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The Chartered Institute of Marketing
                    Jancis, Yap Ying
             Membership Number: 14392939

                 EMERGING THEME
“How Mobile Technology changes the FMCG Retail Industry?”

                     December, 2012

Table of Contents

Executive Summary.................................................................................................................. 3

Task 1: Research Sources ....................................................................................................... 4

Task 2: Discussion Paper ........................................................................................................ 5
1. How will mobile technology impact the retail industry ............................................................ 6
          The benefit and drawback of mobile technology .............................................................. 6
2. How mobile technologies alter the competition within the retail industry? ............................. 7
          Nature of competition ...................................................................................................... 8
          The changes in competition with mobile technology ........................................................ 8
3. Recommendation and Justification of the response to changes ........................................... 9
4. Prediction of skill, attitude and behavior after mobile technology adoption ......................... 10

Task 3: Blog Article ................................................................................................................ 11

Reference ................................................................................................................................ 13

Appendices ............................................................................................................................. 14

Executive Summary

There are more than 4 billion people equipped with mobile phone and many have moved from
ordinary mobile phones to internet-enabled smart phones. Consumers now are using these
smart phones to create and store shopping lists, scan product bar codes to compare product
characteristics and access coupons and promotions (GS1 MobileCom, 2010)

This discussion paper will critically evaluate how the technological environment of the Marco
factors affects the FMCG retailing industry; including supermarket, pharmacy, fast food, fashion
stores etc. Specifically, the discussion will highlight on the aspect of how integrating Mobile
technologies provide solutions that enable retailers to create new business models and new
markets for their products.

There is always unavoidable competition when new technologies are integrated and
implemented. Recommendation will be shared to guide retailers on how to response to these
changes and what they should be equipped in order to successfully adopt the mobile ambition.
These will include having the right set of the skill, attitude and behaviour of the modern marketer.

Task 1: Summary of various secondary research sources
  Source      Title           Merit                Credibility                          Reliability

Business    Five Tips    This article          Business Insider received a      Business Insider is a
Insider     For Using    explained how         2009 Official Webby Honoree      fast-growing business
            Mobile       mobile                for the Blog - Business          site with deep financial,
            Technology   technology helps      Category!                        media, tech, and other
            To Improve   retailer through                                       industry verticals. The
            In-Store     better                                                 flagship vertical, Silicon
            Retail       engagement,           Text 100, May 2009: Ranked       Alley Insider led by
            Shopping     incentivizing         #3 Most Influential Blog -       DoubleClick founders
                         customer, product     Business category                Dwight Merriman and
                         demo, increase                                         Kevin Ryan and former
                         loyalty and aids to                                    top-ranked Wall Street
                         understand the                                         analyst Henry Blodget.
                         customer better.

Horizon     Mobile       This article          Author works as a Principal      Contents were adapted
Watching    Computing:   provides many         Client Analyst on IBM’s          from IDC, Gartner,
            A Horizon    evidences of the      Corporate Marketing              yankee group, ABI
            Watching     market growth on      Development & Insights team.     research and of course,
            2012 Trend   mobile                He advises business leaders      IBM.
            Report       technology with       on how to develop social
                         the driver,           marketing plans and online
                         challenges and        communities. He has also built
                         implication that      an expertise the past 10 years
                         support my topic      in researching emerging
                         on mobile             trends, technologies and
                         technology as         business opportunities.
                         emerging trend.

Know This   Retailers'   This article          Know This has been around        It serves as a reference
            Next Big     covers the pros       since 1998. It provides          site for hundreds of
            Problem: A   and cons of           knowledge source for             college, university and
            Smarter      mobile                marketing.                       public libraries around
            Customer     technology and                                         the world was chosen by
                         how it will be a                                       CERN, originators of the
                         problem for                                            World Wide Web
                         retailer in near                                       Consortium, to be the
                         future                                                 Marketing specialty area
                                                                                within the World Wide
                                                                                Web Virtual

Mobile      Future       This article          Named as Los Angeles’s most      Mobile storm is a
Storm       Mobile and   highlighted on        innovative companies, digital    Communication Service
            Digital      how mobile            messaging powerhouse by          Provider (CSP); they
            Marketing    technology aids       ford motor co.                   also produce white
            Trends for   the marketer in                                        paper, industry reports,
            Retailers    magnifying their                                       and webinars and
                         ideas to maintain                                      discuss best practices
the uniqueness                                         guiding the digital trend.

The Point     Retailers     This article        Articles produced are from         Founder's background in
of sale       Unite to      covers mobile       industry experts in the point of   business automation and
News          Compete in    payment and its     sale business and from the         point of sale starts in the
              Mobile        potential payment   retail industry                    early 1980s when he
              Payments      gateway                                                wrote point of sale
              Wars          proposal.                                              software to run his own

Retail Pro    Mobile        This article is     Retail Pro is a global leader in   It covers bother quality
              technology    produced after      Point of Sale, Store               and quantities content in
              enhances      Motorola            Operations, and Back-Office        evidences.
              the           Solutions' annual   software applications for the
              shopping      Holiday Shopping    specialty retail industry. For
              experience    Survey              over 25 years, they have
                                                economized retail business
Business to   How Mobile    This article        Business to Community has          Author is deeply versed
community     Is Changing   highlighted the     been awarded the most              in digital strategy and
              Retail        changing            valuable publication in 2012 by    media including search
              Marketing     shopping            DTA                                engine marketing,
              and Buying    behaviour and                                          organic search
              Behavior      how location                                           optimization, social
                            based marketing                                        media, web analytics and
                            coupon affect it.                                      data mining. Also, he is
                                                                                   the industry recognised
                                                                                   conference speaker.

