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Tooth brushing habits of 3-6 years old
children with effectiveness of design.
The mouth and teeth health of the children becomes more important in the
globalizing world. With the development of technology and the growing market share,
the toothbrushes have gained diversity. Nevertheless, during the dental screening in the
schools, it is found that the tooth decay rate of the children is high. It is a fact that the
habit of brushing teeth is not common among the children, and the tooth decay starts at
early ages. Hence, as they grow older, they lose their oral health. It can be seen that the
most important factors are that the children do not brush their teeth willing and do not
like the products in this sector. It is known that it is important to endear the process of
brushing teeth to children at an early age in order for the children to gain the habit.
Therefore, in this study the importance of the mouth and teeth health of 3 to 6 years old
children is emphasized and the method of developing the habit of brushing teeth by
designing products is explained. Experimentations are executed in order to assist this
process by meeting the children in infant school. The data is analyzed in terms of color,
form and ergonomics to make an inference about the things that should be used when
designing a product. A cognitive apprehension is gained.
Keywords: Color; Form; Ergonomics; Toothbrush; Design; Health
Oral and dental health should not be considered separately from the general
health. It is a factor effecting quality and the comfort of a person’s life. The teeth start to
grow in the prenatal period and carry on growing until puberty. The number, the shape
and the size of the teeth are determined primarily by the genetic elements; but nutrition,
the health of the mother, trauma, local infections, systematic diseases, drugs which are
taken during the pregnancy are also effect the growing of the teeth. One of the most
important indicators for the oral and dental health are tooth decays and tooth losses.
Being one of the most important health problems, tooth decays have been
confronting people from every age. Conservative and endodontic methods applied in the
treatment of a tooth decay and substitution for a tooth whose decay causes a tooth loss
with an prosthetic restorations cost a lot in terms of time, personal and material.
However in our society oral and dental health is not still considered important and
preventive and defensive applications are not put into action regarding education and
clinical service. In addition education and health policies should immediately be dealt
Socio-economic level is one of the important factors that can effect oral and dental
health in terms of education, culture and economy. Incompetence concerning education,
culture causes incompetence in information and motivation that should be given to the
children staring from the early stage. In addition as a result of not paying enough
attention to the oral and dental health children do not get the brushing habit and eat
properly. As a result of limited economic opportunities it grows difficult to benefit from
preventive, defensive and curing treatments.
Since the tooth decay can be seen in the early stage, after the baby teeth grow,
protective, preventive practices against the tooth decays should be applied during these
stages. Teeth start to grow during the fetal period in the fifth or sixth week. For this
reason an balanced and adequate diet is very important both for the health of the mother
and the baby and general and oral-dental health. The importance of the oral hygiene
emerges when the baby is six month old with the start of the primary dentition. In this
period the mother meets the need for the oral hygiene. The mother should rub the teeth
of the baby with a clean wet washcloth after the breast-feeding and ensure the oral
health of the baby.
Another period where the oral health gains importance is from the primary dentition
until the baby is two or three years old. In this period baby bottle tooth decays can
usually be seen. The main reason for the baby bottle tooth decays is rising from the oral
hygiene that the mother is disregardful of. Ideally after completing its gross motor
development the child starts to deal with oral health on its own. In this age the child
needs to start to brush its teeth with just water and the toothbrush under the control of
the mother. The child shouldn’t start to use toothpaste before the age of three.
Another important period for the oral and dental health for children is the age of
six. Permanent teeth (back teeth) known as 6-year-teeth are thought as baby teeth hence
the parents are not very careful about these teeth. The loss of a permanent tooth can
cause the change in the shape or the place of the teeth.
Tooth decay is the main reason for a tooth loss. In case of a teeth decay the
enamel layer on the tooth falls into ruin and pathological cavities start to form on the
tooth (Ulusoy and Görgülü 1996, 10-11). The decay is not repaired by the tissues. To
deal with the oral and dental problems of the children meeting the need for the calcium
in fetal period and gaining oral hygiene habit play important parts. Baby tooth decays
can be seen more often that decays in permanent tooth. Signs showing that a child has
some dental problems. The symptoms of which are sensitiveness for cold and hot
should be interpreted on time. When the pain reaches its climax, it is too late. To stop
the decay to go further the oral and dental health are important (hekimim, Çocuk ağız ve
diş sağlığı).
Baby teeth hold the space for the permanent teeth to come later and help the
children to chew, to speak and have some functions. Especially in the period of karma
dentition with losing the baby teeth as a result of teeth decay or trauma the spaces for
the permanent teeth can disappear and get smaller. In this case there can be seen some
shifts in the places and that requires orthodontic treatment. To avoid the problems to
arise and to protect the spaces of the baby teeth lost in an early stage some active or
stable place holders can be used. In addition in this period where the baby teeth and
permanent teeth change places the oral and dental health of the child must be under the
control of a dentist in order to avoid bigger problems in the late stages.
Children between 3-6 years old brush just the visible parts of their teeth; but to
avoid the decays the unseen parts of the teeth must also be brushed. If the teeth still
grow, parents must help the children to maintain their oral and dental health. As the
children grow, they learn how to brush their teeth. Teeth should be brushed twice in a
day; one is after the breakfast and at night before sleeping. Toothpaste with fluoride
must be put on the top of the toothbrush. The toothbrush is not put under the water.
Brushing the teeth should last about three minutes and must be done effectively. With
the degree of 45 the toothbrush is put on the teeth and the surface of them are brushed
with circular movements. With the circular movements from the gum towards the tooth,
inside, outside and chewing surface of each tooth is brushed four times. fig.1 The habit
of brushing teeth should be gained during the childhood like every other beneficial
habit. The experts say that the toothbrush must be soft, suitable for the mouth and must
b plastic. Hard toothbrushes damage the teeth. If we do not clean our house with and old
broom, we should not also clean our teeth with an old brush. If a toothbrush is old, it
needs to be changed.
Figure 1 Tooth brushing process (Okul hizmetlerinde okul sağlıgı kitabı 2007,82)
The experts do not suggest brushing the teeth using the toothpaste until the child
is three years old. According to the experts the use of the toothpaste must be after the
age of three; but we should not put 3 or 5 cm toothpaste as in the advertisement. It must
be less than this. In the period where the use of the toothpaste is started, any toothpaste
with fluoride can be chosen. What is important is that the children should like the taste
of the toothpaste and want to brush their teeth. Rather than the toothpaste, the way of
brushing the teeth is more important. The toothpaste that we use is really important.
Today there are different toothpastes with different functions; such as for tooth decays,
for gingival diseases and plague. If you ask your dentist you can learn which toothpaste
is suitable for your teeth.
1.1 Subjects
The participants of this causal research were preschool students between the age
of 3 and 6. Total of 86 children were tested: (51 male 35 female). Most of them were
middle class and Caucasian Turkish dissent. The children were inspected by 2 local
nursery schools which were “Mehlika-Emir Altay anaokulu” and “Özel Civciv
anaokulu” in Balçova/İzmir. Informed consent was obtained from the manager of each
nursery school before the testing. The research is done on the children from different
age groups in the same environment. The pilot kindergarten that was chosen there were
21 children from the age of three; 21 children from the age of four; 21 children from the
age of five and 32 children from the age of six. The children the research was carried on
were healthy. They did not get any other problem apart from visual impairment.
Psychologically their levels are same. When choosing the children to carry the research
the year of their birth is taken into consideration. The month and the date is not taken
into consideration. The three years old children (their age is close to four) were chosen
by the director and there were seven of them. Not to cause any experimental error each
participant was tested in two rounds and in a name order.
1.2 Materials
Wooden parts consisting of encouraging forms and colors, is important to test the
perception level of the children. To be able to test the perception of the form and the
ergonomics of the hand the size of the wooden parts are 100 mm in height and 50 mm
in width and they were made of carpinus. There were four main shapes for the form.
First of it is the rectangular parallelepiped (h: 100mm w: 43mm). Its gadget and cutting
edges were cut and formed and then it was sandpapered. The second one is cylinder (h:
100mm w: 40mm). After it takes cylinder shape, it is made smooth with the sandpaper.
