34. Hospitable Be hospitable; It’s profitable. House Welcome to my tree house, Which I share with a mouse. Housewife My primary goal in life Is to be a good housewife. Hunch I have a strong hunch I’ll meet her at brunch. Hungry If you’re hungry, Jack, Would you like a snack? I Ice To break the ice, Say something nice. Idiom “This idiom is funny,” says Joe. “‘Tell me about it’ means ‘I know’!” Immunity If we all strengthen our immunity, The virus has no opportunity. Incompetence When incompetence somehow wins, The incompetent winner grins. Infidelity When a heart is sadly broken, Infidelity has spoken.
  • 35. Infinitive An infinitive can function as a noun: “I love to sing,” said the cheerful circus clown. (The infinitive functions as the object of the verb “love”.) An infinitive also functions as an adverb: (a) The new students were eager to learn about the herb. (The infinitive modifies the adjective “eager”.) (b) He braved the rain to wait for his girlfriend on the kerb. (The infinitive modifies the verb “braved”.) “An infinitive as an adjective,” said the teacher from her seat. “Whenever I take a train or a bus, I bring a sandwich to eat.” (The infinitive modifies the noun “sandwich”.) The teacher says to the pupil, bright and inquisitive: “Sometimes it makes perfect sense to split an infinitive.” Inflation Inflation is hard on the purse, But the situation could be worse. Ink A pen and a bottle of ink Make it easy for him to think. Insomnia Wake up, wake up, wake up, for goodness’ sake! Your insomnia pill you forgot to take! Invoice The friendly invoice Had a payment choice. Island An island in the sun Promises lots of fun. No island in the sun Has inhabitants none. J
  • 36. Job Give this new job a try; It’s as easy as pie. The lad finished his paper round And said, “I am now homeward-bound.” Joke Have you heard the funny joke About a blonde and a bloke? A joke can a friendship end Or a relationship mend. Divided into chapters fourteen, This new book has one thousand jokes clean. Joker When funny jokers speak, They do so tongue in cheek. K King “The handsome king,” she wrote, “Was crowned in a reign coat.” Kiss It takes more than a kiss To multiply your bliss. Her soft kiss Is sheer bliss. Kit “It’s not here, you twit. Where’s the thirst-aid kit?” Knack These two women have a knack Of talking behind my back.
  • 37. L Landscape This mud hut is a blot on the landscape From which your curious eyes cannot escape. Lazy “Yippee! The boss has gone out!” The lazy employees shout. Leek Once a week I eat leek. Leopard The leopard stood rooted to the spot. It finally said, “Please, no snapshot!” Letter I just received her printed letter (Handwritten would have been better). Lie I’d rather die Than tell a lie. A white lie, Truth is shy. A white lie, My ally. Life Life, made in the bed, Is lived in the head. I will protect you with my life; I have a hammer and a knife. She brings sunshine into my life. I will ask her to be my wife. Life is a drop of eternity,
  • 38. Best lived not in taciturnity. One life to live, Much love to give. Life is a wonderful thing Even if you’re not a king. Limit The only limit is the sky. Never give up, never say die. Limp At the zoo a poor chimp Walked with a pronounced limp. Liquor “Reject liquor,” Said the vicar. Living Living in the past Cannot be a blast. Load It’s a very long road If heavy is your load. Loan He took a small bank loan To marry his sweet Joan. Longings Sure, I have a few secret longings, But they don’t reflect my shortcomings. Love The student did not put an X against “none of the above”, For she knew that another term for puppy love is calf love. Love can be clearly heard With just a whispered word. Love is a wonderful gift. Give it with no thought of thrift.
  • 39. The love of Grace and Roy Occasioned lifelong joy. It’s heaven on earth When love causes mirth. Tender love has a splendiferous knack Of making a forgiving heart come back. Known to not a few, How much I love you. Lovemaking His lovemaking needs to be much stronger. There are Tik Tok videos that are longer. M Mag She curled up in her beanbag And read the new fashion mag. Magician The magician’s guillotine trick Pleased every Tom, Harry and Dick. Maid The maid swept the floor with a glance And partnered her broom in a dance. Marriage Marriage is a major milestone: The right person will come alone! A marriage will definitely crack When tolerance leaves and won’t come back. Meditate Do you meditate, Ben? Yes, every now and Zen. Meet
  • 40. We will meet In that street. Message The brief message in the bottle Was as dark as my pipe’s dottle. Meter A parking meter Is a coin eater. Milk It is awfully sad To watch good milk turn bad. Mime Spare me a little time. Sit down and watch me mime. Mind An act that’s unkind Reflects a poor mind. If you do something unkind, Your mind is thereby defined. You have a selfish mind. You have an axe to grind. My mind is my palace, Where I can find solace. I gave him a piece of my mind. How could he have been so unkind? A hen, a duck, a goose. In my mind, they are loose. Mirror A magnifying hand mirror she bought. It makes me look more beautiful, she thought. A magnifying hand mirror she bought. The temptation to stare at it she fought.