How will Mobile Technology changes the FMCG Retail Industry?
1. The Emerging Mobile Technology Trend in Retailing

With the advancement of the technologies today, there is a rapid increase in expectation of how
technological applications can be used by businesses. It is essential for businesses today to
keep up with the latest technology such like mobile technology in order to stay competitive.
Nickerson (2011) shared that smartphones are rapidly transforming the retail landscape and
blurring the lines between online and in-store customer experience. The retail industry will see a
major transformation from the basic “brick and mortar” in shopping centres and malls to the
hands and homes of consumers via mobile technology and its use in changing the shopping
experience. Mobile services are, therefore, no longer exclusive to larger retail chains, with
powerful financial strength. It will be how the retailer makes the mobile service workable for their
regular and recurrent customer.

1.1.   Evidence of how Mobile technology enhanced shopping experience

A decade ago, it was the E-Commerce that everyone tried to be part of. Today, the new “must
have” is mobile technology for businesses. It is becoming the new channel for retailer to extend
their reach. Many retailers generate greater revenues through incentivizing in-store purchase
with mobile initiative and this has improved sales (Ray, 2011). This evolutionary strategy
designs innovative shopping experiences that are not just about immediate sales; it will also be
about creating opportunities to facilitate impulse buying, up-selling and cross-selling.

According to Chamberlin (2011), the explosion of devices, network capacity, applications,
video, mobile transactions and Machine to Machine (M2M) deployments will grow to match
global demand. Such demand increases alongside with the growing number of smartphone user;
having millions of shoppers now engaging with retailers via mobile devices like the Iphone,
Blackberry and Samsung Galaxy. With these engagements, brands now have greater
opportunities to listen, understand, and react to customer feedback through the mobile channel
(Ray, 2011).

This emerging trend creates an ideal opportunity for the FMCG retail businesses to extend
their service with more value added experience that bring convenience to the next level;
such like the mobile wallet improving transaction time (appendix 1A) and innovative shopping
experience (appendix 1B).

1.2.    The drawback of implementing mobile technology

Retail Pro (2011) shared that although it's crucial how retailers use mobile technology and it
should only be used where it make senses. Integrating new devices just because they are the
latest and greatest will not necessarily improve the shopping experience. It all comes down to
the implementation.

High level of comparison with accessible information: With mobile technology, consumers
are empowered to access information to compare price right at their fingertip and this will
increase their purchasing power (Christ 2010). They can now easily get exposed to flaws of the
brand through reviews and viral warnings or finding another alternative that can be a substitute.

Redundancy of employee: Through many readings, it has been said that technology will
replace labour worker; considering just the mobile wallet and how powerful it can be. A good

example will be having self-checkout counters to improve transaction and conveniences for the
consumers (appendix 1B). This will hence lead to overstaff and redundancy of employees.

Security challenges: Consumer are concern on how this upcoming mobile technology protects
their data and privacy when retailer will have the need to access the data for targeting
promotion purpose; are the data used appropriately or misused for other purposes? The
challenge facing retailers is how to make the new, more responsive systems of the future work
with creaking legacy infrastructure (Leroy, 2012).

1.3.   The Potential of the changes

A recent study from the Munich Maximillans University suggests customized mobile promotion
and marketing can greatly change consumers’ choices at the point-of-purchase (Adelson, 2012).
As part of the mobile technology, the rising usage of location-base marketing has created a
great impact in consumer buying behaviour; they have become more value conscience and
make more informed decision.

Mobile technology will be the new trend that will stay on till another futuristic device comes into
existence. Cunningham (2012) shared that Merchant Customer Exchange (appendix 1C) has
high hopes for its product and its ability to compete with mobile payment giants. Whatever the
future holds, these news makes it clear that mobile technology trend will be the new mega trend.

2. How mobile technologies alter the competition within the retail industry?

The next task is to attempt and analyse the competitive landscape of the mobile technology in
the retail sector. ‘‘What makes your business unique? What is your competitive edge?’’ These
are the question every retail businesses have to solve. But, before knowing your competitive
edge, you must know your competitor (Waters, 2012).

2.1.   Nature of competition in retailing

Typically, regardless how well retailing businesses position themselves, they do have to face
the basic nature of the competition in the market. The Office of Fair Trading by London
Economics (1997) identified four dimensions of horizontal competition between retailers:

• Pricing- it is one of the key concerns for the retailer to set the right price to target the right
people. Naturally, consumers are attracted to ‘sale and promotion’ and that is where the
retailers know they are involved in price war every single day. To ensure that they are not at the
losing end, retailers have to study the market with research and analyse which pricing strategy
most fit their target audiences; skimming, premium, penetration, value-base etc.

• Location – Having the right size and location for a retailing business does not mean better
financial returns. The rising competition from one era to another is putting pressure on retailers
in existing malls to refurbish as the competition heats up. Consumers do seek convenience
when it comes to the need of travelling to get something and retailers will always hope to reach
out to them at their convenience; often, the high traffic locations are oversupply with competitor
or vice versa. Thus, new channels like cyberspace could bring new opportunities

• Product and selection – to ensure that consumer always get what they want from the retail
store; retailers have to pamper their consumer with the range of selection as well as its
availability in-store. A financial astute practice is having the right amount of liquidated asset

available by not keeping too much stock. Having a physical space to keep up to selection and
availability can be disobliging. Other stocks can be sold via online, mobile transactions.

• Retailer service – quality of the customer services offered do play an important role in
growing the brand equity. Retailers need to consider innovative ways to improve retail service
and experience and the type and source of technology can be a good method to improve the
overall retail experience in and out of the retail outlets.

All of the competition dimension can be easily solve as long as retailer has a strong group of
funding and investor. But, what will be the break-through when mobile come on board?