The third one is concave rectangular parallelepiped (h: 100mm w: 39mm). After it gets
concave being cut with the hydraulic saw, it is sandpapered and becomes smooth. The
last one is convex rectangular parallelepiped (h: 100mm w: 25mm). After it gets it
shape being cut with the hydraulic saw, it is sandpapered. To test the color perception
and the reaction of the children between the age of 3 – 6 four main color was chosen
from the color pallet; red, yellow, green and blue. Actually the color white which is not
actually a color and wood that effect the perception selectiveness are chosen. To carry
out the research in an effective way and to inspect the color, form and ergonomic
features six rectangular parallelepiped, six cylinder, six concave rectangular
parallelepiped and six convex rectangular parallelepiped were produced as in. fig.2 The
colors are put on the form using the water-bases acrylic paint. The polisher is also
water-based and does not have any side effects for the skin of the children.
Figure 2 form and colors of wooden objects.
1.3 Procedure
I observed doing this experimentation how children choose their toothbrush, what
form and color of brush they want, how the ergonomics of their hands is. Four different
forms and six different colors were prepared for this. To be able to register the wooden
models during the research, codes were put on the forms. These codes could not be seen
by the children since they were sticked under the object. The coding was as followed;
Cylinder 1, concave rectangular parallelepiped 2, rectangular parallelepiped 3, convex
rectangular parallelepiped 4. As of the colors green was A, blue was B, red was C,
yellow was D, white was E and the natural wood was F (i.e. 2a, 3c, 4f ). fig.3 This test
was carried on in two rounds. In the first and in the second round the participants
choose three objects. Choosing three object in the first round ensures the analysis of
color, form and the ergonomic differently. The choosing another three objects in the
second round serves as a verification and the opportunity to analyze the perception of
the children.
First of all researchers went to “Mehlika Emir Altay” kindergarten and took
permission from the director. Later the children were classified according to their age
groups. A table was put in the middle of the class where the children could easily see it.
After that wooden models that were prepared on the table without an exact order in a
single row. After getting sure that all of them could see the table, they were taken one
by one and the first round started. The children coming near the table one by one first
told their names and were given 30 seconds to focus on the models. After they choose
three models, they put them pack into their places. The researcher then wrote what the
children had chosen one by one. After the models were rearranged the same procedure
carried on. After the first round the colors and the models a participant had chosen were
written next to its name. In the second round this time the last participant made its
decision first. They again as in the first round had chosen three different models. The
second round was also recorded. The researchers went to the classroom of the children
whose were 3, 4, 5 years old and carried on the same tests there. After the research is
completed in the first kindergarten, the researchers went to the second kindergarten that
was chosen while they could not get enough people to do the test. The second
kindergarten was ‘Özel Civciv’. The same test was carried on in this kindergarten
without any changes and completed successfully. During this test the sex, the height,
anthropometric differences of the children were not taken into consideration. They came
near the table one by one on a row. The teachers of the participants were also in the
classroom during these tests and they also watched the process. For the test to be
performed the requirements for the classroom was that it should be clean and the color
of the room should be unobtrusive. The walls must be painted with the same color (i.e.
completely red or yellow). During the research there was no time limitation for the
children. Some children took one model and drew an analogy (i.e. 4f watermelon, 4e
potato), another one started to sing. Some of the children thought a lot which one to
choose. To be able to full fill its aim enough time was given to the research. This time
was given therefore that the researchers could write down the codes and put the models
into their places again.
Figure 3 Form and color source code table.
1.4 Results
1.4.1 Results of the first Round
Statistical analysis of first results that I got at the end of this research was
completed. In the first round the children had chosen 3 random objects, Concerning the
form and color the mostly chosen object is the one with the code number 3D (yellow
rectangular parallelepiped) shows us that the form and color perception of the children
between 3 to 6 is generally concentrated on the attractive colors. The second object
chosen mostly is the one with the code number 4C (red convex rectangular
parallelepiped). The third one is 1C (red cylinder). fig.4 At the end of the first round
yellow and rectangular parallelepiped were the most preferred color and form. Red
follows yellow and convex rectangular parallelepiped follows the rectangular
parallelepiped; but the third form was cylinder.
When we analyze the color and the form separately in the first round, the results
that we encounter is interesting. The color mostly preferred is the one with the code
number C (red). It is followed by B (blue) and D (yellow). The form mostly preferred is
still the one with the code number 3 (rectangular parallelepiped). It is followed by 1
(cylinder), 4 (convex rectangular parallelepiped) and 2 (concave rectangular
parallelepiped). (4=2). fig.5 After the mostly preferred ones some of the choices equals
to each other 4B=4C, 3B=1D, 1B=2C, 2E=3A, 1E=4E=4D, 2A=3E, 1A=1F, 2F=3F=4F
(these are recorded). fig.6
Figure 4 Statistical analysis form and color for the first round.
Colors 1.Form 2.Form 3.Form 4.Form
Figure 5 Statistical analysis, for only colors and forms
Figure 6 Statistical analyses most
preferred to least.
Colors Round-1
B 57
Forms Round-1
2. 59
19 3D
18 4C
17 1C
16 4B – 3C
15 3B-1D
14 2B
12 1B-2C
11 2D
10 2E-3A
9 1E-4E-
8 2A-3E
6 1A-1F
4 2F-3F-4F
3 4A
1.4.2 Results of the Second Round
As in the first round statistical analysis of first results were recorded and the
differences were found. First of all color and the form were analyzed together and 3D
(yellow rectangular parallelepiped) was mostly preferred. It was followed by 4C (red
convex rectangular parallelepiped) and after that 3C (red rectangular parallelepiped).
Fig.7 That shows us that the mostly preferred object in the first round stayed same and
we can say that the second round was the verification of the first round. It is again clear
that the perception of color and form of the children join together yellow, red and
rectangular parallelepiped.
When we analyze the color and the form separately as in the second round, it is
clear that the color with the code number C (red) is mostly preferred one. Others in
order are D (yellow) and B (blue). In terms of form the favourite one is the form with
the code number 3 (rectangular parallelepiped). The others are the form with the code
number 1(cylinder) and the one with 4 (convex rectangular parallelepiped). Fig.8 Hence
that ruins the equality both the ones with the code numbers 4 and 2 and the one with the
code number 4 is having its place among the most favourite ones. After the mostly
preferred ones some of the choices equals to each other: 1B=3C, 3B=4D, 2C=2E,
3E=3F=4E, 1A=1F=2D=3A, 2A=2B (these are recorded). Fig.9
Colors 1.Form 2.Form 3.Form 4.Form
Figure 7 Statistical analysis form and color for the second round.
Colors Round-2
Figure 8 Statistical analysis, for only colors and forms
Figure 9 Statistical analyses most
preferred to least.
Forms Round-2
23 3D
19 4C
18 1B-3C
17 1E
15 1C
14 3B-4D
12 1D
11 2C-2E
9 4B
8 3E-3F-4E
7 1A-1F-2D-3A
6 2A-2B
3 2F
2 4F
1 4A
Color phenomenon interaction of energy of light with another object and a
consequence of interferences which an observation gets hold of a source of light
effects on color perception of the observer and the object. These three elements should
exist to be able to perceive the color. From scientific point of view objects do not
include the color. The perception of the color is exclusively possible through reflection
of the light from an object, thus being perceived by the observer is probable (Teknik
Bülten, 2000). All the color existing in the nature is born by basic colors. Black and
white is not accepted as the basic colors. If a color absorbs the colors which are stored
in the sun light then it is black, but if it reflects all the colors, it can be seen as white.
