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Rember that rhyme is part of what we mean when we say poetry is musical. When the ending sounds of the words are repeated, we 
call it rhyme. Rhyming words do not appear only at the end of the lines (end rhyme) in poems, but they may apear within the line 
(internal rhyme). 
“I think I shall never see 
A poem as lovely as a tree.” 
[see-tree] – end rhyme 
“the crows in boughs throws endless brawls” 
- internal rhyme 
Classification by position 
A rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyming lines in a poem. 
Rhymes may be classified according to their position in the verse: 
 Tail rhyme (also called end rhyme) is a rhyme in the final syllable(s) of a verse (the most common kind). 
 Internal rhyme occurs when a word or phrase in the interior of a line rhymes with a word or phrase at the end of a line, or 
within a different line. 
 Off-centered rhyme is a type of internal rhyme occurring in unexpected places in a given line. This is sometimes called a 
misplaced-rhyme scheme or a spoken word rhyme style. 
 Holorime, mentioned above, occurs when two entire lines have the same sound. 
 Broken rhyme is a type of enjambment producing a rhyme by dividing a word at the line break of a poem to make a rhyme 
with the end word of another line. 
 Cross rhyme matches a sound or sounds at the end of a line with the same sound or sounds in the middle of the following 
(or preceding) line. 
Tail Rhyme 
Yonder Clouden's silent towers, 
Where at moonshine midnight hours 
O'er the dewy bending flowers 
Fairies dance sae cheery. 
Ghaist nor bogle shalt thou fear; 
Thou'rt to Love and Heaven sae dear, 
Nocht of ill may come thee near, 
My bonnie dearie. 
Internal Rhyme 
For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams 
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; 
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes 
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; 
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side 
Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride, 
In the sepulchre there by the sea, 
In her tomb by the sounding sea 
The sound flung on the air 
The song is sung 
(the cross rhyme is flung and sung) 
Broken Rhyme 
My cries heave, herds-long; huddle in a main, a chief-woe, 
world-sorrow; on an age-old anvil wince and sing- 
Then lull, then leave off. Fury had shrieked ‘No ling-ering! 
Let me be fell: force I must be brief’. 
Function of Rhyme 
Rhyme partly seems to be enjoyed simply as a repeating pattern that is pleasant to hear. It also serves as a 
powerful mnemonic device, facilitating memorization. The regular use of tail rhyme(end rhyme) helps to mark off the ends of lines, 
thus clarifying the metrical structure for the listener. As with other poetic techniques, poets use it to suit their own purposes. 
Some poems rhyme; others don’t. But one thing is sure, each poem captures moments in time, feeling, thoughts, and experiences. 
Rhyming words in The Seven Ages of Man 
Types of Rhymes 
There are actually 5 types of rhymes: 
 Perfect Rhyme 
 General Rhymes 
 Identical Rhymes 
 Eye Rhyme 
 Mind Rhyme
The poet uses words that suggests sounds at the same time describe actions 
being made. Onomatopoeia is sound device used by poets to suggest actions, 
mvements, and meanings. 
e.g., The hissing of the snake made me shoo it away. 
The bubbling brook breaks. 
Alliteration, Assonance & Consonance 
Alliteration is the repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables of 
an English language phrase. 
Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrase or sentences, and together with alliteration 
and consonance serves as one of the building blocks of verse. Assonance is a rhyme, the identity of which depends merely on the 
vowel sounds. 
Consonance is a poetic device characterized by the repetition of the same consonant two or more times in short succession, as in 
"pitter patter" or in "all mammals named Samare clammy“ 
Most figures of speech cast up a picture in your mind. These pictures 
created or suggested by the poet are called 'images'. To participate fully 
in the world of poem, we must understand how the poet uses image to 
convey more than what is actually said or literally meant. 
We speak of the pictures evoked in a poem as 'imagery'. Imagery 
refers to the "pictures" which we perceive with our mind's eyes, ears, 
nose, tongue, skin, and through which we experience the "duplicate 
world" created by poetic language. Imagery evokes the meaning and 
truth of human experiences not in abstract terms, as in philosophy, but 
in more perceptible and tangible forms. 
This is a device by which the poet makes his meaning strong, 
clear and sure. The poet uses sound words and words of color and 
touch in addition to figures of speech. As well, concrete details that 
appeal to the reader's senses are used to build up images. 
Although most of the image-making words in any language appeal to sight (visual images), there are also images of touch 
(tactile), sound (auditory), taste (gustatory), and smell (olfactory). 