2.2.   The changes in competition with mobile technology

Ashdown (2012) shared that the mobile business model is no longer the preserve of the larger
retail chains; as brands of all shapes and sizes are now able to cash in on the operational profits
and exceptional marketing opportunities that mobile services can offer. When mobile technology
gets in place with the retailers, there will be an expecting shift in the buyer power that will affect
the dimensions of horizontal competition between retailers leading to a lower barrier of entry.
Based on the 5 force model by Michael E. Porter, these are the areas of critical analysis of
changes in competition:

Buyer Power: ComScore recently reported that two-thirds of all smartphone owners compare
products and prices, searching for coupons, taking product pictures or locating a retail store via
their mobile phone (Rao, 2011). With the accessibility of information, consumers are now
empowered in buying and hence, increasing the buying power. Retailers have to improve their
strategies in order to have a competitive advantage over their competitors.

In the past, consumer visit ‘brick and mortar’ retail giant such like Wal-Mart and Tesco to
purchase their shopping goods. Today, we are talking about Amazon, EBay and Gmarket who
are the top few e-commerce retail giant in the market for the last decade and they are moving
into mobile as well (Rao, 2011). Many of these new competitors have mobile applications to
assist consumers in buying anytime, anywhere. For instance, Tesco Homeplus opened a virtual
grocery store in a South Korea subway station; consumer can now purchase grocery while
waiting for the train (Bergen, 2011). This injects a new wave of shopping experience consume
expect and hence, increase competition among retailers to meet these new expectations.

Having all these expectation ahead, retailers have to be mindful that:

      Pricing now becomes more sensitive as consumers grow into a wiser spender; they
       compare and comment more before and after purchase respectively.
      The increase in show-rooming has shown that location might not matter as much as
       before. Consumers now get to access purchase right in their hand or from home. This
       may create competition for the popular shopping centres and malls.
      Product selection will definitely improve since retailers do not need the item to be
       physically there. Moreover, over the decades consumers are used to purchasing item
       over the internet and now, it just got easier with mobile technology. This also suggests
       why show-rooming is increasing.

Barrier of entry: Considering the above issues, the barriers of entry are expected to reduce
when retailers adopt the mobile ambitions (Ashdown, 2012). Today, it is feasible that any
retailer can operates a viable mobile proposition with adequate amount of subscribers

Although competition may seems to heat up with the adoption of mobile technology, retail
businesses can take this opportunity to work into a cost efficient expansion or work toward a
differentiation strategy with the aid of mobile application. In the future, it will be about the
uniqueness of the mobile application that attracts and entices purchase from consumers and not
just the physical product display at the retail outlets

3. Recommendation and Justification of the response to changes

The combination of smarter and more demanding shoppers with economic downturn is
presenting retailers with one of the most challenging retail scenarios in recent years (Oracle,
2010). It is important for retailers to affirm their stand on which positioning strategy they
should apply before entering the market. It is recommend that retail businesses look into the
internal aspect of positioning using the Treacy and Wiersema (1995) Value Discipline Theory as
well. This will help in building a stronger competitive advantage over the others.

According to Treacy and Wiersema (1995), every market is divided into these three generic
segments disciplines; operational excellence, customer intimacy and product leadership.
Retailers must choose to follow one of the value disciplines while striving for reasonable levels
of performance in the other two in order to maintain the competitive advantage over their
competitor (Simister, 2011).


The key for retailers that want to get closer to their customers and be welcomed by them is to
set up a mechanism that allows them to do that. Thus, in response to the changes, retailer
should work toward ‘Customer Intimacy Value (CIV)’ while keeping a balance for the other two
disciplines. This will help to better manage the customers when the buyer power increases.
Having more focus on the customer intimacy value, retailers get to neutralise the upcoming
competition through a better reach and range of service, cycle time and product identification.
(Matthews, 2012) defined CIV as the following:

Customer intimacy should base around the market segment that value customised products
and close relationships with the following principles:

          Having a full range of services available to serve the customers on demand. This may
           involve in having a wide range of services available from other suppliers when notice is

   Have a corporate philosophy that resulting business practices which encourage deep
       customer insight and create an innovative thinking about how to improve the customer’s

Injecting the above principles, the table below shares what ‘Customer Intimacy Value’ can
prepare retailers during the changes and how it will help the retailers in near future:

 CIV principle      How?                                           Values gained
 will help in…
                    Make use of Advertisements with Offers and ‘Know your customer’, give
                    mobile coupons in both search and display  them what they want; Offers
 Reach and          to drive consumers into your stores and    and promotion.
 range              keep them there while they are comparison
 (Barza, 2011)      shopping.

                    “Retailers need to have a cross-platform       Higher engagement with the
                    strategy which includes tablets”               customer

                    Test and redesign experiences specifically
                    for different types of devices. This is to
                    ensure appropriate coverage.
                    Help customer find stores that are near        Drives more business
                    them with store location integrated in
                    display campaign.
                    Improving the time between awareness of
                    customer need and delivery as well as
                    product or service development time.           Efficiency
 Cycle time
                    For example:
                    The inventory database can be accessed on
                    hand as it enables store associates to
                    determine in seconds if an item a customer
                    wants is in stock and where it is located.
                    The ability to identify new products or    The Availability of
 Product            services required by customers; meeting    customised products and
 identification     demand                                     services

Angrove (2010) shared that now retailers are not opening as many new stores, they are
focusing on productivity within existing stores. They are starting to think like marketers and
acting like merchants.

The slowdown in economies has been relatively prolong, thus it is vital for businesses to take
some steep learning curve in improving the situation. One such learning is the value of
customer data and its vital importance for retention, cross-selling and up-selling (Oracle, 2010).

Generally, to excel in customer attention and customer service, retailers need to be mindful that
it is essential to know the customer preferences and behaviour when dealing with them. Only
then can the retailer be viewed as trusted by its customers and its communications welcomed
as a ‘good friend’. Tools like segmentation, targeting and positioning can be improved with this

                                                                                      10 | P a g e
4. Prediction

In this technological age, marketers need to be adaptive and ever ready for the emerging
technologies that will affect their future marketing campaign and efforts planning. It is predicted
that after mobile technology, the expected new technologies like facial recognition and gesture
sensor etc. are the upcoming trends.