For example, when light gets through an object or reflects from an object, some
part of it gets to be absorbed in wavelength, some part of it reflects from the object or
gets through it. The wavelengths which the object absorbs does not reach to the
observer but the ones which are not absorbed reaches the observer and the wavelengths
which are caught by the observer are perceived as colors of the objects. If an object can
be seen as red, it means that the object absorbs the colors, blue and green, then it also
means that it reflects only red. fig10
Figure 10 The wave length of color (Teknik Bülten, 1999)
When colors are commented to be perceived as light, mixtures of color end up
with white. According to physicists the totally blind colorlessness is white light. In the
situation of complementary colors get to be in the tone, they cause vibration by getting
side by side, Because they want to be born from each other (Green and red). The same
thing does not happen to purple and yellow, but the color of purple is received by the
same vibration. The condition for that these two colors create a harmony, they should
have a color in common. For example, as the situation for green and yellow, they are
named to be adjacent colors. What is more, there is a harmony suitable for the principle
of complementation between contrary colors. It can be seen that colors cause
misperception of nearness or farness. According to these facts red or yellow are the
colors coming first. It can be uttered that cold colors are further and the hot colors are
nearer perceived.
At the market researches we can see that the toothpastes produced for children are
designed in different colors. But researches carried out and general health examinations
however indicate that children do not have the habit of brushing their teeth and that
means that toothbrushes which are sold for 1 TL in big supermarkets are not preferred
by children. It also indicates that decisions made for toothpaste is not made because of
the scientific facts of designers of companies children decide to use colorful toothbrush.
When perception of color is examined on different people at different ages, it is
observed that there are explicit differences among different age groups. Toys or clothes
of children who are between ages from 3 to 6 are lively colorful like my experiment.
Fig.11 Attentiveness of children again of these ages are very short. That means they
give attention to things for a short time. Objects which are pure and absolute in the way
of its color value help to divert their attention to these objects for much more time. The
exclusively red takes their attention (Erbaş, 1996). According to my scientific research
it is seen that children from age groups from 3 to 6 decide red first and then come colors
of yellow and blue. It can be referred that red drives much more attention from yellow
and blue. Because of that at designs that will be made for toothpaste colors usage of red
will really differ.
Figure 11 Experiment-colorful wooden objects
Children use colors up to the ages of 4-5 without deciding or examining the
reason why before. Learning of the names of colors, especially the three basic colors
start from also the ages of 4 or 5. They will start to use from shiny and colors after these
ages and they will use lots of colors. First children use colors only because everything
has a certain color. They do not need any other color than the three basic colors. After 5
children want to use colors like black, white, orange, purple (Yılmaz, 1991). Other than
these at the schools in which I have made my researches I have seen that children can
say the names of colors fast and easily. They know the basic colors and also they can
name the color of wooden materials from which they create some things.
Also the term of color is known to start at the ages of 2-6. Children at the ages of
5-6 can separate different colors too. But this ability does not mean that they really get
the meaning of the names of these colors. They have knowledge about red, yellow,
orange and colors like these. But they can not easily differ the tones of these colors
(Cantekinler and Others, 2002). Children can perceive the differences between the
colors of black and white which are known as contrary colors. And this is caused by the
difference of the contrast. But they can hardly different the colors which are very close
to each other which can be uttered as tones. Attention of children for colors develop
very fast before the school ages and they can perceive color or shining difference
which can not be easily understood. Because of that it is a very big advantage for
children’s development of color perception to use red, blue and yellow which have
different shining features.
In the period of making designs for children especially at the ages of 3-6 it is a
need to approach paying more attention to designing elements, designing principles and
doctrines. I see the need for explaining the terms of color, form, figures and ergonomics
within the perception of designing elements. And it is important that also the elements
of plainness, games, fun, usage, surprise are handled paying a big attention. At the
designs of things that children use in their daily lives of usage colors have a great
importance. Because it is a fact that children decide to use the first color they perceive
because of the fact that they can keep their attention for an object for a very short time.
The reason why I did my research from two different aspects is also that.
An conclusion, this research of mine which I have done using two different
perspectives has the conclusion of that red as a hot color and the other basic colors
which are blue and yellow is because of the fact that children prefer to use these
colors and they also pay much more attention to these colors. Other than these the
conclusions indicate that colors other than basic colors which can be exampled as green
or the color of wooden materials are paid less attention however designer had better
not prefer these colors for children. That toothbrushes are designed in the color of
green and its tones in our times generally can one of the important elements that
decrease children’s wish for brushing their teeth, but only from the aspect of color.
“The function of art is to endow raw and undisciplined materials with meaning—to
transcend materials by giving them form.” –Roger Sessions
Can something be without a form? A music without a form is nothing but just a noise.
Letters are nothing themselves, but when they are used in words and sentences, they make
sense. Paintings are meaningless with their colors without a painter who gives them a meaning.
Form is not just an object carrying aesthetic and physical features. Form is something
carrying the character, culture, features and anything of the object, in which it is created. Form
should represent the benefits, utility and charm of the object obviously. Thus, it should
carry the emotional character of this object practically and intellectually hence that it is
used and adopted.
3.1Types of Form
3.1.1 The two-dimensional forms
The two-dimensional forms are length and breadth. They co establish a planar
surface, on which flat visible marks can be displayed, that has no depth except for an
illusory kind. The marks have no thickness and can be either abstract or
representational. Two dimensional things are essentially a human creation. The
Drawing, painting, printing, dyeing or even writing activities are which directly lead to
the information of the two-dimensional forms (wucius wong 1993, 65). As we can see
every natural surfaces that display textures and patterns, it gives us a two dimensional
feelings. In every day life two- dimensional forms designed for the communication of
ideas by the human creation. For example: the expressions of emotion and feelings.
3.1.2 The three-dimensional forms
The three-dimensional forms as we see length and breadth only. But an expanse
with physical depth, the third dimension. The ground underneath our feet stretches all
the way to the distant horizon. We can look straight a head, look back, look to the left,
look to the right, look up and look down. What we see is a continuum of space in which
we are enveloped. There are many objects nearby which we can touch, and objects
farther away which are also tangible if we try to reach them (wucius wong 1993, 45).
The idea of there dimension forms is to live because when we take a object cause it has
three dimensions, we live this object and it is not necessarily stationary. If man made
three dimensional form can be consist of moving, adjustable, or modular elements.
When we look at the design, we can say that the purpose of both is to produce
regular or meaningful visual excitements. Designing three-dimensional forms could be
more difficult than designing two-dimensional form. Because of we need to think from
all perspectives of while analyzing an object three-dimensionally. For example like my
experiment object. Fig.12 As for two-dimensional forms, it is enough to think from the
perspectives we can see, since those forms are illustrated and represented on the paper.
By this reason, I used three-dimensional objects in order to measure children’s form
perception in my scientific research. For I think that, in order to gain sensible
conclusions, we should feel and experience them, Hence that we can make a decision.
Of course, there is always fallibility. I applied that on the tour in order to clear off the
form delusion or banality in experience.
Figure 12 Form examples of experiment
3.2 Effect of form on children
Children encounter different shapes, forms and objects since they begin to
understand and learn. At the early ages, they try to play with anything assuming it a toy.
This is an important fact in terms of their development and acquisition of habits. They
learn the concepts of color, dimension and form with the right toys, and then they will
compose some numeric and oral values. During its development phases, each child feels
a big need for playing. Moreover, it is of vital importance in order for the development
to be completed healthily. It is very beneficial for each child to play with right toys in
terms of gender and age and to acquire a habit while playing, especially for his future.
There is more than one form geometrically: angular, annular, cylindrical, conic,
prismatic etc. when looked at the toothbrushes designed for children, we see a
cylindrical form with cartoon characters on it. On the contrary, according to the
scientific study I have focused on angular and prismatic form was selected both on the
first and the second tour. Cylindrical object was however the second. From this aspect,
we cannot expect from a child to spend time in bathroom brushing his teeth for three
minutes with his favorite cartoon characters. Nevertheless, brushing teeth should be for
him a habit, which he does three times a day especially in future. Therefore, he needs to
love the form of the toothbrush however that he spends more time in bathroom than he
normally does, in order to touch the form of this toothbrush.
Creating variety in forms could be another fact, for there could be dominant forms
as there could be dominant colors. For example, an object with its angular bottom could
be cylindrical on the top, which requires the attention to be divided into two. Because
there is no one choosing the same form in three forms of the objects selected in
experiments, which shows that the attention has effect on three of them. If we locate a
small convex form creating a contrast in perception in a cylindrical form, we can
increase the demand of it creating a contrast in perception suddenly.
