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Endangered Species Legislation Essay
The latter half of the twentieth century was host to the greatest and most widespread advancements in environmental awareness in human history. It
was during this time that people began to consider the effects of their polluting cars and their wasteful habits. People began to realize that something
must be done to curb humans' negative impacts on their surroundings and thus the environmental movement was born. One of the most important
factors that resulted from this expansion of environmental consciousness occurring over the last several decades has been the protection of endangered
species. Much has been done in the legal world to ensure the continued longevity of our planet's diversity, including two major policies: CITES and the
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CITES monitors, and often restricts international commerce in an effort to protect species impacted by trade. Talks of creating such a convention
began in the 60s, when several African countries noticed population declines in species that are commonly killed for their skins; jaguar skins at that
time were being imported to the US at rates of up to 13,000 skins per year. 1974 saw the drafting and signing of the actual treaty at a conference in
Stockholm, Sweden, and by 1975, the requisite ten countries had ratified it and the treaty went into effect. Being international in scope, this treaty was
widely celebrated as a huge advancement in endangered species legislation. To this day, it is still considered one of the most important international
endangered species treaties in existence . Also in 1973, Congress passed the Endangered Species Act. It outlined eight primary objectives designed to
expand the scope of the Act and establish accountability. Three further amendments were enacted in 1978, 1982, and 1988 . Now that the history of
these policies has been established, the functions of the policies themselves can be examined, beginning with CITES. CITES as a treaty aims
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The Extinction Of The Endangered Species Act
Since earth was created, there has been a natural phenomenon of species across the globe appearing and disappearing. However, in the past century,
many species of animals have been disappearing at an alarming rate. Mainly, this rapidly occurring issue is caused by humans. Humans that contribute
to the harmful actions that cause side effects such a pollution, deforestation, habitat loss and poaching. The natural rate of extinction pales in
comparison to the extinction rate caused by all of these. According to the World Wildlife Fund, the current rate of extinction is 11,000 times greater
than the natural extinction rate. Several different efforts have been made in order to stop or slow down the extinction of earth's species. The Endangered
Species Act is possibly the most successful example of these efforts. It's main purpose is to get a commitment from the American people that they
will work hand in hand to help save species that are at risk of becoming extinct and never returning. This act was put in place in 1973 and since
then, no other law about the disappearance of wildlife has been quite as accomplished. Many different species that are protected under this law are
either fully recovered or on their way to becoming safer. Laws like these are helping many different creatures left and right, however, at the alarming
rate that they are disappearing, something else needs to be done. What people don't seem to realize is that we depend on many of the animals that we are
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Hunting Animals : Hunting Endangered Species
Hunting endangered species
How many animals will have to go extinct for humans to stop hurting mother nature? Humans have been hunting animals since the beginning of time;
hunting animals can go back to about 1.8 billion years ago. Killing big game became the new sport and has been happening for centuries. Many U.S.
presidents such as Roosevelt did it. Many wealthy people did it for fun and bringing back the animal or part of the animal was to show how well the
hunt went(Carpenter).
Hunting animals for sport wasn't a problem until these animals were being poached so much that the death rate overseeds the birth rate of these
animals. Trophy hunting is a big problem in our modern day society and if we don't do something to change this we won't be able to share these
amazing creatures with our future generations. Nevertheless , People use animal parts for many things such as big cat fur for coats or fashion. They
use elephant tusks because it's made from ivory to make jewelry and in some Chinese culture they use it as medicine("Rescuing Africa's Elephants." pg
6). You would think that because they are many acts such as TheEndangered Species Act that people who follow the rules and not hunt these
beautiful species, but some people have to do it to feed their families sometimes. Rhino horn was reported to be selling for $65,000 per 2.2 pounds in
2012, making it more expensive by weight than gold, diamonds or cocaine. These goods would help feed families and
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The Hawaiian Duck is an Endangered Species
The Hawaiian Duck Earth is a very interesting planet. It seems to be filled with never ending discoveries and beautiful settings. With these settings also
come with other–worldly animals. One of these said animals is the "anas wyvillina" Hawaiian Duck. This bird resides on the beautiful island of
Hawaii. This species seems to have it good, but that statement could not be farther from the truth. As of 2012, the Hawaiian Duck has been
considered an endangered species. This species is a dogfight to prevail and live on as a species, but are terribly losing. This bird is interesting
because of the habitat and niche it possesses, why it has become endangered, and the conservation efforts. The Hawaiian Duck is blessed with one of
the best habitats in the world. It resides in the beautiful islands and the epitome of all beautiful islands known as Hawaii. They are mostly found in
lowland wetlands, river valleys, and mountain streams. This works to this bird's advantages. They mostly try to stay away from the more urban parts of
Hawaii and stick to their usual wetland setting. However, there not much of these habitats around on the virtually miniature island of Hawaii, which
makes this bird's effort of trying to stick around, just that much harder. Its endangerment has a large part to do with the fact that you cannot find all of
these elements in many places on the island of Hawaii. The Hawaiian duck's habitat is a huge part of what this bird is and how it functions through its
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What Is An Endangered Species?
What is an Endangered Species? An Endangered Species is defined as "a species at risk of extinction because of human activity, changes in climate,
and/or changes in predator–prey ratios" ( The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) has the responsibility of keeping the records
of all endangered species. In order to be recognized as an endangered species, the following questions must be answered: "Has a large percentage of the
species vital habitat been degraded or destroyed? Has the species been over–consumed by commercial, recreational, scientific or educational uses? Is
the species threatened by disease or predation? Do current regulations or legislations inadequately protect the species? Are there other manmade factors
that threaten the long–term survival of the species?" (Endangered Species Act – National Wildlife Federation). An endangered species list consists of
seven levels. These include least concern, near threatened, vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, extinct in the wild, and extinct. Each level
has sub classifications as well. Currently, there are over forty thousand reported endangered species worldwide. Five percent of those occupy our
oceans ("Threatened and Endangered Species"). However, the numbers are continuously changing. As humans, we look at our oceans as a source of
unlimited resources. Unfortunately, that is not the case. On the bright side, even though an organism is on the endangered species list, endless efforts do
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Persuasive Essay On Endangered Species
Despite this grim outlook, there are many ways in which species are currently being or can be helped. Because so many areas, nearly 99.4% of (or
2450) counties in the United States alone, house at least one species on the endangered species list, there are a lot of actions that can be taken to help
protect and prevent the organisms living even as close as the backyard. (United) Simple action, such as decorating windows, could help to protect bird,
who cannot see glass. While a seemingly small step, this would help to protect the 11% percent of known bird species that currently hold a position on
the endangered species list. (Pellerin) Another way to help would be shutting the faucet off when you brush your teeth and taking shorter showers.
Reducing water usage reduces the need for damming and water diversion for commercial usage, which are responsible for the loss of nearly 40
mussel and snail species. (Campbell) On a small scale, these actions have a great impact on those more local species. On the greater scale, however,
and especially in terms of the animals everyone discusses, such as big cats, rhinos, and elephants, these small steps seem obsolete in the race to save
biodiversity. Its pertinent to remember that "all forms of life, large and small, help maintain the land, water, and air on which our lives depend."
(Mann) In other words, all actions make a big difference when it comes to saving the ecosystems that support human life.
In terms of those larger species,
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Endangered Species Essay
Risks Affecting EVERYONE
As a species, people tend to put themselves before other species. However, as soon as other species are extinct, the ecosystem as a whole becomes
harmed which alters all human life. Endangered species began to diminish when humans began to interfere with animal life as early as the year 1607
when Jamestown was founded. The human species began to feed and provide society with luxuries at the expense of animals. In order to save
endangered species, society must put in progress petitions, donate funds to organizations, volunteer, and lastly change the way the public lives by
disregarding opulence.
Having endangered species is a misfortune so in order to prevent this, the general public must contribute towards saving endangered species by signing
petitions. A petition is a formal appeal to frame change and is most commonly addressed to a government official or public entity. In this case, the
petition is to end extinction of animals, for example, signing the World's Wildlife's Pledge to end wildlife crime. The WWP is a pledge never to
buy illegal animal products and defend the rights of animals around the world. The WWP stops wildlife trade and captures the criminal networks
that may profit from them. Petitions are worldwide and can be signed by everyone in any place where species become endangered or extinct. For
example, in Kenya there is a petition to stop poaching. Due to the poaching rampage of 2012, we lost as many as 384 elephants and 29 of the
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Endangered Species : The Mongoose Lemur
Nature surrounds us everywhere no matter where we go. It is often taken for granted or not taken as seriously as it should be. Throughout the years
many species have drastically evolved while others have gone completely extinct. Some species have gone extinct due to not being able to survive the
changing environment. A lot of the time species have gone extinct because people do not think about nature as something that they should care about.
Conservation is a big issue that is not always thought about or addressed. In this paper there are several topics that will be discussed such as what
conservation status is and who assigns it to species, what critically endangered means and how the status is determined, and details regarding one
critically endangered species: The Mongoose Lemur.
The conservation status of a species tells us whether the species still exists and how likely the species is to become extinct. Conservation status is
determined based on whether the population has increased or decreased over time, their breeding success rates and threats to the species. The
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) determines the conservation status of a species.
The IUCN Global Species Programme work with the IUCN Species Survival Commission to assess the conservation status of species on a global scale
and have been assessing them for the past 50 years. They promote the conservation of species that are threatened with extinction. The IUCN Red List of
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Poaching of Endangered Species
Poaching of Endangered Species
"The main reason for animals endangered is the uncontrolled human activity." This quote was stated on a website called Animal Port. There are many
reasons why this statement is true, one of them are poaching. Poaching occurs out of greed to make money. Although there are several laws to protect
certain animals, this is a horrible act to any animal. Especially for the animals that are already endangered. Poachers minimizing these animal's
numbers for their own pleasure is not good. People who are against poaching should do what they can to stop this act from escalating, or there will not
be any balance on this world.
Animals are being killed every day from illegal hunting or capturing, that is ... Show more content on ...
Not only people kill animals for money, but for "cures" as well, superstition stuff. People will crush down tiger bones and use it to strengthened
muscles. Another superstition is that they use the tiger's penis to make males manlier.
There are laws to protect these animals and try to stop poaching, some laws are more stricter than others and we should enforce all laws against
poaching to be equal in punishment and protection on every endangered specie. The Endangered Species Act is one of them. The purpose of this act is
to protect and recover imperiled species and the ecosystems upon which they depend. The reason why the act came into place is because certain
animal populations were being lowered every year and the government were concerned that theses animals were becoming extinct, the main reason
is poaching. Once an animal is on the endangered list, they have special protection from the government for them. From the website, Defenders of
Wildlife, they stated this "The Endangered Species Act provides added benefits to people by maintaining healthy natural systems that provide us
with clean air and water, food, medicines and other products that we all need to live healthy lives. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to be
good stewards of the environment and leave behind a legacy of protecting endangered species and the special places they call home." This quote is a
perfect example of how we should
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Should We Save Endangered Species?
Should more be done to protect and preserve endangered animals? The reasons for saving endangered species might seem obvious to many people,
but many question why we should save a species from dying out. Isn 't this part of the process of natural selection? Is there any environmental benefit
to preserving a dying species? For some it 's a question with an obvious answer, for others... it requires some thought. What benefit is there to saving an
endangered species from dying out? This article outlines some of the arguments both for–and against–conservation of endangered species. Before we
begin, a little background. A species is considered endangered if it is at a risk of becoming extinct, which can be due to a number of reasons, from
climate change to human influence to even arguably natural causes. So, whether a species is considered endangered or not is not just looking at the
current number of specimens existing, but also at the overall trend of species growth or decline and the reasons why.