Below are some of the key drivers for mobile technology adoption:

Be innovative with mobile application – There is an increment in the time consumers spent
online and mobile can become the “glue” that ties physical products and stores to the digital
world. Retailer should use current data available to create a mobile application that will bring a
brand new shopping experience to their customer. They need to learn how compel their
customer through the creation of experience that is not just useful, but personal, fun, and
optimized for mobile devices (Verizon Business, 2011)

The ability to analyse and utilise data generated – With the compelling content, it should
build a stronger loyalty. Retailer will understand what motivates their customer through
evaluating the data collected.

Customer relation excellence – Through innovative cloud and mobility advancement, retailer
should attain the ability to build a sustainable relationships with their customer based on
personal preferences and social networks (Verizon business, 2011). Most importantly, retailer
must fully respect customer rights for privacy, preference and informed consent.

With all these abilities prepared, retailers will be all set to meet this emerging trend of mobile

                                                                                       11 | P a g e
Task 3: Blog Article for

Mobile technology is reshaping the retail world!
December 7, 2012 by Jancis Yap

Mobile represents a fundamental shift in consumer
behaviour and retailers must move quickly to exploit
it, says John Milliken the managing director of
Mobile Money Network.

With the booming number of smartphone creation
and users, consumer now has higher demand for
everything around them. It has always been the
case since ‘marketing’ was born, the reach and
convenience are what many shoppers have been
seeking till date and how many businesses go all
miles to accommodate and strive a difference.

Today, there is a mobile phone in everyone’s pocket; this medium offers a level of direct
engagement and reporting that any traditional medium just can’t match. Most importantly, it
provides the mobility convenience to the consumer.

Cisco IBSG Market Watch conducted a survey in thirteen countries consumers, and mention
that the emerging markets are ready to use their mobile devices to improve their shopping
experience. They have asked the consumer about their usage of mobile phone when they are at
in the store (Figure 1.) and the secure service they may use (Figure 2.).

                                                                                     12 | P a g e
From the above, we should see that with all the potential services made available for the
consumer, the competition level will definitely hit another peak. Retailer need to be ready for the
upcoming competition if they are mobile ambitious.

I have prepared a discussion report to further evaluate this emerging mobile technology trend.
The report analyse on the aspect of how integrating Mobile technologies provide solutions that
enable retailers to create new business models and new markets for their products. The
analysis covers the following advantages to retailers:

   -   Facilitating impulse buying
   -   Extend services for value added experience
   -   Upselling and cross-selling

In additional, the report highlighted on how the new technology, changes the buyer power which
will eventually alter the nature of the retailing competition. To remedy this issue, a
recommendation of using Value discipline strategy is shared for further action.

For further information on my discussion paper, please click here to download a copy.

                                                                                       13 | P a g e
Adelson J., 2012, ‘How Mobile Is Changing Retail Marketing and Buying Behavior’, B2C,
Accessed on 13 October 2012, <

Ashdown J., 2012, ‘Retail brands 'check out' mobile services’, Retail digital, Accessed on 23
October 2012, <

Barza A., 2011, ‘Mobile Insights: Retailers, are you reaching one of your biggest opportunities –
mobile users?’, Google blog, Accessed on 8 November 2012,

Bergen J., 2011, ‘Korea’s Tesco reinvents grocery shopping with QR-code “stores”’,,
Accessed on 20 October 2012, <

Chamberlin B., 2012, ‘Mobile Computing: A HorizonWatching 2012 Trend Report’, Horizon
Watching, <

Nickerson R., 2011, ‘OpinionLab Advisory: Five Tips for Leveraging Mobile Technology to Drive
Positive Brick-and-Mortar Shopping Experiences’, Accessed 6 October 2012,

Christ P., 2011, ‘Retailers' Next Big Problem: A Smarter Customer’,, Accessed
on 6 October 2012, <

Cunningham K., 2012, ‘Retailers Unite to Compete in Mobile Payments Wars’, Point of Sales,
Accessed on 18 October 2012, <

Montgomery J., 2011, Future Mobile and Digital Marketing Trends for Retailers, Mobile storm,
Accessed on 7 October 2012, <

Leroy J., 2012, ‘Beyond Mobile, Part 1: Surviving the Shattered Future’, informit, Accessed on
13 October 2012, <>

Office of Fair Trading Report, 1997, ‘Competition in Retailing’, London Economics, Accessed on
1 November 2012, <>

Oracle, 2010, ‘Renew Focus on the Customer Experience’, 2010 Oracle Retail Crosstalk
Conference, Accessed on 26 October 2012,

Swartz J.,2012, ‘Why shopping will never be the same’, USA Today, Accessed on 8 October
2012, <

                                                                                      14 | P a g e
Ray R., 2011, “Five Tips for Using Mobile Technology to Improve In-Store Retail Shopping”,
Business Insider, Accessed 13 October 2012, <

Retail Pro, 2011, “Retailers speak: Mobile technology enhances the shopping experience”,
Accessed on 13 October 2012,

Rao L., 2011, ‘The Threat And Opportunity Of Mobile: How Physical Retailers Can Fight Back
Against Amazon’, Tech Crunch, Accessed on 20 October 2012,

Simister P., 2011, ‘Value Disciplines & Differentiation’, Differentiate your business, Accessed 24
October 2012, < >

Vance J., 2011, ‘Mobile Cloud Computing: 5 Key Trends’, Datamation, Accessed on 6 October
2012, <

Verizon Business, 2011, ‘The Near Future of Retail: Meeting the Demands of the Mobile
Consumer’, <http://

Wood A., 2010, ‘Customer intimacy: who is achieving it and who needs work?’, Customer Think,
Accessed on 9 November 2012,

                                                                                      15 | P a g e

             16 | P a g e
Appendix 1A


Appendix 1B – The making of “Scan and Go”


                                                                   17 | P a g e
Appendix 1C – Who is MCX?