4.1 Secular change
Secular change is called as the changes in the physical dimensions
(anthropometric measures) of the human in a long period or the changes between the
generations. If the abovementioned change increases, the term ‘positive secular
tendency’ is used. If it decreases, the term ‘negative secular tendency’ is used (Tobias
1985, 100). Another probability occurs when no change in measures is observed, which
means that there is no secular change.
We do not have detailed and comprehensive information about whether there has
been a secular change between generations of our country has occurred. In our country,
information regarding the secular change appears between the lines of studies focusing
on other subjects. The most important reason for this subject not to progress is that there
is inadequate anthropometric research, the sample of which is efficiently defined in the
past. As is known, socioeconomic factors are among important determinants of physical
We can separate the researches of secular change in our country under two major
topics: one as researches on children, the other is as researches on adults. There are two
researches that can be used as a resource referring the direction of the secular tendency
observed on growth patterns and physical dimensions of our country’s children. These
belong to Bostancı (1950, 1954) and Kayış (1986) Researches show that the growth of
children is quite fast throughout the world. Secular change is not only a process
affecting the height, but also other areas of our body, namely hands and mouth.
However, in terms of our country, we should point out that we do not have adequate
knowledge about how these different areas of our body is affected. Therefore, we can
conclude that the toothbrushes for the children are not designed according to our
anthropometric development process. Those wrong designs do not comply with the
mouth ergonomics, which causes the children not to acquire the habit of brushing their
teeth for three minutes. If we want to develop children’s tooth brushing habit first we
could discover the gripping skills and hand ergonomics. Fig.13 If u want to design
handle, ergonomist absorb a lot of fundamental of handle design. I eliminate ten of them
for interested in our main issue tooth brush these are;
1. All sharp edges or other surfaces features, which cause pressure hot spots when
gripping the handle, should be eliminated (Chaffin and Greenberg 1976, 110).
2. Where high precision is required, handles should have smaller diameter
(Freivalds 1987, 65).
3. If part of the hand is to pass through an aperture adequate clearance must be
given (Bobjer 1989, 210).
4. When handle is used in a gripping action, its shape should reflect the curves of
the hand (Freivalds 1987, 65).
5. The tooth brush should be able to used equally comfortably and efficiently by
left- and right- handed users (Bobjer 1989, 210).
The another important thing is hand basin, will be used for washing the hands,
face and brushing teeth. It should be possible to wet the hands without water running
down the forearms, and bending should be minimized that is the simple aim of hand
basin therefore while we are talking about the child the aim is changed like reaching
should be minimized. Hence basin rim that is at about the elbow height of a short user
would be appropriate. On the basis of fitting trials, concluded that, for brushing teeth
and washing the hands. Fig.14
Figure 13 The gripping structure of experiment
Figure 14 Hand basins of “Civciv Anaokulu”
4.2 Safety
Safety is an important criteria for a product, all consumer products should be
safe. An unsafe products is unusable in that it will certainly not be efficient or reliable
and may not be durable either. Ergonomist suggest that consumers are becoming
increasingly intolerant of poor design, and look for indicators of good design.
(bullock1994; Wilson and Whittington 1982). Good design by to be a component of
safe design as we assume that suggestion safety should be a purchase criterion.
Economic changes and competitions are any improvements in product safety. It could
be a tangible factor in increasing market success. It would eagerly size. Furthermore,
minimum lever of consumer and product safety standards cause accident statistics
indicate that there is still significant room for improvement in the safety of consumer
Safety includes ergonomics these issues we can not think alone therefore
ergonomics has an important role to play on safety. The product design is improving the
centeral influence of safety. Children is very important issue for ergonomic. It has
include a lot of surveys and research. Therefore safety is an important issue for children,
while we are talking about the adults sometimes we don’t care safety. However children
are different. For example the children postures appear extraordinary but they could
easily arise when someone was working beside, brushing the teeth. It means that a low
barrier height, a small person might able to reach further than a tall person. When we
applied children or person as the same however the standard anthropometric data may
be misleading when trying to estimate safety.
In this article, I tried to explain how the 3 to 6 years old children’s habit of
brushing teeth could be developed with product design in terms of color, form and
ergonomics one by one. As a conclusion, in my scientific research, when the color,
form and search are dealt individually, different results are obtained. Therefore, I feel
the necessary to analyze my inferences together and write them:
Pre-school children have to brush their teeth willingly as any other habits in order
to gain the habit of brushing teeth. It is necessary to keep the children in the bathroom
for three minutes, for it takes three minutes to brush teeth, and besides three times in a
day. In this respect, the form and the color have to build up harmony. It will be easier
for the child to gain the habit of brushing teeth when he thinks the toothbrush as a toy.
In my scientific research, the 3 to 6 years-old children brushed their teeth willingly,
when we told them that it was not an experiment but a game. However, the most
important point is that the children expected something after this game; for instance, the
question of “What would happen at the end of this game?” is frequently asked. As it is
seen, children should brush their teeth like playing a game, and should be rewarded at
the end of the process.
The color and the form should not be thought separately. For instance, in my
scientific research, when the color and the form are analyzed separately, red and the
rectangular prism become prominent; however, when the form and the color are
analyzed together, yellow rectangular prism become prominent, and this shows that the
color has an influence on the form and the form has an influence on the color, too.
Therefore, based on my scientific research, if the yellow rectangular prism (tints of
yellow and the derivatives of the prismatic forms) is used according to order of
importance, the combinations will be more productive. When the toothbrush is
elaborated with appropriate shapes and figures, it will be good for the product, and also
the children can play with it like a toy in the bathroom. Besides, as an attribution of the
form and the color, the children can keep their concentration longer (at least for three
minutes). This could make the children think the process of brushing teeth like a game.
When we think of toy, we imagine colorful and different types of objects.
However, during the process of brushing teeth, the safety and the comfort of the
children come first. Each person has different ergonomics in hand, and maximum and
minimum grasping limits. It is not good to brush your teeth with an object that exceeds
your grasping limit and this also goes for the children. For instance, you have a pair of
shoes that has really good colors and form, but it is big or small for you, hence it is not
comfortable to use. This also goes for the process of brushing teeth of both the adults
and the children. Today, the anthropological growing valances for the mouth and the
hand of the Turkish children are not available. Therefore, designing a toothbrush that is
ergonomic for both the mouth and the hand is very important to make the process
As a consequence, the habit of brushing teeth is not something to be gained easily,
especially for the children. The process may last for months or even for years.
Therefore, the children may gain the habit of brushing teeth easily when a toothbrush is
designed. It will be easier for the child to gain the habit of brushing teeth if the
appropriate color, form and ergonomics are used, and the children brush their teeth like
playing a game. The habit of brushing teeth is very important for the human health and
the sooner the children gain this habit, the better it will be for them for the rest of their
In this research, I focused on how we can improve the habit of brushing teeth of
the children between the ages 3 and 6 with the suitable design. If we can apply this
casual research to more children, we can reach results that are more concrete. I also may
suggest to analyzes their perspectives showing them two-dimensional (i.e. painting,
drawing) forms. In order to learn what they expect in terms of form, we could ask them
to draw a toothbrush in a determined time interval, which will provide us more
information about how a toothbrush could be in a child’s mind.
While I was doing this causal research-experimentation, I want to special thanks
for the managers Mr. İzzet TETİK of “Mehlika-Emir Altay” and Mrs. Gülşen AYDIN
of “Özel Civciv” kindergarten.