Of course, there are a number of technical criteria relating to the conservation status of the species, from extinct the wild yet living in captivity to one
of absolute least concern. Many of the arguments for–and against–saving endangered species work every bit as well for other species, regardless of
their conservation status.
Without further ado, here 's a rundown:
One of the most frequent arguments put forth for species conservation is to maintain a high biodiversity. That word
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The Human Of Endangered Species
The environment has always been one of the primary sources credited for the existence on Earth. The environment has provided the human race and
Earth with the essentials needed and more for survival. Both living and nonliving things play a role in continuing the constant cycle that keeps
everything maintained and in order. When something as small as a plant or as large as a bear is taken from the cycle of life, there are major effects
that occur and bring negative problems. Humans are most likely the ones to blame for endangering these species. But global warming has helped play a
part in it as well. Even though the answers to solving the problem on saving endangered species are known and well aware of, not enough of the human
has reached ... Show more content on ...
These plants are used for curing and preventing illnesses such as malaria, eczema, maintaining blood sugar levels and many more (Shultz). The medical
plants along with others become endangered species from overharvesting and deforestation (Shultz). Plants are not species that can be perfectly
artificially created. Most plants that provide resources for humans can only be grown through their natural process in their habitat.
Now as for as animals, most can easily relocate when they are forced out of their natural habitat. But relocation does not always bring good results.
Animals need food, fresh water, and a place to raise the young. But well fit homes are becoming scarce. Pollution and human overpopulation is
making it harder for certain animals to find a decent habitat. Hunting and deforestation is making it harder for elephants, tigers, fishes, and many
more to breed at a pace to help save the species. These animals are being placed on the critical endangered species list because of the rapid rate of
extinction. The human race has become so obsessed with tusks, furs, and the value on the market for the animals that they are overlooking the
dangers from their greed. If an animal is considered to have a prize possession it becomes in some cases it becomes a victim to poaching. Poaching is
illegally killing a creature for something that it has. The animal is left die after being degraded. Animals born with valuable features, end up being
endangered from
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The Factors That Play Into Endangered Species
The factors that play into Endangered Species Can you imagine a world without birds chirping in the early morning or the crickets singing in the silent
night or even the plants blooming in the spring? Now, more than ever, a lot of species are being exposed to endangerment. Right about now, scientists
emphasize "forty–one thousand, four hundred and fifteen species are on the IUCN Red list ( The Red list is the world's inventory of the
global status of biological species sixteen thousand, three hundred and six of species are threatened with extinction( A species goes
extinct if it is not able to adapt to changes in its environment, or compete well with other organisms. Over the history of the earth over 99% of all the
species that have ever lived have gone extinct (paleo.gly). There are many factors that are involved in the endangerment and extinction of species. This
includes natural disasters, pollution, overhunting, fur trapping, and many more. One of these factors is part of the natural process, but man made
causes have sped up this process. What is extinction exactly? Extinction is the end of an organism or normally a species. The moment of extinction is
considered to be the death of the last of the species, although the ability to breed may have been lost before this point ( At that point
they are at risk of extinction which is called endangerment. Endangerment species are those considered to be at risk of extinction,
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Endangered Species Act : Is It Endangered?
Autumn Harriger
Professor Hebard
English 180
26 November 2014
Endangered Species Act: Is it Endangered? Could the Endangered Species Act itself become endangered with the current debates? Recently, many
conservation advocates and government officials think so, pointing to the proposed policy change that could make it harder for wildlife to receive
protection under the Act. So, what does the future hold for the Endangered Species Act? With more than 40 years since the passage of the ESA in
1973, politicians and environmentalists alike have analyzed the realities of the Act, creating an interesting current state of debate regarding
conservation. With poor administration and provisions designed to promote good science and good sense flouted, the Act needs to change and
improve to find the best middle available between the suppression of economic activity and the preservation of species within the United States. The
Act now more than ever is in need of political cooperation that can both revive and reform it to best protect against future challenges and obstacles
otherwise the act will eventually be rendered useless due to it ineffectiveness, falsified science, and lack of consistency. In order to examine the
current complications of the Endangered Species Act it is necessary to look at the history and inception of the Act and the debates surrounding this
time period. The Endangered Species Act was signed into law in 1973 by President Richard Nixon. Upon signing the ESA,
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The Pros And Cons Of Endangered Species
Should the Endangered Species Act revised The endangered species act passed in 1973 is the strongest law protecting the biodiversity of the
United States today. For forty years the ESA has helped prevent the extinction of our nation's wildlife treasure ("Endangered Species Act 101"),
however, whether or not all of the environmental conservation victories can be attributed to the act is controversial. Especially when evaluating
cases such as that of the bald eagle and California condor where there is evidence that suggest the recovery of the two species would have come
naturally due to the ban of the pesticide DDT. This ban occurred before the passing of the act as well as the start of recovering for the birds of prey
more the bald eagle in the western part of its range at the time, yet it can be stated that the endangered species act did bring an end to the poaching ...
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However, it is clear that the endangered species act is in need of revision for it does not address federal programs that claim to benefit endangered
species as well as other wildlife but in truth pose the greatest threat to them, it gives private landowners incentives to harm endangered species
instead of to be part of the fight for them, and puts majority of responsibility to the federal government instead of advocating cooperation between
the government and the local sphere. The endangered species act first fault is its failure to cease federal programs that harm both endangered and
non endangered wildlife. Under the endangered species act the US fish and wildlife have ceased its own programs, but is not given any power to
discontinue those of the federal government. These programs can be open and seen or operated away from the public eyes to the point they are
virtually unknown. One such case on the open ended side of the spectrum is the poisoning of prairie dogs in the west
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The Importance Of Endangered Species
Many species are becoming extinct due to environmental issues, pollution, and change in habitats. When an animal becomes extinct, it means the last
of their kind has died many of these beautiful and ravishing animals that reside in the world may never be seen again. The endangered species that are
still living do not have much of a future if something is not done about it. Humans are not the only ones on the planet and as the human population
goes up another species has been wiped out of existence humans can fix what they started. Endangered animals is a topic that is overlooked and needs
to be addressed it needs humans full attention because they are the ones that can truly make a change.
Animals that are endangered will be categorized on a sort of chart to see how much of their species still lives. Endangered animals acquire many levels
of extinction: near threatened, vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, and extinct in the wild ("nat geo"). The requirements for an animal to
be endangered and on the Red List is decided by the Conservation of Nature where a huge portion of its population has been wiped out (Bove). The
list consists of animals like grizzly bears, bald eagles, and gray wolves. The IUCN predicts that body size and geographic range size are important
predictors of extinction risk. The endangered animals on the list still have hope of getting off that list and repopulate their species they just need the
help from humans also.
There are many causes that
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Endangered Species Act Essay
The Endangered Species Act was enacted by Congress in 1973. According to Reference 1, this act requires the federal government to protect
endangered species, threatening species, and their critical habits. Animals are protected from being harmed, sold, or traded and plants are protected if
they are on federal property. The conservation success of this act is very important because it saves wildlife and plants from going extinct. Many
people do not realize that the loss of a species can be disastrous for our ecosystem. Reference 1 lists six success stories of endangered species under the
act. The success stories are of the bald eagle, florida panther, gray wolf, grizzly bear, peregrine falcon, and the red–cockaded woodpecker. The
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In Reference 3, Louisa Wilcox (Natural Resources Defense Council Member) talks about how grateful she is to the Endangered Species Act for
allowing grizzly bears to strive in the Yellowstone National Park. She reported, "After listing, the government cleaned up the massive garbage problems
in Yellowstone Park, which reduced the habituation of bears to human foods–a pattern that often leads to grizzly deaths". As a result, the Yellowstone
grizzly population has more than doubled. In order to measure the success of more species besides the grizzly bear, the Center for Biological
Diversity tested the recovery rate of 110 listed species. The result was a remarkable ninety percent.
I do agree with the evidence that the Endangered Species Act has been a conservation success. There is no denying that this act has helped thousands
of animals and the statistics prove it. A recovery rate of ninety percent not only shows its success, but its potential for future success as well. I accept
the claims made in the articles and there is sufficient valid support to the claims provided by organizations like the National Wildlife Federation,
Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Center for Biological
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The Conservation Status Of Endangered Species
When studying endangered species, scientists do not simply expect at the species that are most probable to become extinct, but also threatened species
that could become threatened in the future as well as critical habitats, which is critical to the survival of both exposed and threatened species in all.
Bocking (2009) mentions that, "regulatory agencies frame their objectives in terms defined by science, with contaminants measured in the parts per
billion, and the status of endangered species evaluated in terms of population and ecosystem ecologies" (p. 64). The Committee on the Status of
Endangered Wildlife in Canada also recognized as the COSEWIC is an autonomous committee of wildlife experts and scientists who assess the
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They also employ a broad range of evidence, but nonetheless, the COSEWIC have to go through the Federal Cabinet for the final decision, where in
many instances, it has recoiled, because of this many species have come a great deal closer to extinction, making it more difficult to preserve them,
such as the Polar bears. Therefore science does have a huge impact on decision making, but in the end they can only display their cases and evidence
and leave it to the Federal Government to decide from there.
The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada has been operating since 1977, however, was legally established by SARA in 2003.
The COSEWIC is made up of a distinct assortment of members who possess considerable knowledge and experience with wildlife and biological
science, including Aboriginal traditional Knowledge (ATK), environmental science, genetics, wildlife and fisheries management, systematics and risk
assessment along with years of domain experience. They include scientists, such as individual specialists, Aboriginal knowledge–holders, government
biologists, museum staff or independent biologists. Since they possess such a powerful and wide range of members involved, it results in better
scientific studies looking at many views and interests making their
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Endangered Species
David Perez
English 3
September 20, 2017
Why should we protect endangered species.? Imagine a world without animals? Would it be a better world or a worst one? Every day as humans
evolve we hurt the planet. Humans have killed over 1000 species according to national geographic. The human race will eventually kill every single
species on earth including themselves if the humans don't change their ways of living by protecting species that are endangered. Endangered species
more important than we think, they have ecological value which is important because if they go extinct then the whole food chain would be a disaster
and would fall. Also protecting endangered species can help with biodiversity which we can benefit from. If endangered species aren't completely
wiped out then we can use them for more medical research.All species have an important role in this world,some can benefit from others even from
the simpletest things. Everyone and everything on this earth live a life for a certain purpose, Don't kill anymore endangered animals and help protect
them because in the end it will all be worth it. There is a game called Jenga and in the game if you get rid of a good piece that holds the tower then
the whole tower falls, this is the same with animals because if removing one animal or plant species from the ecosystem it will affect the life other
organisms that interact with it and then the the chain would change or would crumble down. According to Scientific
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Wolves Are A Protected Species On The Endangered Species...