                              18 | P a g e

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  • 1. The Chartered Institute of Marketing Jancis, Yap Ying Membership Number: 14392939 EMERGING THEME “How Mobile Technology changes the FMCG Retail Industry?” December, 2012 1|Page
  • 2. Table of Contents Executive Summary.................................................................................................................. 3 Task 1: Research Sources ....................................................................................................... 4 Task 2: Discussion Paper ........................................................................................................ 5 1. How will mobile technology impact the retail industry ............................................................ 6 The benefit and drawback of mobile technology .............................................................. 6 2. How mobile technologies alter the competition within the retail industry? ............................. 7 Nature of competition ...................................................................................................... 8 The changes in competition with mobile technology ........................................................ 8 3. Recommendation and Justification of the response to changes ........................................... 9 4. Prediction of skill, attitude and behavior after mobile technology adoption ......................... 10 Task 3: Blog Article ................................................................................................................ 11 Reference ................................................................................................................................ 13 Appendices ............................................................................................................................. 14 2|Page
  • 3. Executive Summary There are more than 4 billion people equipped with mobile phone and many have moved from ordinary mobile phones to internet-enabled smart phones. Consumers now are using these smart phones to create and store shopping lists, scan product bar codes to compare product characteristics and access coupons and promotions (GS1 MobileCom, 2010) This discussion paper will critically evaluate how the technological environment of the Marco factors affects the FMCG retailing industry; including supermarket, pharmacy, fast food, fashion stores etc. Specifically, the discussion will highlight on the aspect of how integrating Mobile technologies provide solutions that enable retailers to create new business models and new markets for their products. There is always unavoidable competition when new technologies are integrated and implemented. Recommendation will be shared to guide retailers on how to response to these changes and what they should be equipped in order to successfully adopt the mobile ambition. These will include having the right set of the skill, attitude and behaviour of the modern marketer. 3|Page
  • 4. Task 1: Summary of various secondary research sources Source Title Merit Credibility Reliability Business Five Tips This article Business Insider received a Business Insider is a Insider For Using explained how 2009 Official Webby Honoree fast-growing business Mobile mobile for the Blog - Business site with deep financial, Technology technology helps Category! media, tech, and other To Improve retailer through industry verticals. The In-Store better flagship vertical, Silicon Retail engagement, Text 100, May 2009: Ranked Alley Insider led by Shopping incentivizing #3 Most Influential Blog - DoubleClick founders customer, product Business category Dwight Merriman and demo, increase Kevin Ryan and former loyalty and aids to top-ranked Wall Street understand the analyst Henry Blodget. customer better. Horizon Mobile This article Author works as a Principal Contents were adapted Watching Computing: provides many Client Analyst on IBM’s from IDC, Gartner, A Horizon evidences of the Corporate Marketing yankee group, ABI Watching market growth on Development & Insights team. research and of course, 2012 Trend mobile He advises business leaders IBM. Report technology with on how to develop social the driver, marketing plans and online challenges and communities. He has also built implication that an expertise the past 10 years support my topic in researching emerging on mobile trends, technologies and technology as business opportunities. emerging trend. Know This Retailers' This article Know This has been around It serves as a reference Next Big covers the pros since 1998. It provides site for hundreds of Problem: A and cons of knowledge source for college, university and Smarter mobile marketing. public libraries around Customer technology and the world was chosen by how it will be a CERN, originators of the problem for World Wide Web retailer in near Consortium, to be the future Marketing specialty area within the World Wide Web Virtual Mobile Future This article Named as Los Angeles’s most Mobile storm is a Storm Mobile and highlighted on innovative companies, digital Communication Service Digital how mobile messaging powerhouse by Provider (CSP); they Marketing technology aids ford motor co. also produce white Trends for the marketer in paper, industry reports, Retailers magnifying their and webinars and ideas to maintain discuss best practices 4|Page
  • 5. the uniqueness guiding the digital trend. The Point Retailers This article Articles produced are from Founder's background in of sale Unite to covers mobile industry experts in the point of business automation and News Compete in payment and its sale business and from the point of sale starts in the Mobile potential payment retail industry early 1980s when he Payments gateway wrote point of sale Wars proposal. software to run his own business. Retail Pro Mobile This article is Retail Pro is a global leader in It covers bother quality technology produced after Point of Sale, Store and quantities content in enhances Motorola Operations, and Back-Office evidences. the Solutions' annual software applications for the shopping Holiday Shopping specialty retail industry. For experience Survey over 25 years, they have economized retail business processes. Business to How Mobile This article Business to Community has Author is deeply versed community Is Changing highlighted the been awarded the most in digital strategy and Retail changing valuable publication in 2012 by media including search Marketing shopping DTA engine marketing, and Buying behaviour and organic search Behavior how location optimization, social based marketing media, web analytics and coupon affect it. data mining. Also, he is the industry recognised conference speaker. 5|Page