Through the words used by the poet, as expressed by the “persona” / speaker, the vivid images, clear sounds, and exact feelings are 
clearly conveyed. The descriptions help in making sense of the poem. 
 Read the poem silently and think of the images the words created in your mind. 
 Picture them in your mind and try to bring them in clear focus. 
 List these words that create clear pictures in your mind. 
 Share the feeling each image evokes. 
 Point out the real-life experience or observation in life that each image suggests. 
 Copy the chart shown on the next page and fill it out with the entries called for.
Word Bank 
• A lyric poem that tells a story 
– Ballad 
• A fat chicken 
– Capon 
• Crying 
– Mewling 
• Promises or pledges to accomplish 
– Oath 
• Display of unconsciousness or nothingness 
– Oblivion 
• Throwing up or vomiting due to sickness 
– Puking 
• A school bag 
– Satchel 
• Refers to a stem or branch 
– pipes 
• Produces a high sharp sound 
– Treble 
• Unhappy or sorrowful sound 
– Woeful 
“Repetition “ 
Repetition is a central part of poetry that adds to the enjoyment of a poem. Words , phrases , or lines are repeated to serve a 
Examples : 
• Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining. 
Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying….. 
• Last night I dreamt about chickens 
They were playing on my pillows 
They were nesting in my head 
They were walking in my room 
They were lying on my bed. 
1.What compromises the seven ages of man or stages in life of man according to the poem? 
2. Describe the school boy’s attitude towards school. How do you feel about these pictures of childhood? 
* Every person has indeed experienced this part in their lives where it takes force for them just to go to school. As a student, we 
also have experienced this stage as an unwilling student that needs to be dragged to school everyday, and we can relate to these 
particular pictures. 
3. What is compared to the “stage” in the first two lines? How are the two related? 
* The word “stage” is compared to life and all the human beings have their own life to portray. 
4. In lines 13 & 14, what is compared to “reputation” ? 
*In the line 13 & 14 the reputation is compared to the life of a soldier and his/her attitude.
5. What other comparisons are used in the poem? Which are examples of metaphor? Which are examples of simile? 
All the world’s a stage Creeping like snail 
And all men and women are merely players Sighing like furnace 
Seeking the bubble reputation Bearded like the pard 
Beard of formal cut 
6. According to the speaker or “persona” in the poem, what physical and mental changes take place as a man reaches the sixth and 
seventh ages? 
* As the man reaches the sixth and seventh ages or the worst of all the stages , man loses his senses and strength and his life truly 
becomes dependent to others. His memory becomes weaken. 
7.Do you agree with the persona’s description of old age?why? 
* Yes. I agree because in reality, that’s what really happens when you grow old. You become visually impaired and aside from that, 
sometimes you lose your memory. 
8. What other acceptable descriptions of old age can you think of? 
1. White Hair 
2. Forgetfulness 
3. Wizened 
4. Shrill Voice 
5. Spindly legs 
9. In the last line of the poem, the word SANS is repeated. What do you think Is the purpose of repeating it four times? 
* The poet’s purpose is to make it remarkable and one of the poem that a reader can never forget by using or repeating uncommon 
terms so that their words will always remain in the reader’s head. 
10. Repetition is a central part of poetry that adds to the enjoyment of a poem. Words , phrases , or lines are repeated to serve a 
purpose. Poets often make sure their words stay in the reader’s mind. 
Does it help in the understanding of this poem’s meaning? 
- Yes. Because it helps emphasize the emotion that the poet want his readers to stress out. 
Find other examples of repetition in the poem. List then. 
- SANS  
11. What effect does the word it have in the description of the last stage of man? 
*Its as if its describing that in the last stage of man, its saying that the man lost his senses. 
For Group7 Questions: 
12. How are the 7 ages of man described by the persona? The seven ages if man was described by stating the different stages of 
life and describing the roles and common characteristics of each stage. 
13. How do the roles of man differ based on the persona’s description? The roles differ based on their appearance and their ability 
to do such things. Example: the younger ones tend to be more active than the older ones and can easily perform their roles. But 
the older ones are matured enough to handle things in their own. 
14. Do you think the persona has a great understanding of the universal experience of man performing a role in each stage? Explain. 
Yes. Because the explanation of the roles in each stage is clearly stated and people can relate their lives to the persona. 