Slobbery kisses, quirky head tilts, and their constant desire to please, are some of the qualities of one of American's favorite household pets. Dogs are
one of the most owned and loved pets across the United States. Dogs, specifically the Siberian husky, are closely related to wolves. Despite their
similarities, wolves however, have acquired a negative connotation with many individuals causing them to get persecuted. Wolves are a protected
species on the Minnesota endangered species list, however many advocate against the protection they receive. In order to maintain a healthy and safe
population of wolves in Minnesota, wolves must receive more help from conservationists and further protection. Wolves have an extensive history in
North America, which became quite dire when European population began to spread. Before Europeans began to populate the North Americas, wolves
were spread throughout the majority of North America. Along with the slow spread of the human population, came the invasion of the wolves' hunting
grounds with a new type of prey for them, livestock. Livestock began to disappear or were found demolished. Which caused wolf hunting or shooting
to become more prevalent, as a loss of one animal was detrimental to a farmer. In the 1930's the wolf population in western United States was
completely nonexistent. By the 1960's wolves were also almost completely eliminated in Wisconsin and Michigan. Besides Alaska and Canada, "only a
small number of wolves
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The Conservation Of Endangered Species
Ever since the beginning of creation, species of animals have gone extinct. The most notable in history were the dinosaurs and the dodo bird. Now, in
recent years it has been the Bali tiger, West African black rhinoceros, American cheetah and hundreds of others. In the last century, the rate of extinction
has been accelerated to an estimated level that is ten–thousand times greater than natural levels. Currently in the United States at least one third of
native animals are at an increased risk of extinction and over half of those are federally listed as endangered. With the Endangered Species
Perseveration Act of 1966 passed under President Nixon, the government made its first move to offer protection to endangered species. Since then,
every president, including Ronald Regan, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford, have included the protection of endangered animals, as part of their
domestic policy. With the passage of numerous restrictive laws and the spending of billions of dollars, the question has been raised many times
whether the government has a duty to offer protection to endangered species. I say that the government should protect endangered animals. One
objector might say that for the amount of money, energy and time the government has spent to protect endangered species, they have had very little
success. The United States spends an average of $1.7 billion yearly, money that comes mostly from taxpayers, to help run their expensive programs. To
show for it all, only 21
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Animal Safety : Endangered Species
Many species today are at risk of being extinct. This means that others of their kind are decreasing each day until there is no more of their kind left.
For decades we have lost many wonderful animals due to their extinction. These animals are considered to be an endangered species. These animals
are being affected due to their habitat being destroyed and moving them to a new habitat in which they aren't used to. Another main reason is because
of illegal hunting. But today we have many organizations that travel around the world to help these poor species from being extinct and put them in
captivity. But unfortunately, many of these animals don't seem to adapt well in their new habitat while being captive, and some others adapt pretty
well. Therefore, endangered animals should be kept in captivity and others should have the freedom to live freely in their habitat. With many species
now being considered 'endangered species' our society today is putting effort in animal safety. With that they capture the endangered species and put
them in zoos or natural parks in order to help save the last of its kind from extinction. Many zoos are very helpful to many of these animals. Bringing
them in to their zoos in a way can be better than having them out in the wild. With this it protects the species from being extinct. By putting a 1000m
fence around the perimeter for the animal is a good way to ensure the animals safety while being in a zoo. While having the animals there they will
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The Issue Of Endangered Species Essay
The rate of endangered species has increased hundredfold in the last century. The protection they have now is not stopping this crisis. Nature is
beautiful, and that is an aesthetic reason to keep it, just as people preserve artistic masterpieces like the Mona Lisa or Angkor Wat. Even though nature
is beautiful there are still more reasons to protect these animals. People should protect these endangered species for if they go extinct it can affect the
ecosystem, the food chain could become unbalanced, and nature itself could also be affected drastically. Nature is a beautiful thing people love to
observe, but can one really call themselves a nature lover and do nothing to protect its animals? These endangered animals have so much to offer to
society and can help the sick by providing edible plants, and making medication with them. Not all species help society by making medication or
making plants edible. Some species help society in their own way. For example, a Gopher tortoise makes holes that they use only once and leave it
afterwards. Then another animal can use the hole for shelter or as a hiding spot when they are running from predators(If These 8 Species Go
Extinct, Entire Ecosystems Will Disappear n. pg). Another example would be prairie dogs who "aerate and fertilize soil through burrowing, allowing
plant species to grow and thrive"(If These 8 Species Go Extinct, Entire Ecosystems Will Disappear n. pg). People also help nature by conserving water,
use fewer
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The Effects Of Endangered Species
Since the arrival of humans, species of all kinds have gone extinct at exceedingly rapid rates with no consideration of the detrimental effects it can have
on the planet. Animals become extinct for countless reasons such as natural disasters, inability to adapt to different environments, and a loss of habitat.
According to Freedman and Duncan, today, extinction rates have risen to an average of 1,000 to 10,000 times the natural extinction rate (2014).
Extinction is a natural process in life, however, because of human activities, species are dying off much faster than what is normal. If humans choose to
discontinue help that can save endangered species, the effects will determine the fate of planet earth. Efforts to save endangered species have not done
nearly enough. Without some of the most important creatures and plants, humans can lose millions of dollars in economic values, lose ecosystem
services that are vital to the planet, and affect the biodiversity of earth. (Make a divided thesis statement)
Endangered species have become a rising issue within the last century due to the extensive rate of mass extinction of animals and plants. To classify a
species as endangered means it is at risk of becoming extinct. Once a species is extinct, it is vanished forever. There are multiple factors that cause
animals to be endangered such as climate change, invasive species that are introduced to a new habitat often leading to devastating consequences, and
mass hunting and poaching of
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Endangered Species Essay
How would you feel if some of your favorite animals became extinct? Throughout history animals have always struggled to survive. In recent years,
many studies have shown species are becoming extinct for different reasons. Some species endangered status are created by competition with other
species, natural disasters, diseases and even human involvement. These endangered species should be preserved because of the effects it has on other
animals, the significance of each animal on the ecosystem, and because of the role humans take on their endangerment.
Some people might not know what an extinct species is or why it is important that a species disappears. An extinct species is one that has completely
died out; living individuals of this kind no longer exist. By this definition the death of every individual of that species is considered an extinction. This
is a big issue for an entire species to die out and no longer exist on this planet. And this is important because, any endangered species is a threat to the
natural balance of life on Earth. Every single organism in an ecosystem depends on each other to survive. All the plants and animals in the world are
connected to each other in the web of life that holds them together. With these statements people can have a better understanding of this serious
Each species lives in different environments so their endangerment may be cause by different things. One example is that, " Habitat destruction is a
major cause of
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Benefits of Keeping Endangered Species Around
One out of eight birds, one out of four mammals, and one out of three amphibians are currently at risk for extinction (Shah). To prevent these
organisms from going extinct, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was put into place in the United States in 1973. This gave the federal government
the responsibility to protect endangered and threatened species, as well as critical habitat. The goal of the ESA is to get a population healthy so it
can later be delisted. This is done by giving the plants and animals special protections against being killed, harmed, harassed, or captured ("Endangered
Species Act"). There are benefits to preventing extinction. Losing one species can create a domino effect that causes the extinction of others. An
example can be seen when the dodo was hunted to extinction. The calvria tree depended on the dodo to digest its seeds for new trees to grow.
Once the dodos were gone, the trees had no way to reproduce. Only a few very old trees survive today (Primack 35). One of the benefits of keeping
endangered species around is to help the economy. This can be seen in industries such as fishing and agriculture. Food crops depend on pollinators in
order to grow. About $10 billion worth of crops in the U.S. are pollinated by honeybees, which are facing a decline in population (Mazzotti). For bees
and other pollinators to survive, the ecosystem must also have biodiversity in the flowers they pollinate and other organisms they interact with –
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Endangered Species Of Primate
Humans have always been a destructive species. Throughout history, and especially recently, humans have been the cause of many species going
extinct or threatened of extinction. Primates are no exception to the destructive and damaging effects. Humans feel as if they are superior to other
species, even those who are biologically similar to us. Humans feel the need to dominate other species which is one reason primates are being hunted.
Many people who hunt primates claim that they are hunting for bushmeat. This statement is true, but it is not necessary in many areas where there are
many more sources of protein. Some people in certain areas hunt primates for the sport of it, which is extremely devastating to many different species
of primates. There have been some efforts made in order to protect certain species of primates. Another cause for endangered species of primates is
deforestation. Some efforts that have been made are nature sanctuaries and creating laws against hunting. What needs to be done in order to decrease
hunting and deforestation is education of subject to the people of the areas.
One species of primate that is critically endangered due to the effects of humans, is the Hapalemur alaotrensis, or commonly referred to as the Alaotra
Gentle Lemur. This lemur is critically endangered due to severe anthropogenic effects. Their habitats are destroyed by humans through fires and
deforestation. They are then forced into small areas around them where they cannot
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Endangered Species Act Essay
The Endangered Species Act at Twenty–five
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted in 1973 to show that species have "ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and scientific
value". This congressional enactment wanted to protect endangered species from the effects of major economic development which typically put them
to the wayside. However, the good intentions of the ESA were, it caused a plethora of controversy that still makes it a heated topic today. The main
reason of the controversy trickles down from the economic aspects of the act that tend to be overlooked which causes it to be hard to enact in certain
circumstances. To make the ESA more effective for both humans and theendangered species the economic implications of protecting these species
must be addressed. The three major factors that influence this are economic circumstances of an area, scarcity, and incentives. ... Show more content on ...
When a potential endangered species is found in a certain area the commercial interest of landowners must be weighed as well as the consequences of
the species not being protected. There must be a balance between the biological and economical interest to find a cost–effective solution that protects
both the landowner and species. Next, scarcity must be considered as society will have to decide between saving a species and a good or service
they value just as much. Lastly, incentives must be in place to reward landowners for giving up land or else they may not report endangered species
on their property for fear of losing it and thus lose income. All together these economic precedents must be used to better implement the ESA by
weighing how human circumstances effect species risk of extinction, the costs of protection weighed against other societal goals, and by using
incentives to help open up more opportunities with
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Endangered Species Of The Species
Endangered Species
By: Breanna Blansette
Do you know how many endangered species there are in this world today? There are many things that people can do to help save endangered species
from becoming extinct. "Mining companies, oil companies, and large–scale agricultural operations all threaten vulnerable species to a certain degree,
by nature of their extractive activities, and development of previously untouched areas of land."(Whittaker). Many different species are becoming
endangered because of the things that are going on around them, their habitats are being destroyed so they don 't have anywhere to go to be safe
There are many different species of animals that are becoming endangered or extinct, some of which are the Sage Grouse. "At least 200 protests have
been filed against the federal plans to help try and save the endangered species of Sage Grouse, from every direction. The Western Energy Alliance
says oil and gas development is unduly restricted." (Peterson) Some states complain that they people have way too much say in trying to decide what
happens to these birds and others think they don't have a good enough opinion. I think people should be able to state their ideas and thoughts but I
don't think they should be able to decide what gets to happen to that species of animal.
Why are Sage Grouse so important to the world's ecosystem today? "This sensitivity makes greater sage grouse a strong indicator of ecosystem health:
If they 're not thriving across the vast
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The Endangered Species List
Panda is on the endangered species list. It has been categorized in the IUCN list and faces the danger of being extinct. Among the things that make it
endangered is that it is threatened by continued habitat loss. Pandas are also characterized by very low birth rate, which means that their numbers will
continue to decrease with time. It has also become a target for poaching in those areas where they exist (Johnson and Bonnie 67).
There are various benefits that would come along with saving Pandas. Among them is that these species are culturally and economically viable. In
countries like China, they are a national symbol of economic benefits. The economic benefits derived under this respect come as a result of the tourism
aspect associated with the species. Communities tend to gain income through ecotourism. Many people tend to find pandas fascinating in one way or
another. They are cute; there is no question about that. People are obsessed with the black and white fuzzy faces. They can even watch Youtube videos
of them over and over. As a result, they are willing to pay some good amount of money just to view them. Funds derived from this venture can help the
communities in different ways. They can be channeled in various developmental projects that will bring progress to the communities involved (Johnson
and Bonnie 76).