  • 41. Mischief The miscreants in the night Thought mischief was their right. Miser The miser’s gold was stolen by a thief. The miser was stricken with intense grief. Mistake I have seen many a mistake, But this one surely takes the cake. Modesty Modesty is soft on the ear: It’s a quality we all cheer. Modifier “My dear, your modifier is out of place; I can picture the look on your teacher’s face!” Money Money is a treasure, But it’s not wealth’s measure. My wallet gets a dent When ten dollars is spent. She’s very free with her money: “Buy yourself a snow cone, sonny.” Money and fame Highlight one’s name. The money was well spent: To charity it went. He has a big bank account, With tons of money to count. The candle at both ends I burn. Tons of money I need to earn. Monster Sea monsters, strong to their fingertips, Catch for their daily meals fish and ships.
  • 42. Mouse A mouse can’t speak, But it can squeak. Town Mouse said, “Do you like wheat?” Country Mouse said, “Yes, let’s eat!” Music Beautiful music fills the air When the wind caresses her hair. Great music and dance Put me in a trance. N Nectar Life’s healing nectar: The feel good factor. Need This family is in need Of a charitable deed. You should plant a seed Of each thing you need. News The news that I heard Was worse than absurd. Night People who abhor the night Appreciate the lamplight. Nose In his nose, Snotty woes. Noun Flock is a collective noun, and so is pride, But you should cast waste-paper basket aside!
  • 43. An example of a word used as a plural noun is scissors. A few more words that come to mind include jeans, culottes and trousers. Two not-so-common collective nouns: A knot of toads; a pratfall of clowns. O Opportunity “Thank you” is the perfect way to greet Every opportunity you meet. Overeat Do not overeat, Carb, veggie or meat. Ox Busy as an ox; Cunning as a fox. P Page If you turn to the next page, You can read about the sage. Line the floor of the bird cage With the newspaper’s front page. Pain Don’t cause others pain. Your joy will be slain. Panic When you get into a panic, Self-possession is the tonic. Parrot Moving beaks, Parrot speaks.
  • 44. Participle When it is used as a verbal, a present participle functions as an adjective: The man said to the crying woman, “You do not have to worry—I am not vindictive.” When it is used as a verbal, a past participle functions as an adjective, too: The little boy came home with a broken arm and said, “Stay calm—no need to get in a stew.” The grammar champion of the college remained unbeaten When she said, “The past participle of eat is eaten.” You end up with a sentence cripple When you dangle a participle. Past Let go of the past. The future is vast. Pen The ink in my pen Contains stories ten. Perfection Perfection is a rose, Whose beauty clearly shows. Perfume This perfume has a nice scent, Worth the money that I spent. Two drops of perfume she wore: Delightful when less is more. Phone She called me at nine To say she felt fine. She phoned me at nine And said, “You are mine.” Picnic It was a nice picnic spot. Far from our house it was not.
  • 45. Picture You’ve got that colour picture upside down. The smile on the face has become a frown! Pie The window display caught her eye. She suddenly longed for a pie. Pill Jack and Jill went up the hill. Jack said, “Did you take your pill?” Pillar Darling, you are my pillar, The owner of this villa! Plane I have to catch a plane. I have to be in Spain. Plural The boy opened his book to take a peep, And answered, “The plural of sheep is sheep.” The plural of hoof is hoofs or hooves; The plural of roof is roofs, not rooves. According to a book I read, the plural of person is persons or people: (a) Police are looking for the person or persons who murdered the school principal. (b) “Nine people have agreed to donate to the fund,” said the happy school principal. Poetry There’s poetry in my head. I hope it will soon be read. Pond Mosquitoes are fond Of a stagnant pond. Potion This looks like an ordinary lotion. It’s actually a strong love potion. Preparedness Preparedness keeps a person alive.