15. Which lines describe the roles in life that man performs? 
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad 
Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier 
Full of strange oaths, and bearded like a pard, 
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, 
Seeking the bubble reputation 
16. Under what circumstances may it be better to be young rather than be old or vice versa in performing roles in life?
-There’s no such thing that would be better in experiencing both roles. If you are younger, you give more effort in performing 
your roles because you still have an active and energetic body. But, if you are older, you know how to distinguish right between 
wrong and can handle things in a matured way. 
17.How does the poem make you feel about the importance of recognizing and performing a role in life effectively? 
-I would feel responsible in a way, since there are certain roles that would really need maturity. And since we only live once, we 
should think ahead of what we do with a hint of responsibility and maturity in our lives but also with a bit of the “fun” side too. 
18. Why is it acceptable/better to recognize and perform your role in life? 
-It is better to recognize and perform our roles in life because in so many ways, we can help other people and ourselves to make 
things right and can possibly make our future better. 
19. How does the poem make you think of the importance of recognizing and performing a role in life effectively? 
-The poem makes us realize that every stage of life counts and whenever you just take things for granted, karma will follow. If we 
know the importance of our stages in life, we will know how to handle it in a good way and can encourage other people to 
perform their roles, too. 
20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of not recognizing and performing your roles in life? Advantages: There is nothing 
to worry about since we don't have to spend time and effort to help other people . Disadvantages: If we don't perform our roles, 
people would consider us useless and lazy. We would not be able to learn new things and experiences. 
21. What would be the most effective way of performing your role in life? 
-The effective way of performing our role in life is taking risks to achieve our goals, understanding every situation we’ve 
encountered and soon to encounter, and living our lives to the fullest and grab every chances we have because we only live once.
Daray, Lance Louie 
Ampo, Dana Erika 
Ecoben, JR Mae Christine 
Lisondra, Giselle 
Nalaza, Quillrose Roamee 
The poet uses words that suggests sounds at the same time describe actions being 
made. Onomatopoeia is sound device used by poets to suggest actions, mvements, 
and meanings. 
e.g., The hissing of the snake made me shoo it away. 
The bubbling brook breaks. 
Onomatopoeia In The Seven Ages Of Man 
It looks like The sound it makes How it moves 
WHINING A long or high-pitched 
cry or 
Pain, fear, 
supplication, or 
Arms fail, feet 
stomping angrily. 
SIGHING Emit a long, deep, 
audible breath 
expressing sadness 
Relief tiredness, 
Slumped back 
WHISTLES Sound made by 
forcing breath 
through a small 
hole between partly 
closed lips 
Sounds cool and 
can makes high or 
low note 
Pucker your lip, 
curl tongue, and 
blow air over your 
tongue and through 
your lips.

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English (8 Activities)

  • 1. LOOKING FOR RHYMES Rember that rhyme is part of what we mean when we say poetry is musical. When the ending sounds of the words are repeated, we call it rhyme. Rhyming words do not appear only at the end of the lines (end rhyme) in poems, but they may apear within the line (internal rhyme). Example “I think I shall never see A poem as lovely as a tree.” [see-tree] – end rhyme “the crows in boughs throws endless brawls” - internal rhyme Classification by position A rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyming lines in a poem. Rhymes may be classified according to their position in the verse:  Tail rhyme (also called end rhyme) is a rhyme in the final syllable(s) of a verse (the most common kind).  Internal rhyme occurs when a word or phrase in the interior of a line rhymes with a word or phrase at the end of a line, or within a different line.  Off-centered rhyme is a type of internal rhyme occurring in unexpected places in a given line. This is sometimes called a misplaced-rhyme scheme or a spoken word rhyme style.  Holorime, mentioned above, occurs when two entire lines have the same sound.  Broken rhyme is a type of enjambment producing a rhyme by dividing a word at the line break of a poem to make a rhyme with the end word of another line.  