Another reason why it is important to save pandas is that it will also help in saving the unique forests that they live in. Their habitat is being
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The Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Extinction is nothing new to animal and plant species around the earth. Over the course of time on the earth there have been five mass extinctions,
with many predicting that a sixth has already begun due to human fault. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was designed to save both animal and
plant life from these great feat. The ESA has seen only a 2% recovery rate since it enactment (Why is U.S. Recovery Rate (2%) for Endangered Species
So Low?). Many critics and politicians have been calling for a reformation of the act for years. The ESA is in need of a change in the following areas
funding distribution, time it takes to list a species on the endangered species list, and habitats on private land. The conservation of animals has been
going ... Show more content on ...
The recovery rate of those species has been 2% (Why is U.S. Recovery Rate (2%) for Endangered Species So Low?) with 58 species being delisted
(Corn & Alexander, 2014, p.6). Of the 58 species that have been delisted 30 species were delisted due to recovery of the species, 10 species due
extinction, 7 species due to taxonomic revisions, and 11 species due to legislative changes. 41% of the species that have been listed have improved
in some way or form during their listing. (Corn & Alexander, 2014, p.6) Over 950 conservations plan have been made, more than 520 critical habitats
have been selected, and the amount of conservation plans that have been put into effect has gone over 1,138. (Primo, 2014, p.4) As of 2011 the
amount of money being spent on protecting endangered species totaled $1.39 billion. $1.34 billion was spent by the federal government and $57.8
million by states. The species that have the highest expenditures are the Pacific Salmon () at $352.5 million, pallid sturgeon () at $53.8 million, and
bull trout () at $37.7 million. Expenditures include land acquisition, streamside cleanup, and artificial nest creation. (Corn & Alexander, 2014,
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Endangered Species Persuasive Essay
Persuasive Speech
Back in 2014, Corey Knowlton was the target of countless death threats and criticism. The cause for all of it was his accidental purchase of a hunting
permit. He had paid $350,000 at an auction for a hunting trip to Namibia to kill an endangered species which caused a lot of backlash. The endangered
species was the black rhino. Most people seen this as a harmful move for the black rhino species but what most people fail to realize is that it is in
fact an effort to help improve and preserve the conservations of these animals.
The amount of money that is raised for these conservations is extremely large. Over $11 million dollars has been raised to help the Namibian economy
and conservations in Namibia. In addition, the country
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The Endangered Species Act President Nixon
When signing the Endangered Species Act President Nixon said, "Nothing is more priceless and more worthy of preservation than the rich array of
animal life with which our country has been blessed." The Endangered Species Act was enforced in 1973 providing protection for species that are
being threatened in their habitats. Making a point to save endangered animals, not only allows people to see the protected animals living in a free and
serene environment, but it invokes a sense of happiness.
An endangered species is a plant or an animal at risk of becoming extinct. Scientists have estimated that up to one–third of species in the U.S. are at a
high risk of extinction. In addition to donating millions of acres of land, this is essential to the recovery and survival of the endangered; the Act has
shown a ninety percent recovery rate for species in the U.S. The main causes of endangerment include loss of habitat, excessive hunting, and pollution.
Within the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service helps watch over and investigate the health of different species. Then, local
and national scientist collects data to determine if a species gets put on the Endangered Species list. The main factor to determine the endangerment
of a species is if a large percentage of the species' habitat has been destroyed. Next, note if the animal's population has been excessively decreasing,
threatened by disease, or any terrorized by any predators. Also, record any man–made
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Impact Of Endangered Species
This report will be discussing and talking about endangered species and the impacts they have on ecosystems. Endangered species is a species of
animal or plants at risk of extinction because of human activity, changes in climate, ruining of ecosystems, etc. This report will be split into different
sections discussing different examples of endangered species and the impacts that they have on different ecosystems.
Blue whales, weighing in at 200 tonnes are the largest ever known animal to live on the planet. Sadly, after whaling has occurred it has made the
species endangered with only 10000 to 25000 remaining. Blue whales play a significant role in keeping the food chain stable and helping with the
reproduction of other species. In the marine ecosystem whales help control the distribution of food by helping to keep a stable food chain and
ensuring that certain marine species do not overpopulate the ocean, however, Blue whales are being killed and the food distribution in the ocean is
becoming unstable and causing major changes in the food supply of many other marine life A Blue Whale is able to consume as much as 40 million
krill per day, so the impact on the marine ecosystem would be huge because overtime krill will overpopulate which causes problems in maintaining a
food chain because the more krill there is the more food they will eat so because of their new overpopulation it could make other animals become
extinct. If Blue Whales become extinct then marine life will
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The Extinction, Endangerment, And Captivity Of Endangered...
Should we worry about the extinction, endangerment, and captivity of endangered species? That is the pressing question that seems to bug all
environmentalists and scientists are stressing over, how long will it take for all of your animals to die out? And is it something we can stop or at least
contain meanwhile we are trying to find the long–term solution for.
Can we prevent this from happening all together? Or is it far too late to save our species that are dying out? We should worry about theextinction,
endangerment and captivity of endangered species because every animal is vital to their own ecosystems and keeps everything balanced.
Without balance, surely all of the ecosystems will collapse in on itself. What is a species? What exactly is an endangered species? What is an
extinct species? How have these species come to the point of becoming endangered or extinct? What can we do to save the endangered species that
are near extinction? Can we actually do anything to save these species, or is it a lost cause? Why should I care?
Most people do not know the answer to many of those questions. As much attention as this subject gets from environmental groups and agencies, it gets
just as much ignoring by the general public. Many people feel compelled to help or contribute; yet few seldom do carry out their intentions. This is a
very serious subject that needs to receive immediate and full attention from the general public. Only they can truly make a difference. The concept
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Causes Of Animals On Endangered Species
There are many species that are on the verge of extinction. Earth's animals are on the brink of a sixth mass extinction, where massive amounts of
plants and animals die off. The main reason why animals are becoming endangered or are on the verge of endangerment is because of human beings.
Humans are causing the extinctions by deforestation, poaching, and contributing to pollution. Individuals are rapidly cutting down trees from forests to
make more room for making clearings for agriculture, or to build new housing for people. By cutting down areas in the forest, humans are destroying
different species' habitats. When a habitat is destroyed, species can no longer be supported. So in other words, some of the animals within that habitat
will most likely die off. "The bulldozer is not only killing the trees and other plants that it is running over, but it is killing the living area of multiple
species." (–is–habitat–destruction–effects–definition–causes.html ) Indonesia and Malaysia produce more than
85% of the world's palm oil since there is such a high demand for the product but people are destroying animals' habitats in search for sources. In
Indonesia and Malaysia, there are multiple species that are critically endangered. For example, orangutans, Sumatran elephants, Bornean pygmy
elephants, Sumatran elephants, and Sumatran tigers are all considered critically endangered as of recently. Poaching is also one of the
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The Endangered Species Act, Or Esa For Short
The Endangered Species Act, or ESA for short, became a law in 1973 and is enforced by the U.S. to protect species from extinction, mainly due to
development for economic growth.The ESA is one of the most popular and effective environmental laws ever enacted. It is a commitment by
humans to work together to protect and restore those species that are most at risk of extinction. Unfortunately, the natural systems we depend on
are at risk, and plants and animals worldwide are disappearing. In the United States alone hundreds of plant and animal species have become
extinct since the time of the first settlers. There two federal agencies that are in charge of the act are the Fish and Wildlife Service and the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A species is considered for protection under the ESA when a high portion of the species is likely to
become endangered in a foreseeable time. Overall there are about 2,200 species that are listed as endangered or threatened under the ESA and of
these about 600 are foreign found species. The main goal of the ESA is to prevent jeopardized animals and plants from becoming extinct and removing
or decreasing any threat to their survival. It is important to make sure that no species die out so as to not upset the environmental balance. When we
protect all species, we are protecting the entire habitat, therefore, we are maintaining the safety of our own environment as humans. One of the rarest
members of the bear family is
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Georgia Endangered Species
Conservation biologists indicate that as many as half of the Earth's plants and animals may become endangered by the twenty–second century. Georgia
has sixty–two plant and animals protected under the federal Endangered Species Act. Among these sixty–two species are the Coosawattee Crayfish ,
the Altamaha Spinymussel and the West Indian Manatee.These three species are on the verge of becoming extinct because of human interaction with
their natural habitats. The Coosawattee Crayfish (cambarus coosawattae) is one of the many endangered species in georgia. Human influences have
caused a mass reduction in the number of this species left alive today. Thomas p. Simon stte, "North American aquatic biodiversity has been
disproportionately affected ... Show more content on ...
The West Indian manatee or "sea cow" is a manatee, and the largest surviving member of the aquatic mammal order Sirenia. An article published by
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species states, "The number of mature individuals is currently estimated to number less than 10,000 (based on
combined population estimates for the Florida and Antillean subspecies) and is expected to decline at a rate of at least 10% over the course of three
generations (given a generation time of ~20 years) as a result of both habitat loss and anthropogenic factors (1)." By this, the article means that the
population of The West Indian Manatee is far below average. The population is expected to decline by a rate of at least 10% over the next three
generations. This is mainly due to human influence and loss of habitat. The same article goes on to state, "Threats to the Florida manatee encompass
catastrophic natural events and anthropogenic factors (1)." This means that the decrease in population of The West Indian Manatee is partially caused
by disastrous natural occurrences and human factors. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species states, "About half of adult mortality rangewide is
attributable to human–related causes, primarily watercraft collisions (1)." This means that half of the deaths of The West Indian Manatee are caused by
boating accidents. The article goes on to states, "Other
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Endangered Species Essay
Richard Nixon once said, "Nothing is more priceless and worthy of preservation than the rich array of animal life with which our country has been
blessed." The world is full of a wide variety of animal and plants. On the other hand, some of that variety is endangered. The definition of an
endangered species is a species that is at a critical risk of extinction. Not only can different species be endangered, they can also be categorized into
six major categories which are; vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, and extinct in the wild. The IUCN (International Union for
Conservation of Nature) is one of the main resources for the categorization of these species. The Genus name is Macaca silenus and it is a part of the
endangered species category. This lion tailedmacaque is endangered because of deforestation of their habitat. It is estimated that there are less than one
thousand individuals remaining in their habitats in India. During the last few decades there has been a dramatic decrease. This species has declined
due to habitat fragmentation (Singh). This form of deforestation is caused because of the major increase in agriculture in the Indian mountains. While
deforestation is the leading cause in their endangered status, it is not the only reason. Over the years there has been an increase in shelters and safe
zones for this species, but will their population continue to decrease? lion tailed macaque is also called the Wanderoo, which is the common name, is a
primate that spends most of their lifespan in the trees of the Western Ghats mountain range in three southern states in India. Which are, Kerala, Tamil
Nadu and Karnataka. This species can weigh up to twenty–two pounds and can reach the length of twenty–four inches long when in adulthood (IUCN).