  • 6. How will Mobile Technology changes the FMCG Retail Industry? 1. The Emerging Mobile Technology Trend in Retailing With the advancement of the technologies today, there is a rapid increase in expectation of how technological applications can be used by businesses. It is essential for businesses today to keep up with the latest technology such like mobile technology in order to stay competitive. Nickerson (2011) shared that smartphones are rapidly transforming the retail landscape and blurring the lines between online and in-store customer experience. The retail industry will see a major transformation from the basic “brick and mortar” in shopping centres and malls to the hands and homes of consumers via mobile technology and its use in changing the shopping experience. Mobile services are, therefore, no longer exclusive to larger retail chains, with powerful financial strength. It will be how the retailer makes the mobile service workable for their regular and recurrent customer. 1.1. Evidence of how Mobile technology enhanced shopping experience A decade ago, it was the E-Commerce that everyone tried to be part of. Today, the new “must have” is mobile technology for businesses. It is becoming the new channel for retailer to extend their reach. Many retailers generate greater revenues through incentivizing in-store purchase with mobile initiative and this has improved sales (Ray, 2011). This evolutionary strategy designs innovative shopping experiences that are not just about immediate sales; it will also be about creating opportunities to facilitate impulse buying, up-selling and cross-selling. According to Chamberlin (2011), the explosion of devices, network capacity, applications, video, mobile transactions and Machine to Machine (M2M) deployments will grow to match global demand. Such demand increases alongside with the growing number of smartphone user; having millions of shoppers now engaging with retailers via mobile devices like the Iphone, Blackberry and Samsung Galaxy. With these engagements, brands now have greater opportunities to listen, understand, and react to customer feedback through the mobile channel (Ray, 2011). This emerging trend creates an ideal opportunity for the FMCG retail businesses to extend their service with more value added experience that bring convenience to the next level; such like the mobile wallet improving transaction time (appendix 1A) and innovative shopping experience (appendix 1B). 1.2. The drawback of implementing mobile technology Retail Pro (2011) shared that although it's crucial how retailers use mobile technology and it should only be used where it make senses. Integrating new devices just because they are the latest and greatest will not necessarily improve the shopping experience. It all comes down to the implementation. High level of comparison with accessible information: With mobile technology, consumers are empowered to access information to compare price right at their fingertip and this will increase their purchasing power (Christ 2010). They can now easily get exposed to flaws of the brand through reviews and viral warnings or finding another alternative that can be a substitute. Redundancy of employee: Through many readings, it has been said that technology will replace labour worker; considering just the mobile wallet and how powerful it can be. A good 6|Page
  • 7. example will be having self-checkout counters to improve transaction and conveniences for the consumers (appendix 1B). This will hence lead to overstaff and redundancy of employees. Security challenges: Consumer are concern on how this upcoming mobile technology protects their data and privacy when retailer will have the need to access the data for targeting promotion purpose; are the data used appropriately or misused for other purposes? The challenge facing retailers is how to make the new, more responsive systems of the future work with creaking legacy infrastructure (Leroy, 2012). 1.3. The Potential of the changes A recent study from the Munich Maximillans University suggests customized mobile promotion and marketing can greatly change consumers’ choices at the point-of-purchase (Adelson, 2012). As part of the mobile technology, the rising usage of location-base marketing has created a great impact in consumer buying behaviour; they have become more value conscience and make more informed decision. Mobile technology will be the new trend that will stay on till another futuristic device comes into existence. Cunningham (2012) shared that Merchant Customer Exchange (appendix 1C) has high hopes for its product and its ability to compete with mobile payment giants. Whatever the future holds, these news makes it clear that mobile technology trend will be the new mega trend. 2. How mobile technologies alter the competition within the retail industry? The next task is to attempt and analyse the competitive landscape of the mobile technology in the retail sector. ‘‘What makes your business unique? What is your competitive edge?’’ These are the question every retail businesses have to solve. But, before knowing your competitive edge, you must know your competitor (Waters, 2012). 2.1. Nature of competition in retailing Typically, regardless how well retailing businesses position themselves, they do have to face the basic nature of the competition in the market. The Office of Fair Trading by London Economics (1997) identified four dimensions of horizontal competition between retailers: • Pricing- it is one of the key concerns for the retailer to set the right price to target the right people. Naturally, consumers are attracted to ‘sale and promotion’ and that is where the retailers know they are involved in price war every single day. To ensure that they are not at the losing end, retailers have to study the market with research and analyse which pricing strategy most fit their target audiences; skimming, premium, penetration, value-base etc. • Location – Having the right size and location for a retailing business does not mean better financial returns. The rising competition from one era to another is putting pressure on retailers in existing malls to refurbish as the competition heats up. Consumers do seek convenience when it comes to the need of travelling to get something and retailers will always hope to reach out to them at their convenience; often, the high traffic locations are oversupply with competitor or vice versa. Thus, new channels like cyberspace could bring new opportunities • Product and selection – to ensure that consumer always get what they want from the retail store; retailers have to pamper their consumer with the range of selection as well as its availability in-store. A financial astute practice is having the right amount of liquidated asset 7|Page