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  • 1. 1 Tooth brushing habits of 3-6 years old children with effectiveness of design. M. EMRE BATIER ABSTRACT The mouth and teeth health of the children becomes more important in the globalizing world. With the development of technology and the growing market share, the toothbrushes have gained diversity. Nevertheless, during the dental screening in the schools, it is found that the tooth decay rate of the children is high. It is a fact that the habit of brushing teeth is not common among the children, and the tooth decay starts at early ages. Hence, as they grow older, they lose their oral health. It can be seen that the most important factors are that the children do not brush their teeth willing and do not like the products in this sector. It is known that it is important to endear the process of brushing teeth to children at an early age in order for the children to gain the habit. Therefore, in this study the importance of the mouth and teeth health of 3 to 6 years old children is emphasized and the method of developing the habit of brushing teeth by designing products is explained. Experimentations are executed in order to assist this process by meeting the children in infant school. The data is analyzed in terms of color, form and ergonomics to make an inference about the things that should be used when designing a product. A cognitive apprehension is gained. Keywords: Color; Form; Ergonomics; Toothbrush; Design; Health INTRODUCTION Oral and dental health should not be considered separately from the general health. It is a factor effecting quality and the comfort of a person’s life. The teeth start to grow in the prenatal period and carry on growing until puberty. The number, the shape and the size of the teeth are determined primarily by the genetic elements; but nutrition,
  • 2. 2 the health of the mother, trauma, local infections, systematic diseases, drugs which are taken during the pregnancy are also effect the growing of the teeth. One of the most important indicators for the oral and dental health are tooth decays and tooth losses. Being one of the most important health problems, tooth decays have been confronting people from every age. Conservative and endodontic methods applied in the treatment of a tooth decay and substitution for a tooth whose decay causes a tooth loss with an prosthetic restorations cost a lot in terms of time, personal and material. However in our society oral and dental health is not still considered important and preventive and defensive applications are not put into action regarding education and clinical service. In addition education and health policies should immediately be dealt with. Socio-economic level is one of the important factors that can effect oral and dental health in terms of education, culture and economy. Incompetence concerning education, culture causes incompetence in information and motivation that should be given to the children staring from the early stage. In addition as a result of not paying enough attention to the oral and dental health children do not get the brushing habit and eat properly. As a result of limited economic opportunities it grows difficult to benefit from preventive, defensive and curing treatments. Since the tooth decay can be seen in the early stage, after the baby teeth grow, protective, preventive practices against the tooth decays should be applied during these stages. Teeth start to grow during the fetal period in the fifth or sixth week. For this reason an balanced and adequate diet is very important both for the health of the mother and the baby and general and oral-dental health. The importance of the oral hygiene emerges when the baby is six month old with the start of the primary dentition. In this period the mother meets the need for the oral hygiene. The mother should rub the teeth of the baby with a clean wet washcloth after the breast-feeding and ensure the oral health of the baby. Another period where the oral health gains importance is from the primary dentition until the baby is two or three years old. In this period baby bottle tooth decays can usually be seen. The main reason for the baby bottle tooth decays is rising from the oral hygiene that the mother is disregardful of. Ideally after completing its gross motor
  • 3. 3 development the child starts to deal with oral health on its own. In this age the child needs to start to brush its teeth with just water and the toothbrush under the control of the mother. The child shouldn’t start to use toothpaste before the age of three. Another important period for the oral and dental health for children is the age of six. Permanent teeth (back teeth) known as 6-year-teeth are thought as baby teeth hence the parents are not very careful about these teeth. The loss of a permanent tooth can cause the change in the shape or the place of the teeth. Tooth decay is the main reason for a tooth loss. In case of a teeth decay the enamel layer on the tooth falls into ruin and pathological cavities start to form on the tooth (Ulusoy and Görgülü 1996, 10-11). The decay is not repaired by the tissues. To deal with the oral and dental problems of the children meeting the need for the calcium in fetal period and gaining oral hygiene habit play important parts. Baby tooth decays can be seen more often that decays in permanent tooth. Signs showing that a child has some dental problems. The symptoms of which are sensitiveness for cold and hot should be interpreted on time. When the pain reaches its climax, it is too late. To stop the decay to go further the oral and dental health are important (hekimim, Çocuk ağız ve diş sağlığı). Baby teeth hold the space for the permanent teeth to come later and help the children to chew, to speak and have some functions. Especially in the period of karma dentition with losing the baby teeth as a result of teeth decay or trauma the spaces for the permanent teeth can disappear and get smaller. In this case there can be seen some shifts in the places and that requires orthodontic treatment. To avoid the problems to arise and to protect the spaces of the baby teeth lost in an early stage some active or stable place holders can be used. In addition in this period where the baby teeth and permanent teeth change places the oral and dental health of the child must be under the control of a dentist in order to avoid bigger problems in the late stages. Children between 3-6 years old brush just the visible parts of their teeth; but to avoid the decays the unseen parts of the teeth must also be brushed. If the teeth still grow, parents must help the children to maintain their oral and dental health. As the children grow, they learn how to brush their teeth. Teeth should be brushed twice in a day; one is after the breakfast and at night before sleeping. Toothpaste with fluoride
  • 4. 4 must be put on the top of the toothbrush. The toothbrush is not put under the water. Brushing the teeth should last about three minutes and must be done effectively. With the degree of 45 the toothbrush is put on the teeth and the surface of them are brushed with circular movements. With the circular movements from the gum towards the tooth, inside, outside and chewing surface of each tooth is brushed four times. fig.1 The habit of brushing teeth should be gained during the childhood like every other beneficial habit. The experts say that the toothbrush must be soft, suitable for the mouth and must b plastic. Hard toothbrushes damage the teeth. If we do not clean our house with and old broom, we should not also clean our teeth with an old brush. If a toothbrush is old, it needs to be changed. Figure 1 Tooth brushing process (Okul hizmetlerinde okul sağlıgı kitabı 2007,82) The experts do not suggest brushing the teeth using the toothpaste until the child is three years old. According to the experts the use of the toothpaste must be after the age of three; but we should not put 3 or 5 cm toothpaste as in the advertisement. It must be less than this. In the period where the use of the toothpaste is started, any toothpaste
  • 5. 5 with fluoride can be chosen. What is important is that the children should like the taste of the toothpaste and want to brush their teeth. Rather than the toothpaste, the way of brushing the teeth is more important. The toothpaste that we use is really important. Today there are different toothpastes with different functions; such as for tooth decays, for gingival diseases and plague. If you ask your dentist you can learn which toothpaste is suitable for your teeth. 1. METHODS 1.1 Subjects The participants of this causal research were preschool students between the age of 3 and 6. Total of 86 children were tested: (51 male 35 female). Most of them were middle class and Caucasian Turkish dissent. The children were inspected by 2 local nursery schools which were “Mehlika-Emir Altay anaokulu” and “Özel Civciv anaokulu” in Balçova/İzmir. Informed consent was obtained from the manager of each nursery school before the testing. The research is done on the children from different age groups in the same environment. The pilot kindergarten that was chosen there were 21 children from the age of three; 21 children from the age of four; 21 children from the age of five and 32 children from the age of six. The children the research was carried on were healthy. They did not get any other problem apart from visual impairment. Psychologically their levels are same. When choosing the children to carry the research the year of their birth is taken into consideration. The month and the date is not taken into consideration. The three years old children (their age is close to four) were chosen by the director and there were seven of them. Not to cause any experimental error each participant was tested in two rounds and in a name order. 1.2 Materials Wooden parts consisting of encouraging forms and colors, is important to test the perception level of the children. To be able to test the perception of the form and the ergonomics of the hand the size of the wooden parts are 100 mm in height and 50 mm in width and they were made of carpinus. There were four main shapes for the form. First of it is the rectangular parallelepiped (h: 100mm w: 43mm). Its gadget and cutting edges were cut and formed and then it was sandpapered. The second one is cylinder (h: 100mm w: 40mm). After it takes cylinder shape, it is made smooth with the sandpaper.