Cross rhyme matches a sound or sounds at the end of a line with the same sound or sounds in the middle of the following (or preceding) line. EXAMPLES Tail Rhyme Yonder Clouden's silent towers, Where at moonshine midnight hours O'er the dewy bending flowers Fairies dance sae cheery. Ghaist nor bogle shalt thou fear; Thou'rt to Love and Heaven sae dear, Nocht of ill may come thee near, My bonnie dearie. Internal Rhyme For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride, In the sepulchre there by the sea, In her tomb by the sounding sea . CROSS RHYME The sound flung on the air The song is sung (the cross rhyme is flung and sung) Broken Rhyme My cries heave, herds-long; huddle in a main, a chief-woe, world-sorrow; on an age-old anvil wince and sing- Then lull, then leave off. Fury had shrieked ‘No ling-ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief’. Function of Rhyme Rhyme partly seems to be enjoyed simply as a repeating pattern that is pleasant to hear. It also serves as a powerful mnemonic device, facilitating memorization. The regular use of tail rhyme(end rhyme) helps to mark off the ends of lines, thus clarifying the metrical structure for the listener. As with other poetic techniques, poets use it to suit their own purposes. Some poems rhyme; others don’t. But one thing is sure, each poem captures moments in time, feeling, thoughts, and experiences. Rhyming words in The Seven Ages of Man Types of Rhymes There are actually 5 types of rhymes:  Perfect Rhyme  General Rhymes  Identical Rhymes  Eye Rhyme  Mind Rhyme
  • 2. Onomatopoeia The poet uses words that suggests sounds at the same time describe actions being made. Onomatopoeia is sound device used by poets to suggest actions, mvements, and meanings. e.g., The hissing of the snake made me shoo it away. The bubbling brook breaks. Alliteration, Assonance & Consonance ALLITERATION Alliteration is the repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables of an English language phrase. ASSONANCE Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrase or sentences, and together with alliteration and consonance serves as one of the building blocks of verse. Assonance is a rhyme, the identity of which depends merely on the vowel sounds. CONSONANCE Consonance is a poetic device characterized by the repetition of the same consonant two or more times in short succession, as in "pitter patter" or in "all mammals named Samare clammy“ Imagery Most figures of speech cast up a picture in your mind. These pictures created or suggested by the poet are called 'images'. To participate fully in the world of poem, we must understand how the poet uses image to convey more than what is actually said or literally meant. We speak of the pictures evoked in a poem as 'imagery'. Imagery refers to the "pictures" which we perceive with our mind's eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, and through which we experience the "duplicate world" created by poetic language. Imagery evokes the meaning and truth of human experiences not in abstract terms, as in philosophy, but in more perceptible and tangible forms. This is a device by which the poet makes his meaning strong, clear and sure. The poet uses sound words and words of color and touch in addition to figures of speech. As well, concrete details that appeal to the reader's senses are used to build up images. Although most of the image-making words in any language appeal to sight (visual images), there are also images of touch (tactile), sound (auditory), taste (gustatory), and smell (olfactory). Through the words used by the poet, as expressed by the “persona” / speaker, the vivid images, clear sounds, and exact feelings are clearly conveyed. The descriptions help in making sense of the poem.  Read the poem silently and think of the images the words created in your mind.  Picture them in your mind and try to bring them in clear focus.  List these words that create clear pictures in your mind.  Share the feeling each image evokes.  Point out the real-life experience or observation in life that each image suggests.  Copy the chart shown on the next page and fill it out with the entries called for.
  • 3. Word Bank • A lyric poem that tells a story – Ballad • A fat chicken – Capon • Crying – Mewling • Promises or pledges to accomplish – Oath • Display of unconsciousness or nothingness – Oblivion • Throwing up or vomiting due to sickness – Puking • A school bag – Satchel • Refers to a stem or branch – pipes • Produces a high sharp sound – Treble • Unhappy or sorrowful sound – Woeful “Repetition “ Repetition is a central part of poetry that adds to the enjoyment of a poem. Words , phrases , or lines are repeated to serve a purpose. Examples : • Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining. Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying….. • Last night I dreamt about chickens They were playing on my pillows They were nesting in my head They were walking in my room They were lying on my bed. 1.What compromises the seven ages of man or stages in life of man according to the poem? 2. Describe the school boy’s attitude towards school. How do you feel about these pictures of childhood? * Every person has indeed experienced this part in their lives where it takes force for them just to go to school. As a student, we also have experienced this stage as an unwilling student that needs to be dragged to school everyday, and we can relate to these particular pictures. 3. What is compared to the “stage” in the first two lines? How are the two related? * The word “stage” is compared to life and all the human beings have their own life to portray. 4. In lines 13 & 14, what is compared to “reputation” ? *In the line 13 & 14 the reputation is compared to the life of a soldier and his/her attitude.