  • 8. available by not keeping too much stock. Having a physical space to keep up to selection and availability can be disobliging. Other stocks can be sold via online, mobile transactions. • Retailer service – quality of the customer services offered do play an important role in growing the brand equity. Retailers need to consider innovative ways to improve retail service and experience and the type and source of technology can be a good method to improve the overall retail experience in and out of the retail outlets. All of the competition dimension can be easily solve as long as retailer has a strong group of funding and investor. But, what will be the break-through when mobile come on board? 2.2. The changes in competition with mobile technology Ashdown (2012) shared that the mobile business model is no longer the preserve of the larger retail chains; as brands of all shapes and sizes are now able to cash in on the operational profits and exceptional marketing opportunities that mobile services can offer. When mobile technology gets in place with the retailers, there will be an expecting shift in the buyer power that will affect the dimensions of horizontal competition between retailers leading to a lower barrier of entry. Based on the 5 force model by Michael E. Porter, these are the areas of critical analysis of changes in competition: Buyer Power: ComScore recently reported that two-thirds of all smartphone owners compare products and prices, searching for coupons, taking product pictures or locating a retail store via their mobile phone (Rao, 2011). With the accessibility of information, consumers are now empowered in buying and hence, increasing the buying power. Retailers have to improve their strategies in order to have a competitive advantage over their competitors. In the past, consumer visit ‘brick and mortar’ retail giant such like Wal-Mart and Tesco to purchase their shopping goods. Today, we are talking about Amazon, EBay and Gmarket who are the top few e-commerce retail giant in the market for the last decade and they are moving into mobile as well (Rao, 2011). Many of these new competitors have mobile applications to assist consumers in buying anytime, anywhere. For instance, Tesco Homeplus opened a virtual grocery store in a South Korea subway station; consumer can now purchase grocery while waiting for the train (Bergen, 2011). This injects a new wave of shopping experience consume expect and hence, increase competition among retailers to meet these new expectations. Having all these expectation ahead, retailers have to be mindful that:  Pricing now becomes more sensitive as consumers grow into a wiser spender; they compare and comment more before and after purchase respectively.  The increase in show-rooming has shown that location might not matter as much as before. Consumers now get to access purchase right in their hand or from home. This may create competition for the popular shopping centres and malls.  Product selection will definitely improve since retailers do not need the item to be physically there. Moreover, over the decades consumers are used to purchasing item over the internet and now, it just got easier with mobile technology. This also suggests why show-rooming is increasing. Barrier of entry: Considering the above issues, the barriers of entry are expected to reduce when retailers adopt the mobile ambitions (Ashdown, 2012). Today, it is feasible that any retailer can operates a viable mobile proposition with adequate amount of subscribers 8|Page
  • 9. Although competition may seems to heat up with the adoption of mobile technology, retail businesses can take this opportunity to work into a cost efficient expansion or work toward a differentiation strategy with the aid of mobile application. In the future, it will be about the uniqueness of the mobile application that attracts and entices purchase from consumers and not just the physical product display at the retail outlets 3. Recommendation and Justification of the response to changes The combination of smarter and more demanding shoppers with economic downturn is presenting retailers with one of the most challenging retail scenarios in recent years (Oracle, 2010). It is important for retailers to affirm their stand on which positioning strategy they should apply before entering the market. It is recommend that retail businesses look into the internal aspect of positioning using the Treacy and Wiersema (1995) Value Discipline Theory as well. This will help in building a stronger competitive advantage over the others. According to Treacy and Wiersema (1995), every market is divided into these three generic segments disciplines; operational excellence, customer intimacy and product leadership. Retailers must choose to follow one of the value disciplines while striving for reasonable levels of performance in the other two in order to maintain the competitive advantage over their competitor (Simister, 2011). Source: The key for retailers that want to get closer to their customers and be welcomed by them is to set up a mechanism that allows them to do that. Thus, in response to the changes, retailer should work toward ‘Customer Intimacy Value (CIV)’ while keeping a balance for the other two disciplines. This will help to better manage the customers when the buyer power increases. Having more focus on the customer intimacy value, retailers get to neutralise the upcoming competition through a better reach and range of service, cycle time and product identification. (Matthews, 2012) defined CIV as the following: Customer intimacy should base around the market segment that value customised products and close relationships with the following principles:  Having a full range of services available to serve the customers on demand. This may involve in having a wide range of services available from other suppliers when notice is short. 9|Page
  • 10. Have a corporate philosophy that resulting business practices which encourage deep customer insight and create an innovative thinking about how to improve the customer’s situation. Injecting the above principles, the table below shares what ‘Customer Intimacy Value’ can prepare retailers during the changes and how it will help the retailers in near future: CIV principle How? Values gained will help in… Make use of Advertisements with Offers and ‘Know your customer’, give mobile coupons in both search and display them what they want; Offers Reach and to drive consumers into your stores and and promotion. range keep them there while they are comparison (Barza, 2011) shopping. “Retailers need to have a cross-platform Higher engagement with the strategy which includes tablets” customer Test and redesign experiences specifically for different types of devices. This is to ensure appropriate coverage. Help customer find stores that are near Drives more business them with store location integrated in display campaign. Improving the time between awareness of customer need and delivery as well as product or service development time. Efficiency Cycle time For example: The inventory database can be accessed on hand as it enables store associates to determine in seconds if an item a customer wants is in stock and where it is located. The ability to identify new products or The Availability of Product services required by customers; meeting customised products and identification demand services Angrove (2010) shared that now retailers are not opening as many new stores, they are focusing on productivity within existing stores. They are starting to think like marketers and acting like merchants. The slowdown in economies has been relatively prolong, thus it is vital for businesses to take some steep learning curve in improving the situation. One such learning is the value of customer data and its vital importance for retention, cross-selling and up-selling (Oracle, 2010). Generally, to excel in customer attention and customer service, retailers need to be mindful that it is essential to know the customer preferences and behaviour when dealing with them. Only then can the retailer be viewed as trusted by its customers and its communications welcomed as a ‘good friend’. Tools like segmentation, targeting and positioning can be improved with this strategy. 10 | P a g e