  • 6. 6 The third one is concave rectangular parallelepiped (h: 100mm w: 39mm). After it gets concave being cut with the hydraulic saw, it is sandpapered and becomes smooth. The last one is convex rectangular parallelepiped (h: 100mm w: 25mm). After it gets it shape being cut with the hydraulic saw, it is sandpapered. To test the color perception and the reaction of the children between the age of 3 – 6 four main color was chosen from the color pallet; red, yellow, green and blue. Actually the color white which is not actually a color and wood that effect the perception selectiveness are chosen. To carry out the research in an effective way and to inspect the color, form and ergonomic features six rectangular parallelepiped, six cylinder, six concave rectangular parallelepiped and six convex rectangular parallelepiped were produced as in. fig.2 The colors are put on the form using the water-bases acrylic paint. The polisher is also water-based and does not have any side effects for the skin of the children. Figure 2 form and colors of wooden objects. 1.3 Procedure I observed doing this experimentation how children choose their toothbrush, what form and color of brush they want, how the ergonomics of their hands is. Four different forms and six different colors were prepared for this. To be able to register the wooden
  • 7. 7 models during the research, codes were put on the forms. These codes could not be seen by the children since they were sticked under the object. The coding was as followed; Cylinder 1, concave rectangular parallelepiped 2, rectangular parallelepiped 3, convex rectangular parallelepiped 4. As of the colors green was A, blue was B, red was C, yellow was D, white was E and the natural wood was F (i.e. 2a, 3c, 4f ). fig.3 This test was carried on in two rounds. In the first and in the second round the participants choose three objects. Choosing three object in the first round ensures the analysis of color, form and the ergonomic differently. The choosing another three objects in the second round serves as a verification and the opportunity to analyze the perception of the children. First of all researchers went to “Mehlika Emir Altay” kindergarten and took permission from the director. Later the children were classified according to their age groups. A table was put in the middle of the class where the children could easily see it. After that wooden models that were prepared on the table without an exact order in a single row. After getting sure that all of them could see the table, they were taken one by one and the first round started. The children coming near the table one by one first told their names and were given 30 seconds to focus on the models. After they choose three models, they put them pack into their places. The researcher then wrote what the children had chosen one by one. After the models were rearranged the same procedure carried on. After the first round the colors and the models a participant had chosen were written next to its name. In the second round this time the last participant made its decision first. They again as in the first round had chosen three different models. The second round was also recorded. The researchers went to the classroom of the children whose were 3, 4, 5 years old and carried on the same tests there. After the research is completed in the first kindergarten, the researchers went to the second kindergarten that was chosen while they could not get enough people to do the test. The second kindergarten was ‘Özel Civciv’. The same test was carried on in this kindergarten without any changes and completed successfully. During this test the sex, the height, anthropometric differences of the children were not taken into consideration. They came near the table one by one on a row. The teachers of the participants were also in the classroom during these tests and they also watched the process. For the test to be performed the requirements for the classroom was that it should be clean and the color
  • 8. 8 of the room should be unobtrusive. The walls must be painted with the same color (i.e. completely red or yellow). During the research there was no time limitation for the children. Some children took one model and drew an analogy (i.e. 4f watermelon, 4e potato), another one started to sing. Some of the children thought a lot which one to choose. To be able to full fill its aim enough time was given to the research. This time was given therefore that the researchers could write down the codes and put the models into their places again. Figure 3 Form and color source code table. 1.4 Results 1.4.1 Results of the first Round Statistical analysis of first results that I got at the end of this research was completed. In the first round the children had chosen 3 random objects, Concerning the form and color the mostly chosen object is the one with the code number 3D (yellow rectangular parallelepiped) shows us that the form and color perception of the children between 3 to 6 is generally concentrated on the attractive colors. The second object chosen mostly is the one with the code number 4C (red convex rectangular parallelepiped). The third one is 1C (red cylinder). fig.4 At the end of the first round
  • 9. 9 yellow and rectangular parallelepiped were the most preferred color and form. Red follows yellow and convex rectangular parallelepiped follows the rectangular parallelepiped; but the third form was cylinder. When we analyze the color and the form separately in the first round, the results that we encounter is interesting. The color mostly preferred is the one with the code number C (red). It is followed by B (blue) and D (yellow). The form mostly preferred is still the one with the code number 3 (rectangular parallelepiped). It is followed by 1 (cylinder), 4 (convex rectangular parallelepiped) and 2 (concave rectangular parallelepiped). (4=2). fig.5 After the mostly preferred ones some of the choices equals to each other 4B=4C, 3B=1D, 1B=2C, 2E=3A, 1E=4E=4D, 2A=3E, 1A=1F, 2F=3F=4F (these are recorded). fig.6 Figure 4 Statistical analysis form and color for the first round. Colors 1.Form 2.Form 3.Form 4.Form A 10 B 15 16 C 16 D 19 E 8 F 4
  • 10. 10 Figure 5 Statistical analysis, for only colors and forms Figure 6 Statistical analyses most preferred to least. Colors Round-1 A B 57 C D E F Forms Round-1 1. 2. 59 3. 4. Round-1 19 3D 18 4C 17 1C 16 4B – 3C 15 3B-1D 14 2B 12 1B-2C 11 2D 10 2E-3A 9 1E-4E- 4D 8 2A-3E 6 1A-1F 4 2F-3F-4F 3 4A
  • 11. 11 1.4.2 Results of the Second Round As in the first round statistical analysis of first results were recorded and the differences were found. First of all color and the form were analyzed together and 3D (yellow rectangular parallelepiped) was mostly preferred. It was followed by 4C (red convex rectangular parallelepiped) and after that 3C (red rectangular parallelepiped). Fig.7 That shows us that the mostly preferred object in the first round stayed same and we can say that the second round was the verification of the first round. It is again clear that the perception of color and form of the children join together yellow, red and rectangular parallelepiped. When we analyze the color and the form separately as in the second round, it is clear that the color with the code number C (red) is mostly preferred one. Others in order are D (yellow) and B (blue). In terms of form the favourite one is the form with the code number 3 (rectangular parallelepiped). The others are the form with the code number 1(cylinder) and the one with 4 (convex rectangular parallelepiped). Fig.8 Hence that ruins the equality both the ones with the code numbers 4 and 2 and the one with the code number 4 is having its place among the most favourite ones. After the mostly preferred ones some of the choices equals to each other: 1B=3C, 3B=4D, 2C=2E, 3E=3F=4E, 1A=1F=2D=3A, 2A=2B (these are recorded). Fig.9 Colors 1.Form 2.Form 3.Form 4.Form A 7 B 14 9 C 18 D 23 E 8 Figure 7 Statistical analysis form and color for the second round.
  • 12. 12 Colors Round-2 A B C D E F Figure 8 Statistical analysis, for only colors and forms Figure 9 Statistical analyses most preferred to least. Forms Round-2 1. 2. 3. 4. Round-2 23 3D 19 4C 18 1B-3C 17 1E 15 1C 14 3B-4D 12 1D 11 2C-2E 9 4B 8 3E-3F-4E 7 1A-1F-2D-3A 6 2A-2B 3 2F 2 4F 1 4A
  • 13. 13 2. COLOR Color phenomenon interaction of energy of light with another object and a consequence of interferences which an observation gets hold of a source of light effects on color perception of the observer and the object. These three elements should exist to be able to perceive the color. From scientific point of view objects do not include the color. The perception of the color is exclusively possible through reflection of the light from an object, thus being perceived by the observer is probable (Teknik Bülten, 2000). All the color existing in the nature is born by basic colors. Black and white is not accepted as the basic colors. If a color absorbs the colors which are stored in the sun light then it is black, but if it reflects all the colors, it can be seen as white. For example, when light gets through an object or reflects from an object, some part of it gets to be absorbed in wavelength, some part of it reflects from the object or gets through it. The wavelengths which the object absorbs does not reach to the observer but the ones which are not absorbed reaches the observer and the wavelengths which are caught by the observer are perceived as colors of the objects. If an object can be seen as red, it means that the object absorbs the colors, blue and green, then it also means that it reflects only red. fig10 Figure 10 The wave length of color (Teknik Bülten, 1999)
  • 14. 14 When colors are commented to be perceived as light, mixtures of color end up with white. According to physicists the totally blind colorlessness is white light. In the situation of complementary colors get to be in the tone, they cause vibration by getting side by side, Because they want to be born from each other (Green and red). The same thing does not happen to purple and yellow, but the color of purple is received by the same vibration. The condition for that these two colors create a harmony, they should have a color in common. For example, as the situation for green and yellow, they are named to be adjacent colors. What is more, there is a harmony suitable for the principle of complementation between contrary colors. It can be seen that colors cause misperception of nearness or farness. According to these facts red or yellow are the colors coming first. It can be uttered that cold colors are further and the hot colors are nearer perceived. At the market researches we can see that the toothpastes produced for children are designed in different colors. But researches carried out and general health examinations however indicate that children do not have the habit of brushing their teeth and that means that toothbrushes which are sold for 1 TL in big supermarkets are not preferred by children. It also indicates that decisions made for toothpaste is not made because of the scientific facts of designers of companies children decide to use colorful toothbrush. When perception of color is examined on different people at different ages, it is observed that there are explicit differences among different age groups. Toys or clothes of children who are between ages from 3 to 6 are lively colorful like my experiment. Fig.11 Attentiveness of children again of these ages are very short. That means they give attention to things for a short time. Objects which are pure and absolute in the way of its color value help to divert their attention to these objects for much more time. The exclusively red takes their attention (Erbaş, 1996). According to my scientific research it is seen that children from age groups from 3 to 6 decide red first and then come colors of yellow and blue. It can be referred that red drives much more attention from yellow and blue. Because of that at designs that will be made for toothpaste colors usage of red will really differ.