  • 46. They’d be ready should danger arrive. Preposition Without the little preposition, How can we have a composition? Price The price Is nice. It’s cheap at twice The retail price. Anything with a high price, You really need to think twice. Prize Early to bed and early to rise: You are giving yourself a big prize. Probity Probity is a cake Which only some can bake. Pronoun The smart pupil’s correct answer earned the English teacher’s praise: “Everyone is a pronoun; every one is a pronoun phrase.” “Could you please explain to us the difference between you’re and your, Mr. Brown?” “Well, you’re is the contraction of you are; your is a possessive pronoun.” Prop He used an old mop As a movie prop. Proverb This is a proverb fine: A stitch in time saves nine. Pry Sir, I do not wish to pry, But are you a private eye? Pun A pun is a verbal clown.
  • 47. It may well erase a frown. Purse He was a rich and handsome knight. For her, it was love at purse sight. Q Quack The quack said to the crowd, “If you are sick, My healing skills will restore your health quick.” Quake The quake made it shiver: The bridge on the river. Question Mark “Will you please close the door does not need a question mark. It’s a politely expressed command,” she said to Clark. Queue Why don’t you Join the queue? You, you and you, Please join the queue. There is only you In the shortest queue! Quicksand Stuck in a quicksand, Not what he had planned! He was stuck in a quicksand, And needed a helping hand. Quote The president cleared his throat. We all waited for a quote.
  • 48. R Rain It’s raining cats and dogs, A fun time for the frogs. Rainbow With its bright colours, I reckon A rainbow is the sky’s ribbon. Rat The rat eyed the cheese And started to freeze. Reading Reading fiction, My addiction. Ready Fully ready, Slow and steady. Rejection “You’re a waste of my time,” said he. “You will never be my sweet pea.” Rest After a complete rest, Your work will be your best. Rice Chicken curry and rice Whet the appetite twice. I paid an exorbitant price For a small packet of brown rice. Roach “Your house is dirty,” said the roach, Its voice full of scornful reproach. Romance Embolden your heart
  • 49. Or romance won’t start. Root Sturdy roots, Juicy fruits. Rose I give her a stalk of rose. Her happiness clearly shows. Route I like this route: Hard work bears fruit. Rumour Baseless rumour, Verbal tumour. Rush Let us join the gold rush. There’ll be no scrum or crush. S Sacrifice Sacrifice is only nice At a reasonable price. Scare What happened? You gave us quite a scare. We thought you’d been eaten by a bear. Tortoise, you gave me quite a scare. I thought you’d been beaten by Hare. Scarecrow With a perpetual frown, Scarecrows always feel down. A scarecrow, from the day he’s born, Is the protector of the corn. Seashell
  • 50. She sold seashells by the seashore. Nobody bought them for décor. Seat Have a seat. Rest your feet. Seed A seed we sow Will slowly grow. Survival is hard for the seeds If you don’t get rid of the weeds. Unwanted seed, Unwanted weed. Forlorn seeds Become weeds. Plant a clean seed. Wish it Godspeed. Sell He who has something to sell Has many stories to tell. Sentence We learn about the subject of a sentence from the predicate: The old ruler of the small kingdom decided to abdicate. Shade The shade of the tree Is totally free. Shade of wall, Free for all. Shadow I manage to outrun My shadow from the sun. My shadow from the sun Follows me for some fun.
  • 51. Sheep A weak old sheep Died in its sleep. Shell Come out of your shell. Feel socially well. Shirt I ordered a shirt bespoke, With stunning pictures of yolk. Shore The children played by the shore. The big waves left them in awe. Shower Morning showers Soothe the flowers. Sick I don’t feel at all well. I’ve lost my sense of smell. An old man who was sick Hoped to recover quick. Sight Out of sight, out of mind. You are not so defined. Silence Deep silence is the software For emotional repair. Simile When the English teacher asked for a simile from Todd, The clever boy said, “As alike as two peas in a pod.” Size As a rough rule of thumb, What’s the size of a crumb? Sleep Once in a blue moon,
  • 52. I sleep until noon. If you can’t get some shut-eye, I’ll sing you a lullaby. I couldn’t sleep a wink, But it’s not what you think. Sleuth We need to hire a sleuth To discover the truth. Smile The bride wore a big smile As she walked down the aisle. A winning smile, Her facial style. For her, smiling is a breeze. There is no need for “say cheese”! Smoking “Stop smoking,” said a wise elf. “Don’t make an ash of yourself.” Smoking is a “lungevity” threat, So give it up if you haven’t yet. Snapshot Flowers in a flowerpot Deserve a colour snapshot. Snooze He had an afternoon snooze And dreamed he went on a cruise. Song I really like this song. It is six minutes long. A beautiful song Can be short or long. You have a voice strong,
  • 53. Perfect for this song. I have a song to sing For every day of spring. Soul With one foot in the grave, His soul he tried to save. Sound The sound I like most to hear Is your heartbeat in my ear. Sow A young sow was in a twitter: She’d given birth to a litter. Spa You’ll be twice the man you are If you spend some time at the spa. Speech A speaker must make his speech brief Lest someone might exclaim, “Time thief!” Spelling “This is the difference—‘vomited’ is spelt with only one ‘t’, But ‘benefitted’ is spelt with either one or two,” said he. The atmosphere at the annual spelling bee of the school was electric: One contestant added k, e and d to form the past tense of panic. Let us put this to the vote: ‘Thank you note’ or ‘thank-you note’? “Harrass” is a very common misspelling. Remove one “r” to get the correct spelling. Alright is alwrong. All right is on song. With “o’clock”, we spell out the number. It’s ten o’clock—time for my slumber! Spree
  • 54. Our breathing spree: The air is free. Strike Strike while the iron’s hot, With all the strength you’ve got. Stroll Out of the house he stole To take a little stroll. Strong You might be stronger. I might live longer. Stubborn He has a stubborn streak Which needs an urgent tweak. Sultriness Sultriness she dangles From numerous angles. Sun The weak sun went out of sight As it yielded to the night. Swimsuit She wore a swimsuit For a fashion shoot. Dressed in a swimsuit, She looked very cute. T Tale With a new twist in each tale, His stories never get stale. He told us tall tales About sharks and whales.