  • 11. 4. Prediction In this technological age, marketers need to be adaptive and ever ready for the emerging technologies that will affect their future marketing campaign and efforts planning. It is predicted that after mobile technology, the expected new technologies like facial recognition and gesture sensor etc. are the upcoming trends. Below are some of the key drivers for mobile technology adoption: Be innovative with mobile application – There is an increment in the time consumers spent online and mobile can become the “glue” that ties physical products and stores to the digital world. Retailer should use current data available to create a mobile application that will bring a brand new shopping experience to their customer. They need to learn how compel their customer through the creation of experience that is not just useful, but personal, fun, and optimized for mobile devices (Verizon Business, 2011) The ability to analyse and utilise data generated – With the compelling content, it should build a stronger loyalty. Retailer will understand what motivates their customer through evaluating the data collected. Customer relation excellence – Through innovative cloud and mobility advancement, retailer should attain the ability to build a sustainable relationships with their customer based on personal preferences and social networks (Verizon business, 2011). Most importantly, retailer must fully respect customer rights for privacy, preference and informed consent. With all these abilities prepared, retailers will be all set to meet this emerging trend of mobile technology. 11 | P a g e
  • 12. Task 3: Blog Article for Mobile technology is reshaping the retail world! December 7, 2012 by Jancis Yap Mobile represents a fundamental shift in consumer behaviour and retailers must move quickly to exploit it, says John Milliken the managing director of Mobile Money Network. With the booming number of smartphone creation and users, consumer now has higher demand for everything around them. It has always been the case since ‘marketing’ was born, the reach and convenience are what many shoppers have been seeking till date and how many businesses go all miles to accommodate and strive a difference. Source: mobile-technology-has-been-revolutionized-today.html Today, there is a mobile phone in everyone’s pocket; this medium offers a level of direct engagement and reporting that any traditional medium just can’t match. Most importantly, it provides the mobility convenience to the consumer. Cisco IBSG Market Watch conducted a survey in thirteen countries consumers, and mention that the emerging markets are ready to use their mobile devices to improve their shopping experience. They have asked the consumer about their usage of mobile phone when they are at in the store (Figure 1.) and the secure service they may use (Figure 2.). 12 | P a g e
  • 13. From the above, we should see that with all the potential services made available for the consumer, the competition level will definitely hit another peak. Retailer need to be ready for the upcoming competition if they are mobile ambitious. I have prepared a discussion report to further evaluate this emerging mobile technology trend. The report analyse on the aspect of how integrating Mobile technologies provide solutions that enable retailers to create new business models and new markets for their products. The analysis covers the following advantages to retailers: - Facilitating impulse buying - Extend services for value added experience - Upselling and cross-selling In additional, the report highlighted on how the new technology, changes the buyer power which will eventually alter the nature of the retailing competition. To remedy this issue, a recommendation of using Value discipline strategy is shared for further action. For further information on my discussion paper, please click here to download a copy. 13 | P a g e
  • 14. Reference Adelson J., 2012, ‘How Mobile Is Changing Retail Marketing and Buying Behavior’, B2C, Accessed on 13 October 2012, < mobile-is-changing-retail-marketing-and-buying-behavior-0147789> Ashdown J., 2012, ‘Retail brands 'check out' mobile services’, Retail digital, Accessed on 23 October 2012, < services> Barza A., 2011, ‘Mobile Insights: Retailers, are you reaching one of your biggest opportunities – mobile users?’, Google blog, Accessed on 8 November 2012, <> Bergen J., 2011, ‘Korea’s Tesco reinvents grocery shopping with QR-code “stores”’,, Accessed on 20 October 2012, < grocery-shopping-with-qr-code-stores-20110628/> Chamberlin B., 2012, ‘Mobile Computing: A HorizonWatching 2012 Trend Report’, Horizon Watching, < 2012-trend-report> Nickerson R., 2011, ‘OpinionLab Advisory: Five Tips for Leveraging Mobile Technology to Drive Positive Brick-and-Mortar Shopping Experiences’, Accessed 6 October 2012, < technology-to-drive-positive-brick-and-mortar-shopping-experiences/> Christ P., 2011, ‘Retailers' Next Big Problem: A Smarter Customer’,, Accessed on 6 October 2012, < smarter-customer/> Cunningham K., 2012, ‘Retailers Unite to Compete in Mobile Payments Wars’, Point of Sales, Accessed on 18 October 2012, < News/retailers-unite-for-mobile-payments-power-move.html> Montgomery J., 2011, Future Mobile and Digital Marketing Trends for Retailers, Mobile storm, Accessed on 7 October 2012, < blog/future-mobile-and-digital-marketing-trends-for-retailers/> Leroy J., 2012, ‘Beyond Mobile, Part 1: Surviving the Shattered Future’, informit, Accessed on 13 October 2012, <> Office of Fair Trading Report, 1997, ‘Competition in Retailing’, London Economics, Accessed on 1 November 2012, <> Oracle, 2010, ‘Renew Focus on the Customer Experience’, 2010 Oracle Retail Crosstalk Conference, Accessed on 26 October 2012, <> Swartz J.,2012, ‘Why shopping will never be the same’, USA Today, Accessed on 8 October 2012, < tech/56880626/1> 14 | P a g e
  • 15. Ray R., 2011, “Five Tips for Using Mobile Technology to Improve In-Store Retail Shopping”, Business Insider, Accessed 13 October 2012, < using-mobile-technology-to-improve-in-store-retail-shopping-2011-7> Retail Pro, 2011, “Retailers speak: Mobile technology enhances the shopping experience”, Accessed on 13 October 2012, < technology-enhances-the-shopping-experience/> Rao L., 2011, ‘The Threat And Opportunity Of Mobile: How Physical Retailers Can Fight Back Against Amazon’, Tech Crunch, Accessed on 20 October 2012, < can-use-personalization-and-data-to-fight-back-against-amazon/> Simister P., 2011, ‘Value Disciplines & Differentiation’, Differentiate your business, Accessed 24 October 2012, < > Vance J., 2011, ‘Mobile Cloud Computing: 5 Key Trends’, Datamation, Accessed on 6 October 2012, < 3922856.htm> Verizon Business, 2011, ‘The Near Future of Retail: Meeting the Demands of the Mobile Consumer’, <http:// retail_en_xg.pdf> Wood A., 2010, ‘Customer intimacy: who is achieving it and who needs work?’, Customer Think, Accessed on 9 November 2012, < _work> 15 | P a g e
  • 16. APPENDICES 16 | P a g e
  • 17. Appendix 1A Sources: Appendix 1B – The making of “Scan and Go” Source: 17 | P a g e
  • 18. Appendix 1C – Who is MCX? Source: 18 | P a g e