They have a dark black slim body with a lighter area with a grey silvery fur that hangs down surrounding the face. They receive the name "the lion
tailed macaque" because of their tail, which is long tuft and slender. The lion tailed macaque is considered the most endangered and smallest group of
the species the macaque monkey. Monkeys of this species type only live in small family groups of three to four which usually are composed of a
female, her
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Endangered Species Of The Species
Endangered Species
More than 10 million species are yet to be discovered in the world, many of which are found in the deepest parts of the ocean, some, too small to see
without a microscope. Some of these species are endangered due to the rate at which their habitats are being destroyed, many of the discovered species
that are not endangered are to be endangered soon due to the previously stated reason. (Endangered Species International) Species in the world are
being endangered in more than one way including: habitat destruction, moving a species into a new habitat, and abusing the use of the species. The
species of the world are a great part of everyday life; they give humans the basic needs to survive and also provide other species with their needs to
survive.("Endangered Species") Species are endangered in many ways and there are many organizations working to make the world safe from extinction
Some people are confused about what an endangered animal is. As said by Environment Advisor, "endangered species are those considered to be at
risk of extinction, meaning that there are so few left of their kind that they could disappear from the planet altogether." ("Endangered Species") There
are many endangered species across the world that need the attention of people that are willing to help them from going extinct. Some people, however,
think that saving the endangered species is a waste of time. These people choose to believe in natural selection. Natural Selection
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Endangered Species Legislation Essay

  • 1. Endangered Species Legislation Essay The latter half of the twentieth century was host to the greatest and most widespread advancements in environmental awareness in human history. It was during this time that people began to consider the effects of their polluting cars and their wasteful habits. People began to realize that something must be done to curb humans' negative impacts on their surroundings and thus the environmental movement was born. One of the most important factors that resulted from this expansion of environmental consciousness occurring over the last several decades has been the protection of endangered species. Much has been done in the legal world to ensure the continued longevity of our planet's diversity, including two major policies: CITES and the ... Show more content on ... CITES monitors, and often restricts international commerce in an effort to protect species impacted by trade. Talks of creating such a convention began in the 60s, when several African countries noticed population declines in species that are commonly killed for their skins; jaguar skins at that time were being imported to the US at rates of up to 13,000 skins per year. 1974 saw the drafting and signing of the actual treaty at a conference in Stockholm, Sweden, and by 1975, the requisite ten countries had ratified it and the treaty went into effect. Being international in scope, this treaty was widely celebrated as a huge advancement in endangered species legislation. To this day, it is still considered one of the most important international endangered species treaties in existence . Also in 1973, Congress passed the Endangered Species Act. It outlined eight primary objectives designed to expand the scope of the Act and establish accountability. Three further amendments were enacted in 1978, 1982, and 1988 . Now that the history of these policies has been established, the functions of the policies themselves can be examined, beginning with CITES. CITES as a treaty aims ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Extinction Of The Endangered Species Act Since earth was created, there has been a natural phenomenon of species across the globe appearing and disappearing. However, in the past century, many species of animals have been disappearing at an alarming rate. Mainly, this rapidly occurring issue is caused by humans. Humans that contribute to the harmful actions that cause side effects such a pollution, deforestation, habitat loss and poaching. The natural rate of extinction pales in comparison to the extinction rate caused by all of these. According to the World Wildlife Fund, the current rate of extinction is 11,000 times greater than the natural extinction rate. Several different efforts have been made in order to stop or slow down the extinction of earth's species. The Endangered Species Act is possibly the most successful example of these efforts. It's main purpose is to get a commitment from the American people that they will work hand in hand to help save species that are at risk of becoming extinct and never returning. This act was put in place in 1973 and since then, no other law about the disappearance of wildlife has been quite as accomplished. Many different species that are protected under this law are either fully recovered or on their way to becoming safer. Laws like these are helping many different creatures left and right, however, at the alarming rate that they are disappearing, something else needs to be done. What people don't seem to realize is that we depend on many of the animals that we are ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Hunting Animals : Hunting Endangered Species Hunting endangered species How many animals will have to go extinct for humans to stop hurting mother nature? Humans have been hunting animals since the beginning of time; hunting animals can go back to about 1.8 billion years ago. Killing big game became the new sport and has been happening for centuries. Many U.S. presidents such as Roosevelt did it. Many wealthy people did it for fun and bringing back the animal or part of the animal was to show how well the hunt went(Carpenter). Hunting animals for sport wasn't a problem until these animals were being poached so much that the death rate overseeds the birth rate of these animals. Trophy hunting is a big problem in our modern day society and if we don't do something to change this we won't be able to share these amazing creatures with our future generations. Nevertheless , People use animal parts for many things such as big cat fur for coats or fashion. They use elephant tusks because it's made from ivory to make jewelry and in some Chinese culture they use it as medicine("Rescuing Africa's Elephants." pg 6). You would think that because they are many acts such as TheEndangered Species Act that people who follow the rules and not hunt these beautiful species, but some people have to do it to feed their families sometimes. Rhino horn was reported to be selling for $65,000 per 2.2 pounds in 2012, making it more expensive by weight than gold, diamonds or cocaine. These goods would help feed families and ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Hawaiian Duck is an Endangered Species The Hawaiian Duck Earth is a very interesting planet. It seems to be filled with never ending discoveries and beautiful settings. With these settings also come with other–worldly animals. One of these said animals is the "anas wyvillina" Hawaiian Duck. This bird resides on the beautiful island of Hawaii. This species seems to have it good, but that statement could not be farther from the truth. As of 2012, the Hawaiian Duck has been considered an endangered species. This species is a dogfight to prevail and live on as a species, but are terribly losing. This bird is interesting because of the habitat and niche it possesses, why it has become endangered, and the conservation efforts. The Hawaiian Duck is blessed with one of the best habitats in the world. It resides in the beautiful islands and the epitome of all beautiful islands known as Hawaii. They are mostly found in lowland wetlands, river valleys, and mountain streams. This works to this bird's advantages. They mostly try to stay away from the more urban parts of Hawaii and stick to their usual wetland setting. However, there not much of these habitats around on the virtually miniature island of Hawaii, which makes this bird's effort of trying to stick around, just that much harder. Its endangerment has a large part to do with the fact that you cannot find all of these elements in many places on the island of Hawaii. The Hawaiian duck's habitat is a huge part of what this bird is and how it functions through its ... Get more on ...
  • 5. What Is An Endangered Species? What is an Endangered Species? An Endangered Species is defined as "a species at risk of extinction because of human activity, changes in climate, and/or changes in predator–prey ratios" ( The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) has the responsibility of keeping the records of all endangered species. In order to be recognized as an endangered species, the following questions must be answered: "Has a large percentage of the species vital habitat been degraded or destroyed? Has the species been over–consumed by commercial, recreational, scientific or educational uses? Is the species threatened by disease or predation? Do current regulations or legislations inadequately protect the species? Are there other manmade factors that threaten the long–term survival of the species?" (Endangered Species Act – National Wildlife Federation). An endangered species list consists of seven levels. These include least concern, near threatened, vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, extinct in the wild, and extinct. Each level has sub classifications as well. Currently, there are over forty thousand reported endangered species worldwide. Five percent of those occupy our oceans ("Threatened and Endangered Species"). However, the numbers are continuously changing. As humans, we look at our oceans as a source of unlimited resources. Unfortunately, that is not the case. On the bright side, even though an organism is on the endangered species list, endless efforts do ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Persuasive Essay On Endangered Species Despite this grim outlook, there are many ways in which species are currently being or can be helped. Because so many areas, nearly 99.4% of (or 2450) counties in the United States alone, house at least one species on the endangered species list, there are a lot of actions that can be taken to help protect and prevent the organisms living even as close as the backyard. (United) Simple action, such as decorating windows, could help to protect bird, who cannot see glass. While a seemingly small step, this would help to protect the 11% percent of known bird species that currently hold a position on the endangered species list. (Pellerin) Another way to help would be shutting the faucet off when you brush your teeth and taking shorter showers. Reducing water usage reduces the need for damming and water diversion for commercial usage, which are responsible for the loss of nearly 40 mussel and snail species. (Campbell) On a small scale, these actions have a great impact on those more local species. On the greater scale, however, and especially in terms of the animals everyone discusses, such as big cats, rhinos, and elephants, these small steps seem obsolete in the race to save biodiversity. Its pertinent to remember that "all forms of life, large and small, help maintain the land, water, and air on which our lives depend." (Mann) In other words, all actions make a big difference when it comes to saving the ecosystems that support human life. In terms of those larger species, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Endangered Species Essay Risks Affecting EVERYONE As a species, people tend to put themselves before other species. However, as soon as other species are extinct, the ecosystem as a whole becomes harmed which alters all human life. Endangered species began to diminish when humans began to interfere with animal life as early as the year 1607 when Jamestown was founded. The human species began to feed and provide society with luxuries at the expense of animals. In order to save endangered species, society must put in progress petitions, donate funds to organizations, volunteer, and lastly change the way the public lives by disregarding opulence. Having endangered species is a misfortune so in order to prevent this, the general public must contribute towards saving endangered species by signing petitions. A petition is a formal appeal to frame change and is most commonly addressed to a government official or public entity. In this case, the petition is to end extinction of animals, for example, signing the World's Wildlife's Pledge to end wildlife crime. The WWP is a pledge never to buy illegal animal products and defend the rights of animals around the world. The WWP stops wildlife trade and captures the criminal networks that may profit from them. Petitions are worldwide and can be signed by everyone in any place where species become endangered or extinct. For example, in Kenya there is a petition to stop poaching. Due to the poaching rampage of 2012, we lost as many as 384 elephants and 29 of the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Endangered Species : The Mongoose Lemur Nature surrounds us everywhere no matter where we go. It is often taken for granted or not taken as seriously as it should be. Throughout the years many species have drastically evolved while others have gone completely extinct. Some species have gone extinct due to not being able to survive the changing environment. A lot of the time species have gone extinct because people do not think about nature as something that they should care about. Conservation is a big issue that is not always thought about or addressed. In this paper there are several topics that will be discussed such as what conservation status is and who assigns it to species, what critically endangered means and how the status is determined, and details regarding one critically endangered species: The Mongoose Lemur. The conservation status of a species tells us whether the species still exists and how likely the species is to become extinct. Conservation status is determined based on whether the population has increased or decreased over time, their breeding success rates and threats to the species. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) determines the conservation status of a species. The IUCN Global Species Programme work with the IUCN Species Survival Commission to assess the conservation status of species on a global scale and have been assessing them for the past 50 years. They promote the conservation of species that are threatened with extinction. The IUCN Red List of Threatened ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Poaching of Endangered Species Poaching of Endangered Species "The main reason for animals endangered is the uncontrolled human activity." This quote was stated on a website called Animal Port. There are many reasons why this statement is true, one of them are poaching. Poaching occurs out of greed to make money. Although there are several laws to protect certain animals, this is a horrible act to any animal. Especially for the animals that are already endangered. Poachers minimizing these animal's numbers for their own pleasure is not good. People who are against poaching should do what they can to stop this act from escalating, or there will not be any balance on this world. Animals are being killed every day from illegal hunting or capturing, that is ... Show more content on ... Not only people kill animals for money, but for "cures" as well, superstition stuff. People will crush down tiger bones and use it to strengthened muscles. Another superstition is that they use the tiger's penis to make males manlier. There are laws to protect these animals and try to stop poaching, some laws are more stricter than others and we should enforce all laws against poaching to be equal in punishment and protection on every endangered specie. The Endangered Species Act is one of them. The purpose of this act is to protect and recover imperiled species and the ecosystems upon which they depend. The reason why the act came into place is because certain animal populations were being lowered every year and the government were concerned that theses animals were becoming extinct, the main reason is poaching. Once an animal is on the endangered list, they have special protection from the government for them. From the website, Defenders of Wildlife, they stated this "The Endangered Species Act provides added benefits to people by maintaining healthy natural systems that provide us with clean air and water, food, medicines and other products that we all need to live healthy lives. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to be good stewards of the environment and leave behind a legacy of protecting endangered species and the special places they call home." This quote is a perfect example of how we should ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Should We Save Endangered Species? Should more be done to protect and preserve endangered animals? The reasons for saving endangered species might seem obvious to many people, but many question why we should save a species from dying out. Isn 't this part of the process of natural selection? Is there any environmental benefit to preserving a dying species? For some it 's a question with an obvious answer, for others... it requires some thought. What benefit is there to saving an endangered species from dying out? This article outlines some of the arguments both for–and against–conservation of endangered species. Before we begin, a little background. A species is considered endangered if it is at a risk of becoming extinct, which can be due to a number of reasons, from climate change to human influence to even arguably natural causes. So, whether a species is considered endangered or not is not just looking at the current number of specimens existing, but also at the overall trend of species growth or decline and the reasons why. Of course, there are a number of technical criteria relating to the conservation status of the species, from extinct the wild yet living in captivity to one of absolute least concern. Many of the arguments for–and against–saving endangered species work every bit as well for other species, regardless of their conservation status. Without further ado, here 's a rundown: One of the most frequent arguments put forth for species conservation is to maintain a high biodiversity. That word ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Human Of Endangered Species The environment has always been one of the primary sources credited for the existence on Earth. The environment has provided the human race and Earth with the essentials needed and more for survival. Both living and nonliving things play a role in continuing the constant cycle that keeps everything maintained and in order. When something as small as a plant or as large as a bear is taken from the cycle of life, there are major effects that occur and bring negative problems. Humans are most likely the ones to blame for endangering these species. But global warming has helped play a part in it as well. Even though the answers to solving the problem on saving endangered species are known and well aware of, not enough of the human has reached ... Show more content on ... These plants are used for curing and preventing illnesses such as malaria, eczema, maintaining blood sugar levels and many more (Shultz). The medical plants along with others become endangered species from overharvesting and deforestation (Shultz). Plants are not species that can be perfectly artificially created. Most plants that provide resources for humans can only be grown through their natural process in their habitat. Now as for as animals, most can easily relocate when they are forced out of their natural habitat. But relocation does not always bring good results. Animals need food, fresh water, and a place to raise the young. But well fit homes are becoming scarce. Pollution and human overpopulation is making it harder for certain animals to find a decent habitat. Hunting and deforestation is making it harder for elephants, tigers, fishes, and many more to breed at a pace to help save the species. These animals are being placed on the critical endangered species list because of the rapid rate of extinction. The human race has become so obsessed with tusks, furs, and the value on the market for the animals that they are overlooking the dangers from their greed. If an animal is considered to have a prize possession it becomes in some cases it becomes a victim to poaching. Poaching is illegally killing a creature for something that it has. The animal is left die after being degraded. Animals born with valuable features, end up being endangered from ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Factors That Play Into Endangered Species The factors that play into Endangered Species Can you imagine a world without birds chirping in the early morning or the crickets singing in the silent night or even the plants blooming in the spring? Now, more than ever, a lot of species are being exposed to endangerment. Right about now, scientists emphasize "forty–one thousand, four hundred and fifteen species are on the IUCN Red list ( The Red list is the world's inventory of the global status of biological species sixteen thousand, three hundred and six of species are threatened with extinction( A species goes extinct if it is not able to adapt to changes in its environment, or compete well with other organisms. Over the history of the earth over 99% of all the species that have ever lived have gone extinct (paleo.gly). There are many factors that are involved in the endangerment and extinction of species. This includes natural disasters, pollution, overhunting, fur trapping, and many more. One of these factors is part of the natural process, but man made causes have sped up this process. What is extinction exactly? Extinction is the end of an organism or normally a species. The moment of extinction is considered to be the death of the last of the species, although the ability to breed may have been lost before this point ( At that point they are at risk of extinction which is called endangerment. Endangerment species are those considered to be at risk of extinction, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Endangered Species Act : Is It Endangered? Autumn Harriger Professor Hebard English 180 26 November 2014 Endangered Species Act: Is it Endangered? Could the Endangered Species Act itself become endangered with the current debates? Recently, many conservation advocates and government officials think so, pointing to the proposed policy change that could make it harder for wildlife to receive protection under the Act. So, what does the future hold for the Endangered Species Act? With more than 40 years since the passage of the ESA in 1973, politicians and environmentalists alike have analyzed the realities of the Act, creating an interesting current state of debate regarding conservation. With poor administration and provisions designed to promote good science and good sense flouted, the Act needs to change and improve to find the best middle available between the suppression of economic activity and the preservation of species within the United States. The Act now more than ever is in need of political cooperation that can both revive and reform it to best protect against future challenges and obstacles otherwise the act will eventually be rendered useless due to it ineffectiveness, falsified science, and lack of consistency. In order to examine the current complications of the Endangered Species Act it is necessary to look at the history and inception of the Act and the debates surrounding this time period. The Endangered Species Act was signed into law in 1973 by President Richard Nixon. Upon signing the ESA, ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Pros And Cons Of Endangered Species Should the Endangered Species Act revised The endangered species act passed in 1973 is the strongest law protecting the biodiversity of the United States today. For forty years the ESA has helped prevent the extinction of our nation's wildlife treasure ("Endangered Species Act 101"), however, whether or not all of the environmental conservation victories can be attributed to the act is controversial. Especially when evaluating cases such as that of the bald eagle and California condor where there is evidence that suggest the recovery of the two species would have come naturally due to the ban of the pesticide DDT. This ban occurred before the passing of the act as well as the start of recovering for the birds of prey more the bald eagle in the western part of its range at the time, yet it can be stated that the endangered species act did bring an end to the poaching ... Show more content on ... However, it is clear that the endangered species act is in need of revision for it does not address federal programs that claim to benefit endangered species as well as other wildlife but in truth pose the greatest threat to them, it gives private landowners incentives to harm endangered species instead of to be part of the fight for them, and puts majority of responsibility to the federal government instead of advocating cooperation between the government and the local sphere. The endangered species act first fault is its failure to cease federal programs that harm both endangered and non endangered wildlife. Under the endangered species act the US fish and wildlife have ceased its own programs, but is not given any power to discontinue those of the federal government. These programs can be open and seen or operated away from the public eyes to the point they are virtually unknown. One such case on the open ended side of the spectrum is the poisoning of prairie dogs in the west ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Importance Of Endangered Species Many species are becoming extinct due to environmental issues, pollution, and change in habitats. When an animal becomes extinct, it means the last of their kind has died many of these beautiful and ravishing animals that reside in the world may never be seen again. The endangered species that are still living do not have much of a future if something is not done about it. Humans are not the only ones on the planet and as the human population goes up another species has been wiped out of existence humans can fix what they started. Endangered animals is a topic that is overlooked and needs to be addressed it needs humans full attention because they are the ones that can truly make a change. Animals that are endangered will be categorized on a sort of chart to see how much of their species still lives. Endangered animals acquire many levels of extinction: near threatened, vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, and extinct in the wild ("nat geo"). The requirements for an animal to be endangered and on the Red List is decided by the Conservation of Nature where a huge portion of its population has been wiped out (Bove). The list consists of animals like grizzly bears, bald eagles, and gray wolves. The IUCN predicts that body size and geographic range size are important predictors of extinction risk. The endangered animals on the list still have hope of getting off that list and repopulate their species they just need the help from humans also. There are many causes that ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Endangered Species Act Essay The Endangered Species Act was enacted by Congress in 1973. According to Reference 1, this act requires the federal government to protect endangered species, threatening species, and their critical habits. Animals are protected from being harmed, sold, or traded and plants are protected if they are on federal property. The conservation success of this act is very important because it saves wildlife and plants from going extinct. Many people do not realize that the loss of a species can be disastrous for our ecosystem. Reference 1 lists six success stories of endangered species under the act. The success stories are of the bald eagle, florida panther, gray wolf, grizzly bear, peregrine falcon, and the red–cockaded woodpecker. The Endangered ... Show more content on ... In Reference 3, Louisa Wilcox (Natural Resources Defense Council Member) talks about how grateful she is to the Endangered Species Act for allowing grizzly bears to strive in the Yellowstone National Park. She reported, "After listing, the government cleaned up the massive garbage problems in Yellowstone Park, which reduced the habituation of bears to human foods–a pattern that often leads to grizzly deaths". As a result, the Yellowstone grizzly population has more than doubled. In order to measure the success of more species besides the grizzly bear, the Center for Biological Diversity tested the recovery rate of 110 listed species. The result was a remarkable ninety percent. I do agree with the evidence that the Endangered Species Act has been a conservation success. There is no denying that this act has helped thousands of animals and the statistics prove it. A recovery rate of ninety percent not only shows its success, but its potential for future success as well. I accept the claims made in the articles and there is sufficient valid support to the claims provided by organizations like the National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Center for Biological ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Conservation Status Of Endangered Species When studying endangered species, scientists do not simply expect at the species that are most probable to become extinct, but also threatened species that could become threatened in the future as well as critical habitats, which is critical to the survival of both exposed and threatened species in all. Bocking (2009) mentions that, "regulatory agencies frame their objectives in terms defined by science, with contaminants measured in the parts per billion, and the status of endangered species evaluated in terms of population and ecosystem ecologies" (p. 64). The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada also recognized as the COSEWIC is an autonomous committee of wildlife experts and scientists who assess the preservation ... Show more content on ... They also employ a broad range of evidence, but nonetheless, the COSEWIC have to go through the Federal Cabinet for the final decision, where in many instances, it has recoiled, because of this many species have come a great deal closer to extinction, making it more difficult to preserve them, such as the Polar bears. Therefore science does have a huge impact on decision making, but in the end they can only display their cases and evidence and leave it to the Federal Government to decide from there. The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada has been operating since 1977, however, was legally established by SARA in 2003. The COSEWIC is made up of a distinct assortment of members who possess considerable knowledge and experience with wildlife and biological science, including Aboriginal traditional Knowledge (ATK), environmental science, genetics, wildlife and fisheries management, systematics and risk assessment along with years of domain experience. They include scientists, such as individual specialists, Aboriginal knowledge–holders, government biologists, museum staff or independent biologists. Since they possess such a powerful and wide range of members involved, it results in better scientific studies looking at many views and interests making their ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Endangered Species David Perez Mrs.Ashley English 3 September 20, 2017 Why should we protect endangered species.? Imagine a world without animals? Would it be a better world or a worst one? Every day as humans evolve we hurt the planet. Humans have killed over 1000 species according to national geographic. The human race will eventually kill every single species on earth including themselves if the humans don't change their ways of living by protecting species that are endangered. Endangered species more important than we think, they have ecological value which is important because if they go extinct then the whole food chain would be a disaster and would fall. Also protecting endangered species can help with biodiversity which we can benefit from. If endangered species aren't completely wiped out then we can use them for more medical research.All species have an important role in this world,some can benefit from others even from the simpletest things. Everyone and everything on this earth live a life for a certain purpose, Don't kill anymore endangered animals and help protect them because in the end it will all be worth it. There is a game called Jenga and in the game if you get rid of a good piece that holds the tower then the whole tower falls, this is the same with animals because if removing one animal or plant species from the ecosystem it will affect the life other organisms that interact with it and then the the chain would change or would crumble down. According to Scientific ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Wolves Are A Protected Species On The Endangered Species... Slobbery kisses, quirky head tilts, and their constant desire to please, are some of the qualities of one of American's favorite household pets. Dogs are one of the most owned and loved pets across the United States. Dogs, specifically the Siberian husky, are closely related to wolves. Despite their similarities, wolves