  • 15. 15 Figure 11 Experiment-colorful wooden objects Children use colors up to the ages of 4-5 without deciding or examining the reason why before. Learning of the names of colors, especially the three basic colors start from also the ages of 4 or 5. They will start to use from shiny and colors after these ages and they will use lots of colors. First children use colors only because everything has a certain color. They do not need any other color than the three basic colors. After 5 children want to use colors like black, white, orange, purple (Yılmaz, 1991). Other than these at the schools in which I have made my researches I have seen that children can say the names of colors fast and easily. They know the basic colors and also they can name the color of wooden materials from which they create some things. Also the term of color is known to start at the ages of 2-6. Children at the ages of 5-6 can separate different colors too. But this ability does not mean that they really get the meaning of the names of these colors. They have knowledge about red, yellow, orange and colors like these. But they can not easily differ the tones of these colors (Cantekinler and Others, 2002). Children can perceive the differences between the colors of black and white which are known as contrary colors. And this is caused by the difference of the contrast. But they can hardly different the colors which are very close to each other which can be uttered as tones. Attention of children for colors develop very fast before the school ages and they can perceive color or shining difference which can not be easily understood. Because of that it is a very big advantage for children’s development of color perception to use red, blue and yellow which have different shining features. In the period of making designs for children especially at the ages of 3-6 it is a need to approach paying more attention to designing elements, designing principles and doctrines. I see the need for explaining the terms of color, form, figures and ergonomics within the perception of designing elements. And it is important that also the elements
  • 16. 16 of plainness, games, fun, usage, surprise are handled paying a big attention. At the designs of things that children use in their daily lives of usage colors have a great importance. Because it is a fact that children decide to use the first color they perceive because of the fact that they can keep their attention for an object for a very short time. The reason why I did my research from two different aspects is also that. An conclusion, this research of mine which I have done using two different perspectives has the conclusion of that red as a hot color and the other basic colors which are blue and yellow is because of the fact that children prefer to use these colors and they also pay much more attention to these colors. Other than these the conclusions indicate that colors other than basic colors which can be exampled as green or the color of wooden materials are paid less attention however designer had better not prefer these colors for children. That toothbrushes are designed in the color of green and its tones in our times generally can one of the important elements that decrease children’s wish for brushing their teeth, but only from the aspect of color. 3. FORM “The function of art is to endow raw and undisciplined materials with meaning—to transcend materials by giving them form.” –Roger Sessions Can something be without a form? A music without a form is nothing but just a noise. Letters are nothing themselves, but when they are used in words and sentences, they make sense. Paintings are meaningless with their colors without a painter who gives them a meaning. Form is not just an object carrying aesthetic and physical features. Form is something carrying the character, culture, features and anything of the object, in which it is created. Form should represent the benefits, utility and charm of the object obviously. Thus, it should carry the emotional character of this object practically and intellectually hence that it is used and adopted. 3.1Types of Form 3.1.1 The two-dimensional forms The two-dimensional forms are length and breadth. They co establish a planar surface, on which flat visible marks can be displayed, that has no depth except for an illusory kind. The marks have no thickness and can be either abstract or
  • 17. 17 representational. Two dimensional things are essentially a human creation. The Drawing, painting, printing, dyeing or even writing activities are which directly lead to the information of the two-dimensional forms (wucius wong 1993, 65). As we can see every natural surfaces that display textures and patterns, it gives us a two dimensional feelings. In every day life two- dimensional forms designed for the communication of ideas by the human creation. For example: the expressions of emotion and feelings. 3.1.2 The three-dimensional forms The three-dimensional forms as we see length and breadth only. But an expanse with physical depth, the third dimension. The ground underneath our feet stretches all the way to the distant horizon. We can look straight a head, look back, look to the left, look to the right, look up and look down. What we see is a continuum of space in which we are enveloped. There are many objects nearby which we can touch, and objects farther away which are also tangible if we try to reach them (wucius wong 1993, 45). The idea of there dimension forms is to live because when we take a object cause it has three dimensions, we live this object and it is not necessarily stationary. If man made three dimensional form can be consist of moving, adjustable, or modular elements. When we look at the design, we can say that the purpose of both is to produce regular or meaningful visual excitements. Designing three-dimensional forms could be more difficult than designing two-dimensional form. Because of we need to think from all perspectives of while analyzing an object three-dimensionally. For example like my experiment object. Fig.12 As for two-dimensional forms, it is enough to think from the perspectives we can see, since those forms are illustrated and represented on the paper. By this reason, I used three-dimensional objects in order to measure children’s form perception in my scientific research. For I think that, in order to gain sensible conclusions, we should feel and experience them, Hence that we can make a decision. Of course, there is always fallibility. I applied that on the tour in order to clear off the form delusion or banality in experience.