  • 55. Talent Talent is a waste If it’s not showcased. Talk She looked at me but did not whisper, speak or shout. I felt I was talking to her cardboard cut-out. Tavern The magnificent old tavern Was located in a cavern. Tea The experienced English teacher said to me, “You can use either ‘iced’ or ‘ice’ before ‘tea’.” Teaching A friend said, “Teaching is my vocation. My learning is in any location.” Tears Unkind remarks she hears Fill her big eyes with tears. Tenses The new pupil failed to get a perfect score, Not knowing that the past tense of see is saw. Test In the test you failed to shine; You were mentally offline. Study for the test, And then do your best. Text Read the text, Then press next. Thief A thief stole a fiction book. His friend said, “Nice, what you took.” A thief planned to burgle a house.
  • 56. He’d be as quiet as a mouse. “I steal food for my dinner. I’ll never become thinner!” He stole My foal. Thin From hunger thin, All bones and skin. Thought An unexpressed thought Is not forward brought. Thrift Give your wallet a gift. Practise the virtue of thrift. Thrift is a noble virtue, A monetary rescue. Thumb He is under his wife’s thumb. No wonder he looks so glum! Thunder There’s thunder in the air. There’re people running there. Tie An eye for an eye Ends not in a tie. Time Thank God, we are almost there, With forty minutes to spare. Having a whale of a time, She didn’t hear the clock’s chime. Toil After ten minutes of toil, The fire made the kettle boil.
  • 57. Tortoise Under its protective thick shell, A tortoise had a dizzy spell. Tortoise won the race when Hare overslept. The spectators laughed loudly when Hare wept! The humble tortoise won the race. The proud hare had a reddish face! Tourist A tourist meets new faces In interesting places. Transplant My favourite aunt Had a heart transplant. Travel I am a far cry from home, Having a great time in Rome! Tree A deciduous tree grieves When it sheds its autumn leaves. Truth Make truth your good friend. Think it and hit send. When truth is dead, Lies triumph instead. Tryst They postponed the tryst Because of the mist. Turn My dear, when will you learn Not to speak out of turn? Turncoat The rebel leader cleared his throat. He has no proof, thought the turncoat.
  • 58. Twist They all danced the twist In the morning mist. U UFO In the middle of the night, I saw a UFO light. Universe The universe is vast. Forever it will last. Unthinkable Wholly unthinkable, Titanic sinkable. V Veal The meal of tender veal Is nice to the tongue’s feel. Vengeance Dismiss vengeance from your mind. Peace in your heart you will find. Verb A transitive verb always takes an object: The state police apprehended the suspect. A transitive verb has a passive form: The big tree was uprooted by the storm. An intransitive verb does not take an object, and it has no passive form: The head of the state prison is confident that the ex-inmates will reform. “A verb can be both transitive and intransitive, Frank: The torpedo sank the warship. / The warship quickly sank.”