  • 4. 5. What other comparisons are used in the poem? Which are examples of metaphor? Which are examples of simile? METAPHOR SIMILE All the world’s a stage Creeping like snail And all men and women are merely players Sighing like furnace Seeking the bubble reputation Bearded like the pard Beard of formal cut 6. According to the speaker or “persona” in the poem, what physical and mental changes take place as a man reaches the sixth and seventh ages? * As the man reaches the sixth and seventh ages or the worst of all the stages , man loses his senses and strength and his life truly becomes dependent to others. His memory becomes weaken. 7.Do you agree with the persona’s description of old age?why? * Yes. I agree because in reality, that’s what really happens when you grow old. You become visually impaired and aside from that, sometimes you lose your memory. 8. What other acceptable descriptions of old age can you think of? 1. White Hair 2. Forgetfulness 3. Wizened 4. Shrill Voice 5. Spindly legs 9. In the last line of the poem, the word SANS is repeated. What do you think Is the purpose of repeating it four times? * The poet’s purpose is to make it remarkable and one of the poem that a reader can never forget by using or repeating uncommon terms so that their words will always remain in the reader’s head. 10. Repetition is a central part of poetry that adds to the enjoyment of a poem. Words , phrases , or lines are repeated to serve a purpose. Poets often make sure their words stay in the reader’s mind. Does it help in the understanding of this poem’s meaning? - Yes. Because it helps emphasize the emotion that the poet want his readers to stress out. Find other examples of repetition in the poem. List then. - SANS  11. What effect does the word it have in the description of the last stage of man? *Its as if its describing that in the last stage of man, its saying that the man lost his senses. For Group7 Questions: 12. How are the 7 ages of man described by the persona? The seven ages if man was described by stating the different stages of life and describing the roles and common characteristics of each stage. 13. How do the roles of man differ based on the persona’s description? The roles differ based on their appearance and their ability to do such things. Example: the younger ones tend to be more active than the older ones and can easily perform their roles. But the older ones are matured enough to handle things in their own. 14. Do you think the persona has a great understanding of the universal experience of man performing a role in each stage? Explain. Yes. Because the explanation of the roles in each stage is clearly stated and people can relate their lives to the persona. 15. Which lines describe the roles in life that man performs? Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier Full of strange oaths, and bearded like a pard, Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation 16. Under what circumstances may it be better to be young rather than be old or vice versa in performing roles in life?
  • 5. -There’s no such thing that would be better in experiencing both roles. If you are younger, you give more effort in performing your roles because you still have an active and energetic body. But, if you are older, you know how to distinguish right between wrong and can handle things in a matured way. 17.How does the poem make you feel about the importance of recognizing and performing a role in life effectively? -I would feel responsible in a way, since there are certain roles that would really need maturity. And since we only live once, we should think ahead of what we do with a hint of responsibility and maturity in our lives but also with a bit of the “fun” side too. 18. Why is it acceptable/better to recognize and perform your role in life? -It is better to recognize and perform our roles in life because in so many ways, we can help other people and ourselves to make things right and can possibly make our future better. 19. How does the poem make you think of the importance of recognizing and performing a role in life effectively? -The poem makes us realize that every stage of life counts and whenever you just take things for granted, karma will follow. If we know the importance of our stages in life, we will know how to handle it in a good way and can encourage other people to perform their roles, too. 20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of not recognizing and performing your roles in life? Advantages: There is nothing to worry about since we don't have to spend time and effort to help other people . Disadvantages: If we don't perform our roles, people would consider us useless and lazy. We would not be able to learn new things and experiences. 21. What would be the most effective way of performing your role in life? -The effective way of performing our role in life is taking risks to achieve our goals, understanding every situation we’ve encountered and soon to encounter, and living our lives to the fullest and grab every chances we have because we only live once.
  • 6. GROUP 2: Daray, Lance Louie Ampo, Dana Erika Ecoben, JR Mae Christine Lisondra, Giselle Nalaza, Quillrose Roamee Onomatopoeia The poet uses words that suggests sounds at the same time describe actions being made. Onomatopoeia is sound device used by poets to suggest actions, mvements, and meanings. e.g., The hissing of the snake made me shoo it away. The bubbling brook breaks. Onomatopoeia In The Seven Ages Of Man Sample Line/Words It looks like The sound it makes How it moves WHINING A long or high-pitched cry or sound Pain, fear, supplication, or complaint Arms fail, feet stomping angrily. SIGHING Emit a long, deep, audible breath expressing sadness Relief tiredness, frustration Slumped back WHISTLES Sound made by forcing breath through a small hole between partly closed lips Sounds cool and can makes high or low note Pucker your lip, curl tongue, and blow air over your tongue and through your lips.