  • 18. 18 Figure 12 Form examples of experiment 3.2 Effect of form on children Children encounter different shapes, forms and objects since they begin to understand and learn. At the early ages, they try to play with anything assuming it a toy. This is an important fact in terms of their development and acquisition of habits. They learn the concepts of color, dimension and form with the right toys, and then they will compose some numeric and oral values. During its development phases, each child feels a big need for playing. Moreover, it is of vital importance in order for the development to be completed healthily. It is very beneficial for each child to play with right toys in terms of gender and age and to acquire a habit while playing, especially for his future. There is more than one form geometrically: angular, annular, cylindrical, conic, prismatic etc. when looked at the toothbrushes designed for children, we see a cylindrical form with cartoon characters on it. On the contrary, according to the scientific study I have focused on angular and prismatic form was selected both on the first and the second tour. Cylindrical object was however the second. From this aspect, we cannot expect from a child to spend time in bathroom brushing his teeth for three
  • 19. 19 minutes with his favorite cartoon characters. Nevertheless, brushing teeth should be for him a habit, which he does three times a day especially in future. Therefore, he needs to love the form of the toothbrush however that he spends more time in bathroom than he normally does, in order to touch the form of this toothbrush. Creating variety in forms could be another fact, for there could be dominant forms as there could be dominant colors. For example, an object with its angular bottom could be cylindrical on the top, which requires the attention to be divided into two. Because there is no one choosing the same form in three forms of the objects selected in experiments, which shows that the attention has effect on three of them. If we locate a small convex form creating a contrast in perception in a cylindrical form, we can increase the demand of it creating a contrast in perception suddenly. 4. ERGONOMICS 4.1 Secular change Secular change is called as the changes in the physical dimensions (anthropometric measures) of the human in a long period or the changes between the generations. If the abovementioned change increases, the term ‘positive secular tendency’ is used. If it decreases, the term ‘negative secular tendency’ is used (Tobias 1985, 100). Another probability occurs when no change in measures is observed, which means that there is no secular change. We do not have detailed and comprehensive information about whether there has been a secular change between generations of our country has occurred. In our country, information regarding the secular change appears between the lines of studies focusing on other subjects. The most important reason for this subject not to progress is that there is inadequate anthropometric research, the sample of which is efficiently defined in the past. As is known, socioeconomic factors are among important determinants of physical structure. We can separate the researches of secular change in our country under two major topics: one as researches on children, the other is as researches on adults. There are two researches that can be used as a resource referring the direction of the secular tendency observed on growth patterns and physical dimensions of our country’s children. These
  • 20. 20 belong to Bostancı (1950, 1954) and Kayış (1986) Researches show that the growth of children is quite fast throughout the world. Secular change is not only a process affecting the height, but also other areas of our body, namely hands and mouth. However, in terms of our country, we should point out that we do not have adequate knowledge about how these different areas of our body is affected. Therefore, we can conclude that the toothbrushes for the children are not designed according to our anthropometric development process. Those wrong designs do not comply with the mouth ergonomics, which causes the children not to acquire the habit of brushing their teeth for three minutes. If we want to develop children’s tooth brushing habit first we could discover the gripping skills and hand ergonomics. Fig.13 If u want to design handle, ergonomist absorb a lot of fundamental of handle design. I eliminate ten of them for interested in our main issue tooth brush these are; 1. All sharp edges or other surfaces features, which cause pressure hot spots when gripping the handle, should be eliminated (Chaffin and Greenberg 1976, 110). 2. Where high precision is required, handles should have smaller diameter (Freivalds 1987, 65). 3. If part of the hand is to pass through an aperture adequate clearance must be given (Bobjer 1989, 210). 4. When handle is used in a gripping action, its shape should reflect the curves of the hand (Freivalds 1987, 65). 5. The tooth brush should be able to used equally comfortably and efficiently by left- and right- handed users (Bobjer 1989, 210). The another important thing is hand basin, will be used for washing the hands, face and brushing teeth. It should be possible to wet the hands without water running down the forearms, and bending should be minimized that is the simple aim of hand basin therefore while we are talking about the child the aim is changed like reaching should be minimized. Hence basin rim that is at about the elbow height of a short user would be appropriate. On the basis of fitting trials, concluded that, for brushing teeth and washing the hands. Fig.14
  • 21. 21 Figure 13 The gripping structure of experiment Figure 14 Hand basins of “Civciv Anaokulu” 4.2 Safety Safety is an important criteria for a product, all consumer products should be safe. An unsafe products is unusable in that it will certainly not be efficient or reliable and may not be durable either. Ergonomist suggest that consumers are becoming increasingly intolerant of poor design, and look for indicators of good design. (bullock1994; Wilson and Whittington 1982). Good design by to be a component of safe design as we assume that suggestion safety should be a purchase criterion.
  • 22. 22 Economic changes and competitions are any improvements in product safety. It could be a tangible factor in increasing market success. It would eagerly size. Furthermore, minimum lever of consumer and product safety standards cause accident statistics indicate that there is still significant room for improvement in the safety of consumer products. Safety includes ergonomics these issues we can not think alone therefore ergonomics has an important role to play on safety. The product design is improving the centeral influence of safety. Children is very important issue for ergonomic. It has include a lot of surveys and research. Therefore safety is an important issue for children, while we are talking about the adults sometimes we don’t care safety. However children are different. For example the children postures appear extraordinary but they could easily arise when someone was working beside, brushing the teeth. It means that a low barrier height, a small person might able to reach further than a tall person. When we applied children or person as the same however the standard anthropometric data may be misleading when trying to estimate safety. CONCLUSION In this article, I tried to explain how the 3 to 6 years old children’s habit of brushing teeth could be developed with product design in terms of color, form and ergonomics one by one. As a conclusion, in my scientific research, when the color, form and search are dealt individually, different results are obtained. Therefore, I feel the necessary to analyze my inferences together and write them: Pre-school children have to brush their teeth willingly as any other habits in order to gain the habit of brushing teeth. It is necessary to keep the children in the bathroom for three minutes, for it takes three minutes to brush teeth, and besides three times in a day. In this respect, the form and the color have to build up harmony. It will be easier for the child to gain the habit of brushing teeth when he thinks the toothbrush as a toy. In my scientific research, the 3 to 6 years-old children brushed their teeth willingly, when we told them that it was not an experiment but a game. However, the most important point is that the children expected something after this game; for instance, the question of “What would happen at the end of this game?” is frequently asked. As it is
  • 23. 23 seen, children should brush their teeth like playing a game, and should be rewarded at the end of the process. The color and the form should not be thought separately. For instance, in my scientific research, when the color and the form are analyzed separately, red and the rectangular prism become prominent; however, when the form and the color are analyzed together, yellow rectangular prism become prominent, and this shows that the color has an influence on the form and the form has an influence on the color, too. Therefore, based on my scientific research, if the yellow rectangular prism (tints of yellow and the derivatives of the prismatic forms) is used according to order of importance, the combinations will be more productive. When the toothbrush is elaborated with appropriate shapes and figures, it will be good for the product, and also the children can play with it like a toy in the bathroom. Besides, as an attribution of the form and the color, the children can keep their concentration longer (at least for three minutes). This could make the children think the process of brushing teeth like a game. When we think of toy, we imagine colorful and different types of objects. However, during the process of brushing teeth, the safety and the comfort of the children come first. Each person has different ergonomics in hand, and maximum and minimum grasping limits. It is not good to brush your teeth with an object that exceeds your grasping limit and this also goes for the children. For instance, you have a pair of shoes that has really good colors and form, but it is big or small for you, hence it is not comfortable to use. This also goes for the process of brushing teeth of both the adults and the children. Today, the anthropological growing valances for the mouth and the hand of the Turkish children are not available. Therefore, designing a toothbrush that is ergonomic for both the mouth and the hand is very important to make the process amusing. As a consequence, the habit of brushing teeth is not something to be gained easily, especially for the children. The process may last for months or even for years. Therefore, the children may gain the habit of brushing teeth easily when a toothbrush is designed. It will be easier for the child to gain the habit of brushing teeth if the appropriate color, form and ergonomics are used, and the children brush their teeth like playing a game. The habit of brushing teeth is very important for the human health and
  • 24. 24 the sooner the children gain this habit, the better it will be for them for the rest of their life. SUGGESTION FOR FUTHER RESEARCH In this research, I focused on how we can improve the habit of brushing teeth of the children between the ages 3 and 6 with the suitable design. If we can apply this casual research to more children, we can reach results that are more concrete. I also may suggest to analyzes their perspectives showing them two-dimensional (i.e. painting, drawing) forms. In order to learn what they expect in terms of form, we could ask them to draw a toothbrush in a determined time interval, which will provide us more information about how a toothbrush could be in a child’s mind. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT While I was doing this causal research-experimentation, I want to special thanks for the managers Mr. İzzet TETİK of “Mehlika-Emir Altay” and Mrs. Gülşen AYDIN of “Özel Civciv” kindergarten. REFERENCES Ulusoy, F. Ve Görgülü, S., (1996). Hemşirelik Esasları, Ankara Hekimim, Çocuk ağız ve diş sağlığı, march 10 2009. Okul hizmetlerinde okul sağlıgı kitabı 2007, T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Refk Saydam Hıfzıssıhha Merkezi Başkanlığı, Hıfzıssıhha Mektebi Müdürlüğü E:82 Teknik Bülten, 2000, Color and Color Management” X-Rite, Almanya Teknik Bülten, 1999, Hutcheson Consulting, Scanning for Color Management”, İngiltere. Erbaş, Ö. (1996) Sanat Eğitiminde Renk ve Renk Algılamaları, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sanatta Yeterlilik Tezi, Eskişehir. Yılmaz, Ü. (1991) Renk Psikolojisi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Eskişehir. Cantekinerler, S.; Çağdaş, A. ve Albayrak, H. (2002) Okul Öncesinde Kavram Gelişimi ve Bilişsel Etkinlik Örnekleri, Yapa Yayınları. Wucius wong, 1993, Principles of form and design by John willey and sons inc all rights reserved
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