however, have acquired a negative connotation with many individuals causing them to get persecuted. Wolves are a protected species on the Minnesota endangered species list, however many advocate against the protection they receive. In order to maintain a healthy and safe population of wolves in Minnesota, wolves must receive more help from conservationists and further protection. Wolves have an extensive history in North America, which became quite dire when European population began to spread. Before Europeans began to populate the North Americas, wolves were spread throughout the majority of North America. Along with the slow spread of the human population, came the invasion of the wolves' hunting grounds with a new type of prey for them, livestock. Livestock began to disappear or were found demolished. Which caused wolf hunting or shooting to become more prevalent, as a loss of one animal was detrimental to a farmer. In the 1930's the wolf population in western United States was completely nonexistent. By the 1960's wolves were also almost completely eliminated in Wisconsin and Michigan. Besides Alaska and Canada, "only a small number of wolves ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Conservation Of Endangered Species Ever since the beginning of creation, species of animals have gone extinct. The most notable in history were the dinosaurs and the dodo bird. Now, in recent years it has been the Bali tiger, West African black rhinoceros, American cheetah and hundreds of others. In the last century, the rate of extinction has been accelerated to an estimated level that is ten–thousand times greater than natural levels. Currently in the United States at least one third of native animals are at an increased risk of extinction and over half of those are federally listed as endangered. With the Endangered Species Perseveration Act of 1966 passed under President Nixon, the government made its first move to offer protection to endangered species. Since then, every president, including Ronald Regan, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford, have included the protection of endangered animals, as part of their domestic policy. With the passage of numerous restrictive laws and the spending of billions of dollars, the question has been raised many times whether the government has a duty to offer protection to endangered species. I say that the government should protect endangered animals. One objector might say that for the amount of money, energy and time the government has spent to protect endangered species, they have had very little success. The United States spends an average of $1.7 billion yearly, money that comes mostly from taxpayers, to help run their expensive programs. To show for it all, only 21 ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Animal Safety : Endangered Species Many species today are at risk of being extinct. This means that others of their kind are decreasing each day until there is no more of their kind left. For decades we have lost many wonderful animals due to their extinction. These animals are considered to be an endangered species. These animals are being affected due to their habitat being destroyed and moving them to a new habitat in which they aren't used to. Another main reason is because of illegal hunting. But today we have many organizations that travel around the world to help these poor species from being extinct and put them in captivity. But unfortunately, many of these animals don't seem to adapt well in their new habitat while being captive, and some others adapt pretty well. Therefore, endangered animals should be kept in captivity and others should have the freedom to live freely in their habitat. With many species now being considered 'endangered species' our society today is putting effort in animal safety. With that they capture the endangered species and put them in zoos or natural parks in order to help save the last of its kind from extinction. Many zoos are very helpful to many of these animals. Bringing them in to their zoos in a way can be better than having them out in the wild. With this it protects the species from being extinct. By putting a 1000m fence around the perimeter for the animal is a good way to ensure the animals safety while being in a zoo. While having the animals there they will ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Issue Of Endangered Species Essay The rate of endangered species has increased hundredfold in the last century. The protection they have now is not stopping this crisis. Nature is beautiful, and that is an aesthetic reason to keep it, just as people preserve artistic masterpieces like the Mona Lisa or Angkor Wat. Even though nature is beautiful there are still more reasons to protect these animals. People should protect these endangered species for if they go extinct it can affect the ecosystem, the food chain could become unbalanced, and nature itself could also be affected drastically. Nature is a beautiful thing people love to observe, but can one really call themselves a nature lover and do nothing to protect its animals? These endangered animals have so much to offer to society and can help the sick by providing edible plants, and making medication with them. Not all species help society by making medication or making plants edible. Some species help society in their own way. For example, a Gopher tortoise makes holes that they use only once and leave it afterwards. Then another animal can use the hole for shelter or as a hiding spot when they are running from predators(If These 8 Species Go Extinct, Entire Ecosystems Will Disappear n. pg). Another example would be prairie dogs who "aerate and fertilize soil through burrowing, allowing plant species to grow and thrive"(If These 8 Species Go Extinct, Entire Ecosystems Will Disappear n. pg). People also help nature by conserving water, use fewer ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Effects Of Endangered Species Since the arrival of humans, species of all kinds have gone extinct at exceedingly rapid rates with no consideration of the detrimental effects it can have on the planet. Animals become extinct for countless reasons such as natural disasters, inability to adapt to different environments, and a loss of habitat. According to Freedman and Duncan, today, extinction rates have risen to an average of 1,000 to 10,000 times the natural extinction rate (2014). Extinction is a natural process in life, however, because of human activities, species are dying off much faster than what is normal. If humans choose to discontinue help that can save endangered species, the effects will determine the fate of planet earth. Efforts to save endangered species have not done nearly enough. Without some of the most important creatures and plants, humans can lose millions of dollars in economic values, lose ecosystem services that are vital to the planet, and affect the biodiversity of earth. (Make a divided thesis statement) Endangered species have become a rising issue within the last century due to the extensive rate of mass extinction of animals and plants. To classify a species as endangered means it is at risk of becoming extinct. Once a species is extinct, it is vanished forever. There are multiple factors that cause animals to be endangered such as climate change, invasive species that are introduced to a new habitat often leading to devastating consequences, and mass hunting and poaching of ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Endangered Species Essay How would you feel if some of your favorite animals became extinct? Throughout history animals have always struggled to survive. In recent years, many studies have shown species are becoming extinct for different reasons. Some species endangered status are created by competition with other species, natural disasters, diseases and even human involvement. These endangered species should be preserved because of the effects it has on other animals, the significance of each animal on the ecosystem, and because of the role humans take on their endangerment. Some people might not know what an extinct species is or why it is important that a species disappears. An extinct species is one that has completely died out; living individuals of this kind no longer exist. By this definition the death of every individual of that species is considered an extinction. This is a big issue for an entire species to die out and no longer exist on this planet. And this is important because, any endangered species is a threat to the natural balance of life on Earth. Every single organism in an ecosystem depends on each other to survive. All the plants and animals in the world are connected to each other in the web of life that holds them together. With these statements people can have a better understanding of this serious situation. Each species lives in different environments so their endangerment may be cause by different things. One example is that, " Habitat destruction is a major cause of ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Benefits of Keeping Endangered Species Around One out of eight birds, one out of four mammals, and one out of three amphibians are currently at risk for extinction (Shah). To prevent these organisms from going extinct, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was put into place in the United States in 1973. This gave the federal government the responsibility to protect endangered and threatened species, as well as critical habitat. The goal of the ESA is to get a population healthy so it can later be delisted. This is done by giving the plants and animals special protections against being killed, harmed, harassed, or captured ("Endangered Species Act"). There are benefits to preventing extinction. Losing one species can create a domino effect that causes the extinction of others. An example can be seen when the dodo was hunted to extinction. The calvria tree depended on the dodo to digest its seeds for new trees to grow. Once the dodos were gone, the trees had no way to reproduce. Only a few very old trees survive today (Primack 35). One of the benefits of keeping endangered species around is to help the economy. This can be seen in industries such as fishing and agriculture. Food crops depend on pollinators in order to grow. About $10 billion worth of crops in the U.S. are pollinated by honeybees, which are facing a decline in population (Mazzotti). For bees and other pollinators to survive, the ecosystem must also have biodiversity in the flowers they pollinate and other organisms they interact with – ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Endangered Species Of Primate Humans have always been a destructive species. Throughout history, and especially recently, humans have been the cause of many species going extinct or threatened of extinction. Primates are no exception to the destructive and damaging effects. Humans feel as if they are superior to other species, even those who are biologically similar to us. Humans feel the need to dominate other species which is one reason primates are being hunted. Many people who hunt primates claim that they are hunting for bushmeat. This statement is true, but it is not necessary in many areas where there are many more sources of protein. Some people in certain areas hunt primates for the sport of it, which is extremely devastating to many different species of primates. There have been some efforts made in order to protect certain species of primates. Another cause for endangered species of primates is deforestation. Some efforts that have been made are nature sanctuaries and creating laws against hunting. What needs to be done in order to decrease hunting and deforestation is education of subject to the people of the areas. One species of primate that is critically endangered due to the effects of humans, is the Hapalemur alaotrensis, or commonly referred to as the Alaotra Gentle Lemur. This lemur is critically endangered due to severe anthropogenic effects. Their habitats are destroyed by humans through fires and deforestation. They are then forced into small areas around them where they cannot ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Endangered Species Act Essay The Endangered Species Act at Twenty–five The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted in 1973 to show that species have "ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and scientific value". This congressional enactment wanted to protect endangered species from the effects of major economic development which typically put them to the wayside. However, the good intentions of the ESA were, it caused a plethora of controversy that still makes it a heated topic today. The main reason of the controversy trickles down from the economic aspects of the act that tend to be overlooked which causes it to be hard to enact in certain circumstances. To make the ESA more effective for both humans and theendangered species the economic implications of protecting these species must be addressed. The three major factors that influence this are economic circumstances of an area, scarcity, and incentives. ... Show more content on ... When a potential endangered species is found in a certain area the commercial interest of landowners must be weighed as well as the consequences of the species not being protected. There must be a balance between the biological and economical interest to find a cost–effective solution that protects both the landowner and species. Next, scarcity must be considered as society will have to decide between saving a species and a good or service they value just as much. Lastly, incentives must be in place to reward landowners for giving up land or else they may not report endangered species on their property for fear of losing it and thus lose income. All together these economic precedents must be used to better implement the ESA by weighing how human circumstances effect species risk of extinction, the costs of protection weighed against other societal goals, and by using incentives to help open up more opportunities with ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Endangered Species Of The Species Endangered Species By: Breanna Blansette Do you know how many endangered species there are in this world today? There are many things that people can do to help save endangered species from becoming extinct. "Mining companies, oil companies, and large–scale agricultural operations all threaten vulnerable species to a certain degree, by nature of their extractive activities, and development of previously untouched areas of land."(Whittaker). Many different species are becoming endangered because of the things that are going on around them, their habitats are being destroyed so they don 't have anywhere to go to be safe There are many different species of animals that are becoming endangered or extinct, some of which are the Sage Grouse. "At least 200 protests have been filed against the federal plans to help try and save the endangered species of Sage Grouse, from every direction. The Western Energy Alliance says oil and gas development is unduly restricted." (Peterson) Some states complain that they people have way too much say in trying to decide what happens to these birds and others think they don't have a good enough opinion. I think people should be able to state their ideas and thoughts but I don't think they should be able to decide what gets to happen to that species of animal. Why are Sage Grouse so important to the world's ecosystem today? "This sensitivity makes greater sage grouse a strong indicator of ecosystem health: If they 're not thriving across the vast ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Endangered Species List Panda is on the endangered species list. It has been categorized in the IUCN list and faces the danger of being extinct. Among the things that make it endangered is that it is threatened by continued habitat loss. Pandas are also characterized by very low birth rate, which means that their numbers will continue to decrease with time. It has also become a target for poaching in those areas where they exist (Johnson and Bonnie 67). There are various benefits that would come along with saving Pandas. Among them is that these species are culturally and economically viable. In countries like China, they are a national symbol of economic benefits. The economic benefits derived under this respect come as a result of the tourism aspect associated with the species. Communities tend to gain income through ecotourism. Many people tend to find pandas fascinating in one way or another. They are cute; there is no question about that. People are obsessed with the black and white fuzzy faces. They can even watch Youtube videos of them over and over. As a result, they are willing to pay some good amount of money just to view them. Funds derived from this venture can help the communities in different ways. They can be channeled in various developmental projects that will bring progress to the communities involved (Johnson and Bonnie 76). Another reason why it is important to save pandas is that it will also help in saving the unique forests that they live in. Their habitat is being ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) Extinction is nothing new to animal and plant species around the earth. Over the course of time on the earth there have been five mass extinctions, with many predicting that a sixth has already begun due to human fault. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was designed to save both animal and plant life from these great feat. The ESA has seen only a 2% recovery rate since it enactment (Why is U.S. Recovery Rate (2%) for Endangered Species So Low?). Many critics and politicians have been calling for a reformation of the act for years. The ESA is in need of a change in the following areas funding distribution, time it takes to list a species on the endangered species list, and habitats on private land. The conservation of animals has been going ... Show more content on ... The recovery rate of those species has been 2% (Why is U.S. Recovery Rate (2%) for Endangered Species So Low?) with 58 species being delisted (Corn & Alexander, 2014, p.6). Of the 58 species that have been delisted 30 species were delisted due to recovery of the species, 10 species due extinction, 7 species due to taxonomic revisions, and 11 species due to legislative changes. 41% of the species that have been listed have improved in some way or form during their listing. (Corn & Alexander, 2014, p.6) Over 950 conservations plan have been made, more than 520 critical habitats have been selected, and the amount of conservation plans that have been put into effect has gone over 1,138. (Primo, 2014, p.4) As of 2011 the amount of money being spent on protecting endangered species totaled $1.39 billion. $1.34 billion was spent by the federal government and $57.8 million by states. The species that have the highest expenditures are the Pacific Salmon () at $352.5 million, pallid sturgeon () at $53.8 million, and bull trout () at $37.7 million. Expenditures include land acquisition, streamside cleanup, and artificial nest creation. (Corn & Alexander, 2014, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Endangered Species Persuasive Essay Persuasive Speech Back in 2014, Corey Knowlton was the target of countless death threats and criticism. The cause for all of it was his accidental purchase of a hunting permit. He had paid $350,000 at an auction for a hunting trip to Namibia to kill an endangered species which caused a lot of backlash. The endangered species was the black rhino. Most people seen this as a harmful move for the black rhino species but what most people fail to realize is that it is in fact an effort to help improve and preserve the conservations of these animals. The amount of money that is raised for these conservations is extremely large. Over $11 million dollars has been raised to help the Namibian economy and conservations in Namibia. In addition, the country ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Endangered Species Act President Nixon When signing the Endangered Species Act President Nixon said, "Nothing is more priceless and more worthy of preservation than the rich array of animal life with which our country has been blessed." The Endangered Species Act was enforced in 1973 providing protection for species that are being threatened in their habitats. Making a point to save endangered animals, not only allows people to see the protected animals living in a free and serene environment, but it invokes a sense of happiness. An endangered species is a plant or an animal at risk of becoming extinct. Scientists have estimated that up to one–third of species in the U.S. are at a high risk of extinction. In addition to donating millions of acres of land, this is essential to the recovery and survival of the endangered; the Act has shown a ninety percent recovery rate for species in the U.S. The main causes of endangerment include loss of habitat, excessive hunting, and pollution. Within the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service helps watch over and investigate the health of different species. Then, local and national scientist collects data to determine if a species gets put on the Endangered Species list. The main factor to determine the endangerment of a species is if a large percentage of the species' habitat has been destroyed. Next, note if the animal's population has been excessively decreasing, threatened by disease, or any terrorized by any predators. Also, record any man–made ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Impact Of Endangered Species This report will be discussing and talking about endangered species and the impacts they have on ecosystems. Endangered species is a species of animal or plants at risk of extinction because of human activity, changes in climate, ruining of ecosystems, etc. This report will be split into different sections discussing different examples of endangered species and the impacts that they have on different ecosystems. Blue whales, weighing in at 200 tonnes are the largest ever known animal to live on the planet. Sadly, after whaling has occurred it has made the species endangered with only 10000 to 25000 remaining. Blue whales play a significant role in keeping the food chain stable and helping with the reproduction of other species. In the marine ecosystem whales help control the distribution of food by helping to keep a stable food chain and ensuring that certain marine species do not overpopulate the ocean, however, Blue whales are being killed and the food distribution in the ocean is becoming unstable and causing major changes in the food supply of many other marine life A Blue Whale is able to consume as much as 40 million krill per day, so the impact on the marine ecosystem would be huge because overtime krill will overpopulate which causes problems in maintaining a food chain because the more krill there is the more food they will eat so because of their new overpopulation it could make other animals become extinct. If Blue Whales become extinct then marine life will ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Extinction, Endangerment, And Captivity Of Endangered... Should we worry about the extinction, endangerment, and captivity of endangered species? That is the pressing question that seems to bug all environmentalists and scientists are stressing over, how long will it take for all of your animals to die out? And is it something we can stop or at least contain meanwhile we are trying to find the long–term solution for. Can we prevent this from happening all together? Or is it far too late to save our species that are dying out? We should worry about theextinction, endangerment and captivity of endangered species because every animal is vital to their own ecosystems and keeps everything balanced. Without balance, surely all of the ecosystems will collapse in on itself. What is a species? What exactly is an endangered species? What is an extinct species? How have these species come to the point of becoming endangered or extinct? What can we do to save the endangered species that are near extinction? Can we actually do anything to save these species, or is it a lost cause? Why should I care? Most people do not know the answer to many of those questions. As much attention as this subject gets from environmental groups and agencies, it gets just as much ignoring by the general public. Many people feel compelled to help or contribute; yet few seldom do carry out their intentions. This is a very serious subject that needs to receive immediate and full attention from the general public. Only they can truly make a difference. The concept ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Causes Of Animals On Endangered Species There are many species that are on the verge of extinction. Earth's animals are on the brink of a sixth mass extinction, where massive amounts of plants and animals die off. The main reason why animals are becoming endangered or are on the verge of endangerment is because of human beings. Humans are causing the extinctions by deforestation, poaching, and contributing to pollution. Individuals are rapidly cutting down trees from forests to make more room for making clearings for agriculture, or to build new housing for people. By cutting down areas in the forest, humans are destroying different species' habitats. When a habitat is destroyed, species can no longer be supported. So in other words, some of the animals within that habitat will most likely die off. "The bulldozer is not only killing the trees and other plants that it is running over, but it is killing the living area of multiple species." (–is–habitat–destruction–effects–definition–causes.html ) Indonesia and Malaysia produce more than 85% of the world's palm oil since there is such a high demand for the product but people are destroying animals' habitats in search for sources. In Indonesia and Malaysia, there are multiple species that are critically endangered. For example, orangutans, Sumatran elephants, Bornean pygmy elephants, Sumatran elephants, and Sumatran tigers are all considered critically endangered as of recently. Poaching is also one of the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Endangered Species Act, Or Esa For Short The Endangered Species Act, or ESA for short, became a law in 1973 and is enforced by the U.S. to protect species from extinction, mainly due to development for economic growth.The ESA is one of the most popular and effective environmental laws ever enacted. It is a commitment by humans to work together to protect and restore those species that are most at risk of extinction. Unfortunately, the natural systems we depend on are at risk, and plants and animals worldwide are disappearing. In the United States alone hundreds of plant and animal species have become extinct since the time of the first settlers. There two federal agencies that are in charge of the act are the Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A species is considered for protection under the ESA when a high portion of the species is likely to become endangered in a foreseeable time. Overall there are about 2,200 species that are listed as endangered or threatened under the ESA and of these about 600 are foreign found species. The main goal of the ESA is to prevent jeopardized animals and plants from becoming extinct and removing or decreasing any threat to their survival. It is important to make sure that no species die out so as to not upset the environmental balance. When we protect all species, we are protecting the entire habitat, therefore, we are maintaining the safety of our own environment as humans. One of the rarest members of the bear family is ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Georgia Endangered Species Conservation biologists indicate that as many as half of the Earth's plants and animals may become endangered by the twenty–second century. Georgia has sixty–two plant and animals protected under the federal Endangered Species Act. Among these sixty–two species are the Coosawattee Crayfish , the Altamaha Spinymussel and the West Indian Manatee.These three species are on the verge of becoming extinct because of human interaction with their natural habitats. The Coosawattee Crayfish (cambarus coosawattae) is one of the many endangered species in georgia. Human influences have caused a mass reduction in the number of this species left alive today. Thomas p. Simon stte, "North American aquatic biodiversity has been disproportionately affected ... Show more content on ... The West Indian manatee or "sea cow" is a manatee, and the largest surviving member of the aquatic mammal order Sirenia. An article published by The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species states, "The number of mature individuals is currently estimated to number less than 10,000 (based on combined population estimates for the Florida and Antillean subspecies) and is expected to decline at a rate of at least 10% over the course of three generations (given a generation time of ~20 years) as a result of both habitat loss and anthropogenic factors (1)." By this, the article means that the population of The West Indian Manatee is far below average. The population is expected to decline by a rate of at least 10% over the next three generations. This is mainly due to human influence and loss of habitat. The same article goes on to state, "Threats to the Florida manatee encompass catastrophic natural events and anthropogenic factors (1)." This means that the decrease in population of The West Indian Manatee is partially caused by disastrous natural occurrences and human factors. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species states, "About half of adult mortality rangewide is attributable to human–related causes, primarily watercraft collisions (1)." This means that half of the deaths of The West Indian Manatee are caused by boating accidents. The article goes on to states, "Other ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Endangered Species Essay Richard Nixon once said, "Nothing is more priceless and worthy of preservation than the rich array of animal life with which our country has been blessed." The world is full of a wide variety of animal and plants. On the other hand, some of that variety is endangered. The definition of an endangered species is a species that is at a critical risk of extinction. Not only can different species be endangered, they can also be categorized into six major categories which are; vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, and extinct in the wild. The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) is one of the main resources for the categorization of these species. The Genus name is Macaca silenus and it is a part of the endangered species category. This lion tailedmacaque is endangered because of deforestation of their habitat. It is estimated that there are less than one thousand individuals remaining in their habitats in India. During the last few decades there has been a dramatic decrease. This species has declined due to habitat fragmentation (Singh). This form of deforestation is caused because of the major increase in agriculture in the Indian mountains. While deforestation is the leading cause in their endangered status, it is not the only reason. Over the years there has been an increase in shelters and safe zones for this species, but will their population continue to decrease? lion tailed macaque is also called the Wanderoo, which is the common name, is a primate that spends most of their lifespan in the trees of the Western Ghats mountain range in three southern states in India. Which are, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. This species can weigh up to twenty–two pounds and can reach the length of twenty–four inches long when in adulthood (IUCN). They have a dark black slim body with a lighter area with a grey silvery fur that hangs down surrounding the face. They receive the name "the lion tailed macaque" because of their tail, which is long tuft and slender. The lion tailed macaque is considered the most endangered and smallest group of the species the macaque monkey. Monkeys of this species type only live in small family groups of three to four which usually are composed of a female, her ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Endangered Species Of The Species Endangered Species More than 10 million species are yet to be discovered in the world, many of which are found in the deepest parts of the ocean, some, too small to see without a microscope. Some of these species are endangered due to the rate at which their habitats are being destroyed, many of the discovered species that are not endangered are to be endangered soon due to the previously stated reason. (Endangered Species International) Species in the world are being endangered in more than one way including: habitat destruction, moving a species into a new habitat, and abusing the use of the species. The species of the world are a great part of everyday life; they give humans the basic needs to survive and also provide other species with their needs to survive.("Endangered Species") Species are endangered in many ways and there are many organizations working to make the world safe from extinction . Some people are confused about what an endangered animal is. As said by Environment Advisor, "endangered species are those considered to be at risk of extinction, meaning that there are so few left of their kind that they could disappear from the planet altogether." ("Endangered Species") There are many endangered species across the world that need the attention of people that are willing to help them from going extinct. Some people, however, think that saving the endangered species is a waste of time. These people choose to believe in natural selection. Natural Selection ... Get more on ...