  • 59. The teacher said with a smile, “You are absolutely right, Jean. The ‘to be’ verbs are be, am, is, are, was, were, being and been.” For the subjunctive mood, we write or say “If I had…” I am sure that ten million dollars would make me glad! When “number of” is preceded by “the”, use a singular verb: “The number of visitors to the fair is big. It’s just superb!” When “number of” is preceded by “a”, use a plural verb: A number of botanists have agreed to test the new herb. There is an apple and an orange on the table. Changing is to are will make the sentence “unstable”! I saw the student write this down: “Invite” is a verb and a noun. Pray remember this lesson well: Verbs show, adjectives merely tell. When you choose a strong verb or noun, An adjective begins to frown! Verbal What is a verbal? It’s a verb that functions as a different part of speech. Gerund, participle, infinitive—we have an example of each! Virus A virus wearing a blindfold Gave me a devastating cold. Vitamin He was advised not to shun Vitamin D from the sun. Vlogger Where the two vloggers roam, They call the place their home. Voice The love in her voice Made my heart rejoice. I simply had no choice.
  • 60. I had to raise my voice. His voice was very loud, Like thunder in a cloud. You have a beautiful voice. Sing a nice song of your choice. Volcano The volcanic eruption Occasioned life disruption. Vote The chairman cleared his throat. Everyone cast their vote. He said, “Give me your vote.” I said, “You get my goat.” Vowel The answer to a question in a pop quiz: Consonant and vowel describe what Y is. Vulture Hungry vultures in the blue sky: The protagonist will soon die. W Wait I think I will wait and see. She may have good news for me. Walker Cobwebby old walking frame— No one knows its owner’s name. Wall The writing is on the wall: Gambling will cause his downfall. Wallet My bulgy wallet
  • 61. Bought a gold bracelet. My wallet in my pocket, Fearful of the pickpocket. Water The rains are long overdue. Water we going to do? Water we found Under the ground. Weak You will feel very weak Until tomorrow week. Weather Fierce heat wave. Weather slave. Wedlock On the wooden door I knock. There’s no answer from wedlock. Whale An obese whale Looked for a scale. Why “Do you want to ask me why?” Said the spider to the fly. Wife I will protect you with me life, Simply because you are my wife. Wonderful wife, Beautiful life. Wig The sudden gust of wind was so strong My wig said sadly, “Mister, so long!” Will A codicil to his will:
  • 62. His mind completely strong still. Wind Protect yourself from the cold wind When it is very determined. Window Open a window, dear— It is baking in here! Wine I can’t dine Without wine. Wink She gives me a saucy wink. She really likes me, I think. A flirtatious wink, Sexier than you think. A wink can play a part In giving love a start. She gave him a saucy wink. He lost the power to think. Wisdom He is blessed with old age. His wisdom we can gauge. Wise You can be wise With dreamy eyes. Adjectival prize Describes the word wise. Witch The midget witch has just escaped, sarge! It’s terrible—small medium at large! Witty Please say something witty In a manner pithy.
  • 63. Wok Look at this food in the wok: Spinach cooked in chicken stock. Womb The two women first met in the delivery room. It was splendiferous—one came from the other’s womb. Words Raising his hands in a victory dance, Slim Chance says, “I’m better than Fat Chance!” Although he has had many years of formal schooling, He doesn’t know that a young goose is called a gosling. She wrote five clipped words on her pad: Memo, typo, flu, fridge and grad. Sugar-coated words were spoken, But promises would be broken. Weigh your words in your mind. Will they sound harsh or kind? His plethora of words spoken Are for a long time unbroken. Work They faced a stumbling block And worked against the clock. It is back-breaking work, Which I will never shirk. The boss said, “Pull your weight. Work should not be third-rate.” Worm Every worm in the can Has its say in the plan. A squeamish gal will squirm At the sight of a worm. The worms wriggle
  • 64. As they giggle. Worry I worry a lot: Covid and whatnot. Worth Worth its weight in pure gold; Can’t be further extolled. Wrestle Don’t wrestle with a foe. You might injure a toe. Writer The final draft is the choice Of the writer’s inner voice. Be a better writer— Make your writing tighter. He was a bad speller Who wrote a best-seller. Writer’s Block The writer was at the end of his tether, For the words he wrote would not come together. Writing You can’t a story tell If your ideas don’t jell. Make it extremely plain When you write to explain. Every piece of writing will read nice If the writer drafts it at least twice. “You get my goat” Was all she wrote. Wrong If you’re headstrong, You may go wrong.
  • 65. Y Yawn It’s awful to yawn At the crack of dawn. Yield Work hard in the field; Harvest a high yield. Yoga My health-conscious tabby cat Practised yoga on a mat. Z Zeal Shoulder to the wheel With unflagging zeal. Zebra I’ve heard of a cause celebre That involved a stolen zebra. Zest A task done with zest Deserves a good rest. Zombie Zombies are the living dead Who fill us with utter dread.